Does The New York Times Report on all Racist Comments?

Good morning Dean “Deano” Baquet,

I hope today finds you well at your post as the Executive Editor of the iconic New York Times.  There is just so much in the news these days, eh Deano?  I would like to touch on a few issues: starting with your paper’s reporting style and opinion writers, as well as some of the headline stories.

New Mayor For NYC

It looks like the the honorable Mayor of New York Eric Adams is off to a bit of a controversial start. Thank goodness he is keeping the unconstitutional vaccine mandate in effect and he is firing those 1,400 or so city workers.  I mean even as indoor mask mandates have been relaxed (except for children in schools, of course), even as more and more Democratic cities are relaxing restrictions, Ole Eric is going to fire some people.  How can you argue with that logic, Deano?  He must have gotten his guidance from the installed POTUS.  I mean even after the Supreme Court ruled against Joey…what did Joey say?  “Even though the courts ruled against this mandate, I urge states and companies to make employees comply.”  Ya see Deano, Joey never lets a little thing like the Supreme Court or the Constitution get in his way.  It looks like Eric is a chip off the old block (head, some say).


The Mayor’s next shining moment came from a recent video that has emerged.  It seems the honorable Mayor was on video referring to white police officers as “Crackers.”  I looked to see what your esteemed paper had to say about this comment, but shockingly, I couldn’t find any coverage of this video…anywhere. Shocking, I tell you, seeing as though you are usually at the forefront of racial injustices.

Does Asking a Question Automatically Qualify You as a Racist?

Well, I took it on my own to reach out to one of your compensated opinion writers.  I reached out to him, because he has written numerous pieces on said racial injustices.  He had a piece recently addressing the Caryn Johnson (Whoopi Goldberg) Holocaust quagmire.  I asked him if he had an opinion on the the recent comments by the honorable Mayor, as well as his opinion of the installed POTUS comment while he was a Senator saying,  “I don’t want my kids to grow up in a racial jungle.” President Trump is a racist!
I must say, I was a bit taken aback by his replies.  Some included, “just because I am a black writer, does not mean, I’m at the forefront of racial issues.”  And “if i do not ordinarily comment on the racial controversy of the day then don’t assume I’ll comment on this one.”(what about Whoopi, and numerous other pieces?) No opinion at all then?
Other replies included, “it would probably be difficult for you to read what I has written.”  Maybe he is just too deep and introspective, or maybe, he uses too many big words for me to understand? I’m not exactly sure what that was about.

Then finally, “each one of you guys is the same, you see a black person on the internet, get triggered, and harass them by email.”  You see, there were many replies…just none address the original question.

So, I politely asked for an opinion from an opinion writer, nowhere did I ask the opinion of a “black” writer…just a writer. As far as getting triggered, I suggested he look no further than his own mirror, and exactly who is “each one of you guys?”  That, in itself, may be considered racist to some.

What’s Your Opinion Deano?

What do you think Deano?  I can provide you with copies of these exchanges, if you like.  Question: can there be racist comments by blacks against whites or just whites against blacks? Your lack of coverage on both of these comments speaks volumes actually.   I suppose your writer was just towing the company line, and narrative.  I would guess, he may be out of a paycheck otherwise.  Although, if we took a poll of OBJECTIVE readers, they might say these two statements by said politicians are indeed racist rants.  I have to admit, I was thoroughly shocked as your paper is usually so unbiased, apolitical and just gushes with journalistic integrity.  I have to wonder though, if a video of Mayor Giuliani surfaced with him referring to black officers as the N word, if there would have been any coverage by your esteemed tabloid.  Na, you guys are always fair and balanced, never mind.  I reached out to a third party for their opinion, but to no avail.  I tried to get a hold of CNN reporter Jeffrey Tobin for his viewpoint, but they said he had his hands full…..well hand anyway.

Oh, as a side note, yesterday the honorable Mayor Adams said, “the press is critical of him, because he’s black.”  He also wants the press corps, “to look more like him.”  Very Lori Lightfoot like, don’t you think Deano?  Seems just a tad racist though?  Again, what if Mayor Giuliani said…………..well, you get the idea.  I have to try and get this out soon, no one knows what old Eric will say today.  He may just pass good old Warren Wilhelm (Billy DeBlasio), in popularity, in no time flat.

Crime Issues

Let’s cut the Mayor some slack though, he has a gigantic crime wave he must address.  Only the other day, AOC said the crime wave was due to the elimination of the child tax care credit, and people are trying to get their babies some formula.  Question:  are they now keeping baby formula in glass cases in high end jewelry stores, that can only be accessed by tire irons or sledge hammers?  Word is AOC made these statements after leaving her Mensa meeting, on her way to a new bartending gig.

Still others, mainly the radical right point to the absolutely ridiculous soft on crime liberal politicians, judges, and district attorneys, for the explosion in crime.  For instance, D.A. Bragg of Manhattan, who wants to incarcerate criminals for ONLY the most serious of crimes.  I mean, what could possibly go wrong…simmer down Conservatives!

So what if we have criminals arrested dozens of times, some hundreds and are freed on no-cash bail, time and time again.   What is with these Fascist right wingers!

The Times is on the Case

Let’s shift gears a little bit Deano. Late last month you ran a fantastic article in regards to election integrity.  Your Cracker Jack reporters were pointing out how state Conservative candidates are running in droves for the once-obscure office of Secretary of State, which oversees the voting process.  Those ‘on the level’ watchdog groups are ringing the alarm because most running for office are elected President Trump supporters.  Oh, the horror, Deano.

After the most secure election in history, (according to Democrats), this is what the Conservatives point to:

  • the bypassing of new voting procedures in swing states without due legislation process;
  • not letting Conservative proctors entry into polling places (thanks Georgie Soros);
  • covering up widows of said polling places;
  • removing videos on social media of the same votes repeatedly being tabulated;
  • poll tabulators wearing Harris/Biden endorsement clothing;
  • a ridiculous, ludicrous amount of mail in voting (rife for fraud), going to the installed Harris/Biden ticket;
  • unmarked truck loads of these “legitimate“ ballots, backing in to polling places.  This done in the middle of the night, sort of like the illegal immigrant program presently being carried out by the installed Obama, sorry Harris/Obiden administration.

Well, after all that, your reporters point out we have to secure election integrity.  Bravo! Hey Deano, between me and you, did you have a hand in this piece?  I mean you and your “newspaper”, just ooze integrity.  The last thing we need from elected President Trump is more Russian collusion…oops, we’re not supposed to talk about that anymore right Deano?  We’ll save that one for the next article, you know that pesky Durham report.  My gosh, trying to malign the angelic Hillary Clinton, with the aid of  Barry Soetoro aka Barrack Hussein, Joey Talibiden, CIA, DOJ, the Gestapo, sorry I mean the FBI……..the nerve.  President Trump is a racist.

A Couple of More Things

Well, it seems that Dr. Fraudci is back in the news lately.  The CDC, the esteemed “Doctor”, and the Harris/OBiden administration have now reclassified the deaths of Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy, was due to COVID.  When a reporter questioned the veracity of these findings, Joey called him “a stupid, son of a Bi***,” and he was quickly escorted out of the press conference.

On a happy note, the elder care service, Visiting Angels purportedly want to use the video of where “Dr.” Jill is escorting Joey gingerly off the podium and down the entire set of 2 whole steps, in their latest ad campaign.  Word is, she led him back to the basement at the White House, where he played a game of hungry, hungry hippo’s with Pelosi, Schumer and Abrams. Cake and punch was served afterwards, right before nap time.

Well , Deano, until we speak again, keep up the fantastic work at The Old Gray Lady. The example you set with your moralistic integrity, is a great example to the youth of America.  Keep on “printing the news that is fit to print,” that mantra always puts a smile on my face.


Chris Cirino

©Christopher Cirino. All rights reserved.

The Big Lie Is ‘There Is No Election Fraud’

Yesterday, 204 legislators from various states called for a 50-state election audit, decertification of results where indicated, and possible convening of the U.S. House of Representatives to reconsider the 2020 election.   Even if you believe anyone still questioning the outcome of the 2020 presidential race is telling a Big Lie or tilting at windmills, there are plenty of reasons to conclude we have a long way to go before most Americans will agree our elections are free, fair, and honest.

