Afghan ‘Refugee’ Molested 12-Year-Old, 14-Year-Old Boys In Fort McCoy Bathroom

More of the Democrat stimulus.

Afghan Allegedly Molested 12-Year-Old, 14-Year-Old Boys at Fort McCoy

By: John Binder, Breitbart News, September 23, 2021:

An Afghan man, brought to the United States as part of President Joe Biden’s massive resettlement operation out of Afghanistan, is accused of molesting 12-year-old and 14-year-old boys at Fort McCoy in Wisconsin.

This week, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced federal charges against Bahrullah Noori, a 20-year-old Afghan who recently was placed at Fort McCoy as part of Biden’s resettlement operation that will bring at least 95,000 Afghans to the U.S.

Prosecutors initially stated that Noori had been charged with trying to forcefully engage in sexual acts with a minor while temporarily living at Fort McCoy, along with three counts of engaging in a sexual act with a minor and one count alleging the use of force.

New details published in the Wisconsin State Journal reveal that another Afghan man living at Fort McCoy reported Noori to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) after he said he caught him molesting a 12-year-old boy and a 14-year-old boy on two separate occasions.

According to an affidavit, Noori had allegedly been molesting the two boys for the past two weeks at Fort McCoy and threatened to beat them if they told anyone of the sexual abuse.

The man who reported the alleged abuse to the FBI said, in one instance on September 11, he walked into a bathroom to find Noori taking off the clothes of a 14-year-old boy and attempting to have sex with him.

In another instance that same day, the man said he caught Noori kissing a 12-year-old boy. In interviews with the FBI, subsequently, the two boys told investigators that Noori had inappropriately touched, kissed, and bit them.

Noori has yet to enter a plea and remains in Dane County, Wisconsin Jail.

RELATED ARTICLE: SEVERAL Male Afghan Refugees At Fort Bliss ATTACK Female US Service Member

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Impassioned Words From A Patriot.

Today I read something my good friend Adam wrote. It struck a cord and I needed to share it with you all. Let me tell you a little about my friend and brother Adam.

Adam is blind. He is a true patriot. He is a musician- self taught – with an incredible voice. He is a religious man. A married man. A family man. A man who does not need a lot. A highly intelligent man. A moral and ethical man. He is the sort of American that used to be in the majority in this constitutional republic. Not radically right. Not left. A centrist. The sort whose politics made up the bulk of this country.

Please read his great addition to this blog and share it far and wide. His words are 100% correct. They are heart felt and genuine. Thank you Adam and Christie for your love and friendship and yes, support. You are always there when we need advice or just someone to vent to. You are both family.

Here are his words…….

Is it too late?

I wrote the following last night and went back-and-forth about posting it. Though it is only some personal thoughts I figured it might be helpful to anyone else sailing these same rough waters to know that you are not alone in this storm.

It seems to me that this world has become all too cynical, all to reactional and altogether judgmental and not in a positive manner. It seems that everyone assumes that any differing opinion isn’t just wrong but maliciously so, evil at its core. Granted if I am honest I have fallen into this trap of close minded arrogance a time or two and though I do believe that at its core man’s nature is self-serving and malevolent, I also believe that we should always give the benefit of the doubt until we know the true nature of what and why others believe and feel the way that they do. There are a lot of miss-guided and misinformed people both out of willful ignorance and purposeful deception, but even in this we must be careful not to just assume the worst at first glance.

Don’t get me wrong, anger and outrage are necessary when done in all sincere righteousness but this must always be calculated and not simply done off the cuff. I think as I look around at what is going on in our nation I see that the truly sad part is that such a small percentage of fanatical retards are directing the narrative and creating the divisiveness that has so infected our society. Ultimately I am just tired. I am tired of the constant wearing and tearing away of our values. I am not suggesting that my values are any better than anyone else’s, but I am saying that they are just as valid as anyone else’s. I am tired of the hatred, I am tired of the vitriol, I am just tired. I am tired of being played. I am tired of the media, of the social networks, of the government using us as pawns in there games of division where their only goal is money and power and control.

In a nation so rich, so far advanced from where we have come from and where quite frankly any other society has ever been, this all seems just so ridiculously impossible, and yet we find ourselves exactly where we are. Maybe I am just a sentimental fool, or maybe it’s just the rum talking, but let me tell you what, if we don’t make some very hard decisions in the very near future we are screwed!

We can react to hatred with hatred, but I think history shows us exactly where that leads. We can react to the hatred with turning the other cheek, but I am not sure that leads us in any better direction. So what is the answer? Hell if I know, but I know if we don’t figure it out soon there won’t be anything left to figure out! What the hell happened to the society of the 80s and 90s, where did the rational thinking of my generation end? I really don’t know and as I sit here in my own personal darkness, every day brings me closer and closer to really not caring anymore. Is there an answer? I am sure that those with superior education and understanding may think so, but down here for all of us simple and common folks it just seems like the weight of this nonsense is too heavy to bear, that collapse is inevitable.

Agree or disagree, like it or not this experiment that is America is failing and falling and if we don’t wake up and figure it out in the near future there will be nothing left to figure out. You can wave flags, you can rock the vote but the bottom line is that if we can’t come together as a people and put these governmental pariahs in their proper places we are destined to fail just as every other society who has come before us and every society who will come after us has and will.

Now is the time and this is the place!

If you really believe in this American experiment, if you truly believe that this constitutional republic is the only hope for this world then we better start coming together because that is the only way it works! Disagreement should bring conversation not hatred! Diversity should bring understanding and resolution not division! If our leaders can’t bring us to that then we need new leaders and if you can’t come to that then you need to reevaluate yourself, your position and your character!

Freedom was never meant to be free or easy and though every effort has been made to turn us against each other, every effort has been made to dumb us down, every effort has been made to stress us out and take away our will, now more than ever we need to grab our bootstraps and man up!

We are worth fighting for, our children are worth fighting for, our way of life is worth fighting for, America is worth fighting for but that cliff of no return is fast approaching and the powers that be see their envisioned “promised land” of total power and control and are pushing us ever faster and closer toward it.

