A Global Spy Ring: Putin-Xi-Obama-Biden-J6 Show Trial

The summer of 2022 had been politically full with the presentation of the January 6th Committee and its nine Hearings by the Democrat House of Representative. The Dem claimed it was bigger than the attacks on 9/11, while Republicans called it “Show Trails” Soviet style. The latter was my subject, and I couldn’t stay silent. I have written a column titled: Democrats’ J6 ‘Show Trial’ in Washington, D.C. Isn’t This Treason? July 6, 2022. The column has revealed historical truth not known to the vast majority of the American people…

Today, in 2023 we have complete chaos in Biden’s America. Official statistics show that 4-5 million illegal migrants are crossing our borders, violating the law and our sovereignty. This is also my subject, because there are no Mexican Cartels, those are the Russian Cartels established by Stalin in 1950-1960s in Mexico. This fact is also unknown to Americans. Remember, Russia is a terrorist state, spreading violence by all possible ways, including the MS-13 gangs. Read about Stalin’s participation in the Spanish Civil War and the fate of thousands of Spanish children indoctrinated by the KGB and sent to Mexico and Central America twenty years later. We are now fighting them…

My third subject is Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet fascism. To grasp the catastrophic chaos in the Biden America, people should know the Socialist modus operandi: lies, deception, fabrication, and fraud. As a matter of fact, the Dem are implementing Socialism in America and using that modus operandi for the last 3-4 decades. The Dem leadership is doing just that: lying, deceiving and defrauding you. Look at demented Joe Biden, he is deceiving you every day by reading on the prompter what his staff, the Obama work holders, has composed for him. His administration deceives you with great success. There are two Red Flags on the U.S. economy: the current collapse of the American bank and Biden’s trillion-dollar project is typical Soviet Socialism, an attempt to bankrupt the American Constitutional republic. Reading the above mentioned my column you will get it.

Democrats’ J6 ‘Show Trial’ in Washington, D.C. Isn’t This Treason?

The term Show Trial came to the world from Russia, Stalinist Soviet Russia. It was a time when I had lived in Russia. The term is very familiar to me, because I am a former Soviet defense attorney and have practiced law for twenty-five years in Soviet Russia. The time when the term was born is a very important one: the method to keep total control and power over the population. Stalin was building a political system of Soviet Socialism by weaponizing the court system and law enforcement against the people. The term Show Trial illustrates an immoral embodiment of the judicial system when criminals charged the dissidents with the help of various punitive agencies. Show Trials and Purges worked to annihilate millions of innocent people under Stalin in the 1930-1940s …

The term Show Trial had a long life as a symbol of Socialism, I participated in hundreds of Show Trials in the 1960-1970s. The vast majority of people still called them Show Trials, but in the Russian court system the term was transformed to visiting sessions of the court or demonstration sessions of the court. I have never thought to hear and see something similar in America. Alas, I did. I was stunned, watching testimony of Ms. Hutchinson in the House select committee’s investigation into the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on Capitol Hill. She presented herself as an omnipresent aide of the chief of staff Mr. Meadow, as one of the most forceful and compelling aides to testify about former President Donald J. Trump. She definitely has an ambition of a career in government, like so many others in Washington. Her testimony was very suspicious to me…  Why? Because she was helping the Committee to arrange a predetermined outcome—to convict a former President Trump… It was a typical Show Trial, Soviet style…

On Twitter, Ms. Hutchinson was compared to John Dean, the former White House counsel to President Richard M. Nixon, whose public hearing testimony proved pivotal in describing his role in the Watergate cover-up. Mr. Dean said. “She was able to fill in the information from her observations instantly.” They are a very interesting couple. Some years ago I expressed my opinion about the Watergate where Hillary played first violin as Nixon’s accuser. Knowing Stalinist KGB Mafia/Army, I think that we have a quadruple Watergate today: both had been manufactured by the KGB Mafia/Army… I would say that somebody recently approached Hutchinson and… she has changed her mind. You saw it on 6/28/22. My personal opinion based on my knowledge and on the information presented by the article Cassidy Hutchinson Stuns With Testimony About Trump in Jan. 6, June 28, 2022, by Maggie Haberman

So, Ms. Hutchinson was supposed to follow Trump in Florida and she has testified four times: “Hutchinson was supposed to go work for Mr. Trump during his post-presidency in Florida, but the plan was abruptly dropped before she was to join. In the past several months, she has testified under subpoena four times before the committee, behind closed doors.”

Beyond hearsay, my next question will be: Why does bombshell come so late only in her fourth testimony? The logical answer is because Ms. Hutchinson has shortly changed her lawyer and changed her mind. The next question will be: who did recommend her another lawyer? Did the person connect to the Committee? If yes, what was the person’s name? I am asking those questions, because I know how all of that has been done, I know the KGB Mafia/Army and its strategy, tactics, and dirty tricks to implement Socialism and Green policy in America. I believe that the Dems in consent with the KGB Mafia/Army had planned to organize violence on January 6, 2021: they didn’t have an issue to fight Republicans in the midterm election, the Republican violence would supposedly give them the issue.

The KGB Mafia/Army Operations in Washington D.C.

Nobody will ask my questions in the current Committee, because it is one-party anti-Trump cabal with no balance. You will be surprised, but the members of the Committee are using the same strategy, tactics, and violated ethics and traditional rules of the Congress. Pelosi was responsible for the security in the Capitol Hill, but you won’t see her and the Mayor of D.C. testifying under the Oath there—they are out of the picture for a reason. Allen West was finding seventy Socialists in the Congress. Today we have the entire Democrat’s leadership of Socialist Charlatans in cahoots with the KGB Mafia/Army building Socialism in America for decades. Socialist Charlatans act in many different levels of our nation: in the streets, the White House, and Congress…  Watch them!!! They are fighting our Constitutional republic…

I have been writing about Socialist Revolution in America and the role of the KGB Mafia/Army in that revolution for decades, publishing a book: Socialist Revolution in America XLIBRIS, 2021. Yet, America still doesn’t know the KGB Chairman Andropov’s design to simultaneously infiltrate the media and the entire American Intelligence and Security apparatus… As a result the entire paradigm in America has been changing drastically. The recent poll shows 88% of people think that we are on the wrong track. They are right: Biden’s team is a national security risk, it implements Soviet Socialism in America with the help of Obama’s holdovers and the KGB Mafia/Army. Thousands of Socialist Charlatans, some with mental illness, destroy the American Constitutional republic from within… Read an updated and republished in 2022 my book: What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction Part III.

