REPORT: Pro-Life Christians Purged from U.S. Military and DoD

EDITORS NOTE: Personhood Alliance issued the following shocking report on what is happening in our military to pro-life Christian soldiers. Please read and share their report.


Across America, thousands of pro-life Christian service members are being persecuted and purged from the military for refusing to accept an abortion-derived COVID vaccine. Even though we ask these men and women to put their lives on the line to protect our fundamental rights, including our religious freedom, our government is denying theirs. What does this mean for our military? For our nation?

A battle is underway.

The deadline has passed for military service members to receive a mandatory COVID vaccine or face disciplinary action and discharge. While exact numbers have not been released, data from the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and the Department of Defense (DoD), indicate an estimated 150,000 military personnel and DoD civilian employees have refused the vaccine.

Officially, 24,000 religious exemption requests have been filed primarily by Christian service members. 99% of these claims have been denied. Meanwhile, thousands of medical and administrative exemptions have been approved. According to DoD numbers, more than 3,200 soldiers have already been discharged for refusing the vaccine, with several thousand more expected in the coming months.

So many brave men and women, who have dedicated their lives to serving our country, are giving up their livelihoods and careers instead of submitting to the COVID vaccine. What would drive a person to make such a decision? What are the ramifications of current policies to force service members out, and what are the consequences for our country?

The problem with fetal cells

Currently in the US, every COVID vaccine approved by the FDA has used aborted fetal cells in either its production, testing, or both. The term fetal cell line conjures up sterile images of lab coats and test tubes, but most people don’t look deeper to understand what this term actually means. From where exactly would one obtain fetal cells? In the case of the available COVID vaccines, two cell lines were used: HEK293, which was originally harvested from the kidney of an aborted baby girl in 1973, and PER.C6, which was obtained from the eye of a baby aborted in 1985.

Many Christians believe that to inject a substance derived from aborted fetal cells lines, regardless of how much time that has passed or whether there is any potential benefit, is to be complicit in the murder of children. Soldiers frequently state in their exemption requests that to accept an abortion-derived vaccine would violate their deeply held religious convictions. To force them to participate in a mandated COVID vaccine program is not only immoral, but also unconstitutional.

Soldiers have unalienable rights, too

What message does it send when we ask a soldier to put their life on the line to protect our fundamental rights, including our religious freedom, but then we deny them their own religious freedom?

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

– The Declaration of Independence

Our Constitution is clear on this matter. It is not our government, but our Creator that grants our rights. The carefully crafted language in our founding documents expressly prohibits the government from infringing upon or violating these pre-existing, natural, God-given rights.

Soldiers do not give up the right to freely exercise their religion when they put on the uniform. In fact, religious liberty is afforded an extra layer of protection through the bi-partisan Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which “prohibits any agency, department, or official of the United States or any State (the government) from substantially burdening a person’s exercise of religion.”

Proof of religious conviction

In spite of these protections, our men and women in uniform undergo an exhaustive vetting process to test the validity of their religious exemption requests—only to have the requests denied anyway.

“It is a travesty when the very men and women who are on the frontline, defending our constitutional rights against foreign aggressors, are themselves seeing their constitutional rights trampled.”

– Kris Kobach, General Counsel, Alliance for Free Citizens

Paul,* a decorated combat veteran and Air Force pilot, and his wife Elizabeth* are among the many families in this fight. In September of 2021, Paul submitted a Request for Religious Accommodation for the COVID vaccine. He articulately stated his case, citing his objection to the use of aborted fetal cell lines, and included a copy of his denomination’s official resolution opposing the use of abortion-derived vaccines. He also included documentation of antibodies he acquired from a COVID infection, as well as a recommendation from his military chaplain that he be granted the exemption. A portion of his claim is included below.

2. To assess whether the request is based on a sincerely held belief, I conducted the interview in accordance with the Chaplain Interview Checklist in Attachment 5 of DAFI 52-201. The member is a committed Christian and is a member of the [ …………………. ] denomination. The member believes that abortion is immoral and that the COVID vaccines that have used fetal cell lines in their development or testing are not morally justifiable. The member attended a Christian college and has completed an advanced theology degree during his Air Force career. The member is an active Christian and his pattern of conduct is consistent with the request. I found the member to be sincere. His request is supported by letters of endorsement from his denomination as well as his local pastor. It is my assessment that receiving the COVID-19 vaccination places a substantial burden which infringes upon his religious freedom and that this request is grounded in a sincerely held religious belief.

3. It is my recommendation that this religious accommodation for COVID-19 vaccination exemption be granted.

Despite his chaplain’s recommendation, Paul received a denial letter asserting that: “We did not believe based on our criteria that the member had a sincerely held belief regarding the vaccine and that as a result it did not substantially burden them.”

An excerpt from the denial letter follows.

6. After reviewing all relevant documents, and deliberating with the RRT, I recommend you deny the member’s accommodation request. We did not believe based on our criteria that the member had a sincerely held belief regarding the vaccine an that as a result it did not substantially burden them. Additionanlly, even if the member did meet the threshold for a religious accomadation it would too deeply affect military requirements, military readiness and the health and safety of the force. All RRT members concur in this recommendation.

Paul was given five days to appeal the decision.

In his appeal, he addressed each point of the denial in detail. He also included 21 testimonials from pastors, doctors, and others, attesting to his moral character and his unwavering stance on the sanctity of human life. His appeal was denied.

If Paul—an exemplary Christian man who has lived out his faith consistently over a period of many years—was denied his religious exemption, then it is difficult to say whose request would actually be approved.

*Names have been changed to protect identity.

Punishment for “refusers”

For the men and women bravely taking this stand, every day has been a battle. Their moral abhorrence of abortion is questioned, mocked, and denigrated. They are labeled “unclean” and “refusers.” They are threatened with court martial and jail. They are told they are “worthless,” that they are “not team players,” and that “we don’t need your kind around here.”

They are stripped of rank and duties, removed from positions of command, isolated, and punished. The pressure to succumb is overwhelming. And yet, they stand strong.

Their perseverance in the face of such overwhelming adversity deserves our respect—and our support.

A military without moral leaders is a potential force of tyranny

The U.S. military is rapidly purging itself of some of the most courageous men and women in its ranks. These American patriots are taking enormous personal risk to do what they believe is right. They are the principled leaders we need in the military.

Purposefully removing people of integrity from our forces will not be without consequence. The constitutional protections for life and liberty are eroded for all of us when service members (and those who stand up for them) are forcibly and quietly stripped of these rights.

