America Doesn’t Need a New Revolution

Can the country confront its current problems with its traditional can-do spirit? We have barely four months to figure out how.

By Ayaan Hirsi Ali

The Wall Street Journal

Outrage is the natural response to the brutal killing of George Floyd. Yet outrage and clear, critical thinking seldom go hand in hand. An act of police brutality became the catalyst for a revolutionary mood. Protests spilled over into violence and looting. Stores were destroyed; policemen and civilians injured and killed. The truism “black lives matter” was joined by a senseless slogan: “Defund the police.”

Democratic politicians—and some Republicans—hastened to appease the protesters. The mayors of Los Angeles and New York pledged to cut their cities’ police budgets. The Minneapolis City Council said it intended to disband the police department. The speaker of the House and other congressional Democrats donned scarves made of Ghanaian Kente cloth and kneeled in the Capitol. Sen. Mitt Romney joined a march.

Corporate executives scrambled to identify their brands with the protests. By the middle of June, according to polls, American public opinion had been transformed from skepticism about the Black Lives Matter movement to widespread support. Politicians, journalists and other public figures who had denounced protests against the pandemic lockdown suddenly lost their concern about infection. One Johns Hopkins epidemiologist tweeted on June 2: “In this moment the public health risks of not protesting to demand an end to systemic racism greatly exceed the harms of the virus.”

Although I am a black African—an immigrant who came to the U.S. freely—I am keenly aware of the hardships and miseries African-Americans have endured for centuries. Slavery, Reconstruction, segregation: I know the history. I know that there is still racial prejudice in America, and that it manifests itself in the aggressive way some police officers handle African-Americans. I know that by measures of wealth, health, and education, African-Americans remain on average closer to the bottom of society than to the top. I know, too, that African-American communities have been disproportionately hurt by both Covid-19 and the economic disruption of lockdowns.

Yet when I hear it said that the U.S. is defined above all by racism, when I see books such as Robin DiAngelo’s “White Fragility” top the bestseller list, when I read of educators and journalists being fired for daring to question the orthodoxies of Black Lives Matter—then I feel obliged to speak up.

“What the media also do not tell you,” I tweeted on June 9, “is that America is the best place on the planet to be black, female, gay, trans or what have you. We have our problems and we need to address those. But our society and our systems are far from racist.”

America looks different if you grew up, as I did, in Africa and the Middle East. There I had firsthand experience of three things. First, bloody internecine wars between Africans—with all the combatants dark-skinned, and no white people present. Second, the anarchy that comes when there is no police, no law, and order. Third, the severe racism (as well as sexism) of a society such as Saudi Arabia, where de facto slavery still exists.

I came to the U.S. in 2006, having lived in the Netherlands since 1992. Like most immigrants, I came with a confidence that in America I would be judged on my merits rather than on the basis of racial or sexual prejudice.

There’s a reason the U.S. remains, as it has long been, the destination of choice for would-be migrants. We know that there is almost no difference in the unemployment rate for foreign-born and native-born workers—unlike in the European Union.

We immigrants see the downsides of American society: the expensive yet inefficient health-care system, the shambolic public schools in poor communities, the poverty that no welfare program can alleviate. But we also see, as Charles Murray and J.D. Vance have shown, that these problems aren’t unique to black America. White America is also, in Mr. Murray’s phrase, “coming apart” socially. Broken marriages and alienated young men are problems in Appalachia as much as in the inner cities.

If America is a chronically racist society, then why are the “deaths of despair” studied by Anne Case and Angus Deaton so heavily concentrated among middle-aged white Americans? Did the Covid-19 pandemic make us forget the opioid epidemic, which has disproportionately afflicted the white population?

This country is only 244 years old, but it may be showing signs of age. Time was, Americans were renowned for their can-do, problem-solving attitude. Europeans, as Alexis de Tocqueville complained, were inclined to leave problems to central authorities in Paris or Berlin. Americans traditionally solved problems locally, sitting together in town halls and voluntary associations. Some of that spirit still exists, even if we now have to meet on Zoom. But the old question—“How can we figure this out?”—is threatened with replacement by “Why can’t the government figure this out for us?”

The problem is that there are people among us who don’t want to figure it out and who have an interest in avoiding workable solutions. They have an obvious political incentive not to solve social problems, because social problems are the basis of their power. That is why, whenever a scholar like Roland Fryer brings new data to the table—showing it’s simply not true that the police disproportionately shoot black people dead—the response is not to read the paper but to try to discredit its author.

I have no objection to the statement “black lives matter.” But the movement that uses that name has a sinister hostility to serious, fact-driven discussion of the problem it purports to care about. Even more sinister is the haste with which academic, media and business leaders abase themselves before it. There will be no resolution of America’s many social problems if free thought and free speech are no longer upheld in our public sphere. Without them, honest deliberation, mutual learning and the American problem-solving ethic are dead.

America’s elites have blundered into this mess. There were eight years of hedonistic hubris under Bill Clinton. Then came 9/11 and for eight years the U.S. suffered nemesis in Afghanistan, Iraq and in the financial crash. After that we had eight years of a liberal president, and the hubris returned. Sanctimonious politics coincided with deeply unequal economics.

Through all this, many Americans felt completely left out—of the technology boom, of the enterprise of globalization. I never thought I would agree with Michael Moore. But at an October 2016 event, he predicted that Donald Trump would win: “Trump’s election is going to be the biggest [middle finger] ever recorded in human history.” I still think that analysis was right. Mr. Trump wasn’t elected because of his eloquence. He was elected to convey that middle finger to those who had been smugly in charge for decades.

But you can’t give the middle finger to a pandemic, and 2020 has exposed the limitations of Mr. Trump as a president. Yet when you look at the alternative, you have to wonder where it would lead us. Back to the elite hubris of the 1990s and 2010s? I can’t help thinking that another shattering defeat might force sane center-left liberals into saying: That wasn’t a one-off; we’ve got a real problem. They’ll be in the same position as the British Labour Party after four years of Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership and two election defeats, when eventually the moderates had to throw the leftists out. One way or another, the Democratic Party has to find a way of throwing out the socialists who are destroying it.

The Republicans, too, have to change their ways. They have to reconnect with young people. They have to address the concerns of Hispanics. And they have to listen to African-Americans, who most certainly do not want to see the police in their neighborhoods replaced by woke community organizers.

We have barely four months to figure this out in the old American way. To figure out how to contain Covid-19, which we haven’t yet done, because—I dare to say it—old lives matter, too, and it is old people as well as minorities whom this disease disproportionately kills. To figure out how to reduce violence, because the police wouldn’t use guns so often if criminals didn’t carry them so often. Perhaps most pressing of all, to figure out how to hold an election in November that isn’t marred by procedural problems, allegations of abuse and postelection tumult.

Who knows? Maybe there’s even time for the candidates to debate the challenges we confront—not with outrage, but with the kind of critical thinking we Americans were once famous for, which takes self-criticism as the first step toward finding solutions.

Copyright © 2020. ACT for America, All rights reserved.

Gorsuch Does Transgenderism: Notes on the Wreckage

Hadley Arkes: Let’s remember the constitutional role played by the political branches in the past, liberal and conservative, to narrow and counter court decisions.

n my previous column (“The Ebbing of Truth”), I was bracing for the decision that the Supreme Court was about to hand down in a case on transgenderism (Harris Funeral Homes v. EEOC and Bostock v. Clayton County).  Some of us were girding our loins for a shock of seismic force because there had been rumors, now proven so regrettably true, that Justice Neil Gorsuch would defect from the conservative side.

The man who was appointed, with high fanfare, to take the place of Justice Scalia would now make the decisive vote, and write the opinion, in a case that promises to disfigure our laws and our lives, much in the way that Roe v. Wade has worked to remake the culture.

If the schools now begin to instruct the young on the even newer, liberated culture set before them, the youngsters may be given now to wonder just how stable are the differences that really distinguish their mothers from their fathers – or themselves, from their brothers and sisters.  As Michael Hanby, David Crawford and Maggie McCarthy argued, this case may well have brought, as C.S. Lewis had it, “the abolition of man” – and woman.

The case involved Anthony Stephens, who had been working at the Harris Funeral Homes in Michigan for several years before he informed his employers that he wished to “live and work fully as a woman.” In his opinion for the Court, Justice Gorsuch referred to Stephens as “Aimee” and used feminine pronouns at every point.

Gorsuch remarked that “Aimee” had “presented as a male” when “she first got the job.”  From the outset, Gorsuch absorbed the predicate of Stephens’ claim: that in his own understanding, he had in fact become a woman.

Michael Hanby and his colleagues correctly noted that the issue was not the freedom of Stephens to present himself as a woman. To confirm Stephens’ argument was to confirm the obligation of all people around him to respect that claim and treat him as though he were indeed a woman.  If they didn’t affirm that lie, they and their employers could be charged with sustaining a “hostile work environment.”

Some of my friends, reading the case closely, insist that Gorsuch never actually affirmed that Stephens had indeed altered his sex, in the strictest understanding of sex, as the objective differences in the ways our bodies are organized for the function of reproduction.

On the surface, that reading of Gorsuch may look and sound plausible.   But I think we can show, with an even closer reading, that this offers, as the saying goes, a “metaphysic without consequence.” That reading will do nothing to dislodge the judgment in this case, and I think it comes apart the closer we look.

Gorsuch remarked that his judgment did not reach the matter of bathrooms and locker rooms, for those situations were not contained in the case at hand. But Justice Alito quickly pointed out that the holding had been, after all, that it was wrong to turn away from anyone – to withhold a job or a benefit – because of an aversion to a person’s sexual choice of changing genders.  That judgment would presumptively apply to all instances of that discrimination, and indeed the first case has already been pressed on the side of a transgendered high-school girl, seeking admission to a boys’ bathroom.

In the meantime, some of the new, young conservative federal judges may be able to use these cases to resist the sweep of this new principle.  They hope then to induce the Supreme Court to take a sober, second look.

