VIDEO EXPOSE OF THE GREAT RESET: Davos and the Plot to Cancel Trump

The following is a very compelling 25 minute scenario regarding the ‘one world’ movement; and attempts to change the world and to take down President Trump, – who stands in their way.

It is well worth watching. He presents a probable and frightening scenario of why we are in these times of chaos; and all the more reason to be strong in support of President Trump.

TheRemnantVideo posted the following comments and video on its YouTube channel:

From the Editor’s Desk, Michael Matt takes a look at some good news regarding the Covid recovery rate before exploring what’s really going on with the global pandemic. To understand this, he takes us to Switzerland—to the World Economic Forum—where the movers and shakers of the world have been meeting on a regular basis, especially since January 2020, to plan ‘The Great Reset’ at the Davos 2021 Summit in January.

Using multiple video clips, Michael shows how everyone from Soros, to Gates, to Schwab, to Al Gore and the Secretary-General of the United Nations are only too eager to admit that Covid offers them a rare opportunity to reset the world economy, population control, global commerce, climate change regulation, education and the UN Sustainable Development Goals in order to “reorder,” “reimagine” and fundamentally transform every aspect of life as we know it. Is this the rest of the story behind the Russia hoax, Ukraine, the phony impeachment and all the other deep state attempts to cripple Trump’s efforts to ‘make America great again”? The folks at Davos want a new world order, and the only thing standing in their way at the moment is US.

And if they get their New Normal, nothing will be the same ever again…unless, perhaps, if Donald Trump wins in November.

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The Mask Nazis Have Blood On Their Hands

“The men whom the people ought to choose to represent them are too busy to take the jobs. But the politician is waiting for it. He’s the pestilence of modern times. What we should try to do is make politics as local as possible. Keep the politicians near enough to kick them. The villagers who met under the village tree could also hang their politicians to the tree. It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged.”  —G. K. Chesterton

“Lies are the greatest murder. They kill the truth.”  – Socrates

“History is strewn thick with evidence that a truth is not hard to kill, but a lie, well told, is immortal.” – Mark Twain

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.” –  George Orwell, 1984

The Coronavirus, which includes the common cold, will come and go, but the government found out how easily the American people were manipulated and how easily they controlled your life.  Remember what they took from us, every “non-essential” job, every sporting event, every school, every restaurant, and most importantly every church.  And we allowed it.

But it’s even worse.  Historically and by definition, quarantines had always been about sequestering the sick. Never before had anyone beat a virus by quarantining the healthy. We were not told that quarantining healthy people was a first-of-its-kind experiment. And the experiment failed.

In America, the homeless population is exploding as people are displaced from homes and apartments. This was fully predictable after more than two months of economic shutdown and underscores the sheer lack of concern for any other lives except those “saved” from Covid-19.  And we know the Covid death counts and those who have tested positive are lies promoted by those who love controlling the dumbed down American masses who haven’t been taught the Constitution and their God given rights in more than six decades.  The CDC has confessed to lying about the Covid death counts.

We know that hospitals make more money when people are diagnosed with Covid, so even if they had comorbidities of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc., or if they died in an accident, if they had tested positive, their death certificates recorded Covid.  No one seems to die of flu anymore…everything is Covid.

Killing the Elderly

Several democratic state governors have sent Covid patients to senior care facilities which has exponentially raised the death rates of the virus, and witnesses in New York City are convinced Cuomo is intentionally hiding the actual number of deaths.  These residents make up only six percent of the nation’s population, but they count for 42 percent of nationwide deaths.  There were 6,600 deaths in Pennsylvania, but 4,500 or 70 percent were in nursing or senior care facilities.

Pennsylvania Rep. Scott Perry is pushing for a further probe of deadly nursing home orders.  He believes the numbers are far higher than reported.  He says the State Attorney General is now threatening to prosecute the nursing homes for murder.  Perry has sent a letter to AG’s in four other states, including Pennsylvania demanding an investigation.  He said the Pennsylvania administration is choosing to blame the nursing homes when they had no choice in the matter.  Watch the three-minute video.

The murder of our weakest elderly Americans was purposely done in at least five democrat run states.

Muzzling Mask Mandates

The Biden-Harris team is saying they’ll have a mask mandate for all of America.  To hell with the Constitution and freedom, they love muzzling the entire nation with face diapers.  There are questions every American should be asking about indefinite mask mandates.  When governments grab powers, they tend to hang onto them.  Indeed, unless the government is comprised entirely of halfwits, they must realize that the lockdown will have already killed far more than the coronavirus.  We have only a handful of constitutional conservatives who actually serve the people.

You have no rights; you only have the responsibility to follow the state’s dictates and wear your mask at all times.  Get on the train, we’re taking you to a work camp.

I’ve had two run-ins with these mask Nazis who believe I could kill them all by not wearing a mask, but if my not wearing a mask can infect those who are wearing a mask, what is their mask doing for them? These people will scream at you from 12 to 15 feet away as though you’re polluting the entire environment.  I’ve stated that I have a medical reason not to wear a mask, but that doesn’t assuage their fears.  My 6’2” husband doesn’t wear a mask either, and when I’m with him, no one says a word, but go out alone and the Nazis feel that a 105-pound woman is fair game.

American people do not venture from their homes without a face diaper that hides who they are. The Associated Press-National Opinion Research Center, (NORC) Center for Public Affairs Research found that 75% of those polled were “strongly” or “somewhat” in favor of requiring people to wear masks in public when around other people. Only 13% of respondents “strongly” or “somewhat” opposed such requirements.  Of democrats, 89% said they were “strongly” or “somewhat” in favor while 59% of republicans said the same.  What does that tell you?!  Our citizens are willing accomplices in destroying their freedoms.

Mainstream media as well as conservative media are all singing the same song, wear your mask, cover your face, eliminate expressions, smiles, frowns, fear, happiness, look like a Muslim!  It’s patriotic!  The hell it is!  And media fails to give both sides of the issue.  Anyone who fights the mask attacks is silenced by censorship.  We are in a war and most Americans haven’t figured that out yet.  George Orwell said, “Threats to freedom of speech, writing and action, though often trivial in isolation, are cumulative in their effect, and unless checked, lead to a general disrespect for the rights of the citizen.”  Our unalienable first amendment has a boot stomping on it.

