Tag Archive for: Obama

PODCAST: How to Win the Immigration Debate

Below is a free Audiobook version of How to Win the Immigration Debate – Just click the download link next to share to save to your computer.

At a time when the negative consequences of our “broken” immigration system are clearly evident, this guide is a practical tool for engaging in the complex and at times controversial immigration debate.

With key facts, figures, and explicit responses at your fingertips, this valuable resource will prepare you for debunking the most common immigration fallacies and deceptive generalizations, and for making the case for true immigration reform.


FAIR, the Federation for American Immigration Reform is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of concerned individuals who believe that our immigration laws must be reformed to better serve the needs of current and future generations.

With a support base that includes nearly 50 private foundations and over 250,000 diverse members and activists, FAIR is free of party loyalties and special interest connections.

For more than 35 years, FAIR has been leading the call for immigration reform by offering and advocating solutions that help reduce the harmful impact of uncontrolled immigration on national security, jobs, education, health care, and our environment.

Learn more.

PODCAST: The Panama Papers and the Crisis in the Middle East

This week, world elites were rocked by the release of the Panama Papers, demonstrating that world leaders, their friends and family, and the super wealthy routinely use offshore companies for tax avoidance.

panamapapersMeanwhile, reports out of the Middle East indicate a growing concern of Iran’s activity. From Yemen to Iraq to Gaza, Iran continues to fund and arm terrorist insurgencies that are reshaping the region. Not only Israel, but the Gulf states and their Sunni allies are preparing for potential confrontation. Barack Hussein Obama’s “nuclear deal” has only emboldened Iranian ambitions, and caused tradition U.S. allies to lose faith in the United States dedication to peace and stability in the M.E.

Topics of Discussion:

  • The Panama Papers
  • Report: U.S. considering withdrawal from Sinai
  • Paul Ryan’s Delegation to Middle East – In prep for Republican nomination?
  • Saudi-led Coalition Prepares for Head-on Collision with Iran

& more…

EDITORS NOTE: Readers may listen to USA Transnational Report live on JJ McCartney’s Nightside Radio Studios and on Red State Talk Radio. You may subscribe to USA Transnational Report podcast on iTunes here, subscribe to their podcast with Podbean, here. All previously recorded shows are available here, at the links above, or through Spreaker.

Obama’s Executive Clemency Program Putting Firearm Offenders on the Streets

We’ve often mentioned that President Obama, despite his insistent shaming of America over its supposed lack of gun regulation, has shown little interest in enforcing the gun control laws already on the books.

But it gets worse. A lot worse.

Information has now arisen that the Obama administration is granting executive clemency to dozens of felons imprisoned for firearm-related offenses, some whose crimes involved possessing or using a firearm in furtherance of drug trafficking crimes. These criminals will for the most part be released back into the very communities that they exploited and victimized with their offenses.

The revelations were detailed in a March 31 letter from Sen. Richard C. Shelby (R-AL) to U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch. According to the letter, of more than 200 federal inmates granted release under the president’s initiative for executive clemency, “33 were convicted of firearm-related offenses.”

These include, according to the letter:

  • Seven convictions of possession of a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime;
  • Four convictions of possession of a firearm by a felon; and
  • Two convictions of use of a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking offense.

Sen. Shelby expressed his frustration with the administration’s actions:

Communities in my state, like other towns and cities all over America, are working hard to clean up their streets and make their communities safer. This is a constant struggle for some areas. Yet, this announcement from the President sends an unfortunate and resounding message to criminals everywhere: if you are convicted of a crime involving a gun, the federal government will go easy on you.

The president’s moves seem to be a glaring contradiction to his assertion last year that “the one area where I’ve been most frustrated and most stymied … is the fact that the United States of America is the one advanced nation on earth in which we do not have sufficient common sense gun laws.”

Surely Obama’s advisors have apprised him of the hundreds of federal gun control laws already on the books. So you would think he’d be using every tool at his disposal to deal with the violent crime that, for example, plagues his own home town in particular.

But rather than focus on violent criminals, Obama’s most recent and highly-touted gun control offensive targeted hobbyists and collectors who make occasional gun sales, licensed dealers, and expanding the attack on veterans to include Social Security recipients. 

But rather than focus on violent criminals, Obama’s most recent and highly-touted gun control offensive targeted hobbyists and collectors who make occasional gun sales, licensed dealers, and expanding the attack on veterans to include Social Security recipients.

Sen. Shelby’s letter raised questions about whether the administration is following its own guidelines in the granting of executive clemency. These include prioritizing applicants who “are non-violent, low-level offenders without significant ties to large scale criminal organizations, gangs or cartels” and who “do not have a significant criminal history.”

The administration’s actions would seem to point inescapably to two possible conclusions. One possibility is that the president really is allowing dangerous criminals back out on the streets of their communities. If that’s the case, then his actions are reckless and irresponsible and gamble with innocent lives for the sake of politics.

Another is that he genuinely believes that individuals who use or possess guns to perpetrate drug crimes are not really a threat to public safety. If that’s true, then he is dangerously misinformed. It also makes his obsessive focus on purely technical violations of gun control laws – e.g., re-categorizing hobbyists as “dealers,” banning veterans from possessing firearms, and recently expanding the attack on veterans to include Social Security recipients – seem even more like political persecution and less like serious crime control.

Whatever the case may be, President Obama’s latest moves merely add to his reputation as more interested in style than substance.

This November, voters should carefully consider whether Obama’s would-be successor really has their best interests at heart or whether, like Obama, the next president would vilify his or her political opponents, while simultaneously coddling the very criminals that put innocent lives at risk.

