Twitter Blocks Links to Sidney Powell Election Lawsuit

As soon as Sidney Powell filed her election fraud lawsuits in Georgia and Michigan. Twitter banned her WEBSITE fro Twitter rendering her links dead. This is the hallmark of totalitarianism.

Breitbart: Twitter is blocking users from sharing links to lawyer Sidney Powell’s lawsuit relating to widespread voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election.

A number of users across Twitter have reported being unable to share links to lawyer Sidney Powell’s lawsuit relating to voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election. When attempting to share the link to the document, users receive a notification stating that the link has been identified as “potentially harmful.”

Twitter’s policy on blocking links states: “At times, Twitter will take action to limit or prevent the spread of URL links to content outside Twitter. This is done by displaying a warning notice when the link is clicked, or by blocking the link so that it can’t be Tweeted at all.”

The platform describes the categories of links it will block:

  • Malicious links such as malware and phishing
  • Spammy and misdirecting links
  • Links that break Twitter rules on such topics as terrorism, child sexual exploitation, illegal goods, hateful conduct, violence, etc.
  • Hacked Materials

Twitter also claims it will block links that include “Content that interferes with civic and election integrity.” The example given in this category is: “Misleading information about how to vote or register to vote.” It is not yet clear if Twitter is justifying its censorship of a filed lawsuit based on this policy.

Some users have since tweeted about the situation:

Powell’s lawsuit makes a number of claims about voter fraud in multiple states, discussing Georgia the lawsuit says:

Mathematical and statistical anomalies rising to the level of impossibilities, as shown by affidavits of multiple witnesses, documentation, and expert testimony evince this scheme across the state of Georgia. Especially egregious conduct arose in Forsyth, Paulding, Cherokee, Hall, and Barrow County. This scheme and artifice to defraud affected tens of thousands of votes in Georgia alone and “rigged” the election in Georgia for Joe Biden.

[ … ]

[V]ideo from the State Farm Arena in Fulton County shows that on November 3rd after the polls closed, election workers falsely claimed a water leak required the facility to close. All poll workers and challengers were evacuated for several hours at about 10:00 PM. However, several election workers remained unsupervised and unchallenged working at the computers for the voting tabulation machines until after 1:00 AM.


Sidney Powell sues Michigan and Georgia officials, alleging massive scheme to rig election for Joe Biden

Sidney Powell Files Lawsuit in Georgia Alleging ‘Massive Election Fraud’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Proof that Biden/Democrats represent the rich and elite and Trump/Republicans represent the working class

I was doing research on how many counties each presidential candidate won in 2016 and 2020. What I found was both shocking and very revealing.

The Data

I came across the below chart in a Brookings Institute column by Mark MuroEli Byerly DukeYang You, and Robert Maxim titled Biden-voting counties equal 70% of America’s economy. What does this mean for the nation’s political-economic divide?

Here’s the Brooking Institute chart:

Table 1. Candidates’ counties won and share of GDP in 2016 and 2020

Year Candidate Counties won Total votes Aggregate share of US GDP
2016 Hillary Clinton 472 65,853,625 64%
Donald Trump 2,584 62,985,106 36%
2020 Joe Biden 477 75,602,458 70%
Donald Trump 2,497 71,216,709 29%

Note: 2020 figures reflect unofficial results from 96% of counties

As Mark MuroEli Byerly DukeYang You, and Robert Maxim from the Brookings Institute note:

Biden’s winning base in 477 counties encompasses fully 70% of America’s economic activity, while Trump’s losing base of 2,497 counties represents just 29% of the economy. [See the Brookings chart here]

[ … ]

In short, 2020’s map continues to reflect a striking split between the large, dense, metropolitan counties that voted Democratic and the mostly exurban, small-town, or rural counties that voted Republican.  Blue and red America reflect two very different economies: one oriented to diverse, often college-educated workers in professional and digital services occupations, and the other whiter, less-educated, and more dependent on “traditional” industries.

Who do Democrats and Republicans really represent?

What struck me are two facts:

  1. Hillary, Biden and Democrats are supported by the rich and powerful.
  2. Trump and Republicans are supported by the working middle and lower class.

Another thing struck me. The numbers provided by the Brookings Institute, given the number of counties that voted for Biden,  supports the idea that only 472 counties provided an overwhelming number of votes. As a matter of fact nearly 10 million more than in 2016!

These numbers support the election fraud argument. Many are questioning how did Biden gain nearly 10 million votes over Hillary by hiding in his basement?

While Democrats say they represent the ordinary American this data throws that idea out of the proverbial window. It’s statically proven to be a big lie. Democrats mantra is to tax the rich, when in fact it’s the rich who put them into office. Another big lie. You don’t bite the hand that feeds your PAC.

On the other hand it proves that the base of the MAGA movement is truly founded upon the working class, especially those who are not rich and famous.

Democrats are controlled by those who control 70% of America’s economic activity. This wealth and power comes from places like Los Angles, CA, New York, New York, Cook County, IL, Harris, TX and Santa Clara, CA. [See chart here]

Republicans are supported by many many economically smaller counties. [See chart here]

Why do Democrats support lockdowns?

Now we understand why Biden and the Democrats are pushing lockdowns. The intent is to punish small business owners and the working class who have supported President Trump. Covid has become the Democrats weapon of choice used to destroy the working class! Lockdowns harm most of all those who work in “traditional” industries like hospitality (hotels, motels) restaurants, SalonSpaBoutiques,  small family owned businesses, construction, services companies (e.g. plumbing HI-VAC, electrical, etc.) and manufacturing and factories.

Who benefits from lockdowns? Who benefits from small businesses shutting down and going bankrupt? Why big corporations and the rich companies like Apple, Amazon, Walmart, Target, Big Tech and, of course, Communist China. When small businesses close and factories move off shore China wins!

Does this all now make sense to you?


President Trump is fighting for ordinary Americans. Those who work for a living.

President Trump is fighting not only the media and the Democrats but also the rich and powerful.

Biden and the Democrats are absolutely dependent upon the largesse of the rich and powerful and those who vote for a living, i.e. the swamp.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


America: ‘A Church Relocation Project?’

There is a war on history in our time. There is an all-out effort to cut us off from our past— presumably to make us into a nation in the image of what the Left wants.

For example, Thanksgiving would seem to be as American as apple pie. But an article last week (11/17/20) in the New York Times refers to the “myth” of Thanksgiving.

The so-called “paper of record” quotes a Native-American historian, Linda Coombs, of the Wampanoag Tribe (of New England). She writes about the first Thanksgiving: “There was an event that happened in 1621….But the whole story about what occurred on that first Thanksgiving was a myth created to make white people feel comfortable.” In effect, the article blames the Pilgrims for what others did long after them.

Amazing. The Pilgrims, who settled Plymouth, Massachusetts, had a stellar reputation with the Indians. They made a treaty of peace that lasted half a century.

Rev. Billy Falling, a Native-American pastor and author, told me:

“The Pilgrims had good relationships with the Indians….As a Native-American, I thank God for the Europeans that brought us… the Gospel and brought Western Civilization.”

Obviously, terrible, inexcusable things happened to Indians, long after the Pilgrims, at the hands of other European settlers and Americans. But in doing injustice to Native Americans, they were not at all following the Christian example of the Pilgrims.

Meanwhile, this month is the 400th anniversary of the Pilgrims coming to these shores—a milestone in history.

Pastor, broadcaster, and author Dr. D. James Kennedy once observed that America began as “a church relocation project.” His comment is profound—inasmuch as the Pilgrims who settled Plymouth four centuries ago founded America.

The church relocation was from mid-England to Holland to America.

The Pilgrims were one particular congregation that was born in the Midlands of England, in the sleepy village of Scrooby, about 150 miles north of London.

The Bible was beginning to be read by many in England for the first time, and it caused an unexpected reaction. As people compared the New Testament with what they were seeing in practice in the official Church of England, they felt there was a need for positive changes.

