All of Hillary Clinton’s emails posted on U.S. State Department website

The U.S. State De­part­ment has re­leased more of Hil­lary Rod­ham Clin­ton’s email cor­res­pond­ence, re­viv­ing scru­tiny of her ser­vice in the Obama ad­min­is­tra­tion.


©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Breaking Down the Illusion of Systemic Racism

Wilfred Reilly on Breonna Taylor, Riots & Beyond

“Every system you could possibly think of produces some kind of racial or sexual or class discrepancy. And this allows the radicals to be radicals eternally, and to claim that everything is racist,” says Wilfred Reilly.

Headlines tell us that blacks get shot by police officers more often, get paid less than whites, and tend to do worse on standardized tests. Many point to systemic racism as the cause of these apparent discrepancies, but in most cases, this argument ignores basic facts, says Wilfred Reilly, Associate Professor of Political Science at Kentucky State University. He’s the author of “Hate Crime Hoax” and “Taboo: 10 Facts You Can’t Talk About.” This is American Thought Leaders 🇺🇸, and I’m Jan Jekielek.


©American Thought Leaders – The Epoch Times. All rights reserved.

As Popularity Ebbs, Black Lives Matter Hides Its Agenda

Americans overwhelmingly agree that the lives of black people have as much value as the lives of white people and people of every skin color. Black lives don’t just “matter” (that’s such a utilitarian word); they are precious in God’s sight because they reflect his image.

That’s why the unjustified deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor this summer jarred so many Americans, including many white evangelicals (and why we should be similarly horrified by Chicago’s murder wave: 558 and counting this year).

But the organization calling itself “Black Lives Matter” stands for something quite different. Mike Gonzalez, a senior fellow at The Heritage Foundation, discussed his research into the organization on “Washington Watch.”

On the “What We Believe” page, the BLM group’s official website claimed to stand for disrupting the “nuclear family structure.” That is, until the group recently scrubbed its website by removing the page (its new “About” page is much more abbreviated).

The left is actively working to undermine the integrity of our elections. Read the plan to stop them now. Learn more now >>

Research has long shown the nuclear family yields better outcomes for children. Perhaps its anti-family stance helps explain why BLM has seen its popularity slide 12 percentage points over the summer.

But this leaves the question, why did BLM remove the “What We Believe” page from its website?

No evidence nor advocates have suggested BLM’s beliefs have changed. But another possibility is that it wants to hide its agenda from public scrutiny. “They’re beginning to do the Marxist thing, which is to airbrush history out of the way,” said Gonzalez.

On the “What We Believe” page, the national BLM organization also promised to work to “dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk” and free themselves from “heteronormative thinking.”

In other words, it wants to teach your children gender may not match sex, force you to describe people with their preferred pronouns, and allow persons to intrude on private areas for the opposite sex. It also wants freedom from “heteronormative thinking,” the notion that attraction to the opposite sex is normal and not merely one option in a buffet.

What is it about perpetuating the sexual revolution that fosters racial reconciliation?

There are other problems with BLM. Gonzalez pointed out that BLM activists were involved with 95% of riots this summer for which there is information about the perpetrators’ affiliation (582 incidents), according to data collected by the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project.

So, even if the police protests are “mostly peaceful,” where there is violence, there’s a good chance it involves BLM activists.

Gonzalez also insisted that BLM’s leaders have a Marxist ideology. While “the media covers for them” with irrelevant statistics said Gonzalez, “the protests are being manipulated” by Marxists, even if many protestors themselves would reject that label.

One BLM co-founder, Alicia Garza, also founded the Black Futures Lab, a group that Gonzalez has reported is financially tied to the Chinese Progressive Association, a revolutionary group that has engaged in pro-China and pro-communist activities here in the United States, including warning the Biden presidential campaign against “China-bashing” in March.

Gonzalez has called for an investigation into BLM’s connection to China, given its co-founder’s financial ties and China’s interest in undermining our democratic elections.

It’s quite alarming to think America’s civil unrest has been fomented by foreign agents or Marxist ideologues. But we cannot afford to ignore credible evidence of that possibility. Nor should our desire for racial justice and reconciliation lead us to support BLM’s anti-Christian values and immoral tactics.

“Believe all things” and “hope all things” does not mean naively trusting those who routinely deceive. Christians can find better ways to promote racial justice than through BLM.

Originally published by Family Research Council’s Washington Update.


A Note for our Readers:

Election fraud is already a problem. Soon it could be a crisis. But election fraud is not the only threat to the integrity of our election system.

Progressives are pushing for nine “reforms” that could increase the opportunity for fraud and dissolve the integrity of constitutional elections. To counter these dangerous measures, our friends at The Heritage Foundation are proposing seven measures to protect your right to vote and ensure fair, constitutional elections.

They are offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free today.

Get the details now when you download your free copy of, “Mandate for Leadership: Ensuring the Integrity of Our Election System.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ is Bunk

Dems’ plans to import tens of millions of immigrant children prove it.

Despite the optimistic campaign slogan “Build Back Better,” in reality, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and their Radical Leftist political cohorts are waging a war against America and Americans because they know that For Dems to Succeed, Americans Must Fail.

Not unlike most politicians, Biden and Harris promise that if they are elected they will create tens of millions of high-paying jobs.

Of course they won’t tell you how they would create those jobs other than to make some vague statements about how the “Green New Deal” would create jobs as buildings, including houses, will have to be retrofitted to meet the new environmental standards that will be imposed on landlords across the U.S.

They never say who would pay for retrofitting those buildings or what would happen if the owners of the properties are unable to come up with the funding to modify their structures. (Would such property owners have the property confiscated by the Biden administration? No one is discussing this disturbing possibility.)

Meanwhile, Biden and Harris state that if elected they would defund the Border Patrol, ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and decriminalize nearly every violation of our immigration laws including unlawful entry and re-entry and, presumably, immigration fraud.

Biden and Harris also insist, as did Hillary Clinton during her unsuccessful run for the Presidency inn 2016, that they would immediately create a massive legalization program for what they estimate are 11 million illegal aliens who are already present in the United States and place them on a path to U.S. citizenship.

That 11 million figure has been claimed by supposed journalists for more than a decade.

It has, however, been estimated that the number of illegal aliens who  could be a population of more than 25 millions illegal aliens.  I believe that even that number is much smaller than he actual number of aliens who would participate.  Back in 1985 the Reagan Amnesty that was part and parcel of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 was supposed to provide roughly one million illegal aliens with lawful status.  In reality the final number was between 3.5 million and 4 million.

I addressed this issue in my recent article, Comprehensive Immigration Reform Should be Renamed the “Overwhelm America Act” in which I noted that on September 21, 2018 Yale University reported Yale Study Finds Twice as Many Undocumented Immigrants as Previous Estimates.  That report, published just over two years ago noted:

Using mathematical modeling on a range of demographic and immigration operations data, the researchers estimate there are 22.1 million undocumented immigrants in the United States.

However, as large as the number of illegal aliens who would be eligible to participate in such an ill-conceived program, the ultimate number of aliens who would be provided with lawful status would, in reality, be a multiple of the number of illegal aliens who are present in the United States.

This is because each and every legalized alien would immediately have the absolute right to immediately petition to have their spouses and all of their minor children to be lawfully admitted to the United States.

Many families in Third World Countries have large numbers of children.  If, for argument sake 25 million illegal aliens were to participate in the Biden/Harris Amnesty and if the average alien has four children, we could witness an immediate influx of 100 million alien children enter the United States!

One of the key issues for the Radical Left is the environment.

Every person in the United States has an ecological and economic footprint.  Each person needs more than a place to sleep.  They all need water, food, electricity, sewerage, transportation and healthcare.

As roads and transportation and infrastructure become overwhelmed, traffic will grind to a halt while pollution from cars, busses and trucks spew into the atmosphere.  There are parts of the country that experience droughts and electrical brownouts.  How would this massive influx of immigrants impact these struggling systems?

These tens of millions of immigrant children will all need to attend schools in the United States.  In 2007, nearly 14 years ago, the Congressional Budget Office published a paper,  The Impact of Unauthorized Immigrants on the Budgets of State and Local Governments  That report estimated that there were about 12 million illegal aliens present in the United States at the time the report was published.  It also noted that it costs 20% to 40% more to educate children who lack English language proficiency.

How sustainable would this situation be?

Now consider that among the proposals for Biden/Harris is that everyone in the United Stats, regardless of immigration status would be entitled to free health care and free college education.

