BIDEN: ‘MAGA Is Really The Most Extreme Group In American History’

Since the Federalists. Had enough yet?

They are what they accuse you of. That’s their MO. The Democrats are inciting to civil war.

Corrupt and fraudulent Biden is the most extreme douche nozzle in the history of American presidents.

Biden says MAGA ‘most extreme’ group in recent US history, warns gays may face segregation

By Steven Nelson, NY Post, May 4, 2022

President Biden on Wednesday called former President Donald Trump’s Make America Great Again movement the “most extreme” group in US history and claimed that gay students may soon face legal segregation in classrooms if Roe v. Wade is overturned.

Biden, speaking about the leaked Supreme Court decision that could overturn the landmark abortion rights case, argued the implications are vast.

“What happens if you have a state change the law saying that children who are LGBTQ can’t be in classrooms with other children?” Biden said at the White House.

“Is that legit under the way that the decision is written? What are the next things that are going to be attacked? Because this MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history — in recent American history.”………


Repairman who revealed Hunter Biden laptop sues Schiff, CNN, Politico and the Daily Beast

TRUMP SWEEP: ALL 22 Trump-Backed Candidates In Ohio, Indiana WIN Their Primaries

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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EUROPE: MP warns ‘EU does not want free speech’ after Elon Musk Twitter takeover

Agenda-driven globalists and Leftists who want control over the public are apoplectic over Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover; so now the gloves are coming off.

Flemish Member of European Parliament Tom Vandendriessche notes: “The EU does not want free speech…That is dangerous for their system.” And threats are in order. Thierry Breton, European Commissioner for Internal Market, warned Elon Musk to “make sure the platform continues censoring content or face the wrath of Brussels.”

Yet Twitter’s agenda-driven proponents of cancel culture continue to pretend to care about public “harm” and “responsibility“….

Regardless of ownership, all social media platforms must be responsible,” said a spokesman for Prime Minister Boris Johnson. “That includes protecting users from harm on their sites….

An example of how glaringly dishonest and activist Twitter (and its supporters) had become was its banning of Donald Trump while permitting the Taliban.

Elon Musk Twitter Takeover: ‘EU Does Not Want Free Speech’ Warns Euro MP

by Peter Caddle, Breitbart, May 1, 2022:

A Member of the European Parliament has warned the EU “does not want free speech” after a European Commission official threatened Elon Musk over his takeover of Twitter.

Tom Vandendriessche, an EU-level representative for the Flemish nationalist Vlaams Belang party, has said that the European Union “does not want free speech”, accusing the supranational bloc of wanting to “outsource” censorship to Big Tech corporations.

Vandendriessche’s comments come shortly after one of the European Union’s unelected commissioners, Thierry Breton, issued threats to Elon Musk regarding his Twitter takeover, telling the pro-free speech entrepreneur that he must make sure the platform continues censoring content or face the wrath of Brussels.

In a statement provided by the MEP to Breitbart, Vandendriessche argued that Musk’s publicly-expressed goals for the Twitter microblogging platform are positive and in line with what he has argued for personally in the past — and that the European Union is threatening democracy through its harsh regime of outsourced censorship.

“The EU does not want free speech,” the Flemish MEP said. “That is dangerous for their system.”

“They therefore want to ‘outsource’ censorship to private players,” he continued. “They call that ‘taking responsibility’, but it is nothing less than flat censorship.”…

Vandendriessche’s statement on the Elon Musk takeover runs contrary to the views expressed by Europe’s ruling technocrats, with the bloc’s tsar for the Internal Market, Thierry Breton, demanding that Musk keeps Twitter’s regime of censorship in place.

“Elon, there are rules,” the EU bigwig said, before referencing issues around so-called “hate speech” and moderation. “You are welcome but these are our rules. It’s not your rules which will apply here,” he warned.

“If [Twitter] does not comply with our law, there are sanctions — 6 per cent of the revenue and, if they continue, banned from operating in Europe,” he went on to threaten….

“Regardless of ownership, all social media platforms must be responsible,” said a spokesman for Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

“That includes protecting users from harm on their sites,” the spokesman continued. “It is too early to say what — if any — changes will be made to how Twitter operates.”…


EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Only Internet Fascism Can Save Democracy

Won’t someone save democracy from the people?

Free speech on the internet endangers democracy, Barack Obama told Stanford University.

The widely hailed speech at Big Tech’s favorite university claimed that autocrats are “subverting democracy” and that democracies have “grown dangerously complacent.” In the slow parade of teleprompter clichés he even  warned that “too often we’ve taken freedom for granted.”

To Obama, the threat to democracy doesn’t come from government power, but the lack of it.

“You just have to flood a country’s public square with enough raw sewage. You just have to raise enough questions, spread enough dirt, plant enough conspiracy theorizing that citizens no longer know what to believe. Once they lose trust in their leaders, in mainstream media, in political institutions, in each other, in the possibility of truth, the game’s won,” he summed up.

Like every Obama speech, “Challenges to Democracy in the Digital Information Realm” didn’t offer anything new, just a distillation of familiar talking points and misplaced assumptions.

The assumption at the heart of Obama’s speech and that of the range of arguments depicting free speech as a cultural and national threat is that the purpose of discourse is state power.

Obama, like many post-liberal lefty critics of free speech, reduces speech to its social impact and its social impact to its political impact. This holistic integration is so fundamental to Marxists and many lefties that they don’t even think twice about the idea that everything we do is reducible to a move on the great abacus of social justice. The food you eat, the car you buy, and the words you say have the potential to either save or damn the planet and humanity.

This quasi-religious conception of mass social mobilization pervades American society. It’s the precondition for wokeness because the only possible moral justification for terrorizing random people on social media is the conviction that governance isn’t political, it’s social, and that the only way to avert climate change and social inequality is by controlling what everyone believes.

Wokeness collapses the distinction between the private and public spheres, and between government and individuals. In a national social crisis, the only conceptual framework through which the Left ever really governs, there’s no time for such liberal niceties as private spheres.

Obama’s speech neatly illustrates the fascism at the heart of this panopticon political project.

Introduce disagreement and you “raise enough questions” that people “no longer know what to believe” and then “lose trust in their leaders”, “mainstream media” and even “truth”. Stripped of all the Brookings Institute globalist prose, what Obama is really saying is that individual disagreement undermines the state. And that truth is dependent on public faith in the state.

This is a value system utterly at odds with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, one which envisions an intimate link between individual speech and state authority that would have horrified King George III, but absolutely delighted Hitler or Stalin.

It assumes that there can be no other legitimate points of view other than the official one and that there should be no leaders except those who share them. Limiting the range of opinions is necessary to protect state power because there is no distinction between them and the state.

Or as a certain Austrian artist once put it, “One people, One state, One leader”.

When he was promoting his last book two years ago, Obama made the same arguments. “If we do not have the capacity to distinguish what’s true from what’s false, then by definition the marketplace of ideas doesn’t work. And by definition our democracy doesn’t work.”

The assumption that the democratic process leads to truth rather than choice, absolute rightness rather than people power, is an undemocratic paradigm. Its inevitable conclusion becomes that of Obama, that democracy must be protected by controlling the people.

Not only elections, but ideas, are too important to be left to the public.

Obama doesn’t want a marketplace of ideas because people might get the wrong idea and vote him and his political allies out of office. The explicit goal of internet censorship is to control election outcomes by filtering what information the public is able to access.

Like the provenance of a certain Delaware artist’s laptop.

Narrowing the range of acceptable information in order to narrow the range of acceptable opinions, candidates and political systems is the first fundamental trick of tyrannies. It takes a certain chutzpah and a stock of Orwellian buzzwords to redefine that as protecting democracy.

Obama complains, “China’s built a great firewall around the Internet, turning it into a vehicle for domestic indoctrination” and proposes a democratic firewall around the internet under a “regulatory structure” to be designed with “communities of color” to slow “the spread of harmful content.” The democratic people of color firewall will be so much better than China’s firewall.

Pro-censorship elites have the same assumptions as China about the interaction between speech, society, and the state which is why they, like Obama, arrive at the same conclusions. They can dress up those conclusions in buzzwords about “democracy” and “people of color”, but those are differences of style, not substance. The trains all end up at the same station.

Obama speaks about “bugs” in the Constitution. While he is always happy to critique America, the particular totalitarian bug here is deeply embedded into the leftist worldview which denies that people have individual agency, insists that everyone is a prisoner of their social context, and contends that the purpose of the society and the state is an enlightened intertwining. The bug, which is really more of a feature, directly leads to the same outcome as in China or Stanford.

A free society requires healthy breathing spaces between politics and life. The difference between a politicized society and a tyranny is only time. The question at the heart of this debate is “What is discourse for” which is really the question of, “What are people here for?” To believe, as the Left does, that people primarily exist as vehicles for political change is to enslave them.

That’s why every leftist revolution invariably slides toward tyranny along the same worn tracks.

