Nancy Pelosi Claims Israeli ‘Annexation’ Will Harm American Security Interests

The story of her astonishing claim is at the Jerusalem Post here:

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said on Thursday that she is “concerned” about a possible Israeli move to annex parts of the West Bank.

“Unilateral annexation puts the future at risk and undermines US national security interests,” she said in a webinar hosted by the Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA). “It undermines our national security interests and decades of bipartisan policy. We always want it to be bipartisan,” she continued.

The extension of Israel’s sovereignty to the “West Bank” – the name Jordan gave in 1950 to those parts of Judea and Samaria it had managed to hold onto during the 1948-49 war – is based on the Palestine Mandate itself. That Mandate assigned to the future Jewish state all of the land from Mt. Hermon in the north, to the Red Sea in the south, and from the Jordan River in the west, to the Mediterranean in the east. At the end of Arab-Israeli hostilities in 1949, the Jordanian army remained in possession of part of Judea and Samaria; Jordan renamed that territory the “West Bank” in order to efface the Jewish connection to the land, much as the Romans nearly 2000 years before had replaced the name “Judea” with “Palestine.” When Israel took possession of the “West Bank” after the Six-Day War, this did not create its legal, historic, and moral claim to land where Jews had lived for 3,500 years, but allowed the Jewish state to finally enforce its preexisting claim.

A second, and independent source for the Jewish claim to extend its sovereignty to a considerable part of the “West Bank” is U.N. Resolution 242.

The chief drafter of Resolution 242 was Lord Caradon (Hugh M. Foot), the permanent representative of the United Kingdom to the United Nations from 1964-1970. At the time of the Resolution’s discussion and subsequent unanimous passage, and on many occasions since, Lord Caradon always insisted that the phrase “from the territories” quite deliberately did not mean “all the territories,” but merely some of the territories:

Much play has been made of the fact that we didn’t say “the” territories or “all the” territories. But that was deliberate. I myself knew very well the 1967 boundaries and if we had put in the “the” or “all the” that could only have meant that we wished to see the 1967 boundaries perpetuated in the form of a permanent frontier. This I was certainly not prepared to recommend.

On another occasion, to an interviewer from the Journal of Palestine Studies (Spring-Summer 1976), he again insisted on the deliberateness of the wording. He was asked:

The basis for any settlement will be United Nations Security Council Resolution 242, of which you were the architect. Would you say there is a contradiction between the part of the resolution that stresses the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war and that which calls for Israeli withdrawal from “occupied territories,” but not from “the occupied territories”?

Nota bene: “from territories occupied” is not the same thing as “from occupied territories” – the first is neutral, the second a loaded description. Lord Caradon answered:

“I defend the resolution as it stands. What it states, as you know, is first the general principle of inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war. That means that you can’t justify holding onto territory merely because you conquered it. We could have said: well, you go back to the 1967 line. But I know the 1967 line, and it’s a rotten line. You couldn’t have a worse line for a permanent international boundary. It’s where the troops happened to be on a certain night in 1948. It’s got no relation to the needs of the situation.

“Had we said that you must go back to the 1967 line, which would have resulted if we had specified a retreat from all the occupied territories, we would have been wrong.”

Note how Lord Caradon says that “you can’t justify holding onto territory merely because you conquered it,” with that “merely” applying to Jordan, but not to Israel, because of the Mandate’s explicit provisions allocating the territory known now as the “West Bank” to the Jewish state. Note, too, the firmness of his dismissal of the 1967 lines as nothing more than “where the troops happened to be on a certain night in 1948,” that is, nothing more than armistice lines and not internationally recognized borders.

Does Speaker Pelosi understand the legal, historic, and moral claims of Israel to Judea and Samaria (a/k/a the “West Bank)”? Does she understand the intent of the Mandate for Palestine, in recognizing those claims, and does she have a firm understanding of the territory that was included by the League of Nations in that Mandate? Does she comprehend, as well, the meaning of U.N. Resolution 242, which allows Israel to make territorial adjustments to ensure its own security? Is she aware that an American military mission, sent to Israel by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, on the orders of President Johnson, to study what territories, at a minimum, Israel would have to retain after the Six-Day War, reported back that Israel would need to keep the Jordan Valley and parts of the West Bank in order to slow down, or prevent, a possible invasion force from the east that could cut Israel in two at its narrowest point; within the 1949 armistice lines, Israel was only nine miles wide from Qalqilya to the sea.

Would comprehending the Mandate for Palestine (especially the Preamble, and Articles 4 and 6), and U.N. Resolution 242, make a difference to Nancy Pelosi? Would she be less quick to lecture Israel on not annexing territory in the West Bank, if she knew Israel had a perfect right to that territory – the Jordan Valley and the settlements – according to both the Mandate, and U.N. Resolution 242?

Pelosi’s bizarre claim is that any Israel “annexation” of territory would “harm America’s national security interests.” She has it exactly backwards. Any annexation by Israel of territory to which it is entitled, and which will increase the Jewish state’s ability to protect itself, will contribute to American national security. Deprived of control of the Jordan Valley, forced to surrender some of its settlements, Israel would be much more vulnerable to attack. And though Israel has never asked for a single American soldier to help defend it, unlike several Arab states, including Saudi Arabia and Lebanon, if it is squeezed back into something like the 1949 armistice lines – i.e., the pre-1967 lines which Abba Eban famously described as “the lines of Auschwitz” — that could make more likely the need, in some future war, for Israel to request American help. That’s not something either Israel, or America, wants. And if Israel were to be squeezed back into something like the 1949 armistice lines, and as a consequence was in danger, in case of war, of being cut in two by an invader from the East, does anyone doubt that if the Israelis ever felt their national survival was at stake, they would use some of their nuclear weapons as a last resort. Does Pelosi want to make such a possibility more likely?

Nancy Pelosi claims that Israel’s annexation of land in the West Bank will harm America’s national security interests; she has things backwards. The better able Israel is to defend itself, the less likely that it will ever have to ask for American aid. And what about the Arab states? Would they be angry with the United States if Israel held onto most or even all of the West Bank? We know that while the member states of the Arab League, for public consumption, have deplored Israeli “annexation,” behind the scenes several of these same states have expressed their support, more muted in some cases than in others, for the Trump Deal of the Century which allows for that Israeli annexation. The ambassadors of three Arab states — Bahrain, Oman, and the UAE – in a sign of support even attended the White House ceremony in which the Trump Plan was rolled out. Though Jordan has denounced any “annexation,” privately Jordanian officials have said they do not want the Palestinians to control the West Bank, for they fear a possible alliance of Palestinians on both sides of the Jordan against the Hashemite monarchy. Two other important Arab states, Egypt and, especially, Saudi Arabia, have lost interest in the “Palestinians” – Crown Prince Muhammad angrily told Mahmoud Abbas to “take whatever deal” he can that the Americans offer – and are more interested in Israeli help, including the sharing of its intelligence with them, in combating Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood. When the Israelis were about to annex the Golan Heights, it was predicted that all hell would break loose in the Arab countries. Nothing happened. When Trump decided to move the American Embassy to Jerusalem, we were again warned that Arabs and Muslims would be inflamed. Again nothing of the sort occurred.

Now we are being assured that if Israel annexes the Jordan Valley and the settlements, the Arabs will this time really rise up. Why should we believe it? Even in the West Bank, where Mahmoud Abbas insists he has now torn up all agreements with Israel, on the ground there is still security cooperation between the P.A. and Israel. On May 20 it was reported that an unnamed senior Palestinian official sent messages to the Israel Defense Forces and the Shin Bet security service saying that some coordination would continue and that the Palestinian security organizations will continue to do their best to foil terror attacks against Israel. Even if cooperation really is ended, the official vowed that terror groups will not be permitted to act freely in areas under the control of the Palestinian Authority. So there is a lot less to Abbas’s threats to “end all cooperation with Israel” than meets the eye. Abbas knows how valuable is the intelligence the P.A. receives from Israel on its deadly rivals Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and their operatives in the West Bank. Will he really want to do without Israeli assistance that on several occasions has even helped to foil plots to murder him and his cronies?

What should Nancy Pelosi in decency do? She should study the Palestine Mandate and its maps. She should remember that even though the League of Nations dissolved in 1946, its successor organization, the United Nations, included in its Charter Article 80 (called the “Jewish people’s article”), which recognized the continuing validity of the Mandate for Palestine. And finally, she should study the text of U.N. Resolution 242, and the authoritative explanation of that text by its main drafter, Lord Caradon. Only when she has thoroughly digested the meaning of both the U.N. Resolution 242 and of the Mandate for Palestine, will she have earned the right to comment on what Israel “should” or “must” do.

She might then say, for example, that “I am well aware that Israel has a right to keep the entire West Bank if it so wishes. I do not challenge that right. But I challenge its wisdom. Wouldn’t it be better to keep the territories Israel currently controls, without a formal annexation that will merely serve to roil the Arab world?” I still think she’d be wrong, but at least she would no longer be outrageously, offensively, intolerably wrong.

The Speaker told participants that Democrats are taking “a great pride” in former president Barack Obama’s memorandum of understanding, which provides Israel with $38 billion worth of security assistance over a decade. “That’s our commitment. And we continue to have that,” she said. “It was signed in 2016 to help Israel defend itself in a variety of ways. And we stand committed to that, but we’re very concerned about what we see happening in terms of annexation.”

“I’m not a big fan of the Palestinian leadership in terms of their capability to be good negotiating partners,” she added. “I wish they could be better. But I think that everybody can be doing better in terms of that.” She also sent a barb to the Trump administration’s peace plan, saying that it has “nothing in common with the word peace or plan.”

Pelosi is “not a big fan of the Palestinian negotiating partners in terms of their capability to be good negotiating partners”? That’s a historic understatement. Mahmoud Abbas for the last twelve years refused outright to engage in any negotiations with Israel. He’s not been a “negotiating partner” at all. And in 2008, when he negotiated for the first and last time with the Israelis, he refused Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s offer of 94% of the West Bank, together with Israeli territory equivalent to 5.8% of the West Bank, and on top of that, Olmert also offered to relinquish Israeli control of the Old City to an international body. Abbas refused, and walked out. Pelosi should have told the truth: the Palestinians have shown themselves completely unwilling to seriously engage in negotiations with the Israelis.

Pelosi’s brusque dismissal of Trump’s peace plan — it has, she said, “nothing in common with the word peace or plan” – is intolerable. It is the first American effort that, had it been accepted, would have led to the creation of a Palestinian state, one which would include 97% of all the Palestinians living in the West Bank. For the first time in their history, the Palestinians would have a state. What’s more, according to the Trump Plan, the Palestinians would be given two large swathes of territory in Israel’s Negev, along the border with Egypt, to compensate for territory taken by Israel – as is its right under the Mandate – in the West Bank. Further, Gaza would be directly linked to the West Bank part of “Palestine” by traffic corridors. An enormous effort went into the Administration’s constructing a viable Arab state, consisting of contiguous territories in the West Bank where 97% of the Palestinians now live, and from which they would not have to move. Speaker Pelosi should look at all the work that went into carving out this state before so airily dismissing it.

