Socialists Chip Away at the Second Amendment

“The Constitution shall never be construed… to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.” – Samuel Adams

“The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.” – Thomas Jefferson

“The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States.” – Noah Webster

“Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed.”  Noah Webster

We’ve all heard it before: the Second Amendment was never meant for citizens to have the sort of guns available today – it was just for hunting! Bull hockey, it was written to protect the right to shoot at tyrants and their agents when they have stolen liberty or property from the people. By that same logic the First Amendment doesn’t apply to the internet (which didn’t exist at the time) so kiss your free speech rights online goodbye!  We’ve already seen massive censorship.

Then there’s the “it was only implied for a militia” argument.  Another crock.

There’s a certain level of irony in liberals claiming that the second amendment was only implied for a militia. Any time a militia group does spring up they’re quickly denounced by the left including much of the neo-con establishment right.

Even National Review has had at least nine articles supporting various gun control laws. They advocated everything from universal background checks to Red Flag laws.  By now people should understand that William F. Buckley and Irving Kristol were the two men who changed the old right conservative Republican Party into this new neo-con Trotskyite left leaning cabal who will not stand up for our God given rights in the Constitution.

They tell us we don’t need guns, and I say, “The hell we don’t!”

El Paso, Texas – Dayton, Ohio

Call me cynical, or donning a tinfoil hat, but these shootings seem planned and coincidentally appear just at the right time for use by politicians who go to the extremes against firearms, including President Trump and his closest “advisors.” Let’s pray he backs away from all of this and keeps his promises to the American people.

Notice that after Congressman Steve Scalise was shot and nearly died at a Republican baseball game, there was not a scintilla of outrage for gun control by the left.

Interesting, is it not…The suspect in the congressional baseball practice shooting, James Hodgkinson, was a fierce Trump opponent who called him a traitor.  The left ignored it.

The manifesto written by the 21-year-old El Paso shooter who killed 20 and injured 26, was a leftist screed.  Patrick Crusius’s “My Life Page” was changed by progressive pinkos from Democrat to Republican as reported by Jim Hoft of the Gateway Pundit.  Crusius was a soulless video game player, just as President Trump stated.   His crime might be described as one of nihilism, the rejection of all religious and moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless, an ideology of despair that has motivated rootless young men toward violent crimes throughout human history.

Dayton shooter, 24-year-old Connor Betz, was shot dead by police but not before he killed nine innocent people.  Betz had satanic patches on his clothing and was a registered democrat and a supporter of Elizabeth Warren.  The NY Post snagged over 3,000 of his tweets which included embraces of far-left stances and politicians — including presidential-hopeful senators Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Bernie Sanders of Vermont — as well as Antifa, anti-fascist protesters known to resort to violent tactics.  “I want socialism, and I’ll not wait for the idiots to finally come round to understanding,” reads one tweet from the Betz account, according to Newsweek.

A person willing to kill innocents and be killed by the police while doing so surely would have no qualms about violating a state or federal law that prohibited the general ownership of the weapon he was about to use.

New Laws Are Lies

There are enough laws on the books.  There’s not a single new law that would change anything.  First Trump agreed to ban bump stocks, a stupid argument if there ever was one.  By labeling bump stocks “machine guns,” the ATF effectively changed their classification under the 1934 National Firearms Act (NFA) and made them illegal under the 1968 Gun Control Act (GCA), a move which retroactively criminalizes their purchase and ownership.  By the way, the 1968 GCA was taken from Adolph Hitler’s gun ban.

If Trump signs any new laws, this will drive a huge wedge between him and his supporters.  True, there is no one else to vote for, but Trump supporters will not go out in droves as they did in 2016, which could give the election to the Democratic Socialists. If the President backs down on his promises, he will lose…and the left wants our guns, they want them out of our hands, and when the movie, The Hunt, becomes reality even though it’s now been pulled, we won’t have any way of firing back.

Our God given freedoms are codified by our Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution.  Pressures are being applied on all Republican politicians to again bend to the socialists’ desires to eliminate firearms, especially by Ivanka Trump.  Stupid deals with these enemies of freedom have been made in the past, and every single time, Republicans have lost.  Why?  Because most of them do not represent us or Constitutional conservatism; they are part of the same globalist establishment as the Democratic Socialists.

Gun Free Zones and Joe Biden

Gun Free Zones are killing fields.  Whenever there is a shooting, the socialist democrats propose gun control; but when someone is raped or murdered by an illegal alien, the same people never demand border control!  This law has effectively turned schools into shooting galleries for deranged lunatics.

Research from the Crime Prevention Research Center shows that 98 percent of all public mass shootings that occurred between 1950 and July 10, 2016, happened in gun-free zones.  Responding to this research, USA Today contributor Erich Pratt recently opined, “No wonder that 81% of police officers support arming teachers and principals, so that the real first responders — the potential victims — can protect the children.”

As of early 2018, educators in 33 states may not arm themselves to protect their students. Nor may schools in these 33 states even hire armed security guards.  Our children are literally sitting ducks.  This in turn means one and only one thing, as recently noted by conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh, “Everybody that wants to shoot up a school knows that they are going to be the only one armed.”

Exactly. And if you scroll back through history, you’ll find that the reason this situation exists is because of Joe Biden who introduced the Gun-Free School Zones Act in 1990. Out of fairness, though, it should be noted that then New World Order President George H.W. Bush signed it into law after it passed the Democrat-led House and Senate.

Bush, a Republican, was no Second Amendment champion throughout his time in office. When he could have stood up for gun rights, Bush kowtowed to anti-gun pressure and signed this bill into law.

Nearly three decades later, Republican governors have made up ground by passing pro-gun legislation like Constitutional Carry.

However, this case is another reminder that just because a politician is a Republican does not guarantee that they will be a pro-gun champion.

Assault Weapon Bans

John Lott, President of Crime Prevention Research Center was interviewed on Mark Levin’s radio program and explained the three gun control bills now up by both Democratic Socialists and neo-con Trotskyite Republicans.  They are Assault Weapon Bans, Universal Background Checks and Red Flag Laws.

John Lott says they’re banning guns based on how they look rather than how they function.  The idiots in Congress have no clue of what they’re doing.  So, you can have a semi-automatic hunting rifle, which fires the same bullets with the same rapidity doing the same damage as a gun that looks like an M-16, but it’s not a weapon that militaries around the world would use.  The inside guts of it, which civilians have, is the same as any small caliber hunting rifle.  The vast majority of semi-automatic rifles in the United States are owned by people who own guns.  Banning guns on their looks when other guns operate the same way is pure stupidity.

The original assault weapons ban which Senator Feinstein and her staff got passed, was by flipping through pages of catalogues on assault weapons and marking off different names of guns simply by how they looked.  Even people paid by the Clinton administration couldn’t find any benefit of this insane law.  There was actually a small drop in the states where the assault weapon ban was dropped versus the states where it was not.  The original Feinstein ban expired in 2004.

Universal Background Checks

Now they want background checks on the private transfer of firearms, which means going to a licensed dealer and having them do the background check.  In Washington DC you’d have to pay the dealer $125.00 to do the background check, and that’s per firearm.  Another monetary leeching of the gun owners.  According to John Lott of Crime Prevention Research Center, there have been no mass murders this century by anyone who privately purchased a firearm.  The vast majority of firearms are purchased through dealers where there is already a background check via the National Instant Background Check Systems (NICS).

The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 was launched by the FBI on November 30, 1998 and mandated NICS. It is used by Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) to instantly determine whether a prospective buyer is eligible to buy firearms. Before ringing up the sale, cashiers call in a check to the FBI or to other designated agencies to ensure that each customer does not have a criminal record or isn’t otherwise ineligible to make a purchase. More than 230 million such checks have been made, leading to more than 1.3 million denials.  NICS is located at the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services Division in Clarksburg, West Virginia.

Red Flag Laws

A red flag law is a politically divided gun control law that permits police or family members to petition a state court to order the temporary removal of firearms from a person who may present a danger to others or themselves without due process and facing their accusers in a court of law.