The Founding Fathers believed that people would self-define their purposes. That was why America’s revolution uniquely led to freedom and why leftist revolutions lead to tyranny.

America defined freedom as individual power while lefties define it by the power of the state.

Obama is simply replaying what happens when liberation is treated as a collective enterprise, a journey toward rather than from, that can only be achieved collectively, through the exercise of state power rather than individually through personal choices. The internet, once individualistic, has become collective, and social media, the ultimate embodiment of that collectivism, has become the battleground between individualist expressers and collectivist censors.


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.


The Critical Qur’an: ‘A Qur’an commentary that goes where others fear to tread’

Muslim cleric quotes Muhammad saying even women in labor must have sex if husband wants it

Italy: Muslim migrant cook beheads Muslim migrant dishwasher

Sweden: Almost 30% want to ban ‘offensive’ demonstrations after Muslims riot over Qur’an-burning

England and Wales raise marriage age to 18 in bid to protect Muslim girls

Why Should the UN Consider It Its Duty to Protect Islam from Criticism?

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Affirm Foundation: Scripture Helps Parents Combat Trans Craze [+video]

In a final rule released Thursday, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) surprisingly omitted a proposed change to bundle so-called “gender transition” procedures into private insurance plans. Dr. Jennifer Bauwens believes comments submitted by Family Research Council, other policy organizations, and thousands of individual citizens are the reason. “By backing off this rule, they don’t have to respond to our comments,” explained Bauwens, Director of FRC’s Center for Family Studies, who drafted FRC’s comment. “The science behind this ideology is really flimsy.” Federal agencies are legally obligated to answer every comment submitted to a proposed rule.” FRC President Tony Perkins agreed they “avoided responding because… a scientific debate… [would] expose what’s behind the curtain.”

Behind the curtain is a “social constructivist point of view,” explained Bauwens, which denies absolute truth. The error is ancient. Post-modernists may gild it in academic jargon, or popularize it with expressions like, “you do you” or “my truth is…,” but it finds common cause with Pilate (“what is truth”), who “hears the truth about Jesus” through his wife’s dream, but “listens to the crowd” instead and orders his execution.

All people living in rebellion against God have “exchanged the truth about God for a lie” (Romans 1:25), extending even to meaning and purpose of sex and identity. “The truth of God’s Word is that God has made us either a man or a woman, male or female. He’s done so for his glory,” said Dr. Owen Strachan, Senior Fellow with FRC’s Center for Biblical Worldview. “What we call gender dysphoria really begins in sin. We don’t talk about it that way today. We don’t trace it back to a moral cause. But honestly, this has been a problem since the fall of Adam and Eve.”

A worldview as fictional as the transgender ideology cannot coexist peacefully with any truth because that would expose its foundation of lies. In government, transgender ideologues are “not going to stop,” warned Bauwens. In the culture, they’re already winning the battle for children — even children of Christian parents. “I’ve heard from many, many parents,” said Perkins, whose “children have been inundated with this.” Families and churches urgently need to help children misled by the culture’s lies.

“We don’t help them,” said Bauwens, “by playing along with their concocted reality.” We ought to affirm their feelings are real without affirming that their feelings are right. Perkins agreed, “if someone says I feel like Batman… or I’m Superman. I can leap tall buildings, and I can run faster [than a speeding bullet], that’s fine. You might feel that way, but don’t try it.” “The only way to truly help people who are experiencing what we call gender dysphoria is to go back to the scripture,” said Strachan.

That’s why “the first duty we have as a father or mother is to teach our kids the scripture,” Strachan said. “If we tie them to the mast of God’s Word, we give them a solid foundation.” “Scripture is really a vaccination of the soul,” agreed Perkins. “It may not be in vogue today, but… it’s going to stand for all eternity. And if you stand on it, you’ll never, ever be disappointed.”

If our children are believers, they “are going to feel the wind in their face at some point,” added Strachan. “It’s not a positive world for Christianity. But we have God, and one man with God is a man in the majority.” Their faith will be tested and tried, and they will need to hold fast to Christ “as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul” (Hebrews 6:19).

What about parents whose children aren’t believers? I can’t save my precious three children at home in Arkansas,” Strachan said. “But what I can do is lovingly try to teach [them] the truth of God.” “Tie them to the mast and save them from the siren song,” Perkins summarized. Teach them that “God loved us unconditionally — that’s why he sent Jesus — but he didn’t affirm us in our sin.” Christ called sinners to repentance (Luke 5:32).

What about children caught up in the lies of the transgender ideology? “You keep sailing through the storm…. You don’t affirm their sin, but you love them,” said Strachan. “The culture’s understanding of love is affirmation,” but “the Bible’s understanding of love for sinners like us is repentance…. We do continue to hug our kids and try to have conversations with them and take them to ice cream,” Strachan added, but “we cannot affirm them in their sin. That’s not loving. That’s fundamentally hating them and setting them up for eternal destruction.”

To escape eternal destruction, every man, woman, and child must repent of their sins and trust in the righteousness of Jesus Christ alone for salvation. That good news is offered to all, even those led astray by gender anarchy. Those who find Christ find life. “God’s truth isn’t just true. It’s good for us,” Strachan concluded. The hard part is living like that’s true.

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Cori Bush: ‘Folks Who Can Become Pregnant’ Will Lose Abortion Right

In an interview on MSNBC on Tuesday, radical Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) stated that after the leak of the draft opinion on Roe v. Wade, she’s worried about “the 36 million women” and “other folks, people who can become pregnant,” losing access to abortion.

Bush said, “You know, just hearing the president speak and hearing just the announcement that came before that that this is real, that this is what’s going to happen, it felt like a hammer came down. I’m thinking about the 36 million women, nearly half of the women of reproductive age between 18 and 49. I’m thinking about them in the U.S. I’m thinking about other folks, people who can become pregnant, and how they lose this access, the access to abortion.”

Fact check: contrary to Democrat dogma, there are no “other folks” besides women who can get pregnant.

“And I think about what my mindset was at the time when I needed that help,” she continued, discussing her own decision to kill her baby. “And when we think — we have to look at it this way: When I went to get my abortion, I didn’t go to a gas station. I didn’t enter a fast food restaurant. I didn’t go to a bank. I went to a healthcare facility because abortion care is health care.”

Not for the baby, it’s not.

“And we are taking away — this will take away folks’ access to safe abortions,” she added. “And I’m thinking about those that have this need, and that need — that option will be gone.”

Fact check: overturning Roe v. Wade will not abolish abortions — it will simply give the choice back to each state.

Cori Bush

76 Known Connections

Condemning America As a Land of Oppression & “White Supremacy”

On July 4, 2021, Bush condemned America in a tweet that said: “This land is stolen land and Black people still aren’t free.” In a separate tweet, she stated: “We know what our own freedom looks like. End the slavery permitted under the 13th amendment. End the War on Drugs. End police violence. End health care, housing, and education apartheid, WE are the experts on our own liberation. And we won’t stop until it’s won.”
The next day, Bush tweeted: “It’s not a coincidence that the people who are saying Black people have full freedom in our country are the same ones trying to prevent teaching the truth about white supremacy in our classrooms.”

To learn more about Cori Bush, click here.



Obama: Overturning Roe Blow to All Who Believe in a Free Society

Kamala Freakout: ‘Opponents of Roe Want to Punish Women’

Warren: GOP ‘Extremists’ Want a Return to Back-Alley Abortions

Adams: Overturning Roe v. Wade Assault by Rightwing Extremists

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Check out U.S. Ministry of Truth [@USMiniTru] a Twitter Parody Account that well, tells the truth

We were on twitter and found a new account there, thank you Elon Musk, that tells the truth. The account is called U.S. Ministry of Truth and its twitter handle is @USMiniTru.

The U.S. Ministry of Truth twitter site describes itself thusly:

The United States Ministry of Truth, established by the Biden Administration to combat disinformation from political dissidents. | Oderint dum metuant [Hate fate]. | пароди [Parody]

Below is the U.S. Ministry of Truth‘s first tweet titled, “The clocks are striking thirteen. Welcome to the Ministry.” George Orwell’s well-known dystopian novel, 1984, opens with this statement: “It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.

Well it was, ironically, a bright cold day on April, 27th, 2022 in Washington, D.C. when the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced the creation of its new Disinformation Governance Board. Fiction has now become dystopian public policy. Go figure.

Watch: The clocks are striking thirteen. Welcome to the Ministry.

Here’s some other parodies, or truths, tweeted on USMiniTru:

If you watch this GIF long enough you will begin to believe that 2+2=5.

We recommend that you follow U.S. Ministry of Truth  @USMiniTru and stay on top of what’s happening in the parody world.

The Bottom Line

Ironically, on April 16th, 2016 we wrote a column titled “When Satire becomes Politically Correct Policy: DePaul University bans chalk for student safety.”