Turkey Needs To Go Play In Its Own Sandbox

Turkey’s President Erdogan, and close Obama friend, recently spoke to a group of you guessed it, mostly Muslim crowd, at the opening of a Turkish funded Islamic school in Lanham, Maryland, which is not far from D.C. The opening of the $110 million Diyanet Center is said to go three stories beneath the ground with a pool, fitness center and last, but not least a Turkish bath.

The opening of America’s largest Islamic Center coincides with a recent story of five Northern Virginia Muslims arrested for ties with ISIS. Understandably, local Maryland residents are concerned as the frequent reporting of Islamic terrorism occurring not only world-wide, but state-side increases.

According to an RT article Erdogan, speaking at the dedication of the center, chastised the politicians in America and our society by stating that,

 “there are still people walking around calling Muslims terrorists.”

He added that Muslims in America are making this country stronger, and shouldn’t have to hear anti-Muslim sentiment.

He continued,

“It is unacceptable for the Muslims of the world to be forced to pay the price of a horror of a pain and suffering created by a handful of terrorists, infamous terrorists here in the aftermath of 9/11,”

First of all, no leader of another country should be allowed to step foot on our soil and proceed to tell Americans what we can or cannot say, nor do we have to look as far back as 9/11 for Islamic terrorists. It is hard to swing a dead cat and not hit one these days.

Yet that is what Obama,  Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and  Hillary Clinton along with the rest of the liberal left and the democrats are pushing in the way of UN 1618, which is to criminalize any criticism of Islam.

As a matter of fact,House Resolution (H.Res. 569), was introduced towards the same ends as the UN 1618. It is about,

“Condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States”.

An article contained in The Counter Jihad Report states,

“The Resolution was introduced in the House of Representatives by Democrat Donald S. Beyer (Virginia) on December 17, 2015 — a mere 15 days after Tashfeen Malik and Syed Farook gunned down 14 innocent Americans and wounded 23 in an ISIS-inspired terror attack at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, California.”

The bill sounds like an angle right out of Ergodan’s playbook.

“the victims of anti-Muslim hate crimes and rhetoric have faced physical, verbal, and emotional abuse because they were Muslim or believed to be Muslim,” and the House of Representatives “expresses its condolences for the victims of anti-Muslim hate crimes.”

Secondly, it is rather difficult to take this man seriously when he demands respect be paid to all Muslims in America, when his own security team is involved in violence right outside the Brookings Institute  in D.C. where he chose to visit.

Apparently several journalists were kicked, pushed and thrown to the ground outside the liberal think tank when they were peaceful protestors gathered. The State Department condemned the behavior as “totally unacceptable.” Yet this is a perfect example of  leaders and movements who cannot tolerate an opposing view, so they must crush free speech and any form of expressing it.

Incidentally, while Erdogan is in the Eastern United States spreading the Islamic ideology and symbolically conquering land for Islam, Fethullah Gulen, a Turkish cleric and billionaire who lives in the Poconos, is attempting to open up an Islamic school on an Air Force base in Colorado. Gulen presently is uner investigation as he is living here under a self-imposed exile avoiding prosecution in Turkey.

According to Dr. Rich Swier’s article quoting Robert R. Amsterdam, founder of an international law firm based in D.C. and London, of The Hill,

“A secretive Islamic movement is trying to infiltrate the U.S. military by establishing and operating publicly-funded charter schools targeted toward children of American service personnel.”

He continues,

“Our investigation, still in its early stages, reveals that the Gülen organization uses charter schools and affiliated businesses in the U.S. to misappropriate and launder state and federal education dollars, which the organization then uses for its own benefit to develop political power in this country and globally.”

These two Turks need to be shown the door, and not to let it hit them on the way out. Mosques and Islamic Centers are breeding grounds for Islamic terrorism.  Trump is right, there needs to be a ban on Sharia compliant Muslims coming into America. In addition, we must have a halt in the construction or designating of any more mosques or Islamic centers in this country.

Maybe Erdogan and Gulen would do well to play, or in their case fight in their own sandbox and leave us alone.

*Please research the Gulen movement here. This group takes numerous legislators, school teachers, parents, and school children on expense paid trips to Turkey.

EDITORS NOTE: You may follow Suzanne on Twitter here @srs808.

VIDEO: White House censors French President saying ‘Islamist terrorism’

The Obama Administration is adopting the practices of Orwell’s Ministry of Truth. Inconvenient facts are consigned to the memory hole. We have always been at war with Eurasia. Islam is a religion of peace. No one would even dare suggest otherwise, even indirectly. What? The French President referred to “Islamist terrorism”? No, he didn’t. Not anymore.

“VIDEO: WH Censors French President Saying ‘ISLAMIST Terrorism,’” by Craig Bannister, MRCTV, April 1, 2016:

The White House website has censored a video of French Pres. Francois Hollande saying that “Islamist terrorism” is at the “roots of terrorism.”

The White House briefly pulled video of a press event on terrorism with Pres. Obama, and when it reappeared on the WhiteHouse.gov website and YouTube, the audio of Hollande’s translator goes silent, beginning with the words “Islamist terrorism,” then begins again at the end of his sentence.

Even the audio of Hollande saying the words “Islamist terrorism” in French have, apparently, been edited from the video.

According to the official White House transcript of Hollande’s remarks, Hollande refers to “Islamist terrorism.” The audio of the bold text in brackets is missing from the video – the only point in the video were the audio is absent:

“We are also making sure that between Europe and the United States there can be a very high level coordination.