Georgia authorities opened an investigation into illegal ballot harvesting in the 2020 and subsequent Senate run-off elections.  This followed reports there are videos of hundreds of ballot harvesters dropping tens of thousands of ballots into drop boxes in the middle of the night all across the state.  A ballot harvester admitted being paid $45,000 to illegally stuff drop boxes with ballots under cover of darkness.  Former Georgia Senator David Perdue sued Fulton County officials for scanning absentee ballots multiple times and other voting irregularities affecting the outcome of the 2020 election.

In Michigan, a watchdog group found thousands of unverified ballots were counted in Detroit and, further, election officials there intimidated and blocked Republican election observers from doing their jobs.

In Pennsylvania, whistleblower video showed government officials throwing ballots into a trash can, disposing of machine tapes, and discussing getting rid of electronic election equipment even though they knew it would be a felony.  [watch video here] The information came in the context of a lawsuit that alleges thousands of ballots were shredded and the data accompanying the act was deliberately erased before it had to be released under a document request.

In Wisconsin, an investigation found the number of illegal votes cast in the 2020 election was greater than Joe Biden’s margin of victory.  Lack of voter ID was among the problems cited.  A state lawmaker presented the findings of another team that uncovered 1.5 million illegal voter registrations, 155,000 suspected fake voters, and 50,000 illegally cast ballots.

In Arizona, Verity Vote found there was no documented chain of custody for 740,000 ballots cast in Maricopa County.   Also, files were deleted from the election server before being handed over to the state senate under a subpoena.  People were caught in the act on video.  In Pima County, a witness testified there were 6 times as many military ballots than usual.  They lacked chain of custody and went 95 percent for one candidate.  Similar testimony was given in Michigan and Georgia where suspicious military ballots all or nearly all went for Biden, suggesting organized fraud involving multiple states.

In Texas, the Secretary of State’s Phase One investigation found 700,000 invalid voter registrations were in place during the 2020 election, providing the vector for fraud to take place.  The number included nearly 12,000 noncitizens, almost 450,000 dead voters still on the rolls, and over 200,000 duplicate registrations

As if all this were not enough, federal government data show 15 million mail ballots disappeared in the 2020 election.  Who knows where they went, but surely many were sent to vacant lots or the wrong address.  So here we have the deadly combination of mass mail balloting with voter rolls that haven’t been cleaned in years.  What could go wrong?

These are only the most recent revelations.  Half the country believes the 2020 election was stolen.  Now you know some of the reasons why.   And it doesn’t inspire confidence when you hear things like the Wisconsin Election Commission recently enacting a rule allowing local officials to write in required missing information on ballot envelopes, which surely must be contrary to state law or should be.

If you don’t want half the country believing future elections are stolen, you’re going to have to do better than all of this mess, way better.   So stop yapping about the Big Lie and voter suppression and start worrying about the basics of free and fair elections so the rest of us don’t have to worry about you and whether you have evil intent.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Russiagate was already the greatest political scandal in American history. It just got a lot worse.

UPDATE: Paul Manafort: There was Russian collusion in 2016 between the Clinton campaign and Russians

Remember how the Democrats kept yelling and the media kept printing Russia, Russia, Russia? Well now the truth is out and those who pushed the Russiagate hoax have blood on their hands.

Watch Trump Media & Technology Group CEO Devin Nunes  who joins Newsmax’s Eric Bolling to discuss the latest bombshell filing from Special Counsel John Durham on February 14, 2022.

This seems familiar as the Democrats January 6th Committee, with the help of several Republicans on the committee, are holding hearing about the January 6th, 2021 insurrection.

The Russiagate myth is the same as the 1/6thInsurrectiogate myth.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


THE THREE GREAT MYTHS: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

“The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie–deliberate, contrived and dishonest–but the mythpersistent, persuasive and unrealistic.” ― John F. Kennedy, Commencement Address at Yale University, June 11 1962.

In order to oppress, a group must hold institutional power in society. In this way, the group is in the position to impose their worldview on others and control the ideas (ideologies), political rules (the technical mechanisms), and social rules for communication (discourses) that we are all taught (socialized) to see as normal, natural, and required for a functioning society. This domination is historical (long-term), automatic, and normalized. – Sensoy, Ozlem, and Robin DiAngelo, Is Everyone Really Equal?: An Introduction to Key Concepts in Social Justice Education.

We contest the uncontested absurdities of our time. JFK said, “We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.” Thought begins with the letter “T” as does the word Truth.

Truth is the enemy of the myth.

Nazi propagandist, Joseph Goebbels said:

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.

Today, we are in an era of opinion and propaganda. Politicians, the legacy media, social media are now driven by opinion while pushing propaganda and not careful thought. Today Americans are subjected to myths rather than the truth. Today, telling the truth has become a revolutionary act.

On this day we have seen the Russian collusion myth exposed as a red flag operation conducted by the Hillary Clinton campaign against Donald J. Trump. We are seeing the American, and Canadian, people waking up to truth about Covid, and the getting jabbed or lose your job draconian government mandates put upon them. We are even seeing medical racism in the United States of America. We are also witnessing companies like IBM discriminating against older employees in favor of younger employees.

Where’s the diversity, equity and inclusion in any of these?

Sadly, we are witnesses to the Democrat Party going full Marxist with their efforts to save the planet via the Green New Deal, control the people using Covid/healthcare institutions as their willing allies and declaring those who speak out against those in charge at every level, from school board to Washington, D.C. enemies of the state. The Department of Homeland Security has now deemed those who spread “mis-, dis or mal-information are “domestic terrorists.”

As Goebbels said, “truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.”

The Three Great Myths

On June 25, 2021, Biden signed an Executive Order on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce. According to a White House fact-sheet, the Executive Order, among other items:

  • “Establishes a government-wide initiative to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in all parts of the Federal workforce. 
  • charges all Federal agencies with reviewing within 100 days whether employees who are members of underserved communities face barriers to employment, promotion, or professional development within their workforce.
  • Directs agencies to seek opportunities to establish or elevate Chief Diversity Officers within their organizations.
  • Expands diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility training throughout the Federal workforce.
  • Directs agencies to ensure that the Federal health benefits system equitably serves LGBTQ+ employees and their dependents by expanding access to comprehensive gender-affirming health care.”

This single action created a massive bureaucracy to push the three myths of diversity, equity and inclusion.

The Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, reads:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

What Jefferson, and the founding fathers, understood that while men are created equal by God, once born they, via nature and nurture, become different not equal. Some are stronger, have a higher IQ, are more prone to success, have families, have children and grandchildren and have hopes and dreams for the future.

It doesn’t matter what the color of ones skin is, what matters in the long run is the content of ones character.

However, Jefferson understood that the role of government was to protect and defend our individual rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If government fails to protect these rights then the Declaration of Independence demands:

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Perhaps the three greatest and most “persistent, persuasive and unrealistic” myths are diversity, equity and inclusion. These myths have taken the idea of “equal justice under the law” and turned it on its collectivist head. These myths threaten “abuses and usurpations” and are leading America toward “absolute despotism.”

These myths are race based and by definition racist policies.

Those who promote “diversity, equity and inclusion” want these myth for some but not for all Americans.

Please watch the below presentation by James Lindsay on Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and systemic power dynamics:

These three myths have become the rallying cry for the Biden administration, the Democrat Party, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, social media, the legacy media and Hollywood. Anyone who doesn’t support any or all of these myths is labeled a right wing radical, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist, white supremacist and domestic terrorist.

The Bottom Line

In an The National Interest article Adam Milstein, James Jay Carafano and Elan S. Carr wrote:

A recent Heritage Foundation study found strong anti-Israel bias in the social media posts of “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” (DEI) officials at colleges and universities throughout the United States. These officials criticize Israel far more frequently and far more severely than they do China. Their posts about Israel exceed those mentioning China by a factor of three, and almost all of their statements about Israel express condemnation, whereas nearly two-thirds of their comments on China convey praise.

These disturbing findings should surprise no one. U.S. campuses have become hotbeds of hostility toward the state of Israel as well as toward the idea of American exceptionalism, and in the radical religion of the campus, far-left professors are the priests and DEI officers are the choir.

America was founded as the new Israel. Our Founding Fathers believed in the power of the God of Abraham and said so in both the Declaration of Independence and in the U.S. Constitution and in the First Amendment there to.