A large group of those wanting reform within the Church of England, which was Protestant in its theology bur Roman Catholic in its liturgy, worked for the purity of the Church. They were derisively called Puritans.

A very small subset of Puritans were Separatists. They thought reform within the Church was hopeless, so they created small, secret congregations of believers, separate from the Church of England—which was illegal at the time.

The Pilgrims were one particular congregation of Separatists that was born in mid-England around 1606 during the time when Separatist church meetings were illegal. Their goal was to worship Jesus in the purity of the gospel as they understood it. The Bible (the Geneva version) was the focus of their existence.

Because of persecution in England, they decided to emigrate to Holland, where they stayed for more than a decade. But they could see, over time, their church slowly dissipating. So they wanted to come to America to more fully practice their faith.

In the 66-day voyage of the Mayflower, they were blown off course and ended up under no government’s jurisdiction. To bind the colony together, they wrote an agreement for self-government, under God. It was a political covenant based on the Biblical model of covenant.

In this document, the Mayflower Compact, which was written “in the name of God” and in which they stated that they came “for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith,” they created a “civil body politic.”

Historians tell us that the Mayflower Compact was a key forerunner to the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. These in turn have led to a great deal of freedom for hundreds of millions of people to enjoy.

I once interviewed Dennis Prager of PragerU about America’s Judeo-Christian roots. He told me, “The Pilgrims founded America, for all intents and purposes.”

The great leader of the Pilgrims, William Bradford, wrote of the whole Pilgrim experience:

“Thus out of small beginnings greater things have been produced by His hand that made all things of nothing, and gives being to all things that are: and, as one small candle may light a thousand, so the light here kindled hath shone unto many, yea in some sort to our whole nation: let the glorious name of Jehovah have all the praise.”

As Americans, we do indeed have many reasons for celebrating thanksgiving to God for our freedom—notwithstanding attempts from the New York Times to distort our history. And it all began 400 years ago from this time. Not bad for a church relocation project.

©Jerry Newcombe. All rights reserved.

All Logs, Evidence of Election Fairness in Pennsylvania GONE!

RELATED VIDEO: We caught them!


Pa. poll watcher, a Navy vet, alleges missing USB cards, up to 120,000 questionable votes

‘Voter Integrity Project’ Releases Evidence of Thousands of Vote Fraud Issues – Combined with Affidavits from Rudy and Gateway Pundit’s Statistical Analysis – More Than Enough Information to Refute Election Results

EDITORS NOTE: This column posted by on The Vlad Tepes Blog is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Tucker Goes Megyn

But my money is on––and has always been on––the Smartest Guy in the Room, President Donald J. Trump.

What is it about good-looking, brainy, articulate, even charismatic people––particularly if they’re in the public eye––that makes them so vulnerable to the self-destroying over-confidence and arrogance known as hubris?

Who can forget when the beauteous, brash and brilliant Megyn Kelly blazed like a shooting star on Fox News, used her background as a former practicing attorney to conduct piercing and revelatory interviews; showcased enough magnetism to, as my mother used to say, charm a bird off a tree; and entranced the show-business and tabloid worlds with her romance and marriage to a rich and handsome businessman-cum-author and then give birth to three adorable children?

In the feminist-invented world of “having it all,” Kelly certainly fit the profile.


And so did Kelly! As soon as the business mogul and TV star Donald Trump descended on the escalator in the eponymously-named Trump Tower with his gorgeous wife Melania in June of 2015 and announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United States of America, every media person in every outlet in the world salivated at the chance of interviewing the billionaire builder.

But nothing would reveal the Real Donald Trump as much as the TV debates in which no less than 16 Republican candidates participated––all of them with the formidable political credentials that the businessman-candidate lacked.

They included Governors Scott Walker (WI), John Kasich (OH); former Governors Rick Perry (TX), Bobby Jindal (LA), George Pataki (NY), Mike Huckabee (AK), Jim Gilmore (VA), Jeb Bush (FL), Chris Christie (NJ); Senators Lindsey Graham (SC), Marco Rubio (FL), Ted Cruz (TX); as well as former CEO of Hewlett-Packard Carly Fiorina and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson.

And who got the plum assignment to host the first Republican debate? None other than Fox’s “it girl” Megyn Kelly. I remember vividly how Kelly tantalized her audience with explosive things to come––rolling her hands, her eyes glistening––as she invited people to see what they had never ever seen before.


And she delivered! Right out of the gate, she accused candidate Trump of being abusive to women.

Uh oh. Wrong question to the wrong target. Did fledgling TV starlet Kelly really think she was more seasoned in media savvy than the guy who hosted two TV shows––The Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice––that ran at the top of the ratings for over 14 years?

At the first debate, Trump destroyed two entities––all of his opponents and Megyn Kelly!

The American public––in poll after poll after poll after poll––believed that Trump was more credible, appealing and honest than Ms. Smarty Pants. And it was not long before Kelly was gone from Fox, hired by NBC-News, then gone from NBC and now into, um, podcasts.

Yes, this clever species likes to be paid the Big Bucks, but yoo hoo Missy….where do you think that money comes from? It comes from We the People tuning into this or that TV or radio station or Internet site, and if the numbers are good, the advertising increases and it is that advertising money that pays your overpaid salaries!

Which brings me to an egghead like Tucker Carlson who may understand capitalism but clearly does not understand the power of We the People.


Since November 2016, Carlson has hosted an 8 p.m. show on Fox. In fact, on July 2020, he broke the record for highest-rated program in U.S. cable news history, garnering an average nightly audience of 4.33 million viewers.

Typically, his show features a monologue of provocative political commentary which cites numerous examples of leftist hypocrisy and challenges––with a high degree of empiricism––such sacred cows of leftism as global warming, open borders, and mail-in voting. He also interviews numerous “experts” to either affirm or argue with his own political opinions.

So how did this media star––just like Megyn Kelly––crash and burn?


When Tucker Carlson recently attacked attorney Sidney Powell, who was initially on the Trump legal team but is now independently pursuing justice for the president for the massive voter fraud that has put his reelection in question, We the People immediately suspected that Fox management had ordered Carlson to sing their leftist song.

If so, Tucker obediently complied, evincing the colossal conceit that Atty. Powell should tell him––a Fox News employee, a dispensable employee––the proof of voter fraud that she planned to take before a judge (or several judges) in perhaps the most consequential legal case in American history.

And when she didn’t respond to his preposterous and presumptuous interview request,   he had a verbal, on-air temper tantrum, acting indefensibly  rude and obnoxiously antagonistic about one of the most seasoned and respected lawyers in our country.

While most Republicans and Conservatives were so disgusted with Fox’s dishonest coverage of the election––calling Arizona with hundreds of thousands of votes yet to be counted, failing to ask even one question about the unprecedented shutdown for three hours of voting tallies in the swing states of Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Colorado, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, et al––they quit Fox and went to Newsmax TV and One American News Network (OANN).

But people like me and many others stayed with Fox solely because of commentators like Tucker Carlson and Mr. Rock-Ribbed Conservative himself, Sean Hannity.

However, when we witnessed Tucker’s shameful behavior toward Sidney Powell, the rest of We the People immediately and instantly and with no regrets whatsoever left Fox FOREVER! With, by the way, a Good Riddance to Mr. Smarty Pants!

And we were not alone. According to Jim Hoft’s unerring reportage, after Fox’s election-night coverage, Fox News crashed to such a degree that their viewership was cut by 50 percent in three weeks!

“Fox News spit on their audience, and their audience walked,” Hoft wrote, also displaying this dramatic graph.


As writer Andrea Widburg writes: “Fox News continues to insult its audience.

In 1983 there were 50 media companies, but today only six organizations are responsible for over 90 percent of all the “news” we read, watch and listen to! Five of the CEOs of these multibillion-dollar businesses are longtime leftist globalists, and the sixth, the only conservative, was Rupert Murdoch (Fox, Wall St. Journal, NY Post, et al) who a few years ago gave control of his empire to his leftist sons Lachlan and James.

