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3476 search results for: immigration


The ‘George Soros Affect’ on American Politics and Culture

New York hedge fund manager George Soros is one of the most politically powerful individuals on earth. Since the mid-1980s in particular, he has used his immense influence to help reconfigure the political landscapes of several countries around the world—in some cases playing a key role in toppling regimes that had held the reins of […]


Since 2009 U.S. Has Spent $73 Million to Register Immigrant Voters

Months after the Obama administration spent $19 million to register new immigrant voters that will likely support Democrats in November, it’s dedicating an additional $10 million in a final push as the presidential election approaches. The money is distributed by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the Homeland Security agency that oversees lawful immigration, to […]


The German Anti-immigrant AFD Party Thrashes Merkel’s CDU

The anti-immigrant AFD pushed the Christian Democratic Union into third place in elections in Chancellor Angela Merkel’s home state. The right wing “Alternative Fuer Deutschland” party (AFD) thrashed the ruling Christian Democratic Union party (CDU), putting them in third place in the regional elections held in German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s home state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern on […]


VIDEO: Alex Jones Exposes Pro-Amnesty Libertarian Gary Johnson

Has the Libertarian a Party been hijacked by the globalists and the Democrats? Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson became visibly upset during an interview Wednesday after being asked about “illegal immigration.” While speaking with Townhall’s Guy Benson, Johnson, a former New Mexico governor, began demanding that the term “undocumented” be used in lieu of “illegal.”


PODCAST: Trump In Mexico, Turkey vs. Kurds, Muslim Refugees Occupy old Athens Airport

Trump’s visit to Mexico this week was a watershed moment in the presidential campaign season. In one daring move, Donald J. Trump proved that his rhetoric as a candidate is already producing desired diplomatic and policy effects. Moreover, it shows that Mexico considers a Trump presidency a very real possibility. Meanwhile, John Kerry suggests that […]


Globalism and the Death of the American Dream

On August 22, 2016, U.S. News & World Report published the sobering article, “Dream On:Growing inequality has made the American ‘rags to riches’ story more myth than reality.” While the Labor Department boasts about an unemployment rate of approximately 5 percent, the reality is that the statistic ignores the plight of tens of millions of […]


Trump beating Hillary in Florida

BOCA RATON, Fla. /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Republican nominee Donald Trump leads Democrat Hillary Clinton in Florida 43 to 41 percent, with Libertarian Gary Johnson taking 8 percent, Green Party candidate Jill Stein 2 percent and 5 percent undecided, according to a new survey by the Florida Atlantic University Business and Economics Polling Initiative (FAU BEPI). Both candidates are […]


VIDEO: Hillary is Satan’s mop for wiping up the last remaining resistance to him in America

Hillary Clinton is evil. There is no other way to say the reality. She is evil. Hillary is Satan’s mop for wiping up the last remaining resistance to him in America. TRANSCRIPT Hillary Clinton is evil. There is no other way to say the reality. She is evil. Archbishop Fulton Sheen made the perfect distinction […]