Only a few will stand against the tyrants.  Only a few know fear is not from the Lord.  Only a few realize what is happening to our nation.  And only a few will refuse to bend their knees to tyranny.

Mandating masks has not kept death rates down anywhere. The 20 U.S. states that have never ordered people to wear face masks indoors and out have dramatically lower COVID-19 death rates than the 30 states that have mandated masks. Most of the no-mask states have COVID-19 death rates below 20 per 100,000 population, and none have a death rate higher than 55. All 13 states that have death rates higher than 55 are states that have required the wearing of masks in all public places. It has not protected them.

Okay, okay…some people should wear masks, masks that will really protect them and their loved ones…because this virus targets the elderly and those with comorbidities.  But get an N95 mask and have it properly fitted and wear it only for short periods.  The paper and homemade masks do nothing and actually can make you sick and that means sick with this Wuhan virus.  Did any of us wear masks in 2009-2010 when so many died of H1N1?  Nope…we never even thought about it, and we never think about it during yearly flu season.  Oh yes, we have vaccines for that, but people still die of the flu every year.

Hello Darkness

In Shirley Edwards’ recent column, she included a four-minute video that was telling as to what we’re facing in America today.  Please watch it!

The visual effects set to the song, Sound of Silence, which starts out, “Hello darkness, my old friend,” are startling in their true portrayal of what is happening to our country and to other so-called free countries.  There are pockets of Americans crying for freedom, but they are only whispers.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources wants its employees to wear masks for meetings that are held on teleconferences from home even when no one else is around.  They said, “Set the safety example which shows you as a DNR public service employee care about the safety and health of others,” he said.  How utterly fatuous are these people?

In Nashville, Tennessee, at a virtual meeting of committees, Nashville Metro Council, at-large member Sharon Hurt addressed some remarks to Mike Jameson, Nashville Mayor John Cooper’s director of legislative affairs.  She suggested that people who refuse to wear masks, be charged with murder or attempted murderLink

Mask Dangers

Not only is there little evidence (if any) to support masking; there are at least seven gold-standard randomized controlled trials showing that muzzling yourself won’t stop the spread of infection.  Masks are only really effective if they fit perfectly and if the wearer does not move their head while wearing them. Touching a mask appears to stop the mask providing protection. It has been suggested that you should put on a new mask if you have touched the one you are wearing.  Check out how many times a child touches a mask, not to mention adults.

Wearing masks for extended periods will make us sick and will probably make us more vulnerable to illness. They can damage the immune system. Fear and stress also weaken the immune system.  Forcing masks is partly to dehumanize us and they isolate us from one another.  The government wants us frightened to death and dehumanized for a virus that 97 % to 99.75% of people recover from.  Think about it, bandits and robbers wear masks.  Are we safer wearing masks?  Hardly, but the fear factor has been sold so well that Americans are afraid to hug their friends and family and will run from someone without a face diaper.

Wearing masks can cause a flare up of acne, candida infections around the mouth, candida in the mouth, and dental problems.  The new oral hygiene issue, caused by, you guessed it, wearing a mask all the time is leading to all kinds of dental disasters like decaying teeth, receding gum lines and seriously sour breath.

“We’re seeing inflammation in people’s gums that have been healthy forever, and cavities in people who have never had them before,” says Dr. Rob Ramondi, a dentist and co-founder of One Manhattan Dental. “About 50% of our patients are being impacted by this, so, we decided to name it ‘mask mouth’ after ‘meth mouth.’” Link

Schools in China are now prohibiting students from wearing masks while exercising. Why? Because it was killing them. It was depriving them of oxygen and that killed them. At least three children died during physical education classes, two of them while running on their school’s track while wearing a mask. And a 26-year-old man suffered a collapsed lung after running two and a half miles while wearing a mask.

Surgical Masks

Surgical masks are worn to stop bits of food or hair falling from the surgeon or nurse into an open wound.  They will stop some bacteria, but will not usually stop viruses.

However, Neil Orr’s study was published in 1981 in the Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Dr. Orr was a surgeon in the Severalls Surgical Unit in Colchester. And for six months, from March through August 1980, the surgeons and staff in that unit decided to see what would happen if they did not wear masks during surgeries.

They wore no masks for six months, and compared the rate of surgical wound infections from March through August 1980 with the rate of wound infections from March through August of the previous four years. And they discovered, to their amazement, that when nobody wore masks during surgeries, the rate of wound infections was less than half what it was when everyone wore masks. Their conclusion: “It would appear that minimum contamination can best be achieved by not wearing a mask at all” and that wearing a mask during surgery “is a standard procedure that could be abandoned.”

There is no medical evidence that masks do any good but there is very real evidence that they can do harm.  The death rate from the Covid-19 bug has fallen considerably in recent weeks; most of the really vulnerable people have already died. The authorities have successfully cleaned out eldercare homes and exterminated a good chunk of the population receiving social security and Medicare. I wonder how much that has saved the treasury?

Other Mask Risks

A report published in the British Medical Journal summarized some other risks.

First, when you wear a face mask some of the air you breathe out goes into your eyes. This can be annoying and uncomfortable and if, as a result, you touch your eyes you may infect yourself.  And get them off the children who touch them all the time!  My God, have parents gone insane?!

Second, face masks make breathing more difficult and, as I have pointed out in previous articles, anyone who has a breathing problem will find that a mask makes it worse. Also, some of the carbon dioxide which is breathed out with each exhalation is then breathed in because it is trapped. Together these factors may mean that the mask wearer may breathe more frequently or more deeply and if that happens then someone who has the coronavirus may end up breathing more of the virus into their lungs. If a mask is contaminated because it has been worn for too long then the risks are even greater. How long is too long? No one knows. No research has been done as far as I know.

Third, there is a risk that the accumulation of the virus in the fabric of the mask may increase the amount of the virus being breathed in, especially if the mask is reused. This might then defeat the body’s immune response and cause an increase in infections, other infections, not just the coronavirus.