“But we’re also well aware that the roots of terrorism, [Islamist terrorism, is in Syria and in Iraq.  We therefore have to act both in Syria and in Iraq, and this is what we’re doing within the framework of the coalition.]  And we note that Daesh is losing ground thanks to the strikes we’ve been able to launch with the coalition.”…


Muslim found guilty of preparing Islamic State jihad mass murder attack on US forces in UK

Fatwa: Chanting “Victory to Mother India” is un-Islamic

Map of 1,282 predominately Syrian Muslim migrants admitted to U.S. since October 2015

And, the numbers reveal that Obama is not saving Christians or other religious minorities!

Obama gave his U.S. State Department a year to get 10,000 Syrian refugees seeded into towns and cities across America.

We are now at the halfway point in Fiscal Year 2016 (it began on October 1, 2015) and they have resettled 1,282 (99% Muslim Syrians).

They have 8,718 to go in the next few months to reach Obama’s goal.  Could security screening be slowing the flow? (BTW, suicidal Canada does not appear to be worried about security).

And, remember readers, the resettlement contractors first demanded 65,000 Syrians this year and then upped the number to 100,000 by this fall.

Where are those Syrians now?

Here is a map of where they’ve been placed so far (source: Refugee Processing Center):

Map Syrians March 31 2016

If you can’t read the numbers here is a list of the top ten ‘welcoming’ Syrian resettlement states:

  • Michigan (166)
  • California (127)
  • Pennsylvania (114)
  • Illinois (87)
  • Texas (82)
  • Florida (76)
  • Ohio (61)
  • North Carolina (59)
  • Kentucky (57)
  • Connecticut (50)
  • Arizona and New York are next with 48 each.

There is no effort by the UNHCR and our State Department to save the persecuted Christians.  
99% of the 1,282 are Muslims (see breakdown below):

  • Catholic (3)
  • Christian (3)
  • Greek Orthodox (1)
  • Moslem (their spelling) (18)
  • Moslem Shiite (8)
  • Moslem Suni (1,246)
  • Other Religion (1)

Photo:  We wrote about British Foreign Secretary David Miliband here yesterday.  It is galling to think that a Brit is calling the shots on the demographic make-up of American towns and cities.  WTH! He already played a huge role in wrecking the UK!  For our complete dossier on Miliband, click here.


Canada: Syrian airlift making history, 26,000 have arrived with 10,000 more being ‘welcomed’

Why is the U.S. Funding a Hamas-linked Charity – Again?

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of Resettlement contractor David Miliband of the IRC (right) with President Obama. Miliband was the first to call for admitting 65,000 Syrians to the U.S. this year, he later increased his demand to 100,000.

The Phobia That Could Kill America

In today’s politically correct and multi generation indoctrinated America, the word phobia is often used to quiet patriots and Christians rather than make an honest point.  At one time in our nation, it an individual observed horrendous actions by someone, they could state the facts about what they saw, show a picture and the truth would be allowed to stand unchallenged.

There was also a time when Americans of all races considered American interests to be of the most utmost importance.  After all, most Americans were intelligent and well informed enough to understand that the importance of rational self interest and would not tolerate the concept of allowing the United States to be endangered just to appease those who have vowed to murder us.

At one time, the majority of sovereign citizens of America would at the very least cautious about continuing to allow special rights, or preferred treatment of illegal immigrants at the expense of tax paying Americans.  They are being forced to pay for the housing, medical care and education of illegal immigrants and their children.  That is not right, to say the very least.  In fact, it is completely unwise, but like I have said in my radio commentary, “The Edwards Notebook, wisdom has taken wing and flown back to God.

Dictionary.com defines xenophobia as unreasonable fear or hatred of foreigners, just for being foreigners, or that which is foreign or strange.  Now, if Americans were running around espousing hatred towards legal immigrants, foreigners just for being foreigners, homosexuals just for existing, etc. etc. that would be one crazy thing.  But the problem is that American society is now so programed against common sense that people are calling those who want to protect the United States from harm, xenophobes, racists, bigots, and much worse names I cannot use in my family friendly column.

Let us take a look at the Muslim problem, for example.  Muslims have a millennium plus long history of plotting to overthrow non-Muslim nations, who’s citizens don’t bump their heads on little rugs to honor allah.  To this very day, racist Muslims consider black people to be raisin heads who are without souls.  They enslaved black Africans long before Europeans and later Americans did.  As you read these words of truth, the Muslims now own and abuse over 20 million slaves, mostly Africans.  In the United States, there are at least 22 known Muslim zones, where anti American sentiment is very strong, to say the very least.  But United States progressives and even some appeasing republicans look the other way without saying a simple word about this ongoing horror story.

But if an American sovereign citizen dares to voice concern about the obvious motives of Muslims, who for the most part admit they refuse to assimilate into American society, they are wrongfully labeled as bigots, racists, islamaphobes, or xenophobes.

Yet the Americaphobe president Obama continues to endanger our beloved republic with his horrendous policies, such as fighting to prevent states like Arizona and Texas from protecting their borders and citizens from United States hating, ungrateful illegal immigrants.  Many of them are being accompanied by Muslim terrorists even as you are reading.  Other Americaphobes like the black lives matter gumps in Baltimore have threatened to kill presidential candidate Donald Trump.  Yet the same people who call patriotic Americans who defend our nation and way of life xenophobes, racists and bigots will not address the black lives matter gumps for their vicious verbiage.

It is becoming more difficult to identify Americans who actually give a darn about where we live in this country.  I am talking about the literal millions of Americans who refuse to respond to the horrendous policies of Obama and the bend over to please republicans in congress who have let the president literally get away with dismantling our military, flat lining our economy, dividing America racially, economically and politically.  While at the same time, Obama has ruined our relationships with most of our nations allies.  But yet, far too many people scream xenophobe at those wanting to protect our nation from destruction.

