Communism’s Promotion and Collusion in America’s Race Wars

“Myself and Alicia Garza in particular are trained organizers.  We are trained Marxists.” –  Patrisse Cullors, Black Lives Matter Founder

“Evil preaches tolerance, until it is dominant, then it seeks to silence the Good.” – Father Altman, 2020

“The communists know, as the American people do not, that the city and community police forces now constitute one of the most important remaining obstacles to the gradual, insidious, and at first invisible establishment of the mechanics of their communist police state.” –  Robert Welch, JBS Founder

Most conservatives understand that Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa are communist organizations and are committed to overthrowing America’s culture, society and constitutional order.  BLM was founded in 2013 by three black women who are avowed Marxists.  They are also prophetesses of demonic darkness.

Antifa was founded in Germany in 1932; they promoted communism over fascism.  The two organizations work diligently together fomenting anarchy, along with dozens of smaller communist and Islamic groups, under the guise of eliminating police brutality against black Americans, which national statistics have proven to be false.  We are not experiencing a wave of social unrest generated by injustice or police brutality. We are watching an insurrection in progress, one which uses police violence as a pretext, but which has as its goal the destruction of the existing social, economic and political order in the United States.

Most Americans do not understand the demonic reality of Marxism and the communist infiltration of every facet of American society, peoples and culture.  This is the story of one black man’s devotion to communism for ten years, and his exit and exposure of their true evil.

Soviet Communists and Black Americans

In 1958, Manning R. Johnson wrote “Color, Communism and Common Sense,” a 78-page pamphlet about the communist infiltration of the black American community to incite strife, anger, envy, violence and riots.  Johnson saw inequities against his race, but he was also raised in a Christian home and that core training led him out of the communist regime after ten years of watching how truly evil they were.  In 1958, black Americans were still referred to as Negroes and that is how Mr. Johnson writes of his race and the communist penetration.

Manning Johnson’s book should be in everyone’s library.  He exposes the names of the communist leaders in society who masqueraded as progressive liberals.  The 78-page booklet tells how black churches were subverted and the communist plot to use black Americans, concocted by Stalin in 1928, to create racial hatred.  He tells of the real “Uncle Toms,” communists who pose as “friends of the Negro,” and under the guise of a campaign for black rights, set race against race in a cold-blooded struggle for power.  They are the ones who plotted with a diabolical foreign power the moral decay, physical slavery and spiritual death of their own race.

Manning Johnson was inducted into the party largely because of the preaching of a communist Bishop of the Episcopal church, but his early Christian upbringing made him revolt at the obscene immorality of the Communist Party and its members.  The communists had infiltrated the pulpits of America’s black churches, and don’t think they haven’t infiltrated the white ones as well.

Johnson labored for ten years in the cause of communism and was a dedicated comrade.  He believed that the end of capitalism “would bring the beginning of an interminable period of plenty, peace, prosperity and universal comradeship.”  He stated, “Being an idealist, I was sold this ‘Bill of Goods’ by a Negro graduate of the Lenin Institute in Moscow.”

Little did Mr. Johnson realize until he was deeply enmeshed in the Red Conspiracy, that just and seeming grievances are exploited to transform idealism into a cold and ruthless weapon against the capitalist system—that this was the end toward which all the communist efforts among black Americans are directed.  He stated that he saw communism in its naked cruelty, in its ruthlessness and utter contempt of Christian attributes and passions.  He saw the low value placed upon human life, the total lack of respect for the dignity of man, the betrayal of trust, the terror of the Secret Police and the bloody hand of the assassin during and since those fateful years when he embraced communism.

Manning Johnson rose to one of the highest ranks, but found that the communists only intended to use his people in a bloody revolution to destroy America.  When he woke up to this evil, he dropped out of the party and spent the rest of his life warning all American citizens of the true nature of the Communist Party as he knew it from the inside.

Reds Seek Division

In 1928, communists said the racial differences between the American people constituted the weakest and most vulnerable point in our fabric.  The communists calculated that by constantly straining at this one spot, they believed eventually the cloth could be torn apart and Americans could be divided, weakened and set against each other ultimately ending in open combat.  (How many times have we heard that a new civil war is brewing?)

But communist agitators are not just in the black community, they’re working the white community as well.  White communist “friends” descended upon the black communities to help them become “liberated” from racial prejudice.  Many of today’s BLM anarchists are white and some are school teachers.  The goal is hatred, bloodshed and violence between the races and they don’t care how they get it.

Black communists laid all the blame of the ills of black Americans at the feet of the white leaders of America.  Statues of historic figures, including America’s founders, have been purposefully destroyed by today’s anarchists.  “Capitalism and imperialism are made symbols of oppressive white rule in keeping with instructions from the Kremlin.”

Johnson wrote, “Black rebellion was what Moscow wanted. Bloody racial conflict would split America.  During the confusion, demoralization and panic would set in.  Then finally the Reds say, ‘Workers stop work,’ and many of them seize arms by attacking arsenals. Street fights become frequent. Under the leadership of the Communist Party, the workers organize revolutionary committees to be in command of the uprising.  Armed workers seize the principle government offices, invade the residence of the president and his cabinet members, arrest them, declare the old regime abolished, and establish their own power.”  This is the ultimate communist plan.

Reds in America’s Courts

In 1926, R. M. Whitney wrote Reds in America, a book which exposed the Red plot in all its major ramifications.  It was profusely illustrated with documents seized from communist sources by Federal authorities.  In August of 1922, at a meeting of communist leaders in Bridgman, Michigan, the racial division program was read to all and promoted.  In 1958, the tragic effects of public and official indifference were obvious.  And now, sixty-two years later we are seeing the race revolution come alive.  The Reds have been plotting the overthrow of America for over a century.

Communist agents plotted the use of U.S. courts to aid in their communist goals. In Manning Johnson’s book, he includes a 1917 letter by former President Teddy Roosevelt to Felix Frankfurter wherein he criticizes Frankfurter for supporting “traitors,” “Bolsheviks” and “murderers.”  Frankfurter, a Harvard Law School grad, worked for Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson.  During World War I, he served as Judge Advocate General.  After the war, he helped found the leftist/communist American Civil Liberties Union and returned to his position as professor at Harvard Law School.