For decades, these business titans have made massive financial investments in the global economy, thanks largely to the leftist con men and women—the Clintons and Obama & Co.; the Chinese Communist Party, the tin-pot dictators and America-haters of the United Nations; the leftist billionaires who thrive on and denounce capitalism at the same time—who convinced them that America was on the decline and that the open-borders, one-world-government crowd was in imminent ascendance.

Then Donald Trump happened and all that one-world baloney vanished overnight.


Since then, the globalists have done two things:

  1. They have continued to invest heavily in our economy, hence the rocket-like ascendance of the Stock Market,
  2. They have told their media whores to keep up the drumbeat of negativity about President Trump.

Why? Because the ratings for their devolving shows spiked with his election, as did the money that lined their pockets!

The always astute Daniel Greenfield elaborated on this phenomenon:

“The media spent eight years declining into irrelevance under Obama. Even before Trump, Obama had bypassed the media for social media. The big stories were fed to the press by Obama Inc. cronies like Ben Rhodes or hidden-hand political smear shops like Fusion GPS.

“Trump revived the media… [his] end-year remarks to the NY York Times acerbically summed up his relationship with the media. `I’m going to win another four years… because newspapers, television, all forms of media will tank if I’m not there.’ The answering outburst of rage and contempt from the media burned all the hotter because the statement was not only intentionally provocative; it was also true.

“Trump’s greatest trick was forcing [the media] to get in the ring with him. That’s always been his trick for defeating his opponents.

“The media’s Trump rage ended Hillary’s career, put a Republican in the White House, pulled us out of the Paris Climate Accords, brought in the Muslim travel ban, recognized Jerusalem and did all the other things the media wails about every second of the day. And the media helped make them happen.”


If the globally-coordinated, massively-funded, treasonously-conceived coup that leftists have been working on for the past five years succeeds, conservative patriots can be assured that President Trump will create a media company that overnight will have 80-million paid subscribers who will, finally, break––actually destroy––the malevolent, dishonest, and immorally anti-American media that has contaminated our airways for the past 100 years.

Can I hear an Amen?!

But my money is on––and has always been on––the Smartest Guy in the Room, President Donald J. Trump.

Starting today or tomorrow––Happy Thanksgiving everyone!––you can watch the reincarnation of the Greatest Show on Earth, ending, I trust, with the hand on the Bible on January 20th, 2021, being the hand of the reelected President Trump!

©Joan Swirsky. All rights reserved.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Used Dominion’s Eric Coomer as Witness for the State to Defend LAST MINUTE COMPUTER CHANGES

Director of product strategy and security for Dominion Voting Systems, Eric Coomer, is  an Antifa radical who is a key player in the massive voter fraud in voter tabulating systems.

CONFIRMED: Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Used Dominion’s Eric Coomer as Witness for the State to Defend LAST MINUTE COMPUTER CHANGES

By Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, November 24, 2020:

Dr. Eric Coomer who is responsible for the strategy and Security at Dominion Voting Systems.

But if you search the company’s profile Eric Coomer has since been removed from their page of directors.
This was after Coomer was found to be a Trump-hating Antifa sociopath.

In 2016 Coomer told the Illinois States Board of Elections that it was possible to bypass election systems software during the vote counting process. [View screen shot here]

Here is the video:

And in 2017 Eric Coomer explained how to alter votes in the Dominion Voting Systems in a Chicago demonstration.

This then is the SECOND VIDEO of top Dominion executive explaining to elections officials how to alter votes with the Dominion machines! This was a separate demonstration in the Chicago area (notice he is wearing a dark jacket and is without the wrist protector.)

According to reports in late September Dominion’s radical Leftist Eric Coomer made a “critical software change” to GA’s Dominion voting machines “without adequate testing or certification from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission”.

This was reported in the Atlanta Journal Constitution.

Now this…

A group of Georgia attorneys sued the state after news of the last minute changes to the Dominion voting machines. They called for paper ballots to be used instead of the controversial computer voting systems.

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger called in Dominion’s Eric Commer to testify for him in the state’s defense. reported:

Georgia election officials told a federal judge Monday that they’ll quickly correct a problem with touchscreen voting computers that left off the names of some of the 21 candidates in a special election for the U.S. Senate.

But attorneys suing the state government said they’re alarmed by technical difficulties so close to the time in-person early voting begins on Oct. 12. They want the government to replace the touchscreens with paper ballots filled out by hand.

Software on the state’s 30,000-plus touchscreens will be replaced to prevent an issue where the second column of U.S. Senate candidates sometimes didn’t appear. Those candidates included Republican U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Democrats Matt Lieberman, Ed Tarver and Raphael Warnock. Another Republican candidate, U.S. Rep. Doug Collins, wasn’t affected because his name appeared in the first column.

“The plaintiffs are flagging this as some apocalyptic scenario on social media, and it’s not. This is a very minor issue,” said Bryan Tyson, an attorney for Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

The issue, discovered last week during pre-election equipment testing in Douglas and Richmond counties, occurred when the second column of candidates didn’t appear because of a technical problem with how touchscreens communicated with their underlying Android operating system, said Eric Coomer of Dominion Voting Systems. He said the problem only happened rarely, when users made selections in a specific pattern.

David Cross, an attorney for the plaintiffs, said making a critical software change shows that the state’s voting technology is vulnerable to problems.

“This is far bigger than we originally thought,” Cross told U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg. “It’s hard to imagine a more concerning scenario.”

He said the software upgrade is being made without adequate security testing or certification from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. But Coomer said the change is minor and doesn’t require recertification.

Election officials halted testing in the 77 counties where it had begun after they learned about the problem, said Gabriel Sterling, statewide voting system implementation manager.



DOMINION Director of Strategy and Security Eric Coomer: “Trump won’t win. I made F***ing sure of that.”

Dominion Voting Systems Officer of Strategy and SECURITY Eric Coomer Admitted in 2016 Vendors and Election Officials Have Access to Manipulate the Vote

The U.S. Stolen Election

Report: Anti-Trump Dominion Voting Systems Security Chief Was Participating in Antifa Calls, Posted Antifa Manifesto Letter to Trump Online

MORE FRAUD: Dominion Voting Systems Have Functionality to “OVERRIDE” and Process Blank Ballot

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PENNSYLVANIA: Expert Witness — ‘The Biden Injection’ Vote Dump of 600K – 570K Went For Biden, 3200 for Trump [Video]

This is astonishing. By God, imagine what these treasonous destroyers have been doing all along.

WATCH LIVE: Senate Majority Policy Committee Public Hearing on 2020 Election Issues and Irregularities

Mayor Rudy Giulinai asked Phil Waldron, retired Army spending  first half of his career just  as a cavalry officer, conducting armed reconnaissance counter reconnaissance. Here is an excerpt from the Q & A:

Mayor GIULIANI: I believe that Greg Stenstrom mentioned earlier, the processing of these ballots through machines. There’s a manufacturer’s specified rate of speed that a number of ballots can image, be imaged and processed. These spike anomalies in this chart of Pennsylvania really show where for us to look forensically

GIULIANI: Could you explain at the very beginning what that line means? “Biden injection” at the very very beginning of the chart …..

WALDRON: So at the very beginning of the chart they all have, where there’s a circle that says on election day. What that indicates is there is a spike in loaded votes of 337,000 plus or minus some votes that were added in there. In one big batch. So that was an anomaly in the reporting normally you would expect to see a smooth curve going up. Not any not any big, big spikes,  that’s kind of what what Greg was talking about the the anomalies of loading And uploading those those votes. So that big spike that occurs there is a prime indicator of fraudulent voting.

GIULIANI:  And that’s 604,000 votes in 90 minutes, is that right?

