Terrorists and Our #@*%+ President

obamacairYou know something is terribly wrong when three former Secretaries of State, Henry Kissinger, George Schultz and Madeleine Albright tell a Senate Armed Services Committee that the President of the United States is an idiot with no idea how to conduct foreign affairs. Well, they didn’t say it in those words, but that was pretty much the message. That was January 29.

Two days earlier retired 4-Star General James Matthis, former head of U.S. Central Command, former Army Vice Chief of Staff and 4-Star General Jack Keane, and Navy Admiral William Fallon, also a former CentCom chief, had also testified before the Committee. They had a similar message as the diplomats. Obama and the other idiots in the White House are completely clueless regarding the threat of radical Islam in general and a potential nuclear Iran in particular.

This is, after all, a White House that is trying to call those intent on taking over the entire Middle East and, after that, the rest of the world anything other than “terrorists.” They have used terms such as “insurgents”, “activists” and “militants.” Here at home, they are still referring to the killings at Fort Hood as “workplace violence.” Don’t any of these idiots understand that the terrorists, whether they call themselves al Qaeda or the Islamic State, Hezbollah, Hamas or any other name all constitute the same threat?

That’s what the generals addressed. They told the Senate committee that absence of a White House strategy makes the ISIS, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan wars “unwinnable.” I have been around since the end of World War II and that stretch of U.S. history is one in which we fought to a stalemate in Korea and a loss in Vietnam. After we won the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, Obama pulled out and now they are lost too. There was a time when Americans and their leaders knew how to win wars.

Indeed, there was a time when Americans preferred to elect generals to be their President, starting with George Washington. Among those with that rank were Andrew Jackson, Zachary Taylor, Franklin Pierce, Andrew Johnson, Ulysses S. Grant, Ruther P. Hayes, James A. Garfield. Chester A. Arthur. Benjamin Harrison, and Dwight D. Eisenhower. All the others had also served in the military in some capacity…except Barack Hussein Obama.

Obama not only doesn’t have experience in the military, he doesn’t seem to like them much. He has done everything he can to reduce our military capacity to fight a war anywhere or to show any genuine respect for the troops on active duty. The only uniform he ever wore was as an Indonesian Boy Scout.

Retired Marine Gen. Jim Mattis told the Congress “America needs a refresh national security strategy. We need to come out from our reactive crouch and take a firm, strategic stance in defense of our values.” Apparently those values don’t matter to the White House or to those left-wingers who wet their pants over the popularity of “Sniper”, a film that pays tribute to our troops who fought the war in Iraq.

Obama - Failed Foreign Policy

Under Obama’s term in office, radical Islam has increased four-fold in the past five years, ISIS ten times since 2012 and Iran has masterminded control of the capitols in Beirut, Lebanon, Damascus, Syria, Baghdad, Iraq, and now in Sanaa, Yemen. It has been the power behind Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza.

Gen. Keane described Obama’s withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan as an “absolute strategic failure.” He called radical Islam “the major security challenge of our generation.”

Regarding Iran, Gen. Keane said, “In 1980, Iran declared the United States as a strategic enemy and its goal is to drive the United State out of the region, achieve regional hegemony, and destroy the state of Israel.”

“Is there any doubt that Iran is on the march and is systematically moving toward their regional hegemonic objective?” asked Gen. Keane. “Iran has been on a 20-year journey to acquire nuclear weapons, simply because they know it guarantees preservation of the regime and makes them, along with their partners, the dominant power in the region, thereby capable of expanding their control and influence. Add to this their ballistic missile delivery system and Iran is not only a threat to the region, but to Europe, as well.” The U.S. in time will be in missile range.

“We have no comprehensive strategy to stop it or defeat it,” said Gen. Keane.

Thanks to Barack Obama, the United States of America can no longer be seen as the world leader, opposing the forces that seek to impose control. Former allies, particularly in the Middle East, no longer have any confidence that we would come to their defense if they were attacked.

Thanks to Barack Obama, our enemies have been emboldened and our allies confused, but it is not that confusing. He is an idiot who lacks any grasp of history’s lessons and he is a coward who cannot be expected to seriously respond to our own and our allies’ enemies.

© Alan Caruba, 2015


The emerging Iran nuclear deal raises major concerns – Washington Post

Day after Muslims burned pilot, Obama hosted “American Muslims leaders” at White House, press banned

FBI official: Islamic State is Recruiting U.S. Teens

How could this be? Obama, Kerry, Biden, David Cameron, and everyone else assures us that the Islamic State has nothing to do with Islam. So why is it so appealing to young Muslims in the West? Why are Muslim parents encouraging their children to join it? The cognitive dissonance is massive, and the FBI isn’t doing what it should be doing: calling upon U.S. Muslims to teach against the Islamic State’s ideology.

Right now, it is not being countered with any organized program in U.S. mosques or Islamic schools, and no one seems to care.

“FBI official: ISIS is recruiting U.S. teens,” by Pamela Brown and Wesley Bruer, CNN, February 4, 2015 (thanks to Aron):

Washington (CNN)For the head of the FBI’s counterterrorist division, Michael Steinbach, the unknown worries him the most.

Steinbach is leading the daunting effort to stay on top of the evolving threat landscape, which includes targeting and recruiting teenage Americans. In an exclusive interview with CNN inside the agency’s Strategic Information and Operations Center, he acknowledged it’s extremely difficult to track every American who might travel abroad to join terrorist groups like the Islamic State.

“I’m worried about individuals that we don’t know about that have training,” Steinbach said. “We know what we know. But there is a number that’s greater than that that we don’t know.”

Steinbach says U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies don’t track individuals leaving the United States to vacation in Europe.

“Once you get to Europe, you can easily get down to Turkey and into Syria” Steinbach says.

There’s growing concern about homegrown violent extremism in the aftermath of last month’s terror attacks in Paris. Those strikes underscored the threat posed to the West by small groups of terrorists with western passports who are influenced by the rhetoric espoused by ISIS. Steinbach is concerned that type of attack could happen on U.S. soil.

When asked if there are ISIS cells in the U.S., Steinbach said “there are individuals that have been in communication with groups like ISIL who have a desire to conduct an attack” and those people are living in the U.S. right now, but he says the term “sleeper cells” is too simplistic, because the threat is much more complicated and diffuse.