Another report, written with medical authority by Dr. Russell Blaylock, a retired neurosurgeon, offers even more problems with masks.


If masks work so well, why didn’t they give them to all the prisoners instead of letting them out into the public to rape, rob, murder, etc.?  They have no answer for that question.  There really is no medical evidence that masks help, but there is evidence that they harm.

The lockdown is now killing so many people that even if the number dying from the bug were to double in the next month the total would still not come anywhere near to the total who die every year from the flu, when you add on the number who have died because of the lockdown. Mental illnesses, anxiety and depression, will be the new pandemics. The government admits that the number dying from the ordinary flu has fallen, what a surprise that is, but they cannot tell us how many have committed suicide since we were all put under house arrest.

American citizens do not realize that Covid-19 is psychological warfare.  We are now frozen in fear of a virus that has proven to be no more of a killer than the pretty standard yearly flu virus.  Fear is the factor, and fear is not from the Lord God Almighty.

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

Top Pelosi Staffer Registered As ‘Foreign Agent’ to Lobby For Chinese State Media Outlet

The one entity the Democrats won’t serve or represent are the American people. Democrat party of treason.

EXCLUSIVE: Top Pelosi Staffer Registered As ‘Foreign Agent’ to Lobby For Chinese State Media Outlet

By: Natalie Winters, August 13, 2020

Brendan Daly, former Communications Director for Nancy Pelosi and a political appointee of the Obama administration, is a registered foreign agent who provided the Chinese Communist Party’s premier state-run media outlet China Central Television Network with “strategic counsel” as it expanded into the United States, The National Pulse can reveal.

During his tenure as Executive Vice President at Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide, Daly secured a contract between the lobbying behemoth and China Central Television Network (CCTV).

Specifically, the firm helped the state-run propaganda outfit CCTV expand into American homes by “providing strategic counsel, identify relevant parties to communications activities, and media relations to support the launch of CCTV America.”

“Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide will work with CCTV America to communicate to the American public that CCTV America will provide compelling, comprehensive, and balanced news programming from an Asian perspective that is relevant to a global audience,” the 2012 filing in accordance with the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) noted.

Per CCTV’s FARA registration, however, the outlet is “supervised, owned, directed, controlled, financed, and subsidized” entirely by the Chinese Communist Party.
Pelosi accompanied by Daly, pictured on her right

Email correspondence from Daly identifies him as taking the lead on the account, as he spoke with CCTV’s American representative on the phone.

He also provided the outlet with a memo detailing Ogilvy’s strategy on the count, detailing how to best bridge the gap between American homes and Chinese Communist Party propaganda:

The memo, sent from Daly, outlines how Ogilvy would provide CCTV with comprehensive support, including “influencer engagement” and “media relations support,” to achieve the “overall message that CCTV Americas is the source for business news in and with China, with credentialed, experienced and trusted journalists doing in-depth stories and reporting.”

“We are excited about the prospect of working with you to help establish CCTV Americas as the program to watch to succeed in an interconnected global economy,” the email concludes.

CCTV has been identified by Freedom House think tank as a “long-standing weapon in Beijing’s arsenal of repression” whose mission “is to attack designated enemies of the Communist Party,” chiefly the U.S.

Daly informed fellow employees that CCTV had hired Ogilvy, noting the CCP-funded outlet would pay the firm $15,000 monthly for three months.

“China Central Television is the national television station of the People’s Republic of China. CCTV America is the bureau located in Washington DC.

CCTV falls under the supervision of the State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television which is in turn subordinate to the State Council of the People’s Republic Of China,” the FARA registration noted, placing Daly on the payroll of the Chinese Communist Party.

Have a tip we should know? Your anonymity is NEVER compromised. Email


President Trump’s Younger Brother Has Died

CLINTON CORRUPTION: Crooked Hillary says she’s ready to serve in a Biden administration and help ‘fix’

Terror World Body: UN Security Council rejects US resolution to extend Iran arms embargo

NO QUESTIONS: Biden-Harris Refuse to Take Questions at Presser

USPS warns 46 states it cannot guarantee mail-in ballots will arrive in time for election

First Time In Their History, New York Police Union Announces Their Presidential Endorsement – TRUMP

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Ilhan Omar has almost certainly committed the most extensive spree of felonies by a congressperson in U.S. history’

Ilhan Omar will not be prosecuted, or even investigated. She can do whatever she wants. Why? Because she is a leftist, a black person, a woman, and a Muslim. Those are the groups that really have privilege in American society today. Those four aspects of Omar’s identity are the reasons why she will not be prosecuted. Anyone who dared to prosecute her would be excoriated in the establishment media as a racist “Islamophobe.” Few have the courage to stand up against that onslaught.

“Ilhan Omar must resign: New evidence from nearly three dozen Somalis reveals a probable spree of felonies,” by David Steinberg, The Blaze, August 10, 2020:

According to the media’s general judgment, 2020 U.S. voters are most concerned with purportedly complex issues of crime and justice. Voters should place no trust in this. This same media forbade itself to investigate a simple, yet objectively historic corruption scandal of national interest.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has almost certainly committed the most extensive spree of felonies by a congressperson in U.S. history. As a criminal, she also appears to be historically inept. Scores of verified items of evidence against her are in the public record. Omar has never challenged their authenticity and has never produced a single piece of evidence to support her version of events.

She faces a primary on Tuesday. She again won her party’s endorsement. She again won House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s endorsement — and her funding.

The mainstream media judges this remarkable situation to be irrelevant to Minnesota voters, let alone the dominant concern. Editorial malpractice on issues of crime, justice, and the 2020 election spreads everywhere this summer; by no coincidence, the spread can be traced to irresponsible media coverage of a deadly riot in Rep. Omar’s district.

Below are 32 new, verifiable, archived pieces of evidence of Omar’s historic crime spree.

Above: One of many Somali-language tributes to “Colonel Nur Said Elmi,” Rep. Ilhan Omar’s father, sent from around the world by family, friends, and contacts following his tragic June 2020 death from a COVID-19 infection. As a high-ranking officer in Somalia’s (U.S.-backed) military from the 1970s until 1991, he was well known by this name and title.

