Some of History’s Needless Blunders

At the risk of engaging in “Presentism,” let’s revisit a few of History’s unnecessary blunders. that shifted public opinion.

By 1814, British zeal to “chastise” their former colony was sagging. But when the British discovered their August 24 destruction of the U.S. Capitol included the burning of the Library of Congress, many leading Britons were appalled. That, plus their defeat at Baltimore (Recall, the “Star Spangled Banner”) combined with worries that Napoleon might escape from imprisonment on Elba, caused Great Britain to sign the Treaty of Ghent, ending the War of 1812. Mostly, we won.

In August 1914, when Germany invaded Belgium on its way into France, American public opinion was indifferent. In part, because almost ten percent of Americans were first- or second-generation Germans. But, when German troops needlessly burned down the library at the University of Louvain, American public opinion began to turn against Germany. Moral: Book burnings, as Hitler would also learn, are not good for public relations.

When the Deep State realized President Richard Nixon was serious about his dream of “regionalizing” the federal bureaucracy by shipping some agencies out of D.C. to be closer to the farmers and ranchers they were supposed to serve, Nixon’s presidency was doomed. The investigation into a needless burglary, aided by the Deep State’s Deputy FBI Director Mark Felt and two cub reporters panicked Nixon into a foolish cover-up. If Nixon had not acted on his dream of “regionalization,” the Watergate break-in might be a long-forgotten news item.

Wait. More blunders: In the spring of 2011, the FBI, down at the field office level, knew that an unusual number of men from the Middle East were enrolled in flight schools across America, paying cash for their flight simulator sessions that focused on flying large airliners.

On July 10, 2001, two months before the September 11th attacks, Phoenix-based FBI Special Agent Kenneth Williams, sent a memo up his chain of command expressing his concerns that some of the flight school students he was monitoring might have terrorist links. The Phoenix Memo went up into the FBI’s Automatic Case Management System and never reached the office charged with acting on possible terrorist acts.

At almost the same time as the Phoenix Memo, FBI agents in the Minneapolis Field Office sent a memo up their chain of command expressing their concerns about flight student Zacarias Moussaoui who paid $8,500 cash to receive flight training in a Boeing 747 simulator. The Minneapolis Memo, like the Phoenix Memo, disappeared into the black hole of the FBI’s Automatic Case Management System.

Although Robert S. Mueller III (yes, that Robert Mueller) took over the FBI a few days before 9/11, the blame goes all the way to J. Edgar Hoover and all the FBI directors who “stove-piped” agent reports. Given access to the two memos, even Sherlock Holmes’ Dr. Watson could have seen a crime was afoot.

Post-9/11, the panic-conceived Patriot Act was supposed to improve inter-agency communications. But, nine months after 9/11, the FBI was still using its “stove-pipe” Automatic Case Management System. Some say the FBI isn’t what it used to be. Perhaps, it never was. And that was before the FBI became the politically weaponized FBI of today.

Suggested reading: Where Do Good Ideas Come From by Steven Johnson, 2020. The Guns of August by Barbara Tuchman, 1962. Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, July 22, 2004.

©2023. William Hamilton. All rights reserved.

State-Mandated Suicide Proposed for Elderly Population

Hearing Reveals Weaponization of Government

A professor at Yale University has recommended that the elderly should take part in a “mass suicide” by disembowelment. This is how the left works. They use academia, then media to seed abhorrent ideas into the national landscape, norm them and then enact them (i.e. sexual mutilation, chemical castration of children).

Yusuke Narita, 37, an assistant professor of economics at the Ivy League school, gained hundreds of thousands of followers on social media as he touted the controversial solution in multiple interviews and publications

Once government was put in charge of the nation’s healthcare system, they can and will do anything they want. A predicted consequence of Obamacare. Refusing treatment to unvaxxed patients, for example.

My colleagues and I warned our readers at the time. And many Americans knew. They rose up at the time against socialized medicine. They went to town halls, protested en masse. The movement, appropriately named the Tea Party, was widely defamed and smeared by the enemy media. It was called racist and AstroTurf and all manner of things that the Democrats are guilty of. They were smeared into oblivion. When our people warned of death panels and that no government program should determine when the plug is pulled, we were tin foil hatters and conspiracy theorists.

They got their Obamacare socialized medicine and took down the best medical system in the world.

State-Mandated Suicide Proposed for Elderly Population; Hearing Reveals Weaponization of Government

By: The Epoch Times, February 15, 2023:

A Yale professor recently proposed euthanasia as a solution to aging populations. Yusuke Narita, an assistant professor of economics, stated: “I feel like the only solution is pretty clear … In the end, isn’t it mass suicide and mass ‘seppuku’ of the elderly?” He also stated on euthanasia that there’s a “possibility of making it mandatory in the future.” His comments are stirring debate over the direction that medically assisted death is taking, and whether the end result could be democide.

Keep reading.


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Ohio’s Train Derailment Chemical Disaster

On February 3rd, a Norfolk Southern train carrying hazardous industrial chemicals derailed in East Palestine, Ohio causing a severe environmental emergency.

Vinyl Chloride and butyl acrylate were among the chemicals on board. Large quantities were released and burned to prevent an explosion authorities feared could be even worse.  The toxic plumes of smoke and the chemicals released into the water have caused one of the worst eco-disasters in U.S. history.

Families were evacuated and others told to drink bottled water.  Fish are dying.

The response by some authorities was muted and delayed, particularly in the case of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg who remained silent on the train disaster for a prolonged period.  Media coverage has been subdued as well.

Buttigieg “focused on racial disparities in construction during a Monday conference” and ignored the Ohio emergency.  It appears we have a Transportation Secretary who thinks the job is about politics, rather than safe and efficient transportation.

Michael Regan, Biden’s EPA administrator, hasn’t even showed up to look at the site.  As CFACT’s good friend Steve Milloy noted on Fox’s Jessie Watters program last night “What’s he doing?  He’s hocking electric buses, electric cars and environmental justice. This is an environmental catastrophe, it’s his job…but he’s too much of an empty suit to care.”

Check out Milloy’s interview.

CFACT’s Marc Morano pointed out that the chemical mess in Ohio underscores the very real danger of allowing climate to hijack the environmental movement.  The singular focus on demonizing CO2 tends to blinker government institutions, NGOs and the media and leaves solid issues such as chemical cleanups and transportation safety out of view.

