Who needs the Stasi? We’ve already got Google

The cancelling of Gina Carano foreshadows more sinister developments.

The Force is no longer with Gina Carano, one of the stars of The Mandalorian, the wildly popular spin-off from the Star Wars films. She has been cancelled. Twitter erupted with #FireGinaCarano and Lucasfilm dutifully complied.

Carano, a 38-year-old mixed-martial arts expert who has moved into acting, became so popular after playing Cara Dune, a battle-hardened mercenary and marshal, that at one point she was being considered for her own show. But last year’s election brought about her downfall. She was allegedly transphobic, supported anti-vaxxers, spread “misinformation” about Covid-19 and supported Trump. Lucasfilm was probably hungry for an excuse to erase this scabrous blot of political incorrectness.

Carano obliged. In a recent Instagram post she wrote:

“Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbours… even by children. Because history is edited, most people today don’t realise that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbours hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views.”

There are two ways of interpreting this. Lucasfilm chose the negative one: “her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable.” Apparently Lucasfilm believes that Carano was equating the suffering of Republicans under Biden with the suffering of Jews under Hitler. This is preposterous.

The positive interpretation is that ordinary folks can become haters and bigots if their prejudices are whipped up by government-controlled media.

And that is what happened in the 1930s. In the words of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum: “Individual citizens chose to be involved when, out of a sense of duty, or prejudice, or some opportunity for business or other personal gain, they voluntarily denounced their co-workers and neighbors to the police because of their alleged wrongdoings as Jews, anti-Hitlerites, or gays.”

Isn’t something similar is happening in the United States today? Anonymous accusers are denouncing incorrect attitudes to the “authorities”. Gina Carano is right, although she was dumb to compare the situation with Nazi Germany. More apposite is East Germany under the Communists.

From 1950 to 1990 the Ministry for State Security, better known as the Stasi, enforced political correctness through police spying and a vast network of informers. The Oscar-winning film The Secret Lives of Others portrays the dehumanising world in which East Germans had to live. But it still failed to convey the enormity of the totalitarian surveillance. The Stasi even collected jars of the body odour of people it had under observation.

To deal with trouble-makers the Stasi had a policy called, in German, Zersetzung. It’s a difficult word to translate. Originally it meant “decomposition”. But in the context of the East German police state, it meant destroying dissidents. “The goal,” according to German historian Hubertus Knabe, “was to destroy secretly the self-confidence of people, for example by damaging their reputation, by organizing failures in their work, and by destroying their personal relationships.” Sound familiar?

A striking feature of Stasi control was how cooperative ordinary citizens were. In 1989, in a population of about 16 million, the Stasi employed about 200,000 informers. Between 1950 and 1989, about 620,000 people are believed to have been informers at some stage or other. It appears that young men between 25 and 40 were over-represented. So much for the idealism of youth.

It doesn’t take much imagination to appreciate that in the age of internet shaming, deplatforming, cancelling and Google monitoring we are recapitulating the surveillance state of East Germany.

Consider what happened after the Capitol Hill riot. The videos which have been screened in President Trump’s impeachment trial in the Senate are horrifying. The frenzied mob violence was terrifying. There can be no doubt that hundreds of people deserve to face criminal charges.

Everyone wanted to know who these barbarians were.

An army of “online sleuths” went to work to identify and profile the rioters. The FBI appealed for digital information about the day’s tragic events. “This kind of crowdsourcing is not the same thing as a formal investigation. It’s certainly not a replacement for the investigations done by the judicial system,” says John Scott-Railton, from Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto. But “it’s an excellent mechanism for surfacing clues.”

One result of this internet detective work was an impressive feature in the New York Times which aggregated data about 175 rioters who had been charged, along with his or her photo, and a brief profile. It was a jaw-dropping revelation of how easy it is for pyjama-clad detectives to nab criminals. A number of these people were summarily fired by their employers after this information became public.

Spadework done by other organisations shows the power of online sleuthing. Bellingcat, “an independent international collective of researchers, investigators and citizen journalists using open source and social media investigation to probe a variety of subjects” created an impressively researched profile of Ashli Babbitt, the 35-year-old woman who was shot and killed by Capitol Police, based upon her social media posts.

In the age of Google, criminal profiling by ordinary citizens almost seems like a patriotic duty. But actors with fewer scruples can do this as well.

Consider the website of Rose City Antifa, which contributed to the detective work. Its mission is collecting information about “fascists” – pictures, addresses, cars and licence plates, physical features like height, build, hair/eye/skin colour, hair length, tattoos and piercings – so that it can doxx them.

Doxxing is the practice of publishing private information about a person to discredit and shame them. “It’s only when their privately held hate is made public that they face repercussions,” according to the website. “As it turns out, a lot of people don’t want to work with or live near a nazi. Go figure!”

It’s not difficult to imagine how destructive the work of online sleuths can be for people who don’t deserve to be called Nazis.

