Sometimes It Takes a Few Pogroms

Sometimes it takes a few pogroms to drive home the solution, inducing Diaspora Jews to make Aliyah as their forebears left Europe.

Merriam-Webster defines “pogrom” as “an organized massacre of helpless people – specifically such a massacre of Jews.”

According to theOxford English DictionaryOED), the word pogrom entered English from Yiddish which borrowed it from Russian. The OED gives two meanings for the word:

In Russia, Poland, and some other East European countries in the late 19th and early 20th centuries: an organized massacre aimed at the destruction or annihilation of a body or class of people, esp. one conducted against Jewish people.


An organized, officially tolerated, attack on any community or group.

Note that the Merriam-Webster refers to the victims being “helpless” and that might also refer, in contemporary analysis to a lack of power. Both definitions refer to the massacre being “organized”. The latter also adds that is an “officially tolerated” attack.

A pogrom then is somewhat different than a riot. For example, riots in large American cities by supporters of Black Lives Matter and Antifa, generally targeted government buildings and businesses, rather than ethnic or racial minorities. But these riots were quite successful as the rioters, particularly BLM, achieved financial and moral support that empowered Blacks vis-a-vis educational curricula and Critical Race Theory now embedded – although facing a backlash – in government, schools, and corporations.

But the riots themselves and violence as a tactic have been adopted by groups who decide to do pogroms targeting Jews, especially the haredi Jews who are readily recognized by their dress. So, we are in an era where both riots and pogroms are becoming more common. And based on the non-reaction of the Democrats in the U.S. and the law enforcement officers, the message of the utility of riots spread around the world. As long as the violence is against individuals or small groups of Jews as opposed to attacking the Jewish state and IDF, then these count as pogroms.

In the U.S. in the last year, there have been increasing numbers of attacks against Jewish owned businesses and synagogues and individual Orthodox Jews walking to or from synagogue. In Europe, there have been many attacks especially in France, where a Jewish school was violated with murder and older Orthodox women were murdered in their homes. France and Sweden show us that the more Islamists populate a country, the more murders are committed against Jew – and others also.

In Canada, in large cities like Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver and Halifax, there have recently been “protest” demonstrations against Israel for defending itself against Hamas missiles and some of these turned violent. In Toronto, Palestinian Arabs and their supporters have taken to organizing large protests in Jewish neighbourhoods, which seem to aim for violent confrontations.

It is one thing to have a protest at City Hall, and another to have a protest in a Jewish residential neighbourhood.Typically these protests have Jews outnumbered by about 20 to 1, probably because Jews fear violence at the hands of those more comfortable with street-fighting. They are not quite pogroms because there is little in the way of guns. However, there is evidence of police officers refusing to aid Jewish victims and instead saying that they are only in attendance to separate the parties and that they lack the manpower to really keep the peace; query whether this attitude amounts to tolerance of criminality.

Significant pogroms in the Russian Empire included the Odessa pogromsWarsaw pogrom (1881)Kishinev pogrom (1903), Kiev Pogrom (1905), and Białystok pogrom (1906). After the collapse of the Russian Empire in 1917, several pogroms occurred amid the power struggles in Eastern Europe, including the Lwów pogrom (1918) and Kiev Pogroms (1919).

Of course the most significant pogrom in Nazi Germany was the Kristallnacht of 1938. At least 91 Jews were killed, a further thirty thousand arrested and subsequently incarcerated in concentration camps, a thousand synagogues burned, and over seven thousand Jewish businesses destroyed or damaged. Notorious pogroms of World War II included the 1941 Farhud in Iraq, the July 1941 Iași pogrom in Romania – in which over 13,200 Jews were killed – as well as the Jedwabne pogrom in German-occupied Poland.

Post-World War II pogroms included the1945 Tripoli pogrom, the 1946 Kielce pogrom and the 1947 Aleppo pogrom.

In the period before the declaration of the State of Israel, the Jews were targeted in the 1929 Hebron massacre and the 1929 Safed pogrom.

We now turn to the question of whether the recent disturbances and violence in Jerusalem and other “mixed” cities like Lod, Acco, and Yaffo, amount to a return of pogroms to the Jewish people, even though we now have our own state and well-trained and equipped military. But a military cannot stop the knifing of a Jewish resident by his neighbor. If Jews, who were generally of the opinion that Arab Israelis were enjoying their democratic rights, becoming more satisfied and integrated with life in Israel, now see their neighbours joining a pogrom or a lynching, Israel has yet another difficult security problem.

A number of Israeli writers have addressed this. Victor Rosenthal, who writes under the name Abu Yehudah,writes: in a piece entitled “Israel is stuck:”

“Why do I think coexistence is impossible? Because – as has been demonstrated conclusively in the last few weeks – the combination of the nature of Arab culture, combined with the all-pervasive Palestinian narrative, the well-organized and financed anti-Zionist forces, and the effective use of media, especially social media, make it so.

“Let me make it clear at the outset that I am talking about all of the Land of Israel, by which I mean all the land between the river and the sea, from the Golan to the border with Egypt. My argument is that if coexistence between Arabs and Jews is failing within the boundaries of pre-1967 Israel, then a fortiori(or kal v’homer) it cannot succeed within the larger boundaries of all the Land of Israel.”

“The narrative says that the Jews have stolen the land from the Arabs, and the state is illegitimate… It postulates a ‘Palestinian people’ that goes back centuries in the land. That is a fiction…

“In Arab culture, personal, family, tribal, and now national, honor has a very high priority. The restoration of lost honor justifies violence – indeed, if the loss was violent, the response must be also. Loyalty to the group and perseverance in search of justice are important values. Accounts must be settled, and in the ledgers of the Palestinian Arabs, much is owed to them by the Jews.” That, too, if fiction.

Rosenthal says that Meir Kahane “was right about one thing: in order for the Jewish state to continue to exist, it cannot continue to have a large Arab minority. I am certain that many Israelis agree in their hearts, but are afraid to express agreement from fear of being called “racist” or worse. But race has nothing to do with what is at bottom a national conflict, and indeed it is a profoundly unhelpful concept.”

Martin Sherman is another prolific writer grappling with the lesson of the Arab Israeli pogroms. He writes in his essay, “Et tu, Ahmad: The illusion of Arab loyalty”:

“Violent Israeli Arab “display(s) of alienation—indeed, aversion—to their own state is not confined to select elites within Arab-Israeli society. Indeed, when Arab Israelis perpetrated lethal acts of terror, they were feted as heroes by their kinfolk, who collaborated in hiding them from Israeli authorities. When two of them were eventually located and killed, they were given huge funerals, where they were enthusiastically eulogized by approving mass processions—and lauded as martyrs for Al-Aqsa for gunning down two Israeli policemen (from the Druze community) at the Temple Mount.

‘The unavoidable conclusion from this dismal record is that Israel has been enormously—and ill-advisedly—tolerant its Arab citizens, allowing blatant and barefaced displays not only of disloyalty but of equally brazen identification with Israel’s enemies—even in times of ongoing hostilities.

‘Seen in this context, the current revolt is clearly aimed at changing the very essence of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people, annulling the very foundation for its establishment and transforming the rationale for its continued existence.

‘Accordingly, the situation can no longer be seen as one centering on the question of individual rights, but of collective survival—and it must be treated as such.”

Caroline Glick in her recent piece, “Facing the real cause of the long Arab war” says that after 75 years of making excuses and denying the plain fact that anti-Semitism or Jew-hatred is the root and the branch of the Arab conflict with Israel, Israelis of all walks of life and across the political spectrum need, in light of the recent Arab-Israeli pogroms, to accept that it is true that the root cause of the War is Jew-hatred..”

Says Glick: “The Palestinian war, now joined by Israel’s Arabs and supported by the ruling party in America, presents Zionism with its supreme test: Will Israel protect its Jewish national identity, or will it crumble under pressure?”

“Israel must do two things to persevere. First, it must quell the Arab-Israeli violence and confiscate all illegal weapons now in the hands of the Arabs.

“More fundamentally, after 75 years of making excuses and denying the plain fact that anti-Semitism is the root and the branch of the Arab conflict with Israel, Israelis of all walks of life and across the political spectrum need to accept this truth. As a society, we must demand that Israel’s Arab citizens and their leaders recognize the legitimacy and justice of the existence of the State of Israel. And we must not accept no for an answer any more.”