CFACT calls for an all-in government and industry response to safeguard people and the environment in Ohio.

While industrial chemicals need to move by road and rail (rail is safer), the derailment in Ohio also reminds us that gas and oil often do not.  Pipelines are the safest, cleanest and most affordable way to move gas and oil.  The Biden Administration should approve Keystone XL and other pipelines and responsibly lessen the likelihood of future hazardous spills.

Attention EPA Administrator Michael Regan: Cleaning up and preventing this kind of toxic spill is actually what EPA is supposed to be all about.

Attention Transportation Secretary Buttigieg: Are air brakes sufficient on trains transporting hazardous chemicals, or are more expensive electric brakes needed?  We don’t know, find out.  Should trains carrying these chemicals be designated “high hazardous material trains?” as Ohio Governor Mike Dewine is demanding?  We don’t know, find out.  Expedite and approve pipelines for oil and gas and transport these essential fuels safely and efficiently.

Step away from your political agendas and do your jobs.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Private Financing of Elections: A Bad Idea Whose Time Has Come

The private financing of government election offices sparked controversy in the 2020 election and prompted bans on the practice in 24 states.  Such financing came to be called ‘Zuckerbucks’ after Mark Zuckerberg gave $350 million to a nonprofit named CTCL (Center for Technology and Civic Life) to distribute to election offices around the country, ostensibly to help them cope with the COVID emergency.  Critics rightly say the resulting election office activities ended up being thinly disguised voter registration drives to benefit Democrats.   It is true some of the money went to Republican-leaning counties, but that was just a fig leaf.  The preponderance of the grants went to Democrat areas.  The Texas Attorney General launched an investigation into whether the stated desire to protect voters from COVID was just a pretext to disguise private electioneering efforts through government instrumentalities.

So it is with great sadness I must report to you Zuckerbucks didn’t die in the jurisdictions they were banned.  There are moves to repeal the ban in Virginia and elsewhere and, of more immediate concern, Democrats are finding ways to get around the bans.

In 2022, CTCL launched the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence with $80 million.  The Alliance is a coalition of left-wing funders and advocacy groups that support more mail-in voting, automatic voter registration, and same-day registration – all vectors of election fraud.  The Alliance acts as a “support system” for local election offices, giving them coaching, guidance, training, consulting services, and other resources.  All in the name of good government, you see.  A think tank took a look at these activities and concluded they are designed to “systematically influence” election offices and push progressive voting policies.

Georgia is one of the states banning Zuckerbucks, but the law is weak.  The Alliance was able to give a $2 million grant to DeKalb County, Georgia – in Atlanta’s metropolitan area.  The law only prohibited private money from going directly to election offices, so the Alliance proposed to send money for election purposes to the county finance department and the county council voted to accept it.  This is a loophole in the law you could drive a truck through, and they did.  Nothing in Georgia law prevents a local government from accepting private money and allocating it to election administration.  Voila!  Zuckbucks 2.0.

That’s one dodge.  Here’s another:  OK, so 24 states banned private financing going directly to local election offices.  How about we give election offices paper ‘credits’ which they can then redeem for election-related services from Alliance partners?  Another loophole – the Alliance pays the partners, not the election offices, but the effect is the same.  Pretty slick, don’t you think?

CTCL announced its first cohort of election offices wishing to become local ‘centers of election excellence’.  They’re in seven states, including states where private financing of elections is officially banned.  A county in one of the states – North Carolina where a ban was vetoed – has already taken private money to defend itself against the flak it was getting for taking private money.  CTCL’s contract requires local election offices to submit an ‘improvement’ plan showing it will change the way it operates to please CTCL.  This gives CTCL a window on internal operations which it will presumably use to maximize advantage for Democrats in future elections.

This is insidious.  The Democrats hold out a bag of gold and worm their way into official election administration, giving people even less reason to trust our elections in the future.  None dare call it a ‘threat to democracy’.

Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

Government Agencies Covering Up COVID Vaccine Injuries

A whistleblower report, originally provided to Congress in January of last year, accused the military of ignoring or failing to take seriously accounts of COVID vaccine injuries among service members.  You will recall the Defense Department mandated the vaccine for all service members and denied most claims for exemptions.

COVID vaccine injuries reported by military personnel included vertigo, chronic fatigue, shortness of breath, and tinnitus.  An Air Force reservist had a stroke after being vaccinated and suffered career-ending eye problems after a second dose.  An Air Force fighter pilot instructor was diagnosed with heart inflammation.  The instructor had applied for an exemption due to previous adverse reactions to other vaccines, but was told no.  Another service member was told, “The chief medical doc on base literally told me, ‘While you’re the perfect candidate for an exemption, we’ve been directed to deny all medical requests.’”  Others were told “there’s no way the vax caused their symptoms.”  The military even harassed soldiers who refused to get vaccinated.

The military stuck its head in the sand despite a June 2021 DOD study finding high rates of heart inflammation among previously healthy male service members who were vaccinated.  Also, an Army medical officer noticed big increases in a military medical database of cancers, tumors, blood clots, male infertility, and other problems coinciding with COVID vaccination in 2021.  The Defense Department went back and changed the numbers in earlier years in the database to make 2021 look normal, the whistleblower alleged.

Critics accuse the military of minimizing and covering up COVID vaccine injuries to protect the Biden administration’s phony narrative the vaccines are ‘safe and effective’.

The military is not the only agency pushing the ‘safe and effective’ narrative while covering up contrary information.

The CDC knew adverse event reports were flooding in, but waited 15 months before doing its first safety signal studies on the data.

The FDA found possible heart problems with a COVID vaccine in early 2021, but waited five months to reveal the information to the public and ten more months to submit a study for publication.

The FAA loosened its standards for acceptable heart performance among pilots, but refused to release the data behind its decision when a media outlet asked for it.

The CDC found a safety signal for stroke in the elderly receiving the Pfizer vaccine, but then unidentified officials said the signal disappeared after the agency used a different statistical test.  A medical professor criticized the CDC’s flip-flop, saying “you can’t just run different stat tests until you get the result you want.”  A CDC official then offered the excuse the agency didn’t want to publicize the stroke signal because it could “fuel anti-vaccine sentiment….”  Ya think?  The CDC won’t respond further or explain why it’s withholding the safety signal data.

The FDA also performs safety signal studies, using a different statistical formula.  It won’t release records showing the results of their data mining, claiming the results are just preliminary deliberative discussions and, therefore, not disclosable – a common agency argument in Freedom of Information Act cases.