Finally, in what is surely the most generous offer of aid in history, the Trump Administration promised that international donors would provide the state of Palestine with $50 billion dollars in aid; by comparison, the Marshall Plan allotted a total of $60 billion (in 2020 dollars) not for just one but for sixteen countries. Why does Nancy Pelosi say this carefully worked-out effort was not a “plan”? Has she looked at the maps, and seen with what care the Trump Administration managed to ensure that 97% of the Palestinians now in the West Bank would be included, in contiguous territories forming the state of Palestine, while 97% of the Israelis in the West Bank would be included, without having to move, in the state of Israel. It was a real feat of boundary-drawing. And why does Pelosi say the Trump Plan has nothing to do with “peace” when that is its main goal, to keep the peace between Palestinians and Israelis, by means of both the statehood and the prosperity– that $50 billion in aid — promised to the Palestinians, and through the demilitarization that would be required of the future state of “Palestine”?

American national security interests will not be harmed but enhanced if Israel and the Palestinians make peace, based on the Trump Plan, and if the Palestinians achieve a level of prosperity in their own state that they would not wish to endanger through war, while Israel’s deterrent power is increased by its permanent control, through annexation, of West Bank territories, and especially of the Jordan Valley, that can help prevent or slow down an invasion from the East. There may be a brief display of displeasure from the Arab street, if the Trump Plan is accepted, but in the corridors of power in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the UAE, Bahrain, and Oman, there will be quiet satisfaction that the Trump Plan has put paid to Palestinian irredentism, given the Palestinians a state of their own, and imposed demilitarization on that state. Israel, more secure than ever, can continue to help them deal with their real worries – the Muslim Brotherhood, the assorted terror groups including Hezbollah (Iran’s proxy), and Hamas (which is merely a branch of the Brotherhood), and above all, Iran.

It is difficult for many Democrats to admit that something good might actually come out of the White House, where they long ago consigned its occupant to the outer darkness. And who has the time to read all that stuff – the Mandate for Palestine, U.N. Resolution 242, Article 80 of the U.N. Charter – or learn about the history of the non-existent negotiations between Mahmoud Abbas and several different Israeli leaders? Who has the time to find out what the Arab leaders really want, which is not always what they say they want? It’s a lot to ask. But try, Speaker Pelosi. Just try.



USA Today names Hamas-linked CAIR’s Nihad Awad one of “the most influential civil rights leaders of today”

Palestinian Authority: “Call out Allahu akbar and restore the glory of Khaibar,” site of massacre of Jews

The Evils of Islamic Law: the Death Penalty for Apostasy

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Obama Used National Security to Spy on Americans Opposed to Islamic Terrorists

Obamagate redefined opposition to Islamic terrorism as a national security threat.

The first public revelation that the White House was spying on high level members of the political opposition came in 2015. Members of Congress had been eavesdropped on as part of an operation to sabotage Prime Minister Netanyahu’s campaign against the Iran Deal. The Israeli leader and his entire country had earlier been targeted by a massive spy campaign to stop Israel from taking out Iran’s nukes.

But the new wave of surveillance was no longer just against a potential Israeli attack on Iran, but was part of a political campaign to win the domestic argument to aid Iran and legalize its nuclear program.

The Wall Street Journal reported that by 2013, surveillance of Netanyahu was focused on protecting the Iran nuclear negotiations. Netanyahu’s invitation to address Congress caught the White House by surprise and the surveillance was not only directed at Israelis or even pro-Israel Americans, but members of Congress who were skeptical that the Islamic terror regime would ever scuttle its nukes.

The Iran Deal ushered in a surveillance shift from monitoring the former allies that Obama wanted to toss overboard, to monitoring Americans who were friendly to those governments, and then leading members of the political opposition, and finally members of an incoming administration. Obama and his associates had redefined national security as the pursuit of his dangerous foreign policy, and the new national security threats were administration critics who were surveilled in order to entrap them.

Surveillance had morphed from spying on Obama’s political opponents to conspiring to lock them up.

General Flynn had been a key opponent of the Iran policy, as detailed by Lee Smith in How Russiagate Began With Obama’s Iran Deal Domestic Spying Campaign. Flynn’s arrival not only threatened the Iran Deal, but the politicized intelligence agencies that had been covering for Iran even during the Bush days. Beyond protecting the Iran Deal and Obama’s legacy, the fake intelligence machine was defending itself.

Flynn had already been forced out once. His return wasn’t supposed to happen and was seen as a threat.

Oubai Shahbandar, who had worked for the DIA and served on the ground in Iraq as a strategic analyst, noted that Flynn had warned Obama that Al-Qaeda in Iraq would make a comeback, “Flynn’s prophetic warnings would play out exactly as he’d warned shortly after he was fired.”

It was bad enough that Obama’s foreign policy vets and intelligence cronies had failed. The prospect of having Flynn return to take advantage of their mistakes and wreck their credibility was unthinkable.

The pretext for taking down Flynn was generated when he called Ambassador Kislyak about an anti-Israel resolution coming up at the UN. The Obama administration had played a key role in generating these shadow resolutions by other countries to pressure Israel. The Jewish State, along with the UAE, the Saudis, and Egypt, and any Trump associates friendly to them, had become targets in a shadow war meant to keep Obama’s foreign policy in place even under the incoming Trump administration.

Obamagate was waged to protect a foreign policy based around Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood.

That was why Walid Phares, a Trump adviser, was also investigated by the FBI and the Mueller team for his friendliness to President Sisi’s anti-Islamist government in Egypt. Flynn and Phares were investigated because they posed a threat to Obama’s pro-Islamist foreign policy. That was Susan Rice’s pretext for unmasking the names of Trump officials meeting with the crown prince of the United Arab Emirates.

The Obama administration had not only redefined support for Islamic terror states as being in our country’s national interest, but it also redefined opposition to Islamic terror as a national security threat.

Flynn and Phares were targeted because they were critics of the Iran Deal and the Brotherhood.

After Obama and his cronies had dismantled counterterrorism and crippled the military, they took national security into an inverted Orwellian world in which terrorism was national security, and national security was terrorism, and members of the incoming Trump administration were the greatest national security threat because they opposed Obama’s foreign policy of aiding Islamic terrorists.

Flynn and Phares, in their own ways, struck at the twin Islamist hearts of that foreign policy.

The Arab Spring and the Brotherhood’s ascendancy had been crucial to Obama’s vision of a new Middle East. Obama had been pushing regime change in Egypt as early as his 2002 Daley Plaza speech, in which he invoked regime change for Egypt and Saudi Arabia, but not, of course, for Iran. The Brotherhood’s collapse across the region had been personally humiliating for Obama and his people hadn’t given up their dreams of a Muslim Brotherhood Reconquista in Egypt. Phares was a threat to those dreams.

Iran was Obama’s last shot at his grand strategy to realign America foreign policy toward Islamist terror states. This was not just one agreement, but a desperate attempt to turn back the clock to the Cairo Speech, before ISIS, the counter-revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia, and the growing tilt of the Saudis and the UAE toward Israel and against the Islamists and Iran. Obama’s entire foreign policy was on the line.

Having Flynn on duty risked sabotaging what Obama saw as his only surviving foreign policy success. And when Flynn directly intervened to stop an Obama shadow UN resolution aimed at Israel, his cronies in the intelligence community struck back hard, taking revenge over Flynn’s effort to protect Israel, and marking their territory from Egypt to Iran, while seeking to hijack the incoming Trump administration.

The peaceful transition that traditionally separated the American political system from those of failed states was coming apart as the Obama administration, no longer content with covert eavesdropping or media leaks, actively went to war over foreign policy with the Trump administration. This was not a mere Watergate. It was a civil war being waged within the limited confines of Washington D.C.

The weapons of the national security state were being used to fight a war over who would be able to define national security with intelligence community figures targeting an incoming intelligence community figure. Conflicts that were once conducted with media leaks had gone well beyond them.

But the pattern of media leaks did suggest a link between Obama’s surveillance of members of Congress and the spying on Flynn.

As Smith notes, “Adam Entous was offered the leak of the Dec. 29 call early on”. Entous was also the writer who ‘broke’ the story of Obama’s spying on Congress and pro-Israel activists for the Wall Street Journal while spinning the material in a way that justified this latter-day Watergate. Washington D.C. operatives usually have favored reporters that they leak stories to for the right political spin.

It seems likely that whoever leaked the Congress surveillance story also leaked Flynn’s phone call.

As I noted in 2018, “Spygate was the warped afterbirth of our failure to meaningfully confront Islamic terrorism. Instead, the political allies of the terrorists and the failed watchmen who allowed them to strike so many times, got together to shoot the messengers warning about the terror threat.”

The Obama administration betrayed America. It sold out the soldiers in the field, and then their commanders, and when it lost power, it went to war against the civilian leadership using the tools that had been traditionally reserved for the terrorists that it had refused to take on and defeat.

Obama didn’t just corrupt our national security system to wage war on his successor administration, he did it to protect the Islamist terrorist enemies of this country: Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Instead of fighting Islamic terrorists, Obama used the national security state to spy on their opponents, beginning with pro-Israel Americans, and concluding with Trump allies in a horrifying act of treason.



USA Today names Hamas-linked CAIR’s Nihad Awad one of “the most influential civil rights leaders of today”

Palestinian Authority: “Call out Allahu akbar and restore the glory of Khaibar,” site of massacre of Jews

The Evils of Islamic Law: the Death Penalty for Apostasy

Iran: Muslim cleric says father who beheaded daughter can’t be executed “because it’s against Islamic law”

Nancy Pelosi Claims Israeli “Annexation” Will Harm American Security Interests

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Destabilized America and the Enemies Within

Protests over the murder of George Floyd devolved into violent riots. An unspeakable murder was an act of evil, but the looting, burning our cities, and attacking cops was not an American way to react to the evil act to solve the injustice. Burning the church and the house with a child inside is not an American character. Two horrifying weeks of the protests were not designed by American Justice System, they were produced by a foreign power—it was Un-American design for America. Our country is in on fire. As a former Soviet attorney, I was writing about this foreign power for thirty-five years and I have my personal opinion of what has happened in America during the two weeks of the end of May and beginning of June 2020…

Socialism/Communism is a War-Crime Regime

Bombshell: Ex-Secret Service Reveals Details Behind Elaborated Attack on White House. Dan Bongino calls it Insurrection. June 1, 2020.  Another military man is concerned that we are invaded by the foreign power June 2, 2020. Both men are right—attack on WH was an attempt to take over the government. I know that, because I know the way Socialist Revolution was executed in 1917 Russia. Since then America has been infiltrated by the Russians for many decades. The situation has changed to the worse when Globalists Russia and China become working together against American Constitutional Republic and President Trump, threatening our existence. Learn about Chines Cultural Revolution and read here my column State Authorized Killing of Civilians is a War-Crime, May 27, 2020

We are at war, in an asymmetrical war waged against Western civilization, American capitalism, and President Trump. I called it WWIII: Recruitment and Infiltration, Drags and Assassinations. You witnessed that war during the last four years: ‘Trump is Putin’s agent,’ then fraudulent Mueller’s Russia probe and the Trump impeachment, Covid-19 pandemic, and nationwide riots. All of that is manufactured against us by the forces of a criminal ideology of Socialism-Communism that has already cost humanity 200 million lives. The thugs caring that ideology Russia, China, and America’s Socialist Party–a proxy of Putin’s KGB, combating the Republican Party, deeply dividing America, and damaging our political system. Those Socialist Charlatans want to escape the responsibility–they fabricated Russia probe to craft Trump’s guilt in best Stalinist traditions of ”never admit crime committed, instead accuse the opposition in that exact crime.”