In my book, The Ideological Path to Submission… and what we can do about it (Mantua Books), I agree with the approach of Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum to distinguish between Muslims who can adjust to lives of freedom, responsibility, women’s rights, rights of other religions including Judaism and non-violence, and other Muslims, usually called Islamists who seek Jihad, conquest, a world-wide Caliphate, forced conversions, Sharia Law and violence. My book deals mainly with Islam in America, Canada and Europe, but I hold the same distinctions must apply to Islamic Israelis.

The only Muslims that should live in Israel are those non-Islamists who accept the virtue of the Jews, the Torah and that the Qur’an says that the land of Israel is for the Jews.

Sometimes it takes a few pogroms to drive home the problem and the solution alike.

The Russian and Ukrainian pogroms in the early 19th century were the determining factor for Russian Jews to depart Russia and the Ukraine for America. A lot of Jews paid with their lives so that others would understand that the time had come to leave.

My father’s cousin, upon liberation from Auschwitz, decided to go back home to Lodz Poland. He and others were met with a violent pogrom from the Poles who did not want the Jews back. After a few years, he and his new wife made Aliyah.

Pogroms against Jews in contemporary Europe and the danger that riots in America might turn into pogroms will induce Diaspora Jews to make Aliyah. But they must see an Israel that understands that Arab Israelis must not only be cleansed of guns and other weapons, but must clearly support reformist Islam and not Islamism. At a time when Muslims up 20% of Israel’s population, it is essential to adopt this paradigm about Muslim neighbours and co-workers.

The mini-pogroms that started a couple of weeks ago must make it clear to both antisemites and Jews everywhere that the best thing for all concerned is a division between modernist more liberal Islam and the Islamists, and only the former should populate Israel, and perhaps the rest of the West. Those who follow radical hegemonic Islamism might stay in one of the numerous Islamic theocracies.

Sometimes it takes a few pogroms.

©Howard Rotberg. All rights reserved.

Trump Announces He Is Building 1,954-Mile Long Trump Hotel Along Southern Border

RIO GRANDE CITY, TX—Trump flew to America’s southern border this week to announce a brand-new Trump hotel unlike anything the world has ever seen. The planned hotel will be almost 2,000 miles long and will be situated right on the southern border.

“Yes folks, I’m proud to announce we are building a big, beautiful, golden Trump hotel on the southern border,” said Trump to reporters. “Land just happens to be really cheap down here, what can I say? The border just looks terrible ever since Sleepy Joe ‘Loserface’ Biden stole the presidency from me. Just a disgrace. I’ll bet he can’t even build a wall as fast and cheap as I can build my new Trump hotel. Watch!”

The luxurious hotel will also include an 800-mile golf course and a 1,000-mile lazy tubing river. The southern wall will be a gleaming and impenetrable barrier with Trump’s name emblazoned on it every couple of miles.

“Everyone, of all creeds, nationalities, and skin colors can enter my hotel, as long as they enter my hotel legally,” Trump clarified. “The only ones not allowed in my hotel are Sleepy Joe, Cacklin’ Kamala, and maybe Rosie O’Donnell.”

According to sources who have seen the blueprints, the hotel will have plenty of entrances, but only on the north side of the building for some reason.


BREAKING: Kamala Harris Hit With Joker Laugh Gas Attack — UPDATE: False Alarm. She Was Simply Asked A Question About Children Locked Up At The Border

Biden Gets No Pudding Cup Today As Punishment For Taking A Question

Congress Passes Law To Recognize Juneteenth, The Day Republicans Freed All The Democrats’ Slaves

Existential Crisis Narrowly Avoided With Timely Burrito

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Will We Ever Know the Truth About the Clintons?

Christopher Sign is dead at age 45. Sign is the journalist that exposed the supposedly unplanned meeting between Bill Clinton and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch in 2016.

If you Google “Christopher Sign dead” you’ll get a page full of headlines and excerpts stating his death is “being investigated as a suicide.” But why would a healthy 45 year old with a young family do that? Sure, it’s possible, but it isn’t likely.

Sign, who received death threats after reporting the obvious – the ex President of the United States, husband to the Democratic candidate for president, does not randomly run across an airport runway to a plane that just happens to be parked next to his plane, in order to engage in a 20 minute discussion about the weather. Just days after the meeting, the FBI decided it would not recommend criminal charges against Hillary.

One of Google’s top search results has the helpful excerpt “Trolls spread ‘Clinton crime syndicate’ nonsense conspiracy after ABC anchor found dead.” The problem with these attempts to debunk the conspiratorial interpretation of Sign’s death is simple: We’ve realized our news is censored and we’ve realized our establishment institutions can’t be trusted.

When you watch every major corporation and political special interest in America line up to fund a year of vandalism and thuggery, justified by lies and distortions, while demonizing the law abiding majority as inadvertent if not overt White Supremacists, you don’t trust them any more.

When you watch the entire weight of the American corporate establishment spend four years spreading obviously dishonest propaganda calculated to demonize and destroy an elected president, you don’t trust them any more.

When you watch the American medical establishment, with the full complicity of every major political and corporate institution, suppress information about early stage treatments for COVID-19, and lie about its origins, you don’t trust them any more.

When things like this happen, conspiracy theories gain credence. And the conspiracy theory that holds forth on the “Clinton crime syndicate” is robust, despite that many of the investigative voices that mushroomed into the Q Collective have been largely silenced. It wasn’t the Q digital army’s supposed militancy that got them banished from every major online platform, nor their most outlandish theories about Satan worshipers running the democratic party. It was what you read between the lines: tens of thousands of people were diligently investigating countless examples of how corrupt special interests have spread like a cancer through America’s most trusted institutions.

The light of day was intolerable. The Q warriors were crushed. Now they barely survive, relegated to alternative platforms where only the initiated dare to tread. Meanwhile, hundreds of millions remain in the online corridors where approved algorithms deliver approved pysops, and they ride the dopamine drip into quiescence.

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, who if nothing else is a breath of fresh air in a dank DC swamp, tweeted what millions are thinking: “Why is it that so many who cross the Clinton Crime Syndicate end up dead?”

If you want to find out more about the so-called “Clinton Death Count,” there isn’t much to be found. Comprehensive lists that were easily found ten years ago have disappeared. One fairly comprehensive list can be found from Robert Horan, who maintains a website and a Twitter account. His list includes details about each alleged victim, but hasn’t been updated in over a year.

There are other sources, the anonymous “Clinton’s Blood Trail,” also not updated. A NewsBytes article from 2016, a Gateway Pundit article from January 2021. Or a “debunking” article published on an Ohio State University website in 2019 – be sure to read the comments, since often that’s where the most interesting information can be found.

We may never know what is really going on behind the scenes in the Clinton organization. We don’t know if the scores of deaths suffered by former associates of the Clintons are the result of foul play. What we do know, however, is that there is a coordinated attempt to suppress this material.

EDITORS NOTE: This Winston84 Project column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Is Screwing America!

“The secret of happiness, you see is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less.” – Socrates

The economy, despite glowing lies from the usurper administration, is in trouble.

Retail prices are increasing at a rate not seen for years, oil prices are spiraling upwards, ( $73 a barrel today ), retail goods are not selling as money gets tighter amid worries about the countries financial status and national security. Cars are not selling as fast and the average age of a families car is now almost 12. Inflation is increasing and I fully expect to see hyper inflation in the near future. Interest rates are increasing raising mortgage rates and I believe a massive crash is coming to the commercial property market as the availability of vacant property far outweighs the demand. The dollar is weakening and is under attack from stronger currencies like Russia’s oil rich economy and Chinas.

We look weak to the world. Heck. We are pitiful. They are all gathering at the trough to gobble up all they can steal or take from this insanity that is America today. We are a laughing stock despite false claims by foreign and national media and so called polls to the contrary. They laugh at Biden’s inadequacies behind his back, at his mental frailties and his idiocy. They understand he is pliable. Able to be manipulated. They mock him and by that, us as well. Why not? They are all benefitting hugely from it. It is human nature to take advantage of the weak and we are weak.

This Administration is ignoring all these signs and many others. Their allies, the MSM, are as always doing the country a great disservice by hiding the real facts and figures as they endeavor to make Uncle Joe seem like a superhero! They paint a picture that everything he touches turns to gold.

America. It doesn’t. In fact it is a complete opposite to that.

This is the climate that the Federal Reserve is meeting in. Their new policy statement will be released this afternoon. The countries economists will be looking for certain signs, like the Fed cutting back the bond buying program that begun back in March of 2020. Economists will be looking for other signs like when the Fed will start cutting back on the monetary support.

