VIDEO: Vaccine Mandates, The Mask and Leftist Hate

Dr. Jamie Glazov discusses the Left’s romance with tyranny and terror amidst the Bolshevik coup in America.

Watch: Vaccine Mandates, The Mask and Leftist Hate.

RELATED ARTICLE: Hospitals are overflowing with fully vaccinated patients while the unvaccinated remain healthy!

EDITORS NOTE: This The Glazov Gang video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Hospitals are overflowing with fully vaccinated patients while the unvaccinated remain healthy!

Shhh….Don’t Say Anything!

You can only push back the truth for just so long. Here is an article and a related video by a P/A, Deborah Conrad, who provides a first-hand account of what is actually going on at a New York hospital, were sadly she no longer is allowed to work. Note it’s not just Covid-19 anymore that’s filling up the hospital beds. The below video is from Del Bigtree’s Highwire, where he interviews Deborah Conrad. The overall video is long, but the actual report by Conrad begins at around. 1:17:00. I found the streaming mysteriously choppy, where it would stop and then start up again. I noticed the clock keeps running even though the video is stuck. If it happens to you, stay with it, it will eventually start up. You owe it to yourselves to listen to the end to her heart wrenching account of being terminated from her job.

One thing I found particularly upsetting with Deborah’s telephone conversation with her hospital overlords. They were acting as though the injections had already undergone full trials and were fully approved so criticism by her was unjustified and uncalled for. The reality, of course, is that the injections are very much still in experimental trials, which would dictate an obvious need to document in detail the good, bad, and ugly. Yet the very weird medical profession doesn’t want to hear about any of that, least of which the adverse events.

How crazy is that?

Well, time is here now where suppressing the truth won’t work anymore, where the crack in the dam splits wide open and the ugliness of this scandalous scamdemic comes pouring out in the open, once and for all so everyone finally sees the truth. What then?

Enjoy this story.

Out of concern for the safety of her patients, Deborah Conrad, a physician’s assistant, reportedly convinced the hospital where she works to start carefully tracking the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” status of every patient admitted. What was discovered as a result is that upwards of 90 percent of all new hospital admissions for “covid” are occurring in “fully vaccinated” people.

The area where Conrad works is about 50 percent vaccinated for the Fauci Flu, and yet nine out of every 10 new patients at her hospital are sick, and in some cases dying, despite having gotten jabbed in obedience to the government.

Many of these sick and dying patients are young people who, prior to getting jabbed, were perfectly healthy. Now they have heart problems, blood clots and other health damage that will likely track them for the rest of their lives.

Conrad was so horrified by this revelation that she attempted to reach out to health authorities at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), only to be ignored by both of them.

Conrad’s hospital employer also barred her from filing reports into VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) even after being asked to do so by doctors who work there. (RELATED: Read this to learn more about how the FDA and the CDC have been lying about covid numbers to push their plandemic agenda.)

“That the CDC and FDA failed to respond is arguably not surprising – they have been cheerleading this vaccine for months,” wrote Aaron Siri on his Injecting Freedom Substack blog. “Admitting almost any harm now would be akin to asking them to turn a gun on themselves.”

Hospitals are overflowing with fully vaccinated patients while the unvaccinated remain healthy

In a letter to Rochelle Walensky and other top officials at the FDA and CDC, Siri explained on behalf of Conrad all the details and science surrounding what was discovered at the hospital facility in question, which is located in New York.

One of the biggies is that the hospital facility is now busier and fuller than it ever was throughout the plandemic. Because of the injections, in other words, the hospital facility is now running out of beds.

“Even more troubling is the fact that many individuals being admitted are presenting with complication months after vaccination and the hospital has more admitted patients now on average than it had last year during the pandemic,” Siri writes.

Furthermore, Conrad has been roadblocked at every turn in which she has attempted to get this truth out to the public, including by routing it through the FDA and the CDC, which are supposed to be looking out for public health.

Siri explained that a large AHRQ-funded study by Harvard Medical School found that “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported” to VAERS. This is a paltry figure that is only made worse by hospitals like the one where Conrad works that refuses to allow its employees to log covid vaccine-related injuries and deaths into it.

“The underreporting of anaphylaxis by the CDC and VAERS is particularly troubling because it is mandatory for medical providers to report anaphylaxis after any COVID-19 vaccine to VAERS, most of these reactions occur within 30 minutes of vaccination, and there has been an intense campaign by health authorities to inform medical providers that they need to report anaphylaxis after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS,” Siri added.

You can read his full letter with all the details at this link.

The latest injury and death tolls for Chinese Virus injections can be found at

Sources for this article include:

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: COVID Nasal Swabs Examined by Scientists Reveal DANGER

America’s Hitlerian Henchmen

When describing the evils of the Nazi regime, we tend to focus on Hitler himself. And though we can place the responsibility for the Holocaust squarely on his shoulders, he could never have accomplished his genocidal plans without the full cooperation of hundreds of underlings who carried out his orders. Here are some names that most people won’t recognize, but who kept the engine of the Third Reich running at full tilt: Walter Funk, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Albert Speer, Karl Donitz, Erich Raeder, Wilhelm Keitel, and Martin Bormann.

Similarly, as we face encroaching fascistic tyranny in America today, the draconian orders coming down from on high would die on the vine if not for the participation of hundreds—make that thousands—of bureaucrats and petty officials who willingly violate all sense of ethics and morality, not to mention the rights enshrined in our founding documents, to enact cruel and unusual mandates against We the People.


Let’s take a look at just of few of our own homegrown henchmen.

Among the many treasonous, traitorous Congressional, state and county officials—not to mention our demented Usurper-in-Chief and his staff of sycophantic Marxists, all of whom have jettisoned the Constitution and our protections under our cherished Bill of Rights—let me call your attention to three less well-known men of special note. They are Warren Newton, MD, President and CEO of the American Board of Family Medicine; Richard J. Baron, MD, President and CEO of the American Board of Internal Medicine; and David G. Nichols, MD, MBA, President and CEO of the American Board of Pediatrics.

These three medical office holders—men in key positions of leadership in the medical establishment who are bound, along with all our physicians, by the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm—have issued a Joint Statement threatening any doctor who speaks out about Covid vaccine dangers, injuries or deaths.


Meantime, back at the ranch—I mean the Offal Office—here’s what ol’ senile Joe had to say: “I understand your anger at those who haven’t gotten vaccinated.” And regarding the governors in the so-called red states: “If they will not help, if those governors won’t help us beat the pandemic, I’ll use my power as president to get them out of the way.”

Um…Joe, exactly what power might that be? Monarchical power over the sovereign states? You mean we’re not in America anymore? Got it!

Here’s Jeffrey Tucker’s take, from Gilder’s Daily Prophecy: “This is essentially a declaration of war. I’m sorry to put it that way but that’s where we are. It’s red vs blue, a war to the knife over power. Already 19 governors have signed up to sue the federal government. That’s great, provided that the American court system still works and that the Biden administration gives a flying fig about what the courts say.”

And here’s what Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel has to say: I have been warning against this tyranny for months. Joe Biden’s recent speech was divisive—scapegoating the “unvaccinated,” saying, “This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.” Remember, Hitler blamed the Jews for disease and the “Black Death.”


Apparently this tyranny is trickling down to our counties—or perhaps it’s trickling up from them. In any case, the county of Santa Clara, home to Apple Computer, Google, and neighbor to Facebook in San Mateo County, has published very specific instructions for contact tracing for Covid exposure that sure sounds tyrannical to me:

CLOSE CONTACT of a COVID-19 positive person =  someone who was within 6 feet of the infected person for at least 15 minutes at any time beginning 2 days before the infected person had symptoms or tested positive. Close contacts include people who had 15 minutes of continuous contact with the infected person, as well as people who had repeated short- duration interactions with the infected person. Being considered a close contact does not depend on whether the contact or the infected person was wearing a face covering during their interaction(emphasis mine)

Hmmm… So face masks don’t prevent transmission, eh? But you still insist we wear them? Seems our “health” officers have a lot of ‘splainin’ to do. I guess we have to be tracked and traced in case we forget who that woman was in the grocery store who stood too close to us while inspecting the melons and who may have had a positive bogus PCR Covid test two days later, right?


Not to be outdone, San Diego County recently went full-on Orwellian with it’s new policy, proposed by Supervisor Nathan Fletcher. Here’s the subject line of his resolution:


Hmmm…see that first clause, “framework for our future”? Does that mean from now on San Diego intends to ban any health information it deems, um, incorrect? How about information on vitamins like D3, or recommendations to take vitamin C? Off limits in perpetuity? Just wonderin’.

And here’s a brief sampling of San Diego’s thought-police directive for persecuting an erstwhile free citizenry:

San Diego County’s policy directs the county’s chief administrative officer to implement Murthy’s recommendations with the following strategies:

  • devote resources to identify and label health misinformation and disseminate timely health information to counter misinformation that is impeding the county’s ability to keep the community safe;
  • partner with federal, state, territorial, tribal, private, nonprofit, research and other local entities to identify best practices to stop the spread of health misinformation;
  •  identify resource gaps to combat health misinformation and work with state and federal partners to meet ongoing needs; and
  • work with the medical community and local partners to develop a website that will serve as a central resource for combating health misinformation in the community. (emphasis mine)


Inspired by San Diego’s attempt to quash free speech lest the truth be told, the Monterey Board of Supervisors followed suit, framing their benevolent attempt to protect us from our own supposed poor judgment as follows: Ceremonial Resolution declaring COVID 19 misinformation a public health crisis.”

This is the template they’ll all use, as these folks are committed to “lockstep.” In fact, Las Vegas stepped up to the same plate in short order: Clark County Commission declares COVID-19 misinformation public health crisis.

