Tag Archive for: Iraq

Christmas will never, ever be the same with the Yazidis — the Forgotten people

No one could ever forget the horrendous images on television news in August of 2014 when ISIS cornered and entire Iraqi tribe on a mountaintop called Mount Sinjar.  This forgotten people are called the Yazidis.

Over 5,000 men, women and children were slaughtered by the terrorists of the Islamic State (ISIS)!  Since it was such a remote place in northwest Kurdistan, food, blankets and water had to be dropped by plane as Kurdistan forces finally reached them to save the majority of this people group.

Bob Armstrong with Yazidi sheik in Kurdistan

Bob Armstrong with Yazidi sheik in Kurdistan.

Kurds are mostly Sunni, but they are ethnically distinct from Iraqi Arabs.  They control most of northern Iraq, to include most of the important oil fields in the northeast.  They possess a unique piece of the puzzle in the conflict between the Iraqi government and ISIS.  The Yazidis, living in northwestern Kurdistan, are even more “removed” because they are simply a “forgotten” people.  Few visit them as they are dangerously close to ISIS strongholds.

The Kurdish militia (“The Peshmerga,” among others) number between 80,000 and 240,000 and does not “answer” to Baghdad.  But they are highly-trained and represent a very real threat to ISIS.

Like many others, my heart and prayers immediately went out to these dear people.  I vowed right then to visit them!  Far from the headlines in the news now, there is still an active genocide happening in Northern Iraq and Syria of Yazidis and Christians.  ISIS calls the Yazidis “apostate” Muslims, since they do not share the ISIS belief in the Caliphate.

The United Nations and some non-government organizations are trying to assist them, but most are running out of money quickly.  However, no amount of money, although desperately needed, will put a final halt to this genocide.

So the Yazidis join the long list of IDPs (Internationally Displaced Persons).  They suffered much and have supernaturally “maintained” since.  Then last month, the Peshmerga forces from Kurdistan began a concentrated operation to free Sinjar from ISIS and their 300 warriors left in the desolated town.  Coalition warplanes provided air support.

American news pundits claimed that battle would take many weeks.  However, within two days, Kurdistan President Barzani held a news conference in the town of Sinjar, claiming total victory.

Bob prays with Yazidi widow, made by ISIS!

Praying with Yazidi widow, whose husband was killed by the Islamic State.

By faith, I scheduled a trip to Mount Sinjar this past July.  I was ready to spend Christmas with these forgotten people, no matter what.

After arriving and venturing within a couple of hours of Sinjar, my host and mercenary military person advised me to wait a couple of weeks because the victory was not 100% yet (“some mortars were still being fired on the road by ISIS”) and all the IEDs left by retreating ISIS was not yet all cleared.  In spite of my mission to touch their lives, I saw the seriousness in this military man’s face.  And he knew what he was talking about!

Immediately following the Paris terror attack which took the lives of 130 souls, French planes began to bomb ISIS positions, even more fervently than the United States bombing raids.  I’ll never forget my discussion with religious leaders in Lebanon last December when they said to me, “We cannot trust the United States government.  You are now bombing ISIS, when two to three years ago, you were arming what is now ISIS (under the umbrella of rebel groups against the President of Syria).”

According to the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR), 19,000 Syrians have been picked straight from refugee camps in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan and given U.N. approval for resettlement in the United States.  However, most Christians are NOT in the United Nations refugee camps because of assaults and rapes by Muslims.  Just about all of the 19,000 Syrian refugees are Sunni Muslims with an extreme hatred for free Western governments.

Over the past five years of war in Syria, the United States has admitted a grand total of about 120 Syrian Christian refugee families and just one Yazidi.  How can this be?


Tears of gratitude from a Yazidi girl rescued from the Islamic State.

Billions of dollars are being given to bonafide terrorists by the United States in Iran as part of the supposed “Iran Nuclear Deal” in spite of Iranians (and their leaders) gathering and chanting:  “Death to America!”

Yet again people ask:  How can this be?

Clear-thinking Americans realize there will be attacks on the American soil.  In a Washington Post-ABC News survey published just BEFORE the San Bernardino, California terror attacks, 83 percent of registered voters believe a terrorist attack in the United States resulting in large casualties is likely in the near future.  Forty percent say a major attack is “very likely.”

Let the news speak the truth of this survey!

A purposefully unnamed American official in Kurdistan pronounced to me:  “Christianity is finished in Iraq!”

But, I beg to differ.  Many “Home churches” that I personally witnessed are springing up across Kurdistan.  Christianity is not finished!

But, as Christians, what can we do?

Bob Armstrong delivers food in northwest Kurdistan

Delivering food in Northwest Kurdistan

We must continue to pray and do as much as we possibly can.  That’s why I took food and the Gospel to the Kurds and to the Yazidis this Christmas season.

In the Khanki United Nations’ Camp where many Yazidis are literally “warehoused” just outside Duhok, Kurdistan, I visited and prayed with over three dozen women and widows who have literally been rescued from ISIS.  The posted United Nations admission is they give only $19 (USA) to each person for food per month.  In reality, according to Christians who visit the U.N. camps on a regular basis, the food they distribute is “Grade 4” food, suitable as animal or dog food.  So in addition to prayer and encouragement (and a promise to return), I left each one with approx. $40 for food.

The stories of atrocities are too painful to retell, (or show in pictures) even from someone who has heard similar stories from various war zones in years past.  ISIS is the most ruthless, demonic murdering group ever.

I heard, firsthand, horrific stories from a rescued ten-year-old who had been repeatedly raped by ISIS.  Some ladies were paid for at ISIS slave auctions by undercover rescuers.  Some girls and widows managed to risk all and somehow escaped, traveling days and nights to “freedom.”

Armenian genocide monument in Hawresq, Kutdistan

Armenian genocide monument in Hawresq, Kutdistan. Let us never forget.

Most did not know whether or not their husbands were dead or alive.  Unfortunately, the majority will learn a terrible inevitable.

In spite of losing all and suffering more than anyone, all smiled with tears of gratitude for me reaching out to them with the compassion of Jesus Christ.  Making a small difference: one desperate life at a time.

Christmas, this year; I will never, ever be the same!

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of the author with a young Yazidi girl who was captured by the Islamic State. She was bought at an Islamic State slave auction by a group of undercover rescuers.

The Islamic State by Any Other Name by Sarah Skwire

ISIS does not want to be called Daesh. The group considers the acronym insulting and dismissive. An increasing number of its opponents do not want it to be called the “Islamic State.” They fear that this shorthand reifies the terrorist group’s claims to be a legitimate government.

The debate reminds us that names have power.

Avid readers of fairy tales have always known this. Calling Rumpelstiltskin by his real name banishes him and foils his baby-stealing plans. Speaking your name to a witch or wizard can give them power over you. Patrick Rothfuss’s wildly popular Kingkiller Chronicles contains a magic system where learning the name of an element — like the wind — gives a person magical control over it. And everyone knows what happens when you say Beetlejuice’s name three times.

Converts to new religions often take new names to honor the transformation. We mark significant passages in our lives — birth, marriage, death — with new names. Miss Smith becomes Mrs. Jones. Junior becomes Senior when Senior dies. There’s even an old Jewish tradition that says that, in times of serious illness, one should take a new name in order to fool the Angel of Death.

Whether we believe in magic or religion or not, we feel the power of names throughout our lives. Who didn’t go through a childhood phase of wanting a different name? I was wildly jealous of Catholic friends who got to choose confirmation names. A college friend declared that her first day in college was “time to get a nickname” and had us all brainstorm until she found one she liked. It stuck for the whole four years, and long after. Other college friends made legal name changes to more accurately reflect their cultures or their lives. As an adult, I declined to change my name when I got married because I wanted to hold onto myself. I thought for months about choosing my daughters’ names.

I’m a strong advocate of calling people what they like to be called. My kids try on nicknames like I try on jewelry — experimenting with their identities from day to day and solemnly explaining that from now on, they shall answer to nothing other than “Pumpernickel,” or that “Abby” is now verboten and “Abigail” is in favor. I happily acquiesce in all the changes as they figure out who they are. And I love the new nicknames they create for me. (The latest is “Bob,” because that’s what it sounds like when you say “Mom” with a head cold.)

I think, too, that it is important to use the names that transgendered individuals have chosen for themselves, and the pronouns that reflect their gender — even if it’s an awkward or hard-to-remember change for me. The same goes for other communities based on culture, race, religion, or other common identity. At a bare minimum, as we go through the world, we should have the liberty to say peacefully who we are. And it is a small thing for us to do, generally, to give the respect and the acknowledgement that comes with using someone’s requested name.

But ISIS, or Daesh, is another matter entirely.

It is too late to treat Daesh as Yoko Ono requested that John Lennon’s assassin be treated — by denying it the dignity of a name we deign to speak aloud. We have done nothing but name it and talk about it and publicize its actions. It is probably inappropriate for a family publication to suggest that we might take the Wonderella approach to express our contempt. But we certainly can use an accurate translation of the name they have chosen and turn it into a mildly insulting acronym.

Apparently, it bugs them.


Sarah Skwire
Sarah Skwire

Sarah Skwire is the poetry editor of the Freeman and a senior fellow at Liberty Fund, Inc. She is a poet and author of the writing textbook Writing with a Thesis. She is a member of the FEE Faculty Network.

A Biblical Solution to the Omnibus-Muslim Problem

The Omnibus Budget Bill to be voted Friday, Dec 11, will provide $1.2 Billion for “nearly 700,000 green cards – or lifetime residency cards – to migrants from Muslim nations over the next five years (as we did over the last five years),” said Senator Sessions of AL, re Friday’s vote. Readers should email congressman.

The Muslim problem is about militancy as taught in the Koran. Christ said, “Blessed are the peace-makers.” The Bible covenant with Abraham provided the Middle East for his descendants. That includes Arabic Muslims from Ishmael. Islam’s push into Europe and America is foreseen in Daniel 8, but it ends badly for a militant Muslim ram.

First the Problem from a 2002 UN Report: “More books are translated into Spanish in a single year than have been translated into Arabic in the last thousand, suggesting at the very minimum an extraordinarily closed world.” Mark Steyn.

The PROBLEM is complex; leaders and media can’t seem to identify it. Maybe we could help them?

The Shoe Bomber. the Beltway Snipers, the Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslim. The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim. The Underwear Bomber, the U.S.S. Cole Bombers, the 9-11 Hijackers and now the San Bernardino Terrorists–ALL OF THESE (and many edited from this list) WERE MUSLIMS!

More innocent people died on 9-11 than died in Pearl Harbor. We declared war then, but not now; not on Muslims, but we need to declare war on militancy as taught by numerous quotes in the Koran such as, “Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood.” Koran 9:123.

For hundreds of years, it has been no problem for Hindus to live with Buddhists, Jews or Christians.

Atheists have lived with Buddhists, Jews or Confucians, Christians have lived with Jews, Hindus and Shintos—these religions don’t have a problem being neighbors.

But Muslims have a problem living with Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Jews, Atheists, and worst of all, MUSLIMS LIVING WITH MUSLIMS IS A BIG PROBLEM!