Which is something that retired Chicago firefighter David Quintavalle discovered after the riots. One of the army of online sleuths matched his face with the face of the suspect who hurled a fire extinguisher at a Capitol policeman who later died. He was bombarded with hundreds of tweets calling him a cop killer and with phone messages like this: “Hey Dave you’re a murderer and a traitor. And I can’t believe you killed a cop and your son is a cop. Wow. Good luck in Prison.” He needed police protection. But Quintavalle had been at home all the time.

But only ignorant scumbags would do stuff like this, right?

Wrong. New York Times reporters are being paid to do something similar, as independent journalist Glenn Greenwald pointed out in a recent column. “The tech reporters of The New York Times (Mike Isaac, Kevin Roose, Sheera Frenkel) — devote the bulk of their ‘journalism’ to searching for online spaces where they believe speech and conduct rules are being violated, flagging them, and then pleading that punitive action be taken (banning, censorship, content regulation, after-school detention),” he wrote.

No doubt these reporters are more scrupulous about checking their sources than those ignorant scumbags. But they’re more devious and dangerous. They search out private communications and betray them to the raving mobs of Twitter. It’s both “infantile and despotic”, says Greenwald.

Greenwald is not a rustbucket MAGA zealot. He worked for The Guardian; he is a free speech advocate, an animal rights supporter, a supporter of Julian Assange, and a human rights activist. He is openly gay and is married to a Brazilian congressman. But he writes in his column:

“The overarching rule of liberal media circles and liberal politics is that you are free to accuse anyone who deviates from liberal orthodoxy of any kind of bigotry that casually crosses your mind — just smear them as a racist, misogynist, homophobe, transphobe, etc. without the slightest need for evidence — and it will be regarded as completely acceptable.”

Which brings us back to the Stasi.

Thanks to the internet, the United States is moving dangerously close to East Germany’s surveillance society. It may be open source, decentralised, and anarchic — but high tech Zersetzung crushes people like Gina Carano just as effectively as the Stasi’s blackmail. Greenwald calls the online sleuths “tattletales”, “voluntary hall monitors” and “speech police”. Or perhaps the truth is even more sinister. In the Newspeak lingo of the Stasi, they are inoffizieller Mitarbeiter, unofficial colleagues, informants.

A true democracy respects privacy, confidentiality and intimacy. But social media are hollowing out those values. Gina Carano’s cancelling should remind us that the tyranny depicted in The Secret Lives of Others took place in the German Democratic Republic.


Michael Cook

Michael Cook is the editor of MercatorNet More by Michael Cook.


It’s Happening: Southern States Begin to Rebel

Biden and Big Tech Are Coming for Us

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. This content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license.

Gaslighting: Technocracy’s Preferred Weapon of War

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or group, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment. – Wikipedia

It is my opinion that the Democrat bill, For the People Act 2021 H.R. 1 – 117th Congress (2021-2022), a laughable title, is the fatal blow to free and fair elections, and the end of the United States of America as we know it.

In case you think I am exaggerating, consider this checklist:

  • The coronavirus “pandemic” was an economic bioweapon designed to collapse Trump’s roaring U.S. economy, terrify Americans into submission, and justify mail-in ballots. The pandemic is and always was political medicine disguised as public health ✔︎
  • The mail-in ballots augmented the digital interference via Dominion Voting Systems/software to steal the 2020 election ✔︎
  • The stolen election installed China-centric puppet Joe Biden ✔︎
  • Biden’s administration can now pack the court and enable imposition of the lethal For the People Act of 2021, which puts the Uniparty of corrupt Democrats, Republicans in name only (RINOs), and Americans in name only (AINOs), in control of U.S. elections in perpetuity ✔︎
  • The globalist Uniparty will have succeeded in establishing planetary governance through “legal” means by duping the public with catastrophic humanitarian hoaxes that have deceitful names like “For the People Act 2021.” No bullets required ✔︎

I am witnessing the greatest, freest republic on earth being transformed into a technocracy that resembles communist China, the most oppressive regime on earth. The coordinated disinformation campaign of the Democrat/technocrat/globalist narrative is an orchestrated effort to make Americans believe the unbelievable, and accept the unacceptable.

The Biden administration and its corrupt, self-serving politicians will sacrifice the country not to be exposed. The useful idiots who support the Biden/Harris ticket are seduced by empty promises, ignore oppressive actions, and are fooled by a communist Chinese dictator wearing a suit.

Bertrand Russell told the world in his 1952 classic, The Impact of Science on Society, that the one with the science rules the world. That was the 20th century – this is the 21st. Today, the science is digital technology, and the information is distributed by the colluding Internet behemoths over social, mainstream, and entertainment media.

The republic will fall in a domestic information war fought without bullets. The science is digital, and technocrats are the most dangerous people on the planet. The ones who control the information, control the world – all for our own good of course.

