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243 search results for: face mask study


New Year’s, New Fears over Biden Booster Mania

While the rest of the country turns the page on 2021, Joe Biden seems absolutely determined to repeat last year’s mistakes. Barely three days in, the new year is not ushering in new confidence about the president’s leadership on COVID. On the contrary, Americans are more skeptical than ever that this administration has any idea […]


MEDIA BALANCED NEWSLETTER: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Here is the link for this issue, so please share it on social media. Lots of really interesting material in this issue, but particularly note the red *** items below. — This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic — COVID-19 — Repeated Important Information: My webpage ( with dozens of Science-based COVID-19 reports *** World Council of Health: […]


Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions Newsletter: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections. Note 1: Here is the link for this issue, so please share it on social media. We hope that the Newsletter format makes it easy to scan and read. Note 2: Please see our major new website ( which has dozens of quality, […]


Parents Upset As Schools Force Kids Nationwide To Undergo Mandatory Quarantines After Nearly Two Years Of COVID Precautions

Some parents from Michigan, Arizona, and Pennsylvania told the Daily Caller that their children are forced to undergo mandatory quarantines with no virtual learning options, despite evidence that schools pose few transmission risks. Many parents expressed fatigue over the nearly two years of COVID-19 precautions in schools. Brighton Area Schools, a district in suburban Detroit, […]


U.S. Covid-19 Deaths in 2021 Far Surpasses 2020’s – When There was No Vaccine

More critical data the mad-with-power Democrats are withholding from the American people – that and the fact that the original COVID is all but gone. These vaccine variants are spreading like wildfire. U.S. Covid-19 Deaths in 2021 Surpass 2020’s Pandemic continues to exact huge toll despite vaccines as Delta variant spreads By Wall Street Journal, November […]


VIDEO: WATCH Biden’s Most RACIST Moments Caught On Camera

Biden Goes Full-Blown Racist During Live Speech at Arlington National Cemetery.  Biden then went on to tell a stupid joke/story about Satchel Paige. Joe Biden suffers from a startling number of racial biases that are not favorable toward minorities in America, but his consistent “slip-ups” don’t seem to bother his woke left loyalists. Watch […]


9 Truths From Aaron Rodgers’ Explosive Vaxx Interview You Aren’t Allowed To Say

 “Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” ― George Orwell 9 Truths From Aaron Rodgers’ Explosive Vaxx Interview You Aren’t Allowed To Say ‘For the media out there taking shots at me, you don’t know my story. Now you do. So quit lying about me.’ By: Kylee Zempel,  The […]


VIDEO: Herd Immunity USA – It’s Here! The Government COVID Calamity Is Over*

The CDC itself is now reporting that upwards of 83% of the U.S. population (16 and up) has some form of “protection” (immunity) against COVID either through vaccination or past infection. By any epidemiological standard, that is HERD IMMUNITY, folks. *Yet, the fight against the government-lead war on Liberty remains full throttle. The important thing […]


UPDATE FROM A POLITICAL PRISONER: January 6th Prisoners Abused!

This blog follows well onto my blog from a few days ago about Americans growing a set! If this subject matter does not infuriate you and make you want to stand up and do something, nothing will. Please read every word of this one which is a little longer than normal. The so called “insurrection” […]


AWED Newsletter: We cover everything from COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections. Note 1: Each issue now has a link, so it’s simple to share on social media. We’re also hoping that the new Newsletter format makes it easier to read. Note 2: Please see the major new website ( with dozens of quality COVID-19 […]


Why the Push Is on to Make Pandemic Life ‘Permanent’

COVID-19 is new. But the reaction to the crisis is starting to look familiar. One year after Americans were ordered to close down society for “two weeks to flatten the curve,” Bloomberg columnist Andreas Kluth warned, “We Must Start Planning for a Permanent Pandemic.” Because new variants of SARS-COV-2 are impervious to existing vaccines, says Kluth, and pharmaceutical […]