These agencies are hiding behind statistical hogwash when a published critique put them on notice their methodologies were flawed and failing to show obvious safety problems with the COVID vaccines.  The critique was brought to the CDC’s attention, but the agency ignored it.

Which brings me to my own FOIA suit in federal court.  I want the records showing what decisions officials high up in the CDC, FDA, and overall HHS leadership – including the cabinet secretary – made about whether or not to study the obvious safety problems with COVID vaccines.  The Justice Department is fighting me tooth and nail, but I will stay on the case until I get the records I want or the court decides I can’t have them.

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

Microsoft Advertising Removes Labels on Conservative Outlets Describing Them as Disinformation

This needs to happen at Google which accounts for the largest majority of online advertising. Needless to say, Geller Report has been banned from these online advertising companies.

Disinformation Inc: Microsoft removes conservative sites from blacklist ‘defunding’ outlets

This is part of a Washington Examiner investigative series about self-styled ‘disinformation’ tracking groups that are secretly blacklisting and trying to defund conservative media outlets. Here you can read other stories in this series.

EXCLUSIVE — Microsoft has removed negative flags for conservative media outlets that have blocked them from reaping key advertising dollars amid the corporation launching an internal review and suspending its subscription to a “disinformation” tracking group’s blacklist used to “defund” disfavored speech, according to internal data obtained by the Washington Examiner.

The Microsoft-owned Xandr, a major advertising company, previously abided by a secret blacklist of conservative news compiled by the Global Disinformation Index, a British organization with two affiliated U.S. nonprofit groups. Now, as Microsoft appears to be taking steps to distance itself from GDI , the company has, for the time being, deleted flags such as “false/misleading” and “reprehensible/offensive” for right-leaning websites, data show.


“I just checked in Xandr’s platform again and can confirm that all rejection flags have been removed from domains,” a senior executive in the ad industry, who was granted anonymity to speak candidly, told the Washington Examiner.

Xandr had labeled 39 conservative domains as, overwhelmingly, “false/misleading,” the Washington Examiner reported on Friday. Townhall, a website under a Christian publisher called Salem Media Group, was flagged as “reprehensible/offensive.”

Read more.

Retreat: Microsoft “suspends” use of GDI after secret targeting of conservative sites exposed; Update: Retreat confirmed

It’s a win. It might only prove temporary, but it’s still a win for now.

Last week, the Washington Examiner’s Gabe Kaminsky exposed secret blacklists of conservative sites created by the “Global Disinformation Index.” Those blacklists included Hot Air, Townhall, RedState, and Twitchy, and lots of other conservative sites under the ambiguous guise of “disinformation.” No one from GDI or its sponsors ever bothered to contact us to discuss their “assessment,” nor did their reports ever cite any specific data for any of the sites blacklisted, despite a lengthy yet completely data-free discussion of their “methodology.”

GDI’s main partner appears to be advertising units, including Xander, acquired and used by Microsoft. After Kaminsky’s report, Microsoft announced that they would suspend the use of GDI’s services and conduct an internal review of how those blacklists got used. Score another one for Kaminsky:

The Microsoft-owned Xandr, an advertising company, has abided by a blacklist of conservative websites secretly compiled by the Global Disinformation Index, an organization that intends to “defund” and shut down disfavored speech. In the wake of the Washington Examiner‘s reporting, Microsoft has launched a review of its relationship with GDI and has suspended usage of the group’s services.

“We try to take a principled approach to accuracy and fighting foreign propaganda,” a spokesperson said on Saturday evening. “We’re working quickly to fix the issue and Xandr has stopped using GDI’s services while we are doing a larger review.”

Xandr subscribed prior to GDI’s exclusion list, which is said to include at least 2,000 websites, according to public documents. Microsoft’s backpedaling comes after the Washington Examiner revealed on Friday how Xandr has blocked conservative websites from receiving key ad dollars and labeled them as “false/misleading,” “hate speech,” or “reprehensible/offensive.”

The term “disinformation” relates specifically to the use of foreign propaganda. GDI’s blacklists essentially accused the sites targeted of cooperating with regimes hostile to the United States. This is not just wrong but is a terrible injustice to those of us who fall under GDI’s bogus and corrupt targeting. And it’s made worse by the revelation that some of GDI’s funding came from the State Department:

Read more.



EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Marco Rubio Calls For Buttigieg’s Resignation Due To ‘Gross Level Of Incompetence’ In Train Derailment Response

Republican Florida Sen. Marco Rubio called Thursday for Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to resign, accusing the cabinet member of botching the response to a train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio.

Rubio wrote a letter to President Joe Biden requesting that Buttigieg resign because of his “gross level of incompetence and apathy that is detrimental to the safety and prosperity of the American people.” The Florida Republican pointed to Buttigieg’s delayed response to the train derailment in East Palestine and to other transportation crises.

“For two years, Secretary Buttigieg downplayed and ignored crisis after crisis, while prioritizing topics of little relevance to our nation’s transportation system. It is painfully clear to the American people that Secretary Buttigieg has little regard for the duties of the Secretary of Transportation,” Rubio wrote.

Buttigieg did not respond to the East Palestine train derailment until 10 days after the Feb. 3 train crash forced residents to evacuate the town as deadly chemicals were released into the environment.

The secretary and former presidential candidate was also criticized for lacking oversight when a Federal Aviation Administration glitch temporarily grounded flights in January and Southwest canceled 2,500 flights around Christmas.

Buttigieg has received additional scrutiny for taking an extended parental leave during supply chain shortages and vacationing while railway workers were threatening to strike for better contract terms.






Abominable Buttigieg Blames (Wait For It…) TRUMP For His Ohio Environmental Disaster

Where’s Pete?: Crews On Scene of ANOTHER Train Derailment in Van Buren Township, One Car Was Carrying Hazardous Materials

Sen. JD Vance Blasts Buttigieg For Focus On ‘Fake Problems’ After Toxic Train Derailment

MEDIA BLACKOUT: There Were OVER A THOUSAND Train Derailments in 2022

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Black Students in Ohio Assaulted, Forced White Students to Say ‘Black Lives Matter’

A group of Springfield, Ohio, elementary school white students were allegedly threatened and assaulted after a group of black students told them to say, “Black Lives Matter” or else, according to Fox News.