Socialist Charlatans fight for power by hook or by crook and I have deliberately describe the essence and methods of the ideology for you to be aware of their behavior and recognize them quickly. Watch lies, deceit, fraud and violence to diagnose them:

“Real Socialism is a war-crime regime. Socialism is a police state with a system of abuse, fraud, and waste. It is constantly lying, cheating and deceiving the world. Socialism corrupts everything it touches. Socialism is a Police State with a culture of total control over an enslaved population. There is no freedom of religion, press, and assembly under Socialism. Real Socialism is an infection like coronavirus, a political disease of incompetence, dishonesty, and eventually violence spread by the propaganda of Soviet Charlatans-provocateurs. Unfortunately the American education system has failed to teach the criminal history of Socialism and Stalin/Andropov’s design to conquer the world…” Socialist Revolution in America – a Preview of the November Election, June 3, 2020.

America is not a Country of “Institutional Racism”

Today Obama runs the Deep State with his corrupt holdovers in Washington D.C.–a center of America’s Socialism. Those people, with the help of the other thousands Socialist Charlatans has created a Socialist mentality in America and transformed the Democratic Party of Truman to America’s Socialist Party-a proxy of Putin’s KGB, combating the Republican Party and deeply dividing the country…

Chaos swept America over untrue racism narrative—“Systemic Racism”. Obama claimed that the American people deserved all the looting and rioting because America was and always has been a racist country. “They are the result of a long history of slavery, Jim Crow, institutionalized racism that have too often have been the plague of the original sin of our society,” You won’t believe who Barack Obama just blamed for the George Floyd riots Patriot Pulse, June 6, 2020

His every word is untrue–a lie and fraud, creating a myth to cover-up the crime committed against black community by the Socialist Charlatans in cahoots with the foreign power. American political system corrected all mistakes made in the past—America recognized the evil of segregation and ended it, spending trillions.  America doesn’t have “Institutional Racism.” Before the 1960s there was no black underclass—it was created by the deliberate policy of the Democrat Party in cahoots with the Socialist ideas and “help” of the KGB…

Here is a document designed by the KGB in the 1960’s for America.

Black Liberation Army Papers (1963-1998)

The principles of the BLA were:

  • “That we are anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, anti-racist and anti-sexist.”
  • “That we must of necessity strive for the abolishment of these systems and for the institution of Socialistic relationships in which Black people have total and absolute control over their own destiny as a people.”
  • “That in order to abolish our system of oppression we must utilize the science of class struggle, develop this science as it relates to our unique national condition.”


The BLA Coordinating Committee, Message to the Black Movement: A Political Statement from the Black Underground

We are dealing with the principles of Socialism/Communism inculcated by the Soviet KGB throughout the world in the 1960. Do you remember PLO? It is Palestine Liberation Organization established by Easer Arafat. For your information Easer Arafat was recruited by the KGB in 1957. You will find the word Liberation in the names of many left-wing political groups fighting for the principles of Soviet Socialism. The word Liberation was propagandized by aggressive and expansionist ideology to inculcate black community and the people of the world with Socialism/Communism. Here is the Soviet document confirms the spread of the Communists throughout the globe:

This table is taken from a communist political manual published by Soviet Political Literature in 1981.

The Process of Global Development of the Communist Movement

Year      Countries with active communist parties       Nr. of communists globally

1917                              1                                                      400,000

1928                              46                                                    1.7 million

1939                              69                                                    4.2 million

1946                              78                                                  20.0 million

1960                              87                                                  35.0 million

1969                              88                                                  50.0 million

1980                              94                                          over 75.0 million

Here you have answers to many questions, as well as a clue about who was behind the protests, demonstrations, and unrest throughout the world over George Floyd murder. Now you can grasp who created in America Black Liberation Army, different groups of Panthers, recent descent Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and many others. All of them are the enemies, some from within and the FBI spectacular failed to expose, prosecute, and convict the guilty. The FBI Director like Jeff Session, James Mattes, Colin Powell, and many others do not know the criminal law-of-war ideology dispersed throughout the globe by the KGB. We suffer the result today. Professional media is right:

“As the riots over George Floyd broke out, it was clear this was more than just an organic phenomenon. Mixed in with local looters were the familiar sights of black-garbed Antifa thugs. Reports came in of cars moving through cities, dropping off rioters with bricks and other weapons. Clearly, this was an organized assault, perhaps long in the making.” Homeland Security Closing In On ‘Mystery’ Money Backing Antifa  We The People Daily, June 4, 2020

Pelosi’s private army, Antifa, dragged a disabled man out of his wheelchair and then viciously beat him all while bystanders cheer the brutal rioters on. And that’s the Democrat’s new normal for you. Disabled Man in Wheel Chair Brutally Beaten by “Peaceful” Rioters, Patriot for America, June 4.20

Antifa has been planning a nationwide insurrection for months, according to a detailed exclusive report in THe Washington Times. Antifa has been plotting nationwide insurrection since last fall: Report Conservative Institute, June 4, 2020

“Basically, if you are protesting against “systemic racism” you can ignore the coronavirus protocols simply because it is protesting for a cause righteous in the Democrat’s eyes. But if you are protesting against tyrannical orders set from mayors and governors, you better be wearing your mask. You’ll be labeled “uncaring” and “greedy” just because you want to get back to work.” What Happened To The Deathly Coronavirus? By Politico Daily June 4, 2020

Truth Doesn’t Know Color

The riots, burning, and violence continue, as this is the way the Democrat Party has been trained by the Soviet Charlatans—the agenda is Power. The paralyzed Dems leadership in Minnesota is not a coincident: “never let a crises to go waste”. Due to a deliberate dereliction of duets by the MN Governor and MN Attorney General the riots were looting and burning without control, giving the signals to other Blue states, governors, and mayors to organize the violent activity… And they did…More than 400 law enforcement officers injured in riots across U.S.

MN Attorney General Keith Ellison, MN Governor Tim Walz, and the Squad members in Minnesota are the Red Flag for me—the nuclear of the current resistance to Trump. Misleading words of the MN Governor Tim Walz and AG Keith Ellison of togetherness are an attempt to cover-up the crime committed by them in Minneapolis—not promptly combating back the mob and arrest them. As a result more than 200 family business had been damaged and looted. Minneapolis was hijacked by criminals for several days due to crime committed by the Democrat leadership there…

Family businesses are built by owners’ sweat, blood and tears, they comprised half of country’s economy. Destruction of family businesses when the owners are the victims sacrificed their livelihood is an act of war against capitalist economy and American civilians. Democrats don’t like the independence of family businesses. Today, you are witnessing even more criminal attempts by the Democrats–to defund police, which means more destabilize America. Jeremiah Ellison: “We are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department. And when we’re done, we’re not simply gonna glue it back together.” Minneapolis City Council Member.

Minneapolis Police Department to Be Dismantled, Says Ilhan Omar & City Council Member. My Red Flags had been right…Arrogant Socialist Charlatans are feeling free to express publicly their hate towards the American political system, designed by our Founding Fathers. They are taking advantage of the dysfunctional FBI. Meanwhile, David Dorn, a black policemen was killed, defending a family enterprise—nobody talking about a heroic act of that black policeman. This is the moment of moral clarity–What a shame on you America! Truth doesn’t know color…

When the American media discuss organized crime, they are usually talking about street criminals. They have never understood the term—Political Mafia, which is similar to any other mafias. President Richard Nixon was convinced to give up the White House for attempting to use the FBI against his political opponents. President Obama in cahoots with the Clinton mafia has recently done just that and established a Mafia-State government in. A criminal enterprise fashioned after the Russian Socialist model of fraud, deceit, and universal corruption is being foisted upon us, including the ideology of Socialism. I see all of it in America today…

Yet, American media, Socialist accusations of “White Supremacy” and the names of some Socialist Charlatans required a separate column to write as well as the Mayor of Washington D.C. Muriel Bowser…

To be continued and at

©All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Undercover Investigation Minneapolis Riot Was Preplanned.

The Iranian presence in Syrian and the George Floyd factor

Will a tragic incident on a Minneapolis curbside determine the fate of the political order in Tehran—and its military deployment across the ravaged realms of Syria? 

Recent media reports of a series of air attacks on Iranian-related targets in Syria—widely attributed to Israel—have once again raised the question of whether such attacks will eventually convince Tehran to curtail its efforts to set up a permanent military presence in Syria and withdraw its forces, currently deployed in the country.

Conflicting strategic aims

One the one hand, Israel has declared its unflinching resolve to prevent Iran from establishing such a presence on its northern neighbor’s territory—and has backed up its words with impressive deeds, inflicting considerable damage on both Iranian forces and installations, as well as on their Syrian hosts.

On the other hand, Iran is determined to achieve its strategic aim of establishing a Shi’ite land bridge, linking it to the Mediterranean coast, via Syria.  The question, then, is whose will is likely to prevail.

Clearly, the Syrian president, Bashar Assad, is deeply indebted to the Iranian regime–since, in great measure, it was due to Iranian forces—and Russian air power—that he managed to survive the brutal Syrian civil war and avoid being ejected from power. However, the continuing assaults on Iranian targets in his country are becoming increasingly costly—considerably reducing the value of continued Iranian presence for Damascus.

Transforming Iranian presence from an asset to a liability

Accordingly, the Israel-attributed attacks are transforming the deployment of Iranian troops on Syrian soil from being a vital asset to an increasingly onerous burden for Assad. This is something, which, despite the Syrian regime’s current weakness, cannot but militate towards their eventual removal.

However, what is likely to be the dominant factor in determining the fate Iranian presence in Syria is the domestic situation in Iran, where the re-imposed US sanction are taking a heavy toll on the local socio-economic fabric. Galloping inflation and steep devaluation of the Iranian currency, shortages of basic goods, spiraling unemployment (especially among the youth), together with a looming water crisis of potentially crippling dimensions and simmering ethnic tensions, all work to sap the stamina, which the regime may have for sustaining its expansionist ventures abroad—including in Syria.

Thus, while the attacks attributed to Israel undoubtedly inflict considerable cost on Tehran for its presence in Syria, it is likely that the pressure of US-led economic sanctions will, in the final analysis, be the deciding factor.

Will a flap of a butterfly’s wings in Minneapolis cause a tornado in Tehran

It is thus, crucial for these sanctions to be sustained.