This brings me to an extraordinary essay written by an unidentified author, that examines the information and the preferred method for information control. It is called gaslighting, and its specialty is cognitive dissonance.

Cognitive dissonance is a theory developed in the 1950s by American psychologist Leon Festiger, who said that inconsistency between thoughts or between thoughts and actions leads to discomfort (dissonance) which motivates changes in thoughts and behavior. When the cognitive dissonance becomes too overwhelming the person turns one of the thoughts off. People cannot tolerate double vision, and they cannot tolerate inconsistency – they seek homeostasis.

Gaslighting by unknown author

The term originates in the systematic psychological manipulation of a victim by her husband in Patrick Hamilton’s 1938 stage play Gas Light, and the film adaptations released in 1940 and 1944. In the story, the husband attempts to convince his wife and others that she is insane by manipulating small elements of their environment and insisting that she is mistaken, remembering things incorrectly, or delusional when she points out these changes. The play’s title alludes to how the abusive husband slowly dims the gas lights in their home, while pretending nothing has changed, in an effort to make his wife doubt her own perceptions. The wife repeatedly asks her husband to confirm her perceptions about the dimming lights, but in defiance of reality, he keeps insisting that the lights are the same and instead it is she who is going insane.

Today we are living in a perpetual state of gaslighting. The reality that we are being told by the media is at complete odds with what we are seeing with our own two eyes. And when we question the false reality that we are being presented, or we claim that what we see is that actual reality, we are vilified as racist or bigots or just plain crazy. You’re not racist. You’re not crazy. You’re being gaslighted.

New York State has twice as many deaths from Covid-19 than any other state, and New York has accounted for one fifth of all Covid-19 deaths, but we are told that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has handled the pandemic better than any other governor. But if we support policies of Governors whose states had only a fraction of the infections and deaths as New York, we’re called anti-science and want people to die. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you’re being gaslighted.

We see mobs of people looting stores, smashing windows, setting cars on fire and burning down buildings, but we are told that these demonstrations are peaceful protests, and when we call this destruction of our cities, riots, we are called racists. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you’re being gaslighted.

We see the major problem destroying many inner-cities is crime; murder, gang violence, drug dealing, drive-by shootings, armed robbery, but we are told that it is not crime, but the police that are the problem in the inner-cities. We are told we must defund the police and remove law enforcement from crime-riddled cities to make them safer But if we advocate for more policing in cities overrun by crime, we are accused of being white supremacists and racists. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you’re being gaslighted.

The United States of America accepts more immigrants than any other country in the world. The vast majority of the immigrants are “people of color”, and these immigrants are enjoying freedom and economic opportunity not available to them in their country of origin, but we are told that the United States is the most racist and oppressive country on the planet, and if we disagree, we are called racist and xenophobic. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you’re being gaslighted.

Capitalist countries are the most prosperous countries in the world. The standard of living is the highest in capitalist countries. We see more poor people move up the economic ladder to the middle and even the wealthy class through their effort and ability in capitalist countries than any other economic system in the world, but we are told capitalism is an oppressive system designed to keep people down. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you’re being gaslighted.

Communist countries killed over 100 million people in the 20th century. Communist countries strip their citizens of basic human rights, dictate every aspect of their lives, treat their citizens as slaves, and drive their economies into the ground, but we are told that Communism is the fairest, most equitable, freest, and most prosperous economic system in the world. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you’re being gaslighted.

The most egregious example of gaslighting is the concept of “white fragility”. You spend your life trying to be a good person, trying to treat people fairly and with respect. You disavow racism and bigotry in all its forms. You judge people solely on the content of their character and not by the color of their skin. You don’t discriminate based on race or ethnicity. But you are told you are a racist, not because of something you did or said, but solely because of the color of your skin. You know instinctively that charging someone with racism because of their skin color is itself racist. You know that you are not racist, so you defend yourself and your character, but you are told that your defense of yourself is proof of your racism. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you’re being gaslighted.

Gaslighting has become one of the most pervasive and destructive tactics in American politics. It is the exact opposite of what our political system was meant to be. It deals in lies and psychological coercion, and not the truth and intellectual discourse. If you ever ask yourself if you’re crazy, you are not. Crazy people aren’t sane enough to ask themselves if they’re crazy. So, trust yourself, believe what’s in your heart. Trust your eyes over what you are told. Never listen to the people who tell you that you are crazy, because you are not, you’re being gaslighted.

Sophocles said: ‘What people believe prevails over the truth.’ And that’s what the media is trying to exploit.

Ironically, this excellent essay on gaslighting dramatizes the description of America’s Civil War II presented in my 2011 philosophy book, Dear America: Who’s Driving the Bus?