Here’s our full column:

In March we posted a political satire column titled “Students demand ‘chalk free zones’ after Trump 2016 graffiti found at Emory U.” The column stated, “Trump ‘chalking attacks’ are appearing on college campuses across America. It began on the campus of Emory University where ‘Trump 2016’, ‘Vote Trump 2016’ and ‘Trump’ graffiti was found on buildings, sidewalks and on benches written in chalk on the university campus.”

We concluded with the tongue-in-cheek, “The Keep Chalk on College Campuses (KCCC) free speech movement in a short statement said, “Chalk U!

On April 4th, 2016 we posted a second political satire column titled, “After a #Trump2016 chalk attack on the White House Obama signs Executive Order banning chalk.” The column stated:

Today the Secret Service reported a “#Trump2016 – Make America Great Again” chalk attack occurred at the White House. President Obama, his family and the White House staff were evacuated to a secret location until the chalker and his/her associates are apprehended.

[ … ]

Josh Earnest, Assistant to the President and Press Secretary, at a White House briefing noted:

The first family and those of us working in the White House now live in fear of the chalkers who want to make America great again.

FBI Director James Comey has just briefed President Obama on this growing existential threat.

These attackers are using chalk as their weapon of choice and they must be stopped at all cost.

After meeting with his National Security Council, President Obama has signed an Executive Order making chalking a federal offense and designating members of Make America Great Again Chalkers enemies of the collective.

The Executive Order calls for the arrest of anyone carrying chalk in a concealed manner. It establishes a federal, state and local law enforcement Joint Chalk Task Force (JCTF) to combat this growing threat to our progressive way of life.

Anyone owning chalk must report it and register on a new national database of chalk possessors.

It appears that political satire has become politically correct policy at DePaul University.

On April 15th, Jazz Shaw from HotAir reports:

The struggle is real, my friends. We’ve already looked at the horror being inflicted upon special snowflakes around the country these days as #TheChalkening sends college students scurrying for their safe space. Who knows what sort of lasting damage could ensue if young adults turn a corner on their morning walk only to see a name or campaign slogan emblazoned on the sidewalk where they are walking, enshrined there for all time? (Or at least until the next rainfall.) Not everyone is taking this threat lying down, however. At DePaul University in Chicago, students will soon be able to perambulate around the quad without fear of such lasting mental scar tissue because the university has banned chalking the sidewalks after someone was tasteless enough to write the name of Donald J. Trump on the pavement. (Daily Caller and Campus Reform)

DePaul University will no longer allow students to chalk political messages on the sidewalks of its campus because of the “offensive, hurtful, and divisive” nature of pro-Trump chalking found on campus last week.

“While these chalk messages are part of national agendas in a heated political battle, they appeared on campus at a time of significant racial tension in our country and on college campuses. DePaul is no exception,” Depaul’s vice president for student affairs Eugene Zdziarski wrote in a campus-wide email obtained by Campus Reform…

Campus Reform reached out to DePaul to ask why university officials chose to respond to this particular chalking instance despite claims that chalking “regularly” occurs on campus. No response was received in time for publication.

The entire idea of “chalking” as a form of expression has apparently been a tradition at DePaul for quite some time, just as it is on sidewalks around the nation.

Read more.

We again quote those who support free chalking speech on college campuses with, “Chalk U!

Today Biden and his administration have turned political satire into a new dystopian America with the DHS’ Disinformation Governance Board leading the charge to silence those who criticize them and their policies.

What can we expect as the Build Back Better future of America under Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. if fully implemented?

Perhaps the words of George Orwell will enlighten us when he wrote, “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – for ever.” Or as @USMiniTru put it:

We are in a time when telling the truth has now truly become a revolutionary act.

Welcome to 1984 in 2022 and beyond.

Remember: Chalk U!

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.



‘I Was Not Aware’: Mayorkas Says He Didn’t Know About Truth Czar’s Viral Videos

Mayorkas Says He Was ‘Not Aware’ Of Jankowicz Discrediting Hunter Biden Laptop Story

HART: DHS, The New Big Brother — Mission Creep By Way Too Many Federal Agencies

Sen. Capito Asks Whether Mayorkas Has Spread ‘Disinformation’ About Border Crisis

War on Parents: Fighting Back Update

Others more clever than me have observed ‘never get between a Mama Bear and her cubs.’  Parents around the country are fighting back against the hard-Left takeover of public schools, using the courts, state legislatures, and several other means.

Parents are challenging books in school libraries and classrooms in record numbers.  They’re objecting to sexually explicit content, profanity, anti-police messaging, and other left-wing indoctrination found in schoolbooks. The most-challenged books are “Gender Queer” and “Lawn Boy”, the latter a gay story normalizing sex acts between 4th-graders which has been criticized for encouraging pedophilia.

Members of the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) have inundated Disney executives with almost 150,000 thousand phone calls and emails objecting to the company’s self-described ‘not-so-secret’ gay agenda. There’s a website where you can join this national campaign.

Parents in North Carolina protested an elementary school’s Satan Club which is an organized effort now pushing hard in several states.  An elementary school in Pennsylvania refused to allow such a club.

The America First Legal Group has a website showing parents how they can assert the federal Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (20 U.S.C. § 1232h) which allows parents to review curriculum and opt their children out of school surveys that pry into students’ sex lives, drug use, and attitudes.

In the courts, parents sued the Baltimore City Public Schools – where kids graduate from high school without being able to read – for failing children and wasting taxpayer money.

In Florida, a conservative legal foundation filed a lawsuit on behalf of two parents against a school district for hiding the transgender counseling the school was giving their 12-year-old daughter who attempted suicide twice. Similar suits against schools for secret gender transitioning have also been filed in MassachusettsWisconsin, and Maryland.  One attorney for parents pointed out schools have parents sign forms for field trips and require parental consent before a school can give a child ibuprofen but somehow, magically, schools claim harmful gender transitioning is exempt from disclosure.

As for legislation, the Iowa House passed a bill to require schools to post their curriculum and materials online for parental review.  A curriculum transparency bill is also pending in Arizona.  Another bill in Arizona would prohibit schools from exposing kids to sexually explicit content without parental consent.

Which brings us to the new law in Florida that prohibits the early sexualization of young children third-grade and below in public schools, the law that made Disney throw a hissy fit.  It’s already having results.  At least two teachers are planning to leave the profession because they feel they are no longer free to talk to their students about their gay proclivities or their gay marriage.  What’s odd about these two is that they both teach above the third grade, so the law doesn’t even apply to them.  Be that as it may, I say good riddance if you were only there to indoctrinate kids into the gay agenda.  Private sexual activity between consenting adults is one thing, but it’s quite another to claim the right to promote left-wing agendas in the classroom and interfere in your young charges’ sexual development.  Unfortunately, left-wing agitators no longer distinguish between the two. Being forced under penalty of law to shut your mouth about your sex life is what you get for coming between Mama Bears and their cubs.

I mentioned the “Transition Closet”, a group in Arkansas pushing the availability of opposite-sex clothing for kids being pushed into transgenderism in schools across the country.  Not content with operating at the college level, the group is now going after young children in public schools.  The founder of the group supports keeping the activity secret from parents.

Another far-Left group,, pushes sex education for young adolescents, producing videos some call pornographic.  Its website bears all the hallmarks of a well-funded, well-oiled machine of the Left, starting with a couple dozen staffers.  That doesn’t happen by accident.  That takes money.  The group’s managing partner is Advocates for Youth, another well-oiled machine that pushes wider access to abortion, free menstrual products, free condoms, and gender neutral restrooms.  The group has assets of $10 million [p.1] and won’t disclose its donors on its tax forms. [p.24]  They also get government grants [p. 9], which means you are paying for some of their activities.

We also encountered after-school Satan Clubs along the way.  They are run by the Satanic Temple which is now bringing lawsuits to try to get its way in the schools.   They also litigate to promote abortion as part of their religion, to give Satanic invocations at public meetings, and to remove Christianity from the public square.  Overall, they are trying to foment “social change”, a dead giveaway placing them squarely on the Left.

One group I haven’t mentioned yet is the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).  They oppose the new Florida law preventing the early sexualization of children and call for more LGBT content in children’s programming.  They are agitating in Hollywood to bring it about.  Like the Satanic Temple, this group is up front about working for “cultural change”.

Another gay group, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus, said last year, “We’ll convert your children….We’re coming for your children.”  I take them at face value, but here’s what you need to understand:  This isn’t about transgender rights or the gay agenda.  Those are merely weapons to get to where the leaders of these groups want to go: socialism.  I’ve documented that ultimate aim in previous commentaries, including the communist theorist who came up with the idea of destroying society with sex and the transgender activists caught on video late last year saying their goal is communism and they are merely using transgenderism to get there.   These leaders are hardcore committed Leftists, first and foremost.  Their sexual agendas are for the useful idiots.  The real goal is to weaken and destabilize society so Leftist leaders can seize power.  The issue is never the issue; the issue is always wealth and power for a tiny elite.