Pay attention to the January 6th Committee, a one-party anti-Trump haters. They intend to criminalize the GOP and do that a-la Stalin by Demonizing the 45th President, a successful capitalist, who symbolized a unique success of the American Constitutional republic, an exceptional republic, designed and left to us by our Founding Fathers. That design gives total power and control to We The People. But the Dems manage quite successfully their activities to cover-up their past: Demonizing the 45th President is a convenient way to hide their intent to demolish the American Political system and implement Socialism. It also helped them to cover-up the crime the Democrat leadership had committed by colluding with Russian Intel for decades, following Stalin’s postulate… Read my books about Bill Clinton and Barack Obama…

Biden as a leader of the Democrat Party, to be precise, Biden’s secretive team have the same agenda. You can understand their complicated goal only through knowledge of Russia and her Intelligence and Security apparatus. Joe Rogan should read my books and columns to learn who divides our country. It is complicated. It took me thirty years to warn you about: that is now coming. I can help you. Three of my columns explain the dramatic changes happening in the heart of Biden’s cabal-team to save the skin of the Democrat Party by using the Russian war on Ukraine. These three columns were written by me on February 21, 28, and April 4, 2022. You can read them and other columns for free by clicking here.

You also should know that Biden, as a point man for Obama in Ukraine, had collaborated with Putin since 2013-2014. I was reporting about that in my columns on Ukraine. Remember that Biden offered President Zelenkyy to bring him to the U.S. in the beginning of the war. He didn’t believe in Ukraine’s victory and didn’t care a bit about its people. His team is lying and deceiving Americans the same way they are deceiving the Ukrainian people. To deceive and confuse us, they will play negative and positive theatrical performances lying and entertaining. What Biden reads every day is prepared for him by Putin’s cabal-team. Remember Socialist Modus Operandi—lies, deceit, and fraud. Watch Biden’s secretive-team and you will find all three in their daily activities. Biden’s secretive team was monitoring my computer and learning a possible way to save the Democrat Party for the crime they had committed for decades. They changed their mind by reading my columns and used the information to change their foreign policy and save their skin.

Fox News, celebrating Independence Day, presented a wonderful show of American History under the title: Fighting America’s Enemies on June 2, 22. Those were incredible stories about Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and others, their bravery, love for the county and our American Constitution. President Biden is the opposite of them: he is fighting the U.S. Supreme Court and using the enemy to save his party. We have never experienced the chaos we have today. Look at our country: open borders, surging violence, killings, vandalism, robbery, and arson have a common denominator in America—the wrong and long-range policy of the so-called Democrat Party. Alas, we still don’t know Russia and her Intel to uncover the puzzle of Stalinist Socialism in America and Putin is destroying us with impunity…

Although it is painful to admit, the truth must be known: Ukraine cannot sustain a protracted war against Russia without International help. There are many reasons why, but using this column, I’ll tell you the major ones: War in Ukraine is a part of a global war waged by Socialist/Communist forces against Western civilization and American Capitalism for the last hundred years. Putin is a devoted disciple of Stalin/Andropov, who continued this war by widening a Global Spy Ring in the 21st century. Without knowledge of Russia we can’t successfully fight China. Targeting national resources, Russia colonized Africa in the 20th century, China is colonizing South America today. These two are connected by the umbilical cord of the ideology. Stalin had created the same Intelligence apparatus in Russia and China. He married Communist ideology with Islam—all Islamic terrorism was designed by the Russian KGB Mafia/Army, including the attacks on 9/11. To learn Stalinism read my books, especially: The Russian Factor: From Cold War to Global Terrorism XLIBRIS, 2006.

America Mirrors the Russian Socialist Revolution

Witnessing what is going on in the year 2022 America, had reminded me of the predicament in 1917 Russia. Ayn Rand called the Russian Socialist Revolution a coup d’état. She was right. Let me tell you how it was happening. Duma like today was the Russian Parliament in St. Petersburg. Russia was at WWI and using the people’s frustration of the war, Bolshevik’s faction in Duma planned the revolution. They were designed to act from two different locations: the Duma and the streets. An army of Bolshevik’s agitators had been working within the Russian Army to demoralize the soldiers, agitating them to kill their Officers, go home and join the anti-war demonstrations on the streets, manifested themselves against the war. The unspeakable killings had begun in the city. The Bolshevik’s agitators had entered Moscow and spread to other cities with the same plans—demonstrations and killings inundate Russia …

Meanwhile, Bolshevik’s faction in Duma has begun a fight against the Provisional Government of the Russian Republic led by Alexander Kerensky. The Russian Republic lasted three months, Bolshevik’s faction was very successful and Alexander Kerensky ran from St. Petersburg in a women’s dress. There is no coincidence that I am writing about Socialist Revolution in America using the term Socialist Charlatans constantly. I use the term because I know Russian history: from the beginning of the Russian Socialist Revolution there was born Socialist Modus Operandi: lies, deceit, and fraud. That exact Modus Operandi has been used by Bolshevik’s faction against the Russian Republic and its leader in Duma Alexander Kerensky. You know the result. I am leaving for you to make the conclusion…