Is it too late?

I don’t know and maybe only history will show us, if that history is even allowed to be spoken of in the future that we are speeding to??? I am so glad that my grandparents aren’t around to see this and that my parents won’t have to live through the worst of it. I fear for the younger generations who will have to live through it and may never know what we destroyed and what they missed…

In the short term I think we must start by building strong communities. We must circle the wagons not to keep others out but in order to support and protect each other. We must start relying on and caring for each other because Lord knows there is coming a day when each other will be all that we have. Our government has done all in their power to break down the family and break down the community because they know all too well that with family and community comes independence and true freedom. The government has done everything in their power to take away our self-reliance, to build absolute dependency on them and the system that they have created, no, that we have allowed them to create. Hell, in all honesty that we have demanded they create.

We need to start doing with less and doing without. We need to start making difficult choices not to shop at these industrial giants that turn around and use our money against us. We need to realize that we are going to have to spend more and get less, but in the end it will bring us so much more! We need to support the local small businesses even if that means we don’t get the brands that we like or the products that we have grown to love. We need to get back to the basics of self-preservation and independent living.

When was America great?

When we were self-reliant, when we didn’t need or demand that the government feed us, clothe us, employ us, educate us… America was great when WE the people were great, when we cared about ourselves and each other.

We had better get back to the basics of living and being able to provide for ourselves. Growing our own food, making our own clothes, bartering within our community for services and goods. We had better get back to the simplicity of life and appreciating every little thing instead of expecting the latest and greatest and comparing ourselves to everyone else. We need to get back to the simplicity of entertaining ourselves. Of finding the pleasure in sitting on the pourch, family meals, community BBQ’s. Of reading and writing and music. Not just consuming it but producing it. Not just expecting it but teaching it and valuing it. Something far worse than where we are is right around the corner, and when it drops it will drop fast and hard. We had better start coming together, preparing ourselves and our communities for the demanding times that are literally right over the horizon.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Ron DeSantis Presents Felix Rodriguez Governor’s Medal of Freedom

Governor Ron DeSantis awarded the Governor’s Medal of Freedom to Felix Rodriguez. Mr. Rodriguez is only the second recipient of the highest honor in the state.

Throughout his life, Felix Rodriguez has fought for freedom and liberation. He was born in Cuba in 1941, but after his family’s possessions were seized by Fidel Castro’s tyrannical government, he dedicated his life to fighting for freedom and liberty.

Felix joined the famous Brigade 2506, which carried out the Bay of Pigs invasion, worked with CIA, and participated in the capture and execution of Marxist leader Che Guevara. Not only that, but after becoming a U.S. citizen he joined the United States Army during the Vietnam War.

Felix’s firsthand knowledge of the pain and suffering caused by oppressive Communist dictatorships is reflected in his dedication to service. We know the horrors caused by these oppressive regimes and it takes men like Felix to remind us how important it is we rebuff those attempting to plunge us into those dangerous policies and systems here in America.

There is nobody who has demonstrated a greater commitment to liberating those most oppressed. As Democrats embrace Socialist policies like a warm hug, we should remember sacrifices those like Felix Rodriguez have made to eradicate that tyrannical ideology and continue to fight back in preservation of freedom here in America.

Thanks to Felix Rodriguez, countless individuals were able to experience the blessings of freedom, and Governor DeSantis was proud to recognize his heroism with the Governor’s Medal of Freedom.

©Friends of Ron DeSantis. All rights reserved.

Why does Joe Biden consistently attack U.S. friends and befriend U.S. enemies?

Last week, Greece announced it would be sending US-made Patriot anti-missile batteries and soldiers to man them to Saudi Arabia, to replace US-manned Patriots the Biden administration withdrew in April.

It was a momentous development in the rapidly changing geopolitical environment of the Middle East, and received zero coverage in the corporate media in the United States. When Greece steps up to fill the vacuum left by a US pullout, it gives you a measure of just how far the United States has retreated from the world stage over the past nine months.

This is not the Greece of Alexander the Great, but today’s Greece. Nearly bankrupt just a few years ago, Greece has now replaced the United States as defender of the world’s largest oil producer. Ouch.

Team Biden has been upset with Saudi Arabia from day one. In February, they admonished the Saudis for their war against the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in neighboring Yemen and cut off pending US arms deliveries to the Kingdom. They also snubbed Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman for his involvement in the grisly murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Ahmad Khashoggi, a Qatari-aligned Saudi dissident.

While the crown prince is certainly no angel, Biden’s decision to outwardly alienate the Saudis has real-world implications. With the US turnover of Afghanistan to the Taliban, another Qatar-ally, a pattern is beginning to emerge: This administration foolishly prefers Sunni Muslim jihadis and Iranian mullahs building nuclear weapons over traditional allies of the United States who oppose a nuclear-armed Iran.

The dismissal of these allies could also be seen in the way Washington simply ignored the first anniversary of the groundbreaking Abraham Accords negotiated by the Trump administration and the governments of Israel, the UAE, Bahrain and Morocco last year.

Presented to the public with pomp and ceremony by then-President Donald Trump at the White House on Sept. 15, 2020, no one in DC seemed to recall them just one year later.

The only official ceremony attended by a Biden administration representative was held at the United Nations in New York among UN ambassadors.

While US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield muttered praise for the agreement, she “purposefully abstained” from using the term “Abraham Accords,” according to the Times of Israel, and quickly turned to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It was precisely the lack of progress in those talks — stalled for years because of Palestinian refusal to accept the Jewish state, curb terrorism and anti-Semitic teachings in government schools — that led Trump aide Jared Kushner to look further afield to widen the circle of peace.

Already in 2018, UAE leader Mohammad bin Zayed was telling American author and evangelical leader Joel Rosenberg that he wanted to “be the next” to make peace with the Jewish State.