Congress could also make it clear again that the Civil Rights Acts do not bar all-female colleges, and it might deal as well then with female teams and locker rooms.  The Trump Administration has already acted in its own sphere – e.g., in denying access of transgendered women to “women’s shelters.”   It’s time to remind ourselves of the constitutional role played by the political branches in the past, liberal and conservative, to narrow and counter decisions of the courts.

Gorsuch did not have to say anything conclusive on that question of whether Stephens had in fact become a woman.   He could simply use his alchemy of “textualism,” working on the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and settle on this limited point: that if Stephens came to regard himself as a woman, that is an understanding that the rest of us are obliged to respect when it comes to “discrimination on the basis of sex.”

But that may also be the key to explain why it will mean nothing in the end to note that Gorsuch had not exactly said that Stephens had changed his biological sex.  My friend Gerard Bradley distilled things in this way:  In the biological sciences, “sex is binary, innate, and immutable.”  And it goes beyond anatomical differences to penetrate to the level of cells.

But “gender identity,” as he says, “denotes a fluid belief system based on cultural constructs, emotion, experiences.”

Gorsuch and the Court can preserve their detachment on the question of whether a man can become a woman only if they simply ignore that inescapable, objective truth of what constitutes “sex.”  To admit that truth is to turn the decision into gibberish.  For if the meaning of “sex” was indeed so inescapably true, no one could be obliged to respect Stephens’ claim to be regarded as a woman.

The deeper irony is that this truth, as a truth, no more comes into sight for the conservative critics of this decision than it does for Gorsuch and his colleagues.  It may be the understanding of “sex” contained in the statutes and in accord with the dictionaries of 1964. But that truth would be there even if the statutes and the dictionaries had said something else.

And conservatives have not counted the ignoring of this truth as the deepest wrong in this decision.  For the melancholy fact is that the appeal to anchoring moral truths has long been ruled out of what has been taken, in our own day,  as “conservative jurisprudence.”


Hadley Arkes

Hadley Arkes is the Ney Professor of Jurisprudence Emeritus at Amherst College and the Founder/Director of the James Wilson Institute on Natural Rights & the American Founding. His most recent book is Constitutional Illusions & Anchoring Truths: The Touchstone of the Natural Law. Volume II of his audio lectures from The Modern Scholar, First Principles and Natural Law is now available for download.

EDITORS NOTE: This Catholic Thing column is republished with permission. © 2020 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

FORMER REP. BOB BARR: ‘The Dumbest Generation’ Grows Even Dumber

In 2008, Mark Bauerlein wrote “The Dumbest Generation, How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future.” Judging by events in the intervening dozen years (and especially in recent months), it appears that assessment was premature and perhaps even too kind.

Bauerlein correctly identified overreliance on the internet and social media (then still in its infancy) as the primary culprits for Millennials losing their ability to think, learn and communicate coherently. What his analysis perhaps did not anticipate is the number of adults who have come to encourage, empower and support Millennials in these efforts. It is almost as if adults in government, the news media and academia are competing with Millennials for the title.

Consider, for example, the issue of providing college students with “safe spaces,” where they can shelter from the horrors of people, ideas and principles they consider “offensive.” The students may be the ones pushing for these accommodations, but it is the adult college administrators who cave in and make it happen.

Young protesters in Seattle may “occupy” a sector of that once-respected city; they may scream “police brutality” and call for the police department to be “defunded.” Their  demands, however, would amount to little were it not for the city’s clueless Mayor Jenny Durken, who lauded the young occupiers as “patriots,” and her namby-pamby police chief, Carmen Best, who decided that barricades which had protected one of her department’s precinct headquarters should be removed as a “gesture of trust” to the mob.

While adult elected enablers of today’s young mobs predominate in west coast cities such as Portland, Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles, counterparts are found across the country. New York’s dynamic duo of Governor Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio repeatedly praise and encourage the demonstrators, even as they offer virtually no support for police who are left to deal with the looting, arson and violence in the streets. Meanwhile, Cuomo’s narcissistic brother, CNN commentator Chris Cuomo, muses on air that protesters need not be either polite or peaceful.

On the ground in Seattle’s mob-occupied zone, a collegiate-type “safe space” was set aside, but only for individuals with “black ancestry” or who “have experienced oppression because [they] are black.” In an interesting role-reversal, news reports noted that this open-air “Black Healing Space” was enforced against non-black interlopers by young whites.

The profound historical and cultural illiteracy of these young mobs repeatedly is confirmed by actions such as their indiscriminate destruction of public statues simply because they are, well, public statues. Reasoning with demonstrators who have shown themselves incapable of distinguishing between statues of musicians like Stevie Ray Vaughan and those memorializing Confederate civil war generals would be an obvious waste of time.

In Lincoln County, Oregon, officials decreed that black Americans do not have to wear medical masks otherwise required for all citizens, because requiring African Americans to do so would in some way perpetuate “racial stereotypes.” Truly, there would be little point in arguing with adults spouting such nonsense; they have thrown in with the children.

The depth to which these “adult Millennials” and their “true Millennial” cohorts have descended in their drive to protect themselves (and our country) from reality, is perhaps most clearly illustrated by the wrath just recently directed against “Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling.

Rowling’s “sin” was to publicly explain that only biological women menstruate, not men who had “transgendered” to women. Adult detractors were not only angered by Rowling’s refusal to kowtow to the New Age gender orthodoxy; they reportedly were deeply “devastated” by the horror of her words.

One such person is a teacher at the highly regarded Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Devin Michelle Bunten. Ms. Bunten penned a New York Times op-ed declaring that people, like Rowling and President Trump, who employ terms such as “male” and “female” are “erasing” transgendered individuals and simply perpetuating what she considers our disgraceful social “patriarchy.”

With adult teachers at institutions of higher learning like MIT spouting such nonsense, it is hardly surprising we have now two generations of illiterate snowflakes who cannot distinguish between Stevie Ray Vaughan and Stonewall Jackson.



Bob Barr represented Georgia’s 7th District in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 2003 and served as the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia from 1986 to 1990.  He now serves as President of the Law Enforcement Education Foundation based in Atlanta, Georgia.


George Washington Monument Defaced In New York City

Detroit Police Officer Drives Into Crowd After Protesters Surround Car, Video Shows

‘It Highlights Capitalism’s Brutality’: Socialist Seattle City Councilmember Blames Capitalism For Latest CHAZ Shooting

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Gates to Gehenna

Gehenna: (in both Judaism and Christianity) hell.  Bill Gates openly admits that he is a globalist and eugenicist working toward the New World Order with his plan to mass vaccinate and depopulate the planet by 10% to 15%, which may suggest to the alert-minded that his vaccinations will not improve life, but eliminate life.  Bill Gates’s Quantum Dot Vaccine will have an enzyme called Luciferace.  When injected into the human, it will “mark” the person like cattle, and be trackable.  The patent application filed by Microsoft Technology Licensing, LCC, and registered on 26 March 2020, is WO/2020/060606, known as “666” and titled, “Cryptocurrency system using body activity data.”

There have always been voices whose aim it was to abolish national sovereignty for globalism – a Master Plan for world conquest.  In addition to the discernible despots, there are the self-defined intellectual elites – the enlightened ones – whose world government would guarantee protection for the submissive or unaware in exchange for their freedom and human dignity.

Bill and Melinda Gates, aided and abetted by the Obama administration, leads the way in destroying public education, turning out under educated Marxists with his Common Core curriculum.  It also oversexualizes the children toward transgendering, demeaning the boys for toxic masculinity, their virility and desire to father the next generation with the anticipated result of depopulation, Gates’s ultimate purpose.   His foundation for depopulation, heavily financed by Warren Buffet’s $30 billion donation, contributes to engineering millions, perhaps billions, of human casualties and tragedies.

If the global warming panic and the gender madness failed to subdue us effectively, the coronavirus, COVID-19, fortuitously, if not purposely created to deliver the scare tactics, continues the assault.  Inexperienced epidemiologists were suddenly in authority, spouting severe cautionary statements, only to change them the following week.  This is an American, even a World, First to force-quarantine the healthy, using carefully manipulating behaviors.   All but “necessary” businesses were shut down indefinitely, some open under strict conditions.  The elite in the limelight remained well coiffed and free to conduct their own affairs.

To the false goals of flattening the curve and bogus fatality rates, power seekers added new prohibitions.  Having achieved submission, despotic governors issued additional senseless proclamations, varying in type,  intensity and duration, that turned sheltered care facilities into virus breeding grounds, workforces into depressed unemployed, some homebound into spousal abusers, and the desperate into suicides.  School closings may have caused irreparable damage to the children who, left on their own, would fall further behind the studious and gifted.   Many businesses closed their doors forever, and major industries – travel, real estate, construction, and more – were seriously affected.

Dr. Antony Fauci, “respected” epidemiologist, immunologist, and member of Gates’s Leadership Council, issued many directives based on available data, only to modify them later, with the media adding to the hysteria.  Dr. Stephen M. Smith, a widely respected infectious disease specialist, called hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) a “game changer,” a safe, effective treatment for COVID-19.  The FDA had ruled it safe for the last half-century.   In April, a poll of 62,000 physicians in 30 countries found HCQ to be the best drug available to treat this virus – used in conjunction with azithromycin, zinc and Vitamin D.  But Fauci endorsed remdesivir, which was shown to be a failed antiviral drug that had significantly higher mortality rates (5%), but also a significantly higher profit margin.

Dr. Peter R. Breggin, MD, has now published his findings, “Fauci’s Remdesivir: Inadequate to Treat COVID-19 and Potentially Lethal.”   Adverse reactions may include lung damage – respiratory failure or acute respiratory distress syndrome, with five percent developing a life-threatening decline in condition. Fauci clandestinely ended a double-bind clinical trial “to let the placebo group know so they can have access to remdesivir.” However, since the drug was not saving lives, had serious effects from earlier trials, and its results were disappointing and controversial, “Fauci may have needlessly endangered the lives of the placebo patients by unleashing remdesivir upon them.”  Fauci’s research is considered worthless, “except to raise serious doubts about the drug’s hidden safety profile.”  Lancet reported the drug’s potential increased damage to the lungs.