When I am writing this line, the TV is telling the country about the tragic shooting in the parade in Chicago. The shooting from the roof hit me immediately, it is the method in the Russian military protocol. The Russian KGB was often using this method for liquidating-assassinating the opposition’s leaders that exact way during the demonstrations in Russia. This was the act of terrorism and I smelled the Russian connection with either George Soros, Bernie Sanders or with BLM, Antifa, or other criminal groups of Socialist Charlatans in America. The mass-shooting will never end, until we learn the Russian history and Stalinist Intelligence and Security Apparatus, which is destroying our republic from within. It is shocking; President Biden spent more time battling the U.S. Supreme Court then expressed outrage at the mass-shooting in the parade celebrating the Fourth in Chicago, let alone the nuclear deal with our enemy Iran…

I have to repeat again: knowledge of Russia and her Intelligence and Security Apparatus is a Must. This knowledge will reveal the foreign invasion on our Southern border organized by Putin, the way he has managed the Muslim Invasion to Europe in 2015, explained by me in my several columns. The open season on the police officers started under Obama will continue under Biden. In short: All America’s problems derived from decades of collusion between Russia and the Democrat Party. Those crimes can be stopped only by knowledgeable FBI Director, we don’t have one. Christopher Wray is the person responsible for current crises in America and the world, he doesn’t know Russian History and its State Security Apparatus…

My fellow Americans!

Knowledge is power! We can’t fail, our children and grandchildren will never forgive us! Educating yourself, knowledge, courage and perseverance can save America the Beautiful.

It is now or never!

Freedom’s torch is yours!

To be continued at www.simonapipko.com and www.drricswier.com/author/spipko/

©Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.

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The Putin Biden KGB Border Plot – Dr. Rich Swier says:

October 17, 2022 at 2:43 PM

[…] There is another “Red Flag” for the Biden presidency—the Iranian Deal. I was writing about and introducing you to the term “Axis of Evil” for decades. It was created under the Russian umbrella to wage the war against Western civilization in the 20th century by Stalin. You are watching the continuation of this war by Putin and Chairman Xi Jinpin, both united by the ideology and agenda left to them by Comrade Stalin: One World Socialist Government under Russia’s rule.  Look at the “Axis of Evil” countries: North Korea, China, Belarus, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and a few on the way…This is a result. The Iranian Deal by Joe Biden is an attempt to join the group instead of fighting their Socialist agenda “under the Russian umbrella.” Isn’t This Treason? […]

ERASING WOMEN: Biden Spits On Women Gives ‘International Women of Courage Award’ to a Man

Biden Admin Slaps Women in the Face by Giving ‘International Women of Courage Award’ to a Man

By: C. Douglas Golden, The Western Journal, March 9, 2023:

How sexist is President Joe Biden’s administration? So sexist, in fact, that men are now even being given the International Women of Courage Award.

On Wednesday, in a ceremony led by first lady Jill Biden, the U.S. State Department celebrated International Women’s Day by honoring females who have made a significant contribution to the world in some way.

The recipients of the 17th annual award were an impressive lot, at least if one is to rely on the copy from a Sunday media release by the State Department.

There was Professor Danièle Darlan of the Central African Republic and former president of the Central African Republic’s Constitutional Court, who was honored for “her defense of her nation’s constitution, her heroism in safeguarding judicial independence, and her refusal to be influenced by threats or political pressure.

“Her final act as President of the Court before her removal by the government, in which she found that methods proposed to redraft the constitution were not legally sound, exemplified her unwavering commitment to the rule of law,” the media release stated.

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Then there was Bakhytzhan Toregozhina of Kazakhstan: “Since January 2022, she has been the head of ‘Qantar 2022’ (January 2022) a coalition of civil society organizations working to assist victims and document human rights violations associated with the widespread unrest that occurred in Kazakhstan last January,” the release stated.

Senator Datuk Ras Adiba Radzi of Malaysia, meanwhile, “has spent most of her professional life advancing and promoting human rights, selflessly advocating for vulnerable populations and using her platforms to shed light on injustices in Malaysian society.” She’s also the first female chair of Bernama, Malaysia’s powerful, state-run media outlet.

And then there was Alba Rueda, an Argentine man who “identifies” as a “woman” and has built a career as an activist for causes that force society to officially recognize this biological impossibility.

“Alba Rueda, Argentina’s current Special Envoy for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship, was the first Argentine Undersecretary for Diversity Policies in the newly created Ministry of Women, Gender, and Diversity,” stated the State Department’s word salad that was supposed to describe why he was deserving of the honor.

“Ms. Rueda was the driving force behind Argentina’s executive order on the transgender labor quota in the public sector which was converted into the Transgender Labor Quota Act,” it continued.

“She previously worked in the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights in their National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism (INADI) as well as the Argentine Secretariat for Human Rights. She is one of the founders of Argentina Trans Women (MTA) and actively engages with Notitrans, the first transgender magazine in Argentina.”

According to a computer translation of a profile of Rueda by Argentinian outfit Infobae, he is essentially a glorified campus activist who never really left campus.

“Alba is salty. She arrived in Buenos Aires in the nineties with her family and at the age of 16 she chose her name. After finishing high school at Normal 10, in Barrancas de Belgrano, she enrolled in Philosophy at the University of Buenos Aires,” the May 2022 profile of the transgender activist read.

“But after only two subjects to graduate, she dropped out, tired of the violence and discrimination of the teachers who refused to recognize her self-perceived identity and, for example, forced her to leave the classroom or prevented her from taking exams.”



EDITORS NOTE: The Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

GRAPHIC VIDEO: 3-year-old Pushed Onto Subway Train Tracks in Portland

The perp had previously slashed a man a year earlier but the DA dropped the charges.

“Brianna Lace Workman, 32, was arraigned Thursday on charges of first-degree attempted assault, third-degree attempted assault, interfering with public transportation, second-degree disorderly conduct and recklessly endangering another person.”