In just one year, trade between Israel and the UAE has skyrocketed, climbing from $51 million for the first seven months of 2020, before the accords, to nearly $614 million during the same period this year. And even though Saudi Arabia did not join the agreement, the Kingdom allowed Israeli and Emirati commercial jets to fly over its territory within weeks of it being signed.

These are not mere coincidences, but part of a geopolitical worldview held by Team Biden that subordinates the security of the United States and our allies to self-avowed enemies such as the Islamic Republic of Iran and the newly reborn Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

To its credit, the Biden White House — so far, at least — has not criticized Greece for helping Saudi Arabia defend itself from the Iranian missiles hitting its capitol. Perhaps National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan is still trying to figure out how a tiny party island like Mykonos acquired Patriot missiles.

©Kenneth R. Timmerman. All rights reserved.

Michelle Malkin: Same Players, New Wave of Invaders

In case you missed it, and you might have because corporate media and even some Republicans have been working hard to silence the indomitable Michelle Malkin, here is her analysis of the sudden Haitian invasion of our wide open southern border.

At the Santa Barbara News-Press:

The manufactured border crisis

In nearly 30 years of covering America’s corrupted immigration and entrance policies, I can tell you definitively that every “border crisis” is a manufactured crisis.

Caravans of Latin American illegal immigrants don’t just form out of nowhere. Throngs of Middle Eastern refugees don’t just amass spontaneously. Boatloads of Haitians don’t just wash up on our shores by random circumstance.

All the world’s a stage, and as I exposed in my most recent book, “Open Borders, Inc.,” the world’s migrants are nothing more than expedient tools to globalist elites, profit-maximizing corporations, self-aggrandizing religious and nonprofit groups, and criminal smuggling syndicates.

That’s how the so-called border crises under former Presidents Bill Clinton, George Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump all played out.

The players are always the same: United Nations operatives, U.S. Chamber of Commerce lobbyists, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and its sovereignty-undermining shelter operators around the world, Jewish and evangelical Christian refugee resettlement contractors, international drug cartels, human traffickers, and their militant multicultural abettors.

It’s the same old, same old under President Joe Biden.

Keep reading!

RELATED ARTICLE: Afghan Evacuee Allegedly Assaulted Minor Boys at Ft. McCoy

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Apologies from me for not being able to keep up with everyone’s requests for information.  I am overloaded on all fronts as I try to maintain some balance in my life.  Some of you have noticed that I have deactivated my Facebook page—yes, I have. My e-mail boxes are full and overflowing! The very best way to reach me is to send a comment to this post if there is something you want me to see.  I do review and moderate comments every day or so, and if you have sent me  some information that is off topic, I won’t post it, but will see it.

ELECTRIC! President Trump Thunders Into Georgia, Tens of Thousands Cheer ‘Glorious Victory in 2024’ [WATCH]

The massive crowd was on fire — Trump is our lightening rod for justice. Save America Rally: Trump Invites Marine Who Saved Afghan Baby on Stage…

President Trump slams Biden over border crisis and botched Afghanistan withdrawal

“One thing is certain: This would never ever be happening if I were president,” Trump said of the Biden administration’s border crisis.

By: Mia Cathell, Post Millenial, September 26, 2021:

Trump speaks at massive Georgia rally, slams Biden over border crisis and botched Afghanistan withdrawal

Chants of “build that wall” erupted at the rally after Trump called the Biden administration’s ongoing border crisis “an invasion.”

At Georgia rally, former President Trump promises ‘glorious victory in 2024’

The rally comes one day after the Arizona election audit.

Just The News, September 25, 2021 :

Former President Donald Trump on Saturday promised a “glorious victory in 2024,” a vow that comes amid ongoing signals from the Republican former president that he fully intends to run in the next presidential election.

Trump this week revealed that only a “bad call from a doctor” would derail his 2024 ambitions. At a rally in Perry, Ga., on Saturday, he offered further strong implications that he would be running that year.

“If we have a country left in 2024, that’s the problem,” he said to the raucous crowd.

“What they’re doing at this level, you’re not going to have a country left,” he argued further, criticizing the Biden administration for its handling of domestic and international affairs, including the ongoing crisis at the U.S. southern border.

RELATED ARTICLE: …‘Biden Has Thrown Our Border Wide Open’ ‘This Is an Invasion!’…

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Reuters: FBI Finds No Evidence Jan. 6 Attack Was Coordinated

Restating the obvious. Why are Americans still being held in solitary confinement – tortured, beaten, abused?

Photo: Grandma sentenced for role in election fraud rally on January 6th.

FBI finds scant evidence Jan. 6 attack was coordinated: Reuters

By Caroline Vakil, The Hill, September 24, 2021:

The FBI has found little evidence at this point to suggest that the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol was largely coordinated by supporters of former President Trump or right-wing groups, according to a Reuters report.

“Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases,” a former senior law enforcement official told Reuters. “Then you have five percent, maybe, of these militia groups that were more closely organized. But there was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages.”

The wire service, which spoke with four current and former law enforcement officials, reported that investigators for the FBI noted that those involved in the far-right groups such as the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers were intent on entering the Capitol.

However, the officials who spoke with Reuters said that no coordinated plans appeared to be established regarding what they would do once they broke in.

The wire service also reported that the FBI has found no evidence at this point proving that Trump or those close to him were involved in any coordination of the insurrection on the Capitol.

The FBI declined to comment to The Hill on the Reuters report and referred The Hill back to court documents in the cases regarding information on Jan. 6.

A Democratic congressional source confirmed to Reuters that senior lawmakers are aware of the FBI’s current findings and believe the results so far are reliable.

The findings could prove relevant for the House select panel that is investigating the circumstances of the Jan. 6 attack, in which supporters of Trump stormed the Capitol to stop Congress from certifying President Biden’s Electoral College victory in the 2020 election.

More than 570 people allegedly involved in the event have been arrested, and 40 people are facing conspiracy charges, the wire service noted.