This set of Leftist leaders has been called the ‘Gay Gestapo’ and their methods go beyond sexual indoctrination in schools.  They also want to destroy religion by denying tax exemptions to churches that oppose gay marriage.  These people are deadly serious and playing for all the marbles.  If you want to see society destroyed and a tiny communist elite take over, throw in with them.  For the rest of us, take what they say about taking over at face value and respond accordingly.

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©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.


LA High School Promotes Abortion Resources to Students, Parent Permission ‘Not Required’

Google owned YouTube Hosts Kids’ Channel Promoting Pornography, Abortion

School Board Says NO to Satan Club in Elementary School

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RELATED VIDEO: Florida Parents fighting back: Choosing for their children.

CALIFORNIA: New Witch Hunt to Strip Honest Doctors of Their Licenses

California Bill Seeks to Muzzle Doctors Who Tell the Truth About COVID

  •  California bill is now threatening to strip doctors of their medical licenses if they express medical views that the state does not agree with. California Assembly Bill 2098 designates “the dissemination or promotion of misinformation or disinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, or ‘COVID-19,’ as unprofessional conduct” warranting “disciplinary action” that could result in the loss of their medical license
  • Misinformation related to SARS-CoV-2 includes “false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks of the virus, its prevention and treatment; and the development, safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.” But as far as what might constitute “misinformation” or “disinformation” is unclear and basically left open for interpretation by the state
  • Doctors have an ethical obligation to treat each patient as an individual, and to ensure each patient receives the safest and best care. Bill 2098 will turn doctors into government agents, leaving no one to advocate for patients’ health
  • California has also introduced six other bills seeking to enshrine tyranny into law, including bills to criminalize “amplification of harmful content,” create a centralized vaccination registry, strip funding from law enforcement that refuses to follow public health orders, mandate COVID jabs for school children, authorize minors to consent to vaccination, and require school districts to conduct routine COVID testing
  • If you live in California, please review these bills and VOTE NO

One of the most stunning parts of this pandemic has been the denial of basic science, and one of the most shocking developments from that has been the attack on medical doctors who try to set the record straight.

As reported by Dr. Jay Bhattacharya — professor of health policy at Stanford, research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and coauthor of the Great Barrington Declaration, which calls for focused protection of the most vulnerable1 — a California bill is now threatening to strip doctors of their medical licenses if they express medical views that the state does not agree with.2

Bhattacharya’s Personal Battle

Bhattacharya has first-hand experience with this kind of witch hunt. He was one of the first to investigate the prevalence of COVID-19 in 2020, and found that by April, the infection was already too prevalent for lockdowns to have any possibility of stopping the spread.

Bhattacharya has called the COVID-19 lockdowns the “biggest public health mistake ever made,”3 stressing that the harms caused have been “absolutely catastrophically devastating,” especially for children and the working class, worldwide.4

After Bhattacharya co-sponsored the Great Barrington Declaration, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and his former boss, now retired National Institutes of Health (NIH) director Francis Collins, colluded behind the scenes to quash the declaration from day 1.5

To that end, they set out to smear and destroy the reputations of Bhattacharya and the other coauthors of the declaration. In one email, Collins referred to the three highly credentialed and respected scientists as “fringe epidemiologists” and called for a press “takedown” of the trio.6,7,8,9 I detailed this treachery in “Authors of Barrington Declaration Speak Out.”

“Big tech outlets like Facebook and Google followed suit, suppressing our ideas, falsely deeming them ‘misinformation,’” Bhattacharya writes.10 “I started getting calls from reporters asking me why I wanted to ‘let the virus rip,’ when I had proposed nothing of the sort. I was the target of racist attacks and death threats.

Despite the false, defamatory and sometimes frightening attacks, we stood firm. And today many of our positions have been amply vindicated. Yet the soul searching this episode should have caused among public health officials has largely failed to occur. Instead, the lesson seems to be: Dissent at your own risk.

I do not practice medicine — I am a professor specializing in epidemiology and health policy at Stanford Medical School. But many friends who do practice have told me how they have censored their thoughts about COVID lockdowns, vaccines, and recommended treatment to avoid the mob …

This forced scientific groupthink — and the fear and self-censorship they produce — are bad enough. So far, though, the risk has been social and reputational. Now it could become literally career-ending.”

Do You Want Your Doctor To Be Muzzled by the State?

California Assembly Bill 209811 — introduced by Assemblyman Evan Low, a Silicon Valley Democrat, and coauthored by Assembly members Aguiar-Curry, Akilah Weber and Wicks, and Sens. Pan and Wiener — designates “the dissemination or promotion of misinformation or disinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, or ‘COVID-19,’ as unprofessional conduct” warranting “disciplinary action” that could result in the loss of their medical license.

Misinformation or disinformation related to SARS-CoV-2 includes “false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks of the virus, its prevention and treatment; and the development, safety, and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.” But as far as what might constitute “misinformation” or “disinformation” is unclear and basically left open for interpretation — by the state. As noted by Bhattacharya:12

“Doctors, fearing loss of their livelihoods, will need to hew closely to the government line on COVID science and policy, even if that line does not track the scientific evidence.

After all, until recently, top government science bureaucrats like Dr. Fauci claimed that the idea that COVID came from a Wuhan laboratory was a conspiracy theory, rather than a valid hypothesis that should be open to discussion. The government’s track record on discerning COVID truths is poor.

The bill claims that the spread of misinformation by physicians about the COVID vaccines ‘has weakened public confidence and placed lives at serious risk.’ But how significant is this problem in reality? Over 83% of Californians over the age of 50 are fully vaccinated (including the booster) …

What is abundantly clear is that this bill represents a chilling interference with the practice of medicine. The bill itself is full of misinformation and a demonstration of what a disaster it would be to have the legislature dictate the practice of medicine.”

The Shanghai Model

We don’t have to guess at what life might look like if this and other bills like it are implemented, Bhattacharya warns. The drama currently playing out in Shanghai offers a clear look into what can happen when public health is dictated by the state rather than by qualified medical professionals rooted in sound science.

“Shanghai is the model for the terrifying dangers of giving dictatorial powers to public health officials,” Bhattacharya writes.13 “The harrowing situation unfolding there is a testament to the folly of a virus containment strategy that relies on lockdown.

For two weeks, the Chinese government has locked nearly 25 million people in their homes, forcibly separated children from their parents, killed family pets, and limited access to food and life-saving medical care — all to no avail. COVID cases are still rising, yet the delusion of suppressing COVID persists.

In America, many of our officials still have not abandoned their delusions about COVID and the exercise of power this crisis has allowed. As the Shanghai debacle demonstrates, of all the many terrible consequences of our public health response to COVID, the stifling of dissenting scientific viewpoints by the state might be the most dangerous.”

The Science Deniers Are in Power

As stressed by Bhattacharya, the California bill includes a number falsehoods and fails to acknowledge basic science, starting with natural immunity. High-quality studies have repeatedly shown that natural immunity is equivalent or superior to the COVID shots. Were this bill to pass, a California doctor could lose his license for taking a patient’s COVID history into account when recommending the shot.

It also negates doctors’ ability to prescribe off-label drugs for the treatment of COVID, even though this has been a common and uncontroversial medical practice for many decades. It’s not uncommon for a drug intended for one condition to be used off-label for another. But for some reason, when it comes to COVID, this practice is now deemed hazardous and unprofessional.

The bill also falsely asserts that the “safety and efficacy of COVID vaccines have been confirmed through evaluation by the federal Food and Drug Administration.” Anyone who has followed this circus over the past year realizes that the FDA has completely ignored loud and clear warning bells showing the shots are far from safe and nowhere near as effective as initially claimed.

The bill also ignores the fact that the safety depends on the individual patient’s medical history and current state of health. “For example, there is an elevated risk of myocarditis in young men taking the vaccine, especially with the booster,” Bhattacharya notes.14

Doctors have an ethical obligation to treat each patient as an individual, and to ensure each patient receives the safest and best care. Bill 2098 will turn doctors into government agents, leaving no one to advocate for patients’ health.

“The false medical consensus enforced by AB 2098 will lead doctors to censor themselves to avoid government sanction. And it will be their patients, above all, who will be harmed by their silence,” Bhattacharya warns.

Californians, Vote NO on COVID Tyranny Bills

California Bill 2098 isn’t the only bill seeking to enshrine tyranny into law. Other pending California bills include:15

Senate Bill 1390,16 introduced by Sen. Pan, which seeks to criminalize “amplification of harmful content” on social media platforms.
Assembly Bill 1797,17 introduced by Assembly member Weber, which calls for the creation of a centralized vaccination registry.
Senate Bill 1464,18 introduced by Pan, which would strip state funding from any law enforcement agency that “publicly announces that they will not follow, or adopts a policy stating that they will not follow, a public health order.”

