Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International launches Full Gospel Unites

ATLANTA, Georgia /PRNewswire/ — The Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International launches Full Gospel Unites, a mission-based, get-out-to-vote initiative encouraging 100-percent voter registration and participation from people of faith throughout the nation for the upcoming presidential elections. Our primary goal is to increase the number of voter participants, reflecting principles and values of faith that propel, uplift and improve often-marginalized communities.

The Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship (FGBCF) is an alliance of African-American pastors representing over ten thousand churches worldwide. As an active and participatory collaborative, the FGBCF is answering the call to address current issues of social injustice and concerns relevant to urban and suburban communities, including voter registration and participation discrimination.

Full Gospel Unites will work with its church and organizational partners to influence change by establishing media partnerships, discussions, prayer groups, educational sessions and forums, volunteering with church and advocacy groups, registering to vote, and helping others with voter registration and get-out-to-vote drives like “Souls to the Polls.”  In addition, Full Gospel Unites will launch its Trinity Card™, a pledge card that encourages an eligible participant to identify as a registered voter or one who will register to vote, to commit to early voting, and to take three people with them to the polls.

Leading this initiative is Bishop Joseph W. Walker III, presiding bishop of Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International and senior pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist Church of Nashville, TN.  Bishop Walker is a respected pastor and community leader and an effective galvanizer of people.

“We are seizing the opportunity to shift our culture from widespread voter apathy to being an informed, engaged, energized voter base, actively participating in all levels of the political process, representing the values, principles, needs and objectives of citizens of faith and people of color as they move to vote,” said Bishop Walker.


The birth of the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International is in essence the story of a tremendous move of God beginning in the last decade of the twentieth century. Since 1994, when over twenty-five thousand people attended the first Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship Conference in the Louisiana Superdome, the spiritual religious freedom that makes Full Gospel Baptist unique has impacted Christian men and women across the world.

Captured by the phrase “The Right to Choose”, that freedom is based on the belief that the Gospel of Jesus Christ must be promoted by recognizing the free expression of the gifts of the Spirit as a viable part of the Body of Christ. The Fellowship is convinced that the choice to exercise these spiritual gifts is imperative for the local New Testament Church to fully function as the dynamic organism God has intended.


Full Gospel Unites invites community leaders, faith organizations, and individuals to join this initiative. For more information about this culture-shifting movement, or to partner with this Full Gospel Unites, visit http://fyf.be/ZlQ7 or contact Tashion Macon or Kenneth Mosley by email or (770) 907-9877.

Why Minorities in America have Minorityphobia

Recently, Twitter blew up again but this time, it was not because a celebrity said something stupid, cute, or funny. and it was not because Donald Trump said something that the left could never approve of. This time, it was an ordinary person, I don’t know who, but an ordinary human being that caused a ruckus on Twitter.

standupstraightThe kerfuffle was due entirely to a hashtag well it was not really the hashtag itself, but the hatred spawned from perceived notions of entitlement. The #HeterosexualPrideDay was the reason so many took to Twitter and other social media to express their joy.  Sure it was a joke but this joke was taken very seriously by those who found no humor in it.

For some reason, the left, especially the very vocal (yet small minority) LGBT community did not take too kindly to having their Gay Pride Day or Month treaded on by the likes of “breeders”.  They did not laugh.  They did not join in on the fun.  They did not want to allow straight people to express their pride and joy of being heterosexual.  You see, even though the gay community has gotten almost all that it has wanted over the last 40 years, the one thing they don’t seem to want is equality.

They claim to want equality such as equality in marriage, equality in the workplace, equality in religion, equality in government, equality in the military, and equality on the streets. Well, actually they don’t want equality on the streets because if they actually got full equality on the streets, meaning nobody cares who they love or sleep with, then they would stop being a minority.  Then they would become part of the mainstream of America.

Believe it or not, the vocal LGBT cannot have that.  This is why they keep adding letters to the LBGT line because they must create even greater minorities so that they keep their special place as being oppressed and lesser citizens.

The last thing any minority really wants is to lose their status as a minority.  They will fight, claw, scrap and yell to keep their minority status.  Some will even go so far as to actually FAKE racism or whatever “phobia” they wish to use.

By the way, one does not FAKE such things unless they wish to stay a minority in order to keep the special benefits they derive from being such a minority.

So you see, the gay community could not allow for heterosexuals to have a fake pride day because it would diminish their status as being a minority.  And if their status were to be diminished as a minority, it would because the vast majority of Americans have accepted them into the fold of full citizenship on the street.

hetero prideLook at it this way, America voted for a (half) Black man to be president, not once but twice.  Yet you hear from the leaders of the Black community that America is more racist than ever.  How can that be if the majority of voters in this country voted for a minority to be their president?

Well, they have to scream racism in order to keep their minority status and all the benefits that come with being an oppressed minority.  Black leaders cannot allow Blacks to be viewed by the masses as being just like everyone else.  It does not serve those Black leaders.  It does not serve the left.

You see equality is a two-way street.  Sure you have to have acceptance from those who are not IN your community, but you must also accept the fact that those who are not IN your community have come around to accepting you into the greater community as a whole.

But that would mean they would no longer be a minority and let’s face it, those who lead these cries for justice, in reality, don’t want real social justice.  They just want to be able to keep screaming that people are racist or homophobic or whatever-phobic they choose.

Isn’t it sad that some folks just can’t accept being accepted into the greater community?  Isn’t it sad, that some minorities can’t and won’t live MLK’s dream where a man (or woman) is judged not by the color of their skin, (or by who they love or sleep with) but by the content of their character?

Well, I think we are the ones judging the content of their character and we find that character to be lacking in truth, justice, and the American way of life.

Was that a racist or phobic statement?  According to the minority, only the minority can decide that.  See the problem?

Why We Can’t Connect the Dots to Prevent Jihad Attacks

In the wake of the Orlando Pulse gay nightclub massacre that took 49 lives, injuring 53 others, a number of questions have arisen about why the FBI investigations of the perpetrator, Omar Mateen, didn’t prevent him from carrying out his homicidal jihad. Moreover, after 9/11, Fort Hood, Chattanooga, Garland, San Bernardino and now Orlando, questions have arisen about conduct of counterterrorism programs of the DHS and especially the FBI, that abets willful blindness to the threat posed by radicalized domestic Muslims. This is especially disturbing in the wake of the largest mass shooting in American history and the largest domestic death toll in an Islamic terror attack since 9/11. After the attack, FBI Director James Comey said that in 2014 it had run operatives against him, conducted surveillance, including electronic, yet it didn’t provide enough evidentiary material to bring charges. Perhaps they may have even spoken with fellow co-workers who now allege to the media that Mateen expressed violent views.