In mid-June, Ilhan Omar’s father tragically died from a COVID-19 infection. Expressions of grief, condolences, and prayers arrived from around the world, but particularly from the Somali-speaking immigrant community of Minneapolis and from the U.K. By all accounts, he earned his reputation as a gentle, kind neighbor, well known and beloved within Cedar-Riverside, as he had been in Somalia.

His relevance to Rep. Omar’s landmark scandal is, of course, his birth name. Upon arriving in the United States in 1995, he claimed to be “Nur Omar Mohamed” and received a Social Security number with this name. However, all appeared to know him as Nur Said. He presented himself as Nur Said. Both Ilhan and her sister Sahra Noor referred to their father as Nur Said (prior to deleting the evidence). He is identified on-screen as “Nur Said, Ilhan’s father” in the 2018 documentary film “Time for Ilhan” and again as “Nur Said” in the credits. Twice.

Most importantly, British citizen Leila Nur Said Elmi declared her father to be “Nur Said Elmi, military officer on her 1997 marriage application. (Click the link to see the application and a photo of Leila Nur Said Elmi with both Ilhan and Nur Said.)

From 2009 until 2017, Ilhan Omar was married (by a Christian minister) to British citizen Ahmed Nur Said Elmi. Somali naming customs are patrilineal and do not use family surnames. For example, “Ahmed Nur Said Elmi” implies that Ahmed’s father is “Nur,” his grandfather is “Said,” and his great-grandfather is “Elmi.”

Also from 2009 until 2017, Ilhan Omar lived with, raised three kids with, and illegally filed multiple joint tax returns with a second man — not Ahmed Nur Said Elmi.

Just a couple months after marrying, Ilhan and her legal husband both enrolled at North Dakota State University and received federal financial aid. Married couples are not required to submit evidence of their respective parents’ assets on FAFSA applications and thus likely receive much more favorable loan terms.

Almost certainly, Rep. Omar fraudulently married her brother, a British citizen, in the service of immigration fraud, education fraud, and federal student loan fraud. Along the way, she filed at least two years of fraudulent tax returns, and possibly eight. She lived in several different subsidized housing units during this time. She likely received subsidized health care and child care during this time. For eight years, every application she signed for state and federal aid was likely fraudulent. During her 2017 divorce from Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, Ilhan submitted a nine-question statement to the court signed under penalty of perjury. Literally — she signed just below the statement of acknowledgment. Eight of her nine answers appear to be perjurious. Each instance is punishable by up to five years’ imprisonment.

The paperwork she signed for her successful 2016 run and two-year tenure as a Minnesota state representative may contain instances of perjury as well.

It appears that the media may be waiting for verifiable references to her father as “Nur Said Elmi” rather than “Nur Said.” Logically, this should not be considered necessary, considering the following:

  1. Ilhan’s father and her father-in-law would have been named “Nur Said.”
  2. Only one “Nur Said” in the necessary age range appears in publicly available archives in either the U.S. or U.K.

However, here these references are. Below are dozens of new, verifiable, archived references to father as “Nur Said Elmi” from family, friends, and contacts. You will also find many new references to his daughter Leyla Nur Said Elmi, his son Mohamed Nur Said Elmi, and even to his son Ahmed Nur Said Elmi…


‘Palestinians’ Are Enraged at Trump’s Israel-UAE Deal, Which Means It Must Be Good

Austria: Muslim migrant ‘guardians of morals’ threaten ‘too Western’ women, hang their pictures in mosques

India: Muslim kidnaps minor Hindu girl at gunpoint, cops insist it’s a ‘love affair,’ refuse to investigate

French cops in Muslim no-go zone: ‘You only have to move somewhere else’ or go vigilante

France: Calais mayor says UK has ‘declared maritime war’ by stopping illegal Muslim boat migrants

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Race Card of Discontent: Dividing America at the People’s Expense by Patra Minocha

Written by Patra Minocha.

It’s not about race or the color of our skin;
It’s character, integrity and honesty that wins!

Character is “color-blind.”
Integrity embraces truth.
Honesty knows humility,
is never arrogant or aloof.

It’s not about race or the color of our skin;
It’s truth, transparency and accountability that wins!

Truth doesn’t lie.
Transparency doesn’t deceive.
Be leery of those who have a “race card” up their sleeve.

It’s not about race or the color of our skin;
It’s courage, conviction and honor that wins!

Courage stays the course.
Conviction bravely stands.
Without honor among our leaders,
We’ll lose our sovereign land.

It’s not about race or the color of our skin;
It’s about trust and understanding,
Goodwill among men.

Our trust has been over-tested,
Our tolerance has long spread thin,
Understanding has its limits,
Goodwill makes amends.

It’s not about race or the color of our skin;
The race card incites anger,
fosters bitterness between men.

It’s not about race or the color of our skin;
Government gamblers play the “race card”,
to destroy America from within.
In a weakened Republic…
Tyranny wins!

©2011 Brave Hill Productions.

RELATED VIDEO: Kamala Harris attacks Joe Biden’s record on race in Democratic Primary Debate.



Patra Minocha, a retired registered nurse, has spent past 10 years working as a Conservative Activist and nine years booking guests for radio and TV interviews. Patra has scheduled over 120 people for interviews. Patra is the President of Brave Hill Productions.

Banish Sin, Transform the Church

David G. Bonagura, Jr.: Detractors say trivializing sin was part of Vatican II’s spirit and is still in the post-conciliar Church. But the perennial problem is really sin itself.

The Second Vatican Council is back in the news lately, with two prominent, tradition-minded bishops revisiting well-known arguments of conciliar interpretation in light two recent Vatican documents, Amoris Laetitia and the Abu Dhabi statement on world religions. Their analyses of the Council, the difficulties in reconciling certain expressions with tradition, and the frightening breakdown of the Church that followed – a breakdown that some even justified under the Council’s nebulous “spirit” – are serious, though faithful Catholics will find their premises and conclusions worthy of debate.

