Anthony Fauci’s Sociopathic Murder of the Masses

“The mainstream media and social media giants are imposing a totalitarian censorship to prevent public health advocates, like myself, from voicing concerns and from engaging in civil informed debate in the public square.” —  Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Children’s Health Defense

“The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exist.” — Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

“Censorship reflects a society’s lack of confidence in itself.  It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime.” —  Potter Stewart, Dissenting to Ginsberg v. United States

“It happened. Therefore, it can happen again. It can happen everywhere.” —  Primo Levi, Italian Jewish survivor of Auschwitz

“Indifference and the silence of people led to the Holocaust. To remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all.” — Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor

“Dr. Joseph Goebbels wrote that ‘A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.’  Tragically for humanity, there are many, many untruths emanating from Fauci and his minions.  RFK Jr. exposes the decades of lies.” —  Luc Montagnier, Nobel Laureate

In Charlotte Iserbyt’s 1999 book, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, she exposed the truth of communism and the unelected powers who rule.

She states the following on page 134:

The Daily World of November 8, 1975 carried a very interesting article entitled “Planning is Socialism’s Trademark” by Morris Zeitlin.  The Daily World (newspaper of the Communist Party USA) was formerly known as The Daily Worker and was founded in 1924.  The importance of this article lies in its blatant admission that regionalism, which is gradually becoming the accepted method of unelected governance in the United States (unelected councils and task forces, participatory democracy, public-private partnerships, etc.) is the form of government used in democratic socialist and communist countries.

Throughout the country from federal agencies down to local city and county boards, all of the decisions regarding C-19 were made by unelected heads of agencies which affected every American.  Those choices were followed by state governors, city and county mayors, heads of police and fire departments, hospital administrators, etc.  They all loved their totalitarian control and then the mandates!  Get the clot shots!

Except of course for those Biden deemed exempt.

The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) is a drug regulatory, drug safety watchdog agency.  The FDA doesn’t tell doctors how to treat patients.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH), is a government funded research organization.  The NIH doesn’t tell doctors how to treat patients.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is an infectious and chronic disease, epidemiologic and analytic organization.  The CDC doesn’t tell doctors how to treat patients.

A lot of these quasi-governmental agencies that people think are governmental are actually front groups of the pharmaceutical industry.

Not one of these federal agency leaders was elected, and not one of them ever treated a C-19 patient. Yet, every one of them told America what we could and could not do and then destroyed the ability of physicians to properly treat patients other than with their deadly protocols. Their goal was the money-making deadly inoculations for C-19.

When hospitals followed those protocols they collected beaucoup tax payer dollars from the federal government, with the highest payments for patients who died. The following chart shows the monies each state received for each C-19 patient.

Remember that the PCR tests were not valid tests for COVID and the Nobel Peace Prize inventor, Kary Mullis, told us it was improperly used and would give far too many false positives.  Mullis knew Dr. Anthony Fauci was dangerous and said he spent $22 billion and killed 100,000 people with his fraudulent AIDS drugs.

Nor should we look to other unelected parties to tell us what to do, and that includes our local health departments who advocated mandates that are destructive not only to children, but to all citizens.  And the latest is the euphemistically named Congressional bill H.R.550 (Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021) which paves the way for state and local health departments, as well as public and private health care providers, to share personal health data with the federal government. The bill has hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars allocated to the tracking system’s success.

The Wentworth Report states, “In 2000, Dr. Fauci, who Dr. Joseph Mercola calls a sociopathic bureaucrat, met with Bill Gates, who asked to partner with the NIH in an agreement to vaccinate the entire population of the world with a battery of new vaccines. In 2009, this agreement was rebranded as “The Decade of Vaccines,” the objective of which was to implement mandatory vaccinations for every adult and child on the planet by the year 2020. Link

“Gates calls what he does philanthropy capitalism, the idea that, you can use philanthropy to make money. He had a foundation where he has sheltered $50 billion in tax-free money. He continues to have absolute control over it. He uses that money to gain control of public health agencies in our country and the World Health Organization.”

Portions of the following info come from The Real Anthony Fauci movies.  We’d all be wise to purchase a copy of these two films.

Willowbrook State School

In 1965, Robert F. Kennedy, Sr. visited Willowbrook State School in Staten Island, New York and was appalled at the situation and called it a snake pit, similar to the 1948 movie by the same name.  The institution’s medical personnel were conducting US Army funded experiments on the children.  These children had been abandoned by their parents in dilapidated institutions.

Children housed at Willowbrook were intentionally given hepatitis in an attempt to track the development of the viral infection. The study lasted for 14 years.  It wasn’t until 1987 that Willowbrook was shut down.

Just one of the horrid experiments was the deliberate injection of Hepatitis during 1964. From 1958-1964 feces was taken from children who had Hepatitis, put in milkshakes and fed to newly admitted children for experimentation purposes.

The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments were conducted between 1932 and 1972.  The Willowbrook experiments started in 1956.

The Nuremberg Codes were formulated in August of 1947, yet these experiments on Americans were never prosecuted under the Codes.  The question remains, “Why not?”

Now there’s far worse.

Fauci and AIDS

In the late 1980s, foster children in seven states were enrolled in experiments of HIV and AIDS drug trials.  Fauci called them studies, but they were invasive experiments.  Fauci arranged for the drug companies to get access to these experiments.  Merck, Progenics Pharmaceuticals, Pfizer, Glaxo Wellcome and others were involved.

I wrote about Fauci’s experiments on children in October of 2020 in an article entitled, Is Dr. Anthony Fauci Guilty of Negligent Homicide?  I now believe he is guilty of murder in the first degree, but I highly doubt he’ll ever see justice here on earth.

The Wentworth Report states, “AZT was a chemotherapy formulation that was so toxic it killed all the rats when they gave it to them. The inventor of AZT felt that it was unsafe for any human use, so he didn’t even patent it …

“Very early on, the National Cancer Institute had found that when you put AZT in a culture of HIV, that killed the HIV, not surprisingly. It killed anything it touched. And so, Fauci partnered with the manufacturer of AZT.  He guided that formulation through the regulatory process and tried to fast track it. He cheated terribly on the clinical trials.”

Children who were considered to have AIDS via the PCR tests used during COVID, were as unreliable for AIDS prognosis as they were for COVID.  Thus, many of the children were not even HIV positive.

Fauci together with pharmaceutical companies sponsored these AZT experiments.  Many of the children died.  In Hawthorn, New York there is a cemetery where these children are buried.  Journalist Celia Farber, who is featured in The Real Anthony Fauci movies, tells of the burial site of at least 80 children, perhaps more, their bodies in metal caskets, many with more than one body per casket.

Farber commented that, “Fauci’s reign has elements to totalitarian societies and it also has the theme of mafioso velvetiness to it.”

“…Dr. Fauci copied the choreographed script for winning remdesivir’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the worn rabbit-eared playbook that he developed during his early AIDS years, and then used repeatedly across his career to win approvals for deadly and ineffective drugs,” writes Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. “Time and again, he has terminated clinical trials of his sweetheart drugs the moment they begin to reveal cataclysmic toxicity. He makes the absurd claim that his drug-du-jour had proven so miraculously effective that it would be unethical to deny it to the public, and then he strong-arms FDA to grant his approvals.”

Vera Sharav, Holocaust survivor and President of the Alliance for Human Research Protection ( stated, “Most people cannot imagine that there are people, especially medical doctors, which Dr. Fauci is, who would disregard the humanity of people including children.  There was horrific abuse and because it was government sponsored, together with pharmaceutical companies, they had kind of free rein.  New York State and New York City provided the children for the government experiments.  New York Administration for Services’ documents confirmed there were 80 deaths and many others suffered serious harm.”

Reagan’s Injury Compensation Act

In 1986, Reagan signed into law a bill that gave compensation to children for drug exports and vaccine injuries.  It was meant to make vaccines safer, but it gave virtual liability protection to vaccine manufacturers and health care providers who were providing vaccines.

Mary Holland, general counsel and President of the Children’s Health Defense states, “The 1986 Act was created and signed into law by Reagan.  It allegedly created a program for compensation of children who were injured by their vaccines or who died and they would get some level of compensation.”