Again, these laws, also called “extreme risk protection orders,” allow courts to issue orders allowing law enforcement to seize firearms from people who’ve committed no crime but are believed to be a danger to themselves or others.

President Trump has signaled his backing of bipartisan Senate legislation sponsored by Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT).  This is very dangerous.  Any extreme leftist neighbor who decides they don’t like you, can report that you own firearms and are acting in a way that could harm someone.  Whether true or not, you could lose your ability to own firearms.  President Trump in one tweet shows why ‘red flag’ laws are so very dangerous.

The Red Flag Laws virtually have nothing to do with mental health.  There are 17 states which have this law now and only one of them even mentions the term “mental health” in it.  The basic notion is that they’re trying to predict whether someone will commit a crime or harm themselves.  This reminds me of the Tom Cruise movie, Minority Report where the government would predict someone’s future crimes and arrest the person before the behavior.

Already on the books is a 72-hour hold (Baker Act) on someone who has psychiatric problems and has been reported.  However, what the Red Flag law wants to do is to get rid of some of the restrictions from the Baker Act.  With the Baker Act, you have psychiatric experts evaluate the person and make a decision, but with Red Flag laws there are no psychiatric experts making a decision.

First you have a complaint and it varies across states, some states friends can do it, some states relatives can do it…police, or in Colorado, anyone can do it.  A judge basically looks at a piece of paper that summarizes the complaint, then in a short period of time depending on the state, the police will go in and take the firearms.  They’ll have a hearing in a couple weeks, but the problem is there’s no legal representation automatically provided to the targeted person.  The prosecutors basically act as lawyers for the person making the complaint.

Red Flag laws are totally unconstitutional, the very presumption of innocence and the due process of law requirement of demonstrable fault as a precondition to punishment or sanctions prohibits the loss of liberty.  Recently we’ve seen the presumption of innocence turned upside down with Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation and the spurious investigation of our President for nearly three years.

Nevertheless, the American left has diligently tried to punish people and deprive us of liberty on the basis of what might happen in the future.  The Soviets used psychiatric testimony to predict criminal behavior which we condemned in the 80s, but now our President seems to want it here.  In America, we do not punish a person or deprive anyone of liberty on the basis of a fear of what the person might do.

This is a “turn in your conservative neighbor” law, and is a massive danger to freedom.


Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin said, “In a nation where over the last 50 years we’ve aborted 60 million unborn babies, and we have multiple states with medically assisted suicide being provided by physicians at both ends of the life spectrum, we’re losing the value for life that we once historically had.  Firearms are not the problem; the problem is our culture of death.”

Fifty years ago, children didn’t walk into schools with firearms and shoot their fellow classmates.  In fact, the high school I went to in Park Ridge, Illinois had an underground shooting range and a Rifle Club.  There were pickup trucks in the parking lot with gun racks on the back and the rifles in plain view.  Kids brought their rifles on the bus with them, they kept them in their cars, most of which were unlocked.  We were never exposed to what today’s children are exposed to at a very young age.  The problems with our culture are systemic, and day by day they are growing worse.

It’s easy to blame the tools used in these killings so as to part American citizens from their own self-defense, but the real cultural issues are far more complex and are rarely discussed. It’s the morality, and what’s the cause of this morality? We have driven God out of the public arena.

George Washington said in his Farewell Address that it is religion that sustains morality. If you undermine religion, you’ll undermine morality.

That is precisely what has happened to America. Beginning with a whole series of misguided Supreme Court decisions, religious influence in society, especially Christian, was restricted more and more. By the 1960s, God was effectively kicked out of the public schools along with prayer and the Ten Commandments.

When we had God in the classrooms, there was no need for armed guards in the hallways.


Studies Find No Evidence That Assault Weapon Bans Reduce Homicide Rates

Kamala Harris’s Poorly Thought Out Gun Control Proposals

The Date For The Democrats’ Anti-Gun Push On The Hill Is Set 

The Grim Consequences Of Democratic Socialism

© All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Senator Rand Paul on American Exceptionalism!


Senator Rand Paul physician serving as the junior United States Senator from Kentucky since 2011, alongside Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. … Paul was a candidate for the Republican nomination at the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Jim Phillips, Chairman and CEO of Covenant Ventures. Jim has founded and co-founded many successful corporations and earning prominent leadership positions with Motorola, SkyTel, iPix, Telular, and The FedEx Institute of Technology, while inventing and introducing many products used by millions worldwide. His innovative contributions and business leadership have been chronicled in many national publications including Forbes, Fortune, Business Week, The Standard, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and USA Today. He has made numerous appearances on Fox News, CNN, CNBC, the BBC, and CBS Morning News.

TOPIC: American Exceptionalism!

Philadelphia: Maurice Hill, who wounded six cops in shootout, is devout Muslim who attended jihadi mosque

You can see from the impressive zebiba on Maurice Hill’s forehead that he is a devout Muslim; the zebiba is a bruise that forms from the fact that Muslims in their five daily prayers perform numerous prostrations, pressing their foreheads to the ground. The zebiba is seen as a mark of intense piety. That in itself doesn’t make this a jihad attack, but the teachings of the mosque, from the looks of this report, are clearly suspect; the mosque should be investigated. If Maurice Hill were a white supremacist neo-Nazi, would the establishment media be as indifferent to that detail as it is to Hill’s mosque membership? What do you think?

Clarion Intel Exclusive: Philadelphia Shooter Attended Radical Mosque,” Clarion Project, August 16, 2019:

Maurice Hill, the criminal who wounded six police officers in a shootout in Philadelphia and was arrested after a seven-hour standoff, attended a radical mosque.

The mosque, called Masjid Ahlil Hadith Wal Athar, is known for preaching the Islamist ideology promoted by Saudi Arabia referred to as “Wahhabism.”

Clarion Intelligence Network has been aware through its sources that the area where the shootings took place is known for trafficking in guns, drugs and counterfeit items. This criminal market has a strong Islamist element that includes extremist gangs.

Hill’s older sister said he “occasionally attended” an unnamed mosque, confirming initial reports from our sources that Hill is a Muslim. The sources do not yet have first-hand evidence of the shooter being personally involved in Islamist extremism.

Clarion Intel’s sources report that Masjid Ahlil Hadith Wal Athar is a Salafi mosque which follows the theocratic teachings of Saudi Arabia’s top Wahhabist scholars.

At this point, there is no indication that Hill’s shooting of police officers was motivated by Islamism or anything other than a desire to resist arrest.

However, Islamism’s inherent hostility towards Western governments and values fuels anti-police bigotry that can justify violence against law enforcement. Clarion’s sources stated that many of the mosque’s attendees view the police as oppressors of Muslims….


Utah: Nigerian Man Charged in Killing of College Coed had Child Pornography in his Home

One Fact About Shooter Crushes Dems’ Gun Control Narrative After Police Mass Shooting

A Rundown of the Radical Thugs Who Surround Ilhan Omar

Abortive Tlaib/Omar Israel trip sponsored by jihad-linked org that claimed Jews used Christian blood for Passover

Requesting manual review of blocks on social media can work

Hilarious: Here’s Who Trump Says Is The ‘Only Real Winner’ In Rashida Tlaib’s Israel Setup 

Islamic Terrorism: The Group Sponsoring Tlaib and Omar’s Trip Celebrates Suicide Bombings, the Murder of Israeli Children 

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

CNN’s Jake Tapper attacked by the ‘Islamophobia’ brigade; Leftist/Islamic campaign calls for his firing

A little background about CNN’s Jake Tapper: CNN was “slammed as ‘disgraceful’” after Jake Tapper remained silent when a guest accused Trump radicalizing “more people than ISIS.” Mark Levin has also stated of Tapper: “Now, keep in mind, it’s about Epstein’s apparent suicide, but Jake Tapper wants you to believe it’s about Trump.” Levin also said: “Jake Tapper’s a leftist. He’s demonstrated that time and again. Even though some fools out there are convinced otherwise, he’s fairly consistent.”

Despite his problematic past, Jake Tapper is now being defended by the more reasonable elements of society after he “made a passing reference to Palestinian incitement.”