The Springfield Police Department said an officer responded to Kenwood Elementary School Monday morning regarding an incident that happened on the playground on Friday during recess. The officer spoke with school principal Evan Hunsaker, who said a group of four black students gathered five white students in the playground and forced them to say, “Black Lives Matter” against their will.

The suspects also allegedly recorded the White students who were forced to make the statement. Hunsaker told police the students who tried to avoid the situation were chased down, dragged or carried to a particular spot on the playground, with one student getting punched in the head by one of the suspects.

An investigation is ongoing. The suspects could face charges of assault and menacing.


School District Enlists ‘Black Lives Matter Task Force’ To Help Teach 7th Graders How They’re Implicitly Biased

Muslim Students Force Minnesota College to Close Exhibition of Iranian-American Artists

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Race Hustler Sharpton: ‘Baby Trump’ DeSantis Using Race to Energize His Base

Wednesday on MSNBC’s Deadline, lifelong race hustler Al Sharpton claimed falsely that Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) is opposing the curriculum of an African-American AP history class because he is “Baby Trump” attempting to energize the far-right base for a presidential bid.

Discussing a Tallahassee protest, Sharpton said, “The rallying cry came from faith leaders, student leaders, a lot of students, hundreds of students and many civil rights groups really standing up saying they’re not going to let this governor tamper with history. They’re really talking about censorship here. And even though they said, no, we’re doing black history, but they’re being very selective, and they’re really trying to tamp down parts of the story that points out the contradictions in American history and what we had to overcome. And it’s not in a negative. It’s to show the strength of people. You can’t talk about American history without talking what about what blacks and women and the LGBTQ people went through. DeSantis wants to pivot his campaign for president. I call him Baby Trump. He wants to be Baby Trump and do it in a different way to pit us one against another.”

This is outright projection, coming from a man who has made a lucrative career from using race to pit people against each other.

Sharpton added, “He wants to make a racial divide to energize a far-right base that his mentor and political daddy Donald Trump did to win the nomination and go on and run in the general election.”

Trump never used race to energize a far-right base, and DeSantis is no race-monger either, unlike Sharpton and his network MSNBC. Neither is DeSantis “censoring” black history, which is required to be taught in Florida. What he opposes are the ugly lies of Critical Race Theory, which Sharpton knows full well is not unbiased historiography but insidious indoctrination designed to foment racial tension and resentment.



Black Students in Ohio Assaulted, Forced White Students to Say ‘Black Lives Matter’

Whoopi: GOP Bans Books, Trans People But Won’t Ban Guns

Unhinged Olbermann Wants Blue States to Declare ‘Economic Civil War’ on Pro-2A Red States

Fetterman Checks Himself into Hospital for ‘Clinical Depression’

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Democrat Calls Advocacy for Natural Family ‘Dangerous and Un-American’

A Democratic politician has received massive backlash after she called the scientifically attested belief that children suffer less abuse in nuclear families “dangerous and un-American.”

“Extremist group Family Heritage Alliance said this morning that the safest place for kids are in families that have a married mom and dad. What a dangerous and un-American belief,” tweeted State Representative Erin Healy (D) on Monday.

She had apparently been triggered by testimony offered on behalf of the natural family by the South Dakota family policy council. “In committee we made the claim that the home of a married mother and father is statistically the safest place for a child, and we stand by it 100%. We know that a strong, nuclear family is the safest, most beneficial place for a child to be. Research confirms our claim,” Family Heritage Alliance Director Norman Woods told The Washington Stand.

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“Children living with two married biological parents had the lowest rate of overall Harm Standard maltreatment,” according to the most recent, congressionally mandated survey of child abuse, conducted in 2010. “This rate differs significantly from the rates for all other family structure and living arrangement circumstances. Children living with one parent who had an unmarried partner in the household had the highest incidence of Harm Standard maltreatment.”

Studies as far back as 1985 found toddlers living with a stepparent were 40 times more likely to be abused than those living with “two natural parents.” Children living with an unrelated parent were 50 times more likely to be killed than those living with their biological parents, according to a 2005 study by University of Missouri researchers Patricia Schitzman and Bernard Ewigman published in the journal Pediatrics. Four years later, Lawrence Berger of the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that “families in which the mother was living with a man who was not the biological father of all children … were significantly more likely to be contacted by [Child Protective Services] than those in which she was living with the biological father of all resident children.”

Children from fatherless homes are more likely to do poorly in school, join a gang, commit crimes, and be imprisoned, multiple studies show. In addition, “boys who came from a home without a father were more likely to use drugs than boys who came from a home where a father was present,” according to the Minnesota Psychological Association.

The science attesting to the success of the natural family “is well established, uncontroversial, and obviously not un-American to believe. How sealed does one’s echo chamber have to be to tweet something like this?” replied Jay Richards of the Heritage Foundation.

Yet Healy had lobbed multiple epithets at the defenders of the natural family. Three hours earlier, she complained, “The grip from fundamentalist groups who only believe in nuclear families is strong at our state legislature today. I am disgusted by the extremist opposition we heard today,” she said, adding she was “disappointed” a House committee voted down a “simple, important bill” (H.B. 1092) that would redefine marriage as any union “between two persons.”

Live-in boyfriends are not the only threat to children’s safety. The tweet came the same day South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem (R) signed the Help Not Harm Bill (H.B. 1080), which bars the transgender industry from administering puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, or committing surgeries “for the purpose of attempting to alter” the child’s gender identity in a way that is “inconsistent with the minor’s sex.” It allows children affected to sue the doctors and medical establishment involved.

“This bill is extremism at its finest,” Healy said, adding, “We know that kids are going to die because of this bill. We know that most Republicans realize that this bill and its testimony is full of lies and misinformation.”

The assertion that children suffering gender dysphoria will commit suicide without lifelong hormone injections or permanently life-altering surgeries is itself misinformation. Multiple surveys show that individuals who go through with gender-reassignment procedures have the same, or higher, risk of suicide as those who do not. Whistleblower Jamie Reed, who identifies as a lesbian supporter of “trans rights,” explained that employees of gender reassignment surgeries regularly use high-pressure tactics to convince parents to go forward with the controversial, and highly profitable, transgender procedures. Reed’s former clinic is now under multiple investigations for prescribing experimental cancer drugs to children and disregarding parental consent.

