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507 search results for: Pope Francis



Happy one year anniversary to Pope Francis. He has taken the world by storm, curbed the role of the Vatican Second-in-Command all the while holding a “Global Open House”. It seems almost impossible to think that a full year has gone by that we witnessed that plume of white smoke rising from the Sistine Chapel […]


Billy Graham’s son Franklin: Homosexuality is ‘a sin,’ and ‘I want to warn people’

“In a Meet the Press interview Sunday, Franklin Graham, the son of famed preacher Billy Graham, refused to back down from his Biblical stance against homosexuality. “It’s sin,” he said, and added that he wanted to warn people about it because they will have to stand before God who will judge,” Life Site News reports. The younger […]


Accuracy In Media’s Top 10 Misreported or Underreported Stories of 2013

Accuracy in Media has published its “Top 10 Misreported or Underreported Stories of the Year.” Here they are. 1. Obamacare’s Failings: From the Rollout to the Substance The daily revelations about Obamacare’s website have led to the lowest job approval ratings for President Obama during his time in office. The administration is feeling the pressure, […]


President Obama: 487 documented examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption & cronyism!

Dan from Squirrel Hill has posted the most amazing list of lies, lawbreaking, corruption and cronyism by President Obama during his time in office. Dan placed it into the public domain. Anyone may freely copy it in any part or in its entirely, without asking Dan’s permission, and without paying any money. He does ask you […]


US Roman Catholic bishop calls Mandela’s support for abortion “shameful” reports, “The Roman Catholic Bishop of Providence, R.I., says that while there’s much to admire in Nelson Mandela’s life and public service, the former South African president’s support for abortion was ‘shameful.’” Bishop Thomas Tobin, in a statement posted Sunday on the diocesan website, criticized Mandela’s decision in 1996 to sign legislation liberalizing South Africa’s […]


‘Hammered From All Sides’: Minority Truckers Say California’s Green Regs Are Destroying Their American Dream

Minority truckers are struggling to stay afloat as the state of California levies stringent green regulations on their businesses, according to some of those affected who spoke with the Daily Caller News Foundation. The California Air Resources Board (CARB), California’s environmental regulatory agency, will ban the sale of new diesel heavy-duty trucks starting in 2036, a policy […]


Must-Read Vatican Document Slams Surrogacy, Gender Theory, War and Abortion

Earlier this week the Vatican published a 16,000-word document reaffirming Catholic condemnations of a wide range of moral issues, from war to surrogacy and human trafficking. Dignitas Infinita, or “Infinite Dignity”, is both a philosophical and a theological essay, appealing to open-minded people of all faiths and none. Seldom has there been so much media coverage about a […]


Biden Admin Doubles Down On Climate Cooperation With China As Xi’s Economy Goes On Coal Binge

The Biden administration announced on Tuesday that it is doubling down on efforts to work with China on climate change. The State Department unveiled a comprehensive strategy reaffirming the administration’s commitment to taking on climate change as a global problem alongside China, even during a time of rocky relations between the two nations and clear signs that […]


Catholic University Creates ‘Safe Haven’ for Jewish Students amid Wave of Anti-Semitism

In the weeks following the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack against Israel that resulted in the deaths of over 1,400, along with over 5,400 who were injured, threats and violence directed at Jewish students on college campuses have soared across the country. In response, one Catholic university has decided to declare that it will welcome […]


TAKE ACTION: Ask your District Attorney to Empanel a Grand Jury to Indict Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. for his High Crimes and Misdemeanors

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” — Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Time to take action! In order restore equal justice under the law it is time to take action by sending the letter below with attachments to your District or State Attorney asking him or her to empanel a Grand Jury to […]


SARASOTA, FLORIDA: Request to Empanel a Grand Jury to Indict Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. for High Crimes and Misdemeanors

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” — Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In order restore equal justice under the law we at have sent our State Attorney in the 12th Judicial Circuit in Sarasota the below letter, with attachments. We also sent a copy of the letter to our Congressman Greg Steube […]


Experts Pick the Top 5 Conservative Colleges in the Country

As the state of universities continues to worsen with leftist ideology becoming entrenched in institutions of higher education, conservative parents are left wondering where they can send their children for education, not LGBT indoctrination. The Washington Stand reached out to a number of prominent conservative educators to ask for their recommendations on the best colleges and universities […]


The Devil, You Say

Francis X. Maier: Nefarious is a film about demonic possession, a subject that often spells cinematic disaster. But this one is brilliantly acted and spiritually powerful, which makes it hard to dismiss or forget. One of the delights – if that’s the right word – of the recent film Nefarious is the bone-headedness of its professional reviewers.  One critic […]


Biden Family Crimes Matter: Time to Empanel Multiple Grand Juries and Indict Them and Members of this Administration!

UPDATE: 11 Brand New Biden Family Scandals the Networks Are CENSORING On May 21st, 2013 we asked: Why hasn’t any District Attorney empaneled a grand jury on Hunter’s and Hillary’s crimes? At that time there were multiple networks reporting on at least two county attorneys who contacted Rep. James Comer, R-Ky. However, we have not seen […]