MUSLIMS don’t want to live in Muslim countries of Gaza, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Kenya or Sudan.

They want to be in Australia, England, Belgium, France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Norway, India, Canada, USA—any country that is not Islamic; why is that if it’s a “religion of peace?

When trouble comes, who do they blame? Not their leader. Not themselves, they blame the country and want to change it to be like the countries they left!

Islam likes organizations: Islamic Jihad: an ISLAMIC terror organization, ISIS/ISIL an ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION; Al-Qaeda, Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah, Boko Haram, Muslim Brotherhood, Palestine Liberation Front. ALL of these and many more are ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATIONS.

Are we so stupid that we can’t figure out how to deal with the problem? At least President Obama and now Attorney General Lynch know it’s not the Muslims and to speak against them may soon be a CRIME! This isn’t “hate speech.” We shouldn’t hate anyone; Christ died for all. We should end our “Stupid problems” with Free Speech while we still have it.

Obama admitted being Muslim and he wants to flood US with Muslim “refugees” Now we come to the biblical solution:

God promised to give Abraham the land between Egypt and the Euphrates River for his descendants in the 15th chapter of Genesis. Five verses later, Abraham agrees with Sarah to have a son by Hagar. The Arab nations are descendants of Ishmael, and they should occupy the area in the covenant for Abraham’s “seed.”

Any other plan, like the pope’s encouragement for Germany to take a million refugees while the Vatican takes two families, [isn’t that interesting?] is against the provision that God made for Abraham’s descendants. When leaders become part of a stupid problem, we need to go back to basics. Dan88

The Bible shows the problem of Muslim militancy will soon be solved “at the time of the end.” A militant Muslim ram gets stomped by a GOAT [Global Organization Against Terror] that flies from the west in Daniel 8 (the book Christ recommended when asked about end-times.)

Leaders should consider the Bible solution, rather than “wait and see”–hoping for an answer in the election next November. Congress has proven they go along to get along with hidden forces and rewards while voting against the Constitution that made us great.

The answer for everyone reading this is to Google their congressman and send him an email SAYING “I WILL CAMPAIGN AGAINST YOU IF YOU DON’T SAY NO TO OMNIBUS DEC 11.” Leaving a message by phone doesn’t work–“mailbox is full.”



Why the Islamic State cannot be defeated without the Kurds

On the morning of November 13, 2015 combined Peshmerga and Yazidi forces, with U.S. Special operators and USAF tactical support, successfully cut off the occupied city of Sinjar in northern Iraq. This action blocked Highway 47, the strategic line of communications between the Islamic State self-declared Caliphate capital in Raqqa, Syria from Mosul.

Gen. Audino in Peshmerga Uniform

U.S. Army Brig. Gen. (ret.), Ernie Audino knows the Peshmerga from practical experience. He was embedded with them for a year in 2006 as the commander of a small team of combat advisors. He knows that ISIS’ aim is a global Jihad insurgency. Speaking on the November 15, 2015 Lisa Benson Show on National Security, he called Sinjar a “decisive victory” by 7,500 Peshmerga and 6,000 armed Yazidis. He told the program listeners that the Kurds had “rolled up 28 villages retaking 200 kilometers of terrain.” The combined Peshmerga and Yazidi forces were assisted, he said, by “40 USAF strikes inside the city.” The combined force, Audino said, had cut off “600 ISIS fighters, resulting in 300 dead” against a few dozen Peshmerga casualties.

Thus ended a 15 month barbaric occupation of the largely Yazidi city, seized in August 2014 with a thousand men killed and buried in mass graves, thousands of women treated as chattel and sold as sex slaves and children enslaved as well. Thousands fled to Sinjar Mountain and were relieved by Kurdish PKK and Syrian Kurdish YPG forces which retook Sinjar Mountain in December 2014. The seizure of Sinjar by ISIS caught the Peshmerga off balance. They faltered in defense of the city because of alleged inadequate command and control. The Guardian report on the re-conquest of Sinjar, noted what a senior Kurdish official said:

This shows what we can do. We acknowledge the failings of last summer [2014], but they were command and control issues and they have been sorted out. The Americans know that we are reliable and that the Iraqi army still isn’t. But if they want us to take Mosul, it will be on our terms. We are not agents. And we are not naive.

KRG President Masud Barzani, Sinjar, Iraq, November 13, 2015

The recapture of Sinjar on November 13th was a fulfillment of a promise by the Peshmerga, reflected in the comments reported by The Guardian of KRG President Masud Barzani at a news conference held at a sandbagged site overlooking the reconquered city:

On this day I announce to the people of Kurdistan the liberation of Sinjar. We promised and we keep our promises: we proved to our Yazidi brothers and sisters that all Kurdistan is behind them. Today we took revenge for every Yazidi.

It was the seizure of Mosul in June 2014 and flight of Yazidis from Sinjar which prompted President Obama to declare on September 10, 2014 “to degrade and destroy” ISIS through a strategy of air assaults on targets in both Syria and Iraq. At the time Obama said:

I have made it clear that we will hunt down terrorists who threaten our country, wherever they are. That means I will not hesitate to take action against ISIL in Syria, as well as Iraq. This is a core principle of my presidency: if you threaten America, you will find no safe haven.

Obama was employing a small complement of U.S. special operators in concert with local boots on the ground and has been criticized by Congressional leaders and others, including former Defense Intelligence Agency chief, US Army Lt. Gen. (ret.) Michael Flynn and former Central Command commander (ret.) Marine General Anthony Zinni. The generals accused Obama of not pursuing an effective strategy for they had in mind the 160,000 Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga and the 25,000 Syrian YPG Kurds who had relieved the siege of Kobani in January 2015.

Both Secretary of State Kerry and President Obama issued statements a day prior to the Sinjar operation on November 13th reflecting a myopic attitude the Administration’s ISIS strategy was indeed working. Reuters reported:

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry expressed confidence Sinjar would be cleared in days.

President Barack Obama said he was focusing on shrinking and constraining Islamic State in Syria and Iraq but acknowledged that problems with the group would continue until the Middle East stabilizes.

“Our goal has to be militarily constraining ISIL’s capabilities, cutting off their supply lines, cutting off their financing,” he told ABC News.

On the evening after the Sinjar victory in Iraq, November 13th, events in Paris were to devastate the President’s assessment. ISIS trained Belgian and French born operatives using  Kalashnikov assault rifles and grenades killed 130 innocent civilians, injuring more than 352, 99 seriously. They perpetrated suicide bombings at a French soccer stadium, random shootings of patrons at outdoor cafes, and hostages held at a concert hall. France and the world were devastated by this ISIS attack. French President Hollande called it “an act of war” by the self-declared Islamic State. The alleged mastermind of the ISIS massacres was subsequently killed along with a female cousin and a third unidentified suspect in a massive shootout by French police who assaulted a safe house on November 18th in the predominately Muslim suburb of St. Denis, north of Paris. French President Hollande and President Obama at a White House Press Conference on November 23 declared their solidarity endeavoring to destroy ISIS.

Gen. Audino in a Washington Times op-ed in mid-October 2015, just prior to the events in Sinjar and Paris, called attention to the Administration’s “timidity” in supporting the Kurds, saying:

The Kurds, longtime U.S. ally and the undisputed main effort in the war against ISIS, are running low on battlefield supplies.

“In the past four to five months we have not received a single shipment of military supplies from the USA, not small arms ammunition, which we desperately need, not counter-IED equipment and not medium or heavy anti-tank weapons. We’ve repeatedly asked for Javelins, in particular, and received nothing from the USA,” said a senior source in the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in Iraq.

President Masud and KRG delegation meet President Obama May 2015

On the November 15th Lisa Benson Show, Audino said “very little gets through. No supplies have been sent since May.” That shipment followed a meeting between a delegation headed by President Masud Barzani of the KRG with President Obama and his National Security Staff. At that time Congressional leaders were including requests for direct supply of these requested arms and equipment, in drafts of the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act. They wanted to avoid relying on the equipment being filtered through the national Iraqi military of the Al –Abadi central government in Baghdad. In the aftermath of the seizure of both Sinjar and Mosul in June and August 2014, the KRG fielded the additional burden of sheltering 1.8 million internally displaced Yazidis, Chaldean Christians and other non-Muslim religious minorities. Moreover, the Al-Abadi government had not met the payroll of the Peshmerga for several months and had virtually reneged on remitting a fair share of oil revenues.  Gen. Audino’s comment in his Washington Times op ed was:

To date our tethering of Peshmerga logistics to the whim of the Iraqi Army in Baghdad has been an unmitigated failure. Very little is delivered into the hands of the Kurds, and the vast bulk claimed by the Iraqi Army has been lost on the battlefield.

Irbil will enthusiastically welcome this change in U.S. policy, and we should, too, but Moscow, Tehran, Damascus and Baghdad will not. That should tell us something.

Gen. Audino with President Bush.

Against this background we invited Gen. Audino for this interview. Gen. Audino is a native of Cape Cod and a 1983 graduate of the US Military Academy at West Point. He retired after 28 years of active service in 2011. He served multiple assignments in armor, cavalry, infantry and Stryker units. Other key assignments include service as an Army Congressional Fellow in the US Senate, duty as the Executive Assistant to the Vice Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Director of Nuclear Support at the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency. His last assignment was as the Deputy Director of Operations for Headquarters, US Army, in the Pentagon.

He earned a Master’s Degree from the National War College. General Audino’s introduction to the Kurds, their language, history and culture resulted from his time at the National War College where he studied under US Ambassador to Croatia and Assistant UN Secretary General, Peter W. Galbraith. Ambassador Galbraith has been a diplomatic and financial adviser to the KRG and is a proponent of Kurdish independence. Audino subsequently received both a Juris Doctorate and a Masters in Law, cum laude, from Vermont Law School.

He commanded a detachment of US Army combat advisers embedded in 3rd Infantry Brigade, 4th Division Iraqi Army. His brigade was formed entirely from Kurdish peshmerga (guerrilla units) re-missioned to conduct counterinsurgency operations with Kurdish Peshmerga forces in 2006. Gen. Audino is a Senior Military Fellow at the London Center for Policy Research. He also serves as Senior Advisor to the Kurdistan National Assembly of Syria and is on the Board of the Kurdish Human Rights Watch. He simultaneously serves as SVP of Military Market Development for Raydon Corporation, a world leader in state-of-the-art virtual training capabilities for domestic and international defense and security forces. He is a frequent contributor to the Washington Times and has appeared on FoxNews, the Hugh Hewitt Radio Show and the Lisa Benson Show on Salem Media network.

Jerry Gordon:  General Audino thank you for consenting to this interview.

Gen. Ernie Audino:  Thank you for inviting me.

Gordon:  Who are the Kurds and where are they located in the Near East?

Audino:  The Kurds reside across a mountainous, contiguous zone stretching across four countries; Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey. Without the benefit of a modern census, their numbers must be estimated. Roughly 7-9 million live in the north of Iraq, 5-7 million in Iran, 2-3 million in Syria and 20 million in southeastern Turkey. Those numbers are close but certainly open for debate.