“Denying the truth that we are either male or female hurts real people, especially vulnerable children. By enacting this legislation, South Dakota has taken critical steps to protect children from radical activists that peddle gender ideology and pressure children into life-altering, experimental procedures and drugs,” said Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Matt Sharp. “Science and common sense tell us that children aren’t mature enough to properly evaluate the serious ramifications of making certain decisions; the decision to undergo dangerous and likely sterilizing gender transition procedures is no exception.”

Ironically, Woods’s organization — and Woods personally — has also taken heat from Kristi Noem after Woods wrote a letter asking her to take action against a “kid-friendly” drag show sponsored by South Dakota State University. Noem responded by instructing the organization to “find an executive director” who does not “attack the most conservative governor in the country.”

Sanford Health, Noem’s top career donor, furnishes minors with puberty blockers and commits transgender surgeries, has received accreditation on the “Healthcare Equality Index.” The industry successfully killed a similar bill, the Vulnerable Child Protection Act, in the 2020-2021 legislative session.

Woods says his organization will continue advocating for nature and the natural family. “Any child who grows up without a mother has lost something. Any child who grows up without a father has lost something,” Woods told TWS. “We will not ignore this loss, no matter the political consequences.”


Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson is senior reporter and editor at The Washington Stand.

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

MEDIA BLACKOUT: There Were OVER A THOUSAND Train Derailments in 2022

Many of these derailments were acts of terrorism and yet they are rarely pursued or prosecuted. Instead, the Biden regime and his cloying clown Transportation secretary is whining and whining that there are too many white construction workers.

After the East Palestine, train disaster, there were two more derailments yesterday?

Tucker Carlson: It’s not a good sign. There’s chaos on the ground to a lot of it. Ten, days ago, for example, a train derailed in East Palestine, Ohio. That’s about 50 minutes outside Pittsburgh. Apparently, there was some kind of mechanical failure. We still don’t have details on what that failure was. Of course, we don’t. We do know about 50 cars derailed. At least 10 of them were carrying thousands of gallons of highly dangerous chemicals, including funnel chloride, which causes cancer. Watch.


JASON CARROLL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It started with a thunderous boom and then a huge plume of thick, black smoke that could be seen for miles. This was the moment officials in East Palestine, Ohio, had been planning for a controlled release of toxic chemicals from several train cars at the site of a derailment, one that has forced thousands from their homes.  

MAN: All the way around, everybody’s frustrated, like to go home.  

JASON CARROLL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The decision to conduct a controlled release came just days after the train derailed in the rural Ohio community sparking a massive fire. As the blaze continued to burn through the weekend, concerns quickly escalated. That’s because five of the train cars carried the chemical of vinyl chloride, an unstable material with the potential to explode, shooting deadly shrapnel up to a mile away and releasing toxic fumes into the air.  

We don’t want to second guess anybody. We got to assume everybody involved was doing their best under a highly stressful situation, but did you see that mushroom cloud? That was caused on purpose and maybe there’s a good reason. Again, no second guessing, but what it means is those clouds of toxic smoke flew up and out and that toxic smoke almost immediately began killing animals. Dead fish washed up on shore. As one hazardous material specialist put it, we basically nuked the town with chemicals.

So, then a representative from the EPA, the Environmental Protection Agency, arrived to restore calm. Yes, an EPA spokesman explained chemicals from the derailed train did enter the local watershed and yes, they did kill fish, but the drinking water supply remains totally safe. The fish are dead, but go ahead and fill your thermos and brew some coffee. Everything is fine.

Now, we don’t know if the locals in East Palestine are drinking the water tonight, but we can tell you the Biden administration doesn’t seem too concerned about it either way. Donald Trump got over 71% of the vote in the county in the last presidential election. That’s not exactly the Democratic Party’s core demographic.

Fentanyl. Toxic waste spill. Whatever. They’re not our voters and by the way, what does a chemical spill have to do with climate change? If you can’t use it to sell solar panels, it’s not really an environmental disaster. That’s the rule in Washington.

So, no one in the Biden administration bothered to issue warnings to communities that might be in the path of those toxic mushroom clouds you saw floating up from the train wreck because no one cared enough to do that. Pete Buttigieg is the official who’s supposed to be in charge of our transportation infrastructure. Technically, he’s the transportation secretary. At an appearance today, he seemed to have no idea that there was a train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. His real concern, he explained, is that we have too many damn White construction workers in this country.

PETE BUTTIGIEG: We have heard way too many stories from generations past of infrastructure where you got a neighborhood, often a neighborhood of color, that finally sees the project come to them, but everyone in the hardhats on that project looking like, you know, doing the good paying jobs don’t look like they came from anywhere near the neighborhood. 


Yeah, that’s the problem, Mayor Pete – too many White guys in hardhats. Why didn’t we realize this before we built all this infrastructure that’s now crumbling? It’s actually not funny and future historians will marvel at just how much damage one incompetent narcissist can cause when he’s elevated to a serious job like Transportation secretary.

Here’s a guy who could not, on a bet, who could not at gunpoint, change his own tire, who oversees our roads, railways and airports, all of which are crumbling from mismanagement and neglect and not just from mismanagement and neglect, but also from actual acts of sabotage.

Over the last two years, the FBI has investigated more than 40 cases of rail sabotage in Washington State alone in one state. Now, a lot of those attacks involve so-called shunt devices. Those are wires stretched between tracks that interfere with the train’s electrical signals and cause derailments.

In one incident just before Christmas in 2020, a shunt caused a train to derail in Custer, Washington. That train spilled 30,000 gallons of crude oil and forced locals to evacuate their homes. Well, that’s not the environmental disaster that Joe Biden talks about because, of course, he can’t buy solar panels and the Chinese to fix it, but it was, objectively speaking, an act of terrorism. The interesting thing is very often, in fact, in the majority of cases, people who commit acts of terrorism against infrastructure, whoever they are, are never punished and the ones who are caught aren’t really punished.


One woman who tried to destroy trains using a shunt got out of jail after only a year. Oh, so no one’s paying any attention and no one really seems to care because what does that have to do with environmental racism and climate? Possibly, as a result of that attitude, there are an awful lot of train derailments in this country, many more than you may realize.

In the last calendar year, more than a thousand trains went off the tracks in the United States. How’s that for a metaphor? Just today, two more trains derailed. One of them was in South Carolina and one was in Texas near Houston. The train near Houston was also carrying hazardous materials, as so many trains are. What’s going on here exactly? We’re not even going to guess, but we can tell you the chaos is not limited to our rail system. There have also been many recent attacks on our power grid. Very few of those attacks have been widely reported. Last year there were more than 100 attacks of them in the United States, attacks on our power grid.

