Is Jennifer Wexton (D-VA) flying a Pedophile Pride flag outside of her Congressional Office?

At least one newly elected member of Congress is showing her support for the LGBTQ community, but has she gone too far?

U.S. News and World Report published the below photograph of Rep. Weston’s office stating:

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing and outdoor

Rep. Jennifer Weston (D-VA). Photo: Facebook.

In this photo [below] provided by the Office of Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton, a transgender pride flag, right, is displayed along with U.S. left, and Virginia, second from right, flags, outside newly elected Virginia congresswoman Rep. Jennifer Wexton’s office in Washington on Friday, Jan. 4, 2019. Wexton is a Democrat from 10th District in northern Virginia who was sworn in Thursday, Jan. 3. (Office of Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton via AP) 

The Associated Press

Note that Wexton is not displaying a traditional rainbow flag of the LGBT movement. The flag is light blue, pink and white striped. The flag, now flying in the halls of the U.S. Congress looks eerily like the Minor Attracted Persons (MAPs) flag. The MAPs flag is known as the pedophile pride flag, shown below.

Obviously the two flags are not identical. But this new flag is problematic in that it may be the first step in embracing the MAPs as a protected category?

The Western Journal in an article titled “Pedophiles Desperately Trying To Join LGBT Movement with Their Own ‘Acceptance’ Flag” by Erin Coates notes:

Pedophiles have renamed themselves as “Minor Attracted Persons” in order to try and get acceptance and inclusion into the LGBT community.

The Daily Caller reported that Urban Dictionary defines Minor Attracted Persons — also known as MAPs — as a blanket term that includes infantophiles (a person attracted to infants), pedophiles (a person attracted to prepubescent children), hebephiles (a person attracted to pubescent children) and ephebophiles (a person attracted to post-pubescent children).

There are also NOMAPs or “Non-Offending Minor Attracted Persons” who reportedly don’t act on their attractions. “Just because someone is attracted to a child does not mean they are automatically going to sexually abuse them,” The Prevention Project said.

It should be noted that all pedophiles are not homosexual. However, by definition all pederasts are.

As Ayn Rand wrote,

“The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other – until one day when they are suddenly declared to be the country’s official ideology.”

Unless members of Congress tell Rep. Wexton to take down this flag, we are on the path to making sodomy, and pedophilia, the official ideology of America.

RELATED ARTICLE: 30 Transgender Regretters Come Out Of The Closet


Controversy Over Push to Redefine Pedophilia.




Calm Down and Enjoy the Ride!

Many of us are beyond frustrated waiting for the hammer of justice to fall. We are infuriated with what we see unfolding daily on the MSM evening news as Pelosi, Schumer and the rest of the mob, including some of the newcomers, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the ever so eloquent Muslim to boot, Rashida Tlaib, gear up for obstructive attacks against our great President versus governing the nation. We are growing deeply concerned for President Trump, for our nation, and for not only our lives, but for posterity. Many are doubtful, fearful, angry or apathetic. There are those simply confused and uncertain about all that is happening. Well consider this…

The Happy New Year Tweet

“Happy New Year to everyone, including the haters and the fake news media! 2019 will be a fantastic year for those not suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Just calm down and enjoy the ride, great things are happening for our country!” – President Donald Trump (twitter)

Not Without a Fight

2019 will prove to be a year of extreme political warfare which will eat away at us every day without fail.  But remember, and I have said this many times before, Trump has the goods on everyone. The Deep State and its operatives are on the run. This is why we will see relentless attacks against the President as President and over his life as a private citizen as well as others around the President including family members. Subpoenas, indictments, hearings, investigations, law suits, charges, impeachment filings and so on. Obstruct, obstruct, obstruct. Not too mention the deliberate collapse of Trump’s economy by collapsing the markets as the Fed is holding on and gasping for air in what I believe are the final days for the Fed as we know it. Watch what happens in the first half of this new year.

President Trump is now taking on, head on, the Shadow Government, the Deep State, CIA, FBI and the NSA along with the Democrats and Republican swamp creatures. This as we know, is a deadly serious endeavor and without Trump at the helm, all would be lost. No Trump-no hope. Pray for our President.

Restoring Power to the People

We are witnessing a relatively peaceful overthrow of the ruling elite’s shadow government, restoring power to the people. This may lead to Martial Law and Military Tribunals. Our once sound immigration policies are being reinstated and the border wall will be built and Mexico will pay for it. The information cartel (MSM – Fake News) has been exposed, the endless wars are beginning to come to an end. Silicon valley is now having to answer before congress via hearings so we may begin to restore free speech at some point down the line. The swearing in on the Koran is something the President has spoken out against. Those we thought were our friends turn out to be our enemies and those we thought were our enemies are becoming our allies. The Rothschild world bank dynasty, the Federal Reserve for profit banking cartel’s days are coming to an end as we know it. Manufacturing is returning to America. Jobs follow manufacturing thus the jobs too are returning to America.

Flippant Eternal Optimist? Not!

I get the danger. I get the probability of success. I am a staunch realist. I am a short term realist but a long term optimist. But I am one who sees the forest for the trees. We are winning and ultimately we will win. But as a realist, I believe that we may not be here to see the ultimate victory. I know one thing, in the end they lose.

Many of us listen to Rush, Levin, Hannity, Tucker etc. Look I will get to the point. Fox News is really not our friend. Fox is a controlled asset. Yes, we have a voice there but lost in an ocean of liberal controlled media. Look deeper. I can talk about this in another dedicated post.

You see, Fox commentators are contracted. Some there, are truly supportive of the President and do get what is really going on but their contracts prohibit them from discussing what I call, the real news, the news behind the news. Most all major media, radio, TV, newspapers, magazines news feeds etc. are owned by just six corporations. This is controlled by and a part of the deep state apparatus. Consider signing up for my free RSS feed (Understanding America’s Second Revolution – my weekly commentary and analysis) and receive articles in your in box the moment my articles are authored and posted. For those that need further data consider signing up for the John Michael Chambers Report.

But what I am saying here is this. Fox News (and I watch it too), in the main, the ones supportive or seemingly supportive of Trump, their talking points in the main, are from the position of defense, desperately defending the President. Better than not, I get it. But is that enough? Sun Tsu is laughing. This leads us to alternative sources. Want to feel better going into 2019 which will be a very dangerous and disruptive time? Want to alleviate some of that angst? Get the news behind the news.