“Civil War II is not a race war, an economic war, or a war between states. It is a psychological battle between states of mind that will determine who has the power in our society, who is in control (p.13). . . . Civil War II begins as a personal, internal war and eventually finds its way into external society.” (p.15)

Gaslighting is the deliberate, psychological weapon being used by the enemies of America against rational adult Americans. Rational adults live in the world of objective reality/facts. The goal of gaslighting is to reduce rational adults to childlike thinking, the world of subjective reality/feelings, where regressed adults believe what they are told and can be easily controlled. Gaslighting seeks to drive rational adults insane—into the world of subjective reality.

I wrote Dear America in an attempt to help people understand their behavior, so that they would have the tools to change their behavior. I never imagined in 2011 that the enemies of American sovereignty would use psychological manipulation against American citizens for political gain.

In 2020, I wrote a political sequel to Dear America in advance of the pivotal presidential election. The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’, exposes the sinister, coordinated, interconnecting attacks on America and our hold on objective reality, deceitfully disguised as altruism.

Gaslighting is the weapon of choice being used against Americans in an effort to force them into subjective reality where they will accept the 2020 election coup, installation of the illegitimate Biden/Harris administration, and the imposition of a totalitarian technocracy of China-centric Democrat/globalist rule.

The defense against gaslighting is knowing that you are being gaslit. From the film Gaslight, “You’re not going out of your mind! You’re slowly and systematically being driven out of your mind.”

We must hold onto objective reality in America to save the republic. The alternative is the dystopian nightmare of globalist technocracy.

©Linda Goudsmit. All rights reserved. For further reading on cognitive dissonance and gaslighting, please refer to my related articles. They are all archived in my Pundicity website ARTICLES tab: goudsmit.pundicity.com


Remembering Martha Mitchell 10.20.2020

Ultimate Election Malfeasance: The Manipulation of Reality 9.21.2020

The Riddle of Animals and Small Children 8.17.2020

What Happens When Objective and Subjective Reality Collide? 12.30.2020

Cognitive Dissonance and the Lazy Eye 8.9.2018

One, Two, Three Strikes, You’re Out! 7.21.2018

What do Sociopaths and Leftists Have in Common? 11.5.2017

The Re-Education of America 8.7.2017

Anarchy in Academia: Cry-Bullies Gone Wild 5.31.2017

Motive for Madness 5.30.2017

VIDEO: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis SLAMS Media Over Tampa Bay Fans Celebrating Over Super Bowl Win

More outstanding work by Governor Ron DeSantis. He handles the MSM beautifully. Never backs down. What a fighter. That’s why he can win in 2024. Watch the whole press conference below.

The media- otherwise known as the Ministry of Misery – punishes the happy, the free, the American.


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis SLAMS Media Over Tampa Bay Fans Celebrating Over Super Bowl Win

By 911.com, February 11, 2021

Tampa Bay Buccaneers fans were on top of the world after Tom Brady and company mopped the Kansas City Chiefs in Super Bowl LV in Tampa.

Fans flooded to the streets to celebrate, prompting backlash from democrat leaders and members of the media, who were seemingly outraged at the large crowds gathered during a pandemic.

On Wednesday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was asked if he was worried that not enough was being done to stop the spread of Coronavirus during the celebrations.

“The media’s worried about that, obviously. You guys really love that,” DeSantis scoffed.

“You don’t care as much if it’s a ‘peaceful protest’… and then it’s fine. You don’t care as much if they’re celebrating a Biden election. You only care about it if it’s people you don’t like. So, I’m a Bucs fan. I’m damn proud of what they did on Sunday night.”

“..in terms of the UK variant, here’s what we know, we know, based on all the evidence, that these vaccines are going to be effective against that,” he said. “And that’s really the main concern, I mean we’re getting our seniors vaccinated. We’ve not seen any data, or any evidence to suggest that these vaccines are not effective and so if we get the seniors vaccinated.”

RELATED ARTICLE: Conservatives slam Biden administration over possible restrictions on Florida travel due to China virus fearmongering

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here— it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever.

As New Impeachment Show Trial Begins, CNN Plays Judge, Jury, and Executioner

Stephen Collinson, CNN’s White House “reporter,” really, really wants you to take this latest impeachment business seriously. “Trump’s trial set to rock Washington and echo through the ages,” he wrote this morning in an “analysis,” and his breathless excitement fairly leapt from the screen. The question at hand, he informs us, “is whether a president who loses reelection can get away with a violent coup attempt in a desperate bid to stay in power.” Is that what Trump did? Stephen Collinson thinks so, and CNN thinks so, and you better think so yourself, and pronto, or the arbiters of acceptable opinion will before too long come for you, too.

As the trial began, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Sinister) proclaimed that these were the gravest charges that have ever been brought against a president of the United States. Collinson is reading from the same playbook, and makes it absolutely clear what you are to believe: he bemoans “the former commander-in-chief’s likely acquittal for inciting a deadly mob assault on the Capitol” and claims that this acquittal “will echo through generations and may influence the outcome of some unknowable future test of US democracy.” He castigates the “consistent cowardice of Republicans who refuse to hold Trump to account.” He intones that the “events of the next week or so will inform the country’s capacity to move on from a traumatic presidency that left it as divided as at any time since the Civil War.”

