Why a Whack-a-Mole video? Because We’re Certainly Living in ‘Interesting’ Times.

We certainly live in “interesting” times. There are a multitude of other adjectives that could be used to describe our day – exasperating, frustrating, tiring, etc…etc… I chose to use my favorite “safe” word!

In one day I can hear about a school shooting, queer youth assemblies, FBI corruption, voter fraud, killer plant fungus, TikTok trojan horse, deep state, globalist intentions, friends with heart problems, cancer, COVID vaccine reactions, family troubles, inflation… you want me to go on? The list can go on ad nauseam!

As a Christian and especially as an intercessor, I know everyone of these issues call for – even demand – my attention, concern and prayer. But I cannot give each of these issues the important prayer it deserves. I do not have the emotional resources to care as deeply as I want to, nor the time to dedicate as much as their importance deserves, nor the knowledge to know how to pray for each as I should. A brief cry out to the LORD on their behalf is what I can do.

That is where the whack-a-mole analogy comes in. I pray for one need. Then another need pops up to pray for. Then another one, then another. One right after the other. It never stops. All important. Some catastrophically important! I can take a break in prayer, but that just means there are needs that have popped up that I gave absolutely no attention to. And this is not a game! These are real needs that in far too many cases have life-and-death consequences.

I say, “Oh LORD!! What are we to do?” As I prayed this to the LORD, I heard Him say, the best way to win at the whack-a-mole game is to go behind the game and unplug it! In meditating on this answer and trying to understand what it meant and how to apply that to prayer, I began to see that the issue is power. The whack-a-mole game can’t work if its power source is removed. Satan’s attacks are diverted, dimmed or canceled when his power is cut off. Relating that to prayer, as we declare God’s word and operate consistent with His word, we can shut the door to Satan’s power.

Declaring God’s word is powerful when an individual brings God’s word to bear on a situation. When two or more join together, Jesus says He is right there adding His presence to the power. What could / would / WILL happen when hundreds or thousands of believers together declare His word?

Making declarations is not the same as asking God’s intervention in a specific situation. Nor are making declarations supposed to take the place of intercession for specific needs. God has an amazing and miraculous way of impressing upon us which specific need or situation we should carry as our prayer responsibility.

God’s word is very clear that His word is powerful. This is made plain throughout scripture. Maybe the clearest expression of this is from Isaiah 55: 10,11 – ” For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there without watering the earth and making it bear and sprout and furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so will My word be which goes forth from My mouth. It will not return to Me empty without accomplishing what I desire and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.”

So too are the verses from Isaiah 22:22, Matthew 16:18,19 and Revelation 3:7,8. God has given His church/ekklesia, His Bride the authority to open and shut doors so that His model prayer in Matthew 6 can be fulfilled to see “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

God is raising up His people in all of Florida’s 67 counties and now spreading to over 20 states with more coming to stand together and declare His words over our counties, states and nation. Every 2nd Saturday at 8 am we make declarations together. We are going behind the enemy, behind the situations we can actually see and using the Word of God, the keys of the kingdom to shut the door to the enemy, to cut off his power and open the door to God’s work in our land.

I am asking every Christian, every intercessor, every prayer group, every pastor and every church to do this. 15 minutes. Once a month. That is all the time it takes to speak out the declarations. If you are in a group, everyone reads the declarations out loud together. If you are by yourself, still read them out loud. We are speaking into the heavenlies. Remember, the weapons of our warfare are “divinely powerful for the destruction of strongholds and destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God”, 2 Corinthians 4,5.

There are two ways to get the declarations. The best way is to go to the PrayerLinkFL website and click on the CONNECT tab and click on CONNECT at the next page. It will take you to the CityMatters page for PrayerLinkFL. If you don’t know, CityMatters is a facebook alternative for Christian ministries that is private and secure. Go through the free sign-up process and you will receive the declarations via e-mail each month. As an alternative, you can e-mail me at randy@PrayerLinkFL.com and tell me you want the declarations and I will e-mail them directly to you a few days prior to the 2nd Saturday of the month.

Click here to see the Declarations we will be doing on April 8.

©Randy McDaniels. All rights reserved.

The Claim That ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ Saves Lives Is Falling Apart

Monday’s tragic shooting at The Covenant School, a Presbyterian private school in Nashville, Tennessee, is exposing the sobering reality that what is being marketed to the public as “gender-affirming care” is not doing what we were told it would do­­­­ – alleviate mental health issues and gender confusion.

In the past few years, several mass shootings have been carried out by members of the transgender-identifying community. This is a rather alarming statistic, given that only 0.1% of the population experiences gender dysphoria, according to the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders V-TR. So, what is going on here?

At one time, gender dysphoria was considered a mental disorder, but now, due to the increasing prevalence of a worldview shaped by gender identity ideology, it has morphed into a human rights issue. The ideology borrows from the mental health aspects of gender dysphoria in order to justify medical “intervention.” It claims that the elevated mental health issues in the transgender-identifying community can be pinned on the social discrimination these individuals face. In the simplest terms, the transgender-identifying person’s mental well-being is based on having the right external circumstances, such as being called by the “correct” pronouns, undergoing all the desired plastic surgeries, having access to the opposite sex’s hormones, and having others affirm their internal idea of reality. What could possibly go wrong with that approach to life?

In the aftermath of The Covenant School tragedy, we can be assured that discrimination will be offered up as an excuse for a transgender-identified person carrying out a mass shooting. But if facing discrimination is cause for someone to commit such a heinous act as mass violence, then we ought to adjust how we flag potential perpetrators and offer other mental health interventions to gender-affirming care, such as ones that help people develop stronger internal loci of control rather than be subject to the changing tides of their circumstances.

Advocates of gender-affirming care insist it is both lifesaving and evidence-based health care for those who identify as transgender. But the research used to make such a claim is full of methodological errors and can be easily disputed as a research body that is incomplete. In just one example, it is well known that the trans-identifying community has experienced a high rate of childhood traumas. It is also well-known that trauma victims have high suicide attempt and completion rates. The problem is that the supposed scientific research on the transgender issue doesn’t explain how researchers have differentiated those in the transgender community who are suicidal because of the influence of childhood trauma from those they claim are suicidal because of the lack of affirmation and pharmaceuticals.

Not only are the currently published studies problematic, but there is a lack of ongoing and long-term follow-up reports that address the impact of cross-sex hormones and surgeries. Most of us have seen the commercials in which the lawyer announces a class action suit against a pharmaceutical company for a particular drug’s side effects that were discovered later. Why did the suit come about? It was a result of continual study and monitoring of a particular drug to understand if the harms of taking that medication outweigh the benefits.

In our current climate, there is no sensible monitoring of the psychological effects of minors or adults taking cross-sex hormones or engaged in any aspect of gender-affirming care. We don’t know the long-term psychological effects of social transition (e.g., adopting the opposite sex’s name and pronouns) either. Although we don’t know if the perpetrator of the March 27 shooting was on cross-sex hormones, we do know that she was in counseling and, given the state of the profession, was most likely encouraged to identify as the opposite biological sex.

To address this unscientific and dysfunctional approach to treating gender dysphoria, bills have been proposed across the country to place age requirements on the physiological aspects of gender-affirming care. Although most of these proposals require a person to be 18 years old before they can receive cross-sex hormones or undergo surgical procedures to change their sexual organs, the evidence to support these “interventions” isn’t good for any age.

Unfortunately, the tragedy at The Covenant School proves to be one more big piece of evidence suggesting that gender-affirming care (whether social or physiological) is not doing what it set out to do — treat mental health issues. On the contrary, the evidence shows that those who take these drugs are 19 times more likely to commit suicide. There is also mounting evidence that those who have detransitioned have experienced compounded psychological complications as a result of what they went through under “gender-affirming care.” Now, we face the tragic reality of a transgender-identifying biological female, who, against the normative profile, committed an act of mass murder.

We do not understand the long-term psychological ramifications of the so-called gender-affirming approach to mental health care, but we do have growing evidence that this sort of “affirmation” is not a remedy for mental health problems.

One thing this tragedy has confirmed is that our leaders and legislators should focus on saving lives and invoke a moratorium on these risky, baseless “gender affirming” interventions.


Dr. Jennifer Bauwens

Dr. Jennifer Bauwens is the Director of the Center for Family Studies at Family Research Council.