The Fed had pledged to support the economy until it was back to full employment. ( Remember those great days under our real President, Donald Trump? )

They may have to renege on that ideal. It is believed they will tighten the money supply.

The Labor Department just announced the CPI had risen year over year in May a massive 5%! This was the fastest jump year over year since 2008. The beginning of the Obama years. Excluding food and energy data ( why do they do that when those are two products we cannot avoid buying? ) core inflation rise a declared 3.8% from a year earlier, again the quickest since June 1992. The start of the Clinton era! ( Beginning to see a picture here? Clinton. Obama. Biden. All Democrats. )

We have seen massive unemployment through the Covid era but the unemployment benefits have not all reached Americans or the American businesses. Did you know that about 70% of over $400B of unemployment money, was stolen by crime syndicates in China, Russia and Nigeria? The other 30% of that $400B was stolen by American criminal enterprises. That is about half of it! Stolen. Defrauded. Democrats love big government!!

I wonder if Sniffer Joe will bring this crime up to Russian strongman Vladimir Putin when they meet? ROTFLMAO! I already know the answer to that. NO!! What about the MSM? Are they going to demand an investigation? Again I know the answer to be the same resounding NO!!

The Fed cannot ignore the fact that we have 8,000,000 less citizens employed than before Covid. Or that every financial indicator is bad.

We are in for a rocky ride America.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Naftali Goldfarb or Gonen Bennett?

In a single act of rash duplicity and deceit, Naftali Bennett provided the left with a prize plum from which it has been precluded for years: Broad access to positions of governmental control and influence.

Bogey Ya’alon, Benny Gantz and Yvette Lieberman are knowingly endangering the security of Israeli citizens… As Israel’s Defense Minister, I declare: An Israeli government that is dependent on the support of the Joint Arab Party and is extorted by supporters of terrorism, is tangibly and immediately placing the lives of Israeli citizens and IDF soldiers in peril- Naftali Bennett, Twitter, 5-3-2020.

Ra’am is a sister movement of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. This is an extremist and anti-Zionist faction with no place in the Israeli Knesset at all. Yamina will not be complicit in forming a government dependent on Ra’am- not with its support; not with its abstention, and not in any way… The whitewashing of these supporters of terrorists by Netanyahu and his messenger boy, Itamar Ben Gvir, is shameful. Right-wingers should be the first to stop it —Press release by Naftali Bennett’s party, “Yamina” 6-3-2021.

…take, for example, the vaccinations. Today he [Netanyahu] holds a press conference and declares there are vaccines. 27 countries, in Europe alone, signed with Pfizer, and there are other countries like Australia—we are in 35th place [but] he holds a press conference and deceives the public. He [Netanyahu] claims that they will arrive in January. Maybe a box of 5 vaccines, at most, will arrive—the rest will arrive after all the other countries receive them…This is how to lose public trust by lying to the public on matters of life and deathForeign Minister Yair Lapid, the person Naftali Bennett believes is qualified to lead the nation, Channel 12, 13-11- 2020.

The die is cast. A new government has been installed.

Almost inevitably, its establishment takes us back in time to a similarly woeful event, involving the concoction of another dubious coalition, cobbled together in nefarious ways eerily reminiscent of those with which the current coalition was spawned.

The wages of treachery

In January 1995, Gonen Segev and Alex Goldfarb, who were elected to the Knesset on behalf of the distinctly hawkish Rightwing “Tsomet” party, defected to the Rabin government, which in September 1993, had signed the unprecedentedly concessionary Oslo I Accords (Declaration of Principles). Segev was appointed a minister and Goldfarb, a deputy minister. In October 1995, they both supported the Oslo II agreements, which were approved by a razor-thin majority of 61 to 59 – i.e., as a result of the shameful perfidy of Segev and Goldfarb, and of their unscrupulous misuse of the political power, with which their voters had provided them.

The grim consequences of the mendacious machinations of the duplicitous duo were not long in manifesting themselves—in cemeteries and trauma wards across the entire country, in funeral services for the dead and emergency treatment for the wounded—the gory legacy of their odious opportunism. Indeed, we would do well to recall that every time hawkish pre-election pledges were broken to adopt dovish post-election policies, the result has invariably been tragedy, grief, and anguish for Jew and Arab alike.

Thus, Israel’s dealing with the PLO in preparation for the Oslo Accords— contrary to Rabin’s pre-election pledges to avoid such dealings—resulted in an unprecedented number of “victims of peace” in the wake of those accords.

Similarly, the abandonment of the Gaza Strip —a.k.a. the “Disengagement”—by Ariel Sharon. Indeed, during the elections immediately before the Disengagement, Sharon urged voters to reject the self-same proposal, then touted by his Labor Party opponent, Amram Mitzna. Perversely, following the election, Sharon adopted the very policy he sternly warned should be avoided, and transformed Gaza from being a terrorist nuisance into a long-term strategic threat, which –as he himself predicted—has inflicted a heavy toll in both blood and treasure.

Duplicity & dramatic distortion of democracy

A similarly daunting outcome will, in all likelihood, be the case with the Bennett-Lapid government, which emerged solely as a result of a flagrant violation of Bennett’s explicit—and explicitly repeated—pledge to refrain from doing precisely that which he, brazenly and unabashedly, decided to do anyway.

Indeed, it is hard to overstate the gravity of Bennett’s duplicity.

After all, it spawned an extraordinary distortion of Israel’s democratic process. On the one hand, someone, who received around five percent of the vote, ends up as the nation’s leader. On the other hand, the most popular candidate, who obtained, by far, the highest level of backing from voters —about five times that of Bennett— is ostracized by political rivals, all with far lower public support— in order to prevent him becoming prime minister.

Furthermore, the act of boycotting Netanyahu comprises no less than a blatant attempt by certain parties—most of whom are markedly undemocratic in their internal functioning and in their selection of Knesset candidates—to impose on another party—which is generally democratic in its internal affairs—who will be, and who will not be, its leader…in stark contradiction to the express will of its members!

The “core commitment” con

Bennett, in a rather forlorn attempt, to explain —or rather to explain away—his inexplicable behavior, invoked an unconvincing linguistic gimmick, with which he purported to differentiate between pledges that must not be violated, and those which can be violated—indeed, which, at times, should be violated rather than honored!

Accordingly, with considerable “creativity” as befits a hi-tech entrepreneur, he introduced the innovative concept of a “core commitment” into the Israeli political arena—which is little more than a license for post-election deceit.

Thus, in Bennett’s words, which he was careful only to utter after the elections, the “core” of the myriad of commitments, which he undertook, was the promise to prevent an additional round of elections. This, of course, is easily exposed as a bald-faced fabrication—without even a smidgeon of truth to back it up. After all, Bennett never once stated—and certainly never stressed—that he was determined to avoid an additional election, even if it meant that he would take part in a left-leaning government together with Lapid.

By contrast, he did firmly—and unequivocally—assert, that as a right-wing politician, he would not participate in a government with a leftist politician such as Lapid—not even under a rotation agreement.

The “core commitment” con (cont.)

Moreover, during the recent Operation “Guardian of the Walls”, he did not hesitate to declare that a left-wing government was no longer “on the table”—with nary a reference to his “core commitment” or his “core concern” regarding the imperative to prevent yet another round of elections.

Of course, Bennett’s voters certainly understood, and believed, that his commitment to avoid complicity in establishing a government together with Lapid and other leftwing factions would override his wish to avoid a fifth election. In fact, if Bennett had stated that he was prepared to set up a governing coalition comprised mainly of leftwing factions—including an overtly anti-Zionist party, it is more than doubtful if he would have won enough votes to get through the minimum threshold required for admission to the Knesset.

A recent poll provides strong corroboration for this assessment. According to its findings, over half of Yamina voters would not have voted for the party if they knew that Bennett would act in the way he acted—which would have left it below the minimum threshold for Knesset admission! Moreover, the poll found that a majority of Yamina voters feel that the deal Bennett spun, together with Lapid, constitutes a violation of the trust given him at the ballot box.

Apparently, they have little doubt as to which commitment was the “core” commitment.

A flimsy foundation of falsehood and fabrication

Furthermore, in a single act of rash duplicity and deceit, Naftali Bennett provided the left with a plumb prize, from which it has been precluded for years: Broad access to positions of governmental control and influence. This is in clear contravention of the will of the electorate. After all, the results of the elections provided a decisive majority for the parties right of center, reflecting a distinct public preference for precluding leftwing parties from attaining positions of power and influence in government. Bennett has now given them precisely that!!