Frankfurter was nominated to the high court in 1939 by Franklin Delano Roosevelt and served until 1962. He was a loyal and trusted advisor to FDR and promoted his unconstitutional New Deal. (President Teddy Roosevelt, uncle to Eleanor Roosevelt, was right…FDR was a man who embraced communists in his administration.) Johnson documents that Supreme Court Justice Frankfurter quoted Red propaganda to bolster Supreme Court rulings.

Archibald Roosevelt, the fifth child of Teddy Roosevelt, wrote the preface to Johnson’s book and stated that Justice Frankfurter used a communist statement in his majority opinion for “Communist Party vs. Subversion Board.” One has to wonder how Frankfurter’s communist leanings influenced his judicial decisions

Reds in America’s Universities

Numerous organizations were formed, directed, controlled, and led by Reds and fellow travelers to influence and expose millions of black Americans to communist ideas.  Through those organizations and many others, black institutions of higher education like Howard University were penetrated to subvert teachers and students and politically contaminate the intellectual stream of black lives.  In 2016, the Washington Times reported that liberal professors outnumbered conservatives by twelve to one.

Here is the testimony of Judge Cobb, a patriotic black American, former professor of Constitutional Law and vice dean of Howard University, in which he tried to alert America to the grave dangers to our internal security inherent in the advocacy of communism by Mr. Mordecai W. Johnson, President of Howard University.

James A. Cobb was admitted to the bar in 1902 and began working for Howard University in 1917.  Cobb was a member of the Washington Bar Association for black lawyers and a special assistant to the attorney general. In 1925 President Coolidge appointed him a municipal court judge; he was the only African American on the municipal bench.

The failure to heed the sensational disclosures and timely warnings of Judge Cobb may well lie at the root of much of the present racial conflict, a conflict inspired by communists over a century ago.

Early Black Communists

E. B. Du Bois, writing in 1913, famously called the race question “the great test of the American socialist.” Later generations of socialists tended to agree with him, elevating the antiracist struggle to a place of centrality in left strategy. From the 1930s to the present day, American leftists have seen the struggle against racial oppression, most centrally of black Americans, as one of the key questions radicals face in the movement to remake American society. Du Bois was one of the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909.  Manning Johnson refers to the NAACP as The National Association for the Agitation of Colored People.

Eugene Victor “Gene” Debs (November 5, 1855 – October 20, 1926) was an American socialist, political activist, trade unionist, one of the founding members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and five times the candidate of the Socialist Party of America for President of the United States.  And there’s more…

Prior to the founding of the Socialist Party of America in 1901, there were two black socialists who left their mark in the historical record: Peter H. Clark who believed socialism was the remedy for society’s evils.  Clark joined the communist Workers Party of the United States (WPUS), the American affiliate of the International Workingmen’s Association, in 1876, shortly after its founding.

George Washington Woodbey was born into slavery in 1854.  He moved to San Diego in 1902 and joined the newly formed Socialist Party.  He said, “In the days of chattel slavery the masters had a patrol force to keep the negroes in their place and protect the interests of the masters. Today the capitalists use the police for the same purpose.”  Sound familiar?  This was the very beginning of the communist plot to defund America’s police and leave us indefensible.

Black History Heroes

America’s black communists were the antithesis of men like prominent black scientist, George Washington Carver whose quotes live on as guides to the people of America.  “Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.” And, “Fear of something is at the root of hate for others, and hate within will eventually destroy the hater.”

Booker T. Washington’s infamous conflicts with black leaders like W. E. B. Du Bois over segregation caused a stir, as it should have. He is remembered as the most influential African American speaker of his time. Washington became the first black  American to be invited to the White House in 1901, when President Theodore Roosevelt invited him to dine with him.  Roosevelt saw Washington as a brilliant advisor on racial matters, a practice his successor, President William Howard Taft, continued.

“The surge of progress of black Americans since slavery is largely traced to the work and efforts of these two men, their supporters, their emulators and their followers.  They had a deep and abiding pride of race, a firm belief in the ability of their people to rise above their past and stand on an equal plane with all others.  Equality was to them, not just a catch-word, but a living thing to be achieved only by demonstrated ability.”

Communists have worked to destroy the magnificent lives of men like Carver and Washington.  These are men who loved freedom and loved the country who provided liberty to every American.


The communists raised their ugly heads in the hopes of destroying America’s new found freedoms shortly after the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776 to announce our separation from England.  The signing of the U.S. Constitution in 1787 and our unalienable Bill of Rights was ratified in December of 1791 gave us the freedoms granted by God Almighty to all.

Communist missionaries stir over the long dying embers of race hatred, fears and grievances.  Decades ago, America consigned this to history, but Marxists want to keep it alive to destroy America’s race relations.

Obvious to even the most ignorant is the fact that everyone has prejudices in one form or another…it can be race differences, nationality, religion, economics, social and cultural standing…it can even be over your weight for heaven’s sake. We all have prejudices in one form or another…whether you wish to admit it or not.

The entire smear job on America has been in the works for a century.  Editorial writers, columnists, news commentators and analysts go overboard to destroy America via press, radio and television.  They give top coverage to racial incidents, fomented by leftists.  The black race is the sacrificial lamb of the widespread racial hatred the left is creating.  Race hatred is the Red cause, it feeds their destruction of our country.  They want to wipe out all the mutual cooperation and friendship and set the opening of a dark and bloody era in black and white relations.

The testimony of Manning Johnson to the House Un-American Activity Committee in 1953 is available here.  It tells the truth, and the truth is what sets us free.  The entire book is reprinted and available on the web.

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

Kendi: ‘Too Many White People’ Think They Can’t Be Racist if They Adopt Black Children

In the context of Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s adopted Haitian children, the left’s favorite new race hustler, Ibram X. Kenditweeted on Saturday that “too many White people” believe “if they have or adopt a child of color, then they can’t be racist.”

“Some White colonizers ‘adopted” Black children. They ‘civilized’ these ‘savage’ children in the ‘superior’ ways of White people, while using them as props in their lifelong pictures of denial, while cutting the biological parents of these children out of the picture of humanity,” wrote Kendi, director of Boston University’s Center for Antiracist Research and the Oprah Winfrey-validated author of the racist screed How to Be an Antiracist.

“And whether this is Barrett or not is not the point,” he continued. “It is a belief too many White people have: if they have or adopt a child of color, then they can’t be racist.” No, it actually is the point, because Kendi’s tweet was certainly directed at Judge Barrett. It was intended to cast suspicion on her motivation for adoption and to paint her as a racist “colonizer.” Kendi simply didn’t have the guts to accuse her directly, so he cast his tweet in very general terms.