California Legislation Allows Children As Young As 12 to Check Themselves into Government Homes Without Parental Consent

Turkish Fury Over 6-Year-Old Bride Could Change Country’s Future

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. ©2023 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Virginia School District to Remove 14 Sexually Explicit Books from School Libraries

On Wednesday, Spotsylvania County Public Schools (SCPS) in Fredericksburg, Va. announced that it would be removing 14 books that “contain sexually explicit content and themes that are inappropriate for young persons” from the school district’s libraries. With the move, SCPS joins a growing list of school districts around the country that have opted to remove school library books that contain graphic sexual content amid a growing movement of parents decrying the availability of “pornographic” books to minors.

In a press release, SCPS Superintendent Mark Taylor cited a recent state law put in place in 2022 as the impetus for the removal of the books. “These books contain sexually explicit material which makes it clear there should be parental notification,” he said. “State law sets the definition. The only way we can guarantee they’re not available to students without parental permission is to remove them.”

The measure, championed by Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin (R), requires that parents be notified of books available in school libraries that contain sexually explicit material.

According to an SCPS memorandum from Taylor provided to The Washington Stand, the 14 books marked for removal include: “All Boys Aren’t Blue: A Memoir-Manifesto” by George Johnson; “Like a Love Story” by Abdi Nazemian; “Dime” by E. R. Frank; “Sold” by Patricia McCormick; “Out of Darkness” by Ashley Hope Perez; “Beloved” by Toni Morrison; “America” by E. R. Frank; “Looking for Alaska” by John Green; “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” by Stephen Chbosky; “Water for Elephants” by Sarah Gruen; “Neanderthal Opens the Door to the Universe” by Preston Norton; “More Happy Than Not” by Adam Silvera; “The Bluest Eye” by Toni Morrison; and “Nineteen Minutes” by Jodi Picoult.

The memo goes on to note that the books on the removal list can still be assigned by teachers with parental permission.

In an attachment to the memo, a compilation of extractions of the explicit content from the books is listed. In many of the extractions, sexual encounters between minors as well as between adults are described in graphic detail. The content also includes hundreds of instances of profanity and crude references to sexual organs and other sexual terms, as well as racial and sexual orientation slurs, which are all notably prohibited from being uttered in most schools.

A growing movement of parents protesting sexually explicit books in school libraries has taken place across the country over the last few years, with parents voicing their concerns at school board meetings in New YorkTexasVirginiaAlabama, and Florida, among others. At recent board meetings in GeorgiaTexas, and Alaska, parents who read content from sexually explicit books were told to stop reading due to the graphic content, with a speaker in Florida being physically kicked out of a meeting for reading the content.

Lawmakers in a number of states are responding to parents’ concerns, as explicit books have been removed from school libraries in MissouriFloridaLoudoun County (Va.)Texas, and elsewhere.

Critics, as well as many legacy news outlets, claim that the removal of explicit books from school libraries amounts to a “book ban.” However, the SCPS press release notes that the 14 books on the removal list remain available at local public libraries if students wish to access them. The press release went on to state that copies of the books being removed “will be stored securely until arrangements can be made to donate them.” Superintendent Taylor’s memo recommends “that they be donated to the Central Rappahannock Regional Library or another public library system.”

Meg Kilgannon, senior fellow for Education Studies at Family Research Council, commended SCPS’s decisive action.

“It is great to see a school system take this issue seriously,” she told The Washington Stand. “Too often, school leaders delegate this task, or allow political pressure from activists to overwhelm the reasonable concerns of parents. To his great credit, Superintendent Taylor has removed books with sexually explicit content from school libraries. He will no doubt face hysterical accusations of the worst sort from LGBTQ activists, library associations, and publishing industry lobbyists.”

“Fortunately, most parents can understand that school libraries and public libraries serve different age ranges and that no child has an alleged ‘right to read’ explicit or pornographic content. Thanks to Spotsylvania County Public Schools, their school board members, and Superintendent Taylor for preserving childhood innocence and academic excellence,” Kilgannon concluded.


Dan Hart

Dan Hart is senior editor at The Washington Stand.

RELATED VIDEO: Parents MUST Be Given Access to What Their Kids Are Learning


Kirk Cameron, Trent Talbot Discuss DC Story Hour and Raising Brave Kids

Kentucky Legislature Enacts Parental Rights, Student Privacy, Help Not Harm Act over Governor’s Veto

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2023 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

New Podcast to Tackle Today’s Critical Issues from a Biblical Worldview

The Washington Stand’s (TWS) new podcast is now available. The podcast, called “Outstanding,” will feature TWS writers and others exploring the news from a biblical worldview. With the aim of having critical conversations on the news of the day and the issues that shape us, the podcast is hosted by Joseph Backholm, Family Research Council’s senior fellow for Biblical Worldview and Strategic Engagement.

Washington Stand editor-in-chief Jared Bridges said, “Christians are instructed in 2 Corinthians 10:5 to ‘take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.’ In today’s media we have an abundance of thoughts speeding at us. At TWS, we wanted a way to help readers take some of these swirling thoughts captive from a biblical worldview. This podcast gives us a format for unpacking some of those big ideas and concepts we’re confronted with in the news every day.”

As Backholm put it, “There are so many stories other news outlets don’t want to cover. This will give us an opportunity to tell those stories in a way we haven’t been able to do before and reach a new audience as well.”

“People are confused about what’s happening in the world,” he went on, “and I look forward to helping people get clarity about what is happening in our ever-changing world so we can confidently do what God has called us to do.”

The podcast is now available on many popular podcast apps, including:

Episodes 1-4 are fully available at launch, and new episodes will be released each week, so interested listeners should subscribe to “Outstanding” on their favorite podcast app.


TWS Staff Report

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand podcast is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2023 Family Research Council

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

VIDEO: Ex-Jesuit ‘Alberto Rivera’ Discusses The Infiltration Of The Jesuits by Communists


Alberto Magno Romero Rivera (1935 – 1997). Alberto was an anti-Catholic religious activist who was the source of many of fundamentalist Christian author Jack Chick’s stories about the Vatican. Chick promised to promote Alberto’s claims even after he died. Rivera claimed to have been a Jesuit before becoming a Fundamentalist Protestant, and many of the stories Chick published about Rivera involve Jesuit conspiracies.

According to Rivera: After education at a Catholic Seminary, he was sent to destroy various Protestant organizations and discredit Protestant leaders, but became disillusioned upon finding that the Vatican was behind Freemasonry and that its reverence of the Virgin Mary was contradicted by the Bible. In 1965, at an Ecumenical Conference in a Guatemalan stadium, he denounced the Catholic Church to an audience of 50,000 people. The Jesuits then sent him to a top-secret Sanatorium in Spain to make him recant his faith. Here he was tortured and given drugs until he nearly died, eventually being put into an IRON LONG because his lungs had broken down from the abuse. Nearly at death, he asked Jesus to forgive him and was miraculously healed. A senior Jesuit attempted to persuade Rivera to return to Catholicism, but instead was himself persuaded to give Rivera the passport and papers he needed to escape Spain. Afterwards he flew to London and rescued his sister María, a nun, after she nearly died in a convent.

According to Rivera, Jesuits are responsible for the creation of communism, Islam, and Nazism, and causing the World Wars, recession, the Jonestown Massacre, and the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy; he further claims that the Catholic Church wants to spread Homosexuality and abortion, that the Charismatic Movement is a front for the Catholic Church, that the Popes are antichrists, that the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon, and that Muhammad was used by the Catholic Church to create Islam and destroy the Jews and other groups of Christians.

Alberto was killed in his own congregation by people He knew. These people disguised themselves as saints of the Most High and played the role of saints, with the purpose to kill and destroy “Bible believing.”

Throughout Christendom, Protestantism was menaced by formidable foes. The first triumphs of the reformation past, Rome summoned new forces, hoping to accomplish its destruction. At this time the ORDER OF THE JESUITS was created, the most cruel, unscrupulous, and powerful of all the champions of popery. Cut off from earthly ties and human interest, dead to the claims of natural affection, reason and conscience wholly silence, they knew no rule, no tie, but that of their order, and no duty but to extend its power. The gospel of the Savior had enabled its adherents to meet danger and endured suffering, undismayed by cold, hunger, toil, and poverty, to uphold the banner of truth in face of the rack, the dungeon, and the stake. To combat these forces, Jesuitism inspired it followers with a fanaticism that enabled them to endure like dangers, and to oppose to the power of truth all the weapons of deception. There was no crime too great for them to commit, no deception too base for them to practice, no disguise too difficult for them to assume. Vowed to perpetual poverty and humility, it was their studied aim to secure wealth and power, to be devoted to the overthrow of Protestantism, and the re-establishment of the papal supremacy.