In North Carolina this winter, for example, nearly 50,000 people lost their power in freezing temperatures when somebody shot up two energy substations and so on. Why is it not a big story? Oh, it’s not a story at all.

And of course, at the same time, we’ve also seen a series of bizarre accidents befalling the food industry, threatening our food supply. That would include unexplained fires and plane crashes and processing plants to chicken feed, that seems to stop egg production. Boy, next they’ll be coming for the water. Oh, wait, they are.

Less than a month into the Biden administration was also a highly sophisticated attack on the water supply outside Tampa.

CBS REPORTER: Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri says a water treatment plant operator first noticed the remote access hack. The bad actor increased the amount of sodium hydroxide or lye in the water supply from 100 parts per million to more than 11,000 for the 15,000 residents of Oldsmar, Florida. The increase of sodium hydroxide in the water supply could have caused vomiting, chest and abdominal pain. 

PINELLAS COUNTY SHERIFF BOB GUALTIERI: This type of activity and this type of hacking of critical infrastructure is not necessarily limited to just water supply systems. It can be anything.  

Oh, an attack on our water supply. That’s weird. I didn’t read that in the New York Times, but what’s interesting. Not to connect the dots or anything, that was not the only attack on our water supply that year. In January 2021, there was a similar effort to poison the water treatment plant that serves the San Francisco Bay area. An unidentified hacker accessed the facility’s computers remotely. According to NBC, “After logging in, the hacker deleted programs that the water plant used to treat drinking water.”

Now, fortunately, in this case, somebody noticed it. The next day the attack was discovered in those programs were reinstalled, so nobody got poisoned, but they kept trying. There were similar hacks of water treatment facilities in California in August of 2021. There was one in Maine in July of 2021. There was one in Pennsylvania in May of 2021; in Nevada, in March; in New Jersey in September of 2020; in Kansas in March of 2019 and so on.

In fact, they’re not paying attention to such an extent that even The Washington Post, which is a shill for the administration, if there ever was one, pointed out that, “For more than two decades, the EPA has not been resourced or organized to secure the nation’s water and wastewater sector against physical and cyber threats.”

Wait a second. So, nobody is paying attention to the most critical infrastructure— not the racist roads but food, water, energy, transportation, infrastructure? Food, water, energy, infrastructure—what does it add up to? Oh, that adds up to a country. You can’t have a country without those things and in every single case, whatever the cause is, food, water, energy and infrastructure are being degraded. Who knows why? If you didn’t know any better, you think there might be a war going on.

Why is no one talking about this?




Transportation Secretary Buttigieg Spotlights Diversity, Not Derailments

‘Do We Stay?’: Ohioans Seek Answers After Massive Train Derailment Casts Toxic Plume Over Their Town

‘WE NUKED A TOWN”: Media Blackout On “Catastrophic” Environmental Disaster in Ohio Caused By Large Controlled Explosion, Journalists Covering It Arrested

Biden’s Sec of Transportation Buttigieg Launches $1 Billion Plan to Ensure ‘Racial Equity’ in Roads

Buttigieg’s DOT Spending $662M to Fix America’s Ports, But Only If The Projects Advances Destructive Far-Left Schemes (ESG)

Pete Buttigieg: ‘We Are All Lifted Up’ by Stories About Abortions

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The China Threat

The Chinese spy balloon is a good reminder we cannot take our national security for granted.  Among the many threats we face is an increasingly assertive China which gives every appearance of preparing for war.

While America still leads in nuclear missiles and warheads, it was recently announced China now has more land-based fixed and mobile ICBM launchers than the U.S. does.

China claims it has become the third country – after the U.S. and Canada – to build a quantum computer.  It also claims it is breaking some tough encryption schemes and will have the ability to break them all once it builds a big enough quantum machine.  That’s a worry for the world financial system and U.S. national security.

The chief of U.S. naval intelligence warns China’s military is building up in every area for war.  He says the buildup is one of the fastest in human history and goes far beyond what China needs for its own defense.  He cited China’s new capabilities in missiles, long-range weapons, and electronic warfare.  He also cited China’s navy which now has a global reach and is pressing for control in parts of the Pacific.  This comes at a time when the U.S. is reducing air power in the Pacific because we no longer devote the resources necessary to sustain the effort.  “Weakness is provocative,” as former U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld used to say.

Concern is growing over Chinese purchases of U.S. farmland and food production assets like Smithfield Foods, the largest pork producer in the U.S.   Steps are being taken to block China from purchasing 370 acres to build a corn processing plant near Grand Forks Air Force Base in North Dakota, but Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis remains concerned about Chinese ownership of farmland, especially near military bases, given that China is a hostile nations whose interests are opposed to ours.

Chinese ownership of farmland has gotten a fair amount of attention but Chinese ownership of private American high school military academies with officer training programs has not.  Chinese interests now own the New York Military Academy, Donald Trump’s alma mater.  They also own the Florida Preparatory Academy.  The New York school is getting federal contracts.  You have to wonder how these future military officers in these schools are being taught to regard China.

Lastly, China’s military poses an increasing threat in space.  China has developed reusable spacecraft, allowing it to build up its capabilities in space quickly.  According to a Pentagon report, China is deploying anti-satellite missiles, orbiting killer robots, lasers, and jammers which it will use to “blind and deafen” enemy forces – not only in space – but on the ground.

As you can see, Chinese spy balloons may be the least of our worries.  And worried we should be, given that Chinese officials have openly talked about world domination from Mao on down.

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: MSNBC’s Psaki warns of the ‘danger’ of the freedom of speech

Psaki’s reflexive and unthinking authoritarianism reflects the stance of the Left in general these days. Leftists are determined to silence and crush all dissent and allow only their perspective to be heard in the public square.

Learn more about this effort in The Sumter Gambit: How the Left Is Trying to Foment A Civil War.

“Psaki Urges MSNBC Viewers To ‘Think Of The Danger’ Posed By Free Speech,” by Harold Hutchison, Daily Caller, February 9, 2023:

“If you were running a local political campaign and you’re running ads on television, and you say something inaccurate about your opponent, guess what happens? The ad is pulled down,” Psaki said. “These platforms live by a different set of rules, and people consume more information from them than any other source of media. Think of the danger of that.”