San Diego and Monterey counties have been no doubt following orders from on high to safeguard us poor benighted people who can’t figure out truth from falsehood ourselves, so we need their expert iron-fisted control of information and censorship of what they don’t want us to see.  Does this remind anyone besides me of Orwell’s novel 1984, or of the Soviet Union back in the day, or of Communist China?

Surprise, surprise! Upping the ante, in September, the California State Assembly passed a measure declaring that…wait for it…medical misinformation is a public crisis!  To the myriad insidious ways the CA Legislature has found to tread upon our rights, we can add this one: they’re dutifully following the elites’ program to stifle free speech and keep up the fiction that the Covid vaccines are “safe and effective” while tens of thousands die from the shots, or are rendered seriously ill or impaired from their “vaccines”.

While all these feckless public saboteurs—I mean public servants—obviously follow the same marching orders and don’t even bother changing the “misinformation crisis” wording, actually, I agree with their title. There is a public health crisis as a result of Covid misinformation! It’s just that they got it exactly backwards.

It’s their misinformation—the government’s, the CDC’s, the FDA’s, the County Health  Officers’, Dr. Mengele Fauci’s, Beijing Biden’s, and that of paid-off Big Pharma doctors, etc., who’ve created a public health crisis of gargantuan proportions.

This is Ronald Reagan’s warning writ large: “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” With friends like the heavy-handed bureaucrats in our State Assembly riding roughshod over our sacrosanct rights, who needs enemies?

First San Diego County. Then Monterey County. Now the California State Assembly. And as California goes, so goes the nation.


Here’s an excerpt from a Lancet article  that would have undoubtedly resulted in the ousting of two top officials at the FDA—Director and Deputy Director of the Office of Vaccines Research, Marion Gruber and Phillip Kause— who contributed to it. They were smart enough to gracefully exit by the back door before the jackals could hound them out of office for daring to question the official medical narrative:

“…there could be risks if boosters are widely introduced too soon, or too frequently, especially with vaccines that can have immune-mediated side-effects such as myocarditis, which is more common after the second dose of some mRNA vaccines, or Guillain-Barre syndrome, which has been associated with adenovirus-vectored COVID-19 vaccines.”

Hmmm…our top vaccine experts just admitted that Covid vaccines have “side effects” such as the very serious myocarditis—inflammation of the heart—that can result in heart failure, and Guillain-Barre syndrome, which causes muscle weakness and can result in paralysis. But I thought these vaccines were “safe and effective”!

If they’re “effective” why would we need boosters at all, let alone a mere six months later? And if they’re “safe” why are they damaging people’s hearts and causing paralysis, not to mention deaths?

Unless what Snake Eyes Fauci, the NIH, the CDC et al. really mean is they’re “effective” at making multi billions for Big Pharma and everyone on its gravy train, and they’re “safe” from lawsuits.

I guess we just have to learn to read between the lines.


We can thank the CEOs of the Medical Boards mentioned earlier, Messieurs Newton, Baron and Nichols, for their respective organizations’ draconian statement that prevents your doctor from telling you the truth.

And I quote:

The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), which supports its member state medical licensing boards, has recently issued a statement saying that providing misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine contradicts physicians’ ethical and professional responsibilities, and therefore may subject a physician to disciplinary actions, including suspension or revocation of their medical license.

… Spreading misinformation or falsehoods to the public during a time of a public health emergency goes against everything our Boards and our community of board-certified physicians stand for. The evidence that we have safe, effective and widely available vaccines against COVID-19 is overwhelming. We are particularly concerned about physicians who use their authority to denigrate vaccination at a time when vaccines continue to demonstrate excellent effectiveness against severe illness, hospitalization and death. (emphasis mine)

Ironically, American doctors are not only prevented from using life-saving therapeutics, they can’t even talk about them without risking their licenses! So the powers-that-be have co-opted both free speech and the American medical profession in one fell swoop.

This means our brave doctors and researchers—the ones standing up for truth, freedom and personal autonomy, and proclaiming the real facts and figures about the dangers of these experimental injections, aka Covid “vaccines”—are now officially silenced. Thankfully, that hasn’t stopped heroes like Dr. Peter McCullough from speaking out.

Another hero, Dr. George Fareed, who saved the lives of many—including elderly patients with co-morbidities—by treating them early with therapeutics, closed his address before the Italian Senate with these words:

“…when doctors are prevented from treating their patients with life-saving medicine, we know that something sinister is going on.”

And that “something sinister,” while ostensibly launched by Gates, Fauci, and their cadre of elite pals, is enabled by men such as Dr. Warren Newton, Dr. Richard J. Baron, and Dr. David G. Nichols—men who’ve been entrusted with key positions as CEOs of powerful medical boards, whose duty it is to insure Americans get excellent medical care.

If and when we have our own Nuremberg trials for high crimes against the American people under the guise of “protection” from Covid, let’s remember their names, in addition to those of all too many others.

© 2021 Cherie Zaslawsky – All Rights Reserved.

Biden Ditches Alaska Oil Drilling Project Which KILLS Thousands Of Jobs

There is one common thread running through every Democrat policy – it’s bad for America and Americans.

Biden Ditches Alaska Oil Drilling Project That Would’ve Created Thousands Of Jobs

  • The Biden administration abandoned an oil and gas drilling project in Alaska approved by former President Donald Trump, which it had previously defended.
  • “Today’s affirmation of our legal victory against the Willow project is a win for the climate and for an irreplaceable Alaska landscape,” Jeremy Lieb, an attorney for the group Earthjustice, said in a statement Wednesday. “We are glad to see that President Biden is taking positive steps in his commitment toward a cleaner energy future.”
  • While the administration chose against appealing a federal ruling that blocked the project, it previously vowed to defend the project and accused environmentalists of “cherry-picking” government records.

By: Daily Caller, October 21, 2021:

The Biden administration abandoned an oil and gas drilling project in Alaska approved by former President Donald Trump, which it had previously defended.

The Department of the Interior failed to file an appeal to a federal judge’s August decision blocking the multi-billion dollar Willow Project being developed by the Texas-based oil and gas firm ConocoPhillips. Judge Sharon Gleason of the U.S. District Court of the District of Alaska ruled that the federal government hadn’t adequately reviewed the emissions profile of the project, which she said would ultimately harm the environment and wildlife.

“Today’s affirmation of our legal victory against the Willow project is a win for the climate and for an irreplaceable Alaska landscape,” Jeremy Lieb, an attorney for the group Earthjustice, said in a statement Wednesday. “We are glad to see that President Biden is taking positive steps in his commitment toward a cleaner energy future.”

The Biden administration had until Tuesday to appeal Gleason’s decision.

While the administration chose against appealing the ruling – all but killing the project – it previously vowed to defend the initiative. In a May brief, the Department of Justice accused environmentalists of “cherry-picking” government records and said the Willow Project was in full compliance with relevant laws regulating such leases

“We hope the Biden administration’s choice to accept the federal court’s decision of halting ConocoPhillips’ Willow project is the beginning of the end of federal backing of fossil fuels,” Greenpeace USA senior research specialist Tim Donaghy said in a statement.

The Trump administration approved the project in October 2020 after an extensive review of its potential ecological impacts. Former Interior Secretary David Bernhardt said Willow was part of Trump’s pledge to increase “American energy independence.”

But several environmental groups joined a lawsuit challenging the project shortly after the Interior Department signed off on it.

The entire congressional delegation from Alaska – Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan and Rep. Don Young – have been vocal proponents of the project, arguing it would produce 100,000 barrels of oil per day, lead to $10 billion in government revenue and create 2,000 construction jobs and 300 permanent jobs. They also applauded the Biden administration after its brief defending Willow in May.

“This decision won’t do one thing to help the environment,” Sullivan said in a statement following the August ruling. “To the contrary, it further delays one of Alaska’s most strategic energy development projects, which will benefit our adversaries that produce oil, like Russia, Venezuela and Iran, whose environmental standards are some of the worst in the world.”

“The Biden Administration needs to keep its commitment to the Alaskan people by continuing to defend the Willow project in court for the sake of American energy,” he continued.

Since July, oil and natural gas have hit multi-year highs across the world. The federal government recently projected that heating costs could increase 54% for Americans this winter and gasoline ticked up again Wednesday, reaching a national average of $3.36 per gallon, according to a AAA database.

The U.S. has also shown signs of returning to dependence on the Middle East and Russia for much of its oil and natural gas supply. The White House has repeatedly urged the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries to boost its output amid rising prices.

The Interior Department declined to comment on the administration’s decision not to appeal the ruling. ConocoPhillips didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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3 Environmental Doomsday Myths, Debunked

Climate change is real, but it’s not the end of the world.

For many, thinking about the future of our planet is terrifying. According to a global survey reported by the BBC, 56 percent of young people believe that humanity is doomed because of climate change and 45 percent say that their anxiety about the climate affects their daily lives. Here in the US, the story is much the same; three-quarters of Americans believe that climate change will result in the extinction of man, and one in five millennials believe that that extinction will occur within their lifetime.

A college student recently wrote the following in a campus newspaper about her climate anxiety:

I stay up into the early hours of the morning, Googling some variation of “Is there hope for climate change,” and “Biden climate change plan good?” (…) I fret over every piece of waste I encounter, wondering whether I should trash it or wash it and hope it qualifies for the recycling bin. What if I wash the aluminum foil I heated leftover lasagna on, does it become recyclable then? The anxiety is crippling.

Many young people clearly are suffering intense climate anxiety. And who can blame them? Because so much of the information they consume on the issue — both from the news media and social media — is apocalyptic in nature, this is an inevitable outcome.

But is the messaging they are receiving even true? Is the anxiety they are feeling justified?

A sober examination of the facts and the science would suggest not.

Here’s the truth: Climate change is indeed real and has mostly negative effects; however, climate change is not the end of the world.