Sen. Tom Cotton correctly condemned Kendi’s posts as “a cruel, racist attack against Judge Barrett and her family.”

Ibram X. Kendi

1 Known Connection

In 2020, Kendi published his third book for adult audiences, titled How to Be an Antiracist. Below are some key excerpts from the book, some of them with accompanying explanatory text:

  • “The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.”
  • “To be antiracist is to reject cultural standards and level cultural difference.”
  • Quoting Manhattan Institute scholar Heather Mac Donald’s 2016 statement that “[t]he core criminal-justice population is the black underclass,” Kendi writes: “This is the living legacy of racist power, constructing the Black race biologically and ethnically and presenting the Black body to the world first and foremost as a ‘beast,’ to use Gomes de Zurara’s term, as violently dangerous, as the dark embodiment of evil.”
  • For Kendi, the paramount task of humankind is to join in one great movement of antiracist instruction and persuasion, in which antiracists continuously refine their methods until they finally succeed in ushering in a “world of equity” – that is, not equality of opportunity but equality of outcome.
  • “To love capitalism is to end up loving racism. To love racism is to end up loving capitalism.

To learn more about Ibram X. Kendi, click here for his profile.

©Discover the Networks. All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Biden Sleaze — Like Father, Like Son!



Congressman Tom Price served as the U.S. Representative for Georgia’s 6th congressional district, encompassing the northern suburbs of Atlanta, A physician Dr Price He was appointed Secretary of Health and Human Services by President Donald Trump. While in Congress, Price chaired the House Committee on the Budget, Republican Study Committee and Republican Policy Committee.

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Daniel Bobinski was an executive coach and workplace issues consultant & trainer – and still does some of that. He was teaching emotional intelligence to managers and leaders since before it was a thing. He’s a prolific columnist and a New York Times best selling author.But a year ago Daniel was given the opportunity to write on political issues, and speaking truth to the issues of the day has become his passion. He’s now the assistant editor at and also a contributor at RedState. He’s also the host of the New Book of Daniel, podcast.

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Jessie Jane Duff served 20 years in the U.S. Marine Corps and retired as a Gunnery Sergeant. She is on President Trump’s Campaign Advisory Board, Women for Trump and Co-Chair for Veterans for Trump. Jessie is a spokesperson for Americans for Limited Government, a Newsmax TV Contributor and can also be seen and heard on nationally syndicated radio and television shows including Fox News, Fox Business, and OANN.

TOPIC: Biden Sleaze: Like Father, Like Son!

©All rights reserved.


VIDEO: Ilhan Omar’s Cash-For-Ballots Harvesting Scheme EXPOSED

While the MSM continues to relentlessly slander the POTUS, the Democrat Party (the Left) attempts to turn America into a banana republic. You won’t see the propaganda MSM cover this corruption. It’s unbelievable.

VIDEO: Project Veritas Exposes Ilhan Omar’s Connections to Ballot Harvesting

By DJH Media, September 27, 2020

James O’Keefe, the founder and CEO of Project Veritas, an undercover activist group of citizen journalists and investigators has exposed US Rep. Ilhan Omar’s connection to a voter fraud scheme called “Ballot Harvesting”, with videos that expose people close to Omar confessing to illegal activating in her last election.

Ballot harvesting is expected to be serious problem for the 2020 General Election on November, adding urgency to this expose of O’Keef’s, that should cause Americans to take note of the broader Ballot Harvest schemes of the Democrat Party.

O’Keefe posted on Twitter:

BREAKING: @IlhanOmar connected cash-for-ballots harvesting scheme EXPOSED “Money is the king in everything”; harvester boasts harvesting HUNDREDS of 2020 absentee ballots ILLEGALLY! “Numbers do not lie…these here are all absentee ballots…my car is full…”

Seen on the video, at the link, is two different men who is obviously familiar with Omar and her campaign, exposing their own fraudulent campaign tactics to help Omar win the Primary with falsified ballots and a woman who is explaining how they got fraudulent signatures.

According to their site,, “[Minneapolis–Sept. 27, 2020] Project Veritas investigators revealed a ballot harvesting scheme here involving clan and political allies and associates of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D.-Minn.) in the first of a series of reports.”

O’Keef has been teasing out these videos for weeks, saying that the footage would be shocking.

From the undercover footage, a man is heard saying “Numbers don’t lie. Numbers don’t lie. You can see my car is full. All these here are absentees’ ballots. Can’t you see? Look at all these, my car is full. All these are for Jamal Osman… We got 300 today for Jamal Osman only,” said Liban Mohamed in a series of Snapchat videos posted July 1 and July 2 on his own Snapchat profile.

Project Veritas wrote, ”Mohamed said he was collecting the ballots to help his brother win the city’s Aug. 11 special election for a vacant Ward 6 city council race—which was held the same day as the primary for Omar’s MN-05 congressional seat. Ward 6 is the heart of the city’s Somali community and Omar’s political base.”



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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Why American Exceptionalism Is Different From Other Countries’ ‘Nationalisms’

Mobs are toppling statues of American heroes. America and America’s past are on trial. People are protesting and rioting over the very ideas of what America stands for.

The future of the country depends on what Americans do next.

It depends on how Americans answer some direct, but not so simple, questions: Who are we as Americans? What does it mean to be American?

The Meaning of the American Founding

To answer these questions, we have to start with the American founding. It gave America its ethos, its characteristic spirit and culture.

How are socialists deluding a whole generation? Learn more now >>

The American ethos has a firm philosophical foundation. It comprises a set of philosophical ideas on which the American Founders relied to create the system of government that we enjoy to this day.

The Founders had a very distinct idea of the moral order. They believed that morality and government should be in accordance with what they called “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” Natural law is universal and thus morally binding on all mankind.

Since natural law was universal, to go against it was to go against human nature itself. The purpose or “end state” of nature was what the Founders broadly understood as happiness, and in order to be truly happy, one had to be good. Happiness was understood as living a virtuous life.

Washington, Adams, and other Founders said repeatedly that freedom could not be enjoyed without virtue. Without it, one would get nothing but tyranny based on power and selfishness. Governments must be instituted to protect the natural rights and liberties of their people.

This is where the idea of limited government comes from. Governments must be limited, and their powers constitutionally enumerated, as they are in the Constitution, to protect liberties and rights.