Those funds would instead be reallocated to the county public health department. Essentially, this bill would coerce sheriffs and police officers to violate their conscience or the law, or both, in the name of “public health policy.”

Senate Bill 871,19 introduced by Pan, which would mandate all school children, ages 5 and older, be “fully vaccinated” against COVID-19. The bill would also repeal exceptions to mandatory hepatitis B vaccination to attend school, and would remove the personal belief exemption against vaccination.
Senate Bill 866,20 introduced by Wiener and Pan, which would authorize minors, 12 years and older, to consent to vaccines without the consent of a parent or guardian.
Senate Bill 1479,21 introduced by Pan, which would expand “contagious, infectious, or communicable disease testing and other public health mitigation efforts to include prekindergarten, onsite after school programs, and child care centers,” and require each school district, county office of education, and charter school to create a COVID-19 testing plan, and report testing data to State Department of Public Health.

If you live in California, please review these bills and VOTE NO. In a Substack article, Margaret Anna Alice, offers the following guidance to Californians:22

“If you are a resident of California, please consider taking the additional step of contacting your respective senators and assembly members in addition to filling out the online portal. See Californians for Medical Freedom for step-by-step instructions on how to contact your local legislators as well as what to say if you decide to call (which is recommended).

The PERK website is also a very helpful way to track the hearing dates and status of these bills. In the comments, Donald Tipon has provided additional links for opposing AB2098 and AB1797 from A Voice for Choice Advocacy.”

Front Groups Marshal the Ignorant

Regulating the medical views a doctor can and cannot have is dangerous in the extreme, and hopefully the Californians who are left to vote in that state will quash such efforts. On the national level, we must also stay vigilant against similar legislative proposals, and push back against phony front groups that promote this kind of medical tyranny.

This includes the No License for Disinformation23 (NLFD) group, which promotes the false information disseminated by the dark-money group known as the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH).

As most now know, U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., a medical doctor in his own right, has been the primary challenger of Fauci’s lies, and the NLFD has been instructing individuals to report him to the Kentucky Medical Board, with the aim of getting his medical license revoked.24

Just who are the NLFD?25 In November 2021, I wrote about the NLFD, pointing out that the bottom of their website declared, “Created & Developed by EverydayAmericanJoe.”26 At the time, I took a screenshot of it, in case they’d wise up and change it. Good thing, because that notice has since been deleted.

And, no wonder, because it leads right back to the Biden White House. EverydayAmericanJoe, created by a marketing strategist named Chris Gilroy, was a website dedicated to supporting Joe Biden’s presidential campaign. (That website has since been disabled.27)

According to his LinkedIn profile,28 Gilroy created — “the largest Biden-Harris grassroots website online” — as a freelance senior marketing consultant and designer for the Biden campaign. Since 2007, he’s been the president of The Microtechs LLC, an online marketing, web development and digital advertising firm that produces custom websites and apps “that our clients can manage themselves.”

Aside from the EverydayAmericanJoe clue, there’s no indication of who is actually running the NLFD. It simply claims to be a “nonpartisan grassroots coalition of Americans” whose goal it is to get state medical boards to “protect the public” from medical professionals “who spread medical disinformation.” In all likelihood, the NLFD is run by a coalition of one — Gilroy himself — who is far from nonpartisan.

Not surprisingly, the NLFD has promoted and relied on the CCDH’s fabricated “Disinformation Dozen” report, which has even been denounced as biased and flawed in the extreme by Facebook.29

It’s quite clear that the CCDH exists to fabricate “evidence” that is then used to destroy the opposition in order to control the information, and the NLFD uses the CCDH’s fabrications as justification to suppress First Amendment rights.30 Indeed, Biden himself has publicly promoted and relied on this dark money CCDH report.31

The point of all this is that the censorship is being authorized and directed from the very highest level of our government, and there’s only one reason for that. Democracy flourishes under free speech and dies under censorship, and anyone who claims differently has an ulterior motive for trying to confuse these simple truths.

In my view, the war against “misinformation” and “disinformation” is nothing less than a covert war against the citizens of planet Earth. It’s an attempt to seize power by controlling what people can know, and a number of high-profile world leaders, past and present, have shown their true colors.

Among them, former president Obama, who in April 2022 gave lectures at the University of Chicago and Stanford, arguing for the regulation of information — what people can and cannot view on social media and elsewhere — “to protect democracy.”32

However, as noted by nonresident senior fellow of the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI), Mark Jamison, “Such controls have done the opposite throughout history and would this time too.”33

An Open War on the Public

We find ourselves in a situation where asking valid questions about public health measures are equated to acts of domestic terrorism. It’s unbelievable, yet here we are. Over the past two years, the rhetoric used against those who question the sanity of using unscientific pandemic countermeasures, such as face masks and lockdowns, or share data showing that COVID-19 gene therapies are really bad public health policy, has become increasingly violent.

Dr. Peter Hotez, a virologist who for years has been at the forefront of promoting vaccines of all kinds, for example, has publicly called for cyberwarfare assaults on American citizens who disagree with official COVID narratives, and this vile rhetoric was published in the prestigious science journal Nature, of all places.34

Doctors and nurses are now facing the untenable position of having to choose between doing right by their patients and toeing the line of totalitarianism. This simply cannot go on. It’s profoundly unhealthy and dangerous in a multitude of ways.

While frustrating and intimidating, we must all be relentless in our pursuit and sharing of the truth, and we must relentlessly demand our elected representatives stand up for freedom of speech and other Constitutional rights, including, and especially, the rights of medical doctors to express their medical opinions.

Biden’s claim about children: I WISH it were a gaffe

President Biden has more than his share of gaffes. But he made a remark last week on education, as he and his wife Jill hosted a Teacher of the Year event at the White House.  It was not a gaffe.

Biden said to teachers: “They’re not somebody else’s children. They’re yours when you’re in the classroom.”

Excuse me? Teachers suddenly supplant the children’s parents when the school bell rings?

The left doesn’t get it. They really do think the state owns the children.

In his End of Day Report (4/28/22), Gary Bauer notes: “The left thinks America is evil, ‘systemically racist’ and riddled with white supremacy. They think half the country is made up of ‘deplorables’ and ‘irredeemables.’ So, of course, they can’t let that half of the country teach their children about values. They must ‘counterprogram’ them.”

One silver lining of COVID-19 came in reference to education. In many cases parents were forced to hear what their children were learning in school for the first time. And they didn’t like it.

This gave rise to the “mama bear” phenomenon. As we all saw, it cost the left the elections in Virginia last year.

One of the groups fighting for parental rights in education is the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), co-founded by Dr. D. James Kennedy, Dr. James Dobson, Bill Bright, Larry Burkett, and others.

I spoke with Emilie Kao, senior counsel of the ADF, recently on a radio segment and asked her about some of their parental rights in education cases.

She told me: “Parental rights do not end at the schoolhouse gate. Parents have the right to direct the upbringing, the education, the character of their children. And this has become particularly important in light of the toxic ideologies, like critical race theory and transgender ideology.”

Kao explained some of ADF’s work to protect families from these “toxic ideologies”: “The Alliance Defending Freedom has multiple lawsuits on behalf of parents. The first one is Albermarle, Virginia litigation on behalf of five families who are challenging a policy that indoctrinates children of different races with the tenets of critical race theory.”

I think most Americans would agree that fighting racism and striving toward a color-blind society, is a worthy goal. But what if the attempts to achieve that goal actually promote the very thing they say they are fighting?

Kao comments on the Albemarle curriculum: “The school district has implemented what they call an ‘anti-racist policy,’ but their ‘anti-racist policy’ actually divides students by race and assigns them into an ‘oppressor’ and ‘oppressed’ category, and it tells white students that they have to fight against white culture.”

She adds, “It tells minority students that their ambitions in life are limited by their race.” This indoctrination could inflict damage on a whole generation of children.

Kao speaks of one student who comes from a multi-racial background: “He began to see himself as disadvantaged because of his race. He has started to attribute negative associations to his ethnic heritage. It is very damaging to students’ self-perception, as well as their perceptions of others.”

In a similar vein, recently a concerned father wrote an op-ed at Fox News with the simple title: “I’m a dad who wants schools to teach kids how to read—not how to be gender fluid.”

In that article, Brandon Michon notes, “Parents don’t want gender ideology and critical race theory taught to their children. We want our children to learn how to read and write. The single biggest equalizer in history is literacy. Teach any child from any socio-economic background how to read and comprehend what they read and empower them to take control of their futures.”

Michon adds, “We need politicians to expressly state that children, who are the most easily influenced and innocent part of the population, need to be protected. They shouldn’t be taught about sexual orientation or gender ideology. Our children need to keep their innocence in childhood and in their youth.”

In the first 200 years of American history (dating to the arrival of the Pilgrims in 1620), the schools were run by churches generally. Also, many parents either taught their children at home or hired an instructor.

