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3476 search results for: immigration


Geert Wilders’ Plan to Make the Netherlands Great Again

Geert Wilders is enmeshed in yet another political trial. This time  brought by the Hague Prosecutors based on 6,400 petitions filed over his 2014 Campaign remarks about “fewer Moroccans” – a reference to the record of criminality by Dutch Moroccans.  This Kafkaesque second trial brought on criminal charges of hate speech is being heard before […]


News Update from Canada: Trump-fearing American Liberals flee North

The flood of Trump-fearing American liberals sneaking across the border into Canada has intensified in the past week. The Republican presidential campaign is prompting an exodus among left-leaning Americans who fear they’ll soon be required to hunt, pray, pay taxes, and live according to the Constitution. Canadian border residents say it’s not uncommon to see […]


President Trump: Now What?

Steps President Trump should take as President to roll back the global jihad. My latest in FrontPage: A key element of Donald Trump’s popularity as a presidential candidate was his willingness to stake out policy positions that made establishment politicians cower in fear. His success as President will depend upon his willingness to do the […]


The People — and No One Else — Have Spoken

No elites, no media. This is a REAL uprising. My latest in PJ Media: The establishment media and the political elites are reeling, and we have every reason to believe they will never recover. Considering the massive coalition Donald Trump and his movement had to fight against, it may truly be said that the people […]


Trump: No refugee resettlement unless local community supports it

More on what Trump said in little Mogadishu, Minnesota yesterday (earlier post is here).   Dashing out, no time to say more.  Read it all at Breitbart, here. “A Trump administration will not admit any refugees without the support of the local community where they are being placed,” Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told an enthusiastic crowd […]


VIDEO: President Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote

On Neil Cavuto show Coast to Coast an illegal alien asks President Obama if she should fear voting, because immigration will come and get her and her family. Samantha Change from BizPac Review in a column titled “Cavuto stunned as Obama prods illegals to VOTE on national TV: It’s secret, they can’t catch you” reports: […]


Michael Moore video supporting Donald J. Trump for President goes viral

Carolyn Serrano, Corporate Vice-President of, Inc. in an email writes: Dear friends of, We only have TWO days left to save America.  Watch the video below, ironically made by Michael Moore, of all people.  He gave this talk to Democrats as a means of mobilizing them for election day.  BUT IT HAS BACKFIRED ON HIM, and become […]


The Great Gamble

Victims of their own propaganda, and driven by personal power and greed, Soviet leaders realized too late that their socialist “progressive” vision was inherently flawed and fatally corrupt.  The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics collapsed into oblivion. A very small group of Elite progressive power-brokers has gone all-in to dictate the future of the Democratic […]


Hillary vs. The Education of American Children

Two recurrent claims made by Hillary Clinton are that she will stand with American families against powerful interests and corporations and that she will increase spending on educating children to help them succeed. These populist promises may resonate with many Americans.  However, as my mom used to say, “Actions speak louder than words.” Hillary Clinton’s grandiose […]


Donald J. Trump’s Gettysburg Address — A Contract With The American Voter

In his speech in Gettysburg, on Saturday, October 22nd, 2016, Donald Trump laid out the plan he will pursue during his first 100 days in office. The plan is called the Donald J. Trump “Contract With The American Voter.” Below is the full text of Donald J. Trump’s Gettysburg address: “Therefore, on the first day of […]