The trial, he declares, begins “just a month after a now infamous day, when Trump greeted a huge crowd in Washington already primed for revolt by his weeks of false claims of election fraud. The subsequent invasion of the US Capitol during a joint session of Congress to certify Biden’s election victory led to five deaths and saw Trump fans parading unimpeded through the halls of the iconic building as lawmakers fled to safety.” And if “whipping up a rebellion against the peaceful transfer of US power is not an impeachable offense, nothing is.”

Sure, buddy. Collinson extends his hysterical rant to 1,700 words, but never gets around to quoting Trump saying, in the speech in which he was supposedly inciting a violent coup attempt, that “today we will see whether Republicans stand strong for integrity of our elections, but whether or not they stand strong for our country, our country.” Of course, there are numerous historical precedents for leaders claiming to be protecting what they are in the process of destroying, so Trump’s saying that he wanted Congressional Republicans to safeguard the integrity of our elections doesn’t in itself mean that he didn’t want to destroy that integrity. But Collinson does not even deign to consider the possibility that Trump may have meant what he said.

Even worse, in his windy piece, Collinson never finds time to quote Trump saying: “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” How this supposedly mindless, programmed mob is supposed to have understood “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard” as “storm the Capitol and terrify AOC in the next building over” is unclear. Doubtless, only superior minds such as those of Collinson, Schumer, and their ilk can explain it.

Nor does Collinson bother to consider the implications of the increasing evidence that the Capitol riot that was supposed to have been incited by the lawless Trump was actually planned in advance, or that it began before the president was finished speaking, making it impossible that the mob acted on Trump’s dog-whistled orders.

And dog-whistled it must have been, since Trump made no call to commit any violence, much less to stage a coup, in his remarks on January 6 or at any other time. But Collinson, like Schumer and the other Democrats on the Hill in their rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth hatred for Trump, has long since departed from anything remotely resembling genuine rules of evidence. Collinson summed up their approach when he stated: “The claim that a former president cannot be tried after being impeached relies on a hyper-literal reading of the Constitution.”

Of course. We reject a “hyper-literal” reading of the Constitution, and then we can see whatever we want in it. We ignore the legal definition of incitement, and try the former president based on the assumption that he meant, and was understood by his audience to mean, exactly the opposite of what he actually said. In one sense, Stephen Collinson is right: this impeachment fiasco is going to reverberate through the ages, and have untold negative consequences for free Americans. If a man can be tried on no grounds and no evidence, no one is safe. If the elites want to get you, they will. Donald Trump told us repeatedly that the real target wasn’t him, it was us. In the coming years, there will be numerous reasons to call that statement to mind.



Trump’s Defense Brief Eviscerates the Democrats’ Case for Impeachment

Indianapolis: Planned Islamic site has water issues, but lawyer for Muslim group says it’s just ‘bigotry’

Indonesia: Sharia police publicly flog two Christians for violating Islamic law by drinking alcohol and gambling

India: Muslims stab Hindu man to death after arguments over donation drive for Hindu temple, vandalize his home

Iran angrily summons Belgium’s ambassador following Belgian court sentencing of Iranian diplomat to 20 years for bomb plot

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Trump Impeachment II: George Washington Warned About Political Factions

Maybe it’s just me, but I am starting to come to the conclusion that Nancy Pelosi just doesn’t like former President Donald Trump. She seems to have been the driving force behind Trump Impeachment II.

Jeff Charles of Red State calls it:

“the Democrats’ new production of ‘An Impeachment Story Part II: Maybe It’ll Work This Time.’”

Impeachment is a Constitutional provision to potentially remove a sitting president. But, of course, now Trump is a private citizen. Where is the Chief Justice? He is supposed to preside over a legitimate impeachment hearing. But Chief Roberts will have nothing to do with this farce.

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul says, “The Constitution says two things about impeachment—it is a tool to remove the officeholder, and it must be presided over by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.”

Instead, notes Paul, this is an act by “hyper-partisan Democrats,” who have a “deranged hatred” against the former president. He adds that they are “wasting the nation’s time.”

Did the president receive due process during the House trial against him a couple of weeks ago? No, says John Eidsmoe, constitutional attorney and prolific author.

Eidsmoe wrote an open letter to the Senate: “As an attorney and law professor who has practiced and taught Constitutional Law for many decades, I strongly oppose the proposal to impeach and convict President Donald J. Trump and bar him from holding public office.”

Eidsmoe’s reasons include that the charges are factually baseless. For example, Trump is being accused of causing an insurrection because he held a rally in D.C. on January 6th, outlining once again why he thought the election was stolen.

The former president told his supporters at the rally: “We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated.  I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” [Emphasis added]

It is important to note that the breach of the Capitol had already begun before Trump even told his followers to “peacefully” go over there (about a 25-minute walk away). He didn’t say anything about violence, vandalism, or mayhem. He wasn’t leading an Antifa rally or the like.