The United States of America has been a uniquely blessed nation like no other in human history.  But the self serving progressives who are hell bent on establishing a permanent socialist utopia have for too long been allowed to destroy this republic, bit by bit by bit.  One must come to the logical conclusion that those progressives who scream phobia labels at those who’s goals include making America great again are themselves the real bigots, Americaphobes and let us not forget, Christianphobes, constitutionphobes and even propertyrightsphobes.

My fellow Americans, if you appreciate this republic and desire to leave a better nation for your children and grandchildren, I strongly urge you to join in the worthy effort to help restore the principles that made her the onetime envy of the world.  Just because America wasn’t perfect by the unreal standards propped up by the hordes of progressive snivelers who could not care one little bit about real solutions to America’s problems.  If they did, the solutions they have enacted and promoted for decades would have improved, rather than have destroyed inner city neighborhoods, for example.

The choice is up to you, may we all remember to seek providential guidance in the effort to revive our constitutionally limited republic.  It helped the Founding Fathers, Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan, thus it can most assuredly help us.  Good knows we need it.

PODCAST Herman Cain Show: Discussing the U.S. response to the Islamic State

Earlier today I was on Herman Cain’s radio show, discussing the Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL, Daesh), and the Obama administration’s willful ignorance regarding the jihad threat.


Homeland Security names illegal immigrant to 10 most wanted fugitives list – Washington Times

Raymond Ibrahim: U.S. Ignores the Muslim Slaughter of Over 10,000 Christians and Destruction of 13,000 Churches in Nigeria

Minnesota: Muslim in contact with Islamic State jihadis threatens to “shoot up,” “blow up” a Walgreens

WaPo blames Trump’s, not Obama’s, foreign policy for Brussels slaughter?

The mainstream media gets more absurd by the day. When did Donald Trump become President?

The policies he is advocating are not now being implemented, so there is no conceivable way that the Brussels jihad massacre can be blamed upon them, or taken as any indication that they would not be effective (which is not necessarily to say that they would be). After all, there is actually another fellow who is President of the United States right now; if the Brussels jihad massacre is a rebuke to anyone’s foreign policy, it is his and his alone. But the Washington Post, like the rest of the mainstream media, will never have the slightest negative word to say about the current occupant of the Oval Office, no matter how much he downplays the jihad threat and enables jihadis.

Brussels police

“The horror in Brussels is a rebuke to Trump’s foreign policy,” Washington Post editorial, March 22, 2016:

THE TERRORIST assault on Brussels Tuesday, just four days after the arrest of an architect of last year’s attacks in Paris, underlined the resilience and continued menace of the Islamic State — to Europe, to the United States and to vital Western interests. It also revealed a crucial divide among U.S. presidential candidates about what this country must do to protect itself.

One one side are those who support the internationalist response of President Obama, who said the United States “will do whatever is necessary to support our friend and ally Belgium,” and who asserted that “we must be together, regardless of nationality or race or faith, in fighting against the scourge of terrorism.” That view was broadly shared by Democrats Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders and Republican John Kasich.

Against them is the radical isolationism of Donald Trump, from whom the Brussels bloodshed prompted another call to “close up our borders,” and who on Monday questioned the value of U.S. support for NATO allies such as Belgium. Though GOP rival Ted Cruz rejected Mr. Trump’s position on NATO, his answer to Brussels was similar: He, too, stressed “secur[ing] the southern border” and curtailing refu­gee flows, along with patrols of “Muslim neighborhoods.”

More than at any time since 1940, America’s commitment to its European allies is at issue in a presidential campaign. The tragic events of Brussels illuminate the folly of Mr. Trump’s position. The Islamic State has targeted all Western democracies, along with Israel and the Sunni states of the Middle East; it regards Belgians and Americans equally as enemies. Destroying the group — as Mr. Trump says is necessary — cannot be done without fighting its tendrils wherever they appear — in Europe as well as the Middle East, in Africa and in cyberspace. However much they are reinforced, borders will provide no protection to Americans if the jihadists are not defeated elsewhere.

Mr. Trump protests that NATO “is costing us a fortune” and that the United States is no longer a rich country. Never mind that the nation is far richer than it was when the alliance was set up in 1949, or that the national debt as well as spending on defense are lower as a portion of the economy. To defeat the Islamic State without NATO’s help would impose huge costs on Americans. Britain, France and Germany, among others, contribute materially to the war against the terrorist entity in Iraq and Syria, not to mention NATO member Turkey.

Intelligence sharing among the allies is critical to disrupting plots in the United States as well as elsewhere. Mr. Trump told us he saw no advantage to U.S. foreign bases; yet without those provided by Turkey, the air campaign in Iraq and Syria would be far less effective….

It’s effective?


Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch: “Christ was born in Palestine!”

Belgian cops asked Muslims for help in finding jihad bombers and were ignored

President Obama flying to Communist Cuba — JFK turning over in his grave

The White House is finalizing plans for the President’s visit to Communist Cuba, perhaps so that Obama can escape from capitalism, at least for a few days? Maybe he will get a few hours sailing in with members of the Pensacola Yacht Club who just recently met up with Communist leaders? President John F. Kennedy must be turning over in his grave.

This trip is paid for by the American tax payer and funded by the GOPe led Congress of the United States. Senator Mitch McConnell and Congressman Paul Ryan indeed have got their hands in our wallets my friends but for nefarious purposes.

Its time to sweep out the aisles, pick up the empty vodka bottles and prepare the engines for Air Force 1 to burn some more JP5 jet fuel and tax payer cash to add to the fictitious Al Gore carbon footprint.