Dr. Sebastian Gorka. Source: FoxNews Insider News

Dr. Sebastian Gorka, counterterrorism expert and author of the best-selling, ISIS Defeated; the winnable War, said on Hannity’s America:

I work with FBI agents. They are loyal patriotic Americans. But the problem is the politically correct matrix imposed by the Department of Justice on top of the FBI.

Watch the Fox News Hannity interview with Dr. Gorka.

Following the breaking news about Mateen’s jihad, the FBI disclosed it had conducted two investigations in 2013 and 2014 on Mateen’s alleged connections to al Qaeda. They also investigated his relations with Moner Abu-Salha, the first American suicide bomber in Syria who attended the same Fort Pierce, Florida Mosque. Abu-Salha fled Florida for Syria to join al Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al Nusrah. Mateen had allegedly listened to tapes by the American-born leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Anwar al-Awlaki, and watched on-line videos of ISIS beheading or burning victims.

We now know that Mateen and his second wife, Noor Salman, had traveled to Orlando ostensibly on a trip to Disney World. That may have allowed him to case the premises of the Pulse nightclub as well as Disney properties in Orlando. His wife knew of his purchases of the SigSauerMCX semi-automatic carbine and Glock pistol with large capacity magazines and was with him when he went to another gun shop dealer to purchase military grade body armor and bulk ammunition. The alert gun shop owner contacted the FBI. They did not follow up to investigate Mateen a third time. Mateen’s wife didn’t notify the police about her husband homicidal jihad intentions. Now she is the subject of a grand jury investigation that might bring possible multiple charges of being an accomplice in her husband’s atrocities.

There are suggestions by his former wife that Mateen may have exhibited conflicted perceptions of his sexual identity that might have been a factor in his violence towards her that ended the four month marriage seven years earlier. So far, no evidence has been found supporting this claim, however.

Dr. Michael Welner, forensic psychiatrist. Screen grab: ABC Good Morning America.

Dr. Michael Welner, noted forensic psychiatrist, chairman of the Forensic Panel and an expert witness for the prosecution in numerous high profile mass-killing and terrorist cases was interviewed by George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s Good Morning America, June 15, 2016 about his views on the Orlando jihad by Mateen. Welner differentiated mass killings between “vanity” spectacles done by an individuals versus “ideological” ones that involved co-conspirators. Orlando fit the latter category, as Mateen’s wife Noor Salman was a co-conspirator who assisted her husband in casing locations. He notes that she easily could have stopped it by going to police, but didn’t. This mass killing, he suggested, was an ideologically driven spectacle mass killing “targeting Americans, targeting America and was allied with Islamic supremacists supporting destruction of America.” Mateen knew that there were many defenseless people packed in the Pulse nightclub that he could kill efficiently. As to his sexual orientation conflicts, Welner noted that jihad committed during Ramadan begets forgiveness under Islamic law. As to Mateen’s own sexual conflicts, Welner noted homosexuality is prevalent in the male culture of Afghanistan.

Listen to the Lisa Benson Show interview with Drs. Sebastian Gorka and Michael Welner, June 19, 2016.

In the wake of the Orlando Massacre by Omar Mateen, the country is desperately seeking answers on what policies and strategies that might be adopted to prevent another ideologically driven mass killing in an enclosed space using military grade weapons against soft targets and having accomplices. A mass killing by self-motivated members of a virtual Islamic supremacist global network. San Bernardino and Orlando attacks demonstrate these were both ideologically driven.

Both Gorka and Welner reject the deranged “lone wolf” assessments of the Administration and self-styled counterterrorism experts. They also blame the Administration for rejecting the Islamic supremacist doctrine behind this homicidal jihad committed during the month-long Muslim observances of Ramadan. Effectively, Gorka and Welner are like the boy in the Hans Christian Andersen fable who points out the obvious.

President Obama and the mainstream media deny the homicidal jihad doctrine of Salafist Islam espoused by the Islamic State to whom these attackers pledged fealty for fear of offending domestic and international Muslim communities. Communities, whose leaders are complicit in supporting Islamic supremacism, whether Sunni or Shia. Instead the Administration and the media blame such terrorist attacks on alleged deranged individuals using guns, expressing hate of minority groups without naming what the doctrinal motivation is behind them.

For answers as to why our federal law enforcement and immigration agencies cannot connect the dots to prevent network jihadi homicidal attacks, we recently had the opportunity to interview Philip Haney, co-author of best-selling expose, See Something; Say Nothing:  A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad.

Listen to the June 26, 2016 Lisa Benson Show interview with Dr. Haney.

Philip B. Haney

Haney is a classic whistleblower with a difference. He morphed from a PhD USDA entomologist to become one of the first members of the US Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Custom and Border Protection (CBP) service. He half jokingly said that his training with insects enabled him to follow the ants and other insects back to their nests, identifying their networks. Besides his professional education, he was also linguistically and culturally equipped by dint of episodes in the Middle East and Africa to become conversant in Arabic and Qur’anic Islamic doctrine and Sharia law. That enabled Haney as a new DHS officer to ultimate interview and spot jihadist Visa waiver violators at the Port of Atlanta. His natural intellectual curiosity enabled him to spot and intercept more than 300 potential terrorist threats.

His self education also led to writing monographs on the network of jihadist threats in a 2006 Front Page Magazine (FPM) article, Green Tide Rising. It was about globally designated terrorist group Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood front groups in the US. He has noted in both his book and interviews that his information was two years before the federal Dallas Holy Land Foundation trial. That trial resulted in multiple convictions for funneling more than $35 million via this Muslim charity to Hamas. It also identified co-conspirators, Muslim Brotherhood front groups, Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), and Saudi-financed North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) that funds the creation of 80 percent of Mosques in the US. Other identified by federal prosecutors included the Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Muslim Students Association (MSA).

That FPM article caused his first brush with the politically correct, civil rights and civil liberties views of the DHS hierarchy that subsequently falsely accused Haney of violating security laws regarding alleged confidential information. Upon investigation, it was discovered that all of the information in Haney article was drawn from open sources.

