The Babylon Bee Editorial Board Calls On All Of Washington To Resign

We try to stay out of politics at The Babylon Bee, as your favorite unbiased Christian news source (but sometimes Ocasio-Cortez just makes it too easy).

But we can’t hold it in any longer: in this stunning and brave editorial, our editorial board is now declaring that everyone in Washington must be removed from office.

It is clear that everyone in Washington has abused power, and it’s time for them all to resign. They have obstructed justice, abused power, and just generally wasted everybody’s time. As Christians, we must stand up and say “enough” when it’s clear that Congress, the White House, and the courts have all been complicit in theft, the murder of the unborn, and the destruction of the Constitution.

Other publications have announced that Trump should be removed from office, but they are not as virtuous as we are, because they obviously don’t care about the abuse of power that has been happening in Washington for decades. You might say this editorial is the ultimate virtue signal to end all virtue signals.

Impeach everybody. Here we stand. We can do no other. God help us.

EDITORS NOTE: This The Babylon Bee column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Congressman Bob Barr — Trump should mount a vigorous defense in Senate trial


Congressman Bob Barr represented Georgia’s 7th District in the House of Representatives from 1995-2003. He now practices law in Atlanta, Georgia and is Chairman of Liberty Guard a non-profit, pro-liberty organization. He also heads the Law Enforcement Education Foundation and a consulting firm, Liberty Strategies.

TOPIC: Trump should mount a vigorous defense in Senate trial!

Colin Hanna, President of Let Freedom Ring, a nonprofit public policy organization dedicated to promoting constitutional government, free enterprise, and traditional values. Colin was a Chester County Commissioner, a CBS Radio and Television executive; and small business owner. He has presented conservative views on MCNBC’s Hardball with Chris Matthews; Fox News Channel’s Hannity, The Glenn Beck Show, Special Report, Fox & Friends, Fox Business News’and Cavuto

TOPIC: Arbitrary Interest-rate Caps Hurt Most Vulnerable Consumers

George Landrith, President and CEO of Frontiers of Freedom – a public policy think tank devoted to promoting a strong national defense, free markets, individual liberty, and constitutionally limited government. In 1994 and 1996, Landrith was the Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from Virginia’s Fifth Congressional District. His work has been printed across the nation, including: Washington Times, Chicago Tribune, LA Daily News, National Review, Sacramento Bee, Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, Providence Journal, Daily Caller, Washington Examiner, Townhall, and Human Events. George Landrith is also a co-host here on the Conservative Commandos Radio Show…

TOPIC: Hollywood Fiction Isn’t a Good Basis for Legislation or Regulation

© All rights reserved.

The Impeachment That Never Was [Can You Say Criminal Illegal Coup?]

And the fake news media headlines get it wrong again, “Trump Impeached”, oops-NOT! With headline after headline to keep the public ill-informed, (and by some measures there is an estimated 30% of Americans who actually believe the President was impeached and even removed from office), the main stream media gets it wrong yet again. With crazy and unhinged Pelosi’s recent unconstitutional move of withholding the articles from the Senate, President Trump has not officially, constitutionally and factually been impeached. Pelosi is so frazzled it’s as though she is a clone that is malfunctioning. Clone? Chipped? Programmed? Feast your eyes on this and forward to 11:50 time marker. Pelsoi press conference.

I will get back on point in a moment. But have you ever noticed similar malfunctions in Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton? I mean Joe cant get a sentence out and suddenly mentions the word “roaches” completely non-sequitur to what he was talking about. And what he was talking about was how he loves children on his lap and something about the blonde hair on his legs etc. He has come out on stage standing with his back to the audience. He also cannot even name the state he is in and so much more. Then there was as you may recall, Hillary Clinton having what seemed to be a completely out of control rather lengthy spasm ( time marker 1:10). in addition to her legs giving out more often than not. Then there was the event at a rally she gave while running against Trump where she lost all control and a gentleman raced to the platform and looked Iike he inserted or injected or zapped her in the back with something. Don’t you find it odd, that these bizarre occurrences are only present in the democrat party? Talk about puppet masters! I let you think on that for a moment. Hum, makes one wonder what these malfunctions are.  Pelosi, Biden, Hillary, others, Cloned? Chipped? Programmed? We’ll leave that for another article and discussion. Back on point…

Can You Say Illegal Coup?

Those in the know, those awake, knew this from day one. I have written about this in real time. Yes this is in fact another treasonous illegal coup d’ etat. Consider this and this just scratches the surface.

  • Schiffs parody (lie)
  • No whistle blower and nothing to whistle blow
  • Transcripts released – case closed
  • Dems switch since caught right out of the gate – bribery, quid pro quo disappears from articles of impeachment
  • Entire process in the House unconstitutional in protocol
  • No due process afforded to the President or the Republicans – no lawyers-no witnesses
  • No evidence or facts for high crimes and misdemeanors – nor are they mentioned in the articles of impeachment
  • 100% partisan Dems only vote. Four Dems do not vote yeah for impeachment and one thus far defects and comes over to the Republican party
  • Not bi-partisan, Clock and a calendar sham – no impeachable offenses
  • Pelosi withholds and delays Senate hearings – thus presently not impeached not even by the house

Need I continue?

Will They Stop Here?

They will never stop until exposed and justice begins to be served.  This will take some years but we are progressing according to plan. Once we gain full control over the rigged deep state and shadow government systems etc., the acceleration of our success will continue. Meanwhile, the Deep State, the Dems. and other swamp creatures have contingency plan after contingency plan. Pelosi, the front mouthpiece for the Deep State on this  criminal coup, is buying time. Read and watch what Mike Adams has to report about this. Do you believe me now? Democrats actively rolling out scheme to remove VP Mike Pence so they can install Nancy Pelosi, then Hillary Clinton as President… the CRIMINAL COUP IS HERE.

What Others Are Saying (Repubs. and Dems.)

Dr. Alan Keyes

Jonathan Turley

Tom Fitton

Alan Dershowitz

Ken Starr

Mark Levin


Pelosi wants to negotiate how the Senate trial will be conducted. Excuse me Nancy, it is NOT up to the house nor the speaker it is solely up to the senate. If the articles are filed in the Senate – it is then that President Trump would have officially been impeached by the Democrats only and only in the House upon a procedure that violated the Constitution and denied rights that were afforded to the Senate and the President under the Constitution. This is the first ever in history, an all partisan, no High Crimes and Misdemeanors a US Impeachment with two articles presented that do not adhere to what are impeachable offenses per the Constitution.

This is why Democrat and Constitutional Scholar Jonathan Turley who told us under oath that he did not vote for Trump, and testified that there are no impeachable offenses and that the house Democrats that are violating the Constitution and obstructing justice.  Then there’s life long proud liberal Democrat Alan Dershowitz  who concurs with Turely.

Could these articles go straight to the Supreme Court and basically be expunged there? Will these fake phony and false articles of impeachment go to the Senate? Will there be a trial in the Senate or will it simply be dismissed due to the fraudulent nature of it? Will the Senate take a quick vote of which will overwhelmingly support the President thus DOA, no impeachment and removal?  We are weeks away from having these questions answered.