How would our government cover the huge expenses that this would cost?

How would hospitals be able to treat all of these people?  There are communities today that already lack adequate health care facilities and capabilities.  Imagine how long the waiting lines in emergency rooms would stretch as seriously ill patients from around the world would flood these emergency rooms.

Add to this is Biden and Harris’ stated goal of creating immigration anarchy, with the promise of free health care would turn our entire country into the world’s ER!

America would become a magnate for the world’s sick.  Our immigration laws make no distinction about race, religion or ethnicity.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 – Inadmissible aliens enumerates the categories of aliens who are to be excluded. Among these classes of aliens who are to be prevented from entering the United States are aliens who suffer from dangerous communicable, diseases or extreme mental illness.

Additionally, convicted felons, human rights violators, war criminals, terrorists and spies are to be excluded as well as aliens who would seek unlawful employment thus displacing American workers or driving down the wages of American workers who are similarly employed and aliens who would likely become public charges.

Without enforcement the concerns about the entry of aliens with dangerous communicable diseases will go unaddressed.  Aliens from around the world who suffer from such dangerous communicable diseases would head for the United States to seek free treatment.

This could and would likely lead to multiple epidemics of dangerous diseases in the United States.

Hasn’t the COVID-19 Pandemic from China taught Biden or Harris anything?

The loss of secure borders that would result from the Biden/Harris immigration policies would leave America vulnerable to narcotics, transnational gangs and terrorists.  The 9/11 Commission. to which I provided testimony, identified multiple failures of the immigration system as being directly responsible for the ability of terrorists, and not only 9/11 hijacker terrorists, to enter the United States and embed themselves as they went about their deadly preparations.

Under the massive Biden/Harris amnesty program, national security would be irreparably undermined.  Because of the huge number of illegal aliens who could apply for lawful status, in-person interviews could not be conducted and field investigation would be out of the question.  Adjudications officers would have to make quick decisions based nearly entirely on the information provided in the applications for legalization.  This program would suffer from massive fraud and the 9/11 Commission, to which I provided testimony, identified immigration fraud as the key method of entry and embedding for international terrorists.  This issue was the predication and my focus in my extensive article, Immigration Fraud: Lies That Kill.

The obvious question that has never been asked of candidates for the President or other significant elected offices since the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 is, “Have you read the 9/11 Commission Report and the companion report that was prepared by the 9/11 Commission staff, 9/11 and Terrorist Travel?

Recently we have seen where the weapon of choice for terrorists is not airliners but motor vehicles.  Yet Democrat-run states such as New York State not only provides illegal aliens with driver’s licenses, but New York State Blocks ICE and Border Patrol Access to DMV Database.

Finally, let us go back to the issue of those amazing jobs Mr. Biden claims he would provide for millions of struggling Americans.   In some of his campaign ads Biden speaks so wistfully about his father telling him when he was a boy that jobs not only provide money but dignity and a sense of purpose.

Of course that statement about the significance of jobs is accurate.  Extremely accurate.

However- with no secure borders and a massive influx of tens of millions of immigrant children who will quickly become adults and flood the labor pool, the Biden/Harris immigration policies would drive down wages and force hapless Americans to compete with tens of millions of foreign born workers for those ever so important jobs.

Barack Obama promised “shovel ready jobs” and now Biden has come up with a “shovel ready” job, shoveling the BS that he and Kamala spew when they make promises that are nothing but bald-faced lies that would irrevocably alter America- and not for the better!

©Michael Cutler. All rights reserved.


Mike Pence Got the Debate Buzz, but Obama is the Real Lord of the Flies

The leftist community is all abuzz about a fly landing on Vice President Mike Pence’s head, and remaining there for a few minutes, during Wednesday’s debate with Senator Kamala Harris. Dubbed #flygate on the Internet, the uninvited debate attendee inspired quips and comments, and not just because he was unmasked and uninterested in social distancing. And of all the reactions, perhaps the most striking is the claim that the fly’s treating Pence like a bowl of molasses doesn’t mean the vice president is sweet — but, rather, Devil-influenced.

This is good to know, because none other than Barack Obama seemed to attract flies as Joe Biden does Russian money.

The man advancing the mark-of-the-Devil theory is Steve Schmidt of the Lincoln Project, a pseudo-conservative, anti-Trump super PAC. “That’s a sign all through history of sin, and historically, biblically…. He who commands the fly has always been seen historically [as having] the mark of the devil,” Schmidt explained Thursday to chuckling MSNBC host Ari Melber.

Melber asked whether Schmidt was joking. The “fly could have landed on anyone,” he noted. “Yes,” Schmidt replied, maintaining a serious tone. “But it didn’t; it landed on Mike Pence — and it says something” (video below). Perhaps it says that Schmidt judges insect behavior as well as he does political candidates.

My take on the fly’s motivations is that he was seeking safe haven, terrified that, though Harris emitted an appealing pungency, invading her personal space could mean being snatched midflight by a bungee-cord-like tongue.

(Harris certainly has a sharp tongue. The Left is giddy over the repeated “I’m speaking” line she directed at Pence, believing she delivered it like a pro. And why wouldn’t she? I’m sure her husband has heard it a lot.)

Strangely, Schmidt’s demonological analysis wasn’t offered up by the establishment regarding Obama, even though he seemed so bedeviled by flies that his Secret Service should have been accompanied by a SWAT team. Just consider the 2015 video below of Obama contending with a fly that apparently didn’t appreciate his remarks about health care.

Then there’s the following CNBC interview, in which Obama swats a fly and then boasts about having murdered the insect (PETA could not have been happy).

As for Pence, another theory is that his visiting fly simply wanted to, for a change, trade its usual putrescence for purity. But, hey, leftists and their enablers are the people who, immersed in darkness, believe pentagrams should accompany Nativity Scenes at Christmastime and that Satanism belongs in schools. So far be it from me to question their knowledge of the ways and wiles of the Prince of Lies.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Gab or Parler (preferably) or Twitter, or log on to

©Selwyn Duke. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Vortex — Either/Or

We’ll know God’s will shortly.


Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.

What has faithful Catholics (as well as non-Catholics who are men of goodwill) so bothered in their core about this election is one simple thing: The potential conquest of evil over truth on a grand scale.

Of course, we know that at the end of the world or at each person’s death, truth is victorious. But we aren’t living at the moment of the end of the world right now. At the present moment, the forces of evil have so well organized themselves and brought their power to bear — focused on the defeat of Trump — that a temporal victory by them would be devastating.

It would (at least temporarily) crush the spirits of good people everywhere. When you stop and think about the considerable forces arrayed against Trump, it’s truly troublesome. There is not a single power that has not aligned against him. And remember, it’s not really Trump himself who is their target. It’s what he says and promotes.

Sure, they probably don’t like him personally either, but that’s not the point. What they hate about him is his frankness about their evil. So evil has collectivized and is on the road to conquering, at least that is how it appears. There is so much misinformation out there — spread by an evil media devoted to destroying truth — that you don’t really know what to think, who to listen to, what’s real, what’s not, what’s a good guess.

And when it comes to the polls, even considering that the vast majority were pretty wrong in 2016, this year is a different story. There are a few things the seasoned poll watcher looks for in assessing a poll. Here’s a sample:

  • What’s the margin of the lead?
  • Has one candidate breached the 50% mark and sustained it for a while?
  • What’s the sample size?
  • What’s the margin of error?
  • Were those polled likely voters or just registered voters?
  • What was the distribution of those polled among Republican, Democrat and Independent?

Those are all key questions. And here’s the concern as of today: Even the reliable polling agencies (like Rasmussen and IDB) are coming into line with the corrupt media polling outfits. Rasmussen and IDB were the two outfits that got it right in 2016. The other major polls were all wrong — some really wrong.

So as nearly all the polls right now are beginning to show what looks like is shaping up to be something of a Biden landslide, it would not be wise to simply say they are all wrong — nothing to see here folks, and so forth.

One small caveat before we go on to the major point: Every poll begins with an assumption about voter turnout. They build their entire projection based on a somewhat-educated guess about how many people will actually vote. Laying aside the technical aspects of how they arrive at that projection, suffice it to say that their entire prediction rises and falls on that guess.

If a larger-than-assumed number of voters turn out (a surprise turnout it’s called) for one candidate or the other, then the pre-election polls get thrown out the window. But of course, there’s no way to know that until Election Day or after.

