Celebrities Show Solidarity With Protesters By Burning Their Own Homes To The Ground

BELL CANYON, CA—According to sources, Hollywood celebrities have courageously united under an inspiring new movement to show respect for black lives. Entitled the #BurnYourHouseDown movement, celebrities such as Alyssa Milano, Jimmy Kimmel, and John Legend have volunteered to relinquish their power and privilege by burning their houses and everything they have to the ground.

The organizer of this movement released the following statement on Twitter: “Your homes, your riches, and your toys are built on a foundation of white supremacy. They are forever tainted by racism. Your walls and security systems have shut out the voices of the oppressed. Join us. Stand with us. #BurnYourHouseDown!”

As the provocative hashtag began trending on Twitter, rich celebrities lept into action. Alyssa Milano employed her house servants to light torches and throw them through her broken windows. Jimmy Kimmel hired Instagram models to jump on trampolines while throwing Molotov cocktails into his front door.

Black Lives Matter protestors gathered to watch the flames as they engulfed the multimillion-dollar homes. With tears in their eyes, they joined hands with celebrities and sang John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ as the massive monuments to white supremacy toppled to the ground.

Local news stations reported that twelve local housekeeping and landscaping businesses have been put out of work due to the #BurnYourHouseDown movement, but it’s a small price to pay for the “change we need.”

The twelve small business owners then moved to Texas and built mansions of their own.


Utopia Breaks Out In Minneapolis After Police Replaced With Chick-Fil-A Workers

Husband To Boycott Household Chores Until Racism Is Defeated

Study Shows Most Christian Theology About Hell Is Based On Far Side Cartoons

Trump Claims He’s Developed Faith The Size Of A Peach Pit — Enough To Destroy The Entire Planet

Association Of Nihilists Releases Statement Supporting Black Lives Matter While Maintaining Nothing Really Matters In The End

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Destructive Coronavirus Agenda

Is there an agenda in which Covid-19 has a role?  And if so, what is that agenda?

Let’s discuss the New World Order and Covid-19.  World government, i.e., the New World Order is part and parcel of this virus.  According to Arthur Thompson, CEO of the John Birch Society, “It is a steppingstone to world order.” It definitely fits, and plays into the globalist’s modus operandi.

One of the left’s standard procedures or tactics for bringing about change is by using an existing issue to manufacture crises.  If there isn’t an issue which can be used, one can always be produced that will serve the purpose.

The way this begins to play-out, the issue is brought to the surface by propaganda agents, which is currently recognized as “Fake News.” Many instances will be reported as evidence of the dire consequences people will be confronted with if remedial action is not immediately forthcoming.

At this point the solution planners, i.e., the ones who planned it all before the start, will surface with the solution to the issue. Invariably, however, the result will always be more control and less freedom for the people.

This is only one example of how the proponents of change are able to incrementally destroy our society and replace it with a system that is diametrically opposed to individual liberty and independence.

It is quite evident that the forces behind the drive for global control, or world government, for some time, have planned to use something like the coronavirus to advance their plans for establishing a Global one World Government.

Dr. Anthony Fauci

Dr. Anthony Fauci, is an American physician and immunologist who has served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, within the National Institutes of Health.  He has been closely connected to the World Health Organization (WHO) for many years, and is a good friend of the Director, Dr. Tedros Adhanom whose main advisor is none other than Dr. Ezekiel Immanuel, the man who included “death panels” in Obamacare.  In 2015, Bill Gates forecast a coming pandemic, and in 2017, Anthony Fauci predicted a pandemic for President Trump during a speech at Georgetown University, when he said, “No doubt Donald J. Trump will be confronted with a surprise infectious disease outbreak during his presidency.”  (Dr. Fauci actually wrote adoring letters to Hillary Clinton after her Benghazi testimony and for years prior to that he had worked with Ted Kennedy on HIV/AIDS.)

Dr. Fauci was vaulted into prominence at the White House by Covid-19 Task Force leader, Mike Pence. He was made our infectious disease specialist in charge of our defense against the pandemic that he knew was going to happen, and quite possibly, because of the NIH’s grants to the Wuhan Lab, had been in on the planning.

The Goal is Control

The John Birch Bulletin reports that there are many examples of seminars, reports, and studies by globalists in the last few years that indicate they meant to use a pandemic to start the process of permanent control on a worldwide basis. It includes many of the people within the American government health community, such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), who has been seen daily at White House briefings and on the mainstream media.

The Birch bulletin stated, “Some of these studies have been in partnership with the Chinese Communists. The Youth Innovation Promotion Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the China Scholarship Council, and the Natural Science Foundation of China have been cooperating with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the National Science Foundation, the National Cancer Institute, and the National Institute of Health in studies connected to pandemics.”  Dr. Fauci sits on the boards of many of these American organizations.

When you are cooking up a big mulligan stew, it attracts many participants. The high-sounding titles of the many entities shield the character and proclivities of many of those involved. For example, in studies connected to pandemics, why would the National Science Foundation, the National Cancer Institute, and the National Institute of Health be interested and involved in the studies of interest to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Chinese Communists? The answer is revealing.

Following is a video of Bill Gates being charged with crimes against humanity in a session of the Italian Parliament. The legislator is speaking in Italian but subtitles are in English.

Bill Gates

James Corbett’s fourth installment of his series on Bill Gates examines Gates’ youth, family history, business strategies, and surprising personal connections (Jeffery Epstein for example).  Altogether, they reveal a disturbing picture of Gates’ rise to fame, fortune, and power. Of particular interest is the fact that his banker father was the head of Planned Parenthood and that the family was connected to a group of wealthy intellectuals who called themselves “Eugenicists.” They advocated so-called public-health programs to sterilize those who are considered by the elite to be unworthy of procreation.

This was the same program that was applied by Hitler to create a super race in Nazi Germany. After the fall of the Nazi regime, American eugenicists needed to distance themselves from Hitler’s sterilization program, so they changed their vocabulary. Eugenicists henceforth were called Population Control. This finally connects the dots between present vaccine design and the Gates’ life-long support of population control.

I personally believe that his population control support goes much deeper than just sterilization of the unfavorable.

According to James Corbett, Gates is generally portrayed as a kindly philanthropist who generously funds projects to improve health and fight poverty. As shown in this report however, the image and the reality are far different. The reality is that Gates, throughout his entire career, has been obsessed with the idea that the human population needs to be drastically reduced and that any means to this end is acceptable, including the creation of vaccines to sterilize people but offered to them as a defense against disease.


With the extreme scare tactics employed regarding Covid-19, we most likely are being set-up.  The development of a vaccine that will meet Gates’ specifications is being done. Gates saw the potential for using vaccines for yet another hidden purpose, for injecting microchips and data tattoos into the skin that, in addition to pushing pharmaceutical concoctions into the blood stream, also embed digital data that can be read by scanners to identify every person on the planet.  Just think what else can be done with this technology. Link

Thomas Jefferson rightly stated, “When the people fear the government – there is tyranny.  “When the government fears the people – there is liberty.”

We are definitely at the point at which the people fear the government. Why? Because the government, for all practical purposes has been taken over by hordes of reprobates, those who God has destined for damnation. They have no regard for the feelings, the rights, or the total well-being of anyone other than themselves, or those who support them.

Bill Gates is obsessed with the idea that the human population of the earth should be drastically reduced and any means to this end is acceptable.

Our Supreme Court supports this.  According to G. Edward Griffin, in Need to Know, attorney Alan Dershowitz says we have no constitutional protection against being forcibly vaccinated because no one has a right to spread a deadly disease.  The Court contends that the state has an obligation to use force, if necessary, to protect the lives of its citizens against the threat of a deadly disease.  Totally and completely unconstitutional to God given freedoms.

This, supposedly, is a proper position, because the defense of life is one of the few proper functions of the just state, but there is no defense of the unborn, neither is there defense of the elderly. The problem is that this position is justified only if the deadly threat is real and not staged as a political ploy, and those who are staging the hoax are the ones who will decide if it is real.  Even the polio vaccines and sugar cubes of the 60s were unnecessary…polio was on its way out, but they continued their damning vaccines … vaccines they knew were grown on monkey kidneys and gave the recipients soft tissue cancers.

Those who challenge them will be imprisoned for spreading false information that endangers public health and safety. Furthermore, in Jacobson vs. Massachusetts the court said that the threat doesn’t even need to be real if those making the decision believe it is. That part of the ruling provided a loophole big enough to drive a truck through because it allows political criminals to escape punishment simply by claiming that they had bad advice. (All this per the comments of G. Edward Griffin)

Orwell’s 1984

We have arrived in Orwell’s 1984, and from the “Robespierre Public Safety ruling during the French Revolution, in which 25,000 Frenchmen were beheaded by the guillotine for acts against the ruling.  There is no guarantee history won’t repeat itself, especially with America’s history daily being destroyed by anarchists.

I believe that during my lifetime, many of the members of the Supreme Court were people who had been turned over to a reprobate mind, otherwise they could not have ruled as they did in so many cases.