That’s why the Founders used checks and balances in government—to stave off tyranny.

Also key is the American idea of equality before the law. They did not think about social equality as we often do today, where everyone is supposed to be equal in income and in social status. The Founders assumed that individuals had different talents and opportunities, and wanted to ensure that, to the extent possible, the law treated everyone equally.

What, Then, Is American Exceptionalism?

That brings me to the idea of American exceptionalism, which is, I believe, the answer to the question of what America’s national identity is and should remain.

It’s grounded in America’s founding principles: natural law, liberty, limited government, individual rights, the checks and balances of government, popular sovereignty, the civilizing role of religion in society, and the crucial role of civil society and civil institutions in grounding and mediating our democracy and our freedom.

We as Americans believe these principles are right and true for all peoples, not just for us.

But if the principles are universal, how are Americans different? How are we exceptional?

We believe that Americans are different because our creed is both universal and exceptional at the same time. We are exceptional in the unique way we apply these universal principles.

There is no other country in the world that embodied the blend of classical philosophy, Christianity, and even Enlightenment ideas in the unique way America did in the founding of the republic from 1776 to 1789. It was an exceptional (meaning uncommon) mix of liberty, limited government, natural rights, and religious liberty that made the American founding unique.

America is the only country in the world that derives its legitimacy from natural rights and natural law.

I really do not mean “exceptional” in a normative sense, but in a descriptive sense, of what was different and unique.

Some people doubt the importance of the American creed in defining America. Wanting to make America fit into the larger narrative of nationalism, a celebration of the nation and the nation-state as a general matter, they downplay the creed as mere words, supposedly not strong enough to carry the patriotic history of the American nation.

If the creed does not matter to Americans, what, then, is so special about America, really?

Is it our ethnicity? Well, that does not work, because there is no such thing as a common American ethnicity. Even in the beginning, Americans were a mixture of English, Scots-Irish, Highland Scot, German, African, Native American, French, Dutch, and other ethnicities.

Is it a specific religion? We are indeed a religious country, but no, we have freedom of religion, not one official religion.

Is it our culture? Yes, but how does one understand American culture without the American creed and the founding principles?

To understand what makes America unique, just look at the immigrant experience. People from all over the world come here and become Americans not just by learning English, or by buying land, but by living the American creed and the American dream. By adopting our history.

Another benefit of American exceptionalism is that it’s self-correcting. When we fail to live up to our ideals, as we did with slavery before the Civil War, and during the era of Jim Crow, we can appeal as Lincoln did to our “better nature” to correct our flaws.

There is no American identity without the American creed. But the creed is more than a set of abstract ideas. It’s shared cultural experience, based on living out the creed, across space and historical time in a specific place called America.

Is American Exceptionalism a Form of Nationalism?

There is a push afoot to ground American conservatism in the concept of “Nationalism”—with a capital N.

It implies that as a “nation,” America is just like any other nation. There is nothing particularly exceptional about America because, in this way of thinking, America derives its legitimacy not from the people or from its form of government, but from that the fact that it’s a mere nation like any other.

The whole point of American exceptionalism is to provide moral and political legitimacy to the very idea of “America First”—to keep the moral legitimacy of the specialness that the nationalists hope to claim, without all the terrible historical baggage of the idea.

The problem is that adopting the mantle of Nationalism would weaken America’s claim to being an exceptional nation. It would make us just a nation like any other. But most importantly, it would undermine our claim to belonging to a nation that is grounded in principles that are universal—that is, true not just for Americans, but for all human beings.

American exceptionalism is built on our founding principles, not cultural and ethnic differences. Americans recognize their varied ethnic and cultural origins, but come together as Americans.

Nationalism is often defined by a sole cultural or ethnic reference, regardless of the form of government. The democratic nation-state, on the other hand, grounds its legitimacy and its sovereignty in democratic governance, and in the American experience, in a government that reflects the principles of natural law.

The American founding was grounded in natural law, not in the idea of the nation-state.

It’s not language, ethnicity, or even ideology that makes us great and good. It’s our creed and how we have woven it into our culture, way of life, and our form of government.

The Two-Front War on America

As powerful as this idea of America is, it’s under threat from two very different directions—the progressive left and certain circles of the New Right.

The left has been making war on America for decades. It’s the familiar charge that America is irredeemably tainted by racism and that our Founding Fathers were slave-owning hypocrites. Our written Constitution is outdated and needs to be “living,” which means its text and original intent cannot only be ignored, but intentionally overthrown. Natural rights have been replaced by the group rights of gender and other identity groups. The left is culturally Marxist and socialist in its economics.

The philosophical ideas behind this war on America are these: (1) Natural law is a myth—there are no fixed truths (relativism); (2) rights are not fixed by natural law but invented and change over time, defined as seeking ever new forms of individual expression based on appetites, desires, and preferences; (3) history is progressive, always marching toward some undefined goal of ever greater personal liberation (historicism); and, finally, (4) individual freedom is a radical undertaking, completely devoid of personal responsibility and the founding notion of virtue, and always focused on personal pleasures, needs, desires, and experiences.

Meanwhile, on the right, there’s a movement that is questioning and even rejecting the very notion of the American founding. And some of its ideas—especially the outright rejection of liberty and the principle of freedom—are finding their way into the “new Nationalism” of conservatism.

Robert Reilly refers to this as the “poison pill” thesis of the American founding. The American founding was doomed from the very beginning because the Founders, under the nefarious influence of John Locke, imported the poison pill of liberalism (liberty) into our founding documents and our mindset. Over time, this original idea of liberty morphed into the progressive liberalism of today. The evil philosophers are Locke and his ilk from the Enlightenment.

But the history is all wrong. The Founders borrowed from Locke’s ideas of rights. They had little or no interest in his theories of knowledge that so bother some conservatives today. The New Right is reading its particular interpretation of Locke back into history and erroneously applying it to Founders like Madison and Jefferson.

This is worse than just bad history—making up something that did not happen.

It’s precisely the mistake made by all historical revisionists. It’s reading current ideology back into history and pretending the true meaning then is only what we think it is now.

Atheistic philosophers like Friedrich Nietzsche and Marxists like Herbert Marcuse were widely influential in the American academy for the past 60 years—far more so than Locke was—and it’s from their influence that we can see the strange striving of the left for personal liberation as a goal of the social collective.