More information:

The Most Powerful Man In The World? The “Black” Pope

Elon Musk, Apple Co-Founder, Tech Experts Issue Warning on ‘Giant AI Experiments’: ‘Dangerous Race’

There is so much the general public does not understand about AI or its risks to society and civilization.

Imagine it in the wrong hands.

Elon Musk, Apple co-founder, other tech experts call for pause on ‘giant AI experiments’: ‘Dangerous race

Musk, Wozniak, other tech innovators sign open letter urging temporary pause in the development of AI systems more powerful than OpenAI’s GPT-4, citing risks to society and civilization

By Chris Pandolfo | Fox News

Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak, and a host of other tech leaders and artificial intelligence experts are urging AI labs to pause development of powerful new AI systems in an open letter citing potential risks to society.

The letter asks AI developers to “immediately pause for at least 6 months the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4.” It was issued by the Future of Life Institute and signed by more than 1,000 people, including Musk, who argued that safety protocols need to be developed by independent overseers to guide the future of AI systems. GPT-4 is the latest deep learning model from OpenAI, which “exhibits human-level performance on various professional and academic benchmarks,” according to the lab.

“Powerful AI systems should be developed only once we are confident that their effects will be positive and their risks will be manageable,” the letter said.

The letter warns that at this stage, no one “can understand, predict, or reliably control” the powerful new tools developed in AI labs. The undersigned tech experts cite the risks of propaganda and lies spread through AI-generated articles that look real, and even the possibility that Ai programs can outperform workers and make jobs obsolete.

“AI labs and independent experts should use this pause to jointly develop and implement a set of shared safety protocols for advanced AI design and development that are rigorously audited and overseen by independent outside experts,” the letter states.

“In parallel, AI developers must work with policymakers to dramatically accelerate development of robust AI governance systems.”


Tesla CEO Elon Musk and more than 1,000 tech leaders and artificial intelligence experts are calling for a temporary pause on the development of AI systems more powerful than OpenAI’s GPT-4, warning of risks to society and civilization.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk and more than 1,000 tech leaders and artificial intelligence experts are calling for a temporary pause on the development of AI systems more powerful than OpenAI’s GPT-4, warning of risks to society and civilization.

The signatories, which include Stability AI CEO Emad Mostaque, researchers at Alphabet-owned DeepMind, as well as AI heavyweights Yoshua Bengio and Stuart Russell, emphasize that AI development in general should be not paused, writing that their letter is calling for “merely a stepping back from the dangerous race to ever-larger unpredictable black-box models with emergent capabilities.”

According to the European Union’s transparency register, the Future of Life Institute is primarily funded by the Musk Foundation, as well as London-based effective altruism group Founders Pledge, and Silicon Valley Community Foundation.

Musk, whose electric car company Tesla uses AI for its autopilot system, has previously raised concerns about the rapid development of AI.

Since its release last year, Microsoft-backed OpenAI’s ChatGPT has prompted rivals to accelerate developing similar large language models, and companies to integrate generative AI models into their products.

Notably absent from the letter’s signatories was Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI.



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Microsoft AI says it wants to steal nuke codes, make deadly virus

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Another Country Dumps Dollar, Tells Citizens To Get Rid Of Holdings Of U.S. Dollar and Switch to Yuan

The dollar as the main world currency is our pillar of strength and power. Look what Biden and The Democrats did to us.


Kenya President Tells Citizens To Get Rid Of Holdings Of US Dollar, As Nations Dump The Dollar And Begin To Embrace Petroyuan

“I am giving you free advice that those of you who are hoarding dollars you shortly might go into losses. You better do what you must do because this market is going to be different in a couple of weeks.”

By: Jacob M. Thompson, WPN, March 2023:

It is no secret that the US Dollar is becoming less and less valuable by the day, losing its purchasing power at a rapid scale; and with the clear divide that has been created between the East and Western world due to the Russia-Ukraine war, many nations are growing sick and tired of the dollar and are now looking to dump it before it depreciates in value some more.

Click here to view the Infographic: A DOLLARS WORTH: Purchasing Power of the U.S. Dollar.

Now the President of Kenya is urging citizens and national investors to begin releasing their holdings of US dollars for the time being.

Last week President William Ruto says that wealthy investors in the country will incur losses if they are holding onto a lot of dollars because his administration launched measures that will ensure that demand for foreign currency will lessen in the weeks to follow, as reported by Africa outlet Digital Citizen.

‘President Ruto noted that one of these measures involved the State finalizing on an arrangement that will allow oil importers to purchase the commodity using shillings instead of dollars,’ the outlet explained. Gas imports account for 30% of the country’s yearly import bill.

Ruto explained that the State is working with the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) to renew the interchange exchange market in order to further address the dollar crunch.

He said during a speech at the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE):

We just concluded a market-driven arrangement in our fuel sector that will see Kenya access all our fuel needs on a deferred six-month credit that will eliminate a demand of USD 500 million dollars every month from this market.

I am giving you free advice that those of you who are hoarding dollars you shortly might go into losses. You better do what you must do because this market is going to be different in a couple of weeks.

I am happy that the players in that sector including our banks are coming forward and they are participating and their working with the Central Bank so that we can again take charge of our market so that it is not distorted by brokers.

We have done what we must do as the government to ensure that we ease the burden on people who want to realize their returns in dollars.

President Ruto said.

Putin Mocks U.S. For Destroying Their Dollar

It is no secret that Russia has been dumping their holdings of US dollars for many years as they look for new currencies and nations to increase trade with.

In 2021 Russia had already dumped all their holdings of the dollar. At the time Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in a statement:

The de-dollarization process is… taking place not only in our country, but also in many countries around the world, which have begun to experience concerns about the reliability of the main reserve currency.

He said.

Almost exactly one year to date, The WinePress reported in 2022 that Russia still is maintaining their plight of “de-dollarization” of the Russian economy, along with other European ones, as they move to increase trade with China and other BRICS nations and allies.

Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said at the time:

The American and European currencies are toxic for us. What should we do with them?

What do we need them for? That is, we are selling our own wealth – gas, while getting candy wrappers, toxic candy wrappers. Who needs them?

Following Chinese President Xi Jinping’s recent visit to Russia, Putin once again put the US dollar on blast during an interview on a Russian news outlet.

They saw off the branch they’re sitting on – I’ve been reiterating that – by limiting the use of the dollar based on momentary, situational considerations of political nature. They are harming themselves, and we might even add, they shoot themselves in the foot.

We would use the dollar, but they do not let us. How can we make payments? In a currency that is acceptable to our partners. The yuan is one of these currencies, especially since it is used by the International Monetary Fund.

Putin said in an interview with journalist Pavel Zarubin.

Putin added that ‘after the Russian gold and foreign currency reserves were frozen, all the countries in the world have wondered how reliable their US partners are,’ according to Russian outlet Tass. “And they have come to the conclusion that they are not reliable,” he noted.

In comparison, Putin gave praise to the Chinese yuan for trade and transactions.

Do you know that the Middle Eastern oil-producing countries have announced they want to use the yuan for settlements? We will be gradually expanding this and will be expanding [the use] of the reliable currencies.

However, each country is determined to strengthen its national currency, and all the countries will strive to do so. Therefore, no doubt, it is a big mistake on the part of the US authorities that they restrict settlements in dollars around the world for the countries they do not like for some reason.


RELATED ARTICLE: Saudis Consider Accepting Yuan Instead of Dollars for Chinese Oil Sales: Report

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

FREEFALL: Americans No Longer Value Patriotism, Religion

And what is replacing it? Toxic destructive left wing poison.

Make America America again.

America Pulls Back From Values That Once Defined It, WSJ-NORC Poll Finds

Patriotism, religious faith, having children and other priorities that helped define the national character for generations are receding in importance to Americans, a new Wall Street Journal-NORC poll finds.