In the U.S., the FBI has seen children as young as 15 recruited by ISIS and Steinbach said he “can’t speak with 100% certainty that individuals of that age group have not gotten over there successfully.”

In some cases, Steinbach said parents even encourage their children to be involved with terror groups.

“There are individuals out there who are inspired by the message of terrorist groups and they encourage family members, including their children, to follow that path,” he said, adding in those cases, the FBI holds the parents responsible….

A Special Kind of Hate

Muslim anti-Semitism in Europe.


Jews in Europe report a surge in anti-Semitism

74% of French Jews are considering emigration

Jews flee anti-Semitism upsurge in Europe

French Muslims see Jews controlling the economy

The ghosts of Auschwitz in the Muslim world

Islamic anti-Semitism

The global pogrom

Jews leave Swedish city after sharp rise in anti-Semitic hate crimes

Reporter wearing kippah abused by Muslims in Malmö, Sweden

Jews attacked in Malmö days after synagogue vandalised

Jewish woman beaten by Muslims in Sweden for wearing Star of David

The mayor of Malmö blames Jews for anti-Semitism

Anti-Semitism in Copenhagen

Switzerland: Muslim protesters attempt to storm synagogue

Belgian cafe posts a sign banning Jews from entering

Anti-Israel protesters defend Hitler. Police eject pro-Israel man

Anti-Semitism in Britain. “Sit up and take notice.”

UK Islam apologist admits to Muslim anti-Semitism, “our dirty little secret”

The Luton Islamic Centre is a hotbed of anti-Semitic hatred

Jewish MP cancels surgeries after threat

UK Muslim gang goes “Jew bashing”

Another gutless UK politician condemns the current wave of anti-Semitism without once alluding to its source.

New York City councilman David Greenfield calls out the Jew haters for what they are

Arab TV teaching children to hate Jews

Daniel Greenfield: We need to talk about Muslim anti-Semitism

Contemporary imprints of the anti-Semitic libel, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

EDITORS NOTE: You may download audio versions of all of Pat Condell’s videos at: http://patcondell.libsyn.com/

Jihad Mughniyah and the Burned Jordanian Pilot

This is really unbelievable! The Iranian Shi’a Hezbollah terrorists are initiating confrontation of Israel’s borders and just a hop, skip and a jump away, the Sunni Islamic State is burning a Jordanian pilot alive.

Tune in as we explain how thias can happen! In 2008 Mughniyah got whacked by the CIA/Mossad because he was responsible for hundreds of deaths of innocent Americans and Jews. Recently his terrorist son, Jihad Mughniyah was evaporated by a missile and now the Iranians are really mad, thus launching attacks against Israel.

Put all this against the instability of the Middle East and man, we got some serious problems. The more you unravel the Iranian quest for NUKES, the more frightening the story develops. Imagine, Apocalyptic Ayatollahs with mega-destructive toys, let loose in a Sunni sand box and guess what you get? Dead Americans, Dead Jews and Dead Muslims.

These Islamic Shia’ Supremacists want control of Saudi oil, Saudi Mecca and Jerusalem and they KNOW that the way to achieve their Satanic objectives is to get their hands on red hot Plutonium! Thank Allah, we have President Obama standing between the Free World and Armageddon! This three-part series will tell you all you need to know that President Obama is the worst person in the world to trust with smashing Iran.

God help us.


FBI official: Islamic State is recruiting U.S. teens

Shoe bomber: “I do believe my actions to have been permissible in Islamic law”

Iowa caucus: 53% of Republicans, 81% of Democrats think Islam is peaceful

The Real White Privilege and My Radio Race War

If you look for the worst in a group, you’re sure to find it. Using a twist on an Abraham Lincoln line, I made that statement on the Mildred Gaddis Show (Radio One Detroit WCHB AM) last Wednesday during a debate on “White Privilege: Myth or Reality.” Finding myself pitted against the other guest, whose name isn’t important, and the black callers, it was a spirited discussion, to say the least.

It was also, unfortunately, a good example of how hatred is like darkness: the more there is, the less you can see.

To the other guest and the black callers, white privilege’s reality was simply a “fact” everyone was obligated to acknowledge, and the only legitimate question was the extent to which it has affected our lives. My debate opponent was flabbergasted that I denied this.

Of course, the general explanation for “deniers” such as me — and this is the white man’s plight, the dogma goes — is that we’re so immersed in our privilege that we just can’t help ourselves and see beyond it. Thus is our opinion on the subject irrelevant.

This demonization is a bit like what befell the Jews in Nazi Germany. It mattered not if they didn’t have two pfennigs to rub together; by virtue of being Jewish they were automatically deemed privileged — and guilty of taking advantage of that privilege. And this justifies all manner and form of discrimination against the target group to “balance the scales.” Of course, those scales never do get balanced. For instance, even though South African whites are politically powerless today and subject to great discrimination and violence, they’re still blamed for their country’s woes.

But accepting white privilege as supposition is prejudice itself. If someone wishes to claim this phenomenon exists, the burden is on him to prove it; it is not on those who would have to prove a negative.

This proof is never forthcoming. The only argument offered is that whites are more prosperous and healthier socially than are blacks, which proves white privilege as much as blacks’ numerical dominance in the NBA proves black privilege. After all, Hindus (exclusively non-white) are the highest-earning religious group in the U.S., and Jews are number two, yet no one today takes this as proof of Hindu or Jewish privilege. In fact, in a radio debate some years ago I challenged a different guest — who cited whites’ higher incomes as proof of privilege — to be true to his rationale and speak of Jewish privilege (which he wouldn’t dare do). His response?

Jewish people can’t be privileged because we know they’ve suffered discrimination.

Of course, this is circular reasoning. Higher incomes were proof of his ideology — except when his ideology said that higher incomes weren’t.

But that’s the left-reason Left for you. They don’t need facts or logic. They know white privilege exists. They know whites discriminate. It’s just a matter of accepting the terms of surrender and your place in the re-education camp. Because they know. Yet the guest on that second show, a Ph.D., didn’t even know that whites (non-Hispanic) were only 63 percent of our population; he thought they constituted 80 percent. And this was quite striking, that he didn’t know the country’s racial and ethnic make-up — his Ph.D. was in ethnic studies.