Yet their analyses are now also very familiar. Blaming the Council for the Church’s ills has been a hobbyhorse for 55 years now. At this point, when it comes to arguing about the Council, Ecclesiastes’ tired observation comes to mind: “There is nothing new under the sun.”

Just weeks earlier, as public Masses were resumed after the coronavirus suspension, a little-noticed controversy impressed on me that the problems in the Church today stem from something far more fundamental, and simple, than the formulation of documents that few know about and fewer have read. When the proposal circulated of having Mass without reception of Holy Communion, some faithful and some clergy blanched. Their issue was not solely the deprivation of union with our Lord. It was that they did not see the point of having Mass at all without reception.

Such a thought stems from a profound misunderstanding what the Mass – and the sacrifice that it represents – is for: the salvation of souls. And there is no wonder the goal of salvation has been forgotten, since sin, the tyrannical reality from which we must be saved, has itself been deliberately banished from view, trivialized as a human psychosis, or written off as an obsession of earlier, unenlightened times.

It is the marginalization of sin, more than Vatican II or anything else, that has transformed the life of the Church as we know it in the last half-century. Our entire faith and the structure of the Church rest on three acts: creation, fall, and redemption. By dismissing the fall, and every sin that has come after it, the understanding of redemption necessarily takes on new meaning.

If Jesus did not need to redeem us from sin, then essential doctrines and the sacramental economy have to be reconceived. Consider:

* Jesus Christ ceased to be emphasized as our Savior who sacrificed His life to atone for our sins. Instead, images of “Jesus is my homeboy” became popular. Without a message of salvation, Jesus was reduced to a “great moral teacher” on par with Socrates.

* Shifting the view of the Savior and salvation caused worship to shift as well. Witness how few people today know the phrase “the holy sacrifice of the Mass.” We know from the work of Dr. Lauren Pristas and Father John Zuhlsdorf that, after the Council, the formal prayers of the Mass were deliberately reworked to eliminate references to sin. The turning of the altars to face the people, never mentioned by the Council, heightened a new experience of a community celebrating itself above the sacrifice of Calvary. The general desacralizing of Catholic worship made the Mass seem as it were of no consequence rather than the enduring basis of our salvation.

* Sacramental Confession was abandoned by nearly all the faithful. There is no need to confess if we have not sinned. And if we do not need to confess, then surely there is no need for acts of penitence or reparation. Eight days of the year that still call for abstinence from meat is all that is left of Catholic penitential practice.

* If there is no sin, then everyone goes to Heaven, Catholic or not, virtuous or not. Funerals became canonizations, and Hell was dismissed as a tactic to coerce good behavior. Catholicism became just another world religion on par with the others, since it no longer had anything unique to offer.

* If people do not need to be saved from sin, then there is no need for priests to give up their lives in service of those seeking redemption. The collapse of vocations is a direct result of the banishment of sin.

* Catholic theology, morality, and education all took turns for the worse after this constitutive understanding of sin and redemption was morphed.

Were there other causes of the Church’s post-Conciliar malaise? Yes, of course. But it is not an oversimplification to home in on the trivialization of sin as the root cause of it all. Throughout Church history, lying at the root of heresy is not an intricately woven system, but a misunderstanding of the first principle of revelation. To minimize sin alters the view of God’s entire plan of salvation, from the covenant with Abraham, to the redemption by Christ, to the role of the Church in perpetuating His salvation.

Vatican II’s perpetual detractors will argue that the trivialization of sin was part of the Modernist spirit that infiltrated conciliar documents and the post-conciliar Church. Yet that implies the Council itself is not the definitive problem; the Council and its “spirit” have been invoked to cloak a deeper issue.

It is, therefore, this deeper issue of properly understanding sin and the need to be saved from it that requires our attention above all. For Benedict XVI’s hermeneutic of continuity to have the final word on interpreting the council, sound Catholic doctrines – Creation, Fall, Redemption – must first be restored to their proper place.


David G Bonagura, Jr.

David G. Bonagura Jr. teaches at St. Joseph’s Seminary, New York. He is the author of Steadfast in Faith: Catholicism and the Challenges of Secularism (Cluny Media).

EDITORS NOTE: This The Catholic Thing column is republished with permission. © 2020 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

Kamala Harris: Our Ticket Can Say ‘Black Lives Matter’

In an interview with The 19th, Democrat vice presidential pick Kamala Harris claimed that the Democrat ticket “can say the phrase Black Lives Matter” while the Republican ticket is “full-time sowing hate and division in our country.”


“When you look at everything that relates to what we’ve discussed in terms of childcare, when you look at what we’re talking about in terms of jobs, health care, when you look at what we need to do to address racial and not only disparities in terms of the healthcare system and in terms of the economy and education system, we need to speak about systemic racism, and when you have one ticket that can say the phrase Black Lives Matter and another who has full-time sowing hate and division in our country, those are the things that are going to motivate black women to vote,” Kamala ranted.

“Literally, this is probably one of the most important elections of our lifetime. This is about every issue we discussed and whether we’ll have a president of the United States who actually works to lift folks up and give you a sense of pride in your country or somebody who’s just full time just beating people down.”

Who is tearing this country apart — Trump or Black Lives Matter and the race-obsessed Democrats?

Kamala Harris

56 Known Connections

Accusing President Trump of Racism

On June 11, 2020, Harris joined other Democrats as well as a number of media outlets in declaring that President Trump’s plans for future campaign rallies in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Jacksonville, Florida, were racist — simply because of the locations chosen, and the dates for which the rallies were scheduled. For example, Harris was vexed by the Trump campaign’s announcement that it would hold its first rally in Tulsa on June 19 — commonly known as “Juneteenth,” a day which many African Americans observe as the anniversary of the day when freed slaves in Texas were read the Emancipation Proclamation. In the senator’s calculus, Trump’s choice of that date was a deliberate provocation: “This isn’t just a wink to white supremacists—he’s throwing them a welcome home party,” she tweeted. Democrats and journalists also claimed that the choice of Tulsa as the site of the rally was racist, because in 1921 that city had been the scene of deadly race riots by local whites. Critics likewise objected to a Trump rally scheduled for Jacksonville on August 27, noting that it would coincide with the 60th anniversary of a Ku Klux Klan attack against black activists in that city.