Dr. Sherry Tenpenny said, “The 1986 Injury Compensation Act was a real game changer because all of the drug companies who were making vaccines were deciding that they were not going to do vaccines anymore unless they got liability protection because they were getting sued at every turn.”

Mary Holland said, “The blanket liability protection created a boon town, a gold rush. The sad reality is a whole new industry of recklessly developed vaccines that are highly profitable was created, and it did not lead to compensation to children who are injured and it absolutely did not lead to safer vaccines.”

Here is a 45-page report on The Horrible History of Big Pharma.

“That’s one of the tragedies that is across the board when it comes to public health.  Because you see, when doctors join forces with government, they no longer comply with medicine’s mission which is the sacred oath to do no harm to the individual patient. They become agents of government and they do what they’re told,” added Vera Sharav.

This is just like the physicians who work for a group.  They do what they’re told or they lose their jobs, and the groups invariably get their instructions from the CDC, NIH and FDA.

John D. Rockefeller

“In 1910, John D. Rockefeller really kind of took over medicine, particularly the medical schools. And they redirected medicine to be totally focused on pharmaceutical interventions and also, various surgical procedures, in other words, to make it a real business.  The Rockefellers are involved in everything, the World Health Organization, both Rockefeller and Gates.”

John D. Rockefeller was not just interested in oil, but in medicine, in education and in retaining his massive earnings via tax free foundations.

Britannica states, “He made possible the founding of the University of Chicago in 1892, and by the time of his death—from a heart attack in 1937, shortly before his 98th birthday—he had given it some $35 million. In association with his son, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., he created major philanthropic institutions, including the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (renamed Rockefeller University) in New York City (1901), the General Education Board (1902), and the Rockefeller Foundation (1913).  Rockefeller’s benefactions during his lifetime totaled more than $500 million.”

Vera Sharav’s insight on foundations is spot on, “The very wealthy foundations were formed to eliminate their tax requirement.  Foundations don’t have to pay taxes.  So, they simply move their business under the flag of foundations and then they’re exempt from taxation and they gain huge control because they’re distributing money to all sorts of non-government agencies.  They get to decide exactly who to give money to, what kind of policies to support.  In the meantime, they’re shoveling in money for themselves.”

That is one of the tragedies that is across the board when it comes to public health.

NIH Payments

Robert Kennedy Jr. tells us, “One of the secrets that they’ve tried to keep hidden at NIH are these direct payments from the pharmaceutical company not only to the agency, but to hundreds if not thousands of scientists and officials within those agencies for royalty payments for the drugs that that agency has partnered with the pharmaceutical company to develop and market.

“The agency has become a big marketing arm for Big Pharma.  And they don’t want the American public to know that that is the ultimate object of this terrible devolution.  And one of the big emblems of that devolution are the payments that are being made to Tony Fauci, to his deputies, to his scientists.  We’ve made FOIA requests and inquiries and the NIH has stonewalled us.”

They’ve had hundreds of FOIA requests and are being sued over those requests, but as of yet, little has been forthcoming.  This is an important portion of the last 25 minutes of the second video.

Dr. Pierre Kory says, “To call Fauci ‘America’s doctor’ is such a misnomer.  He’s essential a mafia don who runs all three agencies.  He rules science and the practice of medicine.”

Vera Sharav calls Fauci, “a shyster, a man without scruples of any kind.”

Dr. Paul Marik says, “He should be charged with the crimes he’s responsible for which go back to the HIV era.  He did some terrible experiments in Africa.  He’s resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of patients.”

Global leaders have united in an urgent call for an international pandemic treaty to be headed by the World Health Organization (WHO).  The loss of American sovereignty has been nibbled away at for decades, but this kind of treaty would eliminate American citizens freedoms to choose their own health care and would be forced to abide by the dictates of the WHO.

There is no conclusion to this ongoing battle against tyranny, and I should end here.

However, I’m going to include Vera Sharav’s speech in its entirety rather than just linking to it.  She was to give the speech in Brussels but because of protestors, it was given in a restaurant. She outlines the parallels of today with the German Holocaust of European Jewry.

She states exactly what we’re facing because she’s been through it before.

A vital lesson from the Holocaust is that genocide was facilitated by global silence, indifference and the failure to intervene. The Holocaust was set in motion when personal freedom, legal rights and civil rights were swept aside.

The author Primo Levi, an Italian Jewish survivor of Auschwitz, warned: “It happened. Therefore, it can happen again. It can happen everywhere.”

As a Holocaust survivor, I am appalled by poseurs who control the Holocaust narrative. They deny the relevance of the Holocaust to current discrimination and increasingly aggressive and repressive edicts.

These vigilantes censor and silence those who speak out. By denying the relevance of the Holocaust to current repression, the vigilantes are Holocaust deniers.

Elie Wiesel, an Auschwitz survivor and Nobel laureate, was regarded as the victims’ voice. He stated: “Indifference and the silence of people led to the Holocaust. To remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all.”

Today, survivors are shaken by the fear-mongering, and divisive, discriminatory measures against a minority. Horrifying scenes include police in black uniforms brutally attacking demonstrators in European cities, in Australia, and, yes, in Israel. These are painful reminders of the prelude to the Holocaust in which the Nazis:

  • Used the psychological weapons of fear and propaganda to impose a genocidal regime.
  • Demonized Jews as the spreaders of disease and the cause of their misery.
  • Systematically obliterated moral norms and values.
  • Destroyed their social conscience in the name of public health.

Today’s predators are also using fear and propaganda to maintain a state of anxiety and helplessness. The objective ­ then and now ­ is identical ­ to condition people to become obedient and to follow directives without question.

The global assault on our freedoms and our right to self-determination is facilitated by the weaponization of medicine. Then and now, the medical establishment has provided
a veneer of legitimacy to mass medical murder.

The Nazis declared disabled people ­ “unfit for life.” The 1,000 German infants and young children who were the world’s first medical murder victims were actually murdered in hospitals.

In 2020, global governments declared an emergency and issued deadly medical dictates:

  • Hospitals were ordered not to treat the elderly in nursing homes. The result was mass medical murder ­ which Sweden called “active euthanasia.”
  • UK hospitals used lethal doses of the drug Midazolam to medically murder the elderly ­ a drug they continue to stockpile.
  • S. hospital guidelines still call for the elderly to receive minimal treatment.
  • Doctors in Western Europe and the U.S. are forbidden to prescribe existing, licensed, safe and effective, life-saving treatments for COVID patients.

Today, humanity is threatened by the global heirs of the Nazis. The real virus that continues to infect these predators is Eugenics.

A report by the U.S. Commission on the Holocaust, chaired by Elie Wiesel, noted: “… the inclination to duplicate the Nazi option and once again exterminate millions of people remains a hideous threat.”

The modern-day Nazis’ objective is global population reduction. The global oligarchs are determined to gain absolute control of the world’s resources ­ natural, financial and human.

Bill Gates, a lifelong eugenicist and major stakeholder in the vaccine industry, declared the COVID vaccine the “final solution.”

COVID injections use an experimental, gene transfer technology. Its testing on the global population is in gross violation of the foremost human right to “voluntary, informed consent.”

Those who refuse to be injected are vilified as spreaders of a deadly virus. They are subjected to increasingly harsh penalties and discrimination. Germany, Austria and Italy are once again swept up by an orgy of fascist hate-mongering. This time the unvaccinated are being targeted.

The claimed rationale for vaccine mandates was to protect people from getting and transmitting infection. However, the incontrovertible evidence shows that COVID injections do not prevent infection or its transmission and they do not provide immunity.

Even the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s director, Rochelle Wallensky, has acknowledged that COVID jabs cannot prevent transmission.

Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO, conceded that “two doses of the vaccine offer very limited protection ­ if any.”

If vaccinated people can get infected and spread COVID ­ why are they privileged? Why are the unvaccinated ­ who refuse to be injected with a clinically worthless product ­ maligned, discriminated against, threatened with job loss, and the withdrawal of their children’s schooling?