News Behind the News

Intel. That’s right intel. People like Kevin Shipp, Robert David Steele and or QANON. I prefer intel. versus controlled regurgitating talking heads with their talking points. Balance your intake of data by habitually turning to alternative sources. Sources like Dr. David Janda, Paryingmedic, X22 report and others which can be found on YouTube. There are scores of alternatives news feeds, sites and sources. And best of all, follow President Trump on Twitter and here on this site. You will start to feel better.

Light Defeats The Dark

There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Funny thing is, you are that light so shine bright! Yes it’s dark indeed but remember these words from MLK, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” And as to the fear they instill in us? Consider this. The opposite of love is not hate. It is fear. Don’t go there. Stay connected to good sources for data. Surround yourself with like-minded people who understand the times and expand these circles of influence. Speak truth, share truth and pray for our President and pray for our country. And know this…we are indeed winning!

Stay The Course

These battles will be fought for many, many years to come. We are at the entry gate of this battle between good and evil. What we do right here, right now means everything. There is a plan. Fight the good fight because we are at war for humanity. Look at it from the perspective that we are on the cusp of redirecting civilization, because we are. Redirecting civilization into perhaps a thousand years of peace and prosperity. Well the entry point for attaining this is here and now and this will be the most dangerous period of time as evil is exposed and people awaken and arise and heed the call. Call? Yes call. A call to action. Get busy living or get busy dying. We have been given free will. Use it wisely. Freedom? It’s up to us!

Hail hail to our leader, the commander in chief. Do not waiver. Support this President. History will label him as the man of the century. Some say that Trump can’t handle the storm when in fact he is the storm. And so, just calm down and enjoy the ride, great things are happening for our country!

EDITORS NOTE: This column with images is republished with permission. Photo: AP.

When ‘Islamophobes’ Free Muslim Slaves [+Video]

I have a friend who travels to the Middle East twice a year. He recently returned from a trip that took him to Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon. His mission has been for many years to free families from slavery. He has Muslim contacts in the Middle East who go to slave markets, yes these still exist, and using money he has raised purchase women and children. In America we call this human trafficking. He then places these women and children into shelters run by Christians. The children attend a school, also run by Christians. They are taught the Bible. Many are of the Yazidi faith, Muslim but believers in Jesus.

My friend is a Christian and therefore an enemy of Islam. Because he believes that Jesus is the Son of God and openly says so, he is considers by some an “Islamophobe.”

The Glazov Gang did an interview with Dr. Charles Jacobs, President of Americans for Peace and Tolerance. Dr. Jacobs sheds light on when “Islamophobes” free Muslim slaves, and also on the curious phenomenon of “racists” freeing black slaves.

TRUMP MUST NOT INCLUDE DACA “FIX” IN EXCHANGE FOR WALL: DACA compromise would undermine national security.

The partial shut-down of the federal government grinds on while the Democrats, poised to assume the majority in the House of Representatives, refuse to fund a wall to secure the dangerous U.S./Mexican border against the un-inspected entry of people and cargo into the United States.

I am compelled to reiterate a point I have made repeatedly in past articles, that a wall along that problematic border would not stop a single person from entering the United States but would force all who seek to enter the United States to undergo the statutorily required inspections and vetting process that is conducted at ports of entry and to record entries or attempted entries by aliens for national security and related purposes.

President Trump has refused to sign off on a budget that does not fund the wall that would protect our nation.  He has consequently opted to shut down non-essential elements of the federal government.

During the failed negotiations President Trump, in confronting a belligerent and recalcitrant Chuck Schumer, said that he would be proud to shut down the government if he could not get the funding for the wall. Schumer accused the President of throwing a temper tantrum.  If anyone was throwing anything, I would accuse Mr. Schumer and his cohorts of throwing America and Americans under the proverbial bus. What has never been asked of Schumer, Pelosi and the other Democrats is why they would not want a wall to prevent the un-inspected entry into the United States, of illegal aliens including criminals, fugitives, terrorists, gang members and massive quantities of narcotics and other contraband.

As I noted above, the purpose of the wall is not to seal off the United States from Mexico but to simply prevent aliens and contraband from entering the United States without inspection. That inspections process is essential to vet aliens to prevent the entry of those whose presence in the United States would be problematic and/or dangerous to America and Americans.  In point of fact, the decisions of the CBP (Customs and Border Protection) Inspectors who conduct those inspections are guided by 8 U.S. Code § 1182, a section of law comprehended within the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), that enumerates the categories of aliens who are not to be admitted into the United States.  Among the categories of aliens who are to be excluded are those suffering from dangerous contagious diseases or suffer from severe mental illness.  Additionally, aliens who were previously deported, are criminals, terrorists, spies, fugitives from justice, human rights violators, war criminals, human traffickers, and aliens who would likely become public charges or take jobs of Americans.

There is absolutely no distinction made as to race, religion or ethnicity of aliens.

The Democrats insist on using technology to secure the border.  Trump properly observed that sometimes old solutions are the best and noted that wheels have been around for many, many years. Indeed, hi-tech “solutions” to border security would not stop any illegal aliens from entering the United States in the first place but only, hopefully, detect aliens after they penetrated our borders.  Once in the United States–aided and abetted by judges who have consistently over-reached their authority—these illegal aliens would undoubtedly obstruct efforts to remove [deport] them. This would inspire more aliens, from countries around the world, to head for the United States where their sheer numbers would continue to increasingly overwhelm an immigration system that lacks the resources to effectively deal with the tens of millions of illegal aliens who are already present in the United States, in violation of our laws that were enacted to prevent the entry of aliens whose presence would be problematic or dangerous to America and Americans. I focused on this in a recent article, Why Trump’s Wall Is A Must, noting that a virtual fence would stop virtually no one!

One of the issues that has been noted in the news is the idea that perhaps a “compromise” could be reached between the administration and the Democrats to include a massive amnesty program under the aegis of DACA (Deferred Action- Childhood Arrival). This would be nothing short of catastrophic, compromising national security for decades to come.

Let’s briefly review the sordid history of DACA. DACA was a program concocted by the Obama administration to overcome the failure of Congress to pass a massive amnesty program known as Comprehensive Immigration Reform and the follow-up attempt to pass a massive amnesty program known as “The DREAM Act.”  (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act).  It is noteworthy that for all of the howls that typically accompany any use of the term “Alien” to describe non-citizens present in the United States, the term Alien became incredibly palatable when it was needed to create legislation to legalize millions of heretofore illegal aliens! The concept behind the DREAM Act and DACA was to exploit the well-known empathy and compassion Americans have for children.  Both of those efforts were sold as means of helping children who were brought to the United States by their parents.  Ostensibly these children had no control over their parents’ actions and thus became victims. In order to qualify, these “young aliens” had to claim that they were brought to the United States illegally prior to their 16th birthdays but, under the DREAM Act could apply to participate in that program provided that they filed such an application before they became 35 years of age.