In this regard, much depends on the upcoming US presidential elections in November.  After all, it is more than likely that a Democratic victory will usher in a far more conciliatory policy towards Iran—including a significant easing of sanctions—than would be the case if Trump triumphs.

Which, of course, brings us to the George Floyd factor—and the question of whether the current upheaval in America in the wake of his death, will work for, or against, a Trump reelection.

Will the rampant anti-White resentment, directed against the current administration, outweigh the fear of a total breakdown of law and order that it has generated—and erode support for the incumbent president, who has vowed to restore calm. Or will the converse dynamic prevail and propel a rising pro-Trump sentiment to provide a repeat Republican win?

This then, is the emerging conundrum: Will a tragic incident on a Minneapolis curbside determine the fate of the political order in Tehran—and its military deployment across the ravaged realms of Syria?

©All rights reserved.

‘Anyone Who Talks About That Is Nuts’: Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin Slams The Idea Of Defunding Police

Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin slammed the idea of defunding the police Monday, an idea some Democrats have run with after the death of George Floyd.

“You can’t defund the police, that’s stupid, it’s crazy and anyone who talks about that is nuts,” Sen. Joe Manchin told Politico. “You have to have the police.”

This comes after The Daily Caller contacted every Senate Democrat asking if they would consider defunding the police after a majority of the Minneapolis City Council pledged to “dismantle” the city’s police department as a solution to police violence after George Floyd’s death. Not one Democrat responded or condemned the Minneapolis City Council for pushing to defund law enforcement.

City Council President Lisa Bender, City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins and council members made the announcement at a rally, saying they plan to “dismantle” their police department. The money for the police would instead go towards a “community-based public safety model,” according to the local TV station KSTP.

Earlier Sunday morning, Democratic New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker was asked about defunding the police, to which he responded by saying he would not defend or use the term but that he does believe the U.S. is “overpoliced as a society.”

Former Hillary Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon, who now leads the left-wing group Demand Justice, tweeted out his support for defunding the police Wednesday. Protesters then booed Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey Saturday after he wouldn’t say he would abolish the city’s police department.

Protesters began chanting, “Go home Jacob, go home! Go home Jacob, go home!”


The phrase “Defund The Police” was painted in the streets of Washington, D.C., next to the words “Black Lives Matter.”


Senior Congressional correspondent. Follow Henry Rodgers On Twitter.


Chicago Mayor Tells Lawful Gun Owners Not To Defend Themselves

‘Veto-Proof Majority’ — Minneapolis City Council Pledges To ‘Dismantle’ Police Department

DC Mayor Won’t Answer Repeated Questions About Removing ‘Defund The Police’ Mural From City Street

Trump Camp Responds To Biden Spokesman’s ‘Weak’ Statement Opposing Calls To Defund The Police

RELATED VIDEO: DEMOCRATS – “Sometimes I think they don’t love our country.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

4 Keys to Understanding ‘Defund the Police’ Movement

“Defund the police” has become the newest rallying cry for the left and it’s no longer confined to radicals and activists.

Some local lawmakers are going a step further to say “dismantle” or “abolish” the police, while left-leaning media outlets are giving credence to the fledgling movement.

The idea could mean different things to different advocates, but at a minimum it means slashing police department resources.

“It’s an extremely irresponsible and reprehensible recommendation specifically for the outcomes that we know would come about in exactly the kind of communities for which these proposal are being made,” Rafael Mangual, deputy director of legal policy at the Manhattan Institute, a conservative think tank in New York, told The Daily Signal.

The liberal Left continue to push their radical agenda against American values. The good news is there is a solution. Find out more >>

Here are four things to know about the “defund the police” movement.

1. Where Is Defunding Happening? 

It’s a near certainty that Minneapolis—where fired police officer Derek Chauvin has been charged with second-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in the death of George Floyd—will defund police. (The state upgraded an initial third-degree murder charge.)

The May 25 death of Floyd, captured in a cellphone video showing Chauvin’s knee on his neck for more than eight minutes, has prompted two weeks of civil unrest.

A veto-proof majority of nine members of the Minneapolis City Council announced that they backed getting rid of the city police force—and didn’t even have a plan for what to do next.

“We recognize that we don’t have all the answers about what a police-free future looks like, but our community does,” council members said in a public statement issued over the weekend, the Minneapolis StarTribune reported:

We’re committed to engaging with every willing community member in the City of Minneapolis over the next year to identify what safety looks like for you. …

We are here today to begin the process of ending the Minneapolis Police Department and creating a new, transformative model for cultivating safety in Minneapolis.

The nine council members included President Lisa Bender and Jeremiah Ellison, son of Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, who is leading the prosecution of Chauvin and the other three officers.

“This council is going to dismantle this police department,” the younger Ellison said.

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey tried to speak to a crowd Sunday, saying at one point, “I do not support the full abolition of the police department.”

The crowd chanted, “Go home, Jacob, go home” and “Shame. Shame. Shame.”

The mayor’s opposition to a “police-free” Minneapolis won’t matter against a veto-proof majority.

The Minneapolis StarTribune reported that in 2019, serious crimes such as robbery, burglary, and assault spiked 13% in the city. Two-thirds of the city’s 81 neighborhoods saw increases, including a downtown area that had a 70% increase.

The nation’s two largest cities are pushing major funding cuts to their police departments, which may not appease activists demanding full-scale abolition. The proposed cuts could spread to more cities.

In Los Angeles, Mayor Eric Garcetti announced major cuts to the, but not abolishing the Los Angeles Police Department.

“Thank you to all who marched for racial justice and equality for Black Americans this weekend,” Garcetti tweeted Monday. “This is a pivotal moment. Here in L.A., we’re starting by identifying $250M, including cuts to LAPD budget, to further invest in communities of color and confront structural racism.”

Of those $250 million in cuts, up to $150 million is expected to come from the police force, the Los Angeles Times reported.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said he would slash funding for police and shift money to social services in a revised budget proposal. The mayor didn’t provide specifics for the cuts.

The New York City Police Department accounts for $6 billion of de Blasio’s proposed annual budget of $90 billion for the city.

2. What’s Happening in Congress?

Although paying for policing is a local decision, not a federal one, some members of Congress are jumping into the movement without qualification.

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., voiced strong support for ditching the Minneapolis police over the weekend.

“When we dismantle it, we get rid of that cancer, and we allow for something beautiful to rise,” Omar told a group of protesters Saturday, adding:

Well, we’ve had a black president, we’ve had a Congressional Black Caucus, we’ve had black mayors, we’ve had black governors, and we’ve had black city council members, we’ve had black police chiefs, yet we are still getting killed, brutalized, surveilled, massly [sic] incarcerated, and we are still having conversations with our children on how to have a conversation with the people that are supposed to protect and serve them so that those people don’t in return kill them.

One of Omar’s colleagues in a small group of House freshmen known as “the squad” said that all elected officials must back the “defund the police” movement.

“This is what political courage is for. Political courage. There are moments in everyone’s careers where you have to be willing to stand up and say, ‘Am I willing to sacrifice all of the privileges I have?’” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said during an online conference with supporters. “If you’re an elected official for any reason that is on this call, I’m asking you to ask yourself what are you willing to sacrifice to make sure that overfunded police departments are defunded.”

House Democrats as a whole are taking a less extreme approach and announced legislation Monday that was crafted by the Congressional Black Caucus.

Among other things, the bill would prohibit discriminatory profiling of any kind, ban chokeholds and no-knock warrants, mandate dashboard cameras for police vehicles, establish a national police misconduct registry, and make it easier to prosecute officers and sue individual officers.

Asked last week about defunding police, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., deferred to the Congressional Black Caucus.

3. Where Is Public Opinion?

Although loud protesters are demanding defunding, dismantling, or abolishing police across the country, it’s a long way from a majority opinion.

Although some might think from media coverage that much of the Democratic base supports it, only 16% of Democrats in a Yahoo/YouGov poll say they support defunding the police. That’s statistically even with just 15% of Republicans who say they back the idea.

“Despite calls by activists and protesters to defund police departments, most Americans do not support reducing law enforcement budgets,” Yahoo/YouGov said of its poll. “Close to two-thirds (65%) oppose cutting police force funding. Just 16 percent of Democrats and 15 percent of Republicans support that idea.”

There is clear evidence of potential consequences from Floyd’s death two weeks ago, the Manhattan Institute’s Mangual said.

“One piece of evidence here to consider is the fact: Is it a coincidence that while police were occupied with violent protests in the city of Chicago, we experienced the most violent weekend of 2020 outside the protests, in the neighborhoods where shootings are a regular occurrence?” Mangual said.

He said he doesn’t think the “defund the police” idea has reached a tipping point to become a serious movement.

Mangual rejected the idea “that we would deprive black and brown communities of police forces who—whether you like them or not—bring about a great deal of peace by intervening in criminal acts and taking criminals off the streets,” adding:

The idea that gang members and repeat offenders ought to be walking the streets because there aren’t any police to take them away is one that is very cavalier with the lives of law-abiding citizens in America’s most dangerous neighborhoods.

4. Is Defunding Police as Bad as It Sounds? 

Defunding police forces seems to mean different things to different advocates.

Some want to reallocate big chunks of police budgets to social programs, which would be more budget cutting than defunding altogether, as in New York and Los Angeles. Others want to end police altogether—as in Minneapolis—and possibly replace police forces with something else entirely.

Even Patrisse Cullors, a co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement, told WBUR in Boston that the goal was about reallocation of funding.

“The demand of defunding law enforcement becomes a central demand in how we actually get real accountability and justice, because it means we are reducing the ability of law enforcement to have resources that harm our communities,” Cullors said, adding:

And with that demand, it’s not just about taking away money from the police, it’s about reinvesting those dollars into black communities. Communities that have been deeply divested from, communities that, some have never felt the impact of having true resources. And so we have to reconsider what we’re resourcing. I’ve been saying we have an economy of punishment over an economy of care.

MPD150, an advocacy group in Minneapolis, where defunding the police force appears all but certain, is in the more radical camp that also calls for other police departments to be defunded.

“The people who respond to crises in our community should be the people who are best-equipped to deal with those crises,” MPD150 says. “Rather than strangers armed with guns, who very likely do not live in the neighborhoods they’re patrolling, we want to create space for more mental health service providers, social workers, victim/survivor advocates, religious leaders, neighbors and friends—all of the people who really make up the fabric of a community—to look out for one another.”

The Minneapolis organization attempts to acknowledge arguments about violent crime, writing:

Crime isn’t random. Most of the time, it happens when someone has been unable to meet their basic needs through other means. So to really ‘fight crime,’ we don’t need more cops; we need more jobs, more educational opportunities, more arts programs, more community centers, more mental health resources, and more of a say in how our own communities function. …

The history of policing is a history of violence against the marginalized—American police departments were originally created to dominate and criminalize communities of color and poor white workers, a job they continue doing to this day. The list has grown even longer: LGBTQ folks, people with disabilities, activists—so many of us are attacked by cops on a daily basis.

Christy E. Lopez, a professor at Georgetown Law and co-director of the school’s Innovative Policing Program, wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post advocating defunding.