So, in an effort to make the facts clear and perhaps provide a more comforting alternative to the dominant narrative among my peers, here are a few of the most common myths about the environment, debunked.

Myth #1: Human Extinction Due To Climate Change Is Imminent

At the source of much anxiety about climate change is the belief that humans are likely to go extinct sometime in the near future due to its effects. But that belief is just not correct.

Even the scientists most concerned about climate change rebuke this assertion. Michael Mann, who is a professor of atmospheric science at Penn State and a superstar of the movement to fight climate change, wrote that “There is no evidence of climate change scenarios that would render human beings extinct.”

In Michael Shellenberger’s book, Apocalypse Never, he notes that Stanford University atmospheric scientist Ken Caldeira also said that “climate change does not threaten human extinction.”

Some of the fear about human extinction undoubtedly started after Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez declared, in 2019, that “The world is going to end in twelve years if we don’t address climate change.” But, as Shellenberger documents in his book, climate scientists from NASA said that “All the time-limited frames are bulls–t,” and a paleoclimate researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison said that her statement was a “mischaracterization.”

In short, there are virtually no scientists who believe, and there is no science to support, the idea that humans will go extinct from climate change.

Usually stemming from the belief that humans will go extinct from climate change is the perception that it is currently making life substantially more dangerous for humans. But, in fact, humans are actually much more protected from climate-related disasters than we were just 100 years ago.

Bjorn Lomborg, who is a visiting professor at Copenhagen Business School and a visiting fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, has shown — based on data from the International Disaster Database — that the individual risk of a climate-related death (ie. from hurricanes, droughts, extreme temperatures, etc.) has declined by 98.9% since 1920.

It is certainly the case that models project storms and other climate-related events to get more intense going forward. But (aside from the fact models have historically failed to accurately predict future climate developments) that does not necessarily mean the positive trend over the past 100 years will reverse itself.

Yes, there is climate danger. But there is also climate resilience. The reason for the dramatic reduction in climate-related deaths over the past 100 years has been the rapid economic and technological development that has characterized the US during that time. Whether it be more reliable infrastructure, access to cheap energy, or a better ability to forecast severe weather events before they take place, these have all led to rising human safety even in the face of climate change. And this has not only been observed in the US, but in countries around the world.

FEE’s Saul Zimet summed it up well when he wrote:

The climate resilience side of the equation, despite being at least as significant as the climate danger side, is often ignored in the models of future climate impact. This is because, while it is difficult to model a changing climate, it is impossible to model the future of human ingenuity, which will be composed of decisions and insights that only the people of the future can possibly know.

Every time there is a devastating hurricane, drought, heatwave, or wildfire, one can reliably expect the headlines in media outlets ranging from the New York Times to CNN to imply that these disasters are not only getting more frequent, but also more severe, due to climate change.

Roger Pielke Jr., professor of Environmental Studies at the University of Colorado, has studied both the frequency and impacts of various natural disasters. When it comes to the number of major hurricanes in the continental United States since 1900, he has not found a dramatic increase, but rather a slight decrease.

The Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory — which operates within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research — writes that “There is no strong evidence of increasing trends in U.S. landfalling hurricanes or major hurricanes, or of Atlantic basin-wide hurricanes or major hurricanes since the late 1800s.”

Aside from frequency, there is also the issue of intensity, of which there are two aspects. The first is how intense the storm itself is and the second is how much damage there is as a consequence of the storm. On the first question, the evidence is mixed. On the second question, it is true but misleading to say that the economic costs of natural disasters, including hurricanes, have gotten worse.

When Pielke Jr. looked into economic damages from natural disasters over time as a percentage of GDP, he found that they have actually declined.

Even so, the rising dollar number with respect to damages is often cited as evidence that hurricanes are getting worse. In Congressional Democrats’ letter advocating for a new Civilian Climate Corps (CCC), for example, they justified their claim of a “record-breaking cyclone season” by writing the following:

The United States experienced 22 billion-dollar weather and climate disasters in 2020, shattering the previous annual record of 16 events. 2020 was the worst fire season on record, burning over 10.2 million acres and costing over $16 billion in damages and $3 billion in suppression costs. The U.S. experienced a record-breaking 30 named tropical cyclones, 7 of which became billion-dollar disasters—also a new record.

But measuring the severity of hurricanes by how much economic damage they cause is misguided because, as Bjorn Lomborg explains in his book False Alarm, it fails to take into account a phenomenon known as the “expanding bull’s-eye effect.” He writes:

[S]imilar climate impacts will result in more costly disasters because an increasing number of people with more and more valuable assets are at risk. The expanding bull’s-eye effect can be thought of as an archery target, with the rings (showing population density) telling us how many people and possessions are at risk of being hit by an imaginary arrow, or natural disaster.

As the human population increases and development takes up a greater proportion of total land — especially in high-risk areas — more natural disasters will inevitably hit somewhere within the bull’s eye, thus causing more economic damage than if there was no development there. Over the past 100 years, such development and population increase have been widespread in the US. As a result, we would expect more people to now take up space within the bull’s-eye.


Similarly, when it comes to wildfires, the number of acres burned annually has decreased dramatically over time. In 2014, researchers from Auburn University and the Georgia Institute of Technology found “a significant declining trend” of global burned area since 1900. Based on this study, Lomborg writes “the global amount of area burned has declined by more than 540,000 square miles, from 1.9 million square miles in the early part of last century to 1.4 million square miles today”

He has also, based on publicly available data, compiled his own numbers on the area burned in the US since 1900 as a consequence of wildfires. His data show a similar trend, with burned area reducing dramatically over time.

Moreover, a 2017 study published in Science found that “global burned area declined by ∼25% over the past 18 years.”

Despite these facts, it is also clear that more homes are now subject to the effects of wildfires than ever before. However, the reason for this can also be explained by the expanding bull’s-eye effect. In False Alarm, Lomborg notes that in 1940, there were only about 500,000 homes in high-fire-risk zones, but it was almost 7 million by 2010. To put that in perspective, the rate at which housing increased in high-fire-risk zones was more than 3 times higher than it was for the country generally. It should therefore be no surprise that more families’ homes are at risk today than they have been in the past.

Over the next 100 years, we should expect temperatures to continue to rise — just as they have in recent history. Along with that, we should expect some of the negative effects of climate change to continue as well.

However, this does not mean the world is ending; it does not mean you should stay up at night crippled with anxiety over the climate; it does not mean we should panic. Rather, we must understand why humanity has been able to adapt to a changing climate thus far and what steps are necessary to ensure human flourishing for generations to come.

This article was originally published on Read the original article.


Jack Elbaum

Jack Elbaum is a Hazlitt Writing Fellow at FEE and an incoming sophomore at George Washington University. His writing has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, The New York Post, and the… More by Jack Elbaum

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Legal Tools to Defend 170 Million Strong No Vax Americans!

Defending the right to say NO to the so-called vaccines for COVID is a proxy battle for your constitutional rights. You people who were coerced into getting the shots, listen up: this your fight too. The Marxist left will continue to attack your liberty. We must stand-up to the Marxists, whether you are jabbed or not jabbed. In this special edition of the Ledger Report, Graham Ledger offers tools, resources and links to be used in defending your right to work, play, eat, function without being forced to wear a mask, or get the shot, or any other form of American tyranny.

Graham also speaks with Scott Presler about his new effort to get Patriots involved in local politics, which is where the conservative effort needs to focus.

EDITORS NOTE: This The Ledger Report video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Please subscribe free to The Ledger Report by clicking here:

White House Unveils Plan To Vaccinate 28 Million Kids Ages 5-11

President Joe Biden’s White House unveiled plans to vaccinate 28 million children ages 5-11 Wednesday, before the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has offered approval for vaccinating the age group.

The plan comes in anticipation of the FDA’s approval of the Pfizer vaccine for young children. The Pfizer vaccine could receive approval for the age range as soon as early November following independent panel votes from the FDA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Oct. 26 and Nov. 3 respectively.

“The Administration has procured enough vaccine to support vaccination for the country’s 28 million children ages 5-11 years old. If authorized by the FDA and recommended by the CDC, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for 5-11 year olds will be a dose and formula specifically for this age group,” the White House wrote in a fact sheet provided to the Daily Caller.

“Millions of adolescents ages 12-17 have been safely vaccinated, and we know vaccines work. Fully vaccinated individuals are 10 times less likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 and have a high degree of protection, including against the Delta variant,” the White House added.

The FDA cleared the Pfizer vaccine for children as young as 12 in May. As of Oct. 13, 513 children ages 0-17 have died from COVID-19 throughout the entirety of the pandemic, according to Statista.

The White House plan will make vaccines available for children at tens of thousands of primary care clinics and pharmacies, as well as hundreds of children’s hospitals and rural health clinics across the country.

The administration has a choppy record of preparing vaccine distribution plans prior to receiving FDA or CDC approval. The White House mobilized a similar push for COVID-19 vaccine boosters in August, only for the CDC to kneecap the effort by recommending the booster shots only for those over the age of 65 and those employed in high-risk industries.

The independent CDC panel had initially left off the recommendation for high-risk workers, but Biden-appointed CDC Director Rochelle Walensky overruled the panel.

“This updated interim guidance from CDC allows for millions of Americans who are at highest risk for COVID-19 to receive a Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 booster shot to help increase their protection,” the CDC said in a statement at the time.



White House correspondent.


Parents’ Lawyers Warn Teachers’ Union That Legal Action Will Follow If They Participate In Another ‘Union-Organized Sick-Out’

EXCLUSIVE: House Republicans Send Letter To Secretary Cardona Calling Against Federal Vaccine Mandate For Public School …

FDA Approves Booster Shots For Moderna, Johnson & Johnson

EDITORS NOTE: This The Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

COVID-19 Diagnoses 5 Times More Likely Among Youth Who Ever Vaped

7 times more likely among youth who ever vaped and ever smoked cigarettes.