Who will be left? Who will defend our rights when these brave men and women are gone?

Perhaps the testimony of Lt. Col. Edward Joseph Stapanon III, who logged 174 hours of combat time in Operation Iraqi Freedom and earned two air medals, sums it up best:

Q: Now, you understand the serious of things, of the decision that you’re making today; correct?

A: Yes, Ma’am, I do.

Q: And if pushed, will you in fact go to prison to stand behind your religious beliefs?

A: Yes, Ma’am. I don’t see that I have any other alternative. When I meet my maker, I’m going to be held responsible for the decisions I’ve made, and I’d much rather go to prison. There’s been a lot of saints that have gone to prison, so I’m willing to do that.

(Transcript of Excerpt of Preliminary Injunction Hearing, Testimony of Edward Joseph Stapanon, III, Doc. 45, Pg. ID 3076-77

You are not alone

There are currently eight lawsuits across the country focused on fighting military vaccine mandates on religious grounds, with more being added every day:

  • In Florida, a preliminary injunction against the mandate has been granted, pending class certification
  • In Texas, preliminary injunction and class status have been granted; all U.S. Navy service members are currently protected from the vaccine mandate
  • In Georgia, a preliminary injunction has been granted
  • In Washington, DC, a case had been filed
  • In Louisiana, a case has been filed
  • In Nebraska, a preliminary Injunction has been granted and class certification requested
  • In Ohio, a preliminary injunction has been granted in two cases, one of which may be granted Air Force class status in the near future

If you would like more information on the status of these cases, or if you are a military service member looking for resources and support, reach out to the following organizations:

If you are a civilian, contact your state and federal legislators and ask them to protect the religious freedom of our men and women in uniform. If you have the means, prayerfully consider donating to Liberty Counsel help cover the cost of legal fees.

To learn more about the work of the Personhood Alliance and our 100% pro-life, no exceptions stance, subscribe to our email list.


Deborah Stilt

Deborah Stilt is the vice president of Personhood Alliance Education and the social media coordinator for the Personhood Alliance. She has been active in pro-life media and foster care advocacy for several years. But most importantly, she’s a California mom who is fighting against the lies of the culture and for the protection of every human being without exception.

©Personhood Alliance. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Dr. Trozzi | The right to survive

Made in America Series: North Arrow Coffee Company – Veteran Owned

Here at 2ndVote we always advocate for the three pillars of shopping your values; shop local whenever possible, shop the highest 2ndVote score whenever possible, and shop American whenever possible. American production has been outsourced overseas for the sake of labor costs, sometimes even using slave labor, for far too long. It is high time that we as Americans demand that the goods and services we purchase are made by Americans, for Americans, in AMERICA!

That’s why we at 2ndVote endorse a product Made-in-America every week. This weekly message features various products that have been verified to be 100% American produced so that 2ndVote shoppers can better support American economic independence. It should be noted that while any products or companies featured in this series have been vetted for being American-made, there is not a guarantee that all such companies have been scored by 2ndVote at the time of publication.

This week’s featured Made-in-America product is the Cold Brew No. 13 coffee from North Arrow Coffee Company:

North Arrow is a veteran-owned business founded by close friends who share a tremendous love for God, family, and coffee. They also donate at least 15% of all sales to help end abortion, which we think is pretty great. While the beans are farmed in South America (no where else in the lower 48 would suffice for that), but the rest of the magic is done in Temecula, California.

Check them out here for a 10% discount! 

Or use code 2NDVOTE10 when checking out.

The best way to make positive change in the world of woke businesses is to vote with your wallet, so remember: shop local, shop the highest score possible, and shop American! 2ndVote is not paid for this feature.

EDITORS NOTE: This 2ndVote column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Can the Sarasota County School Board fire staff for teaching students dis/mis/mal-information?

“Teachers retain their rights as citizens in a public school environment, but those rights are altered. Public school teachers enjoy, for example, the right to freedom of expression, but they cannot promote a personal political agenda in the classroom. Teachers also enjoy freedom of association, privacy, and a limited right to academic freedom. Finally, teachers not only need to be aware of how the law affects them, they also need to know how the law impacts their students.”Center for the Advancement of Digital Scholarship

There has been growing concern about what is happening in public school classrooms nationwide. Parents are beginning to take note of what subjects are being taught in public schools, what books are being used by classroom teachers, what books are in school libraries and media centers and what clubs are being promoted by school administrators.

There is also a growing concern that there is a lot of mis, dis and mal-information being promoted in public schools. The most recent examples include:

And on and on and on.

Teachers teaching dis, mis and mal-information

There is a growing concern that dis, mis and mal-information has creeped into public school classrooms. So much so that the Florida legislature passed a bill preventing mis, dis and mal-information in elementary schools.

Parents, grandparents and interested organizations are now focused on having children in public schools be taught only the critical personal skills of reading, writing and arithmetic. Only a solid foundation in reading, writing and cyphering will make our next generation successful citizens. However, Florida’s Department of Education recently removed 41% of mathematics books because they contained mis, dis and mal-information.

Watch Florida Governor DeSantis comments on dis, mis and mal-information in math books:

It would seem obvious that it is not the role of school teachers, or librarians, to:

  1. Lie to students by teaching dis, mis or mal-information.
  2. Use textbooks that promote an ideology versus the truth.
  3. Have books in libraries and media centers that are pornographic, not age appropriate or promote homosexuality.
  4. Push a particular political position in the classroom.
  5. Reject science in favor of global warming disinformation in the classroom.
  6. Fail to teach a child to read, write and cypher.

We decided to look at what the rules are for teachers to not teach dis, mis or mal-information in the classroom because Amber Mercier a gay teacher in Florida said she is willing to break the law and keep hiding sexual information about students from their parents even if she loses her job and gets thrown in jail for it.

We are concerned because PJMedia reported, “There is a disturbing trend of public schools actively keeping secrets from parents, which has led to suicide attempts and harm to children.”

Sarasota County School Board

We decided to look at our local Sarasota County School Board, their Collective Bargaining Agreement and the Sarasota County Schools Employee Handbook for information on holding teachers and administrators accountable for promoting mis, dis and mal-information upon K-12 students.