Palestinian incitement warrants far more than a passing reference. Consider this point published in The Investigative Project on Terrorism:

If Saturday’s horrifying terrorist attack in an El Paso Walmart had taken place in Jerusalem, leaving 22 Israelis dead, the killer would rot in jail knowing his family would be taken care of, paid every month by his government. He might one day have a park, or a school, or a street named in his honor. He would be held up as a hero and used to inspire more killing. Children would be encouraged to follow his lead.

It’s a stark truth, along with the Palestinian Pay for Slay program, which pays jihadists and their families for the murder of Israelis.

But for a mere passing remark about Palestinian incitement, Tapper has committed a cardinal sin in the eyes of jihadists, stealth jihadists, and Leftist dhimmis (such as Jewish Voice for Peace). The frenzied onslaught against Tapper “seems to have started with Sana Saeed, a host and producer with Al-Jazeera’s online arm.” This is what she tweeted; take note, as it is the same tired intimidation strategy used by all Islamic supremacists. And Westerners just keep falling for it.

Then U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib jumped in. She “accused Tapper of “comparing Palestinian human rights activists to terrorist white nationalists.”

The gang-up continued, and now Tapper’s passing statement has morphed into something unrecognizable:

MPower Change, run by Tlaib ally and Israel-basher Linda Sarsour, then launched a campaign demanding Tapper’s firing. In addition to rejecting the very idea of a Jewish state as “creepy,” Sarsour spreads a blood libel that holds American Jews liable for police shootings of unarmed black people.

From a mild but truthful passing statement by Tapper to American Jews being held “liable for police shootings of unarmed black people.” Whenever any Westerner says something offensive to Islamic supremacists about their abuses or about their religion, that person will be dragged off to the woodshed and mercilessly flogged with the “Islamophobia” cane. It is an inescapable rule of thumb.

Blind Hate Drives Campaign to Fire Jake Tapper,” by Steven Emerson, IPT News, August 7, 2019:

If Saturday’s horrifying terrorist attack in an El Paso Walmart had taken place in Jerusalem, leaving 22 Israelis dead, the killer would rot in jail knowing his family would be taken care of, paid every month by his government.

He might one day have a park, or a school, or a street named in his honor. He would be held up as a hero and used to inspire more killing. Children would be encouraged to follow his lead.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of how the Palestinian Authority and others incite violence against Israeli civilians. But it’s why, in the wake of discussions about the role political rhetoric plays in attacks like the El Paso massacre, CNN anchor Jake Tapper made a passing reference to Palestinian incitement.

For the sin of invoking a real thing, Israel-haters are demanding Tapper be fired.

It seems to have started with Sana Saeed, a host and producer with Al-Jazeera’s online arm, AJ+.

“Collect your man, CNN,” she wrote Sunday after calling Tapper’s remarks “the height of unethical journalism.” That’s a charge on a scale with plagiarizing, lying or stealing information. What, exactly, did Tapper say to generate such an accusation?

“You hear conservatives talk all the time—rightly, in my view—about the tone set by, well, the Arab world,” Tapper said. “The Palestinians and the way they talk about Israelis, justifying … no direct link between what the leader says and the violence to some poor Israeli girl in a pizzeria—but the idea you’re validating this hatred.”

“You can’t compare the ideology of Hamas with anything else,” Tapper said, “but at the same time, either tone matters or it doesn’t.”

Sober viewers might note that Tapper is using the example of Palestinian incitement to ask whether people are being inconsistent in minimizing political rhetoric in the El Paso shooting. But Palestinian advocates blinded by a hatred for Israel are not sober viewers.

U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., accused Tapper of “[c]omparing Palestinian human rights activists to terrorist white nationalists,” and dismissing it as a lie. It is a lie, Tapper replied, because that’s not at all what he said.

He invoked a dead Israeli girl in a pizzeria – if Tlaib wants to argue the suicide bomber was a “human rights advocate,” let her do it on the House floor.

MPower Change, run by Tlaib ally and Israel-basher Linda Sarsour, then launched a campaign demanding Tapper’s firing. In addition to rejecting the very idea of a Jewish state as “creepy,” Sarsour spreads a blood libel that holds American Jews liable for police shootings of unarmed black people.

“Tapper distorted the violence in El Paso by invoking occupied Palestinians and Arabs out of nowhere and comparing them to the white nationalist shooter,” an MPower Change statement said. “… By inserting Palestinians and Arabs in a conversation about white supremacist violence, Tapper pushed the Islamophobic ‘terrorist’ narrative about Muslims and Arabs that’s been mainstreamed over the past few decades.”….

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

ICE Field Operation Helps American Workers

When will compassion apply to beleaguered Americans?

On August 7, 2019 ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) issued a press release that announced, ICE executes federal search warrants at multiple Mississippi locations.  Fox News also reported on that massive field operation in its report, ICE raids on Mississippi food processing plants result in 680 arrests.

The mainstream media, in reporting on the ICE field operation, immediately sought to paint the most disturbing picture it could about the nature of the ICE operation and along the way, the children of illegal aliens who had been arrested were interviewed on camera, hysterically crying that they wanted their mother/father or both to come home to take care of them.

However, I doubt the media will show the lines of American workers lining up to take the jobs that have been liberated by the ICE agents.

While it is admittedly heart-wrenching to see a child in distress, it is remarkable that the media totally ignores that children are frequently separated from the parents whenever their parents are arrested for a wide spectrum of violations of law that include administrative motor vehicle violations.

Every year as the dreaded “Tax Day” approaches, the IRS frequently arrests tax cheats and fraudsters and publicizes their law enforcement actions to remind tax payers that they should not defraud the IRS.  This is a clear tactic of intimidation that creates a “climate of fear.”  Yet Nancy Pelosi who frequently lambasted immigration law enforcement efforts for creating such a climate of fear, I have never seen her or any other politician complaining about the tactics of the IRS.

When taxpayers are arrested for not paying their taxes, it is likely that their children will have to be cared for by other family members, friends of the family or, as a last resort, child welfare.

However, when was the last time you saw a reporter interview a child who parent was carted off by the IRS or other law enforcement agency?

As a former INS special agent, my goal today is to set the record straight.

I was an INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) special agent for 26 of my 30 year career with the INS.  Having rotated through all of the squads within the Investigations Branch of the New York District Office I participate in many similar “raids” to locate and arrest aliens working illegally in the United States.  Therefore my comments are not based on speculation but real-world experiences.

To begin with, since the passage of the massive immigration amnesty legislation in 1986 known as IRCA (Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986) employers who can be shown to have knowingly hired illegal aliens can be fined and even criminally prosecuted for such hiring practices.  This is important because until passage of IRCA employers were essentially shielded from any adverse consequences for hiring illegal aliens unless they were involved in smuggling such aliens into the United States and/or harboring them.

Employers could also be punished for failing to meet labor standards or committing tax fraud, but there were no penalties for knowingly hiring illegal aliens.  Most illegal aliens violate our immigration laws to work illegally and it was believed that punishing unscrupulous employers who intentionally hire exploitable illegal aliens would deter their crooked hiring practices, thereby turning off the “jobs magnet.”

Of course there has always been an abject lack of immigration law enforcement personnel for this to work effectively.

Prior to World War II the Labor Department bore the primary responsibility for enforcing and administering our immigration laws.  The concern was that illegal alien workers would displace American workers and, adversely impact wages and working conditions for American workers.

That mission is now one of many assumed by ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement).

I began my career with the INS as an Immigration Inspector assigned to John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York.  While we were concerned about preventing fugitives, criminals and spies from entering the United States and worked closely with other federal as well as state and local law enforcement agencies, our most frequent concern was that aliens we admitted might disappear and take jobs that they were not authorized to take.

You would imagine that all Americans would be happy that our goal as immigration law enforcement agents was to protect the jobs and wages of American and lawful immigrant workers and that all politicians from both parties would support that vital mission.

But today, we live in a time that only George Orwell could have predicted where up is down and good is evil!

This past April I wrote an article about another massive field operation to locate and apprehend aliens working illegally while also seeking to punish the employer, Ice Field Operation Liberates Hundreds Of Jobs.  In that article I noted that such interior enforcement of our  immigration laws helps American workers.