The survey, conducted with NORC at the University of Chicago, a nonpartisan research organization, also finds the country sharply divided by political party over social trends such as the push for racial diversity in businesses and the use of gender-neutral pronouns.

[ … ]

Patriotism, religious faith, having children and other priorities that helped define the national character for generations are receding in importance to Americans, a new Wall Street Journal-NORC poll finds. Some 38% of respondents said patriotism was very important to them, and 39% said religion was very important. That was down sharply from when the Journal first asked the question in 1998, when 70% deemed patriotism to be very important, and 62% said so of religion

Read more.

New SalemNow documentary looks at our “Irreligious Nation”: The questions of who and what to believe has caused many in the U.S., and the world, to lose faith in our institutions. Religion is no exception; we’re shifting ever closer to atheism or irreligion. In fact, the fastest growing religion is no religion at all.

The question of who and what to believe has caused many in the U.S., and the world, to lose faith in our institutions. Religion is no exception; we’re shifting ever closer to atheism or irreligion. In fact, the fastest growing religion is no religion at all. In the wake of this growing trend, a group of Americans looking to understand this shift join the Sorbo family, traveling to Israel to explore and examine their own faith and the impact that irreligion, disconnection, and cynicism is having on culture and society worldwide. They ask, do we really need religion at all?



Trans Militants Burn Harry Potter Books (VIDEO)

Illegal Migrants Waiting to Come to USA Set Fire to Mattresses, Killing 40

American Left Has Grown More Violent While FBI Was Hunting Soccer Moms

Biden’s DoJ: Merrick Garland Refuses to Investigate Nashville Trans-Terror Attack as Hate Crime

Drag Queen Performs Lap Dance/Straddles Girl at North Carolina Public School (VIDEO)


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Day of Vengeance’: Trans Activist Group Organizes a Gathering in D.C.

Although it’s only Tuesday, Americans have lived through several sobering breaking news stories already this week, ranging from the aftermath of the tornado that ripped through Mississippi to the Nashville school shooting that left three adults and three children dead. And based on the Left’s latest call to action, leaders worry the violence may only continue.

A transgender activist group, referred to as TRAN (Trans Radical Activist Network), will be hosting an event called “Day of Vengeance” in Washington, D.C. from March 31 through April 2. Attendees are encouraged to wear a mask and arrive at the Supreme Court at 11 a.m. on Saturday. Although details are still being finalized, TRAN has heavily advertised for the event by posting graphics on TikTok and promoting their motto, “The time is now.”

“The Trans/Non-Binary/Gender Non-Conforming/Intersex communities are facing astronomical amounts of hate from the world,” the activist group states on their Day of Vengeance website. “The trans/non-binary/gender non-conforming/intersex communities have always existed. ‘We’re Here, We’re Queer, and We aren’t going anywhere’ needs to be echoed loudly.”

The “nationwide network of activists and community organizers for transgender/non-binary rights” have also announced their plans to raise funds that will allow transgender-identifying individuals in the state of Virginia to receive firearms and self-defense training. TRAN tweeted an encouragement to their selective viewers to attend the dance at a Richmond club, saying, “Come boogie with us and defend trans life!”

The “Day of Vengeance” is set to occur the same week a Wayne State University (WSU) professor was suspended for his threatening words against “right-winged speakers.” College of Liberal Arts and Sciences professor Steven Shaviro wrote a Facebook post, claiming it is “far more admirable to kill a racist, homophobic, or transphobic speaker than it is to shout them down.”

“The transgender community is, by definition, mentally troubled,” said Joseph Backholm, senior fellow for Biblical Worldview and Strategic Engagement at Family Research Council. “That doesn’t mean they will all become school shooters any more than it means all young white men will become school shooters because some have been. But denying that a troubled population is troubled isn’t going to make anything better, but that’s what we’ve been doing for a while now.”

The idea for “Day of Vengeance” was adopted from another transgender awareness day called “International Transgender Day of Visibility,” devoted “to celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide.” According to TRAN co-founder Tsukuru Fors, visibility is no longer enough.

“We are calling for Trans Day of Vengeance,” he said in an interview with Struggle La Lucha. “Vengeance means fighting back with vehemence. It is our battle cry to declare to the world that we the transgender/non-binary communities will neither be silenced nor eradicated. And we are calling to our allies, members of other marginalised communities to make themselves known and to fight with us.”

In light of this weekend’s event, Backholm shared that there may be a bigger issue at hand. “A transgender day of vengeance is consistent with their worldview. Forgiveness is part of a broader worldview that acknowledges your own need to be forgiven and the ability to place your hope in something other than your circumstances. Many people who identify as transgender have embraced a worldview in which all their problems are someone else’s fault and forgiveness simply perpetuates their oppression. In that world, vengeance is the evil but logical response.”


Abigail Olsson

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. ©2023 Family Research Council.

RELATED ARTICLE: What are They Afraid Of? LGBTQ+ Groups Try To Block Release Of Trans Nashville Shooter’s Manifesto


The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

3 Questions to Shape a Biblical Perspective on the Nashville Shooting

On Sunday, March 26, Reverend Chad Scruggs faithfully preached God’s Word from John 12:36-50 to Covenant Presbyterian Church in Nashville, Tennessee, extolling 1) God’s plan in the Jews’ rejection of Jesus and 2) Jesus’s subsequent glory. On Monday, March 27, his nine-year-old daughter Hallie was one of six people shot dead at the church’s Christian school by a 28-year-old former student.

The shooter carried out a horrific act of evil. Sudden, devastating loss is hard to process at any time. But, under such circumstances, it can cause us to doubt the goodness of God or provoke us to respond in sinful anger. Thinking through three questions can help us to shape a more biblical perspective on tragedies like the Nashville shooting.

1. Why did it happen?

The Bible teaches that all evil and suffering in the world is a consequence of mankind’s sin. When God created the world, he declared all that he had made “very good” (Genesis 1:31). But when Adam and Eve disobeyed God, he cursed creation and drove them out of the garden (Genesis 3); when mankind commits evil, God justly dispenses suffering as a consequence. Mankind quickly multiplied their sin, even committing (Genesis 4:8) and then boasting about (Genesis 4:23) murder. This general truth is foundational to a biblical understanding of suffering.

However, it does not follow that every bit of suffering in the world can be directly tied to a particular sin. The Bible supplies different categories, with numerous examples for each. People can suffer because of their own sins, because of the sins of others, or because of no discernable sin at all.

This often means that we suffer, or know others who suffer, without being able to identify a reason. Even if we can identify a proximate or instrumental reason — such as a school shooter — we often don’t understand why God allows the suffering, or why a trial afflicts a particular person.

Unexplained suffering is a thread that runs throughout the Bible. Joseph was sold into slavery (Genesis 37:28) and thrown into prison (Genesis 39:20) for no discernable reason. Only later, after his imprisonment led to his preventing a seven-year famine and saving his family from starvation, did Joseph clearly see God’s purpose behind his suffering (Genesis 45:5-8). The man born blind (John 9:1) lived to adulthood without receiving an explanation for his lack of sight. Jesus said the reason for his blindness was not any particular sin, but “that the works of God might be displayed in him” (John 9:3). His years of unexplained blindness led to his believing in Jesus unto eternal life (John 9:38). We read that the reason for Job’s suffering was that God was holding him up to Satan as an example of righteousness (Job 1:8). But, as far as we know, even after God restored Job to health and prosperity, he never told Job the reason for his suffering. David complained, “More in number than the hairs of my head are those who hate me without cause” (Psalm 69:4). Even as a prophet, he could hardly comprehend how his words looked forward to his greater son, Jesus Christ (John 15:25).

The Bible teaches that God is working out his good purposes even amid seemingly senseless suffering. We have God’s promise that “for those who love God all things work together for good” (Romans 8:28). Paul lists some of the things he had in mind, “tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword” (Romans 8:34). God even turns the evil purposes of man to the ultimate good of his people. Joseph told his treacherous brothers, “You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive” (Genesis 50:20). Peter reminded his readers that their trials were “now” — not later — “for a little while” — not forever — and “if necessary” — not pointless (1 Peter 1:6).

2. What should I think about this?

The Bible teaches that God will only give his children trials that are necessary for them. At the same time, it teaches that they will face trials. “In the world you will have tribulation,” said Jesus, “but take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). The conclusion to draw from these two teachings is that sufferings and trials are necessary for us.