If COVID injections do not protect anyone’s health, what is the real objective of vaccine mandates and digital passports?

Many independent scientists are warning that these injections are biological weapons of mass destruction. Tens of thousands of doctors, scientists and nurses refuse the injections ­ even if it means losing their jobs and their licenses.

Government data from the UK, Israel, the U.S. and the EMA [European Medicines Agency] confirm that massive deaths and injuries have been reported. Close to 38,000 Europeans have died following the shots. And more than 3,390,000 have suffered injuries. Healthy, athletic, young adults have died. Children are suffering from myocarditis and blood clots. Neurodegenerative diseases are also emerging in the vaccinated.

We are at a catastrophic junction in human history. Today’s predators have unleashed an injectable biological weapon designed to deliver a poisonous spike protein, and stealth surveillance technology, into the body.

This weapon enables the predators to control the global population remotely 24 hours a day. We must choose ­ whether to disobey, and assert our freedom and our rights as human beings ­or to be enslaved.

Auschwitz survivor, Mariann Turski, a Polish journalist, was asked if a Holocaust could happen again. He replied: “It could happen. If civil rights are violated ­ if minority rights are not respected and are abolished.”

He urged everyone to “defend the constitution, defend your rights, defend your democracy. Minority rights must be protected… Thou shalt not be indifferent when any minority faces discrimination.”

Dietrich Bonhoeffer,­ an exceptional German Protestant minister during the Nazi regime stated, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

Rabbi Michoel Green just posted an urgent plea that it’s “time to atone for the Holocaust by not allowing it to be repeated.” Green admonishes everyone not to obey tyrants’ orders and not to marginalize and persecute minorities. And he tells the Jews: “Don’t repeat the fatal error of blindly heeding your capo betrayers and walking obsequiously like to the slaughter. Wake up NOW.”

Do not be deluded; the unvaccinated are not the enemy. The first step on the slippery slope to genocide is the stigmatization of a minority. Silence invites ever-increasing repressive restrictions. If we are to survive as free human beings, we must speak out against discrimination. We must not ever be silent again ­ not today, not tomorrow, not ever.

The vaccine program is betrayal.

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Got Away With It’ — Sen. Rick Scott To Release Ad Saying Biden ‘Cheated On His Taxes’

National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) Chairman Sen. Rick Scott of Florida will release an advertisement Monday night, claiming President Biden has been cheating on his taxes to avoid paying around half a million dollars that should have gone to Medicare.

The ad, titled Tax Cheat, was first obtained by the Daily Caller. In it, Scott accuses Biden of exploiting a loophole to cheat on his taxes and getting away with it. Scott’s ad bases its claim on reports from a number of media outlets, including the New York Post and Wall Street Journal, which said that when Biden was leaving the vice presidency in 2017, Joe and Jill Biden created two S-corporations, the CelticCapri Corporation (Joe Biden) and Giacoppa Corporation (Jill Biden), through which they funneled their book and speech income.

The Bidens paid full income taxes on all their earnings but avoided paying payroll taxes — the 2.9% tax that funds Medicare and the additional 0.9% “high-income” tax imposed by Obamacare — on all income they classified as “profits” from their two corporations. This has caused lawmakers like Scott to raise questions about Biden’s taxes, saying the president could owe the IRS close to $500,000 in back taxes.

In 2020, The Washington Post’s fact checker looked at this allegation in detail and concluded that it was difficult to determine whether Biden’s “tax strategy was especially aggressive or par for the course.”

“Joe Biden just cut $280 billion from Medicare. And we know about his 87,000 new IRS agents. But what you don’t know is that Joe Biden also cheated on his taxes and got away with it,” Scott said in the ad.

“Biden improperly used a loophole to dodge half a million dollars in taxes that should have gone to Medicare. Now that Biden has ripped off Medicare for half a million dollars, he wants to close the loophole and raise your taxes. I’m Rick Scott. Biden should resign,” Scott continued.

The ad is being run by and paid for by Scott’s campaign.


“Joe Biden and Washington Democrats just cut $280 billion from Medicare, taking money from Florida seniors,” Scott told the Caller before the ad was released. “What’s worse, Joe Biden cheated on his own taxes, taking even more money from seniors who rely on Medicare and other important entitlement programs. Joe Biden is a hypocrite and a tax cheat who is unequipped for the job and should resign.”

White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates respond to the Caller’s inquiry about the accusations Scott made in the ad in a statement: “No. And funnily, Rick Scott’s lie about the Inflation Reduction Act is just as debunked now as it was yesterday when he face-planted after getting fact checked live on CNN yesterday. It’s also just as false as it was when Rick Scott released an ultra MAGA policy agenda that called for putting Medicare on the chopping block. The Inflation Reduction Act is endorsed by the AARP – and opposed by Big Pharma and every Republican in Congress – because it enables Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug costs. Rick Scott just highlighted, again, that want to raise drug prices in the name of welfare for Big Pharma. We should honestly be paying Senator Scott to talk, but then again he probably still has as least a few hundred million dollars left from when he oversaw the biggest Medicare fraud in history.”



Senior Congressional correspondent. Follow Henry Rodgers On Twitter


Rick Scott, Senate Republicans Introduce Legislation To Prevent Mass Cancellation Of Student Loan Debt

‘Crazy’ — Sen. Rick Scott To Release Ad Slamming Biden For Canceling College Loan Debt

Editor Daily Rundown: Stacey Abrams Could Torpedo Dems’ Senate Chances

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

REPORT: Biden Admin Weighing Plan To House Migrants In Guantanamo

The Biden administration is weighing a plan to house migrants at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, according to NBC News.

The White House National Security Council asked the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for the number of Haitian migrants apprehended at sea that would require them to designate a third country for them to stay while they await processing to enter the U.S., NBC reported, citing two U.S. officials and an internal document. If there is an overwhelming number of Haitian migrants for a third country, the Biden administration is considering Guantanamo Bay as a holding center.

Guantanamo is a high-security prison where some of the harshest criminals have been held, including terrorists who carried out the 9/11 attacks.

The facility has also been used in the past to house migrants from Cuba and Haiti. The Biden administration is considering utilizing the base’s Migrant Operations Center and doubling its capacity to have 400 beds, according to NBC.

“The U.S. government always does contingency planning out of an abundance of caution, and for a wide range of potential scenarios. These contingencies for migration existed long before the Biden-Harris Administration,” an NSC spokesperson added after NBC published its story, adding that a decision hasn’t been made and the number of Haitian migrants interdicted at sea has decreased.

Nearly one year ago, the Biden administration faced a surge in Haitian migrants that overwhelmed the capacity of Border Patrol in Del Rio, Texas, when thousands of them amassed under the international bridge hoping to enter the U.S. During Biden’s time in office, there’s been millions of migrants attempting to enter the country, many of them illegally.

“The United States remains committed to supporting the people of Haiti. We recently delivered Haitian government-purchased security equipment, including tactical and armored vehicles and supplies, that will assist the Haitian National Police in their fight against criminal actors inciting violence,” a spokesperson for the NSC told NBC.

Gangs have attempted to recently take control of Haiti’s government, according to NBC. Most recently, the groups attempted to block fuel to the country.

DHS is monitoring “the situation in Haiti, and there are longstanding contingency plans ready in the event of a surge in maritime migration,” an agency spokesperson told NBC.

“DHS components, including U.S. Border Patrol, Air and Marine Operations, and the United States Coast Guard, along with our federal partners, maintain a continual presence with air and sea assets in the Florida straits and in the Caribbean Sea, as part of a multi-layered approach to interdict migrants attempting to enter the U.S.,” the spokesperson added.

Neither a spokesperson for the NSC nor DHS immediately responded to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s requests for comment.



Investigative reporter.