In addition, although the Likud did conduct talks with the Arab parties, which were, in fact, the result of the personal enmity against Netanyahu, the current government has created a situation which is both absurd and perilous. By shunning Netanyahu, it is now in a position in which both the formulation and the sustainability of an (allegedly) Zionist coalition are entirely dependent on the good graces of an openly anti-Zionist party, which according to the letter of Basic Law: Knesset (Clause 7a(a)1) should be precluded from the Knesset elections all together!

In this regard, according to the previously cited poll, almost 60 percent of Yamina voters believe that “it is not right for the government to rely on the support of the [anti-Zionist] Arab parties…”

The gravest threat to national security

But over and above all these fundamental flaws in the current government, which was cobbled together on a flimsy foundation of falsehood and fabrication, there is yet another defect—arguably even more detrimental than those already mentioned. This is the adverse effect, likely to arise from the stark duplicity, which accompanied the formation of the current coalition, and its impact on the nation’s youth, its identification with the state, the belief it has in its leadership, and its willingness to make sacrifices on its behalf.

After all, when 18-19-year-olds, are about to be enlisted into the IDF and required to put their lives at risk for the country, there is a moral and practical imperative for them to believe in the absolute necessity of the dangers that are expected to endure and the sacrifices they are expected to make. But when they see that the solemn pledges, made by those responsible for their fate, are no more than empty words, to be discarded at will or on a whim, this cannot fail to cause long term erosion in their belief in the state and its destiny, their emotional and spiritual attachment to it, and their willingness to sacrifice in its name.

Indeed, is difficult to conceive of anything more detrimental to the national security of the state, and its ability to survive over time, in Israel’s challenging geo-strategic environment.

A recalcitrant national agenda

Much has already been written on the considerable difficulties the new government, riddled as it is with impossible internal contradictions, can expect to encounter in its routine operations. Indeed, for virtually every conceivable subject one might think of, there are component elements in the coalition that will have not only differing, but diametrically opposing, opinions on how best to deal with it. Thus, adopting one opinion necessarily means rejecting the opposing one. This would be largely true for issues such as levels of taxation, construction beyond the 1967 Green Line, the conduct of Israel’s relations with the US, the interaction with American Jewry, and so on.

In response to concerns expressed on these matters, leading figures in the fractured government have expressed the hope that the coalition partners will attempt to focus on consensual commonalities and set aside matters in dispute.

The problem with this enlightened collegial approach is that recalcitrant realities are not always so compliant and cooperative with such far-reaching attitudes of mutual consideration and restraint. Indeed, not infrequently, they may well impose the need to deal urgently with some issue over which disparate coalition members are in deep dispute—such as when to begin a military campaign against Hamas in Gaza, what its scale and scope should be, and when it should be terminated; or how to respond to the possibility of a move by the Biden administration to annul favorable measures instituted by the Trump administration, such as relocating the US embassy back to Tel Aviv; or how to deal with radical leftwing organizations, resolutely bent on undermining the activities of IDF soldiers, or what is the best response to Arab attempts to undermine Israel’s sovereignty over Jerusalem and obstruct unification of the city; or…

All of these bode ill for the ability of the government to survive for any length of time—which in itself might be the only encouraging morsel to hold on to in this entire dismal and farcical fiasco…

©Martin Sherman. All rights reserved.

The Devastating Reality of the Arizona Forensic Audit

This is big.

The Devastating Reality of the Arizona Forensic Audit

By: Bernard Kerik, Newsmax, June 15, 2021:

Democrats and the mainstream media have been aggressively denouncing the Maricopa County, Arizona election audit from the beginning.

At, first I didn’t understand why.

I thought that it was because they were afraid of what the results would be, but I now believe it’s something far worse.

The Democrats aren’t “just” afraid of the outcome – but they’re afraid that the audit results will be irrefutable and unimpeachable. They know that their efforts to discredit the audit process in Arizona will not stand up to scrutiny and here’s why.

The Arizona audit is being run impeccably, utilizing security and surveillance procedures with a longstanding track record of effectiveness.

To say that I was impressed after viewing the audit process for myself would be a massive understatement. I’ve spent decades working in security and law enforcement at the highest levels, and this is exactly the level of conscientiousness and attention to detail that I would demand for a sensitive or high-profile investigation.

They’re not trying to reinvent the wheel; they’re using the same methods casinos have used for decades to catch cheaters.

It’s common knowledge that casinos are exceptionally good at catching cheaters, and if anybody tries to pull a fast one during the Arizona audit, they face the same long odds of getting away with it.

Before a person can even enter the premises, their name must be on a pre-approved list. After winding their way through a maze of corridors, they arrive at a security checkpoint where their ID is checked.

From that point forward, visitors are escorted at all times by audit personnel.

After being briefed, visitors must forfeit cell phones, cameras, and any writing implements they might be carrying before they can be escorted to the audit floor. That’s why the Democrats’ claims of seeing auditors wielding blue and black pens are so implausible.

On the coliseum floor, the audit is conducted in several stages, each of which takes place in a designated area. The tables in each section are color-coded, and workers wear shirts with corresponding colors, making it easy for anyone to spot if someone strays from their assigned area.

At every table, there is accountability and supervision, all of it live streamed and viewable by the general public.

Just like in a casino, where “pit bosses” keep a close eye on a relatively small section of tables, there is an audit supervisor responsible for groups of two to three tables. If any problems arise or anything appears to be even slightly amiss, the supervisor immediately steps in to address it.

And just as casinos use high-resolution cameras in the ceiling to monitor every single table, the auditors in Arizona labor under the scrutiny of state-of-the-art cameras positioned directly above each table.

Every ballot reviewed by the auditors goes through distinct stages, starting with a simple count. One by one, ballots are placed on rotating stands in the middle of each table, and each one is viewed and counted by three separate people, whose independent tallies must line up. Each batch has 50 ballots, and once all of them are counted they’re boxed, sealed, and marked with the name of each counter, much like an evidence label.

The box is then taken to a locked cage until it is ready for review at the next station.

Next, the ballots undergo digital imagery examination, which is done at such a high resolution that it’s almost better than reviewing the ballot itself, because you can zoom in without losing resolution.

When I was there, one of the auditors showed me an example of a ballot that was flagged as suspicious because every single oval was filled out perfectly, without a single stray mark – something that would be easy for a machine to accomplish, but is almost impossible to do by hand.

After being imaged, the ballots are re-boxed, a new tabulations page is attached, and the box is sent to a different cage. From that point on, the ballots are kept under lock and key, with 24/7 video surveillance.

If every state performed an audit like this one after every election, public faith in our democracy would be absolute and unshakable.

The audit process being used in Arizona has accuracy, integrity, and accountability, and there’s no way to cheat because everything is captured on film.

Now that I’ve seen the process for myself, I finally understand why it has the Democrats so hot and bothered.

They know that if anything improper happened in the 2020 election, this audit will catch it – and they also know that they have no hope of refuting any improprieties this audit reveals.

RELATED ARTICLE: A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: Hot and Getting Hotter! (Red State)

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Biden Is In Bed With Russia!

“Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.” – Theodore Roosevelt.

The sad reality of life is that despite the tuff boy rhetoric and talk coming out of our mentally challenged usurper President/Emperor Sniffer Joe Biden’s mouth, Russia has our number. In fact all our enemies have our number. China, North Korea, Russia, Iran to name but a few. They know now that since President Trump had his second term victory stolen through a massive fraudulent election, that we are once again, as we were under Barrack Hussein Obama, weak and pitiful and all we are good for is weakening ourselves and handing out billions of dollars of tax payer money to our enemies and their partners. Of course, there has to be more than a little money changing hands corruptly or they wouldn’t be Democrats. How else could Biden have so many multi million dollar homes?

In theory our two nations relationships are at rock bottom. Neither country has an ambassador present. Senior Russian officials are under American sanctions for everything from election tampering to the Ukraine annexation. We even have two US Marines sitting in a Russian prison for espionage. Don’t forget in March that ole Joe called Putin a killer!! I am sure he didn’t know what he was saying!!

Our two nations relationships may be seemingly at rock bottom but we are being played like a Stradivarius violin. They wouldn’t have even got away with this under President Trump. Biden and his extremists in the administration are giving everything away in a quick low price selling sale.

Let’s look at our energy policy now as opposed to under President Trump. Just 6 short months ago we were energy independent and a huge exporter of gas/oil. Pipelines were being built. Refineries opened. New exploration and drilling permits issued. States with an oil economy boomed. Jobs were plentiful and well paid. Wealth was being created for everyone regardless of color or creed.