Whether from the left or the right, all the bad ideas of the modern age are at play here—relativism, historicism, and bad faith.

I cannot conceive of a conservative American cause without the patriotic cause of liberty. It would literally be rejecting one of the central ideas of the American Revolution. Without liberty, the country would lose its moorings and eventually drift into authoritarianism. The radical individualism and libertinism of today is derived not from the founding, but from cultural Marxism and the radical individualism of identity politics.

If we turn on our own founding, we will lose the very principles and convictions needed to defeat radical progressivism.

That’s why these debates matter. They’re about the American identity. They’re about American liberty. They’re at the very heart of what it means to be an American.

This article is adapted from Kim Holmes’ Aug. 6 lecture.


Kim R. Holmes is executive vice president at The Heritage Foundation, and a former assistant secretary of state for President George W. Bush. Twitter: .

RELATED ARTICLE: Civilization Requires Collective Common Sense

RELATED VIDEO: Reclaiming American History From the Left.

A Note for our Readers:

Democratic Socialists say, “America should be more like socialist countries such as Sweden and Denmark.” And millions of young people believe them…

For years, “Democratic Socialists” have been growing a crop of followers that include students and young professionals. America’s future will be in their hands.

How are socialists deluding a whole generation? One of their most effective arguments is that “democratic socialism” is working in Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Norway. They claim these countries are “proof” that socialism will work for America. But they’re wrong. And it’s easy to explain why.

Our friends at The Heritage Foundation just published a new guide that provides three irrefutable facts that debunks these myths. For a limited time, they’re offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free.

Get your free copy of “Why Democratic Socialists Can’t Legitimately Claim Sweden and Denmark as Success Stories” today and equip yourself with the facts you need to debunk these myths once and for all.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Linda Sarsour In Louisville: The Leftist/Islamic Alliance in Action

Sharia-adherent leftist activist and former Women’s March leader Linda Sarsour tweeted Wednesday: “Justice has NOT been served. Rise UP. All across this country. Everywhere. Rise up for #BreonnaTaylor.”

She meant it: yesterday evening Sarsour, who was bounced from the Women’s March leadership because of her anti-Semitism, was spotted in video from Louisville, walking among protesters and apparently leading them to their next destination. Sarsour’s presence among demonstrators in Louisville, many of whom quickly began rioting (two police officers were shot), was yet another example of the leftist/Islamic alliance.

We saw two other such examples during the riots in New York City several months ago. Urooj Rahman, a Muslim lawyer and activist for the Palestinian jihad, threw a Molotov cocktail into a police cruiser, and in Brooklyn, a Muslim migrant from Bosnia named Dzenan Camovic stabbed an NYPD officer, Yayonfrant Jean Pierre, in the neck while screaming “Allahu akbar.”

Sarsour’s presence in Louisville was no real surprise. She was arrested in Louisville on August 25 at “BreonnaCon,” an earlier protest over the death of Taylor. Back on May 27, she tweeted: “‘A riot,’ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, ‘is the language of the unheard.’ #JusticeForFloyd.”

Sarsour is also an unapologetic defender of Sharia. As far back as September 22, 2011, Sarsour tweeted: “shariah law is reasonable and once u read into the details it makes a lot of sense. People just know the basics.” Her position didn’t change over time. On May 12, 2015, she tweeted: “If you are still paying interest than Sharia Law hasn’t taken over America. #justsaying.” And on April 10, 2016, Sarsour tweeted about Sharia again: “Sharia Law is misunderstood & has been pushed as some evil Muslim agenda.”

Sarsour tweeted on March 8, 2011: “Brigitte Gabriel = Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She’s asking 4 an a$$ whippin’. I wish I could take their vaginas away – they don’t deserve to be women.” This call for physical violence against someone she hated was a harbinger of things to come, but it received no notice among her sycophants on the left. After all, why would it? They’re committed to the same violence.

Linda Sarsour is also a practiced purveyor of the grievance-mongering that keeps the rioters’ ranks full. She is an energetic purveyor of the “Islamophobia” myth and has hysterically claimed that “Muslim kids” are being “executed” in the United States. She was instrumental in prevailing upon New York Mayor Bill de Blasio to end legal and necessary surveillance in Muslim communities in New York. She was also a frequent visitor to the Obama White House, and even claimed that the jihad underwear bomber was a CIA agent — part of what she claims is a U.S. war against Islam. She is also an enthusiastic supporter of the “Palestinian” jihad against Israel and has even claimed that feminists cannot and must not support Israel.

This is the left today. Sarsour’s anti-Semitism, her embrace of Sharia, her paranoid “Islamophobia” conspiracy-mongering – all that is the mainstream left now. For Linda Sarsour is not alone; other Muslim activists in the U.S. have actively fostered this alliance. Zahra Billoo, Executive Director of the San Francisco Bay Area office of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-SFBA), tweeted: “Non-Black POC, first and second generation immigrant Muslims friends in particular, what are you doing today to support #BlackLivesMatter?” Imraan Siddiqi of CAIR-Arizona tweeted out a video of a hijab-wearing Muslim woman kicking a tear gas canister toward police with the approving comment, “Drop-kick that tear-gas canister, sister.”

Meanwhile, not long ago in Los Angeles, rioters were so grieved and angered by Floyd’s death that they spray-painted “Free Palestine” on the wall of a synagogue. This was in line with Urooj Rahman’s Molotov cocktail back in Brooklyn. In an interview before her attack, she enunciated the common goal of both movements: “This s–t won’t ever stop unless we f–kin’ take it all down.”

In both the interview and during her attack, Rahman kept a Palestinian keffiyeh close to her face. Her sartorial choice was not incidental. With her attempted torching of the police cruiser (her Molotov cocktail didn’t light), she brought Palestinian jihad tactics to the riots in the U.S. She also revealed the congruence between the ideology of the left in America today and that of jihadists, not just the Palestinians, but all over the world.

Meanwhile, the left’s anti-Americanism and determination to “f–kin’ take it all down” has been on abundant display in the recent riots in Louisville and elsewhere, and continues, to the apparent delight of Muslims such as Linda Sarsour, Urooj Rahman, Zahra Billoo, and Imraan Siddiqi. When Rahman was arrested, she was wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with the slogan “THE STRUGGLE CONTINUES REGARDLESS.” The Arabic word for “struggle” is, of course, jihad.