What is happening in our country is a nightmare our first president warned about—factionalism taking over.

The father of our country, George Washington, issued some parting wisdom in his Farewell Address, printed in newspapers beginning September 19, 1796. The U. S. Senate Historical Office has posted the Farewell Address.

They note: “He believed that the stability of the Republic was threatened by the forces of geographical sectionalism, political factionalism, and interference by foreign powers in the nation’s domestic affairs. He urged Americans to subordinate sectional jealousies to common national interests. Writing at a time before political parties had become accepted as vital extraconstitutional, opinion-focusing agencies, Washington feared that they carried the seeds of the nation’s destruction through petty factionalism.” [Emphasis added].

In his day, there were not the fully developed political parties as we’ve seen in America since. If you had to categorize him party-wise, he would have been a Federalist, in contrast with the Democrat Party (initially the Republican Democrat Party, just to confuse things) that arose with Thomas Jefferson and New Yorker Aaron Burr, later a traitor to America.

Here’s what Washington said in the Farewell Address, regarding putting party-loyalty above country-loyalty: “The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation on the ruins of public liberty.”

Public liberty today is at risk because of the rise of the petty factionalists. Gary Bauer points out that in recent times both Senate Leader Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are on record potentially inciting violence—far more than Trump’s remarks to “peacefully and patriotically make your voice heard.” For example, Pelosi said, “I just don’t even know why there aren’t uprisings all over the country” against Trump.

Meanwhile, Trump’s legal team wrote a letter, explaining why he was not going to appear to testify in person at this week’s sham impeachment hearing. Their February 4, 2021 letter closes: “The use of our Constitution to bring a purported impeachment proceeding is much too serious to try to play these games.” I think George Washington would agree.

©Jerry Newcombe. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: We Know Trump didn’t Incite Violence, But How did our Intelligence Community Miss the Planning?

November 7, 1983: ‘May 19th Communist Organization (M19)’ Detonates a Bomb in the U.S. Capitol to Kill Republicans

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana

Members of Congress and the media seems to confuse real insurrection with what happened during the “mostly peaceful” protest in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021. These same members of Congress and their media allies have conveniently forgotten history.

One example is the November 7, 1983 attack on the U.S. Capitol by the ‘May 19th Communist Organization (M19)’ which was intended to kill Republican members of Congress. M19 was made up and led by women who were hard core Communists.

The Smithsonian Magazine in an article titled “In the 1980s, a Far-Left, Female-Led Domestic Terrorism Group Bombed the U.S. Capitol” outlines historian William Rosenau investigation of the little-known militant group M19’s bombing attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Amidst the social and political turmoil of the 1970s, a handful of women—among them a onetime Barnard student, a Texas sorority sister, the daughter of a former communist journalist—joined and became leaders of the May 19th Communist Organization. Named to honor the shared birthday of civil rights icon Malcolm X and Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh, M19 took its belief in “revolutionary anti-imperialism” to violent extremes: It is “the first and only women-created and women-led terrorist group,” says national security expert and historian William Rosenau.

M19’s status as an “incredible outlier” from male-led terrorist organizations prompted Rosenau, an international security fellow at the think tank New America, to excavate the inner workings of the secretive and short-lived militant group. The resulting book, Tonight We Bombed the Capitol, pieces together the unfamiliar story of “a group of essentially middle-class, well educated, white people who made a journey essentially from anti-war and civil rights protest to terrorism,” he says.

According to Rosenau:

Just before 11 p.m. on November 7, 1983, they [M19] called the U.S. Capitol switchboard and warned them to evacuate the building. Ten minutes later, a bomb detonated in the building’s north wing, harming no one but blasting a 15-foot gash in a wall and causing $1 million in damage. Over the course of a 20-month span in 1983 and 1984, M19 also bombed an FBI office, the Israel Aircraft Industries building, and the South African consulate in New York, D.C.’s Fort McNair and Navy Yard (which they hit twice.)

M19 and the Weather Underground

Smithsonian magazine asked Rosenau about other left-wing extremist groups,

Where would you position M19 relative to groups that people may be more familiar with, like the Weather Underground?

They are sort of an offshoot of the Weather Underground, which essentially cracked up in the mid 1980s. These women decided to continue the armed struggle. Many of them had been in the Weather Underground, but they thought the Weather Underground had made important ideological mistakes, that the Weather Underground saw itself as a vanguard of revolution, when in fact the real revolutions were going on in the third world. Or in the United States itself, in places like Puerto Rico or among Native Americans.

But the real revolutionaries were these third-world freedom fighters. And it should be the job of North American anti-imperialists, as they called themselves, to support those liberation movements in whatever way they could. So if that meant bombing the Navy to protest the role of the United States in Central America in the early 1980s, they would do that. If it meant attacking the South African consulate in New York that represented the apartheid regime [which they did in September 1984], they would do that.