Back then the Bible was the main textbook in one way or another, and the literacy rates, especially in New England, were very high. John Adams said to find an illiterate man in New England was as rare as a comet.

The Bible teaches that parents, fathers in particular, are responsible for the education of their children—not the state (Deut. 6:6-9). Even if the parents delegate that authority to teachers, God still holds the parents responsible for the children and their education.

The idea expressed by Biden that the teachers should have more authority than parents when the children are in school is wrong-headed in every way.

©Jerry Newcombe. All rights reserved.


Disney Dems Think Corporations Should Be Our Governments

Democrats, after spending the last decade sneering that Republicans believe “corporations are people”, have found a new group of oppressed victims to shelter, protect, and fight for.


Not since a bunch of men decided that they want to shower with teenage girls and join their swim teams, have lefties turned around their core beliefs faster than hotel bed sheets.

Biden ranted that the “far right has taken over the party” because, “Christ, they’re going after Mickey Mouse.” Of the two, you know which one Joe Biden believes in. Disney employees have directed over $1 million in cash to the Biden campaign. That’s something Biden can bow to.

The rest of the party and the movement is just as outraged that Gov. DeSantis stood up to a multinational corporation on behalf of the voters and parents of Florida.

“The Real Reason Today’s Republican Party Hates Corporations Like Disney,” wailed Will Bunch: the Philly Inquirer’s pet clickbait troll. Gov. Jared Polis of Colorado accused Gov. DeSantis of “authoritarian socialist attacks on the private sector”. A Washington Post op-ed even charged Rep. Lauren Boebert with wanting to “cancel Mickey Mouse.”

All of these social justice energies are being expended to argue that a major multinational corporation should have a 39 square mile self-governing district with its own zoning laws, police and fire departments.

Forget corporations being people, Democrats want them to be governments.

Lefties used to be the biggest critics of special interest scams like the Reedy Creek Improvement District. A few years ago the media would have dug into the lies that were used to secure the territory on which Disney was going to build the homes of tomorrow, only to instead construct the tawdry resorts of yesterday where alligators can eat as many toddlers as they want and Silicon Valley types can spend $5K on the Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser hotel.

Now the media awkwardly pivots to declaring that corporations should have their own cities. Lefties loudly shout that only far-right extremists like Gov. DeSantis would ever question the idea that corporations should be able to make their own laws and have their own police forces.

Truly, those whom DeSantis would destroy, he first drives mad.

All of this started because Disney came out in opposition to a parental rights law that the majority of Republicans, Independents, and even Democrats supported. But Disney execs decided that kindergarteners need to be indoctrinated on sex no matter what Mom and Dad say.

Disney and the Democrats were pretty confident that Gov. DeSantis and Republicans would bow. Corporate and sports league pressure had shut down religious freedom laws and protections for women and girls from Indiana to Utah. Republican governors, when faced with threats of corporate boycotts, have repeatedly sold out their voters and bowed to the buck.

Gov. DeSantis not only refused to bow, he took away Disney’s state-within a state. The message is clear. Disney doesn’t rule in Florida, only the voters do. But Democrats want elected officials to listen to corporations. And they want those corporations to govern all of us.

They want Twitter, Facebook, Google, and other Big Tech companies to decide what we should be able to say and read. They want banks and credit card companies to stop us from donating to conservative causes or buying guns. And they want the corporations that employ us to be able to fire us the moment we express an unguarded thought they don’t like.

Corporate governance now means a monopolistic woke cartel using its wide scope of authority over national services, communications, and employment to suppress political dissent.

The Bill of Rights still occasionally keeps governments from doing some things, at least until they declare a political emergency due to a pandemic, a disputed election, or the day of the week, while nothing restrains the power of Google or Amazon to erase you from the internet while its stock price goes up another few billion thanks to the adultatory media coverage.

And since the same corps and leagues that give marching orders to cowardly GOP governors also take orders from Communist China, that means we’re really answering to Xi’s lackeys.

Like Disney.

But to the wokes, corporations have joined the totem pole of the oppressed, somewhere below suicide bombers in burkas, giant junkies who overdose while grappling with cops, tribal casino owners whiter than Elizabeth Warren, and bearded inmates of female correctional facilities.

You might say that what’s good for Disney is good for Democrats.

Should Disney have its own state within Florida? Mouseketeers, lefties want Disney to run the whole state. Much as they want the NCAA to run Indiana and Google the rest of the planet.

Gov. DeSantis refused to let his state become a Mickey Mouse operation. Some other governors, including Gov. Abbott in Texas, are joining him in declaring independence, not from the country, but from the cartel of woke corporations being used to set state policy.

Corporations, like governments, can be perfectly good and useful things. Like governments, they become a toxic assault on our rights and freedoms when they start telling us what to do.

And then they’re no different than any other form of tyranny.

Disney could have been perfectly happy churning out new Captain America and other superhero projects that had been signed off on by Chinese Communist censors while peddling $10 sodas and access to two hour lines in order to ride their politically correct roller coasters.

Instead, Disney execs decided to throw around their power beyond the confines of their self-governing banana republic and its endless collection of ramshackle ripoff resorts, and tried to rule over a state instead of just their unfortunate employees and customers.

Now, Disney is paying the price for its totalitarian hubris.

Some conservatives argue that this is “viewpoint discrimination”. And they might have a point if all Disney did was express an opinion. Corporate execs are entitled to their opinions like everyone else and corporations are free to express their concerns about what affects them. What they are not entitled to do is usurp the power of the government, its officials and its voters.

When corporations don’t limit their areas of interest to their business affairs and instead demand that states, cities, and communities must comply with every single leftist agenda item or face their wrath, then they become the real governments while the people are rendered powerless.

And nobody, or almost nobody except a few Florida Democrats, wants to be ruled by Disney.

After generations of class warfare populism, the new woke gentry want corporations to crush the peasant parents who think that they, not Disney, have the right to raise their children.

That’s not just an abandonment of their entire political movement and worldview going back two centuries, it’s an act of political suicide akin to electing Biden and Kamala during a crisis.

If lefties want to champion corporations as our new governments, they should run on that.

Surely Florida voters, not to mention Americans from all states, races, genders, creeds, and levels of drunkenness will happily embrace this brave new proposal for corporate governance.

After Disney is appointed to run Florida and consigns political opponents to cleaning the vomit out of Space Mountain, Facebook can take over California, filling the cities with golden statues of Zuckerberg, while Amazon rules over the Northwest with gulags of warehouses.

Nobody wants that dystopian insanity except the Left, which used to hate corporations, but now wants them to tell us what we can say, what we are allowed to think, and how we should live.

This article previously appeared at the Center’s Front Page Magazine.



Daniel Greenfield is a  Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. Daniel’s journalistic beat includes Front Page Magazine, its blog, The Point, and his own blog, Sultan Knish, which covers everything from Islamic terrorism in Argentina to leftist politics in America.

©Daniel Greenfield. All rights reserved.

The True Cost of Government ‘Pay More, Get Less’

Americans for Prosperity has release a video and a free eBook titled The True Cost of Government – Pay More, Get Less.

Watch this short video on the True Cost of Government:

The True Cost of Government – Pay More, Get Less asks:

Do you feel your paycheck isn’t going as far as it used to?

That when you go to the grocery store, you’ve noticed your bill is higher, but there are fewer and fewer items in your cart with every trip? (Perhaps you’ve even taken items out while waiting in line at the checkout counter.)

And that when you pull into the gas station, you decide more often that maybe you can stretch it before you need a full tank?

You’re not crazy. 62 percent of Americans think their family’s income is falling behind, and 83 percent of voters say they’re experiencing hardship due to increased prices.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, real wages are down 2.6 percent in the last year.

On top of that, inflation is costing the average American household $430 per month — essentially an additional tax of $5,200 this year

Here are Americans for Prosperity‘s solutions to the ongoing problem of we the people paying our federal, state and local governments more and getting less.

But there’s a better way. We can reimagine how to make life more affordable for everyday Americans.

It’s possible if we:

  • Unleash energy abundance
  • Cut red tape that keeps prices high
  • Stop restricting housing supply
  • Beat inflation through better budgeting
  • Fuel the flexible workforce of tomorrow
  • Tackle rising costs through trade

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Of Mules and Donkeys: Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘2000 Mules’ Documentary

The Epoch Times provides below a wonderful overview of the movie “2000 Mules” by Dinesh D’Souza. Both The Epoch Times and D’Souza have investigated and followed the many aspects, conflicting arguments, waves of evidence, people directly involved, and more…associated with the very sophisticated, multi-dimensional interference of the last national election in November of 2020. Without a doubt the compilation of evidence substantiates the reason for the initial Joint Public Arizona Legislative Hearing in Phoenix on November 30, 2020. Arizona State Rep. Mark Finchem and Arizona State Senator Sonny Borrelli co-chaired the day-long hearing, and testimony along with cyber-evidence presented by Mayor Rudy Giuliani and a team of professionals. Epoch Times, One America News, and seven other fair and balanced news organizations provided national coverage for the ten hour hearing. I was privileged to coordinate all aspects leading up to the legislative hearing, and then thereafter. This hearing launched investigations and hearings in 16 other states.

