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508 search results for: Pope Francis


President Obama: “We are not at war with Islam” – but is Islam at War with Us?

On Wednesday, February 18, 2014 at a White House Summit, President Obama presented his views on countering “violent extremism”.  He suggested that Islamic terrorists misappropriate Islamic doctrine, exploit disaffected youths in communities across the US and globally throughout the Ummah- the community of Muslim believers. He suggested that youths prone to radicalization outside the U.S. […]


The President’s Conference and its message: “Think Again, Turn Away”

Today starts a three day conference in Foggy Bottom at which President Obama will appear before an audience of representatives from 60 countries dealing with the threat of “violent extremism”.  The White House and State Department have made it abundantly clear that they refuse to identify the perpetrators and the victims of the Paris Charlie […]


In desperate times, the world needs more toilet humor

Full and total equality is probably best achieved through toilet humor. It’s equally funny and accessible to all – regardless of race, income, education, gender, or age. Furthermore, the most powerful leaders are equal to each other and to everyone else when they sit on the toilet, focusing on their daily duty. That is also […]


Solving the “Muslim Problem”

The recent bloody massacres at the offices of the French satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, and at a kosher grocery store in Paris, have spawned a number of solutions to the “Muslim problem,” some totally useless and pointless and others quite draconian. Typical of the useless and pointless solution was that offered by Pope Francis as […]


America and the Political Ideology of Soviet Fascism

History repeats itself. Today, in December 2014, I’d like to bring you back to a real history of the 20th century and political ideology of Fascism, because both are determining our future. The history of German Fascism 1933-1945 is equally important. The Polish poetess Grazyna Chrostowska, was a member of the underground KOP (Komenda Obrońców […]