Trump-Pence Win represents ‘an American Revolution 2.0’

WASHINGTON, D.C. /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Former presidential candidate Gary Bauer called Donald Trump and Mike Pence’s historic win “an American Revolution 2.0 as frustrated voters across the country, struggling under the heavy load of taxes, debt and disastrous polices said ‘No More,’ and elected a President and Vice President committed to making America great for all its citizens, rather than those who profit from government and American decline.”

The chairman of the Campaign for Working Families made the following statement:

“This election is the first step toward freeing Americans from the tyranny of political correctness and unchecked political power. Using their votes, Americans who live and work on Main Street overcame the combined resources of the media, the entertainment industry and corporate and political elites. They rejected four more years of more scandals and failed big government policies. The commonsense values of the American people prevailed today. Now the hard work of making Washington work for the people, not the politicians and their special interest, begins in earnest.”

Bauer served all 8 years of the Reagan Administration, as under secretary of education and as President Reagan’s chief domestic policy advisor, later running in the 2000 Republican presidential primaries. The Guardian called Bauer “one of the leading campaigners in the U.S. on pro-life and pro-traditional family issues.”

Hail to the New Commander-in-Chief, President Donald J. Trump!

What have we learned over the past 16 months in the presidential campaign that pitted billionaire business mogul Donald J. Trump against career-grifter Hillary Rodham Clinton? We’ve learned that:

  • George Soros––the billionaire puppet-master and sugar daddy behind Trojan Horse Barack Obama and money prostitute Hillary––is now irrelevant. The moneybags hedge-funder, who once boasted that his days as a young man in Hungary collaborating with the Nazis to identify his fellow Jews and send them to their grisly deaths were among the best of his life. But President-elect Trump trumped Soros into oblivion!
  • The polls are always wrong, manipulated and skewed as they are by leftists.
  • The media are comprised largely of leftwing shills, including the narcissistic scribes, broadcasters and legislators who spent eight years touting Obama’s incentive-killing, socialist-promoting, and utterly failed ideas, among them Obamacare and Common Core, just two examples of the disastrous programs that will be scrubbed in a Trump presidency, resulting in genuine help for people in matters of health and education for their children.
  • The pop-up, Soros-financed leftist groups like Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, even the Boycott, Divest and Sanction movement against Israel––all based on the left’s hatred and prejudice––will vanish as Americans under President Trump go back to work and come to realize that the psychotic jealousy that fuels these groups has hurt and not helped either themselves or our country.
  • The IRS, FBI, Justice Department, even a Supreme Court justice, et al, can be had for a price or a threat.
  • The Muslim Brotherhood, now seeded throughout every department and in the highest reaches of our government, were determined to implement Sharia law in the U.S.––throwing gays off roofs, murdering women for dating infidels, et al––will be abolished under President Trump after he takes the biggest broom in history to sweep them out of our constitutional republic and into the trash bin of American history.
  • The Republicans in Name Only (RINOS) who were oh-so-cozy with the Democrats they pretended to fight were exposed as generally execrable weaklings and traitors to conservatism, and they too will be history as President Trump accomplishes more in eight months than all of them accomplished in eight years.
  • The temper-tantrum conservative set––Wm. Kristol of The Weekly Standard, Jonathan Tobin of Commentary, Rich Lowry of NRO, at least half of the “fair and balanced” panelists on Fox News, the sellout list is too long to enumerate here––will never regain their credibility. And that is not to omit preening broadcasters like Norah O’Donnell of CBS, Chuck Todd of NBC, George Stephanopoulos of ABC, Andrea Mitchell and Rachel Maddow at MSNBC, and the entire staff of the Clinton News Network (CNN).

All of them were WRONG––100 percent wrong in predicting a Hillary victory!