In my previous article, Part 10 of The Path to Understanding, I said that Justice Kennedy, who wrote the majority opinion on the 5 to 4 ruling by the Supreme Court on the same-sex marriage case stated in his opinion that “gay people” have a fundamental right to marriage. Implicit in this statement is a veiled assertion that this right comes from God. Whether he and the other four justices who concurred in the ruling are aware of it or not, the reference to rights that are fundamental is a reference to God and His authority.

And then, there are all the pro-abortion rulings which many members of the court from 1973 to today will have to answer for. But they will have no answer – for there isn’t one – they will have to face the consequences at the Great White Throne judgment.

Many people have ridiculed scripture and the Great White Throne Judgment. They have laughed and made jokes concerning it. I can see in my mind’s eye that when they approach the throne of God, He says to them, “I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”


What I’ve written is only the tip of the iceberg relative to what we are being set-up for; the complete regimentation of society in which all individuals will act or react in unison with all others.

It is to prepare us for the future as world citizens. We will then do everything by the numbers; no one will have thoughts, or make comments that do not coincide with instructions passed down from the rulers.

Look at all the people wearing masks even after scientific reports have said that masks are completely useless and of no benefit whatever. The sheeple have complied.  It is part of the scenario to establish the national mind-set that we are in crises that all people must be involved in for us to survive, despite the fact that fewer people have perished from Covid than perish from seasonal flu.

Next up, the corruption and cover-up of dangerous vaccines where a doctor is being threatened for exposing the truth of this agenda and the Covid-19 conspiracy.  Link

©All rights reserved.

Who’s Educating the Protesters?

Protesters over the last few weeks have taught us, among other lessons, there is little room for dialogue or voicing of dissenting opinions in our body politic anymore.

In fact, many principled or simply well-meaning professionals, celebs and even business owners have been destroyed by what is now known as the “cancel culture.”

The question is, how are the protesters — by and large a group of twenty-somethings — driving the entire society?

The answer is that they are not alone. They are first and foremost being driven by their educators – public school teachers, college professors and those who have risen in the hierarchical ladder to become university administrators.

Many are extremist ideologues who (rightly) figured out that if you want to change society, you have to influence the youth.

Take the case of the prestigious Stanford University. Its dean of students, Monica Hicks, recently sent out an email to students in which she effusively quoted Assata Shakur, a fugitive on the FBI’s most-wanted terrorists list.

In 1973, Shakur (born Joanne Chesimard) and two accomplices shot two police officers, killing one “execution-style” after being pulled over for committing a bank robbery.

Shakur was arrested, convicted and sent to prison in 1977. She escaped in 1979 when other domestic terrorists broke in to rescue her. She now resides in Cuba.

Dean Hicks’s email was a friendly missive wishing students well and safety – both from COVID-19 and violence — as they engage in the current protests.

Providing them encouragement and strength of heart (she herself was planning to “shelter-in-place”), she added what she called a “loving refrain” from Shakur at the end of her letter to the students.

Quoting Shakur is particularly egregious considering that the protests are directed against police and the fact that at least two police officers have been killed by them and close to 400 wounded.

Then there was the recent case of a public school teacher in Rhode Island who was caught defacing a statue of Christopher Columbus (a felony crime).

Another case worth mentioning is that of San Francisco State University’s (SFSU) Rabab Abdulhadi.

Abdulhadi was recently given the American Association of University Professors’ (AAUP) Georgina M. Smith Award in recognition of “her commitment to global scholarship that builds mutual understanding … evident in the collaborations she has initiated.”

Those “collaborations” include “[cultivating] ties with Hamas-dominated universities, trivializ[ing] the kidnapping and murder of Israeli high-schoolers and endors[ing] hate speech,” according to Canary Mission, a group that monitors and exposes antisemitism in academia.

While leading a mission to “Palestine” (which was funded by SFSU), Abdulhadi also “collaborated” with Leila Khaled and Sheikh Raed Salah, both of whom are affiliated with U.S.-designated terrorist organizations.

Abdulhadi, a founding member of the antisemitic Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) Movement against Israel also believes that Jews who favor the existence of Israel should not be allowed at the university at all.

Meanwhile, those that don’t adhere to the current cancel culture’s strict rules of what constitutes acceptable behavior have found their heads on the chopping blocks.

UCLA just launched an investigation into a lecturer for reading to his class Martin Luther King’s famous “Letter from Birmingham Jail” and showing a documentary that included a description of lynching. W. Ajax Peris, an Air Force veteran, used these materials while teaching a class about racism against blacks in America. The letter written by King contained the “n-word.”

After students complained that the reading of the letter and the description of lynching caused them distress, Peris was swiftly condemned by the chair of the political science department as well as two other department heads. His case has already been referred to the university’s Discrimination Prevention Office, which urged students to come forward with more complaints.

Bowing to the mob, Peris issued both written and video apologies, which did nothing to stop calls for his firing.

Another UCLA professor, Gordon Klein, is now living under police protection after he rejected a request by a black student to postpone the final exam for minority students. Klein, who has been teaching at UCLA for decades, told the student that such a policy a would not follow principles of equality (and rather, would be racist in itself).

For having such an opinion, Klein received death threats on social media, credible enough that he is now living under police protection. In the meantime, he has been removed from teaching and is being investigated by the dean for his “troubling” behavior.

UCLA apologized to Klein’s students for his “inexcusable” and “very hurtful sentiments.”

Cases like these have abounded over recent years. Yet the crescendo of the cancel culture in light of the recent protests is something we would do well not to ignore.

It’s the same culture that won’t accept New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees for standing for the national anthem or let famed Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling have an opinion about supporting a woman who lost her job for her views against males in women’s changing rooms, dorms, prisons and sports teams.

For the record, Rowling’s offending tweet read:

For those who want to maintain a society where differing opinions can be freely expressed and debated, the time to step up is now.

In addition, voting is power. Politicians should be made to be accountable by being willing to stand up for everyone’s First Amendment rights — including teachers and professors at schools and universities, the vast number of which are funded, at least in part, by taxpayer dollars.

Radicalism is the belief that there is only one way to live.
Extremism is forcing others to live by that way. 


The NY Times, Free Speech & the Death of Democracy

Linda Sarsour, Anti-Semitic Mob Out to Get CNN’s Jake Tapper Fired

To Bend the Knee or Not to Bend the Knee


EDITORS NOTE: This Clarion Project column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

How Arizona GOP Sen. Martha McSally Plans To Overcome Great Odds In November

She broke a kneecap hiking the highest mountain in Africa and competed in an Ironman triathlon with blood dripping down her face after sustaining an injury. So with her poll numbers being weak, even in historically Republican districts, we can still expect Republican Arizona Sen. Martha McSally will not be dissuaded easily.

President Donald Trump has reportedly told his advisers that he is concerned about her chances in the Nov. 3 special election. Yet she told the Daily Caller she’s giving it all she’s got.

In “Dare to Fly,” McSally recounts her raw experiences such as overcoming rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, and the loss of family and friends. She hopes the book can teach people how to convert struggles into progress. She calls this system a “misery database.”

“We all have that database of difficult things we have been through,” McSally told the Caller. “Sometimes people tap into it in order to hold themselves back. They dwell on the misery, they can’t sleep at night, it stops moving them forward. I created the term [misery database] and I talk about it in a way that strengthens you, to propel you to be able to push through hard things and do amazing things because you’ve been through hard things before.”

McSally faced setbacks on her path to becoming a fighter pilot from the very beginning of her military career. Her arm was severely injured. She was too short to be a pilot. She was dreaming of a position that didn’t even exist yet for women in the military.

Tragically, McSally faced tremendous hardship as a child. She said the death of her father Bernard McSally nearly broke her.

“Losing my dad at 12, and being very angry at God — the only way a 12-year-old can process it,” said McSally, “[then] being abused by my coach — robbing … me of my innocence while I was a hurting, vulnerable, fatherless kid. I have been to the depths of despair.”

Bernard told her on his deathbed: “Make me proud.”

McSally promised that she would. That moment, she says, is what drives her. She said she was later “able to find the peace of God and the hope of God to help me someday to get out of bed in the morning.”

“In the darkest and most difficult times in my life, I often found my last ounce of strength to persevere while thinking about my dad and his request,” she writes in “Dare to Fly.”





Rep. Omar: ‘Can’t Reform’ Minneapolis Police Because It’s ‘Rotten To The Root’

Debate Rages On Police Reform, Role Of Police Unions In Wake Of Floyd’s Death

Joe Biden Sponsored Bill Protecting Cops Under Investigation Four Times As Senator

‘The Majority Of Them Don’t Even Know Why They’re There’: Walkaway Founder Crashes A BLM Protest

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Rioting Democratic Cities. Chaos, or Coordinated Mayhem?

What we just witnessed in the pandemic of riots, mainly based in Democrat states and cities, is the future of the Democratic Party.