Shivani Mathur Gaiha, Jing Cheng, and Bonnie Halpern-Felsher wanted to know if cigarette use and/or e-cigarette use had an impact on COVID-19 symptoms, testing, and diagnosis. An online survey of 4,351 young people ages 13 to 24 was conducted in May 2020.

They found COVID-19 diagnoses were 5 times more likely among ever-users of e-cigarettes only, 7 times more likely among ever-dual users, and 6.8 times more likely among past 30-day dual users.

They conclude that COVID-19 is associated with youth use of e-cigarettes by themselves and use of both cigarettes and e-cigarettes together. This suggests the need for screening and education, they say.

Association Between Youth Smoking, Electronic Cigarette Use, and COVID-19



This study aimed to assess whether youth cigarette and electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) use are associated with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) symptoms, testing, and diagnosis.


An online national survey of adolescents and young adults (n = 4,351) aged 13–24 years was conducted in May 2020. Multivariable logistic regression assessed relationships among COVID-19–related symptoms, testing, and diagnosis and cigarettes only, e-cigarettes only and dual use, sociodemographic factors, obesity, and complying with shelter-in-place.


COVID-19 diagnosis was five times more likely among ever-users of e-cigarettes only (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.82–13.96), seven times more likely among ever-dual-users (95% CI: 1.98–24.55), and 6.8 times more likely among past 30-day dual-users (95% CI: 2.40–19.55). Testing was nine times more likely among past 30-day dual-users (95% CI: 5.43–15.47) and 2.6 times more likely among past 30-day e-cigarette only users (95% CI: 1.33–4.87). Symptoms were 4.7 times more likely among past 30-day dual-users (95% CI: 3.07–7.16).


COVID-19 is associated with youth use of e-cigarettes only and dual use of e-cigarettes and cigarettes, suggesting the need for screening and education.

Read full text of this Journal of Adolescent Health article here.

RELATED ARTICLE:  57 Top Scientists and Doctors Release Shocking Study on COVID Vaccines and Demand Immediate Stop to All Vaccinations


EDITORS NOTE: This The Marijuana Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Republican AGs Say There Is No Federal Vaccine Mandate for Private Workers, Vow to Sue

We must fight back through every legislative, legal, civil, etc. tool available to us. And only after that, must we take drastic measures.

Republican AGs Say There Is No Federal Vaccine Mandate for Private Workers, Vow to Sue

By: Jack Phillips, The Epoch Times, Updated: October 18, 2021

Several Republican attorneys general have said that President Joe Biden’s federal mandate for COVID-19 vaccinations hasn’t yet come into effect for private businesses, adding that if it is ordered, they will file lawsuits against it.

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen, a Republican, noted that the White House only last week submitted the text of its emergency rule regarding vaccinations to the Office of Management and Budget, meaning it hasn’t gone into effect.

But, Knudsen noted that “no such rule or regulation is currently in effect,” adding (pdf) that there has been a “great deal of confusion” over Biden’s announcement last month.

“Further, my office is preparing to immediately challenge and enjoin this federal overreach on a variety of grounds when the Biden administration issues its announced rule,” he said.

On Sept. 9, Biden announced that he would direct the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to mandate that all private businesses with 100 or more employees force their workers to get vaccinated or submit to weekly testing. Details about the rule, including fines, have not been released, and White House press secretary Jen Psaki couldn’t answer questions earlier this month about a timeframe on when it would be unveiled.

Oklahoma Attorney General John O’Connor, also a Republican, announced Thursday that there is no federal rule mandating employers to require their workers to get the shots. As a result, he noted that Biden’s announcement should be ignored by employers until a rule is implemented.

“I urge Oklahoma employers to disregard the Biden Administration’s wishes to the contrary,” O’Connor said in a statement. “In the event federal emergency rules are issued that place such an unlawful demand upon employers, our office will be joined by other state Attorneys General across the country to quickly sue and seek an injunction against any implementation or enforcement.”

O’Connor said that Oklahoma residents have the right to make their own health decisions, including on whether to get vaccinated or not.

“Employers that are mandating vaccines are unfortunately doing so upon their own initiative. Religious, medical, and personal exemptions should be uniformly approved by those employers at the very least,” he added in the statement.

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, a Republican, already filed a lawsuit against Biden’s vaccine requirement, arguing that it would violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution. The mandate would treat American workers differently than illegal immigrants who are crossing into the United States from Mexico, arguing that illegal aliens are able to decline the vaccine.

But last week, Biden said that his private-sector mandate will take effect “soon” and will address the “unacceptably high number” of people who have not taken the vaccine.

“The Labor Department is going to soon be issuing an emergency rule for companies with 100 or more employees to implement vaccination requirements,” Biden said on Oct. 14, referring to the mandate.

Earlier this month, a Department of Labor spokesperson told The Epoch Times in an email that OSHA has been working “expeditiously” to develop the rule, which it described as an “emergency temporary standard.”

The Epoch Times contacted the Department of Labor on Sunday for additional comment.

RELATED VIDEO: Dr. Carrie Madej – Vaccines and Rewriting Your Memories.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Biden Plans Interstate Checkpoints

During The 1918 “Spanish Flu” Only The Vaccinated Died

Today’s blog comes from Sons of Liberty. It is a very insightful episode with a lot of interesting historical facts on the Spanish Flu. Please, as always, please share this blog far and wide, feel free to hit the like button and comment.

Here is the headline of a Natural News reportSen. Rick Scott (R-FL) introduces legislation to BLOCK interstate travel checkpoints the Biden Regime is trying to set up with SS/Marxist vaccine passport requirements. The report states:

Are you ready for state troopers, FEMA’s SS goons, HHS thugs, National Guard boots (NATO mercenaries) and DHS troops to stop your automobile between US states to check you (and any kids you have) for updated vaccine passports proving you’ve had several clot shots, proving your government-issued gene therapy medication is up to date?

“May I see your vaccine papers sir/ma’am? … I see you and your wife have NOT had your Covid booster shots yet and that your 4-year old twins are not vaccinated at all. I’m going to need you to step out of the vehicle and put your hands on the hood.” Sen. Rick Scott knows this is what’s next for America under the CCP/CDC/Biden Regime, so he has introduced a 3-page landmark piece of legislation that would roadblock (pun intended) future road blocks all over American roads, preventing the non-vaccinated from traveling from state to state, but that’s not all.

The legislation, titled the Prevent Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandates for Interstate Commerce Act lays out how it would prevent all kinds of illegal travel interrogations by the Department of Transportation, Amtrak, Surface Transportation Board, TSA, NTSB, Federal Maritime Commission, and the Department of Commerce. See what’s happening here? The Biden Regime is about to set up Nazi vaccine passport police everywhere, to stop automobiles, commerce trucks, boats, trains, buses, planes, everything.

Anyone who still believes that the Covid narrative is all about our health is either 1) totally brainwashed by the propagandists in the political, medical and media establishments or 2) devoid of critical reasoning and cognitive skills or 3) hiding an ulterior motive, meaning they want to believe the narrative, because they are personally benefiting financially from the narrative or 4) showing the whole world that they lack any personal courage and conviction whatsoever and are happy to bend their mind and will to the image of the state out of abject fear.

In the name of “healthcare,” the Covid Storm Troopers in the medical profession are locking up and isolating our country’s elderly who live in nursing homes and senior care facilities in ways normally reserved for the most incorrigible and violent felons inside our penal institutions.

In the name of “healthcare,” American educators are creating a spirit of fear, hopelessness and dread in the minds and hearts of our nation’s school children that is producing the most depressed and suicidal generation of young people in American history.

In the name of “healthcare,” the Pentagon is creating the biggest internal division within military ranks since the War Between The States. It is demoting and punishing some of the bravest and most highly trained military personnel that we have. It is compromising military readiness and cohesion.

In the name of “healthcare,” politicians are creating a climate of internal hatred and bitterness that is taking our country to the brink of civil war. Sizeable numbers of Democrats and Republicans alike are now ready to secede from the union.

In places like Australia, the Covid narrative is motivating police and military personnel to beat innocent citizens almost senseless—all in the name of “healthcare.” The truth is, Australia today is no better off than was Stalin’s Russia, Hitler’s Germany or Mao’s China. Now can you understand what happens when people allow their governments to take away their guns?

And right here in the United States, the Covid “healthcare” narrative is dismantling sheriff’s offices and police departments, as more and more peace officers are refusing to go along with the tyrannical forced vaccinations and are losing their positions or resigning. In the airline industry, thousands of workers, most notably air traffic controllers and pilots, are cashing in sick and vacation time in protest over their companies’ forced vaccination policies. Businesses are losing employees by the tens of thousands. Hundreds of cargo ships are parked off both coasts with tons and tons of essential goods not being unloaded due to the shortage of manpower to unload them. New car dealerships have almost no new cars on their lots, as the shortage of manpower has decimated the supply lines necessary to build new vehicles. The list is endless.

Do you really think that all of this death and disaster is merely unintentional and unforeseen damage from a compassionate desire by Anthony Fauci to provide “healthcare” for the American people? If you do, you are daft!

Fauci, Bill Gates and their fellow Covid architects know exactly what they are doing. They see the devastation, death and destruction. They planned it that way! They expect people to die; they want people to die. They also want people scared senseless, because senseless people are easily enslaved. That is the real objective: complete global tyranny, with the world divided between US, the peasant slaves, and THEM, the elite masters.

The Covid narrative has never been about healthcare; it’s always been about total government control. That’s why I keep warning evangelical Christians that the Covid narrative is a mark of an antichrist system of enslavement.

Which brings me to the truth about the so-called Spanish Flu of 1918.