So today, we have to go with what’s in front of us, and from a spiritual point of view, we have an either/or situation. Let’s go with the “Biden landslide” scenario. Either God is whittling down His army, ensuring that everyone understands victory would be impossible without Him (like he did with Gideon whom He sent to attack and defeat the Midianite camp).

Recall, Gideon started with an army of 32,000, and God told him to keep cutting it down — it was too big; lose more soldiers. Not enough: Lose even more. Eventually, Gideon had only 300. And, of course, it was then that God said okay, attack.

The point being — no one could look at that battle victory and ascribe it to anyone else other than God. So we might have something like that going on. Or we could have the following scenario: The Church is in desperate need of cleansing. The crooked hierarchy has to be purged.

Nothing these men, many of whom are straight-up wicked, have encountered on an earthly level has dislodged them from their evil and cowardice. The Church is being destroyed on their watch. So since nothing human seems to have any impact, God is allowing people to come to power who will launch a full-scale persecution against the Church where these men will be simply be killed or imprisoned.

All their influence and power will be taken away — not to mention their wealth — and that will be that. And no, even though they have been complicit in bringing about the fall of Western civilization, they will not be spared by their fellow Marxists. They will be executed because they will no longer be useful to the cause.

They will not die as Catholic martyrs, but Catholic traitors who fell victim to their own evil designs. Now, of course, this scenario will entail massive suffering for Catholics: Up to and including death. Death is the currency Marxists traffic in — always has been, always will be.

The world that we have grown accustomed to as Catholics will not be the same. In fact, that world is gone. A Biden victory will create a culture of hate aimed at faithful Catholics because of who their Father is. Satan hates the Church, and once he has secured power for his offspring, he will then use them to turn on the Church, and the blood will begin flowing.

As we said, however, this may be the only way left of purifying the Church of these wicked men in the hierarchy. We are not a Church unaccustomed to persecution and martyrdom. But we as contemporary people are very unaccustomed to it.

Many would apostatize in such a scenario because, in reality, they have already apostatized, thanks to a hierarchy that lost supernatural faith. So, it will be one of these scenarios — either a great shock or a necessary outcome given the circumstances.

Whichever it is — because it will be one — pray and prepare to respond accordingly.

©Church Militant. All rights reserved.

Trump’s Feds save Gov. Witmer (D-MI) from kidnaping, Witmer blames POTUS for Attack?

This is getting into the realm of the Twilight Zone. Democrat Governor of Michigan Gretchen Whitmer was saved from a plot by anarchist terrorists to kidnap her. This plot was led by anarchist Brandon Caserta a ringleader of the group.

QUESTION: Why would anarchist Brandon Caserta want to kidnap Democrat Governor of Michigan Gretchen Whitmer?

ANSWER: Because he and his fellow anarchists believe that Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer is a tyrant!

Here’s a video Caserta posted on YouTube with the anarchist flag in the background.

President Trump tweeted this about the arrest of members of the anarchist group led by Caserta.

Caserta in the below video says the following about President Trump:

“Trump is not your friend dude” Trump is “a tyrant” and “enemy”.


Then Governor Witmer blames President Trump for the plot to kidnap her.



Democrat Governor of Michigan Gretchen Whitmer is a tyrant. The Supreme Court of Michigan has overturned her draconian emergency powers. Witmer has ignored the Michigan Supreme Court. Therefore, she is a tyrant.

This blame Trump game is getting very old and zeros out any credibility the Democrats have ever had.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Michigan Supreme Court Rightly Rebukes Whitmer Over Endless Emergency Power Grabs

A Spy Ring: Putin-Xi-Obama-Biden

Russia’s Operation disinformation cost us an enormous waste of human energy, waste of time, and waste of millions dollars during the last five years. The inability of the CIA, FBI, NSA, and DOJ to know and detect the modus operandi of Russia’s Security Services is the result of it. The war waged by Socialist/Communist forces of Russia against Western civilization during several decades was exacerbated by the forces of China’s counter-intelligence application of a biochemical agent to commit a colossal crime against Humanity. The situation in the world has risen national security concerns and required urgency to focus on Russia’s and China’s responsibility in revealing their ideological regimes which have committed this crime against mankind. The first presidential debate emphasized and exposed our obligation and necessity to hold those regimes accountable.

The Socialist-Democrat Party Connection

A week prior to the first presidential debate, I sent an email to Chris Wallace with a warning: “I am a former Soviet attorney and don’t trust you. To grasp a dangerous predicament in America, please, read my must read column: America’s Socialist/Fascist Party = No Peace!  September 22, 2020.” He probably did not read it and the debate became chaotic for Chris Wallace, who has been ignoring political history. I am not sure that he and Commission on Debate are politically well informed and know that we are dealing with the political Charlatans, America’s Socialist Party and a Putin-Xi-Obama-Biden Spy Ring in the 21st century.

History is the Mother of all sciences; and when a chunk of history is purposely erased from the mind of an entire generation, the people become confused and disoriented by the world events. That chunk of history is Stalin’s Russia and her Security Services forces’ crime against humanity. Writing about them, I use the term KGB, as knowledge of the KGB is missing in the minds of today’s Americans. Those forces run Russia today. An undetected massive infiltration of those forces into all corners and locations in the midst of America, turned out to be very beneficial for Putin and Xi, but tragic for America.

To grasp the significance of the events in the 21st century one should know that Truman’s Party is dead, it was transformed to a Socialist Party by the collaboration of the party’s leadership with the KGB. America’s Socialist Party doesn’t like the American political system designed and implemented by our Founding Fathers and wish to dismantle it. America’s Socialist Party is combating and undermining the American Constitutional Republic for the last several decades. I am not sure that Chris Wallace knew that Biden was representing America’s Socialist Party covered-up by the name Democratic. Nothing democratic left in the current America’s Socialist Party. It is not a coincident that Biden and China identically mocking Trump—Communists and Socialists are always working together and…  Wuhan-Covid-19 infected America to help America’s Socialist Party to get rid of President Trump…

Decorum and Civility in Debates

Debate is a process that involves formal discussion on particular topics. The rules of debate can be changed, but not decorum and civility. They are imperative under democracy. Wallace violated that decorum and civility. When Biden called Trump a liar and clown, in the best tradition of Stalinist character assassination, insulting Trump, Wallace didn’t stop him. Instead he debated Trump, who expressed his ideas. It was two-on-one debate, where Biden told the President to “shut up.” Wallace suffered the Napoleon complex-inferiority complex and he demonstrated his ego. Wallace is a Democrat, successfully maneuvering in the Republican channel. He is the most ill-informed man in terms of Russia at Fox News. Recently he gave an opportunity to two Dem Party Communists to agitate America with their ideas in his show. For me, both individuals were KGB agents. Wallace is unaware of Socialist Charlatans’ destructive activities in America…

 Joe Biden a Socialist Charlatan-Traitor

From the first day of Obama’s presidency the war against the American Republic began to transform our country to a Socialist Administrative State. Socialist-Obama did not hide his real agenda, openly calling for this transformation. And he began fighting the unique political system left to us by our Founding Father. The Socialist/Communist’s brain-washing war on America’s mind and soul was started by Socialist-Obama, lying constantly, using Stalinist Political Correctness. The train-engine of the coup against Trump has been moving ahead, combating Western civilization and you, the American people. Surrounded by Obama’s holdovers, some are KGB agents helping Biden to run that coup today—the agenda is one-party-system as in Russia and China and as it used to be in the USSR.

We know Biden as a liar and plagiarist, yet there is more: he is a weak man, who naturally follows a stronger one. Being in the Washington D.C. Swamp for 47 years he didn’t produced any key legislature or vital law–he followed. In the 1980s he followed his mentor, leader of Ku Klux Klan, Sen. Robert Byrd and Biden’s High-Tech-Lynching of a really decent and honorable Judge Clarence Thomas is documented by history. The face and the sound of the offended Judge’s voice is still in my head… As a follower Biden was chosen as VP by Obama. Recent revealed actions by Obama’s Deep State have proven Biden’s total participation in the coup against President Trump. To learn a real story of Ukraine and Biden, please read here: Soviet Style Impeachment In America, November 20, 2019 and Stalin Planned America’s Collapse—It’s Underway October 10. 2019

Tom Fitton is right: “Americans weren’t generally aware of Joe and Hunter Biden’s shenanigans in Ukraine, but Obama’s State Department was, as was Ukraine.” I’d add that Biden’s assignment by Obama was aimed at the destruction and suffocation of the young democracy in Ukraine to help Putin, like Obama helped him by erasing the Red Line he had established in Syria. Obama had several conduits to Putin, but Putin needed “help” in Ukraine, as he had known that his man, President of Ukraine Victor Yanukovych would be defeated in the upcoming 2014 Ukrainian election. That was the reason Putin annexed Crimea in February 2014 and that was the reason for Obama to assign Biden as a point man to Ukraine. Obama designed the scenario of Biden’s activities there including his son Hunter.