One purpose of the trials we face is “so that the tested genuineness of your faith — more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire — may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:7). Like pure gold, pure faith is tested and proven genuine in the fire of affliction. Job’s trials revealed his faith, “I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth” (Job 19:25).

Another purpose of our trials is our sanctification. Trials produce steadfastness, making us “perfect and complete, lacking in nothing” (James 1:4). Our sufferings produce endurance, character, and hope (Romans 5:3-4). Our humiliation conforms us to the pattern of Christ Jesus who, “emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross” (Philippians 2:7-8).

One particular trial Christians should expect is persecution. We don’t know yet whether the Nashville shooter targeted the school because of its Christian beliefs; if she did, it would be entirely consistent with the Bible’s teaching. We do know that terrorists in Nigeria killed 27 Christians in two attacks this month because of their beliefs. “Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you,” Jesus told his disciples the night before is persecutors put him to death (John 15:20).

Remember, too, that other word of Jesus, “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you” (Matthew 5:11-12).

3. How should we respond?

Christianity is no abstract religion; its doctrines resolve into action. So, given the truths about sin, suffering, and trials presented above, how should Christians respond in action?

For starters, we should “weep with those who weep” (Romans 12:15). The communities of Covenant Presbyterian Church and The Covenant School must be devastated right now. It’s appropriate to feel compassion for them, mourn with them, and take time just to bear that grief. By the way, that includes the shooter’s mother, who made the financial sacrifice to enroll her daughter in the Christian school and presumably earnestly desired her salvation.

At the same time, let’s be careful how we respond to the perpetrator. “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them,” said Paul in the same place (Romans 12:14). It can be tempting to let our minds run to angry, evil thoughts, or at least to let our mouths run to name-calling or condemnations of a whole class. But those aren’t Christlike responses. “When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly” (1 Peter 2:23).

That raises another way in which we should take Jesus for our model: trusting God. “Let those who suffer according to God’s will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good” (1 Peter 4:19). This means continuing to worship God, adore his character, and look to his providential care even when he fills our days with bitter sorrow. It means continuing to believe that God “exists and that he rewards those who seek him” (Hebrews 11:6).

This trust in God entails an acknowledgment that God can order all things as he pleases. “In the day of prosperity be joyful, and in the day of adversity consider: God has made the one as well as the other, so that man may not find out anything that will be after him” (Ecclesiastes 7:14). Or, as Job put it, “Shall we receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil?” (Job 2:10). Such a response is neither easy nor natural. It’s only possible if we are more convinced of the reality and worth of God’s character and promises than in our own circumstances. But it’s the type of supernatural response that God-given trials are designed to reveal in us to his glory.

Finally, when suffering touches us, we should endure obediently. “If when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God,” wrote Peter (1 Peter 2:20). Scripture gives several practical reasons to encourage us in obedient endurance.

First, humility is the path to honor. “Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted,” Jesus repeated (Luke 14:11, 18:14). “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you” (1 Peter 5:6).

Second, all our striving against God’s mighty hand can accomplish nothing. “Consider the work of God: who can make straight what he has made crooked?” (Ecclesiastes 7:13). In his book, “The Crook in the Lot,” Puritan pastor Thomas Boston explained that, instead of squirming and striving against the trial, a wiser approach is to consider what work God is doing through the trial. If the infinitely wise God has appointed this trial for you, and nothing you can do can make the trial go away until God takes it away, then the way to make the best of your circumstances is to consider what God is doing and submit yourself to his plan.

Third, God uses trials to sanctify us. The preacher said, “Better is the end of a thing than its beginning, and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit” (Ecclesiastes 7:8). The proud in spirit has yet to be humbled by God, and God will most certainly bring him down. But the patient in spirit can say with Paul, “I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound” (Philippians 4:11-12).

These biblical doctrines and instructions for holy living are difficult to accept — even more so when intense suffering besets us. But often, times of suffering are what God uses to change our hearts so that we can accept them.

The goal in trials should be to acknowledge God’s eternal plan and Christ’s eternal glory, as Reverend Scruggs preached on Sunday.

What is God doing through this Nashville shooting? Perhaps he intends to grow that church’s understanding of the truths preached to them just before this horrific tragedy. Perhaps he intends to display his glory through the supernatural responses of Christians struggling through unimaginable bitterness and sorrow. Perhaps he intends to confuse his enemies and advance his kingdom by converting the souls wandering furthest from him.

God has many good purposes in every good and bad thing that happens. Some we know. Some we can reason towards, based upon what we find in Scripture. Some we will learn about someday. But some purposes of the infinite, eternal Creator we will never know.

Of one thing we can be certain: all of our suffering will one day dissolve into insignificance when God himself will dwell with his people and “wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away” (Revelation 21:3-4). No stranger to suffering, the apostle Paul reasoned, “the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us” (Romans 8:18).


Joshua Arnold

Joshua Arnold is a staff writer at The Washington Stand.

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. ©2023 Family Research Council.

RELATED ARTICLE: Shock Poll: Americans’ Respect for Faith, Patriotism, and Family Plunges

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Confront Evil, Protect the Vulnerable

There were signs of spring everywhere — in the bright morning sun, the pink flowers lining trees beside the parking lot, the signs for Easter services. As a small gray car rounded the bend, security cameras caught little children pumping their legs on swing sets in the background — the last carefree moment any of them will remember about this day. As they have in too many cities, Nashville’s moms and dads went about their days, not realizing they’d said goodbye for the last time.

For the seven families whose lives changed forever Monday morning, there is no making sense of the heartbreak. But for one set of parents, it’s a unique kind of pain — knowing their daughter is the one responsible. Norma Hale, whose Facebook page is full of proud mom moments, woke up Tuesday with the knowledge that her 28-year-old child’s last words to a friend were “I don’t want to live.” Moments later, Audrey Hale shot through the double glass doors she’d walked through hundreds of times as a Covenant school student, ready to kill.

Miles away, a stunned Averianna Patton sat holding her phone, rereading the text that something bad was about to happen. “Audrey!” she had frantically written back. “You have so much more life to live. I pray God keeps and covers you.”

But it was too late. Hale was walking the hallways of her old Christian school, gunning down anyone in her path. A beloved custodian. The revered head of the school. A favorite substitute teacher. The senior pastor’s only daughter. A nine-year-old boy and girl. In a split second, the buzz of classrooms gave way to sirens and school alarms.

Outside, officers grabbed rifles — listening to reports that some kids were unaccounted for. “Let’s go!” Officers Rex Engelbert is heard yelling to his men, who all take off running toward the gunfire. Unlike Uvalde, where police were paralyzed by indecision, Nashville’s team charged into the school and up the stairs, seeing Hale spraying bullets on the police cars below. Twenty-five seconds later, Officers Engelbert and Michael Callazo fired the shots that took her down — an act of pure and selfless heroism.

No one knows how many others might have died without these men sprinting into the face of evil. “The first call to 911 about shots being fired in the building came in at 10:13 a.m.,” Nashville Police Chief John Drake said. They saved lives. “Let us praise our first responders,” Mayor John Cooper urged. “Fourteen minutes,” Cooper said, referring to the time it took police to get to the scene and stop the shooter. “Fourteen minutes, under fire, running to gunfire.”

In the chaos that followed, children raced down the sidewalks in their school uniforms, holding hands with teachers. From every direction, panicked adults started to arrive, wondering if their child was one of the dead.

Inside, police tried to get a grasp on the casualties. Hale had “a significant amount” of ammunition, they discovered. And a manifesto. “There’s some belief that there was some resentment for having to go to that school,” Drake explained, as outlets started to pick up on the explosive news that Audrey identified as Aiden.

Immediately, the Left turned loose its attack dogs, savaging Drake and the media for “misgendering” the shooter that everyone had rightly described as a woman. Within hours, both USA Today and The New York Times apologized for calling Audrey a “female,” ultimately editing stories and headlines to appease the unappeasable mob who have fostered hostility for those who refuse to yield to their dangerous and destructive charade.

Hours later, the blame game began in earnest. None of this would have happened, activists said, if society were more accepting of the trans ideology, if Audrey’s parents had just been more open to her male identity, if states had just stopped banning drag shows and kids’ gender transitions.