The Real Story – The News Behind The News

The REAL story is FISA, the Epstein intel, Julian Assange intel – NSA Data Collection – Giuliani’s files, (bye bye Biden and others) and then there is the on-going criminal investigation being conducted by Prosecutor John Durham against the deep state and its Democrat and other operatives. Let us not forget two important tings, all this FISA spying data implicates Obama and then there’s Hillary’s 33,0000 e-mails in the state department. Pain and justice is coming for the guilty in 2020 and beyond.

Yes this failed coup (yet another one) against this most popular (turn off fake news), and successful duly elected President has utterly failed. From Schiff’s onset with his parody and lies to the current state of affairs. Four dems did not vote for it. ZERO republicans voted.  The public opinion is not in favor for the deep state and the Dems. One Dem, (so far), has left the party and come over to Republicans. This may be a trend as 2020 plays out. Trump’s polls are up even higher than before the fake phony and false impeachment and the Dems as a result of all this BS are being seen for what they are and who they are actually serving, (hidden puppet masters) and thus they are losing ground in battleground states and with all the TRUE evidence and facts out on FISA and soon (late 2020) Durham’s criminal investigation, the Dems and deep state scum will be in real trouble. They already are and they know it. They are panicking and further insidious coups are already underway. Watch AG Barr on FOX.

But I say this, not only will it be a Trump landslide, both popular vote and electoral college in 2020 , but the Dems stand a VERY good chance of losing a majority in the House. People are waking up to the real world and waking up all over the world; Deep State-Deep Swamp, Fake News – Fed Res. CB system, Big Pharama, Pedophilia, false flags, “suicided’s” and so on and so on. This is why 36%-39% of the black community has come aboard as opposed to 18% in 2016. Many more Dems are moving over and by the time Durham and Barr begin to drop the hammer – far more will come aboard. The Democrat party has left the Dems. and they know it so they are coming over to join us.

Trump fills stadiums with ticket requests often exceeding 100,000 per event and stadiums filled with thousands while thousands remain outside watching the screens. Biden, (present front runner and I believe they will bring Clinton or Michelle out to “save the day” ), draws sometimes less than 100. There are more people on line at the ladies room at any given Trump rally than there are in total at any given Biden rally. Now there are your polls. Oh yeah, and nobody (outside of evil people and left wing lunatics) support infanticide, pedophilia and hardcore socialism.

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Final Word

If you believe that things will calm down soon I am here to inform you they wont. Not for some time. In fact, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Best way to get through all that is about to happen in 2020 and beyond, is to surround yourself with like minded people who understand the times in which we live. Break free from the matrix of controlled thought and complete lies. Click and request your free copy of the digital report to help you with this. It’s right here under Author page on this site. Americans are starving for truth. Seek it. Share it. Pay attention. Expand your thinking. The world is waking up. Nothing will stop us. Victory is ours. MAGA – WWG1WGA. Come join us.

We Don’t Need Different Santas for Every Race

My wife Mary and I were Christmas shopping on a Tuesday, rather than a weekend. And still, the traffic was crazy, stores were packed and checkout lines were long. President Trump has our economy booming. Economic growth has reached 3.1% for the first time in over a decade. Unemployment is 3.7%, the lowest rate in nearly 50 years. In October, U.S. job openings increased to 7.3 million. Black unemployment has hit a new historic low.

Upon entering Home Goods store, I was greeted with a full-size statue of a black Santa Claus. As a black person, I realize the black Santa was meant to make me feel good. Instead, I felt annoyed.

My mom, dad, four younger siblings and I were fine with thinking of Santa as a kindly old white man who loved all the children of the world regardless of race. Santa is a wonderful role model for bridging racial divides and promoting brotherhood. Santa being white never made my black family feel deprived or excluded. We did not need a Santa that looked like us.

Social justice warriors are pushing the absurd narrative that people can only be represented or given a fair shake by people who look like them. SJWs demand that extreme feminist screen writers be hired to properly represent women in movies. They demand that Asians be hired to represent Asians and so on. A black screen writer complained that political correctness in Hollywood has limited his career. He is only hired for black movies. He argues that he is talented enough to write for any movie.

SJWs are relentless in their mission to corrupt everything everyday people hold dear. They have even infected public schools with a children’s book titled, “Santa’s Husband” in which a black Santa Claus has a white husband. Unbelievable.

Hollywood SJWs are obsessed with gender swapping. Beloved white male characters in movies and TV shows are being gender swapped to be played by women. A new TV series will feature a female in the lead role as Zorro. SJWs scored a twofer with the new James Bond movie, swapping Bond’s race and gender. A black woman is the new 007. In-your-face you misogynist, climate change denying, homophobic and privileged white guys.

All this identity politics, race and gender swapping is supposedly about empowering women and minorities. That is a lie. It is really about SJW’s hatred for straight white men and their desire to punish, demonize and cancel them. I am not exaggerating when I say SJWs believe the world would be a better safer place without Christian heterosexual white men. Folks, this SJW narrative is extremely dangerous, sick and evil.

We the People are fed up with SJWs bullying demands that we surrender to their insane views and obsession with meaningless surface appearances. I have noticed a trend towards more people telling SJWs, “No! Back off, mind your own business and leave us alone!”

Recent movies, “Terminator: Dark Fate”, “Charlie’s Angels” and “Black Christmas” have bombed at the box office; rejected because of their SJW virtue signaling.

In a TV commercial, a girl is told that she can be Santa. Wrong! Her desire to give gifts is admirable, but she cannot be Santa. Santa Claus is a man, an elderly loving white man. Get over it!

Merry Christmas folks. Happy Birthday Jesus.

Star Wars ‘The Rise of Skywalker’: A Boring Bust

“Morality is the basis of things and truth is the substance of all morality.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Watch the final trailer for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker:

Disney has done its best to destroy the Star Wars franchise.

After watching “The Rise of Skywalker” I felt like this is the ninth and final nail in the Star War’s coffin.


Answer: It lacked morality and substance.

Political Correctness

After watching “The Rise of Skywalker” I just shook my head at how a great story line was overcome by political correctness. The Rise of Skywalker is filled with politically correct themes and scenes including:

  1. The hero being a woman rather than a man.
  2. The villain being a man rather than a woman.
  3. The promotion of multiculturalism.
  4. The embrace of homosexuality by Disney, of all studios, with two women kissing during the final scene.
  5. The lack of any moral message.
  6. The lack of a positive closure that satisfies the viewer.
  7. The lack of truth which makes the film at best hollow.
  8. The lack of substance.

I have watched all episodes of Star Wars. Each had their flaws, with the exception of the first – Episode 3. Episode 3 hit all of the right buttons such as:

  1. The heroes are men.
  2. The strength of friendship and camaraderie.
  3. The strength of family ties.
  4. The constant battle between good and evil.
  5. A strong moral message.
  6. Compelling characters.
  7. A positive message for the audience, especially its youngest viewers.

Episode 9: A boring bust.

The Rise fell quickly with scenes that were poorly done retakes of previous episodes. The actors were hollow and not fully engaged. The characters are not compelling. The story line was not believable. The ending left one with a sense of disappointment.

There were serious inconsistencies in the story. The story ending was predictable. The writers did a poor job on the script.

The film is as scared as Kylo Ren’s face and helmet.