Through the duration of the trial, Fauci must have realized that his drug was not going to reduce the mortality rate or even lead to complete recovery.  When success criteria were dropped, the primary marker became “time to recovery.”  Fauci then “reinvented the concept of recovery” to include patients who remain hospitalized or at home, requiring oxygen and needing to limit their activities – to get his desired results.  It was also revealed that of Fauci’s 50 committee members who set treatment guidelines, nine had financial ties to Giliad, manufacturer of remdesivir, the vaccination peddled by Fauci.  The less profitable HCQ was removed as an option with no verifiable statistics; remdesivir is being used today.

The corrupt Veterans Administration study claimed to show HCQ useless and dangerous, and President Trump’s treatment of hydroxychloroquine was ridiculed, but frontline physicians around the world contend their studies have shown it to be an “astonishingly effective … miracle drug!”

Some people were made so fearful by inaccurate “statistics,” the lockdowns and job losses to ruin the economy, that it triggered neuroses, obsessive behavior, anger and cruelty.  Face masks are still mandated although Dr. Fauci admitted their purpose was primarily for psychological reassurance.  For some they cause anxiety, PTSD, claustrophobia, and exacerbate asthma, headaches, and respiratory issues.  The masks and media perpetuate the fear, keep the public eager for vaccinations, and prevent specific rallies and in-person voting.  The public is in limbo, their lives on hold, eagerly awaiting a “blessed” vaccination.

The millions of out-of-school students and lockdown-unemployed are free to become Bill Gates’s willing army of contract tracers for an illusion of safety, and to ensure that his vaccinations are implemented according to his plan.  To what end?  To collect data and encourage people to tattle on others, to keep the public vulnerable and acquiescent while demanding his vaccine of choice for the trillion-dollar industry – as well as to destroy our America for the coveted One World.  The globalist crème include Bill and Melinda Gates, the Soros foundations, Hillary Clinton, Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Corp., Ford Foundation, Warren Buffet, and 150 mainstream media outlets.  The International Air Transport Association (IATA), representing 299 airlines, is the prime promoter of a global ID tracking system – contract tracing for an “Immunity Passport” for the right to travel.

Sold as necessary for “the common good,” the passport is already operating in some states by the 13.5 IOS update on the iphone.  Gates’s control reaches wealth, policies, priorities, population, health, narratives, minds, land, industries, the rights to movement and our future.  He is involved with everything, and he is willing to risk other people’s lives.

As reported by noted investigative journalists Corey’s Digs, the WHO, UN and Gates control the media; the healthcare and vaccine industriesclimate change hoax, with 200 billionaires who would also like to rule the world; geoengineering population control; tourism in islands known for drugs and human trafficking; investments in lab-grown meat; labor and sex trafficking in Africa; population control through abortion and transgenderism; eugenics, carrying out experimentation on humans, and population databases; and contact tracing, a multiple-state surveillance program on Americans.  Bill Gates intends to control global population based on their immunity, as verified by the “digital certificate.”  The $3 trillion coronavirus package submitted to Congress includes $75 billion for Nancy Pelosi’s COVID19 testing, tracing and isolation program, which is being marketed to governors across the country and already underway in Massachusetts.

Contact tracing, whose structure already exists for Partners in Health (PIH), with Chelsea Clinton on the board of trustees, has been well funded by Bill Gates.  The program is designed to investigate one’s personal life, includes quarantine camps, mandatory masks in public despite Dr. Fauci’s admission (above), and provides mobile units (contact tracing armies) that will seize and isolate anyone who tests positive.  The supporting programs already exist in Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, and North Carolina; are under discussion in California, Minnesota, and Maryland; and planned for the rest of the world.  They judge President Trump a “national security risk” because Trump was going to “unravel vital ties across the Asia-Pacific region,” which I take to mean an impediment to Gates’s vaccination plans.

The contact tracing has begun.  Washington state is forcing restaurants to keep daily logs of their customers – name, address, phone number, time of arrival. Indiana is outsourcing their tracing to Maximus, a 500-people staff at a cost of $43 million a year.  California’s Governor Newsome has mandated masking and building a tracing army, a volunteer corps of 10,000; Michigan’s Governor Whitmer has already recruited 2,000 volunteer tracers.  Tennessee has been housing the homeless during the pandemic, a forced quarantine.  Wisconsin’s Supreme Court struck down the stay-at-home order and seizure of power, which would have had citizens detained and confined without benefit of trial.

Gates hopes to implement digital certificates, to obtain everyone’s virus and vaccination histories.  He wants a “national tracking system,” a human “barcode,” to determine the person’s health, vaccination identity and status.  He assures us that this is merely for safety and convenience – that is, until it’s not, when he may desire the information’s value for other reasons, against our human and civil rights.

Bill Gates extends his unlimited wealth and reach far beyond travel, for credit, purchases, job opportunities, healthcare access.  Lacking credentials, he transformed his self-image from software magnate into a visionary capable of defining the health of billions of people around the globe.  As noted in The Corbett Report, the Gates Foundation has spent tens of millions of dollars per year on media partnerships to boost his new image and his connections with global alliances and big pharmaceutical companies, earning him profits in the billions.  He helped to create Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance; the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; control ten tropical diseases; the Global Financing Facility for Women, Children and Adolescents; the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations; the World Health Organization; the National Institute of Health; the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, and more, including their pledge to “fight” coronavirus, with Dr. Gauci as representative.  His “philanthropy” of investing his Microsoft stock into his foundation, during the Decade of Vaccines, doubled to $103.1 billion; philanthropy becomes revenue.

The accolades Gates received for vaccines the world over led to enormous profits for Big Pharma companies, greater control for the Gates Foundation over global health, and greater power for Bill Gates over the planet’s population.  He persuades that we cannot return to normal until there’s a vaccine for all, yet he acknowledges the risks (the paralysis of 40 to 500 children, the paralysis of 490,000+ in India from the oral polio vaccines given between 2000 and 2017) and therefore, wants advance legal immunity for the pharma companies.  He continues to threaten our freedoms with impending doom in order to market his untested, experimental vaccinations to everyone on the planet.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced 20% of human test subjects were severely injured from Gates-Fauci coronavirus vaccines by Moderna.  Fauci was so confident that he waived ferret and primate studies, and 15 human guinea pigs suffered a serious adverse event within 43 days of receiving Moderna’s injections.  A vaccine with those reaction rates could cause grave injuries in 1.5 billion humans if administered to “every person on earth.”  Corey’s Digs assures that money is not the end goal of Gates’s “philanthropic” activities.  It is also not control of only the health industry, but of the human population itself.

©All rights reserved.

The Thin Blue Line

There are good cops and there are bad cops. There are good doctors and there are bad doctors.

The 24/7 fake news media insists that the mob is tearing down statues, smashing windows, looting, and burning down cities because a bad cop killed a man. I don’t think so.

Does the mob burn down hospitals when a bad doctor kills a patient? No, why not? Because there is no advantage to the rulers of the mob in burning hospitals to the ground. The phrase “mob rule” is a misnomer because the mob is not self-ruled, the mob does not rule the mob, the mob has leaders.  ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter (BLM) are racist, supremacist, anti-American domestic terrorist organizations. Their leaders advocate the overthrow of the U.S. government, reverse discrimination, and eliminating police departments.

In a civilized society there are lawful remedies to remove bad cops and bad doctors. It can be legitimately argued that it is difficult to remove bad cops and bad doctors because their unions and licensing boards are self-monitoring and self-governing. Police unions require too many infractions for removal, and medical doctors can simply move to another state and practice elsewhere without any limitation or public disclosure. In a civilized society, the remedy for these difficulties is changing the guidelines for removal, or even the structure of the governing bodies themselves.

So, why the violence and support of anarchy? Because the rulers of the mob are not looking for lawful reform to remove bad cops – the rulers of the mob want to remove the rule of law. There are no laws without law enforcement, only chaos.

The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), the largest fraternal organization of sworn law enforcement officers in the United States has over 330,000 members organized in 2,200 chapters (lodges) across the country. According to the FOP:

“The five-cornered star tends to remind us of the allegiance we owe to our Flag and is a symbol of the authority with which we are entrusted. It is an honor the people we serve bestow upon us. They place their confidence and trust in us; serve them proudly. Midway between the points and center of the star is a blue field representative of the thin blue line protecting those we serve. Within the half circle over the centerpiece is our motto, ‘Jus, Fidus, Libertatum’ which translated means ‘Law is a Safeguard of Freedom.’”

The thin blue line is what keeps society from descending into violent chaos.

The advantage of tearing down statues, smashing windows, looting, and burning down cities for the rulers of the mob is overwhelming social chaos to make the country ungovernable. Why? Because social chaos is the prerequisite for seismic social change. The mob rulers fully intend to fundamentally transform America and replace our constitutional republic with socialism.

Antifa and BLM are foot soldiers of the revolution. The identifiable mob leaders are contracted by the unobserved globalist elite. It is the globalist bosses who are directing the social chaos by funding and fomenting mob violence, and by neutering the police force with radical leftist stand-down policies.

Voter beware! The goal of the radical leftist Democrat party and their globalist bosses is not regulatory reform. Their ultimate goal is to replace the existing blue police force with their own mercenary stormtroopers. Antifa and BLM will become the brownshirts of the new normal in America. The radical leftist Democrat war on police is the last stage in the globalist war on America.

