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1465 search results for: LGBT


Killing the Boy Scouts Portends Much Worse

While everyone was watching the wild histrionics of 109 people being delayed entry into the country for a day or two last weekend, something of much larger and darker import happened. The Boy Scouts of America changed its policy to allow transgenders to join, thereby lodging another nail in its own coffin. The mother of […]


The Stench of Identity Politics

In an article titled “On Race & Identity Politics” David Warren writes, “the battle against multiculturalism should have been joined the moment the stench of identity politics was detected.” Warren notes: Most wars don’t start soon enough. This is one of my little reflections on history. That’s why they go on too long. Had the […]


VIDEO: Muslim Co-Chair of Woman’s March tried to bury film fighting for Women’s Rights

Linda Sarsour, a Palestinian Muslim, tried to bury the showing of the documentary “Honor Diaries.” Honor Diaries features nine courageous women’s rights advocates with connections to Muslim-majority societies who are engaged in a dialogue about gender inequality. The women featured in Honor Diaries are Zainab Khan, Raheel Raza, Juliana Taimoorazy, Nazanin Afshin-Jam, Raquel Saraswati, Fahima Hashim, Nazie […]


An Execrable Coup –– An Exhilarating Counter-Coup

In 2009, America experienced a genuine coup d’état, exquisitely formulated and flawlessly executed after decades of planning by the socialists, communists, and jihadists among us who loathe America and have wished for nothing less than transforming our great country into a mecca of far-left, anti-American policies, punctuated by preposterous liberal constructs like political correctness and […]


Stop Gender Genocide

Following the death of Carrie Fisher — and the death one day later of her mother, Debbie Reynolds — I ran across an article about Fisher’s 24-year-old daughter, Billie Lourd. Lourd proudly spoke about her upbringing at the hands of single mom and admitted drug abuser Carrie Fisher. Lourd boasted that her mother “raised me […]


Black Minister Joins the Left in Fomenting Hate

It pains me to say this, but it was truly disappointing seeing Bishop T. D. Jakes on MSNBC helping to further the Left’s lie that the election of Trump is horrible for America. Jakes said, “We are dealing with shock, grief over election outcome.”  Clearly, Jakes was complicit in helping MSNBC undermine Trump’s presidency by […]


On Hillary Clinton’s ‘Basket of Deplorables’

WASHINGTON, D.C. /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Yesterday afternoon, Donald Trump became the first GOP presidential nominee to address Family Research Council Action’s (FRC Action) Values Voter Summit. Hours later, Hillary Clinton spoke at an LGBT fundraiser where she indirectly referenced the Summit and smeared half of Donald Trump supporters as belonging to a “basket of deplorables.” GOP Vice-Presidential Candidate […]


How Phyllis Schlafly profoundly changed America

She created the modern pro-family movement and was its greatest activist. Her book changed the Republican party. What most pro-family conservatives today probably don’t know… Phyllis Schlafly, who passed away at age 92 this week, actually created the pro-family movement. She was the greatest and most successful pro-family activist in its history. That is not hyperbole; it […]


The ‘George Soros Affect’ on American Politics and Culture

New York hedge fund manager George Soros is one of the most politically powerful individuals on earth. Since the mid-1980s in particular, he has used his immense influence to help reconfigure the political landscapes of several countries around the world—in some cases playing a key role in toppling regimes that had held the reins of […]