Lopez argued that the idea is not as scary as it sounds:

Defunding and abolition probably mean something different from what you are thinking. For most proponents, ‘defunding the police’ does not mean zeroing-out budgets for public safety, and police abolition does not mean that police will disappear overnight—or perhaps ever. Defunding the police means shrinking the scope of police responsibilities and shifting most of what government does to keep us safe to entities that are better equipped to meet that need. … Police abolition means reducing, with the vision of eventually eliminating, our reliance on policing to secure our public safety.


Fred Lucas

Fred Lucas is the White House correspondent for The Daily Signal and co-host of “The Right Side of History” podcast. Lucas is also the author of “Tainted by Suspicion: The Secret Deals and Electoral Chaos of Disputed Presidential Elections.” Send an email to Fred. Twitter: @FredLucasWH.


‘Anyone Who Talks About That Is Nuts’: Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin Slams The Idea Of Defunding Police

Confronting Police Abuse Requires Shifting Power From Police Unions

We ‘Need a Change in Hearts’: African American Explains Why He Organized a Prayer Walk

A Contract With Black America

Dear Readers:

With the recent conservative victories related to tax cuts, the Supreme Court, and other major issues, it is easy to become complacent.

However, the liberal Left is not backing down. They are rallying supporters to advance their agenda, moving this nation further from the vision of our founding fathers.

If we are to continue to bring this nation back to our founding principles of limited government and fiscal conservatism, we need to come together as a group of likeminded conservatives.

This is the mission of The Heritage Foundation. We want to continue to develop and present conservative solutions to the nation’s toughest problems. And we cannot do this alone.

We are looking for a select few conservatives to become a Heritage Foundation member. With your membership, you’ll qualify for all associated benefits and you’ll help keep our nation great for future generations.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘It Isn’t Hate to Speak the Truth’: J.K. Rowling Bravely Defies Political Correctness

Editor’s note: On Saturday, J.K. Rowling tweeted the following—a brave statement in our current era of politically correct language around sex.

Unsurprisingly, Rowling, author of the “Harry Potter” series, was attacked by LGBT activists.

The liberal Left continue to push their radical agenda against American values. The good news is there is a solution. Find out more >>

Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time there’s been a push to say that it’s not true that only women have periods. We’re reprinting a Daily Signal article from 2019 that looked at why this was such a big push among certain activists.

A friend of mine has an amusing tale of a heated fight she got in as a child with her then-teenage brothers that culminated in her accusing them of getting periods.

Needless to say, my friend didn’t end up with the upper hand in that particular sibling squabble.

But maybe she was just ahead of her time with her gender-neutral vision on periods.

Always, a brand of period pads, recently announced it will take the Venus symbol off its products. Always is “committed to diversity and inclusion and are on a continual journey to understand the needs of all of our consumers,” the brand noted in a statement.

Because in 2019, it’s apparently controversial to say that only women get periods.

For years, woke activists have been pushing for language to shift on the issues of periods and pregnancy. Thinx, a brand of underwear designed to be worn during periods, apologized during “Transgender Awareness Week” in 2015 for focusing too much on women.

“We feel it is our responsibility to send a reminder that menstruation is not a trait of, nor a defining factor of, a specific gender. It is something that can occur amongst all people,” the brand wrote at the time.

Two years later, Glamour magazine approvingly covered the open-mindedness of new menstruation products company Aunt Flow: “There’s also the recognition that it’s not just cisgender women who get periods: Trans men and people who don’t identify as one gender get them too, so the company has eliminated the gendered pronouns of her and she from their materials.”

In 2016, the Twitter hashtag #IfMenHadPeriods was controversial—for suggesting that men didn’t have periods.

Of course Planned Parenthood has jumped on the bandwagon, too, carefully talking about periods on its site in a gender-neutral way: “Not everybody who gets a period identifies as a girl or woman. Transgender men and genderqueer people who have uteruses, vaginas, fallopian tubes, and ovaries also get their periods.”

So now if you wear a kimono or don a Native American headdress—no matter how respectfully—that’s cultural appropriation and inappropriate if you are not Japanese or Native American.

But if you want to label a female experience—one that is dependent on having female body parts at birth—as being gender-neutral, that’s A-OK.

So at least for today, ethnic appropriation gets you hurled into cancel culture. But gender appropriation gets you celebrated.

How is that fair?

As someone who has dealt with many an Always pad caked with my blood, I’m done with this nonsense.

Too much information? Well, sorry, but perhaps it’s our era’s almost Victorian prudishness about our bodies that has gotten us in this absurd Orwellian experiment where the appropriate way to talk is to discuss inherently female realities, like periods and pregnancies, as gender-neutral.

They simply are not.

It’s girls who are told that someday, they’ll have to deal with bleeding every month. It’s women who attend classes and hold jobs and juggle a million other things while their insides are churned and every last drop of blood is wrung out via too often painful cramps. It’s women who have to plan ahead and carry period pads or tampons or other products so they’re not splashing blood around in the course of everyday life. It’s women who stare at the blood, and realize they’re not pregnant—whether that’s welcome or unwelcome news.

This isn’t a universal experience, or one shared by men.

If someone who identifies as gender-neutral or male has a period, it’s because that person was born with female body parts—parts associated for millennia with women.

But of course, LGBT and other woke activists are ready to erase thousands of years of shared female experience just to ensure that a transgender or nonbinary person never has to be challenged in his worldview that perhaps our bodies are relevant to our gender.

So here’s a thought: Maybe if the language of women getting periods or a big company slapping a Venus symbol on menstruation products threatens you that much, it’s because you’re trying to silence something within you.

Everyone holds beliefs that aren’t celebrated by society. My religious views are constantly criticized or targeted by atheists or people of another faith. So are my political views. (Try telling people that you like some of President Donald Trump’s policies in, oh, any blue state.) Sometimes I speak back. Other times I hold my tongue.

A couple of years ago, I needed to buy shoes for a hike of several days that I was going on. I have wide feet, and after trying on a bunch of different pairs of shoes, I realized the pair that fit the best was a style of men’s shoes, not women’s. I was mortified: Why couldn’t the company have made women’s shoes in wide instead of me needing to wear men’s shoes?

Then I realized I was being absurd. I knew I was a woman, no matter what some company’s shoe sizing showed.

So I kept the shoes. And no, I never called the company and demanded they start identifying the shoes as gender-neutral.

Because at the end of the day, it wasn’t keeping me up at night.

Transgender people should be treated with respect and love, just like everyone else. But that does not mean all of society—from companies to individuals—should be forced to kowtow and affirm their preferred version of reality.

There are differences between men and women, and menstruating is one of them.

In our digital-dominated world, we seem to be veering further and further away from biological realities. We’re told it’s our minds and our spirits that determine our gender, not our actual bodies. We are ramping up the artificial-intelligence abilities of sex robots so no one has to be hassled by needing a real person for sexual gratification.

Writer Bridget Phetasy, speaking on Joe Rogan’s podcast in a recent episode, mentioned hearing a panel a few years back discuss whether eventually life itself would leap from its current carbon form to some new material.

So here’s a revolutionary idea: Our bodies matter.

Women having periods matters, and menstruation is a part of the female experience—no matter how inconvenient that fact is for transgender people who want to identify as female (but don’t have a period) or identify as male (but do have a period).

Every company in America, and in the world, can change their language and symbols to make it appear that periods are gender-neutral.

But that won’t erase the reality that they’re not.

And once today’s activists realize that, there’s going to be a lot of disappointment.


Katrina Trinko is editor-in-chief of The Daily Signal and co-host of The Daily Signal PodcastSend an email to Katrina. Twitter:

Dear Readers:

With the recent conservative victories related to tax cuts, the Supreme Court, and other major issues, it is easy to become complacent.

However, the liberal Left is not backing down. They are rallying supporters to advance their agenda, moving this nation further from the vision of our founding fathers.

If we are to continue to bring this nation back to our founding principles of limited government and fiscal conservatism, we need to come together as a group of likeminded conservatives.

This is the mission of The Heritage Foundation. We want to continue to develop and present conservative solutions to the nation’s toughest problems. And we cannot do this alone.

We are looking for a select few conservatives to become a Heritage Foundation member. With your membership, you’ll qualify for all associated benefits and you’ll help keep our nation great for future generations.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Vortex — A ‘Terrorist Organization’


A wave of anti-police sentiment is being pushed around the country by Marxist Democrats, including Joe Biden.

The hate for police — a type of hate which is apparently okay because the Marxists give that hate their seal of approval — is being backed by not just Antifa, but also some backers of Black Lives Matter.

Now, their hatred of all things police fails on a number of levels. First, many police officers, including police chiefs around the country, are black themselves. Second, the call to start defunding and dissolving various cities’ police forces is the final protection against an actual civil war breaking out.

Who will stop the violent assaults on law-abiding citizens and businesses if there are no police? The answer is no one, which is exactly what the forces of anarchy want. Law-abiding Americans are left defenseless — except for, of course, self-defense, which helps explain the near doubling of gun sales compared to this time last year.

And look at this picture of Saks Fifth Avenue in Midtown Manhattan — the flagship store of the chain situated directly beside St. Patrick’s cathedral. The very revealing picture was the front page of the New York Post, which other major media are not telling you about, deliberately.

So what’s going on, exactly? Here’s what all this is not about — racism. The Marxist media wants to drill into your heads: “You suck,” “America sucks.” “You’re a racist.” “The police are racists,” even though, again, loads of police themselves are not white. One of the driving forces behind this narrative is the outfit Black Lives Matter (BLM).

BLM is a racist group in and of itself because it highlights the issue of racism solely as a wedge issue to advance a broader agenda. What’s their agenda? It’s one completely in lockstep — or better said, goose step — with the Marxist Democrats.

Look at their website and click on the “About” page, and then click “What we believe.” Scroll down and observe how racism fades into the background near the bottom and is replaced with the entire checklist of the Joe Biden-brain-dead-Marxists over at Party of Death headquarters.

Here at just some the highlights:

  • All black lives matter, regardless of actual or perceived sexual identity, gender identity, gender expression
  • We make space for transgender
  • We do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege
  • We dismantle the patriarchal practice
  • We foster a queer‐affirming network
  • We are freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking

And here’s the summary statement of their entire existence: We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure. This group opposes Western civilization.

Race is just their wedge issue, pushed by a Marxist media and gobbled up by gullible, low-information people who have been kept deliberately in the dark so that when a time arrives for civil unrest, the shock troops can be sent out into the streets.

So with that background on the anti-Western civilization, anti-Catholic group, a situation has arisen which calls into serious question the leadership of the diocese of Fresno California.

Popular Catholic commentator Tim Gordon was on social media last week talking about these very facts when BLM supporters struck and began doxxing him on social media platforms, calling for him to lose his job at the Catholic high school where he taught.

We say taught, past tense, because within hours after the BLM campaign against him began, the diocese of Fresno — under the leadership of Bp. Joseph Brennan — dumped Gordon on the spot and told him not to come back.