At the time Biden was in good health and right mind–he accepted the plan aware of its criminality. From that moment on Joe Biden became a traitor, working for president Putin. Don’t be surprised by Hunter’s connection in Moscow. For your information all leaders in Russia are connected to the KGB and definitely the wife of a former Mayor of Moscow, Elena Baturina. Chinese nationals from the Communist government in China are also connected to their counter-intelligence apparatus like in Russia. This is also the identical scenario of Hunter’s connections in Ukraine with the oligarch in Kiev being connected to Putin—the way KGB operates the International Spy Ring.

 America is not a Raciest Country

I wasn’t surprised when Biden brought an old Trump accusation of “White Supremacy” in his nomination acceptance speech. “White Supremacy” is a narrative of the KGB playing the race card for several years. This twist of fate indicates at last the same thinking process, of Biden’s campaign and the KGB. But I believe in the direct connection of the two. I have written about that connection thee columns since the 2017. Here is two paragraphs from the third one:

Putin’s Old Soviet Fraud in America!

“For many years Virginia has been run by Terry McAuliffe, the Clinton mafia’s lieutenant and I suspect a KGB agent. Terry McAuliffe and McCabe had organized and orchestrated the White Supremacy rally in Charlottesville Va. in 2017. This couple must be investigated very toughly and thoroughly to expose the deep infiltration in our midst by the KGB… The DNC and KGB are now accusing Trump, using the narrative of White Supremacy, the division they themselves had created. Remember Stalin’s major postulate: Never admit any crime committed, instead accuse opposition in that exact crime.

I believe there are other KGB’s agents continuing to play the race card, we must pay attention to: Georg Soros, Stephanopoulos, Sanders, Tom Lopez and thousands in disguises that harm and damage America with impunity. Pay attention to the Biden campaign and you will discover the old Soviet Propaganda Machine brought by Putin to America. Today we are dealing with Socialist Charlatans and Obama’s holdovers: they will stop at nothing to lie, deceive, and defraud to remove Donald J. Trump–the endless Socialist vengeance has no borders “

The White Supremacy will be the main argument against Trump by the KGB. This is an Andropov’s design in action-a race card. I have sent all three columns with details on the subject to AG William Barr personally—no result. The FBI Director is dysfunctional—he doesn’t know the KGB’s modus operandi and the KGB have free hands destroying America by using their armed forces BLM and Antifa, which are not an “idea”, but the KGB’s in America. We are living in an era when Communists and Socialists are coming out of the underground to take over our country and delegated Joe Biden to complete that takeover for Vladimir Putin and Xi.

I deliberately gave you a picture of Chris Wallace—knowledge of Russia and her Security Services forces is a must—the KGB is on our soil and through the American Socialist Party they have free hands to destroy our America the Beautiful. There are people who continue dealing with China regardless of the Communists’ common agenda and threat to our national security. Arizona Dem candidate for Senate, Mark Kelly has the audacity to both deal with China and run for the U.S. Senate. What an obnoxious and dangerous behavior! This is the face of America’s Socialist Party!!! Even more: the Dems are painting a false picture making a weak Biden a strong leader—as usual they are deceiving and defrauding YOU! The RINOS have followed them—the arguments of Ms. Fiorina are illogical and laughable. The Biden/Harris ticket is the focal point and apogee of fraud.

There are two kinds of traitors: people who collaborate with the KGB and those who don’t know the KGB, becoming accomplices. An unprecedented harm and destruction have been brought to our country by these two groups. Obama has politicized the entire society, dividing even the medical community. You saw it. At the time of the threat of the Chinese coronavirus we have become mute and defenseless, as different groups of “experts” couldn’t produce one professional decision. Moreover, some C.D.C. workers are now political activists: Socialist Charlatans are playing with numbers to confuse you in this critical time.

I’ve written about Communist subversion for thirty-five years so the current news about Obama/Clinton treachery in 2016 didn’t surprise me. My opinion stays the same: Watching the Trump/Dossier in 2017, I knew it was the KGB’s fraud—Falshivka. The anti-Trump cabal is led by the trio: Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Vladimir Putin. We are dealing with an army of aggressive international Socialist mafia, a Spy Ring to turn the American constitutional republic into the Union of Socialist American States. The Democrats are leading this fight, their main reason is to take over the power and to cover-up the sinister crime of treason that they have committed over several decades. This crime, committed by the leadership of Dems’ Socialist mafia, should be a major topic in the November 2020 election.

To be continued or at

©Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.


For about an hour, America got to see two contrasting candidates on the debate floor in Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Kamala Harris.  Yes, Susan Page, the journalist and biographer playing moderator, demonstrated her bias against the Vice President.  And yes, the questions were skewed to favor opinions coming from the Left, but overall the moderator and the rules allowed the two candidates to speak their minds and clarify their positions on many of the questions facing Americans today.  Well, at least one of them did.

The inherent problem to the Biden Harris ticket is that they have taken so many incongruous positions on so many issues that it has become near impossible for them to convince the public of which of their conflicting positions they will push.  Say what you want about the President and the Vice President, they have been rock solid on the problems they have identified and intent on solving freeing them of any conflict in defending those positions.  Last night, Vice President Pence sensed that and capitalized on it.

Perhaps the most glaring moment of this dynamic arose when the candidates addressed the issue of packing the court.  In their dismay over President Trump’s opportunity to appoint a conservative justice to the Supreme Court in the waning days of his first term, the call has come from the Left for the Democrats, should the return to power, to add a slew of liberal justices to the Supreme Court in an effort to regain a liberal majority.  Some Democrats have even hyperbolically claimed that packing the Court would “restore democracy.”  Still others worry of the destabilizing nature  of such an action.

The Biden Harris ticket has not yet committed on whether it would appease the calls from the Left to pack the Court.  Notably, in the Trump Biden bloodbath that was the first debate, Biden refused to answer the question.  Last night was no different.  In one testy exchange characterized by Vice President Pence’s refusal to drop the question, Kamala Harris awkwardly deflected the topic, not once, not twice, but thrice.

Equally as awkward for Senator Harris was the discussion on fracking where Vice President Pence played his advantage of having a clear favorable position on the practice.  Smelling blood, he pressed the issue, forcing Harris to say, “So, first of all, I will repeat and the American people know that Joe Biden will not ban fracking.  That is a fact.”

But Mr. Pence was quick to use both candidates’ words against them in their prior, unequivocal positions to the contrary.   “You yourself said on multiple occasions when you were running for president, that you would ban fracking.” Pence reminded her. In fact, “Joe Biden looked at a supporter in the eye and pointed and said, ‘I guarantee, I guarantee that we will abolish fossil fuels.'”  And that ended Senator Harris’s reassurances on the matter.

On the issue of taxes, Senator Harris stumbled upon the same stone. Here, she adamantly claimed that her ticket planned on raising taxes only on the rich, but Vice President Pence was quick to point out that both Mr. Biden and she had said that they would repeal the Trump tax cuts “on day one.”  “Those tax cuts,” Pence reminded Harris, “brought $2,000 dollars of tax relief to the average American family.”  Again, Harris could not convincingly reassure the public that, in the face of their prior rhetoric, they were only going to surgically repeal the parts of the Trump tax cuts that affects only the rich.

On her part, Senator Harris attacked the Vice President on race relations, the economy, the loss of manufacturing jobs, and on the handling of the COVID pandemic, but like a fighter scoring style points on glancing body blows to his opponent, in the end Harris’s attacks were unable to damage Pence’s position.

Harris suffered from three realities made possible by the gentleness with which former Vice President Biden and she have been treated thus far by the press.

First, she suffered from not being previously tested.  The President and the Vice President, through the litany of the ruthless attacks against them over three years, are battle tested, and their positions polished.  Neither Biden nor Harris have benefited from the polishing that takes place when one is forced to defend one’s position.

Second, Biden and Harris have both taken zealous positions on certain issues to appease a component of their followers and now find that they cannot back down without appearing disingenuous or losing support from the contrarian group.