Oregon woman held without bail after video shows her allegedly pushing 3-year-old onto train tracks

Surveillance video released by the district attorney’s office show’s someone jumping up from a bench and pushing the child onto the tracks

By Brie Stimson | Fox News

An Oregon woman is being held without bail after she was arraigned Thursday for allegedly pushing a 3-year-old child onto train tracks while the child and mother were waiting at a Portland train station, the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Department said in a release.

Brianna Lace Workman, 32, is accused of shoving the child face-first onto the tracks of the Gateway Transit Center MAX platform in Northeast Portland without “provocation.”

A bystander rescued the child from the tracks before a train came.

The 3-year-old suffered a severe headache and a red mark on their forehead from hitting their face on the track, the release said.

Read more.


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

J6 Bodycam Footage Shows DC Metro Officer Boasting About Beating Trump Supporters

Last night Tucker was back on fire over January 6th and the way it was used, in this site’s opinion, to further an authoritarian revolution be it communist, fascist or something else. For what it’s worth, current Western governments from Trudeau, Biden and most of Europe and parts of Oz appears to fit the definition of fascism to a T. The segment on the Covid origins hearings adds a lot of data points to the theory as well.


WATCH: “That Was My Best Weapon!” – Bodycam Footage Shows DC Metro Officer Boasting About Beating Trump Supporters with a Flagpole on J6

A few links on January 6th, and the way MSM contrasted it with the truly riotous violent and literally incendiary riots which burned down a Church in Washington a year earlier.

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog post by is republished with permission. ©All right reserved.

VIDEO: Where is Durham! Obama, Hillary & Biden Knew About Fake Russiagate Scandal Against Trump!

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton spoke at CPAC 2023 discussing Judicial Watch’s work in exposing corruption, waste, fraud, and abuse in government, politics, and the law.


RELATED VIDEO: GANGSTER GOVERNMENT: Biden Admin Caught Harassing Elon Musk!

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Cost Study: Illegal Immigration Now Costs American Taxpayers At Least $151 Billion a Year

Washington, D.C. — A new report by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) finds that, as of 2022, American taxpayers shell out at least $151 billion each year to cover the cost of illegal immigration. Broken down, the data reveals that taxpayers pay $182 billion annually to provide services and benefits to illegal aliens and their dependents. These costs are offset by about $31 billion in taxes that are collected from the estimated 15.5 million illegal aliens living in the United States, bringing the net cost to $150.7 billion annually.

  • At the start of 2023, the net cost of illegal immigration for the United States – at the federal, state, and local levels – was at least $150.7 billion.
  • FAIR arrived at this number by subtracting the tax revenue paid by illegal aliens – just under $32 billion – from the gross negative economic impact of illegal immigration, $182 billion.
  • In 2017, the estimated net cost of illegal migration was approximately $116 billion. In just 5 years, the cost to Americans has increased by nearly $35 billion.
  • Illegal immigration costs each American taxpayer $1,156 per year.
  • Each illegal alien or U.S.-born child of illegal aliens costs the U.S. $8,776 annually.
  • Evidence shows that tax payments by illegal aliens cover only around a sixth of the costs they create at all levels in this country.
  • A large percentage of illegal aliens who work in the underground economy frequently avoid paying any income tax at all.
  • Many illegal aliens actually receive a net cash profit through refundable tax credit programs.

The 2022 costs represent a 30 percent increase to taxpayers in just five years. A former version of this study, conducted in 2017 by FAIR, placed the annual net cost of illegal immigration at $116 billion. Most of the additional costs have been added in the past two years, as the Biden administration’s de facto open borders policies have triggered a historic surge of new illegal migrants pouring across our borders. Moreover, the updated price tag of $151 billion is a conservative estimate as there are additional costs incurred from illegal immigration, but there is currently insufficient data to provide reliable cost estimates.

FAIR’s comprehensive analysis looks at available federal, state, and local programs and services that are directly accessible to illegal aliens, or indirectly, through their U.S.-born children who qualify for all means-tested programs. In addition to the surge of illegal immigration since 2021, state and local governments have offered a variety of new benefits and services to illegal aliens, which have exacerbated the situation for struggling taxpayers.

Among the key findings in FAIR’s report, The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers:

  • The gross annual cost of illegal immigration (the total amount before taxes paid by illegal aliens are factored in) is now $182 billion, annually.
  • Taxes paid by illegal aliens only cover around 17.2 percent of the costs they create for American citizens, bringing the net cost to $150.7 billion a year.
  • The largest component of the cost is K-12 education, which must be provided under a 1982 Supreme Court ruling. The annual K-12 education cost for illegal aliens (and their U.S.-born children) is $78 billion, of which $70.4 billion is borne by states and localities.
  • Health care for illegal aliens costs taxpayers about $42.7 billion annually.
  • A variety of food assistance and nutritional programs used by illegal aliens and their children cost taxpayers about $13.5 billion annually.
  • Combined federal, state, and local criminal justice costs associated with illegal immigration run about $47 billion annually – not including the cost of damages to victims.

“As America struggles to meet countless societal needs while facing the realities of our staggering $31 trillion national debt, the costs of providing for millions of people who have no legal right to be in the United States continues to grow at an alarming rate,” commented Dan Stein, president of FAIR. “To be clear, most of this enormous financial burden has been inflicted on taxpayers by the open borders advocates at every level of government. Not only is the Biden administration refusing to rein-in illegal immigration or remove the people who are breaking our laws, they are promulgating policies that actually encourage more of it while offering new protections and benefits to those who settle here illegally. Likewise, a growing number of states and localities create their own costly magnets for illegal aliens by declaring themselves sanctuaries and offering new benefits and services. This has to stop.”

“The American people viscerally understand that no nation can flourish without controlling its borders and enforcing its immigration laws. The purpose of this report is to provide them with the true costs of these ruinous policies — $150.7 billion a year and growing with no inclination on the part of the current administration to address the problem,” Stein concluded.