Well-meaning people took to the streets to identify with the death of an African-American at the hands of the police. His death was filmed. It was awful to watch. The people were justified in identifying with that man’s suffering. To show that they care. They called it a protest against injustice, although the cop who killed George Floyd had been arrested and charged with murder. Justice was already in the process of being served.

No matter. The numbers swelled rapidly city by city. Mainly Democratic cities. The voices grew louder, more raucous, and, not unexpectedly, the violence erupted.

First, the target was the police. Vehicles and buildings were torched. Not all were police property. Other official buildings were ignored. Were they deliberately avoided? Instead, the growing crowds became a mob, and the targets were the cities commercial districts.
Like a raging fire, the arsonists and looters destroyed commercial stores, private shops and vehicles.

To an untrained eye it seemed like anarchy, but the media called it justified anger, a protest that must be understood with sympathy.
The authorities restrained the police. Held them back and let the herd momentum take its course. Like a virus it rapidly spread its infection. This virus destroyed property and livelihoods. It was not incidental. There was motive and method behind it.

There was intent behind the mayhem.

The violent riots and apparent chaos, including arson and the wanton prolonged destruction of property and uncontrolled looting, was a symbiotic dance.
This crisis turned out to be the perfect storm.

It was hardly an accident that in every city the pattern was the same. Growing crowds looking for action, government stand down, total destruction unchallenged.
When this repeated itself city after city, day after day, you didn’t have to be a detective to see organized intent.

This was a symbiotic course of action loosely choreographed between local government, radical organizations, and the media, each with their intertwining ultimate goal. A hybrid desire for continued mayhem and economic distress to sway an angry public ahead of a vital upcoming election. The timing couldn’t have been better coming as it did at the tail end of a harmful virus lockdown.

Riots, burning everything in their way, pillaging. Smashing stores and buildings, taking whatever they could grab for free. Not caring who pays for the damage and the loss.
Intelligent people would call it robbery, arson and vandalism, but the looters see if differently.

They hate capitalism. They hate people who use their imagination, their money, and the ability to use their talents and hard work to try and build up small businesses, eventually in some cases becoming big businesses, that employ people.
They hate the whole notion of such an enterprise. They want to tear it down and take whatever they can grab.

What we saw on the streets of Democratic cities was a microcosm of Democratic big government. Take it from those that do and give it for free to those that don’t.

What we witnessed was Democratic policy crudely played out on the streets of Minneapolis, Detroit, Chicago, LA, and DC. This is what the radical wing of the Democratic Party is promising the looters.

The protest of racial justice based on the killing of a black man by a white cop in Minneapolis was built on a questionable premise.

True, the George Floyd killing was a tragic horror, but there is ample evidence the argument of police targeting innocent African-Americans being systemic in American society is heavily disputed by statistics and evidence.

Data provided by Statista, an independent, reliable and unbiased research center with global coverage in over 160 countries, showed that almost 50% more white people were shot by police between 2017 and 2020 than black people. 1268 to 698.

This was confirmed by Manhattan Institute fellow, Heather McDonald, who testified before a US Congressional Committee that an “epidemic of racially biased police shootings against black men” is false.

On the contrary, she said, “if there is a bias in police shootings, it is against white civilians,” quoting from a report by the prestigious Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.

The authors of that research were the universities of Maryland and Michigan, not exactly Republican strongholds.

Black radio host, Larry Elder, said, “It is not true that police go about mowing down black people.”

He quoted the CDC report that, in the last 45 years in America, killings of blacks by police have decreased by 75%, and in 2019 nine unarmed black people were killed by police as opposed to 19 unarmed white people.

“You don’t know the names of white people killed by the police,” he said, “because it happens all the time.”

The fulcrum of the current wave of disorder was the horrible killing of George Lloyd. Thousands took to the streets across America to protest this outrage. But no one took to the streets when a colored officer shot an innocent white woman to death outside her home in Minneapolis.

In 2017, officer Mohamed Noor shot and killed female Justine Damond outside her home. She was totally innocent. Zero protests on behalf of the victim, or women killed by cops.

In the end, the bad cop received a 12-and-a-half-year prison sentence.

There was a short-term campaign, but not on behalf of Justine. It was an attempt to get the killer cop released from jail by angry protests including the slogan, “Free Mohamed Noor!”

Justine’s family won a $20 million law suit against the city, which will probably reflect the level of justice that Lloyd’s family will receive.

The important point here is that the city and the cop were found guilty of negligence and homicide. Not the President, as anti-Trump haters and the media projected recently over the Lloyd incident.

It was clearly a Democratic screw up as the Damond family statement spelt out after Lloyd’s murder, that Minneapolis learned nothing since Justine’s murder and had “not made adequate changes to their practices and training as we told they would after Justine’s murder.”

In other words, the Lloyd murder was a continuation of this Democratic city’s systemic failure, not a global race issue, and in no way connected to the President.

So what is going on, even beyond Minneapolis?

It had nothing to do with George Lloyd. The mob, and their organizers, did not listen to Lloyd’s family imploring them not to dishonor the memory of their dead brother and son by their violence and anarchy.

George Lloyd became a hashtag to hang a political street campaign. Just like #MeToo, #GeorgeLloyd carried a bias.

Floyd today is a forgotten man.

It has nothing to do with the victim. It has everything to do with overturning a Trump Republican presidency.

It was a Democrat that said “never like a crisis go to waste.”? It has become a party policy.

It includes the deliberate destruction of the economy. It is the Cloward-Piven strategy of community negative activism to change the face of government.

The Democratic Party is powered at local level by radical elements financed by wealthy non-elected manipulators. The agenda is to take power locally, at state level, with the ultimate goal of usurping national power by fair means or foul, structured in a way that can never be reversed.

This role of state and city governance is to give the people what the powerful think they need. They fill their local councils with activists, their court benches with liberal judges that pervert constitutional law. They fill their towns with illegal immigrants and offer them freebies to keep them voting for them. They are working hard to restructure a voting system that will allow them to defraud the system and ride them into power.

At national level, the leading Democrat candidates all declared they would overspend. Just vote Democrat and get free education, free everything from the cradle to the grave, including abortions whenever you want, even after birth. Driving licenses and voting rights for illegal immigrants. Free bail-out for criminals awaiting trial, and no jail sentence for most. Those arrested for violent crimes and destruction during the riots know they have nothing to fear in Democratic states.

Is it any wonder that mayors and governors ordered their police forces to stand down and let the rioters rampage through their commercial districts? It was an unwritten, unspoken, cooperative venture with the hard left activist wings of the Democrat Party.
The Democrats have replaced law and order with no law and disorder. And it seems to be working for them.

And those economically damaged by the dwindling work opportunities as a result of both their virus lockdown policies and the widespread destruction of protest, will be given unemployment money higher than the minimum wage. So why work? Just keep voting Democrat.

It’s an appealing message for millions of losers. It’s message for troublesome people looking for power. Like the anarchists, the Marxists, the Communists. Like the radical bullyboys of Antifa and BlackLivesMatter who know how to manipulate a mass protest and direct the masses into action, negative action, like burning other people’s buildings and taking other people’s stuff in the name of protest.

Today’s riots will eventually die down, but which party will the looters and destroyers attach themselves to in their search for more free stuff? Take a guess.

It is worse than a virus.

This is a cancer that is metastasizing in America. This cancer has attached itself to the body politics of the Democratic Party.

This cancer feeds off the soft tissue and organs of a party that doesn’t yet feel the pain. The Democrat body welcomes them, feeds them, encourages them.

They don’t yet understand that this cancer is going to destroy them, if it doesn’t destroy America first.

Democrats think need this cancer in their obsessive quest for power. A fateful November is on the horizon. They think they can control the cancer, but the cancer is controlling them.

Post-election, win or lose, old Democratic tissues will be replaced by stronger more radical tumors that will attach themselves to important organs enveloping and destroying the body that feeds it –democratic liberal progressive America.

The pain felt in Minneapolis, Los Angeles. San Francisco, Detroit, New York, the soft underbelly of “progressive” America, will not be cured by a November Democratic victory.

And even if they lose 2020, the radical cancer will continue to spread within the Democratic body and throughout America hoping to emerge massively victorious come 2024.

Let Democrats not fool themselves. This is not liberalism. This is not progressivism. This is not even Socialism. It is certainly not Americanism. This is Venezuela, Cuba, played out on a larger stage.

It is intolerant and violent leftist fascism. It is the un-American heart of the Democratic Party. It is the de-structuring of America. It began in the Obama-Biden era. Today’s events are a continuation of their Baltimore and Ferguson legacy that elected weak incompetent leaders and pandered to the violent.
Conditions deteriorated rapidly in Obama-Biden inner cities despite their charismatic words that charmed and fooled the masses.

We see today the Saul Alinsky doctrine of Rules for Radicals, the strategy of local persuasion to a momentary cause while disguising the ultimate goal, the collapse of the economy by using a crisis to press home a political agenda, including publicly visible disruption and destruction to attract attention and drive willing hands to the cause of regime change.