Ask yourself, what were all these media leftists fighting for? Why did they support the most dishonest, manipulative, corrupt, money-obsessed, and––most important––unaccomplished un-feminist in U.S. history? Clearly their bosses, from the six organizations now responsible for 90 percent of all the “news” we read, watch and listen to, had a vested interest in supporting Hillary because they colluded with her in both her embrace of globalism and in her vast pay-to-play schemes. These delusional one-world-order people have invested their millions and billions with the conviction that:

  • American strength is a bad thing because––oh, horrors!––America has more wealth, military strength, and freedoms than other countries, and that is plain “not fair,” ala the Communist doctrine the left embraces. According to that historically failed doctrine, everyone should suffer equally, except for the oligarchs who live lavishly and take decadent vacations on the money their slavish subjects pay them in taxes. Sound familiar?
  • Sharing wealth is a good thing. But, of course, it’s totally phony, given that poor people never see the benefits. See the records of the Clinton Foundation’s slush fund where billions of dollars were raked in but less than six percent given to charity, while other billions were raised for Haiti, but Haitians are still sleeping in the streets! Now we learn that the immoral chip doesn’t fall far from the old blocks; Chelsea Clinton used Clinton Foundation money to pay for her wedding and afford herself an $11-million-dollar apartment in NY City, and her husband used Foundation money to help finance his hedge-fund business.
  • Supporting tin-pot dictators, communist strongmen, and theocratic regimes is a good thing, and that includes sending billions to the terrorist state of Iran to bolster its nuclear program, a program that the murderous mullahs admit every day is designed to “obliterate Israel.”
  • Electing a half-black president is a good thing because it “empowered” the 14-percent of black people in our country to feel good about themselves. The net result? Sky-high unemployment and more crime, imprisonment, food stamps, broken families, misery and dependency in the black community than in the past 40 years! But, in fairness, a few rocking moments when Jay Z, police-hater Beyoncé, and other performers went on stage in Ohio the other day and out of respect for Hillary proceeded to spew the words nigga and and sh.t dozens of times. This is what we’ve come to!

Luckily, happily, blessedly, America is so much stronger than the toxic invasion we’ve experienced over the past eight years––including a “president” who went around the world bad-mouthing our country. But neither he, nor his wife. nor the skewed polls, nor the embrace by the show business lefties, nor the almost-uniform lack of endorsement or support Donald Trump received from Republicans in his amazingly energetic and inspiring campaign could stop the AMERICAN PEOPLE from electing this brave man.

Brave because he went up against an almost impenetrable wall of resistance, lies, slurs, and over-reactions from both left and right know-it-alls and a vicious but ultimately impotent media.

Yet, in the end, President-elect Trump prevailed, again thanks to the AMERICAN PEOPLE!

At the very beginning of his campaign, when he spoke about building a wall to keep out drug dealers and rapists, and having Mexico pay for it, a CNN reporter took exception to his use of the words “illegal aliens.” Like a school marm, she lectured the candidate: “they are now referred to as undocumented citizens.” Mr. Trump looked at her and said, “Well, I call them illegal aliens.”

That exchange, in my opinion, was the moment that most Americans––the Americans who made him the President tonight––connected to this immensely wealthy but plain-spoken man who told it like it is, who rejected outright the politically correct phrasing that has turned grown men into 97-pound weaklings, grown women into tongue-tied children, and politicians into spineless wusses.


Personally, I was on board from day one. On June 16, 2015, I was watching TV with my husband Steve when we witnessed an unprecedented event––a fabulously successful billionaire real-estate magnate, philanthropist, and TV personality announcing that he was running to be President of the United States.

I immediately hit my computer and three days later my article appeared on multiple conservative sites, de facto endorsing Donald Trump, the only candidate––out of a field of 16––to offer credible solutions to the overwhelming problems now plaguing our country, problems created with malice aforethought by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and their Marxist ilk.

While several of the other candidates suggested some pretty good solutions, the quality they all lacked––which Donald Trump had in spades––was an actual track record. Each candidate talked a good game, but after eight years of Barack Obama trampling on our Constitution, circumventing the political process with his dictatorial Executive Orders, and spitting on our Bill of Rights, the candidates running against Trump had nothing to show for all their fancy words. They had either joined the opposition, caved to bribes and threats, or simply exhibited their own endemic character weaknesses.