But, hey, don’t you know? Educators today teach students “how to think” — as opposed to just teaching memorization and “facts.”

So it’s no wonder many don’t have enough facts to lend perspective to the few facts they do know. On the Mildred Gaddis Show I heard the usual refrains: whites had slaves, whites violated blacks’ civil rights, white men in America didn’t allow anyone else to vote. The other guest even bellowed, as if relating an unpardonable sin, that our country was founded only by white men. Is this shocking in a primarily white civilization? China was founded by Chinese, and ancient Egypt was founded by Egyptians.

French philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville noted, “The most dangerous moment for a bad regime is when it begins to reform itself.” Being a rough-hewn lot, all of man is a “bad regime.” But whites started to reform themselves.

And now they’re endangered.

That is to say, it’s true that whites engaged in slavery, violated human rights and suppressed voting. But is this notable? All groups did those things. Slavery has been practiced since time immemorial and still is not unusual in places such as Africa. What’s notable is that while it’s unlikely whites were the first ones to engage in slavery, they were the first ones to outlaw it. Europeans led the way there, followed by the U.S. a bit later.

Human-rights violations are also the historical norm. What’s notable is that whites were the group that originated our modern concept of human rights.

And for virtually all of history women and blacks couldn’t vote — anywhere — because no one could vote.

Until whites invented democracy.

It was born in Athens, Greece 2500 years ago. And modern constitutional republics were originated by whites as well.

Having said all this, I’ll now admit I’ve been wrong in denying the reality of white privilege. It certainly exists.

It’s the privilege from which anyone who resides in a primarily white nation benefits. People who live in Western lands enjoy a lifestyle unparalleled in history or anywhere in the rest of the world. As Thomas Sowell wrote recently addressing Barack Obama’s classless impugning of our country while in India, “[W]hat Obama called ‘terrible poverty’ in America would be called prosperity in India.”

This brings us to the fact that there is black privilege as well. It’s not enjoyed by most black people, who live in Africa often in misery and under despotism. But in the U.S. it means benefitting from quotas, affirmative-action, set-asides, immunity from many kinds of criticism, and the latitude to make racial remarks and jokes that would destroy whites’ careers.

Some may now fault me for framing all this in racial terms. But how else can one address a race-based claim such as white privilege? Don’t write the check if you don’t want it cashed.

It could also seem as if I’m engaging in white triumphalism. But while the causes of civilizations’ varying degrees of success constitute an interesting topic too complex to explore here, know that I don’t consider cultural and technological advancement a purely white domain. Egypt and China were once dominant powers, and China may become so again. But I am trying to balance the scales.

This returns us to my opening Lincoln line. If you focus on a person’s sins to the exclusion of his good deeds, you can make him appear the Devil incarnate. It’s fashionable today to look for the worst in whites, and because of this people are sure to find it. And the result is that we will hear things such as, to quote late leftist writer Susan Sontag, “The white race is the cancer of human history.”

But, of course, whites do have certain crimes to answer for. As an example and in an interesting irony, it seems it was a white man who disgorged the concept of white privilege.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Twitter or log on to SelwynDuke.com

Trail Life USA Signs Memorandum with P.R.A.Y.

ORLANDO –  The Trail Life USA Board of Directors recently issued a Memorandum of Ministry Association with P.R.A.Y. (Programs of Religious Activities with Youth), formalizing the use of its materials as one of the options for Trailmen in the Spiritual Development aim of Trail Life USA.

Of the formal partnership, Trail Life USA CEO Mark Hancock responded, “Trail Life USA is excited about our partnership with P.R.A.Y. Our Christ-centered missions perfectly complement one another; we hope to further impact boys and their families with our shared focus on Christian growth.”

In September 2014 the  P.R.A.Y. Board of Directors approved Trail Life USA as a “Youth Agency Member,” with P.R.A.Y. CEO Mark Hazlewood explaining, “P.R.A.Y. is all about bringing children, youth, and families to Christ, and Trail Life USA is a perfect fit for us. We welcome them as a member of P.R.A.Y. and look forward to ministry together!”

In addition to the P.R.A.Y. religious offerings, the Trail Life USA program also incorporates materials from the National Catholic Committee of Trail Life USA (NCCTL), the Members of the Churches of Christ for Scouting (MCCS),  the Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting (EOCS), Manhood Journey, and participation in other religious activities within Trail Life USA including the Worthy Life Program, Values Frontier Elective Trail Badges, the Trail Life USA Spiritual Development Award, the Delta Life Discipleship Program Options, and the Freedom Experience Christian Education options.


For more information on Trail Life USA visit www.TrailLifeUSA.com. For more information on P.R.A.Y., go to www.PRAYPub.org.

World Hijab Day: A Rutten Experience

NP3HighSchoolHijabDayJanuary 29, 2015, was Hijab Day at NP3 High School, in Sacramento, California.  One student who is interning for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) gave a presentation on Islamophobia and in no time at all, the befuddled faculty, staff and students were “encouraged” by principal, Tom Rutten, to wear a hijab – a veil that covers the woman’s head and chest.

What began as the seventh century Bedouin woman’s attempt at privacy and protection from the desert has become a veil symbolic of a woman’s indignity and servitude.  As Nonie Darwish so aptly explained in her book, Cruel and Usual Punishment, women have come to represent the totality of evil and inferiority in Islamic teaching.

Considered lacking in intelligence and religion, women are seen as half the worth of men in a Shari’a court; in the case of rape, her accusation has no worth without four witnesses.  Women may be raped for wearing “indecent” clothing, and beaten by their husbands for leaving the house unaccompanied by a male relative.  If her behavior further irritates, he may imprison her without food and clothing, and arrange for stoning until dead.  In this despotic society, women bear the honor of the male, so that girls and women may be killed by a father who fears his esteem has been sullied.

The hijabs and burqas serve the purpose of enforcing women to obey Shari’a and submit to men.  Furthermore, they are obligated to defend this life of bondage or else risk their own destruction at the hand of their families.  It is because of such constant fear, that many women are defensive when challenged by non-Muslims.  Some may even try to earn honor and respect by joining the radicals for violent jihad (holy war against the infidel).