US Sanctuary States Handing Out Millions of OUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS to Illegal Aliens

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Facilitators Of Traffickers’: Guatemalan President Says US Needs To ‘Pressure’ Countries To Stop Flow Of Illegal Migrants

Migrant Deaths At Southern Border Reach New Record Under Biden

Border Patrol Agents And Illegal Venezuelan Migrants Violently Clash At Southern Border

Air Marshals Sent to Mexican Border to Help with Welfare Checks, Hospital Watch, Transportation

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

Border Patrol Agents And Illegal Venezuelan Migrants Violently Clash At Southern Border

Border Patrol agents and illegal migrants from Venezuela had a violent clash at the southern border on Monday, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said in a statement to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The incident occurred when the group of Venezuelans, who were engaged in a protest, tried to cross the border from Mexico into El Paso, Texas, along the Rio Grande River, illegally, CBP told the DCNF. The situation grew tense as one of the protestors assaulted a border agent with a flag pole, which led agents to deploy “crowd control measures” that included a pepperball launching system.

The group then returned to Mexico, CBP said, adding that the incident is under review.

“Customs and Border Protection’s Office of Professional responsibility will review the incident. The situation is still on going, further information may be provided as it becomes available,” CBP said.

Due to an early October Biden administration rule, Venezuelan migrants who cross into the U.S. illegally are expelled immediately to Mexico.

CBP encountered over 187,000 illegal Venezuelan migrants during fiscal year 2022, according to agency statistics. Some migrants from Venezuela may come due to a “perception that once they reach the border, they have a greater chance of remaining in the United States, based on a misunderstood perception of temporary protected status,” an internal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) document obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation in late October said.

“These actions make clear that there is a lawful and orderly way for Venezuelans to enter the United States, and lawful entry is the only way,” DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said of the policy at the time.

However, it is unclear if the incident is related to the policy change.



Investigative reporter.



US Sanctuary States Handing Out Millions of OUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS to Illegal Aliens

Air Marshals Sent to Mexican Border to Help with Welfare Checks, Hospital Watch, Transportation

Migrant Deaths At Southern Border Reach New Record Under Biden

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Facilitators Of Traffickers’: Guatemalan President Says US Needs To ‘Pressure’ Countries To Stop Flow Of Illegal Migrants

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

REPORT: Paul Pelosi’s Attacker Was In The U.S. Illegally

The suspect who attacked Paul Pelosi on Friday with a hammer is allegedly in the U.S. illegally, according to Fox News.

Forty-two year-old David DePape broke into the Pelosi’s private San Francisco home on Friday and allegedly assaulted Pelosi with a hammer. DePape has since been charged with crimes including attempted homicide, assault with a deadly weapon and elder abuse.

Fox’s national correspondent Bill Melugin reported DePape is illegally residing in the U.S.

“NEW: Per ICE source, Dave DePape, the suspect accused of beating Paul Pelosi in his home with a hammer after breaking in, is currently in the U.S. illegally as a ‘longtime’ visa overstay,” Melugin reported.

The Daily Caller has reached out to ICE to confirm DePape’s immigration status.

DePape allegedly forced his way through the back door of the home before going upstairs in search of Speaker Nancy Pelosi. DePape allegedly had a hammer, zip ties and duct tape and was yelling “where is Nancy” before confronting Paul.

Paul Pelosi allegedly told DePape he had to use the bathroom before secretly calling 911 and leaving the line open so dispatchers could hear Paul and DePape talking, The Los Angeles Times reported. Paul stated the intruder was waiting for his wife and called DePape a “friend” named David, the dispatcher told police.

Officers were dispatched to the house around 2:27 a.m., and knocked on the front door, which was reportedly opened by “someone inside,” San Francisco Police Chief William Scott said.



News and commentary writer. Follow Brianna on Twitter

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Politico Says Reports Of A Third Person At Paul Pelosi’s House Are ‘Baseless.’ They’re Based On Politico’s Reporting

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Government Officials Have A Special Portal To Flag Facebook Posts For Censorship

The Department of Homeland Security has left open a special feature that allows government officials to flag Facebook posts for misinformation after scrapping a controversial advisory board tasked with developing guidelines for social media censorship, the Intercept reported Monday.

DHS announced plans for a Disinformation Governance Board to “develop guidelines, standards, guardrails to ensure that the work that has been ongoing for nearly 10 years does not infringe on people’s free speech rights, rights of privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties,” DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee in May, according to The Hill. While DHS shuttered the initiative after an onslaught of bipartisan opposition decrying the potential censorship, the Intercept found through an analysis of public and leaked documents that government efforts to police tech companies goes on.

Those activities include a Facebook portal only accessible by government and law enforcement representatives to formally request the platform kill or label alleged misinformation, according to the Intercept. A leaked set of slides contains instructions on how to operate the system, and the URL to access the site — — was still active at the time of publication.

“Platforms have got to get comfortable with gov’t. It’s really interesting how hesitant they remain,” a DHS official told a Microsoft representative in February, according to the Intercept.

The U.S. government has for years discussed the scope and scale of online content moderation the government should engage in, as well as how to compel social media platforms to flag or remove “misinformation,” “disinformation” and “malinformation,” the Intercept reported, citing meeting minutes and records appended to a lawsuit filed by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt.

The department now considers rooting out misinformation online as a critical element of its overall mission, according to a draft of the 2022 Quadrennial Homeland Security Review reviewed by the Intercept.

While the document highlights counter-terrorism as DHS’s primary objective, it acknowledges that “misinformation and disinformation spread online” can exacerbate terrorist threats from “domestic violent extremists,” according to the Intercept. It calls for DHS to use advanced computer analytical software and hire experts “to better understand how threat actors use online platforms to introduce and spread toxic narratives intended to inspire or incite violence.”

However, DHS has defined the “critical infrastructure” threatened by domestic terrorists to encompass trust in government, public health and election security, according to the Intercept.

“No matter your political allegiances, all of us have good reason to be concerned about government efforts to pressure private social media platforms into reaching the government’s preferred decisions about what content we can see online,” Adam Goldstein, the vice president of research at the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, told the Intercept.

Agencies under DHS — Customs and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Science and Technology Directorate and the Secret Service — all have directives to combat misinformation online, the Intercept reported, citing a DHS Inspector General report from August.

Meta and DHS did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.




RELATED ARTICLE: GOP Senators Release Documents Showing Biden Admin Lied About Disinfo Board

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

Today Mankind is in Dire Need of More Philosophers like Anicius Boëthius

“A man content to go to heaven alone will never go to heaven.” — Anicius Manlius Severinus Boëthius

I recently read The Consolation of Philosophy by Anicius Manlius Severinus Boëthius.

Anicius Manlius Severinus Boëthius or Anicius Boëthius lived from 480-524 AD.

Boëthius was a Roman scholar, Christian philosopher, statesman and the author of the celebrated De consolation philosophiae (The Consolation of Philosophy), a largely Neoplatonic work in which the pursuit of wisdom and the love of God are described as the true sources of human happiness.

What mankind is suffering from today is a lack of happiness because mankind has forgotten the words of Boëthius that proved what truly makes one happy is based upon the pursuit of wisdom and the love of God.

Boëthius wrote The Consolation of Philosophy while in prison wrongfully accused of treason and awaiting his execution which happened in 524 AD.

The Pursuit of Wisdom and the Love of God

Boëthius, while in prison, lamented his state of affairs. Boëthius was a high level Roman official whose words were embraced by many before a few accused him of treason against the Roman state.

Boëthius wrote,

“These it is who kill the rich crop of reason with the barren thorns of passion, who accustom men’s minds to disease, instead of setting them free.”

Boëthius was the victim of “the usual sickness of deluded minds.” Today, we are seeing deluded minds that have singled out free men and women for punishment for speaking “truth to power.” In America these free men and women are simply exercising their Constitutional rights to petition their elected officials. For this effort to tell the truth they have been labeled terrorists, semi-Fascists and traitors. wrote this about The Consolation of Philosophy,

Evil has no substance, according to Philosophy, because it cannot participate in the ultimate pursuit of mankind: the supreme good. Therefore people who inflict their wickedness on the good are not truly powerful, since they have no capacity to stop the good people’s attainment of the one thing that matters. God orders the world through Providence, and the order of things that happen on earth is called Fate. Though people on earth cannot understand the ways of Providence, they must nevertheless accept whatever Fate sends, for all fortune, good or bad, is good. Bad fortune can instruct the recipient in the ways of virtue, and, often is better for the soul.
God does not interfere with free will, Philosophy concludes. Though God knows all things past and present, this knowledge doesn’t preclude the freedom of choice of human beings. God’s knowledge is not like our knowledge, and doesn’t happen over a period of time. God had one act of knowing the world, and in that act knew all things, including all the free choices of all the people throughout the entire history of the world.
Finally, Boethius, through this long conversation with Philosophy, has been comforted. Philosophy leaves him with the advice to cultivate virtue, for the Heavenly Judge sees all things. [Emphasis added]

The Story of an American Patriot and Political Prisoner

Fast forward to 2022 AD and we see many American patriots in prisoned who have been wrongfully accused of participating in an “insurrection” and accused of treason just because they attended a rally on January 6th, 2022 in Washington, D.C.