PRISONERS OF WAR: ‘Biden’ Justice Dept Can’t Produce Evidence It Supposedly Used To Indict the January 6th Protest Cases

KANGAROO COURT: The January 6th Show Trials Threaten All of Us

Judge Orders Democrat Prosecutors To Release Jan 6th Videos, Now We Know Why Biden Admin HID THIS EVIDENCE From Americans

NEW RASMUSSEN POLL: Close To Majority Of National Voters Say FBI, DOJ “Targeted, Imprisoned, Persecuted Non-Violent American Patriots” After Jan 6th Protest, “Political Prisoners”

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Quick note: Tech giants are shutting us down. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense, Pinterest permanently banned us. Facebook, Google search et al have shadow-banned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. We will not waver. We will not tire. We will not falter, and we will not fail. Freedom will prevail.

Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW when informed decision making and opinion is essential to America’s survival. Share our posts on your social channels and with your email contacts. Fight the great fight.

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Judge in Case of Anti-Trump Clinton Lawyer Who Fabricated Russia Hoax Is Married to Attorney for Ex-FBI lawyer Lisa Page (Who Was Having Affair With Deputy Director Andrew McCabe)

Hard to keep up with the nepotism but the corruption is breathtaking. How can decent, rational Americans expect a scintilla of justice? The deck isn’t just stacked, it’s locked and loaded.

U.S. Special Counsel John Durham has released an indictment [pdf here] of Perkins Coie lawyer Michael Sussmann for lying to federal investigators in 2016 about the people and motives behind his FBI contact. He failed to tell them his intent was to spread a false Alfa Bank conspiracy theory on behalf of the Clinton campaign.

Working for the Perkins Coie law firm, while under contract with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, partner Michael Sussmann contacted FBI Legal Counsel James Baker to pitch evidence that a Russian bank was in digital communications with servers in Trump Tower.  The Alfa Bank allegation was one of the key components for the ridiculous Trump-Russia narrative put together by the Hillary Clinton campaign.  Sussmann wanted the FBI to investigate Donald Trump, so that Hillary Clinton could push a political fabrication about Donald Trump working with Russians to steal the presidential election.

According to the indictment, Sussmann failed to tell the FBI that he was giving them this information on behalf of the Clinton campaign.

FOX News: The judge in the case of recently indicted Democratic lawyer Michael Sussmann is married to the lawyer who represented a disgraced former FBI official that worked on the Donald TrumpRussia probe that Sussmann played some role in advancing.

U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper of the District of Columbia, who is presiding over the Sussmann case, is married to lawyer Amy Jeffress, who represented FBI lawyer Lisa Page in a civil case.

Cooper, an Obama-appointee, and Jeffress, a former top aide to Attorney General Eric Holder, are well connected in the Democratic party. Current Attorney General Merrick Garland even presided over their 1999 wedding.

On Wednesday, yet another wrinkle came during a Zoom conference when Cooper told parties in the case that he knew Sussmann in the 1990s when both worked for the Justice Department and would consider recusal if either side asked.

“I worked in the ’90s at the deputy attorney general’s office two years following law school. Mr. Sussmann also worked at the building at the same time in the criminal division. We did not work together or socialize, but I think it’s fair to say we were professional acquaintances,” Cooper said, according to The Washington Examiner. “I don’t believe that this creates a conflict, but my regular practice is to disclose these sorts of relationships with lawyers or with parties on the record. And I would advise you that I would be happy to entertain a motion if either side believes there is a conflict on that basis or any other.”

Judge in case of anti-Trump mudslinger is married to attorney for ex-FBI lawyer Lisa Page

Officials say Judge Christopher Cooper’s ties to leading Democrats and key figure in discredited Trump-Russia probe should disqualify him from case of Michael Sussmann, lawyer who fed anti-Trump dirt to FBI while hiding connection to Hillary Clinton campaign.

Last week, the special counsel appointed to oversee the probe into the FBI’s investigation of former president Donald Trump indicted Michael Sussmann, a lawyer for the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. Republicans and Trump allies are optimistic about the latest development in John Durham’s investigation but are still concerned that Attorney General Merrick Garland might halt the investigation to protect allies and even the president himself.

FBI notes appear to suggest that as vice president, Joe Biden played a role in the Democratic Party project to smear Trump as a Russian asset by raising the obscure, disused, 18th century statute the Logan Act as a possible vehicle for prosecuting Michael Flynn for speaking with the Russian ambassador to Washington — even after FBI case agents had cleared Trump’s incoming national security adviser of wrongdoing.

And now Republicans are raising concerns that the judge appointed to the Sussmann case has too many conflicts of interest to preside over it fairly.

Current and former officials say that federal District Court Judge Christopher Cooper’s professional and personal relationships with top Democrats and figures behind the FBI’s Trump investigation should force his recusal. Cooper’s wife, for instance, represents disgraced FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who oversaw the FBI’s Trump probe.

In September 2016, Sussman met with Page’s boss, then FBI General Counsel James Baker. The former DOJ cybersecurity expert handed Baker documents falsely asserting that the Trump Organization’s computer servers were communicating suspiciously with the computer servers of a Russian financial institution.

The purpose of the documents Sussmann passed to the FBI was to further the Clinton campaign’s false narrative holding that Trump had been compromised by Russian officials. Former CIA director John Brennan reported to President Obama that Clinton herself approved the scheme in order to deflect attention away from her use of a private email server.

Sussmann billed the Clinton campaign for his meeting with Baker but told the FBI’s top lawyer he was not acting on behalf of any client. The indictment handed down last week by Special Counsel John Durham charged Sussman with one count of lying to the FBI.

Last Friday, Sussmann pled not guilty, and on Wednesday he is scheduled to appear before Cooper.

Appointed to the bench by Obama in 2013, Cooper is well-connected in Democratic party legal circles. Garland officiated his 1999 wedding to Amy Jeffress.

Both Cooper and Jeffress worked at DOJ in the Obama administration. He was part of the 2008 presidential transition team, and she was the national security counselor for Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder.

Recently Jeffress wrote approvingly of Attorney General Garland’s focus on “domestic terrorism.” Many Republicans see the phrase as coded language for targeting Trump supporters.