Now under Biden, ( or truthfully Traitor Barrack Hussein Obama ) we have seen a massive reversal of our fortunes. Cheap pump prices have given way to a huge, seemingly never ending price hike spiral. Pipelines are shut down. Exploratory and drilling permits stopped. The never ending upward movement of oil pricing is having a dramatic influence on inflation as fuel feeds the economy, the trucks, trains, boats and all vehicles. As prices of oil rise so do delivery costs and those are passed on to all of us as we pay more for everything we buy. Jobs are not being filled. Our economy is in turmoil. Our porous borders a crime haven. Our major cities riddled with crime and riots. Everything is either racist or not woke. America is in serious trouble.

However, all is not doom and gloom everywhere in the world. Vladimir Putin, the strong man of Russia ( former KGB leader ) and the Russian oil industry are really excited and so happy and dare I say -rich!!!! The Russian economy is oil based and doing great thank you Joe!! Guess what they are spending all those extra petrodollars on? Yes!!! Strengthening and modernizing their military!! Supplying more modern weapons abroad to our enemies in Syria and Iran to use one day against our military as well as the Israelis!


As we become less dominant and more irrelevant Russia is ready and able to fill the vacuum left by a once strong America.

Each and every single Biden energy policy adapted has been detrimental to us but has created jobs, prosperity and world wide global influence for Russia. Biden’s energy policy actions have been a blessing for Russia. I mean, while Biden stopped our very own Keystone pipeline from being completed, he was totally happy allowing Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline to be completed. Through this pipeline Russia will sell and send natural gas to Germany. This alone will create a dependency of Germany on Russian energy production.

I guess the stringent climate change policies being implemented here in the states on energy production and everything else is conflicting with Russia’s need for global power and global influence. No problem or conflict of interest there with Joe!!

We can suffer as long as the Commies are ok huh Joe? As long as they have jobs and money, power and influence, they can pollute to their hearts content. It’s just America and Americans that must pay the price for the world. That would be certain Americans. Just not the upper echelon.

Did any of you know that in a short 6 months we are now importing Russian oil in ever increasing amounts as our own production is constantly cut along with the money, jobs and stability we once had. In March alone we were importing upwards of 750,000 barrels a day! Yes, a day. You read that right. Russia is now the number 3 importer of oil to the United States! Our own production has been cut by – wait for it- 1.715 million barrels.

Under President Trump we were self sufficient for oil and fuel. We actually competed with Saudi Arabia and Russia to be the largest exporter of oil.

Now under the official “Make America Weak Again” policy of these socialists in power here, we are retreating from that competition in the name of – Yep! You got it! Climate Change!! The Biden’s goals of carbon goals are totally unrealistic and impossible to achieve.

Russia is not going to stop investing in oil production and will continue to grow their share of our market until we become dependent on our enemies for energy. Then, they could turn off the faucet and we would be in serious trouble. Remember the oil crisis of the 70’s?

Our national security is very much at risk here but that is irrelevant to the domestic enemy within, namely the New Socialist Democrat Party. They are obsessed with our destruction and catering to the extremist element in their party.

Oh sure, crazy ole Joe Biden can huff and he can puff but he will not blow down the Russian oil industry or Russia. Heck, he probably won’t remember huffing or puffing!!

They, Russia, will just disinvest in dollar based holdings to our detriment, and they will invest that money in Chinese, Euro and gold assets. From all accounts there is now a readily available $119B worth of Russian held dollar based assets. That number is rising daily so as Biden threatens sanctions they will just move that money and will not feel the bite.

Only one winner here America!

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

In Honor Of Pride Month, Biden Announces He Will Also Sniff Men’s Hair

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a televised address this week, President Biden voiced support for the LGBTQ community and promised to honor them with a commitment to not only sniff women’s hair, but also men’s hair.

“Look– I’ve been sniffing the hair of women and girls for many decades,” said Biden. “It’s time for me to recognize the accomplishments of the LGBT folks. I’m maybe gonna get in trouble for this, but if you’re a man, I just may sniff your hair. That’s because I’m not homophobic. I ain’t afraid to sniff a dude! Come on, man!”

Biden was then quickly led off the podium by his wife before he could say any more.

“Every gender! I’ll sniff ’em all!” Biden yelled, protesting as he was dragged out of sight of the crowd.

According to sources, no gay men have taken up Biden on his offer to sniff their hair. However, hundreds of straight male journalists have lined up outside the White House clapping and cheering, hoping for their chance to be sniffed by the President.

Brian Stelter went to bed crying, as he had no hair for President Biden to sniff.


Child Worker’s Spirits Really Lifted By All The Pride Merch He’s Making For Major Corporations

Dems Shocked, Disappointed To Learn The New Israeli Prime Minister Will Still Be A Jew

Kamala Harris Suggests Biden Has Dirt On The Clintons

Surefire Ways To Win An Argument With Your Wife

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

First-Hand Account of Jan. 6 “Insurrection” at U.S. Capitol

No protester fired weapons or set off bombs. What a few hundred of them did inside the Capitol was an unlawful riot. Describing it as an “insurrection” is a political narrative. Last week, two bipartisan Senate reports blamed what happened not on President Trump, but on a total failure of federal law enforcement agencies to adequately plan for crowd control in the event of a disturbance. Had federal agencies done their job, no “insurrectionist” would have gotten inside the Capitol building. The Biden FBI is refusing to release 14,000 hours of surveillance video that could contain exculpatory evidence that throws cold water on the “insurrection” narrative. The article below is by a woman who attended President Trump’s ‘Save America Rally.’

What I Saw At The ‘Save America Rally’ In Washington, DC On Jan. 6

Six friends and I drove almost 20 hours to attend the Save America Rally on Jan. 6 in Washington D.C. with hundreds of thousands of people: families, young people, old people, veterans, Americans of every conceivable ethnicity and background. I stood in the freezing cold, shoulder-to-shoulder with other Americans to the point I simply couldn’t move, there were so many people crowded together.

My group reached the grounds of The Ellipse at 6:30 a.m. where a crowd—already pressing people along with considerable force—was just beginning to assemble. President Trump was scheduled to speak at noon, so we stood dutifully, our toes freezing and joints stiffening, for five hours to hear him speak, hoping to hear how we could navigate the muddy water of election irregularities necessary to save our republic.

The crowd went wild with appreciation as Trump took the stage, yet as soon as he began to speak, a sea of voices stilled to listen. After touching on his hopes for his vice president, his disdain of cowardly Republicans including Mitt Romney, President Trump said to us, “We’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators, and congressmen and women. We’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong” (16:25).

Later, he said, as the transcript verifies, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard” (18:16). I heard President Trump praise manymembers of Congress, but heard nothing to incite violence, unless by a weak-kneed Republican like Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp.

Again, we heard nothing from Trump calling for a riot. He used his usual strong language, strongly criticizing those he disagreed with and repeating claims the election was “stolen,” but he did not call for any violence and specifically asked for “peaceful” expression of disagreement. Using his words to excuse crime is on the criminals.

The same is true of his other statements that day, such as the video Twitter banned. It shows Trump acknowledging his supporters’ anger but telling them violence is not the solution: “We have to have peace, we have to have law and order, we have to respect our great people in law and order. We don’t want anybody hurt. It’s a very tough period of time. There’s never been a time like this where such a thing happened, where they could take it away from all of us, from me, from you, from our country. This was a fraudulent election, but we can’t play into the hands of these people. We have to have peace. So go home. We love you, you’re very special.”

After the president’s speech, we began to be shoved along toward Pennsylvania Avenue as gracefully as overwrapped mummies. For what seemed like hours, we shuffled along at a snail’s pace until our personal space returned and we could once again take full strides.

As the crowd turned over to Pennsylvania Avenue on their way to the capitol, our group turned up 14th Street to our hotel to get something to eat and use the facilities. It was while we were there that we heard of what had happened at the capitol via the major media. We were absolutely, completely shocked beyond comprehension to hear of any violence, considering our previous experience at Trump rallies and after hearing the president’s speech at this one.

Let me be clear. Many of us at that rally felt disenfranchised, overlooked, and angry, but those I met and heard are Constitution geeks whose main interest was seeking proper redress of government through our right to assemble and have our voices heard. Violence from our side was the last thing we would have expected, encouraged, or participated in, ever. Never would we have thought of breaching the capitol, let alone assaulting congressmen.