Time to fly to Cuba….. tax payer cost $1.2 million ….. charge it to the Beijing debit card. Don’t worry, it will be our grandchildren who will pick up the interest payments in 2045.


Berta de los Angeles Soler Fernandez

Ladies and gentlemen, Cuba still has hundreds of citizens in jail for the political crime of wanting to be free. Yet the President of the United States has not demanded their release before his impending visit.

He could care less about the political prisoners in the Cuban gulags. He is too busy freeing Muslim terrorists from Guantanamo Bay Cuba and training his FEMA and BLM departments to arrest and shoot at American Patriots for grazing cattle on federal (American owned) land.

Many Cuban freedom fighters and dissidents like Ms. Berta de los Angeles Soler Fernandez, the leader of the “Ladies in White” protest group in Cuba are demanding that President Obama call for the release off all political prisoners before this tax payer funded visit.

Ms. Berta has also been invited to meet personally with President Obama at the new U.S. Embassy in Havana, which by the way was funded without congressional authority or Senate ratification.

Ms. Berta HAS NOT yet accepted the invitation to meet with Obama for his refusal to demand the release of all political prisoners and due to the blatant civil rights violations in Cuba by the Communist government. Unlike the folks at the Pensacola Yacht Club who gladly met these Communist leaders in Cuba last fall.

I have emailed this brave and honorable Patriot Cuban freedom fighter personally and all other dissident groups in Cuba and respectfully requested she/they not meet with our President. She is very sad in her heart that so many Cubans are in jails for just speaking their mind.

She has been invited to meet with President Obama at the U.S. embassy in Havana on Tuesday, March 22nd. I asked her stay home. I personally would not attend any meeting with the President. He is a disgrace to the free world. He is a disgrace to this Constitutional Republic and its Bill of Rights. The freedom fighter dissidents who refuse to meet him would be a huge embarrassment to Obama’s so called landmark trip to Cuba.

Ms. Berta has demanded that Obama call for an amnesty for Cuba’s political prisoners.

President Obama truly believes that opening diplomatic relations with Communist Cuba, without Congressional and Senate approval and without congressional funding, is a major foreign policy achievement. Remember JFK and the Bay of Pigs invasion which took place in January 1959?

I say its criminal and an impeachable offense. But then again Speaker of the House Paul Ryan may not know that Cuba has made friends with us?

All President Obama is doing with this visit is aiding and abetting a Communist dictatorship much like the one he has led in the United States since 2008.

The GOPe is also to blame for not defunding the money for the Cuban embassy and its staff. The establishment Republican Party leadership in Washington D.C. has lost all respect from the people of this nation.

Elisardo sanchez

Elizardo Sanchez

So the tax payers will be funding Obama’s afternoons in Cuba at a baseball match between the Tampa Bay Rays and the Cuban national team alongside Cuban president, Raul Castro – the man who has ordered the mass arrest and imprisonment of Cubans for speaking out against the tyranny of Communism. He is the same man who permitted the Communist sympathizers from the Pensacola Yacht Club to enter Cuban waters last fall.

Dissident Ms. Soler, who would be welcomed into the TEA Party movement, also refused to meet up with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry when the embassy in Havana was reopened in August of last year, after he failed to invite dissidents to the official opening ceremony.

Now remember Senator Marco Rubio helped confirm as Secretary of State John Kerry.

So, while the rest of us prepare our income taxes to fund Obama’s trip to Cuba, Elizardo Sanchez, Cuba’s most famous human rights activist, was arrested at Havana airport, on arriving from Miami.

So you see Communists in Cuba much like the BLM in this nation are evil. Group hugs from the Obama White House.

And as a reminder the women in Ms. Bertha Soker’s freedom group were also regularly arrested and beaten up during protests and harassed by police. Her words to me online.

She also accused the Cuban government of beginning a new policy of taking money from their bank accounts, justifying the “robbery” by saying the money had been sent from the U.S. to encourage revolt. Obama also goes into our bank accounts here in the USA without due process violating your 4th Amendment Rights at anytime Obama uses the IRS as his personal political weapon of choice….. no difference…. Communism at work… control of the people.

Now as I write this the freedom fighter dissidents in Cuba are saying “At this very moment, outside our offices, there are three groups of police stationed there,”

Ms Soler, 52, who began her activism when her husband was sentenced to 20 years in prison for founding an alternative political party, insisted the human rights situation in Cuba was actually getting worse. She said there were currently over 80 political prisoners being held, and that Mr Obama should use his visit to call for an amnesty. “He must demand their release,” she said. “It needs to be about more than smiling and shaking hands.”

Cuba’s Communist government has said it has no political prisoners, and that opponents mistakenly consider armed counter-revolutionaries and common criminals as political cases.

This sounds familiar right? Except in the United States counter-revolutionaries are TEA Party patriots, ranchers in Nevada and Oregon and Americans with Gadsden flags or Northern Virginia Battle in their front yards, banned by Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward, who is now running for the U.S. Congress Florida’s District 1

Back to Cuba, Ms Soler’s complaint – taken up with gusto by Mr Obama’s Republican opponents – was echoed by Armando Valladares, a former political prisoner now based in Miami. “This visit is an enormous slap in the face to us, and a backing for tyranny,” he said.

Even Cubans that want freedom are against this visit by Obama  but you have to understand President Obama is a Communist sympathizer at heart and he doesn’t care what we or the freedom fighters in Cuba think.