These falsely accused political prisoners, like Boëthius, are still awaiting judgment.

Among these political prisoners, much like Boëthius, is a young man named Zachary “Zach” Rehl who on March 17th, 2021, the Federal Bureau of Investigation agents arrested him at his home in Port Richmond, Pennsylvania.  From October 2008 to May 2012, Zack was a U.S. Marine Corps non-commissioned officer in Yuma, Arizona. Zack is a 100% disabled Marine Corps. veteran with a wife and young child.

Why Zack?

Because Zack takes his oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic seriously. Zack understands that the oath that he, and all those who honorably served our nation, does not expire until we do.

What are Zack’s crimes?

  1. Zack is the leader of the Philadelphia chapter of the Proud Boys. He was one of the organizers of the We the People rally outside the Independence Hall in Philadelphia in 2018, which supported Donald Trump.
  2. In July 2020, he attended the Back the Blue rally outside the Fraternal Order of Police lodge in Philadelphia where the Proud Boys members mingled with police officers. (c)
  3. “Just FYI, WE’RE HERE with you in DC now! Love you all!” he wrote on Parler on the evening of January 5, 2021. He had raised more than $5,500 via the Christian website GiveSendGo to fund his travel from Philadelphia to Washington, D.C., USA. 
  4. Wearing a camouflage cap while carrying a Temple University backpack, he went to the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021. That day, Trump’s supporters held a peaceful Save America rally while the joint session of Congress was certifying the vote of the Electoral College and affirming Joe Biden‘s victory in the 2020 presidential election. During the Save America rally, he assisted Proud Boys leaders Ethan Nordean and Joseph Biggs but never entered the U.S. Capitol building.

You see Zack is an American patriot, a disabled veteran and a member of the Proud Boys. These are now punishable offenses according to this administration.

Like Anicius, Zack is a political prisoner who has yet to be judged by a jury of his peers.

Zach, in a letter to his wife, warned:

“They are jailing innocent people on bogus and trumped-up charges because those people simply supported the sitting president Donald Trump at the time; which is absolutely insane. If you think it can’t happen to you, look at me, because if it can happen to me, trust me, it can happen to you.”

Zack like Anicius faces an uncertain future. But he wears the full armor of God.

But Zack and his fellow imprisoned patriots  are consoled by the truth that people who inflict their wickedness on the good are not truly powerful, since they have no capacity to stop the good people’s attainment of the one thing that matters.

May God bless Zack, his family and his fellow political prisoners.

In closing, for those interested the below video is a lecture which was delivered on June 19th, 2019 at the Temenos Academy in London by Dr. Stephen Blackwood on the ancient Roman writer Boethius and his magnum opus ‘The Consolation of Philosophy‘. After tracing the Ancient Greek roots from which Boethius draws, Dr. Blackwood sketches the Consolation’s path to self-possession and true fulfillment, even amidst injustice, misfortune, distraction, and the inexorable movement of time. Dr. Blackwood argues that this perennially influential book, written as its author faced unjust imprisonment and torture, relates the inner life of the individual to the wider cultural renewal with which it is intrinsically connected.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

The Fall of the House of Twitter

Twitter employees are calling it ‘Black Monday’.  Elon Musk is expected to fire many of them today, having already shown four top executives the door.  Estimates vary, but 10 to 50 percent of Twitter’s employees will lose their jobs today.  Don’t expect me to feel sorry for them.  Twitter censored me, then Facebook censored me.  Pride goeth before the fall.  I don’t feel the least bit sorry for these minor minions of the authoritarian Left who think they know the first thing about governance and try to silence anyone who disagrees with heir stupid little opinions.  It makes me smile to see them thrown out on their ear.

I’m not sorry in the least, not when I see the scope of the Left’s attempt to shut people like me up.  The Missouri Attorney General and others brought a lawsuit against Big Tech and the Biden administration for what the lawsuit calls a “massive, sprawling federal ‘Censorship Enterprise’.”  The case is ongoing.  Anthony Fauci, Jen Psaki, and other officials from the Biden administration now face depositions where they will have to explain how and why they colluded with Twitter and other social media platforms to shut people up about Hunter Biden’s laptop, the 2020 presidential election, COVID, and other topics.

As vast as that effort was, it only scratches the surface of what the authoritarian Left and their Democrat friends are doing to suppress speech in this country.

Democrat-controlled California just passed a law prohibiting doctors from disagreeing with the government about COVID treatments.  Which is really funny because I’ve given you story after story in previous commentaries, about public health authorities being completely wrong about COVID – so many stories, I’ve lost count.

The Republican National Committee just sued Google for suppressing 22 million get-out-the-vote and fundraising emails.  Google sent the mailings to users’ spam folders.  Right before the election.  Tell me that’s an accident.

A coffee shop in Virginia was forced to close after the owner celebrated the overturning of Roe v. Wade online.  Left-wing nasties bombarded the shop with negative reviews.

The comic strip ‘Dilbert’ was recently canceled in 80 newspapers without explanation.  The creator believes it is because the strip has been poking fun at corporations that are pursuing Woke agendas.

Canceling ‘Dilbert’ shows you just how weak the authoritarian Left really is.  It is so weak it can’t even stand a little ribbing from a comic strip.   That reminds me of Xi Jinping kicking Winnie the Pooh out of China because he didn’t like people saying he looks like Winnie the Pooh.

The Left is afraid of comic strips.  The Left is afraid of nobodies like me telling the truth – so afraid, we get kicked off of Facebook and Twitter.  The Left is afraid of coffee shop owners who think for themselves, doctors who exercise their independent professional judgment, parents speaking their minds at school board meetings, and FBI agents blowing the whistle on agency wrong-doing.  Trying to shut us all up – that’s weakness, not strength.  So to all you Jack Dorsey-booted left-wing authoritarian thugs out there, don’t think for a minute you have succeeded in getting rid of us.  You are too weak to succeed.  And we’re just getting started.

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.


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We welcome Daryn Ross of the ‘Patriots with Grit’ podcast.  More about Daryn soon.

FBI Arrests Disabled Marine, VA Cancels His Benefits For Peaceful Protest

The Jan 6th political persecutions are nothing than a Kafkaesque kangaroo court designed to criminalize opposition to the totalitarian Democrat regime. It’s all a massive theatrical production with real life repercussions carefully calculated to cover the Democrats insurrectionist election theft and treasonous “Russia hoax” crimes designed to oust a sitting president.

The unconstitutional prosecution of this disabled Marine is egregious and unconscionable. If America continues to allow this, no one is safe.

Judicial Watch reporting:

Patriot Zach Rehl received an honorable discharge from the United States Marine Corps…and received a 100% disability rating from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

But the FBI raided his home on March 17th, 2021, arrested him, and threw him in jail for peacefully protesting the stolen 2020 Presidential election at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021.

Zach didn’t attack the U.S. Capitol Police. (His own father and grandfather were Philadelphia cops, like my brother, for Pete’s sake.)

Zach didn’t break anything, or even hurt anyone’s feelings with harsh words.

He simply exercised his right to free speech as an American citizen.

Zach has been held without bail this entire time.

What’s more, he hasn’t had the chance to hold his baby girl even once.

And to add insult to injury, the VA notified his wife, Amanda, that they were cutting off Zach’s disability payments because he’d been charged with seditious conspiracy. Just charged – not convicted!