To learn more about Kamala Harris, click on the profile link here.

RELATED VIDEO: Kamala’s Shocking Rotten Road to Biden’s VP Pick.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: On the Slaughter of 5-Year Old Cannon Hinnant

Tucker first reported the dreadful story on Thursday night:

And, now here at RightScoop you can find his updated report from last night:

Say His Name: Tucker & Nancy Grace take up Cannon Hinnant story; Why haven’t the media covered this story? What about it don’t they like?’

Cannon is a victim of the hate-filled racial tension the Left has been generating (forever!), but with increased seeming pleasure in recent months.

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column posted by is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi Bashes Trump for Signing Payroll Tax Cut. But She Loved it when Obama was President

Speaker Pelosi is just an awful human being. She is the very epitome of the Washington DC swamp. When are Americans going to stop voting for this open corruption? We need a landslide victory against the Dems in November.

Nancy Pelosi bashes Trump for signing payroll tax cut. But she loved it when Obama was president

By The Blaze, August 13, 2020

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi harshly condemned President Donald Trump for taking executive action on Saturday in response to Congress’s failure to pass a second coronavirus relief package.

In a joint statement with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), Pelosi claimed the president’s action “endanger[s] seniors’ Social Security and Medicare.” That’s because, in an effort to help Americans financially, Trump signed an executive order deferring payroll taxes — known as the “FICA” tax, which funds Social Security and Medicare — through the end of the year.

The move puts more money directly into the pockets of Americans. Still, Pelosi made it clear she was angered by Trump’s action.

“While he says he’s going to do the payroll tax, what he’s doing is undermining Social Security and Medicare, so these are illusions,” she claimed on “Fox News Sunday.”

As it turns out, Pelosi’s posture is a hypocritical about-face.

What did Pelosi say before?

When Barack Obama, a Democrat, was in the White House, Pelosi supported a unilateral payroll tax reduction — not once, not twice, but three times.

In 2010, Obama announced a payroll tax cut — from 6.2% to 4.2% — that he said would “create jobs and boost economic growth.” When Congress extended the tax cut one year later, Pelosi celebrated the measure as a “victory for all Americans.”

Pelosi said at the time:

Today is a victory for all Americans — for the security of our middle class, for the health of our seniors, and for economic growth and job creation.The American people spoke out clearly and, thanks to President Obama’s leadership, 160 million Americans will continue to receive their payroll tax cut – nearly $40 per paycheck in the pockets of the average family. I salute the work of the unified House Democratic caucus on behalf of the American people.Then, when Congress extended the cut again in 2012, Pelosi justified the action as “necessary because our economy and our people need this boost.”

In an interview with PBS, Pelosi went on to say that she did not think the temporary payroll tax cut endangered Social Security and Medicare — despite now, of course, changing her tune completely.

“The [Social Security and Medicare] trust fund can handle that,” Pelosi explained matter-of-factly.



President Trump planning Monday visit to Minnesota and Wisconsin

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Antisemitic Democrats Denounce Peace HISTORIC Deal Between Israel and the UAE

HORRIBLE: 9/11 Memorial canceled over COVID-19 panic mongering

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Israel-UAE Peace Agreement Is Proof Trump’s Middle East Policy Is Working

Thursday’s announcement of a “historic peace agreement” between Israel and the United Arab Emirates–the first deal to normalize relations between Israel and an Arab nation brokered by the U.S. in over a quarter-century–is more evidence that President Donald Trump is the first president in a long time to get U.S. Middle East policy more right than wrong.

Under the agreement, Israel and the UAE will establish “full normalization of relations,” including diplomatic relations with the opening of embassies, trade, tourism, direct flights, and other agreements. The only two other Arab nations that have diplomatic relations with Israel are Egypt and Jordan.

In a major concession, Israel will “suspend declaring sovereignty” over portions of the West Bank that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had planned to annex “and focus its efforts now on expanding ties with other countries in the Arab and Muslim World,” according to a joint statement issue by Trump, Netanyahu, and the leaders of the UAE.

Here’s the history of U.S. Middle East policy in the 21st century so far:

How are socialists deluding a whole generation? Learn more now >>

President George W. Bush: Jump in with both feet and try to fix everything. Result: failure.

President Barack Obama: Run away as fast as you can, and try to ignore everything. Result: epic failure.

President Trump: Stick around, put out the fires, and be friends to your friends–but insist they carry their fair share of the load for making their own neighborhood safe. Result: success.

The joint statement declaring the diplomatic breakthrough says it was made at “the request of President Trump.” This is just the latest sign that the Trump plan to bring peace between Israel and its neighbors is falling into place.

Let’s be honest. The Trump administration inherited a Middle East policy from the Obama administration that was collapsing faster than a bad day on the Dow.

Iran had become more belligerent after the Iran Nuclear Deal and its surrogates were on the march everywhere. ISIS was governing a murderous caliphate in parts of Syria and Iraq. Syria had collapsed in civil war. Iraq teetered. Israel faced increasing international isolation.

Yet Trump promptly turned a corner on every one of these setbacks for American policy.

Then the Trump administration started a campaign to develop a sustainable presence in the Middle East that protected vital U.S. interests. Meanwhile, the White House also strongly signaled the U.S. would not abandon its friends.

In particular, the Trump administration stopped limiting its support for Israel to progress in Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, which were going nowhere because the Palestinians refused to talk.

Further, the Trump administration stuck by strategic partners, such as Egypt, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia–even as they struggled and stumbled, sometimes bumping heads with each other, other countries in the region, and Washington.

Then the Trump administration added a vision of a Middle East Strategic Alliance. The alliance was designed to eventually knit Israel and Arab nations together into a collective framework that would be a force for stability and increasing prosperity in the region.

The alliance would not be a Middle East NATO. It would be a grouping with U.S. support and participation that would keep Iran at bay; combat transnational Islamist terrorism; preempt regional conflicts and humanitarian crises, and promote economic integration.