DACA which was enacted by Obama’s “magic pen” via executive order (executive caveat) in June 2012 would have required that the aliens made their applications prior to their 32nd birthdays. There would be millions of illegal aliens who could claim to have entered as children but inasmuch as they had entered without inspection, there would be no way to determine if any aliens had entered the United States 20 years ago or 20 days ago. In fact, aliens who have not yet left for the United States could make their way here and falsely claim to have been here for decades. There would be no way to interview all of these aliens, let alone conduct field investigations. This would literally rule out the red carpet for immigration fraudsters who could lie through their teeth and get away with it.  These lies would constitute immigration fraud. 

On June 17, 2012 Fox News published my Op-Ed in which I stated that what President Obama had referred to as an exercise of “prosecutorial discretion” should have been referred to as “prosecutorial deception.” In August 2018 I wrote an article, The Daca Sword Of Damocles that cited an excerpt from the official report, 9/11 and Terrorist Travel that focused on immigration-related vulnerabilities that the terrorists had exploited.  Immigration fraud was determined to be of extreme significance. Here are two significant quotes from the report:

“Once terrorists had entered the United States, their next challenge was to find a way to remain here. Their primary method was immigration fraud. For example, Yousef and Ajaj concocted bogus political asylum stories when they arrived in the United States. Mahmoud Abouhalima, involved in both the World Trade Center and landmarks plots, received temporary residence under the Seasonal Agricultural Workers (SAW) program, after falsely claiming that he picked beans in Florida.”

“Terrorists in the 1990s, as well as the September 11 hijackers, needed to find a way to stay in or embed themselves in the United States if their operational plans were to come to fruition. As already discussed, this could be accomplished legally by marrying an American citizen, achieving temporary worker status, or applying for asylum after entering. In many cases, the act of filing for an immigration benefit sufficed to permit the alien to remain in the country until the petition was adjudicated. Terrorists were free to conduct surveillance, coordinate operations, obtain and receive funding, go to school and learn English, make contacts in the United States, acquire necessary materials, and execute an attack.” 

Immigration fraud would permeate any such massive amnesty program. As noted above, immigration fraud was the key method of entry and embedding for terrorists and not just where the 19 hijacker/terrorists who carried out the terror attacks on September 11, 2001 but in many terror attacks as well. The immigration system lacks the capability to carry out its current missions.  Adding millions of additional applications to the overwhelmed system at USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services), which already adjudicates more than 6 million applications annually, would cause the beleaguered bureaucracy to implode. In the wake of the terror attacks of 9/11, our leaders constantly reminded us that in order to be successful, the terrorists need to “get it right” only once; while for America to be safe, our officials must “get it right” 100% of the time. In simple terms, every time an alien enters the United States and every time an application for an immigration benefit is filed, terrorists are provided with that one opportunity that they are eager to achieve to launch a deadly terror attack.

On June 22, 2007 the Washington Times published my Op-Ed Immigration bill a ‘No Go in which I voiced my concerns about Comprehensive Immigration Reform which are the same today about DACA. In that Op-Ed, nearly a dozen years ago, I suggested that a new and far more honest name be applied to that legislation.  That title would work just fine for DACA today. DACA should be renamed the “Terrorist Assistance and Facilitation Act!”

© All rights reserved.


Nearly 80,000 Illegal Aliens Carried An Arrest Record Before Winning DACA Approval, Government Data Show

Congressman Writes Bill Allowing Crowdsourcing To Fund Border Wall

US Border Patrol Reports 300% Increase Of Border Violence, Illegal Immigrants Assaulting Agents

Arpaio: It’s Time To Let Politicians Know We’re ‘Mad As Hell’ That Our Border Is Not Secure

EDITORS NOTE: This column with images originally appeared in FrontPage Magazine. It is republished with permission.

New Year’s Resolution: Get Your Coffee At Chick-fil-A (And Peet’s, and Dunkin’ Donuts) Instead Of Starbucks

Throughout the week, 2ndVote has urged conservative shoppers to make New Year’s consumer Resolutions. We’ve also vowed to work more closely with you to ensure that corporations are held accountable for how they spend your money. Today, we are asking you to make a final resolution in 2019: make the best possible choice when it comes to where you buy your coffee

As you know, Starbucks is the world’s largest coffee chain and a supporter of a slew of left-wing causes such as redefining marriage and sanctuary cities. Starbucks is also a financial supporter of abortion giant Planned Parenthood. Instead, consider getting your coffee from three other chains — Dunkin’ Donuts, Peet’s, and Chick-fil-A!

We are encouraging you to swap Starbucks for Dunkin’ DonutsPeet’s, and Chick-fil-A because they largely focus on you, the customer, instead of political activism. Dunkin’ Donuts’ ranks at a 2.7 out of 5 in 2ndVote’s rankings, Peet’s is a neutral 3, and Chick-fil-A ranks a 4. We are especially proud to endorse Chick-fil-A because of their well-known Christian values as well as their massive company growth which Business Insider concluded was due to amazing customer service.

2ndVote consumers won’t be alone in putting the brakes on Starbucks’ purchases in 2019. A recent stock market analysis concluded that Starbucks is facing stiff competition from other coffee chains. Competition plus 2ndVote consumer engagement could easily cause Starbucks significant heartache in the new year. Perhaps this will teach them to listen to customers all the time instead of when it’s politically convenient.

Help us continue developing this content to help conservative consumers hold companies accountable by becoming a 2ndVote Member today!

EDITORS NOTE: This column with images by 2ndVote is republished with permission. The featured image is from Shutterstock.

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: Do We Really Have a Problem?

Earlier this week (Jan 2nd), Sec. Kirstjen Nielsen of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was asked to give a border security briefing in the Situation Room of the White House to ranking Congressional leaders, both the House and the Senate. Just six seconds into her presentation, Sec. Nielsen was interrupted by Democrats who wanted no part of it. Sen. Dick Durbin (IL) was quoted as saying the presentation was “preposterous,” and “At a time when we have the lowest level of apprehensions at the border — stopping people from coming in illegally — the lowest level historically, she is saying that we have all these terrorists and criminals and all these people on their way in.”