This is not democracy. It is the law of the jungle, which is no law at all.

A compliant media spreads the lies and misrepresents what was going on.

“They don’t know what to do with that emotion, so they respond by lashing out. Do you see all this damage here? Acting out gets attention,” says CNN, koshering the violence, arson, and ruin of local communities. As if thousands of looters, rushing in and out of Apple, Target, and other destroyed stores, with trolleys full of stolen goods, were doing this to get attention.

Speaking of CNN, another propagandist is Don Lemon. “Open your eyes America! We are teetering on a dictatorship,” after the President offered the National Guard to governors to restore law and order to America’s major cities.

Let me advise Mr. Lemon that America is teetering on the brink of anarchy, not dictatorship, due to lack of effective action by the authorities who are allowing their cities to burn to the ground.

The only question that requires answers is this is due to incompetence, or is it deliberate?

Why are piles of bricks mysteriously deposited at the roadside of forthcoming protests where there is no construction going on?
Why were bottles found with explosive additives down alleyways close to protest routes?

An Illinois man was arrested handing out explosives at a Minneapolis protest rally.

Baltimore, Ferguson, Detroit haven’t recovered, a decade after the Obama riots. These neighborhoods are a metaphor for Democratic America.

The Ferguson effect is seen all across America today where the rioters, looters and arsonists are given the freedom of the city in the name of Black Lives Matter. Thus began the downward spiral of decency by liberal Democrats.

Who in their right mind would reinvest in such troublesome communities? Justice for looters is a revolving door in Democratic courts. In New York, the policy of no bail fees is the brainchild of Governor Cuomo. Crime isn’t a crime. Criminals aren’t criminals. Store owners can only cry in frustration after the looters are arrested and released back onto the streets. This is Democratic justice.

More evidence of the collusion between the rioters and the lack of police involvement came from former NY mayor and crime-fighter, Rudi Giuliani. He said that Bill De Blasio was interfering in the enforcement of the law. He accused the mayor of phoning his police chiefs and ordering them not to enforce the law. “He is holding back the police department.”

This was confirmed by David Paterson, the former Democratic Governor of New York, who said, “We are dealing with a different kind of riot than we did years ago. We have outside agitators.”

“This is happening in Democratic progressive cities that are friendly with criminals,” Rudi Giuliani said to Fox News Sean Hannity.

A final word about the police is this. In the recent violence more police officers were injured than protesters

Leo Terrell is a civil rights lawyer and a Democrat. He is alarmed by what he has seen to express himself this way;

“We people of color want law and order. You know why these mayors and governors won’t bring in the National Guard? They don’t want to acknowledge that President Trump is absolutely right, and they don’t want to give him the credit.”

I will go one step further. They don’t do it because it doesn’t fit their political agenda which is diametrically opposite to that of a President who wants a prosperous America and was giving it to them before the virus and the rioting.

In a previous article, I wrote about the anecdotal tweeting of a person called Chris Martin Palmer. He sent out a series of tweets as raging riots spread in his wealthy Los Angeles. As a Democrat, he thrilled by what the protesters were doing as he posted a picture of a burning Minneapolis building.

“Burn that s**t down! Burn it all down!” he thrilled.

The building happened to be an affordable housing project for the homeless and poor people.

CMP deleted that tweet, but you can’t delete a cancer, Chris.

As the raging arson fires moved in the direction of his own Los Angeles neighborhood, he still didn’t get it.

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” tweeted the excitable Chris. “A historic event. I will try to capture plenty images.”

The destruction of people’s properties and hard-earned businesses was just a selfie to him. No pain – yet.

By the time it moved into his rich neighborhood, he was getting worried.

“You bring that shit to our neighborhood and I’m gonna have a real problem with it. There’s a lot of people up here who care and are angry. Attacking our neighborhood kills the movement and disgraces George Floyd. Are the Beverly Hills cops jerks?”
Then, “They destroyed Starbucks and are now in front of my building. Get these animals TF out of my neighborhood!”

Too late, Chris. The cancer is in your party and it’s far too late for surgery.

Now Chris can do some self-reflection. Were the riots really chaos, or organized mayhem? And does he now subscribe to their goals?

Chris may get it, but too many voters haven’t. They are still oblivious of what is happening in front of their eyes.

The final question has to be, are you voting with the mob, or against them?

©All right reserved.

The NY Times, Free Speech and the Death of Democracy

The New York Times exploded in what one veteran writer and editor for the paper called a “civil war.”

The “war” was over an opinion piece written by Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) who called for bringing in the military as a last resort to quell the riots and looting in American cities if local police forces were too overwhelmed to accomplish this task.

Cotton specified he was not talking about peaceful protesters.

“Calling in the troops” is a view that 58 percent of the population agrees with (according to a recent survey), including 48 percent of Democrats.

But a large portion of the staff at the NY Times would have none of it. More than a dozen journalists called in sick and others threatened a walkout. Many tweeted, “Running this puts black @nytimes staff, in danger.“

Publisher A.G. Sulzberger initially defended the publication of the article, saying that the paper’s goal was to share “views from across the spectrum.”

In the end Sulzberger caved, pushing out the editorial page editor James Bennet, a rising star in line to be the next executive editor of the paper who had already apologized for running the piece.

The paper then backtracked on the publishing of the article, saying there was a “significant breakdown” in the editing process and that the piece did not meet its standards.

A “town hall” was held by the NY Times to allow employees to vent.

Bari Weiss, an opinion writer and editor at the Times explained the war inside the paper in a telling Twitter thread as follows: “Here’s one way to think about what’s at stake: The New York Times motto is ‘all the news that’s fit to print.’ One group emphasizes the word ‘all.’ The other, the word ‘fit.’”

At first one might think that Weiss, who is 36 years old, identifies with what she called the “Old Guard” at the Times, whom Weiss characterizes as living by civil libertarianism. These individuals support the publication of a marketplace of ideas.

The “New Guard,” according to Weiss, subscribes to what is called “’safetyism,’ in which the right of people to feel emotionally and psychologically safe trumps what were previous considered core liberal values, like free speech.”

(Never mind that the “value” of free speech is a constitutionally guaranteed right in the United States, not just a core liberal value.)

But then Weiss gets down to the issue at hand, the publication of Cotton’s piece by the paper. To this issue she dithers, saying, “I agree with our critics that it’s a dodge to say “we want a totally open marketplace of ideas!” There are limits. Obviously. The question is: does his view fall outside those limits? Maybe the answer is yes.”

She then continues, “If the answer is yes, it means that the view of more than half of Americans are unacceptable. And perhaps they are [my emphasis],” proclaims Weiss, whom (I assume) we are now supposed to look up to as the arbiter of “acceptable” and “unacceptable” ideas (once she makes up her mind).

Weiss is wrong on this one, dangerously wrong. The bedrock of the experiment of the democracy called America — the only country founded on the principle of liberty – is free speech.

In philosophy, there is an argument known as a “slippery slope,” which states that certain ideas or actions have a good possibility of leading to bad or even disastrous results.

The end point of the slippery slope of putting clamps on free speech (i.e. certain groups proclaiming which ideas are acceptable which are not) is fascism.

It’s a point we are fast approaching.

Take the case of the top editor at The Philadelphia Inquirer, a 20-year veteran at the paper, who “decided to step down” following the backlash the paper received from a headline that read “Buildings Matter, Too” about the destruction of property during the recent riots.

Quipped Brit Hume,

Or the case of veteran sportscaster Grant Napear, who was let go after 38 years of service broadcasting play-by-plays for the Sacramento Kings. Napear’s crime? Tweeting, “All lives matter … every single one!!” which is currently considered a racist statement (for its insensitivity to the Black Lives Matter movement).

No matter that Napear apologized, saying ““I’m not as educated on BLM as I thought I was. I had no idea that when I said ‘All Lives Matter’ that it was counter to what BLM was trying to get across. … I’m in pain. I’m 60 years old and I still have a lot to learn.”

Then there was the apology issued by New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees for his “insensitive” comments that “missed the mark,” when he was asked if he would be kneeling during the playing of the national anthem.

Brees initially said, “I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States,” adding that the anthem reminds him of his grandfathers, both of whom fought against the Nazis in World War II.

Brees’ wife further apologized for her husband, promising they would “actively look for racial prejudice.”

Meanwhile, peaceful “protesters” have identified another source of “racial prejudice”:

Companies — fearful of their sales being hit — are also towing the party line. Lego, for example, just asked stores to pull promotional materials for Lego sets that feature police, fire fighters and the White House.

Weiss may have the luxury to take her time to ponder whether or not the opinion of 58 percent of Americans who favor using the military if absolutely necessary to protect their life and property is an acceptable opinion.

The rest of us do not. We are already seeing the disastrous results of the thought police.