Trump hasn’t achieved that very ambitious goal–not by a long shot. But the agreement announced Thursday between the UAE and Israel demonstrates Trump is making progress at putting the building blocks for a sustainable security framework in place.

The UAE-Israel agreement shows Trump has been right on what is needed in the Middle East. Arab leaders can achieve more by engaging with Israel diplomatically than by boycotting diplomatic efforts to improve relations, as the Palestinian Authority has demanded.

Trump’s work isn’t done. Other Arab nations are likely to follow the UAE’s lead and sign normalization of relations agreements with Israel. The U.S. has already received private positive feedback from senior officials in other countries in the Gulf. Indeed, Bahrain could be next up to make permanent peace with Israel.

The Trump administration may well have crossed the tipping point in charting the future of U.S. policy so far that there is no going back, whether Trump is reelected or former Vice President Joe Biden wins the November presidential election.

Evidence of this was that while Biden is quick to criticize Trump on just about everything, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee issued a statement praising the Israel-UAE agreement.

“Today, Israel and the United Arab Emirates have taken a historic step to bridge the deep divides of the Middle East,” Biden said in his statement. “The UAE’s offer to publicly recognize the State of Israel is a welcome, brave, and badly-needed act of statesmanship. And it is a critical recognition that Israel is a vibrant, integral part of the Middle East that is here to stay. Israel can and will be a valued strategic and economic partner to all who welcome it.”

So whether the U.S. is led by President Trump or President Biden beginning in January, there will likely be no Iran deal to go back to. In addition, while many in Washington would be happy to drop the hammer on Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt over a range of concerns real and imagined, the truth is that the U.S. has far more to gain working with powers in the region than against them.

Trump has delivered the best prospects to forge a positive path for the Greater Middle East since the end of the Cold War. Regardless of whether he or Biden win their election contest, it would be self-defeating for the next administration to take any course other than following through on the progress of the last almost four years.

It would also be wrong, peevish, and partisan not to acknowledge the achievements of U.S. statecraft under Trump.

Originally published by Fox News


James Jay Carafano, a leading expert in national security and foreign policy challenges, is The Heritage Foundation’s vice president for foreign and defense policy studies, E. W. Richardson fellow, and director of the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for International Studies. Read his research. Twitter: .

A Note for our Readers:

Democratic Socialists say, “America should be more like socialist countries such as Sweden and Denmark.” And millions of young people believe them…

For years, “Democratic Socialists” have been growing a crop of followers that include students and young professionals. America’s future will be in their hands.

How are socialists deluding a whole generation? One of their most effective arguments is that “democratic socialism” is working in Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Norway. They claim these countries are “proof” that socialism will work for America. But they’re wrong. And it’s easy to explain why.

Our friends at The Heritage Foundation just published a new guide that provides three irrefutable facts that debunks these myths. For a limited time, they’re offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free.

Get your free copy of “Why Democratic Socialists Can’t Legitimately Claim Sweden and Denmark as Success Stories” today and equip yourself with the facts you need to debunk these myths once and for all.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Do Something About It’: BLM Protesters In Seattle Call On White People To Give Up Their Homes

Black Lives Matter protesters appeared to march through a suburban Seattle neighborhood demanding white residents give up their homes, claiming white residents gentrified the area, according to a video shared on Twitter.

Dozens of protesters chanting “Black Lives Matter” took to the streets before an unidentified man appeared to say white residents are living in a historically black section of the city and should give up their homes to black people.

“Do you know that before your white a** came here this was all black people? Do you know people like you came here and basically bought all the land from the black people for less than what it was worth, kicked them out so you could live here?” the man said in the video. “Do you know that? Cause if you don’t, now you f–king do, now do something about it!”

A woman on a megaphone then appears to demand white residents “open” their wallets before telling the unidentified residents to leave the area.

“Give black people back their homes! You’re sitting there comfortable-comfortable as f–k as if they didn’t help gentrify this neighborhood!” the woman shouted.

Seattle is the third most gentrified city in the United States, according to The Seattle Times.

The Central District of Seattle, which has historically been black, has seen a dramatic decrease in the number of black residents, with estimates showing the area could be less than 10% black in the next decade despite having been 73% black in 1970, according to a report from The Seattle Times.

While gentrification can displace low-income families, for original residents who don’t move away, gentrification reduces their exposure to poverty and increases the value of their homes, according to The Seattle Times.

Seattle is working to rectify issues of gentrification, creating a policy that encourages developers to combat gentrification by choosing residents with community connections.





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Police Arrest Suspected Killer Of 4-Year-Old Who Operation Legend Was Named After

D.C. Police Arrest 41 People Who ‘Engaged In Rioting Behavior’ Overnight

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Chicago Store Owner Spent $300,000 To Reopen Destroyed Business After Riots, Only For It To Be Struck Again By Vandals

A Chicago shop owner thought he had a second chance after his store was destroyed during the riots and violence following George Floyd’s death in May, the Associated Press reported.

But that second chance was fleeting. After Walid Mouhammad, the owner of African Food & Liquor, spent $300,000 to reopen his store in Chicago when it was vandalized in May, surveillance video showed Monday the inside of his shop being robbed and ransacked for the second time, according to the Associated Press.

Mouhammad has worked at the West Side Chicago convenience store for 33 years, with 20 years as its owner. His store was vandalized in late May, when riots and protests broke out across the country following the death May 25 of George Floyd, who died after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for several minutes.

Mouhammad is unsure if he’ll be able to reopen again after his store was destroyed and emptied the second time. Police were blocks away when his landlord and several workers called 911 to report that people were trying to break into his store.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot warned vandals that the city would hold them accountable for their actions, but Chicago has continued to spiral into violence and crime.

Over 100 people were arrested and 13 officers were injured amid looting and violence Sunday in Chicago. The violence was  reportedly prompted by an officer-related shooting. High-end shops were broken into and looted, and even a Ronald McDonald House was vandalized while sick children and their parents slept inside.

Chicago is also experiencing a surge in crime.

The Chicago Police Department counted 105 murders in July alone, a 139% increase over July 2019, which saw 44 murders. Police counted 406 shooting incidents, a 75% rise compared to July 2019’s total of 232.