In stark contrast, candidate Trump was all about accomplishment. Say you’re going to rebuild an ice-skating rink in NY City from decades of decay and leadership that never got it done, and he presented a show-stopping new rink in a matter of months and remarkably under budget––and he paid for it himself!

Say you’re going to restore the landmark 1899 Old Post Office and Clock Tower on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. that incompetent people wanted to tear down, and President-elect Trump once again, just a week or so ago, came in in record time and under budget and completed the magnificent luxury hotel right in time for his 2017 presidential inaugural parade!

Mr. Trump was like no presidential candidate Americans had ever seen. He didn’t parse his words to conform to the preposterous and destructive political correctness and multiculturalism that has plagued our country since liberals entered their radical Alinsky years  in the 1960s. And when Mr. Trump enumerated the sky-high mountain of Barack Obama’s failures, Americans believed that the master builder himself was more than capable of both fixing the problems and draining the D.C. swamp. Here is a partial list of the challenges before him:

  • An annihilating national debt––$20 billion and climbing daily.
  • Crippling unemployment with 94-million people unemployed––nearly a third of our population––out of work.
  • Porous borders over which millions of illegal aliens––many of them career criminals––pour every day.
  • Sanctuary cities that spend taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars to support illegals, again often criminals, but most often deadbeats who bleed our social-welfare systems dry.
  • Obamacare, doomed to fail from its inception, is now leaving millions without any coverage, forget about “affordable” healthcare.
  • Race relations that were at an all-time high until a racist president, two racist attorneys general, and a racist secretary of state created and fanned their racist agendas throughout our country.
  • A so-called foreign policy that bowed to America’s enemies and alienated our faithful allies, resulting in a terrorist state (Iran) with nukes, North Korea detonating nukes, Russia taking over the Middle East, the military of our enemies more equipped to combat attacks on our homeland than we are, on and on.

But the good news is that America’s allies are more eager than ever to have a President Trump on their side, and that our strongest ally Israel is now being embraced by former enemies Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries, thanks to the mortal threat B. Obama created by his seemingly erotic attraction to our enemies.


Break out the champagne, let loose the balloons and confetti, give praise to our Founding Fathers for creating an America of freedom and opportunity that still, 240 years later, resonates with the American people.

As everyone wakes up to a President Trump on Wednesday, November 9, 2016, they can thank God to finally be rid of George Soros and his employees Barack Obama, Bill & Hillary Clinton, and their vast retinues, as well as the thoroughly discredited and corrupt media, the hundreds if not thousands of writers and commentators who will never again be taken seriously.

They can also be thankful, as blogger Jeff Dunetz spells out, that a President Trump will bring about significant changes in the following areas (this is the short list):

  • A conservative Supreme Court.
  • Improving the American gene pool by supporting the threats of far-leftists like Al Sharpton, Barbra Streisand, Stephen King, Alec Baldwin, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Cher, et al, to leave the country in the event of a Trump victory.
  • Restoring America as leader of the free world.
  • Ripping up the Iran deal to protect Israel, and declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel. Quite a difference from Hillary and her virulently anti-Semitic advisors Sidney Blumenthal and his rabid son Max.
  • Lowering taxes across the board.
  • Directing all departments of government to cut the strangulating regulations.
  • Mandating that America win again in any conflict our country engages in, and absolutely supporting our military to crush ISIS!

This is what the American people heard loud and clear from candidate Trump, and supported and applauded and came out in record numbers to let the skeptics and naysayers and haters know that they believed he was capable of leading the charge to Make America Great Again.

What last night’s victory means is that for the next four and hopefully eight years, we’ll have someone in the White House who actually loves America, and that it is not the self-appointed political so-called experts who choose the American President, but rather We the People!

Mr. Trump is going to Washington! Who are the winners and losers?