‘Our Kids Carpooled Together’: How Old Democrat Fiends In High Places Assembled The Russia Collusion Hoax

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

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Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW when informed decision making and opinion is essential to America’s survival. Share our posts on your social channels and with your email contacts. Fight the great fight.

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Muslim Passenger Screaming ‘Allah’ Tries to Storm Cockpit of JetBlue Flight Out of Boston

My latest in PJ Media:

JetBlue Flight 261 was heading out of Boston for San Juan, Puerto Rico, Wednesday night when, according to an FBI affidavit, “an unruly passenger” had to be “physically restrained by flight crew members in response to a physical altercation during the passenger’s attempt to gain access to the flight deck.”

A little over an hour before the flight reached San Juan, the passenger, Khalil El Dahr, “attempted to make a telephone call and became angry about the call’s unsuccess.” This must have been a supremely important phone call, for a few minutes later, El Dahr “pulled himself out of his seat and rushed toward the flight deck yelling to be shot in the Spanish language.”

At that point, a flight attendant (FA) “physically redirected El Dahr into the area in front of the front row before the galley.” However, in a spectacular instance of poor judgment, bad timing, or both, “as the JetBlue FA had El Dahr corralled in the area before the galley on the right side of the plane, a flight crew officer opened the cockpit door.”

El Dahr saw his chance: He “observed the door open and then grabbed the JetBlue FA by their collar and tie with one hand while using his other hand to grab the overhead compartment to gain leverage to kick. As the JetBlue FA was kicked in chest, El Dahr yelled for the flight crew officer to shoot him. While El Dahr was yelling, he was still holding the JetBlue FA by their tie. This resulted in the tie tightening and ultimately prevented the JetBlue FA from breathing. In response, the JetBlue FA released El Dahr to loosen the tie to prevent from being choked and incapacitated. The JetBlue FA was then able to loosen the tie and grab hold of El Dahr to prevent him from successfully breaching the galley area and gaining access to the flight deck.”

El Dahr fought fiercely even when restrained: “When the second JetBlue FA responded to the front of the plane, they observed El Dahr grab the first JetBlue FA by the tie and punch them in the chest. The second JetBlue FA then assisted to get El Dahr restrained. One of the restraints used was a pair of flex cuffs provided by an off-duty FA on board the flight. The flex cuffs were applied to El Dahr’s wrists, but El Dahr resisted so much that El Dahr was able to break the cuffs and free himself. After, a second pair was fastened along with at least four seat belt extenders to secure El Dahr to a seat in the back of the plane.”

There is more. Read the rest here.


UK: City of Bath considering anti-terror measures which would see roads around Bath Abbey closed to most vehicles

Pakistan’s Khan: Taliban can be partners in peace for both the United States and Pakistan

Netherlands: Nine Muslims arrested for jihad massacre plot, including one Afghan migrant

UK mayor: Poorest areas receiving ‘disproportionately more refugees and asylum seekers than wealthy areas’

Palestinians celebrate mothers who say they’re happy their children were killed trying to kill Israelis

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Time to Boycott. Start with CVS pharmacy!

America. It is time for we, the people, to start seriously boycotting these “Woke” companies. The list is huge. Coca Cola, Ben and Jerry, Target et al.

Here is one to start with if you are serious about stopping the madness. CVS! Here is all the info you need to notify them of your intention. (Tell them via phone and email you are not going to spend one cent in their stores again and will attempt to persuade all friends and family not to do so either.)

CVS Headquarters, Corporate Office and Phone Number

There are over 40,000 independently owned pharmacies in the states. I suggest you google it and begin moving your business to one that is locally owned by an independent pharmacist. For those of you using Publix Supermarkets – don’t! They are as woke as any other large corporation.

So – why the down on CVS? Let’s start with their “woke training” being forced upon all employees, new and old. What is woke training you ask? Here it is in a nutshell.

CVS employees are being asked to – wait for it – make “a personal commitment plan to mitigate bias.” Hmmmm…. What does that mean? What do they want employees to do with that? CVS employees receive online calls explaining that “Understanding your privileges and how to leverage them so we can support others is a key component in being an active ally.”

They call this stupidity “ Allyship!” This is explained as how they, the employees of this wine company, must advocate for other communities besides their own. ( This only applies to white employees! ). Employees are told that apart from being aware of their own identities ( whiteness ) they have to identify with the intersectional identities of others! Huh??

During the call employees ( directed at white employees ) are told they must produce a ‘personal commitment plan’ showing what specific plans they have to mitigate bias over the next 5 days, then 5 weeks and then 5 months!! Awesome!!

They are further told that committing to the aforementioned plan will help their personal growth and ensure that they continue down the path directed by CVS!

Then comes this beautiful order – sorry – suggestion! They must source diverse talent ( non white ) and prioritize and promote them. Senior staff at this point are told to choose one ethnic minority employee and to mentor them but they mustn’t be white!

Previously CVS employees had been told to circle their race, gender, religion and sexual identity on a form and to deeply reflect on their privilege! ( white privilege. )

They should then use that form and their reflections in talks with other employees. Some other examples of privilege are given as those that celebrate Christmas (???? – that is apparently a privilege! ), having an easy to pronounce name and maybe how safe they feel in their neighborhood at night!! All the above is about admitting that they have white privilege!!

Further employees are given the task of holding all others in their stores responsible and accountable for any actions considered contrary to all the above. They are encouraging ‘snitching’ on their fellow employees. Yep! Kinda like Germans and Poles who were ordered to point out the Jews to the Nazis.

Employees are told in this 4 week program that snitching and recognizing actions contrary to the CVS plan would be a sign of bravery as they tackle these horrific actions from the unwoke employees they are unfortunate enough to have to work next to. You know, like making an anti-vax statement maybe? They are told to “commit to holding yourself and your colleagues accountable to consistently embrace diversity of all kinds, and take swift action against non-inclusive behaviors.” Mmmmm. Sounds like a great work place environment to me. NOT!