New York Times Publishes Cartoon Worthy of Nazi Propaganda 

NY Times Comes to the Defense of the Muslim Brotherhood

NY Times Scrubs Word ‘Terror’ From Coverage of Killing of Islamic Jihad Leader 

EDITORS NOTE: This Clarion Project column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Raised in Unreality

This is another in a series of children’s propagandist story books distributed to libraries nationwide and in other countries, another facet of the many war strategies used against the west, overtly about Israel, but covertly about changing opinions and accepting Islam.  The facade of victimhood is usually at play; one need only be alert to recognize how it’s employed. 

Tasting the Sky, by Ibtisam Barakat, is a story told through the memories of a three-and-a-half-year-old girl in Ramallah, West Bank, the heartland of Biblical Israel and known through the centuries as Samaria.  it is categorized to be read by Middle Graders, ages 6 and up, who know nothing of the region’s history.   Without guidance, analysis and clarification, they would conclude that Israel is the interloper and Palestinians the natives, and by extension, western civilization is evil.  This is Islamic indoctrination, inappropriate for distribution.

It begins with a sketchy historical note that the conflict over the State of Israel, the background of the story, continues to this day, but the conflict’s origin is ignored.  For over fourteen centuries, Arabs have been following Mohammed’s decrees by attacking and slaughtering the Jews within the land and brutalizing Christians, Romans, Persians, Ethiopians, Berbers, Turks, Visigoths, Franks, Egyptians, Indians, and more, elsewhere.  Unable to deny 1400 years of Jewish presence in the land, the Arabs embellish the discord with lies of shared history, prophets, and archaeology.  But the land has only ever been the ancestral homeland of the Jews, who reestablished their national independence in Israel after 2,000 years, its legality endorsed by the United Nations, in 1948.  Israel also received the recognition of Yusaf Diya al-Khaldi Mayor of Jerusalem (1899), Lord Robert Cecil (1918), Emir Faisal, leader of the Arab World (1919); and Sir Winston Churchill (1920).

To devalue Israel’s legitimacy, the author alleges that the State of Israel was founded solely because of the Holocaust, but that is not the case.  “Zion” is the age-old name for Jerusalem; “Zionism” is love of Zion, and the national liberation movement begun in the late 1800s with the creation of 20 new Jewish cities in what was then called Palestine (a Roman appellation).  It is also the political movement of restoration and return founded by Theodor Herzl in 1897, decades before the Holocaust.  After World War I, when Iraq, Lebanon and Syria were created from the defeated Ottoman Empire, so were Palestine’s boundaries created and recognized as the Jewish homeland.  This is what Mohammed’s successors repudiate.  Israel’s capital, Jerusalem, established 1000 BCE, has held a majority Jewish population since the late 1860s.

Barakat’s personal story begins at age 19, returning home from Birzeit, West Bank, where activist students ignore the barbaric crimes of Islamist groups – lynching, beheading, whipping, crucifixion, castration, rape-to-death, burning alive and other unspeakable tortures – but fight with Israeli soldiers, protesting the “occupation.”  “Occupier” is legal terminology that does not apply to Israel, as Israel’s legal title and rights were established in the San Remo resolution, adopted by the Allied Powers after World War I, confirmed by the League of Nations, and incorporated into the UN charter. Calling Israel an occupier is equal to calling the Arabs occupiers of Arabia.   This is “projection,” attributing one’s own qualities or ideas to another.  After losing their aggressive war in 1967, they self-identified as Palestinians and occupy this land as their strategy.

In the book, Ibtisam is returning to Ramallah, once a Christian city, now renamed “Hill of Allah” by Arab forces that took the town in the first Arab-Israeli war, 1948-49.  When her bus is stopped at an Israeli checkpoint, she expresses fear for passengers’ showing their ID and tickets, although identification is commonplace at border crossings between jurisdictions.  Because Palestinians have proven an aggressive people, Israelis also check for weapons or passengers swathed in explosives, their parents’ sacrifices to Allah for monetary reward.  The naïve readers are influenced to fear.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) operate on strict commands that, as representatives of Israel, they must behave with humanity.  Passengers are not raped, tortured, or beheaded.  Rather, once cleared, they are free to proceed.  In fact, Palestinians have begun producing fictitious film enactments to blame Israelis for mistreatment because they cannot confirm their claims, Israelis being known for their morality.  The author even writes that one soldier attempts to return her fare because they will be rerouted to the  Military Rule Center, a detention center.

As her story unfolds, she is three years old when an Israeli soldier comes to their house and allegedly makes sexual gestures to her mother.  Mother tells Father that she fears rape if he returns, but I question why he didn’t rape her right then.  The accusation is possible but since Ibtisam’s story is fraught with fabrications, both the checkpoint accusation and this one might be projections.   Muslim men have endangered the streets of Germany, France, and London, and made Sweden the Rape Capital of the West and India, the Rape Capital of the World. Mother could assume the same of Israeli soldiers.

Israelis are held accountable for their actions under Israeli law; rape is not sanctioned as in Islam.  A noteworthy phenomenon: reports indicate the lack of Israel’s military rape, which “merely strengthens the ethnic boundaries and clarifies the inter-ethnic differences – just as organized military rape would have done.”   A Seattle university professor declared at a BDS event, “You IDF soldiers don’t rape Palestinian women because Israelis are so racist and disgusted by them that you won’t touch them.”  In any case, Father accepts Mother’s word and they leave.

As Ibtisam’s bus is en route to the detention center, she ponders her postal box, her foreign pen pals, and recalls her father’s nightmares as he relived his loss of freedom in 1967.  He’d told his children that the war came to them, not that five Arab nations initiated an offensive against the new Israel in 1948.  He excluded that the Arabs ignored the UN and Israel’s decision to designate Jerusalem an international city, home to Israelis and Arabs.  Instead, they forced the Jews out, destroying graveyards and at least 50 percent of the city’s synagogues.  Nineteen years later, 1967, following Israel’s warning that Nasser’s closure of the Straits of Tiran against Israeli shipping and his forces mobilized at the border would be casus belli, Israel preempted Egypt’s action by destroying its air force and initiating a ground offensive.  The result was Israel’s acquisition of the West Bank/Judea-Samaria, the Golan Heights, Sinai Peninsula, and Gaza.  Although Israel immediately offered to return land for peace, the Arab governments refused to talk or recognize Israel.  Father’s story is misleading; the reader misled.

The author recalls June 5, 1967.  She is three when Father returns from work without his usual treats, announcing that Israeli planes are targeting Palestinians, soldiers combing their homes and butchering everyone.  Again, this is untrue, but projection.  (Mohammed’s conquests included beheading the men and enslaving the women.)  The Arab countries initiate, and Israeli forces repel, the onslaught, yet the Israeli government nevertheless invites the Arab residents to remain safely in their homes and become citizens.  Some families stay, but many heed their own army’s orders to go to Jordan or the caves, expecting to return triumphant.  Mother and children escape with the rest; father leaves to see if he can be of help.

Yes, Ibtisam remembers gun shots, air raids, but she cannot name the aggressor, and the reader assumes they run to escape the Israelis.  The child knows they lost the war, her home, and her shoes. and they cannot return to Ramallah.  Her mother is 24,  with three children in tow, ages 8, 7, and 3,  and she soon gives birth to her fourth child.  Father is 44.  At the time of their marriage, Mother was 15, Father 35.  In a culture where there is no loving courtship, marriage is described as a series of rapes interrupted by childbirth.

When a little boy has drowned in the river, they say the water stole him.  We often see signs of Islamic projection.  The young reader cannot alone grasp that Muslims take no responsibility for their behaviors, attacks or plight, and lies are routine.   With the announcement that they “lost Palestine” comes the stinging victimization, not the realization that their wounds were self-inflicted.

Radio announcements of refugees who may return to the new Israel include Ibtisam’s family, but many are refused entry to their countries of origin, the surrounding countries that pursued war.

And because so much of the humanitarian aid is redirected to the Palestinian Authority, for weapons and payments to families of “martyrs” who are killed while killing Israelis, the dispossessed are destined for neglect for generations to come, their victimhood worsened, their futures bleak.  To this day, they blame Israel for “colonizing their land,” when there is no evidence that “Palestinians” were ever an identifiable people, with history, government, culture or language.  They were Arabs from surrounding lands or nomadic Bedouins.

Facts are facts: Jews (Hebrews) are the indigenous people of what the Romans called Palaestina.  Despite Israel’s overtures of peace, unilaterally returning land to Egypt and Lebanon, and signing a peace treaty with Jordan, Palestinians continue their attacks.  Do the young readers see Israel’s offers of peace and opportunities to prosper?  Do they know that the Palestinians refuse?

Back in Ramallah, the Israeli soldiers marching in formation down the streets, armed but carrying Israeli flags and “chanting” (singing), are a source of anxiety and entertainment.  When Ibtisam hears “sounds of war,” she does not know that they are the Palestinians’ ongoing, daily attacks against Israelis – throwing rocks and missiles at Israeli vehicles, firing rockets and mortar into Israel, or youths hurling firebombs at troops who then return fire with their weapons.   The Palestinians are consistent.  They will continue to attack until one day, with Allah’s help, they expect success.  Meanwhile, generations of people endure in stagnant misery and perceived victimhood.