They are commonly described as the largest ethnic group without a nation of their own. They speak an Indo-European, not a Semitic, language and they are generally considered closer to a European bloodline than to any other. They overwhelmingly identify by their ethnicity, first, and everything else second. That is an anomaly in the Gulf, where all other major groups tend to identify first by religion. Kurds are proudly Kurdish.

This is an important point, because in my experience living with them in the mountains of Iraq and operating with them on the battlefield, this has helped make them enormously accommodating. The open practice of multiple religions, for example, is no issue in Kurdistan. Most Kurds are Muslim, but many are Christian, Yezidi, Kakai, Zoroastrian and other pre-Christian religions. There are Kurdish Jews, too. That ethnic and religious minorities in Iraq flee to the Kurdish region for safeguard is telling. No one flees to Baghdad!

Having said that, Kurdish history goes back thousands of years and is marked by a stubborn refusal to submit. The Sumerians couldn’t subdue them. Nor could the Akkadians, and the King of Uruk referred to them as the Stinging Serpent of the Hills after struggling with them in an effort to secure his routes to the sources of important metals essential to his regime. Also, Xenophon in his Anabasis, the chronicle of the 10,000 Greeks in the Persian Expedition, described their passage through the Zagros Mountains and said they lost more men in a week fighting the Kurds there than in the next three months fighting the Persians.

Gordon:  During the Versailles treaty discussions that ended World War I, the Kurds were promised an independent country of their own. What happened to deny that?

Audino:  The short answer is the Turkish government subsequently refused to accept it. This was expressed through the Treaty of Lausanne, 1923, which functionally put an end to the promised notion of an independent, sovereign state for the Kurds.

Gordon:  After WWII, the Russians established a short-lived Kurdish Republic in Mahabad, Iran, who among Kurdish leaders was involved and what caused its demise?

Audino:  Tehran caused its demise.

So long as large numbers of Soviet troops remained on the ground in Iran at the time, 1946, the conditions were favorable for the realization of the Kurdish dream, an independent state of their own. When Iranian troops were pushed away from the Kurdish-populated city of Mahabad, the time was ripe. The well-educated and well-respected Qazi Muhammad was elected to serve as president of the Mahabad Republic, history’s first and only sovereign, Kurdish state. Knowing he needed a capable army to protect the state he requested help from the great Kurdish nationalist, Mustafa Barzani, who showed up with 5000 of his peshmerga. During this period, a son was born to Barzani who named him, Masud. That son is now Masud Barzani, the current President of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in northern Iraq.

The Soviets couldn’t stay forever, and when they pulled out the Iranian troops moved in. Qazi Mohamed stepped forward and offered his life to save the residents of the city. Iranian troops seized Mahabad on 15 December, 1946. The Republic had lasted exactly one year. A few months later on March 31, 1947 Qazi Mohamed was hanged above Mahabad’s central square, Chwar Chira.

Gordon:  From the 1950’s to 1970’s Iraqi Kurds engaged in a covert war against the regime of Iraqi Dictator Saddam Hussein. Who supported that and why did it end?

Audino:  Actually, the Kurds have fought against successive regimes based in Baghdad since well before the 1950’s. Kurdish Shayk Mahmoud, for example launched his famous rebellion in 1919 to oppose the repressive, foreign rule of Baghdad over Kurdish affairs. The Brits held the Mandate over the Kurdish north at the time, so he fought them, too, and humiliated a British brigade sent to remind him who was boss in May of 1919. The Brits came back some weeks later with an entire division, including airplanes, and pinned him back, but the blood-deep, Kurdish tenacity to refuse to submit continued. It was a factor underlying the so-called First Kurdish Revolution in the early 1960’s and continued through the wars of the 70’s and 80’s.

US covert aid funneled through the Shah of Iran helped supply the Kurdish operations against the Ba’athists when they began coming into power in the late ‘60s. By 1970 these operations were tying down significant portions of Ba’athist combat power, and Saddam Hussein was induced to propose a cease-fire. Known as the 1970 Agreement it purported to offer the Kurds what they wanted, autonomy, in exchange for a cessation of hostilities. The agreement began unraveling almost as soon as it was signed. Open warfare resumed and continued until 1975 when the US brokered the signing of the Algiers Accord, wherein Saddam conceded claims to disputed portions of the Sha’at al Arab in exchange for the Shah’s cessation of support to the Kurdish peshmerga in Iraq. The Kurds consider this one of their great betrayals.

Gordon:  During the Iran Iraq War of the 1980’s the Kurds opted to support Iran, how did that turn out?

Audino:  Widespread guerilla operations by the peshmerga during this period tied down an estimated 25% of the combat power available to the Iraqi Army. These were resources Saddam would have preferred to employ directly against Iran. By 1986 or so the fortunes of Saddam’s war with Iran began to tilt in his favor. As he gained freedom of maneuver against the Iranians, he was able to begin turning his sinister attention north. He intended to use the opportunity to eradicate his Kurdish problem once and for all and then subsequently disengage his combat power from the Kurdish north and add it to his operations against the Iranians. His effort to complete the destruction of his Kurdish threat became nothing less than a state-sponsored, genocide against the Kurds. Saddam named it, Operation Anfal, after the 8th Sura of the Koran, The Spoils of War. It led directly to the destruction of 5000 Kurdish villages, the sowing of 7 million landmines into Kurdish soil, the construction of dozens of Kurdish concentration camps, the gassing of at least 48 Kurdish towns and the deaths of a minimum of 200,000 Kurdish people.

Gordon:  When did the US and allies establish a no fly zone in Iraq and how did that assist in establish the autonomous Kurdish Regional Government?

The northern no-fly zone was established in 1991 to protect the Kurds. The signing of the Cessation of Hostilities on March 3, 1991 between Coalition Forces and the Iraqi Ba’ath Regime failed to expressly bar Iraqi future use of armed helicopters. Consequently, Saddam chose to employ them to quash the Kurdish uprising that ensued after the ceasefire. As Saddam’s armed helicopters bore down on Kurdish villages, millions of Kurds fled toward the Turkish border.  Barred from crossing into Turkey the Kurds were trapped out in the open, suffering in the snow and under threat of attack by Iraqi helicopters. The no-fly zone put a halt to that.

Within a year the Kurds had formed a parliament and supporting ministries to begin administering their new autonomy. The Kurdish region has since lifted itself from the ashes of genocide to become the most peaceful, the most democratic, the most prosperous and the most beautiful portion of Iraq.

Gordon:  What is the political makeup of the KRG and its relationships with the central government in Baghdad and adjacent countries, Iran, Syria and Turkey?

Audino:  The Kurdish political landscape in Iraq is dominated by the two, traditional Kurdish parties, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) led by the Talabani family and the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) led by Masud Barzani. The membership of the PUK largely corresponds to Sulaymani Province and the surrounding eastern areas of the Federal Region of Kurdistan in Iraq, and the membership of the KDP largely corresponds to the western areas, including the KRG capitol of Erbil.

Both parties have an important interest in the maintenance of a working relationship with Baghdad, but both remain rightly cautious given the history of repression and betrayals directed from there at the Kurds over the past several generations. These parties also share important interests in fundamental issues common to all Kurds; peace, human rights, democracy, free practice of religion, free speech, safety, public service, common defense, education, prosperity, etc.

Each party has its own individual interests, too, of course. The KDP tends toward closer, albeit pragmatic, relations with Ankara, given that geography makes them neighbors. The PUK tends toward closer relations with Tehran, as the PUK’s base in Sulaymani sits physically close to the Iranian border.

In the last few years a group splintered from the PUK and formed a reform movement named, Goran, Change. It is strongest in the PUK’s political base area of Sulaymani, and tends to attract a younger demographic of Kurdish society. It is generally considered closer to Iranian interests.

Gordon:  When did you serve as US Combat Advisor to the Kurdish Peshmerga and what was your experience?

Audino:  I served with the peshmerga for all of 2006, the busiest full year of Operation Iraqi Freedom, and I regard it as the most significant assignment of my career. We lived with them and we operated with them. Their families opened their homes to us. They welcomed us like brothers. We were invited to their weddings. We ate in their homes, and mothers and wives even occasionally sent us out the door with food for a mission. Frankly, my time with the Kurds changed the second half of my life. I am now on a mission to help bring the merits of the Kurdish story of struggle to an American audience that sadly knows too little of these remarkable people and trusted allies.

But I must give tribute to the twenty-two peshmerga we lost from our brigade that year and the sixty wounded. I attended most of their funerals, and in every case I was welcomed into the mosque and seated next to the mullah. Grieving family members frequently approached me to express their gratitude that an American was in attendance at the funeral. One man told me his brother, who had been killed in Balad, kept an American flag in their home. Another young man told me his father, who also died on the battlefield, kept a photo of President Bush on the wall of their home.

If I was given the opportunity to do one military assignment again, my choice would be to go back to serve another assignment with the Kurds.

Gordon:  How significant is the Peshmerga force and its legendary fighting prowess?

Audino:  Let me put it this way…there simply is no war against ISIS without the Kurds. That’s significant, to say the least. Their peshmerga provide the undeniable main effort in this fight, a war I refer to as the War to Defend Humanity. They are the only ones consistently seizing terrain from ISIS and holding it. We can all be thankful the Kurds stepped forward to secure Kirkuk at the same time the Iraqi Army was running away from Mosul, because had they not, Kirkuk would today be part of the Islamic State.

So, the peshmerga have the ability, sure, but what they really have is the Will. I’ll take a unit with Will over a unit with ability any day of the week. Unfortunately, low levels of equipping and limited resources are constraining the peshmergafrom achieving their full ability, their full combat power, so to speak. The Abadi Regime in Iraq knows this. That is why it requires all military aid and equipment to pass through Baghdad, first, before continuing on to Erbil, the Kurdish capitol. Anything Baghdad does not want in the hands of the peshmerga gets barred, and anything remaining is ripe for pilferage. I know this from first-hand experience.

Baghdad’s capability to choke the flow of military supplies needed by the peshmerga is only one of two major levers Baghdad has over the Kurds. The other is Baghdad’s withholding of all federal revenues from the Kurdistan Regional Government. The Iraqi constitution requires Baghdad to annually disburse 17% of Iraqi revenues to the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), but it hasn’t sent a single dinar in the past two years. As a result the Kurds are slugging it out in the Defense of Humanity while Baghdad is trying to undermine their finances and military supplies. Remarkably, the current administration in DC is doing nothing that can be seen to change this.

Gordon:  What facilitated the rise of ISIS and the Islamic State that created a self declared Caliphate in Syria and Iraq?

Audino:  Obviously, ISIS became a household name shortly after Mr. Obama pulled US troops out of Iraq. That created the opportunity, but not necessarily the motivation for the rapid growth of ISIS. The motivator is the threat of increasing Iranian dominance across a Shia crescent that spreads from Iran, through the southern 60% of Iraq, Syria, to Yemen and into portions of Saudi Arabia.