In other words, the Secretary’s report was quickly dismissed as irrelevant and both parties took to the microphones to defend their positions. Whereas Sec. Nielsen reported an influx in arrests of illegal immigrants with criminal records during 2018, the Democrats responded this simply wasn’t so. The question is, what is the truth?

The meeting was closely followed by the news media, but interestingly, there was no mention of the DHS report accompanying Sec. Nielsen’s briefing. In short, it was buried by the press. Fortunately, I had little difficulty locating it on the DHS web site where it was titled, “Fiscal Year 2018 ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations Report” by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The purpose of the 22 page report was to summarize U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) activities in Fiscal Year 2018.

Among the statistics listed were a couple of eye-openers:

* There were 158,581 administrative arrests in FY2018, ICE and ERO recorded the greatest number of administrative arrests as compared to the two previous fiscal years, and the highest number since FY2014. ICE and ERO made 15,111 more administrative arrests in FY2018 than in FY2017, representing an 11 percent increase, and a continued upward trend after FY2017’s 30 percent increase over FY2016.

* In FY2018, ERO arrested 138,117 aliens with criminal histories (convicted criminals and those pending criminal charges) for an increase of 10,125 aliens over FY2017. This continued the growth seen in FY2017 when ERO arrested 26,974 more aliens with criminal histories than in FY2016 for a 27 percent gain.

The types of crimes cover the spectrum; everything from DUI traffic offenses, to drugs, assault, larceny, burglary, weapon offenses, homicide, kidnapping, etc. (See diagram for specifics).

And finally, FY2018 saw an increase in criminal violations causing an increase in removal of illegal immigrants. Interestingly, the Top 10 countries include:


EL SALVADOR18,83815,445

It’s interesting that America provides substantial foreign aid to these countries, including:


Source: USAID

One should ask what is the point of giving these countries money, if their citizens want to leave them. They are obviously squandering the money and not improving working conditions there. In other words, it is wasteful. Also consider this, the foreign aid to these Top 10 countries alone represents over $1.8B, not to mention the many other countries on the list. The United States probably could build an opulent southern wall by simply diverting foreign aid.

So, what was the message Sec. Nielsen was trying to communicate? That a legitimate problem exists in illegal immigration, and it is growing. The data presented in the report is not fictitious or a figment of someone’s imagination. It is real. The fact remains, there is an increase, not a decrease in people wanting to enter our country illegally, with many possessing a criminal background. Now we have to ask if we want these undesirables to run amok in our country. Our safety, security, and sovereignty depends on your answer.

Keep the Faith!

EDITORS NOTE: This column with images is republished with permission. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies. The featured photo is by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash.

Gun Controllers Want Credit Card Companies to Monitor and Restrict Lawful Purchases

Gun controllers frustrated that their federal agenda has been repeatedly rejected by Americans through their elected representatives are seeking to restrict gun rights by way of the private financial system. The goal is to pressure financial services companies into either not doing business with the firearms industry and gun owners or to comprehensively surveille their lawful activity.

On December 24, the gun confiscation supporters at the New York Times ran a thinly-veiled advocacy piece by Andrew Ross Sorkin in the news section, titled, “Devastating Arsenals, Bought With Plastic and Nary a Red Flag.” The piece outlined how some of the perpetrators of high-profile mass murders had purchased firearms and ammunition in the same manner that many ordinary law-abiding Americans do, with credit cards. 

The online edition of the piece carried the headline “How Banks Unwittingly Finance Mass Shootings,” suggesting that financial services companies were somehow complicit in violence by facilitating the exchange of lawful goods that were ultimately used for criminal purposes. Under such juvenile logic the U.S. Treasury Department should have to answer for all of the unlawful conduct they’ve facilitated by printing dollars and minting coins.

According to the misbranded op-ed, banks and other financial services companies are “uniquely positioned” to monitor gun owner purchasing habits. Under Sorkin’s preferred scenario, credit card companies would require retailers to tag firearms-related purchases with additional data that could be used by the credit card companies to compile information on gun owners. The surveillance data could then be used to flag suspicious purchases for law enforcement.

Moreover, the piece suggests that this data collection could be used to restrict certain types of lawful firearms transactions outright. Sorkin suggested,

Walmart and Dick’s Sporting Goods this year announced that they would not sell firearms to anyone under 21. If banks chose to use the systems they already have in place, they might decide to monitor such customers, perhaps preventing them from buying multiple guns in a short period of time.

To their credit, when asked for comment by the Times’s advocate, the major financial transaction firms expressed a reluctance to violate the privacy of their law-abiding customers. A Visa spokesperson explained, “We do not believe Visa should be in the position of setting restrictions on the sale of lawful goods or services… Asking Visa or other payment networks to arbitrate what legal goods can be purchased sets a dangerous precedent.” A Mastercard spokesperson added that the transaction company values the privacy of their customers’ “own purchasing decisions.”

Sorkin’s “news article” echoes many of the ideas he advocated in a February 2018 Times commentary. Making clear Sorkin has none of the objectivity on this topic one might have expected from a professional journalist pursuing a news story, the earlier piece overtly advocated for leveraging the private financial system to restrict firearms transactions. Sorkin contended that it would take “leadership and courage” on behalf of the financial services industry in order to implement his private firearms restrictions, which included a plan to eliminate commonly-owned semi-automatic firearms “from virtually every firearms store in America.” Were journalistic ethics as integral to the operation of the legacy press as those institutions purport, Sorkin’s authorship of the more recent item may have drawn interest of a forthright editor, ombudsman, or the Columbia Journalism Review.

The Sorkin article is just part of a wider-ranging effort to attack firearms owners through the financial system. In April 2018, Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety expressed their support for increased credit card company surveillance of firearms transactions. Moreover, the anti-gun organization has developed “guidelines” for financial institutions doing business with the firearms industry. Under the guidelines, firearms manufacturers and retailers would be forced to adopt a host of gun control measures in order to do business with financial services providers.

In 2013, Eric Holder’s Department of Justice instituted Operation Chokepoint. Under the program, the DOJ leveraged the power of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to discourage banks from transacting with lawful businesses they deemed to be “associated with high-risk activity,” including members of the firearms industry.

The anti-gun proposals targeting credit card companies should be of grave concern to all gun owners. As the Federal Reserve regularly reports, consumer use of credit and debit cards is growing. The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta’s 2017 Diary of Consumer Payment Choice reported that “[i]n October 2017, the period covered by this DCPC, consumers made most of their payments with cash (30.3 percent of payments), debit cards (26.2 percent), and credit cards (21.0 percent).”