And finally, Biden and Harris have thus far been able to hide in the basement, but now, they can scarcely keep their eyes open when exposed to the lights.

President Trump stands much to gain from using the same, civil, measured, and statesmanlike techniques employed by his Vice President last night to bring those same weaknesses in his upcoming debate with former Vice President Biden.


EDITORS NOTE: This Federalist Pages column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: President Trump’s statement on COVID Therapies, ‘This Was A Blessing From God That I Caught It’

Trump just announced the military will be distributing free Regeneron therapeutics throughout the country.


BREAKING: Trump Posts Video On COVID Therapies: ‘This Was A Blessing From God That I Caught It’

By Daily Wire, October 7, 2020

Ahead of the vice presidential debate scheduled for Wednesday night, President Donald Trump told the American people about new COVID therapeutics used on him that he’s ready to have authorized for emergency use to the public, emphasizing that he believes he was hit with the virus as a “blessing from God.”

In the video message was posted to Trump’s Twitter account with the caption: “A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT!” In the message, POTUS said the American people should have access to the same sorts of treatments available to him — and he wants to make them free.

The president noted that the therapeutics given to him have already made him feel better now than he did before he tested positive for COVID-19 last week.

“For me, I walked in, I didn’t feel good, a short 24-hours later; I was feeling great — I wanted to get out of the hospital. And that’s what I want for everybody,” he said. “I want everybody to be given the same treatment as your president, because I feel great. I feel, like, perfect.”

“So, I think this was a blessing from God that I caught it,” he explained. “This was a blessing in disguise.”

If he hadn’t caught the virus, Trump said, he wouldn’t have been able to try the experimental drugs and push them for emergency authorization for the public.


When he returned to the White House, Trump urged Americans not to let COVID “dominate” their lives.

“I just left Walter Reed Medical Center, and it’s really something very special—the doctors, the nurses, the first responders—and I learned so much about coronavirus” Trump said, as noted by The Daily Wire. “And one thing that’s for certain, don’t let it dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it. You’re gonna beat it. We have the best medical equipment; we have the best medicines—all developed recently—and you’re gonna beat it.”

“I went, I didn’t feel so good, and two days ago, I could have left two days, two days ago I felt great, like better than I have in a long time,” the president said. “I said just recently, ‘better than 20 years ago.’ Don’t let it dominate. Don’t let it take over your lives. Don’t let that happen. We’re the greatest country in the world. We’re going back, we’re going back to work, we’re gonna be out front. As your leader, I had to do that. I knew there’s danger to it, but I had to do it. I stood out front; I led. Nobody that’s a leader would not do what I did, and I know there’s a risk, there’s a danger, but that’s okay. And now I’m better and maybe I’m immune, I don’t know.”


Biden Beast Jane Fonda Says COVID-19 Is ‘God’s Gift to the Left’

Teacher Kicks 10-Year-Old Out of Class After Child Says He Admires Trump

Declassified Docs: Handwritten Notes From John Brennan, 2016 CIA Referral On Clinton’s Collusion Hoax, Obama Fully Briefed Prior

Soros-Backed Prosecutor Indicts Couple Who Defended Their Home From Armed Mob

Michelle Obama slams Trump as ‘racist’, defends BLM, advocates for Joe Biden in ‘closing argument’

Pres. Trump Has Developed COVID-19 Antibodies: White House Doctor


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Infidel’: At Last, a Film That Deals Realistically with Islamic Terrorism

It is a staple of the Muslim victimhood industry to complain that Hollywood frequently features Muslim terrorist villains, and seldom depicts Muslims as anything other than terrorists. Reality is just the opposite: can you think of even one major motion picture that featured Islamic terrorists as the villains? In a typical instance, Tom Clancy’s The Sum of All Fears, jihadis were the villains, but when the book was made into a movie, the villains were changed to neo-Nazis. Moviemakers routinely shy away from depicting the grim reality of jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women and others. But not Cyrus Nowrasteh.

Nowrasteh, who gave us the eye-opening and heart-rending 2009 film The Stoning of Soraya M., which focused on an honor killing, has written, directed, and produced the new movie Infidel, starring Jim Caviezel, Claudia Karvan, and Hal Ozsan. Infidel is as startling, on many levels, as it is gripping. Caviezel plays a Christian blogger who is kidnapped by a Hizballah cell (headed up by a cheerfully villainous and thoroughly engaging Ozsan) and taken to Iran.

That this is the storyline is in itself remarkable. Were Infidel the production of virtually any director besides Nowrasteh, Caviezel’s Christian character Doug Rawlins would turn out to be stupid, evil, or both, while Ozsan’s Ramzi, even while being a Hizballah kidnapper, would be depicted as wise, noble, or even heroic. Muslims are victims of Islamophobic, racist, redneck American yahoos — that’s the general Hollywood narrative, played out in innumerable films.

Infidel instead opts to be more realistic, recalling actual events that seldom gain Hollywood’s notice, such as the 1987 kidnapping of journalist Charles Glass by Hizballah in Lebanon. Infidel unflinchingly portrays the gleeful brutality and inhumanity of Rawlins’ captors, as well as his own struggles to maintain his Christian faith amid torture and isolation. Amid all this, the film’s realism is thoroughgoing: once the movie’s perspective was established, it was refreshing to see Caviezel portray Rawlins as alternately angry, afraid, and confused, rather than as a plaster saint, above the fray and singing hymns even as he is being beaten and verbally abused.

Nor is that all. Besides being one of the few feature films to portray the reality of jihad terror in a realistic manner, Infidel is also one of the first, if not the first, major motion pictures to depict the pervasive but seldom-noticed reality of secret Christians in majority-Muslim countries, as well as the Sharia death penalty for leaving Islam, honor killings, and even the “Islamophobia” scam. Early in the movie, before Rawlins has left the U.S. and been kidnapped, investigators are searching the home of Javid, a Muslim friend of Rawlins. They find that Javid’s basement is filled with unmistakable evidence that he is a jihad terrorist, or at very least a terrorist sympathizer.  All the while, however, a lawyer does her best to impede the search, proclaiming that it is “Islamophobia” to think that anything is amiss with Javid at all.

That is a recurring reality of life in America today: for years now it has been routine that any honest examination of jihad terror and Sharia oppression, and any effort to impede it, is “Islamophobic” and hence to be eschewed by all decent people. Up to now, the closest movies got to this phenomenon was their producers’ own fear of being tarred with the “Islamophobic” label if they got too close to depicting jihad violence in an accurate manner, or at very least without some kind of assurance to the audience that Islam is really not like that, but gentle, peaceful, and altogether benign. For a film to show how the “Islamophobia” weapon is actually wielded in order to stymie counterterror efforts is nothing short of astonishing.

But Infidel is much more than the sum of the topics that are usually ignored or obfuscated, and that it dares to depict. Infidel is, above all, a terrific story, well-acted and superbly presented – a story of love, of passion, of hatred, of commitment, of self-sacrifice, and much more. I would have written that they don’t make them like this anymore, but clearly, as long as Cyrus Nowrasteh is writing, directing, and producing movies, they still do.


France: Muslim migrant on trial for plotting jihad massacre at Sunday Mass in Paris church

Turkey: Religious Affairs top dog says ‘the goal’ is for Hagia Sophia to become a center of knowledge about Islam

Pope’s new encyclical praises imam who supports wife-beating and death penalty for apostates

Congo: Muslims murder at least 58 people, kidnap 17 in jihad attacks on predominantly Christian villages

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Amy Barrett: What’s Really at Stake

Randall Smith: Why will Democrats attempt to publicly humiliate a talented, extremely qualified, perfectly decent mother of seven? One word: abortion.

The vilification has begun.  Amy Coney Barrett is a “white colonizer,” a “Handmaid’s Tale” puppet of the patriarchy, and/or a “**ing nut.”  And the attempts to torpedo Judge Barrett’s nomination will only get worse. They may even extend beyond the close of the hearings if someone thinks that by floating a sleazy piece of unsubstantiated and unprovable gossip, he or she can delay the Senate vote long enough to keep Judge Barrett off the court.

Why are we subjected to this disgusting display of vilification and character assassination each time a conservative is nominated for the Supreme Court?  Liberal nominees are never treated this way.  Ruth Bader Ginsburg was approved by a 96 to 3 vote of the Senate, and no one told stories about how she prayed or raised her children.  But we all know what is coming for Judge Barrett.  The “opposition research” people are looking for any detail they think they can spit at Barrett in the media to see whether it will stick, a blood sport invented by that very “civil and decent” man, Joe Biden, along with another liberal Catholic, Ted Kennedy, in their trashing of Robert Bork.