Look at it this way; since our withdrawal from Iraq, Iran has become the overwhelming, dominant power in the Gulf. Regaining a balance of power is a reasonable desire, but that means checking Iranian power, not accommodating it. ISIS, in key part, is trying to check it. Tragically, Mr. Obama’s vigorous promotion of the Shia Abadi Regime in Baghdad and his headlong rush for a nuclear deal with Tehran are seen by many Sunnis as tangible reason to be concerned about Shia dominance. Is there any mystery why the Sunni Arab dominated portions of Iraq and Syria have become the strongholds for ISIS?

Gordon:  How was ISIS able to seize Sinjar, Mosul, Ramadi and other cities in Iraq in a veritable blitzkrieg?

Audino:  I can understand why you use the term “blitzkrieg,” but the early and dramatic ISIS successes on the ground were as much about Sunni Arab uprisings as they are about ISIS offensives. I repeatedly hear from my Kurdish friends in Iraq and Syria that many Sunni Arabs in or near ISIS-controlled terrain are actively supporting and cooperating with ISIS. Many of the others are passive supporters. Together, this support has become the Center of Gravity for ISIS military operations. No clearer evidence of this exists than the fact that the further ISIS tries to extend from Sunni-Arab dominated regions the less effective it becomes on the battlefield.

Gordon:  How effective has the US led coalition strategy been in “containing” ISIS since the undeclared war began in September 2014?

Audino:  The Paris attacks makes it quite obvious ISIS has not been contained. Let’s look at it this way, however…ISIS has lost much of its battlefield initiative. The swift and dramatic “advances” of ISIS of a year ago are no longer being reported. We are just not seeing much more of that from ISIS in Iraq or Syria. Frankly, the only swift and rapid advances on those battlefields today are being made by the Kurds. With help from US and Coalition air assets and intelligence, thepeshmerga are consistently seizing ground from ISIS and controlling it.

Having said that, the ISIS enemy is a thinking enemy, and in true asymmetric fashion,  is choosing to focus on other soft targets, such as Paris. With a relatively minor application of combat power to such targets he achieves a disproportionately greater effect. Tactical actions achieving strategic effect, so to speak. Unfortunately, Paris is but one of many soft targets. God forbid anymore of them are hit by ISIS, but that is where he is clearly able to operate to achieve some effect. He is still dangerous elsewhere, for sure, but he has largely lost his ability to choose the time, place and manner for decisive military operations in Iraq and Syria.

Gordon:  What is the current situation in Sinjar since it was retaken in mid-November by combined Peshmerga and Yazidi forces with US Special Operations and air support?

Audino:  Sinjar is now firmly back in Kurdish control, as is the main east-west highway that runs through it. That is important, because that highway runs from the Syrian border, through Sinjar to Mosul. It was the main line of communication (LOC) by which ISIS supplied its fighters in Mosul. Now the Kurds have isolated Mosul. Peshmerga control the key terrain to its west, north and east, and they will remain in place while they wait for the Iraqi Army to build a capability and will to launch an operation to expel the remaining ISIS from Mosul. Given the Iraqi Army’s extremely poor performance in their earlier operation to re-take Tikrit, a much smaller military objective, and their continued, spotty progress in Ramadi, the Kurds shouldn’t hold their breath.

Gordon:  From pictures of the Kurdish Peshmerga and Yazidi forces assault on Sinjar, we saw long lines of fighters being trucked to the Battle Front in Toyota and Mitsubishi pickup trucks toting Soviet era weapons. Whatever happened to the promised deliveries of weapons, vehicles, equipment and ammunition promised Kurdish Regional Government when KRG President Barzani met with President Obama and his national security team in Washington in May 2015?

Audino:  High level Kurdish sources tell me the KRG has not received a single shipment from the USA since May. Thepeshmerga are consequently running low on small arms ammunition, and they have specifically requested Javelins, our medium antitank weapon, counter IED equipment, tactical intelligence collections capabilities, small arms ammo and MRAPs. On the matter of MRAPs I was shocked to recently hear SECDEF Ash Carter, say proudly the USA is sending MRAPs to the Kurds. The truth is the delivery of 250 MRAPS went to Baghdad, not Erbil. Only twenty-five of those MRAPS ever made it to the Kurds. That means only 10% went to the indisputable main effort. This is inconsistent with sound military doctrine.

Gordon:  Did  the enactment of the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act contain funding for delivery of military equipment, artillery, anti-tank weapons and ammunition to Peshmerga Forces in Iraq and YPG Kurdish Forces in Syria?

Audino:  Not that I can confirm. I don’t think it was included.

Gordon:  What in your professional assessment besides military equipment and material do  the Peshmerga and YPG Kurdish forces need to become effective boots on the ground in combating ISIS?

Audino:  Well, military equipping and supply are sorely needed by the Kurdish fighters, but aside from that they could benefit from three key items: 1) dramatically increased close air support (total number of sorties per day and duration) to enable more decisive offensive operations by the peshmerga, 2) dramatically improved financial health for the KRG, and 3) unequivocal diplomatic overhead cover for appropriately aggressive rules of engagement (ROE) for the peshmerga. Thepeshmerga should not have to worry about diplomatic blow-back when, in their prosecution of the defense of humanity, they have to shoot evil men in the face. The object of war is to break the enemy’s will to fight, and that has never occurred through the application of moderation. As British Admiral John Abuthnot Fisher put it, “The essence of war is violence. Moderation in war is imbecility.”

Gordon:  Why does Erdogan’s Turkey oppose Syrian YPG forces going further West than Kobani in Syria?

Audino:  Because Turkey fears nothing more than a contiguous Kurdish belt stretching along their southern border with Syria. Right now the Kurds have nearly achieved that. Their control extends from the Iraqi border westward several hundred miles to Kobani. They pick up again at Afrin on the west side of Aleppo. The only portion of it not controlled by Kurdish YPG is the 100 km gap between Aleppo and Kobani.

Not so coincidentally, that is the precise location for the so-called ISIS-free Zone the Turks propose to administer. A blind man can see it has far less to do with defeating ISIS than it has to do with blocking further progress to complete the contiguous Kurdish belt. Incidentally, this gap is also the reported avenue for much of the materiel and personnel support for ISIS in Syria. A great deal of it comes in from Turkey, and most of it flows through that gap. The Kurds know this well, and have expressed no opposition whatsoever for an ISIS-free zone in that gap. What they oppose is a Turkish–controlled ISIS-free zone.

Gordon:  Given the secular divide in both Iraq and Syria and the restive southeastern Kurdish region of Turkey and adjacent northwestern Iran, could we witness the long suppressed goal of a united Kurdistan in our lifetime?

Audino:  United? That might still be a long way off. Independent? Yes, that is likely, and it will start in Iraq. The Kurds there, however, are very pragmatic and have been exercising extreme restraint on this matter. The President of the KRG, Masud Barzani expressed it well when he said, Kurdish independence will not arise because Kurdistan leaves Iraq. It will arise because Iraq leaves Kurdistan.

And let’s look at a key indicator, the central, so-called unity government in Baghdad is failing as a national government. It is proving less capable each day of executing three fundamental functions on behalf of Iraqi citizens: it has not been able to secure its borders, it has not been able to maintain internal security, and it is not willing to disburse its federal revenues to at least one of its constitutionally recognized regions, the Federal Region of Kurdistan. So, about all that is left is a flag and a passport, and those provide only a slender reed upon which to hang the hat of a “country.”

Gordon:  General Audino, many thanks for this comprehensive and informative interview.

Audino:  Thank you. It was my pleasure.

Listen to General Audino on this November 15, 2015 Lisa Benson Show podcast at the 42 minute mark.

RELATED ARTICLE: Syrian Immigration Poses ‘Grave National Security Threat,’ Conservative Leaders Say

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review. The featured image is of Kurdish Peshmerga Celebrating Victory in Sinjar, Iraq, November 13, 2015. See Jerry Gordon’s collection of interviews, The West Speaks.

The Muslim Parasite and the Western Host

There has been much discussion about the coordinated Muslim migration from Syria to Europe and the United States. This migration has been called by some a parasitic one, as Muslims become welfare recipients of the host nation while they maintain their sacred duty to remain devout followers of Mohammed.

History shows how the followers of Mohammed cannot by Muslim law (shariah) integrate or assimilate into the host nation’s culture. Rather they feed off the host country until the time when they have sufficient political, financial, social and military power to overthrow the host country and replace it with Islam.

Europe is witnessing a revolution against the Muslim “invasion.”

Columnist Robert Heller in an email titled “Why Christian refugees should be given priority to emigrate to the U.S.” writes:

Christians are earmarked for genocide by the Islamic State. Many have already been beheaded or otherwise slaughtered. When President Obama said there should not be a religious test he omitted the fact that people marked for genocide and extinction should by all human instincts be saved from certain death. These people marked for death happen to be Christian.

If the Islamic State decided all people with blue eyes or black skin should be marked for genocide would President Obama say we don’t recognize their plight over Muslims who wish to emigrate because living in a war torn country is dangerous or difficult.

The issue is not whether a person is Christian; it is that this particular group of people are subject to rape, torture and death above all others. Obama’s effort to make this a Christian or Muslim religious issue is beyond comprehension.

Former Israeli Ambassador Yoram Ettinger, in his column “Second Thought: A U.S.-Israel Initiative”, writes:

Europe has ignored the significant impact on contemporary Islamic geo-strategy by crucial milestones in the life of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, such as the 7th century Hijrah (Islam-driven emigration). Muhammad emigrated/fled from Mecca to Yathrib (Medina) – along with his loyalists – not to be integrated and blend into Medina’s social, economic or political environment, but to advance and spread Islam through conversion, subversion and terrorism, if necessary.  Asserting himself over his hosts and rivals in Medina, Muhammad gathered a critical mass of military might to conquer Mecca and launch Islam’s drive to dominate the world.

In 1966, this Hijrah precedent was applied by Mahmoud Abbas, Arafat and the entire Fatah leadership which emigrated/fled from Syria to Jordan, incited the Palestinian population of Jordan, but failed in their attempt to topple the hosting Hashemite regime. In 1976, they failed in their attempt to topple the regime in Beirut, which had hosted them since they emigrated/fled from Jordan in 1970. In 1990, they collaborated with Saddam Hussein’s invasion and plunder of Kuwait, stabbing the back of the Sabah family, which had hosted them, their relatives and PLO associates since they emigrated/fled from Egypt in the mid-1950s.

On Friday morning, November 13, 2015, a few hours before Islamic terrorists launched their offensive against France, French Muslim children studied – and French Muslim adults heard in French mosques – that according to the Quran, humanity must submit to the prophet Muhammad, and the “infidel” must accept Sharia’ laws; “Holy War” (Jihad) must be conducted on behalf of Islam, and the participation in the Jihad rewards one with the benefits of paradise; the abode of the “believers” (Dar al-Islam) must be expanded into the abode of the “infidels” (Dar al-Harb), who are doomed to the sword; prohibiting “believers” to submit themselves to the rule of the “infidel,” except as a temporary tactic; agreements with “infidels” are provisional, as a prelude to subordinating the “infidel;” emigration of the “believers” must serve the historical, supremacist goal of Islam; and shielding the “believers” from “infidels” may require the Quran-sanctioned Taqiyyah – double talk and deception-based statements and agreements to be ignored, contradicted and abrogated once conditions are ripe.