On February 14th, 2022 The Daily Conservative reported:

A private school in Rhode Island has excluded white children from an event, allowing only those who “identify as a student of color or multiracial” to attend.

The Wheeler School in Providence, Rhode Island, excluded white students from attending the guest speaker event.

“In a February 7, 2022, email to sixth, seventh, and eighth graders, the school invited only non-white students to attend a ‘Students of Color affinity group’ speaking event with actress and author Karyn Parsons, who is best known for her role as Hilary Banks in NBC’s The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air,” reports Breitbart News.

Diversity, equity and inclusion are anti-American, un-America and anti-Semitic myths designed to separate us, make us unequal and shut some out of the political, cultural, legal and social systems.

Remember all men are created equal but after that it is up to them to do what is right, good and healthy.

During the National Prayer Breakfast of 1963, President John F. Kennedy said,

“Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.”

Finally, George Washington University associate professor Elisabeth Anker in a CBC Radio interview said,

“Freedom is a slippery concept…On the far right, [individual freedom] is often translated into somebody who refuses to be bound by norms of equality, treating all people equally or norms to remedy inequality, whether that’s trying to remedy racial discrimination or gender discrimination…Freedom is often used almost as a national entitlement, as a claim for what people have…It’s been taking a lot of people by surprise to see people in Canada, who often seem so much more accepting of social interdependence, to start pushing back against it with the language of individual freedom.

Yes, Elisabeth freedom is a national entitlement, equity is a myth. For you see,

Free people are not equal and equal people are not free.

And so ends this lesson on political mythology 2022.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Medical Racism in the USA.

Editor Daily Rundown: Justin Trudeau Goes Full Castro

TRUDEAU GOES FULL CASTRO… WSJ: Canada’s Trudeau Invokes Emergency Powers to Address Trucker Protests

OTTAWA—In a highly unusual move, the Canadian government on Monday invoked a series of emergency powers that include limits on public gatherings in a bid to end disruptive demonstrations in the capital city and along the Canada-U.S. border.



Editorial director.


FLASHBACK: Trudeau praises China’s ‘Dictatorship’ for providing complete power

Tucker on Trudeau



TYRANT Trudeau Declares State of Emergency Over Trucker Freedom Protests – moves to seize bank accounts, property and assets of anyone who opposes his authority

Trucker’s Have Perfect Response to Trudeau Giving Himself Emergency Powers

Ottawa Police Chief Resigns Amid Trucker Protests

‘We Can Not Back Down’: GiveSendGo Comes Back Online After Hackers Stole Donor Info

BREAKING: Protesters descend on Canadian Embassy in New York to oppose Trudeau’s crackdown on freedom protests

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

How COVID Patients Were Over-Treated to Death


  • Around the U.S., COVID-19 patients are being killed by inappropriate medical protocols, and they have no say-so in the treatment they receive. They’ve literally been stripped of their patient rights
  • COVID patients are refused basic drugs like antibiotics and steroids. They’re even denied basic nutrition and fluids, which amounts to a war crime. Instead, COVID patients are over-treated with remdesivir, narcotics and mechanical ventilation, a combination that more often than not results in death
  • Hospitals are paid by the government for COVID tests, COVID diagnoses, admission of COVID patients, use of remdesivir and ventilation, and COVID deaths. This payment scheme has created a kind of institutionalized killing machine, where hospital revenue is tied to patients dying in-hospital with a COVID label, be it true or false
  • The Canadian press reports that COVID-19 patients are often given excessive doses of medications such as opioids, benzodiazepines and anticholinergics that could result in a lethal overdose, and in the U.K., senior care homes have been accused of killing off COVID patients with midazolam, a powerful sedative
  • Collectively, patient neglect, mistreatment, overtreatment and the COVID jabs have resulted in massive disability and death. Deaths among working age Americans (18 to 64) as of the third quarter of 2021 were 40% higher than prepandemic rates. Compare that to the 15.4% increase seen between 2019 and 2020, which was reported as the highest life insurance payout increase in 100 years

Something truly unthinkable is happening in America’s hospitals. Around the country, COVID-19 patients are being killed by inappropriate medical protocols, and they have no say-so in the treatment they receive. They’ve literally been stripped of their patient rights.

They’re refused basic drugs like antibiotics and steroids. They’re even denied basic nutrition and fluids, which amounts to a war crime under Rules 531 and 1182 of the Geneva Convention, which state you may not starve a person and you must provide basic necessities even to prisoners.

Instead, COVID patients are over-treated with dangerous and ineffective therapies like remdesivir, narcotics and mechanical ventilation, a combination that more often than not results in death. Many doctors who understand the importance of early and appropriate treatment are perplexed and horrified by what they’re seeing, and for good reason. It’s truly beyond comprehension at this point.

A Case of Medical Kidnapping for COVID Bounty?

Perhaps the most shocking example I’ve come across is the case of a perfectly healthy man involved in a car accident. In a talk with Stew Peters on Rumble, Benjamin Gord claims to have been given an unknown knock-out drug by the attending EMT and woke up on life support in a COVID ward.

He pulled out the vent all by himself, as he was unharmed from the accident. When he demanded to know why he’d been placed on mechanical ventilation, the shocked staff told him he was being treated for COVID.

In other cases, patients have been put on COVID standard care even though they came in for something else. Patients are also being denied release and are basically held as prisoners in the hospital. Many are refused the right to deny treatment.

On the other hand, they’re forced to accept do-not-resuscitate orders that they don’t want. There are also reports of COVID patients being given potent central nervous system respiratory depressants otherwise known as “euthanasia cocktails” — combinations of sedatives like morphine, fentanyl and midazolam.3

The medical kidnapping and mistreatment of patients against their will has become so widespread, human rights attorney Thomas Renz asked the Truth for Health Foundation to set up a medical advisory team, called the COVID Care Strategy Team, to help families physically liberate their loved ones from hospitals where they’re kept captive.4

Incentivizing the Killing of Patients

While one can speculate about the ethics of hospital administrators and doctors all day long, one of the most obvious answers to how this could have happened is that hospitals are receiving massive incentives to over-treat COVID patients to death. In the simplest terms, every patient has what amounts to a $100,000+ bounty on their head. Hospitals receive bonus payments for:5,6

  • COVID testing and COVID diagnoses — Hospitals receive a 20% “bonus” on top of the standard cost for the treatment of a COVID patient7
  • Admission of a “COVID patient”
  • Use of Remdesivir — The U.S. government actually pays hospitals an additional bonus when they use remdesivir,8,9,10 and that’s in addition to the 20% upcharge. Remdesivir was developed as an antiviral drug and tested during the Ebola breakout in 2014. Results were beyond disappointing. In the early months of 2020, the drug was entered into COVID trials.11 Those trials were also beyond disappointing.12,13,14 Not only was the drug ineffective against the infection but it also had significant and life-threatening side effects, including kidney failure and liver damage.15 Despite its clear dangers and lack of effectiveness, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized remdesivir for emergency use against COVID in May 2020,16 and then gave it full approval in October 2020.17
  • Use of mechanical ventilation, which CMS whistleblowers claim kill 84.9% of COVID patients within as few as 96 hours,18 typically due to barotrauma19 (trauma to the lungs from the elevated pressure).
  • COVID deaths — In August 2020, former director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Robert Redfield, agreed hospitals had a financial incentive to overcount COVID deaths.20

According to Renz, hospitals are raking in a minimum of $100,000 extra for each and every “COVID patient” when they follow the directive to only treat with remdesivir and ventilation. On the other hand, hospitals that refuse to follow this deadly protocol and use things like ivermectin, antibiotics and steroids forfeit all government payments.

Still, financial incentives dictating drug treatment don’t explain why some hospitals are now withholding basic nutrition and fluids, quite literally torturing — starving — the patients to death. Such cases make it clear that death simply must be the desired outcome. Why else would you withhold food and water?

Initially, these COVID incentives were justified as a way to make sure hospitals would not be financially destroyed by the pandemic as they were losing revenue from routine care and elective surgeries they could no longer provide.21

Now, however, it seems this payment scheme has created a kind of institutionalized killing machine, where hospital revenue is tied to patients dying in-hospital with a COVID label, be it true or false.