Lets talk about brave patriot Mr. Valladares, age 78. He spent 22 years of his life in a Cuban prison for wanting to be a free man– he also ridiculed the notion that an increase in tourism would enhance Cuban democracy. “It’s incredibly pretentious of the U.S. to think that when the tourists invade the streets, suddenly Cubans’ eyes will be opened and with a magic wand they will be awakened,” he said today.

This my friends is the real story in Cuba.

It will not be printed in the Obama controlled media in the United States. It will be glossed over. President Obama’s trip will be portrayed as a huge political victory for the Communist government of Cuba and the government of the United States. This story will not make the Pensacola News Journal or the any other Florida media outlets.

Cubans are still starving for freedom and continue to rot in Cuban gulags, they continue to be arrested for speaking their mind and continue to live in a state of fear in Socialist/Marxist created poverty.

Our southern borders remain wide open and the Communist backed members of left wing groups who are in this nation illegally even from Cuba are still sucking off the tax payer titty and why even today they blocked roads in Arizona. They tried to shut down the first Amendment Rights of presidential candidate Mr. Donald Trump.

This is how Communists operate ladies and gentleman. Attack, censor, interfere and disrupt (ACID). I am sure Mr. Trump just added another 20 feet to the wall that he promised build to protect the sovereignty of this nation.

Communism is the forefront ideology of Bernie Sanders, Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton and many in our congress all of it paid for by the American tax payer.

Mr. Trump is the hammer about to come down on top of their sickle. Their days of inflecting tyranny on the U.S. are numbered. Their giving aid and comfort by supporting Communist governments abroad are swiftly coming to a close.

Cuba Libre!

US President Barack Obama (2nd L), First Lady Michelle Obama (L) and daughters Malia (2nd R) and Sasha (R) disembark from Air Force One at the Jose Marti International Airport in Havana on March 20, 2016. Obama arrived in Cuba to bury the hatchet in a more than half-century-long Cold War conflict that turned the communist island and its giant neighbor into bitter enemies. AFP PHOTO/Nicholas KAMM / AFP / NICHOLAS KAMM (Photo credit should read NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images)

President Barack Obama (2nd L), First Lady Michelle Obama (L) and daughters Malia (2nd R) and Sasha (R) disembark from Air Force One at the Jose Marti International Airport in Havana on March 20, 2016. AFP PHOTO/Nicholas KAMM / AFP / NICHOLAS KAMM

UPDATE: Foreign Policy reports:

And on Tuesday, Obama will meet with dissidents, including Berta Soler, the leader of the Ladies in White, an opposition group made up of the wives of political prisoners.

But just hours before Obama’s arrival, Cuban police arrested dozens of protesters at a Ladies in White event in Havana. The arrests may open the president up to more attacks from members of the U.S. Congress who oppose his engagement with the Castro regime.

Many Cubans remain skeptical that Obama’s diplomatic outreach will influence the government for the better.

“Everyone wants to know how we Cubans feel about Obama coming,” said Yamile Suárez, 36, standing near a recently repaved road in Havana. “I’m frankly just happy that giant pothole finally got filled in, so if I have him to thank for it, thanks, Obama!”


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Making Eli’s Chicago Cheesecake — A Job Americans won’t do?

The new UN High Commissioner for Refugees, after visiting Senator John McCain in Washington and signing an agreement to get more money from U.S. taxpayers, visited Eli’s Cheesecake Company in Chicago.

McCain and Grandi

Arizona Senator John McCain [photo right] warmly greets new UN High Commissioner for Refugees as Grandi comes to D.C. for his annual dip into the U.S. Treasury. Grandi is ‘head hunter’ for American big business.

We learn that a federal refugee contractor lines up jobs for refugees with Eli’s!

Contractor RefugeeOne took in $2.1 million from taxpayers in 2014 to act as an employment service for refugees.  It brags that it brought 16,000 refugees to Chicago since 1982!

What! no Americans willing to make cheesecake? Or, is there some special tax incentive for Eli’s to hire foreign labor?

The UN trumpets the news here:

CHICAGO, United States, March 18 (UNHCR) – During a week-long visit to the United States, the head of the United Nations refugee agency welcomed Washington’s longstanding commitment to resettling more refugees than any other country and emphasized that managing the refugee crisis is a global responsibility.

Speaking on a visit to Chicago, where he met with refugees, US lawmakers and resettlement agencies, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said: “Resettlement addresses the needs of the most vulnerable and is the safest way to move people from one country to another. Refugees flee terror, they don’t bring terror to countries. Their arrival is very carefully vetted, so there should be no fear.”


While in the Midwestern city, Grandi visited RefugeeOne, a Chicago area non-profit that works with refugeesfleeing war, persecution and terror, helping them to build new lives of safety, dignity and self-reliance.


Eli’s CEO Marc Schulman


Finding employment is a major step for a refugee to become self-reliant and one of the businesses that RefugeeOne has long partnered with is Eli’s Cheesecake Company, which has been employing refugees for over 25 years.


“It takes UNHCR to protect us, RefugeeOne to place us in jobs and people like Marc to help us become productive,” he added, referring to the President of Eli’s Cheesecake Company.

Eli’s CEO Marc Schulman gets cheap immigrant labor and bakes cakes for Obama!

RefugeeOne is a subcontractor of three BIG contracting agencies of the US State Department:  Church World Service, Episcopal Migration Ministries, and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service.

So, no low income Americans want the jobs? Or, it just isn’t cool enough for these Christian charities to help Americans first?

See Leo Hohmann at WND about African Americans being hammered by competition with immigrant labor, here.

Obama wants more Syrian refugees in the U.S.

What could possibly go wrong?