I’ve heard Fauci, Gates, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi and almost every talking head in the mockingbird media say that Covid-19 is another Spanish Flu. Well, it is; but not in the way you think.

The 1918 “Spanish Flu”: Only The Vaccinated Died


Spain was neutral during WW1 and did NOT censor its press, unlike the combatting countries. As a result, Spain was the first to report the 1918 Flu epidemic and the world “scapegoated” Spain as the source. Thus, the “Spanish Flu” is born.

In preparation for WW1, a massive military vaccination experiment involving numerous prior developed vaccines took place in Fort Riley, Kansas – where the first “Spanish Flu” case was reported.

The fledgling pharmaceutical industry, sponsored by the ‘Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research’, had something they never had before – a large supply of human test subjects. Supplied by the U.S. military’s first draft, the test pool of subjects ballooned to over 6 million men.

Autopsies after the war proved that the 1918 flu was NOT “FLU” at all. It was caused by random dosages of an experimental ‘bacterial meningitis vaccine’, which to this day, mimics flu-like symptoms. The massive, multiple assaults with additional vaccines on the unprepared immune systems of soldiers and civilians created a “killing field”. Those that were not vaccinated were not affected.


WW1 ended sooner than expected, leaving HUGE quantities of unused experimental vaccines.

Fearing that soldiers coming home would spread diseases to their families, The U.S. government pushed the largest vaccine ‘fear’ campaign in history. They used the human population as a research and development lab to field test experimental vaccines.

Tens of millions of civilians died in the same manner as did the soldiers.

Instead of stopping the vaccines, doctors intensified them, calling it the great “Spanish Flu of 1918”. As a result, ONLY THE VACCINATED DIED.

“Seven men dropped dead in a doctor’s office after being vaccinated. Letters were sent to their families that they had been killed in action.”

WW1 U.S. soldiers were given 14 – 25 untested, experimental vaccines within days of each other, which triggered intensified cases of ALL the diseases at once. The doctors called it a new disease and proceeded to suppress the symptoms with additional drugs or vaccines.


British scientist and Professor Neil Ferguson of The Imperial College, London (the same Imperial College of London funded by the Bill Gates Foundation) was responsible for developing the mathematical pandemic computer models for the COVID-19 pandemic.

The world followed Ferguson’s advice, yet all his models have been proven to be grossly over stated and misleading.


“The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful.” (Arnold Relman, Former Editor of the New England Journal of Medicine)

Vaccine promoters claim that vaccines wiped out most infectious diseases. History tells us a different story. The beginning of the 20th century introduced improved sanitation (sewers), water treatment plants, and vastly improved nutrition.

The sample graphs above show that infectious diseases like Measles, Whooping Cough, Diphtheria, Typhoid Fever and Polio, were all at their lowest levels and dropping, BEFORE the vaccines were introduced.

The 1918 “Spanish Flu” held sinister secrets for 100 years. Based on my previous blog: “COVID 19: Another Chapter in the History of Deception and Secrecy”, will we learn that the world-changing protocols from COVID-19 may also contain hidden secrets?

Here’s one more salient fact: A short list of groups that are exempt from the Covid-19 jabs:

The following groups in the USA are exempt from the COVID-19 vaccine, which is not a vaccine, it is m-RNA gene therapy technology that alters man’s DNA, not found in nature…an experiment!


All of US Congress plus all Congressional staff, House and the Senate.

6,000 White House employees.

2,500 Pfizer, 1,500 Moderna, and 120,000 Johnson and Johnson employees.

15,000 CDC and 14,000 FDA employees.

8 million Chinese students in this country [USA]. 

2 million illegal aliens are exempted. They don’t have to get the shot.


For the benefit of fellow Christians reading this column, the following paragraph is taken from our Statement of Faith at Liberty Fellowship:

LF is persuaded by Biblical and Natural Law that healthcare is a personal, individual Right. We find mandatory vaccinations to be a blatant violation of our Natural rights and Biblical responsibilities. We resist all attempts by governments and companies to mandate personal healthcare choices. This is especially true regarding the Covid vaccines that contain abortion-derived cell lines. Furthermore, VAERS data (which by virtue of the way the data is collected accounts for only 10%—at best—of actual deaths and injuries) states that there have been over 15,000 deaths and nearly a million injuries to people who have taken the Covid vaccines. Plus, by the laws of Nature given to us by our Creator, government or corporate-mandated healthcare is by definition tyrannical. It is our Biblical duty to submit to God alone in matters of faith and conscience. Our personal healthcare is as private as our spiritual care. We refuse to take the Covid vaccinations on the basis that our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit and as a matter of faith, conscience and personal healthcare responsibility.

Tyrannical interstate checkpoints; no fly lists for non-vaccinated passengers; physicians and nurses being dismissed for refusing to take mandated shots; hospitals being staffed with medically untrained National Guard troops; police and fire departments losing manpower for refusing to take mandated shots; a labor shortage that is unprecedented in U.S. history; elderly people dying in inhumane isolation and confinement; school children taking antidepressants in never-before-seen numbers and committing suicide in never-before-seen numbers; a global economy that is crashing; hyperinflation; a nation (America) so divided it is literally coming apart at the seams.

All of this in the name of healthcare.

Baloney! This is not about healthcare and never was. This is war against our liberties, our Constitution, our way of life, our faith, our homes and families, our livelihoods and our very humanity.

We either win this war or our posterity will spend the rest of their lives in servitude and oppression—servitude and oppression far worse than that from which our American forebears delivered us.

Will someone please wake up the sleeping pastors before Biden’s interstate checkpoints start going up? Then again, the pastors who sheepishly closed their church doors and mandated that the masks of the beast be worn would probably be just fine with America adopting a travel policy that allows Gestapo-esque police to demand of us, “Show me your (vaccination) papers.”

How can real Christians keep attending these Beast-friendly “churches”?

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Vaccine Tyranny Ignites Brushfires of Freedom

“It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” – Samuel Adams

“If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” – George Washington

“Among the natural rights of the colonists are these: First a right to life, secondly to liberty, and thirdly to property; together with the right to defend them in the best manner they can.” – Samuel Adams

“Better to fight for something than live for nothing.” –  Gen. George S. Patton.

If you missed Cherie Zaslawsky’s amazing article on Newswithviews, Preaching Beyond the Choir, she has been busy writing to local newspapers in order to reach people who never hear the truth.  I took her suggestions to heart.

Last week, I called a local radio program to tell them about the studies regarding ivermectin, and that it’s not just a horse dewormer, and it’s certainly not just a monthly heart worm treatment for dogs.  I told them that over 30 studies have proven that ivermectin has a 100% prophylactic prevention of acquisition of Sars-coV-2.  The wonder drug that originated in Japan doesn’t just treat parasites or worms in animals, it actually cures River Blindness.  It also has 22 mechanisms of action against Sars-coV-2, has seven or eight anti-viral mechanisms and it has multiple immune modification mechanisms.

When I hung up, the radio host said to the audience that this is not medical advice, and to check with their own doctors.  We know the majority of physicians are following the NIH, CDC, FDA and AMA protocols and will not prescribe this life saving drug for fear of losing their licenses. Another caller stated it’s better for us if we get the jab and be safe.  And the program ended.

Group think, lemmings and sheep…how do we get them to see the truth?

Dr. Michael Yeadon, former top scientist and VP of Pfizer said we have to share to get the ball rolling, and you don’t need to be a scientist or give an essay on science, you just need to tell people that things don’t feel right.  Talk to people on the street, your neighbors, your friends.  If you don’t, he says, “Eventually there’ll be a knock on your door and someone will be there saying, ‘You have to be vaccinated.’ And I’m frightened of that.”

Mass Censorship

Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccines, says he was branded a “terrorist” by the media in Italy and warns that physicians who echo the truth are being “hunted via medical boards and the press.”  Despite concerns regarding adverse effects and even death from the Covid jabs being regularly voiced by doctors, the Federation of State Medical Boards announced in July that it would consider pulling medical licenses of doctors who traffic in “misinformation” about Sars-coV-2.

There are a large number of physicians and scientists who have spoken out about the virus.  Our Pravda media and Big Tech networks have censored every one of them, but it hasn’t stopped the truth.  We know who these courageous men and women are and we pray for each of them knowing that they are being hunted by the press, branded as terrorists and threatened with the loss of their licenses.  We’re already aware of the massive losses Dr. Peter McCullough has suffered, including a lawsuit by a former employer.

These men and women are warriors for truth.  ( and  Pay Pal recently shut down FLCCC’s platform.

Physicians and Scientists Speak

In the following 45-minute video, eight prominent physicians and scientists talk about  inoculations for Sars-coV-2.

Video Here:

Dr. Pierre Kory is a pulmonary and critical care specialist and the President of Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance ( He has testified in Congress about the effectiveness of ivermectin as both a prophylactic and a Sars-coV-2 early cure.  Dr. Kory said, “I don’t believe there’s anyone who died (from Covid) who got effective early treatment.”

Dr. Richard Urso, a scientist and ophthalmalogist and the Former Director of Orbital Oncology at MD Anderson Cancer Center, stated, “People don’t die of the virus, they die of inflammation and thrombosis.  And we have drugs for inflammation that are not off-label, as well as drugs for thrombosis.”

Dr. Robert Malone has exposed the dangers of the mRNA Covid jab.  A major contributor to the invention of mRNA technology, Dr. Malone is highly qualified to discuss the potential side effects of mRNA injections.  And he has spoken about the dangers of this foolish mass vaccination program.  Link

Thirty peer reviewed studies show the efficacy of natural immunity, being denied by the fools who listen to Fauci and his buddies who want you vaxxed…their pockets are enlarged and the vaxxed are sick or dying.