Ray is a liar. At the end of the film Ray states that she is a Skywalker. She is not a Skywalker, she is a Palpatine. She never was and never will be a Skywalker. Disney abandoned truth, and therefore morality.

The only thing nice I can say about The Rise of Skywalker is that it is the last of the Jedi series. Good riddance to bad film making.

The End! Thank God!

© All rights reserved.

The Little-Known History of the Wild West Is the Ultimate “Mandalorian” Easter Egg

Whether it’s intentional or not, there is some evidence of historical reality in “The Mandalorian.”

I love Star Wars and I enjoy a good Western, so it’s no surprise to any of my friends and co-workers that I’ve been engrossed with The Mandalorian on Disney+. I’ll go ahead and warn you now, there will be some spoilers ahead, so if you haven’t caught up at least through Episode 6 of The Mandalorian, you may want to come back to this after you have.

If you’re all caught up or just don’t mind, let’s continue.

Western Tropes in The Mandalorian

The Mandalorian is basically a Western that happens to be set in a galaxy far, far away, but you don’t have to take my or show-creator Jon Favreau’s word for it. The show openly embraces the tropes and themes of classic spaghetti Westerns.

Broadly speaking, there’s the score and the setting. The theme song and the background music, written by Ludwig Göransson, puts heavy emphasis on the kinds of percussion-and-flute riffs that have a distinctly classic-Western feel. The setting is a little less obvious at times. While interstellar travel offers a range of physical settings⁠—from deserts to forests to spaceships⁠—what’s important is the timing of these settings. The plot takes place just after the conclusion of Return of the Jedi wherein the Empire has suffered a catastrophic defeat at the hands of the Rebellion (now calling itself the New Republic). A large number of classic Westerns tend to take place shortly after the conclusion of the American Civil War.

We can see other Western thematic elements. Heck, the first episode opens with what amounts to the Star Wars version of the gunslinger pushing his way into the saloon, all the disreputable ruffians looking up from their cards and drinks, with the Black Hat deciding that this bar ain’t big enough for the both of us.

Our main character, the titular Mandalorian (Mando, as other characters refer to him), is given no name. This is straight from “The Dollar Trilogy” (A Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, and The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly) starring Clint Eastwood as The Man With No Name. The two characters share more attributes than a simple lack of name, too. Both are men of few words, quick to violence, but also deeply human and caring in their own ways.

In the first episode, Mando has to “earn his spurs” by taming and riding a wild blurrg. This scene is strikingly similar to one from The Big Country starring Gregory Peck, right down to the older teacher calling advice from the fenceline.

It’s all pretty good fun. The thing is, the Wild West portrayed in classic Westerns and the old dime-novels they’re based on is largely fiction. The constant violent, criminal free-for-all that provides the backdrop for so many films simply didn’t exist.

A Brief History of the Not-So-Wild West

Generally speaking, the Western frontier was not nearly as violent or chaotic as legend would have you believe. Don’t get me wrong, the Old West was far from idyllic and racial tensions ran pretty high, but it wasn’t exactly The Quick and the Dead, either.

Before the Civil War, the Western territories were unincorporated land. No formal government (that Americans would recognize) reached that far west yet, so the settlers had no “official” way to keep the peace. But, wherever people begin to gather, conflict of some sort or another is fairly inevitable, so various forms of conflict resolution formed.

Private organizations like land use clubs, cattlemen’s associations, wagon trains, and mining camps protected private property and mediated disputes. Civil contracts, localized constitutions, and social pressure including ostracism (a very real threat so far away from the rest of America) largely kept the peace instead of threats of violence. As Bruce Benson writes of the time,

The contractual system of law effectively generated cooperation rather than conflict, and on those occasions when conflict arose it was, by and large, effectively quelled through nonviolent means.

The homicide rates, even in what qualified as the big cities in the Old West, were astonishingly low. Major railroad stops like Wichita and Dodge City (yes, that Dodge City) had lower murder rates than major eastern cities like New York and Boston at the time.

Interactions with the local Indian tribes were mostly peaceful and trade-based. White settlers may not have always liked the native tribes they shared space with on the frontier, but it was easier and less expensive to deal with them in a generally peaceful way than it was to wage war on them. As Jennifer Roback writes in Property Rights and Indian Economies,

Europeans generally acknowledged that the Indians retained possessory rights to their lands. More important, the English recognized the advantage of being on friendly terms with the Indians. Trade with the Indians, especially the fur trade, was profitable. War was costly.

This all changed in the mid-1860s. Now that it wasn’t so busy with that pesky Civil War, the federal government of the United States could turn its attention westward. Terry Anderson and Fred L. McChesney, who have both written extensively on this subject, put forth in the Journal of Law and Economics that once the costs of using violence against the native tribes of the Plains became distributed across the rest of the country through the use of taxation, “raid” replaced “trade” in relations with the Indian tribes.

Two of the US generals, General William T. Sherman and General Grenville M. Dodge, who headed up many of the major campaigns in the Western territories go into great detail about the atrocities committed against the Plains Indians following the American Civil War, and, more importantly, why. Deals had been struck prior to the War for the federal government to subsidize the building of the transcontinental railroad, and now that the War was over, it was time for the government to make good. Violence against the American Plains Indians was at the behest of the government on behalf of crony railroad barons. The campaign to “pacify” the Western territories resulted in the devastation of the native populations and fatally injured the tenuous relations between white settlers and native tribes.

Let’s back up for a moment. The Mandalorian is helping to set the stage in the Star Wars universe for the reality our heroes find themselves in during The Force Awakens which picks up 30 years after Return of the Jedi. There’s a lot of space to fill between the decisive defeat of the Empire at the end of Episode VI and the “Oh wait, just kidding” of Episode VII.

I mention this because, whether it’s intentional or not, I do see some evidence of historical reality in The Mandalorian. Just as it was the creeping tendrils of centralized government that led to the worst of the violence in the American West, so too do the starkest escalations of violence in The Mandalorian come from the involvement of centralized powers. Sometimes this is direct intervention, as we see when agents of the Galactic Empire hire Mando (and, like, every other bounty hunter in the galaxy) to capture Baby Yoda, as fans have dubbed him.

We also see this even when governmental involvement is indirect, as it was in Episode 6. Mando goes on a mission to rescue a prisoner from a New Republic prison ship. At the end of the episode, New Republic pilots elect to respond to a distress call by firing missiles at the station that’s launching a gunship. Sure, that gunship was supposed to be shooting down our intrepid heroes, but the New Republic pilots had no way of knowing that ahead of time, nor did they bother to even try to find out.

I find this little sliver of vague historical accuracy absolutely fascinating from a storytelling standpoint, and I’m curious to see how this plays out. But it seems that no matter what galaxy one happens to be in, governmental meddling always complicates the situation, generally increasing hostilities instead of decreasing them.


Jen Maffessanti

Jen Maffessanti is a Senior Associate Editor at FEE and mother of two. When she’s not advocating for liberty or chasing kids, she can usually be found cooking or maybe racing cars. Check out her website.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Dems To Congratulate Each Other On Meaningless Impeachment Vote With ‘I Voted To Impeach Trump’ Stickers

WASHINGTON, D.C.—House Democrats were feeling bad about the fact that impeachment isn’t going to accomplish anything, since the Senate will definitely acquit Donald Trump.