Selwyn Duke in his column “Islamic influx: Why a Religious Test for Immigrants is Moral and Wise” writes:

People believe in things.

Some of those things are good and true, others are bad and false. And if what people believe is bad and false — whatever water-muddying label it wears — there’s every reason not to vote for them. There also may be good reason not to befriend or hire them, depending on the degree and nature of the badness. There may be reason to keep them out of your home.

And there certainly may be reason to keep them out of your national home.

It should be noted that when Charles Martel saved Europe from a Muslim invasion in 732 A.D. and when the responses to Islamic aggression known as the Crusades were launched in 1095, people understood the above well. In fact, the earliest known uses of the terms “religious” and “secular” were, respectively, 1200 and 1300; even so, they didn’t have their current meanings. “Secular” as in “in reference to humanism and the exclusion of belief in God from matters of ethics and morality,” only dates from 1850.

Thus, during Christendom’s formative years, adolescence and rise to dominance, people did in fact view the world more clearly in the most important sense: they understood that there was simply the true and untrue. Maybe now we can understand why Pope Benedict XVI identified the 13th or 14th century as the West’s high water mark.

Read more.

The ultimate question is: Whom do you trust?

Recent events in Paris and Mali must be viewed in a historical perspective. Islam and the followers of Mohammed have a sacred duty to conquer the non-believers. Remember the Middle East was once a Judeo/Christian paradise of prosperity, trade and peace.

It fundamentally began to change when Mohammed migrated (hijrah) from Mecca to Medina. Thus ends today’s lesson.


Why Does Global Warming Only Turn Muslims Into Terrorists?

More Syrians Stopped at the Border

Barack Obama Blocked 75% of Strikes on ISIS

Al-Qaeda claims Mali slaughter: “All praise is due to Allah”

What’s wrong with this picture?

Over the past five years of the Saudi-sponsored war in Syria, the United States has admitted a grand total of only 53 Syrian Christian refugees and just one lone Yazidi, despite all the media attention on the Yazidi situation last year.

What’s wrong with this picture?

What shall I tell the Yazidi sheiks when I meet with them in early December?

I will never forget the religious leaders in Lebanon last December saying to me, “We cannot trust the United States government.  You are now bombing ISIS, when two or three years ago, you were arming what is now ISIS?!”

What’s wrong with this picture?

Now our president, while at the G20 Summit in Turkey, in reaction to the Paris multiple-terrorist bombings and carnage, tells the world that we will “stay the course” for victory.  What???

Obama held a press conference in which he said the terror attacks in Paris that left 130, including one American dead, will not change his policy in regards to ISIS, and that he still will not consider American boots on the ground in Syria or Iraq.

Although the Joint Chiefs of Staff would recommend many boots on the ground, seemingly, they are afraid to contradict the “Commander-in-Chief”.

bob armstrong with Iraqi christians

Reverend Armstrong with Iraqi Christians. Photo by Bob Armstrong.

However, former New York City Mayor Rudy Guliani, weighed in on the outrage where every country is against ISIS even more.  Guliani said, “I don’t care about public opinion.  I care about the national security of the United States.  We should have 30,000 or 40,000 troops in Iraq.  If we had had them there consistently, ISIS would never have emerged.”

What’s wrong with this picture?

The French military has bombed more of ISIS strongholds in two days, than the United States has bombed in almost six months! Hello??

What’s wrong with this picture?

According to the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR) 19,000 Syrians have been picked straight from “refugee camps in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan” and given U.N. approval for resettlement in the United States.  However, most Christians are NOT in the United Nations refugee camps because of assaults and rapes by Muslims.  Most Christians are “urban refugees” living in basements of rundown buildings – and worse – in cities.  Virtually all of the 19,000 Syrian “refugees” will be Sunni Muslims who have a hatred for free Western governments.

What’s wrong with this picture?


Former Iraqi General Georges Sada (right) with Reverend Bob Armstrong. Photo courtesy of Bob Armstrong.

According to former Iraqi General Georges Sada, head of Saddam’s Air Force and then a consultant to former President George W. Bush (and even now a consultant to the current Iraqi government on a daily basis) he knew a month ago that President Obama would send a few troops in to fight ISIS, “ONLY because Russia has taken the lead in the region!”  I had the privilege of having a private lunch with him.

Although he does not speak to many American audiences, except the United States War College, he reveals that Americans really do not want to hear the truth!  He states, “America’s best supposed ‘allies’ in the Middle East are:  Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey.  Yet these three countries provide over three-fourths of the money to fund worldwide terrorism!”

What’s wrong with this picture?

The United States is giving BILLIONS of dollars to bonafide terrorists in Iran as a part of the supposed “Iran Nuclear Deal” even while Iran gathers and chants “DEATH TO AMERICA!”

What is wrong with this picture?

Then there are the arguments for and against immigration.  Yes, I am for legal immigration.  Yes, I am for protecting our borders with a wall or whatever is required.  Our 21,444 U. S. Border Patrol agents need our support and backing, regardless of the inaction by our government in reference to enforcement.

I am against illegal immigrants who disobey our laws to gain access to America, regardless of their color or creed or culture.  How can I teach my child to obey laws, if the United States government turns a blind eye to people who are disobeying the laws.  (Of course we cannot deport 12 million people.  How ludicrous!)  But something must be done to STOP the illegal flow!

What about a future attack on the United States?  A new Islamic State video is pointing toward New York City as a terrorist target.  The New York Post reports:  “The images of New York City are spliced between disturbing clips of suicide bombers preparing for attacks.  A fighter also holds a grenade, pulling the trigger as the camera cuts to black.  French President Francois Hollande then appears on screen, giving an address just after the Paris attacks.  At the end of his speech, he says, “It’s horrible!”  Then words flash on the screen, saying, “And what’s coming next will be far worse and more bitter.”

Obviously, the United States of America is in the “crosshairs” of a future attack by ISIS.

Breitbart News reports: “Two federal agents operating under the umbrella of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) are claiming that eight Syrian illegal aliens attempted to enter Texas from Mexico in the Laredo Sector.

A local president of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) confirmed that Laredo Border Patrol agents have been officially contacting the organization with concerns over reports from other federal agents about Syrians illegally enter the country in the Laredo Sector.  The sources claimed that eight Syrians were apprehended on Monday, November 16, 2015.

Honduran officials have arrested five Syrians who intended to go to the United States with stolen Greek passports.

On and on, the stories continued to multiply.

What’s wrong with this picture?

Our current administration is like a “Trojan Horse” in assisting Terrorism and radical Islam to make it to the shores of the United States of America.  Islam is on the verge of accomplishing in half a dozen years what the Ottoman Empire could not do in 600 years – conquer Europe!  Our own U. S. President supports the Muslim Brotherhood!

“But Muslims are peace-loving!” contends many people, even former President George W. Bush.  I understand there are those who do love peace and their peaceful way of life in America, but if one were to thoroughly read the Qur’an, and act upon every part, there is really no such thing as a “peace-loving” Muslim.

Most Islamists do not understand that their “cult” is disguised as a religion as they “worship” this false god called “Allah” who directs them to torture and kill anyone who does not submit.  They even convince many that Allah and God are one in the same!

President Obama and “wanna-be president” Hillary Clinton both continue to defend radical Muslims.  But Islam is for sure tied to every ISIS attack.

Just in the last few hours, in Mali, Islamic Jihadists released a number of the hostages unharmed after they proved that they were Muslims by reciting, for the jihadis, verses of the Qur’an.

In the 2008 Mumbai, India terror attacks, the Islamic terrorists from Pakistan released a number of hostages from the hotel.  They did this when the hostages in question proved that they were Muslims by reciting passages from the Qur’an.

A little-known fact is during the Mumbai attacks, a Muslim Labour MP who was in the hotel at the time of the attack was allowed to leave unharmed by the Islamic Pakistani terrorists.  He never gave any interviews about his experiences but seems to have withdrawn to the margins of obscurity in British politics.  Maybe one day France and Great Britain will have a Muslim majority electorate.  Dear Lord, help us!  A well-known Muslim told me: “We do not need to fire a shot to win control.  France and England allow Muslims to practice their religion of having four wives.  Considering all the children, one day we will be in the majority in France and England.”  Wow.

What’s wrong with this picture?

Much has been said on social media about the refugees who drowned in the Mediterranean, but no one is forcing these people onto unsafe boats.  They all do so willingly.  President Obama wants to bring 10,000 Syrian refuges (how many are terrorists?) into the United States.  However, the number of refugees welcomed by Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Libya, Egypt, Qatar, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, etc. is ABSOLUTELY ZERO!!

What’s wrong with this picture?

With the backdrop of the Paris terrorist attacks, which left 130 dead including one American, President Obama wants to continue our no-win policy against ISIS.  Former GOP House Majority Leader Tom DeLay urges: “The president in his press conference, what I saw was he all but surrendered.  He has surrendered to ISIS!  We have a president that’s feckless, that’s incompetent, that has no idea what he is doing.  His worldview is the wrong worldview for a war president and Congress has to say it. Congress has to stand up.”

The recent anti-Immigration of Syrians bill voted on this past week had nearly 50 Democrats joining the Republicans, but it falls far short of solving the problem.  After this past week’s vote, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid vowed to kill the bill even though it received overwhelming bipartisan support in the House.

In another immigration bill, President Obama is vowing to veto the bill which would increase the screening for Syrian and Iraqi refugees before they enter the United States.  The bill would add FBI background checks.  Despite the European terror attacks, President Obama simply does not “get it.”

This invasion of America, which is called immigration, is the biggest threat to your personal safety of our generation.  In fact, even before the immigration crisis of the last four months, we faced the biggest immigration crisis since World War II.  But this could lead to the “Trojan Horse” of terrorism in the USA!

What is wrong with this picture?

Most Americans understand there may be a major terrorist attack in the United States.

The Washington Post – ABC News survey, finds an unbelievable 83 percent of registered voters believe a terrorist attack in the United States resulting in large casualties is likely in the near future.  Forty percent say a major attack is “very likely,” matching the level of concern after the 2005 subway bombings in Britain.

Get this, in spite of what our President says, the survey shows that 59 percent think “The United States is at war with radical Islam.”  YET, President Obama and presidential candidate Clinton refuse to use that term as the enemy!

In spite of all the worldwide carnage and the terrorism finger pointed directly at the United States of America, our “Commander in Chief” is hell-bent on making “Gun Control” his legacy in his last year in office.  I am reminded of Ronald Reagan’s advice: “Self-defense is not only our right; it is our duty.”

Please don’t be sucked into the potent videos children being killed by guns.  Bad people will always somehow have access to weapons.  Americans must cling to their Second Amendment rights:  To defend themselves and their families.

It is against this dismal backdrop that I plan on meeting the enemy head-on in December for three weeks.

