Tag Archive for: Mohammed

U.S. Navy: Chattanooga Slaughter Inspired by Foreign Muslim Terrorists

Another setback for the Obama Ministry of Islamophilia, which recently was stunned by the Army ignoring the recommendations of its investigating officer and deciding that Bowe Bergdahl will face a general court martial for desertion and “misbehavior before the enemy”.

The deserter Bergdahl, you will recall, was declared by the Obama administration to have “served the United States with honor and distinction.” But there was something greater at play in the Bergdhal case, something great enough to inspire President Obama to hold a special ceremony in the Rose Garden. Mark Steyn asks some hard questions about one of the strangest, darkest episodes of the Obama presidency:

The deserter may get his just deserts, but what of the man who made the “deal” for him and then honored the deserter with a Rose Garden photo-op with his Taliban-supporting dad… The President of the United States embracing a Taliban sympathizer at the White House. There was no need to hold such an intimate photo-op. Yet Obama chose to do it. Why?

Given what the United States Government knew about Bergdahl at the time of that ceremony, ignorance of who he was is not a plausible explanation. So my question a year and a half ago remains unanswered: why did he do it? […]

There are three dishonorable men in that short photo-op: a deserter who broke his oath, a father who sympathizes publicly with the enemy …and a president lying before the nation, to make them complicit in that dishonor…

The Army at least has decided it will not be made complicit in that dishonor. If there were a real press in this country, someone would ask Obama how it is that he became the first president to host a Rose Garden celebration for a deserter.

Now the Navy also seems to be waking up after seven years of Obamasleep. This is an especially stunning reversal, as just a month ago, FBI Director James Comey had indicated details on the Chattanooga investigation might never be kept secret, stating,  “We don’t want to smear people.”

As Robert Spencer wrote on November 15, 2015:

Abdulazeez’s motivations aren’t really in doubt. He viewed material by jihad leader Anwar Awlaki online, and spoke about Islamic martyrdom. He wrote in his diary about “becoming a martyr.” He texted a hadith to a friend before he began his attack. Abulazeez’s motive is only unclear to the terminally blinkered and willfully ignorant.

And Comey does know more than he is telling: “Sometimes the way we investigate requires us to keep information secret.” Fair enough, but then he adds this curious statement: “That’s a good thing. We don’t want to smear people.” How could he possibly smear anyone by releasing information about Abdulazeez’s motivations? Is there a jihadi mastermind behind this attack, still loose in Chattanooga? Or does Comey mean that he doesn’t want to talk about Abdulazeez’s motivations because to do so would smear Islam, i.e., cast it in a bad light?

Now the Navy is awarding five Purple Hearts, and the Chattanooga jihad murders are admitted to be, in Comey’s most recent statement, “inspired and motivated by foreign terrorist propaganda.”

Signs of hope? Perhaps, but dhimmitude is always just one jizya payment — or Rose Garden photo op — away.

“Navy Concludes Chattanooga Shooting Was Inspired by Foreign Terrorists,” Breitbart News, December 16, 2015:

Chattanooga Jihad Killer Muhammad Abdulazeez, with his devout, and now shocked, shocked!, family.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — After determining a shooting at a Chattanooga reserve center this summer was inspired by foreign terrorists, the Navy will award the Purple Heart to the four Marines and one sailor who were killed and the one Marine who was injured there.

U.S. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus announced the decision Wednesday in a news release. He said the finding that the shooting was terrorist-inspired came after an extensive investigation by the FBI and Naval Criminal Investigation Service.

“This determination allows the Department of the Navy to move forward immediately with the award of the Purple Heart to the families of the five heroes who were victims of this terrorist attack, as well as to the surviving hero, Sgt. Cheeley,” Mabus’ statement reads.

The FBI earlier labeled shooter Muhammad Abdulazeez, a naturalized U.S. citizen, a homegrown violent extremist but declined to say what might have motivated him. His family said he had problems with drugs and depression that prevented him from holding on to a job. He was also in debt, and considering bankruptcy at 24.

But investigators also found writings from Abdulazeez that reference Anwar al-Awlaki, a U.S.-born cleric who encouraged and inspired attacks on the homeland and was killed in a U.S. drone strike in 2011.

Earlier Wednesday, FBI Director James Comey told reporters the July 16 attack was “inspired and motivated by foreign terrorist propaganda.”

That statement came after some had questioned why the Dec. 2 attack that killed 14 in San Bernardino, California, was quickly labeled terrorism but months passed without a determination in the Chattanooga attack.

Abdulazeez first fired shots from his car into a military recruiting center in a Chattanooga strip mall before driving about 7 miles to a Navy-Marine reserve center where he killed four Marines and a sailor and wounded a fifth Marine before Chattanooga police killed him.

Those killed were Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Randall Smith, and Marines Staff Sgt. David Wyatt, Sgt. Carson Holmquist, Gunnery Sgt. Thomas Sullivan and Lance Cpt. Squire “Skip” Wells. Sgt. DeMonte Cheeley was injured.

U.S. Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN), who is from Chattanooga, praised the decision in a statement, saying those killed and wounded “exemplify the very best that America has to offer.”

“Our commander-in-chief has classified the heartbreaking events that took place that day as an act of terror, and I have been pressing the FBI to provide answers to both the families of the fallen and our community,” said the Tennessee Republican. “I appreciate the efforts of all involved as they work tirelessly to piece together this puzzle so we can better protect ourselves in the future.”

Smith’s grandmother, Linda Wallace, said in a telephone interview that she was frustrated it took months to determine the shooting was inspired by foreign terrorists. But she was pleased to hear of the award.

“He definitely deserved it,” she said. “He gave his life for those other guys.”

RELATED ARTICLE: SB jihadi’s mid-massacre message released: “We pledge allegiance to Khalifa”

VIDEO: GOP Candidates Completely Wrong on Origin of the Islamic State

The name ISIS [Islamic State] was said over 100 times during the last GOP debate and yet so many factually incorrect statements were made. Truth in the Media’s Ben Swann gives those candidates a Reality Check about where ISIS really came from.

EDITORS NOTE: Learn More at Truth In Media.

Christmas will never, ever be the same with the Yazidis — the Forgotten people

No one could ever forget the horrendous images on television news in August of 2014 when ISIS cornered and entire Iraqi tribe on a mountaintop called Mount Sinjar.  This forgotten people are called the Yazidis.