EDITORS NOTE: This FAIR Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE: Protest Children’s Drag Story Hour at New York City’s Yorkville Library

Feb 15, 2023. 11 AM. The Guardians of Divinity gathered peacefully protest another Drag Queen Story hour promoted as usually as SAFE for Children.

Today they were outside a NY Public Library on East 79th St.

The upper east side of Manhattan a.k.a. Yorkville. Image 1 and Image 2.

The NYPD predictably spends all their time dealing with the Antifa radicals who claim to be are there as ‘protection’ for the children.

Protecting the children from those “scary” Guardians of Divinity by the very scary Antifa radicals.

The rest of the Drag supporters are the colorful Rise and Resist Leftists…who have no respect for the First Amendment (or the police) either…

They all have one purpose: to shut down any opposition, and to do this they go where they want and do what they want.

Today, outside the library there were an unusual amount of strollers. Perhaps it’s the UES nannies looking to keep the kids busy (no matter what the event).

The hardcore lefties consistently wear masks- not as a leftover from the “plandemic.“ Their directives claim that UMBRELLAS and MASKS are needed to PROTECT their identities from the evil police. And the dangerous Right Wing Racists.

One. Big. Obnoxious. GAME.

Flickr Slide show – Of Both sides outside the Library


Part 1- The door to the library didn’t open til 11 am, so the children . The strollers, the nannies. The antifa/rise resisters. All hovered outside. It was the few moments of filming for me before they decided to surround me ( yawn). Once the doors opened, the “you don’t belong here” game began.

Part 2. The police were in a much better mood on the UES than the officers in Queens and the 20th street. It was encouraging the calm demeanor they maintained while controlling the Antifa thugs- they still surrounded me- blocking my camera as best they could,with their RAINBOW umbrellas, but today there were limits to how far they could push me. Thank you, Yorkville NYPD.

Part 3 – Activist Jamie Bauer insisted she could NOT understand WHY this group has an issue with the Story Hours. She was seeking a dialogue so she could understand …. but she couldn’t get an answer. (poor dear)

Part 4 – The Guardians of Divinity, when they first gathered were in front of library  … as were the Rise Resisters …  but the police were not comfortable with this arrangement. All the barricades were late arriving. So, the antifa thugs were roaming and shoving and physically threatening the Guardians. Annoyed, understandably, the Guardians were placed in a barricaded area, away from the library entrance.

The resistance by concerned citizens like the Guardians of Divinity to grooming children through inappropriate books, classroom indoctrination and the proliferation of adult Drag Queen Story Hours performing to young children continues and is growing. Parents are no longer silent. The resistance will never be silent.

Stop Grooming the Kids. Let Kids be Kids. Stop Killing Their InnocenceThey are definitely making an impression.

Even though NYC is run by progs and the socialist/commie machine they are NOT comfortable….they HATE that the opposition continues.


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Where indicated, pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall-VSB

The Greatest Ripoff in American History: Democrats Spent $100 Billion of Your Money on Climate Hoax

You have to wonder what its going to take for Americans to wake up to the party of treason.

Is this the greatest ripoff in American history?

America has spent $100 billion of your money on climate change. How’s that working out?

By Stephen Moore | NY Sun, March 7, 2023:

Biden admin internal climate agenda memo leaked

Former U.S. Homeland Security Adviser Dr. Julia Nesheiwat joined ‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ to discuss what the leaked climate memo indicates about the Biden administration’s priorities.
NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles!

For at least the last 20 years, politicians in Washington, at the behest of green energy groups, have spent some $100 billion of taxpayer money to fight climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. How is that going for us so far?

A recent Associated Press story, based on the latest data on global carbon emissions, provides a pretty accurate report card: “Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reached a Record High in 2022.”

The article tells us: “Communities around the world emitted more carbon dioxide in 2022 than in any other year on records dating to 1900, a result of air travel rebounding from the pandemic and more cities turning to coal as a low-cost source of power. Emissions of the climate-warming gas that were caused by energy production grew 0.9% to reach 36.8 gigatons in 2022, the International Energy Agency reported Thursday. (The mass of one gigaton is equivalent to about 10,000 fully loaded aircraft carriers, according to NASA.)”

You’ve got to almost shriek out loud when you read this line: “Thursday’s (IEA) report was described as disconcerting by climate scientists.”

“Disconcerting”? That’s putting it lightly. We are the furthest thing from being climate change alarmists, but when you spend $100 billion of taxpayer money and achieve absolutely nothing, President Joe Biden and his green allies should be arrested for criminal fraud.

Where did all the money go? Tens of billions of dollars have lined the pockets of left-wing environmental and social justice groups that have been emitting a lot of hot air but no results. Green energy companies have milked taxpayers of tens of billions more.

Where did all the money go? Tens of billions of dollars have lined the pockets of left-wing environmental and social justice groups that have been emitting a lot of hot air but no results. Green energy companies have milked taxpayers of tens of billions more, even as wind and solar only produce about 12% of our energy.

Is this the greatest ripoff of U.S. taxpayers in history?

Keep reading.



GOING BLACK, NOT GREEN: Curbing U.S. Oil, Gas Production Would Hurt the Environment, Report Finds

Socialists Cheer Dem State’s Climate Bill Mandating Fossil Fuel Shutdown: ‘Will Transform New York’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

I’m From the Government, And I’m Here to Shut You Up

Your federal government is trying to shut you up.  That’s very twisted, considering the purpose of government is to protect your rights, including your right to free speech.

During a congressional hearing last month, it came to light the federal government communicated through a private cloud server called JIRA with social media companies and leftist nonprofits to censor American voices in violation of the First Amendment.  The federal agencies involved include DHS and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.  The leftist nonprofits included the National Association of Secretaries of State, the National Association of State Election Directors, and the Election Integrity Partnership whose partners include centers at Stanford University and the University of Washington.  Twitter censor Yoel Roth said he could not recall being involved in JIRA, but documentary evidence showed he was.  His actions converted Twitter from a private company into a state actor, an extension of the government willingly engaged in censorship.

