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3476 search results for: immigration


Another Syrian resettlement site expansion being done in secrecy

We have been reporting to you for years that the only way the federal government and its contractors can successfully establish a new or expanded refugee seed community is by keeping their plans secret, within a small group of supporters (and some elected officials!), and getting the program approved before the general public catches on. […]


WIKILEAKS: Podesta gets email that labels Blacks and Muslims ‘professional never-do-wells’

Of course, when I saw this the first thing that came to my mind was: If Hillary’s campaign believes this, then why on earth is she promoting more Muslim and African refugee resettlement for hundreds of American towns? From WBSM AM 1420: The mainstream media, the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton have all accused the Republican candidate […]


List of Republicans who are members of the ‘Open Borders’ movement

The great to-do about nothing regarding Donald Trump’s decade-old locker room talk is really all about immigration. And as such, perhaps the kerfuffle is actually a great benefit to us because it very clearly shows us those members of Congress, U.S. Senators and a couple of governors who do not want to close our borders. […]


VIDEO: Obama administration does NO screening for refugees with ‘radical’ views

Henshaw awoke that morning with a splitting head. He knew this was the day that he would be questioned by Senator Sessions, and would have to acknowledge that the U.S. under Barack Obama’s rule was admitting innumerable people who do not share American values and have no intention of obeying American laws. His head throbbed […]


Why do bishops back racist politicians?

Many of the most vocal bishops in the United States when it comes to social justice issues are the same ones who support the Democrats, and even sometimes actually condemn the Republicans. Now that’s curious, given the way the Democratic Party has treated American blacks for the past hundred-plus years. Democrats have passed laws and […]


Majority of Paris attackers used Muslim migration routes to enter Europe

The majority of the Isil extremists who carried out the November 13 Paris attacks entered Europe while posing as migrants, Hungarian security officials have disclosed. It is now revealed that seven of the jihadists who murdered 130 innocents and injured 360 more in Paris last November traveled through Hungary while posing as Muslim refugees. The disclosure comes amid […]


Muslims are not Jews

When Nicholas Kristof, a writer for the New York Times, wrote Anne Frank today is a Syrian girl, he was publicizing his own distorted view that all immigrants are equal, period.  He compared the dilemma of the Jewish Holocaust victims’ flight from imminent torture and extermination by the Nazis and collaborating European regimes with the […]


Black Lives Matter to Who?

As has been the case in American politics of divide and conquer for far too long, race relations are once again center stage in the 2016 Democratic Party campaign for power, this time under the Black Lives Matter banner. Once again, a political election is being framed around manufactured social divisions created by politicians – […]


Expert: Illegal Aliens are an ‘Unarmed Army’ waging ‘Bio Terrorism’ against America

There have been growing reports of illegal aliens and refugees coming to the United States infected with diseases that have been previously eradicated. I reached out to Dr. Bob McCann, a licensed physician and certified lawyer in Florida, about this growing threat. The following is information that Dr. McCann provided to me, A flood of illegals has […]


George Soros funded ReThink Media pushed ‘Islamophobia’ lies after ISIS San Bernardino slaughter

“ReThink Media, funded in part through NSHR grantee the Security and Rights Collaborative, distributed a set of talking points to organizations working to combat Islamophobia and arranging a series of conference calls to discuss messaging and crisis communications tactics.” For years I have wondered why every single mainstream media reporter I have ever encountered was […]


Defining and Understanding Liberalism

When the term “liberalism” (derived from the Latin word liberalis, meaning “pertaining to a free man”) first emerged in the early 1800s, its hallmarks were a belief in: individual rights (which included civil liberties, political equality, freedom of conscience, and freedom of thought); the rule of law; limited government; private property; and laissez faire economics. Moreover, liberalism favored a […]