WALDRON: Correct. This is the 337,000 votes in that period of time

GIULIANI: Yes. And when you look In this entire curve with all these spikes, can you calculate how much of a vote that accounted for Biden and how much for Trump


GIULIANI: Now just just to go back to your original, your original document, this one pager that they all have mail in ballots counted without being observed. Those are the ballots can we’re talking about that when not observed in Allegheny County and In Philadelphia, correct all right 682,770. Now this is the part that is a mystery, mailed ballots sent out 1,823,148 but when you go to the final count of the vote, there are  2,589,242 mail ballots. What happened ….. how do you account for the 700,000 mail ballots that appeared from nowhere.


Poll: 79 Percent of Trump Voters Believe ‘Election Was Stolen‘

Report: Facebook Used ‘Secret Internal Ranking’ Of News Sites To Suppress ‘Right-Wing’ Sources After Election

Pennsylvania Judge BLOCKS State From Certifying Election Results in Presidential and All Other Races

Military Information Expert: These systems allow authorized and unauthorized users to cancel votes, shift votes, preload votes vote blank ballots, all in real time

Emergency petition in Wisconsin after finding 150,000 ‘potentially’ fraudulent ballots

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Huge COURT WIN lets Trump present ballot evidence, could overturn Nevada result

The tide …… can you feel it twirling?

By: Red State Observer, November 24, 2020:

In its first court victory, a Nevada judge has agreed to let the Trump campaign present its evidence that fraud and illegalities plagued the state’s election, enough to reverse Joe Biden’s win and set an example for other state challenges.

According to Trump officials, the judge set a Dec. 3 hearing date and is allowing 15 depositions. What’s more, the campaign plans to present its evidence that could result in the rejection of tens of thousands of mail in ballots in Democratic Clark County where Biden ballots outnumbered Trump ballots by 91,000 in unofficial results.

“BIG news in Nevada: a Judge has allowed NV Republicans to present findings of widespread voter fraud in a Dec. 3rd hearing. Americans will now hear evidence from those who saw firsthand what happened — a critical step for transparency and remedying illegal ballots. Stay tuned,” White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows tweeted.

American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp, one of those heading the Nevada case, told Secrets, “it gives us a real chance, if to do nothing else, to begin to show this historic level of fraud.”

BIG news in Nevada: a Judge has allowed NV Republicans to present findings of widespread voter fraud in a Dec. 3rd hearing. Americans will now hear evidence from those who saw firsthand what happened—a critical step for transparency and remedying illegal ballots. Stay tuned.— Mark Meadows (@MarkMeadows) November 25, 2020

Oddly, there has been a virtual news blackout of the Trump court victory. However, there were major headlines on the state Supreme Court’s certification of Biden’s victory Tuesday.

In its court filing from Nov. 17, the Trump team made several allegations of voter fraud, including votes by non-residents and the dead.

But its biggest claim was that the signatures on hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots were not verified by human officials, as required by law.

What’s more, they found that officials used a machine to verify signatures, apparently against the rules, … (Read more)

Tweets mentioned:


FOX NEWS RATINGS CRASH CONTINUES: Monday, MSNBC Is the Most-Watched, Led by Rachel Maddow

Pennsylvania Judge STOPS Election Certification Amid Mass Voter Fraud Evidence

Huge COURT WIN lets Trump present ballot evidence, could overturn Nevada result

PA Hearing Expert Witness: “The Biden Injection” Vote Dump of 600K – 570K Went For Biden, 3200 for Trump

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Chutzpah: Palestinians Prepare List of Demands For Biden Administration

The Palestinian Arabs sense an opening for them in Biden’s Washington, where they rightly assume they will be personae gratae again. They have already been preparing their laundry list of demands for the Biden Administration, which is discussed here: “PA wants Biden to reverse ‘anti-Palestinian’ decisions,” by Khaled Abu Toameh, Jerusalem Post, November 22, 2020:

The Palestinians will demand that the new administration under US President-elect Joe Biden cancel “anti-Palestinian” decisions taken by the administration of President Donald Trump, Palestinian officials said on Sunday.

The officials told The Jerusalem Post that the Palestinian Authority has prepared a list of demands that will be presented to Biden after he is sworn in on January 20.

The list includes a request to reopen the PLO diplomatic mission in Washington, rescinding Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, resuming financial aid to the PA and the UN Relief and Work Agency and reopening the US consulate in east Jerusalem.

In addition, the officials said, the Palestinians will also demand the Biden administration cancel the recent decision that allows US citizens born in Jerusalem to list Israel as their place of birth, as well as US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s announcement allowing for settlement products to be labeled as “Made in Israel.”

“We have already contacted Biden’s people to inform them of our demands,” a Palestinian official told the Post. “We had a positive dialogue with senior officials who are close to Biden.”

Since that contact between the Palestinians with Biden’s staff, the two most pro-Israel of Biden’s advisers, Tony Blinken and Jake Sullivan, have been appointed to be, respectively, Secretary of State and National Security Adviser. It may not be quite as smooth sailing for the PA as it thought just a few days ago.

Last week, PA Foreign Minister Riad Malki said the Palestinians want to conduct dialogue with the new US administration in order to cancel decisions taken by the Trump administration.

Malki said the Palestinians have suffered tremendously as a result of Trump’s decisions directed against them, including the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, the transfer of the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the closure of the PLO mission in the US and the suspension of US financial aid to the Palestinians.

Malki and other Palestinian officials said they also expected the Biden administration to distance itself from Trump’s plan for Middle East peace, also known as the “Deal of the Century.” The Palestinian leadership has strongly condemned the plan, unveiled in January 2020, as a “conspiracy aiming to liquidate the Palestinian issue and national rights.”

Another Palestinian official told the Post that while he was optimistic the Biden administration would cancel some of the decisions taken by the Trump administration, the Palestinians do not believe it would be easy to return the US Embassy to Tel Aviv.

No, it won’t be easy to move the Embassy back to Tel Aviv. It will be impossible. There is not a chance in hell that the American Embassy will be moved out of Jerusalem. Biden has already declared that he would not do it, though he also added that he “would not have made the move himself,” a curious remark given that he was one of the most enthusiastic backers of the 1995 Jerusalem Embassy Act, which passed in the Senate by 93 to 5.

“We know that the Biden administration would not be able to accept all our demands, such as the removal of the embassy from Jerusalem, but we are very optimistic regarding the other demands,” the official explained. “If [Biden] renounces the ‘Deal of the Century’ and resumes financial aid to the Palestinians, this will be a good step in the right direction. It will be a big victory for the Palestinian people.”

The suspension of financial aid to the Palestinians was partly in response to the PA’s refusal to end its Pay-For-Slay program, which incentivizes terrorism by providing generous monthly stipends to imprisoned terrorists, and to the families of terrorists who had been killed. The PA has been recently been making noises about modifying the plan, by providing stipends based not, as now, on the length of a sentence, which provide more money the longer the sentence (so those who commit the worst attacks get more money), but instead on the “financial need” of a terrorist’s family. Qadri Abu Bakr, the PLO’s Director for Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, in English told the New York Times that the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) policy on terrorists’ families’ salaries will change. But in the Arabic version of those remarks, Qadri Abu Bakr said the exact opposite, assuring his listeners that the calculation of stipends to terrorists and their families would not change in any way. Two versions, directly contradicting each other. Why not? Qadri Abu Bakr knows: “War is deceit,” said Muhammad.

It is thus doubtful that the PA could bring itself to change its Pay-For-Slay policy, which reflects the Palestinians’ visceral support for terrorism. But even if the PA did change the criteria according to which the stipends are calculated, this would still leave in place a program that subsidizes, and therefore incentivizes, terrorism. This will make it very difficult for the Americans to turn on the faucet of aid again.