One NBC reporter even went so far as to lay responsibility at the feet of conservatives for fighting to protect children from the transgender ideology that so obviously haunted Hale. “The GOP have decided that guns are more important than kids,” actor Josh Gad argued. “They have decided it is okay to let kids die.” If she was a victim of anything, others claimed, it was “intolerant … brainwashing” and “religious indoctrination.” Then came the ridicule. “Is it possible they weren’t praying enough?” talk show host David Pakman mocked the school. “If prayers alone worked there wouldn’t have been a mass shooting at a school where they pray…” one gun control activist scoffed.

Make no mistake. A storm is brewing in this country that screams, “Christianity is the problem!” The calls will come — if they haven’t already — for the faithful to step back from cultural engagement, to acquiesce on biblical truth where the battle is raging the fiercest: for our children. It’s the same argument the Left has been using on the parents of confused kids — give in or they’ll hurt themselves. To the church it will be: back off or they’ll hurt others.

The inclination will be to move away from biblical truth, the very source of hope and freedom that confused and troubled souls like Audrey need. But that’s not the way forward in a nation broken and bleeding. As much as the other side would like to manage the chaos by indulging these delusions and passing meaningless legislation, the problem isn’t the state of our laws; it’s the condition of the heart.

These tragedies, whether they’re in Nashville or Newtown, are the bitter fruit of a deception that’s destroying us. It’s time to address these lies with urgency, acknowledging that we are a broken people in need of the God that we keep pushing away. It is our moment to do what the brave officers in Nashville did: confront and engage the crisis. These aren’t men who sat on the sidelines, letting the shooter take aim at more children. They rushed straight into the face of danger and protected the weak. As Christians, we’re called to do the same: confront evil and protect the vulnerable so they may know Jesus.

That’s not easy in a society as hostile to truth as ours. But we do not honor the memories of Evelyn Dieckhaus, Hallie Scruggs, Williams Kinney, Mike Hill, Cynthia Peak, and Katherine Koonce by abandoning the faith they died living. A spiritual battle is raging for this generation, and we will not win it with silence. We’ve been called, as Ezekiel was called, to speak the word of God in dark days — no matter the cost. “Be not afraid of them, nor be afraid of their words … [Y]ou shall speak my words to them, whether they hear or refuse to hear, for they are a rebellious house” (2:6a,7).

For now, we are a nation swimming in grief. But consider the timing of this tragedy, so near Easter. In this season of empty tombs, we cling to the only hope capable of holding the hurting together. “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet he shall live” (John 11:25). To those families suffering under the weight of unspeakable loss, we rejoice with them that Jesus’s death was not the end of His story — and it will not be the end of theirs either.


Tony Perkins

Tony Perkins is president of Family Research Council and executive editor of The Washington Stand.

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. ©2023 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Records Show Air Force Academy Focus on Anti-American Critical Race Theory Training of Cadets – Academy Head Ties Cadets to Racism and Social Injustice

Washington, D.C. – Judicial Watch announced today it received 167 pages of records from the U.S. Department of Defense which show the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA) has made race and gender instruction a top priority in the training of cadets.

The records include recommendations that the USAFA considers “Behavioral Science 362, ‘Class, Race, Gender, and Sexuality’ as a core class,” that all curriculum be reviewed for “D&I” (diversity and inclusion) topics, and that all cadets and staff be educated in “specific D&I concepts and skills in order to decrease incidents of microaggressions, unconscious bias, etc.”

Judicial Watch obtained the records in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit on behalf of Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services, Inc. (STARRS) against the U.S. Department of Defense for Air Force Academy records regarding “systemic racism,” as well as records of critical race theory at the Academy (Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services, Inc. v U.S. Department of Defense (No. 1:22-cv–02894)).

In the introduction to the September 21, 2020, “U.S. Air Force Academy Internal Racial Disparity Review,” Superintendent Lt. General Jay Silveria writes:

Systemic racism exists in our society. Identity groups, whether based on race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or disability, have all experienced less-than-equal treatment in our nation, both historically and persisting in the present day. Ongoing events across our nation and around the world are a stark reminder that racism and social injustice continue to afflict our society. We must acknowledge that at USAFA we are not immune to these issues. What happens outside our gates also happens across our installation, and throughout the Cadet Wing. We would be naive to think otherwise, and negligent to ignore the impact of racism and injustice on our cadets, our permanent party and their families and our entire USAFA community.

Our military superiority relies on an incredibly diverse force of innovative individuals who must work cohesively as a team. There is no place in our words or actions for discrimination or racial bias of any kind, nor can we allow these behaviors to persist in the culture of our institution. A disregard for dignity and respect is corrosive to mission success, and will not be tolerated. To address these issues we must each, and as a cohesive team, look inward to continually examine ourselves and our institution for the prevalence of racism, discrimination, and injustice.

To that end, I directed what I hope will be an enduring, lasting effort to promote racial understanding and diversity in the context of leadership. These actions included theestablishment of a Critical Conversations Working Group (CCWG), led by the Center for Character Development (CCLD), to facilitate recurring USAFA-wide critical conversations for cadets and permanent party. In addition, my Director of Staff and the Director of Equal Opportunity co-chaired an internal assessment and review for biases within our policies, processes, practices, curriculum, and artifacts. The objective of the assessment was to identify racial disparities unique to USAFA.

Under a heading “Limitations” in the “Purpose and Context” section the review states:

We must continually work to build future leaders and reinforce the principles that underpin our “Leader of Character” framework- living honorably, lifting others, and elevating performance- in the context of equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion, and respect for others. As an institution that develops officers to lead a diverse force, USAFA must instill these principles in those we teach and lead. These young men and women will ultimately shape the future culture of our military, and in turn influence the larger American society. As such, there is no place in our words and actions for discrimination or racial bias of any kind at USAFA, or in our Air and Space Forces.

Within the section titled “Diversity and Inclusion at USAFA [U.S. Air Force Academy],” under the heading “Additional Data Sources,” the review cites a 2020 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) survey of cadets in the Class of 2024:

The survey collected information on student’s opinions on racial understanding, racial discrimination, preferential treatment (based on race/ethnicity), and other D&I (diversity & inclusion) related topics. Cursory analysis of the CL24 responses indicates:

  • 16% of our incoming cadets find that helping to promote racial understanding is notimportant ( 17% of Caucasian cadets, 15% of Minority cadets). The remainder of thecadets responded that it was somewhat important (38%), very important (28%), oressential ( 18 %).
  • 24% of our incoming cadets agreed that racial discrimination is no longer a majorproblem in America. The remainder of the cadets disagreed with that statement.
  • 75% of our incoming cadets rated themselves as average or above average whencomparing themselves to the average person their own age in terms of theirunderstanding of others.
  • One question asked whether the student agrees/disagrees whether individuals fromdisadvantaged social backgrounds should be given preferential treatment in collegeadmissions. 65% of the Caucasian and 45% of the Minority cadets disagreed while 35%of the Caucasian and 55% of the Minority cadets agreed with that statement.

Later in that section, under the heading “Equal Opportunity (USAF/EO,” the Air Force Academy’s Equal Opportunity office recommends the Academy:

Consider implementing Behavioral Science 362, ‘Class, Race, Gender, and Sexuality’ as a core class or pulling the content into shorter transition-week training opportunities spread across a cadet’s USAFA career. The material is highly regarded by cadets and graduates, and the information could be implemented on a larger scale (to include training for basics and sessions for each year group) to help cadets mature into D&I professionals for the Air Force.

In the section titled “The Way Forward,” the review introduces a “Triple Threat Group,” which was established in June 2020 “after national conversations surrounding police brutality, release of news articles addressing racial disparities in the AF discipline system, and the height of racial tension.” The review continues: “Triple Threat’s ongoing efforts align theory and considerations on how USAFA could address racial tension and unrest using a 3-tiered, ‘triple threat’ approach of Acknowledgment, Action, and Advocacy. In clarifying the need to address this issue, as well as to demonstrate the importance of these efforts, Triple Threat solicited shared stories from current cadets and graduates from the past year that captured realities and perceptions that bring awareness to the ‘Black experience” at USAFA [U.S. Air Force Academy].”