On January 10, 2016 I wrote:

If you Google the words “Trump” and “insurgency” you will get over 650,000 links to articles and commentary. I recently said to a friend that Donald Trump has gone from being a candidate for the Republican Party nomination for President to the leader of a movement.

Can this movement now be called an insurgency?

The definition of an insurgency is a “rebellion against an existing government by a group not recognized as a belligerent.”

Is it Trump who created an insurgency or is Trump following the lead of a growing insurgency that was already taking place? I have written that Trump leads his followers by following their lead. The movement began during the Presidency of Bill Clinton and continues today. It is a struggle between the individualist and the collectivist.

Donald John Trump is now the President elect. He is headed to Washington, D.C. to drain the swamp, as he has said so many times.

While the pundits will be sifting through the votes to find out what happened, perhaps it is better to look at what will happen next. One way to do this is to see who the winners and losers in this election are.

The Winners:

  1. The American people.
  2. Working families.
  3. Christians and Jews.
  4. The U.S. Military and veterans.
  5. The unemployed and underemployed.
  6. Main street businesses.
  7. Manufacturing.
  8. American energy producers.
  9. America’s allies.
  10. Gun owners.
  11. Law enforcement.
  12. The “new” Republican Party.

The Losers:

  1. Those who wish America harm, both foreign and domestic.
  2. Government.
  3. Career politicians and special interests.
  4. Washington, D.C. insiders.
  5. Unions.
  6. The Obama administration.
  7. Islamic supremacists both foreign (Iran, ISIS, al Qaeda) and domestic (Council on America Islamic Relations, ISNA, Muslim Students Association, etc.).
  8. Illegal aliens.
  9. The anti-Second Amendment lobby.
  10. Environmentalists.
  11. Domestic terrorist groups (e.g. Black Lives Matter)
  12. Globalists and the United Nations.
  13. Wall Street, investment bankers and the Federal Reserve.
  14. Common Core advocates.
  15. Republicans who did not support and/or vote for their candidate.
  16. Hollywood, California.
  17. Those committing voter fraud.
  18. The main stream media.
  19. Pollsters.
  20. The Democratic Party, Democratic National Committee (including Hillary and Bill Clinton) and George Soros.

Others will be added to both lists as time goes on. This is just a quick overview of what it will take to Make America Great Again!


The People Have Spoken: Change Must Start Now

Key Numbers That Explain Trump’s Win

Election Results Show There Is No One ‘Hispanic’ Vote

Americans Are Embracing Bad Government Because They Don’t Know History by Annie Holmquist

Recent news has proudly informed us that U.S. graduation rates are rising. Unfortunately, rising grad rates don’t tell the whole story.

If one truly wants to know how American students are doing in school, a look at the Nation’s Report Card might offer a better picture. Those numbers tell us that not even half of America’s high school seniors are proficient in any subject. The area they rank the worst in? U.S. History.

The fact that only 12 percent of U.S. high school seniors are proficient in history was recently reflected in another survey put out by YouGov. That survey asked Americans of all ages how familiar they were with famous leaders, many of whom were prominent Communist leaders from the last century. As the chart below shows, a number of millennials described themselves as “unfamiliar” with these leaders.

Perhaps that’s also why these same millennials were unfamiliar with the number of people killed under Communist leadership. In fact, 32 percent of millennials and gen-Xers believed that more people were killed under George W. Bush during his time in office than were killed during Joseph Stalin’s time in power.

But so what, right? History is a boring subject full of old, privileged white men. Does it matter if the current generation of students have no clue whether or not one leader killed more people than another from a rival government?

According to Thomas Jefferson, it certainly does. In 1807 he wrote, “History, in general, only informs us what bad government is.”

In other words, if we expect our nation to stay on a straight course, then we need to make sure our students have a clear knowledge of governments throughout history – what worked and what didn’t.

Is it possible that our nation is in its current state because recent generations have not learned the lessons which past empires and nations teach us through the history books?

This first appeared at Intellectual Takeout.