Social chaos in Minneapolis, Portland, and Seattle are the blueprint for establishing autonomous zones that will fundamentally transform America from freedom to tyranny. Parallel NO-GO zones established by Islamists in European countries have been stunningly successful in eliminating the laws and law enforcement of the host country, and in fundamentally transforming the zones from freedom to tyranny under Islamic sharia law.

Eliminating the police force and dissolving the second amendment are the strategic goals of the globalist initiative that leave Americans totally unprotected and vulnerable to globalist takeover. Without the protection of the thin blue line, the globalist elite bosses can win their war on America. All they have to do is convince Americans that all cops are bad cops. Corporate sponsors of BLM and Antifa support the globalist effort with virtue signaling platitudes.

The globalist mainstream media promotes the globalist effort with demonstrably false accusations of systemic racism that are repeated incessantly. The war on America is a comprehensive attack on American freedom. Law is a safeguard of freedom, and there is no rule of law without law enforcement. Of course the ultimate target of the revolution is the police. The thin blue line is what stands between anarchy and freedom. What the useful idiots protesting in support of Antifa and BLM do not realize, is that after the chaos comes the tyranny of globalist oppression.

There are no individual freedoms in the New World Order of the globalist elite. The unified globalized world is a binary socio-political system with the globalist ruling elite at the the top of the pyramid, and the enslaved population who serve them below. Globalism is the twenty-first century name for feudalism. The New World Order is the very old system of masters and slaves.

VOTER BEWARE! The radical leftist political mob in Washington plans to use your vote to transfer your freedoms, your liberties, and your constitutional rights to the waiting globalist elite. Political Armageddon is scheduled on November 3, 2020.

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Trump Defies Liberals By Chugging Entire Bottle Of Aunt Jemima Syrup

TULSA, OK—Liberals are trying to ruin America by destroying all our favorite corporate mascots, logos, and team names. But President Trump says he won’t have it. He defied the woke progressive crowd this week by chugging an entire bottle of Aunt Jemima syrup at his Tulsa rally.

The crowd cheered as Trump put the bottle to his lips and chugged. “Chug! Chug! Chug!” they chanted, screaming with delight as he pounded the whole thing down. Cries of “That’s my president!” and “One more bottle! One more bottle!” erupted from the frenzied audience as stray strands of syrup dripped down the president’s chin.

“Nobody cancels Aunt Jemima on my watch,” he had said before solemnly holding up the bottle of syrup and then guzzling down the entire thing in one gulp. “Ah. That’s good stuff. You know, I always liked Aunt Jemima syrup. Way better than Mrs. Butterworth’s. People say I’m racist, but I’m not — I don’t see color. I just taste how good the syrup is and follow my tastebuds.”

“As long as I have total power here in America, Aunt Jemima will be under my protection.”


Mastercard Changes Name To Equalitycard

Chick-Fil-A Now Open On Sunday But Only For Black People

Government Announces Lockdown Of All Fast-Food Restaurants To Prevent Heart Disease

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Why a Democrat State Senator Was Beaten by the Black Lives Matter Mob He Supported

Why a Democrat State Senator Was Beaten by the Black Lives Matter Mob He Supported

[To get the whole story on the Left’s suicidal political odyssey, read Jamie Glazov’s United in Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror: CLICK HERE.]

Editors’ note: Democrat State Senator Tim Carpenter is now yet another leftist abused by the totalitarian entity he worships. He was recently beaten up by the protesters he was supporting and filming outside the Wisconsin State Capitol. It was all expected, of course, since, as transpires in all communist revolutions, the Marxist mobs always come for the leftists who dance with them. This is precisely why the Socialist Taliban is now pulling down statues that symbolize progressive politics and also devouring their supporters such as Minneapolis Mayor Jacob FreyEllen Degeneres and Jimmy Kimmel. In light of these latest developments, Frontpage has deemed it vital to run, below, Frontpage Editor Jamie Glazov’s article, How Vittorio Arrigoni Went to Gaza Hoping to Die, from the April 18, 2011 issue of PJ Media, which unveils how and why political pilgrims perpetually shed their own blood in their romance with tyranny and terror. Don’t miss it.

How Vittorio Arrigoni Went to Gaza Hoping to Die.
By Jamie Glazov

“Bit by bit, decorate it, arrange the details, find the ingredients, imagine it, choose it, get advice on it, shape it into a work without spectators, one which exists only for oneself, just for the shortest little moment of life.”
—Michel Foucault, describing the pleasure of preparing oneself for suicide.

The Italian cheerleader for Hamas, Vittorio Arrigoni, has died at the hands of the Islamic terrorism that he venerated throughout his life. The fellow traveler journeyed to the Gaza Strip to prostrate himself before his secular deity, Hamas, and to assist its venture of perpetrating genocide against Israelis. Islamic terrorists, who call themselves “Salafists,” showed their gratitude to Arrigoni by kidnapping, mercilessly beating, and executing him.

This episode was, of course, all part of an expected script: even though the media and our higher literary culture never discuss the reasons, the historical record reveals one undeniable fact: like thousands of political pilgrims before him, Vittorio Arrigoni went to Gaza to die. Indeed, consciously or unconsciously, in their unquenchable quest for sacrificing human life on the altar of their utopian ideals, fellow travelers always lust for death, and if not the death of others, then of their own.

It is no coincidence that a short while before “Salafists” killed Arrigoni, Juliano Mer-Khamis, a cheerleader of terrorism in Israel who, like Arrigoni, dedicated his life to praising the Palestinian death cult and working for the annihilation of Israel, was murdered by Islamic terrorists in Jenin. It is no coincidence that Rachel Corrie, the infamous enabler of the International Solidarity Movement, a group that disrupts anti-terrorism activities of the Israel Defense Forces, committed suicide in protecting Hamas terrorists by throwing herself in front of an Israeli bulldozer. And it is no coincidence that female leftist “peace” activists are routinely raped, brutalized, and enslaved by the Arabs of Judea and Samaria that they come to aid and glorify in their Jew-hating odyssey against Israel. And don’t hold your breath, by the way, waiting for leftist feminists to protest this phenomenon; they are faithfully following in the footsteps of American fellow traveler Anna Louise Strong and the Stalinist German writer Bertolt Brecht, two typical leftist believers who were completely undisturbed by the arrests and deaths of their friends in the Stalinist purges – having never even inquired about them after their disappearance.

Beneath the leftist believer’s veneration of the despotic enemy lies one of his most powerful yearnings: to submit his whole being to a totalist entity. This psychological dynamic involves negative identification, whereby a person who has failed to identify positively with his own environment subjugates his individuality to a powerful, authoritarian entity, through which he vicariously experiences a feeling of power and purpose. The historian David Potter has succinctly crystallized this phenomenon:

… most of us, if not all of us, fulfill ourselves and realize our own identities as persons through our relations with others; we are, in a sense, what our community, or as some sociologists would say, more precisely, what our reference group, recognizes us as being. If it does not recognize us, or if we do not feel that it does, or if we are confused as to what the recognition is, then we become not only lonely, but even lost, and profoundly unsure of our identity. We are driven by this uncertainty into a somewhat obsessive effort to discover our identity and to make certain of it. If this quest proves too long or too difficult, the need for identity becomes psychically very burdensome and the individual may be driven to escape this need by renouncing his own identity and surrendering himself to some seemingly greater cause outside himself.

This surrender to the totality involves the believer’s craving not only to relinquish his individuality to a greater whole but also, ideally, to sacrifice his life for it. Lusting for his own self-extinction, the believer craves martyrdom for the idea. As Eric Hoffer points out in his classic The True Believer, the opportunity to die for the cause gives meaning to the believer’s desire to shed his inner self: “a substitute embraced in moderation cannot supplant and efface the self we want to forget. We cannot be sure that we have something worth living for unless we are ready to die for it.”

Thus, Vittorio Arrigoni, Juliano Mer-Khasin, and Rachel Corrie were simply just faithfully continuing the long suicidal tradition of their political faith. We are well aware, after all, of the dark fate of the believers who journeyed to Russia after the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution to build communism; we are well versed of what happened to the leftist Iranians who returned to their country after the 1979 Iranian Revolution to aid Khomeini in building the Islamic paradise. Only those who cannot accept the true motivations of utopian believers can still deny what those political pilgrims were searching for in their odyssey to shed themselves of their own unwanted selves.

Does one need to excessively explain why “progressive” feminist Naomi Klein called out for bringing “Najaf to New York” in her infamous 2004 column in The Nation_,_ in which she reached her hand out in solidarity to Muqtada al-Sadr and his Islamofascist Mahdi Army in the Iraqi Shi’ite stronghold of Najaf? Bringing Najaf to New York would mean that the Iraqi Shi’ite stronghold, where Muqtada al-Sadr and his Mahdi Army at one time ran their torture chambers and sowed their terror, would be replicated on America’s shores. What could Naomi Klein possibly see admirable in the vicious nihilistic terror of the Mahdi Army? Would she remain alive for more than sixty seconds upon contact with it?

Is it possible that Klein’s impulses are related to those of Noam Chomsky, a Jew, who has distinguished himself, among other intriguing ways, by traveling to Lebanon to personally embrace the leaders of Hezbollah, whose stated top priority is to rid the world of Jews?

The murder by Iraqi terrorists of American hostage Tom Fox in March 2006 was a perfect example of this pathological phenomenon. Fox was among four members of the leftist group Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) who were kidnapped by Islamic terrorists in Iraq in November 2005. Aside from voicing support for the terrorists, one of the group’s most powerfully articulated themes entailed the longing for death. In the 1984 speech, “God’s People Reconciling,” for example, which gave rise to the formation of the Christian Peacemaker Teams, Mennonite minister Ron Sider urged his listeners: “We must be prepared to die by the thousands.”

It is not unsurprising that when British and American troops rescued the other three CPT hostages and saved their lives, the freed captives refused to thank their liberators — who had risked their own lives participating in the rescue — or to cooperate in a critical debriefing session with intelligence officers. Doug Pritchard, the co-chairman of CPT, went out of his way to tell the world that the kidnapping itself (and by implication Fox’s murder) was _America’s _fault, not the kidnappers’ or the executioners’. “The illegal occupation of Iraq by multinational forces,” he affirmed, was the “root cause” of the kidnappings. In other words, the devil made them do it.