Excessive Drugging of COVID Patients

Other countries are reporting similar trends. The Canadian press reports that COVID-19 patients are often given excessive doses of medications such as opioids, benzodiazepines and anticholinergics that could result in a lethal overdose.22

In the U.K., senior care homes have been accused of killing off COVID patients with midazolam, a powerful sedative. In April 2020, 38,352 out-of-hospital prescriptions for midazolam were issued, while the monthly average for the five years before was only 15,000, which is explained in detail in the above video.

“Midazolam depresses respiration and it hastens death. It changes end-of-life care into euthanasia,” retired neurologist Dr. Patrick Pullicino told MailOnline.23

And speaking of euthanasia, at the end of 2021, the government of New Zealand OK’d “voluntary euthanasia” by lethal injection for COVID patients if the doctor believes the COVID patient won’t recover.24 The doctor performing the euthanasia gets paid $1,087 by the government for this service.25

Deadly Prevention

Everywhere you look, the focus seems to be on maximizing the death toll, not saving lives. That includes the COVID jabs, which are touted as the only way to prevent serious infection and death. Yet data from the U.S. Department of Defense suggest the jabs are causing unprecedented injuries and deaths. The Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) data were obtained by Renz from DOD whistleblowers, and was released on the Renz Law website.26

The data show that, compared to the previous five-year averages, miscarriages were up 279% among DOD personnel in 2021, breast cancer went up 487%, nervous system disorders 1,048%, male infertility 350%, female infertility 471%, ovarian dysfunction 437% and on and on. As noted by Renz during U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson’s “COVID-19: A Second Opinion” panel:27

“The Whistleblower data, this DMED database, has provided a control group of sorts. It’s military records dating back several years that supply medical codes for various medical issues that our military face such as cancers, miscarriages, neurological disorders etc.

These records provided by three military doctors … show a historical baseline of what the health of the American military was like before 2021, the year the COVID vaccine was released. What you see is quite disturbing.

From 2016 to 2020 all variations of medical conditions stay consistent. But in 2021, when the variable of the vaccine is mandated, the spike in cancers, miscarriages, infertility, you name it, jumps by factors of hundreds to thousands of percent.

Let me be crystal clear. These vaccines are injuring and sometimes even killing our military, and those in the public that are buying the ‘safe and effective’ marketing. These numbers prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.”

Pentagon’s Response — An Even Bigger Story

In response to the leaked DMED data, the Pentagon is now claiming that “a glitch” in the database resulted in incomplete data sets being shown for the five years Renz is using as a baseline. The real medical diagnoses for 2016 through 2020 are far higher, they claim, and that made the 2021 numbers appear falsely elevated.

According to Maj. Charlie Dietz, a task force public affairs officer for the DOD, the DMED was taken offline “to identify and correct the root cause of the data corruption.” Once the supposed “missing” medical diagnoses were added back in, the reported number of diseases and injuries for 2021 were 3% LOWER than 2020, and the lowest it’s been in six years. As reported by The Blaze:28

“Where those true numbers existed, why they weren’t in the system for five years, what exactly was in the system, and why the 2021 numbers were accurate according to the DOD account remain a mystery.

However, one by one, the military public health officials have been adding back random numbers to the 2016 through 2020 codes. I’m told by Renz and two of the whistleblowers that throughout the past week, they have queried the same data again, and in most of the ICD categories, they have found that the numbers from 2016 through 2020 were ‘increased’ exponentially to look as though 2021 was not an abnormal year.

This has been done without any transparency, any press release, any statement of narrative, and sloppily in a way that makes the already unbelievable narrative simply impossible to believe.

In addition to believing that every epidemiological report for five years was somehow completely tainted with false data … we would have to believe that the minute they discovered this from Renz, they suddenly discovered the exact numbers. A five-year mistake fixed overnight!”

Incompetence, Corruption, Both — or Worse?

Making this clown show even more indefensible is that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) has admitted that they’ve been monitoring the DMED data from the start.29

Either way you slice it, we have a serious problem. If the DoD just now discovered corrupted data in the DMED, then there’s incompetence in its ranks. And if ACIP was looking at the DMED data and kept pushing for vaccination despite alarming safety signals, then ACIP is incompetent — or worse.

If there’s nothing wrong with the database and the numbers Renz initially obtained were accurate, then people within the DOD are falsifying data to cover up COVID jab injuries and sacrificing our military to protect Big Pharma profits — an action that, if true, seems dangerously close to treason.

As noted by Steve Kirsch,30 founder of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund, the DOD’s “explanation” for the discrepancy in its 2021 injury statistics is just riddled with holes. First of all, they’ve not explained why 2016 through 2020 data were affected, yet 2021 was not.

Secondly, they’ve not explained how they were able to correct “underreporting” of health problems in 2016 through 2020. How did they know there was underreporting? And why didn’t they fix it earlier? Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly:

“Only symptoms that were elevated by the vaccine were affected; that’s impossible for a computer glitch to have caused that … That makes their ‘corruption’ explanation hard to explain. Very hard to explain.”

Pfizer Warns Investors of Possible Business Impacts

Meanwhile, Pfizer appears poised for the emergence of bad news. In its fourth quarter earnings release and risk disclosure,31,32 the company admits that “the possibility of unfavorable new preclinical, clinical or safety data and further analyses of existing preclinical, clinical or safety data or further information regarding the quality of preclinical, clinical or safety data, including by audit or inspection” could impact earnings.

They also note challenges related to public confidence, concerns about clinical data integrity, and prescriber and pharmacy education as potential risks, and that’s in addition to the possibility that COVID-19 might “diminish in severity or prevalence, or disappear entirely.”

All-Cause Deaths Soared in 2021

Collectively, patient neglect, mistreatment, overtreatment and the COVID jabs have resulted in massive disability and death. In early January 2022, OneAmerica, a national mutual life insurance company based in Indianapolis, reported deaths among working-age Americans (18 to 64) as of the third quarter of 2021 were 40% higher than prepandemic rates — and they’re not dying from COVID.

Compare that to the 15.4% increase seen between 2019 and 2020. In December 2021, Fortune magazine reported this as the highest life insurance payout increase in 100 years.33 Well, they ain’t seen nothing yet, as the saying goes. OneAmerica CEO Scott Davidson said:34

“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business — not just at OneAmerica. The data is consistent across every player in that business.

And what we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic. Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic. So, 40% is just unheard of.”

At the same time, OneAmerica has also noticed an uptick in disability claims. Initially, there was a rise in short-term disability claims, but now most claims are for long-term disabilities. The company expects the rise in claims will cost them “well over $100 million,” an unexpected expense that will be passed on to employers buying group life insurance policies.

Globally, the life insurance industry was hit with claims amounting to $5.5 billion in the first nine months of 2021, which is when the COVID jabs were most aggressively rolled out. During all of 2020, the height of the pandemic, claims only reached $3.5 billion.35 According to one insurance broker cited by Reuters, the industry was caught off-guard, as they expected the mass vaccination campaign to result in lower payouts in 2021. Reuters also reports that:36

  • The Dutch insurer Aegon, which does two-thirds of its business in the U.S., saw U.S. claims rise from $31 million in 2020, to $111 million 2021
  • U.S. insurers MetLife and Prudential Financial also reported an increase in claims for 2021 compared to 2020 and prepandemic years
  • Reinsurer Munich Re raised its 2021 estimate of COVID-19 life and health claims from 400 million euros to 600 million euros

Treat COVID Symptoms Immediately and Aggressively

We live in heartbreaking times —so much unnecessary pain, suffering and death. The fact that so many of these atrocities are occurring in our hospitals make the situation all the more disconcerting. This, truly, is not the time to go to the hospital unless your life depends on it.

That’s the last place you want to be right now, for any reason. It’s beyond tragic, but you simply cannot count on hospitals to give unconflicted care like you could in the past, and that could lead to your premature demise.

Your best alternative is to be prepared. Create a “COVID survival kit,” much like you would a tornado or hurricane kit, so you can spring into action and treat yourself immediately at first symptoms. Perhaps it’s the common cold or regular influenza; maybe it’s the much milder Omicron, but since it’s hard to tell them apart, your best bet is to treat all cold/flu symptoms as you would treat earlier forms of COVID.

And, remember, this advice applies for those who have gotten the jab as well, since you’re just as likely to get infected — and perhaps even more so. Early treatment protocols with demonstrated effectiveness include:

Based on my review of these protocols, I’ve developed the following summary of the treatment specifics I believe are the easiest and most effective.