When Jamel Abdel Nasser dies, Father exclaims, “Now we are all orphans.”  It is likely that Father, if not mother also, has his roots in Egypt.  “Barakat” is a Muslim name, and common to Egypt, Iran, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh; its definition is “blessings.”  When the women of the family gather for the boys’ circumcision, dressed in “the styles of hundreds of years,” the embroidery may indicate their country’s design, or that of the nomadic Bedouin.  It cannot represent a Palestinian country that never existed.

Ibtisam’s family has survived whole, parents and six children, but there are others who have endured much hardship.  She does not  speak of the many victims of the Palestinian leadership’s greed and complete disregard to the people’s suffering.  During the same years since 1948, while Israelis create a prosperous nation, are happy, and live in comparative freedom and security, generations of Palestinians wallow in poverty, hardship, self-pity and resentment – squandered lives with the fear of another war looming over their heads.    This book has hidden many truths, and a new generation of readers grows up to take on Mohammed’s legacy of war, to side with the tyranny of Islam and resent the freedoms of Israel and America.   Rather than reading propaganda, American children should be learning more about the humble beginnings and magnificence of America’s ideals and, by extension, Israel’s.

©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: We Will Hold Those Accountable — The Hunt Is On

AG Bill Barr while being interviewed by Brett Baier of FOX NEWS stated that he gets the frustration of the American people when they say why haven’t people been prosecuted for their crimes and arrested. He said “the wheels of justice grind slowly”. Barr went on to say that “we will hold those accountable”.

We Will Hold Those Accountable The Hunt Is On

Before we get into the highlights of the treasure trove of solid insights as to the Durham investigation and the soon to be take down of the deep state, it is noteworthy to mention that AG Barr is conducting an active investigation on ANTIFA and others to get to the source of funding and leadership. But with regards to the Durham investigation, AG Barr stated that “this isn’t being driven by producing a report, we are trying to get to a point where we can hold accountable anyone who crossed the line and committed a criminal violation”. AG Barr also indicated there will be public disclosure at the appropriate time. Bill Barr said they seemed to ignore all of the exculpatory evidence during the Russia investigation. Barr stated they moved forward with the investigation even after discovering that there was nothing there. When asked by Baier if we would recognize some of the names, Barr replied by saying, yes, some of them. Barr also indicated that he is very troubled by what has been brought to his attention. When Baier asked about any pending charges AG Barr responded by saying “I cannot discuss any future charges”. So, yes we will hold those accountable as the hunt is on.

Full Interview:


Here’s what you may be missing as Covid, Floyd, CHAZ, and the disbanding of police are the FF dujor’s clogging up the real news cycle. Things are speeding up now. False flag events are being spotted for what they are by an increasing number of people and at a rapid rate, meaning not much time lapses before the people see it for what it is.

The deep state is panicking and exposed. Tucker Carlson for one, has already called the Covid -19 just that, a FF although you wont hear the term “False Flag” on the news as these are no go words. Meanwhile, DNI Ratcliff is continuing to declassify the intel and Lindsey Graham has begun hearings in the Senate Judiciary Committee with Rod Rosenstein as the first one in the hot seat.

The Senate Judiciary just gave Lindsey Graham sweeping subpoena powers in review of Russia probe. Why it matters: Graham now has sweeping authority to subpoena documents and more than 50 individuals related to the Russia investigation, including former FBI director James Comey, former CIA director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. The Epstein case is still very much alive as we saw yet another attempt at questioning Prince Andrew with regards to the Epstein matter. And Flynn? Flynn (and Stone for that matter), will be free and the Flynn case alone, will bring down the house.

So yes, we will hold those accountable as the hunt is now on. The deep state has been trapped and now real hearings in the Senate have begin under oath as opposed to the treasonous failed coup attempts of the past in the DOJ, FBI, CI and in various House hearings. It is my opinion, that there is a chance we may see indictments, charges and arrest late summer or fall of 2020 by John Durham and for certain after Trump’s landslide victory in November. Friends and fellow patriots, it’s happening. It’s happening. Stay safe. False flags will escalate. Don’t buy the lies. Refuse to be fearful.

We are winning. Nothing can stop what’s coming, nothing. The best is yet to come. Stay the course, trust the plan, Freedom, it’s up to us. WWG1WGA.

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US Government Insurgency Guide

Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association

HHS Failure of Compliance with 1986 NCVIA

Inverted Alchemy: An Integral Economy

Share Together Now – Stop Child Trafficking

Judicial Watch Asks DC Mayor for Permission to Paint ‘Because No One is Above Law!’ on Capitol Hill Street

Seeks Equal Access to New Free Speech Forum After DC Government Authorized Painting of Political Slogan on DC Street.

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it has formally asked District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser and DC Attorney General Karl Racine for permission to paint “Because No One is Above the Law!” on a Capitol Hill street (Independence Ave, SW between 2nd and 4th Streets SW). The Judicial Watch message would be the identical size and coloring of the DC Government’s “Black Lives Matter” political message on 16th Street NW.

On June 5, 2020, after days of protests and riots in Washington, DC, Mayor Bowser authorized the painting of “Black Lives Matter” on 16th Street NW, and later allowed “Defund the Police” to be painted alongside it.

“Mayor Bowser made a decision to turn DC streets into a forum for public expression. Judicial Watch seeks equal access to use this new forum to educate Americans by painting our organization’s motto and motivation, ‘Because No One Is Above the Law!,’ on a Capitol Hill street,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “This rule of law message is timely, as it a reminder that rule of law applies to – and protects – all Americans. If we are unlawfully denied access and face viewpoint discrimination, we are prepared to go to court to vindicate our First Amendment rights.”

The following is Judicial Watch’s June 10 letter to Mayor Bowser and Attorney General Racine:

Re: Request to Paint Message on Independence Avenue SW

Dear Mayor Bowser and Attorney General Racine:

We note with interest Mayor Bowser’s recent decision approving the painting of “Black Lives Matter” on 16th Street NW and the approval of and/or acquiescence in the painting of “Defund the Police” alongside the first message. Both messages are expressive activity.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a Washington, DC-based, non-profit organization headquartered in Southwest DC. For more that twenty-five years, Judicial Watch, Inc. has promoted transparency, accountability and integrity in government and fidelity to the rule of law. Our motto is “Because No One Is Above the Law!” – a message that is particularly relevant today because it applies equally to law enforcement and public officials as well as to protesters, looters, and rioters.

Because DC streets surfaces are now being used as public fora for expressive activity, we would like to have our motto painted on a street, preferably Independence Avenue SW, between 2nd and 4th Streets SW, which is near our offices. The lettering would be identical in size and color to the lettering used to paint “Black Lives Matter” on 16th Street NW. Judicial Watch, Inc. would pay the cost of the painting, but we would likely need the assistance of the DC Government to aid in traffic diversion and parking restrictions while the painting is completed. Of course, the painting could be completed when traffic is typically light, as was done with the “Black Lives Matter” message.

As the timeliness of our message is important, please respond within 3 working days. If the Independence Avenue location is not possible, we are open to considering alternative locations. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


Tom Fitton
President, Judicial Watch

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Drew Brees Sets New NFL Record For Number Of Apologies

NEW ORLEANS, LA—In an unprecedented display of public contrition, New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees set a new record over the weekend for apologies by an NFL quarterback, saying he was sorry 742 times in the space of 48 hours.

After controversially stating his personal preference for standing during the National Anthem, the Super Bowl MVP unleashed a heretofore unseen sequence of remorse, explaining that he meant to say people should kneel, or should not not kneel, or should not tell others not to not kneel. He then apologized for not being aware of the things he should apologize for, and he apologized for not being aware that he was not aware of those things.

“The calls for an apology were being screeched from all sides, and Drew responded like the future Hall of Famer he is,” one commentator gushed. “This was a prodigious run of penance. Most impressive was the variety of atonement Brees displayed. Audio, video, texts, social media posts, Zoom calls, written statements- we’ve never seen such a complete and well-rounded exhibition of self-reproach from a quarterback. This record may never be broken.”

According to league statisticians, Brees shattered the previous record held by Jets QB Mark Sanchez, who apologized 380 times for introducing the term “butt fumble” into sports vernacular.


Hipster Tim Tebow Reminds Everyone He Was Kneeling Before It Was Cool

Congressional Democrats Unable To Get Back Up Saved By Life Alert

Democrats Propose Replacing All Police With Traveling Bands Of Hippies Singing ‘Imagine’

In Braveheart Re-Release William Wallace Just Tells The Scottish To Stay Home, Stay Safe

Huffington Post Criticizes Reality For Not Having As Many LGBTQ People As Netflix Shows

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Did “Roe” Really Recant?