As you can imagine, all of this has been brutally hard on Zach, his wife, and two daughters. No freedom…no rights…no due process…IN AMERICA!

If the Biden Justice Department and its FBI can push around and seek to destroy a peaceful, disabled Marine veteran for exercising his right to free speech, they can push you and me, our families, friends, and fellow Americans around, too.

You and I, and the people we love in are in grave danger.

Zach warns about that in a letter to his wife:

“They are jailing innocent people on bogus and trumped-up charges because those people simply supported the sitting president Donald Trump at the time; which is absolutely insane. If you think it can’t happen to you, look at me, because if it can happen to me, trust me, it can happen to you.”


NOTE: CONAN Daily provided the following background information on Zach Rehl.

  1. He lives in Port Richmond, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His parents are police officers in Philadelphia. (a)
  2. He worked as a telemarketing representative at Spectrum Marketing Services in Philadelphia from February 2002 to June 2003 and as a sales manager at T-Mobile in Philadelphia from January 2004 to July 2008. (b)
  3. From October 2008 to May 2012, he was a U.S. Marine Corps non-commissioned officer in Yuma, Arizona, USA. (b)
  4. From 2012 to 2013, he went to Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania. He earned his bachelor’s degree in marketing from Temple University in Philadelphia in 2016 and his master’s degree in innovation management and entrepreneurship from the same university in 2017. (b)
  5. He was the owner of Bada Bing Sports Bar and Grille, which operated in Philadelphia from 2014 to 2015. (b)
  6. He worked as an agent at New York Life Insurance Company from June 2018 to August 2018. In September 2018, he joined Winchester Financial Services in Philadelphia as an independent insurance agent. (b)
  7. He is the leader of the Philadelphia chapter of the right-wing extremist group [this is code for American patriot and veteran] called the Proud Boys. He was one of the organizers of the We the People rally outside the Independence Hall in Philadelphia in 2018, which supported Donald Trump(a)(d)
  8. In July 2020, he attended the Back the Blue rally outside the Fraternal Order of Police lodge in Philadelphia where the Proud Boys members mingled with police officers. (c)
  9. “Just FYI, WE’RE HERE with you in DC now! Love you all!” he wrote on Parler on the evening of January 5, 2021. He had raised more than $5,500 via the Christian website GiveSendGo to fund his travel from Philadelphia to Washington, D.C., USA. (d)
  10. Wearing a camouflage cap while carrying a Temple University backpack, he went to the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021. That day, Trump’s supporters breached the building while a joint session of Congress was certifying the vote of the Electoral College and affirming Joe Biden‘s victory in the 2020 presidential election. During the riot, he assisted Proud Boys leaders Ethan Nordean and Joseph Biggs. (a)(c)
  11. On March 17, 2021, Federal Bureau of Investigation agents arrested him at his home in Port Richmond. (a)
  12. On June 6, 2022, he, Ethan Nordean, Joseph Biggs, Enrico Tarrio and Dominic Pezzola were charged with seditious conspiracy. (d)
  13. He was 37 years old when he was charged with seditious conspiracy on June 6, 2022. (d)

RELATED VIDEO: Patrick Howley interview with Zach Rehl.


True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht, former board member ARRESTED for not outing informant

Arizona Democrat Sentenced to 30 Days in Jail for Ballot Harvesting

BRILLIANT: Kari Lake Trolls Liz Cheney With Savage ‘Thank You’ Letter

Cracked Clown Biden Mocked for Saying There Are ’54 States’

HELLSCAPE: Eight NYC Cop-Killers Are Up for Parole Between October and May In Crime Infested NY

Transcript LEAKED…Biden Gave The SHOCKING Order to release illegals

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

IRAN: Freedom fighters defy Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps ultimatum to cease protests

Note how Reuters once again refers to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps as the “Revolutionary Guards.” Why won’t these “journalists” call the group by its correct name?

Security forces tear gas students defying Iran protest ultimatum

by Parisa Hafezi, Reuters, October 30, 2022:DUBAI (Reuters) -Protests in Iran entered a more violent phase on Sunday as students, who defied an ultimatum by the Revolutionary Guards and a warning from the president, were met with tear gas and gunfire from security forces, social media videos showed.

The confrontations at dozens of universities prompted the threat of a tougher crackdown in a seventh week of demonstrations sparked by the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini after she was arrested by the morality police for attire deemed inappropriate.

“Security is the red line of the Islamic Republic, and we will not allow the enemy to implement in any way its plans to undermine this valuable national asset,” hardline President Ebrahim Raisi said, according to state media.

Iranians from all walks of life have taken to the streets since Amini’s death in protests that the clerical rulers said were endangering the Islamic Republic’s security.

Authorities have accused Islamic Iran’s arch-enemies the United States and Israel and their local agents of being behind the unrest to destabilise the country.

What began as outrage over Amini’s death on Sept. 16 has evolved into one of the toughest challenges to clerical rulers since the 1979 revolution, with some protesters calling for the death of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

The top commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards told protesters that Saturday would be their last day of taking to the streets, the harshest warning yet by Iranian authorities.

Nevertheless, videos on social media, unverifiable by Reuters, showed confrontations between students and riot police and Basij forces on Sunday at universities all over Iran.

One video showed a member of Basij forces firing a gun at close range at students protesting at a branch of Azad University in Tehran. Gunshots were also heard in a video shared by rights group HENGAW from protests at the University of Kurdistan in Sanandaj.

Videos from universities in some other cities also showed Basij forces opening fire at students.

Across the country, security forces tried to block students inside university buildings, firing tear gas and beating protesters with sticks. The students, who appeared to be unarmed, pushed back, with some chanting “dishonoured Basij get lost” and “Death to Khamenei”….



Iran: Protesters destroy monument to the symbol of the Islamic Republic

Iran: After IRGC top dog says Saturday would be ‘last day’ of protests, authorities clamp down hard on universities

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Will GOP Let Biden Nominate a Radical Leftist IRS Boss to Terrorize Americans?

The pressure will be on to appoint and clear a new commissioner as soon as possible.

Biden’s illegal Inflation Increase Act has prepped the IRS to act as a weapon of political terror. But it needs someone at the top to run the machine.

Here’s the stage being set.

Looming Leadership Void at I.R.S. Raises Concerns Over $80 Billion Overhaul – New York Times

Former commissioners warn that delays in nominating a new commissioner raise the prospect that transformation efforts will fail.

You know the kind of transformation they have in mind.

Last month, we were told that the Biden regime had narrowed its list of candidates. And based on the track record, we’re likely looking at a Warren person, someone with a background in advocating political crackdowns on conservative organizations and finding new ways to bend the tax code to pursue leftist agendas. As a plus, it’s likely to be a woman and a member of a minority group.

Now, Commissioner Rettig is officially stepping down.

The Treasury Department on Friday announced the departure of IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig, an appointee of former President Trump whose term is set to end in mid-November.

Before Congress approves a new permanent IRS head, the agency will be headed by deputy commissioner Douglas O’Donnell as acting chief, the Treasury said.

The pressure will be on to appoint and clear a new commissioner as soon as possible.

Congressional Republicans have a duty not to provide another rubber stamp to another radical Biden nominee. Especially, if the track record holds, we’re going to be looking at an extremist on a mission to terrorize Americans.

The media will claim that Republicans are holding up urgent reforms and that taxpayer services will be affected. That’s a lie. O’Donnell is a career employee and capable of running things.

As the IRS is already targeting conservatives while protecting leftists, as discussed in David Horowitz’s and John Perazzo’s new booklet: “Internal Radical Service: Abuse Of Taxpayer Dollars To Advance Leftwing Causes Illegally And Unconstitutionally”, we can only imagine how much worse it will get if the Biden regime gets full control of the terror machine that Manchin and Sinema helped them build. If Republicans fail to stand up for Americans against a new wave of political and economic terror, they will lose the confidence of the country.


EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: David Depape & Paul Pelosi—It does seem a bit odd, doesn’t it?

I think that this was the article that Elon tweeted out for which, Hillary Clinton had a few things to say.