The recent credit card proposals also prompt important questions. Under what a scenario would a gun owner’s purchases be flagged as suspicious or be outright denied? Might the criteria be defined by anti-gun activists to include any volume of firearms-related goods they consider deviant? Gun owners routinely purchase large quantities of firearms products and ammunition for the same reason consumers buy anything in bulk, to save money.

Moreover, gun owners should be aware that any increase in the information that the financial services companies collect may wind up in the federal government’s hands. A June 2013 item in the Wall Street Journal reported that the National Security Agency was scooping large quantities of data from credit card providers. At the time, experts speculated that the NSA would not be able to obtain the exact products an individual purchased, but could see where the purchases were made and the merchant category codes. Changing merchant category code data to be more descriptive is one of the ways control advocates intend to advance their credit card company gun control scheme.

Even those who do not value the right to keep and bear arms but do cherish their other civil liberties should be concerned with the recent credit card transaction proposals. Back in early 2018, when some of these ideas were first floated, Georgetown University Law Professor Adam Levitin pointed out, “There’s a privacy angle here… There’s the slippery slope danger if it’s guns today maybe it is pornography tomorrow and the day after it’s right-wing literature.” 

And with even mainstream television fare such as “Friends,” “Seinfeld,” and “The Simpsons” having come under fire by today’s social justice vigilante mob, it’s difficult to imagine any product or service that could be immune from their perpetually outraged sensibilities.

New rules or surveillance procedures imposed by the credit card industry on firearms transactions would have a profound negative effect on gun owners and the firearms industry and pose a broader threat to all liberty-minded Americans. NRA will continue to monitor these efforts and keep our members apprised of any further developments.

EDITORS NOTE: This column with images by NRA-ILA is republished with permission.

House’s Biggest GOP Caucus Now ‘Counterweight’ to Democrats, New Leader Says

The new leader of House Republicans’ largest caucus says he plans to “streamline” its operations to effectively counter the Democrats as they take control of the lower chamber of Congress.

For starters, the Republican Study Committee no longer will have a dozen or so task forces, Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La., said in a recent phone interview with The Daily Signal as the group’s incoming chairman.

“We’re going to streamline that into seven core working groups,” Johnson said of the RSC, a caucus of about 178 GOP lawmakers.

After their midterm election victories, Democrats now have 235 seats in the House, compared with Republicans’ 199. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., again became speaker of the House after the 116th Congress convened Thursday.

Johnson, 46, said he sees an opportunity for the Republican Study Committee to build its presence and influence.

“We’re also at the same time going to be working on our messaging strategy because we feel like it’s going to be vitally important, as we move into the minority position in the Congress, to articulate what our conservative ideals and answers are,” Johnson said.

“It will be the counterweight to what Pelosi and the Democrats are going to do,” he said.

The Louisiana lawmaker said his goal is to unite RSC members so they can continue making headway on issues that matter most.

“We’ve got so many talented people in our caucus and all of them bring so much to the cause and to the movement,” he said. “And we want to give more and more opportunities for our rank and file members to be a part of that, developing the mission and defining what the conservative movement looks like for the next decade or more.”

Johnson, who assumed office in 2017, said each RSC task force will have specific objectives and goals, and that their leaders will be chosen based on expertise and interests.

Although Johnson wasn’t ready to announce the new task forces, he said people can expect the caucus to stay true to key priorities such as its budget and spending task force, which produces an annual budget proposal.

The RSC will have a “vibrant” task force on health care and related entitlements and will continue to have a task force on foreign affairs and national security, Johnson said.

He also indicated that the Values Action Team, which works with outside groups and focuses on traditional family values such as religious freedom and the sanctity of life, will continue to be “another one that RCS is really well known for.”

Johnson, who received his law degree in 1998 from Louisiana State University, was a litigator for almost 20 years. He worked on what his official bio calls “high profile constitutional law cases in district and appellate courts nationwide.”

Johnson said he was hired as one of the earliest lawyers at Alliance Defending Freedom, a legal defense organization launched in 1994 that works to safeguard religious freedom, the sanctity of life, and marriage and family. He said his work there helped shape who he is as a person.

“That sort of started my journey in all this and it became primarily a religious liberty defense litigator,” Johnson said.

When he would attend a meeting of the Values Action Team, he said, he’d look around the table and see “20 or 25, 30 different organizations” represented, and “at some point in my career, I represented almost everybody in that room once.”

Johnson and his wife Kelly have been married almost 20 years and have four children: Hannah, 17; Abigail, 16; Jack, 13; and Will, 8.

He didn’t want his children to grow up in the Capital Beltway area, he said, and so opted to stay in Bossier Parish in northwestern Louisiana, and travel back and forth rather than relocate.

“We didn’t want to raise our kids in the Beltway, so we’ve been pretty insistent about that. So far it’s worked out,” Johnson said. “So yeah, I travel. I go back and forth constantly, so it’s a sacrifice on everybody’s part. But we’re blessed because … we have really great kids and they’re all into this.”

His children are relatively young, but Johnson said he is inspired by their expressed interest in his career.

“It’s so bad that three out of four of my children say they want to be constitutional law attorneys when they grow up, so we’ll see how far that gets,” he said.

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Portrait of Rachel del Guidice

Rachel del Guidice

Rachel del Guidice is a reporter for The Daily Signal. She is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, Forge Leadership Network, and The Heritage Foundation’s Young Leaders Program. Send an email to Rachel. Twitter: @LRacheldG.


The Left Will Make 2019 a Dark Year

What Both the Left and Right Miss About Work in America

The Worst Enemy of Black People

EDITORS NOTE: This column with images by The Daily Signal is republished with permission.

Mass Transit Is a Colossal Government Failure

“Due to moderate gas prices, increasing auto ownership, and the growth of the ride-hailing industry, the nation likely reached ‘peak transit’ in 2014.”

I like subways and spent most of my adult life taking them to work. Unfortunately, most people prefer to drive. It can take an hour and a half to take buses and trains to work for a commute that would take only half an hour by car.

Mass transit is largely a failure and continues to decline despite growing subsidies to many mass transit systems. Light rail systems are white elephants. The money spent on light rail would be better spent on bus lines. The underground corridors used for some subways might better be devoted to self-driving cars.

Randal O’Toole describes just what a failure mass transit is in this country, a failure on every level, in a recent Cato Institute report:

Nationwide transit ridership has declined steadily since 2014, with some of the largest urban areas, including Atlanta, Miami, and Los Angeles, losing more than 20 percent of their transit riders in the last few years. While this recent decline is stunning, it results from a continuation of a century-long trend of urban areas becoming more dispersed and alternatives to transit becoming more convenient and less expensive.