By the way CVS is committing $600 million to address racial inequality. Profits from your over priced purchases at their ‘woke’ stores! Feeling good about all that?

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Three States with Highest Vaccination Rates See Shocking Effects of Vaccine

Soros-Linked Activist Groups Demand ‘Citizenship for All’ Illegals

A number of open-borders organizations linked to billionaire financier George Soros deployed activists across Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, demanding “citizenship for all” illegal aliens living in the United States.

After Senate Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough ruled that a massive amnesty plan for illegal aliens could not be slipped into Senate Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation package, groups like CASA de Maryland, Make the Road NY, United We Dream, United Farm Workers, the SEIU, and the Center for Popular Democracy sent activists out across D.C. demanding that Congress include amnesty despite the ruling. Many of these groups have been linked financially to Soros’ Open Society Foundation for years.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), along with Sens. Alex Padilla (D-CA) and Bob Menendez (D-NJ), spoke at a rally alongside Center for Popular Democracy activists, declaring the ruling “.” Antisemite Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) also spoke at the rally.

“Last night’s ruling was extremely disappointing,” Schumer complained. “It saddened me, it frustrated me, it angered me because so many lives are at stake.”

Translation: so many future Democrat voters are at stake, because that’s what amnesty for illegal aliens is all about.

George Soros

341 Known Connections

Committing $220 Million to “Racial Justice” Causes

On July 13, 2020, OSF, in support of the Black Lives Matter movement and its allies, pledged to donate $220 million into initiatives designed to help “build power in Black communities, promote bold new anti-racist policies in U.S. cities, and help first-time activists stay engaged.” The pledge earmarked $150 million in five-year grants for black-led “racial justice” organizations, and $70 million for a range of initiatives such as helping city governments reform policing and criminal justice by implementing a new approach to public safety that includes “moving beyond the culture of criminalization and incarceration.” “This is the time for urgent and bold action to address racial injustice in America,” said OSF deputy chair Alex Soros, George Soros’s son. “These investments will empower proven leaders in the Black community to reimagine policing, end mass incarceration, and eliminate the barriers to opportunity that have been the source of inequity for too long.” Tom Perriello, executive director of Open Society-U.S., said: “The success of this movement, the largest in U.S. history, will be measured over years, not weeks, and we cannot say that Black lives matter and not make a multi-year commitment to a strategy set by and centering Black leaders and organizations who changed America’s sense of what is possible.”

To learn more about George Soros, click here.

RELATED ARTICLE: Mayorkas: Approximately 12,000 Haitian Migrants Released into U.S. — ‘Could Be Even Higher’

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden’s Afghans Sexually Assault U.S. Service Member

Demonstrating daily that diversity is not strength!

It happened almost a week ago at Ft. Bliss’ Doña Ana County Range Complex which is in New Mexico where Biden’s Operation Allies Welcome is underway.

They are not sending us their best! (Gee, where have I heard that before?)

From the El Paso Times:

Fort Bliss: Female military service member assaulted by Afghan evacuees at NM complex

A female U.S. military service member was assaulted by male evacuees at the Doña Ana County Range Complex where Afghan refugees are being housed, Fort Bliss officials said.

Remember they are NOT refugees, so anytime you see the Afghans referenced that way, correct whoever is calling them that***

The woman, whose name and age were not released, was assaulted Sept. 19 by a “small group of male evacuees” at the complex in New Mexico, Fort Bliss officials said.

The incident is being investigated by the FBI.

“We take the allegation seriously and appropriately referred the matter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation,” Fort Bliss officials said in an emailed statement. “The safety and well-being of our service members, as well as all of those on our installations, is paramount.”

No details on the assault or the suspects have been released.

The victim was “immediately provided appropriate care, counseling and support,” officials said.

The victim is among 1,000 service members who are part of Operation Allies Welcome. The U.S. operation is to “support vulnerable Afghans, including those who worked alongside us in Afghanistan for the past two decades, as they safely resettle in the United States,” according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.


“Task Force-Bliss is also implementing additional security measures to include increased health and safety patrols, additional lighting, and enforcement of the buddy system at the Doña Ana Complex,” officials said. “We will cooperate fully with the FBI and will continue to ensure the service member reporting this assault is fully supported.”

You might want to check out a post I wrote at RRW over the summer about the sexual assault crisis Austria has going—-guess who is doing the assaulting?

*** Nayla Rush writing at the Center for Immigration Studies has a very succinct explanation of how the evacuees are being categorized (they are NOT refugees) by Biden’s administration and it includes a list of how many Afghans each state will be welcoming.  Go here.

And, as I have been saying at RRW:   Follow John Binder at Breitbart for refugee news of all sorts as I am only writing when I can add something from my long experience of following our dysfunctional refugee admissions system.

RELATED ARTICLE: FBIProbes Allegations of Assault on Female Soldier at Afghan Refugee Camp in New Mexico


EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

5 Constitutional Amendments Americans Should Consider ASAP

The difficulties of altering the Constitution should not dissuade us from trying to improve it.

With the Equal Rights Amendmentmaking its way back into the news in the month of February, the legal community has been abuzz with the possibility of a 28th Amendment finally getting tacked on to the Constitution. Of course, much of this conversation has been dedicated to whether the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) would need to go back through the full ratification process, meaning that it is probably a non-issue at the moment.

Still, the conversation always gets the cerebral juices flowing for legal enthusiasts; the idea of amending the US Constitution, something done only twenty-seven times in history, is about as close as one will get to actually sitting among the Founders in Philadelphia.

With that in mind, here are some ideas to tickle your gray matter.

The Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed.

In short, abolish the income tax. This is usually a crowd-pleaser among libertarians and probably a handful of Republicans during an election year, but it is also a bit of a challenge, on the same level as chasing the moon. Still, it would be worthwhile to have the conversation.

Generally speaking, income taxes are most harmful to the lowest income earners. When businesses and the wealthy are paying significant portions of their income to the government, it stagnates growth and prevents job creation. It also prevents those of lower-income from spending more money or saving and investing it in themselves, limiting upward mobility.