The only thing we found was in Chapter II – Being a School Employee of the handbook:

Political Activities

Florida Statute 104.31 and School Board policies 2.51 and 6.34 govern political activities of school public employees. Some things to remember are:

(1) Political posters shall not be displayed in schools
(2) Political literature shall not be distributed in schools or on school property
(3) Solicitations for votes or contributions shall not be conducted in schools or on school property
(4) Students shall not be required to distribute campaign literature
(5) Employees shall refrain from participation in partisan politics on school property during the hours school is in session

School Board employees shall not solicit support of any political candidate, partisan or nonpartisan, during regular work hours. A School Board employee who offers him/herself as a candidate for public office shall notify the Superintendent immediately upon qualifying for election. He/she shall conduct his/her campaign so as not to interfere with his/her responsibilities. Personal leave without pay may be taken during the campaign period.

We noted that the Sarasota County School Board uses the word “refrain.” The word refrain is defined as “stop oneself from doing something.” It implies that teachers, librarians and school administrators self-govern themselves when it comes to promoting mis, dis and mal-information.

The following questions came to mind:

  1. Who is ensuring teachers, school staff and administrations are refraining?
  2. What is considered political literature?

We also found this on the Sarasota County School District’s Human Resources website page:

Equity Procedures for Employees/Applicants/Students

The Sarasota County School Board prohibits discrimination in its educational programs, services or activities, or employment conditions or practices on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, ethnic or national origin, genetic information, marital status, qualified disability defined under the ADAAA, or on the basis of the use of a language other than English, except as provided by law. The Sarasota County School Board also ensures equal access to school facilities for the Boy Scouts of America and other patriotic youth groups. Any person who believes he or she has experienced any such prohibited discrimination may file a complaint with the district Equity Coordinator Al Harayda by calling (941) 927-9000, ext. 31217, or writing him at 1960 Landings Blvd., Sarasota, Florida 34231.

Equity coordinator? Really? When we asked Craig Maniglia, Director Communications and Community Relations, how many non-binary, cis-gender, gender-queer, lesbian, gay or bisexual teachers and staff in the district he wrote, “Dr. Swier, We do not track that information.” Hmmmmm.

Contacting the Superintendent of Sarasota County Schools

We decided to contact Dr. Brennan Asplen the Superintendent of Sarasota County Public Schools. His office referred us to Craig Maniglia, Director Communications and Community Relations. We both called and emailed Mr. Maniglia our questions.

Here are the questions we asked the Sarasota County School District to answer:

  1. What action is taken if these individuals don’t refrain?
  2. What is the policy on teachers lying to their students?
  3. What is the policy on teachers teaching a political agenda in the classroom?
  4. What is the policy on librarians and teachers obtaining recommending or using pornographic materials or age inappropriate material in libraries and the classroom?
  5. What is the policy on librarians ordering pornographic or age inappropriate materials?
  6. What is the policy on suspending or firing teachers for doing any of the above?
  7. What is the policy of suspending or firing librarians for doing any of the above?
  8. What is the role of the school principal and superintendent in supervising these activities and where can I find them in School policies?
  9. Who specifically is responsible for policing the use of age inappropriate or pornographic materials in schools and libraries?
  10. Has the School Board or any school hosted an “Anti-Racism Fight Club” presentation by Doyin Richards? Does the district have in its classrooms or libraries the “Fist Book“?
  11. What after school clubs  approved by staff, are promoting political agendas?

We also asked Mr. Maniglia to provide references to School Board policies and documents to address each of these questions.

We are waiting for Mr. Maniglia’s replies and when we have them we will update this column.

Parents are challenging books in school libraries and classrooms in record numbers.  They’re objecting to sexually explicit content, profanity, anti-police messaging, and other left-wing indoctrination found in schoolbooks. The most-challenged books are “Gender Queer” and “Lawn Boy”, the latter a gay story normalizing sex acts between 4th-graders which has been criticized for encouraging pedophilia.

Understand that mis, dis and mal-information is propaganda writ large. Those teaching, promoting or ignoring this do so at the risk of harming children. It is child abuse!

We hope that the Sarasota County School Board, the Superintendent, principals, assistant principals, district staff all take notice.

©Dr. Rich Swier, Ed.D. All rights reserved.


Teachers and the Law: Evolving Legal Issues

Legal Issues in Teaching

RELATED VIDEO: Nina Jankowicz: “Gender Disinformation is a Threat to National Security”

All Oregon Public Schools Must Declare the Right to ‘Menstrual Dignity, Sanitary Protection’ In Boys Bathrooms

Democrat Governor Brown thinks its crucial to have tampons available in elementary boys’ bathrooms. Insane.

Oregon forces all schools — elementary and up — to put ‘menstrual products’ in boys’ bathrooms with ‘instructions on how to use’ them

The law aims to ‘affirm the right to menstrual dignity for transgender, intersex, nonbinary, and two-spirit students.’

By: Phil Shiver, The Blaze, May 04, 2022

Every public school in Oregon — including elementary institutions — will soon be required to provide tampons and other feminine products in boys’ bathrooms with “instructions on how to use” them.

The controversial requirement is in accordance with the state’s new Menstrual Dignity Act, signed into law by Democratic Gov. Kate Brown last year, which mandates that menstrual products be made available in “every student bathroom.”

Following the bill’s passage, the Oregon Department of Education developed and distributed a “Medical Dignity for Students” toolkit to aid local districts and set forth a phased plan for districts to meet the law’s standards and requirements.

Read the full article.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

With Disinformation Governance Board under fire, Biden’s handlers call in another disinformation peddler

These people can’t get out of their own way. They can search till doomsday for a “disinformation” chief who isn’t a purveyor of “disinformation” himself, and they won’t find one. It’s what they do. And of course they aren’t even really trying to find one, but just to give the appearance of propriety.

Homeland Security Pick To Clean Up ‘Disinfo Board’ Pushed Disinfo Himself

by Chuck Ross, Washington Free Beacon, May 5, 2022:

The Biden administration is calling in backup to bail out its Disinformation Governance Board just days after a disastrous launch. Their ringer is a former government official who blamed Russia for the Hunter Biden laptop story.

Department of Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas this week tapped former DHS secretary Michael Chertoff to advise the board. Its executive director, Nina Jankowicz, had come under fire after she asserted the release of Biden’s emails was a “Russian influence op.” Chertoff has made similar claims, arguing after the 2020 election that “human intelligence sources”—referring to Russian spies—likely obtained emails from Hunter Biden’s computer. Chertoff dismissed as “preposterous” the claim that the emails were recovered after Biden abandoned his laptop at a computer repair shop.

