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3461 search results for: immigration


Beer Company Mocks Families Whose Loved Ones Were Killed by Illegals and Migrants

HEINEKEN USA has produced a TV commercial mocking families who have had loved ones killed by illegal aliens and refugees. Tecate Light, the fastest growing light beer in the U.S., will debut a controversial, disturbing and politically biased national television commercial called “The Wall” on Fox News, Univision and Telemundo during the first Presidential debate.  […]


Senator Ted Cruz: My Six Reasons for Endorsing Donald Trump for President — I’m #NeverHillary

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz released the following statement on why he is endorsing Donald Trump for President of the United States: This election is unlike any other in our nation’s history. Like many other voters, I have struggled to determine the right course of action in this general election. In Cleveland, I urged voters, “please, […]


Confidential U.S. Intelligence Briefing: Illegal Migration and the Diseases Within

The attached report is a condensed form of the complete Intel Briefing Booklet I distributed to the attendees at the Arizona State Senate briefing. After submitting this report to a person with whom I have worked with over the past several years, and who now is an advisor on the Trump for President National Security […]


Hey Office Holders — Do Your Job!

Okay, here we go again.  More Islamic terrorist goons have seized upon the weakness displayed even in the highest levels of the government.  Those committing Islamic terrorist attacks against Americans are simply taking advantage of what has been given to them over the past almost eight years.  It’s like a football team taking what the […]


The Stain that Would be on Obama’s Conscience — If He Had One

While speaking at the United Nations Tuesday and advocating more Muslim migration into the West, Barack Obama likened a refusal to accept the Muslims to the “turning away [of] Jews fleeing Nazi Germany,” which he called “a stain on our collective conscience.” But while Obama sought to lecture us, he actually condemned himself. Of course, […]


One Florida Mosque’s History of Close Ties to Terrorists

Few Floridians know the history behind the Islamic Society of Sarasota and Bradenton mosque located at 4350 N. Lockwood Ridge Road in Sarasota, Florida. Florida investigator Bill Warner reported in August of 2011: [T]he Sarasota Fl area was the base of operations for 9/11 Al-Qaeda Hijack Pilots Mohamed Atta, Marwan al-Shehhi and Ziad Jarrah, they had a support network […]


Sticking It To America

President Obama finds yet another way to stick it to America.  It is bad enough to have to endure the daily disregard for the law on behalf of presidential candidate Mrs. Clinton.  The onslaught of attacks against GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump by Alynski inspired network talk show hosts and news anchors is nauseating.  We […]


How to Influence Your Friends: Your delivery matters more than your political position

PROVO, Utah /PRNewswire/ — In past elections, our front yards, t-shirts, car bumpers and water cooler conversations proudly campaigned for the presidential candidate of our choice. In 2016, most are afraid to utter the name of the person they plan to vote for on November 8. Research by Joseph Grenny and David Maxfield, cofounders of VitalSmarts and […]


Hillary’s Basket: Who really belongs in the basket of deplorables?

On September 10, 2016 Fox News reported, “Clinton: Half Of Trump Supporters ‘Basket Of Deplorables’ — ‘Racist, Sexist…You Name It.’” This is the same Hillary Clinton whose campaign slogan, “Stronger Together” clearly does not include Americans who support Donald Trump and the effective enforcement of our immigration laws. My recent article, “Balkanized America: Politicians, pollsters, […]


Demand Congressmen and Senators Defund Refugee Resettlement

URGENT ACTION ALERT Take action now to voice your strong opposition to any additional refugee funding Is there anyone in Washington, aside from a handful, who actually care about American lives? When confronted with obvious threats to our national security and personal safety, wouldn’t a normal response of an elected leader, especially one from the […]


Medical Ticking Time Bomb

America has been blessed in so many ways. One blessing has been a health-care system which is the envy of the world. Not only is this blessing changing before our eyes, but our country is under assault by an increasing flow of third-world humanity who are bringing with them not only incredible needs in every respect, […]


Maybe Kaine Thinks You Are Not too Bright

Either progressive Vice Presidential candidate Tim Kaine is stupid or he believes the American people are.  Progressive Senator Tim Kaine D-Va. Has portrayed presidential candidate Donald Trump as a xenophobe.  According to the word xenophobe is defined as a person who fears or hates foreigners, strange customs, etc.  Kaine went on to utter, “Look, […]