Trump: No refugee resettlement unless local community supports it

More on what Trump said in little Mogadishu, Minnesota yesterday (earlier post is here).   Dashing out, no time to say more.  Read it all at Breitbart, here.

“A Trump administration will not admit any refugees without the support of the local community where they are being placed,” Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told an enthusiastic crowd of more than 5,000 who greeted him at the Sun Country Airlines hangar of the Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport on Sunday.

Trump’s statement marked the first time he explicitly declared that if he is elected president, refugees will not be resettled “without the support of the local community where they are being placed.”

The Refugee Act of 1980’s “consultation clause” requires that the federal government and the director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement must consult with elected officials of state and local jurisdictions prior to the placement of refugees in their jurisdictions.

The Obama administration, however, has routinely failed to comply with this requirement. Only in the past several years have officials with the Office of Refugee Resettlement regularly communicated with states about refugees, but those communications typically come after the arrival of the refugees, rather than in advance of their arrival, as the Refugee Act of 1980 requires.

While the Refugee Act of 1980 requires the federal government to consult with local governments as well as state governments, Breitbart News has reported on several local governments who say they’ve never received any communications from the federal government before or after the resettlement of refugees.

More here.

When Trump wins we can start talking about the details of how to reform or stop the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program.

Unless there is incredible refugee news, this might be my last post until Wednesday because I have some election day duties tomorrow.


Guest commentary: 2016 Presidential Election—Choose wisely!

New book (out in January)! Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration and the Resettlement Jihad

In Minnesota, Trump talks trade and Somalis

So-called ‘Interfaith’ groups pushing refugee program just about everywhere

U.S. considering taking Australian illegal boat people, housed on Nauru, to U.S. as refugees

North Carolina (again): How your tax dollars support ethnic activist groups

MARK DICE VIDEO: Why Women Hate Hillary

Women explain why they hate Hillary Clinton and aren’t going to vote for her for President. Please know that hating Hillary will not stop her. Voting for Donald Trump WILL. Start planning ahead now so you can get to the polls and #DrainTheSwamp.

Media analyst Mark Dice has the story.

© 2016 by Mark Dice

VIDEO: Defeating the Democrat Hypocrisy of a Woman President

One of the most flagrant lies of the Democrats is that they will be the Party which breaks the “glass-ceiling” and finally elects a woman President! Check out ny fast-paced, short video which demolishes this fabrication in a logical and entertaining fashion!

NYC VIDEO: Undercover journalist in full burka allowed to vote as Huma Abedin

“Yeah, but they could do it by wearing a burka. But then no one could say, ‘Oh, wait, let me see your ID,’ because they don’t have ID, because they don’t want to discriminate because they’re wearing a burka.”

This hesitancy to “discriminate” even to stop voter fraud could be the death of the republic, and it all flows from today’s general solicitude toward Muslims and anxiousness to avoid charges of “Islamophobia.”

RELATED ARTICLE: Merkel orders EU to turn back boats full of Muslim migrants

FLORIDA SHOCK: Trump Outperforms Romney by 130,000 in Early Voting


Via The Drudge Report:

Mon Nov 07 2016 12:03:12 ET
**World Exclusive**

Data obtained by the DRUDGE REPORT shows presidential underdog Donald Trump outperforming Republican 2012 election results in Florida.

Mitt Romney went into Election Day down 161,000 in absentee ballots and early voting. He ended up losing the state by 74,000.

This time, in a dramatic surprise twist, Trump is only down 32,500! And Republicans tend to outvote Democrats on Election Day in Florida.

As reported yesterdayRepublicans have a 16 point advantage over Democrats on Election Day turnout.

And The Drudge Report has TRUMP up 142,000 votes over Romney in North Carolina early voting.

VIDEO: President Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote

On Neil Cavuto show Coast to Coast an illegal alien asks President Obama if she should fear voting, because immigration will come and get her and her family.

Samantha Change from BizPac Review in a column titled “Cavuto stunned as Obama prods illegals to VOTE on national TV: It’s secret, they can’t catch you” reports:

Here is the exact question Obama was asked by actress Gina Rodriguez in a live pre-election interview Nov. 3:

“Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens — and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?”