But then Nancy Pelosi got an idea: passing out “I Voted to Impeach Trump” stickers to every Democrat who votes for impeachment.

“It’s a kind of participation trophy, I guess,” she said at a press conference. “It’s not actually removing Trump from office that counts, but it’s the friends we made along the way. Friends like — well, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar, and that other one. All great, great friends. So great.”

The stickers have no ramifications whatsoever on Trump or the government, but they make Dems feel good, sort of like the actual impeachment vote.


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Religious Fanatics In Washington Observe Little-Known Holiday Apparently Called ‘Impeachment Day’

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EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

How Democrats Could Undo Trump’s “Lasting Legacy” in the Courts

To the delight of conservatives and dismay of liberals, President Trump is doing more to reshape the American judiciary than any president in recent memory. It’s viewed as a “lasting legacy” that will ensure more “conservative” rulings — constitutionalist ones, actually — for perhaps decades to come. Unfortunately, a full understanding of the Constitution and leftists’ nature informs that this is an unfounded assumption.

Illustrating the courts’ current transformation, The Daily Signal wrote last month that “‘[o]ne out of every 4 active judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals have been appointed by President Trump,’ says Adam Kennedy, deputy assistant to the president and deputy director of communications at the White House…. ‘And the average age is actually a full 10 years younger for these justices than under President [Barack] Obama.’”

All told, the president has thus far had “158 judicial nominees confirmed to the Federal bench,” informs, including “two Supreme Court justices, 44 Circuit Court judges, and 112 District Court judges.” This judicial transformation is historic — but it also can be made history. How?

Aside from the well known power to impeach judges, Congress can also pack the Supreme Court. Yet it apparently has still another power, one little known: to abolish entire federal courts.

The only federal court mandated by the Constitution is the SCOTUS; as to “inferior courts,” Article III states that Congress “may from time to time ordain and establish” them, which it has often done. But implied is that what Congress can make, it can unmake; or, as the Legal Information Institute puts it, the Houses can both “expand and contract the units of the system” (emphasis added).

This is not just theoretical but has already happened: Upset about outgoing president John Adams’ packing of the judiciary with Federalists, the Jeffersonians in 1802 repealed the Judiciary Act of 1801. They then abolished the courts the legislation had created. Moreover, no provision was made for the displaced jurists even though the Constitution guarantees judges lifetime tenure, and a challenge to this apparent omission was rejected by SCOTUS justice William Paterson. And that was that — and thus was a precedent set.

Now let’s talk about the future. While unlikely in 2020, at some point the Democrats will again control the presidency and both Houses of Congress. We also know that to today’s cutthroat, “woke” Left the end justifies the means. Considering this, do you really think they’re going to let the rulings of some black-robed lawyers — people without an army or police force and who constitute (in theory) the “weakest branch” — stymie their agenda? Not a chance.

The first thing the Left would do is pack the SCOTUS. Know that the number of justices is not constitutionally mandated, but is set statutorily by Congress and at times has been more or less than nine.

In other words, a leftist legislature could raise the number to whatever was necessary to ensure an ironclad liberal majority (let’s say, 15), let its fellow traveler president nominate hard-left candidates for those positions and then confirm them. And, “Voila!” the Democrats have a judicial rubber stamp for their whole agenda.

Note that this kind of court packing was not only attempted by Democrat Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930s, but has already been proposed as a near-future strategy.

Impeachment and removal of “conservative” justices could also be pursued. Outrageous? Well, would politicians willing to impeach a president on phony charges be above doing the same to a judge? Remember here that impeaching Justice Brett Kavanaugh, whom leftists claim is illegitimate, has already been proposed, too.

Of course, complete control of SCOTUS suffices to clear the way for a hard-left agenda. If the Democrats did want to expedite matters by eliminating all judicial speed bumps, however, they could pursue Article III court abolition and, if necessary, the impeachment of lower court judges. Any challenges to these actions would meet swift rejection, too, by the in-the-pocket SCOTUS.

And just like that, President Trump’s judicial legacy would go out the window. Too radical to happen, you say? Note that the post-mask-drop Democratic Party is defined by radicalism, wearing it like a badge.

Is the above more radical, after all, than socialism and the Green New Deal? That requires remaking our whole governmental system and economy. Is it more radical than one of the Democrats’ current major causes, eliminating the Electoral College? That requires actually altering the Constitution, which means 38 states would have to sign on. The court-revamping strategy requires only federal control and action, using current constitutional provisions. Sure, the Left would have to misapply them, but has that ever stopped it before?

All this, not to mention that the “power” of “judicial supremacy” is not constitutionally granted but is enjoyed at the other two branches’ pleasure. The moment a president says, paraphrasing Andrew Jackson, “The judges have made their decision — now let them enforce it,” it goes bye-bye.

Anyone who thinks today’s “woke,” Ocasio-Cortez Democrats won’t embrace some combination of the above measures but will instead obediently abide by Trump judges’ inconvenient rulings, doesn’t know today’s Left. It’s Machiavellian, and it plays for keeps. Besides, having convinced themselves Trump is an illegitimate president and despising him viscerally, the Demo-socialists have their rationalization at the ready. They’ll feel righteous erasing his legacy.

If court-reshaping does come to pass, traditionalists’ only recourse may be state-level nullification, which Thomas Jefferson called the “rightful remedy” for all federal overreach. It would be bold action, too, and thus may some find it uncomfortably radical and revolutionary (like the Founders?). But what else are they going to do? Keep filing more lawsuits?

Yeah, exactly.

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Impeachment be damned, Trump judicial appointees roar on at record pace

“It is up to us to reclaim our heritage of equal and impartial justice. It is up to us to re-dedicate ourselves to the traditions and wisdom of our Founders.”


While eyes are glued to the “historic” Congressional impeachment poppycock that will be relegated to footnote status a nanosecond after the Senate votes, real and lasting work by President Trump and the Republican Senate continues to get done.

What was somewhat missed in Trump’s wildly successful last few weeks — a new North American trade agreement, stunning employment numbers, a full budget, and an interim China trade deal — was that the number of approved federal judges is just racing forward.

This is incredibly important and the media just isn’t interested. But the reality is that as great as a strong economy and fair trade agreements are, the longest lasting effect of any President is in the courts. Economies go up and down and policies change with administrations, but judges are forever (well, in figurative political terms.)

Over a 10-day period at the beginning of December, the Senate confirmed eight more district court judges to the bench and two more judges to the notorious U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Steadily, the Ninth Circuit is becoming less radical and threatening to American liberties. And that is true for the entire federal judiciary.

Trump has already appointed more judges to the federal court in less than three years than President Obama did in his first full term, including flipping the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit from a majority appointed by Democrats to a majority appointed by Republicans. Further, Trump and the Republican Senate are about to flip, this month, the Second and Eleventh Circuits from Democrat-appointed majorities to Republican.

And finally, on the impact side of this, the average age of circuit judges appointed by Trump is less than 50 years old, which is a decade younger than the average age of Obama’s circuit judge appointments, meaning they are likely to stay on the courts much longer.

It’s not just the quantity of judges, but the quality of judges.