Separately, the 17th release of Twitter files shows a government-funded entity and government officials asked Twitter to take action against 40,000 accounts, many of which were ordinary conservatives.  The Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab made the request.  The Lab is funded by the U.S. government, specifically, the Global Engagement Center which is an interagency group led by the State Department.  Center members include the FBI, DHS, NSA, and the CIA.  Its stated mission is to expose foreign disinformation.  It secretly engaged subcontractors who embarked on blacklisting accounts that merely cited foreign news sources.  In this case, Twitter wasn’t buying it, but media outlets were brought in to pressure Twitter in the name of stopping foreign disinformation.  This was reminiscent of another government-sponsored guilt-by-association scheme targeting Americans, the Hamilton-68 dashboard revealed in Twitter file release #15.  The Global Engagement Center was throwing government money around – tens of millions of dollars – giving the subcontractors every incentive to come through with phony allegations.

The Biden administration threw more tens of millions at something called the International Fund for Public Interest Media (IFPIM).  It partnered with Samantha Powers’ agency, USAID, to censor Americans and free speech around the world.   This information appeared in a USAID press release that has since been taken off the agency’s website.  One of IFPIM’s founders is BBC Media Action.  The BBC also founded the Trusted News Initiative which includes such media outlets as the Associated Press, Washington Post, and Reuters.  The Initiative appears to have been an extension of government engaged in suppressing truthful information about COVID around the world.

That’s four really big government censorship schemes you can stack on top of the wide-ranging government censorship enterprise being investigated in federal court by the Missouri and Louisiana state attorneys general.  But there’s more.  Another State Department official asked Twitter to delete accounts the official claimed were controlled by the Russians when they were not.  The State Department also gave money to a radical Leftist group based in London, the Global Disinformation Index, which attempted to steer advertising dollars away from conservative news outlets in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and elsewhere in the name of fighting disinformation.  The New York Post was among the conservative outlets targeted.

And don’t forget DHS had started up a Disinformation Governance Board before it was found out and shut down.

Connect the dots and what do you get?  A picture of a rogue, out-of-control federal government that is, not only not protecting your rights, but is actively engaged in trying to take them away.  All in the name of the truth, of course.  But there are very good reasons we don’t want the government in the business of deciding for others what is true and what is not.   One of those reasons is that the government can be dead wrong, the most recent example being how spectacularly wrong the federal government was in its bone-headed COVID masking and lockdown policies.  Think about that the next time jack-booted authoritarian government thugs say they need to suppress information to save you.

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

Florida Withdraws From Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC)

TALLAHASSEE, FLA – Today, Secretary of State Cord Byrd notified the Electronic Registration Information Center, Inc. (ERIC), that Florida is terminating its ERIC Membership. Today’s announcement follows efforts led by Florida over the past year to reform ERIC through attempts to secure data and eliminate ERIC’s partisan tendencies, all of which were rejected. Withdrawing from ERIC will ensure the data privacy of Florida voters is protected. Florida is joined in withdrawing from ERIC Membership today by the states of Missouri and West Virginia.

“As Secretary of State, I have an obligation to protect the personal information of Florida’s citizens, which the ERIC agreement requires us to share,” said Secretary of State, Cord Byrd. “Florida has tried to back reforms to increase protections, but these protections were refused. Therefore, we have lost confidence in ERIC.”

In 2022, a working group of ERIC member states was formed and proposed necessary changes to the ERIC Membership agreement. These reforms would have eliminated concerns about ERIC’s potential partisan leanings, and made the information shared with ERIC more secure.

Specifically, Florida backed the working group’s proposals including increased protections for confidential voter information and limiting the power of ex-officio partisan members of the ERIC board. These ex-officio partisan members are not representatives of specific states and have undue influence over the organization and its decisions.

However, given the unwillingness of ERIC to address these significant issues of electoral  integrity, it is in the best interest of Florida, its citizens, and its voters to withdraw its membership from ERIC.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Florida, Missouri, And Virginia Announce Withdrawals From ERIC

Washington State Registered ‘Many’ Foreign Nationals To Vote In Recent Elections 

Former Mumford & Sons Guitarist: Antifa Tried to ‘Destroy’ Me for Wrongthink

Speaking with Tucker Carlson on his Fox Nation show, Former Mumford & Sons guitarist Winston Marshall detailed how the Democrat Brownshirts of Antifa tried to “destroy” him after he endorsed a book by journalist Andy Ngo exposing the inner workings of the violent domestic terror group.

“They’re very effective online. Like, for example, there was a whole night where they were changing my Wikipedia page from ‘Winston Marshall is a banjo player’ to ‘Winston Marshall is a fascist,’” he said. “They just swarm you like hornets and everything they do to try and destroy you.”

He said friends tried to change his Wikipedia page back only to see it changed again. He said some of his music collaborators were also being attacked simply because of their professional association with him.

In 2021, Marshall praised Ngo on his book Unmasked: Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy, which details Antifa’s efforts to terrorize its ideological opponents through violence and harassment. “Congratulations @MrAndyNgo. Finally had the time to read your important book. You’re a brave man,” Marshall tweeted.

A few months later, Marshall quit the band after receiving a deluge of abuse from the cancel mob for his tweet. The guitarist said his bandmates were also targeted even though they weren’t involved with the tweet.

“My life sort of started to crumble,” he told Carlson. “Initially I was like, so what, it will pass, but that’s when you get the phone calls from loved ones and friends and people you work with just panicking.”

This is how cancel culture works — the online and real-world mobs destroy your life and threaten you with violence. It’s the Democrat way.