Chertoff’s appointment could signal more trouble for the board, which has come under intense scrutiny from Republicans. Critics have dubbed the board the “Ministry of Truth,” a nod to fears that it would enable the government to interfere with a free press. Republicans have criticized Jankowicz’s defense of the Steele dossier, the Democrat-funded opposition research that made false claims of a Trump-Russia collusion.

Mayorkas, citing “confusion” about the board’s role, requested the Homeland Security Advisory Council make recommendations for how his department could “effectively and appropriately address disinformation that poses a threat to the homeland.” He picked Chertoff, an advisory council member, and Washington, D.C., super lawyer Jamie Gorelick, the council’s co-chair, to oversee the initiative.

Two other members of the Homeland Security Advisory Council, former CIA director Leon Panetta and former representative Jane Harman (D., Calif.), also pushed the unfounded claim about Biden’s laptop….

Chertoff claimed in his dismissal of the Biden laptop story that Giuliani had “weaved a kind of preposterous story about getting this from a laptop that was left to be repaired.”

“But it looks like the evidence that’s emerging shows that these purported documents were circulating by the Russians in Ukraine for some period of time. This suggests that this information is not only online but it’s an old-fashioned spy story involving human intelligence sources,” said Chertoff, who served in the George W. Bush administration.


RELATED VIDEO: Nina Jankowicz: “Gender Disinformation is a Threat to National Security”


‘Half-Baked’: DHS Admitted Some Stunning Details About Its ‘Disinformation’ Board To Congress

Check out U.S. Ministry of Truth [@USMiniTru] a Twitter Parody Account that well, tells the truth

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Blinken says U.S. will rejoin anti-Israel UNESCO, reopen ‘Palestinian’ consulate in Jerusalem

The world is on fire, but Biden’s handlers are not too busy to enable and embolden the jihad.

Blinken: US will rejoin anti-Israel UNESCO, establish Palestinian consulate in Jerusalem

JNS, April 30, 2022:

Israel has no objection to an U.S. return to UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken told Congress last week.

The United States officially withdrew from UNESCO on Dec. 31, 2018 under the Trump administration. The move reflected “U.S. concerns with mounting arrears at UNESCO, the need for fundamental reform in the organization, and continuing anti-Israel bias at UNESCO,” the State Department said in a statement at the time….

Blinken described concerns about the organization’s anti-Israel bias as understandable, but added, “I can say with authority that our partners in Israel feel the same way. They support our rejoining of UNESCO.” The United States should “shape the discussion, not someone else,” he said.

The secretary of state also reiterated the administration’s commitment to reopening the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem, a campaign pledge made by President Joe Biden.

“It’s something we are working on with the Israeli government,” he said. “I was in Ramallah just a few weeks ago and saw [Palestinian Authority] President [Mahmoud] Abbas, we talked about that among other things,” he added.

“As you know, we re-established support for the Palestinians a year ago January, including significant humanitarian and economic assistance that had been previously held back, we have reengaged them across the board, and the consulate is a piece of that,” he said.

“It does require, of course, coordination with and support from Israel, including, for example, providing privileges and immunities for the staff of the consulate-to-be, so it’s a work in progress.”…



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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Food Banks Straining to Meet Demand Show the Real Human Cost of Progressive Policies

Families are seeing the pinch at home, but so too are the charities that pick up the grocery bill for those who can’t make ends meet.

Thanks to inflation, Americans increasingly cannot afford their grocery bills. Global food prices are projected to increase 23 percent this year, on top of the 30 percent they increased last year. And per usual, those already living on the margins are feeling the consequences the most.

Food banks are struggling to keep up with the increased demand they’re experiencing. Families are seeing the pinch at home, but so too are the charities that pick up the grocery bill for those who can’t make ends meet. Many are struggling to keep up with the increased demand on top of the increased cost of food.

Forgotten Harvest, which serves the metro Detroit area, said demand increased 25 to 45 percent since December. According to the Labor Department’s Consumer Price Index, grocery bills increased by 10 percent in March compared to the year before while restaurant charges went up by 6.9 percent.

Furthermore, Feeding America, one of the nation’s largest charities working to prevent hunger with over 200 food banks and 60,000 food pantries, reported 85 percent of their food banks saw increased demand for food assistance.

Tim Fetsch, the chief operating officer of the St. Louis Area Foodbank, which provides nearly 400,000 meals per year, told the Wall Street Journal, “We have had to work harder to secure the food needed to support the community.” He went on to explain that his organization is grappling with supply chain issues, increased transportation costs, and the increase in food prices. And he pointed out that while retail stores used to donate heavily to their program, they too are facing many of the same challenges.

For its part, Feeding America has begun purchasing its food for the first time to make up for the loss in donations. However, their President and Chief Operating Officer Katie Fitzgerald indicated that might not be a permanent solution, telling the Journal, “We’re still trying to purchase that food, but now it’s costing us 40 percent more.”

How do you say “we told you so” in progressive?

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the left has mocked those of us who said the response to the coronavirus might be worse than the disease itself. We were called grandma killers, selfish, idiots. (Never mind the fact that Democratic governors actually killed grandmas by sending infected patients back into nursing homes.)

But every step along the way we have been horribly right.

In March of 2020, we at published a headline that read, “Panic Has Led to Government ‘Cures’ That Are Worse than the Disease, History Shows.”

While the New York Times called for more stimulus spending, Tyler Goodspeed (a Fellow at the Adam Smith Institute) wrote in The Hill, “Back to ’70s inflation? How Biden’s spending spree will hurt your wallet.” That was in July of 2021. The Washington Post was advocating lockdowns even as recently as this past December writing, “Lockdowns can be necessary to slow the spread of the coronavirus.” Meanwhile, my colleague at has been presciently pointing to the unscientific nature of such claims—reporting all the way back in May of 2020, “Sweden’s Top Infectious Disease Expert Says COVID-19 Lockdowns Are Not Based on Science. History Shows He Could Be Right.”

It’s been like watching a car crash in slow motion while being unable to intervene and stop it.

The response to the coronavirus was worse than the disease, which has a less than 1 percent death rate for the vast majority of people, and for which a vaccine was quickly developed.

There are myriad repercussions we can point to that stemmed from lockdowns and stimulus spending: increases in domestic abuse, loss of education, an increase in poverty, staggering inflation, increases in hunger. The list goes on.

All of these repercussions were predictable and predicted by many who understand the tendency of central planning to generate adverse unintended consequences. Kids can’t just make up for years of learning lost. Trapping people in their homes can be dangerous when their living situation is unstable. Shutting down the economy was always going to lead to supply chain disruptions and shortages, while printing trillions of dollars is bound to lead to inflation.