There is also the political aspect, which would make this Amendment virtually impossible to pass. Both Republicans and Democrats campaign heavily on income taxes, either to lower or raise them. Much like Social Security, to remove or reform it would eliminate party platforms. Still, one can dream.

The Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed.

Before the ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment in 1913, Senators were not elected by popular elections, but by the legislatures of each state. Following the 2016 election, which saw Donald Trump lose the popular vote, but win the electoral college, discussions of abolishing the electoral college entirely have reached a fever pitch. Several Democratic candidates have indicated their intent to abolish the system.

Unfortunately, democracy does not guarantee liberty. It was seen as mob rule by the Founders, who opted for a Constitutional Republic. But even a representative democracy has its problems. The larger the body politic, the more difficult it is to truly find representation, especially within a two-party duopoly. While some may say that a senator elected with 51 percent of the vote is a fair system, it runs counter to the spirit of representative democracy.

While the makeup of a state legislature may lead to the same results as a popular election, it would still provide for greater balance and would eliminate the ability of large population centers to dominate elections in the same manner that the electoral college prevents the few largest cities and states from dominating the field.

The word “unreasonable,” contained within the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, is hereby stricken.

This Amendment is straightforward: it removes the qualifying adjective of “unreasonable” from the Fourth Amendment, which will make clear that any and all searches or seizures of persons or property, papers, houses, and effects, must require a lawful warrant. This would eliminate such legal precedent as Terry v. Ohio, which allows the search of a person who has been temporarily detained, so long as an officer has reasonable suspicion of criminal activity.

Like most exceptions to the law, the “Terry stop,” which has been expanded to include traffic stops, has been widely abused, particularly within the context of the War on Drugs. Rather than continue to challenge such precedent in court, we should eliminate it altogether.

The powers delegated by the Constitution to the government of the United States, shall be exercised as therein appropriated, so that the Legislative shall never exercise the powers vested in the Executive or Judicial; nor the Executive the powers vested in the Legislative or Judicial; nor the Judicial the powers vested in the Legislative or Executive.

This Amendment will look familiar to history buffs. The above text is actually the original Sixteenth Amendment, proposed alongside what became the Bill of Rights. And while it was never ratified, now would seem to be the perfect time to dust it off and put it back on the table.

If you asked even the casual observer of their opinion on the Separation of Powers, they would probably say that it’s a neat idea. Unfortunately, that’s all it has become. Through decades of party politics and a misunderstanding of the Office of the President, the powers of the presidency have continually expanded, while Congress has willfully sat back to avoid national scrutiny. With War Powers being of the greatest concern, the original barriers between the three branches of government have long been torn down.

Fortunately, the Senate recently passed a resolution to reaffirm, in part, Congress’s need to be in the room when considering military action. It’s disheartening, however, that it took the assassination of a foreign official to bring about such action. By making the Separation of Powers a matter of law, rather than just an ideal, the longstanding precedent of the imperial President and a feckless Congress can be eliminated entirely. It is no longer enough for the Separation of Powers to live within the text of the Constitution; it must be an explicit law.

Congressional War Powers, as defined under Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the Constitution of the United States, are hereby subject to the following criteria, which must be met in order to secure a proper Declaration of War.

Section 1. Congress must define the grievances under which war, or military action, is considered necessary.

Section 2. Congress must demonstrate all efforts and actions taken to resolve such grievances, as defined in accordance with Section 1., diplomatically. These efforts must be shown as exhaustive and each effort must be shown as having failed before a Declaration of War may be introduced.

Section 3. Congress must demonstrate immediate peril that, without immediate military action, would lead to the loss of American life and property.

Section 4. Congress must define the enemy against which war is to be declared. This is to include, but is not limited to, geographic location and national boundaries, official leadership, military strength and assets, and national population.

Section 5. Congress must define a clear standard of victory which, once achieved, will cause an immediate cessation of hostilities and a renewed peace process.

Section 6. Congress must demonstrate that the estimated costs of a Declaration of War, both fiscal and human, will not outweigh the perceived benefits of victory, as defined in accordance with Section 5.

Section 7. Congress must actively monitor all military action and inform the public on all costs and progress towards victory, as defined in accordance with Section 5.

Section 8. Congress must review and determine, every three months, if hostilities must cease or continue by a rollcall vote.

Piggybacking on the proposed 31st Amendment above, a Just War Amendment would make up for a failure in Article I of the Constitution. While the Framers vested the power to declare war with Congress, rather than the President, they failed to define what would constitute a just Declaration of War.

Reaffirming the Separation of Powers and removing the President’s ability to wage endless war with little oversight from Congress would be a major first step but is not enough. Limiting Congress’s ability to declare war with no direction or clear purpose, while simultaneously putting full responsibility and national scrutiny on the Legislature, would greatly limit its ability to declare war at all.

These are only a handful of possible Amendments that make up a slew of possible changes to the Constitution. In a previous draft, I also proposed abolishing Congressional salaries, for which I have previously advocated, as well as abolishing the death penalty and the Selective Service, establishing Congressional term limits, and a Balanced Budget Amendment.

Over the course of American history, nearly 231 years since the ratification of the Constitution, thousands of Amendments have been proposed. The hard reality of our Constitution is that it is not a perfect document, but rather an attempt at perfection. To put it another way, it is an attempt at the impossible.

Amending the Constitution is no small task and we should not expect it to be. It must be approached with caution and thoughtfulness, reason, and the ability to look for the unforeseen consequences that plague governments.

The difficulties of altering the Constitution, however, should not dissuade us from having the conversations necessary to do so. Such debates give us a greater understanding of our fundamental laws, their strengths and their weaknesses, without which we cannot thrive.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Biden, ‘Conman-in-Chief,’ Foists Absurdities on Americans

Meanwhile the threats to America and Americans increase.

Voltaire was the nom de plume of famed French philosopher François-Marie Arouet. We will begin today by considering the sage advice encapsulated in his quote, “Those who make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”

Purveyors of absurdities unmask themselves when their statements are laced with contradictions and demonstrate hypocrisy. Seeking out those examples of hypocrisy and contradictions can serve as an effective BS detector!”