The meatpacking industry used to provide decent-paying jobs for Americans.  The work was always filthy and dangerous but the wages were essentially commensurate with the nature of those jobs.  In the mid 1980s such workers generally earned roughly $20 per hour.

Today those jobs frequently pay approximately half that amount, but when taking inflation into account, in reality, the purchasing power that the wages provide is far less than half of what the wages had been before illegal aliens flooded into that industry.

Wikipedia posted an insightful article under the title, Labor rights in American meatpacking industry.  This excerpt was published under the heading of “Meatpacker Demographics”

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that in 2000, 148,100 people worked in meatpacking and over 250,000 worked in poultry processing. Despite the growth of the meat production industry, slaughterhouse workers’ wages have been decreasing rapidly. Slaughterhouse workers’ wages were historically higher than the average manufacturing wage. This trend reversed in 1983 when slaughterhouse worker wages fell below the average manufacturing wage. By 2002, slaughterhouse workers’ wages were 24% below the average manufacturing wage. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2006, the median wage for slaughterhouse workers was $10.43 per hour which comes out to $21,690 per year.

Isn’t it remarkable that the Democrats insist that they want to establish a minimum wage of $15.00 per hour today while years ago workers in slaughterhouses were earning more than $20.00 per hour until illegal aliens displaced American workers.  Yet today the Democrats want to import an endless supply of exploitable illegal alien workers, figuratively and literally, at the expense of hardworking American and lawful immigrant workers.

Frequently illegal aliens who take jobs in the United States have violate more than our immigration laws.  Many such aliens also have committed identity theft, hardly a “victimless crime” and some of these aliens may also have criminal histories and may be fugitives in their home countries.

As an INS special agent I frequently arrested aliens from countries around the world who we found working illegally in various jobs who had extensive criminal backgrounds.  This placed their coworkers at risk.

However, one case in particular stands out.  I remember in the early 1980’s encountering a man in his mid-thirties from Honduras working at a glass factory in Brooklyn.  He claimed that he had become a naturalized United States citizen.  I took down his name, date of birth and other relevant information and his boss approached me and told me that this guy had worked for him for a few years and was extremely trust worthy- so much so that he had given him the keys to the factory so that he could open the factory if he was late and lock up at night if he had to leave early.

I checked in with my office but they could find no record of this individual.  The only solution was to bring him down to our office.  It turned out that he was a citizen of Honduras but that he had not only lied about his name and date of birth but he had left out some additional information.  He had pleaded guilty to homicide and had been sentenced to jail time.  Upon his release he had been deported from the United States, only to return illegally.  Because of his criminal conviction he was arrested and prosecuted for unlawful reentry after deportation and escaped from a federal penitentiary where he was serving his sentence.

You should have seen the look on his employer’s face when I briefed him on his “loyal employee’s” extensive criminal “resume!”

If you believe that employers who intentionally hire illegal aliens are being compassionate, then you would likely believe that the person who puts cheese on a mousetrap is simply trying to feed hungry mice!

Employers who intentionally hire illegal aliens are not demonstrating compassion but greed.


Church World Service on the Sanctuary Bandwagon; Cut Their Federal Funding!

Everyday Americans Shoulder The Burden Of The Immigration Crisis

What Democrats Say Happens At The Border Vs. What Actually Happens

EDITORS NOTE: This FrontPage Magazine column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Mass Shootings: Lone Wolf or Stochastic?

Following the recent mass shootings, Americans are coming together to explore new methods for preventing violent extremism (PVE).

For starters, we need to rethink how we look at the label of “lone wolf” terrorist. The new buzzword for these “lone wolf” acts of terrorism that has popped up is “stochastic (randomly occurring but statistically predictable) terrorism.”

It’s an concept being explored in the wake of our recent domestic terror and mass shooting sprees.

Writing in the The Washington Post, Juliette Kayyem proposes there is, in fact, no lone wolf. Kayyem is the assistant secretary at the Department of Homeland Security and the faculty chair of the homeland security program at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government. According to Kayyem,

Public speech that may incite violence, even without that specific intent, has been given a name: stochastic terrorism, for a pattern that can’t be predicted precisely but can be analyzed statistically. It is the demonization of groups through mass media and other propaganda that can result in a violent act because listeners interpret it as promoting targeted violence – terrorism.”

In other words, this is terrorism that’s statistically predictable but individually random due to incitement by decentralized propaganda outlets. The term was originally used by Leftist to describe white supremacist violence, but it also refers to Islamist violence.

Moving the needle to more particular language is as important in the conversation on preventing violent extremism and mass shootings as the more predominant narratives such as background checks and banning assault weapons. The underlying root issue with preventing mass shootings is understanding behavior drivers, which is where the need for a preventing violent extremism program comes in.

Writing for The Daily Wire, Clarion Project’s National Correspondent Shireen Qudosi advocated for a preventing violent extremism program rooted in community resilience. The program, consistent with Clarion’s PVE initiative, is

“…designed to bring together key stakeholders across law enforcement, education, clergy, civil leaders and business. The second front of the preventing violent extremism program goes further and caters specifically to youth through educational programming.”

These are the tougher conversations we need to have. Almost 20 years after September 11, 2001, we’re just beginning to understand Islamist extremism. We can’t afford to make the same mistake with domestic terrorism.


Left Vs. Right: Fueling Us to the Brink of Destruction

AOC, Omar Increasingly Giving Nod to Political Violence

What is Preventing Violent Extremism?

Nature Communication’s Black List of Climate Change Contrarians

People with the temerity to correct the record on climate change must be silenced.

That’s the outrageous point of a new study published in the journal Nature Communication.

“The time has arrived for professional journalists and editors to ameliorate the disproportionate attention given to (climate change contrarians) by focusing instead on career experts and relevant calls to action,” the authors said.

While the study’s goal is severely off base, it nonetheless produced two mathematical rankings CFACT is more than a little tickled by.

According to a ranking of how often “contrarians,” as the study labels us, are cited in the media, CFACT’s Marc Morano is far and away the world’s most effective climate communicator.

Marc is number one, with 4,171 media references, nearly double Senator James Inhofe’s 2,628 and Secretary Rick Perry’s 1,903.  Marc appeared in many multiples of media references compared to anyone else as you proceed down the rankings.

Steven Hayward of the Powerline Blog wrote, “Morano is truly the Pete Rose and Hank Aaron of climate contrarians.”

The study also ranks our website,, on its list of the  top 100 “most prolific media sources” for articles skeptical of the global warming narrative and ranks Climate Depot number 1!   See, figure 2b.

The list of 386 people on the climate blacklist reads like an honor roll.  Here’s a sample:

  • Apollo Astronaut Harrison Schmitt – the only scientist to walk on the moon;
  • Apollo Astronaut Walt Cunningham –  from the first crew to ride the Saturn V rocket;
  • Freeman Dyson – The eminent Princeton physicist who postulated the Dyson sphere;
  • Ross McKitrick and Steven McIntyre – the Canadian researchers whose meticulous mathematical audit debunked Michael Mann’s infamous hockey stick graph;
  • Anthony Watts – The prominent meteorologist and creator of Watts Up With That;
  • Rick Perry – The U.S. Secretary of Energy;
  • Judith Curry – A climate scientist with over 130 peer-reviewed papers;
  • Roy Spencer and John Christy – Scientists who manage temperature satellites and developed the first successful satellite temperature record;
  • Fred Singer – The genius scientist who established the weather satellite network;
  • Roger Pielke, Jr. – The professor who showed that extreme weather hasn’t worsened and disaster costs declined;
  • Richard Lindzen – The MIT scientist known for his brilliant work on atmospheric physics and author of over 200 papers;
  • Will Happer – The Princeton atomic physicist and pioneer in optics;
  • Rudy Giuliani – America’s Mayor;
  • Mike Pence – Merely the Vice President of the United States (V.P. Gore’s OK?)