They really saw themselves as being as supporters and followers of these third-world struggles in the Middle East, in southern Africa and in this hemisphere particularly. They talked about themselves as being in the belly of the beast, being at the center of this imperialist monster. So they had a particular responsibility, in their view, to carry out actions to bring this monster to heel.

Remember that Bill Ayers was the co-founder of the Weather Underground and Communist Bernardine Dohrn were friends of Barrack Obama in Chicago.

Today we have off shoots of M19 and the Weather Underground. Today they are know as Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Same ideology, same tactics, same goals.

Rosenau stated:

Historical context is absolutely paramount. We kind of lump terrorism together, like groups as disparate as Students for a Democratic Society, Al Qaeda, Red Army Faction, Aum Shinrikyo, but these are all products of particular times and particular places.

BLM and Antifa are products of our particular times and particular places. BLM and Antifa are products of Democrat Party rhetoric and incitement. They are part of the hate America, hate Trump and hate capitalism movement that dates back to the Russian Revolution. The times change but the failed Marxist ideology doesn’t.

Time for Americans to understand how history in now repeating itself.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

‘Beating Democrat Electoral Corruption’

Don’t back down, push back.

Beating Democrat Electoral Corruption

By J.R. Dunn, American Thinker, February 10, 2021:

Nov. 3rd, one particular line has been repeated almost to the point of becoming a meme: “There will never be another honest election in this country.”

I’ve seen it in a dozen articles I’ve worked on for AT, and at least twice that many times elsewhere. It wouldn’t be going too far to say that it has became a piece of received wisdom, along the lines of “Biden is the asterisk president”: there will never be another honest election in the U.S.

To some extent, this attitude is understandable, and you can’t blame people for holding it. I myself entertained similar thoughts in the wake of the electoral coup this past fall.

This reflects conservative defeatism. Unfortunately, the default position for most conservatives is to give up, retreat into the think tank and spend time tossing off remarks about how horrible our doom will be, mixed with attacks on anyone trying to stop it. It’s in times like this that this fatal, self-inflicted flaw becomes most evident.

But all the same, it’s wrong, and it’s wrong for a very apparent and simple human reason.

At first glance, the idea seems to have a lot going for it. As November 3rd clearly revealed (and Molly Ball and Time mag foolishly underlined), the electoral fraud machinery is immense and the Dems went to incredible effort and expense to put it together. So why would they use it only once? That would make no sense whatsoever. Surely, the Democrat’s theft machine is built for the long haul, like the Tammany machine of the 19th century or the Cook County machine of the 20th.

But there are number of reasons why it’s unlikely that it will ever be reused – at least not at the level it was last November. The first involves COVID-19. COVID was the key element in last fall’s electoral fraud. Probably the foulest example yet of the Dem’s “never let a crisis go to waste” philosophy.  There’s no question that Democrats have exploited the pandemic for their own benefit – the Empress of Ice Cream has boasted as much. It may be going too far to assert that Democrat policies have deliberately intensified the effects of the disease, though at times it’s hard to avoid that conclusion. Certainly, the irrationality of the anti-disease efforts (what, exactly, is a curfew supposed to do to control a disease?) is hard to explain any other way.

COVID enabled the Democrats to ram through a vastly expanded use of absentee ballots on the grounds that voting was now “dangerous.” As we all know, the COVID virus avoids attacking Antifa riots and BLM demos, hoarding its efforts to strike down voters alone. It has to be that way – otherwise, Dr. Anthony Fauci, third in humanitarian stature only behind Gandhi and MLK, Jr. (recall the story of how he descended from his white steed to divide his cloak in two in order to share it with a poor COVID victim) would have told us.

It was the absentee ballots that were the core of the fraud effort. If you look at the chain of events surrounding the fraud, you’ll note that almost all the irregularities involved the absentee ballots. It was regarding those ballots that all the questionable court decisions were handed down, those ballots that corrupt governors and secretaries of state intervened to permit. Vote counts were halted to allow time for those ballots to be manufactured, and GOP vote counters were sent home for the sole purpose of allowing those votes to arrive unobserved. It was those votes that GOP observers were denied the right to examine, and it was to hide those votes that windows were blocked. While other efforts might have been underfoot, it was the absentee ballots that bore the weight of the fraud.  It was those that comprised the bulk of President Asterisk’s 13 million votes out of hyperspace.

These circumstances are unlikely to be repeated. While the Dems are stretching the COVID “crisis” (in truth, it’s the botched response that actually triggered the “crisis”) as long as they can, it’s unlikely to be tolerated much longer, let alone the 21 months that would be required for them to drag it on into the 2022 election. And faking up a new plague would simply be too obvious (though not too idiotic – see Molly Ball) for the Dems to attempt. Once we’re out from under the COVID “countermeasures,” it’s likely that most people will look back on them as a gross overreaction that caused more chaos that they were worth.