Those trends include a dispersion of jobs away from downtowns and increasing automobile ownership, both of which began with Henry Ford’s development of the moving assembly line in 1913. As a result, per capita transit ridership peaked in 1920 at 287 trips per urban resident per year, and have since fallen to just 38 trips per urbanite in 2017.

Congress began federal subsidies to transit with passage of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, and since then federal, state, and local governments have spent well over $1 trillion on subsidies aimed at reversing transit’s decline. Yet those subsidies have failed to do more than slow the decline, as the trends that have made transit obsolete and nearly irrelevant to the vast majority of urban Americans have overwhelmed the subsidies….transit carries fewer than 3 percent of commuters to work in half the nation’s 50 largest urban areas, as well as in the vast majority of smaller ones, making transit nearly irrelevant to those regions except for the high taxes needed to support it. Due to moderate gas prices, increasing auto ownership, and the growth of the ride-hailing industry, the nation likely reached “peak transit” in 2014.

The supposed social, environmental, and economic development benefits of transit are negligible to nonexistent. Federal, state, and local governments should withdraw subsidies to transit and allow private operators to take over where the demand still justifies mass transit operations.

His very readable and interesting full report is at this link.

So-called bullet trains generally turn out to be white elephants. South Korea is abolishing its celebrated high-speed rail line from its capital, Seoul, to a nearby major city because it can’t cover even the marginal costs of keeping the trains running. Most people who ride trains don’t need maximum possible speed, and most of those who do will still take the plane to reach distant destinations.

Despite Japan’s much-vaunted bullet trains, most Japanese don’t take the bullet train either; they take buses because the bullet train is too expensive. Bullet trains do interfere with freight lines, so Japanese freight lines carry much less cargo than in the United States, where railroads—rather than trucks—carry most freight, thereby reducing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

California’s so-called bullet train is vastly behind schedule and over budget, and will likely never come close to covering its operating costs once it is built. As Reason magazine noted, transportation officials have warned that California’s misnamed “bullet train” is a disaster in the making. California is drastically understating the costs of its high-speed rail project. Just the first leg of this $77 billion project will cost billions more than budgeted. And the project is already at least 11 years behind schedule.

This article is reprinted from Liberty Unyielding.


Hans Bader

Hans Bader

Hans Bader practices law in Washington, D.C. After studying economics and history at the University of Virginia and law at Harvard, he practiced civil-rights, international-trade, and constitutional law.

EDITORS NOTE: This column by FEE with images is republished with permission.

An Act of Sedition

In the news: “Newly elected Detroit congresswoman, Rashida Tlaib, is going to use Thomas Jefferson’s Koran for her swearing-in ceremony.”

Let’s get the facts straight.

Fact: It is not Jefferson’s Koran.  It is Mohammed’s Koran.

Fact: Jefferson owned a Koran to understand and defeat the Islamic Barbary Pirates.  How many members of Congress have read the Koran & Sunna from cover to cover or have any idea what is written on these pages?

Fact: We have evidence of our forefathers’ reference to the Koran: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson to John Jay, March 28, 1786

Fact:  Tlaib is swearing her oath on a Koran in which over 20% written in Medina is about violent jihad.

Fact:  Tlaib is swearing her oath on a Koran that has 17% of its text from Mohammed’s time in Medina devoted to Jew hatred.

Fact:  Tlaib is swearing her oath on a Koran that says that Muslims are superior to all and the non-Muslim (Kafir) is lower than animals. It also says a Muslim is not the friend of a Kafir.

Fact:  Tlaib is swearing her oath on a Koran that says wives can be beaten.

Fact:  Tlaib is disingenuous when she says ““I believe in secular government…“ According to Islamic doctrine, a Muslim must be governed by the Allah-inspired Sharia, because Kafir (man-made) secular laws are not worth following.  So either she is not a good Muslim or she is using taqiyya, sacred deception, to advance Islam.

Fact:  Tlaib is swearing her oath on a book that declares our U.S. Constitution is not the highest law of the land.

In short, Rashida Tlaib, by swearing her oath on a Koran, commits an act of sedition.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of Rashida Tlaib’s personal Koran from her Facebook page.

VIDEO: Guilty! Parkland Commission Issues Brutal Verdict on Broward County Leadership

Chairman of the MSD Commission Pinellas Sheriff Bob Gualtieri joins Dana Loesch with the latest.


Michael Cutler: Record High of 8 Million Illegal Aliens Tried to Buy Guns in 2018

Relentless | 01/03/2019

GENDER-X: New York City’s Uncontested Absurdity

NBC News writer Brooke Sopelsa in a September 12, 2018 article wrote:

People born in New York City who don’t identify as male or female will soon be able to select a nonbinary gender category on their birth certificates.

The New York City Council and Board of Health voted on Wednesday to include a third gender category, “X,” on birth certificates starting Jan. 1, 2019. Furthermore, the legislation will discontinue the need for a doctor’s note or health care provider’s affidavit to change one’s gender marker.

Ayn Rand wrote:

“The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other – until one day when they are suddenly declared to be the country’s official ideology.”

In New York City the uncontested slogan of yesterday became public policy January 1, 2019. A date that will live in absurdity.

Gender is binary!

One is born either a male or female. This distinction is based upon science. One’s DNA determines one’s gender. The gender of a baby can be determined using DNA tests as early as 9 weeks of gestation.

The Family Research Council has produced a new publication with a concise explanation of Why “Sexual Orientation” and “Gender Identity” Should Never Be Specially Protected Categories Under the Law. Written by Senior Fellow Peter Sprigg, the new Issue Brief explains that SOGI laws, like that enacted in New York City,

  • are not justified in principle;
  • are invasive and cause tangible harms; and
  • are coercive and cannot be reconciled with religious liberty.

Gender Dysphoria

The American Psychiatric Association defines Gender Dysphoria.

Gender dysphoria involves a conflict between a person’s physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/they identify. People with gender dysphoria may be very uncomfortable with the gender they were assigned, sometimes described as being uncomfortable with their body (particularly developments during puberty) or being uncomfortable with the expected roles of their assigned gender.

People with gender dysphoria may often experience significant distress and/or problems functioning associated with this conflict between the way they feel and think of themselves (referred to as experienced or expressed gender) and their physical or assigned gender.


QUESTION: How can a newly born baby in New York City select it’s gender category? ANSWER: He or she can’t.