EDITORS NOTE: This Mercola column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: COVID-19 Round Table in Washington, D.C. With Sen. Ron Johnson

“They’ve been censored, intimidated & had their reputations destroyed yet this hasn’t stopped them from attempting to save millions from unnecessary COVID deaths. Discover how the CDC has lied to you.”Dr. Joseph Mercola


  • Senator Ron Johnson moderated the COVID-19: A Second Opinion roundtable in Washington, D.C., to provide different perspectives on the pandemic response worldwide, the state of early treatment and hospital treatment and efficacy of COVID-19 shots
  • The panel included an all-star lineup with some of the most brilliant minds in their fields, …

EDITORS NOTE: This Mercola column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Trump Reacts to Hillary Spying Charge: Worse than Watergate

In a statement responding to allegations that Hillary Clinton operatives paid a contractor to spy on him using cell phone data during the 2016 campaign and into his presidency, former President Donald Trump called it a scandal worse than Watergate.

Special Counsel Robert Durham filed a motion in federal court in Washington, DC, in connection with the prosecution of former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, who is charged with lying to the FBI about his role in fabricating the Russia “collusion” hoax.

Sussmann was part of an effort to mine data from a project run by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) at a U.S. university to spy on Trump and his associates — at Trump Tower, at Trump’s private residence, and at the Executive Office of the Presidency once Trump took office in the White House. Their goal was to dig up damaging information that could then be used to build the “Russia collusion” narrative against Trump.

When Trump asserted in early 2017 that his “wires” had been “tapped” at Trump Tower, he was mocked by the media.

Trump called the Durham filing “indisputable evidence that my campaign and presidency were spied on by operatives paid by the Hillary Clinton Campaign in an effort to develop a completely fabricated connection to Russia. This is a scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate and those who were involved in and knew about this spying operation should be subject to criminal prosecution. In a stronger period of time in our country, this crime would have been punishable by death. In addition, reparations should be paid to those in our country who have been damaged by this.”

Hillary Rodham Clinton

271 Known Connections

Clinton Speaks About America’s Continuing White Racism and White “Privilege”

In a June 2015 address at the Conference of Black mayors (in San Francisco), Mrs. Clinton said the following:

“Race remains a deep fault line in America. Millions of people of color still experience racism in their everyday lives. Here are some facts. In America today, Blacks are nearly three times as likely as whites to be denied a mortgage. In 2013, the median wealth of Black families was around $11,000. For white families, it was more than $134,000. Nearly half of all Black families have lived in poor neighborhoods for at least two generations, compared to just 7 percent of white families. African American men are far more likely to be stopped and searched by police, charged with crimes, and sentenced to longer prison terms than white men, 10 percent longer for the same crimes in the federal system. In America today, our schools are more segregated than they were in the 1960s.

“How can any of that be true? How can it be true that Black children are 500 percent more likely to die from asthma than white kids? Five hundred percent! More than a half century after Dr. King marched and Rosa Parks sat and John Lewis bled, after the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act and so much else, how can any of these things be true? But they are. And our problem is not all kooks and Klansman. It’s also in the cruel joke that goes unchallenged. It’s in the off-hand comments about not wanting ‘those people’ in the neighborhood. Let’s be honest: For a lot of well-meaning, open-minded white people, the sight of a young Black man in a hoodie still evokes a twinge of fear. And news reports about poverty and crime and discrimination evoke sympathy, even empathy, but too rarely do they spur us to action or prompt us to question our own assumptions and privilege. We can’t hide from any of these hard truths about race and justice in America. We have to name them and own them and then change them.”

To learn more about Hillary Clinton, click here.


Most Democrats want Hillary Clinton investigated for any role in Russiagate scandal

Prosecute the “Clinton Coup”

Maxine Waters: Trump Expanding His Base to ‘Undermine the Constitution’

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Premeditated Genocide by the Medical Drug Cartel

“In a sense, bioterrorism phase one was rolled out. It was really all about keeping the population in fear and in isolation and preparing them to accept the vaccine, which appears to be phase two of a bioterrorism operation.” – Dr. Peter A. McCullough

“Dr. McCullough gives us a stark and clear summary: ‘Remdesivir has two problems. First, it doesn’t work. Second, it is toxic and it kills people.’” – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

“One-third of teens and young adults reported worsening mental health during the pandemic. According to an Ohio State University study, suicide rates among children rose 50 percent. A study in August 11, 2021 by Brown University found that infants born during the quarantine were short, on average, 22 IQ points as measured by Baylor scale tests. Some 93,000 Americans died of overdoses in 2020—a 30 percent rise over 2019.” –  Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

“This vaccine is directly killing individuals…It can damage you, no doubt about it.  The scoreboard is lit up as bright as it can be: death, hospitalization, cardiac and neurologic injuries, miscarriage, still birth, it can’t get worse.  I can’t think of any drug or any injection that is as dangerous as this group of vaccines, in particular, the Pfizer vaccine.” –  Dr. Peter A. McCullough

The killing fields of America are here.  We are at a crossroads.  Death by government and Big Pharma is staring us in the face.  This isn’t the Tuskegee Syphilis experiment by our US Health Department, this isn’t the cancer-causing polio vaccine injections of the 50s, or the plutonium experiments on babies and military in the 40s, all of which were evil unto themselves and totally unconstitutional.  This isn’t even the heinous abomination of millions upon millions of European Jews slaughtered in the Holocaust.  No, as evil as these past genocides were, COVID hospital protocols and multiple C-19 “vaccines” are a worldwide genocide proliferated by the medical drug cartel and their mafioso friends.

The determination to preserve medical freedom is in our hands…and the war is on against the mandated murderous jabs by government, Big Pharma and their stakeholders.  These pharmaceutical companies are bringing in billions with this evil inoculation, and now they’re on their 4th booster jab despite thousands of deaths and adverse effects. They’re targeting our infants and toddlers but the FDA has refused, for the time being, approval of these jabs for children six months to five years.

Canadian truckers who want the jab mandates stopped have been arrested and their trucks hauled away after the government cut off their food and fuel.  Trudeau’s totalitarian edicts have destroyed any semblance of freedom in Canada.  Without truckers, supplies will be even more limited, but the elitists will never starve.

Forced vaccines are not new.

History Repeats

Mandatory vaccination has happened before…with smallpox 135 years ago.  Here’s what a Midwest doctor told Steve Kirsch:

What is currently happening with the COVID mandates and protests is nearly identical to what happened 135 years ago with the smallpox vaccine campaigns, where the vaccination made smallpox epidemics worse, the vaccines killed a lot of people, the public refused them and governments responded by harsher and harsher mandatory vaccination laws.

Eventually one of the largest protests of the century broke out in 1885, vaccine mandates were scrapped in one area in favor of alternative management of smallpox, and this is what actually ended smallpox.

My belief is that this is a very important message to get out to the current protest movement and will do a lot of good if it does.

I wrote a 10-page concise but detailed and referenced summary of everything that happened which I want to be made available (but I do not want credit for).

The entire summary can be found here and I would greatly appreciate it if you could bring awareness to this issue.

The deadly mistakes of 135 years ago are evident today.  Interestingly enough, the smallpox vax was forced upon our military after 9/11 and it caused myocarditis.

Vax Injuries

Three respected immunologists, Dr. Luc Montagnier (who won the Nobel Prize in 2008 for his discovery of the HIV virus, and who recently passed away), Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, the most published immunologist in history, and Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, a top immunologist in the Netherlands, have all warned that when you mass vaccinate in the middle of an active outbreak, you cause variants to emerge.  American dissident physicians have stated the same.

Dr. Bhakdi comments, “There is a good possibility that whoever orchestrated this knows exactly what they’re doing, and they are doing it on purpose to maintain the new variants and the consequences, which is essentially a psyop to cause a global psychosis due to fear, lockdowns and face diapers.”

In this 17-minute video, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi explains the irrefutable bodily damages from the jab.  People who died after having the vaccine, had family-requested autopsies and nothing was found until Dr. Arne Burkhardt performed more thorough autopsies.  Burkhardt is one of the most experienced pathologists in Europe.