Amy Coney Barrett will be savaged, and we all know why. Her opponents are terrified that she will limit the abortion license, which allows even partial-birth abortions and infanticide of babies born alive during an abortion. They don’t oppose her because they think she will rule against them on gun control, taxes, or Obama Care.  The hearings have been inhumane of late because what is at stake is abortion.  One group views it as an “essential right.”  The other sees it as destroying human lives.

Those who think or say otherwise remind me of the people who used to insist that the Civil War wasn’t really about slavery.  Almost nobody makes that argument anymore.  The South didn’t secede because of tax policy or industrialization. They seceded because Lincoln was elected, and they feared what he would do to their beloved “right to own slaves.”

If you think there are other “issues” that would outweigh allowing this injustice, then you simply don’t take seriously the possibility that unborn children are actual human lives.  If they are, then we are systematically putting to death around a million human beings per year, over 61 million since Roe v. Wade, a crime so heinous that all talk about other policy differences simply fades into utter insignificance.

No one today cares what  Stephen A. Douglas thought about foreign policy, taxes, or tariffs. They only care that he was pro-choice on slavery.  And no one cares today that Germany’s National Socialists (a.k.a. Nazis) were, as the name says, socialists whose promises were to respect “the workers.”   We assume that no Catholic should have voted for a politician, especially not someone professing to be “Catholic,” who defended, or even tolerated, slavery or dispossessing Jews of their property and freedom.

Who would be so foolish now as to imagine a person could have voted for the pro-slavery candidate or National Socialist candidate because of their “other views”?  Such as what? German pride? Insurance rates? Getting the trains to run on time? What kind of “justice” could there be otherwise in a country devoted to killing or enslaving innocent human beings?

Charles Camosy suggests a useful thought experiment at Public Discourse:

Suppose a possible world in which everything is the same in the Biden–Harris campaign, and in the Democratic Party itself, except that they are beholden to an extremist group of explicit white supremacists. In this possible world, they have a viable plan to bring back Jim Crow, and even long-term plans to bring back slavery. Suppose the party and ticket offer strong support for these plans and for white supremacist rhetoric and values.  Could you vote for such a party?  If your answer is no. . .then maybe you can understand why certain pro-lifers, without only caring about one issue, could nevertheless have their votes swayed by a single issue. Certain topics are just so essential, and the evil involved so massive and serious, that they can make a particular ticket untouchable.

“The writing is on the wall,” says Camosy. “A Democratic administration and Congress would defend abortion’s violence as a positive good. They would completely erase an entire group of incredibly vulnerable human beings from moral and legal consideration. Indeed, they would not even protect the freedom of those who wanted to live their own lives without participating in such violence.”

And that is why the Democrats will attempt to publicly humiliate a talented, extremely qualified, perfectly decent mother of seven. As with slavery, the abortion license must be defended no matter what: no matter what scruples against sexual harassment need to be compromised (hence the presence of serial harasser Bill Clinton at the Democratic National Convention); no matter what it does to the independence of the judiciary; and no matter what it does to the country.  When a group of people has decided that a patent evil is a positive good, they will go to any length to prevent themselves from having to face up to the truth.

Prof. Camosy believes that people should vote for a third party. Others have argued that we should not vote at all.  I have sympathy for those views.  But not if it is merely an issue of not “staining” ourselves by an association with Donald Trump.  We are currently “staining ourselves” with the blood of millions of innocent children every year.  One candidate insists on more, the other has worked for less.

Supporting abortion and simply shoving a rosary in your pocket doesn’t make you a “Catholic” any more than going to extraordinary form Mass while deporting your Jewish workers makes you a “Catholic.”

You either do what you can to stop the killing of millions of babies, or you don’t.  Face it squarely and make a choice.  But don’t fool yourself about what’s really at stake.


Randall Smith

Randall B. Smith is a tenured Full Professor of Theology. His book Reading the Sermons of Thomas Aquinas: A Guidebook for Beginners is available from Emmaus Press. And his book Aquinas, Bonaventure, and the Scholastic Culture at Paris: Preaching, Prologues, and Biblical Commentary is due out from Cambridge University Press in the fall.

EDITORS NOTE: This The Catholic Thing column is republished with permission. © 2020 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

PODCAST: Unity? Don’t Make Me Laugh

I recently saw an ad from former VP Joe Biden’s campaign which claimed people should vote for him as he will unify the nation. Thank God I wasn’t drinking milk at the time as it would have shot out of my nose from laughter. To be fair though, both the Democrats and Republicans claim their candidates will unify the country. Everyone wants it but on their terms or not at all. As nice as unity may sound, the reality is the country is not ready or willing yet to unite, there is simply too many fundamental differences between right and left.

To illustrate, whereas the right embraces capitalism, Christianity, the constitution, and conservative values (e.g., respect for law and order, citizenship, patriotism, strong work ethic), the left embraces Socialism, entitlements, globalism, and social engineering. Whereas the right relishes the freedoms spelled out in our Constitution, the left wants to rewrite it for the purposes of more control. For example, when President Trump nominated Amy Coney Barrett as Supreme Court justice, the Democrats threatened to expand the size of the court and pack it with liberals. This was tried years ago under FDR, and was thankfully rejected. Even the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a well known darling of the left, said nine justices was a suitable number.

These two distinctly different ideologies ultimately represent incompatible behaviors, moral values, and priorities. The media refutes this and would have us believe everyone is basically the same. This is simply not so as the chasm between left and right is too wide and cannot be bridged.

Some would say the split was caused by President Trump. I would argue it began during President Obama’s administration. Republicans may not have liked Mr. Obama, but they didn’t burn down any cities, loot stores, cause riots and hurt people, or conduct massive protests. They just waited for the next election and voted accordingly.

The big question though is, what will happen should either side win. Should former VP Biden win, a new resistance movement will likely emerge in the Congress by the Republicans, using tactics invented by the Democrats. However, should President Trump win re-election, the Democrats will continue to resist the president in the Congress, but the loony left will likely go berserk and try to burn the nation to the ground. This will likely be the closest we come to Civil War. Shootings will likely occur. Plain and simple, it will be ugly.

Should the Democrats lose both the Congress and the White House, look for them to split into two parties; one for the far left and one for the old-school moderates. When this happens, it will take the Democrats a long time for them to return to power, if at all.

So, when you hear a candidate say they want to unify the country, please do not take them seriously. It is not in the American character to play as a united team, unless we face war or some other serious calamity.

As I like to say around this time of year; fasten your seat belts, it is going to be a bumpy ride.

Keep the Faith!

P.S. – Also, I have a NEW book, “Before You Vote: Know How Your Government Works”, What American youth should know about government, available in Printed, PDF and eBook form. This is the perfect gift for youth!

EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

6 Highlights From the Pence-Harris Debate


During the vice presidential debate Wednesday night, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Vice President Mike Pence sparred over a variety of policies, revealing significant differences on several issues.

The debate, which was moderated by USA Today Washington bureau chief Susan Page, featured the two contenders discussing issues ranging from climate change and COVID-19 to abortion and the Supreme Court.

Here are six highlights from the debate:

1) COVID-19

Harris aggressively attacked the Trump administration’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. After the opening question, she laid out what could be called a prosecutor’s case.

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“The American people have witnessed what is the greatest failure of any presidential administration in the history of our country,” the California senator said. “And here are the facts: 210,000 dead people in our country in just the last several months, over 7 million people who have contracted this disease, 1 in 5 businesses closed. We are looking at frontline workers treated like sacrificial workers. We are looking at 30 million people who in the last several months had to file for unemployment.”

That was in response to a question from Page about what the Biden administration would have done differently than Trump to address the COVID-19 pandemic. Harris then went on to summarize the Biden-Harris plan.

“Our plan is about what we need to do around a national strategy, for contact tracing, for testing, for administration of a vaccine, and make sure it’s free,” Harris said.

Pence, who headed the White House coronavirus task force, defended the administration’s record.

“I want the American people to know that from the very first day, President Donald Trump has put the health of America first,” the vice president said. “Before there were more than five cases in the United States—all people who had returned from China—President Donald Trump did what no other American had ever done. That was, he suspended all travel from China, the second-largest economy in the world.”

Pence added: “Joe Biden opposed that decision.”