Over 5,000 men, women and children were slaughtered by the terrorists of the Islamic State (ISIS)!  Since it was such a remote place in northwest Kurdistan, food, blankets and water had to be dropped by plane as Kurdistan forces finally reached them to save the majority of this people group.

Bob Armstrong with Yazidi sheik in Kurdistan

Bob Armstrong with Yazidi sheik in Kurdistan.

Kurds are mostly Sunni, but they are ethnically distinct from Iraqi Arabs.  They control most of northern Iraq, to include most of the important oil fields in the northeast.  They possess a unique piece of the puzzle in the conflict between the Iraqi government and ISIS.  The Yazidis, living in northwestern Kurdistan, are even more “removed” because they are simply a “forgotten” people.  Few visit them as they are dangerously close to ISIS strongholds.

The Kurdish militia (“The Peshmerga,” among others) number between 80,000 and 240,000 and does not “answer” to Baghdad.  But they are highly-trained and represent a very real threat to ISIS.

Like many others, my heart and prayers immediately went out to these dear people.  I vowed right then to visit them!  Far from the headlines in the news now, there is still an active genocide happening in Northern Iraq and Syria of Yazidis and Christians.  ISIS calls the Yazidis “apostate” Muslims, since they do not share the ISIS belief in the Caliphate.

The United Nations and some non-government organizations are trying to assist them, but most are running out of money quickly.  However, no amount of money, although desperately needed, will put a final halt to this genocide.

So the Yazidis join the long list of IDPs (Internationally Displaced Persons).  They suffered much and have supernaturally “maintained” since.  Then last month, the Peshmerga forces from Kurdistan began a concentrated operation to free Sinjar from ISIS and their 300 warriors left in the desolated town.  Coalition warplanes provided air support.

American news pundits claimed that battle would take many weeks.  However, within two days, Kurdistan President Barzani held a news conference in the town of Sinjar, claiming total victory.

Bob prays with Yazidi widow, made by ISIS!

Praying with Yazidi widow, whose husband was killed by the Islamic State.

By faith, I scheduled a trip to Mount Sinjar this past July.  I was ready to spend Christmas with these forgotten people, no matter what.

After arriving and venturing within a couple of hours of Sinjar, my host and mercenary military person advised me to wait a couple of weeks because the victory was not 100% yet (“some mortars were still being fired on the road by ISIS”) and all the IEDs left by retreating ISIS was not yet all cleared.  In spite of my mission to touch their lives, I saw the seriousness in this military man’s face.  And he knew what he was talking about!

Immediately following the Paris terror attack which took the lives of 130 souls, French planes began to bomb ISIS positions, even more fervently than the United States bombing raids.  I’ll never forget my discussion with religious leaders in Lebanon last December when they said to me, “We cannot trust the United States government.  You are now bombing ISIS, when two to three years ago, you were arming what is now ISIS (under the umbrella of rebel groups against the President of Syria).”

According to the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR), 19,000 Syrians have been picked straight from refugee camps in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan and given U.N. approval for resettlement in the United States.  However, most Christians are NOT in the United Nations refugee camps because of assaults and rapes by Muslims.  Just about all of the 19,000 Syrian refugees are Sunni Muslims with an extreme hatred for free Western governments.

Over the past five years of war in Syria, the United States has admitted a grand total of about 120 Syrian Christian refugee families and just one Yazidi.  How can this be?


Tears of gratitude from a Yazidi girl rescued from the Islamic State.

Billions of dollars are being given to bonafide terrorists by the United States in Iran as part of the supposed “Iran Nuclear Deal” in spite of Iranians (and their leaders) gathering and chanting:  “Death to America!”

Yet again people ask:  How can this be?

Clear-thinking Americans realize there will be attacks on the American soil.  In a Washington Post-ABC News survey published just BEFORE the San Bernardino, California terror attacks, 83 percent of registered voters believe a terrorist attack in the United States resulting in large casualties is likely in the near future.  Forty percent say a major attack is “very likely.”

Let the news speak the truth of this survey!

A purposefully unnamed American official in Kurdistan pronounced to me:  “Christianity is finished in Iraq!”

But, I beg to differ.  Many “Home churches” that I personally witnessed are springing up across Kurdistan.  Christianity is not finished!

But, as Christians, what can we do?

Bob Armstrong delivers food in northwest Kurdistan

Delivering food in Northwest Kurdistan

We must continue to pray and do as much as we possibly can.  That’s why I took food and the Gospel to the Kurds and to the Yazidis this Christmas season.

In the Khanki United Nations’ Camp where many Yazidis are literally “warehoused” just outside Duhok, Kurdistan, I visited and prayed with over three dozen women and widows who have literally been rescued from ISIS.  The posted United Nations admission is they give only $19 (USA) to each person for food per month.  In reality, according to Christians who visit the U.N. camps on a regular basis, the food they distribute is “Grade 4” food, suitable as animal or dog food.  So in addition to prayer and encouragement (and a promise to return), I left each one with approx. $40 for food.

The stories of atrocities are too painful to retell, (or show in pictures) even from someone who has heard similar stories from various war zones in years past.  ISIS is the most ruthless, demonic murdering group ever.

I heard, firsthand, horrific stories from a rescued ten-year-old who had been repeatedly raped by ISIS.  Some ladies were paid for at ISIS slave auctions by undercover rescuers.  Some girls and widows managed to risk all and somehow escaped, traveling days and nights to “freedom.”

Armenian genocide monument in Hawresq, Kutdistan

Armenian genocide monument in Hawresq, Kutdistan. Let us never forget.

Most did not know whether or not their husbands were dead or alive.  Unfortunately, the majority will learn a terrible inevitable.

In spite of losing all and suffering more than anyone, all smiled with tears of gratitude for me reaching out to them with the compassion of Jesus Christ.  Making a small difference: one desperate life at a time.

Christmas, this year; I will never, ever be the same!

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of the author with a young Yazidi girl who was captured by the Islamic State. She was bought at an Islamic State slave auction by a group of undercover rescuers.

CEO of the DNC: Responce to the GOP Presidential Debate in Las Vegas

I received an email from Democratic National Committee CEO Amy K. Dacey about the GOP debate in Las Vegas. Amy writes:

Amy K. Dacey

DNC CEO Amy K. Dacey

Here’s what happened last night: We watched as Republican presidential hopefuls stumbled their way through basic questions about national security, without one of them providing a serious plan for keeping our country safe.

Instead, they spent almost four hours discussing the agenda that their frontrunner, Donald Trump, has set for the Republican Party. Everything from where to bomb, which refugees to ban, and how big a wall we should build.