Ultimately, he was exonerated, as he was in more than 8 other instances over his 13 years of service at DHS before his retirement in 2015. His expertise was recognized in several assignments. Most notably were assignments at the National Targeting Center of DHS and requests for his assistance by counterterrorism echelons of the FBI. In 2012, five members of the House Homeland Security and Intelligence committees wrote a letter to the Inspector Generals of several defense and national security agencies. They were seeking information on infiltration of Muslim Brotherhood front group members. Haney on his own recognizance briefed these and dozens of other Members and Congress and Senators who found his analysis both compelling and incisive about the threat the nation faced. Ultimately he would be invited to more than 45 such private Congressional briefings.

The worst episode of the nine investigations brought against him was the convening of a Grand Jury investigation into allegations stemming from an FBI investigation into a Saudi national student who was injured at the Boston Marathon bombing perpetrated by the Tsarneav brothers. Haney was in possession of the FBI reports on that Saudi person of interest who was subsequently deported. DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano went on television to indicate that there were no identified perpetrators or suspects before the identities of the Tsarneav brothers were revealed. Because Haney had briefed members of the House and Senate Homeland Security and Intelligence Committees at the behest of chairmen, he was falsely accused of leaking the information. Napolitano had misinformed Homeland Security Committee members about the existence of the Saudi national who had violated his student Visa. Ultimately, as in the previous eight other episodes, Haney was exonerated just prior to his retirement from DHS.

We queried him about why the FBI and DHS have failed in too many instances to identify jihadist networks. He attributed it to the lack of intelligence sharing and the limitations placed on law enforcement by civil rights and civil liberties priorities of the US Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security. That was evident in guidelines that indicated that just because a person belonged to a terrorist backing organization, he or she should not necessarily be considered a terrorist.

Haney uncovered a network of members of the Tablighi Jamaat, (TJ) meaning “party of the promoters” in Arabic, infiltrating the US. They sent several domestic madrassa boys abroad from the port of Atlanta to an English speaking madrassa in the Republic of South Africa.The TJ movement sprang from the Deobandi influenced clerics from India and Pakistan. Haney indicated that TJ Islamic doctrine is the equivalent of ISIS Salafism or Saudi Wahhabism. The TJ movement aimed at proselytizing other Sunni Muslims and gaining converts from other religions. It is estimated to have between 70 to over 120 million adherents globally. Their influence spawned the Taliban and radical terrorist groups like Lakshmi al Taiba whose adherents perpetrated the Mumbai jihad massacre of 2008. In the US, the TJ has a beehive madrassa, the International Islamic Education (IIE) school based in Chicago, which is affiliated with the Bridgewater Islamic Center. Haney suggested that the designation of mosques as “centers” usually was a tip off that it was a TJ doctrine group.

When news broke of the Orlando massacre, Haney went through an intelligence exercise. He demonstrated that the TJ network that encompassed the Fort Pierce Florida “center” was attended by perpetrator Omar Mateen and revealed his father’s membership on the board. The Fort Pierce masjid or mosque had connections to the IIE in Chicago, which in turn, had connections to the San Bernardino Dar-al-Uloom al-Islamiya of America mosque where terrorist Syed Rizwan Farook worshipped. The Pakistani imam, Roshan Zamir Abbassi, told FBI investigators that he barely knew Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik. Malik had been a convert to TJ Deobandism while attending the al Hulda women’s seminary in Pakistan. The founder of the al Hulda seminary had migrated to Canada and founded an affiliate in a suburb of Toronto where three women were recruited to join ISIS in Syria. The National Security Task Force of America of the Lisa Benson Show uncovered a TJ affiliated network of Shifa health clinics in the Bible belt that spread across the US. It was directed at providing health care to low income minorities along with da’wa, the call to Islam. Haney further noted that Farook’s choice to return to the US with his Pakistani bride via Chicago and their appearance in Sharia compliant attire was purposeful. It was deemed a safer port of entry than Atlanta.

The FBI, according to Haney, is not trained in profile considerations because of the over-arching civil rights and civil liberties concerns of the Bush and the Obama Administrations. That led to the creation of the countering violent extremism program at DHS which includes Muslim Brotherhood front group advisors. FBI training lacks the necessary nuances to detect adherents of potentially seditious Islamic doctrine under Sharia. That was compounded by the lack of domestic intelligence and communications with the DHS Customs and Border Protection (CBP) that has vastly more enforcement authority on immigration issues. Thus, the FBI had investigated Orlando jihadist Mateen three times without alerting the CBP which could have provided information on Mateen’s prior trips to Saudi Arabia.

Haney was part of a panel that included four prominent counter-jihadists at a hearing of the US Senate Judiciary Oversight Subcommittee on “Radical Islam” and terrorism. The hearing was chaired by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on June 28, 2016. Others of note included Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, Chris Gaubatz, undercover investigator and former federal prosecutor, and former federal prosecutor and author, Andrew McCarthy. There were also representatives from ISNA and a retired FBI agent on the panel.

In Haney’s view, the 3 hour plus hearing was a watershed moment. It revealed the extent of Muslim Brotherhood influence in Congress, the Administration and in advisory positions in national law and immigration enforcement agencies. The hearing also exposed their ultimate goal of supplanting our Constitution with Sharia, Islamic law. Asked what could be done to thwart entry of such threats, Haney said, give the CBP officers in all the ports in the US three weeks training in the Islamic supremacist threat doctrine and the message would be spread globally in the Muslim ummah they could be stopped.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.

Civilization that Honors Its Heretics

Freedoms – they are the foundation of our way of life; of our civilization – a civilization that learned, slowly and painfully, not to burn heretics, but to honor them. In a few days, I will join my fellow American friends in celebrating our hard-won freedoms.

Ayaan_Citizenship_Photo-1.jpgWhen I received a visa to enter the US, I told myself to be worthy of that visa. Like other immigrants, I came here with a dream. While my fight to free myself of oppression may be over, my dream to see others freed too is what inspires my work.

One of the early suffragettes, Alva Belmont, said that American women must serve as a beacon of light, telling not only the story of what they have accomplished, but also representing a lasting determination that women around the world shall be “free citizens, recognized as the equals of me.”