If you will recall the daily news last August, 2014 about the Iraqi people who were surrounded by ISIS on a mountaintop, the Yazidis.  One-half of the men women and children were slaughtered by ISIS (5,000).  The USA dropped from the air food, water and blankets, while the Kurds finally rescued the other half.  Genocide, on a smaller scale, still continues in that region.  I plan to spend one week in December with them:  giving them food, encouraging them, and showing them the love of Christ.  Yes, it is still considered a “war zone.”

In fact a Kurd offensive was begun earlier this week, as first reported by CNN to rid Sinjar of the 300 ISIS fighters.  U. S. Coalition forces bombed strategic regions near there this past week!  But my “insiders” tell me they will be rid of by the time I get there! Pray the Kurds eliminate ALL the IEDs!    I will be a couple of miles from ISIS territories and within six miles where Turkey last month – and yesterday – bombed the PKK of the Kurds.

Even though God nudged me to do this, and I will be safe because of Him, for three days I will have five armed bodyguards of the Assyrian Christian “Special Forces”.  Confidentially, the Nineveh Plains Protection Unit!

In addition, I will spend the day at a special home for 30 Yazidi women where they have been brutally raped by ISIS (and their husbands killed by ISIS)!  I need divine guidance on how to encourage these dear women who have sacrificed ALL. It is like a Rehab Center “on steroids.”

Then the second and third week I will be in Iraq, Jordan, and near the Syrian border in Lebanon, partnering with my good friend, Bill Murray, in the Religious Freedom Coalition’s program “Christmas for Refugees.”  Thousands of refugee children will be fed, and their parents will receive food for a week for the entire family, as well as a Bible in their own language.

Last year, I was within 100 yards of ISIS tents; and several Muslims came to know Christ. An ISIS sympathizer infiltrated the church.  As a result, according to General Georges Sada, former Iraqi general and present consultant with the Iraqi government on a daily basis, he informed me that I have a $300,000 kidnapping bounty on my head by ISIS, if I came to Baghdad region of Iraq!!

I am not “crying wolf” now.  This trip is extremely serious…even one of a kind.  NO ONE is reaching the Yazidis except a couple of my new friends!  I will be within a few miles where the United States just this weekend sent Special Forces into Syria.  Russia’s presence is already enormous in Syria!

What is wrong with this picture?

EDITOR’S NOTE:  Bob Armstrong needs to raise $10,000 before December 3rd for his security-conscience Middle East trip to feed Yazidis and refugee children.  If you can assist, financially, thank you.  All gifts to Lovelink Ministries are tax-deductible.

Readers who wish may give by check. Please email Bob Armstrong at:  bobkimandb@gmail.com. To give online, go to www.LovelinkMinistries.com

1,070 Iraqis admitted to U.S. since October 1st — 85% are Muslim

Since my two previous posts are so popular—the first is on Syrians admitted to the U.S. in FY 2016 (which began on Oct. 1) and the second on Somalis admitted in those same 6 weeks, I thought you might like to know about the Iraqis who have been coming into the US (over 100,000 since Obama took office. Here is one summary through 2013 and a large portion of 2014. I’ll get more complete numbers later).

My Somali post made it to Drudge!  What an honor!

This is where the 1,070 have gone in the last six weeks.  Top five Iraqi resettlement states so far this year are: Texas, California, Michigan, Washington and Colorado.

map Iraqis first six weeks

And here is how their religions break down (directly from the Refugee Processing Center data base, these are their categories and spelling):

Atheist:  3

Catholic: 69

Christian: 24

Moslem:  44

Moslem Shiite: 427

Moslem Suni: 435

Orthodox: 20

Yazidi: 40

Interesting isn’t it!  When you see almost equal numbers of Shiites and Sunis don’t you wonder why we are bringing in both sides of the warring factions?

Supposedly the bill being supported by Speaker Paul Ryan that seeks to get administration assurance that no terrorists are getting in through the refugee stream to America only involves Syrians and Iraqis.  What about Somalis?  And, isn’t it a bit late considering we have admitted over 100,000 Somalis and over 100,000 Iraqis to live in your towns and cities?

Anyone want to write a book on the Iraqi resettlement, we have 673 previous posts going back 8 years on that resettlement.


Babin Bill to suspend Refugee Admissions Program has 74 co-sponsors as they get on board after Paris

France 24: Eight suspected terrorists arrested in Turkey posing as “refugees”

White House secret: Governors (even Democrat govs) can’t find out where refugees are being resettled

WND: Ryan plotting ‘meaningless show-vote’ on refugees

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, Please consider our grave concerns

TO: The Right Honourable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Cc. The Honourable John McCallum, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, The Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety, The Honourable Jane Philpott, Minister of Health, The Honourable Catherine McKenna, Minister of Environment and Climate Change-

Dear Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,

Your election promise to bring 25,000 Syrian refugees into Canada by the end of 2015 may not be attainable, and no decent, security-loving Canadian will be upset – in fact we will all understand – if you need to postpone this laudable goal to help the truly downtrodden, by supporting them with food, medications, education and other infrastructure systems – in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan.

We all understand how impossible it is properly to screen for health and security – such a vast population within an unrealistic and overly-ambitious time-frame. You will not lose face with your electorate if you revise your stated “election goal”, notably based on Friday’s atrocities in Paris, that included at least one bogus Syrian refugee terrorist-murderer, who arrived – with a Syrian passport – via Greece.

EVEN ONE BOGUS REFUGEE – a jihadist – is a formidable and horrific danger to the health and safety of Canadians. Improperly screened, we may very likely experience horrific terror issues in short order, making the murders of Nathan Cerillo (22 October, 2014) and Patrice Vincent (20 October, 2014) look mild by comparison.


Unscreened refugees to Germany are bringing with them whooping cough, chicken pox, measles, syphilis, gonorrhea, and other diseases that compromise health and safety systems to the disadvantage of all.

We must be fully prepared in Canada to help every refugee as required, so that they properly and realistically settle and integrate into Canadian society in a comfortable, safe and secure way for all concerned – both in the short- and longer terms.

25,000 represents but a small fraction of people who are suffering from the war in Syria and its attendant displacement. We could help many more than this number if, instead of trying to wade through a bureaucratic and logistical quagmire on both sides of the ocean, we increased our humanitarian aid and helped to set up schools and hospitals in the refugee camps where these people are now located. Surely if you do pull out our current aerial campaign, that money alone could be redirected toward on-the-ground assistance without having to move a huge population into our cities?

We already have affordable housing issues in Ottawa and elsewhere, First Nations residents still living in squalor, and a dreadful homeless problem of our own – that has gone on for decades. Surely it is time to attend to our own, before looking to add severely to our problems on the ground.
From a strictly practical point of view, even if we bring in a few thousand refugees, there are literally hundreds of thousands more who are in dire need of help, especially with winter coming. It makes more sense to help as many as we can where they are instead of bringing only a relatively small number here.

And if we are to bring in refugees, we must first bring in Yazidis, Coptic and Chaldean Christians from Egypt, Kurds and others who are truly under siege and being savagely butchered, such as those women and children in Sinjar, Iraq. They are even refused entry into the very refugee camps that will give them some “measure of safety”. They are also refused applications as refugees by the Shia and Sunni who control their regions. It is these particular groups who most need our protection at this time.

Please reassure all very concerned Canadians that you have our health, safety and security of paramount concern.


Dr. Ben Carson on the Islamic State: We must ‘destroy them before they destroy us’

“We’re talking about global jihadists, and their desire is to destroy us and to destroy our way of life….our goal is not to contain them but to destroy them before they destroy us.” Why is it so rare to hear presidential candidates make such simple, obvious and commonsensical statements?

“Carson on ISIS: ‘Destroy Their Caliphate,’” by Jordan Schachtel, Breitbart, November 10, 2015 (thanks to Bulldog):

…Carson was asked by Fox Business host and debate moderator Maria Bartiromo if he supports President Obama’s recent initiative to place 50 special ops forces in Syria, and leave 10,000 U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan.

“Well, putting the special ops people in there is better than not having them there because they — that’s why they’re called special ops, they’re actually able to guide some of the other things that we’re doing there, and what we have to recognize is that [Russian President Vladimir] Putin is trying to really spread his influence throughout the Middle East,” Carson responded….

“You know the Chinese are there as well as the Russians, and you have all kinds of factions there. What we’ve been doing so far is very ineffective.”…

“But we can’t give up ground right there. We have to look at this on a much more global scale,” Carson said. “We’re talking about global jihadists, and their desire is to destroy us and to destroy our way of life.”…

“So we have to be saying, ‘How do we make them look like losers,’ that’s the way they’re able to gather a lot of influence, and I think in order to make them look like losers, we have to destroy their caliphate,” he stated.

“And you look for the easiest place to do that, it would be in Iraq. Outside of anbar in Iraq there’s a big energy field. Take that from them, take all of that land from them, we could do that, I believe, fairly easily, I’ve learned from talking to several generals, and you move on from there, but you have to continue to face them, because our goal is not to contain them but to destroy them before they destroy us,” Carson concluded.


Al Nusra’s Lion Cubs Religious Academy: “All the Christians and a message to America, your grave is in Syria”

UK Muslims claim to be “negatively affected” by counter-terrorism policies

“We Will Conquer Your Rome”: A Study of Islamic State Terror Plots in the West

The Islamic State (IS) presently controls significant amounts of land throughout Iraq and Syria. However, its ambitions are not restricted to this territory. Within days of announcing its ‘Caliphate’, the self-appointed ‘Caliph’ Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi vowed that IS would eventually “conquer Rome”.

IS precursor groups and the individuals which have trained alongside them have displayed an interest in attacking the West for years.

However, an audio message released on 21 September 2014, saw Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, an IS spokesman, attempt to ratchet up the threat. He instructed IS supporters to carry out attacks in the West – no matter how crude…

To read the full study by Robin Simcox, Research Fellow and the report author, click here

DNC Vice-Chair Confirms Obama Aiding and Abetting the Islamic State

Millions of Americans tried to stop the election of Barack Hussein Obama in 2008, correctly exposing the fact that this is an individual that has no verifiable past and a laundry list of highly concerning associations with well-known anti-American bedfellows. But the system was already broken to a point in which such an individual could scam their way into power, regardless of the overwhelming evidence that he was neither constitutionally eligible or morally fit for the office of Commander-in-Chief.

Little more than a year after being fraudulently sworn into office, calls for impeachment started in May of 2010, as visible evidence of anti-American destructive policies were already emerging in the Obama Administration.

In May of 2010, Republican House Rep Darrell Issa called for impeachment over the White House’s tampering with the re-election of Arlen Spector, a close comrade of Obama’s who was set to lose to challenger Joe Sestak had Obama not bought Sestak out of the race.

In August 2011, Republican Congressman Michael C. Burgess of Texas stated that the impeachment of Barack Obama “needs to happen” in order to stop Obama’s clear agenda to drive America into socio-economic collapse. In June 2012, Senator Jon Kyl called for impeachment over Obama’s anti-American immigration policy.

By May 2013, calls for impeachment were becoming almost a daily event, as Republican Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma stated that “President Obama could be impeached over what he alleged (now confirmed) was a White House cover-up after last year’s attack in Benghazi, Libya.”