The choice in this election could not be more clear. We can elect a Democrat who will fight for equality, who won’t use offensive rhetoric that compromises our national security and puts us in harm’s way, who will fight every single day for folks like you and me, Richard — or we can end up with one of these Republicans as our next president.

What may be wrong with Amy’s view of the debate?

Amy must follow the Democratic Party narrative when it comes to dealing with national security and the existential threat to the United States and the free world – Islam. The narrative is summed up by Amy’s statement that Democrats, “[W]on’t use offensive rhetoric that compromises our national security and puts us in harm’s way.”

In other words the Democratic Party will not say or do anything to offend Islam. 

Why? Because President Obama truly believes that Islam is not the problem but is the solution. The final solution, for Jews, Christians, non-Muslims, if you will. You see any criticism of Islam, called Fitna in Arabic, is forbidden.

Quran versus 2: 191-193, reads:

And kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah is worse than killing. And do not fight them at al-Masjid al- Haram until they fight you there. But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.

And if they cease, then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

Fight them until there is no [more] fitnah and [until] worship is [acknowledged to be] for Allah . But if they cease, then there is to be no aggression except against the oppressors.

Islam requires the killing, expelling and fighting disbelievers where ever they are found. Fitna (resistance) “is worse than killing.” A Muslim will kill because disturbing the peace and order of the Ummah (the Muslim community) is worse than the slaughter of innocents, such as the 5,000 annual honor killings by Muslims of their family members.

In the Democratic Party there is a “socio-political narrative” which sees the loss of diversity and/or the risk of offending Muslims as a much greater concern than the actual threat posed by the global Islamic movement, forced imposition of shariah laws and the slaughter of innocent  people by Muslims, as happened in San Bernardino, California.

Democrats consider any opposition to Islam (Fitna) to be worse than the global slaughter, which leads to more slaughter.

Amy is afraid to offend. Democrats are afraid to confront evil. They are Islamic Democrats or put another way the Democratic Party of Islam.


The trouble with ‘moderate Muslims’

DHS Whistleblower’s Open Letter to Congress: No Confidence in Administration’s Vetting Process

Anyone saying ‘Islam is a Religion Of Peace’ needs to read this

Multiculturalism Kills

EDITORS NOTE: Click here to learn more about Fitna.

The trouble with ‘moderate Muslims’

nonie darwish book coverAmerican Freedom Defense Initiative Geller Fellow Nonie Darwish explains the trouble with moderate Muslims:

President Obama told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria that 99.9 percent of Muslims are peace-loving and reject jihadist Islam. This is a common statement by many of the so-called “moderate Muslims” in my country of origin, Egypt. That statement is incorrect in many ways, and is designed to confuse Americans and save face of Muslims and their defenders.

It is hard to believe that President Obama believes what he says about Islam, because the day Osama bin Laden was killed was a day of mourning all over the Muslim world. When Obama realized that, he had bin Laden’s body buried at sea so the Muslim world could not erect a monument in Mecca for him.

So why is Obama so passionate about telling us how wonderful Islam is? What does he mean by defending Islam as moderate and peaceful?

It defies logic that only 0.1% percent of Muslims are causing all this never-ending worldwide havoc, and unspeakable mayhem, torture, burning and beheading of hundreds of thousands of people around the world. If they are only 0.1% of the Muslim population, how come the brutal Islamic legal system is unable to round the jihadists up and behead them in the infamous public squares of Saudi Arabia? How come moderate Muslims, the 99.9%, are unable to explain away their passivity with jihadists while those jihadists are brutalizing, honor killing and terrorizing apostates?

How many jihadists have been declared apostates by Saudi Arabia? How many were beheaded in the Saudi or Iranian public squares? Why has the “moderate” largest Islamic university in the world, Al Azhar, never issued a fatwa of death against ISIS fighters and anyone who joins ISIS? They issue fatwas of death on apostates and women who have sex outside of marriage all the time, so how come none against those jihadists who supposedly ruined Islam’s reputation and caused the world to fear Muslims?

How come President Obama did not demand just that from Al Azhar or from Saudi Arabia, to prove to the anxious American people that the 99.9% of Muslims are on our side?

Obama claims to have the support of a coalition of moderate Muslim governments to fight ISIS. But we see no Muslim armies moving to Syria to rid the world of the 0.1% Muslim jihadists in ISIS. In fact, the real reason why Muslim leaders are not waging war on ISIS, even though they are capable of doing so, is because at least half of the Muslim army will defect and join ISIS. Those nice moderate Muslim armies do not want to violate Sharia law and destroy the newly declared Caliphate, which is at the center of Islam’s religious goals.

There is no doubt that some Leftist Western leaders, who constantly defend Islam, also do not want to go down in history as the ones who destroyed the Caliphate. The war against ISIS is obviously a defensive one, but somehow Islamic history will eventually portray it as an invasion by the West, the same way Muslims today have twisted the mission of the Crusades to portray them as an aggression, when in fact they were a reaction to Islamic terrorism at the time.

If jihadists and terrorists were only 0.1%, we would not have the worldwide Islamic terrorism of today. The number of the criminal population in most societies, Western and non-Western, is certainly more than 0.1%, and most societies, especially in the West, are perfectly capable of controlling their criminal population, and are capable in creating law and order and safety and security for their own citizens.

How come the 0.1% of radical Muslims is capable of causing millions of Muslim refugees, and how come rich Arab countries are not taking care of them?

Survey after survey keeps confirming our fears that the majority of Muslims are for killing apostates. A majority supports Sharia and believes in jihad as a main requirement and obligation for Muslims. Muslim citizens keep electing Islamist groups such as Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood to power. The majority of the commandments of Islamic holy books command Muslims to kill, terrorize, humiliate and subjugate non-Muslims. Over 64% of the Quran is obsessed with non-members of the religion.

Now let us examine the so-called “moderate” Muslims in the West, who keep accusing jihadists of being un-Islamic, and insist, “not in the name of my religion,” or “they do not speak for Islam.” But what they fail to tell America is that many of the so-called Muslim reformers in America are considered apostates throughout the Muslim world.