UK: Leftists campaign against new migrant camps, want more luxurious housing, free education for migrants

India’s permanent representative to UN rebukes Erdogan’s criticism of India over Kashmir: ‘gross interference’

Erdogan urges UN to set up ‘International Solidarity Day Against Islamophobia,’ hits legitimizing of ‘hate speech’

Tunisia turns back hundreds of migrants trying to cross into Europe, while Italy and the UK do nothing

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

AMY CONEY BARRET: The Democrat’s Vitriolic White Woman Hating, Black Children Hating, Downs Child Attacks Begin!



filled with bitter criticism or malice.

On Saturday, September 26, 2020, in the Rose Garden, President Donald J. Trump nominated a woman to the United States Supreme court. Her name is Amy Amy Coney Barrett who currently is a Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. Judge Barrett showed her love for the United States of America and the U.S. Constitution.


Judge Barrett is first and foremost a woman, a wife and a loving mother. Democrats and their supporters have given the impression to the nation that they are pro-woman. Remember the 2017 Woman’s March in Washington, D.C.? The stated goal of the Woman’s March was:

“Protection of our rights, our safety, our health, and our families – recognizing that our vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country”

The actions of the Democrat Party and their supporters tell a very different story when it comes to Judge Barrett and her diverse family.

The Democrat’s “Illegitimate Sham” Scam

On September 25, 2020 the day before President Trump’s announcement Democrat Senator Tim Kaine appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. Democrat Senator Tim Kaine said he refuses to vote for President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee to replace the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, calling it an “illegitimate process.”

Democrat Senator Richard Blumenthal tweeted:

Democrat’s Attack ACB’s Black Children and Benjamin, her son with Downs Syndrome

Christopher Wright in an email stated:

Leftists are attacking Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett for adopting two black children from Haiti, one of them with physical challenges who is now a track star.  You heard that right – attacking Barrett for sacrificing mightily to help the disadvantaged.  Here’s one such attack, insinuating that a conniving Barrett was merely adopting the children to fend off future accusations of racism:

“Some White colonizers ‘adopted’ Black children. They ‘civilized’ these ‘savage’ children in the ‘superior’ ways of White people, while using them as props in their lifelong pictures of denial, while cutting the biological parents of these children out of the picture of humanity.”

The “White Woman” Media Attacks Against ACB Begin

The vitriol is palatable in the responses by Democrats and their friends in the media.

Attacking a woman, a mother, two black children, a young boy with downs syndrome and whiteness is pure evil.

Let the Senate confirmation process begin. Let’s watch and see what the Democrats and the media do next.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Dirty Attacks Against Amy Coney Barrett Begin Early

VIDEO: 15th annual Values Voter Summit

WASHINGTON, D.C./PRNewswire/ — Family Research Council Action’s fifteenth annual Values Voter Summit will continue broadcasting on Friday evening at 8:00 p.m. ET.

WATCH: President Donald Trump’s full speech in 2019.

This year values voters will join the all-virtual event from their own homes and churches.

Other speakers confirmed for Friday evening include White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, Franklin Graham, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry BoykinBen Watson, Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.), former Amb. Ken BlackwellCarrie SeverinoJames RobisonRoger SeverinoGary BauerScott Rasmussen, and Pastor Carter Conlon.

This year’s summit features a brand-new episode format. These episodes feature roundtable discussions and interviews and have streamed live September 22-25 from 8:00 p.m. Eastern. Additionally, due to the online format, registration is offered at no charge, providing free access to the nightly episodes, as well as the activist training session, which will stream on September 26 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Eastern.

©Family Research Council Action. All rights reserved.


Nancy Pelosi Is “Not Going to Get Into” Defending Religious Liberty?

Make It Count: Vote in Person If You Can


CALOFORNIA: Man Finds THOUSANDS of Unopened Ballots in Garbage Dumpster, Workers Quickly Try to Cover Them Up

Voter suppression – it defines the Democrat’s election strategy.

EXCLUSIVE: California Man Finds THOUSANDS of What Appear to be Unopened Ballots in Garbage Dumpster — Workers Quickly Try to Cover Them Up — We are Working to Verify

By Jim Hoft, September 25, 2020:

Last night we received these photos from a reader in California.  They appear to show hundreds of alleged unopened ballots in a garbage dumpster in California.  We are working to verify. Big if true.

This is an exclusive from a Gateway Pundit reader in California.

Hey Gateway Pundit, I thought you might find this interesting. My dad found THOUSANDS of unopened ballots at the garbage dump in Petaluma, California, north of San Francisco.

From our reader:

My dad was throwing away some trash and saw them so he took some pictures. He told a lady who worked at the dump about it and she claimed that the county dumped them there. After my dad drove back around and saw the workers in the bin covering the ballots up with cardboard.

The guy crawling out of the dumpster in the green shirt worked there.  He was covering up the ballots.



Source of Steele dossier that launched Russia collusion hoax was deemed ‘NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT,’ subject of 2009 FBI counter-intel probe

USA: Islamic State jihadis planned terror attacks targeting Trump Tower, other sites: feds

With Just 40 Days To Go, Biden Campaign Calls A ‘Lid’ Before 9:30 AM

TERROR IN PARIS: Four People Hacked With Meat Cleaver Outside CHARLIE HEBDO Offices

Revealed: The Shocking Full Extent of Big Tech Censorship of Conservatives

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Amy Coney Barrett’s wise words on a ‘Religious Test”

A ‘Religious Test’ for Supreme Court nominees? Amy Barrett explains.


©CatholicVote. All rights reserved.


VIDEO: How Cultural Marxism is Grinding Down America’s Public Schools

Cultural Marxism is the gradual process of grinding down western democracies by subverting the pillars of their culture, the structures and institutions of family, religion, education, politics, law, the arts and the media, as they provide the social cohesion necessary to a functioning society. Undermine the principles these structural institutions embody, and a capitalist society can be overthrown from within without firing a shot. Like termites eating away at the foundation of a house, cultural Marxists in our midst have plotted since the 1960s to radically transform every cultural institution in America, including its secondary education system.