So, who would make the determination to classify a child as Gender-X? The child’s parents? The child’s pediatrician? The child’s grandparents? What impact can classifying a child Gender-X have in the future? Will it impact the child’s education, what sports team the child plays on? Will it impact the child negatively or positively?

Is the purpose of New York City’s Gender X law to protect the LGBT community? If so, they already are under the laws of the city and state of New York, as well as the U.S. Constitution. Will this law raise a generation of children who will suffer from gender dysphoria? Perhaps, only time will tell.

This law can lead to gender confusion, significant distress and/or problems. Boy and girl, man and woman are being replace with what, exactly? Answer: Gender-X!


30 Transgender Regretters Come Out Of The Closet

Just Because We Can Create Genetically Modified Babies Doesn’t Mean We Should

TEDx speaker: ‘Pedophilia is an unchangeable sexual orientation,’ ‘anyone’ could be born that way

EDITORS NOTE: The featured photo is by Nicholas Gercken on Unsplash.

Democrats’ Morality, Lies and the Wall

Democrat Nancy Pelosi said Trump’s border wall is immoral and too expensive. Hearing Pelosi lecture Trump and the American people about morality is beyond repulsive.

Pelosi, her fellow Democrats and fake news media seek to prevent our side from using the word “morality” in the political arena. Any Republican and Conservative who dares bring up the morality of an issue is immediately branded a religious nut, trying to force their wacko outdated values onto the public.

Pelosi and her minions are flooding the airwaves with their absurd perverted narrative that building a wall (to protect Americans) is immoral. Meanwhile, these wicked Democrats who refuse to secure our borders live in highly secured and gated communities. Using their logic, shouldn’t stopping people from invading their personal properties make Democrats immoral?

As I said, Democrats having the gall to throw morality into the face of Trump and everyday Americans who desire a secure border is pretty obnoxious. Here are examples of Democrats’ twisted view of morality.

Democrats have forced LGBTQ lessons into schools. Funded by LGBTQ special interest groups like Human Rights Campaign, Planned Parenthood’s Sex Ed program are infecting curriculum in public schools across America. Brace yourself. Kids are actually being instructed in dangerous and violent sexual practices such as asphyxiation and BDSM

Planned Parenthood was caught on video advising a 15 year old girl to allow her boyfriend to beat, whip and gag her

To deceive parents, Planned Parenthood claims their sex ed includes abstinence. However, PP’s definition of abstinence includes anal sex, oral sex, masturbation and mutual masturbation. 

Students are also taught gender-bending and rimming which is extremely risky due to horrific parasitic infections. What twisted view of morality causes Democrats to desire to fill children heads with adult sexual practices as early as pre-k

Democrat culture-warrior and Trump-hater, Perez Hilton tweeted, “To my fellow homos and all who like rimming…be extra careful whose ***hole (my edit) you eat.” 

Tom DeLay exposed a Democrat secret memo in which Obama’s DOJ’s plans to legalize 12 perversions which includes bestiality, polygamy and make having sex with little boys legal. The secret memo mapped out how Democrats would attack churches who refuse to summit to having their constitutional religious liberty taken away. 

Folks this is the new twisted morality the Democratic Party is aggressively seeking to normalize and cram down our throats via government mandates.

Here is more weird Democrat morality. Democrats know over 600 convicted criminals, gang members and drug cartel minions are in the caravan, seeking to force their way into our country. 

Insanely, Democrats say we Americans have no moral authority to keep anyone out of our homeland. Democrats say the idea of having borders is hateful, mean and racist. Democrats want to get rid of ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), claiming it is evil. Meanwhile, Pelosi excoriated Trump for bad mouthing illegal gang members who murder, rape and rob Americans. This woman has a perverted sense of morality.

Thank God President Trump shares the same commonsense morality as the American people. President Trump met with families who have suffered horrific losses at the hands of illegal aliens. Trump announced a new office at DHS titled, VOICE (Victims of Immigrant Crime Engagement). VOICE gives a voice to families devastated by illegal aliens. In its opening months, VOICE has registered over 2800 families to receive information on their perpetrator; tracking them so they can not harm anyone again. VOICE provides grief services and follows up on cases; making sure criminal alien perpetrators are detained, removed and deported. In respect and compassion for victimized American families, Trump pledged to act with strength and resolve to secure our borders

Void of sympathy or compassion for Americans, Pelosi and her fellow Democrats are hellbent on blocking president Trump from securing our southern border. Democrats ignore the economic and physical pain and the suffering open borders cause the American people.

Our border wall will cost upwards of $25 billion. Democrats have the audacity to say the border wall, to protect our communities, is too expensive. Meanwhile, Democrats shower illegal aliens with $135 billion annually in give-a-ways. How can Democrats, with a straight face, tell us $25 billion for our border wall is too expensive? Democrats know fake news media will help them feed the American people any bogus narrative they desire. This emboldened Democrats to lie with impunity, be hypocritical and lecture us about morality. The truth is the Democrats’ agenda is the height of immorality, evil from the pits of hell.

To free his people, God told Moses to tell Pharaoh, “let my people go”. It occurred to me that to free his American people from Democrat immorality, God instructs his servants, let my people know. Patriots and Christians must become more outspoken. Stop being afraid to let our fellow Americans know how the Democrats are stealthily repealing our constitutional freedoms, forcing us to embrace immoral agendas. We must find new and creative ways to get our message out. We must spread the truth about issues Democrats routinely get away with lying about

Commonsense and truth made me a black conservative Republican. Conservatism offers personal responsibility, dignity and commonsense solutions to every problem. The Democratic Party appeals to our base sinful instincts; class envy (covetousness), racial resentment, division and victim/entitlement mindsets. The Democratic party stinks with the foul odor of bigotry of low expectations, telling blacks everything wrong in their lives is always the fault of whitey. God made you and me better than that.

“Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains taken to bring it to light.” George Washington.

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” John 8:32. Brothers and sisters, to liberate our misinformed and ignorant fellow Americans we must find the courage to spread the truth.

We must let God’s people know. God promises we will eventually emerge victorious.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured photo is by Brian Wertheim on Unsplash.

New York Times orders readers to ‘celebrate’ election of pro-Sharia BDS supporter Rep. Ilhan Omar

And there is no doubt about it: New York Times readers and other Leftists are indeed celebrating. They will celebrate anew when Omar introduces anti-Israel legislation in Congress. They will celebrate all the more when she fails to support women’s rights that counter Sharia provisions. They will keep celebrating every measure against free societies and free people that Ilhan Omar will support.