While the rankings appear to be genuine in terms of the amount of media individuals garnered, the study’s black and white, unnuanced choice of whom to include on its contrarian list is bush league.  It actually used DeSmog Blog as a major source!  It’s mathematical comparison showing that people who debate climate policy in the public policy arena have greater media exposure than researchers who are cited in academic journals is an apples and oranges comparison, lacking scientific validity, that yields a no-brainer.  It’s decision to not rank the amount of media garnered by warming campaigners,  which would have yielded a useful comparison, reveals this for a bogus and offensive propaganda hit piece.

We are each exposed to a mountain of media every day.  Peruse the headlines and media coverage of climate for yourself.  Do you need a mathematical analysis to determine which way the coverage is skewed?  Wouldn’t you love to see those hard numbers?

Shame on study authors, Alexander Michael Petersen, Emmanuel M. Vincent, and Anthony LeRoy Westerling.

But, thank you to all our friends and supporters who helped CFACT become the most effective climate communicators in the world.  Facts matter!

RELATED ARTICLE: Climate Change Activists Bring Mayhem To The DNC Summer Meeting 

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

What Happens On November 4, 2020?

I asked this question on social media, where I interact with people across the political spectrum: What happens on Nov. 4, 2020, the day after the election?

It’s a legitimate worry. Based on what happened after November 2016, the day after this next election will tell us where our democracy stands. Because we’re setting the stage where whichever side loses they may feel justified in claiming it was rigged or illegal, and the 2020 winner is illegitimate.

This is hardly unfounded considering both what we know and what we are seeing coming.

First, on the Left.

Given that the Left and most Democrats have lived at Defcon One since the day after the 2016 election; given that they have called Trump a white supremacist, a racist, a Russian agent, an existential threat to the Republic, and have run from the beginning with the hashtag NotMyPresident; given that Antifa is allowed to grow and even control at times a major U.S. city and other violence has been common; given that Russia will interfere again (which can be assumed because they have for generations); then what can we expect on the day after the election if Trump is victorious?

Will the Left’s fury just be spent and they will attempt an inward evaluation of the Democratic Party as the GOP did in 2012? That doesn’t seem to be the tenor of the revolutionaries and those playing to them.

It seems more likely that there could well be a far worse response from the Left than there has been since 2016. Maybe not just mass demonstrations, but actual riots. After all, four more years of an existential threat, a foreign agent in the White House? Many would feel fully justified in taking extreme actions.

How about on the right?

If over the next 16 months the media continues to act in a blatantly partisan way; if social media increasingly bans, de-platforms and generally cuts off access to Republicans (under the guise of hate speech) while tilting the field to Democrats; if tech companies take conservative websites offline (not just the extremist fringe sites); if Democrats in Congress, no less, continue to dox and put a physical target on the back of Trump and GOP donors; if mainstream media outlets block effective Republican advertisements (essentially, the left greatly reducing Trump and Republicans’ ability to communicate with voters); and then Trump loses, how will the right respond?

There may be a sense of justification for extreme action. It seems less likely, because generally, other than the rather subdued Tea Party movement, conservatives rarely take to the streets and never refuse to accept election results. (Remember, Democrats already have twice this century.)

But we are in somewhat uncharted water. There would arise a fringe element on the right that could react in extra-legal ways. The frustration level would be sky-high if most of the above conditions are in place.

If neither side will accept 2020, then we actually do have an existential threat.

This situation is even more dangerous than a socialist winning the presidency, as horrible as that would  be. We have seen over and over how the Framers’ genius has spared us from terrible leadership. However, if the American public does not accept election results, that genius is for naught.

Democrats were right in saying ahead of 2016 — when they were sure Hillary would win — that Republicans and Trump need to accept the results (which was always going to happen) but then unfortunately those Democrats chose not to accept them when Hillary lost. Remember, Hillary still travels around saying she won, just as Democrat Stacey Abrams does after losing the Georgia governor’s race by a handy amount.)

On my social media, everyone on the right said they would accept the results, but almost none of them thought that Democrats would. Most on the left, but given that my connections are not the radical side of the Democratic Party, said they would essentially cry all night and move on. They were not so sure what the right and Trump supporters would do.

My guess, and it is only that, is that if Sen. Kamala Harris or Sen. Elizabeth Warren win the election, the right will essentially accept it, even with all those elements stacked against us. But it’s only a guess.

On the other side, I can barely imagine what the left and Democrats will do if Trump is re-elected, because I could never have imagined the hysteria and violence that has followed his initial election.

What happens Nov. 4, 2020 will tell us where our democracy stands.

EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Missouri: Somali Day Care Owner Sentenced for Ripping Off Taxpayers in Lucrative Fraud Scheme

Thanks to reader Joanne for alerting me to this news from a week ago about the sentencing of a Somali ‘new American’ in a day care fraud scheme that cheated taxpayers out of a half a million dollars.

I’m posting almost the entire Justice Department press release because it is chock full of information about how he operated the scam and how the feds nabbed him.

(Emphasis below is mine!)

KC Day Care Owner Sentenced for $556,000 Fraud Scheme

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – The owner of a Kansas City, Missouri, day care center was sentenced in federal court today for his role in a conspiracy to fraudulently receive more than $556,000 in federal benefits.

Sharif Karie, 41, of Olathe, Kan., was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Brian C. Wimes to four years and 10 months in federal prison without parole.

On Jan. 11, 2019, Karie was convicted at trial of participating in a conspiracy to steal government property, theft of government property, three counts of aggravated identity theft, three counts of wire fraud, 15 counts of money laundering, and six counts of mail fraud.

Can you believe it!  The feds are not making us play the secret decoder ring game and have actually said where the crook is from!

Karie, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Somalia, was the owner and CEO of a day care center established under two businesses and two names for the same location, with the same key employees: KARIE Day Care Center, LLC, and Tima Child Care Center, LLC, at 1019 Admiral Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. Tima Child Care Center was established under false pretense with a straw owner, according to court documents, apparently to circumvent the state’s oversight efforts.

Co-defendant Sheri Beamon, 48, of Kansas City, Missouri, was the director of KARIE/Tima Childcare Center. Beamon pleaded guilty on Sept. 10, 2018, to her role in the conspiracy and will be sentenced on Aug. 15, 2019.

The day care centers submitted false childcare claims to the state of Missouri that fraudulently inflated the number of hours and children who actually attended the childcare centers. The conspiracy, which lasted from October 2013 to June 2016, resulted in a loss of $536,833 to the Missouri Department of Health and Social Services.The Child Care and Development Fund provides daycare subsidies for low-income families where the parents are employed or engaged in job training. Providers contract with the Children’s Division of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services and submit claims electronically.

Additionally, Karie committed fraud by misleading the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) when he understated his income and assets. Karie received Section 8 assistance, which is funded by HUD. The fraud scheme resulted in a loss of more than $40,000 to the Housing Authority.

You will be happy to see this next bit of information:

This case was the result of a nationwide sweep that targeted child care center fraud schemes. The national law enforcement operation in Missouri and six other states was the result of separate, but related, federal investigations into childcare center fraud that resulted in a loss of more than $1 million to the government.

Clever feds!  I love this:

Pole cameras, which were installed near the day care center, captured footage of the entrances and exits of the building during two time periods in 2015 and in 2016.

Timesheets and billing records were reviewed and compared to the children seen on the pole cameras being dropped off and picked up from the daycare center during that time. There were significant discrepancies between the timesheets, claims submitted, and the pole camera footage. According to court documents, even the fire evacuation records were falsified indicating a fire drill was performed on a date when pole cameras were capturing footage of the entrance/exit of the day care and the planned evacuation route as provided to the state. The drill never took place.

At no time during its operation, according to court documents, did Karie Day Care Center meet the minimum health and safety standards for operation as established by Missouri statute and agreed to by contract. Tima Child Care Center was conceived as the state was in process of shutting down Karie Day Care Center for failure to comply with standards for health, safety, and record keeping. Had the state known that Karie was actually operating the business, according to court documents, a license would not have been approved.