In the organs of 90% these people Dr. Burkhardt found clear evidence of auto-immune attack by killer lymphocytes on the tissues, the main organs being the heart, the lungs and the liver.  His article, “Notes and recommendations for conducting post-mortem examination (autopsy) of persons deceased in connection with COVID vaccination,” is posted on Doctors for Covid Ethics. The data is so damning and proves these inoculations are killing the young and the old.

It is now known that auto-immune attack reactions, leading to self-destruction, are being triggered by these “vaccines.”  Dr. Bhakdi states, “What Arne Burkhardt found was that in 90% of the deceased, age 28 to 90, women and men, one to one, who would never have thought they’d die because of these ‘vaccines,’ the same pathological findings were found in all of them. When Dr. Burkhardt says killer lymphocytes have invaded the hearts and lungs, and sometimes other organs of these people, the question arises, ‘Why the hell do killer lymphocytes invade the organs?’  The only answer is that these organs are producing the targets that are seen by the killer lymphocytes, and that target is the viral protein.”

What is going to happen?  Bhakdi says, “Your lymphocytes and the cells responsible for immune control over your body are dying. They are responsible for controlling viruses and every other disease that attacks the body.

Because of the jabs, the immune system is dying. The result will be high incidences in various countries of tuberculosis where it is now dormant. Tumor cells are no longer under control causing increased numbers of cancers, as evidenced by pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole of Idaho, viruses, herpes, Epstein-Barr, Cytomegalovirus (CMV) which kills babies in the womb, toxoplasmosis, and a horrifying number of other illnesses.

Dr. Bhakdi tells us, “Clearly the ‘vaccines’ are not working – a fantastic business circumstance for Big Pharma to continue generating income with ‘boosters’ – but not so good for humanity.”

Two high school basketball players suddenly dropped dead on the court last week with heart problems.

Bill Gates, who is the principal investor in many of these COVID jabs, stipulated that their risk is so great that he would not provide them to people unless every government shielded him from lawsuits, just like they shield the pharmaceutical giants who made these mRNA jabs.

Pfizer announced that the COVID-19 “vaccine” it makes with BioNTech registered a staggering $36.8 billion of sales in 2021.

Meanwhile, Moderna’s CEO dumped his stock and deleted his twitter account.  The Moderna CEO’s strange moves came shortly after a former Blackrock executive began investigating the death statistics from insurance companies and funeral homes.

Deadly Hospital Protocols/Remdesivir

Registered nurse, Nicole Sirotek spoke out at Senator Ron Johnson’s hearing of “dissident” medical professionals who were speaking the truth about the injections and the hospital protocols for treatment of COVID.  Watch her eight-minute talk.

Ms. Sirotek states that she didn’t see a single patient die of COVID, she’s seen a substantial number of patients die of negligence and medical malfeasance. She was told by the staff that they were just following orders.  She stated that she saw the pharmaceutical companies rolling out remdesivir on the patients, when they had no right to treat them.  She said everyone saw that this FDA approved costly drug was killing the patients and they had less than a 25% survival rate if they received more than two doses at an extremely high cost, not to mention the destruction of their kidneys/liver.

So why in the world would the FDA approve a drug that must be monitored for kidney/liver failure? The FDA now approves the drug to treat “non-hospitalized patients.” The drug is administered through an IV, and patients must be closely monitored. But non-hospitalized?  Doctors have sounded the alarm for months, but their voices have fallen on deaf ears.

Remdesivir is first degree murder.  It is being used to kill us.

The antiviral drug is owned by Gilead Sciences and developed with investment from the federal government, that being NIAID and the CDC at a tune of $79 million. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation owns a $$6.5 million stake in Gilead.  It had languished for years with no apparent commercial use.  But remdesivir was a big win for Gilead when it was given to half the patients hospitalized with COVID.  Link  Anthony Fauci knew of remdesivir’s toxicity when he orchestrated its approval for COVID patients.

Dr. Fauci has persistently insisted on double-blind randomized placebo trials for medicines he dislikes (those that compete with his patented remedies) and airily fixed the NIAID study of remdesivir by changing the endpoints midstream to favor the drug.  He has never demanded randomized studies to confirm safety of the combined 69 vaccine doses currently on the childhood schedule.  Every one of these vaccines is regarded as so “unavoidably unsafe” in the words of the 1986 Vaccine Act (NCVIA) and the Supreme Court, that their manufacturers have demanded, and received, immunity from liability.  Page 35, The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Nicole Sirotek tells of a 10-year-old she had to have flown out who had received the first jab the previous day and had myocardial infarction.  She says, “The doctors won’t believe it and use victim shaming claiming it’s anxiety or stress, but if they put down that it was a vaccine injury, the physician and corporation, the hospital or clinic actually won’t get reimbursed, so it is labeled as anxiety or neuropathy, or Guillain-Barre Syndrome.”

Hospitals receive payments for testing every patient for C-19, every diagnosis and every ‘COVID death,’ as well as any time they use remdesivir and mechanical ventilation. They don’t get a special bonus if you live, so is it any wonder patients still aren’t receiving appropriate care?

WHO has issued a conditional recommendation against the use of remdesivir in hospitalized patients, regardless of disease severity, as there is currently no evidence that remdesivir improves survival and other outcomes in these patients!

Dr. Paul Marik, chief of pulmonary and critical care medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School and former director of the ICU at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital, learned about his 14-day suspension when he arrived to work last November and found a letter on his desk.  Because he would not treat patients with remdesivir when he was at Sentara, but wanted to save their lives with alternative inexpensive repurposed drugs, he was suspended for two weeks.  Dr. Marik has testified that remdesivir increases the risk of death.  Sentara eliminated one of the finest physicians they had, a physician who actually developed a treatment for sepsis that saves 50-80% of patients.  Marik is the co-founder of Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, ( which offers prevention and treatment protocols for COVID.

Negligence and Medical Malfeasance

Nicole also said that she had worked in other countries on the COVID virus, and she sees America’s healthcare as so deteriorated as to be like that of third world countries. She said she was getting reports from the organization she founded, America’s Frontline Nurses, saying that patients were not getting food or water.  “How come a patient hasn’t been fed in nine days who isn’t intubated and is telling that they would like to have food?!”  She said she’s had patients on vents who haven’t been bathed, fed, given water or turned to avoid bed sores.

“If you ask me, this isn’t a hospital, it’s a concentration camp. Nowhere in the United States do we isolate people for hundreds of hours at a time with no human contact.  It’s not even allowed in the prisons.  You cannot isolate prisoners beyond a certain period of time because it’s horrible for their mental health and it’s considered inhumane.  However, in these hospitals now, we’re allowed to isolate patients from their families for days, and you have to say goodbye to them over an iPhone.”

In this latest horrifying story, a father was forced to leave his teenage Down Syndrome daughter who was sick with C-19, after four days of being by her bedside.  The hospital actually threw him out.  The guard who walked him to his car told him to seek a higher authority.  They sent their other daughter in to be with her, but most shocking was that one of the physicians put a “Do Not Resuscitate” on his daughter’s chart and hours before she died, Grace received an assortment of drugs – including three doses of lorazepam and a dose of morphine.  The parents watched their daughter die via FaceTime while their other daughter screamed for the nurses.  They were outside the door and would not come into the room to save the teen they had just murdered with drugs that were used for palliative care, not for the Wuhan virus.

How can anyone call this anything but mass murder?!

Critical Against Government?  You’re a Domestic Terrorist

The Biden administration has designated free speech as a terrorist threat when it criticizes the federal government.  The Department of Homeland Security U.S. terrorism threat summary includes spreading ‘disinformation’ about not trusting government! 

It states,

(1) the proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions.

This bulletin is in effect until June 7, 2022.

Our dissident physicians, scientists and nurses, along with authors, journalists and American citizens are now considered domestic terrorists for freely speaking/writing our beliefs.


In 1860, Frederick Douglass commented, “Liberty is meaningless where the right to utter one’s thoughts and opinions has ceased to exist.”

Silence is not golden!  The medical drug cartel mafia are determined to quell the truth as well as the dissidents who utter it. It is essential that no voice of truth be stilled!

They must hear the cry of FREEDOM!

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Big Pharma Exposed, Scientists Speak Out About Vaccine Mandates

RELATED VIDEO: Medical Racism in the USA

GOV. MIKE DUNLEAVY: Time For A Reset On Biden’s Disastrous Energy Policies

As tensions increase between the West and Russia over Ukraine, the risks to our national security from the Biden administration’s energy policies are coming into focus.