67 Known Connections

Antifa Attacks Journalist Andy Ngo

On May 28, 2021, Antifa radicals chased and beat conservative journalist Andy Ngo in the streets of Portland, Oregon while he was covering protests in that city. “No journalist in America should ever face violence for doing his or her job,” Ngo said in a tweet on June 2. “… I was chased, attacked and beaten by a masked mob, baying for my blood. Had I not been able to shelter wounded and bleeding inside a hotel while they beat the doors and windows like animals, there is no doubt in my mind I would not be here today. Their words, like their actions, speak for themselves.”

To learn more about Antifa, click here.


Buttigieg Mentored MD Mayor Facing 56 Child Porn Charges

Carlson: We’re Supposed to Think It’s ‘Not a Big Deal’ Fetterman is in Mental Hospital

Sanders: Taxing More than 50% of Income is ‘Absolutely’ Fair

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Arizona County Sees 377% Surge in Human Smuggling, 610% Hike in Fentanyl Under Biden

The situation along the southwest border has deteriorated so badly under President Joe Biden that in the last two years an Arizona county about an hour drive from Mexico has seen a breathtaking 377% increase in human smuggling and trafficking incidents and a shocking 610% rise in fentanyl pills seized by local law enforcement officers. Closer to the southern border a small Arizona town a stone’s throw from Los Algodones, Mexico saw three times its population cross into its municipality illegally last year, overwhelming the city’s only hospital.

The Pinal County Sheriff and the president of Yuma Regional Medical Center offered the chilling information this week during a congressional hearing focusing on immigration since Biden took office. Held by the House Homeland Security Committee, the session occurred just days after the nation heard alarming testimony form Border Patrol sector chiefs during a separate conference held by the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability. In that hearing Rio Grande Valley Chief Gloria Chavez revealed cartels use drones to track federal agents and that in her Texas sector alone more than 10,000 drone incursions and 25,000 drone sightings occurred in a year. “The adversaries have 17 times the number of drones, twice the amount of flight hours and unlimited funding to grow their operations,” Chavez told federal lawmakers. Tucson sector Chief John Modlin said the border crisis has gone from “what I would describe as unprecedented to a point where I don’t have the correct adjective.” Last year his Arizona sector seized about 700 pounds of fentanyl, which is well over three million pills.

American border towns have been devastated by the illegal immigration crisis and the problem is spilling over into distant regions that typically do not see the kind of activity associated with border crimes. The president of Yuma Regional Medical Center, Dr. Robert Trenschel, said before the congressional hearing this week that his facility is overwhelmed. “Yuma is only a population of 100,000 people, and we’ve had 300,000 people cross the border in a year, and we’re the only hospital they go to,” Trenschel said. “So they come to us and that’s impacted our hospital significantly and disproportionately.” The hospital chief testified that many migrants come with significant diseases that require costly treatments like dialysis, cardiac catheterization and surgery. “Many are very sick,” he said. “They have long term complications of chronic disease that have not been cared for. Some end up in the ICU for 60 days or more. One of the largest cohorts we have seen are maternity patients who present with little or no prenatal care. These higher risk pregnancies and births result in higher complication rates and longer hospital stays. Due to a lack of pre-natal care, many of these babies require a stay in our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit—some for a month or more at a time.” Of course, American taxpayers are picking up the tab for the costly medical care.

Further from the Mexican border in central Arizona’s Pinal County, the area’s top law enforcement official says a high percentage of the drugs and human smuggling plaguing the U.S. pass through his jurisdiction enroute to Phoenix and the rest of the country. The elected sheriff, Mark Lamb, testified that over the last two years human smuggling/trafficking incidents in his county have increased 377% and vehicle pursuits related to human smuggling are up 461%. “If it’s not humans being trafficked, it’s drugs,” Lamb said. “The number of fentanyl pills my deputies have seized along this same route since 2020 is up 610%.” The veteran cop also told lawmakers that most of the migrants his agency encounters, those who got away from the Border Patrol, are being trafficked by the cartels. “They are adult military aged men wearing camouflage clothes, carpet shoes, carrying backpacks and often times drugs,” Lamb said. “They have eluded Border Patrol by walking through the desert for several days and have no intentions of giving up. Many of them have been deported before, have criminal records or work directly for the cartels. Their goal is to enter our country undetected and illegally.”

During the lengthy hearing the sheriff also expressed frustration at media and Biden administration claims that there is not a crisis at the southern border and the lie that the area is secure. “Clearly, our statistics tell a different story,” Lamb said. “And that story is that the border is not secure.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

ISRAEL: Muslims Fire at Passing Cars, Murder American Citizen

Nides noted that “sadly, a US citizen was killed in one of the terror attacks in the West Bank tonight.”

Yet he continues to devote the lion’s share of his time to aiding the supporters and enablers of the jihad terrorists who killed Elan Ganeles.

Elan Ganeles identified as U.S. citizen murdered in terror attack near Jericho

by Tzvi Joffre, Jerusalem Post, February 27, 2023:

A US-Israeli dual national was killed in a shooting attack near the Beit HaArava Junction on Highway 90 in the Jordan Valley on Monday afternoon.

Elan Ganeles was identified as the US citizen who was killed in a shooting attack near the Beit HaArava Junction on Highway 90 in the Jordan Valley on Monday afternoon.

Ganeles, from West Hartford, Connecticut, recently graduated from Columbia University. Ganeles’ funeral will take place in Israel and his family will return to Connecticut to sit Shiva, according to an announcement by the Young Israel of West Hartford….

Video from the scene at Beit HaArava showed the terrorists driving up to the junction and firing at passing cars. A passing car was damaged although no injuries were caused. The terrorists then proceeded to the Mul Nevo area where they shot an Israeli, critically injuring him.