Parents were being paid to care for their own kids on the taxpayers’ dime:

The state conducted a compliance review of the daycare center’s billing for May 2014 and July 2014. The review found several attendance records missing. The review also identified 14 out of the 15 families with children at the center who had a parent employed there. With only two classrooms, it is improbable that parents were not caring for their own children. One of these parents reported that her job was contingent on having all of her children placed in care at KARIE Day Care Center so her child care would be paid by the state. According to court records, nearly all children enrolled for services were those of employees, in violation of state regulations.This same 2014 audit found several discrepancies on the time sheets submitted to the state.

Subsequent unannounced inspections at KARIE Day Care Center found the facility in violation of state regulations pertaining to child care licensing rules, including health and safety, staff ratios, and the maintaining of attendance records. Each of the inspections resulted in violation findings.

LOL!  Just another example of how immigrant (new American!) entrepreneurs benefit the US economy (NOT!). 

This is a story worth spreading far and wide!

This post is filed in my ‘Daycare fraud’ category, here.

The boycott, divestment and sanctioning of Omar and Talib — Democrats once again defend the indefensible

President Trump has done it once again. He has put the Democrats in the position of defending two of the most anti-Semitic and anti-Israel members of their party. He has done this because he knows that shedding light on extremists positions is what no Republican President has had the courage to do. President Trump used his Twitter account, Excalibur with magical powers, to point out the obvious:

Representatives Omar and Tlaib are the face of the Democrat Party, and they HATE Israel!

Senator Chuck Schumer, a Jew, was the first to tweet this about Israel’s decision:

Denying entry to members of the United States Congress is a sign of weakness, not strength. It will only hurt the U.S.-Israel relationship and support for Israel in America.

There is a legal basis for the Israeli Foreign Minister to deny access to Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Talib. According to The Jerusalem Post:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel received the planned itineraries of the freshmen congresswomen a few days ago, and said it became clear that they were “planning a campaign whose sole purpose was to strengthen the boycott and to undermine Israel’s legitimacy.”

Both Tlaib and Omar support a resolution affirming the right of Americans to participate in boycotts and have expressed support for the BDS movement.

In 2017 the Knesset passed an anti-BDS [Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions] law that blocks foreign BDS activists from gaining entry to Israel.

Democrats Defend the Indefensible

Here is a Jew and U.S. Senator defending anti-Semitism and clearly threatening the state of Israel.

Prime Minister Netanyahu posted the following on Twitter:

A week ago, Israel warmly welcomed some 70 Democratic and Republican members of Congress, who expressed broad bipartisan support for Israel, which was also demonstrated a month ago in a resounding bipartisan vote against BDS in Congress.

Only a few days ago, we received their itinerary for their visit in Israel, which revealed that they planned a visit whose sole objective is to strengthen the boycott against us and deny Israel’s legitimacy.

However, the itinerary of the two Congresswomen reveals that the sole purpose of their visit is to harm Israel and increase incitement against it.

In addition, the organization that is funding their trip is Miftah, which is an avid supporter of BDS, and among whose members are those who have expressed support for terrorism against Israel.

For instance: they listed the destination of their trip as Palestine and not Israel, and unlike all Democratic and Republican members of Congress who have visited Israel, they did not request to meet any Israeli officials, either from the government or the opposition.

What Omar gets so very wrong

Rep. Ilhan Omar issued statement, posted on Twitter, on being denied entrance:

“It is an affront that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, under pressure from President Trump, would deny entry to representatives of the U.S. government. Trump’s Muslim ban is what Israel is implementing, this time against two duly elected members of Congress. Denying entry into Israel not only limits our ability to learn from Israelis, but also to enter the Palestinian territories. Sadly, this is not a surprise given the public positions of Prime Minister Netanyahu, who has consistently resisted peace efforts, restricted the freedom of movement of Palestinians, limited public knowledge of the brutal realities of the occupation and aligned himself with Islamophobes like Donald Trump.

“As a member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, it is my job to conduct oversight of foreign aid from the United States of America and to legislate on human rights practices around the world. The irony of the ‘only democracy’ in the Middle East making such a decision is that it is both an insult to democratic values and a chilling response to a visit by government officials from an allied nation.”

The lies in Omar’s statement include:

  1. Denying entry into Israel not only limits our ability to learn from Israelis. Omar and Talib had no intention of learning from Israelis as they did not schedule any meetings with Israeli officials.
  2. Enter the Palestinian territories. This was the purpose of the visit by Omar and Talib. To give credibility to the Palestinian cause by two Muslim members of the U.S. Congress. To support the BDS movement.
  3. Prime Minister Netanyahu, who has consistently resisted peace efforts. This is patently false. The Likud Party had on five occasions traded land for peace. Netanyahu is the longest serving Prime Minister of Israel and has worked on many different peace plans with many different U.S. Presidents and the PLO. All to no avail.
  4. The irony of the ‘only democracy’ in the Middle East making such a decision. The irony is that Democracies around the world do the same thing daily. Allowing people to enter a country with the sole purpose of undermining it is cultural suicide.
  5. Islamophobes like Donald Trump. This is the standard response from Muslims globally when any nation state, political party or individual points out the truth about the radical nature of some who are the followers of Mohammed. Name calling has become the primary weapon of the Democratic Party.

What is most interesting is that several Jewish pro-Israel groups have sided with Omar and Tlaib. AIPAC tweeted:

“We disagree with Reps. Omar and Tlaib’s support for the anti-Israel and anti-peace BDS movement, along with Rep. Tlaib’s calls for a one-state solution. We also believe every member of Congress should be able to visit and experience our democratic ally Israel firsthand.”

Don’t forget that Reps. Omar and Tlaib were invited to be part of the 70 member congressional delegation hosted by AIPAC and they both refused.

Remember not a single Democrat attended the opening ceremony of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem.

Never forget that Rashida Tlaib said that the Holocaust gives her a ‘calming feeling’ knowing her Palestinian ancestors gave up ‘lands and lives’ for Jews. Listen:

The big lie in AIPAC’s statement is that Omar and Tlaib never intended to visit Israel, their trip was designed to have a political platform for the Palestinian cause. Dear AIPAC, you can’t have it both ways.


Omar and Tlaib, along with AOC and Pressley, have become the faces of the Democratic Party. This so called “Squad” is driving the agenda of the Democratic Progressive caucus. Their agenda is to declare a holy war, jihad, against Israel. They are following in the footsteps of former President Barrack Obama who, while in office, consistently sided with the enemies of America, the American people and those working to undermine American interests domestically and globally.

While this decision by Israel is not historic, it stands as a warning to those in positions of power that words have consequences. Actions have an equal and opposite reaction. And more prophetically as pointed out in Galatians 6:7, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

© All rights reserved.


Of 435 US districts, Omar’s ranked worst for blacks to live

Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib set up their Israel trip so as to maximize likelihood that they’d be banned

A Rundown of the Radical Thugs Who Surround Ilhan Omar

Abortive Tlaib/Omar Israel trip sponsored by jihad-linked org that claimed Jews used Christian blood for Passover

Israeli Minister on Tlaib: ‘Her Hate for Israel Overcomes Her Love for Her Grandmother’

One Look at Omar & Tlaib’s Itinerary and You’ll Know Why Israel Banned Them

Netanyahu’s Bold Move to Bar Anti-Semitic, Anti-Israel Members of Congress

Hilarious: Here’s Who Trump Says Is The ‘Only Real Winner’ In Rashida Tlaib’s Israel Setup 

Islamic Terrorism: The Group Sponsoring Tlaib and Omar’s Trip Celebrates Suicide Bombings, the Murder of Israeli Children

Pocahontas’ Presidential Run Should be Over

While driving on a beautiful day in West Virginia, I heard this news reported over my car radio. Democrat presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren said Michael Brown was “murdered” by a “white” policeman in Ferguson Mo. I became filled with anger. I thought, “This wicked woman’s presidential run should be over.” Everyone knows Brown was shot while assaulting a police officer in his patrol car while Brown tried to take the officer’s gun.

This insidiously evil lie by Warren tells voters everything they need to know about her. Obsessed with gaining power, Warren has decided that the lives of brave and honorable police officers and the lives of Americans potentially killed in a race war are acceptable collateral damage to achieve her goal – the White House.