In August 2013, Republicans Tom Coburn, Blake Farenthold and Kerry Bentivolio had joined the growing chorus of House members openly calling for the immediate impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama on a growing list of impeachable offenses, as the nation was now spiraling towards a crash of monumental proportions.

On August 19, 2013, Republican Congressman Kerry Bentivolio stated that if he could write articles of impeachment, “it would be a dream come true.” He enlisted the of several key historians and experts to assist in that effort, but no Articles were ever completed or filed.

On December 3, 2013, the House Judiciary Committee called to order a meeting titled “The President’s Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the Laws,” seen by many as an initial step towards impeaching the most impeachable administration in U.S. History, but the content and context of that meeting would remain behind closed doors… and the outcome was the same as in the past, no action.

Meanwhile, the nation remained on a path to death and destruction with Obama at the helm and calls for doing anything real about it, were now being squelched by House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Leader Mitch McConnell, who had let it be well known that “impeachment is off the table,” despite growing desperation in the hearts and minds of millions across America, frustrated by the overt cowardice in the RNC leadership.

Fast forward to October 31, 2015… when Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee Tulsi Gabbard, took to the stage with none other than hardcore leftist Democrat Bill Maher on Real Time, and openly stated on global TV that her Democrat Commander-in-Chief has been engaged in aiding and abetting ISIS and many other Islamic terror groups across the Middle East, in support of the global Muslim caliphate, resulting in the death and destruction of countless sovereign nations, thousands of innocent people and threatening the security and sovereignty of the United States.

Astonishingly, Bill Maher had no choice but to agree… and finally, leftists in the Democrat Party were forced to admit on open air that the leader of their party had gone rogue, becoming the greatest threat to national security from within the halls of the people’s White House…

As House Republicans had worked for seven years to avoid their sworn constitutional duty and oath to the US Constitution, to make certain that the Oval Office occupant would “faithfully execute the laws of the land” as passed by Congress, and uphold, protect and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, the greatest threat to it all was allowed to operate against the United States from the helm of the U.S. government.

Obama’s democratic administration had become destructive towards the United States and even Gabbard and Maher could no longer ignore it. Let there be no mistake… They were not discussing Clinton’s semen stained intern dress, or partisan spying on political offices, like in Watergate. They were openly confirming “acts of treason” by the Obama administration.

Still, the search for anyone in the Republican controlled House with the honor, decency and courage to keep their oath to America continues… Despite all of it, not one member of the Republican controlled House has as of yet, grown the stones to stand up and defend the Constitution and American people from what every red blooded American knows is the most evil anti-American criminal regime to ever hold political power in the United States.

Articles have already been investigated, researched and carefully drafted… not by a member of the House, but by a private non-partisan legal group, The North American Law Center, (TNALC). In fact, the most complete and accurate set of Impeachment Articles were carefully crafted and released by the group, to both Congress and the public, in July of 2014.

In a recent TV interview on One America News Network, Lead Counsel for TNALC Stephen Pidgeon explains why the group did the work and why they are building a national coalition of impeachment supporters in an effort to force Republicans in control of the House to act on their oaths and impeach immediately.

Retired Constitutional Attorney Hal Rounds makes the case for impeachment in this video. Over 2 million Americans have signed petitions to impeach and high profile media figures like Allen West, Sarah Palin, Mark Levin, Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh have all openly called for impeachment. Still, no action from House Republicans.

As Obama works to import a hundred thousand more military age jihadist “refugees” from war torn Syria, a direct result of yet another effort by the Obama regime to illegally topple another foreign government giving rise to more Islamic extremism, House Republicans continue to play politics as if positioning themselves for the next propaganda based election cycle is the only thing that matters in this world.

Likewise, “the people” are trapped in an endless election cycle, caught up in which fraud candidate will save them from themselves in the next election, refusing to hold anyone accountable for anything in DC, including death in Benghazi, on Extortion 17, mass illegal invasion, the importing of Islamic terrorists via bogus refugee resettlement, a debt spiral unparalleled in human history, a collapsing ObamaCare and U.S. economy that threatens the U.S. currency, and, well, I could write and entire encyclopedia volume of the treasonous and traitorous acts by these criminal thugs.

The North American Law Center has rightly called for impeachment on the following grounds…

  1. ARTICLE I – Usurpation of the Oval Office via criminal identity fraud
  2. ARTICLE II – Malfeasance, misconduct and abuse of the Oval Office
  3. ARTICLE III – Aiding and Abetting known enemies of the United States


Why are people worried about Hillary Clinton in 2016 when they could end her political career and throw her in prison for her crimes in a 2015 Obama impeachment trial? Have “the people” not only lost their courage to be free, but their minds too? Are “the people” morally unfit as well?

Is there anyone in America willing to fight for what is right? Willing to uphold, defend and enforce the US Constitution? Anyone, anywhere?

The answer is YES… Everyone at The North American Law Center is ready, willing and able… and so are the members of the national coalition for Impeachment.

As a matter of fact, so are at least a few House Republicans…

This is a list of the ten most likely to impeach in the House, some of whom are already working with TNALC to advance the TNALC Articles of Impeachment against Obama before the clock runs out. CALL ALL OF THEM, EVERY DAY!

Rep. Louie Gohmert (Texas) 202-225-3035
Rep. Randy Weber (Texas) 202-225-2831
Rep. Bill Posey (Fla.) 202-225-3671
Rep. Ted Yoho (Fla.) 202-225-5744
Rep. Curt Clawson (Fla.) 202-225-2536
Rep. Dave Brat (Va.) 202-225-2815
Rep. Paul Gosar (Ariz.) 202-225-2315
Rep. Walter Jones (N.C.) 202-225-3415
Rep. Thomas Massie (Ky.) 202-225-3465
Rep. Brian Babin (Texas) 202-225-1555

Where are YOU? What are YOU doing to save our Constitutional Republic?

Report: Why the Arab Spring Failed

The Rubin Center for Research in International Affairs has issued a report by Jonathan W. Pidluzny, Ph.D., who is an assistant professor of government at Morehead State University.  Dr. Pidluzny has recently held academic fellowships with the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and the Jack Miller Center.

The Arab Spring began in 2011 during the Obama administration and while Hillary Clinton was U.S. Secretary of State. This report by the Rubin Center provides an understanding of why it has failed. It failed not for the reasons you may think.



By Jonathan W. Pidluzny

why the arab spring failedEvery year, life in the Arab Middle East gets worse for its inhabitants.  Tarek Heggy’s books The Arab Cocoon and The Arab Mind Bound (2011) argue that cultural factors are to blame.  With all eyes focused on the Arab Spring, his books did not receive the attention they deserved on publication.  They are worth revisiting today, because they help to explain why the Arab Spring failed.  Heggy argues that a “Bedouin model” of Islam spread wildly in recent decades with ruinous consequences for the region’s educational system and its politics.  This essay traces Heggy’s argument and explains why his cultural critique is also an argument against democratizing reforms.

The Arab Spring and the events that have followed will mark a turning point of lasting historical significance for the Arab world, though not the one Western observers envisioned when popular unrest first burst to the surface in 2011.  With the hopes roused by the “Arab Spring” extinguished (or worse) in virtually every country affected by its revolutions, the question Tarek Heggy took up in two books published as protestors first took to the streets is more urgent than ever.  The Arab Cocoon (2010)[1] and The Arab Mind Bound (2011)[2] boldly ask why the Arab world has proven so resistant to progress in all its forms. The books did not receive the attention they deserved when they were first published, probably because they offered a grim assessment of the Arab world’s predicament at a time the world was giddy with hope, naively confident the Middle East was finally on the cusp of meaningful, ground-up, democratic reform.

Heggy, a prominent advocate of political reform in Egypt and a successful oil-industry executive, published the first book before Mohamed Bouazizi’s self-immolation in a Tunisian fruit market set the region ablaze, and the second, in early 2011, just as the uprisings were beginning to gain momentum in Egypt.  As a result, the author could only comment on the Arab Spring in passing, in an optimistic note appended to the second book just prior to its publication.  “I am certain,” he wrote, “that the revolutions of the youth of the middle class… will bring about the required change within the structure of the Muslim mind, Muslim culture and Islamic religious teaching.”[3]  Although Heggy’s hopes have been disappointed, his analysis of the political and cultural milieu in which the revolutions unfolded is all the more pertinent in light of the devastation it has wrought.  In fact, his analysis helps to explain the failure of the Arab Spring, even though he did not, himself, predict it would fail. The account Heggy puts forth–that it is Arab culture, broadly construed, that is holding the region back–helps to explain why steps toward openness and democracy can have illiberal and destabilizing consequences.

The problems Heggy catalogues are well known.  According to virtually every metric, the Arab world’s economic and political systems perform appallingly. The region’s governments are among the most corrupt on the planet; untouched by the third wave of democracy, the Arab world cannot, to this day, claim a single functioning liberal democracy; respect for the rights of women and minorities–never a shining example for the world–has deteriorated since the Arab Spring catapulted Islamist parties to power; abject poverty remains widespread, and opportunity for economic advancement nonexistent for huge proportions of unusually young populations; and violent ideologies claiming a basis in Islam’s sacred texts inspire new adherents every day, who are tearing the region apart.  The region fares no better in literary and intellectual pursuits.  In spite of the Arab world’s impressive achievements in the sciences and the arts during its golden age, the region makes very few cultural or scientific contributions of global importance today.[4]

Efforts to explain the region’s seemingly intractable resistance to progress and development, many of which blame America, the West, and Israel for the Mideast’s problems, have yielded an immense literature. Heggy’s answer sets his books apart.  He dispenses with the familiar tropes:  No, U.S. foreign policy and the existence of Israel are not the primary reasons for Mideast malaise.  Nor does he blame European colonialism, the global capitalist system, or the league of autocratic rulers who clung (and in places, continue to cling) to power thanks to oil revenues or outside military aid.  Instead, Heggy draws on his cosmopolitan background, long experience in the region as a businessman, and discussions with public intellectuals of every persuasion to offer a profound critique of the Arab mind.

Read more.

RELATED ARTICLE: White House Legitimizes Iran’s War Against Israel

CNBC’s GOP Debate Mute About National Security by Ryan Mauro

Foreign policy and national security was disappointingly absent from last night’s Republican presidential debate. The event focused on financial issues because it was hosted by the CNBC business news channel, but the economy is intertwined with important debates about foreign policy, energy independence and global instability.  At one point, an incredulous Gov. Chris Christie mocked how more time was spent discussing fantasy football than the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) threat.

The following is a summary of the statements related to national security that were made by the candidates.

George Pataki

The most impressive national answers in my judgment were given by George Pataki during the first debate amongst the four lowest polling candidates.  He pointed out that his two sons served in the U.S. military in Iraq and Afghanistan. The impact of cyber attacks on the economy were discussed in the undercard debate but were shockingly left out of the main event, even though Iran and North Korea (and others) have waged cyber warfare on the U.S.