To cultures that enjoy freedom, these concealed women should be regarded  victims of sadism, forced to endure the insufferable heat of the subtropics under layers of clothing, and prevented from enjoying the summer sun and cool breezes. In fact, medical experts have noted that these covered women in northern climes, with less sunshine, are suffering disproportionately from osteoporosis due to the lack of Vitamin D, and experiencing an increased risk of pelvic fracture during childbirth. Their newborns are more prone to suffering  seizures from the same deficiency.

Islamic law is concerned more with raping, beating, flogging, and stoning women than with honoring them.  Shari’a law demands that women be covered from head to toe as a way of solving the male’s sexual temptations. Rather than teach the males self-restraint and respect, the woman shoulders the responsibility of hiding herself.  Tragically, because some women want to appear obedient to their god and men, other women bear the burden of ridicule and targets of fatwas (legal opinions that often lead to threats of death).

Tom Rutten, the principal, and Scott Dosick, president of the Board of Trustees of the Natomas Unified School District, appear to be gullible and ill-informed.   Whether somehow compelled or naively eager to please, they have, albeit temporarily, aligned the school to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood – both recognized as terrorist groups by the United States government.   The usual claims are trumpeted, that this is to promote a deeper understanding between different faiths, but the interchange will predictably be in one direction only.  The Muslims will not be required to don a Jewish kippah or a Catholic Sister’s habit, neither would they consider doing so this side of Paradise.

Rather than guide the new immigrants in becoming Americans, as previous ethnic groups have done, the school has accepted the customs from those who refuse to assimilate.  When an intruder or invader makes demands (no matter how subtle) that are met with compliance and submission from the host, it is conquest, not assimilation.  I am concerned about how the school will handle future requests, such as visiting the local mosque, installing footbaths in the restrooms, removing foods from the cafeteria that Muslims find offensive and demanding for halal foods, removing animal pictures they consider distasteful, removing Israel from a map, eliminating all historic information about the Ancient Israelites, and allowing a room and time for Muslim prayer..  These are among the many incremental adjustments to result in a gradual change of America as we know it.

The student,  a representative  of CAIR, whose motto is, “We are not here to be equal to other religions; we are here to dominate,” also conducted a discussion on Islamophobia, a term used to curb our freedom of speech by teaching non-Muslims to refrain from language they find offensive, including the violent history of Mohammed and Islam, the brutality of Sharia law, the truths about the treatment of women and sexual slavery,  the 1400 years of Islamic savagery perpetrated by Muslims against all others, jihad and terrorism, studying democracy, and learning about Israel.   By curbing our children’s free speech, behaviors, and dress choices, they are destroying our own cultural thoughts and behaviors, producing submissive adults.  They have eliminated from the history books all Islamic violence, and the history and founding of America, including the Constitution and Bill of Rights.  As our freedoms of thought and discussion are eroded, so are our cultural enthusiasm and growth.  They are working to transform Americans into their image – one of a backward, destructive desert people.

CAIR has “engaged in more than 100 political influence operations on behalf of foreign principals in the United States.”  I am deeply concerned that the school authorities knew that the student was an intern for the Hamas-linked terror organization, CAIR, the worldwide organization that is linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, supports terrorism, and seeks to implement Sharia-based governance globally.  I am concerned that they could not or would not protect themselves and their students from the stealth cultural onslaught.

Therefore, in all fairness and in the interest of equality and mutual understanding, I ask Mr. Rutten and Mr. Dosick to please inform me when they will schedule the next days of honor for other religions, and precisely how they’ll equalize the programs.   In that way, all the students may learn to appreciated each other and grow to be proud Americans with their rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness intact, each in his/her own way.

CLICHÉS OF PROGRESSIVISM #42 – “Jesus Christ Was a Progressive Because He Advocated Income Redistribution to Help the Poor”

You don’t have to be a Christian to appreciate the deceit in this canard. You can be a person of any faith or no faith at all. You just have to appreciate facts.

I first heard something similar to this cliché some 40 years ago. As a Christian, I was puzzled. In Christ’s view, the most important decision a person would make in his earthly lifetime was to accept or reject Him for whom He claimed to be—God in the flesh and the savior of mankind. That decision was clearly to be a very personal one—an individual and voluntary choice. He constantly stressed inner, spiritual renewal as far more critical to well-being than material things. I wondered, “How could the same Christ advocate the use of force to take stuff from some and give it to others?” I just couldn’t imagine Him supporting a fine or a jail sentence for people who don’t want to fork over their money for food stamp programs.

“Wait a minute,” you say. “Didn’t He answer, ‘Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s’ when the Pharisees tried to trick Him into denouncing a Roman-imposed tax?” Yes indeed, He did say that. It’s found first in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 22, verses 15-22 and later in the Gospel of Mark, chapter 12, verses 13-17. But notice that everything depends on just what did truly belong to Caesar and what didn’t, which is actually a rather powerful endorsement of property rights. Christ said nothing like “It belongs to Caesar if Caesar simply says it does, no matter how much he wants, how he gets it, or how he chooses to spend it.”

The fact is, one can scour the Scriptures with a fine-tooth comb and find nary a word from Christ that endorses the forcible redistribution of wealth by political authorities. None, period.

“But didn’t Christ say he came to uphold the law?” you ask. Yes, in Matthew 5: 17-20, he declares, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” In Luke 24: 44, He clarifies this when he says “…[A]ll things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.” He was not saying, “Whatever laws the government passes, I’m all for.” He was speaking specifically of the Mosaic Law (primarily the Ten Commandments) and the prophecies of His own coming.

Consider the 8th of the Ten Commandments: “You shall not steal.” Note the period after the word “steal.” This admonition does not read, “You shall not steal unless the other guy has more than you do” or “You shall not steal unless you’re absolutely positive you can spend it better than the guy who earned it.” Nor does it say, “You shall not steal but it’s OK to hire someone else, like a politician, to do it for you.”

In case people were still tempted to steal, the 10th Commandment is aimed at nipping in the bud one of the principal motives for stealing (and for redistribution): “You shall not covet.” In other words, if it’s not yours, keep your fingers off of it.