Even the eloquent and well-intentioned Dr. Zuhdi Jasser is considered an apostate in many parts of the Muslim world and the Arab media. I once saw an Arabic-language article written about him, Walid Phares, Walid Shoebat and me. The headline of the article says in Arabic: “Four Arab Americans were accused of leading a media campaign to promote hatred of Muslims in America.” The article stated that 42 million dollars were allocated to these four Arab Americans to promote this hatred. The article said it got this information from “Fear Inc.: The Roots Of The Islamophobia Network In America” — which is a Leftist propaganda piece defaming foes of terror.

Such an article is not unusual. The Arab media is full of similar articles, so as to encourage fatwas against the four people mentioned in the article and any other critics of Islam, simply because we speak the truth about Islam and express our love for America.

I have yet to see fatwas of death against jihadists in the Arab media or from Muslim political and religious leaders. It is clear where the heart of those who call themselves moderate Muslims is. It is not against jihadists, but against those who speak against jihad.

Moderate Muslims are confused people, and have been violently and harshly trained over centuries to never think for themselves. Moderate Muslims are suffering from a pathology that allows them to believe in two opposite ideas at the same time and feel perfectly comfortable with them. In their minds, there is no contradiction at all when they say: “Islam is a religion of peace,” and they have no problem with commandments in the Quran to kill and terrorize the infidels.

The confusion in the West about moderate vs. radical Islam is not by accident, but by design, because no one wants to do anything about it; not Western leaders, and not even the 99.9% of nice Muslims.


AFDI Geller Fellow Nonie Darwish is the author “The Devil We Don’t Know” and president of “Former Muslims United,” a program of the American Freedom Defense Initiative.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on PamelaGeller.com. To stay on top of what’s really happening please follow Pamela on Twitter and like her on Facebook here.

Anyone saying ‘Islam is a Religion Of Peace’ needs to read this

“One may well ask how ‘the religion of peace’ became a brand of Islam, for the phrase cannot be found in the Qur’an, nor in the teachings of Muhammad.”

“Anyone Using The Phrase ‘Islam Is A Religion Of Peace’ Needs To Read This”,  by Mark DurieIndependent JournalDecember 17, 2015:

Days after the ISIS-inspired terrorist attack in San Bernardino, President Obama’s address to the nation concerning the threat of ISIS missed the mark. In fact, President Obama seemed at times to be more concerned with Americans ostracizing Muslim communities through “suspicion and hate,” than he was with protecting innocent American civilians from murder in the name of radical Islam.

It is high time for western political leaders to stop responding to terrorism by naming Islam as ‘the religion of peace’. It is time to have a hard conversation about Islam.

The West is in the throes of acute cognitive dissonance over Islam, whose brands are at war with each other. On the one hand we are told that Islam is the Religion of Peace. On the other hand we are confronted with an unending sequence of acts of terror committed in the name of the faith.

There is a depressing connection between the two brands: the louder one brand becomes, the more the volume is turned up on the other.

The slogan ‘Religion of Peace’ has been steadily promoted by western leaders in response to terrorism: George Bush Jr and Jacques Chirac after 9/11, Tony Blair after 7/7, David Cameron after drummer Lee Rigby was beheaded and after British tourists were slaughtered in Tunisia, and François Hollande after the Charlie Hebdo killings. After the beheading of 21 Copts on a Libyan beach Barak Obama called upon the world to “continue to lift up the voices of Muslim clerics and scholars who teach the true peaceful nature of Islam.”

One may well ask how ‘the religion of peace’ became a brand of Islam, for the phrase cannot be found in the Qur’an, nor in the teachings of Muhammad.

Islam was first called ‘the religion of peace’ as late as 1930, in the title of a book published in India by Ishtiaq Husain Qureshi. The phrase was slow to take off, but by the 1970s it was appearing more and more frequently in the writings of Muslims for western audiences.

What does “religion of peace” actually mean?

Words for ‘peace’ in European languages imply the absence of war, and freedom from disturbance. It is no coincidence that the German words Friede ‘peace’ and frei ‘free’ sound similar, because they come from the same root.

While there is a link in Arabic between salam, a word often translated ‘peace’, andIslam, the real connection is found in the idea of safety.

The word Islam is based upon a military metaphor. Derived from aslama ‘surrender’ its primary meaning is to make oneself safe (salama) through surrender. In its original meaning, a muslim was someone who surrendered in warfare.

Thus Islam did not stand for the absence of war, but for one of its intended outcomes: surrender leading to the ‘safety’ of captivity. It was Muhammad himself who said to his non-Muslim neighbors aslim taslam ‘surrender (i.e. convert to Islam) and you will be safe’….

Sheikh Ramadan Al-Buti of Syria was one of the most widely respected traditionalist Sunni scholars before he was killed in 2013 by a suicide bomber. The year before he had been listed as number 27 in the ‘The Muslim 500’, an annual inventory of the most influential Muslims in the world. According to Al-Buti, the claim that Islam is a peaceful religion was a ‘falsehood’ imposed upon Muslims by westerners to render Islam weak. He argued in The Jurisprudence of the Prophetic Biography that when non-Muslims fear Islamic jihad, their initial inclination is to accuse the religion of being violent. However they then change tack, and craftily feed to Muslims the idea that Islam is peaceful, in order to make it so. He laments the gullibility of ‘simple-minded Muslims’, who:

“… readily accept this ‘defense’ as valid and begin bringing forth one piece of evidence after another to demonstrate that Islam is, indeed, a peaceable, conciliatory religion which has no reason to interfere in others’ affairs. … The aim … is to erase the notion of jihad from the minds of all Muslims.”

There does seem to be something to Al-Buti’s theory, for it has invariably been after acts of violence done in the name of Islam that western leaders have seen fit to make theological pronouncements about Islam’s peacefulness. Who are they trying to convince?

In the long run this cannot be a fruitful strategy. It invites mockery, such as Palestinian cleric Abu Qatada’s riposte to George Bush’s declaration that ‘Islam is peace’. Abu Qatada asked: ‘Is he some kind of Islamic scholar?’

We do need to have a difficult conversation about Islam. This is only just beginning, and it will take a long time. The process will not be helped by the knee-jerk tendency of western leaders to pop up after every tragedy trying to have the last word on Islam. This strategy has failed, and it is time to go deeper.

RELATED ARTICLE: Pakistan: Two Ahmadiyya Muslims arrested for calling themselves Muslim

Star Wars Episode 10: Donald J. Skywalker v. Darth H. Obama [Video]

Pat Condell, noted commentator from the UK, in a video titled “We Want The Truth” explains from a British perspective why Donald Trump is the favored candidate in the Republican Party.