“He said it was xenophobic and hysterical. I can tell you, having led the White House coronavirus task force that decision alone by President Trump gave us invaluable time to set up the greatest mobilization since World War II,” Pence said. “I believe it saved hundreds of thousands of American lives.”

As for the Biden plan, Pence said, the Trump administration was already doing much of what it recommends. He also took a shot at a Biden scandal that effectively ended his 1988 presidential bid.

“The reality is, when you look at the Biden plan, it looks an awful lot like what President Trump and I and our task force have been doing every step of the way,” he said. “ … It looks a little bit like plagiarism, something Joe Biden knows a little bit about.”

In September 1987, Biden came in for withering criticism for borrowing lines from a speech by then-British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock without attribution, knocking him out of the race when it was subsequently revealed to be part of a larger pattern of borrowing lines from other politicians without credit.

Asked about the race to develop a vaccine, Harris said she wouldn’t trust a Trump-endorsed vaccine, but would take one approved by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

“If the public health professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I’ll be the first in line to take it. Absolutely,” Harris said. “But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it, I’m not taking it.”

Pence fired back that the California senator was politicizing the vaccine.

“The fact that you continue to undermine public confidence in a vaccine, if a vaccine emerges during the Trump administration, I think, is unconscionable,” the vice president said. “Senator, I just ask you, stop playing politics with people’s lives. The reality is, we will have a vaccine by the end of this year, and it will continue to save countless American lives.”

2) Taxes and the Economy

Harris and Pence sparred over the tax cuts passed by Congress in 2017 and debated Biden’s tax plan.

Harris said that the Biden administration would repeal the 2017 tax cuts “on Day One,” and that they were passed to benefit the “rich.”

“Joe Biden believes you measure the health and strength of America’s economy based on the health and strength of the American worker and the American family,” Harris said. “On the other hand, you have Donald Trump, who measures the strength of the economy based on how rich people are doing.”

Pence defended the tax cuts and said: “Joe Biden said twice in the debate last week that he’s going to repeal the Trump tax cuts,” Pence said. “That was tax cuts that gave the average working family $2,000 with a tax break.”

In 2017, Congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which reduced federal income taxes and made various other changes to the U.S. tax code.

Following the tax cut, the American economy experienced record low unemployment, wage growth, and an overall increase in business investment, according to Adam Michel, a specialist on tax policy and the federal budget as a policy analyst in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation.

Harris said that Biden’s tax plan would end tax breaks for the wealthy but wouldn’t raise taxes on American making under $400,000.

“He has been very clear about that,” Harris said, adding, “Joe Biden is the one who, during the Great Recession, was responsible for the Recovery Act that brought America back, and now the Trump and Pence administration wants to take credit for Joe Biden’s success for the economy that they had at the beginning of their term.”

According to The Washington Post, “most Americans received a tax” cut in 2017, not just the rich.

Biden’s tax proposal would raise taxes about $3 trillion over the next decade, according to the nonpartisan Tax Foundation.

“… The Biden tax plan would reduce [gross domestic product] by 1.47 percent over the long term,” according to the Tax Foundation’s General Equilibrium Model. “On a conventional basis, the Biden tax plan by 2030 would lead to about 6.5 percent less after-tax income for the top 1 percent of taxpayers and about a 1.7 percent decline in after-tax income for all taxpayers on average.”

According to the left-leaning Tax Policy Center, Biden’s proposal “would increase taxes on average on all income groups, but the highest-income households would see substantially larger increases, both in dollar amounts and as a share of their incomes.”

3) Climate Change and Fracking 

Harris said a Biden administration would grow the economy through green energy, but she also denied past support for banning fracking.

“Joe Biden will not ban fracking. That is a fact. I will repeat that Joe Biden has been very clear that he thinks about growing jobs,” Harris said, adding, “Part of those jobs that will be created by Joe Biden are going to be about clean energy and renewable energy, because Joe understands that the West Coast of our country is burning, including my home state of California.”

Harris also spoke about climate-related problems in the Southeast and in the Midwest.

“Joe sees what is happening in the Gulf states, which are being battered by storms. Joe has seen and talked with the farmers in Iowa, whose entire crops have been destroyed because of floods,” she said. “So, Joe believes again in science. … We have seen a pattern with this administration, which is, they don’t believe in science. Joe’s plan is about saying we are going to deal with it, but we are going to create jobs.”

Pence addressed the issue of climate change, but also attacked the Biden campaign’s promises for the environment.

“As I said, Susan, the climate is changing. We’ll follow the science,” he said.

“With regard to banning fracking, I just recommend people look at the record. You yourself said repeatedly you would ban fracking,” Pence said of Harris. “You were the first Senate co-sponsor of the Green New Deal.

“While Joe Biden denied support for the Green New Deal, Susan, thank you for pointing out the Green New Deal is on [the Biden-Harris] website. As USA Today said, it’s essentially the same plan as you co-sponsored with AOC.”

That was a reference to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., the main sponsor of the Green New Deal in the House.

“You just heard the senator say she was going to resubmit America to the Paris Climate Accord. The American people have always cherished our environment, and we’ll continue to cherish it,” Pence said. “We’ve made great progress reducing [carbon dioxide] emissions through American innovation and the development of natural gas through fracking.

“We don’t need a massive $2 trillion Green New Deal that would impose all new mandates on American businesses and American families. … It makes no sense. It will cost jobs.”

4) China

Pence and Harris sparred over U.S. relations with China, including its role in the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“China and the World Health Organization did not play straight with the American people,” Pence said. “They did not let our personnel into China … until the middle of February.”

The vice president defended the administration’s aggressive trade policy with Beijing. “But China has been taking advantage of the United States for decades, in the wake of Biden cheerleading for China,” he said.

Harris said that the Trump administration had “lost” the trade war with China. “What ended up happening because of a so-called “trade war” with China? America lost 300,000 manufacturing jobs,” she said.

Pence countered that a Biden administration would go soft on the communist country.

“Joe Biden has been a cheerleader for communist China over the last several decades,” he said.

The vice president criticized the record of the administration of Biden’s boss, President Barack Obama, saying that it had dismissed the idea that manufacturing jobs could ever come back to America.

“In our first three years, this administration saw 500,000 manufacturing jobs created, and that’s the type of growth we’re going to see,” Pence said.

5) Supreme Court and Abortion

With the nomination of federal appeals court Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, Page asked both candidates what they would want their respective states of Indiana and California to do if the high court were to overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion nationwide and sent the matter back to the states to decide for themselves.

Neither candidate directly addressed the question, but both spoke of the abortion issue in the context of the Supreme Court.

“The issues before us couldn’t be more serious,” Harris said. “There is the issue of choice, and I will always fight for a woman’s right to make a decision about her own body. It should be her decision and not that of Donald Trump and the vice president, Michael Pence.”

Pence reiterated his pro-life stance, and called out the Biden-Harris ticket.

“I couldn’t be more proud to serve as vice president to a president who stands unapologetically for the sanctity of human life. I will not apologize for it,” he said. “This is another one of those cases where there is such a dramatic contrast. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris support taxpayer funding of abortion all the way up to the moment of birth, late-term abortion.”

Pence asked Harris at one point if she would support packing the courts, meaning increasing the number of Supreme Court justices to 10 or more, and then he accused her of not answering the question.

“Once again you gave a non-answer, Joe Biden gave a non-answer,” Pence said. “The American people deserve a straight answer.”

In his remarks, Pence noted the Supreme Court has had nine justices for the past 150 years.

6) Race Relations

The vice presidential candidates also had a heated exchange on race relations amid social unrest in major American cities.

Harris called out Trump for what she claimed was his reluctance to condemn white supremacists, referring to last week’s presidential debate between Trump and Biden.

“Last week, the president of the United States took a debate stage in front of 70 million Americans and refused to condemn white supremacists,” Harris said. “It wasn’t like he wasn’t given a chance. He didn’t do it, and then he doubled down. Then he said, when pressed, ‘Stand back, stand by.’ This is part of a pattern with Donald Trump.”

She also cited the deadly 2017 Charlottesville, Va., Unite the Right rally.

Pence countered by citing Trump’s comments regarding the Charlottesville violence.

“This is one of the things that makes people dislike the media so much in this country, that you selectively edit so much,” Pence said, arguing that the media had distorted what Trump had said about there being “very fine people” on both sides in Charlottesville.

“After President Trump made comments about people on either side of the debate over monuments, he condemned the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists,” the vice president said.