Those who think the threat of communism ended when the Soviet Union collapsed would be shocked to know what’s being taught decades later in many of America’s schools. In “Bill Ayers, the Critical Pedagogy Movement and Cultural Marxism,” author Geoffrey Brittain wrote this:

In many of our public schools, young, impressionable children are no longer being taught to feel good about being Americans. Their school teachers, who traditionally embody socially approved values, are teaching them to be ashamed of being Americans. Spreading out from the schools that teach our teachers, this ideology is being inculcated into our nation’s K-12 schools and is anti-American in the most profound meaning of the term. It is a movement that is teaching future generations that capitalism and traditional American values are intrinsically evil. Critical pedagogy and its advocates, in their vehement antipathy toward capitalism, private property and traditional American values, is a classic fifth subversive column, no less dangerous to freedom than communism. Its advocates are seeking to radically transform our society by covertly indoctrinating the young through an essentially clandestine and subversive transformation of its culture.  

What follows are examples of how cultural Marxists in our schools are indoctrinating the young.

Caught on tape: Union teachers discuss pushing communism in the classroom

During a meeting of the Left Forum, two public school teachers were caught on video discussing how to slip communist dogma into classrooms. Wearing a “Tax the Rich” shirt, Sarah Knopp, a Los Angeles high school teacher and teachers union activist who contributes to “The Socialist Review,” and Megan Behrent, a New York City public school teacher affiliated with the International Socialist Organization, participated in a panel discussion about injecting Marxism into classroom instruction.

6th grade lesson plan: Design a flag for a new socialist nation

Across America, activist teachers, nearly all of whom vote Democrat, are pushing communist doctrine on captive young minds, often with the tacit approval of Democrat school administers, Democrat-controlled school boards and the modern Democratic Party.

A progressive-designed lesson plan for 6th graders in Texas public schools read as follows:

Note that socialist/communist nations use symbolism on their flags representing various aspects of their economic system.  Imagine a new socialist nation is creating a flag and you have been put in charge. Use symbolism to represent aspects of socialism/communism on your flag. What kind of symbolism/colors would you use?

If this type of thing is taught in a red state like Texas, the odds are off the charts that communist-themed lesson plans are also being used in other states.

6th grade teacher: “Republicans don’t care about anyone but the rich.”

After telling her 6th grade class that Republicans are stupid, Virginia public school teacher Kristin Martin went on to say that Republicans “don’t care about anyone but wealthy people and businesses,” an absurd claim designed to infect her students with Marxist class resentment.  Martin made her comments on Mar. 6, 2012 as Republicans filed into Powell Elementary School in Fairfax to vote on Super Tuesday.

Virginia 3rd graders required to perform Occupy Wall Street song

During an official event at an elementary school in Virginia, 3rd grade students were required to perform “Part of the 99%,’ a song with an unmistakable political overtone: support of the anti-capitalist Occupy Wall Street protests. In response to an outburst of criticism, school board officials defended the song, saying the district’s schools don’t censor songs children write or try to influence the subjects children write songs about. “It all came out of the kids’ own mouths and the kids’ own words,” said Albemarle County school board chair, Steve Koleszar. Does it appear the song was written by 3rd graders? You decide:

Part of the 99%

Some people have it all
But they still don’t think they have enough
They want more money, a faster ride
They’re not content, never satisfied
Yes, they’re the 1%
I used to be one of the 1%
I worked all the time, never saw my family
Couldn’t make life rhyme, then the bubble burst
It really, really hurt
I lost my money, lost my pride, lost my home
Now I’m one of the 99%

The song accomplished its decidedly anti-American purpose: planting the seeds of Marxist class hatred in the minds of 8-year-olds.

Using Legos to teach communism

Two teachers at a Seattle school banned Legos from the classroom to teach kindergarteners about the alleged evils of private property. Anxious to have the toys returned to the classroom, the children agreed to a new set of guidelines set by their teachers, including these: All structures must be public structures and all structures must be standard size.  Later, the teachers proudly quoted their newly indoctrinated students:

• “A house is good because it is a community house.”

• “We should all have equal houses.”

• “It’s important to have the same power over your building as other people.”

What the 5-year-olds were taught is explained in this Karl Marx quote: “The theory of Communism can be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private property.”

Students at Florida college show signs of prior Marxist indoctrination

Valencia College economics professor Jack Chambliss asked his sophomore class two questions on an essay assignment: what does the American Dream look like to you, and how much do you expect the federal government to help you achieve that vision? Eighty percent of his students expect government to provide one or more of the following:

  • Free college education
  • Free health care
  • Guarantee of a good-paying job
  • Money for down-payment on a home
  • Money for retirement

Take money from rich people so more money can be given to them.

One student wrote, “As human beings, we are really not responsible for our own acts, and we need government to control those who don’t care about others.”  The students’ expectations about government’s role in helping them achieve the American Dream made it clear that many had been indoctrinated with communist propaganda fed to them at K-12 schools they attended.

Bottom line:

What children are taught in school today will determine what our country will be like in the future. In his best-selling book, “The Naked Communist,” former FBI Special Agent Cleon Skousen revealed 45 communist goals for destroying America from within.  Goal 17 mandates this: “Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for Socialism and current Communist propaganda.”  And that’s just what cultural Marxists in our schools have done. As a result, public-funded education is advancing communism in America one little Marxist at a time.

The 2020 elections will determine whether our Republic survives, or falls from within to single-party socialist rule. A PragerU video titled “Dangerous People Are Teaching Your Kids” shows how cultural Marxists are also subverting higher education. Please consider watching and sharing.

©John Edison. All rights reserved.

FLORIDA: Governor Ron DeSantis Lifts All COVID-19 Restrictions, Opens the Sunshine State for Business

WATCH: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announces state entering phase 3.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed an Executive Order fully opening up the sunshine state for business. The Executive order:

  1. Opens up all businesses without restriction.
  2. Suspends all fines for not wearing a face mask.
  3. Allows sports to be played in Florida, including the Super Bowl in February 2021.

Governor DeSantis stated, “There will not be limitations, from the state of Florida.”

NPR reports:

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis says he is lifting all restrictions on businesses statewide that were imposed to control the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19. Most significantly, that means restaurants and bars in the state can now operate at full capacity.

Up to now, restaurants and bars in Florida could serve customers indoors at 50% of legal occupancy. DeSantis said his new executive order lifts that restriction statewide, though local governments can keep additional limits in place if they’re justified for health or economic reasons.

“Every business has the right to operate,” DeSantis said. “Some of the locals can do reasonable regulations. But you can’t just say no.”

DeSantis also said his order would stop cities and counties from fining people for not wearing mandated face coverings. He said fines and other penalties imposed so far would be suspended.