A new FX documentary, AKA Jane Roe, raises many questions about the real Jane Roe.

Jane Roe, who pseudonymously sought an abortion in Texas, was at the heart of the infamous 1973 Supreme Court decision, Roe v. Wade. She claimed she had been impregnated in a gang-rape.

In the mid-1980s, Roe was revealed to be Norma McCorvey.

In the mid-1990s, she stunned the world by professing to have become a Christian and an opponent of abortion. She then claimed she had never been raped at all.

And now comes a documentary in which she, in the final year of her life, apparently claims that her switch to the pro-life position was all an act, for which she was paid.

It should be noted she was paid to appear in the FX documentary. Nick Sweeney, the documentary producer, has made movies about sex robots and girls becoming “boys.”

The Daily Beast reports on perhaps the most critical scene in the FX documentary:

“This is my deathbed confession,” [McCorvey] chuckles, sitting in a chair in her nursing home room, on oxygen. Sweeney asks McCorvey, “Did [the evangelicals] use you as a trophy?” “Of course,” she replies. “I was the Big Fish.” “Do you think you would say that you used them?” Sweeney responds. “Well,” says McCorvey, “I think it was a mutual thing. I took their money and they took me out in front of the cameras and told me what to say. That’s what I’d say.” She even gives an example of her scripted anti-abortion lines. “I’m a good actress,” she points out. “Of course, I’m not acting now.” 

In addition, she is alleged to have said that she didn’t really care if a woman got an abortion. This doesn’t seem to fit the picture of the reborn Norma. However, in the big picture of things, the preview appears to contradict the vast majority of her words and deeds, from the time of her conversion in 1995 to her death in 2017. She even unsuccessfully sought to have the Supreme Court overturn Roe since it was all based on lies.

As reports came out last week about this disturbing new documentary, many prolife leaders that knew Norma McCorvey personally have spoken out to say that this is not the Norma McCorvey they have known all these years—nor does it represent who she truly was.

Cheryl Sullenger is the Senior Policy Advisor for the activist pro-life group, Operation Rescue—a group that played a critical role in McCorvey’s stated conversions to Christianity and to the pro-life position.

Cheryl told me: “I knew Norma personally….I have seen her in unguarded moments. She was a person that was a bit rough around the edges, but that never bothered me. If she was in a mood, she could say things that were controversial or even shocking, but I can attest that she was always pro-life.”

On my radio show, Sullenger added that the claim McCorvey received money from the prolife movement proves nothing. Receiving honoraria for speaking engagements is a common practice, no matter one’s politics.

Furthermore, Norma claims in the FX documentary that they (pro-lifers/the evangelicals/the Catholics) told her what to say. That can sound worse than it was. Sullenger noted that Norma had little education and she was not a polished public speaker. Thus, in various venues in which she spoke, speech writers crafted the copy she read. That type of thing happens all the time, again, no matter one’s politics.

Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life, knew Norma McCorvey for 22 years. He said about her, “Her desire to protect children in the womb was no act.” On my radio show, Father Pavone noted that the documentary interview was in May 2016, but she died in February 2017. This was no “deathbed confession.” He also noted that Norma was unpredictable. You never knew what would come out of her mouth.

He notes that the producers of the FX film never asked him for an interview, despite how close he was to Norma. Father Pavone, who preached her funeral, even spoke with Norma on the day she died (by phone), and he says she told him to keep up the fight on behalf of the unborn.

I also spoke with Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood abortion clinic director, whose dramatic pro-life conversion is described in her book (with Cindy Lambert) and movie, Unplanned. She said pro-lifers should not be distracted by this recent controversy: “Stay focused on the goal—abortion is wrong no matter what.”

Only God knows the heart. Norma McCorvey was a fiery, unpredictable woman with rough edges. But regardless of who was telling the truth between the Norma of 1995 and the Norma of 2016 (in that one interview), the realities of abortion, legalized in her court case, do not change. Abortion unjustly takes an innocent human life, and does incredible damage to the mother. That’s not a matter of changing opinions or the passage of time. That’s a fact.

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NEW VIDEO: RefuseFascism uses ANTIFA-like tactics, Organizer claims they received money from Soros, met with Steyer

Today we released undercover footage of a RefuseFascism national organizer detailing who is funding their militant operation and shares their objectives.

You can watch our latest video HERE.

Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • Head of the Atlanta Chapter of RefuseFascism, Tee Stern: “We actually did get a grant from them (Soros) around – we started a thing called a national day of appreciation for abortion providers.”
  • National Organizer for RefuseFascism, Andy Zee: “…I believe he (Steyer) has political ambitions, and he might not want to be directly connected.”
  • National Organizer for RefuseFascism, Andy Zee: “…Steyer might not want to be connected” “…Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, this at a certain point dominates the national news…it’s a very disruptive force.”
  • National Organizer for RefuseFascism, Andy Zee: “…you’ll see, there’s people even in the Hillary campaign worked with RefuseFascism because they see the danger.”

Watch our latest video HERE.

RELATED ARTICLE: How George Soros Controls the Human Rights Industry

RELATED VIDEO: #EXPOSEANTIFA Part III: “We believe in complete abolition of the system itself, including police…”

EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Antifa Member Lectures D-Day Veteran On How To Fight Fascism

PORTLAND, OR—Local activist and Antifa member Declyn Cruikshank marked the 76th anniversary of the D-Day invasion by educating a D-Day veteran on how to fight against fascism.

Elmer Dobbins, 94, who lied about his age at 17 in order to join the Army, was sitting near a World War II memorial Saturday, reminiscing about the day he stormed the beaches at Normandy and lost dozens of friends. According to sources, Cruikshank approached and launched into a diatribe about the evil fascist American capitalist system.

Dobbins, who risked his life in 1944 to stop the spread of a totalitarian regime bent on destroying freedom and democracy, listened intently as Cruikshank instructed him on the finer points of fighting the fascist rule of free enterprise. He explained his goal of liberating Americans from the tyranny of democratic elections and private property ownership.

When Captain Dobbins asked how he hoped to triumph in such a great crusade, Declyn replied that he and his friends dress up in uniforms, march into a city to destroy shops and businesses, and intimidate others into shutting up and accepting their superior point of view.

“You’d better get on home, old man,” the anti-fascist warrior said, holding a brick. “It’s going to be a Night of Broken Glass, or as we like to say, a Kristallnacht. Down with Fascism!”


Los Angeles Police To Undergo Intensive Socially Conscious Slam Poetry Training

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New App Automatically Updates Your Profiles With The Latest Virtue Signals

J.K. Rowling Releases Controversial New Book ‘Harry Potter And The Basic Biology Class’

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Exposing the Hoaxes Killing America

Linda Goudsmit has published a new book titled The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’.

The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’, exposes fifty of the most sinister leftist, Islamist, globalist interconnecting attacks on America deceitfully disguised as altruism. Goudsmit’s warning is designed to ensure an informed American electorate in advance of the pivotal 2020 presidential election. The Book is a powerful éxpose of the deceptive policies and practices of the Leftist/Islamist/Globalist axis attempting to destroy America from within. Goudsmit’s unique talent is deciphering the many political hoaxes being played on us by those who present themselves as our advocates but who are, in fact, America’s enemies. This remarkable book tells us the many ways in which we’ve been had–but don’t know it.

The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’, describes the corrupt underbelly of the Leftist/Islamist/Globalist axis attacking America, American democracy, and America-first President Donald J. Trump. Written in her signature conversational style, each hoax chapter unmasks a distinct and destructive axis policy deceitfully presented to an unsuspecting public as humanitarian. Americans do not like being duped. Linda Goudsmit is the consummate truth-teller in an era of profound political deceit.

The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’ should be compulsory reading in advance of the crucial 2020 U.S. presidential election.

Watch Alex Newman’s interview with Linda Goudsmit:

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Destabilized America and the Enemies Within

Protests over the murder of George Floyd devolved into violent riots. An unspeakable murder was an act of evil, but the looting, burning our cities, and attacking cops was not an American way to react to the evil act to solve the injustice. Burning the church and the house with a child inside is not an American character. Two horrifying weeks of the protests were not designed by American Justice System, they were produced by a foreign power—it was Un-American design for America. Our country is in on fire. As a former Soviet attorney, I was writing about this foreign power for thirty-five years and I have my personal opinion of what has happened in America during the two weeks of the end of May and beginning of June 2020…

Socialism/Communism is a War-Crime Regime

Bombshell: Ex-Secret Service Reveals Details Behind Elaborated Attack on White House. Dan Bongino calls it Insurrection. June 1, 2020.  Another military man is concerned that we are invaded by the foreign power June 2, 2020. Both men are right—attack on WH was an attempt to take over the government. I know that, because I know the way Socialist Revolution was executed in 1917 Russia. Since then America has been infiltrated by the Russians for many decades. The situation has changed to the worse when Globalists Russia and China become working together against American Constitutional Republic and President Trump, threatening our existence. Learn about Chines Cultural Revolution and read here my column State Authorized Killing of Civilians is a War-Crime, May 27, 2020

We are at war, in an asymmetrical war waged against Western civilization, American capitalism, and President Trump. I called it WWIII: Recruitment and Infiltration, Drags and Assassinations. You witnessed that war during the last four years: ‘Trump is Putin’s agent,’ then fraudulent Mueller’s Russia probe and the Trump impeachment, Covid-19 pandemic, and nationwide riots. All of that is manufactured against us by the forces of a criminal ideology of Socialism-Communism that has already cost humanity 200 million lives. The thugs caring that ideology Russia, China, and America’s Socialist Party–a proxy of Putin’s KGB, combating the Republican Party, deeply dividing America, and damaging our political system. Those Socialist Charlatans want to escape the responsibility–they fabricated Russia probe to craft Trump’s guilt in best Stalinist traditions of ”never admit crime committed, instead accuse the opposition in that exact crime.”