President Biden is attempting to discourage aggression by President Vladimir Putin by positioning thousands of U.S. troops across Eastern Europe, and his Secretary of State Antony Blinken is threatening to reimpose sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline that Biden waived  just a few months after taking office.

Russia’s goals for Nord Stream 2 have always been clear: increase European dependence on Russian gas, bypass and weaken Ukraine and strengthen Putin’s hand in the event of any conflict.

So here we are. Nord Stream 2 was completed this past September, European natural gas prices are soaring, Ukraine remains under threat, U.S. troops have been deployed as deterrents and Putin is demanding that NATO reduce its military footprint to post-World War II levels.

Here at home during Biden’s first year, Russia surpassed Saudi Arabia as a supplier of crude oil and crude products to the U.S. with a record average of more than 700,000 barrels per day.

Nearly all that volume is going to U.S. Gulf Coast refiners that once relied on imports from Venezuela that are similar in weight and sulfur content to Russia’s.

Some Gulf refiners previously invested billions to take another kind of heavy, higher-sulfur crude from a slightly friendlier source: Canada.

That crude would have flowed to the Gulf via the Keystone XL Pipeline at a rate of 830,000 barrels per day, or enough to replace every barrel of Russian imports.

After it was resurrected under President Trump, Keystone was killed on day one by Biden. With a stroke of a pen to appease his extremist environmental base, Biden destroyed American jobs, betrayed our ally, strengthened our rivals and weakened our energy independence.

Now Americans are paying the price, and quite literally. As the situation at the Ukraine border has escalated, one grade of Russian crude exports jumped 30% in a month to $88 per barrel as of Jan. 20 according to Platts.

In sum, Russia’s treasury is benefiting from the very tensions it is creating, and Americans are funding it at the pump.

Another action Biden took on his first day in office was to suspend all lease activity in the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, or ANWR, here in Alaska.

The first of two lease sales mandated by Congress in 2017 – with a footprint limited to only 2,000 acres within the 1.5 million-acre coastal plan – was held just two weeks earlier.

The State of Alaska acquired several tracts through our development bank and we are now suing the Biden administration over this unilateral and illegal action violating duly passed legislation.

The potential at ANWR is massive. Just 60 miles west of the coastal plain, Prudhoe Bay accounted for as much as 20% of domestic production at its peak in the 1980s.

Estimates for ANWR are limited, but the U.S. Geological Survey has consistently pegged the resource at more than 10 billion barrels. Potential peak production at ANWR is up to 1.2 million barrels per day, according to the independent Energy Information Administration. That’s more than 10% of current domestic production.

Farther west, the Pikka and Willow prospects each have production estimates in the range of 160,000 barrels per day.

As shale production flattens with drillers slowing growth in basins like the Permian, the importance of conventional fields like Pikka and Willow only grows.

ANWR, Pikka and Willow represent up to 1.52 million or more barrels of potential daily production that would refill the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System, ensure energy independence, protect national security, create jobs and keep our wealth in the U.S.

Nord Stream 2, Keystone and ANWR were bad enough, but Biden wasn’t done.

Willow is in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, and Biden compounded his foolish policies last month by announcing his administration will revert to the outdated 2013 management plan that closed half of its 23.5 million acres to development.

The tests from Willow indicate a light, sweet grade of crude nearly identical to the West Texas Intermediate benchmark. WTI has risen rapidly in price because of supply strain and its lower cost to refine.

Yet Biden is attempting to close off half of the NPR-A where the highly prospective Nanushuk and other well-known oil-bearing formations lie.

Ironically, federal courts continue to strike down environmental analysis for resource permits such as Willow or the 2021 Gulf of Mexico lease sale because judges don’t agree with the conclusion that downstream CO2 impacts are minimal because oil will be produced elsewhere if it isn’t produced here.

In fact, this is exactly what is happening now. Lower U.S. production has only led to increases by our energy rivals who have less regard for the environment or human rights.

Of all the disasters Biden has presided over since taking office, his reversal of policies that led to our energy dominance may be the worst now that thousands of U.S. troops are being put in harm’s way because Biden gave up much of our economic leverage to appease the environmental movement.

The results are in, and it is time for a reset.



Mike Dunleavy is the 12th governor of Alaska.


Biden Administration Kills Israel-to-Europe Gas Pipeline

Russia Has This Under Control…

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

‘Freedom Is A Slippery Concept’: George Washington University Prof Says ‘Freedom’ Is A Tool Of The ‘Far-Right’

George Washington University associate professor Elisabeth Anker criticized the concept of freedom Sunday in comments to CBC Radio regarding the Canadian “Freedom Convoy” protest.

She said freedom was a “slippery concept,” claiming that “on the far right, [individual freedom] is often translated into somebody who refuses to be bound by norms of equality, treating all people equally or norms to remedy inequality, whether that’s trying to remedy racial discrimination or gender discrimination,” according to CBC.

She called the “far right” version of freedom “violent freedom,” and said it could result in danger and discrimination and potentially be anti-democratic, CBC reported. Anker said it was surprising that Canadians were pushing back against “social interdependence” with the language of individual freedom during the trucker convoy protest.

The CBC article, titled “Why the word ‘freedom’ is such a useful rallying cry for protesters,” cited another “expert,” Barbara Perry, director of the Centre on Hate, Bias and Extremism at Ontario Tech University, who complained that freedom is too flexible of a term, linking the concept to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

An opinion article published by The Globe And Mail Feb. 8 also complained that conservatives “appropriated” freedom to oppose vaccine mandates and other COVID-related restrictions.

“For many, it’s a word that has become code for white-identity politics and the far-right’s weapon of choice in the culture wars,” columnist Gary Mason wrote, adding that freedom “has not always been a concept usurped for selfish, malicious purposes.”

Anker and Perry did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.



Social issues and culture reporter.


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US-Canada Ambassador Bridge Opens After Dozens Of Arrests Of ‘Freedom Convoy’ Truckers

Crowdfunding Platform Supporting Freedom Convoy Hacked, Leak Site Says

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

Stop the World, I Want to Get Off — More Craziness from the Unhinged Left

I swear the Left gets wackier by the day.  They are becoming a danger to themselves and others. Listen to this:

An abortion clinic owner in Arkansas was charged with assault after trying to hit two people with her car who were praying outside her clinic.

A former UCLA race lecturer was arrested for threatening to shoot up the philosophy department at the University of Colorado.  The threat was in an 800-page manifesto he had sent to the department.  The police called the level of violence threatened in the manifesto “alarming” and “very disturbing”.

MSNBC host Tiffany Cross said we’re in a war and told her audience to pick up weapons and bring them to political fights.

It’s not just that they’re becoming violent and engaging in the rhetoric of genocide.  They’re off their rocker in other ways, too.

A State University of New York professor said it’s not obvious it’s wrong for an adult to have sex with a one-year-old child.  Wow!

Or how about the young woman who told her brother-in-law he should have aborted his baby because the baby cries a lot.

Teachers in Illinois reacted to a judge’s temporary suspension of the school mask mandate by opening windows thereby forcing their students to endure freezing temperatures.  The teachers also threw students in detention and threatened to double their homework.  Wasn’t there a big thing about bullying in schools?  What happens when the teachers become the bullies?

A teacher in Pennsylvania lined her class up from the lightest to the darkest skin tone and made the white kids apologize to the black kids for being born white.  No wonder parents are in revolt.

A teacher in California harangued a student for wearing a pro-police ‘thin blue line’ mask.  The teacher said it was the new Confederate flag.

The Left has finally made people so nervous about climate change they are seeking therapy for climate anxiety disorder.  I remember one woman calling into an NPR show all distressed and wondering if she should stop popping the top on soda cans and stop drinking it altogether because, you know, bubbles.  I feel sorry for her and everybody like her who has let the Left rot their brains.

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel believes white supremacists were behind the Texas synagogue attack.  Why not?  They’re behind every bush.

Scientists are studying inequality among animals.  Oh yes, peacock privilege is a monumental problem.  Don’t these scientists have anything better to do?  I bet if they looked hard enough, they would find inequality among molecules.  That would be so sad, wouldn’t it?