[Transcript unavailable]

The actions of the diocese reveal not only the complete collapse of Catholicism being taught in Catholic schools, but also the obedience the bishops feel they owe to politically correct hegemony which rules the Marxist world.

The bishop dumped Gordon knowing full well he would lose his family’s health insurance as well as their income.

Tim has a handicapped child who recently underwent serious surgery, raising the question, what happened to getting the “smell of the sheep on you” or the view of the Church being a “field hospital”?

[Transcript unavailable]

Why are so many in the Church — specifically bishops so sensitive to the needs of anti-Catholic groups — so sensitive that they unceremoniously terminate an upstanding Catholic man?

[Transcript unavailable]

Catholics who have been lobotomized by their gay or lying bishops for decades, allow us to ask you: Do you think what happened here is just? Do you really believe the bishops care about peasant Catholics? If you’re rich, you get access to the bishops. If you bow down to the PC gods and offer incense at their altars you’re in like Flynn because you are deemed, “tolerant” and “reasonable” and “non-divisive.” You work with the world and therefore you are to be raised on high as the model of modern Catholicism.

But if you go against their anti-Christ narrative you will be ground up underfoot — torn to shreds, lose your job and your family will be left to fend for itself. That’s what these men in miters have established as the status quo in the Church.

At this moment, Tim and his family are not sure what they’re going to do, although he is exploring some options and thinking about what would be best, both in the near term and the longer term. If you’d like to help him bridge the gap he and his wife and children are now facing, you can make a donation by going to his webpage — — and click on the donation button.

A GoFundMe page had been set up in the wake of all this to help them out. However, GoFundMe is notorious for refunding donations when people give money for a conservative or authentically religious cause, which of course this is. If you are one of the people who made such a donation and you receive a refund from GoFundMe, you can just redirect your donation to Tim’s webpage.

Anyone who thinks they are going to remain somehow safe as the great Marxist steamroller plows through society still does not realize the reality.

If you don’t stand and fight now — even in the face of persecution — what comes after this is going to be far worse.

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO TRIBUTE: Our First Lady Melania Trump set to the song ‘She’s A Lady’

A wonderful tribute to First Lady Melania Trump set to the song “She’s A Lady” by Tom Jones. Her beauty and style are simply the icing on the cake for the love and devotion that she has for everything she is involved with. You might not like President Trump but how can you not like First Lady Melania Trump?

Lecture Opportunities During Corona Times

Now, with less travel during corona times, I am offering to speak to your congregation or organization via Zoom. There is still so much to hear and learn about Israel, Islam and the Middle East especially at this time and I am available to speak via Zoom to your audience. I have partnered with Avi Abelow and his Pulse of Israel project to continue to make myself available to communities and organizations around the world.

Here is a recent lecture which I gave to the Bayit community in Toronto by Zoom:


A popular topic today is: The Coronavirus effect on the Arab and Islamic world.

See a list of more topics below.

If you are interested in reserving a speaking engagement with me, please let me know or contact Avi Abelow.

Possible Topics:

Jewish Issues:

Jew-Hatred / Antisemitism: roots, causes and ways to deal with it
Israel and the Diaspora: the widening gap
Against All Odds – A miracle named Israel
The European Jewry – where to?
The situation of European and American Jewry – similarities and differences
The mass migration to Europe and the Jewish communities

Israeli Issues:

The Results of the 2019 General Elections
The Controversy in Israel over Judea, Samaria and Gaza
Right, Center and Left in Israel
Trump, Putin and the Middle East – What Can We Expect?
Israel at 72: Achievements and Challenges
Israel in a Changing Middle East – Challenges and Opportunities
Israel and the Palestinian Issue – Possible Solutions
The Middle East – where to?
Peace in the Middle East – What does it Need?

Understanding Arab and Muslim Culture

“The Arab Spring” – Why did it fail?
Tribalism in the Middle East and its influence on politics and state building.
Turkey – What went wrong?
What is the struggle over Jerusalem all about?
Why do many Muslims hate the West?
Understanding the Iranians – What motivates the Ayatollahs?
Hezbollah – Ideology, politics and modus operandi.
Hamas – Ideology, politics and modus operandi.
Islam – A culture in crisis.
Islam in Democratic State – The Islamic Movements in Israel.
Democracy in the Middle East – Opportunity or danger?
Islamic Radicalism – Causes, ideology and ways to face it.
Sunnis and Shi’is – Why do they hate each other so?
Islamic Women between Tradition and Modernity.
Palestinian Political Illustrations – Cartoons and messages.
The Right of Return in the Palestinian National Ethos.
Hizballah, Hamas, and Israel – Living with the enemy.
Clash of Values: Gender and Family Issues – Sources of tension between Islam and the West.
Arab Intellectuals – Where are they?
Arab Mass Media – their role in ME societies.
The Other Voice in the Arab World – My personal experience.

Lecture Subjects Concerning Military Intelligence:

Flawed intelligence assessments and mistaken policies resulting from cultural differences.
What motivates Arab states, societies and armies?
How to understand the Arab state media?
Major mistakes made by the Western coalition in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Lectures on Israeli domestic issues can also be considered.

©All rights reserved.

Duma-Guilt by conjecture?

Perhaps the most disturbing issue, raised by the cloud of doubt, enveloping the Duma-related legal proceedings, is the tangible possibility that the real perpetrators of the gruesome murders may still be roaming around free—secure in the knowledge that someone else will pay for the atrocity they committed.

Terror is terror. Whether it comes from Arabs or Jews”. Shai Nitzan, former State Attorney, on the Duma arson, December 31, 2018.

This is a black day for the state of Israel…A day on which an Israeli court set its hand to convicting a man whose innocence cries out to the heavens—The defense team, after the conviction of Amiram Ben-Uliel for murder in the Duma arson case, May 18, 2020.

Imagine a country, in which a Jewish citizen was convicted of brutal murder, despite the fact that his confession was extracted from him by “enhanced interrogation” (aka infliction of physical pain); that his confession contradicted all eyewitness evidence at the scene; that he was denied access to legal counsel for an extended period during his interrogation; that, before and after his alleged crime, numerous similar attacks have been repeatedly perpetrated; and that all reasonable doubt and alternative accounts of the event were totally disregarded in assigning his guilt.

Clearly, such a case of blatant anti-Jewish bias would be expected to elicit dismayed outrage and virulent protest from Israel as the Jewish nation-state, whose very raison d’etre is, largely, to shield Jews from precisely such Judeophobic prejudice and prevent such flagrant cases of anti-Jewish abuse from taking place.

Yet the bitter irony is that it is not really necessary to imagine such blatant Judeophobic disregard of due process. On May 18th, it actually took place! In Israel!

Full disclosure: My natural bias 

On that fateful day, the Lod District Court convicted Amiram Ben Uliel, a religious Jew, of the murder of three members of the  Dawabsheh family, when, according to the ruling, he set their home ablaze in July 2015 

Now, as I have written in the past, I have a strong personal bias in favor of the Israeli security services and the intelligence community, in whose ranks I served for several years. I have the greatest esteem for the dedication, commitment and professional competence of those who serve in them. Perhaps more than many, I have a keen appreciation for the effort, risk and at times, sacrifice their work involves.

In stark contrast, I have little or no affinity for the “hilltop youth” (with whom the defendant was reportedly associated)—neither with regard to their theo-political ideology nor with the practical methods of operation by which they allegedly strive to implement it.

In large measure, my decidedly non-observant socio-cultural milieu is the antithesis of theirs, with its all-encompassing, faith-based fervor.

Yet, despite my natural proclivities, ever since the fatal torching of the Dawabshehs’ dwelling in the ill-fated village of Duma at the end of July 2015, I have felt a growing uneasiness at the handling of the affair—particularly regarding the official response—read “capitulation”—to the (understandable) outcry of public shock and fury that followed the tragedy.

Sadly, this took the form of what can only be described as a knee-jerk reaction, not only by almost immediately attributing blame for the act to Jewish “terrorists” (despite the absence of any evidence to substantiate the allegation), but by adopting extra-judicial measures to contend with it, similar to those employed against Arab terrorist organizations.

Grave misgivings

I articulated my misgiving in a series of almost ten articles, over a period spanning three and half years. In them, I also underscored the absurdity of the attempt to draw any parallels between transgressions of the Jewish “hilltop youth” and the those of organizations such as Hezbollah and Hamas, and hence to the totally unjustifiable denial of due process during their incarceration. See:

Jewish hate crimes and vandalism are NOT terrorism; Trivializing ‘terror’; Duma, ‘dirty dancing’ & deeply disturbing detention; Presumption of guiltJewish ‘terror’–A guide for the perplexed;  Duma-one year (and three arson attacks) later; The forgotten fire? ; and“Terror”, tigers and tabby cats.

Since then—and particularly after the May 18th conviction—those misgivings have only grown more perturbing.

True, the Lod District Court did find that Ben Uliel did not belong to a terrorist organization—but, somewhat paradoxically, that only made the rationale behind the ruling even more difficult to fathom.

After all, it cast grave doubts on the justification for the use of “enhanced interrogation”, without which it is unlikely that any confession would have been extracted from Ben-Uliel. Indeed, to the best of my knowledge, no information has been released (read “even exists”) on the identity of the organization he was suspected of belonging to; where its headquarters were; what its sources of funding were; what menacing infrastructure it has/had for staging waves of terrorist activity; what its planned attacks were to be and when/where they were to be carried out?

The “ticking bomb” claim

The latter issue is of crucial importance.

For, despite the vigorous legal debate on the justification of “enhanced interrogation”, the courts have only tended to condone the use of “physical pressure” on detainees if the situation is considered a “ticking bomb” one—i.e. when it is imperative to extract information to prevent an impending terror attack and to save lives that otherwise might well be lost.

Clearly then, if a detainee is not a member of a terrorist organization—but acting on his own, as the Court ruled Ben-Uliel was—he is highly unlikely to constitute a “ticking bomb”—as the very fact that he is in custody would imply that he is unable to perpetrate any planned act of terror. In other words, “enhanced interrogation” is not an admissible measure to be used in resolving acts of terror perpetrated in the past, but may be so when used to prevent an impending one, intended to be perpetrated in the future.

Thus, in an otherwise mealy-mouthed editorial, the Jerusalem Post writes: “There is no reason for the Shin Bet to act to extract a confession at any cost; there is every reason for the security agency to act to obtain the intelligence that can thwart planned violent attacks before [it] can take place…

Of course, given the grave ex post doubts as to whether he committed the Duma arson, one might well be excused for feeling a puzzled concern over what ex ante suspicions Ben-Uliel’s interrogators entertained regarding some future atrocity he was scheming to commit.

Intentionally false pretexts, or unintentionally false assumptions

Indeed, in a 2018 conference on the enhanced interrogation methods of the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet), even one far-left, pro-Palestinian activist singled out the Duma episode as one, where use was made of “a ‘ticking bomb [claim]as a reason to torture suspects even when, like in the Duma case, the interrogation is dedicated only to solving a past issue.

Accordingly, there seems little doubt that permission for “enhanced interrogation” was obtained—if not under intentionally false pretexts—then under unintentionally false assumptions.