Socialist Charlatans fight for power by hook or by crook and I have deliberately describe the essence and methods of the ideology for you to be aware of their behavior and recognize them quickly. Watch lies, deceit, fraud and violence to diagnose them:

“Real Socialism is a war-crime regime. Socialism is a police state with a system of abuse, fraud, and waste. It is constantly lying, cheating and deceiving the world. Socialism corrupts everything it touches. Socialism is a Police State with a culture of total control over an enslaved population. There is no freedom of religion, press, and assembly under Socialism. Real Socialism is an infection like coronavirus, a political disease of incompetence, dishonesty, and eventually violence spread by the propaganda of Soviet Charlatans-provocateurs. Unfortunately the American education system has failed to teach the criminal history of Socialism and Stalin/Andropov’s design to conquer the world…” Socialist Revolution in America – a Preview of the November Election, June 3, 2020.

America is not a Country of “Institutional Racism”

Today Obama runs the Deep State with his corrupt holdovers in Washington D.C.–a center of America’s Socialism. Those people, with the help of the other thousands Socialist Charlatans has created a Socialist mentality in America and transformed the Democratic Party of Truman to America’s Socialist Party-a proxy of Putin’s KGB, combating the Republican Party and deeply dividing the country…

Chaos swept America over untrue racism narrative—“Systemic Racism”. Obama claimed that the American people deserved all the looting and rioting because America was and always has been a racist country. “They are the result of a long history of slavery, Jim Crow, institutionalized racism that have too often have been the plague of the original sin of our society,” You won’t believe who Barack Obama just blamed for the George Floyd riots Patriot Pulse, June 6, 2020

His every word is untrue–a lie and fraud, creating a myth to cover-up the crime committed against black community by the Socialist Charlatans in cahoots with the foreign power. American political system corrected all mistakes made in the past—America recognized the evil of segregation and ended it, spending trillions.  America doesn’t have “Institutional Racism.” Before the 1960s there was no black underclass—it was created by the deliberate policy of the Democrat Party in cahoots with the Socialist ideas and “help” of the KGB…

Here is a document designed by the KGB in the 1960’s for America.

Black Liberation Army Papers (1963-1998)

The principles of the BLA were:

  • “That we are anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, anti-racist and anti-sexist.”
  • “That we must of necessity strive for the abolishment of these systems and for the institution of Socialistic relationships in which Black people have total and absolute control over their own destiny as a people.”
  • “That in order to abolish our system of oppression we must utilize the science of class struggle, develop this science as it relates to our unique national condition.”


The BLA Coordinating Committee, Message to the Black Movement: A Political Statement from the Black Underground

We are dealing with the principles of Socialism/Communism inculcated by the Soviet KGB throughout the world in the 1960. Do you remember PLO? It is Palestine Liberation Organization established by Easer Arafat. For your information Easer Arafat was recruited by the KGB in 1957. You will find the word Liberation in the names of many left-wing political groups fighting for the principles of Soviet Socialism. The word Liberation was propagandized by aggressive and expansionist ideology to inculcate black community and the people of the world with Socialism/Communism. Here is the Soviet document confirms the spread of the Communists throughout the globe:

This table is taken from a communist political manual published by Soviet Political Literature in 1981.

The Process of Global Development of the Communist Movement

Year      Countries with active communist parties       Nr. of communists globally

1917                              1                                                      400,000

1928                              46                                                    1.7 million

1939                              69                                                    4.2 million

1946                              78                                                  20.0 million

1960                              87                                                  35.0 million

1969                              88                                                  50.0 million

1980                              94                                          over 75.0 million

Here you have answers to many questions, as well as a clue about who was behind the protests, demonstrations, and unrest throughout the world over George Floyd murder. Now you can grasp who created in America Black Liberation Army, different groups of Panthers, recent descent Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and many others. All of them are the enemies, some from within and the FBI spectacular failed to expose, prosecute, and convict the guilty. The FBI Director like Jeff Session, James Mattes, Colin Powell, and many others do not know the criminal law-of-war ideology dispersed throughout the globe by the KGB. We suffer the result today. Professional media is right:

“As the riots over George Floyd broke out, it was clear this was more than just an organic phenomenon. Mixed in with local looters were the familiar sights of black-garbed Antifa thugs. Reports came in of cars moving through cities, dropping off rioters with bricks and other weapons. Clearly, this was an organized assault, perhaps long in the making.” Homeland Security Closing In On ‘Mystery’ Money Backing Antifa  We The People Daily, June 4, 2020

Pelosi’s private army, Antifa, dragged a disabled man out of his wheelchair and then viciously beat him all while bystanders cheer the brutal rioters on. And that’s the Democrat’s new normal for you. Disabled Man in Wheel Chair Brutally Beaten by “Peaceful” Rioters, Patriot for America, June 4.20

Antifa has been planning a nationwide insurrection for months, according to a detailed exclusive report in THe Washington Times. Antifa has been plotting nationwide insurrection since last fall: Report Conservative Institute, June 4, 2020

“Basically, if you are protesting against “systemic racism” you can ignore the coronavirus protocols simply because it is protesting for a cause righteous in the Democrat’s eyes. But if you are protesting against tyrannical orders set from mayors and governors, you better be wearing your mask. You’ll be labeled “uncaring” and “greedy” just because you want to get back to work.” What Happened To The Deathly Coronavirus? By Politico Daily June 4, 2020

Truth Doesn’t Know Color

The riots, burning, and violence continue, as this is the way the Democrat Party has been trained by the Soviet Charlatans—the agenda is Power. The paralyzed Dems leadership in Minnesota is not a coincident: “never let a crises to go waste”. Due to a deliberate dereliction of duets by the MN Governor and MN Attorney General the riots were looting and burning without control, giving the signals to other Blue states, governors, and mayors to organize the violent activity… And they did…More than 400 law enforcement officers injured in riots across U.S.

MN Attorney General Keith Ellison, MN Governor Tim Walz, and the Squad members in Minnesota are the Red Flag for me—the nuclear of the current resistance to Trump. Misleading words of the MN Governor Tim Walz and AG Keith Ellison of togetherness are an attempt to cover-up the crime committed by them in Minneapolis—not promptly combating back the mob and arrest them. As a result more than 200 family business had been damaged and looted. Minneapolis was hijacked by criminals for several days due to crime committed by the Democrat leadership there…

Family businesses are built by owners’ sweat, blood and tears, they comprised half of country’s economy. Destruction of family businesses when the owners are the victims sacrificed their livelihood is an act of war against capitalist economy and American civilians. Democrats don’t like the independence of family businesses. Today, you are witnessing even more criminal attempts by the Democrats–to defund police, which means more destabilize America. Jeremiah Ellison: “We are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department. And when we’re done, we’re not simply gonna glue it back together.” Minneapolis City Council Member.

Minneapolis Police Department to Be Dismantled, Says Ilhan Omar & City Council Member. My Red Flags had been right…Arrogant Socialist Charlatans are feeling free to express publicly their hate towards the American political system, designed by our Founding Fathers. They are taking advantage of the dysfunctional FBI. Meanwhile, David Dorn, a black policemen was killed, defending a family enterprise—nobody talking about a heroic act of that black policeman. This is the moment of moral clarity–What a shame on you America! Truth doesn’t know color…

When the American media discuss organized crime, they are usually talking about street criminals. They have never understood the term—Political Mafia, which is similar to any other mafias. President Richard Nixon was convinced to give up the White House for attempting to use the FBI against his political opponents. President Obama in cahoots with the Clinton mafia has recently done just that and established a Mafia-State government in. A criminal enterprise fashioned after the Russian Socialist model of fraud, deceit, and universal corruption is being foisted upon us, including the ideology of Socialism. I see all of it in America today…

Yet, American media, Socialist accusations of “White Supremacy” and the names of some Socialist Charlatans required a separate column to write as well as the Mayor of Washington D.C. Muriel Bowser…

To be continued www.simonappko1.com and at www.drrichswier.com/author/spiko/

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RELATED VIDEO: Undercover Investigation Minneapolis Riot Was Preplanned.