Arguments were made as to why many public officials did not support such a hearing or even an investigation. Most disturbing was the fact that when preliminary evidence was presented to various officials – obtained from both the public legislative hearing, as well as private briefings from President Trump, Vice President Pence and Mayor Giuliani, elected officials did not take every possible and legal step to obtain answers for citizens who already were very disturbed by preliminary evidence showing our national election was attacked and severely compromised. Evidence of fraudulent ballots had already been presented, but many elected officials were too timid to examine this charge. Much, much work was accomplished to bring an election forensic audit into life; which, finally, was accomplished as the nation now knows. Throughout the forensic evaluation led by a Florida based team of cyber-security professionals, Mr. Doug Logan and his firm “the Ninjas,” many elected officials either kept far away from the proceedings or publicly trashed the evaluation even before any findings could be formally produced and presented.

Since the forensic evaluation’s completion, an additional Joint Public Arizona Legislative Hearing was held in Pima County, Arizona to review still further evidence of ballot fraud, collusion to undermine an election, and demonstrate further that crimes had been committed throwing into question the legitimacy of the national election of 2020. Properly gathered and secured, evidence was handed to the Arizona Attorney General for inclusion into an already begun formal criminal investigation on matters associated with ballot fraud, manipulation, election machinery compromise, tabulation, and other factors leading to the premise that our nation experienced a very sophisticated election coup. The Arizona Attorney General submitted a Preliminary Report of Findings confirming that serious election irregularities leading to the hypothesis that election fraud did occur in Arizona on November 3, 2020. Why several elected and public officials have not been charged is still a question, with a preliminary answer that the investigation is still on-going. Regardless…the Arizona Attorney General did find more than sufficient evidence to demonstrate that the two Joint Public Legislative Hearings were justified, and findings from said hearings along with additional evidence submitted and testimony given under oath, showed very grave consequences developed in the last national election, and immediate and serious steps must be taken to ensure such diabolical actions are not repeated.

The movie by D’Souza “2000 Mules” is still another profound and legitimate set of steps revealing the absolute disgrace and sophisticated operation that occurred to remove a President of the United States rather then allowing the People of America that privilege as given to us by our founders. Dinesh D’Souza presents clear and convincing evidence by which each American should ponder most seriously, most soberly who is seeking an office this coming November. Not simply be swayed by political ads or brochures, not taken in merely by a candidate’s presence or speech style, but what evidence is there in the candidate’s life and actions that he/she shall truly protect and defend our constitutional rights, our individual freedoms, and not merely talk-the-talk! The movie “2000 Mules” is profound, and Dinesh D’Souza is to be complimented for taking on an investigation many in public office to this day refuse to address, other than to mock and ridicule, and through willful ignorance pretend nothing irregular occurred in the November 2020 election.

Thank you, Dinesh, for accomplishing what many in elected and high appointed office refuse to accomplish… their job!

Of Mules and Donkeys


Today, I release a new documentary film called “2000 Mules.”

The film releases in 300 theaters on May 2 and May 4, and there’s an in-home virtual premiere on May 7. After that, it will be available for digital download, but only on two uncancellable platforms: the Rumble-owned platform Locals and the Salem Media platform SalemNow. I’ve made six documentaries, but in an age of censorship, you have to create a novel way of distributing them.

Here I want to talk about mules and donkeys. Strictly speaking, of course, a mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey. A few months after I came to the United States as an exchange student from India, my host parent in Arizona took me to the Grand Canyon.

“We can try to walk down,” they told me, “or we can ride a mule.”

We chose to walk, but on the way down we saw mules carrying tourists and sure-footedly making their way down the treacherous pathways to the bottom of the canyon.

2000 Mules: Extended Trailer

The term mule is now commonly used in drug trafficking and sex trafficking. The mule is the middleman, the guy who makes the transport. My friend Catherine Engelbrecht, who runs the election intelligence organization True the Vote, borrowed this term to apply it to the paid political operatives who engage in ballot trafficking. Mules are professional deliverymen and women who are hired by left-wing organizations to deliver fraudulent and illegal ballots to mail-in dropboxes.

Now let’s turn to the evidence in the movie that was assembled by True the Vote. The organization purchased 10 trillion pings of cellphone data. Basically, they bought the data covering all cellphone movements in key urban areas of the five swing states in which the 2020 election was decided. True the Vote then ran a search algorithm seeking to ferret out mules who picked up stashes of ballots from left-wing organizations embedded in those cities and then made delivery drops of those ballots to 10 or more drop boxes.

The point of this high bar was to avoid false positives and only capture the most industrious mules. After all, there might be some reason why a person might stop by a local activist organization and then go to, say, two drop boxes. Perhaps he dropped off his ballot at the first and then had to tie his shoelace, causing him to stop at the second. But can anyone think of a rational reason for someone to go to 10 mail-in drop boxes? The only conceivable reason is to dump illegal ballots.

Since each of our cellphones has a distinct ID, True the Vote has the cellphone IDs of more than 2,000 mules hired by left-wing organizations to do ballot trafficking in Atlanta, Phoenix, Detroit, Milwaukee, and the greater Philadelphia area. These mules alone generated approximately 400,000 illegal ballots. When you break down the fraud state by state, you see that it was more than enough fraud to tip the balance in the presidential election. Trump should have won, not Biden.

The geotracking evidence is corroborated by video evidence, and I’m talking about the official surveillance video taken by the states themselves. True the Vote obtained more than 4 million minutes of video, and the movie shows mule after mule after mule stuffing illegal ballots into the drop boxes.

Typically, this occurred in the middle of the night. In many cases, you can see the mules stuffing in multiple ballots. Some mules wear gloves, so as not to leave fingerprints. Mules typically take photos of the ballots going into the boxes, evidently to confirm that they’re performing the work so that they can get paid.

All of this is flatly illegal. To understand this, we must make an important distinction between vote harvesting—legal in some states—and paid ballot harvesting—illegal in all states. In Georgia, for example, it’s legal to give your absentee ballot to a family member or caregiver to drop off. In no state, however, can money change hands, whether it’s money paid to a voter or money paid to a mule or other type of delivery man.

Who’s deploying the mules? I believe the answer is the donkeys. By donkeys, I obviously mean the Democrats—the party of the donkey. Donkeys are the recognized experts at election fraud. They’ve been doing it since the 19th century. In the Tammany Hall days, for instance, Democrats would greet immigrants coming right off the boat, ask them to sign ballots that the Democrats would later fill out on their behalf, and give them in exchange a bottle of alcohol or a reference for someplace where they might find work.

Read More

Researcher Featured in ‘2000 Mules’ Documentary Explains How Local Election Fraud Was Grown to National Scale

D’Souza’s ‘2000 Mules’ Is an Absolute Must-See

Filmmaker: Documentary Proves Rampant Illegal Vote Trafficking in 2020

This fraud operation was ramped up in the 2020 election, largely because of the changes in the rules instituted under the pretext of COVID-19. Suddenly, mail-in ballots were dispatched by the tens of millions. Suddenly, mail-in drop boxes proliferated, especially in the major donkey strongholds. No wonder the fraudsters saw their opportunity to escalate their operations—and they did.

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

Dinesh D’Souza

Dinesh D’Souza is an author, filmmaker, and daily host of the Dinesh D’Souza podcast.

The Supreme Leak

“The document leak was accompanied by the mobilization of protesters around the Supreme Court, whose police officers erected barricades to keep out the fomenting mob. The DNC dispatched fundraising emails— as if right on cue.”Kyle Becker, The Wildfire Newsletter.

That abortion leak is grave for the court, a horrific scandal. Leaks like this was previously unheard of  but the Democrats have taken a wrecking ball to every institution. The objective of the leak is clear – to radicalize women and change the direction of the mid-term elections. It is a gross politicization of the venerable body.

In two centuries of our nation’s history, this has never happened. It’s destructive and corrosive.

The fact is truth Roe v Wade is bad law. It usurped states rights. But it will never be properly explained. The Democrat media axis will scream,  “WOMEN! THE NAZIS ARE TAKING YOUR RIGHTS AWAY.”

Bottom line, Roe v Wade has not been overturned. This is the Alito opinion for the Conservative side of the Court.

Protesters clashed outside the Supreme Court after leaked draft strikes down Roe v. Wade. Politico: The draft opinion is a full-throated, unflinching repudiation of the 1973 decision which guaranteed federal constitutional protections of abortion rights and a subsequent 1992 decision – Planned Parenthood v. Casey – that largely maintained the right. “Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” Alito writes (Politico). The leak itself is unprecedented. Kathryn Jean Lopez: It’s shocking. Not that the Supreme Court would overturn Roe, but that someone would presumably leak a draft opinion (we don’t know if it is the current one) to change the ruling (National Review). Andy McCarthy: If this story is true, the Court should issue its opinion right away. Otherwise the disgraceful leak wins. I would say that if my side lost. If we lose the integrity of the Court’s process, we lose the Court. That should be intolerable to all of us who love the country (Twitter).