There were hundreds of thousands of people all standing together peacefully in one spot for more than five hours. A small percentage of this group entered the capitol and perpetrated mayhem while hundreds of thousands were peacefully milling around outside. Video of the event shows other attendees remonstrating with some who broke windows or stood on statues, telling them to stop.

As we sat in the hotel room in various states of shock, glued to TV news, we were consistently surprised at how what the reporters were reporting simply didn’t even match the footage they were showing. If there was so much chaos, disorder, and confusion, why were people milling around and not running for their lives?

Our hotel was at the corner of 14th and Pennsylvania Avenue, so we had quite a view. All we could see from our 10th-floor window were all kinds of Americans walking slowly away from the capitol as though they’d had a leisurely day sightseeing. No one appeared panicked or even the least bit concerned. No one was turning over cars, breaking windows, starting fires, or committing any other crimes like the kind we watched during the “mostly peaceful” leftist protests of the spring.

We decided to walk outside for a better look. We asked people going by, “Why are you leaving the capitol?” Invariably the answer was something like, “My feet hurt,” “We’re exhausted—we’ve been standing all day,” “We’re hungry,” or “We have to use the bathroom.”

Neither seeing nor feeling any danger, we continued our walk. Along the way we saw impromptu street markets stocked with Trump merchandise, often with long lines; street performers of all kinds, music playing, and more of what we’d seen all day: families, dogs, kids, young people, old people, and people of every ethnicity.

Upon arriving at the capitol, we saw masses of people in the street, along the reflecting pool, strewn across the grounds and along the balconies. We saw people listening to street preaching and entrepreneurs selling their wares. We saw a giant flag hanging from the scaffolding prepared for the presidential inauguration and people sitting in the inaugural stands and along the stone balconies.

We saw international media, but no legacy media. Any other media we saw was blocks from the Capitol building. There were no Americans running, or screaming, or turning over statues, or vandalizing or tearing down anything. Here, there was no evidence of any violence of any kind.

We stopped at the stone wall surrounding the capitol grounds and observed for some time. At one point we saw what looked like DC police throw flash-bangs and pepper spray to try and disperse the crowd from around the Capitol building. Minutes later, we witnessed several people stagger by us, one with swollen eyes, tears pouring down his face like a faucet, and others visibly affected by the spray.

We headed back to the hotel, buffeted by the cold wind. Up in our warm hotel room eating a dinner we had brought, we noticed lines of police cars, lights flashing, descending on the hotel. We looked down from our window to find we were being surrounded by 16 vans of DC police in full riot gear, accompanied by even more police cars. At one point the fire alarm rang, jangling our nerves, but we were concerned about leaving the room.

One of the more adventurous of our group went down to the lobby after the (false) alarm ended, to find the hotel entrances completely blocked by DC police. Even those people attempting to leave the hotel to smoke a cigarette were being forced back inside and threatened with arrest. The entire hotel was locked down.

Knowing other people staying in other hotels across the city, we called them, only to find they were also under lockdown, unable to get food or even venture outside to smoke. As soon as the 6 p.m. curfew lifted, we were out of the people’s capital city.

Why are we seeing video of Capitol Police opening barricades around the capitol and beckoning people to come in? Why are there videos of some people inside the capitol singing patriotic songs and taking pictures, as if they did not enter to riot or commit other crimes? Why are people being told that Trump incited a riot when transcripts of his speeches show he explicitly called for peaceful behavior?

As we checked out of our last hotel in Indiana to finish the long drive home, we chatted up the girl pouring our coffee. She was sweet and talkative. She asked where we were from and we told her. From above her mask, her eyes looked soft and kind. She asked where we had come from and we told her, only to watch her eyes glaze over in fear.

Those who hate us have succeeded. We’re now the enemy they intended to make us, starting when we began to push back against their agenda as the Tea Party. They’ve now determined that we are just what they want us to be: “Deplorables.” But that’s not us.

Like the other 74 million Americans who voted for Trump, we are peaceful and patriotic, not criminals or “seditionists” like the media and Democrats are now wildly and frighteningly claiming. The rioters at the Capitol on Jan. 6 do not represent us at all, but the left has decided to use the crimes of a relative few to crack down on half the country in a frightening purge that seems to have no logical stopping point.

Except for the few bad actors, who deserve due process and the just punishments the law calls for, like every other rioter, the vast majority of the American citizens who marched on Jan. 6 were guilty of nothing more than a desire to see free and fair elections and of keeping our country a constitutional republic. We did not come to start violence or “sedition,” but to peacefully protest and call on our representatives to do their jobs.

And we will not go away. We have as many questions about the capitol unrest as we have about 2020’s election processes—and none of those are being addressed by corporate media.

As we try to move forward while being falsely attacked for violence we did not participate in and do not condone, I am taking strength from Winston Churchill: “Never give in. Never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in, except to convictions of honour and good sense.”


Jenni White

Jenni White has a master’s in biology and has had careers in advertising, biology, epidemiology, and teaching. She is the former education director and co-founder of Reclaiming Oklahoma Parent Empowerment and has written for publications including The Pulse, the Heartland Institute, and American Thinker. She is a homeschooling mother of five and helps her husband run their microfarm. She can be reached at

©All rights reserved.

UPROAR: Georgia SOS Brad Raffensperger Changes Tune on Election Results, Admits Fulton County Irregularities

Another treacherous snake who should be behind bars.

Georgia SOS Brad Raffensperger Changes Tune on Election Results, Admits Fulton County Irregularities

By: Big League Politics, June 15, 2021:

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is finally changing his tune as the findings from the audit in his state are revealed, particularly pertaining to the massive fraud center of Fulton County.

“Restoring confidence in our elections is going to be impossible as long as Fulton County’s elections leadership continues to fail the voters of Fulton County and the voters of Georgia. They need new leadership to step up and take charge,” he wrote in a Twitter post.

“New revelations that Fulton County is unable to produce all ballot drop box transfer documents will be investigated thoroughly, as we have with other counties that failed to follow Georgia rules and regulations regarding drop boxes. This cannot continue,” Raffensperger added.

His tweets can be seen here:

Fulton is the fourth county to be investigated for improprieties. Coffee, Grady and Taylor counties were previously under investigation. Raffensperger’s office downplayed those investigations at the time in a press release.

“In total, 123 counties had absentee ballot drop boxes for the November election. Of those, 120 have confirmed they filled out and retained ballot transfer forms in accordance with Georgia rules. Elections officials in 3 counties – Coffee, Grady, and Taylor – said they had not filled out the forms as required. The 3 counties account for only 0.37% of all the absentee ballots cast in the November election,” the Georgia SOS office wrote.

However, Raffensperger is now changing his tune as the election results are finally scrutinized. He is probably hoping to avoid culpability for his role in the vote steal.

Big League Politics has reported on how Raffensperger defended all of the rigging that took place to set up the vote steal, including the influx of Zuckerbucks into the state to set up the infrastructure:

The office of Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is defending the payout of over $5 million from a group backed by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to fund election infrastructure in the state.

The Washington, D.C.-based Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR) donated almost $5.6 million to the Georgia Secretary of State’s office. They apparently received a tremendous return on their investment as Raffensperger did nothing except obstruct after the suspicious results were reported from polling centers manned by Democrats who were captured on video tape violating election law.

Raffensperger’s spokesman Walter Jones boasted in an email comment for Georgia Star News that Zuckerberg’s money has given them the ability to crush dissent calling for investigations into election fraud.

“Any grant or funding source, as allowed by Georgia law, has enabled this and local elections offices to combat disinformation similar to recent articles published by this outlet that undermine the confidence of Georgia voters,” Jones said.

In addition to bankrolling the elections’ process in Georgia, the CEIR also spent $13 million in Pennsylvania, $11 million in Michigan, $5.6 million in Georgia, and $4 million in Arizona. These are all states where vote counting was mysteriously paused after Trump had garnered a seemingly insurmountable lead. When the vote counting resumed, poll challengers were disenfranchised and hundreds of thousands of mysterious ballots that arrived at the dead of night flipped the election toward Biden.

In addition to paying off various secretaries of state to help induce compliance, Zuckerberg’s social media platform also censored news about Biden’s son Hunter to protect his presidential chances despite the fact that the news was true.”

Much of the infrastructure funded by Zuckerberg pertained to the ballot drop boxes that Raffensperger now feigns incredulity over. Raffensperger’s crimes must not be forgotten, and he must be given no quarter after the extent of the fraud is fully revealed to the public.