The PA’s complacent assumption that the Americans will renew financial aid to the Palestinians needs to be challenged and undermined. Even without the Pay-For-Slay program, why should the Americans turn on that tap for the PA, rather than have the PA go hat in hand to their fellow Arabs in the oil states, or Iran, or Turkey, and ask them for aid? Who decided that the United States owes the Palestinians a permanent living? And why should American taxpayers be shelling out billions, over the years, to UNRWA, which includes on its ever-expanding rolls of those who receive its largesse not just the real Palestinian refugees, those who left in 1947-1949, of whom there may now be 30,000 still alive – but also all of their descendants, now amounting to more than five million people? Who decided that among the many tens of millions of refugees who have been created by conflicts – wars, civil wars, persecutions — all over the world since the late 1940s, only one group, the Palestinians, should be allowed to pass on the refugee status to their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so on, world without end?

This ever-lengthening list of “Palestinian refugees” has been on the international – almost entirely Western – dole for decades. Don’t we need to ask a few questions at this point? For example, why are we Americans expected to give hundreds of millions of dollars a year to the Palestinians instead of, say, to the inoffensive and much poorer people in Bolivia or the Congo or Nepal? What exactly have the Palestinians done for us? Haven’t they used terror as a weapon for a half-century? Didn’t we see the Palestinians hand out candies and celebrate when they heard the glad news on 9/11/2001? Haven’t Palestinian terrorists killed American citizens? Isn’t Hamas a local branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, that seeks a worldwide caliphate? And what about the links between the Palestinians and our mortal enemy, Iran?

According to the official, the Palestinians are also expecting the Biden administration to return to the long-standing US policy toward settlements and adhere to UN resolutions on this issue.

In November 2019, Pompeo announced that the US no longer views settlements as “inconsistent with international law,” a move that drew strong condemnation from the Palestinian leadership.

Secretary Pompeo had quite properly declared as a break with previous policy what ought to have been American policy all along. The Israeli settlements in the West Bank do not violate, and are not “inconsistent with” international law. Their legality stems from the Mandate for Palestine, that included the entire West Bank in the territories assigned to the future Jewish National Home. Previous administrations had relied on the “Hansell Memorandum” of 1978, which took the position that the settlements were “illegal,” but Hansell himself never mentions the Palestine Mandate In his memorandum, as if it were of little moment, when it is, in fact, the essential document for understanding Israel’s claim to the West Bank, and hence, the basis of Israel’s right to build settlements in that territory.



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Australia cancels citizenship of Muslim cleric who plotted jihad massacre at soccer match

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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Illegal Votes From Noncitizens Likely Affected the 2020 Election, Study Says

Noncitizens likely voted at a high enough rate to alter the 2020 Electoral College tally, potentially flipping the states of Arizona and Georgia in the presidential election, according to an analysis by Just Facts, a research group.

That’s significant, and while it wouldn’t be enough to hand the election to President Donald Trump, it potentially could have made a difference. Only U.S. citizens are legally allowed to vote in federal elections.

The revised estimate, as of Monday, shows that Trump could have won 259 electoral votes if noncitizen votes were not counted. But that would likely still leave former Vice President Joe Biden with 279 electoral votes, nine votes more than the 270 needed to win.

The current electoral vote tally stands at 306 for Biden, 232 for Trump. Arizona has 11 Electoral College votes, while Georgia gets 16.

The left is actively working to undermine the integrity of our elections. Read the plan to stop them now. Learn more now >>

Just Facts first released an analysis on Nov. 8, five days after the election, that calculated a lower and upper estimate of the extent of noncitizen voting. That analysis determined that Trump could have won as few as 259 electoral votes—or as many as 285. The latter would have secured a second term.

However, as more mail-in votes were counted, Biden’s lead widened in states such Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Nevada.

Several major media outlets have projected Biden as the president-elect, but the Trump campaign is still litigating in several battleground states. The Trump team has not made noncitizen voting a significant part of its allegations of voter fraud.

The revised study estimated the number of noncitizen votes cast in the states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania—all of which were closely contested on election night.

It estimated that 234,570 noncitizen votes benefited Biden across seven battleground states. That estimate did not change as more votes were counted.

“Based on the latest vote counts and the upper and lower bounds of the study results, Georgia and Arizona would flip to Trump, leaving him with 259 Electoral College votes,” James Agresti, president of Just Facts, told The Daily Signal. “Under the upper bound, Nevada gets really close, with Trump down by 3,858 votes.”

With the exception of Arizona, each of the states in question appeared to be favoring Trump until the early-morning hours of Nov. 4, but began to shift to Biden over several days. North Carolina is the only state of the seven that appears likely to go to Trump.

The Electoral College will cast its vote in 50 states and the District of Columbia on Dec. 14.

The estimate is based on the percentages of noncitizens that voted in previous elections, predicated on a 2014 study by researchers at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, that evaluated rates of noncitizen voting in 2008 and 2010, Agresti said, applied only to the seven battleground states.

The Old Dominion study determined 6.4% of noncitizens voted in the 2008 presidential election and 3% in the 2010 congressional midterm elections, with 81% voting Democrat.

The rate was high enough to change the Electoral College vote count in 2008 (although not enough to swing the presidential election) and actually change the outcome of some congressional races, particularly the Senate race in Minnesota that year.

That race was decided in favor of Democrat Al Franken over Republican Norm Coleman by just 312 votes out of more than 2.86 million votes cast.

Agresti noted that illegal noncitizen voting is just “one type of fraud” that could have occurred in the 2020 election.

Asked about the proliferation of mail-in voting and ballot harvesting, he said, “That could certainly make it easier, with fewer checks and balances,” for a larger number of noncitizens to vote.

Last week, USA Today criticized the initial study claiming in a “fact check” column that rated the study as “missing context,” and arguing that it “relies on unverifiable estimates.”

The USA Today fact check largely relied on rebuttals from left-leaning sources such as the Fair Elections Center and the Brennan Center for Justice. USA Today also referenced a Wired magazine article to question the Old Dominion researchers.

Just Facts issued a rebuttal on Tuesday to what it called a “slanderous ‘fact check’” of its study:

The Just Facts study doesn’t claim to have the precise 2020 numbers, and is clear in its reliance on the Old Dominion study and other sources, such as a 2008 Harvard/YouGov survey, the Government Accountability Office, and the Social Security Administration, to apply data from past elections as the basis for the assumptions of the numbers this year.

Agresti noted that as many as 15% of noncitizens said they were registered to vote, based on survey data cited in the Old Dominion report.

The full extent of noncitizen voting is a problem, as demonstrated in past years in Pennsylvania, said Hans von Spakovsky, the manager of the Election Law Reform Initiative at The Heritage Foundation.

“We don’t know the full extent of the problem, but we know it is a problem,” von Spakovsky, a former member of the Federal Election Commission, told The Daily Signal. “We need to require proof of citizenship from people registering to vote.”


Fred Lucas

Fred Lucas is chief national affairs correspondent for The Daily Signal and co-host of “The Right Side of History” podcast. Lucas is also the author of “Abuse of Power: Inside The Three-Year Campaign to Impeach Donald Trump.” Send an email to Fred. Twitter: @FredLucasWH.


RELATED ARTICLE: If Voters Had Known About 8 Stories Media Ignored, Trump Would Have Won, Says Media Watchdog

RELATED VIDEO: American Coup.

A Note for our Readers:

Election fraud is already a problem. Soon it could be a crisis. But election fraud is not the only threat to the integrity of our election system.

Progressives are pushing for nine “reforms” that could increase the opportunity for fraud and dissolve the integrity of constitutional elections. To counter these dangerous measures, our friends at The Heritage Foundation are proposing seven measures to protect your right to vote and ensure fair, constitutional elections.

They are offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free today.

Get the details now when you download your free copy of, “Mandate for Leadership: Ensuring the Integrity of Our Election System.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Colorado County Refuses to Enforce Lockdowns as Civil Disobedience Spreads Across America

Weld County’s defiance came days before news broke that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is “furious” because a Brooklyn synagogue held a secret wedding.

Colorado officials last week announced that several counties had moved into the “red level”—the second-highest measurement on its COVID-19 dial—and would be forced to implement new regulations on restaurants, gyms, and other parts of the economy to combat the virus.