“This is not true,” Obama said. “And the reason is — first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself, and there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for.”

The shocking video clip first aired on Neil Cavuto’s Fox Business News show Coast to Coast.

Read more.

Bus Tour Generating Grassroots Excitement in North Carolina and Florida

ALEXANDRIA, Va. /PRNewswire/ — Great America PAC, the leading independent Pro-Trump Super PAC, announced their Battleground State Bus Tour has now moved through Clemmons, NC and Tampa, FL with a lineup of conservative stars that included Sheriff David Clarke, Dorothy Woods, Larry Elder, Mike Gallagher, and others.  The tour started in Nevada on Wednesday, then moved through Colorado, Pennsylvania and Ohio the days following before stops in North Carolina earlier today and Florida this evening.

“The momentum and energy we’re seeing on the ground during this tour is incredible and it’s fueling our strong GOTV operations in the battleground states,” said Eric Beach, Co-Chair of the committee.  “North Carolina and Florida are both at the epicenter of the political earthquake Donald Trump is about trigger on Tuesday.  This movement will shake the political establishment to its very core and things will never be the same in Washington, DC again.”

Great America PAC’s final push includes this Battleground State Bus Tour through swing states with a multi-pronged $9 million independent expenditure in support of Donald Trump’s candidacy for President.  The program includes TV, radio, and digital campaigns. In addition, Great America PAC’s campaign offices in those states, established earlier in the campaign, have been working hard as they push to turn out voters on Election Day.


Great America PAC is the premiere Pro-Trump Super PAC led by veteran Republican strategist, Ed Rollins.  The group has raised and spent over $30 million in support of Donald Trump’s candidacy, broadcasting more than 20,000 TV spots and 300,000 radio ads, secured over 250,000 contributors, built a file of millions of active, newly engaged Trump supporters across the country, placed over 10 million phone calls, and sent over 2.5 million pieces of mail. Great America PAC is the ONLY PAC with field offices in the battleground states with boots on the ground and is also the ONLY PAC running Spanish-language ads on TV and online.

Michael Moore video supporting Donald J. Trump for President goes viral

Carolyn Serrano, Corporate Vice-President of, Inc. in an email writes:

Dear friends of,

We only have TWO days left to save America.  Watch the video below, ironically made by Michael Moore, of all people.  He gave this talk to Democrats as a means of mobilizing them for election day.  BUT IT HAS BACKFIRED ON HIM, and become a stellar ad for Donald J. Trump.

Help us send this video EVERYWHERE in the next 48 hours.  Post it to your FACEBOOK page please.

Do not be concerned about the bad language.  Remember who is using it.

We’re counting on your help when it matters most.


Amnesty Would Cost Taxpayers Trillions, National Academy of Sciences Report Indicates

What’s Causing the Surge of Illegal Immigration? Lawmakers Want Answers and Action

Meet the 4 Siblings Behind the Designs of This New Pro-Life Apparel Company

Mr. Donald J. Trump and Isaiah 45

A day came when Elohim (The God of All Power and Might, the Supreme and True God – Genesis 1:1; Psalm 19:1) declared to a man, a Gentile; “I have called you by name, made you who you are…I AM the Eternal One, there is no other God but Me, and even though you don’t know Me, I AM preparing you for victory. I AM doing all this so that people all around the world may know that I alone am the Eternal, the only God” (Isaiah 45: 4, 5, 6). So on that day, Yahweh Elohe Yisrael (The God of the nation Israel – Judges 5:3; Psalm 59:5; Isaiah 17:6) chose a man to lead His chosen Nation Israel, a Gentile, actually a Persian Emperor was God’s choice to lead His People Israel to freedom and away from bondage. Wow! God made it abundantly clear to friend and foe alike, it is He, not kings nor the ruling elite, nor the media, nor anything else on the earth that directs history. Attiq Yomin (The Ancient of Days, the One True God, the Eternal – Daniel 7:9, 13) who stands above and behind human history directing and orchestrating events to fulfill His purposes. At times man needs to be reminded of this truth. This may very well be one of the times.