The freed captives resented the fact that they had been liberated by the very forces they despised. And the rescuers had robbed the remaining hostages of the idealized fate suffered by Fox. Jan Benvie, an Edinburgh teacher who was getting ready to go to Iraq with the group in the summer of 2006, learned the lesson well. She announced before her departure: “We make clear that if we are kidnapped we do not want there to be force or any form of violence used to release us.”

To the end of his life, the French philosopher Michel Foucault, who supported and adored Khomeini’s killing fields, adamantly defended “everyone’s right to kill himself.” Suicide, he boastfully wrote in a 1979 essay, was “the simplest of pleasures.” Is it a coincidence that Foucault, who had attempted to kill himself several times out of guilt feelings regarding his homosexuality, passionately supported an Islamic death cult that murdered homosexuals?

Gaza terrorists have a long history of kidnapping and abusing, raping and killing those who come to aid and abet them.

Vittorio Arrigoni knew that very well.

In the end, Arrigoni’s story is the story of the Left – a story best summarized by the dictum of Goethe’s devil, which Marx perpetually invoked, as he did in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon: “All that exists deserves to perish.”

Arrigoni is the contemporary poster boy for the political pilgrims who traveled to despotisms to help build the paradises in which they hoped to shed themselves of their own unwanted selves.  They paid the ultimate price. And no lesser cost must be paid for the momentous transformation of sterilizing the unclean earth. Such disinfection can be made possible only by the purifying power of human blood — blood which, in the utopian enterprise, must, in the final chapter, become one’s own.

Jamie Glazov holds a Ph.D. in History with a specialty in Russian, U.S. and Canadian foreign policy. He is the editor of, the author of the critically-acclaimed, United in Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror, and the host of the web-tv show, The Glazov Gang. His new book is Jihadist Psychopath: How He is Charming, Seducing, and Devouring Us. Visit his site at, follow him on Twitter: @JamieGlazov, and reach him at

©All right reserved.

How Leftists’ Critical Race Theory Poisons Our Discussion of Racism

I recently revived my Instagram account in an attempt to kill time during the COVID-19 lockdown.

Until three weeks ago, my Instagram feed was filled with cooking photos, quarantine home projects, and the occasional funny meme.

But shortly after George Floyd’s horrifying May 25 killing, my Instagram feed changed course and was filled with commentary on police brutality and race relations.

I’m glad that those I follow on Instagram are speaking out about race relations and abuse at the hands of police officers. But the casual and pervasive use of leftist language to talk about race relations is worrisome.

In these trying times, we must turn to the greatest document in the history of the world to promise freedom and opportunity to its citizens for guidance. Find out more now >>

I decided to respond to one of those posts by a friend and former colleague. She’s a bright, hardworking, and thoughtful woman, and from what I know, relatively apolitical.

When she posted a series of images—what Instagram calls a “story”—that mentioned “systemic racism,” “white privilege,” and a list of required reading that included the writings of Malcolm X, I messaged her directly asking if she was familiar with so-called “critical race theory.”

Critical race theory is a theoretical framework, rooted in Marxism, that posits individuals as oppressed or oppressor based on their skin color.

She replied “yes” and said she had studied it in graduate school. I pushed further to ask about her familiarity with Marxism.

She wrote back that philosophical and policy arguments have no place in this conversation and that her statements were not in any way controversial.

I was relieved to discover that she may not actually believe what she was saying, but was shocked to learn that, from her perspective, this was the only way to have a conversation about race.

I live in a large East Coast city, so it’s no surprise that many of my friends lean left and are social progressives. What was surprising is that my peers, including and especially those who are relatively apolitical, use the leftist paradigms of critical race theory to share their ideas about racism.

They don’t understand the intellectual roots of that language and think that it’s the only way to talk about racism. As such, questioning their ideas amounts to tacit support of racism and makes you a racist.

That notion reflects the true nature of all leftist ideology by being ultimately authoritarian in nature. You either agree with the left’s worldview or you are an enemy of all that is good.

That way of thinking didn’t come out of nowhere.

Beginning in the 1960s, higher education became permeated with critical theory. Critical theory, also rooted in Marxism, says that we must understand our beliefs—including on religion and politics—vis-a-vis the “means of production”; namely, businesses and industries. In this view, it’s in the business owners’ interest to create laws, social norms, and ideas that keep them in power.

Later on, this concept was applied to race, gender, and other identities.  Critical race theorists see these identities as social constructs that support systems of oppression.

Regrettably, these theories have permeated higher education, the mainstream media, and, most recently, the responses to Floyd’s killing in the custody of Minneapolis police officers.

In college humanities classes, critical theory and its grievance studies accoutrements (critical race theory, feminist theory, and postcolonialism, to name a few) are presented as the only and correct way to understand the world.

The Western canon’s lack of gender and race diversity makes it unworthy of study. In other words, one’s gender and/or skin color make their ideas worthy (or not) of discussing.

Critical race theory is presented as the singular lens through which one ought to see the world. Race is a social construct, enforced by those in power (white men), and predetermines someone’s role and ability in society.

Philosophy and literature (and, increasingly, science) exist to dismantle the power structure instead of serving as vehicles through which we understand the most profound questions around human existence.

As a result, anyone who went to college during or after the 1960s may very well have never explored ideas around the truth,  justice, or the origins of our rights.

Simply put, most college graduates with training in the humanities and social sciences lack the vocabulary to talk about racism and prejudice without using the framework of “systemic racism” and “white privilege.”

If you disagree with that philosophical framework, then you are ipso facto against fighting racism or deny that racism even exists. And if you push back on the use of terms such as “power structure” or “systemic racism,” you are likewise accused.

That’s particularly damaging on two levels. First, it precludes any meaningful conversation about racism and race. Second, it creates a chasm between two presumably well-meaning people who most likely agree racism is bad, but disagree on the best way to address it.

A concrete example of that occurred when I questioned a friend’s posting of a “white supremacy iceberg.

I asked her how a so-called “Eurocentric” curriculum teaching Western civilization and supporting legal immigration support white supremacy.  Her non-answer: “Do you deny that racism exists?”

To be clear, racism exists. It’s sad and awful, and damages each of our souls. How sad that an otherwise productive conversation about racism is stopped by accusing me of denying racism’s existence.

Further, the notion posits that “nonbelievers”—those who don’t subscribe to critical race theory—are enemies in the fight to defeat racism.

Surely there are individuals who think that English should be the country’s official language, that securing our borders is necessary to uphold the rule of law, and that the Western canon is an important part of a robust liberal arts education, while also thinking that racism is wrong and wanting to do their part to stop it.

But within the paradigm of critical race theory, that’s not possible. You either #resist the hegemonic white supremacist power structure (which includes Western civilization classes and Columbus Day) or you are a racist.

That’s hardly a way to have productive conversations that lead to ending racism. Regrettably, this divisiveness can be applied to all leftist doctrine, including and especially Marxism, from which critical race theory is derived.

Critical race theory does not seek equality or justice. Instead, it categorizes people. One’s gender, race, or sexual orientation posits you as the oppressed or an oppressor—a status from which you are freed only when all existing societal structures, which are inherently racist, are overthrown.

However, history shows us that authoritarianism, not utopia, follows revolution. We need only look to Cuba, Iran, and Venezuela as examples. Those once-prosperous countries, albeit not without problems, were captivated by the revolutionary narrative of leftism only to find out the hard way that revolution serves only those in power.

Leftism does not seek enduring notions of truth, the good, or justice. It seeks only to subjugate the other as a means of overthrowing an existing structure. Once that structure is overthrown, the leaders of the revolution will find someone new to subjugate.

If we succeed in fighting racism through authoritarian means, then what did we truly gain?

I’m reminded of one of my favorite books, Allan Bloom’s “The Closing of the American Mind.” In it, Bloom famously wrote:

Freedom of the mind requires not only, or not even specially, the absence of legal constraints, but the presence of alternative thoughts.

The most successful tyranny is not the one that uses force to assure uniformity, but the one that removes the awareness of other possibilities.

Our fight against prejudice is being done through what is perhaps the worst tyranny of all; namely, the tyranny over the mind.

My friend’s well-intentioned attempts to fight racism, a terrible form of oppression, are being viewed through a lens of authoritarianism that calls upon our darkest demons.

It categorizes people based on race and gender, and assumes that people have (or don’t have) abilities based on those categories. It leaves no room for meaningful discourse.

If we want to fight prejudice, then let’s shape the conversation around our better angels; namely, freedom, the inherent dignity of every single person, truth, and the good.


Eleanor Krasne is the manager for public programs at The Heritage Foundation.

RELATED ARTICLE: High School Runner Who Lost to Transgender Athletes Will Compete in College

A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Anarchists and Trump’s Reelection

A longtime white friend phoned me to talk him down from the cliff. He is concerned about how the new racial hatred dominating our country will impact his grand-kids. For the first time, he and his wife believe they should purchase a gun for home protection. This headline confirms my friend’s instinct to arm himself to protect his family. “BEWARE: The Woke Mob is Targeting You Next, Small-Town America.”

My friend also confided that he is feeling racial resentment he has never felt before. I told him racial hatred and division is exactly what leftists hope to achieve with their Black Lives Matter hysteria.

Mary and I are an interracial couple married for over 40 years. A white millennial family member absurdly believes she is showing respect for me by being a strong advocate for BLM. My response is bending over and grabbing your ankles and kneeling in worship to an anti-American racist hate group disturbs me. I love my country. America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to pursue their dreams. The BLM movement has nothing, I repeat nothing, to do with empowering blacks. Leftists are exploiting blacks as useful idiots to implement their transformation of America away from the divinely inspired vision of our Founding Fathers.