I have spent more than a decade fighting for women’s and girls’ basic rights. I have never been afraid to ask difficult questions about the role of culture and religion in that fight. And to shed light on oppression and abuse that are forced on many women in the US.

In my books, lectures and my work with the AHA Foundation, I aim to inspire those listening to think of the others, those women and girls who are still locked in the chains I left behind. In this world, girls – still children – are married to adult men they have often never met, sentenced to a life of arranged rape. Women, many of whom may long to live productive, working lives, are instead confined within the walls of their father’s or husband’s house. Girls and women are abused, verbally or physically, for a sidelong glance, a suspicion of lipstick, a text message, an open expression of untraditional sexuality.

They have nowhere to turn because their parents, community and religious leaders approve of these deadening punishments. And what is still surprising to many of my fellow Americans, these hurting children and women live among us – in the land of the free.

AHA1.jpgMany people in the United States today seem more worried about being labeled “bigoted” or “racist” for speaking out against harmful traditional practices such as honor violence than about the practices themselves. In my view, that is downright immoral. Simply stated, there is no honor in honor violence. It is criminal.

Honor violence, forced marriage, and female genital mutilation are crimes being perpetrated today against women and girls who live in this country. They are US citizens. They are our neighbors, classmates, patients, students, employees, and friends. They are hurt, shamed and even at risk of being killed. They desperately need our help. They deserve to have, just like you and I, a chance to pursue their happiness.

In a country that is built on values of freedom, openness and tolerance it is the duty of each one of us to ensure all our fellow citizens have access to these values.

As you prepare to celebrate Independence Day this 4th of July, I hope the words of Alva Belmont inspire you to show your solidarity with the girls and women right here in the US who don’t have freedoms you and I are fortunate enough to enjoy.

EDITORS NOTE: Readers may support the AHA Foundation, by clicking here.

Muslim refugee resettlement is about Money and Slave Labor!

And, it informs us about one reason why Donald Trump says the Chamber of Commerce is no friend of America!

I had to laugh this morning as CNN talking heads were scratching theirs about why Trump would go after the Chamber of Commerce which they described as reliably Republican and conservative. No longer!

The Chamber at the national level and in many cities and counties is being run by Democrats or Open Borders Republicans.

Chobani twin falls plant

Chobani brags that it built this massive $450 million plant in 326 days.

The most important points you need to know about what refugee resettlement is all about comes together in the wake of that awful sexual assault of a little girl in Twin Falls, Idaho by migrant boys (they still refuse to call them refugees).

Local government officials lashed out at citizens who wanted answers because they needed to shut them up—why? Because this city is invested in Chobani Yogurt’s largest plant in the world which is in turn dependent on cheap refugee/immigrant labor (some call it slave labor!).

By suggesting that a large refugee population may not be good for your town, you ruin their carefully crafted narrative.

Refugee resettlement is about MONEY and power and to hell with whether it changes the social, economic and cultural makeup of your home town or threatens your security. So-called humanitarian compassion is the cover for a lot of very dirty business.

Calling you hateful or racist is how they shut up anyone who dares to look more deeply into the scheme that includes foreign interests (many of the big meatpackers drawing refugee labor are foreign owned!), the UN, the US State Department, Dems looking for voters and everyone involved, including the so-called ‘religious charities, looking to line their pockets while telling themselves they are doing God’s work!

In another Hohmann/WND investigation on the situation there we learn that the Mayor of Twin Falls, who gave a sanctimonious speech when citizens became emotionally enraged by the bits of the story that were leaking out about the sexual assault of the little girl (were the accused boys’ family members working at Chobani, that is what I would like to know!), is also the President of the Chamber of Commerce and was instrumental in bringing the massive Chobani Yogurt plant to the city.

We have previously told you about Chobani, and that its CEO and founder Hamdi Ulukaya, is from Turkey.  Yesterday, he responded to Obama’s call for large corporations to hire more refugees with a ‘yes sir’ happy to do it!   See that news, here.

Now, here is what Hohmann learned (read this story, recognize the pattern!):

WND has learned that Barigar was instrumental in recruiting Chobani to Twin Falls back in 2011, and he now plays a dual role of elected official and president/CEO of the local Chamber of Commerce.

Barigar, a Democrat, has been in leadership roles with the Chamber for 11 years. During that time he has also served two stints on the city council, with a gap between January 2008 and January 2012 in which he was not part of the city government.

It was during that gap, but while he was running for office in 2011, that he was busy working to lure Chobani to Twin Falls.

“I was a member of the recruitment team that recruited Chobani to Twin Falls in 2011,” Barigar told WND in a phone interview Thursday.

Read the whole thing, see the pattern as clear as I’ve ever seen it, and look for this happening in your town!  Citizens of Rutland, VT, Missoula, MT, Asheville, NC, Reno, NV, Charleston, WV, etc. read this. 

People ask me all the time what they should do, and frankly after doing your homework and getting your facts (including info. on campaign contributions), you are going to have to work to remove elected officials who are working to change America by changing the people and are worshiping the all-mighty dollar while they do it!

End Note: When I looked at that photo and reflected on the speed with which this plant was built, I’m thinking someone with an investigative bent could write a book about this whole project, how it came to be, and how it has changed the town of Twin Falls forever. You can visit our Twin Falls archive, here, to start your research. Be sure to see this older post here at RRW about the expanding mosque there (who is paying for it?).

Ramadan in Israel: Muslim slaughters 13-year-old girl, celebrated as hero by ‘Palestinians’

The savagery of this is breathtaking and should gain for the “Palestinians” the opprobrium of the entire world. But it won’t. Instead, the Obama administration and the UN are likely to issue fresh condemnations of Israel.


Text and picture posted on the official Fatah Facebook page: Posted text: “Martyr (Shahid) Muhammad Taraireh, who carried out today’s operation in which one female settler was killed, and a male settler was injured” [Official Fatah Facebook page, June 30, 2016]

Hallel Yaffa Ariel

Hallel Yaffa Ariel 13-years old.

“PA and Fatah quick to honor murderer who killed 13-year-old girl in her sleep,” by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, Palestinian Media Watch, June 30, 2016:

This morning, a 17-year-old Palestinian terrorist stabbed and murdered a 13-year-old Israeli girl, Hallel Yaffa Ariel, while she slept in her bed. The Palestinian terrorist Muhammad Taraireh, who entered the girl’s home in Kiryat Arba near Hebron, also injured an Israeli security official before he was shot and killed.