In Luke 12: 13-15, Christ is confronted with a redistribution request. A man with a grievance approaches him and demands, “Master, speak to my brother and make him divide the inheritance with me.” The Son of God, the same man who wrought miraculous healings and calmed the waves, replies thusly: “Man, who made mea judge or divider over you? Take heed and beware of covetousness, for a man’s wealth does not consist of the material abundance he possesses.” Wow! He could have equalized the wealth between two men with a wave of His hand but he chose to denounce envy instead.

“What about the story of the Good Samaritan? Doesn’t that make a case for government welfare programs, if not outright redistribution?” you inquire. The answer is an emphatic NO!” Consider the details of the story, as recorded in Luke 10: 29-37: A traveler comes upon a man at the side of a road. The man had been beaten and robbed and left half-dead. What did the traveler do? He helped the man himself, on the spot, with his own resources. He did not say, “Write a letter to the emperor” or “Go see your social worker” and walk on. If he had done that, he would more likely be known today as the “Good-for-nothing Samaritan,” if he was remembered at all.

What about the reference, in the Book of Acts, to the early Christians selling their worldly goods and sharing communally in the proceeds? That sounds like a progressive utopia. On closer inspection, however, it turns out that those early Christians did not sell everything they had and were not commanded or expected to do so. They continued to meet in their own private homes, for example. In his contributing chapter to the 2014 book, “For the Least of These: A Biblical Answer to Poverty,” Art Lindsley of the Institute for Faith, Work and Economics writes,

Again, in this passage from Acts, there is no mention of the state at all. These early believers contributed their goods freely, without coercion, voluntarily. Elsewhere in Scripture we see that Christians are even instructed to give in just this manner, freely, for “God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7). There is plenty of indication that private property rights were still in effect….

It may disappoint progressives to learn that Christ’s words and deeds repeatedly upheld such critically-important, capitalist virtues as contract, profit and private property. For example, consider His “Parable of the Talents” (see one of the recommended readings below). Of several men in the story, the one who takes his money and buries it is reprimanded while the one who invests and generates the largest return is applauded and rewarded.

Though not central to the story, good lessons in supply-and-demand as well as the sanctity of contract are apparent in Christ’s “Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard.” A landowner offers a wage to attract workers for a day of urgent work picking grapes. Near the end of the day, he realizes he has to quickly hire more and to get them, he offers for an hour of work what he previously had offered to pay the first workers for the whole day. When one of those who worked all day complained, the landowner answered, “I am not being unfair to you, friend. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius?  Take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you. Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?”

The well-known “Golden Rule” comes from the lips of Christ Himself, in Matthew 7:12. “So in everything, do unto others what you would have them do unto you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” In Matthew 19:18, Christ says, “…love your neighbor as yourself.” Nowhere does He even remotely suggest that we should dislike a neighbor because of his wealth or seek to take that wealth from him. If you don’t want your property confiscated (and most people don’t, and wouldn’t need a thief in order to part with it anyway), then clearly you’re not supposed to confiscate somebody else’s.

Christian doctrine cautions against greed. So does present-day economist Thomas Sowell: “I have never understood why it is ‘greed’ to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else’s money.” Using the power of government to grab another person’s property isn’t exactly altruistic. Christ never even implied that accumulating wealth through peaceful commerce was in any way wrong; He simply implored people to not allow wealth to rule them or corrupt their character. That’s why His greatest apostle, Paul, didn’t say money was evil in the famous reference in 1 Timothy 6:10. Here’s what Paul actually said: “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” Indeed, progressives themselves have not selflessly abandoned money, for it is other people’s money, especially that of “the rich,” that they’re always clamoring for.

In Matthew 19:23, Christ says, “Truly I tell you, it will be hard for a rich person to get into the kingdom of heaven.” A progressive might say, “Eureka! There it is! He doesn’t like rich people” and then stretch the remark beyond recognition to justify just about any rob-Peter-to-pay-Paul scheme that comes down the pike. But this admonition is entirely consistent with everything else Christ says. It’s not a call to envy the rich, to take from the rich or to give “free” cell phones to the poor. It’s a call to character. It’s an observation that some people let their wealth rule them, rather than the other way around. It’s a warning about temptations (which come in many forms, not just material wealth). Haven’t we all noticed that among the rich, as is equally true among the poor, you have both good and bad people? Haven’t we all seen some rich celebrities corrupted by their fame and fortune, while others among the rich live perfectly upstanding lives? Haven’t we all seen some poor people who allow their poverty to demoralize and enervate them, while others among the poor view it as an incentive to improve?

In Christ’s teachings and in many other parts of the New Testament, Christians—indeed, all people—are advised to be of “generous spirit,” to care for one’s family, to help the poor, to assist widows and orphans, to exhibit kindness and to maintain the highest character. How all that gets translated into the dirty business of coercive, vote-buying, politically-driven redistribution schemes is a problem for prevaricators with agendas. It’s not a problem for scholars of what the Bible actually says and doesn’t say.

Search your conscience. Consider the evidence. Be mindful of facts. And ask yourself: “When it comes to helping the poor, would Christ prefer that you give your money freely to the Salvation Army or at gunpoint to the welfare department?

Christ was no dummy. He was not interested in the public professions of charitableness in which the legalistic and hypocritical Pharisees were fond of engaging. He dismissed their self-serving, cheap talk. He knew it was often insincere, rarely indicative of how they conducted their personal affairs, and always a dead-end with plenty of snares and delusions along the way. It would hardly make sense for him to champion the poor by supporting policies that undermine the process of wealth creation necessary to help them. In the final analysis, He would never endorse a scheme that doesn’t work and is rooted in envy or theft. In spite of the attempts of many modern-day progressives to make Him into Robin Hood, He was nothing of the sort.