For decades, public education, Hollywood, Democrats and fake news media have infected youths with a poisonous lie that America is a hellhole of racism and the greatest source of evil on the planet. Our passivity allowed leftists to transform our kids into their social-justice army of anarchists.

What we are experiencing across America is leftists’ frustration over their inability to remove Donald J. Trump from the White House. After a long list of failed schemes to remove him, leftists say, “Screw you America! We’re cutting to the chase. We’re forcibly transforming your country into a Communist nation by using violence, shaming, white-guilt and unconstitutional decrees. And there’s nothing you can do to stop us!”

Boldly, the co-founder of the BLM Global Network vows to make Trump resign before the November election. Lord knows what violence BLM will unleash upon We the People to force Trump out.

Leftist governors and mayors are tripling down on their covid-19 absurd overreaching mandates to depress Americans and stop the remarkable comeback of Trump’s unprecedented booming economy.

Shopping in Virginia, one of Mary’s favorite stores was extremely empty of merchandise. “Are you going out of business?”, she asked a clerk. The clerk said, “No.” He explained that upon reopening, customers purchased everything. The store had not restocked its shelves yet. His explanation was in keeping with the 2.5 million new jobs and amazingly swift comeback of our economy.

Maryland mandates that shoppers wear masks. However, stores and shoppers have begun relaxing the absurd decree. With a 98% recovery rate, more and more Americans realize the covid-19 hysteria was created to shutdown our country to destroy our economy to block Trump’s reelection.

And yet, a middle-aged masked-woman shopper insisted that the store manager order me and other shoppers to wear masks. Probably fearful that the woman would report his business, the manager yelled as I passed him. “Sir, you must wear a mask!” Irrational fear of covid-19 purposely created by fake news media has citizens ratting to “big brother” on those who disobey draconian mandates.

Only 1 in 6 of the BLM protesters are black, 46% are white.

It doesn’t take a political genius to realize that leftists are exploiting the covid-19 seasonal flu and the rare bad behavior of a cop to bludgeon Americans into surrendering our country over to them.

Quite frankly, these spoiled-brat young anarchists are out of their freaking minds if they think vets and baby-boomers will allow them to transform us into a Communist nation. We baby-boomers and our parents sacrificed, suffered and died to gift our kids a wonderful life. They are spitting in our faces, calling us racist and seeking to destroy everything we hold dear.

Far too many modern parents want to be friends with their children rather than parents. Their kids come home from school with their heads filled with leftists’ anti-American and anti-Christian garbage. Instead of opposing the indoctrination, cowardly parents sign-on to it.

I watched a detective movie on Amazon. Unable to stomach it, I fast-forwarded pass the scene of the detective’s disrespectful 13 year old daughter scolding him as if he were her peer. The detective’s daughter represents the young white women in our streets angrily screaming their loyalty to BLM. The disrespectful teen-aged daughter appears to be a standard character in far too many movies. Encouraging kids to disrespect and disobey their parents is included in leftists’ agenda.

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.” (Ephesians 6:1-3)

My stomach turns every time I hear conservatives, Republicans and Christians say we must create meaningful dialog with the protesters to discuss their grievances. The problem is their grievances are purposely rooted in the lie that my beloved country is a racist hellhole. I refuse to pander to that concept. Its like saying we are going to discuss how long you have been beating your wife. You reply, “But I don’t beat wife.” They ignore your reply and proceed forward discussing the solution to your bad behavior.

Still, I am confident of two truths. One: God did not allow Trump to survive all of the unprecedented attempts to remove him from office to drop Trump now. Trump will be reelected. However, this does not mean we can sit on our duffs. We must fight like we have never fought before to reelect Trump.

Two: At some point, the American people will no-longer tolerate spoiled-brat anarchists wreaking havoc across our great nation. Anarchists will receive the well-deserved spanking of their pampered snowflake lives.

©All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Mob Rule Imperils Western Civilization. Now’s the Time for Courage and Leadership.

EDITORS NOTE: Royal Brown III states:

Yes and they’re using faux racism charges to accomplish this!

This fits right in with many of the 45 Goals of the American Communist Party described in The Naked Communist a 1958 book by the author of The 5000 Year Leap, W. Cleon Skousen which was also read into the 1963 Congressional Record specifically the following:

10. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations. Ongoing all over with white millineal supported riots sponsored by Antifa, BLM and other Soros funded Communist groups (Portland, Seattel, Minneapolis,

22. Discredit American culture by degrading all forms of sculptures (statues). Not just pulling down Confederate War memorials but memorials to Columbus, founding fathers, and even trying to do so with Lincoln Memorial.

31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage teaching of (real not revisionist) American history. Our education system has been totally infiltrated by socialism including revisionist, lying history books like those of Howard Zen (5+ M copies)

33. Eliminate all laws and procedures which interfere with Communist aspirations. Fits right in with Democrat calls to ignore existing laws against rioting, arson, looting, even murder for the sake of “protesting” for social justice.

38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from police to social agencies. Already ongoing in Minneapolis where the City Council vored 12-0 to defund Police & in NYC where DeBlasio is pushing for a 15% de-funding and transfer to social workers.

42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of American tradition – students and special interest groups (BLM, Antifa, Organizing for American etc.) should rise up and use “united force” to achieve social justice. This is definitely happening and Democrat elected officials are using this as an excuse to condone violence.

I spent decades as a covert CIA operative – this is my new mission.

An op-ed published by American Military News .

As someone who spent a career in the shadowy world of intelligence, I have a deep understanding and respect for the value and importance to our national security of espionage and the intelligence community.

After retiring, I now have a new mission and I want to explain why.

Over the previous decades, I have observed the Intelligence Community turn away from its core responsibilities for the safety and security of all Americans to a far more political agenda. The intelligence community’s (IC) quadrennial report about global trends published in 2017 is a poster child example of what is wrong with intelligence today. It overwhelmingly focuses on things like global government integration to face future issues. It argues the positives of what is known today as the globalist movement, a hardcore leftist philosophy that is deeply political. Perhaps even more revealing, the document spends more time and focus on global warming than it does on terrorism. Even if you believe in the concepts of globalization and global warming these are political issues, not intelligence issues. The IC is here to obtain important information about what other countries and hostile groups are doing and should not have an opinion on or any involvement with the formation of policies. They must remain neutral and report the facts as they come, that is their one and only job. The fact that the IC not only takes political positions but promotes certain policies, shows stunning incompetence but even worse a complete lack of understanding of why we even have an IC.

A key indicator of concerns centers around the CIA’s so-called “modernization” plan that was implemented under the previous administration by former CIA director John Brennan. Brennan has spent much of his time since leaving the CIA doing television and radio programs and has revealed himself to be a bitter partisan and critic of President Trump.

This damaging modernization never received the attention it should have from the agency’s congressional overseers and the public. The modernization plan systematically dismantled and destroyed the CIA’s operations division — the heart of the agency’s central mission of using people to steal vital secrets around the world. Historically, the operations division was staffed by an elite cadre of highly trained specialists schooled in the dark arts of espionage and capable of operating around the world under any conditions. Many of us who devoted our lives to the clandestine service as CIA operations officers were stunned to hear Mr. Brennan announce that based on his modernization plan, he no longer regards the CIA as being in the espionage business. “We don’t steal secrets,” Mr. Brennan astonishingly stated in an interview with NPR.

The Brennan plan instead called for other nations’ intelligence services to provide the CIA with spies as intelligence collectors. Real espionage is the direct recruitment of spies or reporting sources who steal information from other countries or organizations such as terrorists. An important feature of this process is that no one should know that our spies are stealing the information. Keeping the operations clandestine is fundamental to the credibility and reliability of the information. When another intelligence service selects spies for the CIA, the information provided could easily be mixed with damaging disinformation and we have no way to be sure of who else is aware we are receiving the information.

These factors combined make the IC fundamentally unreliable and marginalized when they are so desperately needed for our National Security.

I’ve now started Americans for Intelligence Reform (AIR) and it is devoted to reversing these trends and taking politics out of the intelligence services.

Americans for Intelligence Reform is being targeted and censored. Many of you may have noted that just recently our reporting on Antifa’s training methods was removed from social media by censors. With Antifa staging riots in the streets across the United States, shouldn’t this information be public?

Yet we face unprecedented media bias, censorship and political corruption that is getting worse by the day. At AIR we are growing in voice, reach and impact but to overcome the forces of censorship we need your support.

Please participate in this mission and make a monthly or one-time donation.

© All rights reserved. All opinion articles are the opinion of the author and not necessarily of American Military News.

The No Noose Noose

The No Noose Noose

Ah yes, Bubba and the no noose, noose. The people are beginning to see. They are waking up to the gigantic psyops that have been run on the American people and the people of this world. The people are beginning to understand that they have been lied to. Lied to about Covid-19. Lied to about Jussie Smollett and most recently Bubba and the no noose, noose. Lied to about American hero General Michael Flynn. Lied to about America. Lied to about our amazing President, Donald J. Trump. Well my friends, the storm is upon us. Welcome to the great awakening. Welcome to your life! Victory is ours and the best is yet to come.

The People Are Beginning To See

The people know that much of the elite from Royalty, to politics, to the corporate world and Hollywood and so on, are in fact sick pedophiles. The people are now very well aware that the MSM, an overwhelmingly majority of, is in fact, fake news, disinformation, and outright lies, not just in America, but all across the world.

They understand that the Mueller witch hunt was just that and that the impeachment hoax was indeed a hoax. The people don’t buy for a second that the “protestors” are in fact protestors peacefully assembling. The people understand that Wall Street does not have Main Street’s best interest in mind.

The people are beginning to discover that the UN and the WHO, the CDC and the the Gates Foundation may have committed the conspiracy crimes of the century as well as acts of domestic terrorism, yes crimes against humanity. The people are beginning to see whose who and what’s what.