Our government decided to be truly detached from economic reality and pursue both lockdowns and money printing—meaning you had a huge increase in dollars chasing a decreased number of goods. That’s the specific recipe for high inflation and anyone who didn’t say that all along should probably revisit basic economics.

And lastly, it was clear all along we would see an increase in poverty and hunger as a result of pushing people out of work, limiting the supply chain, and creating high inflation. All of this goes hand-in-hand.

This is yet another example of how the left’s policies hurt the very people they claim to stand for the most. It’s good to care about the poor, but we can’t help them if we don’t understand the economic factors that actually lead to prosperity. A bleeding heart paired with an economically illiterate mind never lifted anyone out of poverty.

Regrettably, those who were already on the margins in our society are being pummeled by the reckless policies of progressives. And let’s be clear, there were plenty of Republicans in the progressive camp as well. Many supported stimulus spending and even lockdowns. Trump himself and many of his supporters even tried to have Representative Thomas Massie (R, KY) kicked out of the GOP when he stood against stimulus spending in 2020.

But saying “I told you so” doesn’t feel good when there are real lives on the line. This story is a heartbreaking one that represents countless children and parents going to bed hungry tonight.

As economist Murray Rothbard once said, “It is no crime to be ignorant of economics, which is, after all, a specialized discipline and one that most people consider to be a ‘dismal science.’ But it is totally irresponsible to have a loud and vociferous opinion on economic subjects while remaining in this state of ignorance.”

Those who waged economic war on the American people over the last two years need to stand down and let entrepreneurs and workers rebuild our ravaged economy.


Hannah Cox

Hannah Cox is the Content Manager and Brand Ambassador for the Foundation for Economic Education.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

No Increase in Flight Cancellations After CDC Mask Mandate Lifted, Data Show

Data suggest that fears of widespread cancellation of flights in the wake of the CDC mask mandate being lifted are baseless, thankfully.

It’s been two week since a federal court threw out the CDC’s transport mask mandate, to the glee of some and the outrage of others.

While many people—including flight attendants and passengers on planes—celebrated the court’s decision, others predicted the move would have dire consequences.

CBS News, for example, reported that European airlines were forced to “cancel hundreds of flights as they grapple with coronavirus-related staffing shortages weeks after they ditched rules requiring passengers and staff to mask up in the air.”

The news agency noted that UK airlines alone canceled 769 flights in total between March 31 and April 7 because of a shortage of flight crews due to illness. CBS quoted Eric Feigl-Ding, an epidemiologist and health economist, who said such outbreaks were needless and predictable.

“It’s very clear that the airline industry is particularly vulnerable, and this creates a cascading effect on society more than, say, a restaurant closing would,” Feigl-Ding said. “This is critical infrastructure and these are essential employees, and we’re endangering our economy. Stopping COVID is good for our economy, ‘letting it rip’ is the exact opposite.”

Few would disagree with Feigl-Ding that airlines are important infrastructure, but his claim that mask mandates are crucial to their success bears scrutiny.

First, it’s worth noting that the 769 UK flights canceled between March 31 and April accounted for just 4 percent of those flights, which means that 96 percent went off without a hitch. Even more importantly, a single airline—EasyJet—accounted for roughly 40 percent of the canceled flights.

This suggests the UK’s numbers were skewed to a large extent by a single outbreak that disrupted many flights. Whether a mask mandate would have prevented this outbreak from occurring is impossible to know. But what we do know is that similar cancellations—much larger ones, in fact—occurred when mask mandates were still in place, so the idea that such mandates can prevent cancellations is simply not true.

We also have fresh data on cancellations of US flights since the CDC’s mask mandate was lifted. One astute Twitter user analyzed the data, which can be found here, and pointed out that in the two weeks since the CDC’s mask order was struck on April 18, there was no widespread cancellation of flights.

On the contrary, the four largest airlines in the US—American Airlines, United Airlines, Delta Air Lines, and Southwest Airlines—all had a cancellation rate of 0 percent, as did JetBlue and Allegian. Frontier Airlines, meanwhile, had a cancellation rate of 1 percent, and Alaska Airlines had a cancellation rate of 7 percent. (Since the publication of the tweet, Alaska’s cancellation rate has fallen to 4 percent, and Delta’s has increased to 1 percent.)

The total number of canceled flights within, into, or out of the US in the past two weeks currently stands at 72—about 0.15 percent of the roughly 45,000 flights the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) oversees each day, on average.

To be sure, we’re still in a pandemic, at least in the sense that many people are still getting COVID-19, still getting sick, and still dying. This means that we can expect there will be times when flights are interrupted by spikes of illness.

That said, so far the data suggest that fears of widespread cancellation of flights in the wake of the mask mandate being lifted are baseless, thankfully.

In many ways, this should not surprise us.

Even mask champions like The New York Times have come around to the idea that cloth masks are not very effective against Covid, which is why many scientists have long doubted their efficacy. (And even if cloth masks are effective, are we really supposed to just overlook the fact that there’s a period of time on flights when patrons just remove them to eat and drink, which hardly seems like an effective virus containment strategy?)

None of this is to say masking isn’t or can’t be effective. Perhaps it is. But I think we have an abundance of evidence that shows mask mandates are not effective, and the absence of a surge in flight cancellations following the striking down of the mask mandate is one more piece of that evidentiary record.

All of this brings to mind a crucial lesson of economics. The Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman once observed that one of the biggest problems of the modern world is how we assess public policy.

“One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results,” Friedman noted.

There’s no better example of Friedman’s adage, I think, than masks, which became a symbol of supporting “the common good,” which is why so many people publicly vowed to continue wearing them even after the CDC policy requiring them on transportation was struck down.

If people wish to continue wearing masks to show they’re not “selfish” or because they believe it will protect them, they are of course perfectly free to do so. That’s the beauty of choice.

But how much pain could have been avoided during this pandemic if only we’d embraced the freedom of choice from the beginning, instead of succumbing to fear?

This article was adapted from an issue of the FEE Daily email newsletter. Click here to sign up and get free-market news and analysis like this in your inbox every weekday.


Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune. Bylines: Newsweek, The Washington Times,, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, the Epoch Times.


EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Durham Builds Case On Clinton Disinformation Factory As Biden Launches ‘Disinformation Governance Board’

Just as the Biden administration was gearing up to announce the head of its new “Disinformation Governance Board,” Special Counsel John Durham was busily working toward one of many clear conclusions: the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign was central to the spread of harmful disinformation throughout the media.