Also in that section of the review is a heading titled “Recommendations” that includes:

  • Ensure Diversity and Inclusion is incorporated into USAFA [U.S. Air Force Academy] guidance and policy. [Academy’s] Diversity and Inclusion plan must be updated as a strategic document guiding D&I [diversity and inclusion] efforts across the institution.
  • Expand the DF-led [dean of faculty] curriculum review to ensure all [Academy] curriculum, as identified under the Course of Instruction, is reviewed for D&I [diversity and inclusion]topics.
  • Educate and train cadets and staff on more specific D&I [diversity and inclusion] concepts and skills in order to decrease incidents of microaggressions, unconscious bias, etc., and enhance retention/inclusion. In addition, we must train our leaders across the institution on how to facilitate critical conversations on racial issues within their workplaces, so all Airmen can bring their full selves to work and leaders can create more inclusive spaces. Correlated to this effort is the need to develop a more robust racial bias incident reporting system with associated accountability and rehabilitation processes to restore relationships in the event biases or microaggressions are experienced.

In the “Triple Threat Proposal,” appendix, the review calls for “Cultural Immersion Movie Nights:”

Cultural Immersion Movie Nights is an initiative we propose to be held at Arnold Hall throughout the academic semesters. This initiative will allow cadets and permanent party to learn about racism, racial discrimination and the several historical events and policies that have impacted minorities through cinema. The goal is to help inform all members at this institution of the cultural history of other races and thus bring greater unity and understanding of other groups within the Cadet Wing.

The recently obtained documents also include an August 17, 2021, email, in which the sender and recipients are redacted, that discusses required textbook readings on “prejudice and discrimination,” which includes:

  • Identify examples of prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination.
  • Describe how explicit and implicit prejudice differ.
  • Describe some of the social, emotional, and cognitive roots of prejudice.

The email goes on to state that Academy cadets were “asked to watch a video of the well-known ‘Brown Eyes/Blue Eyes’ demonstration.”

According to STARRS President and CEO Dr. Ronald J. Scott, Jr., Colonel, USAF, Retired, USAFA ’73: “Diversity, equity, and inclusion training stems from Marxist-inspired ideology known as critical race theory. While attractive to those who believe in justice and equal opportunity, it empowers those who hold positions of authority or influence to coerce others into compliance. This phenomenon is what C.S. Lewis wrote about when he grouped people into ‘the conditioners’ and ‘the conditioned’ in his 1940s book ‘The Abolition of Man.’”

“These documents show our military and its rising leadership are under attack from within. The documents confirm U.S. Air Force Academy leadership is obsessed with anti-American critical race theory and seeks to punish and smear cadets through leftist indoctrination programs,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

Judicial Watch lawsuits and FOIA requests on critical race theory and other leftist extremism are extensive:

In November 2022, Judicial Watch separately sued the Air Force Academy for training material records on critical race theory.

In July 2022, Judicial Watch sued the Department of Defense for  records related to the United States Naval Academy (USNA) implementing critical race theory (CRT) in the training of naval recruits

In August, Judicial Watch’s client David Flynn, who was removed from his position as head football coach after exercising his right as a parent-citizen to raise concerns about critical race theory and Black Lives Matter propaganda in his daughter’s seventh-grade history class, settled his civil rights lawsuit against his former employers at Dedham Public Schools. As part of the settlement, the Superintendent of Dedham Public Schools, Michael Welch, acknowledged “the important and valid issues” raised by Flynn and specific changes in school policies because of Flynn’s complaint, including banning teachers from promoting Black Lives Matter to students online.

Also in August, Judicial Watch sued on behalf of a Minneapolis taxpayer over a teachers’ contract that provides discriminatory job protections to certain racial minorities. The lawsuit was filed against the superintendent of the Minneapolis Public Schools, the Minneapolis Public Schools, and the Minneapolis Board of Education for violating the Equal Protection Guarantee of the Minnesota Constitution.

In June, Judicial Watch received records revealing critical race theory instruction at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. One training slide contains a graphic titled “MODERN-DAY SLAVERY IN THE USA.” [Emphasis in original]

Records produced in April 2022 from the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) show the government agency responsible for regulating credit unions required “inclusion and unconscious bias training” for the agency’s employees and contractors and offered advice on how to recognize and address alleged “microaggressions” in the workplace.

Records produced in February 2022 from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) included a PowerPoint presentation titled “Race and gender based microaggressions” that was used for training at the organization.

Two sets of records obtained by Judicial Watch in November 2021 related to the teaching of critical race theory in Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), Maryland’s largest school system, included a training course with information about a book titled “Antiracist Baby” that introduces the youngest readers to “the concept and power of antiracism,” and says it’s the “perfect gift” for “ages baby to age 3.”

Records from Loudoun County, VA, obtained in October 2021 revealed a coordinated effort to advance critical race theory initiatives in Loudoun County public schools despite widespread public opposition.

A training document provided to Judicial Watch in October 2021 by a whistleblower in the Westerly School District of Rhode Island, details how its schools are using teachers to push critical race theory in classrooms. The training course was assembled by the left-leaning Highlander Institute and cites quotes from Bettina Love, from whom the Biden administration distanced itself publicly after her statements equating “whiteness” to oppression.

Records produced in June 2021 by Wellesley Public Schools in Massachusetts confirmed the use of “affinity spaces” that divide students and staff based on race as a priority and objective of the school district’s “diversity, equity and inclusion” plan. The school district also admitted that between September 1, 2020, and May 17, 2021, it created “five distinct” segregated spaces.

Heavily redacted records obtained by Judicial watch in May 2021from Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) in Maryland included documents related to their $454,000 “Anti-racist system audit” and critical race theory classes. Students were taught that the phrase “Make America Great Again” was an example of “covert white supremacy.”

RELATED ARTICLE: U.S. Funds Million-Dollar Race, Ethnicity, Social Inclusion Project in Latin America

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Poll: Americans Have Negative Views Of Preferred Pronouns And Trans Athletes

A new poll reveals that Americans tend to reject preferred pronouns, transgender ideology and allowing trans athletes to play on teams that align with their gender identity.

According to a poll conducted by NORC and The Wall Street Journal, a majority of Americans do not want transgender athletes participating in sporting events inconsistent with their biological sex. When polled on the issue, 56 percent of respondents agreed that trans athletes should play on teams that match their biological sex. Only 17 percent believe that transgender people should play on teams that align with the gender they identify with.

In addition, the poll found that many Americans believe that society has gone over the edge when it comes to trans issues.

The NORC-WSJ poll found that 43 percent of Americans believe that society has gone “too far” when it comes to promoting acceptance of transgender people, while 33 percent believe society has not gone far enough and 23 percent support the status quo.

Respondents also opposed being forced to use preferred pronouns or non-traditional pronouns.

Forty-two percent said they had “unfavorable” opinions about the usage of pronouns such as he/him or she/her in “email, social media communication, or conversations.” Only 21 percent had “favorable” opinions on others declaring their preferred pronouns.

Gender-neutral pronouns like they/them don’t seem to have much popularity either.

Fifty percent of respondents expressed “unfavorable” opinions about being asked to use non-binary pronouns. Only 18 percent viewed these pronouns favorably.





An obsession with diversity leaves plenty of room for hate

Hospital Assigned ‘Trans Buddies’ To Pressure Doctors Into Affirming Children’s Gender Identity

Med School Revamps ‘Anti-Racism Curriculum’ To Teach Students About ‘Intersectional Identities’

University Quietly Scrubs Website Of Anti-Racism Code Of Conduct After Allegations Of Free Speech Violation

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Does Truth Matter?

In our time, millions of Americans have shed many traditional values, including religious faith.

FoxNews.com reports, “The importance of traditional American values has plummeted in the U.S. in recent decades, according to a new poll from The Wall Street Journal….The poll found that just 39% of Americans say their religious faith is very important to them.”

In contrast to 39% of Americans today saying that religious faith is important to them, in 1998, the WSJ noted that that percentage was 62%.

Along with this drop in professed religious faith is a drop in the belief that there is such a thing as absolute truth.

But the founders of America affirmed that there is. In the Declaration of Independence, they declared, “We hold these truths to be self-evident…” “Self-evident truth? Well, maybe that was their truth,” someone today might opine, “But my truth is different.”

At this time of year, hundreds of millions of professing Christians the world over celebrate Palm Sunday, which initiates Holy Week—including Good Friday, and above all, Easter, the day Jesus walked out of His own tomb and changed history forever.