President Trump gave the Governors and Mayors of this great republic, the rope. Many are climbing up and trying to do right by the citizens they represent whereas others, and not oddly enough in Democrat states and cities, are in fact hanging themselves with the very same rope. The people are beginning to see this.

ISIS ended in a flash. North Korea’s threat was thwarted. The people understand that the deep state sites in foreign lands are now being exposed and one by one eliminated. Trump, ending endless wars. The people understand that Wall Street and the bankers destroy lives and that Trump created the greatest economy by most measures ever, in US history, yes, he has MAGA, restoring step by step, the power to the people.

The people are now having conversations about the dangers of vaccines and the fact that not only does mask wearing not work, and is completely unnecessary, but that it in fact can make you sick due to the chronic carbon dioxide intake. The people are beginning to see that election theft and voter fraud has been rampant and that the deep state and the Democrats are doing all they can to keep this economy shut down and to push mail-in ballots as a last attempt to steal the election. The people can see that Biden, Obama, the Clinton’s, and people like Comey, Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, Strzok, Page, and so many others, are in fact criminals and treasonous. I can go on and on but I won’t. I think you get it.

The people understand that we are at war from within and that America is under siege and that the deep state is now being exposed with justice just around the corner. The storm is upon us. Welcome to the great awakening. Welcome to your life! Victory is ours and the best is yet to come.

Here To Help You

If the above does not resonate with you, if you are not among the ever increasing populace the world over, that sees what it is that I have mentioned, all I can say is we are here to help you. The truth is, we that see, we that know, we that have come to understand, well we are the majority and we are on the right side of history. Soon much of the world will know. We too were once unaware but have broken through the matrix of lies, propaganda and controlled thought. So come aboard. If you see much or some of this but are deeply troubled or concerned, we can help. I can help you. We love you. We are here to help you, for WWG1WGA (where we go one we go all).

The hunt is on. The hunters have become the hunted and they are running out of time. Watch what happens between now and the end of this year. Just watch. Come aboard now. We will help you. The storm is upon us. Welcome to the great awakening. Welcome to your life! Victory is ours and the best is yet to come. Wrap yourself with the armor of God and know this, God always wins.

©All rights reserved.

Criminals are Now Destroying our Country

When historical monuments and buildings are vandalized; when citizens are killed and injured by various groups of criminals in the big cities of the country; and when one Party in the parliament is behind all of that, promising to defund the police, Vladimir Lenin called the predicament—a “revolutionary situation”. He was right—the 1917 Socialist Revolution in Russia followed that exact predicament very quickly. If you know modern history and its tragic result, the entire world has endured since—as Socialist regimes forcefully implemented Socialist mantra globally…

You witnessing a Socialist Revolution in America in your midst. Yes, that revolution is taking place now! We cannot remain complacent as our historical monuments are being demolished, with looting and arson in the streets of big cities bringing billions in damages. It is all about power over your life, to take away your freedom, your guns, and your lives if you do not bend the knee to their demands. I know how the Russian Socialist Revolution was manufactured by Socialist Charlatans in 1917 Russia and we are now experiencing in America a carbon copy of the events of a hundred years ago in Russia—Socialism has its patterns, regardless of nationality, ethnicity or race. A strong forceful response by the Republicans holding the levers of power is a must to stop these counter-revolutionary efforts, a thuggery by so-called Democrats fighting all American patriots and the system designed by our Founders.

Socialism is a lawless and criminal regime. Under Socialism criminals are taking over our passive population. I don’t need to give you my experience under Socialism, you can see it in Seattle, Minneapolis, Chicago and other big cities in America. I have no words to describe my frustration and anger watching chaos in our cities and the mob demolishing our history and traditions to erase our culture and memory. The events at Lafayette square is a repetition of an earlier attempt to take over the White House in June 1, 2020, like the Winter Palace had been taken in 1917 Russia by the mob. The Democrats have placed themselves in the pockets of the looters and other criminals who create the “revolutionary situation” in America—it is insurrection, if not treason…

Lately, I deliberately introduced you to the term Socialist Charlatans, they are manufacturing Socialist Revolution in America. The entire leadership of the Democrat Party consists of the Progressive’s Socialist Charlatans using the methods and tactics of Russian Security apparatus. In writing about them, I use the term KGB. There are variety of gradations of Socialist Charlatans acting throughout the midst of the society to destroy our way of life: they occupied all strata of our society inculcating Americans in their fraudulent ideology, instigating violence. They are no longer small groups of infiltrators. No, they are now presenting themselves in large numbers. You are watching today an accumulation of the access of inculcation by the evil mindsets of Marxism, Socialism, and Communism in America…

Putin’s KGB within America’s Midst

Several months ago, I warned you that Antifa and “Black Lives Matter” are the product of the KGB and trained by them. The leader of the group has admitted: Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors said in a newly surfaced video from 2015 that she and her fellow organizers are “trained Marxists.” … BLM leader proclaimed: If change doesn’t happen, ‘we will burn down this system…’ Do you remember the International used by the Bolsheviks in Socialist Revolution in Russia? The words of the BLM leader are equal to words from the International: “We will destroy old world and build a new…” In fact, that ideology destroyed the USSR—the country collapsed economically in 1991 and the criminal agency the KGB took over…

A 2015 video clip has surfaced of an interview with Black Lives Matter founder Patrisse Cullors in which she assures her interviewer that the group has an underlying ideology, saying, “We’re trained Marxists.” Responding to the interviewer’s concern that the BLM movement might not have enough of a “clear ideological structure,” Cullors responded by saying that she and another co-founder “in particular” are dedicated to the ideology of Communist leader Karl Marx: “We actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia in particular, we’re trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super versed on ideological theories.”

Please, read here my column; Slavery Has no Color: Karl Marx, Slavery, and Stalinist, Socialist Charlatans, June, 23, 2020

When another leader of BLM Hawk Newsome promises to burn the system and replace it with the new one, it is the real threat of counter-revolutionary forces, an insurrection to destroy the system designed and established by our Founding Fathers. A recent interview of the acting FBI Director shows that he is still not aware of the destructive forces that ideology stands for:

The FBI is “looking carefully” at the possibility that foreign actors are influencing the sometimes-violent nationwide protests in the wake of George Floyd’s in-custody death, FBI Director Christopher Wray exclusively told Fox News’ Bret Baier 

Wray also revealed that “the FBI has over 2,000 active investigations that trace back to the government in China,” marking “about a 1,300 percent increase in terms of economic espionage investigations with the Chinese nexus from about a decade ago.”

“We have certainly seen in the past a variety of foreign adversaries looking to amplify controversy in this country,” Wray said. “And they use state media. They use social media. Some of that is through propaganda, some of that’s through disinformation, some of that’s through just fake information. And we are looking carefully at the prospect of foreign influence or foreign interference in all of the protests and activities that have occurred over the last few weeks.” [Source: Fox News] FBI Drops Bombshell: Investigation Proves ‘Planned Destruction’ Of America, National Insiders’ June 25, 2020

This interview testifies to my two points, just look at the words which characterize the adversary’s activities: propaganda, disinformation, fake information, and protests—all of that are typical goings-on of the arsenal of KGB tactics. In addition to that China now joined the KGB. When the FBI Director doesn’t know history—History repeats itself. In order to save the American Constitutional Republic it is vitally to know the enemy and the enemy No. 1 is the current Democrat Party– a criminal cabal of Progressives’ Socialist Charlatans. Let me prove it.

 A Criminal Cabal of ‘Progressives’ – Socialist Charlatans

The infiltration into American society by the KGB’ forces began many decades ago. I’ll give you two examples to identify the time the infiltration began. The Windy City, Chicago, is currently a war zone, people are killing each other every day there for decades. Don’t be surprised a killing field in Chicago. I know one of the leaders in Chicago who is responsible for the killing—Rahm Emanuel, the Mayor of Chicago. I knew him when he was in Israel. He had a friendly relation with Yasser Arafat. To my knowledge the latter was recruited by the KGB in 1957—friendship with Arafat speaks for itself—Arafat initiated a war in the Middle East, it is still going on. Besides, Rahm Emanuel was a right hand of our first American Manchurian President, Bill Clinton, his chief of staff. Read here my column Revelation, April 26, 2018.

Yes, we are at war waged against Western civilization and American capitalism by the KGB and the forces of Marxism, Socialism, and Communism. The destruction of America is planned by our adversaries and the criminal cabal of the ‘Progressives’ Socialist Charlatans of the Democrat Party have been implementing it in America for many decades. You can find additional information on Rahm Emanuel in Israel. The second example is the State of Virginia.

If you read my books or columns you know that my work in the legal community of the USSR coincides with the tenue of the KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov. I knew him pretty well. It was Andropov’s idea to invent a “control opposition.” The KGB had practiced it in Russia for many years. It is very simple to achieve, just infiltrate the opposition with a couple of people, promote them to the leadership and program them to act in a way beneficial to you. That exact move to create White Nationalism was realized and implanted by the KGB in America. The result you saw in August 2017, in so-called Unite the Right, the violent white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Nazi slogans and violence at the march were manufactured in the best traditions of the KGB.  The BBC commented the following: “Aug 13, 2017 – The deadly violence on the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia, comes at a time of a dramatic rise in prominence of far-right movements in the US. The election of Donald Trump to the White House has been cited as a factor in the re-energizing of activists …”

It was clear to me that the entire event of violent white-supremacy was manufactured by the anti-Trump “criminal cabal” run by the Clinton/KGB mafia. Terry McAuliffe was governor of Virginia and his deal with McCabe is known in its monetary aspect. Yet, it was more than only that—McAuliffe was a Clinton long-term lieutenant.  This event is also known to the McAuliffe’s staff— staff involvement was needed, as the preparations to organize a “control opposition” takes time. For your information—this exact staff is working now under the new Governor of Virginia. Don’t be surprised by what is going on in Virginia 2020—people feel undefended and neglected there. If the case investigated professionally by DOJ, we can find McCabe in a link in a long chain of criminal activities within the Democrat Party.