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Obama bows to the Saudi king

Hiding Malik’s Face: To be or Not to be a Muslim — that is the Question

“You ain’t no Muslim, bruv!” As you may know, this statement was uttered by a bystander after a non-Muslim Muslim™ slit the throat of a man in the Leytonstone subway station in east London last weekend. It was, apparently, a logical spontaneous reaction because, as we all understand, a Muslim ceases to be a Muslim upon committing a terrorist act. It’s not yet known if the transformation turns him into a Christian, an atheist, a Hindu, a Jew or a Zoroastrian, but some magical de-Islamizing process occurs.

Speaking of which, the man shouting “You ain’t no Muslim, bruv!” ain’t no Muslim himself, contrary to initial suspicions. Rather, he’s a 39-year-old security guard from north London identified only as “John”; you know, the kind of guy Archie Bunker might call “a regula’ Englishman there.” But let us just call him No-Muslim-Jihadi John.

Now, John is apparently an authority on Islam. As such, the Obama administration might want to consult with him on a certain matter: the public display of San Bernardino terrorist Tashfeen Malik’s photograph. Note that while fellow terrorist Syed Farook’s photo was published almost immediately, his bride Malik’s didn’t appear for days. And according to ex-Muslim and author of The Devil We Don’t Know, Nonie Darwish, this was to appease Muslims.

Appearing on a special Monday edition of “The Glazov Gang” (video below), she says she can think of only one reason why Farook’s photo was immediately shown while Malik’s was withheld. As she put it, “[A]s a former Muslim myself, I know that Islamic law prohibits posting the photos of veiled Muslim women in public.” Darwish goes on to say she suspects “the [Obama] administration was pressured by Muslim groups to not show the female terrorist’s photo to the public.” And, of course, we know that Muslims and leftists were enraged when Malik’s photo finally was released.

But then Darwish made an excellent, excellent point. Said she, “There’s an obvious contradiction here; it’s a contradiction for moderate Muslims and even President Obama, who constantly claim, and constantly lecture us, that terrorists have nothing to do with Islam.”

Bingo. If Malik wasn’t really Muslim, she couldn’t have been a Muslim woman. And then the Islamic prohibition against showing veiled Muslim women’s images in public doesn’t apply, right? So why was everyone so upset?

Oh, I get it: when her picture was taken, she was still Muslim because the magical, de-Islamizing process induced via commission of a terrorist act hadn’t yet occurred. But when she pulled the trigger, her Muslim status went up in smoke along with some gunpowder.

As for No-Muslim-Jihadi John, Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch spoke about the surreal nature of his reaction, writing “The fact that this man [John] is a non-Muslim makes the whole scene grotesquely absurd. Here is a man lying on the ground bleeding from stab wounds, with his attacker standing right there with his bloody knife, and the first thing this onlooker can think to do is to say something to try to protect the image of Islam. As the last jihadi slits the last non-Muslim Briton’s throat, the victim will probably be gurgling out as his life slips away, “You ain’t no Muslim, bruv.”

So No-Muslim-Jihadi John appears to know as much about Islam as he does about grammar. Then again, maybe he’s more clever than we think. Perhaps in using his double-negative, he was really sending the message, “You are a Muslim, bruv!” This may explain why, fearing violence by suddenly transformed non-Muslim Muslims™, his identity isn’t being released.

It’s more likely, though, that he just wouldn’t want to be responsible for a man losing his faith.

EDITORS NOTE: Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Twitter or log on to SelwynDuke.com

Where Trump is Wrong on Muslim Immigration

Donald Trump proved again why he’s the man the Establishment loves to hate, suggesting early last week that we ban Muslim immigration “until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.” In response, the powers-that-be, fearing becoming the powers-that-were, have roundly condemned him, in one case saying he should “go to hell.” And I could fault Trump, too:

  1. His proposal doesn’t go far enough.
  2. We should halt all immigration, as I’ve recommended for years.
  3. Yet in the least and as Trump suggests, Muslim immigration should be suspended immediately.

The apocryphal saying informs, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” America has become balkanized. People are now hyphenated, not assimilated; Americans are being displaced by foreign workers; we’re pressing one for English; political ethnic and racial warfare is the norm; and we’re so fractured, not merely divided, that all the Establishment can do to justify the insanity is repeat the Big Lie, “Our strength lies in our diversity,” a proposition for which there’s no proof whatsoever.

How’s that immigrationism workin’ for ya’?

“Immigrationism,” mind you, is the belief that immigration is always beneficial, always necessary and must be the one constant in an ever-changing universe of policy. Hope and change? Not when it comes to immigration.

In fact, despite our descent into national disunity, the Establishment insists on yet more immigration. It doesn’t matter that 1965’s Immigration Reform and Nationality Act created a situation in which 85 percent of our immigrants now hail from the Third World and Asia. It doesn’t matter that the historical norm is to keep unassimilable foreign elements out of your land, not invite them in. Those who recommend even a temporary return to this norm must be called names. Racist! Fascist! Hitler! Immigration über alles!

And who is the radical here?

The case of Muslim immigration is particularly interesting. As I pointed out in an airtight defense of profiling, “‘Muslim’ is now the most relevant factor in the terrorist profile.” This is a fact. It may be an uncomfortable fact for multiculturalists, immigrationists and internationalists, but a fact doesn’t cease to be a fact because it becomes unfashionable.

Speaking of the fashion-makers and nation-breakers, in late August CNN called the 1970s “the golden age of terrorism,” pointing out that there were more terrorist acts during that decade than in the 14 years following 9/11 (of course, the 14 years following 9/10 aren’t quite as reassuring). The message was clear: there’s nothing to see here with Muslim terrorism. Move along.

Except for more than one thing. The ‘70s terrorists CNN cited — such as the Weather Underground, Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) and anti-Vietnam War protesters — were never going to be anything but flashes in the ideological pan. Islam has been around, continually attended by jihad, for 1400 years. Even more to the point here, however, let’s say we knew that certain groups of foreigners shared the SLA’s or other terrorist groups’ ideology. Would it have been a good idea to let them immigrate to the U.S.? Even if the particular foreigners hadn’t yet committed violence, allowing them entry would have been criminal negligence at best on public officials’ part — treason at worst.