The House Oversight Committee held a hearing Wednesday on Twitter’s censorship practices, focusing on the company’s actions towards an Oct. 14, 2020 report by the New York Post on the contents of a laptop abandoned by Hunter Biden. Twitter locked multiple accounts, including the Post’s and the personal account of then-White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany for sharing the story, citing its “hacked materials” policy.

“As Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said, they’re allowing hate speech, racism. Also, let’s not forget inaccurate information about vaccines and how they can save your lives. They run rampant on these platforms,” Psaki said.

During the hearing, Republican Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina described side effects from receiving a COVID-19 vaccine while questioning former Twitter executives about the censorship of alleged “misinformation” about COVID-19.

Among those who were “shadow-banned” by Twitter was Stanford University’s Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a professor of health policy, who said that lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic harmed children. Dr. Andrew Bostom, a former academic at Brown University, was suspended for five months for alleged “medical misinformation.”

“What these Republicans are doing, essentially, just to break down past all of this crazy word salad of yesterday, they are defending the pushing of inaccurate, dangerous information on the platforms that most people receive information from,” Psaki continued. “That is racist, dangerous, prompted January 6th, is prompting people not to get vaccinated. That’s what they’re defending.”…


RELATED TWEET: Video Of Biden Goes Viral As Americans Try To Decipher Joe’s Major Announcement.


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Texas: Again no ‘Islamophobia’ as man who stabbed Muslim in mosque turns out to have been another Muslim

The IRS Came After Pro-Israel Groups, But Protected Hamas

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Whistleblower Explains How the Transgender Industry Convinces Parents to Mutilate Their Kids

whistleblower’s explosive account reveals that the transgender medical industry uses high-pressure techniques, employs its own cadre of “experts,” and lies about the impact of puberty blockers and other drugs to convince parents to authorize lifelong “gender-affirming care” that effectively, or literally, castrates their children. When the parents refuse, at least one transgender clinic disregarded the will of the custodial parent, the insider’s testimony states.

Allegations of illegal activity come from an affidavit and accompanying article by Jamie Reed, a far-Left LGBT activist who worked for four years at The Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. The affidavit attests doctors in the university’s transgender clinic prescribed experimental drugs to young children, ignored the children’s physical and mental health concerns, and may have committed Medicaid and insurance fraud. Her heartrending report has touched off separate investigations by Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey (R) and U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.).

Yet her record of the pediatric gender clinic’s actions during her 2018-2022 tenure also contains damning information about the way the industry overcomes wary parents’ concerns and traps children into decades of costly, harmful “treatments.”

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The facility referred young people reportedly suffering “gender dysphoria” for an evaluation with a psychologist chosen from on a list of doctors they “knew they would say yes” to the gender transition, Reed states. One psychologist at the hospital was particularly “known to approve virtually everyone seeking transition,” she writes. If no outside psychologist signed the letter, the center referred the child to their two in-house psychologists, who would certify that the child should begin the gender reassignment process.

For the youngest patients, this meant beginning puberty blockers before administering a lifetime of cross-sex hormones. “The Center tells the public and parents of patients that the point of puberty blockers is to give children time to figure out their gender identity,” she writes. But in reality, the center uses those drugs “just until children are old enough to be put on cross-sex hormones. Doctors at the Center always prescribe cross-sex hormones for children who have been taking puberty blockers.” (Emphasis in original.)

The doctors’ insistence, rather than the children’s persistence, may explain another discrepancy: Left to their own devices, approximately 85% of children with gender dysphoria will identify with their birth sex by the time they reach adulthood. But nearly 100% of children placed on puberty blockers continue the gender transition process, notes Jennifer Bauwens, director of the Center for Family Studies at the Family Research Council.

Doctors lie to assure parents will approve the puberty blockers, Reed reveals. “The doctors at the Center tell the public and tell parents of patients that puberty blockers are fully reversible. They really are not. They do lasting damage to the body,” says Reed. Those damages include “sterilization, reduced bone density, cognitive problems, increased body fat percentage and body mass index, decreased lean body mass, and arterial hypertension,” writes Bauwens.

Reed describes meetings between concerned parents, who wanted answers to the scientific findings they had uncovered about the dangers of puberty blockers, and gender clinic employees, who sought to sell them a lifetime of medical interventions. “The clinicians would dismiss the research that the parents had found and speak down to the parents,” Reed testifies. The facility exhibited a thorough “lack of regard for the rights of parents,” as “doctors saw themselves as more informed decision-makers over the fate of these children.” Clinic employees “would also malign any parent that was not on board with medicalizing their children,” says Reed.

That echoes the experiences of relatives in the documentary “Dead Name,” especially Helen, who was told to “celebrate” her child’s transgender identity after her former lesbian partner had introduced Helen’s four-year-old son, Jonas, to transgender ideology. Helen recounts that a parade of preschool officials and therapists presented her preschooler’s decision as a fait accompli. “They never said, ‘We need to talk about this,’” Helen says. “It was always edicts by email.”

Parents who resisted received the ultimate high-pressure sales tactic: “Experts” said they must approve their child’s gender transition or witness the child’s suicide. “A common tactic was for doctors to tell the parent of a [girl], ‘You can either have a living son or a dead daughter.’ The clinicians would tell parents of a [boy], ‘You can either have a living daughter or dead son,’” Reed testifies. The employees made these comments “to parents in front of their children,” which “introduced the idea of suicide to the children” — something that equally violates known research and medical ethics, Bauwens says.

“It is entirely inappropriate and unethical for anyone in my profession to plant the idea that an inevitable outcome will be suicide (even in the absence of expressed suicidal ideation) if the clinician’s counsel for gender-affirming care is not followed,” Bauwens told Nebraska legislators last week while testifying on behalf of Bill 574, the Let Them Grow Act, which would protect minors from transgender injections and surgeries. “This is blatantly manipulative and has no part in promoting psychological or relational health.”

It’s also erroneous. Numerous studies have found gender transition procedures do not help, and sometimes harm, patients’ mental health. “There are no reliable studies showing” a positive correlation between transgender injections/surgeries and improved mental health, Reed writes.