When He stood trial before the Roman procurator Pontius Pilate, Jesus said very little. Like a lamb to the slaughter, predicted Isaiah the prophet some 750 years earlier, He would open not His mouth.

However, He did mention that He came to “bear witness to the truth.” Pilate sneered, “What is truth?” Then he walked away, as he tried to weasel his way out of having to deal with this unusual Defendant.

To the Christian, standing before Pilate was Truth Incarnate. Jesus had told His disciples just hours before this, “I am…the truth.”

But Pilate was blind to this reality. In many ways, Pontius Pilate is like a modern man—not believing that there is such a thing as truth at all.

Dr. Jeff Myers, president of Summit Ministries and author of the book, Truth Changes Everything, writes: “America has passed a tipping point. A majority of young Americans now say that there is no absolute truth, rather it is up to each individual to define their own truth. People talk about ‘speaking my truth’ rather than ‘seeking the Truth.’”

I have spoken with Myers a few times on the radio about this whole idea of absolute truth. He told me, “This is, I believe, the core issue of our day. Will we stand for truth or not? Will we even recognize that truth actually exists or will we persist in this fiction that truth is up to every individual?”

For centuries people have spoken of “the Gospel truth.” There is a reason for this phrase. The Gospel refers to the Good News of the coming of Jesus Christ into our world, ultimately to save sinners through His death on behalf of others. Through faith in Him comes forgiveness and reconciliation to God and to our fellow man.

The recorded highlights of Christ’s world-changing life were written down in the first century in the four Biblical Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. But alas, there are those around who question the historical reliability of these sources.

Dr. Paul L. Maier, Ph.D., a Harvard-trained historian and bestselling author, is a retired professor of ancient history at Western Michigan University. In a television interview, he told me, “It seems that today there’s one attack after another on the reliability of the New Testament in general or the Old Testament and the Gospels in particular. Now these are four mini-biographies of Jesus Christ, as you well know, but they are immensely reliable when you compare their evidence with the evidence we have outside scripture from the ancient world.”

How so? Maier continues: “We find some of the same people and places and events that are mentioned inside the Bible, mentioned also in secular records, pagan records outside of the Bible and for a historian this is a remarkable demonstration that the sources that we have inside of Scripture are very reliable indeed.”

Dr. Sam Lamerson, one of my professors at Knox Theological Seminary, where I earned my doctorate of ministry, notes: “The Biblical Gospels are far more trustworthy than most people realize. They think that they’re myth, but in truth what we have are historically verifiable events that happened 2000 years ago that were written down very close to the time that they happened and that were preserved in over 5000 manuscripts that we have today.”

Our ultimate solution to get back to truth is to get back to Jesus, notes Dr. Myers, who. He says: “If we can understand how Truth really did change everything in the past, then we can more clearly see what we lose in abandoning it and what we could gain by reclaiming it.”

Truth is all that matters. Jesus is the Truth.

Dr. Jerry Newcombe, D.Min. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Are Liberals Preparing For A Civil War Here?

Breaking The Law Has Become ‘The New Normal’ for a Few but not for We The People

“No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man’s permission when we require him to obey it. Obedience to the law is demanded as a right; not asked as a favor.”— Theodore Roosevelt, quote from Third State of the Union Address given on December 7th, 1903.

“The Colorado Springs shooter identified as non binary. The Denver shooter identified as trans. The Aberdeen shooter identified as trans. The Nashville shooter identified as trans. One thing is VERY clear: the modern trans movement is radicalizing activists into terrorists.” — Benny Johnson, @bennyjohnson

“The trans movement is the mirror image of Christianity, and therefore its natural enemy. People who believe they’re God can’t stand to be reminded that they’re not. The Christian and Trans movement are totally incompatible.” — Tucker Carlson, Fox News

History has shown us that there are some who break the law and get away with it. At the same time We the People are being held accountable, not for our actions, but rather for the actions of others.

It’s interesting to remember the the Colorado Springs school shooter Anderson Aldrich identified as nonbinary, one of the two Denver school shooters Devon Erickson identified as a transgender, the Aberdeen, Maryland shooter Snochia Moseley identified as transgender and the most recent Nashville, Tennessee school shooter Audrey Elizabeth Hale identified as a transgender.

Do you see a pattern, a behavior, that is common and deadly?

QUESTION: Are the non-binary, transgender, gay, lesbian individuals mentally stable?

Or this:

And this:

Here’s a member of Congress:

Certain states have passed “red-flag- laws.” According to World Population Review:

In the U.S., red flag laws authorize police or family members to petition state courts to temporarily remove firearms from a person deemed to be a danger to themselves or others.

The order can also bar the person from purchasing guns.

[ … ]

The order can also bar the person from purchasing guns. This typically occurs when relatives or friends are concerned about a loved one who has discussed suicide or harming others and is in possession of firearms.

Provisions for such laws vary state-to-state on matters such as who can initiate the process, if a warrant is required, what factors are considered for the firearms to be removed from posseessions, how long the guns are restricted, and the process by which the individual may regain access to the guns.

Read more.

Before the 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, only five states had red flag laws: Connecticut, Indiana, California, Washington, and Oregon. As of April 2020, 19 states and the District of Columbia have enacted a red flag law.

Note that Colorado and Maryland have red flag laws, Tennessee does not. So having a red flag law doesn’t prevent those deemed “a danger to themselves or others” from carrying out crimes including mass shootings.

Giving Criminal Immunity

Professor at Brooklyn Law School Bennett Capers did a column with video on “criminal immunity.” Criminal immunity is a “get out of jail free” card. Until recently there were two types of criminal immunity:

  1. Use Immunity. A criminal defendant comes in testifies or does whatever in exchange for immunity, the government won’t use anything the defendant says to prosecute that defendant later on. So if a defendant has use immunity and says, “Oh, by the way I killed somebody,” because of use immunity, the government can’t actually use his statement to later prosecute him.
  2. Transactional Immunity. Transactional immunity completely covers a defendant. So transactional immunity is basically a blanket immunity. The government is saying, “You will not be prosecuted for the following crimes no matter what. Even if we learn independent evidence, we still will not prosecute.” So that’s what defendants prefer.

Today we see people who have committed high crimes and even treason against the United States and they’re never charged let alone come to trial. Why? Because the deep state has de facto given them transactional immunity.

This is happening with those in the black, transgender and Muslim communities. It is even happening with the family of the sitting president.

With transactional immunity from the deep state anything goes. Hence we the people are witnessing a growing level of lawlessness, violence and murder, especially in large inner cities, against we the people.

Do you see the pattern now?

A War Between Good and Evil

Murder is a sin.

Christians, Catholics and Jews all believe in what is written in Exodus 20 the Ten Commandments given from God to Moses. Those of the Judeo-Christian faith also believe that there are seven deadly sins:  envy, gluttony, greed or avarice, lust, pride, sloth and wrath.

History shows us that the transgender movement has gone from envy to pride to lust to wrath in a short period of time.

Watch this monologue on Radical Trans Activists and Christians:

The Bottom Line

The war against the Judeo-Christian faith has moved forward with the help, encouragement, policies and massive funding of the federal government.

This anti-Judeo-Christian agenda is part of the Diversity, Inclusion and Equity agenda of the current administration.

Ulysses S. Grant wrote,

“There are but two parties now: traitors and patriots. And I want hereafter to be ranked with the latter and, I trust, the stronger party.”

Patriots believe in the Judeo-Christian principles written into the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

We have witnessed how the transgenders came out of the closet to the transgenders working to put Christians into a closet and then throwing away the key.

We’ve gone from the pejorative of Homophobic, to parents who question what is taught in public school labeled “domestic terrorists” by the Department of Justice, to now open threats against the safety and wellbeing of straight people and the very foundation of the traditional family of one man and one woman and their biological children deemed passé.

It is now clear, after the J6 Congressional hearings, that those who resist the status quo are deemed “insurrectionists” and a clear and present danger to the deep state.

At some point patriots, Jews and Christians will have to physically defend themselves from the anarchist transgenders, the Black Live Matter and Antifa members.

It is now closer than ever. Gird your loins.


An obsession with diversity leaves plenty of room for hate

Dem Governor’s spokesperson resigns after posting threat against ‘transphobes’ hours after Nashville shooting