My thoughts raced back to the heartbreaking Facebook post by 13 year old Jaden Ramos. Jaden’s dad was a NYC police officer who was assassinated along with another officer while sitting in their cruiser on special patrol doing crime reduction work.

Jaden and numerous other children of police officers lost their fathers because Democrats and fake news media lied about the Brown shooting in Ferguson and other incidents. Consequently, Black Lives Matter declared it “open season” on killing police and white people. Angry black youths responded with revenge assassinations of police across America.

Jaden posted: “Today I had to say bye to my father. He was their for me everyday of my life, he was the best father I could ask for. It’s horrible that someone gets shot dead just for being a police officer. Everyone says they hate cops but they are the people that they call for help. I will always love you and I will never forget you. RIP Dad.”

For Warren to reignite the “Brown was murdered” lie five years later is beyond the pale. Warren deceptively markets herself as having superior compassion for victims. In reality, Warren is cold and calculating; willing to say anything in her perverse quest for power to control every aspect of our lives. Elizabeth Warren is a despicable human being.

If you watch, people always show you who they really are. Years ago, I attended a meeting in Washington DC. I met a politician who sounded great. After the meeting, away from cameras and microphones, he treated his assistant humiliatingly. My opinion of him suffered.

Just like her fake Indian heritage, Warren has shown us that her self-proclaimed superior compassion is fake also.

Warren’s irresponsible lie about the circumstances of Brown’s death so infuriated me because it sent a clarion call to blacks to kill more cops. I have had my fill of Democrats instigating hate, violence and divisiveness while falsely portraying themselves as paragons of superior compassion. Meanwhile, Democrats’ fake news media buddies demonize decent everyday Americans for opposing socialism and anti-Americanism.

Does character matter when selecting our leaders? Absolutely.

“When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when a wicked man rules, the people groan.” Proverbs 29:2.

President George Washington said, “…a good moral character is the first essential in a man…It is therefore highly important that you should endeavor not only to be learned but virtuous.”

Presidential candidates Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris and their fellow Democrats instigating the murdering of police by continuing to lie about Michael Brown is the polar opposite of virtuous.

The people “have a right, an indisputable, unalienable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge– I mean of the character and conduct of their rulers.” John Adams

The qualities of a great man are “vision, integrity, courage, understanding, the power of articulation, and profundity of character.” Dwight Eisenhower

Character is the only secure foundation of the state.” Calvin Coolidge

Americanism is a question of principle, of purpose, of idealism, of character. It is not a matter of birthplace or creed or line of descent.” Theodore Roosevelt

Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.: “I desire so to conduct the affairs of this administration that if at the end, when I come to lay down the reins of power, I have lost every other friend on earth, I shall at least have one friend left, and that friend shall be down inside me.” Abraham Lincoln

Since having to defend President Bill Clinton’s serial adultery and numerous allegations of sexual assault, Democrats and fake news media say expecting character in our leaders is unrealistic.

Elizabeth Warren seated in the big chair in the Oval Office would be the equivalent of wicked Hillary on steroids; severely punishing achievers, disarming law abiding gun-owners, jailing political opponents, dividing Americans into groups that hate each other, persecuting Christians, killing babies after birth, crushing our economy and government tyrannically micromanaging our lives.

As president, Warren’s lack of character would reap horrifying and devastating consequences. Who in their right mind would vote for a presidential candidate who is complicit in the murdering of police? Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren must never be allowed anywhere near becoming leader of the free world.

HUMAN TRAFFICKING: “Women are significantly involved in trafficking of persons, both as victims and as offenders.” “75% of the sex traffickers were African American.”

We witnessed in the 1960s the feminist movement and feminist activism. More recently we have seen the rapid growth of the #MeToo movement in October, 2017. But to what end? Both movements have failed to stem the tide of human trafficking, which harms primarily underage girls and women. The #MeToo movement isn’t focused on the roles of women as both victims and perpetrators of human trafficking. Immigration and human trafficking go hand in hand. Organized crime and human trafficking go hand in hand. Businesses need for cheap labor and human trafficking go hand in hand.


In preparing for this exposé we looked at four reports on human trafficking:

  1. The 2014 United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime’s Global Report on Trafficking in Persons.
  2. The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Human Trafficking/Involuntary Servitude website.
  3. The McCain Institutes’ A Six-Year Analysis of Sex Traffickers of Minors.
  4. and The National Criminal Justice Services’ An Empirical Analysis of the Intersection of Organized Crime and Human Trafficking In the United States.

We selected these four reports to find commonalities and insights into human trafficking globally and within the United States. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security Blue Campaign defines human trafficking as:

Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act.

Homeland Security lists the following facts about human trafficking:

Human trafficking exists in every country, including the United States.  It exists nationwide—in cities, suburbs, and rural towns—and possibly in your own community.

Human trafficking victims can be any age, race, gender, or nationality.  They may come from any socioeconomic group.

Sex trafficking exists, but it is not the only type of human trafficking. Forced labor is another type of human trafficking; both involve exploitation of people.  Victims are found in legitimate and illegitimate labor industries, including sweatshops, massage parlors, agriculture, restaurants, hotels, and domestic service.

Under U.S. federal law, any minor under the age of 18 who is induced to perform commercial sex acts is a victim of human trafficking, regardless of whether he or she is forced or coerced.

Human trafficking is not the same as smuggling.  “Trafficking” is based on exploitation and does not require movement across borders.  “Smuggling” is based on movement and involves moving a person across a country’s border with that person’s consent in violation of immigration laws. Although human smuggling is very different from human trafficking, human smuggling can turn into trafficking if the smuggler uses force, fraud, or coercion to hold people against their will for the purposes of labor or sexual exploitation.  Under federal law, every minor induced to engage in commercial sex is a victim of human trafficking.

Human trafficking is often a hidden crime.  Victims may be afraid to come forward and get help; they may be forced or coerced through threats or violence; they may fear retribution from traffickers, including danger to their families; and they may not be in possession of or have control of their identification documents.

The Villainy of Human Trafficking – Key Findings

Here are some key findings taken from the the UN, FBI, McCain Institute and National Criminal Justice Services reports:

United Nations:

  • UN report detected victims of trafficking in persons, by age and gender, 2011: 49% women, 21% girls, 18% men, 12% boys.
  • Human trafficking for sexual exploitation by region: Europe and Central Asia 66%; Africa and Middle East 53%; Americas 48%; East Asia, South Asia and Pacific 26%.
  • Human trafficking for forced labour, servitude and slavery like by region: East Asia, South Asia and Pacific 64%; Americas 47%; Africa and the Middle East 37%; Europe and Central Asia 26%.

The Department of Justice Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit reports:

  • In recent months we have convicted labor traffickers who exploited victims in restaurants, bars, and cantinas on Long Island, New York, and in massage parlors in Chicago, Illinois.
  • We convicted a Seattle couple who held a young Micronesian woman in domestic servitude, and secured a 14-month sentence against a defendant who held two young Nigerian women in domestic servitude in Georgia.
  • We have indicted labor traffickers who exploited Vietnamese victims in bridal shops in Arizona, and we have dismantled organized criminal networks that held Dominican, Filipino, and Jamaican workers in forced labor on cleaning crews.

McCain Institute:

  • Three-quarters of the cases involved only minor victims.
  • The average age of the sex traffickers of minors was 28.5 years old and the average age decreased significantly from 2010 to 2015.
  • 24.4% of the sex traffickers were female and they were younger than the male sex traffickers.
  • 75% of the sex traffickers were African American.
  • Nearly one out of five arrests for sex trafficking of a minor involved a person who was gang involved.
  • 55.5% of the females arrested were identified in the report as the role of a“bottom” which is the most trusted sex trafficked person by the sex trafficker who may also be prostituted, may recruit victims, give rules and trainings, and may give out punishment.
  • 24% of the arrested sex traffickers had a previous criminal history, the most common previous crime was a violent crime. o4% had a previous arrest for sex trafficking of a minor.
  • The minor victims were transported to up to 17 states for the purpose of being prostituted with the average of 2.7 states.
  • 67.3% of the cases used technology (email, online ads, smart phones) in the sex trafficking activities. was used by the sex trafficker in 592 cases (41.8%).
  • Recruitment tactics focused on runaways; friendship, romance, giving a place to stay to the victim, and promises of money and wealth.