Jonathan Adler at Reason wrote, “Contrary to common characterizations in the press and punditocracy, President Trump’s nominees have, on the whole, been quite impressive and highly qualified. While there are some notable exceptions, the qualifications of Trump’s judicial nominees compare favorably with those of his predecessors.”

Through 2018, the Congressional Research Service revealed that a higher percentage of judges nominated by President Trump received “Well Qualified” ratings from the American Bar Association than any modern President except for George W. Bush. That trend has continued into 2019. So for the first three years of Trump appointments, judicial nominees rated “well qualified” are running at a higher percentage than Obama’s — and that’s with an increasingly partisan ABA doing the rating.

Of course, these facts will virtually never be reported in the mainstream media. But they are important for the quality of the decisions that will be coming for decades. Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham gets it.

“As Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I will continue to push through highly qualified, conservative judges at all levels of the federal courts,” Graham said. “These conservative judicial appointments will impact our nation for years to come.”

Decades. Even generations. All as the impeachment disappears in a political blink.


Senators Confirm 12 New Judges Ahead of Holiday Break

Trump Isn’t Impeached Until the House Tells the Senate

Tucker Carlson And Neil Patel: Understanding Democrats’ March Toward Electoral Defeat

EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Nancy Pelosi doesn’t want to talk about impeachment

So much for “solemn.”

For nearly 3 years, Democrats in Congress openly made plans to impeach President Donald J. Trump. While Speaker Nancy Pelosi claimed that “no one comes to Congress to impeach a president,” some House Democrats did exactly that—and said so explicitly.

“I would vote yes” on impeachment, one said during her campaign more than a year ago. “I recognize [President Trump] as a tyrant.”

Another Democrat made this promise hours after she was sworn into office in January: “We’re gonna impeach the motherf****r.”

The list goes on. Speaker Pelosi doesn’t want mainstream Americans to see comments like those. She knows the rest of the country would be appalled by the way House Democrats talk to their far-left base. And she knows it would expose the truth about impeachment: that it was always a partisan move to silence the voices of 63 million Americans. It never mattered what the facts were or what the law said.

You can’t have it both ways. Democrats can’t lecture the country about the gravity of impeachment and then turn right around and make a mockery of it for their voters.

YesterdaySpeaker Pelosi assured the public that the impeachment vote would be a “solemn” process and a prayerful day for America. Not everyone got the memo:

Speaker Pelosi may be captive to her party’s growing radical, Democrat-Socialist movement, but she’s no dummy. She knows how bad this all looks. In full damage-control mode, she made two shocking announcements just hours after the House vote.

The first is that she’s done talking about impeachment. “I’m not going to answer any more questions” about it, she said this morning.

Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham called her out, noting that the White House had been answering reporters’ questions about it all morning. “When you wrongfully impeach a President, people deserve answers. You’ve been talking nothing but impeachment for months (years really)—why the silence now?”

The second stunning move Speaker Pelosi announced? After rushing to complete the fastest impeachment of a President in U.S. history, the House will now hold onto the Articles of Impeachment instead of passing them along to the Senate for trial. Democrat leaders know the Senate will acquit President Trump—after all, their Articles don’t even allege that he committed a crime—and they don’t want the weakness of their case exposed.

House Democrats got their historic day. They now own the first impeachment in American history that had no bipartisan support, only bipartisan opposition. They now own the first impeachment that contains no criminal violations, only political disputes.

It’s a terrible precedent for our country. Speaker Pelosi knows that. Just don’t ask her about it, OK?

Here’s what President Trump did today.

Something to shareThey’re not after me. They’re after you.

Knowledge of Socialism and the Ideology of Soviet Fascism is Imperative

Impeachment is a terrible thing—it is the last resort to stop crimes committed against the U.S. Now, the years of rage, storm and vicious-toxic hatred towards Trump by the Dems have given birth to an impeachment war from the day he was elected, even before, to prevent his election. Schiff’s parody-fraud reading of a transcript of the call between President Trump and the President of Ukraine was the moment that made it clear: an agenda of Political Correctness would rule the impeachment process. Controlled and run by Dem Stalinist Political Charlatans and their Socialist mafia using Stalinist methods of total lying to fight Republicans, democracy and the American Republic. Sen. Mitch McConnell is right: “It was the predetermined end of a partisan crusade.” Pundits want to know ‘Swamp Mistress’ Pelosi’s and Schiff’s political calculus. The answer lies in knowledge of Socialism and the ideology of Soviet Fascism…

There are aggravating circumstances—the Dems are not alone in the war against President Donald j. Trump. We are dealing with the syndicate of America’s Socialist mafia collaborating with Putin’s Security Services. Writing about them for the last thirty years, I use the term the KGB—the real name of Stalinist Charlatans. All these years I have repeated the same refrain: Knowledge of Socialism and the ideology of Soviet fascism is a Must. Without this awareness we can’t successfully fight the war between the Parties, simmering in our country. You saw Schiff’s play book manufacture impeachment a-la the way Soviet apparatchik’s had deceived and defrauded people for decades…

The Dems have been in cahoots with Putin’s KGB for a long time and my writings have been banned for that exact reason—to suppress the Truth. Carter Page is the latest victim of corrupt FBI officials, abusing power. I became a similar victim in 2002. The FBI submitted my name to the FISA Court making me a foreign agent to have a probable cause to ban my writings. As a matter of fact, I knew about corruption in the FBI and CIA many years ago. To save time and illustrate the matter, I’ll give you several paragraphs as the example from my writing. Don’t be stunned, I’ll show you what has been already published. The column Revelation, April 26. 2018:

We are at war, an ongoing asymmetrical war with many different fronts, a variety of tools, devices, methods, and tricks unknown to us. Seemingly unrelated events, in fact, are inextricably connected—all geopolitical events coordinated and directed from the Kremlin. The apparatus or engine of nefarious actions is waging a war against Western civilization for control and power. We are losing this war, because we are fighting the symptoms and not the source of the disease: the ideology of Soviet Socialism, the masked evil force I named Soviet fascism. That camouflaged force constitutes an Axis of Evil under the Kremlin’s umbrella.

Ideology can’t be spread by air or wind—people disperse the ideas and implement them on the ground. American’s political system is quite unique and differs from all others in the world. It took me a decade to learn it. A lucky chance helped Andropov and his KGB to have an American lawyer as a guide and ally to act freely on the American soil. I am writing about this man for the last twenty-five years, because I know him, his name is Bill Clinton. In 1991 it was my personal impression that he was an enemy of America, and the time since then provided me with a plenty of evidence confirming that. Bill Clinton is the bad actor in all my books, during the last twenty-five years, especially in the last 3-4 columns.

The Clinton Mafia was created by the mutual dealings of Clinton with the KGB. It was the Andropov/Clinton conspiracy, the reciprocal doings to protect the criminal activities of the conspiracy. Clinton helped Andropov to transform our social media by ideological politicization and by appointing former KGB political operatives as journalists. Clinton appointed Democrat Judges to infiltrate our Justice System, he appointed yes-men to our intelligence and security agencies with the corrupt intention to politicize and polarize their lawful functioning to pursue the Andropov design. In response, the KGB tried to help Clinton in many events, described in my books: the events in 1998 were the best evidence of that:

“There is another event that deserves attention and deep thinking about the Clinton Mafia. Do you remember Monica’s “blue dress?” I have found an interesting chronology connected to the “blue dress” in 1998. The FBI asked for Clinton’s blood sample to compare it with the sperm’s stain on the “blue dress,” three days later the terrorists committed two tragic blasts of American Embassies in Africa. Don’t tell me about the coincidences in life. It is the “work” of the Russian connection to divert attention from Clinton and “the blue dress.” P. 186, Socialist Lies: From Stalin to the Clintons, Obama, and Sanders, Xlibris, 2016.