Fatah’s official Facebook page immediately posted his picture, declaring him a Martyr – “Shahid,” the highest honor achievable in Islam according to the Palestinian Authority.

WAFA, the official PA news agency, likewise honored the terrorist, referring to him as a Martyr – “Shahid.”

According to Palestinian Authority law, the family of today’s murderer will immediately start receiving a monthly PA stipend that the PA pays to the families of all the “Martyrs.”

The mother of the terrorist told a local Hebron news network that her son was “a hero” who made her “proud”:

Mother of terrorist Muhammad Taraireh: “My son is a hero. He made me proud. My son died as a Martyr defending Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, he [my son] has joined the Martyrs before him, and he is not better than them. Allah willing, all of them will follow this path, all the youth of Palestine. Allah be praised.”
[Local Hebron News Network http://alkhalil.ps/, June 30, 2016]

Earlier this week Palestinian Media Watch reported that Abbas’ advisor Sultan Abu Al-Einein said:

“Every place you find an Israeli cut off his head.”
[Donia Al-Watan (independent Palestinian news agency), June 27, 2016]

Text and picture posted on the official Fatah Facebook page

Posted text: “Martyr (Shahid) Muhammad Taraireh, who carried out today’s operation in which one female settler was killed, and a male settler was injured”
[Official Fatah Facebook page,
June 30, 2016]


Muslim Writer Calls Out Palestinian Terror Glorification by IPT News

Kuwait: Muslim kills his own brother for not fasting during Ramadan

Ramadan in Egypt: Muslims kill Christian priest with hail of bullets outside church

Homesick for “Islamophobic” US, “Clock Boy” returns to Texas

DHS top dog Jeh Johnson refuses to answer Senate on scrubbing terror docs of all mention of jihad and Islam

Pamela Geller, Breitbart: Dean Obeidallah and Aziz Ansari Are Stoking the Flames of Hate

ISIS releases chilling map of its ‘covert units’ across the world… and EUROPE is included

Denmark: Muslim Immigrants Attack Students With Acid and Rocks

VIDEO: Pamela Geller on the Daily Ledger on Terror-Tied CAIR’s Hit List, Incitement to Murder

Senate Hearings on Muslim Congressmen with Muslim Brotherhood terror ties

Has the ‘ticking time bomb of TB’ gone off in your state?

Michael Patrick Leahy has released another in a series of investigative reports on Tuberculosis and other communicable diseases permitted entry to the U.S. with the refugee flow to 48 states (and soon to one more—Montana).

And, if you are saying to yourself, sheesh Idaho again!, remember this is happening where you live or will happen where you live. Wyoming is the only state that has been wise enough to stay out of the whole messy business.

Lavinia Limon cspan

Lavinia Limon runs the major federal contracting agency resettling refugees in Twin Falls through her subcontractor the College of Southern Idaho. She was Bill Clinton’s director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement and in this bio her affiliation with USCRI still lists USCRI’s previous names—why did they change their name twice, does anyone know?

Here is the Leahy story at Breitbart yesterday that up until the Islamic terror attack in Turkey yesterday was the lead story on Drudge:

Seven refugees with active tuberculosis (TB) were diagnosed shortly after their resettlement in Idaho between 2011 and 2015, according to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.

This makes Idaho the seventh state to confirm to Breitbart News that recently arrived refugees have been diagnosed with active TB.

The other states in which recently arrived refugees have been diagnosed with active TB include: Louisiana (twenty-one), Florida (eleven), Colorado, (ten), Indiana (four), Kentucky (where nine were diagnosed in one county), and North Dakota (where four refugees who resided in the United States for less than five years were diagnosed in one county).

Idaho is one of fourteen states that have withdrawn from the federal refugee resettlement program where the federal government has hired a voluntary agency (VOLAG) to resettle refugees under the statutorily questionable Wilson Fish alternative program.

In Idaho, the federal government has contracted the Idaho Office for Refugees a division of the large non-profit known as Janus, to run the program. Janus is one of the largest organizations within the lucrative and politically connected refugee resettlement industry, which is paid more than $1 billion per year by the federal government.

Continue reading here (and to access links).

See our complete ‘health issues’ category here which includes posts on Leahy’s previous work.

About tricking the public with names and name changes in the refugee resettlement industry  

The Idaho Office for Refugees is a name that is meant to confuse you.  The state government of Idaho does not have a refugee office. Jannus Inc. (a non-profit group) runs the program in Idaho (a Wilson-Fish state).  Until recently Jannus Inc. was Mountain States Group.  So if you are looking for data, or researching grants, etc., your search becomes more challenging as they change names like they change their underwear. (LOL! they say the new name is in honor of the Roman God Janus, hmmmm?)

As a matter of fact, the major federal contractor in Twin Falls, Idaho—the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (one of nine)—has changed its name several times over the years.  See our post from 2009 in which we mention their previous names. Why is this name-changing so prevalent?  My first guess is that they screwed up somewhere (business-wise, or PR-wise) and need a clean slate on which to build a new brand.


TB Statistics for the United States – National and State Statistics

Idaho update: City council meets again, citizen reports little girl assaulted by Muslim migrants afraid to go outside

Maine: One of three African refugees gets plea deal in last summer’s beating death of man who befriended them

A letter to the citizens of Radford, Virginia (a new targeted resettlement site)



Democrats want to add suppression of free speech to their national platform

Horrifyingly, the Democratic National Committee unanimously voted to make the suppression of free speech, in the form of prosecuting companies and pro-fossil-fuel organizations, part of their official platform proposal.

Many detractors of Donald Trump have (rightly) worried about his comments indicating the possibility of violating the First Amendment. But now the Democrats want to make it official policy to violate the First Amendment rights of fossil fuel companies and advocates.

I’m not going to let them get away with pretending that this is a matter of justice and prosecuting fraud. I’m going to go to the Democratic National Convention from July 25-28 to challenge the very people who want to invade my privacy and, by the logic of their position, throw me in jail.

If you’re potentially interested in joining me there, let me know. Also, if you have any political or media contacts who might help bring more attention to this cause, let me know as well.

Here is a new 10-minute speech I gave last week defending fossil fuels and free speech. I’ve been told that it’s very powerful. If you agree, please share with your personal network and with any prominent commentators you follow.