Then something remarkable happened. Weld County, a county in the northern part of the state with a population of roughly a quarter million people, politely said no.

“Instead, county government continues to do what it has done since March, which is promote and encourage residents and business owners to take individual responsibility and make decisions to protect themselves, their families, their community and their businesses,” the Board of Commissioners said in a statement.

With a test-positivity rate north of 16 percent, Weld County’s infection rate is well above the 5 percent threshold the World Health Organization uses as a benchmark for taking proactive measures to limit the spread of the virus. Nevertheless, county officials enumerated what they would not do.

“The county will not enforce a rule confining individuals to their homes for an undetermined length of time;

the county will not enforce a rule that states residents cannot have personal gatherings;

the county will not tell the school districts how to provide education to their students;

the county will not enforce a rule requiring a reduction of attendees in places of worship;

the county will not enforce a rule demanding restaurants close their indoor dining areas;

the county will not enforce any rule that forces a business to shut down or impedes their ability to operate.”

Weld County’s defiance came just days before news broke that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is “furious” because a Brooklyn synagogue reportedly held a secret wedding earlier this month “with thousands of unmasked guests” in attendance.

“If that happened, it was a blatant disregard of the law,” Cuomo said in a briefing. “It’s illegal. It was also disrespectful to the people of New York.”

Reports say the synagogue, the Yetev Lev temple in WIlliamsburg, has been fined $15,000.

In Buffalo, New York, a protest of some 50 business owners (and supporters) at a local gym turned into a tense confrontation when a health inspector and deputies arrived (apparently after receiving an anonymous complaint) and refused to leave.

According to the Buffalo News, neither the health inspector nor the deputies would specify what rules the gym owner or those in attendance had broken. Authorities eventually left without issuing citations as protesters chanted “Get Out! Get Out!”

The gym’s owner, Robby Dinero, said the gathering was old-fashioned civil disobedience against lockdowns.

“It absolutely was a protest” said Dinero, adding that enforcement of restrictions has been “arbitrary.”

The defiance against lockdowns has been a long time coming.

The reality is, enforcement of social distancing regulations has been arbitrary. We’ve watched over and over again as politicians have flaunted their own orders without penalty. We’ve seen social distancing exceptions made when a political cause was deemed important or simply worth celebrating.

This is both unjust and dangerous. The growth in government power and the decline in individual liberty witnessed these many months is unprecedented in modern history, as others have observed.

Fortunately, Americans and many other people around the world—from clergy in England meeting in secret to thousands in Berlin protesting COVID restrictions as they’re shot with water cannons—have simply had enough.

This is a good thing, but it’s also stressful. Just watching the confrontations like the one in Buffalo can make a cool-headed person feel tense. It can make the world feel chaotic and give the impression that the order in our world is slipping away.

In his book 12 Rules for Life, Jordan Peterson talks about these forces, order and chaos. Order, Peterson says, is a good thing. It gives our lives stability, structure, and a security humans need. Chaos, on the other hand, sets our world on tilt. It represents the unknown and can cause distress.

Peterson doesn’t end there, however. The chaos-order duality he describes is part of a yin-yang Taoist structure.

“Order, when pushed too far, when imbalanced, can also manifest itself destructively and terribly,” Peterson writes. “It does so as forced migration, the concentration camp, and the soul-devouring uniformity of the goose step.”

The role of the archetypal hero, Peterson explained in his earlier book Maps of Meaning, is not only to tame excessive chaos, but to break down excessive order:

“Terrible, chaotic forces lurk behind the facade of the normal world. These forces are kept at bay by maintenance of social order. The reign of order is insufficient, however, because order itself becomes overbearing and deadly, if allowed unregulated or permanent expression. The actions of the hero constitute an antidote to the deadly forces of chaos, and to the tyranny of order.”

This point is so important to Peterson that, while 12 Rules for Life was subtitled An Antidote to Chaos,” his upcoming book (which he just announced is available for pre-order) is titled, “Beyond Order.”

“Unlike my previous book, Beyond Order explores as its overarching theme how the dangers of too much security and control might be profitably avoided,” he says.

Lockdowns fit the model of a destructive order, one that has thrown the whole world into a kind of chaos. We can all feel it. And this is precisely why the lockdowns must be resisted—just like the commissioners in Weld County, the Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn, and the business owners in Buffalo.

Maybe this means sneaking across the Mississippi River to watch a Packer game in a bar in Wisconsin against state orders with your son, in a tavern where no one is wearing masks.

Maybe it means eating Thanksgiving dinner with family and friends despite a state order saying you must not, or simply choosing to not wear a mask in between bites of turkey, as public health officials recommend.

Maybe it means organizing peacefully with local businesses and holding an actual protest.

It doesn’t matter. Or rather, they all matter. The point is lockdowns are incredibly harmfulsoul-crushing, and the most expansive encroachment on personal freedom in modern history.

It’s past time Americans and humans everywhere embrace the radical philosophy of Henry David Thoreau, who taught us that the only true foundation of liberty is civil disobedience, a peaceful and passive form of political protest that rests on the simple refusal to follow unjust laws or pay unjust taxes.

“If the injustice is part of the necessary friction of the machine of government, let it go, let it go,” Thoreau wrote in Civil Disobedience, “perchance it will wear smooth–certainly the machine will wear out.”


Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune. Bylines: Newsweek, The Washington Times,, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, the Epoch Times.

RELATED ARTICLE: Absurd Thanksgiving Guidelines Reveal an Astonishing Level of Government Overreach

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Dominion vs. Patriotism — Choose.


Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.

Before we begin, just a reminder: If you are able, please join us for our novena to the Holy Spirit for justice in our nation and Church (followed immediately by the Holy Rosary) every workday morning at 8 a.m. ET, right here on Church Militant.

Dominion Voting Systems is certainly making a lot of news these days, understandably. The question that arises is not if electronic voting systems like Dominion are subject to hacking and switching votes and so forth, but if it can all be proven in a court of law in enough time to show that it did happen.

The question of “if” is already answered. The state of Texas out and out rejected Dominion precisely because it was not secure. Likewise, Democratic senators (including Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren) wrote a letter in 2019 raising the same concerns.

Should we be concerned about all this? Is it possible? Before the election, NBC News and PBS each did segments on computer hacking and election integrity, raising the very same concerns. So “yes” is the answer to the very first question.

Likewise, as we look across the political landscape (without seeing whatever evidence Trump attorney Sidney Powell is going to put forward in detail in court), it would certainly seem like there is enough to at least proceed. Too many irregularities — a flood of them, in fact — have emerged: Overvoting; late-night dumps; ballots being changed, thrown out, not counted, manufactured and so forth.

Then add-on to all of that what sure looks like rigging the vote count through software, and it all adds up to what looks like a huge fraud designed to get Trump out of office.

If this all turns out to be true — and right now, it doesn’t look false, despite what the Marxist media say — then consider: (1) Either some court (e.g., the Supreme Court) has to overthrow the election results in at least some states owing to fraud and then the whole thing goes to the U.S. House of Representatives, or (2) Some judges or justices don’t have the courage to do the right thing (we’ve seen that sequel too many times to shake a stick at), and we have an illegitimate president who nonetheless will still wield all the power of the presidency.

It will matter little that more than 40% of the population refuses to accept him. He will still have the power, and unlike the last four years where all the powerful weapons of the Marxist Left in the deep state were trained on Trump, the good guys don’t have that power.

So that’s what we’re staring at right now. Do the right thing, and Antifa will burn down the country. Or do the wrong thing, one way or another, and let America come to an end. Against all this backdrop, notice the name of the company at the center of it all: Dominion.

Kind of a strange name for a company supplying voting machines, software and accurate results in supposedly free and fair elections. Republics aren’t really referred to as “dominions.” Neither are democratic republics. Dominion is an epithet generally reserved for reference to kingdoms: Nations with rulers and monarchs — the sort of places where elections don’t really happen.