To truly gauge the level of harm the Clinton disinformation factory caused would be a difficult task, but it did contribute in some ways to locking the FBI up in a costly and lengthy investigation that ultimately found no Trump/Russia conspiracy. It also resulted in a series of corrections and reckonings at media outlets already struggling with national trust.

As it happens, the new head of Biden’s disinfo board – dedicated to tackling misinformation and disinformation as the 2022 midterm elections loom – Nina Jankowicz herself promoted a piece of disinformation Durham recently concluded to be an outright fabrication by Clinton-hired researchers. Jankowicz, a self-styled “globally recognized” expert on disinformation, also propped up former British spy Christopher Steele, the author of the dossier that one former CIA Moscow station chief described as likely “a part of a Russian espionage disinformation plot.”

“Listened to this last night — Chris Steele (yes THAT Chris Steele) provides some great historical context about the evolution of disinfo. Worth a listen,” Jankowicz wrote in one 2020 tweet.

Russian-born Igor Danchenko – allegedly Steele’s top source for the dossier, according to the Washington Examiner – was charged in 2021 as part of Durham’s inquiry for “making false statements to the FBI.”

On other occasions, Jankowicz pushed misleading claims surrounding the dossier. In one instance, she claimed that the Republican Party “funded the dossier first.” Her tweet was in response to Republican South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham’s question of whether there was “collusion between DOJ and Fusion GPS to use Democratic funding dossier for political and legal purposes.”

“You’re probably aware that [the Steele dossier] began as a Republican opposition research project,” Jankowicz wrote in a separate tweet in 2020, according to The Washington Examiner.

The conservative Washington Free Beacon, which initially hired Fusion GPS, said in 2017 it “had no knowledge of or connection to the Steele dossier.”

“The Free Beacon had no knowledge of or connection to the Steele dossier, did not pay for the dossier, and never had contact with, knowledge of, or provided payment for any work performed by Christopher Steele,” the Beacon’s editor-in-chief Matthew Continetti and chairman Michael Goldfarb wrote in a statement at the time, according to NPR.

In fact, the Steele dossier came about after he was hired by an opposition firm in 2016. That firm, Fusion GPS, was hired in part by the general counsel for Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, the Examiner noted.

With Jankowicz prepping to lead the administration’s “disinformation” board, Durham’s court filings have served as insight into another apparent disinformation push.

Durham noted in one April 2022 court filing that the CIA determined data from former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann surrounding Russia-Trump organization links was “user created” and not “technically plausible.”

Sussmann was charged by Durham last year with lying to the FBI during a 2016 meeting.

Durham more recently alleged that Fusion GPS sent hundreds of unverified claims regarding Trump to journalists, The Washington Times reported. The hundreds of emails, according to Durham, resulted in various news articles tying together Trump and Russia.

Individuals tied to Clinton’s presidential campaign have argued that research from Fusion GPS should be protected, citing attorney-client privilege. They’ve also claimed the opposition firm’s work was to supply legal services, The Washington Times reported.

Durham responded in court filings by noting that, if true, Fusion GPS would have taken more care with its unverified allegations prior to spreading them around to journalists.

“If rendering such advice was truly the intended purpose of Fusion GPS’s retention, one would also expect the investigative firm to seek permission and/or guidance from [the Clinton campaign] or its counsel before sharing such derogatory materials with the media or otherwise placing them into the public domain,” Durham wrote, according to The Washington Times.

On Wednesday, Durham saw his latest small win when the judge presiding over Sussmann’s case agreed to do a review of records being withheld by Clintons’ presidential campaign, the Washington Examiner reported.



Senior White House correspondent. Follow Shelby on Twitter


Disinformation And Wizard Rock: Meet Biden’s New ‘Minister Of Truth’ At DHS

The List Gets Longer: All The Ways Hillary & The Government Spied On Trump

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

ABSURD: AG Merritt Garland’s New Office of ‘Environmental Justice’ yet another Marxist attack on science and free speech

My God, just when I thought it can’t get any worse, the Department of In-Justice and its Chief Arbiter, Marxist Merritt Garland announces a new Federal Agency the “Office of Environmental Justice.”  This is yet another Marxist frontal assault on science and freedom of speech. Watch:

The Office of Environmental Justice,

“[W]ill seek to redress health risks from climate change faced by minorities and low-income people in the United States.”

Another draconian measure designed to force and enforce their Climate Change Agenda. I’ll bet it will also create more Federal Agents with unchecked arrest power as well.   If you think we have bad inflation roaring at 8.5% just wait until this ridiculous agency kicks in and causes costs of everything to soar.

Biden DOJ Announces New ‘Office of Environmental Justice’

“Although violations of our environmental laws can happen anywhere, communities of color, indigenous communities, and low-income communities often bear the brunt of the harm caused by environmental crime, pollution, and climate change”

Merrick Garland announced on Thursday that the Department of Justice is launching the Office of Environmental Justice. It speaks volumes about the priorities of this administration.

There are so many major problems in the country right now, and this is their concern.

It’s likely that this is just to remind the left how committed Biden is to fighting climate change. And of course to politicize the language around the topic and criminalize dissent.

Breanne Deppisch reports at the Washington Examiner:

DOJ launches new Office of Environmental Justice

The Justice Department is launching a new Office of Environmental Justice, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced on Thursday, which will seek to redress health risks from climate change faced by minorities and low-income people in the United States.

You can guess where this is going.

Read full article.

RELATED ARTICLE: Free speech concerns mount over DHS ‘disinformation’ board as lawmakers, critics weigh in


©Royal A. Brown, III. All rights reserved.

The VA Bought 10,000 Smartphones during the Pandemic. 85% Were Never Used


There’s a right way and a wrong way to help homeless veterans.

The US Department of Veterans Affairs wasted $1.8 million in data plan costs for unused phones, according to an inspector general’s report released on Wednesday. The Veterans Health Administration had spent $7 million to purchase 10,000 phones with unlimited prepaid calling plans for homeless veterans, but 85% of the phones went unused. The report also found that $571,000 was wasted on data plans for iPads sitting in storage due to poor oversight.

“The smartphones and iPads were purchased as part of the efforts to increase homeless veterans’ access to telehealth,” the Associate Press explains. “The veterans were enrolled in a Department of Housing and Urban Development VA Supportive housing program.”

The report called for the VA to “establish a realistic goal for days in storage along with a process for closely monitoring days in storage for each data plan provider and taking corrective actions when the goal is not being met.” It also called on the VA to create a process that starts the data plan charges only after the device has been issued to a veteran.