America and the church in America are at a crossroads, a point by which decisions will have to be made. These decisions are not just for Election Day, but also to meet the sunrise on January 20th, 2017, the Day of the Inauguration of a new President of the United States. Much like ancient Israel, modern-day America has slipped into bondage, and quickly is being led into a devastating swamp from which no escape will be possible, save the Hand of God. America is on the verge of being a footnote in the annals of history; albeit, an important footnote, but nevertheless, relegated to a mere story of her former greatness and hope. A nation that squandered the anointing and gifts of God, the privilege to be a shining light on a hill for all to see and emulate. Forces of darkness have worked to cover the truth in the founding of this Nation, and citizens have allowed this darkness to envelop us, and the church has remained silent. Not only have most pulpits not admonished the people in their silence, but the pulpits of this country once brightly lit by the fires of the Gospel and our Judeo-Christian foundation, have not pushed back against the darkness! America is no longer representing the light of the Gospel; rather, America has adopted a secular and humanistic gospel foreign from God’s Word. Satanic rituals go unchallenged in the name of acceptance. Homosexuality is merely nodded at rather than lovingly but firmly addressed in accordance with God’s Word. The family unit is socially being engineered in the name of inclusion and modernizing. America who once sent forth missionary’s in fulfillment of God’s command to go forward into the world and deliver the Good News of Christ, now exports a Satanic set of principles as an example of how far the United States has drifted from her foundation, her founding values and beliefs that countries throughout the world once envied. The pastors and God’s people in and outside the church setting, have not guarded nor worked the vineyard diligently to bring forth the fruit of the vine. A large host of “Christians” are silent, not engaged in making Disciples of Christ nor helping to mature those who already claim to be followers of Christ. And evil has been allowed to come into the vineyard and strangle any productivity, any fruit of labor, but then again there is very little labor and very little fruit.

In the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, Chapter 45, we read the fact-based historical account of God raising up a man of unlikely pedigree to lead the people of Israel not only out of bondage and possible greater tragedy, but back under submission (cooperation) with their Maker, Yahweh (the proper Name of the Lord – Genesis 2:4; Exodus 6:2,3). Is it possible Donald J. Trump is a modern day chosen leader by God just like Cyrus in Isaiah? Similar to Cyrus as described in Isaiah 45, Trump really likes God’s People, and he has openly pledged to be a friend and protector of the Judeo-Christian principles by which our country was founded and outlined in our documents of government and law. Cyrus in the Book of Isaiah clearly stated he would rebuild Jerusalem; Trump clearly has stated he would rebuild and make America “great again!” If America fails democracies across the globe fail, and if democracies fail the Christian Faith and followers will be targeted until they fail. Instead of experiencing such a catastrophic collapse, what if God is about to break forth in a powerful manner reserved for just such a day and time as now?

What if…Yahweh Sabaoth (The Lord of Hosts of All Heavenly powers, the Lord who is our Protector and Savior – 1 Samuel 1:3; Isaiah 6:1-3), what if…He is commencing to build His Remnant Church, and the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it! What if…Adonai (The Lord who alone is over all – Deuteronomy 6:4) is building His government, and will call out “those to whom I choose to fill the positions as I choose for all men to see so all around the world may know I Am the Eternal, the only God!” What if…El Shaddai (God Almighty, all Powerful – Genesis 17:1; Psalm 91:1) is putting together His Church, His Government, His Followers separating the goats from the sheep, the wheat from the shaft, those who will truly follow Him from those who are mere name Sayers and rabble-rousers?

What if the God of the Book of Isaiah is performing a much similar act today in America with Donald Trump as He did with Cyrus as written in the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 45?