The victim, 26 years old Ganales, was transferred to Hadassah Medical Center at Har Zofim in critical condition as paramedics conducted resuscitation efforts. He was pronounced dead at the hospital. On Monday night, US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides confirmed that “sadly, a US citizen was killed in one of the terror attacks in the West Bank tonight.”

The terrorists proceeded to drive to the area of the Monastery of Saint George in Wadi Qelt, burned their vehicle and switched to a different vehicle before driving away from the area.

The roads leading to Jericho were closed as Israeli forces searched for the terrorists.

Israel Police chief Kobi Shabtai spoke with M. an officer at the Maale Adumim police station who clashed with the terrorists who carried out the attack.

“I arrived on shift and while I was getting ready, we received a message about hearing gunshots in Beit Arava. We went out there right away and while doing so we realized that there are three scenes,” said M. “At a certain point we detected smoke and got closer and found a car on fire with yellow license plates and we realized that it was the vehicle of the terrorists. One of the terrorists aimed a firearm at us and we immediately fired at the terrorists.”

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist movement welcomed the attack on Monday evening, saying “Resistance operations are continuing, and the enemy will pay the price for all its crimes.”

“The occupation and its fascist government bear full responsibility, and whoever lights the fire and sponsors terrorism must bear the consequences of its terrorism and aggression,” said the movement. “The Islamic Jihad movement warns the occupation against persisting in aggression and unleashing the hands of settlers, which will lead to more resistance operations that may reach the Zionist depth. Settlement wherever it is found, it is a legitimate target for the resistance.”…



UK: Sunak vows to deport all illegal immigrants

UK: Student who accidentally damaged Qur’an is suspended, student who threatened to kill him gets ‘words of advice’

India: Muslim leader claims the country will be under Islamic rule within twenty years

Nigeria: Muslims murder at least fifteen people in raids on two Christian villages

UK Home Secretary: ‘Blind spot in the system has allowed certain Islamist groups to operate under our radar’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Citizens for Sanity Ad Exposes How Democrat’s RACIST ‘Equity Mandates’ Are Destroying America

“The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other – until one day when they are suddenly declared to be the country’s official ideology.” — Ayn Rand

There’s a new group that is contesting the uncontested absurdities of today. This group is called Citizens for Sanity and they are attacking the insanities we are witnessing daily from the political leadership from the school house to the White House.

Citizens for Sanity’s mission is to return common sense to America, to highlight the importance of logic and reason, and to defeat “wokeism” and anti-critical thinking ideologies that have permeated every sector of our country and threaten the very freedoms that are foundational to the American Dream.

WATCH: Equity = Bigotry.

In a Blaze Media article titled Protect pregnant men from climate discrimination’: Conservative group runs ads with preposterous messages that highlight the absurdity of left-wing ideology reported,

A conservative organization called Citizens for Sanity is running ads that highlight the absurdity of woke left-wing ideology.

The group’s posts on Twitter indicate that its billboard ads include statements such as:

  • “Protect Pregnant Men from Climate Discrimination”
  • “Open the jails. Open the borders. Close the schools. Vote progressive this November.”
  • “Violent criminals deserve our compassion and respect. This fall, stand strong for progressive values.”
  • “Vote to keep our borders, jails and bathrooms open. Vote progressive.”
  • “Too much freedom is a bad thing. Get your IRS audit today.”
  • “If you don’t like being audited then you’re the problem.”
  • “Don’t let the radical right put our neighborhood street gangs behind bars. Support Joe Biden & Progressive Candidates.”

The group, which is a tax-exempt nonprofit, according to Politico, is also running ads in other forms of media. According to Politico, the group said it would push a television ad that focuses on the topic of transgender individuals competing in girls’ sports.

The ad shows a biological boy defeating girls in a race. “Woke left-wing politicians are destroying girls’ sports,” the ad declares.


It’s about time that we stop these uncontested insanities.

Don’t you agree?

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Lawless Democrat Portland Loses Its Last Walmart

Elections have consequences. Big box retailers forced out of Democrat-controlled Portland.

Walmart announced it is permanently closing all of its locations in Portland, Oregon.

You reap what you vote.

The announcements come just a few months after the Walmart CEO warned stores could close and prices could increase in light of sky-high retail crimes affecting stores across the country.

“Theft is an issue. It’s higher than what it has historically been,” Walmart CEO Doug McMillon said in December on CNBC. He added that “prices will be higher and/or stores will close” if authorities don’t crack down on prosecuting shoplifting crimes.

Big Box Retailers Forced Out Of Democrat-Controlled Portland And More

By: Erica Carlin, Liberty One News, march 3, 2023:

Cities under Democrat rule are rapidly becoming lawless. Nowhere is this more evident than in Portland, Oregon, where Mayor Ted Wheeler has refused Nike’s request for help with theft in its Northeast store and Walmart has been forced to close its remaining stores in the city.

The situation at Nike’s store is emblematic of the issues facing businesses in liberal-run cities. The store has been closed for months due to rampant retail theft and Nike asked Mayor Wheeler if the city could either pay to hire additional cops to patrol the area or pay off-duty cops to do so.

But Wheeler refused, citing the city’s “significant personnel constraint” as a result of the city’s “brush with defunding the police”—a ludicrous idea that Portland embraced in 2020, sending experienced officers running for the exits.

Instead, he asked Nike to re-open its store “on a limited basis” and suggested that the company may be part of the problem by refusing to allow its security guards to detain shoplifters. Of course, Nike won’t do that for fear of liability, and it’s no wonder Amazon hasn’t wiped out 100% of local businesses trying to deal with this nonsense.

It’s a similar story for Walmart. The retail giant recently confirmed that it is closing all remaining stores in Portland due to the rise of theft. Walmart CEO Doug McMillon warned in December that the company might have to close stores or raise prices if things didn’t improve.

Keep reading.



Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Suffers Election Defeat to Pro-Police Candidate

Portland real estate developer says goodbye to city after bullet holes riddle office: ‘Absolute madness’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.