“New York Times Orders Readers to ‘Celebrate’ Election of BDS Supporter,” by Ira Stoll, Algemeiner, January 1, 2019:

One of the worst features of the contemporary New York Times is that it has gone beyond merely reporting the news and ventured, instead, into the more treacherous territory of instructing readers which emotions they should have about the news.

One danger of that is that not all Times readers may share the emotions the Timesnewsroom judges appropriate. And another danger, or perhaps an advantage, is that in ordering up the emotions, the Times exposes biases that it would prefer to have kept hidden.

So it is with the election to Congress of a Democrat from Minnesota, Ilhan Omar, who has emerged after the election as an open supporter of the movement to boycott, divest from and sanction Israel.

Times article published in print on January 1 titled “Joyful Headlines About Race and Equality … A few stories about race, from the many we published, that are worth celebrating,” by Adeel Hassan, reported, “2018 also held glimmers of hope — if you search hard enough — with stories about racial equality and justice. Here are a few of that we published and that are worth celebrating.” Among these stories that the Timesinsists are “joyful” and “worth celebrating” was, the paper says, that “Ilhan Omar in Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib in Michigan became the first Muslim women elected to Congress.”

Islam is a religion, not a “race,” so it’s difficult to see why this development fits into the Times -constructed category of “stories about race.” Maybe it’s just something the Times feels like celebrating. The paper, at least in this article, doesn’t even consider the possibility that choosing to boycott the Jewish state might not be an example of “justice” or “hope,” but rather a grave injustice.

It’s the second celebratory Times article in two days about Ilhan Omar. The first one did concede that “Her support for the boycott, divest and sanctions movement to pressure Israel to improve treatment of Palestinians is making Jewish leaders nervous.”

That Times‘ language inaccurately describes the goal of the BDS movement, which is not to “improve treatment of Palestinians,” but rather eradicate Israel and eliminate it as a Jewish state by insisting on a “right of return” to Israel for “7.25 million Palestinian refugees.”

The language in the first Times article appeared to be a bit much even for some staffers at the New York Times itself. An editor and writer on the Times opinion page, Bari Weiss, tweeted of Omar, “The reason Jews are ‘nervous’ about her is because she tweeted: ‘Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.’” A Times columnist, Bret Stephens, retweeted Weiss with the comment, “Anti-Semitism, in other words.”

Lower down, that first Times article reported “Ms. Omar’s careful answer on the 2018 campaign trail to questions about Israel — and her postelection clarification that she does indeed back the boycott, divest and sanctions movement — has left some Jewish leaders feeling betrayed.”

An editor at The Forward, Batya Ungar-Sargon, tweeted, “Yo @nytimes, @IlhanMN is not ‘making Jewish leaders nervous’ bc she supports BDS but bc she made an anti-Semitic comment about Israel and ignored activists and Jewish journalists who tried to ask about it – which your reporter didn’t in this puff piece.” Ungar-Sargon said she’d like to know if the Times journalist asked Omar “the questions we Jewish journos keep trying to ask but getting stonewalled: Why did you lie to constituents? Do you believe Israel has supernatural powers?”

EDITORS NOTE: This column with images is by Jihad Watch. It is republished with permission.

VIDEO: Hope Restored for Syria’s Christians?

Just before Christmas, it appeared the United States was on the verge of quickly withdrawing remaining U.S. troops from Syria, a move which would have thrown the safety, security, and religious freedom of the area into doubt. Now, thankfully, the quick withdrawal isn’t so sure.

When President Trump announced this decision, FRC expressed concern — as did a number of the president’s supporters — about the religious freedom implications of this move. If the United States moves out, ISIS, Turkey, Iran, and other Islamist groups move in. As our own General Jerry Boykin pointed out to CBN News, among the vulnerable are Christian communities, including those made up of former Muslims, who would undoubtedly receive the brunt of ISIS’s rage if the group is allowed to fester and again conquer freed areas of Syria. Syrian Christians also appealed directly to fellow believers in the United States, asking not to be abandoned now, after our support enabled them to fight for some semblance of freedom.

As General Boykin told Fox News over the Christmas break, while he “wants the president to succeed,” he believes it would be a mistake to pull U.S. troops out of Syria this quickly. Aside from the shame of again abandoning our allies the Kurds, any genocide that occurs due to our withdrawal would destroy President Trump’s legacy on ISIS and the Middle East. It makes sense that the president would want to fulfill this campaign promise, but the United States needs to make sure ISIS is fully defeated.

It appears the president is listening. Following his initial statement about a “quick” withdrawal, Trump more recently announced that the withdrawal would take four months. After a recent lunch with the president, Senator Lindsey Graham (who shares our concerns about the move), said Trump “told me some things I didn’t know that make me feel a lot better about where we’re headed in Syria.” President Trump “promised to destroy ISIS. He’s going to keep that promise,” Graham said. “We’re not there yet. But as I said today, we’re inside the 10-yard line and the president understands the need to finish the job.”

One of the vulnerable areas is known as the Federation of Northern Syria, which is a modern religious freedom miracle — permitting those of all religions (including former Muslims) to live out their faith (something quite rare in the Middle East). Those cultivating this miracle want to build religious freedom for everyone over the long-term — the type of allies the United States needs as we seek to promote religious freedom around the world. Failure to support the work of such allies will inevitably result in destabilization, only causing more people to flee and seek refuge elsewhere.

Aside from the actual problems associated with a quick pull-out, the optics of this potential move are very bad. It appears President Trump spoke with Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan who had threatened to invade Northeastern Syria, and now the United States is planning to pull out. Even if the two leaders have some kind of agreement to protect the Kurds, this looks bad, because Erdogan cannot be trusted. Compounding all this is the fact that our withdrawal could lead to Iran’s increased presence, which will further threaten Israel. Yet now, with the Saudis ready to spend big money to re-build some of Syria, President Trump has a perfect opportunity.

It remains to be seen how this will all play out. With his announcement that our troops will now be withdrawn more slowly, it appears the president recognizes some of the concerns we and others have pointed out, and we are optimistic he will continue to take them into account. In supporting religious freedom models like the Federation of Northern Syria, and helping build them elsewhere in the region, President Trump has an opportunity for a truly historic legacy in the Middle East.

Tony Perkins’ Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.


Take a Deep Breath: Pulling Out of Syria And Mattis Leaving is Not The End Of The World 

Open & Shutdown: 2019 Starts with a Stoppage

Opportunity Knocks for EEOC Pick

EDITORS NOTE: This column with images by FRC is republished with permission.