When parents still refused, or withdrew consent for, the procedures employees at the gender transition clinic continued the treatment, Reed alleges. They would even intervene in custody disputes against parents who disagreed with plans to transition their children. “One of our doctors actually testified in a custody hearing against a father who opposed a mother’s wish to start their 11-year-old daughter on puberty blockers,” Reed notes. But they also ignored the judges’ orders and sided with anyone who brought a child into the office for a gender transition. “I was told not to ask for custody agreements because ‘if we have the custody agreement, we have to follow it,’” Reed notes in legal documents.

To make matters worse many, perhaps most, of the young people who entered the university’s gender clinic had not experienced gender dysphoria at all, Reed states, but a form of social contagion. During her four years at the center, the total number of calls the center received increased between 400% and 800%, and girls began to outnumber boys. Traditionally, most cases of gender dysphoria involved males who identify as female. When she began, she heard about 10 calls a month from teenage girls who identified as male; that had increased five-fold by the time she left, with this cohort making up 70% of the center’s calls.

“It became clear that many children coming to the Center had gender identities that were likely the result of social contagion,” Reed writes. A 2018 study from Dr. Lisa Littman found that rapid onset gender dysphoria (ROGD) can be “initiated, magnified, spread, and maintained via the mechanisms of social and peer contagion,” including peer pressure via online platforms. Reed concludes, “Social media is at least partly responsible for this large increase in children seeking gender transition.”

Yet the center lobbied these minors to begin puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones (typically testosterone injections) and ignored the side effects, Reed writes. “The Center never discontinues cross-sex hormones, no matter the outcome,” she says.

The industry is big business. “Certainly pubertal blockers could run thousands of dollars per month in out-of-pocket expenses,” says Dr. Michael Haller at the University of Florida’s department of pediatrics. Transgender surgeries are “a huge money-maker,” said Dr. Shayne Taylor of Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Clinic for Transgender Health in 2018.

The problems Reed identifies affect all cases of transgender identity, because ideological considerations have narrowed the medical standards and available “treatments” for gender dysphoria, Bauwens told The Washington Stand. “A multitude of treatments have been researched to help children through depression. Yet when it comes to gender dysphoria, there’s only one path currently being prescribed: that is to try to become someone else,” she told Nebraska lawmakers.

“These interventions are being endorsed based on consensus, not evidence: Practices were voted on rather than standing on the merits of solid research findings addressing gender dysphoria,” Bauwens noted. “The success rates for nonintervention for gender dysphoria already exceed most psychological interventions.”

Children need to be “protected from misdiagnosis and scientifically unsupported, highly invasive, and potentially irreversible interventions that will impact the rest of their lives.”

Surprisingly Reed — who says, “I support trans rights” — agrees. “Given the secrecy and lack of rigorous standards that characterize youth gender transition across the country, I believe that to ensure the safety of American children, we need a moratorium on the hormonal and surgical treatment of young people with gender dysphoria,” Reed concludes.

Lawmakers promise to act on the legally actionable items in her whistleblower testimony. “Accountability is coming,” Senator Hawley has promised.

But investigations and prosecutions cannot bring wholeness to the lives permanently altered by the gender transition industry.

“It’s important as others are affirming a false identity that we need to go out of our way, as parents and as a community of believers, to affirm our young people in who they are,” Bauwens told “Washington Watch with Tony Perkins” last fall. “Transing a child is never the answer.”


Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson is senior reporter and editor at The Washington Stand.


Florida Medical Boards Confirm, Clarify Ban on Gender Transition Procedures on Minors

What Wokeness? Army Claims Extremism Has Nothing to Do with Recruitment Woes

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

The hidden truth behind China’s spy balloons

Washington is in a state of confusion about balloons and other unidentified flying objects, four of which have already been shot down. What is their purpose? Will there be more to deal with? Where are they all coming from and at who’s command?

The general consensus around Washington, voiced by Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer, is that all of the “objects” are balloons, even though the White House denounced Schumer for saying so.

Likewise, there is a general understanding that all of these “objects” were different types of Chinese balloons.

The latest shootdown, as of February 12, was a balloon hexagonal in shape that was shot down over Lake Huron. This balloon is known to have traversed Montana, like earlier ones, operating over US strategic missile emplacements at Malmstrom Air Force Base.

That is one of three sites on US territory where Minuteman III MIRV missiles are emplaced in underground silos. The other two are at Minot, North Dakota and Francis E Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming.

It would appear from the White House complaint to Schumer that there is keen interest at the level of the National Security Council, the State Department and Pentagon to try and downplay China’s balloon operations.

It is, for example, more than abundantly clear that these intrusions have been ongoing for at least a few years and have been systematically covered up. The only reasonable explanation for what amounts to a cover-up is to not end up in a confrontation with China.

The main question, however, is why is China so intent on surveilling US strategic bases and missile defenses?

The answer could be that China is either preparing a first-strike capability against the US homeland or is preparing to checkmate the US if it threatens to intervene in Chinese affairs, or both.

China now has a bigger ICBM capability than the US and most of them are solid-state rockets that can be launched quickly on demand.

Unlike US reliance on missile silos and nuclear submarines, neither of which is a first strike system, the Chinese deployment combines fixed hardened launch sites with ICBMs that can move about on rail lines or roadways, making them hard to find and destroy.

Historically, the US has relied on the mutually assured destruction paradigm for security against nuclear attack. Known as the MAD doctrine, it worked reasonably well during the Cold War period, so much so that both the US and Russia (USSR) agreed to limitations on missile numbers and ballistic missile defenses.

Unlike Russia and the US, however, China never participated in missile limitations and has recently been rapidly growing its tactical and strategic nuclear missile capabilities.

The latest balloon over Lake Huron that was shot down probably is only the balloon component. Pilots tasked with destroying the balloon saw “strings” or wires hanging from the octagonal object, suggesting that the payload had already been detached and perhaps destroyed.

The first large balloon that flew across the United States and was shot down over Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, appears to have had an explosives package designed to destroy the payload before it could be recovered.

In video of that balloon takedown, a secondary explosion can clearly be heard well after the AIM-9X disintegrated the balloon. The latest Lake Huron balloon may be a repeat performance. There is no public information on the other two shot down, one off Alaska’s northern coast and the other over Canadian airspace.

Until some of the instrumentation is recovered, US authorities won’t know about the balloons’ capabilities. It is even less likely that the public will get the straight story. To date, the US record is to hide the facts and admit far less than is already known.

Read more.

Originally published by Asia Times


Stephen Bryen

Senior Fellow

RELATED ARTICLE: U.S. Shoots Down 3 Aerial Objects in 3 Days

“The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.