The Awful Truth: Paul Pelosi Was Drunk Again, And In a Dispute With a Male Prostitute Early Friday Morning.

“Paul Pelosi stated that he doesn’t know who the male is but he advised that his name is David and that he is a friend.” Yeah, right.

As SF’s gay bars closed at 2 am, two gay men met in a bar and went home together. Happens every night in the City by the Bay. Except one of these two men, was married to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

I might disappear for telling you the truth. If I do, you’ll all know why. But here’s what really happened early Friday morning in San Francisco. IMHO

According to SFPD “RP [Reporting Person] stated that there’s a male in the home and that he’s going to wait for his wife. RP stated that he doesn’t know who the male is but he advised that his name is David, and that he is a friend,” the dispatch official said. “RP sounded somewhat confused.”

The whole world is starting to feel like the WWE. A kind of staged wrestling match between titans. Let’s see if anything actually changes. Anyone been unbanned from Twitter yet?

The best analysis I have seen so far is on Gateway Pundit. Suggest navigating over there and reading his posts yesterday and today. Links to the articles are on the Reader’s Links today and yesterday.


A Huge Anomaly Identified Between 911 Information and FBI Witness Timing of Events at the Pelosi Home – CCTV, Body Cam Footage MUST be Released!

Radical Lawmaker Reveals He Knows of Pelosi Attacker

New Information Emerges About Suspect’s Background After Attack on Paul Pelosi

U.S. Capitol Police had live video feed at Pelosi home but didn’t notice break-in

Elon Musk tweet about ‘tiny possibility’ there’s more to Paul Pelosi story almost BREAKS Twitter

NBC News: David DePape ‘Was Able to Get into the Pelosi Bedroom Where Paul Pelosi Was’; Third Person Was in Home

Audio of Paul Pelosi’s 911 Call Released: “He’s a Friend.”


MICHIGAN: Watch as Barrack Obama is Trolled by Black Voters Who Shout ‘Let’s Go Brandon’

Well well well. It seems that even Barrack Obama campaigning for Democrats in Detroit, Michigan is not liked by black Democrat voters in Michigan.

QUESTION: Can you see a red wave coming?

Watch as Obama’s remarks are interrupted by the predominantly black crowd who begin shouting “Let’s Go Brandon.”

Obama interrupted by hecklers in Detroit while discussing lack of civility in politics. Right! You know civility like Biden calling half of Americans semi-Fascists in a national address.

Then this video is posted on Twitter by @PapiTrumpo, which is now owned by Elon Musk.

But there’s more.

Listen to this woman in the crowd comments about Ukraine.

It seems that Barrack Hussein Obama has lost his luster.

Let’ Go Brandon!

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Did Barack Obama Admit He Has a Husband Named Michael?

Watch For These 5 Red Flags In Pennsylvania’s Elections This Year

With the 2022 midterms fast approaching, Democrats in states like Pennsylvania are trying the same tactics they used to steal 2020.

Watch For These 5 Red Flags In Pennsylvania’s Elections This Year

By: Victoria Marshall, The Federalist, October 28, 2022

As the 2022 midterm elections approach, all eyes are on Pennsylvania.

Ever since former President Donald Trump carried the key battleground state in 2016 (the first Republican presidential nominee to do so in almost three decades), Pennsylvania has represented the nation’s “center of political gravity,” boasting crucial midterm contests that are key to either party’s control of the Senate. As Republicans gain in the polls (thanks in part to skyrocketing inflation and the country’s disastrous economic prospects), sinister games are at play behind the scenes.

This is nothing new to the Keystone State. Corruption-riddled Philadelphia has long been ground zero for Democrats’ election-rigging schemes. During the 2020 presidential election, Philadelphia County received the most funding from the Mark Zuckerberg-funded Center for Tech and Civic Life (a leftist nonprofit that funneled millions of dollars to blue counties in swing states to fund get-out-the-vote efforts for then-candidate Joe Biden).

But “Zuckbucks” were only part of Democrats’ cleverly-orchestrated plan to swing the 2020 election in Biden’s favor. Democrat secretaries of state in key battlegrounds also made last-minute, illegal changes to their state’s election laws, subverting the authority of their Republican-led legislatures. Pennsylvania’s then-Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar is no exception.

With the 2022 midterms fast approaching (and Pennsylvania a crucial decider of which party will wield power in the 118th Congress), Democrats are trying the same tactics they used in 2020.

1. Delayed Election Results

Acting Secretary of State Leigh Chapman is already warning voters to not expect results on election night, as it might take “days” to finalize as officials cannot begin processing mail-in ballots until Election Day. Already more than 1 million Pennsylvania voters have applied to vote by mail, with the majority of requests coming from Democrats.

Delayed election results seem to be the new normal in Pennsylvania. During the commonwealth’s contentious May primary, it took weeks for the results to be finalized (and for celebrity doctor Mehmet Oz’s win over former hedge fund CEO Dave McCormick to be sure). In the 2020 presidential election, it also took several days for the state to be called in Biden’s favor.

As Federalist Staff Writer Shawn Fleetwood notes, delayed election results are one warning sign of incompetent election administration and raise voters’ suspicions over the validity of an election. This is why many first-world European countries determine their election results within 24 hours of citizens casting their ballots.

2. Counting Undated Ballots

Chapman’s warning of delayed election results comes after she told counties to ignore a Supreme Court ruling that held undated mail-in ballots cannot be counted. The Republican National Committee and the Pennsylvania GOP have since filed a lawsuit against Chapman’s directive. Such a charge will only result in myriad inconsistencies and irregularities in how Pennsylvania’s 67 counties will process ballots, leading to further delays.

3. 240,000 Unverified Ballots

Almost a quarter of a million unverified ballots were sent to Pennsylvania voters this election cycle, a letter by 15 state lawmakers alleges. The mail-in ballots, the letter adds, were sent to voters without verification of their identity (social security number or government-issued ID) in the ballot application process. The GOP lawmakers are blaming Secretary Chapman’s office for issuing guidance in 2018 that instructed “counties to register voters without verification of identity” and are asking her office to “immediately issue a directive to all counties informing them of the requirement to set those ballots aside and not pre-canvass, canvass, or count any of them unless and until the applicant provides a valid form of identification.” As of October 28, Chapman has not responded to the letter.

4. Duplicate Voting

Philadelphia election officials are set to remove a key safeguard for catching duplicate votes as Election Day approaches. The procedure is known as poll book reconciliation, whereby election officials compare mail-in ballots with poll book records from Election Day. If a person is listed as voting in person on Election Day via the poll book, but the city also receives a mail-in ballot for that voter, the city will not count the mail-in ballot so as to protect against double-voting.

But now the Philadelphia City Commission is threatening to stop the practice because officials claim it will jeopardize their access to state funds. Newly-enacted Act 88, passed by the Republican-majority legislature, prohibits the vote count (after starting at 7 a.m. on Election Day) from stopping until all ballots are tabulated. Philadelphia election officials argue that because poll book reconciliation requires pausing the vote count, they’re at risk of violating Act 88 and will subsequently lose state funding. Such a narrow interpretation of Act 88 is a weak excuse for lessening election security measures. As such, government watchdog Restoring Integrity and Trust in Elections (RITE) has filed a lawsuit against the Philadelphia City Commission.

Pennsylvania state Rep. Seth Grove has also written a letter to the Philadelphia County Board of Elections demanding answers to the county’s failure to comply with Act 88. According to Grove, under current law, a voter who’s requested a mail-in ballot should not be permitted to vote on Election Day. By allowing such voters to vote in person on Election Day, administrators are “relying on an unlawful post-election process to check mail-in ballots returned after poll books are printed” and “knowingly permitting perhaps thousands of voters to cast regular rather than provisional ballots, in violation of the law.”

Philadelphia’s poll book reconciliation process, then, would not be necessary if election administrators were actually following Pennsylvania law.