Malone previously warned about the risk of Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) that causes the virus to become more infectious.  He has even called for a stop to the COVID-19 jab rollout.  The latest podcast featuring Dr. Malone helped dispel another mainstream media lie regarding the “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated” narrative that Biden repeats. Unvaccinated individuals are called “super-spreaders” and blamed for the latest wave of infections.  According to Dr. Malone, the opposite is true.  In fact, the fully vaccinated are the “super-spreaders.”

Harvard research confirms what we’ve been saying for months.  There is not evidentiary correlation between cases and vaccination rates.

Dr. Ryan Cole is a Mayo Clinic board certified clinical and anatomic pathologist and Chief Medical Officer and Laboratory Director of Cole Diagnostics, a full-service medical lab in Boise, Idaho.  The Idaho Medical Association asked the state board to stop Dr. Cole from prescribing ivermectin.  He has refused to use the “accepted protocol” from the FDA, CDC, NIH, AMA and other state agencies that deny the decades old parasitic medication to patients.

Cole Diagnostics processes and reports out approximately 40,000 blood and biopsy patient samples annually.  In the last year, the lab has handled over 100,000 Covid testing samples.  It is the biggest independent testing lab in Idaho and has described how the mRNA shots have caused serious autoimmune disorders.

Cole explained that two types of cells are required for adequate immune system function: “Helper T-cells,” also called “CD4 cells,” and “killer T-cells,” often known as “CD8 cells.”  According to Cole, in patients with HIV, there is a massive suppression of “helper T-cells” which cause immune system functions to plummet, and leave the patient susceptible to a variety of illnesses.

He describes that what we’re seeing post-vaccine is a drop in killer T-cells in your CD8 cells.  And what do those cells do?  They keep all other viruses in check. Cole explains that as a result of this “clot-shot” induced “killer T-cell” suppression, he is seeing an “uptick” of not only endometrial cancer, but also melanomas, as well as herpes, shingles, mono, and a “huge uptick” in HPV when “looking at the cervical biopsies of women.”

The unvaccinated are looking smarter and smarter every week. Link

Dr. Mark McDonald, a double board certified clinical psychiatrist told of the damage to our children. Dr. McDonald said, “We’re not in a medical pandemic, we’re in a fear pandemic.”

He believes that what is driving the fear now is propaganda.  He said that children, unlike adults, don’t just bounce back; that children will not regain their psychological health.  As a child psychiatrist, he treats children all day long.

He stated, “The developmental stage children need to go through, babies, toddlers, young adults is being foreclosed on them.  Brown University Department of Pediatrics published a study in mid-September that found that babies born after January 1st, 2020, when this whole pandemic started, had an IQ point drop of 20 points compared to babies born before January 1, 2020.  That’s huge!  Why?  They don’t see faces, they don’t play, they don’t have exposure to friends, they don’t go to school.  They’re basically locked in their homes looking at their parents for a year and a half and their brains have not developed.”

“My concern is that we are building a generation of young people who are so traumatized that they will never fully recover from this.  Even if we give them therapy and treatment, they’re always going to be damaged from this and be scarred emotionally.  I don’t mean for it to be depressing, I mean for it to be alarming so that everyone can finally say, ‘STOP.’ We’ve got to stop the damage and then figure out what to do about it.”

It’s way past time to acknowledge what has been done wrong.  However, the biggest problem I personally saw was masks on children who rarely get or pass the virus.  To close their faces off from their peers and to wear face diapers in public is a developmental atrocity to our youth; I see it as child abuse.  Many parents home school, and those children have no social disabilities, but masks are a blockage that destroy interpersonal relationships and change the lives of these children for decades to come.

There is hope! 

The Gateway Pundit reported that Nebraska AG, Doug Peterson issued an opinion on physicians prescribing hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin for Sars-coV-2 treatment will not face any punishment.  “Allowing physicians to consider these early treatments will free them to evaluate additional tools that could save lives, keep patients out of the hospital, and provide relief for our already strained healthcare system,” AG Doug Peterson wrote.

The Office of AG pointed to multiple medical journal articles, research, and case studies. They mentioned the study from Lancet that was later retracted because of its flawed statistics regarding the use of HCQ.

Airline pilots are walking out, refusing the jab, the Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Union (SMART) is walking away from the mandates, TSA employees have joined the anti-jab movement, nurses are leaving their professions and physicians are taking early retirement.  The CEO of Delta Airlines flat out says he opposes the mandate and doesn’t need one to get his employees jabbed.

In the following 10-minute video from The Hill, violent protests throughout Europe show the world is over Covid-19.

Video Here:

Liberty Counsel has filed a class action lawsuit along with a motion for a temporary restraining order and injunction against Joseph R. Biden, U.S. Secretary of the Department of Defense Lloyd Austin and U.S. Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas on behalf of members from all five branches of the military — Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard — federal employees and federal civilian contractors, who have been unlawfully mandated to get the jabs or face dishonorable discharge from the military or termination from employment.

Dr. Stella Immanuel, one of America’s Frontline Doctors from Houston, believes that the whole “pandemic” is a Trojan Horse for vaccines designed by Bill Gates to depopulate the earth.  She also said, “Fauci is the epitome of evil.”

US Treasury deputy secretary warns unvaxxed Americans that shortages will continue until everyone is jabbed.  When there aren’t enough folks left working to run the country, there will be even more shortages, but to stop the tyranny and authoritarianism, Americans must take a stand.  So stock up now!

The International Criminal Court

Alex Newman, the Senior Editor of the New American Magazine recently interviewed Dr. Richard Fleming, PhD, MD, JD.  The people responsible for weaponizing and releasing the Covid-19 bio-weapon against humanity are facing a criminal complaint on “crimes against humanity” at the International Criminal Court.

The 20 minute interview is loaded with information.

Dr. Fleming mentions Dr. Peter Daszak who seemingly pushed for the notion that C-19 was not man-made early on in the pandemic.  Daszak, president of the New York City-based EcoHealth Alliance, secretly organized a statement issued by the influential British medical journal The Lancet in February 2020, according to Vanity Fair.  A total of 27 scientists — including Daszak, 55, who trained as a zoologist — signed the statement, which expressed “solidarity with all scientists and health professionals in China.”

During Daszak’s efforts to arrange the Lancet statement, he reportedly emailed two scientists, including Dr. Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina, who’d worked with the lead coronavirus researcher at China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, located at the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak.

Barik was one of the most overlooked figures in the gain of function research that many believe may be the source of Sars-CoV-2 and the resulting Wuhan Virus pandemic. Dr. Baric whose research and collaboration with the Wuhan Institute of Virology spells out how to modify SARS with a spike protein so as to better infect human cells.

“Gain-of-function” is the euphemism for biological research aimed at increasing the virulence and lethality of pathogens and viruses. GoF research is government funded; its focus is on enhancing the pathogens’ ability to infect different species and to increase their deadly impact as airborne pathogens and viruses. Ostensibly, GoF research is conducted for biodefense purposes.  These experiments, however, are extremely dangerous. Those deadly science-enhanced pathogens can, and do escape into the community where they infect and kill people.

Dr. Fleming states that these two men, Daszak and Baric, and Shi Zhengli at the Wuhan Institute of Virology have spent decades manipulating viruses to make them more infective and cause them to shut down our immune system.  These people have been working together with the AIDs Foundation, the Department of Defense, the Rockefeller group, and all the people who are also connected with our universities who are putting in big money and have massive control over universities where we’re supposed to be training people to be scientists.

The federal government and the DOD made more than half the contributions financially and provided advisors to Peter Daszak at Eco Health who then paid Dr. Ralph Baric and Zhengli to play with these viruses.  There was no “accidental escape,” Sars-coV-1 was developed and this is an upgrade of it.

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is the ultimate criminal court on the planet.  The US signed but did not ratify but a lot of other countries did.  The United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and France have filed a joint suit.  Japan’s Dr. Kevin McCairn, France’s Dr. Luc Montagnier and Dr. Fleming submitted affidavits of information to the judges, including Dr. Fleming’s book.  The court still has the case.

A group of Nazi concentration camp survivors sent a letter to the ICC in support of a joint “Request for Investigation” by lawyers who have submitted evidence, alongside sworn affidavits from Professor Luc Montagnier and Dr. Fleming, alleging governments worldwide and their advisors are complicit in genocide, crimes against humanity, and breaches of the Nuremberg Code.

The former prisoners of war in Nazi concentration camps actually walked their letters over to the ICC.  They have stated what is happening now is more reproachable than what happened under Hitler and Nazi Germany.  It’s important to note that there were people who wanted to sign this document that are so afraid of reprisals that they did not, including one person who was a personal friend of Anne Frank.

Dr. Fleming says, “Now that tells you what we’re dealing with on planet earth, so anyone who thinks this is a game or that there are not some serious consequences going on here, when you have Nazi prisoner-of-war camp survivors hesitant to sign something, and they knew Anne Frank and everything she went through because they are afraid of reprisals, it will tell you the courage that these three people had to have just to sign their name on the dotted line and insist upon this.  This is more emphasis for people to become aware that this is moving forward.  We have other people we are now working with that should the ICC falter for whatever reason, these individuals working around the world and attorneys working in international law, are already placing the foundations for an international tribunal to be in effect.”

Just because the United States did not ratify this does not mean the people Dr. Fleming included in his statements will not be held accountable, i.e., Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, et al. Hiding inside the USA doesn’t mean it’s a safehold for them.


The rights of the people are only surrendered when the people allow it to happen.

General Washington had only a small number of Americans who joined him from 1775 to 1783 in the War for Independence from Great Britain, but that small army gave us liberty and freedom.

It’s time to fuel those brushfires once again. Never surrender.

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

Pentagon Faces Class-Action Lawsuit Over Vaccine Mandates From All 5 Branches of U.S. Military

Democrats have divided the military – destroyed our cohesiveness and love of country. They must be defeated. Mercilessly.