Regrettably, government waste and mismanagement like this is nothing new. From $2 million bathrooms to $400,000 camel statues, governments have managed to throw mad amounts of money down the drain over the years. In fact, government waste is so common that Senator Rand Paul prepares an annual “Festivus” report detailing the most egregious examples of wasted resources from the year.

But while government waste is nothing new, what’s intriguing about this particular case is the reason that was given for the problem.

“The inspector general concluded that Veterans Health Administration officials…made a good faith effort to help veterans get smartphones,” the Associated Press notes. “But they found there was a ‘lack of information for officials to be able to determine the quantity needed for the targeted veteran population.’”

If this assessment sounds familiar, well, it should. As the Nobel-prize-winning economist F. A. Hayek famously asserted, the “lack of information” possessed by government bureaucrats regarding the “quantity needed” of various resources is in fact the key problem with central planning. Waste is inevitable in these systems precisely because they can never accumulate, let alone manage, the knowledge that is required for determining the best allocation of resources.

Hayek spells out the knowledge problem in his famous essay, The Use of Knowledge in Society.

“The peculiar character of the problem of a rational economic order is determined precisely by the fact that the knowledge of the circumstances of which we must make use never exists in concentrated or integrated form but solely as the dispersed bits of incomplete and frequently contradictory knowledge which all the separate individuals possess. The economic problem of society is thus not merely a problem of how to allocate “given” resources—if “given” is taken to mean given to a single mind which deliberately solves the problem set by these “data.” It is rather a problem of how to secure the best use of resources known to any of the members of society, for ends whose relative importance only these individuals know. Or, to put it briefly, it is a problem of the utilization of knowledge which is not given to anyone in its totality.”

The solution to this problem, says Hayek, is decentralization and market prices. With market prices, we can learn what people find valuable and direct production to those ends. But without market prices, we are “groping in the dark,” as Mises says. This is why Veterans Affairs wasted over a million dollars on these data plans. They had no way of knowing the demand for these phones, so they ended up buying way more than were needed.

Of course, none of this is to say we shouldn’t help homeless veterans. The question here is what’s the most effective way to help them. The government approach, or the market approach?

The government approach, as this story illustrates, is to assume that we know what homeless veterans need, buy a bunch of it, and then realize that we actually misjudged the need and wasted a bunch of money.

The market approach, on the other hand, begins with the assumption that we don’t know what’s best for other people or what their specific needs are. Following from that, we realize that it makes little sense to have central planners spending money on their behalf. Thus, rather than trying to guess what they need, we focus our efforts on getting out of their way. We get rid of minimum wage laws and occupational licensing requirements that might be keeping them out of jobs. We cut taxes so they can save money, and we tear down crony regulations that make everyday goods more expensive than they need to be. In other words, we let the market work.

To be sure, the market approach is radically different from what we’ve been doing. But given how things have turned out, perhaps radically different is exactly what we need.

This article was adapted from an issue of the FEE Daily email newsletter. Click here to sign up and get free-market news and analysis like this in your inbox every weekday.


Patrick Carroll

Patrick Carroll has a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Waterloo and is an Editorial Fellow at the Foundation for Economic Education.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

GOP Sen. Braun to Becerra: Govt Shouldn’t Push Gender Surgery for Kids

At a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies hearing, Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) confronted Health and Human Services (HHS) Sec. Xavier Becerra over how the Biden administration is promoting life-altering surgeries for children — including breast and genital surgeries.

“Could you explain what irreversible top and bottom sex-change surgeries are and why that is on the portal as well?” Braun asked.

“Senator there as you’ve just indicated, there are many different types of procedures that can be deployed,” Becerra said. “What I will say to you is again, in any case, no individual, no patient, will proceed forward unless his or her doctor has advised of the procedure. And it is considered by the FDA and others who have to go ahead and certify a medicine or procedure to be safe and effective.”

“So, I’ll try to distill it into a more simple form. In what case would it be appropriate to perform irreversible sex-change surgery on kids?” Braun said.

“Those decisions are made by that individual in consultation with physician and caregivers, and no decision would be made without having consulted appropriately,” Becerra said.

“You know, I think the government shouldn’t be pushing or have an out there on a portal that moves you towards irreversible sex change therapy, and I think we just need to think about it carefully,” Braun, who called the surgeries “almost grotesque.” “Because we’re navigating into territory that we’ve never done before as a government.”

Xavier Becerra

40 Known Connections

Becerra Identifies “Health Equity” As Top HHS Priority 

During a March 18, 2022 address marking his first year in office as HHS Secretary, Becerra said: “Health equity has to be part of everything we do. You will see health equity pervades everything we do.”

On March 19, Breccan Thies of provided the following context for Becerra’s remarks: “For the left, ‘equity’ means rationing and redistributing resources based on perceived oppression, privilege, and social status — typically based on race or gender identity. Becerra’s commitment to the ideology marks an important milestone for a movement that has been proliferating among medical schools and professionals.” (Click here for details about this movement and the ideology that drives it.)

To learn more about Xavier Becerra, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

FLORIDA: Monroe County Cuban Republican Caucus Endorses KW Miller for Congress in Florida’s 28th District

MIAMIMay 6, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The Cuban Republican Caucus of Monroe County Florida has endorsed KW Miller for Congress in Florida’s 28th district. The Cuban Caucus represents business owners and entrepreneurs who contribute significant economic revenue, employment and goodwill in Monroe County Florida.

The America First Political Committee Chairman KW Miller is running in Florida’s newly created 28th Congressional District which includes a portion of southwestern Dade County and all of Monroe County Florida.

KW Miller embraces his Spanish heritage and fully supports the Cuban American Community. He will continue will promote policies and laws to allow the Cuban community to continue to achieve the American Dream.

Americans from Spanish heritage should never forget why they and their families came to the United States. Socialism is where people become enslaved to the liberal elites.

KW Miller wants to lift the blockade against Cuba, but does not want to help the Communist Government of Cuba. We must first remove Socialist RINO Democrats like Carlos Gimenez from Congress to advance Cuba policy in Florida’s 28th Congressional District and nationally.

The meaning of the Cuban Flag has significant historical meaning. The blue stripes represent the three Cuban districts at the time the flag was designed. The white stripes represent purity. The triangle is an equality symbol. The colors reflect those of the American flag.

About America First Political Committee:

Our mission is to protect the integrity of the U.S. Constitution, promote conservative political candidates and policy that puts America First.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Is the Left Agitating for War With Russia so it Can Cement Domestic Tyranny?