I’ve been writing about Terry McAuliffe for many years. He was a prominent member of Clinton’s mafia, Socialist Charlatan, inculcating and corrupting everybody around in the State of Virginia for many years. Today, I saw him acting and speaking like a typical mafia apparatchik, lying, cheating, always harming the American interests, as designed by Andropov. A year ago, I reacted on the same protest in Charlottesville, writing the column, describing how it was orchestrated and enflamed by the members of the Clinton mafia, Terry McAuliffe, Governor of the state in cahoots with Andrew McCabe. I knew well the members of Clinton’s mafia and their cooperation with the KGB. While President Trump was signing an American spending bill for 1.3 trillion for the year 2017; I would say that half of the money was caused by the KGB’ criminal activities in cahoots with Socialist Charlatans. What a spectacular failure of our Intel!

Don’t be surprised by the media in America, it was recreated by the first American Manchurian President, including making the KGB’s political operative George Stephanopoulos a journalist. Today there are hundreds of them, poisoning America’s minds. Guard your minds America! Propaganda is insidious, deceiving you into believing its narrative. The anti-Trump crusade was begun by Russia and the KGB’s production of the Trump/Dossier under the second American Manchurian President, who was giving Aid and Comfort to the enemy. All of that was done to cover-up the crime committed by them—a real collusion, collaboration with the enemy for decades. This is the tide of the times. Read here my column The KGB: A Global Terrorist Agency, March 11, 2028

The second American Manchurian President doubled the infiltration of the ideology. Even further infiltrating the American Congress by the “Squad.” You saw the events pertaining to Rep. Ilhan Omar and Rep. Rashida Tlaib. They are using our freedom and liberty to subvert both, talking about White Nationalism as a threat to humanity. Just listening to their statements will convince you who you are dealing with—they are agitators advocating both Islamism and Marxism/Socialism to fight Capitalism. For your information the KGB feels free acting through them to take action in America and manufacturing another narrative to fight Capitalism, aiming at President Trump—now it is the White Supremacists.

President Trump is right: “White nationalism is not a rising threat to humanity.” Marxism/Socialism continues its threat to humanity! It is threatening the entire world as it has been spread by the KGB globally and especially to our country. Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch, is also right. It was: “Attack on our Republic….spying, coup, sedition, impeachment, ballot harvesting, open borders, looting, Antifastan secession and open, violent insurrection…”

My fellow Americans!

It is time to think seriously to save the country we have and prevent the repetition of Treason…

P.S. Here is Josef Stalin—a famous murderer of the 20th century in Russia.

To be continued and on

THE WINSTON84 PROJECT: The Single Media Resource for Deplatformed and Shadowbanned American Patriots

“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed – if all records told the same tale – then the lie passed into history and became truth.” ~ Winston Smith, 1984, by George Orwell

Have you ever heard of The Winston84 Project? Well now you have.

According to The Winston84 Project website:

This website collects and catalogs online voices, with links to their platforms, that have been deplatformed, demonetized, shadowbanned, or otherwise suppressed. We may or may not share their opinions, but we ardently support their right to be heard.

Our philosophy for including any online content creator is to error on the side of inclusion. This means that some of the content that is cataloged here may run contrary to our own beliefs. But when what we consider to be extreme left-wing views are increasingly mainstreamed as normal by the establishment press and other opinion makers, we would rather risk including content on the right that we would otherwise reject, than risk instead to participate in the silencing and marginalizing of right-of-center views that must be heard.

It is our opinion that the establishment media, definitely including online media platforms controlled by big tech, has become blatantly biased and partisan. Winston84 is named in honor of the protagonist in George Orwell’s cautionary masterpiece, “1984.” Today there is not only a war on speech that may be considered offensive or morally indefensible. Today there is also a war on truth. Winston84 is offered as one of many challenges to this war on truth.

The few hundred records on this website each point to as many platforms as are known for each of these content creators. If someone is banned on YouTube, but still active on BitChute, then on their record here you will find a link to that BitChute URL, along with links to as many other platforms where they can still operate. We add new platforms as they become significant, and we routinely update records when a content creator has become active on a new platform.

We have divided our records into five categories: Christian Patriot, Climate Skeptic, Free Speech Ally, Irreverent Investigator, and Western Warrior. These categories, while distinct, become somewhat arbitrary in many cases when choosing which category to assign a particular record. For that reason, either scroll through all records when searching for someone, or use our search box. No content creator is assigned to more than one category.

The mission of  The Winston84 Project is to collect and catalog online voices, with links to their platforms, that have been deplatformed, demonetized, shadowbanned, or otherwise suppressed.

While The Winston84 Project may or may not share their opinions, but The Winston84 Project is ardently supporting their right to be heard.

Use the The Winston84 Project online form to Contact Them.

Please send suggestions, comments, additions and corrections to the The Winston84 Project.

©All rights reserved.

ANTIFA Recruiting Commercial

Antifa Recruitment Commercial posted on YouTube by TheSmokeBreak:

©TheSmokeBreak. All rights reserved.

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire video was posted on YouTube by TheSmokeBreak.

VIDEO: America, The NOT Racist

Thinking Americans might rightly ask: Why are we so hyper focused on anti-racism right now? Deadly serious. Because the actual evidence is that America, in 2020, is not only the least racist that it has ever been in our history, but it is almost assuredly the least racist nation ever. Yes, ever.

It’s actually pretty easy to demonstrate this. The fact that throngs in the streets and online do not know it, see it, or are not willing to listen to it, suggests that none of this is about black lives mattering or anti-racism, in the same way that Antifa is not about opposing fascists.

Without cobbling together a labyrinth of underlying conspiracies, here are the base elements to demonstrate conclusively the lack of racism in America. Perceptions of racism against black Americans are real, but actual racism? Virtually non-existent and getting ever better.

Here we go.


I’ve mentioned this before in a video, but our progress over time, from our founding in 1776 until May 2020 is undeniably one of ever increasing freedoms and equality.

1776 — Freedom from a distant tyrant king, representative government by and for the people. So we moved from being colonies under the heel of an empire to being a free people, with one giant exception.

1865 — End of slavery, freedom for all blacks in the South. This horrifically bloody struggle corrected the exception from 1776 that all the American people were free.

1964 — Equality for blacks under all of the laws, the end of Jim Crow. This was the final step in eradicating the exception issue from 1776. Now every American was required to be treated equally under the law.

2008 — Election of the first black president, and reelection in 2012. With all of the laws fixed, this seemed like the final cultural hurdle — electing a black president. This was the first time in the history of the world that a nation chose for it’s leader someone from a small, once-persecuted minority. This was new in history in so many ways and the opposite of what a systemically racist country would do.

There is simply no way to look at these pinnacles of historic points and not see that the trendline in America has been toward ever increasing equality and ever declining racism — both under the law and culturally.


Where to start? In addition to electing a black president, twice, the United States has had black Supreme Court justices, black U.S. Senators and members of Congress, black governors of states, black mayors of cities and black titans of business.

A black American, Gen. Colin Powell, once headed the world’s most powerful military. Black Americans are among the world’s most famous personalities, and some black Americans have achieved status among the world’s richest people such as billionaire investor Robert F. Smith, and billionaire IT service provider David Steward, billionaire entertainer and author Oprah Winfrey — three of five black American billionaires.

In overall terms of financial success, black Americans lag behind Asian, white and Hispanic Americans, in that order. However, compared to the rest of the world, if all of the earnings and expenditures of black Americans were totalled up, they would rank in the top 20 richest nations on earth, according to black George Mason economist Walter Williams. It’s a funky measurement, because they are a subset of the United States, but it’s worth noting.

According to the 2019 Multicultural Economy Report from the University of Georgia:

“African-American buying power has seen impressive gains since the end of the last economic downturn, jumping from $961 billion in 2010 to an estimated $1.3 trillion in 2018. Since 2000, the African-American market has seen a 114 percent increase in buying power.”

The report attributes this jump to a surge in black-owned businesses, increased education and a growing population. For instance, the percentage of African-Americans who completed college continues to rise, from 17 percent in 2000 to 23 percent in 2017.

Ongoing, systemic, oppressive racism simply could not exist in the same country as all of these successes.


I wrote about this key point in 2017 in a Revolutionary Act article titled America is Not Racist, According to Millions of Eager African Immigrants. The thrust of the piece was that if we count people voting with their feet, America is pretty welcoming to blacks — rather the opposite of racist.

“…maybe the best measure of where America really stands in the world comes from the choices of black African immigrants. Native Sub-Saharan Africans, by their actions of free movement, seem to have judged that America is not racist — or is perhaps the least racist country in the world offering the greatest opportunities.

“This conclusion stems from one breathtaking fact: America is the most popular immigration destination for Africans. More than European nations, than Asia nations, than South American nations. More than any other country in the world. It’s not even close. Further, America is becoming geometrically more popular with black Africans every decade.”

A New York Times story in 2014 outlined this phenomena as a demographic shift without acknowledging, or maybe even recognizing, the broader implications. Within the story was this astounding number comparison:

“Between 2000 and 2010, the number of legal black African immigrants in the United States about doubled, to around one million. During that single decade, according to the most reliable estimates, more black Africans arrived in this country on their own than were imported directly to North America during the more than three centuries of the slave trade.”

A Washington Post story in 2013 revealed that America was one of the least racist countries in the world when measured by people saying who they would want as neighbors. Americans were more comfortable with neighbors from other races than almost any other country in the world.

The arc of American history continues to bend toward freedom and equality (at least it did until May 2020.) And the stats on American attitudes toward interracial marriages and mixed race neighborhoods, combined with America being the choice of black immigrants from Africa, all add up to there being very strong evidence that America is the least racist country on earth and becoming more so all the time.

EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.