The next column is Fascist Evil is at Our Door! October 26, 2018

“If you look back into 1930 to 1936, this is very similar to what happened in Germany,” Bill O’Reilly stated. “Good people in Germany, good Germans, looked away. They did not confront the evil that was coming at them. And I put forth to you and America, we have a lot of evil coming at us right now and I don’t know how many people are looking away.” All of that is said by O’Reilly in October 2018 and he is absolutely right. Yet, he is a second person to warn you about Fascism. If you want to know who is the first one to warn you during the last decades? I can answer the question. I did. Just go to the internet and click on Soviet Fascism and you’ll get plenty of my columns, written during last decade.

O’Reilly is right to warn you about Nazi Germany—fascism destroyed Europe in the 20th century. However, it is another history and country that implemented fascism throughout the world: I am talking today about Soviet fascism. I have warned you about Soviet fascism for many years. The more I learned, the more I was convinced that the term Soviet fascism is the right one. You’ll find the definition of Soviet Fascism on p.159 and please, continue reading pp. 183-221, Chapter 10: Face to Face with Soviet Fascism, What is Happening to America? Xlibrism 2012.

The story of my learning and the changing of my mind is a simple one. The first time I heard the term Soviet fascism from my friend Vlad in 1979, walking with him along the streets of Leningrad (St. Petersburg), and horrified by the term. I would suggest you to read that scene to grasp the changes that had occurred in my attitude to the ideology of Socialism. Baltic WindsTestimony of a Soviet Attorney, by Simona Pipko, Xlibris, 2002

For the last thirty years, I have been writing about the ideology of Soviet Socialism renaming it Soviet Fascism. In my column Socialist Threat is Real and Immediate in America, October 10, 2018, I was talking about the Ideology of Soviet Fascism, implemented in America by the Dems’ Socialist mafia in close collaboration with Putin’s KGB over several decades.  I have been educating you, the American people, because the vast majority of Americans are not familiar with the real Socialism, hence they allowed a criminal social theory to become a legitimate philosophy in America.

In my books I point out that Socialism is a myth, a fraud based on a Utopian concept. Just look at Bernie Sanders, who calls himself a Democratic Socialist. The term itself is an oxymoron—a democrat can’t be a socialist, a socialist can’t be democratic. The term reveals an absence of the knowledge of real Socialism and its agenda for decades. Socialism is a system of incredible corruption. It creates a Police State, a political system of totalitarianism, which means one-party dictatorship ending in the loss of individual liberty and private property that is the opposite of democracy and should be called what it is-Fascism.

Knowledge of Soviet Fascism is a must for all politicians to maintain and defend our national security—for we are at war, in an asymmetrical war of the Axis of Evil against the American Republic. The Axis of Evil is the blending of the countries in different continents under Russian supervision, adhering to the ideology of Soviet Fascism. They are: North Korea, China, Syria, Iran, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Turkey. It is not a coincidence that America discusses “mobs,” “mob rule,” and the growing leftist incivility and violence against Republicans—Soviet fascism is extremely violent.

The primary Dems reason for the hateful resistance to the GOP is not only to revenge a losing election. The primary and real reason is to divert your attention and to cover-up the sinister crime of TREASON the Dems leadership have committed over several decades. This crime of the Dems leadership and radical Socialist mafia should be a major topic in the midterm election on November 6, 2018. Don’t allow Dems’ Socialism to take over the American Republic, fight Soviet Fascism on November 6, 2018, to save the legacy of our Founding Fathers. Vote Republican!

Allow me now to go to a new spiral in WW III and its roots. This war took a different form and scale in 2016-2018—the deadly war against President Trump. And again we are talking about the Dems “criminal cabal,” as Judge Jeannine called it. The Democrats have the audacity to call Trump a racist—their incompetence is staggering—they know nothing about Yuri Andropov! Now there are rumors that Trump had a connection with an agent from the Kremlin. It is possible that the actual agent has been Barack Obama. I have been writing about his Russian connection for the last nine years. Please read Socialist Lies: from Stalin to the Clintons, Obamas, and Sanders, Xlibris, 2016.”

The next column: Putin’s KGB on American Soil, January 26, 2018

If you have any doubts in my identification of Soviet Fascism and WW III, the first person to confirm the identity of both is the now deceased Chairman of the KGB, Yuri Andropov. I will give you a conversation of two KGB Generals, Lt. General Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest-ranking KGB officer ever to defect to the U.S, with Yuri Andropov:

“In 1972 the Kremlin decided to turn the whole Islamic world against Israel and the U.S. As KGB Chairman, Yuri Andropov told me a billion adversaries could inflict far greater damage on America than could a few million. We need to instill a Nazi-style hatred for Jews throughout the Islamic world, and to turn this weapon of the emotions into a terrorist bloodbath against Israel and its main supporter the United States. No one within the American/Zionist sphere of influence should any longer feel safe.  (“Russian Footprints,” by Ion Mihai Pacepa, National Review Online, August 24, 2008

Fascism is Alive and Well, It Never Sleeps

President Donald J. Trump is an existential threat to the ideology of Soviet fascism. Trump revitalized the Republican Party. Trump’s Republican Party ought to understand that it was Vladimir Putin impeaching President Donald J. Trump. The Witch Hunt all these years was started by the Trump/Dossier—the KGB production; it cost America billions and billions doing irreparable damage to the country. Experiencing a Scam-impeachment in the Christmas season 2019 the GOP should learn how to fight Stalinist Political Correctness and Soviet fascism. Read my column: Stalinist Political Charlatans in America, December 15, 2019

“What lies in front of us are two choices: enlightenment or fascism.

Antonia Hitchens, The New Yorker, “Marianne Williamson’s Esprit de Orb Corps,” 26 Aug. 2019. Considering the fake impeachment, knowledge of Soviet Fascism is a Must to secure the future of the American Republic…

Rush Limbaugh is right: “Can you imagine an even more energized Trump? Can you imagine an even more focused Trump? Can you imagine an even more controlled, angry Trump? Can you imagine a Trump more focused on his agenda than ever? Because after today, what more can they do?”

I would add—Stay tune! Wait for Trump’s response. In the meantime:

Merry Christmas to my America the Beautiful!!!

Merry Christmas to Trump’s Republican Party!!!

To be continued and at

Trump Is Beating The Swamp

Despite resistance from the Congress, President Trump has made considerable progress in his first term; he has reshaped the federal courts to enforce the Constitution, he has moved the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem (something other presidents promised to do, but failed to deliver), he has rebuilt our military and is assisting veterans, illegal immigration is being slashed, he made several key trade deals (particularly the recent USMCA to replace NAFTA), he crushed ISIS, and introduced policies and programs resulting in a booming economy of historic proportions. Despite all this, perhaps his biggest achievement is taking “The Swamp” to task and is beating them.