5. Poll Watcher Instructions Violate Pennsylvania Law

The Pennsylvania Democratic Party‘s “Poll Observer Manual” directly conflicts with Pennsylvania state law in its instructions to poll watchers. For example, the manual tells poll watchers to “Assist voters and election officials as necessary and appropriate to resolve smaller issues.” Additionally, the manual encourages poll watchers that their “diligence” ensures “that eligible voters vote and that their votes are counted,” before enjoining them to “make sure to monitor constantly whether voters have questions with which you can assist.”

But guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of State website states that “Poll watchers are not permitted to approach voters in the polling place.” The guidance specifically warns that talking to voters is an example of voter intimidation: “Examples of voter intimidation include, but are not limited to … Confronting, hovering, or directly speaking to or questioning voters.”

The Pennsylvania Democratic Party did not respond to The Federalist’s request for comment.

What Can Be Done?

As Pennsylvania will be a crucial decider for which party will take power in 2023, expect Democrat attempts to subvert free and fair elections in Pennsylvania to only increase as Nov. 8 approaches. The incidents outlined above are only a handful of the myriad election integrity issues the Keystone State faces. But instead of being intimidated by such challenges, concerned Pennsylvania citizens must remain vigilant so as to keep their elected officials accountable and ensure the 2022 midterms are conducted securely.




TRAITOR Karl Rove’s Rove’s PAC Boosts Democrat Shapiro in Pennsylvania over Republican

DEMOCRATS LOSE: Federal Judge Rules That Watching Drop Boxes For Voter Fraud Is Protected Under The First Amendment After Democrats Sue

Whistleblower: FBI Election-Meddles Again, Targeting Info Democrats Don’t Like Under ‘Election Crimes’

WINNING: WISCONSIN GOP Triumphs In Election Integrity Ruling Over MAIL-IN BALLOT Battle

Florida Gov. DeSantis to Campaign With Zeldin in New York Today

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Credentialism, Crisis and Censorship: How the Left Eliminated Debate

Everything that progressive fascists believe is now an official fact.

“The Big Truth: Upholding Democracy in the Age of the Big Lie,” authored by a CBS reporter and a political activist, is the latest effort by leftists to wrap themselves in the banner of truth.

Media bias has shed its protective coloration of neutrality and blares that its side, leftists, represent the truth and conservatives the ‘lie’. The title of the “The Big Truth”, an otherwise forgettable exercise in virtue signaling, is interesting only because it so perfectly encompasses a media feed that is a mad libs game of “X Republican lied, Y Democrat hopes truth will win out.”

The problem is that this isn’t just propaganda distilled to its raw essence so that every media headline now reads like the title of Al Franken’s “Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them”.

The problem is that the leftists created the infrastructure of a new truth using the three Cs, credentialism, crisis and censorship, to eliminate debate and the marketplace of ideas.

Credentialism has experts, activists, academics, members of leftist think-tanks and non-profits, wrongly described as non-partisan, and other interested figures with degrees, declaring that a leftist narrative, global warming, systemic racism, transgenderism in children, or election results is a fact backed by studies and research. A crisis is declared accompanied by dire warnings that questioning their manufactured truth will cost more lives. In the final stage, censorship, internet monopolies, allied with the media and politicians, suppress disagreement as misinformation.

Before, in between and after the media serves as the connective tissue, promoting partisan hacks as experts, hammering home the crisis and pressuring tech firms to censor dissent.

While pandemic lockdowns will quickly come to mind, the model was operating before then and has come to be used on virtually any issue from refugees to questioning elections (won by the media party) to crime and school sexualization. Everything the Left believes is now a fact and a crisis, disagreeing with it is disinformation, treason and terrorism. The crackdown swiftly follows.

Facts, we are often told, cannot be debated. And since everything the Left believes is a fact, there is no longer any room for debate. Reasonable and intelligent people of good faith, the media tells us, would never disagree with these facts. Only bigot, trolls and extremists peddling disinformation, dissent. And since they disagree with the truth and the facts, they’re liars.

And censoring “extremists” and “liars” has become the new civic duty of internet monopolies. This is the ubiquitous progressive fascism of cancel culture, censorship and endless battles against misinformation that have come to define what used to be the marketplace of ideas.

Questioning the credentials of the experts is an attack on science, facts and the very idea of truth. Civil society, the experts tell us, can’t exist unless we trust them. Anyone who disagrees is out to undermine society and tear apart the official artificial truth that is meant to bind us in the digital Mordor being built by mighty tech monopolies one server farm and fact check at a time.

Add on the second C, crisis, and there isn’t even any time or space to debate the ethics of silencing political dissent while people are dying from cow flatulence, law enforcement or an inability to speedily sexually mutilate children. Censorship becomes more urgent than ever.

Declaring that their opinions are “truth” and that any disagreement is a “lie” is a crucial element.

The media’s narrative is more than just propaganda. The rhetoric you used to hear from Franken, Stewart and Colbert has become a crucial part of a massive censorship scheme. But by focusing on the negative, the censorship of dissent, it’s easy to miss what has actually happened, which is a manufactured consensus tying together the government, the media, think-tanks and non-profits, academia and internet monopolies in one totalitarian system.

Progressive fascism suppresses disagreement in order to unilaterally impose its official “truths”.

At the heart of the debate is the question of what truth is and how we arrive at it. Media bias and debates over what objective journalism is run up against the “new truths” every time.

A simple bit of factual objective reporting might be that Bob X shot Jack Y in the head in the middle of Main Street. Caught on camera, what went on down is the indisputable truth. The new truth, the one that increasingly shows up in media coverage, is that systemic racism, income inequality and the lack of gun control laws led to a shooting on Main Street. Bob and Jack, like all individuals, are mere bit players in the larger leftist sociopolitical dramas of class and race.

The school shooter is an afterthought in the scramble to call for new gun control laws, the rapist is just a figment of abortion laws and misogyny, hurricane victims have to make way for reports about global warming. The traditional leftist belief that people are just pawns of the academic phenomena pervades the media because it represents the new truth.

The new truth treats a worldview as a fact. Individuals in the media have become types, irrelevant as people, vital only in that they convey the larger leftist worldview. A school shooting victim who advocates for gun control can easily gain a national profile, but one who calls for locking up criminals never will.

Journalists used to think that truths were personal, not political. The new truth has reversed everything with the ultimate truths being political and personal truths relegated to the anecdotal.

Who, What, When, Where, and Why has been reduced to only the last W. Only the ‘Why’ matters and the answers are always political. The ‘Why’ is systemic racism, global warming, a lack of gun control laws, the patriarchy, capitalism, homophobia, colonialism, and the rest of the attacks on civilization. The other four Ws are just there to provide examples to illustrate the fifth.

The media wraps itself in the banner of the truth because it’s retreating from the facts. Its fact checks, a crucial tool for both credentialism and crisis, will often deem things that are true to be false because they lack context. And given enough of the right context, things that are factually false can be made to seem true and things that are factually true can appear false.

Credentialism makes narratives seem to resemble facts. But the narrative is a belief system that contends that leftist ideas are absolutely true in some higher sense, despite failing to work in real life. It’s the ‘truthiness’ that Colbert made his career mocking, with activists in expert drag to make it seem as if it’s the product of objective research rather than feelings.

The Left is not a movement of facts, no movement is. People are not passionately driven to fight and die, to uproot lives and transform society by objective facts and research studies. They fight out of love and hate, a desire for independence, tribalism, greed, ego, idealism and a search for meaning and a thousand other intangibles that are part of human nature, not for facts.

Emerging in an era where scientific discoveries were changing the world, the Left has always garbed its prejudices, biases, drives and malice in the veneer of academic theory. Its genius has been to bridge the lower realm of the peasant revolt with the intellectualism of the salon, the mind and the heart, claiming the sanction of both reason and empathy when it has neither.

The new truth is more of the same. Its truth is the conviction that the holistic leftist worldview is factually accurate in all of its details. The expert credentialism deployed to create facts and then fact checks is just apologia for an ideological movement. What used to be propaganda, activists in expert drag, has morphed into full progressive fascism that is out to impose its truth on you.

And to silence everyone who disagrees.



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Hamas-linked CAIR calls for hate crime charges in Marion, Iowa

AP and Biden compare hammer attack on Pelosi’s husband to Jan. 6 ‘insurrection’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.