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1474 search results for: LGBT


Black Minister Joins the Left in Fomenting Hate

It pains me to say this, but it was truly disappointing seeing Bishop T. D. Jakes on MSNBC helping to further the Left’s lie that the election of Trump is horrible for America. Jakes said, “We are dealing with shock, grief over election outcome.”  Clearly, Jakes was complicit in helping MSNBC undermine Trump’s presidency by […]


On Hillary Clinton’s ‘Basket of Deplorables’

WASHINGTON, D.C. /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Yesterday afternoon, Donald Trump became the first GOP presidential nominee to address Family Research Council Action’s (FRC Action) Values Voter Summit. Hours later, Hillary Clinton spoke at an LGBT fundraiser where she indirectly referenced the Summit and smeared half of Donald Trump supporters as belonging to a “basket of deplorables.” GOP Vice-Presidential Candidate […]


How Phyllis Schlafly profoundly changed America

She created the modern pro-family movement and was its greatest activist. Her book changed the Republican party. What most pro-family conservatives today probably don’t know… Phyllis Schlafly, who passed away at age 92 this week, actually created the pro-family movement. She was the greatest and most successful pro-family activist in its history. That is not hyperbole; it […]


The ‘George Soros Affect’ on American Politics and Culture

New York hedge fund manager George Soros is one of the most politically powerful individuals on earth. Since the mid-1980s in particular, he has used his immense influence to help reconfigure the political landscapes of several countries around the world—in some cases playing a key role in toppling regimes that had held the reins of […]


Miami-Dade Teachers Union backed State Senator Dwight Bullard linked to Terrorists

MIAMI, Fl. (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The grassroots group Miami United Against BDS (MUAB) is demanding that Florida State Senator Dwight Bullard immediately resign his seat in the Florida State House and end his bid for re-election. Reports surfaced this week that Bullard took a trip in May to territories under Palestinian control where he met […]


During his acceptance speech Donald Trump draws 61 lines in the sand

Donald Trump “humbly and gratefully” accepted the Republican Party nomination for the presidency of the United States on July 21st, 2016. The theme of Mr. Trump’s acceptance speech was to show the differences between him, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and the Democratic Party’s platform. Trump summed it up by saying: My opponent asks her supporters to […]


Evangelicals support Donald Trump because of his ‘World View of Moral Clarity’

NEW YORK, New York /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The eyes of the world this week will be focused on the Republican National Convention, but almost no one is talking about the vast majority of Trump-supporting delegates who are Evangelical Christians. The billion dollar question begging an answer is: Why are they supporting him? As an Evangelical journalist, the answer to me is […]


The New Black Panther Party: The Marriage of Racism and Marxism

Founded in 1990, the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense (NBPP) is a militant black separatist organization, notorious for promoting racial violence against Jews and whites. According to an Anti-Defamation League report: “Much of the NBPP’s ideology derives from the notion that African-Americans continue to suffer as a result of a racist white power structure […]


Black Lives Matter: Understanding Its Origins, History and Agendas

Black Lives Matter (BLM) was established as an online platform in 2013 by Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi. Their objective was to stoke black rage and galvanize a protest movement in response to the acquittal of George Zimmerman, the “white Hispanic” who was tried for murder and manslaughter after he had shot and killed […]