The root word for dominion refers to “lord” — dominus in Latin. In Spanish, Sunday is Domingo, the Lord’s day. Dominions don’t have elections. They have a supreme ruler. That’s the point. God is Lord of all; yet in an effort to ape Him, Satan takes on some characteristics of being a lord or ruler. Indeed, he does have a kingdom, and he has subjects under him.

Since what is playing out here in this election aftermath is a spiritual war, it remains helpful to always go back to that lens through which to view everything. While far from perfect, the American side in this conflict is willing to admit there is a God and that life must be subject to that understanding.

Notice how the American side in this conflict against Marxism has taken to calling themselves “patriots.” Never forget that the root word for patriotism is patria, which is Latin for father[land] — as in God the Father.

This war is good vs. evil (on a grand scale), between those who accept the fatherhood of God and all that flows from that and those who reject it, who are offspring of the serpent.

What flows from the fatherhood of God is the universe ordered correctly. Next week, Catholics will enter into Advent and begin singing O Come Emmanuel. One of the verses has the line, “O come now Spirit from on high, Who orders all things mightily.”

But opposed to that order is the disorder and chaos of the dominion of Satan, who seeks to destroy what God has ordered. He is adverse to all that is holy; hence, his name, Satan, means “the adversary.” So what flows from all this is a kingdom of opposites — where truth is opposed by lies, order by disorder, and peace by chaos.

So looking through this lens, let’s go back to the election and look at what is going on: Lies, disorder and chaos, all stemming from an outfit called Dominion. According to reports, one of Dominion’s key selling features is the ability to flip votes. If that is true, and Team Trump says it has sworn affidavits testifying to that very thing, then that would be truly revealing.

Dominion’s entire reason for being was/is to cheat and lie, just like Satan’s dominion. Spiritual war is always a conflict between two kingdoms, two dominions. One is true, the other is fake. And everything associated with the other is fake: Its news, its politics, its philosophy.

One dominion is built on authentic patriotism. The other is built on destruction.

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Pennsylvania Still in Play

Legal arguments and evidence favor Trump,

Media has been crowing over Trump’s latest legal setbacks in Pennsylvania, with public personas focusing their scorn on Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani. Former New Jersey governor Chris Christie called him and his legal team a “national embarrassment.” CNN host Chris Cuomo said of Giuliani, “He became a metaphor for the campaign melting into a dark puddle of deception.”

But the all-important state is still in play, despite what the pundits say. Not only did the federal judge in Pennsylvania fail to give a hearing on the evidence before ruling to dismiss Trump’s lawsuit, legal scholars believe Trump has strong legal arguments that may prevail once the lawsuits come before the U.S. Supreme Court. Even more, the Trump team has considerable evidence for election fraud, which could call hundreds of thousands of ballots into question.

‘Winning’ Legal Arguments

Harvard professor and legal scholar Alan Dershowitz — no fan of Trump — believes Trump’s legal team has potentially “winning arguments” in Pennsylvania.

“They have two very strong legal arguments: one, that the courts changed what the legislature did about counting ballots after Election Day,” said Dershowitz on Fox News Futures with Maria Bartiromo on Monday.

“It’s a winning issue in the Supreme Court, and Justice Alito has already hinted that that’s a winning issue,” he noted.

Indeed, Alito’s opinion is shared by Justices Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch, who joined a public statement written by Alito several weeks ago on the lawsuit brought by the Pennsylvania GOP, which contests the state supreme court’s deadline extension for mail-in ballots.

“It would be highly desirable to issue a ruling on the constitutionality of the State Supreme Court’s decision before the election,” Alito wrote in his Oct. 28 statement on Republican Party of Pennsylvania v. Boockvar. “That question has national importance, and there is a strong likelihood that the State Supreme Court decision violates the Federal Constitution.”

That opinion is also shared by Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who made clear in a separate statement that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overstepped its bounds and usurped the authority of the state legislature.

“[U]nder the U.S. Constitution, the state courts do not have a blank check to rewrite state election laws for federal elections,” Kavanaugh noted in footnote 1 in his Oct. 26 statement on Democratic National Committee v. Wisconsin, a 5–3 case that struck down a federal court’s ruling to extend the deadline for mail-in ballots in Wisconsin.

Thus, four justices are on the record indicating they’ll overturn the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court decision that rewrote state election law. Newly confirmed Justice Amy Coney Barrett, whose judicial philosophy closely matches that of the four conservative justices, is likely to join in on their opinion, leading to a 5–4 ruling striking down the state high court and tossing out the ballots in question.

While media claims only 10,000 mail-in ballots are in question, that number is disputed, as it’s unclear whether mail-in ballots received after 8 p.m. on Election Night were properly segregated from other ballots. If the counties failed to segregate those ballots, another possible remedy by the Supreme Court could be to discount all ballots counted after 8 p.m. on Election Night, when Trump was ahead by approximately 800,000 votes — leaving him the victor to capture the state’s 20 electoral votes.

Another strong legal argument, according to Dershowitz, involves the Equal Protection Clause, which protects voters from being treated differently based on their political affiliation. The Trump team has evidence that Democrats were treated favorably by election officials while Republicans were disadvantaged.

They provided evidence in their amended complaint that half a dozen Pennsylvania counties — in violation of state law — contacted Democrats to cure defective ballots before Election Day while Republican-controlled counties followed the law and did not reach out to GOP voters.

“Democratic-controlled counties violated the mandates of the Election Code and the determinations of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, advantaging voters in Democratic-heavy counties as compared to those in Republican-heavy counties,” reads the amended complaint, going on to explain how Republican voters were unfairly disadvantaged by election officials:

Democratic-controlled counties engaged in pre-canvass activities prior to November 3, 2020, by reviewing received mail-in ballots for deficiencies, such as lacking the inner secrecy envelope or lacking a signature of the elector on the outer declaration envelope. Those offending Counties then would notify those voters in order to allow them to cure their ballot deficiencies by voting provisionally on Election Day or cancelling their previously mailed ballot and issuing a replacement. In other words, those counties provided their mail-in voters with the opportunity to cure mail-in and absentee ballot deficiencies, while Republican-controlled counties followed the law and did not provide a notice and cure process.

The Trump team cited the 2000 case Bush v. Gore as support.

“The right to vote is protected in more than the initial allocation of the franchise,” the complaint notes. “Equal protection applies as well to the manner of its exercise. Having once granted the right to vote on equal terms, the State may not, by later arbitrary and disparate treatment, value one person’s vote over that of another.”

Evidence of Election Fraud

But in a blistering ruling last week, Judge Matthew Brann dismissed these claims, accusing Trump’s legal team of offering “strained legal arguments without merit … unsupported by evidence.”

According to Ellis and Giuliani, however, Brann never heard the evidence.

“His opinion made a judgment on the merits of the evidence, but he hasn’t even seen it,” said Ellis on Greg Kelly’s show on Newsmax. “That’s remarkable for a judge to pretend that he has heard all of this and make a judgment on it when he hasn’t even seen it.”

Brann, a Republican and an Obama appointee, had refused to grant Giuliani an evidentiary hearing.

“I don’t know how the judge could’ve concluded that the facts aren’t substantial when they haven’t even been presented yet,” Giuliani said on Fox News host Lou Dobbs’ show Monday. “Unfortunately, we haven’t yet gotten a fair decision. We will. We’ve got to be a little patient.”

“One fair decision, one good hearing, and this will turn all around,” he added.

In Gettysburg Wednesday, state lawmakers are holding a public hearing, with state senators offering a five-minute opening speech before witnesses who have submitted affidavits testifying to voter fraud take to the podium.

Giuliani will be speaking, and it’s rumored that President Trump will also be making an appearance.


Christine Niles

Christine was born in Saigon, Vietnam one year before it fell to the Communists, and has lived in France and the United States. She has degrees from Notre Dame Law School and Oxford University. She is a senior producer and investigative reporter at Church Militant.


EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Florida Democratic Party Is In Meltdown Mode After Election Rout

No less a non-conservative authority than Politico has labeled the Florida Democratic Party in “post-election meltdown” after a complete beatdown by the Florida GOP in the Nov. 3 election. It’s so bad that Democrats are seriously worried that Florida has become a permanently red state.

Politico led their story this way:

“It wasn’t just one bad cycle. For Democrats in Florida, Election Day 2020 was a tipping point in a long, painful buildup to irrelevancy. After suffering crushing losses from the top of the ballot down, the state party now is mired in a civil war that could have profound consequences for future elections.”

That does not overstate it. In a year when Democrats had hoped to pick up 5-10 seats in the Florida House and three seats in the Senate and maybe flip the Florida statehouse for the first time in 20 years with the help of tens of millions of dollars poured in from outside Florida, the exact opposite happened. Florida Republicans expanded their state Senate majority by one seat and our state House majority by five seats while also flipping two Congressional seats and giving President Trump a four times larger margin of victory than he had in 2016.

Tellingly, Miami-Dade County led the dramatic flip. Hillary Clinton won the county by almost 300,000 votes in 2016, Joe Biden won it by only 85,000 — just 7 percent compared to Clinton’s 29 percent margin. That’s also where the two Congressional seats were located. But all of this is only continuing the reddening of Florida.

Florida Democrats in the 1980s had a nearly one-million voter registration lead. When Barack Obama won Florida in 2008, their voter registration lead was still nearly 500,000. When President Donald Trump was elected in 2016, Democrats’ lead had narrowed to 327,000. During the 2018 midterms, the Democrat gap was down to 263,000 and by the Nov. 3 election this year, Republicans had narrowed that gap to 134,000 registered voters.

The gains have not been just the red areas getting redder than the blue areas got blue. It’s all areas getting redder. In most major urban counties, Republicans continue to close the gap, albeit slowly. Pinellas County, where St. Pete is located and the Tampa Bay Rays play, flipped to a GOP-majority county three years ago and now has an 11,000-voter registration advantage. Gaps were closed in Hillsborough (Tampa), Seminole Orange (Orlando) Miami-Dade and West Palm Beach, also. And more than 20 mostly rural counties have flipped from blue to red in the past decade.

Republican Party of Florida Chairman Joe Gruters has successfully made voter registration one of his top priorities. It continues to pay off as most observers give the Florida GOP the chance to finally and for the first time ever become the majority party in the state by voter registration. Given Republicans’ higher voter turnout rates, that’s an even bigger problem for Democrats.

The idea that Florida could become — or has become — a huge, electoral-rich red state like Texas to counterbalance California and New York in that column for team blue, gives national Democrats heartburn. If Florida is not a 50-50 swing state, that increases the must-win states for Democrats, narrowing the path each election cycle.

For Florida Democrats, staring down the barrel of permanent minority status, it is a near-existential crisis in which they now enter a fight for identity. It’s worth watching because the Democrat Party in Florida mirrors Democrats nationally — in large part because Florida attracts people from all over the U.S. and — for better or worse — they bring their politics to the Sunshine State.

From the AOC-Socialist wing to the moderate wing represented by state Sen. Jason Pizzo, who said in frustration after the election, “I’m not a f—ing socialist.” The angst is palpable as recriminations for Nov. 3 fly and there is no clear Democratic leader in the state. Florida Democratic Party Chair Terrie Rizzo is dead in the water, but interestingly, until just Tuesday when former Miami Mayor Manny Diaz jumped in with Michael Bloomberg’s support, no one had thrown their hat in the ring. That no one was itching to do so, simply reveals more of the disarray.

All of which continues to strengthen Florida Republicans. Gruters and Governor Ron DeSantis will push to overtake the Democrats in registration in time for DeSantis’ re-election in 2022.


EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. Follow Rod on Parler. Like Rod’s new Youtube channel

Lockdowns Not Linked With Lower COVID Death Rates, New Study Finds

Many US states and countries around the world are imposing another round of economic lockdowns in an effort to combat the coronavirus.

The actions are certain to come with a series of devastating unintended consequences—economic destruction, surging poverty, and mental health deterioration among them—but a new study suggests the lockdowns may not do what they are designed to do: save lives.

A new study published by Frontiers in Public Health concluded that neither lockdowns nor lockdown stringency were correlated with lower death rates.

Researchers analyzed data from 160 countries over the first 8 months of the pandemic, testing several factors—including demographics, public health, economy, politics, and environment—to determine how they are correlated with COVID-19 mortality.

“Stringency of the measures settled to fight pandemia, including lockdown, did not appear to be linked with death rate,” the researchers said.

The researchers found that the criteria most associated with a high death rate was life expectancy, though higher COVID death rates were also observed in certain geographic regions.

“Inherent factors have predetermined the COVID mortality: understanding them may improve prevention strategies by increasing population resilience through better physical fitness and immunity,” the authors said.

On one hand, the findings are astonishing. After all, the lockdowns have resulted in mass collateral damage: a global recession, millions of businesses ravaged, tens of millions of jobs lost, widespread mental health deterioration, a resurgence in global poverty, and surges in suicide.

To look at the destruction lockdowns have wrought only to learn they have failed to effectively slow the spread of the virus is maddening and, frankly, nauseating.

On the other hand, the findings shouldn’t be terribly surprising. Months ago researchers had compiled enough empirical evidence to determine how effective lockdowns were in taming COVID-19.

“…there’s little correlation between the severity of a nation’s restrictions and whether it managed to curb excess fatalities — a measure that looks at the overall number of deaths compared with normal trends,” Bloomberg’s data columnist Elaine He noted back in May.

Since then the evidence has only grown stronger. Sweden, for example, which opted to not lockdown in March, has seen its mortality ranking steadily fall throughout 2020.

In September, as it passed the US, Sweden saw its COVID mortality rate fall to 11th highest in the world. Its rate of 577 COVID deaths per million people was far better than many of its European neighbors who implemented strict lockdowns, such as the United Kingdom, Spain, Belgium, and Italy. Since then, Sweden has fallen further down the list, currently standing at 23rd in the world.

While critics of Sweden’s “lighter touch” strategy point out that its mortality rate is well above that of its Nordic counterparts Norway and Finland, many fail to realize that Norway and Finland have had less restrictive government policies than Sweden for the majority of the pandemic.

The reality is that lockdowns come with incredible collateral damage but appear to do little if anything to actually slow down the coronavirus. This is precisely why the World Health Organization reversed course in October and began advising nations to refrain from using them.

“Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer,” Dr. David Nabarro, the WHO’s Special Envoy on COVID-19, observed.

Dr. Michael Ryan, Director of the WHO’s Health Emergencies Programme, offered a similar sentiment.

“What we want to try to avoid … is these massive lockdowns that are so punishing to communities, to society and to everything else,” Ryan said at a briefing in Geneva in October, adding that sometimes they are “unavoidable.”

Despite mounting evidence that lockdowns don’t work and are incredibly harmful, government officials around the world continue to push them. Why? Because lockdowns are designed to save lives and experts are unwilling to admit they are powerless to control the virus.

In doing so, they’re falling victim to a dangerous deception: the good intentions fallacy.

“One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results,” the famed economist Milton Friedman once warned.

It’s time for the intellectual class to admit a basic reality about lockdowns.

They aren’t just horribly destructive and an affront to liberty. They’re actually failing to save lives.


Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune. Bylines: Newsweek, The Washington Times,, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, the Epoch Times.

5 Charts That Show Sweden’s Strategy Worked. The Lockdowns Failed

WHO Reverses Course, Now Advises Against Use of ‘Punishing’ Lockdowns

4 Life-Threatening Unintended Consequences of the Lockdowns

Lockdown Despotism and the “Control Panel” Delusion

Harvard Researchers: Nearly Half of Young Adults Showing Signs of Depression Amid Pandemic

Why Sweden Succeeded in “Flattening the Curve” and New York Failed

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.