  • Free will, not coercion, is a central and consistent element in the teachings of Christ.
  • It is not recorded anywhere that Christ called for the state to use its power to redistribute wealth.
  • Christ endorsed things like choice, charity, generosity, kindness, personal responsibility, and voluntary association—things that are irreconcilable with coercively-financed redistribution schemes.
  • For further information, see:

“For the Least of These: A Biblical Answer to Poverty,” Anne Bradley and Art Lindsley, editors

“Socialism: Spiritual or Secular?” by Francis Mahaffey

“The Parable of the Talents: The Bible and Entrepreneurs” by Robert Sirico

“Lawrence Reed on The Platform” – a short video interview on income redistribution, the welfare state and Christianity

“Beyond Good Intentions: A Biblical View of Economics” by Doug Bandow

Cliché #20: “Government Can Be a Compassionate Alternative to the Harshness of the Marketplace” by Lawrence W. Reed


Lawrence W. (“Larry”) Reed became president of FEE in 2008 after serving as chairman of its board of trustees in the 1990s and both writing and speaking for FEE since the late 1970s. Prior to becoming FEE’s president, he served for 20 years as president of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy in Midland, Michigan. He also taught economics full-time from 1977 to 1984 at Northwood University in Michigan and chaired its department of economics from 1982 to 1984.

EDITORS NOTE: The Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) is proud to partner with Young America’s Foundation (YAF) to produce “Clichés of Progressivism,” a series of insightful commentaries covering topics of free enterprise, income inequality, and limited government. See the index of the published chapters here. As an organization unaffiliated with any particular faith, FEE encourages other perspectives on such matters. Mr. Reed wishes readers to understand that his personal perspective is not intended to proselytize for any particular faith or church but to illuminate his interpretation of the moral and economic dimension of Christ.)

California Housing Market Bubble Set to Burst — Will America Be Next?

AEI’s National Mortgage Risk Index for Agency purchase loans hit a series high of 11.84% in December, with FHA and VA hitting their own series highs. The addition of about 215,000 loans brought the total number of risk-rated loans to 5.3 million.

Link to view the full January 2015 presentation.  Below is a summary.

All of the indices except Fannie/Freddie rose in December and hit series highs. If FHA were to adopt VA’s risk management practices, the composite index would drop to about 9%.

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Origination Shares and MRIs by Lender Type

A dramatic decline in purchase loan market share for large banks continued in December, offset by an equally dramatic increase in the nonbank share. Large banks are the only lender type with net MRI decline since November 2012; hence, we must look beyond large banks to asses credit trends.

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First-time Homebuyer Share of Purchase Loans*

The share for the combination of government-guaranteed and private-sector loans was estimated to be 50% in December, well above the comparable figure in the latest NAR survey of home buyers (36%).

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Additional Detail on Total DTIs

  • 37% of Fannie/Freddie loans have total DTIs > 38%, up from 14% in 1990 (based on Fannie random sample).
  • FHA and VA have a sizable share of loans with DTIs > 50%, an extremely high pre-tax payment burden. VA’s residual-income underwriting is key to limiting defaults.
  • High total DTIs crowd out participation in defined contribution retirement plans such as 401(k)s, most of which come with employer match. These provide a reliable and attractive means for private wealth accumulation, particularly for lower-income families.

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Range of SMRIs for Home Purchase Loans Across States

There is a wide range for the composite SMRI, and states at the extremes tend to have low or high concentrations of FHA/RHS loans. The variation across states for Fannie/Freddie SMRI is narrow. The SMRI for FHA/RHS loans is uniformly high – above 20% in 48 states—, while the SMRI for VA loans is roughly half that for FHA/RHS loans at both the low and high end.

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Housing Risk in Major California Metro Areas

House price risk in California is relatively high and has risen substantially since 2012.

Combination of elevated mortgage and housing cycle risk in historically volatile California market cause for concern, especially in lower income and minority areas such as Riverside-San Bernardino and Central Valley.

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Housing Risk in Major Texas Metro Areas

While not as high as in California, house price risk in the top four metros in Texas is generally well above the national average and has risen since 2012. The plunge in oil prices will increase house price risk in Texas.

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For more information, please view the full January 2015 presentation by clicking here.

What About Julia? A True Story

I spent the past weekend celebrating my daughter Amelia’s third birthday. One of the stops we made was in the local Build-A-Bear store to buy her a new teddy bear. While we were there we ran into a woman, let’s call her “Julia”, who worked in the daycare location where we used to send Amelia.

What has President Obama really done to help the real ‘Julias’ of the world; is it the “free” community college plan?

It turns out that Julia works in the Build-A-Bear store, along with the daycare center, all the while holding down a third job to make ends meet. Julia kept smiling the entire time we were in the Build-A-Bear, and I admired her for doing so, despite the obvious fatigue showing on her face. Watching a fatigued Julia work despite her exhaustion reminded me that Julia lives in the real world, and in the real world, real policies have real implications for real people. My interaction with Julia, who is a flesh-and-blood person living in the real world, makes me wonder what happened to the faux-Julia from the 2012 Obama interactive web campaign ad (note: this ad has been removed from the campaign website)? Do you remember her? It was a campaign ad designed to highlight the government’s involvement through Obama’s policies, in the life of a fictitious woman named Julia.

The Julia I ran into in the Build-A-Bear already has access to student loans for college and, if President Obama was honest with her about the additional taxes which will be taken out of her three part-time paychecks to pay for “free” community college whether she attends community college or not, I’m not sure she would be so willing to take the deal. If President Obama was even more transparent and explained to her how excessive government involvement in the student-loan business has been a primary-driver of the elevated costs of a college education, she would probably be even less likely to look favorably upon the deal.

What about Obamacare; surely that helped Julia? It’s likely that Julia has to work three separate part-time jobs because Obamacare has incentivized companies to move positions from full to part-time. Obamacare’s mandates, which redefine “full-time” work as a 30-hour work week has, as most government programs do, created a tidal wave of unintended consequences which birthed an incentive for companies to make the Julias of the world part-time and to reduce their hours to under 30 per week.

President Obama may talk a big game about young single-women and all of the beneficial policy prescriptions he has filled for them but his real legacy is frightening. President Obama had lorded over an economic recovery which ranks as the worst in modern times which, when combined with the devastation in middle-class incomes during the Obama years, has forced the Julias of America to trade a future of boundless opportunity for a present consisting of paycheck-to-paycheck survival. President Obama has also forced our Julias to trade a few dollars in savings on readily available contraceptives for hundreds of extra dollars per month in inflated healthcare premiums as a result of Obamacare red tape and mandates.