Pentagon Faces Class-Action Lawsuit Over Vaccine Mandates On Military, Federal Employees And Contractors

Pentagon Faces Class-Action Lawsuit Over Vaccine Mandates On Military, Federal Employees And Contractors

By: Epoch Times, October 18, 2021:

Service members from all five branches of the U.S. military, federal employees, and federal civilian contractors have joined in a class-action lawsuit against the Department of Defense over its COVID-19 vaccine mandates. By Mimi Nguyen Ly of The Epoch Times,

The 24 plaintiffs “face a deadline under the Federal COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate to receive a COVID-19 vaccine that violates their sincerely held religious beliefs, and have been refused any religious exemption or accommodation,” according to Liberty Counsel, the Christian legal firm that filed the lawsuit.

The lawsuit (pdf), filed in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida, lists President Joe Biden, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas as defendants.

The plaintiffs are asking the court to issue a temporary restraining order (pdf) to prevent the COVID-19 vaccine mandates from taking effect, and ultimately issue an injunction to prevent the Pentagon from enforcing the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

Biden on Sept. 9 issued an executive order requiring almost all federal employees to get a COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of employment. Regular testing isn’t an option. Civilian federal employees and contractors have until Nov. 22 to be fully vaccinated.

Austin issued a memorandum on Aug. 24 saying that all military service members must receive a COVID-19 vaccine, after which all the branches of the military announced various deadlines for its troops to be fully vaccinated, regardless of whether they had previously survived a bout of COVID-19, and threatening suspensions or other disciplinary actions if service members don’t have a pending exemption request or fail to comply.

The U.S. Navy and Marine Corps have set a Nov. 28 deadline for their active-duty service members; reservists have until Dec. 28. For the Army and the Air Force, the deadlines for active-duty service members are Dec. 15 and Nov. 2, respectively, and deadlines for National Guard and Reserve members are June 30, 2022, and Dec. 2, 2021, respectively. U.S. Coast Guard members have until Nov. 22 to be fully vaccinated.

“Plaintiffs have demonstrated their commitments to the United States Constitution and the Nation’s future comfort, security, and prosperity. This Court should demand that the Nation return the favor. Telling Plaintiffs they must accept or receive a shot they oppose according to their sincerely held religious beliefs, or face court martial, dishonorable discharge, and other life altering disciplinary measures, disgraces the sacrifices these heroes have made,” attorneys wrote in the filing, adding that relief is “needed now” to “prevent the immediate and irreparable injury” imposed by the vaccine mandates.

A Pentagon spokesperson said in an emailed statement, “We do not comment on ongoing litigation.”

“The Biden administration has no authority to require the COVID shots for the military or for federal employees or civilian contractors. Nor can the Biden administration pretend that the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the First Amendment do not apply to its unlawful mandates,” Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said in a statement. “The Commander-in-Chief must end this shameful treatment and abuse of our brave military heroes. Forcing the COVID shots without consent or consideration for their sincere religious beliefs is illegal.”

White House officials didn’t immediately respond to a request by The Epoch Times for comment.

Religious Exemption Requests Denied, Suit Claims

The lawsuit notes that many of its 24 plaintiffs have had their requests for religious exemption denied, while other plaintiffs “have been threatened with dishonorable discharge, court martial, termination, or other life-altering disciplinary measures” for seeking such exemptions.

“Some of these Plaintiffs have been informed by their superiors that no religious exemption or accommodation will be given, so there is no point in even making a request,” attorneys said in the filing.

The suit said that Vice Admiral William Galinis, commander of Naval Sea Systems Command, on Oct. 14 issued a warning to his entire command of more than 85,000 civilian and military personnel, saying, “The Executive Order mandating vaccinations for all federal employees has provided clear direction. We are moving quickly toward a workforce where vaccinations are a condition of employment. Frankly, if you are not vaccinated, you will not work for the U.S. Navy.”

A Navy spokeswoman declined to comment last week when asked whether any religious or medical exemptions had been approved.

The three currently available COVID-19 vaccines are the one-dose vaccine from Johnson & Johnson, and the two-dose vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech.

“Plaintiffs’ sincerely held religious beliefs preclude them from accepting any one of the three currently available COVID-19 vaccines derived from, produced or manufactured by, tested on, developed with, or otherwise connected to aborted fetal cell lines,” the suit argued, subsequently providing evidence that aborted fetal cell lines were involved in certain stages of development of all three vaccines.

“Plaintiffs’ religious beliefs compel them to not condone, support, justify, or benefit (directly or indirectly) from the taking of innocent human life via abortion, and that to do so is sinning against God,” attorneys wrote.

Attorneys are asking the court to declare that the federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate on the plaintiffs is unlawful because it violates the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act by “imposing a substantial burden on Plaintiffs’ sincerely held religious beliefs.”

EUA Products Cannot Be Mandated: Attorneys

Attorneys argued in the suit that no COVID-19 vaccine is available in the United States that has received full licensing and approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and as such, cannot be mandated.

Austin, in his memo on Aug. 24 (pdf), stated that the mandatory vaccinations “will only use COVID-19 vaccines that receive full licensure from the [FDA] in accordance with FDA-approved labeling and guidance,” attorneys noted, arguing that “additional military documents reveal that the Department of Defense is not following its own directive” and is using vaccines under emergency use authorization [EUA] “because there is no FDA approved vaccine available.”

Austin’s memo came a day after the FDA issued full approval for future Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines, which will bear the Comirnaty label. The latter vaccine wasn’t available in the United States as of Oct. 12, The Epoch Times reported previously.

The attorneys argued that explicit statutory conditions for an EUA require that people are given “the option to accept or refuse administration” of a given unapproved product that has been authorized for emergency use.

According to the lawsuit, “Because all COVID-19 vaccines available in the United States are subject to the EUA Statute restrictions and limitations, all individuals—including military service members, federal employees, and federal civilian contractors—have the explicit right under the EUA Statute to accept or refuse administration of the products.”

Attorneys asked the court to declare the vaccine mandate as unlawful because it violates the EUA provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act “by imposing a mandatory COVID-19 shot upon Plaintiffs without giving the ‘option to accept or refuse’ the EUA product.”


Four Parasites Found in Pfizer and Moderna COVID911 Jabs

Watch: Hundreds of Southwest Workers Stand Up to COVID Medical Tyranny in Huge Way

October 18th: Biden’s America and the Conservative Resistance

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Whistleblower: 90% Of Hospital Admissions Are Vaccinated and Hospital Administration Refusing to Report Adverse Events

The vaccine does not stop the spread of COVID. Vaccinated people (like Colin Powell) die from COVID. So ask yourself, what’s behind the Nazi-esque mandates?

Physicians Asst. Whistleblower Reveals Hospital Intake With 90 Percent Vaccinated Patients and Hospital Administration Refusing to Report Adverse Events

By: Sundance, Conservative Treehouse |October 17, 2021:

The central statistic in this whistleblower story is important. In a community with a 50% vaccination rate, 90% of the hospital admissions were vaccinated patients, and most of the critical care hospital intakes were within 14 days of the patient taking the vaccine. An alarmed physicians assistant began reporting those issues into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting system until the hospital administration stepped in to stop her from recording the frequency. She felt obligated to become a whistleblower:

“Deborah Conrad, a hospitalist physicians assistant on the frontlines of the pandemic, pulls back the curtain on the complete lack and disregard in her hospital for reporting Covid vaccine injury to VAERS, this country’s only mechanism to track the safety of these rushed-to-market, mandated products. In riveting detail, including emails & recorded phone conversations, Conrad exposes the internal push to turn a blind eye to injuries and “toe the company line” that this vaccine is safe.”


Whistleblower Story – Deborah Conrad, convinced her hospital to carefully track the Covid-19 vaccination status of every patient admitted to her hospital. The result is shocking.

As Ms. Conrad has detailed, her hospital serves a community in which less than 50% of the individuals were vaccinated for Covid-19 but yet, during the same time period, approximately 90% of the individuals admitted to her hospital were documented to have received this vaccine.

These patients were admitted for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to COVID-19 infections. Even more troubling is that there were many individuals who were young, many who presented with unusual or unexpected health events, and many who were admitted months after vaccination. (read more)

RELATED VIDEO: UK report shows vaccinated people’s immune systems are failing at a rate of 5% a week.


Watch: Hundreds of Southwest Workers Stand Up to COVID Medical Tyranny in Huge Way

October 18th: Biden’s America and the Conservative Resistance

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Cry Havoc! Threats to Right-to-Life Groups

Randall Smith: If the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, expect lawlessness. A nation so dedicated to a fundamental evil will not simply give it up without a fight.

Some friends were kind enough to invite my wife and me to the Texas Right to Life banquet a few weeks ago.  For those who don’t know, Texas Right to Life is among the most successful, if not the most successful, pro-life organization in the country.  Hence, we have the Texas Heartbeat Law, requiring that an abortionist check for a heartbeat of a child in the womb and making it illegal for anyone to terminate the life of that child if a heartbeat is found.

The banquet this year was much like those in past years, with one major difference: the presence of heavy security.  There were uniformed police officers with bulletproof vests in evidence everywhere.  For Texas Right to Life is an organization under fire, part of a nationwide movement under fire, suffering harassment and maltreatment that I predict will only get worse in the coming months and years.

Texas Right to Life gets over a thousand hate messages via voice mail per day. And I mean hate. The organizers played some during the banquet, bleeping out the frequent expletives in the lengthy streams of invective. They had to clear their offices recently due to a credible bomb threat and must have 24-hour police protection on their offices. They get 750,000 attacks per day on their web site, including from such notorious hackers as the group Anonymous.  Who would have thought trying to preserve the lives of innocent children would lead to such vitriol and loathing from so many people?