Last February, the Islamic State boasted it would soon flood Europe with as many as 500,000 refugees. And the Lebanese Education Minister recently said that there were 20,000 jihadis among the refugees in camps in his country. Meanwhile, 80% of migrants who have recently come to Europe claiming to be fleeing the war in Syria aren’t really from Syria at all.

So why are they claiming to be Syrian and streaming into Europe, and now the U.S. as well? An Islamic State operative gave the answer when he boasted in September, shortly after the migrant influx began, that among the flood of refugees, 4,000 Islamic State jihadis had already entered Europe. He explained their purpose: “It’s our dream that there should be a caliphate not only in Syria but in all the world, and we will have it soon, inshallah.” These Muslims were going to Europe in the service of that caliphate: “They are going like refugees,” he said, but they were going with the plan of sowing blood and mayhem on European streets. As he told this to journalists, he smiled and said, “Just wait.” We are waiting in the U.S. as well.


“White House wants increase of Syrian refugees,” by Paul Bedard, Washington Examiner, February 29, 2016 (thanks to Jerk Chicken):

The White House is quietly pushing for an increase in refugees from Syria, despite new concerns raised by state and county officials that federal help is often missing when they arrive.

President Obama’s assistant for immigration policy told a task force set up by the National Association of Counties that the U.S. is eyeing a bigger role to help alleviate the growing crisis.

“We want to make sure that we can increase our numbers of refugees that are able to settle here,” Felicia Escobar said. “The need globally is so, so, so massive right now, given all the displacement and conflict around the world, but we also know that we have to do it in a way that’s smart.”

The issue has become a flashpoint in the presidential race and among governors who are concerned that Washington won’t properly vet the refugees to weed out terrorists….

Not just won’t. Can’t.

RELATED ARTICLE: Muslim Indoctrination and the Department of Education: From Hijab Dress-Up to Convert

Ex-Gitmo Prisoner Arrested on Terror Charges

The recidivism rate of detainees is as high as 30%. Yet Tuesday, Obama said, ‘Keeping this facility open is contrary to our values.’ He laid out closure plans.

A former inmate of the Guantanamo detention camp (Gitmo) has been arrested with four other individuals by Spanish and Moroccan police on terrorism charges.

Police said that the four – three Spaniards and one Moroccan — were “willing to commit terrorist acts on Spanish soil.” Authorities also said that they were already in the process of procuring weapons and substances to make bombs.

The four are also suspected of recruiting for the Islamic State — particularly minors.

Police said of the former Gitmo-detainee, who was not named, “The fact that this leader was trained in handling weapons, explosives and in military tactics makes this cell particularly dangerous.”

The recidivism rate of former Gitmo-detainees is high. Senator John McCain, chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee, put the number at 30%, although other’s claimed it was lower.

According to a September 2014 report by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, of the 620 detainees transferred out of Gitmo, 107 had been “confirmed of re-engaging” and 77 were “suspected of re-engaging” in terrorist or insurgent activities.

On Tuesday, February 23, 2016, U.S. President Barack Obama called for a closure of the facility. “This is about closing a chapter in our history. Keeping this facility open is contrary to our values. It undermines our standing in the world. It is viewed as a stain on our broader record of upholding the highest standards of rule of law,” the president said.

The following are notable detainees at Gitmo that have been recently freed:

  • Egyptian Tariq Mahmoud Ahmed al Sawah , one of al Qaeda’s most skilled explosives experts, was released in January 2016. Al Sawah was personally praised by Osama bin Laden, may have known of the original Sept. 11 plot and was the creator of the shoe-bomb with which a jihadi tried to down a commercial airplane in 2001.
  • Mohammad Al Rahman Al Shumrani, a 40-year old Saudi Arabian national, was released on January 11, 2016, even though he had vowed to kill “as many Americans as possible.” The previous August, he was listed as a “forever prisoner” – too dangerous to release.
  • Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud al Qosi was released from Gitmo and transferred to Sudan in July, 2012. In December, 2015, he appeared as a spokesman in a video for Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.
  • The “Taliban Five,” all high-ranking members of the Afghan Taliban and considered “high risk” and dangerous by the U.S,  were released on June 1, 2014 in exchange for Bowe Bergdahl, a U.S. soldier who was later charged with desertion.


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EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of the Guantanamo detention facility. Although some prisoners are kept in cells, others are described as living in ‘cottages.’ (Photo: Video screenshot)

Obama and liberal bishops need to keep their hands off Africa


Africa could be termed the last battleground of the Church. It is the only significant place the Church is seeing any growth. Close to 200 million Catholics inhabit the so-called Dark Continent, a term given in derision by colonial powers. The term was a reference to a claim that Africans were backward savages in great need of westernizing.

It’s why the insult hurled at the African bishops by German Cardinal Walter Kasper at the 2014 Synod in Rome touched such a nerve. He said, “The Africans — they should not tell us too much what we have to do.” As you might imagine, that comment didn’t go over too well — which is why Kasper lied about having said it at first, until an audio recording of him saying it was produced by crack journalist Ed Pentin.

Africa is a target, politically, culturally, and most important, spiritually. Africa is still viewed by many Western elites as a “colonial” seedbed. Because of its poorer economic status, various elites see an opportunity to advance their agendas of evil: contraception, sterilization, abortion, population control, homosexuality, climate change and so forth. This is being done largely through the United Nations, financed by Western governments, especially the United States.

The trick is to establish relations with individual African nations, give them some aid, let them enjoy the increased prosperity —even if it is being enjoyed only by leaders — and then promise a lot more aid in exchange for signing onto the agenda. This is part and parcel of U.S. foreign policy these days. It all started with the Mexico City Policy established by Ronald Reagan that refused U.S. government funding to any NGO involved in abortion.