National Criminal Justice Services:

  • 58% (1227) of all defendants in human trafficking cases operated as part of an organized criminal group.
  • Although Cartels/Mafias/Syndicates are not represented at all among the federally prosecuted human trafficking cases involving organized crime, there is evidence that they are involved in facilitating the human trafficking operations of other types of organized criminals (facilitating transportation, providing false documentation, etc.).
  • Defendants who trafficked minors for commercial sex come from 13 different countries of origin. The vast majority is from United States.
  • Primary push factors involve socio-environmental variables over which the individual has very little control. These include: childhood abuse and/or neglect, lack of education, and a destructive social network.
  • Secondary push factors are symptoms of the primary push factors. They include criminal history, drug and/or substance abuse, and financial stress. These lead to feeling a lack of control over one’s life.
  • Based on federal prosecution records, the counties in the United States with the most bases of operations of organized crime groups engaging human trafficking include: Harris County, Houston, TX; Fulton County, Atlanta, GA; and Queens County, Queens, NY.

Human trafficking for the purposes of either sexual or labor slavery is spreading across America. Congress needs to come together to address this growing problem in light of the Jeffery Epstein case.

© All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Utah: Nigerian Man Charged in Killing of College Coed had Child Pornography in his Home

Obama’s Democrats to host a book club event. Their first book is “Ratf**ked.” 50 Shades of Baltimore?

The title of this column is no joke. Given the recent national discussion of rats in cities like Baltimore, Maryland you would think that the word “rat” would be triggering. But not for Democrats.

In an August 14th, 2019 email titled “will you host a book club event?” American transgender rights activist and Deputy Director of All On The Line Raffi Freedman-Gurspan, wrote:

Our team here at All On The Line is really excited for our first-ever book club night — we have local events registered in communities all across the country! Can we count on you to host a book club event?

Sign up to host an AOTL book club event in your community on August 29 at 8 p.m. ET!

As I started reading the book, this quote from the introduction really stood out to me and centers the reason why we chose “Ratf**ked” as our first book:

“This is the story of the actual redrawing of the American political map and of our democracy itself. It’s the story of how Republicans turned a looming demographic disaster into legislative majorities so unbreakable, so impregnable, that none of the outcomes are in doubt until after the 2020 census… It is legal, it’s breathtaking, and much of it happened in plain sight.”

In order to address map manipulation and end gerrymandering, we need to understand how our maps became this messed up in the first place. Author David Daley spells out how one party rewrote the rules and redrew lines to maintain their power — and how those gerrymandered maps impacted policy and progress for a decade.

But we have a chance to secure fair maps in 2021, and that’s why we’re building this movement! I hope you’ll host a local book club event this month to learn more from Daley himself, and then hear from AOTL about the fight to end gerrymandering and how you can get involved.

All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. According to the National Redistricting Action Fund part of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee website:

In a critically powerful step in our fight to restore fairness to our democracy, the NDRC’s 501(c)(4) affiliate, the National Redistricting Action Fund (NRAF), and Organizing for Action (OFA) are combining forces to go all-in on the fight to end  gerrymandering and to have a government that better represents the people. By incorporating OFA’s grassroots infrastructure fully into our efforts, NRAF will engage this powerful grassroots network to organize, educate, and engage supporters both in the digital space and on the ground to restore fair representation to Congress and state legislatures.

The problem is the email doesn’t mention the June 27th, 2019 U.S. Supreme Court decision on gerrymandering.  In the New York Times article “Supreme Court Bars Challenges to Partisan Gerrymandering” 

The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that federal courts are powerless to hear challenges to partisan gerrymandering, the practice in which the party that controls the state legislature draws voting maps to help elect its candidates.

The vote was 5 to 4, with the court’s more conservative members in the majority. In a momentous decision, the court closed the door on such claims.

The drafters of the Constitution, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote for the majority, understood that politics would play a role in drawing election districts when they gave the task to state legislatures. Judges, the chief justice said, are not entitled to second-guess lawmakers’ judgments.

So how does All On The Line, the National Redistricting Action Fund and Obama’s Organizing for Action intend to solve “map manipulation and end gerrymandering?” The only way to do that is for Democrats to retake control of state legislatures and do their own gerrymandering.

This is their goal. Make no mistake about it. Obama and Raffi Freedman-Gurspan want to end Republican gerrymandering and replace it with Democratic gerrymandering.

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Large Numbers of Prison Inmates are Muslims Costing Taxpayers Millions

I’m glad to see that someone has done a deep dive into the issue of the costs of incarcerating Muslims, many of whom are immigrants we have welcomed to America.

Of course, although some of the Muslim prisoners being counted are American Muslims and converts to Islam, we can still see that incarceration rates for this segment of the population is on a percentage basis extremely high.

Every time I see one of those gushing reports about how new immigrants to America are causing the economy to boom, I know that the pro-open borders bias of the researchers has kept them from reporting the costs of law enforcement, trials, and incarceration of some of those ‘new Americans.’

I wonder what the cost will be of the investigation and ultimate prison term of the alleged Somali refugee terrorists in my previous post?

Here is Daniel Greenfield at Frontpage earlier this month,


At 1%, Muslims are still a small percentage of the population. But there’s one place in America where they are vastly over-represented.

State prisons.

Take Maryland, which has an estimated 70,000 Muslims, making up over 1% of the population. But of Maryland’s 18,562 prisoners, 5,084 were Muslims.

That’s 27.4% or over 1 in 4 prisoners.

It would also mean that 1 out of 13 Muslims in Maryland may have been in a state prison.

Those are startling numbers, yet they come from Muslim Advocates, an Islamist legal advocacy group. Both MA’s numbers and the number of Muslims in different states may be miscounted, yet these figures raise serious questions about public safety and the toll that immigration is taking on our communities.

While Maryland’s numbers are some of the worst, MA lists similar figures for Washington D.C. where out of 5,219 prisoners, 1,232 were Muslims, so that once again 1 in 4 prisoners were Muslim.

D.C. does have one of the largest Muslim populations in the country, numbering between 2 and 3 percent. Even taking the highest estimate, 6.5% of the Muslim population in D.C. was in jail in 2017.

Muslims make up 1% of the population in Pennsylvania, but 1 in 5 of its prisoners.


In 5 states, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, Muslims make up 1 out of 4 or 1 out of 5 prisoners.

In another 4 states, Wisconsin, Missouri, Delaware, and Arkansas, they make up 1 in 10 prisoners.


Overrepresentation may be partially a product of the success of Islamic Dawah or missionary activity in prisons. Islamic prison Dawah has produced many converts and at least some terror plots. And it may serve to explain high Muslim prison numbers in some states, but not necessarily in others.


The MA report also claims that 12% of federal prisoners are Muslims. (CAIR in the past had claimed that it was only 6%.) The current federal BOP population is 177,619. That would mean over 21,000 prisoners.

And over 105,000 Muslims are prisoners in state and federal prisons.


Using Pew’s growth estimate, which projects that the Muslim settler population will reach 8.1 million by 2050 (a severe underestimation of actual growth), that would mean a quarter million Muslim prisoners.

This is not just an abstract statistic. It’s a compilation of human misery, lives lost, futures taken, a litany of abuse, loss, assault, and the accompanying taxpayer expenditures on trials, prisons and free lawyers.

The current cost of incarcerating Muslim federal prisoners is taking $670 million a year from taxpayers.

By 2050, the cost could climb to over $1.5 billion.

Continue here for much more data-crunching information.

RELATED ARTICLE: Update on the Arizona Somali Refugees Arrested for Supporting ISIS

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

VIDEO: New expose on the great evil that is Google

Posted by Eeyore

According to the Blacklist doc at 10:30, The is delisted from some google search results, as well as The Gateway Pundit, Infowars and many more.

Google Document Dump


Google “Machine Learning Fairness” Whistleblower Goes Public, says: “burden lifted off of my soul”

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