And, today, treason is the Establishment norm. For proposing a common-sense measure to protect the homeland, Trump (and by extension his millions of supporters) has been called “fascist.” But targeted immigration controls are nothing new in America. From 1924 until 1965, immigration was governed by the National Origins Act, which mandated that a given group of immigrants couldn’t represent a higher percentage of a year’s total immigrants than its group’s overall percentage of the U.S. population. This not only secured demographic stability and preserved nationhood, but as Pat Buchanan recently put it, ensured that ours would “remain a nation whose primary religious and ethnic ties were to Europe, not Africa or Asia.” Buchanan then continued, “Under FDR, Truman and JFK, this was the law of the land. Did this represent 40 years of fascism? …[And] Japan has no immigration from the Muslim world, nor does Israel, which declares itself a Jewish state. Are they also fascistic?”

Note also that fascism founding father Benito Mussolini (the ideology originated in Italy) defined fascism thus: “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.” Does this better describe Trump and his traditionalist brethren or statists who want to import people who’ll support all-encompassing government (70 to 90 percent of our new immigrants vote for socialistic Democrats upon being naturalized)? This, not to mention that Adolf Hitler was quite the fan of Islam — and that some Muslim figures have returned that affection.

As for Muslim immigration, here are some more facts:

  • Da’esh (ISIS) has revealed that it’s using the “refugee” program to sneak refujihadis into the West.
  • Intelligence officials including the FBI director, the Greek government, a N.Y.C. Syrian community leader and others have warned that the migrants billed as “Syrian” entering our nation cannot be vetted.
  • This is because Syria doesn’t have the necessary information databases for vetting and because in Syria, you can bribe public officials and obtain government documents stating you’re whoever you want to be.

Conclusion: terrorists are, without a doubt, intermingled among our Muslim im/migrants.

Given this, who, again, are the radicals? Trump and others who propose a common-sense national-security measure? Or those who’d do the same insane thing over and over again?

As for the bigger picture, I’m aware of no historical example of large numbers of Muslims ever assimilating into a non-Muslim culture. Moreover, studies have shown that younger Muslims in Europe are more jihadist-minded than their elders, meaning that we’re unlikely to see the first example of it anytime soon. Not surprisingly, Western European nations now have Muslim enclaves known as “no-go zones,” where the enforcement of European civil law is spotty at best. And the same lslamist mentality may be evident in the U.S., with a recent poll showing that a slim majority of Muslims prefer Sharia law to American civil law and that nearly 25 percent agree that it “is legitimate to use violence to punish those who give offense to Islam.”

Pat Buchanan added even more perspective, writing, “In nations where Muslims are already huge majorities, where are the Jews? Where have all the Christians gone? With ethnic and sectarian wars raging in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Yemen, Libya, Nigeria and Somalia, why would we bring into our own country people from all sides of these murderous conflicts?”

Why, indeed, especially since there is already a “genuine problem with Muslims in Europe.”  This quoted sentiment, please note, wasn’t expressed by Donald Trump, Marine Le Pen, Viktor Orbán or Geert Wilders, but by one Dr. Mudar Zahran. A Jordanian opposition leader, self-described “devout Muslim” and a refugee living in Europe, he called the current Muslim migrant crisis “the soft Islamic conquest of the West” in an October interview. Zahran also said of the migration, “You read Arab magazines and Arab newspapers; they are talking about, ‘Good job! Now we’re going to conquest [sic] Europe.’ So it’s not even a secret.”

The aforementioned are all good reasons to halt Muslim immigration. And where are the good arguments to continue it at this time?

Foreigners have no inherent right to immigrate to our country.  And an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If in future we determine that Muslim immigration offers unparalleled benefits, it can always be resumed. But once an alien nation within your nation is established, only desperate measures can provide remedy, if the matter is remediable at all. Trump has been called an unserious candidate given to name-calling by the very people now hurling names, as they throw tantrums and react to a most serious issue in a most unserious way. They claim to not want another Fort Hood or San Bernardino, but then propose that the desired different result can be achieved by doing the same thing over and over again.

They’re not just radical. They’re radically insane.

EDITORS NOTE: Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Twitter or log on to SelwynDuke.com

The double standard of the Ottawa Police and Canadian Mainstream Media

iranian flagI was attacked and injured by a Muslim Iranian woman in Ottawa in front of the Parliament Hill in 2009 for waving the Real Iran Flag (image of the Lion and Sun right) in my hand. Identifying the attacker took than over 3.5 years for Ottawa police. Actually, I found her by chance in Tony Young’s website, where she and her family were invited at Tony’s open house Xmas party in December 2011.

The Muslim woman who attacked me admitted  the assault and told the detective in charge of my case that she became very emotional and upset when she saw the old Iran flag waving in my hand and could not control her anger and storm toward me to vanish the flag.

But despite her confession, the Ottawa Police decided not to press any charges against her.

FYI , after she was identified, we were informed that the woman held American Green Card but lived mostly in Ottawa with one of her daughters whose immigration case was rejected by Canada due to failing her medical test where it was given so much publicity by Mainstream Media for. But non of those MSM were interested in interviewing me and giving publicity to the assault.

I do not have anything personally against my attacker but since we live in Canada, under the rule of law, we should all be treated equally without given favoritism. I did not leave Iran to come to Canada to be accosted and persecuted by the same law that victimized me in Iran. In Canada, under Mr. Trudeau’s power,  if someone  verbally says something that a Muslim might find it ;’offensive’, she/her will be charged on the Spot by the Police.  Ottawa. Hope you realize my point and I am sure if Christ was to judge me as a Christian, He would want me to speak up for my rights.

Shortly after reading my incident report, the Ottawa police Crown Prosecutor told the police detective that there may be a bad blood between the women!!!

I told the detective, “what Bad Blood, I never saw that woman in my life before, how could be there any bad blood?”  And after 3.5 years. I found who she was…

Please read the following email sent to me by the Ottawa Police detective:

From: Detective XX
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2013 23:01:29
To: Shabnam Asassadollahi
Subject: RE: Case # XX _The assault_ 2009 in front of the Parliament Hill

Hello Ms. Assadollahi, I have interviewed the people involved in this incident including the older woman.  After considering all the aspects of the matter, including the nature of the incident, the emotions and circumstances surrounding it, the absence of a continuation or repetition of the offence, the administration of justice, and directives from the court and crown attorney, no criminal charges will be laid in this matter.  It will be finalized by another measure which will indicate that the subject could have been charged but was not.  I am currently away from the office at the moment but will likely check my e-mail before I officially return.  Feel free to contact me by e-mail of by leaving a message at extension.

I am curious to know that if the above assault was vise-versa, how would the Ottawa Police conduct their judgment?