It has been odd and alarming watching the powers-that-be relentlessly escalate the proxy war our government is waging against Russia. It’s not just that we’re sending billions of dollars of weapons into Ukraine, are calling Vladimir Putin a war criminal and issuing other fightin’ words, are training Ukrainian troops and are trying to effect Moscow’s economic destruction. It’s also, senior American officials have now revealed, that via intelligence aid the U.S. has helped to:

  • kill Moscow’s generals;
  • down a plane carrying Russian soldiers; and
  • sink one of Putin’s warships.

The kicker: By revealing this publicly — perhaps as strikingly inappropriate as leaking a Supreme Court draft opinion — Biden administration officials appear to be bragging about these “exploits” and rubbing the Russians’ noses in them. If you wanted to provoke a hot war, this is exactly how you’d do it.

But why would our officials seek conflict with the nation boasting the world’s largest stockpile of nukes (6,000) in the name of thwarting aggression that, as I explained here and here, globalist policy invited and is none of our affair? It all has a very Dr. Strangelove-esque quality about it.

But there may be method to this madness. And, no, a mere desire to enrich weapons-manufacturer political donors doesn’t explain it. There is one motivation that would, however:

A serious conflict would provide the Left an opportunity to seize complete domestic control, to cement its power — perhaps permanently.

For certain is that locking horns with Russia would be used to further curtail civil liberties.

We know this because major conflicts always are thus used. Abraham Lincoln arrested opposition journalists and publishers during the War Between the States. WWI saw the passage of the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918, the latter of which absolutely infringed upon freedom of speech. And Franklin Roosevelt is notorious for having interned U.S. citizens of Japanese and also of German descent and for persecuting some Italian-heritage Americans.

Civil rights’ trampling would surely be worse under a major-war scenario today. Not only are we much farther down the rabbit hole of moral nihilism and wanton constitutional trespass, but Americans who even question our Ukraine policy are already labeled “stooges of Putin.” Moreover, Democrats have already made crystal clear what they want: Complete power — by any means necessary.

This desire has manifested itself in politicians such as Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) calling for violence against political opponents and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) threatening SCOTUS justices who dare vote contrary to the Left’s agenda.

Heeding such calls, the Democrats’ de facto storm troopers have effected hundreds of violent riots, more than 600 in 2020 alone. One Democrat operative, Scott Foval, was caught on hidden video in 2016 talking about inciting violence at Trump rallies and unabashedly said, “We’re starting anarchy here.”

This violence is again now being ratcheted up, just in time for the midterms, with news that the unconstitutional Roe v. Wade opinion could be overturned. This is attended by threats made against the “conservative” SCOTUS justices and the doxxing of them, with activists encouraging protests at their homes.

All the while that this violence is tacitly approved by Democrat leaders — and it is — conservatives are hung out to dry if they step even one inch out of line, as the January 6 martyrs’ plight proves. In contrast, 2020’s CHAZ, or Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, takeover of part of Seattle was by definition an insurrection but was sloughed off. Why, its “warlord” leader, Raz Simone, was apparently never even charged with a crime.

This, not mention that Nancy Pelosi called the longest ever occupation of an American government building — leftists’ 2011 takeover of the Wisconsin Capitol — an “impressive show of democracy in action.” This statement was, of course, as true as claiming that the stolen (and it was) 2020 presidential contest was “the most secure election in U.S. history.”

Get the picture?

It’s not pretty, and it adds up to this: A major war under Biden’s handlers’ watch would become a pretext for the greatest Big Brother seizure of control in U.S. history. The question is, however, would the radicals in charge be crazy enough, or desperate enough, to risk nuclear war for power’s sake?

Note two matters when assessing this. First, being completely un-American and unpalatable, the Democrats have nothing to run on in the midterms aside from the just ginned up Roe v. Wade abortion controversy. Second and as I often warn, these demagogues aren’t normal. They’re power mongers.

Just as people can lust after food, sex or money — motivations everyone can understand — so can they exhibit that rarer phenomenon: lust for power. And just as a man may endanger his marriage and career to indulge his prurient desires, megalomaniacs may assume great risk to satisfy their dark cravings.

For certain is that cementing total power requires something Marxist revolutionaries would call “crisis,” the third stage of communist subversion. The first, “demoralization,” is the undermining of the nation’s moral foundation; Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov said this was “more than complete” in the mid-’80s already. The second, “destabilization,” is what we’ve seen with the violence, the toppling of statues and the intensified attacks on our institutions the last many years. Now all we need is a crisis and what it facilitates: revolution — a final seizure of power.

A major war (along with food shortages) could certainly fit the bill. And while this may appear a crazy theory, the people in charge may just be crazy enough for it to be true.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on MeWe, Gettr or Parler, or log on to

RELATED ARTICLE: Biden Wants to “Help” Americans By Bringing in Russians

Elon Musk To Serve As CEO Of Twitter


Maybe Pamela Geller will be reinstated. We shall see.

Elon Musk set to become temporary CEO of Twitter: report

By Summer Lane, RSBN, May 5, 2022

Elon Musk, the billionaire CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, is reportedly set to serve as the interim CEO of Twitter when his purchase of the social media platform for $44 billion is completed, sources told CNBC.

There has been rampant speculation regarding who would take over Twitter as CEO in light of reports that Musk was allegedly planning to clean house at the company shortly after entering a deal to acquire it.

This comes days after Reuters reported that Musk may be appointing a new CEO to take the place of Parag Agrawal.

However, if Musk himself steps in to take control of the company, major changes could come to the platform sooner rather than later.

According to the CNBC report, a SEC filing on Thursday confirmed that the billionaire investor had secured the necessary funds in equity, $7.4 billion, to begin his purchase of Twitter.
Musk hints at changes coming for Twitter users and government or commercial entities.

After the Twitter deal was announced last week, Musk stated that he intends to make Twitter a place where “matters vital to the future of humanity are debated.” He also shared, “Twitter has tremendous potential – I look forward to working with the company and the community of users to unlock it.”

Musk’s purchase of Twitter has been met with excitement by proponents of free speech on Twitter, while others have threatened to leave the platform. On Wednesday, Musk hinted that there might be financial changes coming down the line for certain Twitter users. “Twitter will always be free for casual users,” he stated in a tweet, “but maybe a slight cost for commercial/government users.”


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. All rights reserved. Follow Pamela Geller on Trump’s social media platform, Truth Social.