Indeed, in this case, the “ticking bomb” claim rings increasingly hollow in light of the fact that Ben-Uliel remained un-apprehended for around six months, during which he never engaged in—and was never accused of engaging in—any other terror-affiliated activity—leaving concerned citizens to ponder over just what “bomb”—if at all— was “ticking” anywhere outside the interrogators’ unbending resolve to bring about a conviction.

There is, of course, considerable justification for the adoption of harsh interrogation methods when there is a genuine and well-founded suspicion that a detainee is withholding information that could prevent a planned terror attack and may save lives. However, its abuse, in instances where there is little indication that this is so, will be seized on by the measure’s opponents and can only work to jeopardize its future use in cases where such belief is far more substantial and substantiated.

Significantly, in a recent media interview, the former Deputy Head of the Shin Bet, Yitzhak Ilan, recalled an incident in which a confession to and even a reenactment of terror attack proved to be false,  much to chagrin of many in the law enforcement establishment.

Ilan warned: “When you get a false confession from a suspect and imprison him, you cause   damage–[as] the actual terrorist in the field keeps carrying out attacks and the security forces’ alertness drops because you supposedly caught the [culprit]”.

Coerced confession

On the day of the conviction, (May 18), the unequivocally Left-wing daily, Haaretz, reported: “Ben-Uliel confessed to the crime three times. Two of Ben-Uliel’s confessions were ruled inadmissible, the first because it was extracted by physical force and the second because it had been given soon after physical force was used. A third confession was eventually accepted.” 

Somewhat bafflingly, the Court dismissed Ben-Uliel’s request that his third confession should also be considered inadmissible—on the eminently plausible grounds that it was only made because he feared being subjected to “enhanced interrogation” again, if he refused to confess to his guilt.

Indeed, some of the statements made by the Court, as reported by the media, are—at least to the layman—both puzzlingly and perturbing.

Thus, the Times of Israel quoted the judges as stating: “We cannot rule out the possibility that this was an act of revenge motivated by racist perceptions held by the defendant, even if he wasn’t a member of an organized terrorist infrastructure.” Similarly, Haaretz noted that: “The judges wrote that they could not rule out that the attack was motivated by a desire for revenge or racism without Ben-Uliel actually being a member of an organized group.” 

I wonder if it is only me who finds this formulation appalling! Indeed, it appears to be a total inversion of due process, wherein the judges are imparting dastardly motives to the accused—unless he is able to prove otherwise.

Judicial acrobatics: Bridging gaps between evidence & confession

After all, in our justice system it is not for the accused to definitively rule out any conceivable incriminating “possibility”, but for the prosecution to definitively rule it in—at least beyond reasonable doubt. If the prosecution cannot do so—and judging by the Court’s somewhat circuitous formulation, it has failed to do so—then it must be ruled out.

Indeed, this is the very essence of the presumption of innocence and the corner stone of the Western justice system.

Unsurprisingly, one member of the defense team excoriated this conduct by the Court, declaring:After the court accepted the confession and recreation [of the crime] which had been extracted under torture, getting to a conviction was just a matter of judicial acrobatics bridging the confessions with the contradictory evidence which was found in the field.” (See also here.)

Indeed, one of the gravest aspects of the conviction is the stark inconsistencies between all the eyewitness accounts of the arson and the acts admitted by Ben Uliel in his confession, which formed the foundation of his conviction.

Moreover, as we shall see, when such contradictions emerged, the Court seemed eager to provide an alternative explanation to override any benefit, which  such contradiction might provide the accused. 

When several became one?

Significantly, all witnesses reported that at least two assailants were involved, while Ben-Uliel confessed to acting completely on his own.

Moreover, witnesses reported that the assailants arrived and left the village in two motor vehicles. In his confession, Ben-Uliel claimed he entered and exited the village on foot.

Ironically, even members of the Dawabsheh family were at the time highly skeptical as to the veracity of Ben-Uliel’s confession.

In a July 2016 interview, a year after the lethal arson, Hussein  Dawabsheh , grandfather of the infant who died in the blaze, expressed his skepticism at the purported confession. Citing the account of his other grandson, five year old Ahmad, the sole survivor of the attack, he stated: “Ahmad said he saw a number of people. He could not say how many but he talked about several men who beat his father.”

Dawabsheh also wondered how only one man could carry out the attack: “I do not believe it. It needs a number of people—not one or two. Who can enter the village and do this alone. People saw two cars leaving the village.” With considerable justification, he asked: “How can it be one man with two cars? It’s not logical.”

Curiouser and Curiouser?

Indeed, on the very day of the arson (July 31, 2015), several mainstream media entities published numerous reports of eyewitness accounts on what transpired just several hours before. All of them mention multiple assailants.

Thus, for example in the international press:

Amy Davidson of The New Yorker, wrote: “The house had been set on fire by men who… are believed to be Jewish settlers.… Eyewitnesses saw FOUR men, who fled to the settlement of Ma’aleh Efraim.” 

Jodi Rudoren and Diaa Hadid, reported in the New York Times: “Two witnesses said they saw TWO masked men outside the house watching as the family burned.

In the local media:

Jack Khoury, Chaim Levinson, and Gili Cohen told Haaretz readers: “According to witnesses… TWO masked men arrived at two homes in the village of Duma… They spray-painted graffiti… in Hebrew, breaking the windows of the homes and throwing two firebombs inside… Local resident Mesalem Daoubasah said he saw FOUR settlers fleeing the scene, with several local residents following in pursuit…”. 

Amira Hass, a radical pro-Palestinian journalist, recounted in Haaretz: “A relative of the Dawabsha family, whose house was torched early Friday in a terror attack that killed 18-month-old Ali Sa’ad Dawabsha, has told Haaretz that he saw TWO masked men standing next to the infant’s parents as they lay burning on the ground outside their home.”

Furthermore, expert graphological examination of the Hebrew graffiti on the walls of torched houses in Duma found a “complete lack of similarity” between Ben Uliel’s handwriting and the graffiti, as well clear indications that the graffiti was written by two different people—contradicting both the claim that Ben Uliel sprayed the grafitti and his  confession that he acted alone.

However, according to Haaretz, “In their ruling, the judges wrote that it was impossible to know, based on the evidence they saw, whether there was another perpetrator in the crime. ‘The possibility that the accused is concealing another person who was with him is not unfounded’.”

So, in the absence of any evidence to support the confession, the judges simply speculate there might conceivably be such evidence—but the prosecution merely failed to produce it!!!

Hair-raising stuff this!

As before, the principle of assumption of innocence does not mandate that the defendant prove that possibly incriminating conditions are unfounded. To the contrary, it mandates that the prosecution prove that they are well-founded!

Indeed, this would certainly tend to corroborate the defense’s previous claim that—in order to secure a conviction—the judges were engaged in “judicial acrobatics bridging the confessions with the contradictory evidence which was found in the field.

But the apparent vagaries in judicial conduct are not the only difficulty that arise with the conviction. There is also the “small” matter of common sense.

Indeed, immediately after Ben Uliel was indicted, Chaim Levinson of Haaretz wrote:

“Apart from the difficulty with the admissibility of the confessions, two additional substantial problems arise. The Shin Bet [Israel’s internal security service] were always convinced that the act was committed by a group. Yet Ben Uliel claims he was alone. Prime facie, his version that he arrived on foot alone, then prepared the fire bomb on the spot and [after torching the houses] fled, raises questions. 

Stretching the bounds of credibility

Levinson points out trenchantly: “No such event of this kind has ever been perpetrated by one person alone. The second problem is the question of the car. During the investigation, an 18-year old man was arrested on suspicion that his car was used in the arson attack. Together with him, another 30-year old man was arrested…In any event, if there are indications that a car was involved in the arson, how did Ben Uliel commit the attack on foot?”

Indeed, the confession, the methods by which it was obtained and the discrepancies with all eyewitness accounts, raise deeply disturbing questions.

For, to give credence to the claim that Ben-Uliel is indeed guilty as charged, what do we necessarily have to believe?

We would have to believe that: Ben-Uliel, a then-recently married man and father of an infant girl, without any Special Forces training; (a) had the “cojones” and skill, not only to walk over five kilometers—late at night—undetected and unarmed, to reach the village; (b) he by-passed numerous, more-exposed, alternative targets on the outskirts of the village; (c) he managed to infiltrate, again, undetected and unarmed, into the center of an unfriendly village; (d) set one uninhabited building ablaze; (e) then, still undetected, sprayed copious amounts of paint to write the incriminating Hebrew graffiti; (f) then torched the Dawabsheh home; and (f) finally, make a phantom-like escape, egressing the village without trace, never mind being apprehended, leaving no clue to indicate where he had vanished to—all this entirely on his own!! Really?

Ominous and onerous misgivings…

Of course, it should be underscored that he did all this, apparently, without arranging for any back-up contingency for extricating himself, should he be discovered and set upon (read “lynched”) by the inhabitants of the village?

But that’s not all. If Ben-Uliel was merely looking for a random Arab target, why would he not choose a house on the outskirts of the village rather than one in the center, making escape easier? And why would he choose Duma –a village in which the Dawabsheh clan’s homes were being regularly targeted anyway? Perhaps under “enhanced interrogation”, he came up with a plausible answer?

These are all deeply troubling questions, which should be a source of grave concern to every fair-minded citizen of Israel and its advocates abroad.

But perhaps the most disturbing aspect raised by the cloud of doubt, enveloping the Duma-related legal proceedings, is the very tangible possibility that the real perpetrators of the gruesome 2015 murders are still roaming around free—secure in the knowledge that someone else will be punished for the atrocity they committed.

We can only hope that the planned appeal will help disperse some of these ominous and onerous misgivings.

©All rights reserved.

The Four Communist Machines Behind The Floyd Protests

Antifa has been identified as the primary driver of the violent riots engulfing American cities. But there is a critical second arm of this unholy alliance that has been around longer and has deep roots, along with possible foreign connections. Communists.

It shouldn’t be shocking. Communists domestic and foreign have been trying to undermine and destroy America for many generations. And we’ve seen a disturbing rise in American public support for Socialism and Communism. That support translates into resources and manpower on the ground and it is being put to use.

And yet the Communist element in the riots is getting virtually no media coverage. They’re not as outfront as Antifa and Black Lives Matters, but their role may be as big — and longer lasting. Because while Antifa and BLM may fade, apparently we’ll always have Communists in our midst — at least as long as we have universities infiltrated the way they are.

But they’re not hiding the ball. They weave their Marxist-Socialist agenda in with racial tensions to fan the flames, create chaos and destabilize. We’re seeing them do this in cities across the country, and in smaller cities where there is no violence but the Communists still play on the racial tensions.

Let’s start where this started, in the Twin Cities, where the largest Communist organization has a solid foothold. The Democrat Socialists of America (DSA) in Minneapolis has been supporting the rioters with resources and organization while participating in the “protests.” They use the classic Marxist language, tweeting “support the ongoing mass working-class uprising!” and later tweeting: “For all community members, fuel up to fight the fascists & police state today, join us @ Lake & 30th Ave for free hot meals & groceries! Justice & nutrition for the frontlines.”