The Julias of America, working those part-time jobs to stay above water as the waves come crashing in, have been celebrated by this President when it comes to his rhetoric, and abandoned by him when it comes to policy leadership. As conservatives, we will always be at a tactical disadvantage to the far-left purveyors of that failed ideology because they insist on telling the American people about all of the “free” stuff they are going to “give away.” Being a conservative means telling the American people the truth about the real costs of “free” government giveaways, both in terms of their tax dollars and in terms of the damaging effects on the free market through the distorting effects of government third-party-payer models. These are never easy conversations to have but, if we lose elections on the right side of the truth, did we really lose?

As I watched “Julia” work to keep those kids happy in the Build-A-Bear store, despite the obvious exhaustion in her eyes, my frustration grew because I knew that it didn’t have to be this way. If we could just get more money in Julia’s pockets through tax cuts, if we could get Julia the healthcare freedom she needs to make her own cost and quality decisions with regard to her healthcare future and, if we could get the government anchor off of the backs of the small Build-A-Bear businesses that expend precious resources complying with their government masters in the regulatory, tax, and healthcare compliance front, then maybe the Julias of America could trade the look of exhaustion while working their third job of the week, for a look of satisfaction that a better tomorrow is right around the corner.

EDITORS NOTE: This column and the featured image originally appeared in the Conservative Review.

The Ten Big Ones: Getting Back to Basics

Thirty-two million laws passed (some pretty stupid)…perhaps we should just get back to the big ten that God gave us to run the whole world.

The Ten Commandments as listed in Exodus 20:2-17:

  1. “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me.
  2. “You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.
  3. “You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.
  4. “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
  5. “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you.
  6. “You shall not murder.
  7. “You shall not commit adultery.
  8. “You shall not steal.
  9. “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
  10. “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.”

VIDEO: Jew-haters disrupt New York City Council meeting — “Naked, blind antisemitism”

David Greenfield is right: this isn’t simply opposition to Israel, which all too often is born of Jew-hatred in any case. This is open anti-Semitism. The Council was discussing a commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. The protesters were identifying with the Auschwitz murderers.

Pro-Palestinians Disrupt Council Meeting With Anti-Israel Chants

Pro-Palestinians Escorted Out Of Council Chambers After Disrupting Meeting

David Greenfield Stands Up Against Anti-Israel Protesters During City Council Meeting

“VIDEOS: Pro-Palestinians Disrupt City Council Meeting Over Speaker’s Planned Visit To Israel,” by Jacob Kornbluh, JP Updates, January 23, 2015 (thanks to Pamela Geller):

Pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel activists disrupted the City Council’s stated meeting on Thursday while members were voting on a resolution commemorating the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.

The protesters started yelling, “shame on you, Melissa”, “why are you supporting an apartheid” and “Palestinian lives matter.”

After five minutes of yelling and screaming, the some 40 protesters were ordered to leave and escorted out the balcony.

Council member Cory Johnson called it “incredibly disrespectful and offensive. Simply awful.” Councilman Mark Weprin added, “The State of Israel has never supported the killing of innocent people, and they want to love in peace.”

“I am still shaken, upset and angry,” Councilman David Greenfield. “While we were discussing a resolution regarding the murder of 1.1 million human beings – I will point out that 90 percent of them were Jewish, but the other 10 percent, they were political dissidents .. those were the people who were being killed together at Auschwitz-Birkenau. While we were discussing that, they had the chutzpah, the nerve, the temerity, to unfurl a Palestinian flag and yell at us.”

But I’m pleased, because we can stop pretending that this is about Israel. What we saw here was naked, blind antisemitism, good old fashioned antisemitism,” Greenfield roared. “That’s what you saw, and that’s what you watched, and that’s what you witnessed – people who were upset for one reason. Do you want to know why they’re upset, do you want to know why they’re angry, do you want to know why they unfurled that flag today? Because Hitler did not finish the job. He only wiped out half of my family.”

The trip to Israel is a message that “we will not be cowered by this fear and hatred,” he added.

Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito went over to Greenfield and shook his hand as an expression of support.

Republican Council member Eric Ulrich also took the mic to state that “to be pro Israel you don’t have to be Jewish.”

“Israel is a vibrant democracy and I’m proud to go back to Israel again. I will not be intimidated by the hecklers. I will not sit here and allow people to attack the Jews.” Ulrich said.

Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito said in an emailed statement, “At a time when the Council was voting on a resolution commemorating the 70thanniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, this outburst was offensive, outrageous and counter to the values of the City Council.”


Pakistan: Muslim groups place bounties totaling over $1 million on Charlie Hebdo cartoonists

Spanish police arrest Muslim brothers plotting jihad; “many parallels” with Charlie Hebdo jihad massacre

New video claims Islamic State jihadis have beheaded one of their two Japanese hostages

Colorado Muslima jailed for plot to join Islamic State says she is “servant of Allah”: “Jihad must be waged to protect Muslim nations”

Canada-based Muslim charged with jihad plots to kill Americans and support jihad terror groups

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image of Councilman David Greenfield is by William Alatriste/NYC Council.

Crunch-Time for the Coalition

What has Japan done?  Most of us can agree that for years Western European and North American democracies have received a considerable degree of criticism – and applied a considerable degree of self-criticism – based on our recent and far-distant historical actions. In Britain and France the carving up of the Ottoman empire keeps coming back to us. In America its post-World War II engagement in the Middle East has been the focus.

But as Islamic State (IS) paraded its two Japanese hostages on camera this week there should be some reflection on this. Since 1945 it would be hard to find a more pacific and careful nation in foreign policy, let alone expressions of national exceptionalism, than Japan. It is an important economy and an important voice in the family of nations. But if there was a country at the opposite end of the spectrum of ‘world policeman’ it would be post-World War II Japan.

And yet here this week were two of their nationals prone in precisely the same gruesome position that American and British hostages, among others, have found themselves in recent months.  This time it was their government having demands made of them and their leaders receiving the disorientating IS mixture of medievalist behaviour communicated via the most up-to-date technology.

As foreign ministers met in London to discuss how to deal with the IS threat this is a question worth mulling on. In the West we have media organisations and universities packed with people who wish to mull on our own foreign policy mistakes before mulling what to do about actual visible threats. A degree of self-criticism is of course a vital thing, and something which has distinguished our societies for centuries. Yet there is a time when such self-criticism becomes self-doubt, and self-doubt becomes a bar to action even in the easiest cases.