RELATED ARTICLE: Iran sentenced woman to be stoned on Human Rights Day

12 Reasons why this ‘I’m Christian and I LOVE the Qur’an’ sign is Dangerous

This photo was apparently taken at a recent demonstration in Washington, D.C.:

And there is so much in it for a Christian to love:

  1. Jesus is not the Son of God: “O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion nor utter aught concerning Allah save the truth. The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only a messenger of Allah, and His word which He conveyed unto Mary, and a spirit from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers, and say not “Three” – Cease! (it is) better for you! – Allah is only One Allah. Far is it removed from His Transcendent Majesty that He should have a son. His is all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. And Allah is sufficient as Defender.” — Qur’an 4:171
  2. And: “It is not befitting to (the majesty of) Allah that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him! when He determines a matter, He only says to it, ‘Be,’ and it is.” — Qur’an 19:35
  3. Jesus was not crucified: “And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, Allah’s messenger – they slew him not nor crucified him, but it appeared so unto them; and lo! those who disagree concerning it are in doubt thereof; they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture; they slew him not for certain.” — Qur’an 4:157
  4. Those who believe in the divinity of Christ are unbelievers: “They have certainly disbelieved who say that Allah is Christ, the son of Mary.” — Qur’an 5:17
  5. Belief in the Trinity is “excess”: “O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion or say about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, ‘Three’; desist – it is better for you. Indeed, Allah is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs.” — Qur’an 4:171
  6. Christians have forgotten part of the divine revelations they received: “From those, too, who call themselves Christians, We did take a covenant, but they forgot a good part of the message that was sent them: so we estranged them, with enmity and hatred between the one and the other, to the day of judgment. And soon will Allah show them what it is they have done.” — Qur’an 5:14
  7. Those who believe that Jesus is God’s Son are accursed: “The Jews call ‘Uzair a son of Allah, and the Christians call Christ the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouth; (in this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah’s curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth! ” — Qur’an 9:30
  8. Christians who do not accepted Muhammad and the Qur’an are the most vile of created beings: “Nor did those who were given the Scripture become divided until after there had come to them clear evidence. And they were not commanded except to worship Allah, sincere to Him in religion, inclining to truth, and to establish prayer and to give zakah. And that is the correct religion. Indeed, they who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists will be in the fire of Hell, abiding eternally therein. Those are the most vile of created beings.” — Qur’an 98:6
  9. Muslims must fight against and subjugate Christians: “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.” — Qur’an 9:29
  10. “I’m a Christian and I LOVE Muslims”? Absolutely. Love for Muslims is one thing, however, and love for the Qur’an is another. It is strange for someone who professes to be a Christian, who presumably believes that Jesus is the Son of God, the Second Person of the Trinity, who was crucified and rose from the dead for the salvation of the human race, to profess love for a book that denies all that and says that those who believe it are accursed, vile beings who should be waged war against until they submit to the hegemony of a group that believes differently.
  11. What’s more, although very few Christians would dare say so publicly nowadays, to be a Christian at all assumes a denial that Muhammad is a prophet and the Qur’an a holy book, for they both affirm as matters of faith beliefs that Christians do not hold, and, as we have seen, deny many that Christians do hold.
  12. It may be that the carrier of this sign considers herself a Christian in the spirit of this passage: “Indeed, those who believed and those who were Jews or Christians or Sabeans — those who believed in Allah and the Last Day and did righteousness — will have their reward with their Lord, and no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve.” — Qur’an 2:62

This appears at first glance to be a marvelously forward-thinking example of ecumenism: Qur’an commentator Muhammad Asad exults: “With a breadth of vision unparalleled in any other religious faith, the idea of ‘salvation’ is here made conditional upon three elements only: belief in God, belief in the Day of Judgment, and righteous action in life.” But he contradicts himself by adding “in this divine writ” after the words “those who have attained to faith” in his translation of verse 62 — that is, to be saved, one must believe in the Qur’an as well as the earlier revelations.

And indeed, Muslim commentators are not actually inclined to see this as an indication of divine pluralism, but only an affirmation that those Christians who become Muslims will be saved. The translators Abdullah Yusuf Ali and Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall, as well as Asad, all feel it necessary to add parenthetical glosses that make the passage mean that Jews and Christians (as well as Sabians, whose identity is disputed) will enter Paradise only if they become Muslims. Qur’an.com adds “before Prophet Muhammad” in brackets after “Jews or Christians or Sabeans,” making it clear that those three could only be saved as such before the advent of Islam, but now they must convert to Islam to get to Paradise.

And according to Ibn Abbas, this verse was abrogated by Qur’an 3:85: “And whoever desires other than Islam as religion – never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers.” Sayyid Qutb opines that 2:62 applied only before Muhammad brought Islam to the world, a view supported by a saying of Muhammad recorded by Tabari, in which the Prophet of Islam says that Christians who died before his coming will be saved, but those who have heard of him and yet rejected his prophetic claim will not be.

It is unlikely, of course, that the person holding this sign has thought any of this through. She is just trying to be nice. And she is unlikely ever to stop and ponder the implications of the fact that no Muslim has been carrying around a sign saying, “I’m Muslim and I LOVE the Bible.”


“You ain’t no Muslim, bruv” guy ain’t no Muslim either

Video: Robert Spencer unmasked as secret Jew!

A Short History of Islam in Hawaii by Andrew Walden

A short history of Islam in Hawaii….

On the trail to Hawaii Islam Day: Saudi money, Libyan assassins, Palestinian Jihad, London bombers, Malaysian sodomy, and laughing Islamists

Brookings: Muslims expel reformer from Manoa mosque, claim Arabs discovered Hawaii

One stop from Baghdad: Saddam Hussein’s 1982 Honolulu attack

FBI Warrant: Honolulu Muslim busted allegedly trying to join Taliban

Honolulu Muslim Eye-Gouge Attacker Tied to Staten Island Jihadi

Saddam Hussein’s 1982 Honolulu Attacker flushed from Iraq: FBI announces $5M reward

Saddam Hussein’s Honolulu Airplane Bomber to be Released Early

Hawaii “Islam Day” secretly marks September 11

Islam Day: Answering UH Religion Department Prof.