Note: since I describe my incident with the Mass. Attorney General in vivid detail, the video does contain some adult language. If that’s a problem, please enjoy the interviews mentioned below, which are all PG rated.

U.S. Senate hearing: Witness accuses Muslim congressmen of Muslim Brotherhood ties, media in uproar

“Allegations that Ellison and Carson are secret Muslim agents with extremist leanings are usually found among fringe groups online, often discussed in dire tones on poorly designed websites. Rarely, if ever, do such sentiments get read into congressional testimony, with the imprimatur that offers.”

The media elites’ scorn for the unwashed masses is brimming over in this article: “fringe groups” who speak in “dire tones” on “poorly designed websites” couldn’t possibly be saying anything true or accurate, right? If your website design is poor, what you’re saying must ipso facto be false — not to mention “bigoted” and “Islamophobic”! And Ellison and Carson are not “secret Muslim agents with extremist leanings.” They’re just careless about appearing before groups with ties to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood — and why should they care, when the mainstream media so eagerly runs interference for them instead of calling them to account?

But this really shouldn’t be so hard, even for a blinkered Leftist propagandist like Sam Stein of the HuffPo. He quotes Faryal Khatri of ISNA saying: “I can definitely tell you we are not Muslim Brotherhood. We are not affiliated with them at all and never were. That much I can reassure you.” But he doesn’t tell his hapless readers that ISNA has actually admitted its ties to Hamas, which styles itself the Palestinian arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. Nor does he bother to note that it wasn’t “fringe websites” or Frank Gaffney or Ted Cruz who identified ISNA as a Muslim Brotherhood front group; this designation comes from the United States Department of Justice, which classified ISNA among entities “who are and/or were members of the US Muslim Brotherhood.”

There is still more that Stein failed to notice in his haste to excoriate Cruz for “Islamophobia” and association with “poorly designed websites”: in 2008 Ellison accepted $13,350 from the Muslim American Society (MAS) to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca. The Muslim American Society is a Muslim Brotherhood organization: “In recent years, the U.S. Brotherhood operated under the name Muslim American Society, according to documents and interviews. One of the nation’s major Islamic groups, it was incorporated in Illinois in 1993 after a contentious debate among Brotherhood members.” That’s from the Chicago Tribune in 2004, in an article that is now carried on the Muslim Brotherhood’s English-language website, Ikhwanweb.

Andre Carson Keith Ellison

“Witness At Ted Cruz Hearing Accuses Congress’ Two Muslim Members Of Muslim Brotherhood Ties,” by Sam Stein, Huffington Post, June 28, 2016:

In explosive testimony Tuesday, a witness before a Senate panel about Islamic terrorism accused the two Muslim members of Congress of having attended an event organized by the Muslim Brotherhood.

The charge was leveled by Chris Gaubatz, a “national security consultant” who has moonlighted as an undercover agitator of Muslim groups that he accuses of being terrorist outfits, and it was directed at Reps. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) and André Carson (D-Ind.). At the heart of his accusation is the attendance by those two members at a 2008 convention hosted by the Islamic Society of North America — a Muslim umbrella group, which Gaubatz claims is a front for the Muslim Brotherhood.

“I attended a convention in Columbus, Ohio, in 2008, organized by Muslim Brotherhood group, ISNA, and both the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons had recruitment and outreach booths,” Gaubatz said in his testimony. “Both Congressman Keith Ellison, MN, and Andre Carson, IN, spoke at the Muslim Brotherhood event.”

Allegations that Ellison and Carson are secret Muslim agents with extremist leanings are usually found among fringe groups online, often discussed in dire tones on poorly designed websites. Rarely, if ever, do such sentiments get read into congressional testimony, with the imprimatur that offers.

Responsibility for this rare instance lies with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who oversaw the hearing as chairman of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Oversight, Agency Action, Federal Rights and Federal Courts and whose staff likely saw the testimonies of the witnesses.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) later addressed Tuesday’s hearing and defended Ellison.

“He is my congressman. He is a man of great patriotism,” she said, adding that he has advocated for additional funding for efforts to detect what attracts young people to join terrorist groups.

An aide to Ellison confirmed that he did attend the 2008 ISNA convention. He’s gone to a few of the group’s conventions, in fact. Carson’s office didn’t return a request for comment. But news reports show that both he and Carson led a discussion at the 2008 convention on how to mobilize Muslims politically. President Barack Obama has addressed the group as well, though only via a video recording.

Critics of ISNA have insisted that these politicians have either turned a blind eye to — or explicitly embraced — the group’s affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood, an affiliation that is based on ties some of the founding ISNA members have allegedly had to the hard-line religious organization. ISNA has long insisted that no such connection has ever existed.

“I can definitely tell you we are not Muslim Brotherhood. We are not affiliated with them at all and never were,” said Faryal Khatri, an official with ISNA. “That much I can reassure you.”

ISNA is not the only group targeted by Gaubatz. In 2009, he told Talking Points Memo that he obtained an internship with the Council on American-Islamic Relations as part of an effort to secretly collect evidence against the group to be used in a book written by his father. The book, “Muslim Mafia,” alleged that CAIR, a Muslim advocacy group that works to combat Islamophobia, was a front for the Muslim Brotherhood….


Muslims killing Muslims in droves, but Israel and Westerners get condemned

Canada: Adult Muslim migrants enrolled in high school, sexually harass teen girls, threaten teachers, cheered jihad massacre

On Donald Trump’s Christian Faith — Can politics and religion coexist?

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. /PRNewswire/ — Dr. James C. Dobson, broadcaster, author, family counselor and founder of Family Talk, joined with nearly 1,000 other evangelicals and Christian social conservatives in New York City on June 21st to participate in a conversation with Donald Trump.

Dr. Dobson was also invited to participate in an ongoing evangelical advisory committee for exchanging views and information on social conservative issues with the presumptive presidential nominee.

While at this event, Dr. Dobson was asked for a brief interview by Michael Anthony of Godfactor about his impressions of Mr. Trump and the exchange of views that had just occurred with him and members of the committee.  That interview has been widely heard and read, and has been the nexus of much discussion in new stories and commentaries, primarily because of Dr. Dobson’s brief personal reflections on Mr. Trump’s beliefs and positions pertaining to the Christian faith.