Currently, Miami-Dade, Broward and other counties in South Florida have locally imposed limits on the hours restaurants and bars can operate and how many customers they can serve indoors.

Florida is now officially open for business.

©All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: In COVID-19 Restrictions Ruling, Judge Holds Pennsylvania Governor to the Constitution

VIDEO: Joe Biden Calls our Military “Stupid Bastards” and “Dull Bunch”

A video has surfaced in which former Vice President Joe Biden calls our military deployed in the Middle East “stupid bastards.” This video is from a March 7, 2016 visit to Al Dhafra Airbase in the United Arab Emirates. The video shows former VP Biden, with his wife Jill standing next to him, stating, “Clap for that, you stupid bastards.”

NOTE: This video has been confirmed by the Biden campaign as accurate.

According to then VP Biden stated:

“Notwithstanding what you may hear about me, I have incredibly good judgment. One, I married Jill and two, I appointed Johnson to the academy.”

I just want you to know that, so clap for that you stupid bastards. Man, you all are a dull bunch. It must be slow here, man.” [Emphasis added]



Will the Atlantic do a column on this denigration of our combats veterans?

©All rights reserved.

10 Things You Never Knew About Orwell’s 1984

George Orwell’s novel 1984 was incredibly popular at the time it was published, and it remains incredibly popular to this day. With multiple stars citing the book as one of their favorites – including Stephen King, David Bowie, Mel Gibson, and Kit Harrington – 1984 has been growing in popularity in recent years. The book reappeared on best-seller lists in early 2017, as some argued Orwell’s dystopian vision had finally arrived.

Below are 10 facts you might not know about Orwell’s dark novel.

  1. Before he wrote 1984, Orwell worked for the British government during World War II as a propagandist at the BBC. (Perhaps seeing the propaganda industry up close led to his critical portrait in 1984.)
  2. Orwell initially named the novel 1980, and then 1982 before settling on 1984. Since it was written in 1948, some think that Orwell devised the title by inverting the year the book was written. Additionally, he thought about naming the novel The Last Man in Europe.
  3. While writing the novel, Orwell fought tuberculosis. The disease ultimately consumed him and he died seven months after 1984 was published, with tuberculosis as the sole cause of death.
  4. In addition to fighting tuberculosis, Orwell almost died while writing the novel. On a recreational boating trip with his children, he went overboard. Fortunately, neither this episode nor the tuberculosis prevented him from finishing his novel.
  5. On an ironic note, Orwell himself was under government surveillance while writing his novel warning about government surveillance. The British government was watching Orwell because they believed he held socialist opinions. This surveillance started after he published The Road to Wigan Pier, a true story about poverty and the lower class in England.
  6. The slogan “2 + 2 = 5” originated from Russia, where the Communist regime used it as a motto of sorts in an effort to help them accomplish the goals of their five-year plan in only four years. Though the slogan is still used to point out the ills of totalitarian brainwashing today, it was not coined by Orwell.
  7. In addition to borrowing a piece of Russian propaganda, Orwell also borrowed some Japanese propaganda for his novel. The “Thought Police” are based on the Japanese wartime secret police who literally arrested Japanese citizens for having “unpatriotic thoughts.” Their official name was the Kempeitai, and they officially named their pursuit the “Thought War.”
  8. When Orwell worked as a propagandist for the BBC, there was a conference room there numbered 101. This room was the room of which he based the location for some of his more horrifying scenes, making the scenes themselves all the more horrifying.
  9. According to Orwell’s friends and families, his second wife Sonia Brownell was the model off of which he based the love interest (Julia) of the book’s main character, Winston Smith.
  10. Though his book may be popular, Orwell’s novel also makes the list of the world’s top ten most frequently banned books. Some ban it for what they claim are pro-communist points of view, and others have banned it because it is anti-communist. Regardless, it is ironic that a book warning against totalitarianism is often an item for censorship.

Reprinted from Intellectual Takeout.


Anna Mathews

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

ALERT- Please Sign the Schiller Petition in Support of the Year of Beethoven Against the Madness of Cultural Degeneration

The following resolution is being circulated internationally by the Schiller Institute.

At a time when we are witnessing growing mindless violence, the degeneration of cultural values, an almost unrivaled dumbing-down of popular taste, and the brutalization of interpersonal relations, we nonetheless still have a crucial source from which a cultural and moral regeneration can be spawned: classical art! The magnificent image of man that is associated with the poetic works of Dante, Petrarch, Lessing or Schiller, or the sublime compositions of Bach, Mozart, Verdi, Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann or Brahms, is still a reference point for the way in which we define ourselves as a society.

But when we consider the role of the artist in contemporary culture, and apply the yardstick given by Schiller:

The dignity of man is in your hands,

Preserve it!

It falls with you! With you, it will rise!

A degraded picture emerges. Our education system hardly conveys any knowledge of classical culture, our so-called youth culture is dominated by a cult of ugliness, and classical culture itself is under massive attack. For decades now, post-war theater companies have invented new abysses of hideousness, productions of Shakespeare or Schiller have become unrecognizable, opera stages have also become battlefields for some time, on which the perverse fantasies of various directors are played out, and now self-styled modern composers are even molesting the compositions of Beethoven, evidently because they are unable to create anything themselves.

This must be stopped! The time has come to launch a counter-offensive!

The Year of Beethoven, in which many Beethoven compositions will be performed all over the world, offers a wonderful occasion for us to recall the best of our cultural tradition in western culture and to oppose it to the moral downward trend of the past decades. We can no longer leave a theater and music mafia, that has ruined classical art, at the helm. Therefore, we call for the creation of a Renaissance movement for the defense and revival of classical art. As Friedrich Schiller demonstrated so incontrovertibly in his Aesthetical Letters: It is only in great art that we can find the inner force to develop our own creativity and to improve ourselves as persons.

The world is currently in the midst of an epochal change in which the previous era, dominated by trans-Atlantic countries, is clearly coming to an end, and the focus of development is shifting to Asia, where there are several peoples who are rightly proud of their civilizations, some of which are more than 5,000 years old, and foster them. If the West has anything to contribute to shaping in a humanist spirit the emerging new paradigm in the world, it is our advanced culture of the Renaissance and the Classics.


©The International Schiller Foundation.

RELATED VIDEO: Memorial Concert for Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. – Schiller Institute.

(Audio remastered) This memorial event celebrating the life and legacy of Lyndon LaRouche was held in New York City on June 8, 2019.