Before Finally Overturning Roe, Supreme Court Must Block Yet Another Insurrection Attempt

Those who care about norms, decorum, civility, institutions, and rule of law must hold the leaker and any co-conspirators fully accountable for this egregious breach.

By: Mollie Hemingway, The Federalist, May 3, 2022;

The Supreme Court is poised to relinquish its nearly 50-year stranglehold on abortion law and return the debate over whether states may protect unborn human life to the American people and their elected representatives, according to a draft opinion that was leaked to Politico reporters. If the draft opinion authored by Associate Justice Samuel Alito stands, it would be a momentous course correction for the court.

Roe v. Wade, the radical decision that took the abortion debate away from the American people, has myriad legal, scientific, and constitutional critics. Even abortion supporters complained about its weaknesses, as Alito mentions in his draft opinion. Roe was issued in 1973, shortly after the end of the Warren Court, known for pushing through radical changes through the power of a majority of justices rather than on the basis of the Constitution.

“[W]ielding nothing but ‘raw judicial power,’ the Court usurped the power to address a question of profound moral and social importance that the Constitution unequivocally leaves for the people,” Alito wrote in the draft opinion.

A previous attempt to salvage the court’s abortion edicts, Planned Parenthood v. Casey, was supposed to keep the court from having to hear so many controversial abortion cases from the states. Instead, the court has been inundated with challenges to its complicated abortion jurisprudence. And states have gotten better at fine-tuning their challenges.

Few legal observers felt confident in Roe v. Wade’s ability to survive yet another state challenge, such as the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case before the court this term. That case deals with a Mississippi law that protects the lives of those unborn children who have reached the age of 15 weeks gestation. The vast majority of countries in the world limit abortion at a similar point in pregnancy.

The draft opinion, which runs 67 pages, is being described as a “tour de force” by those who have read it. It carefully works through all arguments for retaining Roe, and favorably addresses arguments made by other justices who as of February had joined the majority.

“The reported draft opinion is thoughtful, scholarly, and thorough. It does the work that the majority in Roe and Casey refused to do, looking to the Constitution itself to determine whether it includes a right to an abortion. The opinion concludes it does not,” writes Carrie Severino, president of the Judicial Crisis Network and my co-author for our national best-seller “Justice on Trial: The Kavanaugh Confirmation and the Future of the Supreme Court.”

She adds, “Justice Alito’s opinion does not mince words about Roe and its progeny. He describes Roe as ‘an abuse of judicial authority’ and as being ‘on a collision course with the Constitution from the day it was decided.’”

The Shameful Leak

While Alito’s draft opinion is being welcomed and celebrated by pro-lifers, and strongly objected to by abortion supporters, the way it became public is a horrific scandal.

Someone leaked the draft, almost certainly to pressure the justices to change their views. Alito’s draft opinion from February would go to the concurring justices for feedback, commentary, and fine-tuning. It would also go to justices on the other side of the issue for their knowledge as they write their dissents.

It is unclear who leaked it, but it is considered a grave problem to have done so. Such leaks violate the trust shared by justices. The Supreme Court is viewed more as a family, and the betrayal from the leaker threatens the whole institution.

Still, many on the left celebrated the leak. “Seriously, shout out to whoever the hero was within the Supreme Court who said ‘f-ck it! Let’s burn this place down,” wrote Ian Millhiser, an activist with Vox.

Brian Fallon, the former Hillary Clinton campaign spokesman who became the leader of a dark money group behind the fight against the nomination of Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh, issued a pretty clear call for intimidation of the court: “Is a brave clerk taking this unpredecented [sic] step of leaking a draft opinion to warn the country what’s coming in a last-ditch Hail Mary attempt to see if the public response might cause the Court to reconsider?”

“All Democrats need to show the same urgency as the clerk who apparently risked his or her career to sound this alarm. Those on the inside know best how broken the institution is. We should listen,” he added.

Crowds comprised of many staffers from abortion groups gathered at the Supreme Court immediately after the leak. “Chants of ‘fascist scum have got to go,’ interspersed with the names of the conservative justices,” noted one reporter. Signs included, “F-CK SCOTUS,” and “Sam Alito Retire B-tch.”

The Supreme Court was attacked by a crazed mob in the aftermath of the Kavanaugh confirmation. Hundreds of raucous protesters tried to break down the 13-ton bronze doors. They scaled the building and its statues and threw tomatoes and water bottles at the cars of justices who had attended his swearing-in. The mob even went after Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan.

Mobs had also rioted in Senate buildings in the leadup to Kavanaugh’s confirmation. They had disrupted the official constitutional proceedings associated with his nomination and review.

When a riot broke out at the massive post-election protests around the U.S. Capitol, the entire Democrat and media complex said it was an insurrection that had been egged on by Trump and other critics of the 2020 election.

Even after the attacks on the Supreme Court, Sen. Chuck Schumer went in March 2020 to the steps of the Supreme Court and specifically threatened Justices Neil Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. Referring to an abortion case, he said, “I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.” Even liberal activists were appalled.

The attacks on the court have continued through this term. In recent years, Democrats have openly called for court-packing as an intimidation tactic to get the court to rule the way Democrats desire. Justice Clarence Thomas has been pressured to follow an invented recusal standard for having a wife with conservative political views. Justice Gorsuch was the victim of a made-up story leaked to NPR. Justice Breyer was forced to retire when his decision to step down was leaked as part of a high-pressure campaign.


‘Violence Is Their Religion’: Tucker Carlson Calls Out The Left Threatening Violence Against Supreme Court

‘Let’s Burn This Place Down’: Left Calls For Violence After Treasonous SCOTUS Abortion Leak

The SCOTUS Abortion Decision Leak Is What Actual Treasonous Insurrection Looks Like

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

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Watch: Joe Biden Mocks Americans, Laughs at Rampant Inflation at White House Correspondents Dinner

This is the POTUS for the middle class. Laughing about everyday Americans who are struggling to make ends meet because of his policies. Watch below.

Watch: Joe Biden Laughs at Rampant Inflation at White House Correspondents Dinner

By The Paradise.NG, May 3, 2022

While Americans are suffering due to the Biden administration’s incompetent policies, which have fueled higher gas prices, food prices, and threaten to suck the nation into a European war, the president was yucking it up at their expense on Saturday night.

Daily Show host Trevor Noah, who calls himself a comedian, was the host of the White House Correspondents Dinner on Saturday night. At one point, he made an inflation joke that caused Biden to guffaw.


Trump To Rally in Wyoming Against GOP Foe Rep. Liz Cheney

WATCH: Biden Mixes Up Job Title, Says He’s Nation’s First Senator From Delaware

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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D.C. School Gives 4-Year-Olds ‘Anti-Racism’ Instruction Telling Them To Identify Racist Family Members

Condemning, turning in family members is employed by Nazis, Stalinist, Communists — vicious totalitarians. The Democrats mean to get our children when they are young and groom them in the style of Hitler Youth.

DC school gave 4-year-olds ‘anti-racism’ ‘fistbook’ asking them to identify racist family

By Jessica Chasmar , Kelly Laco, Fox News

The book provides students a step-by-step process on how to address racism in their home and within themselves.

A public elementary school in Washington, DC, gave children as young as 4 a lesson on “anti-racism” that asked them to identify racist members of their family.

According to a Nov. 30 letter from Janney Elementary School Principal Danielle Singh, students in Pre-K through 3rd grade participated in an “Anti-Racism Fight Club” presentation by speaker Doyin Richards.

“As part of this work, each student has a fist book to help continue the dialogue at school and home,” Singh’s letter stated, linking to Richards’ presentation. “We recognize that any time we engage topics such as race and equity, we may experience a variety of emotions. This is a normal part of the learning and growing process. As a school community we want to continue the dialogue with our students and understand this is just the beginning.”

Richards’ “Anti-Racism Fight Club Fistbook for Kids” explains that “white people are a part of a society that benefits them in almost every instance,” and that “it’s as if white people walk around with an invisible force field because they hold all of the power in America.”

“If you are a white person, white privilege is something you were born with and it simply means that your life is not more difficult due to the color of your skin,” the “Fistbook for Kids” explains. “Put differently, it’s not your fault for having white privilege, but it is your fault if you choose to ignore it.”

The “Fistbook for Kids” says anti-racism “isn’t a spectator sport” but requires “being loud, uncomfortable, confrontational and visible to ensure change is made.”

A series of questions in the book asks children, “Where do you see racism in yourself? This requires true soul-searching. Be real with yourself, don’t feel guilt/shame and own it. It’s the first step in becoming an anti-racist.”


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