Let’s be clear, the Washington establishment likes it better when one of their own serves as president. Mr. Trump is the first outsider to break the pattern and challenge the culture. As we know, the “Swamp” consists of Democrats, the Main Stream Media, RINOs, and the “Deep State” bureaucrats, all of whom have banded together to obstruct this president. However, President Trump is a quick study and has forced their hand, by branding the news media as “Fake News” (thereby causing them to lose the trust of the people), taking RINOs to task, unmasking and weeding out “Deep State” officials, and butting heads with the Democrats. He is being successful as it is simply no longer business as usual in Washington.

Indicative of the Congressional meltdown is the president’s impeachment which is all part of the Swamp’s coup d’état to rid the country of President Trump. More than anything, this coup denotes the presence of a cultural revolution. Such a revolution happens when an outsider enters a new culture; the person either adapts to the culture or the culture rejects the person, which is quite normal. However, when the culture grows to the point that it fails to serve its constituents, you need an outsider to change it, like President Trump. This is all about serving the needs of the people, not the political power brokers in Washington.

Last week, Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the UK drove his Conservative Party to an overwhelming victory over the Labour Party thereby opening the door for the British to finally exit the European Union (BREXIT). This victory is significant as it was viewed as the will of the people. This should be considered a harbinger of things to come in the 2020 U.S. elections. People are simply sick and tired of the political class going against the will of the people. Democrats are now in the unenviable position of facing angry voters in November. It is highly likely President Trump will experience the same landslide victory Boris Johnson did last week.

Thus far, the Democrats have failed in all their attempts to besmirch the character of the president; the Mueller Investigation produced nothing, and the impeachment is going nowhere fast. Shortly after the impeachment coup ends in defeat, the Democrats will continue to hound the president the best they can. It is conceivable they could do another impeachment inquiry, but this will not likely happen. I believe the next thing you will hear is the House trying to censure the president. A censure is a condemnation of an individual, but carries no penalty.

Perhaps the best known censure of an American president was that of Andrew Jackson in 1834. Believe it or not, Abraham Lincoln was censured during the Civil War (1864), and the last president to be censured was William Howard Taft in 1912. This didn’t appear to hurt him politically as he was appointed the tenth chief justice of the Supreme Court in 1921. In all cases, censure was politically motivated, just as it will be with President Trump. Nonetheless, this will be the last desperate act of the Democrats before they are voted out of office.

So far, President Trump has played this all quite shrewdly. He has rattled the cage of the Swamp who now face losing their jobs. By doing so, he has cracked the Washington establishment which is now beginning to crumble. We owe him a great debt of gratitude for this.

As to those who feel Mr. Trump doesn’t act “presidential,” I ask what acting “presidential” has gotten us over the last few decades, other than an erosion of our values and a lowering of the prestige of the country. He may not be politically correct, but he sure knows how to get things done.

Thank God for Donald J. Trump, the first American president with the strength and courage to take on “The Swamp,” and win.

Keep the Faith!

P.S. – Also do not forget my new books, “How to Run a Nonprofit” and “Tim’s Senior Moments”, both available in Printed and eBook form. Great holiday gifts!


Trump taunts Dems at Michigan rally: ‘Doesn’t really feel like we’re being impeached’

As House votes to impeach Trump, McConnell pushes 13 judge nominations through Senate

EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

Democrats Drowning in Their Own Twisted Rhetoric

“We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.” – Ayn Rand

The Democratic Party, and the Deep State, have decided to go all in on impeaching President Donald J. Trump. I get it. They lost the 2016 election, which they should have won, and just can’t seem to get over it. They won the popular vote but lost the Electoral College.

What is most interesting is that the Democrats are drowning in their own twisted rhetoric.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi promised that she would work with President Trump. That, for the most part, was a lie. What Speaker Pelosi found, after the 2018 midterm election, is that the party had taken a sharp turn toward Communism (i.e. Democratic Socialism). The Democratic Party also found that their Progressive Caucus held sway over its public policy platform.

Since the 2018 midterm election the Democrats in the House, Senate and their political action committees have made it their mission to:

  1. Impeach President Trump.
  2. Eliminate the Electoral College.
  3. Reinstate the Iran Nuclear Deal.
  4. Rejoin the Paris Climate Accord.
  5. Give the United Nations power over every American citizen (much like the EU has power over its member country’s citizens).
  6. Cut military spending.
  7. Keep America in endless wars in the Middle East.
  8. Support anti-Semitism.
  9. End support of the state of Israel.
  10. Forgive all student loan debt.
  11. Give everyone free public housing.
  12. Guarantee everyone a federal job.
  13. Implement the Green New Deal.
  14. Raise the minimum wage.
  15. Pack the Supreme Court.
  16. Give social benefits to illegal aliens.
  17. Give expanded “civil rights” to homosexuals.
  18. Provide medicare for all.
  19. Raise taxes on the rich.
  20. Raise taxes on the working class.
  21. Abort a child after birth.
  22. Weaken the 2nd Amendment.
  23. Silence any and all opposition.
  24. De-funding ICE.
  25. Open our Southern border.
  26. Resist everything the Trump administration does.

I have been warning about each of these issues for over a decade. I have seen them become the political platform of the neo-Marist Democratic Party.

As Ayn Rand warned:

“The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow.”

Hilary Clinton lost in 2016 because Americans were looking for a new way forward. They saw that new way in the Republican candidate for president and voted for Donald J. Trump.

The Democrats and Democratic Party have since 2016 embraced numerous extreme uncontested absurdities.

It they ever gain enough power they will implement them and work tirelessly to codify them into law.

This is why 2020 and beyond are critical to maintaining our Constitutional Republican form of government. This is why me must continue to severely limit the powers of Washington, D.C.

This is why America must do what the people in the United Kingdom did, reject socialism in all of its forms.

© All rights reserved.


Trump taunts Dems at Michigan rally: ‘Doesn’t really feel like we’re being impeached’

As House votes to impeach Trump, McConnell pushes 13 judge nominations through Senate

Tulsi Gabbard Explains Why She Didn’t Vote for Impeachment

EXTORTION: Nancy Pelosi Threatens to Withhold Impeachment Articles from Senate Republicans

“Unconstitutional Abuse of Power,” US Senate Candidate Praises President Trump’s Scathing Letter to Speaker Pelosi that Condemned House’s Fraudulent, Illegal Impeachment

ARLINGTON, Va.Dec. 18, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — US Senate Candidate Victor Williams today praised Donald Trump’s six-page letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi which condemned the House’s impeachment vote as an “unprecedented and unconstitutional abuse of power.”

Williams, running to defeat Virginia’s Mark Warner, stated:

“Speaker Pelosi and the House Democrats are not above the law.

Even holding her so-called impeachment inquiry umbrella, Nancy Pelosi may not float above the US Constitution like some desiccated Mary Poppins.”

Williams, who is a Washington, DC law professor, stated:

“President Trump is absolutely right.  He has done nothing wrong. The 116th House of Representatives’ harassments against Donald Trump –  done in concert with swamp  perfidy and deep state treachery – now metastasize into fraudulent, illegal impeachment.

The legal definition of fraud is ‘an intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to surrender a legal right.’ A determination of fraud has constitutional consequences.”