There is certainly no shortage of absurdities that are spewed by the mainstream media and politicians, but the Biden administration appears hell-bent on foisting record numbers of absurdities on Americans today even as his statements, policies and executive orders undermine national security, public safety, and public health, thereby proving that in reality, Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ is bunk!

While Biden lambastes Americans who refuse to be vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus and imposes draconian measures to punish them, he continues to encourage a human tsunami of illegal aliens to head for the U.S. borders. Among these hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are citizens from countries around the world. Many of these aliens are permitted to enter the United States each month and among them are those who have not been vaccinated to protect them (and us) against COVID-19 and, indeed, are stricken with that virus and other dangerous viruses.

It must be noted that this is a clear violation of  8 U.S. Code § 1182 which enumerates the categories of aliens who are inadmissible. This section of law begins with the following:

(a) Classes of aliens ineligible for visas or admission

Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, aliens who are inadmissible under the following paragraphs are ineligible to receive visas and ineligible to be admitted to the United States:

(1) Health-related grounds

        (A) In general

        Any alien

(i) who is determined (in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services) to have a communicable disease of public health significance

On September 17, 2021 BBC reported, US immigration: Thousands gather under bridge at US-Mexico border in growing crisis.

While some news organizations may cover the huge numbers of aliens who have turned themselves into Border Patrol agents to apply for political asylum, little if any attention is being paid to the so-called “getaways” — the aliens who evade the Border Patrol and surreptitiously enter the United States.

This is a huge problem and the actual numbers of these aliens who escaped detection and apprehension is unknown as are their identities and potential affiliations with criminal or terrorist organizations.

While the Border Patrol is overwhelmed by the largest increase of illegal aliens ever what is seldom, if ever reported, is how many aliens are evading detection by the beleaguered Border Patrol to easily enter the United States and perhaps bring narcotics and even weapons into the country without detection.

The disastrous situation Biden created in Afghanistan resulted in the release of thousands of terrorists, restored Afghanistan as a safe haven for radical Islamic terrorists, and provided them with incredible quantities of heavy weaponry and even with night-vision devices which could be used to help these terrorists more easily infiltrate our borders and the borders of our allies and then be used in conjunction with the commission of terror attacks.

I addressed this exceedingly dangerous situation in two recent articles:

Biden’s Afghanistan Catastrophe Increases Terror Threat in US:  Biden administration, meanwhile, focuses solely on “domestic extremists”.

Biden’s Catastrophic Policies: Immigration and Afghanistan:  Shocking and dangerous parallels.

However, even before the Afghanistan debacle, the nexus between border security and national security was well-established.

The preface of the official report 9/11 and Terrorist TravelStaff Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States begins with the following paragraph:

It is perhaps obvious to state that terrorists cannot plan and carry out attacks in the United States if they are unable to enter the country. Yet prior to September 11, while there were efforts to enhance border security, no agency of the U.S. government thought of border security as a tool in the counterterrorism arsenal. Indeed, even after 19 hijackers demonstrated the relative ease of obtaining a U.S. visa and gaining admission into the United States, border security still is not considered a cornerstone of national security policy. We believe, for reasons we discuss in the following pages, that it must be made one.

Page 61 of that report contained this passage:

Exploring the Link between Human Smugglers and Terrorists

In July 2001, the CIA warned of a possible link between human smugglers and terrorist groups, including Hamas, Hezbollah, and Egyptian Islamic Jihad.  Indeed, there is evidence to suggest that since 1999 human smugglers have facilitated the travel of terrorists associated with more than a dozen extremist groups.  With their global reach and connections to fraudulent document vendors and corrupt government officials, human smugglers clearly have the “credentials” necessary to aid terrorist travel.

Nearly two years ago I wrote about the dangers to national security and public safety created by “Sanctuary Cities” and “Sanctuary States” in my article, Iranian Terror Threat Exacerbated by Sanctuary Policies. Now Biden has turned all of America into what can only be described as a “Sanctuary Country!”

My earlier article published in 2019, Jihad At The Border focused on how the border crisis facilitates the entry of terrorists included this worrying excerpt that is being blatantly ignored by the Biden administration:

On April 17, 2018 the House Committee on Homeland Security, Counterterrorism and Intelligence Subcommittee, conducted a hearing on the topic, “State Sponsors Of Terrorism: An Examination Of Irans Global Terrorism Network.”

The prepared testimony of one of the witnesses, Dr. Emanuele Ottolenghi of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, included this alarming excerpt:

In recent years, Hezbollahs Latin American networks have also increasingly cooperated with violent drug cartels and criminal syndicates, often with the assistance of local corrupt political elites….

This toxic crime-terror nexus is fueling both the rising threat of global jihadism and the collapse of law and order across Latin America that is helping drive drugs and people northward into the United States. It is sustaining Hezbollahs growing financial needs. It is helping Iran and Hezbollah consolidate a local constituency in multiple countries across Latin America. It is thus facilitating their efforts to build safe havens for terrorists and a continent-wide terror infrastructure that they could use to strike U.S. targets.

I began my commentary today by quoting Voltaire and will wrap up with another of his famous quotes:

Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.

My dad taught me that the only “dumb question” is the question you don’t ask!

We The People must ask a simple question: Why in the world would the President of the United States act as he has, in so many ways, to endanger America and Americans? Indeed, we should ask all politicians how their actions and policies are in the best interests of America and Americans.

For far too long the citizens of our country have failed to ask the hard questions to hold our politicians accountable. Today, as a consequence of our failures as citizens of our republic, we are now paying one hell of a price.

©Michael Cutler. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: TX State Troopers Take Matters Into Their Own Hands, Create ‘Steel Barrier’ of Hundreds of SUVs to Protect Border

January 6 (one of the videos they don’t want us to see…)

il Presidento posted the below video taken in the U.S. Capital on January 6th, 2021.

Watch what really happened:

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