RELATED ARTICLE: Georgia Election Official Admits Chain Of Custody Documents Missing For Some Absentee Ballots Left In Drop Boxes

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

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Are CDC Bureaucrats & Dem. Politicians Guilty of Mass Murder & Crimes Against Humanity?

“Common sense is like deodorant. The people who need it most never use it.” – Anonymous

Today, instead of reading the ramblings of your trusty scribe, me, I am copying the writings of another man whose article appeared in Townhall. It is of great importance and relevance as we continue navigating through the BS Covid rules and regulations ( LIES ) that the federal, state and county officials and administrations tried forcing on us. Read and understand everything said. Understand the depth of evil and depravity in our governments. Share it using this blog everywhere to all your contacts including social media and family. Let them understand the depths of depravity our so called leadership has sunk to.

Brilliant Hero Dr.: CDC Bureaucrats & Dem. Politicians Could be Guilty of Mass Murder & Crimes Against Humanity. By Wayne Allyn Root.

I’ve known for well over a year now that we had an effective treatment for COVID-19. Hundreds of thousands of Americans could have been saved.

I knew about this simple, safe, inexpensive treatment with remarkable results because I’ve had a dozen brilliant doctors as guests on my nationally syndicated radio show, “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw and Unfiltered” on USA Radio Network, to talk about their success using Hydroxychloroquine on patients sick with COVID-19.

But one stood out over all others. His name is Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. Here is an excerpt from a column I wrote last summer on the alleged efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine. It was written as a plea to then-President Donald Trump.

“Mr. President, this is the most important column I’ve ever written. We have a successful treatment for Covid-19. Now we need an Executive Order from you to put it into play. …

“This brilliant New York doctor (Zelenko) has treated 2,200 COVID-19 patients. He’s had a success rate of 100% for low-risk patients … and a success rate of 99.3% for high-risk patients by using Hydroxychloroquine, zinc sulfate, plus Z Pak antibiotic. He has named it ‘the Zelenko Protocol.’ It’s the synergy that works. Without zinc and Z Pak, the drug Hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work as effectively.

“The other key to success is to use this three-part protocol within five days of symptoms appearing. It has to be used (SET ITAL)early,(END ITAL) before the patient winds up in the intensive care unit. That’s why several studies of Hydroxychloroquine have failed. They never used zinc sulfate and they started the protocol too late.

“Only 2 out of 2,200 of Zelenko’s patients died. Of those two, one already had cancer. The other was very old and already very ill with COVID-19 before using the protocol. By that time, it’s almost always too late. …

“We all need to follow Zelenko’s regimen. … But we can’t. Doctors won’t prescribe the so-called Trump drug. Liberals, the media, the Food and Drug Administration, government bureaucrats — none of them wants to give Trump the credit if it works. Politics is killing thousands of Americans.

“Mr. President, we need an Executive Order. Immediately. … Every sick American must have the freedom to choose this ‘Zelenko Protocol.’ We have a right to choose. We have a right to live.”

If only Trump had listened to Zelenko instead of Dr. Anthony Fauci and the corrupt bureaucrats of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization and the Food and Drug Administration. That was a year ago. How many hundreds of thousands of Americans have died needlessly in the past year? Isn’t this mass murder?

Have you seen the latest headlines? Multiple studies show that the use of Hydroxychloroquine across the globe reduced death and boosted survival rates by 84%, 100% and in one study, 200%. It really works. And that’s without what Zelenko calls “the key ingredient” (zinc sulfate). He also recommends another highly effective drug called ivermectin.

Because of Zelenko, I’ve informed my listeners about Hydroxychloroquine, zinc and ivermectin for a year now.

Yet even with all these new studies and factual evidence, YouTube just hours ago suspended U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., for promoting a video touting early treatment with Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. YouTube called it “medical misinformation.”

It’s time to start asking why treatments for COVID-19 proven in multiple studies around the world to save lives are slandered, censored and banned by social media? Who are they to ban life-saving information? Who are they to label life-saving information as “medical misinformation”? What’s in it for them if thousands die needlessly? Somebody clearly is getting filthy rich on this scam.

I asked Zelenko about it on a return visit to my show only days ago. He said: “Pre-hospital treatment of COVID-19 was intentionally suppressed. Life-saving information and medication was intentionally suppressed. … Out of 600,000 dead Americans, we could have saved 510,000. The American people have been brutalized and are the victims of mass murder and crimes against humanity.”

I asked Zelenko for his solution to this ongoing tragedy. He said, “Number one, immediately endorse pre-hospital treatment with the Zelenko Protocol, and make it the standard of care. Number two, we must bring these criminals to justice.”




Wayne Allyn Root is the author of the new No. 1 national bestselling book “TRUMP RULES.” Wayne is a CEO, entrepreneur, and host of the daily nationally syndicated show “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Radio Network, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. EST and the “WAR RAW” podcast.

World’s Economy Saved As Giant Crack In Earth Swallows Up All G7 Conference Attendees

CORNWALL—A time of peace and prosperity has broken out across the earth after a sudden earthquake opened up a crack in the earth’s crust and swallowed up all G7 world leaders in mere seconds.

Witnesses reported feeling a low rumble beneath their feet as Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, Angela Merkel, and others gathered on the green grass for a photo op. The rumble grew to a roar as the ground below them opened up and dragged every G7 leader into the depths of the earth. The ground then closed up over them and they were never heard from again.

“Hey guys, please remember to use my preferred pronouns,” Trudeau had begun to say. “We need to be sensitive to– AAAHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

Experts are unsure who will be taking over the important work of running the planet, issuing random lockdown orders, and fighting climate change in the absence of such brilliant and courageous leaders.

“This is such a disaster. What will we ever do without them?” said 1 or 2 people around the world.

World governments have assured their citizens they will continue the important work of building back better for everyone. American citizens will be mourning the terrible loss this weekend with backyard barbecues.


People Who Ruined World’s Economies Gather To Discuss How To Fix World’s Economies

Texas Governor Signs Executive Order Donating City Of Austin To California

Far-Right Apostle Paul Bans Teaching Critical Race Theory In Churches

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Oh, those pesky questions to Nancy, Kamala and Joey

I hope today finds you well. Well the radical right is off to the races again. Common targets are the usual suspects, Joey, Kamala and even the face of the Democratic Party, Nancy Pelosi.

It seems the right has a habit of asking these annoying questions at all the wrong times. Well, our patriotic leaders are having none of it. Let’s look at each case, shall we Deano.


Recently, Nancy had an exchange with a reporter, from none other than that bastion of unbiased reporting CNN, namely Dana Bash. Well, it seem Dana had the audacity to ask Nancy about the infighting between the squad and more moderate Democrats.

Let me refresh your memory, it stems from when Ilhan Omar made a comment equating the United States to Hamas and the Taliban. So far it seems like a very reasonable statement wouldn’t you agree Deano? Then AOC, (I see her in the White House some day, so eloquent and intelligent), starts supporting Omar publicly. Well, not to be outdone, Rashida Tlaib starts criticizing Nancy with her tweets.

This is when Dana started to press Nancy for specifics. Nancy said, she spoke to Omar and she clarified her comments, and we thanked her. That was nice of Nancy to thank Omar, don’t you think? Well, Dana kept asking for more specific information, that is when Nancy had had enough. She stated again, she clarified, and we thanked her, END OF SUBJECT! Very Don Corleone like. Too bad she didn’t go over and rip up the reporters notes, she has been know to do that before.

I thought Ole Nancy was crystal clear. Why the Gestapo tactics, by of all people, CNN. Well, now she knows not to push Nancy for such frivolous details, like what was actually said. This reminds me of when Nancy lost patience with a reporters question during the second farce, I mean impeachment of President Trump. When told Senator Graham planned on calling witnesses, you know, if the Democrats decide to call witnesses. It seems the Senator wanted to question the FBI on who actually planned the attack on the Capitol, January 6th. He also had questions regarding what happened with the security footprint of the Capitol, and who ultimately is responsible.

Well, Nancy’s reply to the reporter was both professional and a textbook Democratic response. She simply stated, your question is a waste of time……simply brilliant, what leadership.

It seems the radical right took off with this question posed by CNN reporter Dana Bash. Saying, it now seems obvious that the radical progressive faction of the Democratic Party, answers to no one. Not even the esteemed leader of the House, Speaker Nancy Pelosi. They point out the major mouthpieces of the party Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer have been silenced by 4 radicals, named the squad. Even Jerry Nadler, is uncharacteristically quiet, he is busy though, working on the latest farce, spygate.

They point out that whenever there is a tough question to answer, they do one of 3 things.