Worse than being a fraud against Trump, however, Professor Williams explains why the partisan vote is a travesty against our Republic’s constitutional history:

“Under English law, officials could be removed from office by either of two ways. The first was by a formal parliamentary impeachment removal process that required proof that the official had committed a high crime.

The second was by a simple majority vote of ‘attainder’ – a direct legislative punishment that included removing the targeted individual from and forever blackening his reputation.

English jurist William Blackstone described how a legislature’s attainder is fundamentally intended to effect an ‘attintus’ to taint and blacken the targeted individual’s reputation.

Such an attainder punishment was accomplished through a simple majority vote.

Removing an ideological or personal opponent from his political office while also permanently damaging his reputation was an effective but reprehensible legislative practice.”

Williams continues,

“Our Constitution’s Framers were intent on eliminating the abusive legislative process of attainder in America.

So they explicitly banned such legislative punishment and defamation.  Article I’s Sections 9 and 10 forbids all legislative harassment, defamation, and punishment: ‘No ex post facto law or bill of attainder shall be passed.’

The House vote comes with remote prospect of Senate conviction. It is purposed only to punish and damage Donald Trump’s reputation and harm Senate confirmation prospects for his future executive and judicial nominations.”

Williams states: “It is not an impeachment vote – it is a vote of attainder.”

Professor Williams further explained:

“In 1891, Justice Joseph Story damned a legislature’s attainder process as ‘governed solely by what is deems political necessity or expedience, and too often under the influence of unreasonable fears or unfounded suspicions.’

According to Justice Story, legislative attainder is done without “‘proofs conformable to the rules of evidence.’

DC swamp greybeards are wrong.  The House impeachment is not immune from constitutional inspection.  The defamatory ordeal suffered by Trump begs for a de facto (‘by practice’) attainder analysis.

In 1993, I first described the wide dimension of the attainder ban in context of the impeachment removal process challenged in the Walter Nixon v. United States adjudication.

The US Supreme Court just last week agreed to review the D.C. Circuit’s wrongheaded ruling in  Trump v. Mazars in which dissenting Judge Naomi Roa details how the attainder ban protects civil rights and the separation of powers.

Shamefully, a partisan House today votes attainder.”

EDITORS NOTE: Victor Williams is the 2016 founder and present chair of “Law Professors for Trump.”  Just as he predicted he would be in 2016, Williams predicts that Donald John Trump will be elected President in 2020.  And working to help Trump, Williams is an insurgent candidate for the U.S. Senate in Virginia. 571-309-8249.

The Democrats’ One-night Stand with the Founders [+Video]

“I’ll respect you in the morning” is what I half expect to hear. Of course, the Democrats now invoking the Founding Fathers’ memory in their effort to impeach President Trump won’t respect our colonial progenitors at the next dawn anymore than they did at the last one.

Nonetheless, the Left has interrupted its regularly scheduled programming of trying to tear down the Founders’ reputations and life’s work — the Electoral College, the First and Second Amendments, and the Constitution generally — to claim that those Enlightenment men are on their side.

Nancy Pelosi (D-Fruits and Nuts) has proclaimed that Trump’s actions “are in defiance of the vision of our Founders.” Democrat Jerrold Nadler, from the state (NY) that allows prenatal infanticide up to birth and that’s giving driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, asked a shill college professor of an impeachment “witness,” “[I]f Washington were here today, if he were joined by Madison, Hamilton and other Framers, what do you believe they would say if presented with the evidence before us about President Trump’s conduct?”

My, my, as Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson put it Tuesday evening, “Democrats care deeply and passionately about the Founding Fathers.” For sure. Just watch a selection of them in Carlson’s segment below, if you have a strong stomach and high tolerance for shameless sanctimony.

Now, Nadler’s hypothetical is interesting because I’ve occasionally indulged the thought exercise of what would transpire if a Founder — let’s say, George Washington — could be resurrected from the dead. After he recovered from the shock of our technological advancement and moral debasement, I imagine he’d have lots to say.

How much of it, though, would be in praise of the Democrat program? What would he say about sex as social construct, personal pronoun tyranny, putting boys masquerading as girls in female spaces and the Sexual Devolution generally? Widespread prenatal infanticide? Open-borders cultural genocide? Rule by judicial and bureaucratic fiat? Proposals to eliminate the Electoral College and Senate? Feminism? Multiculturalism? Attacks on Christianity? The exalting of Islam? Hate crime law? High taxation? Federal overreach? The redistribution of wealth?

Speaking of which, how about socialism? Note that Founder Samuel Adams spoke for many of his comrades in warning of the “Utopian schemes of levelling, and a community of goods.” So is there one aspect of the modern Democrat agenda — just one — of which Washington or any other Founder would approve? Help me out here.

The notion is ridiculous, of course. The Founders would have an earful for most of us, don’t get me wrong, but they’d absolutely view today’s leftists as aliens.

That’s how the Left views them, too. Leftists don’t hide their disdain for “old white men,” whom they despise at least partially because that demographic most opposes their agenda. They also loathe the Founder fruit that is the Constitution — which Barack Obama bemoaned was merely “a charter of negative liberties” — basically because it’s a conservative document.

By this I don’t mean just the obvious, which is that it prescribes limited government. It’s also that conservatism is about conserving the status quo — standing “athwart history, yelling Stop,” as William F. Buckley put it — while liberalism is about changing the status quo. Yet since the Constitution’s Amendment Process makes it painfully hard to change, the document does (when adhered to) conserve a status quo.

So it’s no surprise that lawyer and CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin called the Constitution “broken” in 2013 and stated that outside “Washington, discontent with the founding document is bipartisan and widespread” (among pseudo-elites, yes).

Toobin pointed to a University of Texas law professor, Sanford Levinson, who, when asked if he would have signed the Constitution, reluctantly said yes in 1987 but no in 2003. Toobin was making his case for how a positive evolution of thought takes us beyond constitutional limitations, but he only demonstrated how Levinson managed to get not only older, but dumber in 16 years’ time.

But since the Democrats are now romancing the Founders, here’s another thought exercise: Imagine we could resurrect all those men and let them take the place of our current president, congressmen and senators for some years so that they could restore our government to founding principles. Would you agree? I’d sign on that dotted line.

No matter what the Democrats would say hypothetically, though, this would be their worst nightmare. Their feelings toward the Founders range from indifference to contempt to hostility, which is why they demean them in history books and propose removing monuments to Washington and Thomas Jefferson.

Oh, don’t think it’s really about slavery, either. Islam’s Mohammed was not only a warlord, caravan-raider thief, mass murderer and user of torture, but a slave owner and trader. Yet no leftist would dare besmirch his memory. Nor do our liberals trouble much over Muslims’ enslavement of blacks in Africa today. No, leftists hate the Founders because they hate Americanism.

If the Founders could live again and run for office in 2019, the Left would be vicious in its vitriol, calling them racists, bigots, homophobes, sexists, xenophobes, white supremacists and, well, you know the wash-rinse-repeat pattern.

Worse still, though, is what leftists are doing to the Founders right now: associating them with themselves. Why, if the Founders weren’t in a place beyond the reach of worldly defilement, they’d likely feel in need of a Silkwood-intensity shower.

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