The city’s murders are up 50% when comparing the January-July periods from 2020 and 2019, and shootings have jumped 47% for the same period.



Culture reporter.



Chicago Rioters Struck Ronald McDonald House While More Than 30 Families And Sick Children Slept Inside

D.C. Police Arrest 41 People Who ‘Engaged In Rioting Behavior’ Overnight

Police Arrest Suspected Killer Of 4-Year-Old Who Operation Legend Was Named After

Attorney For Officer Accused Of Killing Rayshard Brooks Says DA Tried To Uncover Who Donated To His Client

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

REPORT: As Crime Surges, New York Police Union Is Expected To Endorse Trump

The New York City Police Benevolent Association (PBA) is expected to announce their endorsement of President Donald Trump over the weekend, the New York Post reported.

The announcement could come Saturday at the president’s country club in Bedminster, New Jersey, according to the report. Other law enforcement groups have endorsed Trump for reelection, including the National Association of Police Organizations, which endorsed the president in July.

The union, which represents 24,000 NYPD officers, didn’t endorse a candidate during the 2016 election, the Post reported. Their expected endorsement of Trump comes after a surge in crime and weeks of protests.

Black Lives Matter protests spread nationwide following the May 25 death of George Floyd. The protests turned violent in several places across the country, including in New York, where protesters clashed with officers, set police cars on fire, and looted businesses.

New York experienced a surge in violent crime as looting and rioting continued. In June, shootings in New York City increased by 130%, murders increased by 30% and burglaries were up 118%, NYPD crime statistics showed.

Lawmakers answered the demands of protesters and passed a budget June 30 to defund the NYPD by $1 billion, a move that was supported by Democratic New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.

President Donald Trump called on de Blasio and Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to address the rise in crime, saying in a July 5 tweet that the federal government is “ready, willing and able to help, if asked.”

The president also expressed support for the police, saying that they “have been neutralized and scorned by a mayor who hates & disrespects them.”

PBA president Mike O’Meara criticized the treatment of police officers in June, saying to “stop treating us like animals and thugs, and start treating us with some respect.”

“That’s what we’re here today to say,” he continued. “We’ve been left out of the conversation. We’ve been vilified. It’s disgusting.”





‘Morale Is In The Toilet’: Police Union Officials Wouldn’t Want Their Own Sons In Law Enforcement

Trump Slams Cuomo For Losing New York To Looters, Says ‘NYC Was Ripped To Pieces’

Oregon State Police To Leave Portland Amid Protests And Riots

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Undocumented Immigrant Rallies Support Online for Trump’s 2020 Campaign

SAN FRANCISCO, CA/PRNewswire/ — The team at Trump Must Win is proud to announce the launch of, a website dedicated to providing fact-based arguments for supporting President Trump’s reelection this November.

On August 12, 2020, Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden announced Kamala Harris as his running mate and the nominee for Vice President. In response, President Trump remarked that he was “a little surprised” at the nomination, due to Harris’ poor performance in the primaries for the Democratic nomination. As the country is well underway of preparing for the final votes to be cast on November 3, 2020, tensions are rising on both sides of the campaign to gather the larger share of votes.

Amongst those who want to vote for the next president of the United States is Eric Lee, an undocumented immigrant living in California. He is currently a DACA recipient, and although he has been in the United States for the past 15 years, he cannot participate in any political elections due to his citizenship status.

In response to this, Eric, with the help of other undocumented residents who are favorable towards Trump’s re-election, has created a website devoted to informing U.S. citizens on the reasons one should vote for Trump, not Biden. The website, titled Trump Must Win, features over a hundred reasons Trump is the better candidate for presidency and lists his accomplishments and feats over the past four years of his first term. The website also features campaign posters to be shared online and through social media, and links to coalitions that are pro-Trump. Articles on Trump’s history, starting from his childhood and background, to the members of his cabinet, and even extending to Trump’s business ventures, the website is a resource for those who want to learn more about Trump according to “the facts, not fake news” as Eric describes in the website’s introduction.

One of President Trump’s biggest qualms during his first term was the treatment he received from the ‘fake news media’ – those who distort the truth and paint his administration only in a negative light.

The goal of Trump Must Win is to cut through biased reporting and provide a comprehensive and interactive list called “Read 101+ Reasons to Vote for Trump.” Reasons include facts about Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, such Trump’s decision to invoke “the Defense Production Act to aid companies building ventilators for coronavirus patients to receive the supply of materials they need.”

There are also examples of Trump’s work on rolling back burdensome environmental regulations, and how the poverty rate among black Americans is at its lowest level in history, and how he appointed “judges who will uphold the Constitution and rule of law for generations to come.” Each reason is backed up by sources and references for impartial readers to learn more.

The website is fully funded by the creators, and it is not officially affiliated with the White House administration, Trump campaign, or the Republican Party.

“I wanted the site to be professional, yet honest, about what President Trump has done for our country,” said Lee. “Many people ask me why I would vote for Trump if I am an immigrant and that Trump hates immigrants, but the facts say the opposite.” also features media coverage, news clips, and suggestions on how citizens can get involved and show their support for Trump. Although the website is not affiliated with President Trump or his campaign, the website is one individual’s unique approach to advocacy and exercising one’s rights to democracy, despite the limitations of his citizenship status.

For more information, visit

Trump announces ‘historic peace agreement’ between Israel and the United Arab Emirates

This is indeed historic, and shows a weakening of the lockstep and Islam-based hatred of Israel that has dominated the Arab and Muslim states’ response to the Jewish state up to now, with very few exceptions. Netanyahu and the Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan thank Trump for his “dedication to peace in the region” and “the pragmatic and unique approach he has taken to achieve it.”

The key word there is “pragmatic.” The jihad against Israel remains as a theoretical religious obligation, but Trump has apparently compelled the UAE to understand that to maintain hostility to Israel in light of today’s political realities is imprudent. He deserves congratulations and gratitude for achieving, at least in part, what a succession of Presidents has tried and failed to achieve.


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Wisconsin: College’s longtime spokesman resigns over comments about Islam, Black Lives Matter, Ilhan Omar

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.