But I remember watching film of demonstrations when the first black students were escorted into the University of Alabama and seeing crowds of angry white girls in poodle skirts, bobby socks, and button-front sweaters screaming – screaming until they nearly fainted from the intensity of their anger – at the very thought of allowing a black student into the university.  I remember thinking:  “Wow, that’s a lot of anger at one black person walking into a college building.”  But there they were on a nice summer’s day, spitting vile hatred, turning themselves into models of shame for the whole country.

So let’s just be honest with ourselves about something.  If the Supreme Court does its duty and strikes down Roe v. Wade, it will likely set off a firestorm of violence that will engulf the country.  Which is why, personally, I am not optimistic the Court will do it.  It will be viewed as too risky.

Everyone knows who promotes violence and who doesn’t.  Which is precisely why I worry that the Roberts Court will find a way not to overturn Roe: namely, for much the same reason that cities were boarded up before the results were announced of the last presidential election.  The fear was that if the country reached the “wrong” outcome, the progressives would riot in the streets. Everyone knows that if Roe is not overturned, pro-life forces will be disappointed, but they will not become violent. If deciding one way guarantees violence but deciding the other does not, which way do you think that decision is likely to go?

But if the Supreme Court shows courage rather than cowardice, and Roe is overturned, at that moment the pro-life battle will begin.  And it will not be pretty.  Expect persecution.  Expect intimidation.  Expect lawlessness.  A nation so dedicated to a fundamental evil will not simply give it up without a fight.  If you think a culture that has devoted itself for so long to the “right” to do away with inconvenient and disabled babies will act any differently than it did when it was defending the “right” to own slaves or its “right” to white supremacy with Jim Crow laws, then you haven’t learned the lessons of history.

People rarely surrender the “right” to dominate others without fighting tooth and nail.  When what is at stake is admitting that your entire worldview has not only been wrong, but based on supporting an institution that is fundamentally unjust and a violation of human dignity, people do not surrender gently.

In the 1850s, plenty of “genteel folk” preferred that slavery not be talked about in public company. So too now, there are many, even among Catholic priests and bishops, who would prefer we just not talk about our current “peculiar institution”: abortion. I mean, it’s so unnecessarily embarrassing. Such a distraction. So likely to provoke anger from the sophisticated elite. Best, therefore, to keep it under wraps and avoid looking the evil squarely in the face, such as men in chains or babies in trash cans.

Langdon Gilkey, in his remarkable memoir, The Shantung Compound, based on his experiences in a Japanese internment camp in China during the Second World War, reports that, as each moral issue arose in the camp, a pattern repeated itself, over and over.  The more educated and respectable the people, the more elegant and advanced were their arguments defending their own self-interest.  Gilkey writes that, “The ethical issues of human community life are, therefore, the outward expression in action of deeper, more inward issues, we might say religious issues.  For religion concerns men’s ultimate loyalty – that which gives them their ultimate sense of meaning and sets the standard of their life. . . .When our ultimate concern is directed to some partial or limited interest, we can scarcely avoid inhumanity toward those outside that interest.”

As we move further and further into the post-Christian age and people’s ultimate concern is no longer directed to their Creator, no longer guided by His wisdom and law, we can expect more of man’s inhumanity to man.  When men tire of divine order and tie their identity idolatrously to an ideology, it is not long before they “cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war.”

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Randall Smith

Randall B. Smith is a Professor of Theology at the University of St. Thomas. He is the author of Reading the Sermons of Thomas Aquinas: A Guidebook for Beginners and Aquinas, Bonaventure, and the Scholastic Culture of Medieval Paris: Preaching, Prologues, and Biblical Commentary (2021). His website is:

EDITORTS NOTE: This The Catholic Thing column is republished with permission. © 2021 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

The ‘Build Back Better Baskets’ — All Tricks but No Treats?

Here’s a video of Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) explaining Biden’s Build Back Better (BBB) agenda. Pelosi also characterizes BBB as “transformative” which sounds eerily like Obama’s promise to “fundamentally transform” America.

Pelosi states, ‘The Build Back Better is 3 Baskets. ‘It’s Climate, Health, Jobs, Security and Moral Responsibility.”

According to the White House website Build Back Better is defined as follows:

The Build Back Better Agenda is an ambitious plan to create jobs, cut taxes, and lower costs for working familiesall paid for by making the tax code fairer and making the wealthiest and large corporations pay their fair share. [Emphasis added]

According to Wikipedia:

The plan is divided into three parts: the American Rescue Plan, a COVID-19 relief package, which passed in March 2021;[2] the American Jobs Plan, a proposal to rebuild America’s infrastructure and create jobs;[3] and the American Families Plan, a proposal to invest in areas related to childcare and education.[4] As of October 1, 2021, the American Rescue Plan is the only plan that has been signed into law, though proposals featured in the American Jobs Plan have been passed in the Senate through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act[Emphasis added]

So, are there are, according to the White House and Wikipedia, only three baskets? Or, according to Pelosi five baskets?

To help us better understand what is really going on with BBB, I will go with what Pelosi’s five baskets.

Let’s take a look at each of these baskets and see what’s inside of each one as we approach Halloween.

  • Basket #1 Climate: This basket is filled with green energy goodies. It’s the Green New Deal on steroids. Unfortunately, if you heat your home using natural gas or electricity you are being tricked because you energy bill will go up, not down. If you drive a car, SUV, truck or van that uses fossil fuels you have already seen gasoline and diesel prices go up over 33%. There’s no treats in this basket for us consumers too. For you see went the cost of energy goes up so does the prices of consumer goods. This basket is filled with tricks and no treats. Here are three absolutes, that a good friend of mine taught me about the climate: 1. The climate changes. 2. These changes of the climate follow natural cycles (e.g. summer, fall, winter, spring) and 3. There is nothing mankind can do to change these natural cycles. BASKET #1: TRICK!
  • Basket #2 Health: What basket #2 is about is COVID. Biden, the CDC and OSHA have used COVID to fundamentally transform our economy and how we live our lives. If you don’t have a “vaccine passport” your ability to travel within the United States and overseas can be restricted or even denied. COVID is the hammer and we are the nails. Get VAXXED or get fired. Get VAXXED or you can’t shop, go to a restaurant or even celebrate the 2021 holiday season. The health weapon of choice is government mandates. Obey or suffer the consequences. BASKET #2: TRICK.
  • Basket #3 Jobs: Work for a company with more than 100 employees and don’s get VAXXED you get fired. If you are in the medical profession and work in a hospital and you choose not to get the Covid vaccine you can be fired. It that job creation? We think not. Are lockdowns job creation? We think not. Is forced unions to get jabbed helping the job market? Nope. Are the supply chain backups helping to create jobs? You can answer that one. There’s a growing number of people pushing back against the job killing programs (e.g. higher taxes on business and individuals) of Biden’s BBB agenda. BASKET #3: TRICK.
  • Basket #4 Security: Let’s start with Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan to its being blindsided by China’s new weapons system. Iran is on the rise, Biden is encouraging unvetted illegals to cross our Southern border by the tens of thousand and importing unvetted Islamists from Afghanistan. Biden’s security policy is there’s no national security policy. Get it? Got it? Good! BASKET #4: TRICK.
  • Basket #5 Moral Responsibility: Biden left Americans behind in Afghanistan. Biden supports abortion up to birth. Biden supports giving illegals voting rights and benefits over our wounded warriors. Biden has kowtowed to the most dangerous regimes in the world and left Americans to fend for themselves. We have see an increase in suicides that fit the COVID lockdowns and social isolation. Biden’s DOJ has designated parents as domestic terrorists if the speak out about public school policies during school board meetings. Democrats continue to persecute those who peacefully demonstrated on January 6th, 2021 in Washington, D.C. Those demonstrators are facing abuse and even torture while in prison. Are these morally responsible positions? NOT! BASKET #5: TRICK

Tricks or Treats?

Question: Are we getting treats or being tricked?

Answer: According to our analysis above we’re all being tricked and Biden is just getting started.

Biden laid out the following goals for his “Build Back Better” agenda:

  1. “Build a Modern Infrastructure” [More government spending]
  2. “Position the U.S. Auto Industry to Win the 21st Century with technology invented in America” [Mandate the auto industry comply or else]
  3. “Achieve a Carbon Pollution-Free Power Sector by 2035” [Green New Deal]
  4. “Make Dramatic Investments in Energy Efficiency in Buildings, including Completing 4 Million Retrofits and Building 1.5 Million New Affordable Homes” [More Green New Deal mandates]
  5. “Pursue a Historic Investment in Clean Energy Innovation” [Green New Deal on asteroids]
  6. “Advance Sustainable Agriculture and Conservation” [Famers required to be green or else]
  7. “Secure Environmental Justice and Equitable Economy Opportunity” [Equal people are not free and free people are not equal]

The Biden administrations agenda has become very clear.

If the intent of Biden is to make the lives of every American better then as of today he is a complete failure.


So Build Back Better is actually a massive government growth coupled with social a massive government spending spree. Not surprisingly it is inextricably tied to Covid.

To pass the Democrat/Biden Build Back Better agenda requires the American people’s cooperation. However, we are seeing more and more Americans taking up arms against this plan via civil disobedience.

Since his election, Biden’s poll numbers have dropped dramatically as he and his handlers try to implement his BBB agenda.

The backbone of Build Back Better is comply or else.

Freedom of choice. My body, my choice only applies to killing the unborn, not to you if you don’t get jabbed.

We predict as the Build Back Better agenda moves forward more and more American workers and their families will move backwards.

We sincerely hope we are wrong but unfortunately is appears were not.

The midterm elections in 2022 will be a bell weather election. If conservatives, note I did not write Republicans, don’t take control of one or both houses of Congress we are doomed

Get out and vote. Insure your state implements laws that enhance election integrity.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


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