The prize for most creative intersectionality goes to ‘vegan feminist’ author Carol Adams who said people eat meat because they hold a “white supremacist patriarchal worldview.”  I think it’s the reverse.  They hold a white supremacist patriarchal worldview because they eat meat.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg thinks black pedestrians are too stupid to cross the road safely so we need a federal program to change all that.

That brings us to Joe Biden.  The fish rots from the head down.

He wants federal money to pay for smoke kits and safe injection sites for drug addicts.  Never mind that this kind of thinking came about from the supposed ‘harm reduction’ rationale thought  to contain the ill effects of drug addiction.  We could debate the harm reduction rationale, but Joe’s proposal is being justified on the grounds of racial equity. So I guess that means white drug addicts are privileged so we have to give freebies to black drug addicts.  Or does it mean we want lots of black people to be addicted to drugs because lots of white people are addicted to drugs and we need equal outcomes?  I have no idea what racial equity for drug addicts means, but I do remember a Jesse Jackson anti-drug poster ‘you can walk to freedom, you can run to freedom, but you cannot stagger your way to freedom.’

I’m pretty sure you can’t crazy your way to where you want to go, either, but that doesn’t stop the Left from trying.

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©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

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Inflation Is Costing Households $250/Month, Moody’s Analysis Finds

As economist Ludwig von Mises colorfully put it, inflation is when ‘money, like chocolate on a hot oven, [is] melting in the pockets of the people.’

Inflation is making headlines again this week. The federal government’s latest data show that consumer price rose 7.5 percent from January 2021 to 2022. That’s the highest rate of price inflation we’ve seen in nearly 40 years!

What does this mean for everyday American families?

new analysis from Moody’s Analytics reports that the average US household is paying an additional $250 a month thanks to this inflation.

“A lot of people are hurting because of high inflation,” Moody’s senior economist Ryan Sweet told the Wall Street Journal. “$250 a month—that’s a big burden. It really hammers home the point of ‘what is the cost of inflation?’”

This disturbing revelation brings into focus something we already knew about inflation: it hurts the working class the most. While $250 a month is hardly a noticeable increase for millionaires, that could easily strain a working-class or even middle-class family’s budget past its breaking point.

Price inflation also erodes Americans’ hard-earned savings in a way that’s just as painful as the government directly hiking their taxes. As economist Ludwig von Mises colorfully put it, inflation is when “money, like chocolate on a hot oven, [is] melting in the pockets of the people.”

That’s exactly what we’re living through. But this leaves us with a more important question: Why are we seeing this surge in consumer prices? Is it some abstract economic phenomenon beyond our control? Is it due to “corporate greed?”

On the contrary, inflation directly traces back to decisions made by our elected (and unelected) government officials.

“The most important thing to remember is that inflation is not an act of God, that inflation is not a catastrophe of the elements or a disease that comes like the plague,” Mises famously explained. “Inflation is a policy.”

The primary cause of today’s inflation is the decision by the Federal Reserve, America’s central bank which controls the US dollar, to create trillions of new dollars out of thin air to ostensibly “stimulate” the economy during the pandemic.

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell openly admitted as much in an interview with CBS.

“[Is it] fair to say you simply flooded the system with money?” a reporter asked.

“Yes,” he responded. “We did. That’s another way to think about it. We did.”

“Where does it come from? Do you just print it?” the journalist followed up.

“We print it digitally,” Powell replied. “So as a central bank, we have the ability to create money digitally… that actually increases the money supply. We also print actual currency and we distribute that through the Federal Reserve banks.”

To understand what “flooding the system with money” looked like, just consider the following graph of the money supply—and how dramatically it soared at the start of 2020.


How does increasing the amount of money out there lead to higher prices?

As FEE economist Peter Jacobsen has explained, “If more dollars chase the exact same goods, prices will rise.”

We’re watching this Econ 101 lesson play out before our eyes. And it’s a painful lesson indeed for the millions of American families that have hundreds more out of their monthly budgets just to tread water. Here’s hoping our policymakers learn from their mistakes before it even gets worse.

WATCHBrad Debunks the WORST Inflation TikToks


Brad Polumbo

Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is a libertarian-conservative journalist and Policy Correspondent at the Foundation for Economic Education.


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EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Clinton Campaign Paid Techs to ‘infiltrate’ Trump’s Home and White House Servers to link Trump to Russia

The biggest news story in the world – how much coverage is the treasonous media giving it?

Filings from Special Counsel John Durham this week allege the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign was working to establish a “narrative” linking the Trump campaign to a Russian bank, in an alleged gambit one expert said was an effort to “infiltrate” Trump servers to that end.


Clinton campaign paid to ‘infiltrate’ Trump Tower, White House servers to link Trump to Russia: Durham

First on Fox: Lawyers for the Clinton campaign paid a technology company to “infiltrate” servers belonging to Trump Tower, and later the White House, in order to establish an “inference” and “narrative” to bring to government agencies linking Donald Trump to Russia, a filing from Special Counsel John Durham says.

Durham filed a motion on Feb. 11 focused on potential conflicts of interest related to the representation of former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, who has been charged with making a false statement to a federal agent. Sussmann has pleaded not guilty.

The indictment against Sussmann, says he told then-FBI General Counsel James Baker in September 2016, less than two months before the 2016 presidential election, that he was not doing work “for any client” when he requested and held a meeting in which he presented “purported data and ‘white papers’ that allegedly demonstrated a covert communications channel” between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank, which has ties to the Kremlin.

Read more…

The allegations, first reported on by Fox News on Saturday, are another layer to the densely, multifaceted Durham investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory, one that has continued long after Trump left office and that continues to produce fresh controversies on a regular basis.

Watergate was a nothing burger, a device which Democrats used to oust a sitting (Republican) President. This is high treason.

Trump demands prosecutions, reparations after explosive revelations in Durham court filing

“This is a scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate,” the former president says.

By John Solomon, Just The News, February 12, 2022:

Former President Donald Trump demanded Saturday that there be prosecutions and reparations after Special Counsel John Durham revealed in an explosive court filing that Hillary Clinton’s campaign plotted to infiltrate the Trump campaign and White House computer servers years ago to concoct false Russia collusion allegations.

Durham’s latest court filing “provides indisputable evidence that my campaign and presidency were spied on by operatives paid by the Hillary Clinton Campaign in an effort to develop a completely fabricated connection to Russia,” Trump said.

“This is a scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate and those who were involved in and knew about this spying operation should be subject to criminal prosecution,” he added. “In a stronger period of time in our country, this crime would have been punishable by death. In addition, reparations should be paid to those in our country who have been damaged by this.”

Durham’s court filing said lawyers for the Clinton campaign paid a technology company to “infiltrate” servers belonging to Trump Tower and the Trump White House to create an “inference” of Russia collusion in 2016-17, hoping to get federal agencies to investigate.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

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Tlaib paid $170,000 to ‘Muslim American community activist’ who claims Israel is ‘apartheid state’

Israel is not an apartheid state, as numerous governments have acknowledged after Amnesty International’s libelous report. Israeli Arabs are part of the governing coalition and hold positions at all levels of Israeli society. Tlaib, not surprisingly, is perpetuating dangerous falsehoods.

Tlaib has paid out $170,000 to firm of anti-Israel activist who supports defunding the police

by Houston Keene and Cameron Cawthorne, Fox News, February 8, 2022:

The campaign of “Squad” Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., has paid out $170,000 to an anti-Israel activist who has called Israel an “apartheid state” and has called for defunding the police multiple times.

Tlaib’s campaign has paid $147,000 to Unbought Power LLC, a political consulting and advocacy firm run by Rasha Mubarak, since March 2020. Tlaib’s leadership PAC, Rooted in Community Leadership, which lists Mubarak as a “treasurer,” has paid Unbought Power another $23,000 since October 2020, according to Federal Elections Commission (FEC) filings reviewed by Fox News Digital.

Mubarak, a “Palestinian Muslim American community activist,” has a history of making anti-Israel statements online and calling Israel an “apartheid state.”

“These aren’t clashes— it’s an ongoing occupation. These aren’t evictions— they are forced expulsions,” Mubarak tweeted in May of last year. “This isn’t a conflict— it’s settler colonialism, it’s ethnic cleansing, it’s oppression, it’s apartheid.”

“Say it loud. Say it clear. Palestine will be FREE,” she continued with the hashtag “#SaveSheikhJarrah.”…


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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.