When Clinton was elected in ’92, he rescinded the policy and helped fund overseas groups that work for abortion. This was the first major effort to influence foreign policy according to moral/political calculus with an eye to controlling agencies and governments. Hillary Clinton has testified publicly as Secretary of State that when she speaks of human rights, she includes that to mean abortion and contraception, including government financing.

Oddly enough, for a man with such deep ties to Africa, Obama has worked tirelessly to undermine the family in African nations by tying hundreds of millions of U.S. dollars for economic aid to their acceptance of his immoral agenda. When you drill down to the on-the-ground effect, this translates directly to attacking the Church.

U.S. money is used to essentially try and buy off leaders of various African nations. They begin promoting the Obama agenda, and then the Church runs into conflict with those leaders.


The other method that the U.S. government uses to get into African nations is the huge sum of money — hundreds of millions each year — that it awards Catholic Relief Services (CRS). CRS does work to alleviate poverty, but it also allies itself with other groups pushing the population control agenda through sterilization and contraception.

Those U.S. government dollars, like all government dollars, come with strings attached. Washington, D.C., under Obama, has been relentless in pushing its agenda, and it uses a compliant CRS as another means to introduce its agenda into African nations. Bishop Borwah told us he was greatly concerned that CRS does nothing for the soul when they are doing their so-called poverty fighting.

Between the indirect approach of using CRS to gain a foothold and establish trust with the people, and courting government leaders with promises of money in exchange for acceptance of immoral policies, Africa appears to be target number one for Western leaders. The ramifications of this for the universal Church are extremely troubling. The materialism that the diabolical used to corrupt the West looks to be the same weapon by which he will introduce evil into African nations. Catholic leaders who keep supporting Obama, his policies, his party, his power structure and playing along with it in the name of social justice and fighting poverty are setting the table for the destruction of the Faith down the road in Africa.

And consider this: The Catholic population in Africa has more than tripled since 1980, and if current trends hold, in the next generation, just 20 years from now, 24 percent of Africans will be Catholic. This would result in a Catholic population of nearly half a billion in Africa — just over 20 years.

The future belongs to Africa, which begs the question: Haven’t Catholic leaders done enough damage by ruining the faith of hundreds of millions in the West? Can’t they leave their hands off Africa?

His Excellency Bp. Borwah was our guest on this past Friday’s “Download” and this past weekend’s “Mic’d Up.” He is one of those extremely good bishops who loves the Faith, his people and the truth — well worth paying attention to. He was even in the contingent of African bishops who kept the Faith from being mowed down by liberal Western bishops at the Synod this past October — something he gets into in those programs. They are well worth the listen.

Keep tuned to Church Militant to hear the whole truth.

EDITORS NOTE: Originally published at ChurchMilitant.com. Watch “The Download” Every Week, Monday-Friday. Click here for Church Militant Premium—Start your 15-day Free Trial.

GAO: Obama’s Office of Refugee Resettlement ‘puts Unaccompanied Alien Children at Risk’

….and it puts you at risk because they are not being properly monitored!

Hot off the press this morning is this Washington Post story about a GAO report released today that is highly critical of HHS’s Office of Refugee Resettlement’s care of the ‘children’ who have been flooding our borders for many years now (the numbers are expected to rise, see here).

UAC children

UAC ‘children’ in Texas in 2014.

No surprise for those of us who have been following the Refugee Program for years that the contractors hired to take care of the kids are doing a rotten job.

BTW, the UACs are NOT refugees even if Obama and the contractors want them to be. They want them to be designated as refugees so they can get in line for welfare goodies and apply to bring their families to America.

Here is one recent story about how the contractors are squabbling over Obama payola for legal services for the UACs (mostly teenage boys!).

According to the WaPo story 125,000 ‘children’ have been distributed around the US since 2011.

I don’t know if any contractors are mentioned by name in the report, but we know that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and Lutheran Immigration and Refugees Services, both federal refugee contractors, receive millions of dollars to care for the ‘children.’ Also, we learned in 2014 that there were two other HUGE contractors: Southwest Key Programs and Baptist Child & Family Service.  

Senator Grassley initially wanted answers from HHS here in 2014.

This is the Washington Post story this morning.  I’ve just snipped a bit of it, but you should read it all.

The government agency tasked with placing thousands of Central American children into communities while they await immigration court decisions has no system for tracking the children, does not keep complete case files and has allowed contractors to operate with little oversight, according to a report released Monday by the Government Accountability Office.

“Based on the findings in this report, it’s no wonder that we are hearing of children being mistreated or simply falling off the grid once they are turned over to sponsors,” said Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa). “The Obama administration isn’t adequately monitoring the grantees or sponsors whom we are entrusting to provide basic care for unaccompanied children.”


The report also criticized the agency’s oversight of nonprofit groups that it pays to operate shelters for the children and locate sponsors.


Grassley sharply criticized the lack of follow-up for released children.

“Beyond the risks to the children created by these shortcomings, our communities are left to cope with the crime and violence from gang members and other delinquents who are not identified or tracked because of HHS’s haphazard and porous practices,” he said.

BTW, it is still a mystery about why the Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (Eskinder Negash) resignedabruptly in December 2014.  Rumors are flying that it had something to do with the UACs.

Tomorrow the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on this report.  Go here for more information.

For more reading pleasure, all of our posts going back many years on the UACs are archived using the words‘unaccompanied minors.’

And you will see there (among those posts) that Europe is having the same problem with ‘unaccompanied children’ flooding the Continent. In their case, they are mostly from the Middle East and Africa. One of the children recently murdered a care giver in Sweden.


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