Dr. James Dobson

In response to significant interest and inquiries Dr. Dobson has received about his observations in that interview, he has issued further comments below:

Dr. James Dobson on Donald Trump’s Christian Faith

Only the Lord knows the condition of a person’s heart.  I can only tell you what I’ve heard.  First, Trump appears to be tender to things of the Spirit.  I also hear that Paula White has known Trump for years and that she personally led him to Christ.  Do I know that for sure?  No.  Do I know the details of that alleged conversion?  I can’t say that I do.

But there are many Christian leaders who are serving on a faith advisory committee for Trump in the future.  I am among them.  There are about 25 of us that include Jerry Falwell, Jr., Robert Jeffress, Jack Graham, Ben Carson, James Robison, Michele Bachmann, and many others whom you would probably know.  We’ve all agreed to serve. How will that play out if Trump becomes president?   I don’t know.  It is a good start, I would think.

If anything, this man is a baby Christian who doesn’t have a clue about how believers think, talk and act.  All I can tell you is that we have only two choices, Hillary or Donald.  Hillary scares me to death.  And, if Christians stay home because he isn’t a better candidate, Hillary will run the world for perhaps eight years.  The very thought of that haunts my nights and days.  One thing is sure:  we need to be in prayer for our nation at this time of crisis.

By Dr. James Dobson

Are we all “baby Christians?” Do we need to embrace God and Christianity more devoutly?

Can politics and religion coexist? For Donald Trump to call a meeting of this magnitude the answer appears to be a resounding yes!

VIDEO: How do you tell when a civilization is dangerously close to collapse?

CIVILIZATION IDENTITY will he increasingly important in the future, and the world will be shaped in large measure by the interactions among seven or eight major civilizations. These include Western, Confucian, Japanese, Islamic, Hindu, Slavic-Orthodox, Latin American and possibly African civilization. The most important conflicts of the future will occur along the cultural fault lines separating these civilizations from one another. – Samuel P. Huntington, Foreign Affairs, Volume 72, Number 3.

Huntington warned:

On both sides the interaction between Islam and the West is seen as a clash of civilizations. The West’s “next confrontation,” observes M. J. Akbar, an Indian Muslim author, “is definitely going to come from the Muslim world. It is in the sweep of the Islamic nations from the Maghreb to Pakistan that the struggle for a new world order will begin.” Bernard Lewis comes to a similar conclusion:

We are facing a mood and a movement far transcending the level of issues and policies and the governments that pursue them. This is no less than a clash of civilizations—the perhaps irrational but surely historic reaction of an ancient rival against our Judeo-Christian heritage, our secular present, and the worldwide expansion of both.

[Emphasis added]

Huntington wrote the above in an article published in 1993 titled “The Clash of Civilizations?

Paul Weston explains, in the video below, that when one civilization fails to see the existential threats from another, the collapse of one is inevitable.

Hunting concluded his article with these prophetic words:

Western civilization is both Western and modern. Non-Western civilizations have attempted to become modern without becoming Western.

And so it is today, more than ever.

RELATED ARTICLE: 39 of the Most Influential Islamist Activists in America

RELATED VIDEO: Killing for a Cause: Sharia Law & Civilization Jihad

Bill Clinton Summons Attorney General Lynch To His Private Jet … Why?

Just hours ago, on the west side of Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix, Arizona in a secure area, former President Bill Clinton met current US Attorney General Loretta Lynch on the Clinton plane. Bill Clinton was about to depart Phoenix Sky Harbor in his private jet when he learned the Attorney General was inbound and on final approach. Clinton parked his jet and awaited the touchdown of the AG’s plane.

Clinton had staff summon Attorney General Lynch for an impromptu meeting aboard the Clinton plane which she agreed to even though the Phoenix Police Department was awaiting the Attorney General’s arrival for her speech and meeting with Phoenix Police Department, and the plan for Phoenix PD to become part of the United Nations International Police Force (UNPOL).

Call it a coincidence, but the appearance of the former President summoning the current Attorney General of the United States to his plane at a critical time when Clinton’s wife is under active investigation by the Department of Justice (Loretta Lynch is the boss at DOJ), and it will be Lynch making the decision as to whether or not to prosecute Bill Clinton’s wife on a variety of possible charges, including but not limited to; Treason, and this meeting at this time is highly questionable with bad optics.

But then again one must care whether it really matters what the appearance looks like, especially if no national media will say a word or raise a concern, nor will anyone in high elected office. Such is the life of an Elite…you pretty much get to do whatever the hell you want with no opposition, no accountability, not even a question raised. Try something like this when you are not a member of the Elite Club and see what happens. You surely will not be given the benefit of the doubt.

Hillary Clinton raised countless millions of dollars for the Clinton Foundation during her tenure as US Secretary of State. Millions and into the hundreds of millions of dollars from rogue leaders running rogue nations and regimes who oppose the United States, and even treat our country as an enemy, but whose money is just as spendable as the next guys.

Bill Clinton surely has a stake in keeping Hillary from being indicted. But I am sure all the former president wanted to share with the current Attorney General was a baby picture of the new Clinton grandchild.


Bill Clinton & Loretta Lynch meeting: ‘Incredibly bad judgment’

Lynch pressured to recuse herself after Clinton tarmac meeting

Attorney General Loretta Lynch Met Privately With Bill Clinton

Democrats groan after Bill Clinton meets Loretta Lynch – POLITICO

Lynch to Accept FBI Recommendations in Clinton Email Inquiry, Official Says

RELATED VIDEO:  “Lies, Lies, Lies.” Former Navy SEAL Dom Raso calls out Hillary Clinton’s false claims of having dodged sniper fire as dishonorable and proof that she is unworthy to be president.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image of U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch at the Phoenix airport is courtesy of Channel 15 ABC News in Arizona. Loretta Lynch was appointed lead federal prosecutor in the New York area by Bill Clinton in the 90’s. She also worked on Hillary Clinton’s defense team during the white water trials in Arkansas. The FBI is conducting two investigations against Hillary Clinton and her husband. The first deals with the email server, the second with the Clinton Foundation.

Whigs to Republican to Whigs

Back in the days when our school-marms and teachers were teaching civics, they left certain important elements out, such as learning the mistakes recorded in history that should never be repeated.  Alas, even during the times I was in school this was never taught.  Today, it has gotten worse.

These things I am talking about is not slavery, or things of that matter, but, the indices of politics and politicians.  We are witnessing today what was witnessed at the little schoolhouse in the earlier 1800s, when Abraham Lincoln emerged as the leader of the new “Republican Party”.