Pataki said that the U.S. should sanction any company that engages in hacking and bar them from trade with the American market, including those of Chinese origin. He said that the U.S. should follow Israel’s example in establishing a single federal agency dedicated to cyber defense. He then linked the issue to the controversy over Hillary Clinton’s unsecured email server at her home and the likelihood that its contents was hacked by Iran, Russia, China and others.

Pataki is currently in 15th place among the 16 Republican contenders with an average of less than 1% nationally and less than 1% for the New Hampshire primary that is the focus of his campaign. You can read our factsheet on his stances related to Islamist extremism here.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s answers related to national security earned the most applause. He said that the U.S. is too predictable and shouldn’t be constantly talking about how it will handle enemies like the Islamic State. The audience roared when he said that servicemen at military installations should be trusted to be armed, referring to the Islamist shooting at two sites in Chattanooga, Tennessee in July that killed five people.

Trump is the frontrunner nationally with 27%; is in second place with 21% in Iowa (behind Ben Carson); first place in New Hampshire with 30% and first place in South Carolina with 33%. You can read our factsheet on his stances related to Islamist extremism here.

Chris Christie

Chris Christie was also received very positively when he talked about national security, particularly when he lambasted the extremely condescending CNBC moderators (as other candidates did) and pointed out how fantasy football was talked about more than the Islamic State.

Christie warned of foreign policy isolationists that would leave behind fewer democracies around the world and criticized the Obama Administration’s record on promoting freedom. He also cited the FBI director’s statement that the stigmatizing of law enforcement is increasing crime and decreasing safety.

Christie is currently in 10th place nationally with 2% and 9th place in New Hampshire with 3%. You can read our factsheet on his stances related to Islamist extremism here.

Lindsey Graham

Lindsey Graham emphasized national security during the undercard debate and was met with thunderous applause when he said that he’d let dictators know that the “party is over” and “this crap stops” if he becomes president.

He warned of the danger of cuts to the defense budget and claimed that the Army will shrink to its smallest size since 1940. On the issue of cyber warfare, he said he’d tell China and others involved in hacking that the U.S. has a clenched fist and an open hand and their behavior will decide which one is used.

Graham is currently in 11th place nationally with 1%, 12th in New Hampshire with 1% and 7th in South Carolina with 3%. You can read our factsheet on his stances related to Islamist extremism here.

Marco Rubio

Marco Rubio’s only comments related to national security were about the hearings regarding the Islamist terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya in 2012 and Hillary Clinton’s testimony. He said that Clinton privately wrote emails stating that the violence was a terrorist attack linked to Al-Qaeda but that she and the administration blamed it on an out-of-control protest against a video criticizing Islam.

Rubio is currently in third place nationally with 9%; third in Iowa with 10%; fourth in New Hampshire with 8% and third in South Carolina with 8%. You can read out factsheet on his stances related to Islamist extremism here.


Ryan Mauro is ClarionProject.org’s national security analyst, a fellow with Clarion Project and an adjunct professor of homeland security. Mauro is frequently interviewed on top-tier television and radio. Read more, contact or arrange a speaking engagement.


CAIR Berates Trump for Support of Closing Extremist Mosques

National Security Highlights From First Democratic Debate

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Clinton Releases 5-Point Plan on Iran

What? Susan Rice Blames Syrian Muslim Jihad on Climate Change

“In the years prior to civil war breaking out in Syria, that country also experienced its worst drought on record. Farming families moved en masse into urban centers, increasing political unrest and further priming the country for conflict.”

There was a massive movement from rural areas to urban centers in the early 20th century in the U.S. Yet it did not create anything like the Islamic State. Rice’s is a pseudo-analysis that sounds superficially plausible until one realizes that it depends for its appearance of cogency on a proposition she denies: that Islamic texts, and the clerics who teach from them, incite believers to violence. For without the influence of those texts, there would be no necessary reason why the movement to urban centers would have touched off the present conflict we see in Syria.

“Susan Rice Blames Climate Change For Conflict in Syria,” by Charlie Spiering, Breitbart, October 13, 2015:

In her most dramatic speech to date about climate change, National Security Advisor Susan Rice suggests climate change was partially responsible for the conflict in Syria and represents a looming threat to the entire world.

“In the years prior to civil war breaking out in Syria, that country also experienced its worst drought on record,” she said during a political speech at Stanford University. “Farming families moved en masse into urban centers, increasing political unrest and further priming the country for conflict.”

An alarmed Rice warned that climate change was “an advancing menace” that portended doom for the nations around the world.

“Today, we face no greater long-term challenge than climate change, an advancing menace that imperils so many of the other things we hope to achieve,” she said according to advance text of her speech.

Rice echoed many themes promulgated by the Obama administration but ratcheted up the alarmist rhetoric to a fever pitch.

“Consider the impacts—to the global economy and to our shared security—when rising seas begin to swallow nations whole,” she explained while discussing rising sea levels of “as much as 20 feet.”…


Because of Defense Spending Cuts, Navy Won’t Have Aircraft Carrier in Middle East Anymore

3 Dead, Dozens Wounded, in 4 Islamic Terror Attacks in Israel

Texas Muslim lied to U.S. agents about allegiance to the Islamic State

Video: “Palestinian” Muslim hits pedestrians with car, attacks them with meat cleaver

New members added to Senate Jihad Caucus as legislators tell Obama to speed up screening of Syrians

What Really Drives Obama’s Destructive Mideast Policy?

It’s not a stretch to say that what ex-president Jimmy Carter did for Iran, Barack Obama is doing for the whole Middle East and beyond. Islamic State is on the move; jihadism in general is raging and all the rage; and with the Iran deal, the man who helped enable the “Arab Spring” may give us a nuclear winter.

A Mideast policy with such results has befuddled many. Why did Obama help overthrow Muammar Gaddafi and hurl Libya into turmoil? Why did he throw Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak under the bus? And why, as radio host Michael Savage asked late last week, does he have such a “vendetta” against Syria’s Bashar al-Assad?

It’s not enough to say that the Gaddafis and Assads of the world are bad men; the devil you know is often better than the devil you don’t know, and this certainly appears the case when turmoil and jihadists are the apparent alternatives to these strongmen’s rule. And Iran is governed by bad men, but Obama showed no interest in supporting dissidents there.

When analyzing the above, credulous liberals might say the president is merely interested in supporting “democracy,” some conservatives might explain it by way of incompetence, while yet others may aver that Muslim sympathies impel him to support jihadist causes. But the truth is perhaps a bit more nuanced, so let me suggest a different theory.

When discerning a person’s motivations, you must first consider what he is. Obama is a hardcore leftist, marinated in Marxism from his youth, raised by a leftist mother and grandparents and mentored by card-carrying Communist Party USA member Frank Marshall Davis. He also belonged to the socialist New Party in 1990s Chicago and, according to a 2007 study, owned the Senate’s most left-wing voting record; this means he was ahead of even that body’s only avowed socialist, Bernie Sanders (who was number two).

Now, one thing we know about hardcore leftists is that they generally consider religion the “opiate of the masses.” This brings us to the idea, embraced by 29 percent of Americans and 43 percent of Republicans, that Obama is a Muslim. Question: is it realistic to think that Obama truly believes in God and that God’s name is Allah? Does his support for the homosexual agenda (including faux marriage), women in combat and “transgenders” in the military reflect Sharia?

The reality? Obama is a de facto atheist. He deifies himself more than anyone else. But there’s an important distinction here almost universally missed by liberals and conservatives: Obama isn’t religiously Muslim.

But there’s every indication he’s culturally Muslim.

Having lived in the Islamic country of Indonesia between the ages of 6 and 10 with a Muslim stepfather, it’s likely that Obama’s earliest memories are of life in a Muslim culture. He also has characterized the Muslim call to prayer as “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset” (and recites it with an authentic accent) and has avoided Christian events while trumpeting his Muslim heritage. Yet however much this influences his thinking, it pales in comparison to something else that characterizes him and virtually all leftists.

Hatred for the West.

In Obama’s narrow universe, the West is the cause of most evil in the world. The West is oppressive, destructive and poisons everything it touches. And for justice to prevail, Western institutions and influence must be quashed.

Now consider the Middle East’s modern history. Syria’s current borders were created by the West after the fall of the Ottomans, and the CIA covertly backed the Arab world’s first military coup in that nation in 1949. Italy seized Libya from the Ottoman Empire in the Italo-Turkish War in 1911-12; in fact, the name “Libya” itself was adopted by Italy in 1934 during its colonization of the region and originated with the ancient Greeks (the birthplace of Western civilization), who used it to describe all of North Africa apart from Egypt. As for Egypt, it was part of the Cold War geopolitical tussle, first allied with the Soviet Union and then switching allegiance to the U.S. under President Anwar Sadat. Also note that the Assad dynasty has long been supported by — and Gaddafi was a longtime ally of — the Soviet Union/Russia.

But wouldn’t a leftist such as Obama welcome Soviet influence? First, the leftist line was that the Soviets’ Cold War activities were designed mainly to counterbalance Western imperialism — the Soviets wouldn’t have been in the Middle East if we weren’t. More significantly with Obama, however, I believe that in one sense he doesn’t distinguish between the West and Russia, in that he views them both as the oppressive “white world” (especially since the U.S.S.R. is no more).

You no doubt see the point. The modern Middle East is largely a Western construct, with Western-drawn borders and Western-facilitated strongmen. Obama sees Western influence and creations as the bane of humanity.

Ergo, not only is the enemy of my ideological enemy my friend, but, whatever the “Arab Street” may be, it can’t be worse than the world’s most evil force: the West.

This also helps shed light on Obama’s apparent antipathy for Israel, which he would also view as a Western invention, and his refusal to support dissidents in Iran. Remember that the Iranian theocracy, born in the Islamic Revolution of 1979, already represents the overthrow of the Western Mideast order.

This theory certainly explains Obama’s actions. No, it would not be a rational motivation, but much of what animates man is irrational. This is especially true of leftists, who, disbelieving in and disconnected from Truth, are driven by emotional attachment to misbegotten ideas.

Nor would Obama likely heed cooler-heads’ counsel. He lives in the echo chamber of his own mind, considering others’ opinions superfluous; he’s the very antithesis of the saying “Every man is my superior in that I may learn from him.” Note that he arrogantly stated in 2007 not only that he’d be a better political director than his political director, but also “I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters. [And] I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors.” Even more telling is a story related by economist and gun-rights advocate Dr. John Lott on Mark Levin’s radio show last Friday about the time when he and Obama were both in the University of Chicago’s employ. Obama didn’t attend the gatherings at which the staff exchanged ideas, except once, when he asked a fairly unintelligible question. Lott then saw Obama after the event and, trying to make friends and conversation, said (I’m paraphrasing), “You know, your question was interesting, but I think more people would have understood it if….” Lott never got to finish.

Because Obama, cold as ice, just turned his back.

And Obama long ago turned his back on reality and on the civilization that has given him everything. He hates the world’s Western-imposed order so much that he’s propelling the world toward disorder. And that’s the tragic result when you don’t realize that hatred is not a strategy.

EDITORS NOTE: You may contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Twitter or log on to SelwynDuke.com,