Such is the case with IS. President Obama has famously talked of containing IS, but as more and more nations around the world come face-to-face with the barbarism of IS it is easier than ever to gather international opinion to treat IS not as a problem that should be contained but as a threat that must be eliminated. It is very rare in international affairs to be able to single out any group or any action which is genuinely an affront to the entire international order and the whole community of nations – with their competing and international horse-trading arrangements. But IS is such a threat and such a challenge and it must be hoped that the foreign ministers meeting in London recognised that and can build a proper coalition to address that fact.

RELATED ARTICLE: ISIS Says Countdown For Japan’s Hostages has Begun

An American Caliphate: The Alternate Media are Catching Up to Me

Back on June 15th of last year, I wrote an article so controversial and scary that some of my usual blog publishers passed on it. I knew they would and I knew why. I had come out and said that Washington D.C. was the seat of the Muslim caliphate, and I had provided details to demonstrate that.

Back during the Vietnam War years, there was a slogan among conservatives that went “America right or wrong.”

At one time, most Americans, conservatives in particular, didn’t like to criticize their government in war time because they thought that would be blasphemous to those brave young Americans who had died on the battlefield. Thus instead of laying the blame squarely on the shoulders of those politicians and foreign policy strategists who had cynically squandered these American lives for their own ideological purposes or self-aggrandizement, they chose to cover up the ignominy of the loss and pretend it was a good cause. That ill-conceived practice enabled more and more vain deaths, and is doing so to the present day.

It is a mindset that dies hard.

But if I had had a son back then who had been drafted and killed, I can’t imagine having pretended that he died for a holy cause, and I didn’t understand those parents who took that attitude. Why send more young men to die when you can stand up for what you believe in and hopefully halt the senseless killing?

I am not, of course, referring to justified war to truly protect the homeland. In fact, I cringed a few nights ago while watching a talk show on German cable channel Deutsche Welle where one freelance reporter who had been embedded with ISIS claimed that all the West needs to do to halt the hostility in the Muslim world is to stop the bombing. I immediately thought of Boko Haram, which has never been bombed or shot at, and which recently killed 2000 Christians. There’s no bombing to halt, stupid!

The article I found at American Thinker, which suggests there is at least some realization that the U.S. is pursuing a caliphate, states:

…Islam is on the march. Meanwhile, the West remains mired in cowardice and complicity. Nowhere can this be seen more clearly than in Europe, which is on the fast track to join the Caliphate.

Not to be outdone by Europe’s madness, the United States is traveling down the same bloody path, importing large numbers of Muslims from Islamic countries thanks to the Islamophile sitting in the Oval Office and a nation full of dhimmis.

This bold statement, reflecting my commentary from last June, suggests that America has now turned a bit of a corner, and that selling baseless wars has become a significantly tougher job for the warmongers in Washington, D.C., and that is partly because none other than Barrack Hussein Obama has joined the ranks of those war mongers and it is therefore politically correct for conservatives to talk plainly about this. It also shows that it is now ok to suggest that Washington DC is the seat of the caliphate, as I did back in June. Now if Mitt Romney were president, I would not bet that the comments, if any, would be this bold. After all, media, whether alternative or mainstream, are beholden to political groups. To put it bluntly, there is no fourth estate. Perhaps there never was.

We still have a long way to go before the public wakes up and realizes, for example, that the Ukraine debacle was a sales job to promote isolation of Russia, if not war with Russia, to the world. But even there, progress is being made by the inch, particularly in Europe.

On the other hand, let us never let anyone tell us that the best policy to use against heartless terrorists is to turn the other cheek.

We will eventually have to engage ISIS.

So how are we doing so far?

Aside from largely ineffectual drone attacks in Syria and Iraq, we’re sending 400 troops to train “moderates” in Syria in hopes of taking out the only man standing between Syrian Christians and death!

Almost all of the reports on this major advance in the war against Christians and innocent minorities in Syria are written with a mesmerizing blandness suggesting that all is well and that the lives of innocent Syrians are an acceptable price to pay to rid the world of Bashar al-Assad and replace him with a considerably more radical Islamist government that will install brutal sharia law enshrining violence against women and introducing death penalties to non-Muslims, for example, who speak their mind about the “prophet.”

Not a single feminist group has protested, of course. Their sole raison d’être is to annoy as many people as possible.

I found on article that sums up how U.S. policies kill Christians abroad as though it were our designated policy to kill them. The one comment in the forum accompanying the article was a mindless complaint about Christians “imposing their values” on others, as if trying to prevent the deaths of innocent Christians were an imposition of values peculiar to Christians. How quaint of us to oppose murder.

Meanwhile, the protests against U.S. Christian-killing policies such as the military opposition to al-Assad are scant and scarcely reported. The most successful ones that get past the media firewall are organized by leftist groups that oppose war on principle and would not fight even if their families were attacked.

Then there have been church protests, but mostly by Orthodox churches (e.g. Antiochian Orthodox  in PA), as well as small, poorly organized worldwide protests during the crisis over Syria in 2013, involving a few hundred protesters each.

If the Satanic forces in Washington succeed in taking out Assad and plunging Syria into chaos, it is hard to imagine salvation for the U.S. What kind of God would forgive us? Not mine!

Slander in Islam!

On this show we take a look at the concept of Islamic slander from the Muslim rule book, Reliance of the Traveler.

To help with some explanations is none other than, Imam Abdullah, our own Pakistani Taliban shariah expert. His articulate, insightful and often hilarious comments are NOT TO BE MISSED.

So, start your weekend with a smile on your face and some serious facts for your brain. This is EDUTAINMENT! In addition, we have a live report from Jerusalem Jane. Don’t miss that!


Colorado Muslima gets four years for plot to join Islamic State

Kerry warns against “Islamophobia”

Dearborn Muslima sues police department for forced hijab removal

Dearborn Muslima sues police department for forced hijab removal

Australia: 1,000 Muslims rally against Charlie Hebdo and the freedom of speech

Iran: Tens of thousands protest against Charlie Hebdo and the freedom of speech