In simple terms, this Republican Party was inclusive of the people of the United States.  It included ALL groups of people then, as it should now.  The dissidents then were the Whig Party.  This Party was the party of big business, oil, donors and corporate welfare.  Although, corporate welfare was not a term used then, it certainly was a player in politics, as it is a player today.  The Whig Party excluded the typical American for money and power.

History learned in school did not fill in the blanks and we are seeing, today, some of the blanks being filled in.  The words that are being entered into these blanks were probably seen by Abraham Lincoln, plus others of that time period and are being reflected today.  The statements being said by the Whigs are the same statements being said by the Republicans today.

The Republican Party, in whom they claim to be the “Party of Lincoln”, have slowly regressed to being the Whig Party.  The Party of Lincoln, considering, is gone.  The “All for one and one for all”, (the Big Tent of Reagan) has left the American people behind to pursue those interests of donors, lobbyists, corporate welfare and a host of other Whig policies.

What we are seeing today is a rise in a new stance in Republican politics and politics in general.  It has sparked a new meaning in which the American people are allowed to say again what should have been said years ago, but has been stifled by the Republican Party of today.

This new stance has been marked at the ballot box.  The one name that has come out on top at most ballot boxes was Donald Trump.  Donald Trump is saying what the American people has been saying for years, but afraid of governmental repercussions.  Donald Trump poses a threat to the status quo.  This status quo is nothing more than the dynasties of the Bush and the Clintons.  The dynasty of the Clintons, more so, than the Bush dynasty, has much to lose.

This election will be another turning point in American politics.  Trump, if he becomes the president, will mark a turning point, whereas, the other turning points, was Lincoln when he included all Americans.  Another was Ronald Reagan when he succeeded in breaking up the Soviet Union.  The importance of this turning point today, is that the Republican Party is losing their grip on the American people.  The elites of the Republican Party have tried everything they could to defeat Donald Trump and the American electorate would have none of it.

As of late, a federal lawsuit has been filed by a sore loser, a Virginia Cruz delegate to release the bound delegates to Trump to vote for whomever they want.  As in my home State of Washington, all of the bound delegates are Cruz supporters.  If this lawsuit is successful in releasing all of Trump’s delegates and another person is nominated, the sore losers will have destroyed the Republican Party.  A form that is being passed around the internet by, “Save Our Party”, has Glenn Beck’s fingerprints all over it.

This destruction will lead to a 5-way race.  Hillary Clinton; Gary Johnson; Jill Stein; Donald Trump and the “new” GOP Nominee (probably Cruz).  Trump, may as well be prepared to run as a write-in candidate.  When the dust settles and the smoke clears, Hillary will be president.  This is what the elite Republicans want and this is what they will get.

Upon the return about history, schools never teach the mistakes that historians have recorded.  To go back and study the history that was never taught, will be much too late.  The today’s Whig Party is repeating the original Whig Party and what the American people will be left with is a country that has no purpose.  We will have a single party rule, though, the Democrats and Republicans does exist, their ties have been getting closer together.  The laws created by one party, benefits the other party and the American people will suffer under the laws made for the elites.

Would You Want To Know if the Islamic State Wanted to Kill You?

We asked our readers if the FBI should tell people who are on an Islamic State kill list that they had been marked for execution.

The FBI neglected to tell Americans whose names were released on an Islamic State kill list that they had been targeted.

Clarion Project asked our subscribers whether they thought the FBI has a duty to inform people if they are on a terrorist kill list.

The results: Out of  2,391 people who responded, 93 percent said “YES” and less than two percent said “NO.”

Here are some the comments that accompanied the vote:

People wanted to make sure they could take steps to protect themselves:

“I believe everyone put on a hit list should be notified of that fact. That way they can take precautions to hopefully save their lives.”

“So I could take measures to protect myself.”

Many were skeptical about the efficacy of government protection:

“I don’t believe the government would take the list seriously, I personally would want to protect myself as well as have the FBI help, if they actually would”

“I want to be able to protect myself and my family. The FBI can only protect so many people at once. I want to be prepared if I need to be.”

Some mentioned the second amendment

“The FBI does not have enough people to protect all those on the list. It is my right by the 2nd Amendment to be able to protect myself. If I know I am on the list I can alter my life to help protect myself and not make myself such an easy target.”

Others wanted a warning to get ready:

“Forewarned is forearmed.”

“If someone is coming to try and kill me I would like some warning.”

And spoke about a “right to know”:

Yes, because of freedom”

“If I go to the doctor and he see’s something wrong, I have a right to know what it is so I can seek treatment, as with ISIS kill list. If my name is on that list I have a right to know so that I can prepare to protect myself and my family against any attack by them, it’s that simple.”

“I find it outrageous the government is not informing citizens that are on ISIS kill list.”


Why Turkey, Why Now? ISIS Suspected in Airport Attack

Al-Qaeda: Kill Whites or US Won’t Think Its Jihad

FBI Fails to Inform Citizens They Are on an ISIS Kill List

ISIS Releases Video of Attack on ‘American Jordanian’ Base

Film ‘Beneath the Helmet’ attacked by a UC Irvine mob shouting “Intifada”

Last month the film Beneath the Helmet, was attacked by a mob shouting “Intifada” at a campus screening at University of California, Irvine (UCI).

Beneath the Helmet: From High School to the Home Front explores five young soldiers personal lives, dreams, fears and dilemmas, revealing the human side of Israel’s military and the inspiring young people who make up the IDF. Here is the official trailer:

under the helmet event audience

Under the Helmet event audience at UC Irvine.

Here are just a few articles about the incident:

We mounted a full response which included a “response screening” of Beneath the Helmet two weeks later at UC Irvine.

The event was a huge success, with a full house of over 450 people!

It was a very smooth and impressive event, without disruptions or protesters.Most important, we pushed back at the ‘bad guys’ in the face of intimidation and violence. A strong statement was made to both pro-Israel groups (we can and must stand up for our rights) and anti-Israel groups (don’t mess with us). These radical anti-Israel groups need to understand that any action they take will elicit a response that will be disproportionately better – and I think they might finally understand it.

Among the students (and partner orgs), there had been mixed feelings about having this event, but after the event, students and partner organizations couldn’t thank us enough!