  1. React angrily, such as Nancy did in this exchange; or possibly Joey, when questioned by a reporter about Trump sanctions still in place. You know, when Ole Joe leaned into the microphone at the G7 presser and said, I’ve only been in office 120 days, give me time some time man. Well first, it is 145 days, and second, he shut down the Keystone pipeline, his first day on the job. By the way, he prefaced that by saying he was going to get in trouble for taking a question from this reporter. Who in the world is the POTUS answering to, the right asks. That may be a question Jen Psaki can circle around to. President Trump is a racist.
  2. Try and deflect, such as Kamala did recently. With her bizarre, (as per CNN) answer that she also has never been to Europe, when again questioned as to why she hasn’t been to the Southern border. Or, admonishing a reporter, when asked for a specific timeframe. Also, who can forget her trademark and totally inappropriate cackle as a failed deflection tactic. They say her cackle and dance routines on Ellen may have worked on cushy talk show appearances, but as the VP, she just looks like an incompetent fool, who is in way over her head.
  3. Just walk away. As Joey has done on numerous occasions, especially when the subject of Hunter comes up. Whether it is in regards to his $83,000 a month board of directors job for a Burisma energy company or his other multiple indiscretions. This while the big guy, aka VP Joey Biden had the Ukraine fire a prosecutor who was investigating this same energy company. This while threatening to withhold U.S. funds from the Ukraine, unless this happened. As Joey himself said, son of bitch wouldn’t ya know it, the guy fired by the end of the day. Boy, then they just yucked it up. What a diplomat, no sense of impropriety there, huh Deano? I know so, because it is never mentioned in your publication. What does the radical right see that we don’t? Joe always just walks away, when he doesn’t like the question, like a true professional. Unless you push his buttons, then he may challenge you to a push up contest. I can’t wait for Wednesday when Joey meets with Putin. I hope they put in a few more secret service agents to hold Joey back. President Trump is a racist.

The radical right goes on to say these liberal propaganda outlets, cover all these gross improprieties and incompetence, while directing all the anger and hatred for FORMER President Trump. They goes so far as to give this analogy. If President Trump were to cure cancer, the next day The New York Times headline would read…..Trump Plans To Put Doctors Out Of Work! You wouldn’t do that, would you Deano?

One last question Deano in regards to Joey. Is there any truth from the radical right, to when they asked Joey, what his favorite ice cream is? Did he really say Syria or Libya, he likes them just the same?

Thank you for your due diligence in finding out the facts and your honest, unbiased, apolitical reporting. Now, we just have to get CNN back on track. As always, you and your paper are a shining example to our children, showcasing your journalistic integrity. Kudos on a job well done!

©Political satire by Christopher Cirino. All rights reserved.

Capitol Hill Cop Who Killed Unarmed Ashli Babbitt Supported Black Lives Matter

There is no Statute of Limitations on Murder – this is pure Department of In-Justice.

When Trump gets re-elected and this time appoints a true Law and Order, Constitutional conservative Attorney General, he should re-open this case and go after this murderer.

US Capitol Special Agent David Bailey Who Murdered Ashli Babbitt is a Brazilian Immigrant and Black Lives Matter Militant — HE REPEATEDLY THREATENED TO KILL TRUMP SUPPORTERS ON FACEBOOK FOR MONTHS!


Earlier today, REDPILED Media released an exclusive report identifying Ashli Babbitt’s killer as US Capitol Special Agent David Bailey — the same man who let US Rep. Steve Scalise get shot nearly to death in 2017.

Now, REDPILLED Media has uncovered evidence confirming our previous reporting through self-incriminating Facebook posts, and revealing Agent Bailey as a Brazilian immigrant who has pledged his allegiance to the deadly Black Lives Matter movement — even going so far as vowing to murder Trump supporters.

First, some background information from our original exposé:

On January 6th, unarmed 14-year high-ranking Air Force veteran and patriotic Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt was savagely gunned down by the US Capitol Police while peacefully protesting the illegitimate executive seizure of power by the Democrats through Manchurian candidate Joe Biden.

The ‘thin blue line’ violently shot the innocent veteran to death in cold blood at point blank range without any warning in the halls of the Capitol building. Make no mistake, this was a political assassination. Establishment Republicans like Matt Schlapp gleefully mocked her death after complicit commentators like Erick Erickson endorsed and ordered the public execution of Trump supporters.

Read more.

©Royal Brown, III. All rights reserved.

Critical Race Theory and Hussein Obama

“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” – Mahatma Gandhi.

I was reading the words of probably the most dangerous man ( well – testosterone challenged man ) in the United States of America, Barrack Hussein Obama, as he continues his/her tirade against whites and so called right wing media. I actually don’t know of any particular right wing media. Maybe some lean right? Considering 90% of the media leans left ………. ?

He was whining and complaining about the backlash to Critical Race Theory when he was interviewed by that extremist left wing gay CNN reporter ( reporter seems like a stupid word for any CNN staff – more like propaganda teacher! ) Anderson Cooper.

Obama mentioned how that fictional right wing media was causing fear and resentment among whites in a “Changing America”

Obama also stated that many race issues are a result of whites failing to reconcile with American history. I wonder which history? The new rewritten history or actual factual history. Apparently he also believes that the majority of the white population is unable to recognize that they can be proud of America but must accept that the history on our forefathers was that they committed terrible acts.


I wonder if he thinks the black on black violence and black on black crime etc. in the mostly liberal blue inner cities are a result of our forefathers actions? Or the fact that a black man was President for two terms! That there are tens of thousands of black millionaires. That black people hold many high political offices. Was this because whites were unable to reconcile the past?

In his/her words his political opponents, I call them true American patriots, would attempt to block that and use it to their advantage! Hmmm. Anyone remember the professor and the cop saga? Kicked off the hate and defund the police debate. Hussein Obama also stated that we whites and right wingers do not want our way of life threatened and will do anything to stop that. I am guessing he is talking about white supremists domestic terror attacks? Not sure where they are happening!

He says whites and their media are pushing a narrative that the two groups, blacks and whites, have nothing in common. That we don’t see or hear each other. Again wrong.

In his arrogant snarky voice, which annoyed me constantly while he was the self assumed emperor of us lowly proletariats, he then mocked whites and again the Republican Party for ignoring major issues ( you know – the ones important to Commies ) like climate change and the economy which he believed Trump destroyed, while concentrating on Critical Race Theory! He laughed as he said “ who knew that was the main threat to our Republic?”

Interestingly Bill Maher, a huge fan of socialism, BLM, Obama and Pervy Joe Biden, came out the other evening on his pitiful racist show called “ Real Time,” and knocked his fellow Libtards for not recognizing the huge steps that have been taken on racial and social issues! He actually stated that many liberals suffer from what he called “progressophobia” a term he defined as “a brain disorder that strikes liberals and makes them incapable of recognizing progress.” 😂😂😂. ( Anyone remember my article on brain damaged liberals?)

“If you think America is more racist now than ever, more sexist than before women could vote and more homophobic than when b—j–s were a felony, you have ‘progressophobia’ and should adjust your mask because it’s covering your eyes,” Maher told his viewers. “The chant from gay protesters used to be ‘We’re here, we’re queer, get used to it.’ Well, we did. This is Pride month and it’s not even a big deal anymore. Thirty days of parades and festivals celebrating a cause that was once so divisive, Ellen had to pretend to be straight.” *

He went on to quote multiple examples like how opinions on mixed race marriages has changed and perceptions on gays. Legalizing pot. Changes have been significant and long lasting. I hate actually agreeing with Bill Maher but on this topic he actually got it right. *

America, we do not have a race issue. Admittedly it was less prior to King Obama who did spend all his 8 years pushing racism and the MSM aided and abetted him. It was reduced again under President Trump but now is resurgent again under the usurper Joe Biden Administration.

They are deliberately attempting to create huge rifts between the races and I believe want nothing less than a race war. You cannot turn on a TV show, a news broadcast, otherwise known as leftist propaganda, a paper, the internet or any other social media and not be bombarded with in your face racial lies and attempts to instill in all whites a feeling of guilt and shame. Of white privilege. Even in our military the distrust between the races is growing. Our national security is threatened by these actions. Our identity as a people is threatened by these actions.

The fundamental changing of America is underway. Obama is in his/her 3rd term and has sped up the agenda to almost a warp speed.

As I said, Obama is the most dangerous person in America today.

* copied from Faux News. Whoops. I meant Fox News!

©Fred Brownhill. All rights reserved.