Islam Day: UH Religion Professor comes back for more

al-Taqiyya in action: Islamic Information Office of Hawaii defends “Islam Day”

Fisking the Star-Bulletin: Uproar over Islam undeserved

Islam Day: “‘The Muslims are laughing’ Why, yes, we are indeed”

Kona Mosque Plan Questioned

Kona mosque-builder threatens lawsuit

Honolulu Muslim Leader Accuses Radical Muslim of Two Local Attacks

Soft on Jihad: Muslim Eye-Gouge Attacker Was Let out of OCCC Without Facing Charges for Jailhouse Assault

Federal Law Enforcement Foundation: Hawaii Muslims not sanctioned to use our name

Hawaii arrest shows Revolution Muslim Shifting from Ideological to Operational

Hawaii Jihadi Convicted, Could Get 21 Years

Hakim “Islam Day” Ouansafi to Direct Hawaii Public Housing Agency

Honolulu Maoists & Holocaust Deniers protest against Israel: Star-Bulletin calls them ‘peace activists’

Hawaii ‘Deep Ecology’ Activist Joins White Supremacists

Congressional Democrats Visit Radical Mosque in “Anti-Islamophobia” Act

In the wake of the California Islamist terrorist attack, a group of congresspeople visited the extremist Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Virginia in an ‘show of solidarity’ with ordinary, non-extremist Muslims in America.

The idea for the visit was conceived before the California Islamist terror shooting but after the Paris attack. “We just thought it was really important to continue to reiterate to the many, many peace-loving Muslim Americans that they were still a welcome part of our community,” Representative Don Beyer (D-Virgina), one of the organizers of the visit, told The New York Times.

Speaking the day after the California attack and just one day before the visit, Beyer said, “Yesterday does make it a little harder. It’s just another unfortunate data point. So, I think it’s more necessary than ever to go talk to the people who have nothing to do with that [editor’s emphasis].”

Either Beyer and his group of lawmakers failed to research the history of the Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center, or they are incredibly naïve. Both are enormous problems and speak volumes about the inadequate strategy currently in place in the United States government for weeding out radical Islamists before they wreak more havoc on an already traumatized country.

Dar al-Hijrah is one of the most radical Islamic centers in America. Its history of extremism dates back decades to one of its founders, Ismail Elbarasse, who was an assistant to a senior Hamas official. In 2002, a government document written by the Customs and Border Protection stated Dar al-Hijrah was “operating as a front for Hamas operatives in U.S.” A December 2007 document says it “has been linked to numerous individuals linked to terrorism financing.”

Click here for a complete history of the Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center.

Other salient points about Dar al-Hijrah include:

  • Dar al-Hijrah’s imam from 2001 to 2002 was Anwar al-Awlaki, who later became a senior al-Qaeda operative. His sermons were attended by two of the 9/11 hijackers and Nidal Hassan, who carried out a terror shooting at Fort Hood in 2009.
  • It’s imam from 2003 to 2005, Mohammed Adam El-Sheikh justified Palestinian suicide bombings and  was a member of the Sudanese Muslim Brotherhood. He was previously the regional director of the Islamic American Relief Agency, which was labeled by the U.S. Treasury Department as a Specially Designated Terrorist organization because of its links to Osama Bin Laden and Hamas.
  • The current imam of Dar al Hijrah, Shaker Elsayed, said the teachings of Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, are the “closest reflection of how Islam should be in this life.” He has also called for Muslims to arm themsleves for jihad (see video below).
  • In 2010 and 2013, radical texts teaching that Muslims are to wage violent jihad in order to resurrect the caliphate, destroy Israel and implement sharia governance were found at the mosque.

Watch Dar al-Hijrah Imam Shaker Elsayed call for armed jihad:

All congresspersons are equipped with numerous staff members who are specifically hired to do research for their employer. A simple Google search by one of them would have yielded the above information.

Perhaps for Rep. Beyer and his fellow Dar al-Hijrah visitors, these facts were just more “unfortunate data points.”

But for the majority of the population, including “peace-loving Muslim Americans,” who are concerned about the radicalized Islamists in our midst, these are data points that are too deadly to ignore.

To check if there is an extremist mosque near you, click here for Clarion Project’s Islamist Organizations in America project


Meira Svirsky is the editor of ClarionProject.org


Are We Defeating ISIS?

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FBI Arrests Lead Islamic State Recruiter in Minnesota

The FBI have arrested a man they said was the ringleader of an Islamic State recruitment cell in Minnesota.

Abdirizak Mohamed Warsame, 20, is one of 10 men of Somali origin from Minnesota who have allegedly been plotting to join the Islamic State. Nine were arrested while one made it to Syria. The latter has been there since May 2014 and is believed to be helping recruitment efforts aimed at Americans.

Warsame was allegedly the leader, or emir, of the group.

Last summer, a federal grand-jury investigation followed 20 to 30 Somali-Americans who were believed to be considering joining ISIS in Syria.

Al-Shabaab has also recruited from Minnesota’s Somali community in the past.

CNN investigated the radicalism in Minneapolis-St. Paul last March:


Ohio Hospital Worker Charged For Calling to Behead U.S. Soldiers

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ISIS Execution Video or Is It? See What Happens Next…

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of Abdirizak Mohamed Warsame, the ISIS ‘Emir’ in Minnesota. Photo: Screenshot from video.

Meet the Christian Female Fighters of Syria [+Video]

A new unit of Christian female fighters has been formed in Syria to protect the Syrian Christians from the Islamic State.

The ‘Female Protection Forces of the Land Between the Two Rivers’ is based in Hasekeh province, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and currently has around 50 fighters.

The first recruits graduated the training program in August.

Kurdish forces have long fielded women in frontline combat roles.

There are many different Christian communities in Syria and Iraq belonging to different sects and nationalities. Some are Assyrians, descendants of the Assyrian people who once ruled the Middle East from their capital of Nineveh.

Other Christian factions in Syria include Greek Orthodox, Catholics, Chaldeans, Armenians and Maronites.

One 36 year old mother of two explained to AFP why she had taken up arms “I miss Limar and Gabriella and worry that they must be hungry, thirsty and cold” she said. “But I try to tell them I’m fighting to protect their future.”

The battalion recently fought to recapture the town of Al-Hol, alongside the ‘Syrian Democratic Forces,’ a coalition of Kurds, Arabs and Christians.

Get a preview of Clarion Project’s upcoming film, Faithkeepers, about the violent persecution of Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East. The film features exclusive footage and testimonials of Christians, Baha’i, Yazidis, Jews, and other minority refugees, and a historical context of the persecution in the region.


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Father Tries to Kill Daughter for Becoming Christian in Uganda

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EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is an illustrative picture. Photo: © brian.ch creative commons.