See how they conflate the two. Here’s their official statement:

“Racist police violence is not incidental to the capitalist system, it is necessary to maintain its operation. We recognize that as we fight for a better world, it will be the police who threaten our protests, the police who will break up our picket lines, the police who selectively wield their monopoly on violence against Black people and working-class people to protect those with power and privilege.”

DSA is known to be involved in rioting in Atlanta, Los Angeles, Seattle and Memphis. It’s highly likely they are in other cities also.

But they are only one Communist group.

The Workers World Party (WWP) is also in several cities as part of the chaos. The WWP openly supports China, Russia, Cuba, North Korea and Iran  — essentially anyone that is an enemy of the United States. The Stalinist group has active chapters in 15 cities. WWP leader Monica Moorehead wrote May 28 an article with the headline, “Against police violence and capitalism, to rebel is justified:”

“Workers World salutes all the brave protesters in Minneapolis, currently ground zero against police terror. We also salute those activists in Los Angeles, Memphis and other cities who are organizing protests and braving the pandemic to be in the streets or in car caravans to show solidarity with the demand: Justice for George Floyd and all victims of police violence.”

The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) has organized protests in smaller cities around the U.S., including Columbia, S.C., Sarasota, Fla., Ashland, N.C., Richland, Wash. as well as San Antonio, Texas and several in the Los Angeles region. In a statement on its website May 26, the PSL said it cannot rely on the FBI for justice in the Floyd case: “The FBI is a violent state institution that has been wielded as a weapon against the liberation movement of black people in the United States.”

Interestingly, the PLS website does not have an About page, so they don’t spell out the radical revolutionary ideology, although the content of their site certainly does. They lament the Soviet Union is no more, celebrate the Chinese Communist revolution and mourn the death of Castro.

According to Wikipedia: “The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) is a communist party in the United States established in 2004 after a split in the Workers World Party (WWP).”

More from Wiki: “The party’s goal is to lead a revolution paving the way towards socialism, under which a ‘new government of working people’ would be formed.”

And finally, there is the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), a self-identified Maoist Communist organization, is calling for “a movement for an actual revolution” on the coattails of the Floyd murder and is participating in riots. This group published a statement titled “To YOU who are sick and tired of the madness, and ready to be part of a movement for an ACTUAL REVOLUTION:

“If you’re sick of watching video after video of these murders by police… you need to join with a movement for an actual revolution, to prepare for a time when it will be possible to lead millions to bring this system down, and replace it with a new society based on the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America.”

The RCP wraps itself in leftist causes with coalition groups such as the Stop Patriarchy, October 22 Coalition to Stop Police Brutality, Stop Mass Incarceration Network and Refuse Fascism. Again, they conflate racial tensions with class warfare to leverage more chaos.

These four groups have long histories and are as radical as Antifa. They are not getting the headlines because Antifa is more blatantly violent. But they revel in the violence and burning cities and will continue to sew unrest and turmoil to overthrow America.

RELATED ARTICLE: 269 Companies Supporting ANTIFA & Black Lives Matter

EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Defund the Police’? The Method to the Left’s Madness

Dismantling the police, a measure already proposed in Minneapolis, makes about as much sense as eliminating doctors or farmers and would likewise lead to pain and death. But if there is method to the madness, and I suspect there is in some Machiavellian quarters, it’s perhaps this: Certain leftists want to eliminate the police because they want to become the police.

Or, at least, they want their foot soldiers to fill that role.

Oh, there are other motivations, too, ranging from raw, misguided passion to formulaic devotion to a perverse leftist creed to wider efforts to destabilize the country. Remember, though, if you’re a power seeker, you attack those whose power you want for yourself. And upon attaining police power, enforcing a political agenda becomes much easier.

Any leftist with a few brain cells to rub together knows not only that dismantling the police would lead to anarchy, but that anarchy is never a permanent state of affairs. People would be desperate for restored order, and some controlling force would step into the breach and secure it — though it might be a disordered order.

Of course, the Left isn’t currently calling what would replace nixed police “police”; that wouldn’t fly, and, besides, the pseudo-intellectual lunkheads in question just love euphemisms and utopian language too much. So in Minneapolis, at least, they’re labeling what would replace their cops “a transformative new model for public safety.” Uh, yeah, whatever.

What would this actually look like? Maybe the Crips or Bloods, social-justice warriors, ANTIFA or Black Lives Matter types or perhaps a combination of the preceding. But one could easily foresee this “transformative” group quickly transforming into de facto police, with guns, batons, handcuffs and the works — and a really bad attitude.

One could also envision them enforcing laws selectively, in accordance with a “woke,” leftist agenda, and mainly against groups deemed “victimizers” (whites, Christians, etc.) while turning a blind eye to crimes against those groups.

The foot soldiers would have the perfect rationalization, too: Since they’ve bought the lie that white police abuse minorities, they’d figure that “turnabout is fair play” — and relish the opportunity for vengeance.

Police brutality, actually long in decline, could then become the norm. Don’t expect that the EneMedia would report on it, though. As long as the “right” people were being brutalized and the “right” agenda implemented, it wouldn’t be “newsworthy.” The abused could still approach the ACLU, however — and be told, “Sorry, we don’t help people with ‘white privilege.’”

Eliminating local cops could also facilitate the nationalization of police, something discussed during the Barack Obama administration. This wouldn’t happen under President Trump, but it could become a reality if the Democrats recapture the White House.

Of course, this would make the police far less answerable to the local community. It also would ensure that a leftist law-enforcement paradigm was imposed on localities uniformly nationwide. Hey, how else do you deal with those America-loving, conservative sheriffs elected by the flyover types?

In fact, remember the “Civilian Security Force” Obama proposed during the 2008 presidential campaign, the one he said would be “just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded” as the military? Don’t think that idea couldn’t be resurrected, and don’t think such an entity would be just about “security” — unless it’s to secure the implementation of an agenda.

Moreover, the unrelenting attacks on the police could if nothing else degrade them incrementally, ultimately providing a pretext for completely remaking them. After all, if cops continue being handcuffed and forced to treat thugs with kid gloves while they get abused, get vilified and charged with crimes when they allegedly violate what could becomes unrealistic “rules of engagement,” and consequently begin “de-policing,” what will happen to morale? Will good people still want to become cops?

So that’s a logical, albeit nefarious, reason to defund the police. This said, one logical reason to make hay out of an isolated case of police brutality, the George Floyd incident, is different. It’s about defeating Trump.

It hasn’t escaped the Left’s notice that Trump’s approval rating has been as high as 40 percent among blacks, according to Rasmussen, no less. Even if this is an outlier result, it terrifies the Democrats. For they know that if just 20 percent of blacks vote for Trump in November (the Dems count on getting their usual 90-plus percent of the black vote), it would likely spell their electoral doom. So they’d like to use the Floyd incident and the myth of a police war on minorities to scare blacks back on to their plantation.

Democrats do historically, after all, have great experience running plantations. As for having experience running effective and just police forces, well, not so much.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Gab (preferably) or Twitter, or log on to

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Trump Criticizes Democrats, Biden for ‘Defund the Police’ Movement

‘Veto-Proof Majority’ — Minneapolis City Council Pledges To ‘Dismantle’ Police Department

Man Charged With Murder Of Retired St. Louis Police Officer Defending Store From Looters

DC Mayor Won’t Answer Repeated Questions About Removing ‘Defund The Police’ Mural From City Street

‘I Only Kneel For One Person’: Black Georgia State Trooper Refuses To Kneel At Black Lives Matter Protest

PODCAST: Death of George Floyd and the tragic aftermath of violence, destruction and killings



Congressman Bob Barr represented Georgia’s 7th District in the House of Representatives from 1995-2003. He now practices law in Atlanta, Georgia and is Chairman of Liberty Guard a non-profit, pro-liberty organization. He also heads the Law Enforcement Education Foundation and a consulting firm, Liberty Strategies.

TOPIC: Death of George Floyd and the tragic aftermath of violence, destruction and killings.


Dr. Anne Hendershott is a professor of Psychology, Sociology, and Social Work at Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio and writes for the American Spectator. She is the author of several books, including The Politics of Deviance, The Politics of Abortion, and Status Envy: The Politics of Catholic Higher Education. She has taught at the University of San Diego and at The King’s College in New York City. Her articles have also been published in the San Diego Union-Tribune and the National Review magazine.

TOPIC: What makes a mob and how protests become violent riots.


Rick Manning is a Conservative Commandos and AUN-TV alumnus and the President, Americans for Limited Government. Rick also served on President Trump’s transition team. And he is also the author of the new book with Starr Parker — “Necessary Noise: How Donald Trump Inflames the Culture War and Why this is good for America!”

TOPIC: First hand observations of the riots in Washington D.C.

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What Is To Be Done About the Left’s Anti-Americanism?

My latest in PJ Media:

The murder of George Floyd, as everyone knows, was only a pretext for the riots that have now taken several lives and caused billions of dollars in property damage. Their seeds were planted decades ago. And now the question before us, if we wish to preserve the United States as a free society, is what must be done to address the deeply rooted problems that got us into this fix in the first place.

No, I don’t mean “systemic racism” or any of the other Leftist talking points making the media rounds these days. As many have noted, Americans fought a civil war to end slavery and have a longer, fuller record of legally fighting racism than virtually any other country in the world. “White privilege” is a Leftist myth designed to sow distrust and division, as well as shame at the nation’s culture and heritage.

But there are deep systemic problems. One is the Left’s long march through the institutions, which began in the 1960s and has ended in total victory: The Left controls the establishment media, the educational system, the corporate culture, the entertainment industry, and more. Richard Nixon was complaining about the biased press coverage of his campaign for Governor of California in 1962 when he said “You won’t have Dick Nixon to kick around anymore,” but the propaganda machine that did him in was just in its infancy then.

Now, decades later, no one bats an eye when Democratic Party operatives such as George Stephanopoulos and Donna Brazile, and a host of others, go into the “news” business. It is taken for granted that every reporter for every major publication, every one, is a hard-Left ideologue.

This has consequences far beyond simply giving only one side of the story and doing everything possible to make President Trump look as bad as possible. Government and law enforcement officials at all levels today have no problem appearing at functions of groups such as the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which the media consistently portrays as a “civil rights” organization when its agenda is in fact deeply subversive.

But they would never be caught dead at a conference of a group opposed to jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women, and if they did have the temerity to show up at such a gathering, they would have to answer to a hysterical media lynch mob enraged at their appearing at a meeting of a “hate group.”

And that’s just one very small aspect of the problem. The Leftist stranglehold on the educational system is another. Our children have been taught to hate the land of their birth. Who didn’t think this would bear bitter fruit? There was some indignation among conservatives over the 1619 Project, which portrays the entire American enterprise as racist, oppressive, and hateful, winning the Pulitzer Prize, but that was just the culmination of decades of miseducation and propaganda disguised as education.

There is much more. Read the rest here.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.