“He has done so repeatedly. Your concern that he doesn’t condemn neo-Nazis, President Trump has Jewish grandchildren. His daughter and son-in-law are Jewish. This is a president who respects and cherishes all of the American people.”

Pence then went on offense about Harris’ prosecution record as a district attorney in San Francisco.

“When you were D.A. in San Francisco, African Americans were 19 times more likely to be prosecuted for minor drug offenses than whites and Hispanics,” Pence said to Harris. “You increased the disproportionate incarceration. You did nothing on criminal justice reform in California. You didn’t lift a finger to pass the First Step Act on Capitol Hill.”

The First Step Act is a bipartisan criminal justice reform bill signed into law by Trump in December 2018.

Harris didn’t directly defend her record as district attorney of San Francisco, but pivoted to her record as California attorney general.

“Having served as the attorney general of California, the work I did is a model of what our nation needs to do and what we will be able to do,” she said, adding, “I was the first statewide officer to institute a requirement that my agents would wear body cameras and keep them on full time. We were the first to initiate that there would be training for law enforcement on implicit bias.”


Fred Lucas

Fred Lucas is chief national affairs correspondent for The Daily Signal and co-host of “The Right Side of History” podcast. Lucas is also the author of “Abuse of Power: Inside The Three-Year Campaign to Impeach Donald Trump.” Send an email to Fred. Twitter: @FredLucasWH.

Jarrett Stepman

Jarrett Stepman is a contributor to The Daily Signal and co-host of The Right Side of History podcast. Send an email to Jarrett. He is also the author of the new book, “The War on History: The Conspiracy to Rewrite America’s Past.”  Twitter: @JarrettStepman.


A Note for our Readers:

Democratic Socialists say, “America should be more like socialist countries such as Sweden and Denmark.” And millions of young people believe them…

For years, “Democratic Socialists” have been growing a crop of followers that include students and young professionals. America’s future will be in their hands.

How are socialists deluding a whole generation? One of their most effective arguments is that “democratic socialism” is working in Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Norway. They claim these countries are “proof” that socialism will work for America. But they’re wrong. And it’s easy to explain why.

Our friends at The Heritage Foundation just published a new guide that provides three irrefutable facts that debunks these myths. For a limited time, they’re offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free.

Get your free copy of “Why Democratic Socialists Can’t Legitimately Claim Sweden and Denmark as Success Stories” today and equip yourself with the facts you need to debunk these myths once and for all.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Debate Post-mortem: Biden’s Two-bit Trump Imitation

Much has been said about the first presidential debate—which was anything but presidential. Here’s my two cents.

This was not the debate people were hoping to see. It didn’t make history. Neither candidate came off well. All the same, I’ll wager that most Trump supporters, myself included, remain steadfast in our loyalty to our President, whom we recognize stands between us and an infernal brand of fascistic, totalitarian Communism—the Left’s longed-for dystopian New World Order.

Similarly, I doubt Progressives will abandon Biden just because he spat on their beloved Green New Deal. After all, everyone knows that Kamala is the real candidate for the top office, and she’s gung-ho on sending us back to the dark ages to “save the planet,” so the Green New Deal would be sure to re-emerge should the Dems prevail.

Biden’s desperate handlers, likely through the miracle of modern science, were able to keep Sleepy Joe awake with his eyes mostly open for 90 minutes straight. No doubt much to their relief, his gaffes were few and easily overlooked in the heat of the moment. Also overlooked during the debate, but pointed out afterwards by observant citizen journalists, were a couple of oddities: a wire Biden was wearing that emerged from his jacket at one point, and a metal device that peeked out of his cuff a time or two. These things, coupled with his staff’s refusal to allow the candidates to be checked for electronic cheating devices, raise questions—or perhaps, provide answers. But even if Biden cheated, he still only rated a C-plus at best.

In fact, Biden’s strategy—no doubt crafted by his handlers—was largely to imitate Trump! However, in their zeal, they mistook Trump’s appeal, which is based on his relying on facts, speaking the truth, genuineness, and a love of America and American citizens—none of which Biden seems capable of. But he did seem to relish calling Trump names. I can just imagine his coaches telling him that Trump wins by being nasty and giving people derogatory nicknames and insulting them, so that’s what he, Biden, should do.

Ahem, Joe, it was beyond unseemly, it was downright grotesque for a presidential candidate in a debate with our incumbent President that millions of Americans were watching, to refer to the President of the United States as a “clown.” Nor do you tell the President to “shut up, man!” This did not make you seem strong, Joe—it made you seem like a weakling devoid of sense who was trying to look tough. Biggest misfire of the night. On second thought, let’s give you a C-minus.

But trying to outdo Trump in hurling insults was only one way that Sleepy Joe sought to copy the master. He also used Trump’s line about being a president “for all Americans.” Of course when Trump said that, he meant it—and has demonstrated it time and again by taking an active role to help overlooked groups such as blue collar workers, veterans, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, etc.. And let’s not forget his First Step Act—the antidote to the Democrat’s overzealous policies that resulted in nonviolent offenders, many of whom are African Americans, being incarcerated for years, even decades, in a punishment grossly disproportionate to their crime.

The one thing I think Biden did well was to look the audience in the eye, thereby addressing the American people directly. He feigned compassion fairly well, as many career politicians learn to do, and if you didn’t know better, you might have believed him to be the more caring candidate of the two. That is, if you get your news from CNN and MSNBC, don’t know how to use the Internet to do your own research, aren’t aware of the Biden family’s outrageous corruption, and haven’t been paying attention to all the amazing things President Trump has accomplished in just three and a half years while the Left tried unceasingly to tie his hands behind his back.

Now what about Trump’s performance? I can’t give him high marks for this one. His rally speeches are phenomenal, and he was magnificent in his debates with Hillary. But in this debate, he was off his game. I’ve since read that Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christie were his coaches. Well, gentlemen, you blew it. Trump walked onto that stage with a scowl on his face, which never disappeared. The game plan seemed to be: pummel Biden. Far better to just tell the American people what you’ve accomplished and what you’re planning to accomplish, while pointing out a few choice examples of Biden’s corruption. And just let Biden immolate himself. Let him talk. Let him reveal his sadly diminished mental capacity to the nation.

But that obviously wasn’t the advice of Giuliani or Christie. Instead, Trump put on his boxing gloves and acted as if this was a new version of the nomination debates where he had to shoot down 15 rivals, one by one. Oops. Attacking Joe, talking over him, depriving him of the opportunity of digging himself into hole after hole, jumping on turncoat Chris Wallace—wrong optics. The whole point of the presidential debates is to win over new voters. Does anyone think Trump did that on Tuesday night? Now, I don’t think he lost any voters, but he certainly did nothing to win over vacillating Dems or Independents.

Here’s a missed opportunity that might have swayed some voters. Since Biden announced he is the Democrat Party, why not hold him accountable for the onerous treatment of nonviolent drug offenders such as Catherine Toney—a black woman given a 20-year sentence for a first-time drug offense. Catherine languished in prison for 16 years until March of 2019, when Trump’s First Step Act provided the means for her long overdue release, upon which she thanked God and President Trump. So, Joe, would you explain to the American people why your Party incarcerates nonviolent minorities with 20-year sentences, while releasing violent felons, including illegal aliens, into our communities?

Trump had other excellent opportunities to educate voters, many of which he missed by over-generalizing. Take, for example, the issue of the Supreme Court vacancy. The Democrats are pulling the wool over the eyes of the public by comparing the Senate’s refusal to confirm Merrick Garland during Obama’s lame-duck term, with Trump and McConnell’s insistence on confirming Amy Coney Barrett with the election in sight. Trump’s response was “Elections have consequences.” This fails to address the issue of fairness and precedents, which are on Trump’s side and should have been spelled out right away for the audience. The glaring difference between Obama’s situation and Trump’s has nothing to do with proximity to an election—that’s a red herring. It has everything to do with which party holds the Senate. Obama was faced with a Republican Senate that had the Constitutional power to refuse to confirm his Supreme Court nominee. Today, however, the Republicans have the Senate, and have both the right and the duty to confirm Trump’s nominee, provided they believe she’s fit for the High Court.

That’s the sort of thing we need to see from our President. Giving us clear and concise statements of facts is not only reassuring and likely to win over new voters, it’s also as presidential as you can get.

Of course we also want some spot-on Trumpian zingers to liven things up. My pick? “I’ve done more in 47 months than you have in 47 years, Joe!” That’s the debate in a nutshell. Game set match. That’s the clincher.

© Cherie Zaslawsky. All rights reserved.