I Was a Federal Agent and These 4 Things Stink About the FBI Investigations

I was a federal agent for over a decade. During that time, I was the lead investigator in a number of federal criminal-investigations. In my experience, I have never seen or heard about a criminal case handled like the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Here are just a few of the puzzling anomalies that should leave you scratching your head:

  1. Why is the FBI seizing computers now from the Weiner household and why didn’t they seize all of the potentially incriminating evidence at the start of the investigation? If it was a genuine investigation into the transfer of classified information electronically, and otherwise, why not seize ALL of the computers from the start? I used to enjoy working counterfeit currency cases and cannot imagine a scenario where we would initiate a counterfeit investigation but NOT seize the counterfeit printing devices. It’s illogical.
  2. Why agree to forgo prosecuting potential co-conspirators Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin – and destroy the computer evidence they possess – before charging them with a crime? That’s not the way the process works. In order to build leverage against a criminal conspirator, a federal agent would typically draw up a federal complaint or seek an indictment. Second, an agent would get an arrest warrant from a judge pursuant to a probable cause ruling and then, AFTER THE ARREST, he or she would ask if the arrested individual wished to cooperate, potentially using their cooperation against co-conspirators. Third, if the cooperation is substantive, then a 5k letter is issued to a judge, which indicates the subject’s level of cooperation and how that should be considered in sentencing the cooperating defendant. None of that was done in this case. They essentially said to Hillary’s co-conspirators, “Help us, pretty please, or else we’ll have to ask you again.”


Why Negative Campaigning? Freedoms and the Mirror

A recent Republican primary for the Florida state Senate race in a Republican district offered the perfect storm for why people get so frustrated with political campaigns — including local ones. But it was also revealing about who we are and why such yuck campaigns are a constant in a close race.

There were five candidates, four of which were already office-holders and had good reputations in the community. It was a very strong field. Among the favorites in the conservative district, there were really only marginal position differences when looked at from the view of the broad electorate.

Because my family and I are what is known as “super voters” — we vote in all elections — we are targeted with the most mailers. The curse of the responsible citizen. We got up to 12 mailers in a day, with the majority being from this one race. The majority of those were negative. Flipping through on any given day, conservative Candidate A was variously a gray-pictured corrupt mugger of the public trust or a colorfully pictured, trusted family man and veteran. Candidate B was variously a gray-pictured opposer of freedoms who was going to take all our guns away or a colorfully pictured watchdog protecting your rights. Etc. Day after day after day.

Ugh, right?

Oh yes.

The reason? Get ready

But here’s the rub. This is what free speech looks like. It’s glorious and soaring and it’s messy and disagreeable and some people have a bigger megaphone than others. It is the opposite of college campuses with their speech codes and safe zones — a terrifying look at our future. It is true freedom and that is rare in the world. If your first thought reading this is “We should outlaw or ban or restrict XYZ,” you are saying you want to reduce our freedoms. That is not a good impulse.

Always err on the side of freedom. Giving it away is easy. Getting it back is a mountain.

Further, the reason for the unrelenting negativity in campaigning is that it works. And that’s completely on the collective person in the mirror. The electorate — which is not always the other person — can be so relatively uninformed, that perceptions are easy to shape through these simple mailers. It’s why yard signs with just a candidate’s name are so ubiquitous during elections season. Name recognition alone translates to votes. That also is on the collective person in the mirror.

So, the formula is to tear down the main threat to your election through negative ads, send out mom and apple pie pieties about yourself and plant hundreds of yard signs. It’s superficial, it’s tried and it truly works.

So remember next time you get into a gripe fest over negative campaigning; they are done because they work. They can be nauseating and effective. But we allow them as an option because we cherish freedom over government-enforced niceties and agreement. Attempts to clean up negative campaigning through restricting money or any types of speech must result in curtailing some of those freedoms.

Let freedom reign, including its ugliness. It is the best option.

(NOTE: I chose ads from the Obama-Romney campaign because neither are running this year and both are demonstrably more decent individuals than this year’s options. Yet both suffered withering negative attacks for the reasons stated above.)

EDITORS NOTE: This column first appeared on