COVID was a one-shot deal. But what about the fraudulent systems already put in place during the 2020 campaign? It happens that almost all the battleground states (along with nearly half the states in the country) excepting Nevada are GOP-controlled at the legislative level. It also happens that many of these politicians in these states are looking at re-election in 2022.

What this means that the Republicans are finally going to get off their fat duffs and do something. The GOP may not be willing to lift a finger to help Donald Trump or protect the Constitution. But save their own penny-ante political careers? That’s another story. That’s important. That has to be defended at all costs.

And so we’re beginning to see efforts to do just that. In Pennsylvania, the legislature is addressing the problem in the session that began this week. Several proposals have been made to abolish mail-in ballots completely. The Dems have protested, which simply shows how much these procedures mean to them.

The problem with PA is that Gov. Tom Wolf is up to his neck in last year’s election corruption (no single politician was more closely involved with the promotion of absentee ballots) and is unlikely to budge an inch. A veto-proof majority will be necessary to overcome inevitable opposition from Wolf.

The Arizona GOP is willing to go even farther. House Bill 2720 would enable the Arizona House to revoke certification of presidential electors. While passage of this bill may be unlikely, there are a number of proposals for either eliminating (House Bill 2701) or modifying absentee ballots ranging from requiring that they be dropped off in person (Senate Bill 1503) to including a copy of a driver’s license (House Bill 2369).

There are also rumblings from Georgia, but it’s difficult to imagine any meaningful reforms with Kemp and Raffensperger in charge. Both refuse to admit any responsibility for the multiple electoral disasters that struck their state, both seem blind to future dangers, and both are evidently happier battling members of their own party than the political opposition. But the January 5th runoff, run under the same rules as the November election and resulting in the “defeats” of Douglas Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, has no doubt put the fear of Jehovah into the hearts of state politicians. We will see reform in Georgia.

These are only the leading edge of efforts to attack the universal electoral corruption revealed last November, efforts that will be given further impetus by court decisions such as the late January decision finding Virginia’s late election law changes illegal. (We can also forget about the section of U.S. House bill H.R. 1 that attempts to seize control of national elections form the states. This is blatantly unconstitutional and will be found to be exactly that once Roberts and the Three Musketeers can be dragged awl out from their hiding place beneath the bench.)

This is all very appropriate. In our system, the states are the last line of defense. It’s the states that will undermine the Dem’s headlong rush to a totally corrupt single-party state. Apart from that, it’s often overlooked that the Founders, in their wisdom (that amount of brainpower out of only 2.5 million people. If you were to look for a dozen Americans to match them out of our 330-odd million, you would utterly fail), based our system on human frailty. As has been said in other cases, any system based on that is based on a strong foundation indeed. We’ll see plenty of evidence of that in the months to come.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here— it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever.

Donald Trump Was America’s Whistleblower-In-Chief — He exposed endemic corruption in the D.C. cesspool.

Candidate Donald Trump promised that if he was elected President he would “Drain the swamp.”

(The term “Swamp” to describe the pervasively corrupt District of Columbia should be replaced by “Cesspool.”  Swamps are natural elements of our planet’s ecosystem and are home to many forms of plant and animal life and are, therefore essential to our environment.  Cesspools however, are entirely artificial, filled with fetid rotting feces and detritus and there is nothing good to be found in cesspools!)

While most politicians portray themselves as “outsiders” who will clean house when elected, in reality with few exceptions, they are an integral part of the corrupt political system, Trump was not only a true “outsider” but had sufficient wealth so that he was not beholden to the lobbyists and other corruptors of the political system who use campaign contributions to get the best government money can buy (them).

The Orwellian terms “Lobbyists” and “Campaign contributors” should be replaced by far more honest terms: “Corruptors” and “Bribers.”

Trump’s brash and unconventional approach to politics and campaigning rankled many but also attracted the attention of tens of millions of angry and frustrated disenfranchised Americans who knew that the system was not working for them.

The media, ever interested in ratings, was drawn to the campaign. Trump conducted himself in a fashion not unlike a radio “shock jock” who people may not like but who tune in to find out what he may say or do next.

However, who but a billionaire with Trump’s unique tough demeanor, would have the chutzpah and wherewithal to take on the political establishment at the highest levels of our government and even take on the governments of other countries, such as China?

Trump repeatedly asserted that “The system is rigged” and even pointed out how Bernie Sanders lost the Democrat nomination because of corruption in the political system.

Members of the political establishment must also have been panicked at the thought of a Trump Presidency.  If elected, Donald Trump would have an insider’s unfettered access to the systemic corruption that has come to pass for business as usual.

The “establishment” not only includes the politicians but all who derive their wealth and influence through the manipulation of the U.S. government to their unfair and often immoral objectives that runs contrary to the best interests of America and Americans.

They feared that once elected President Trump would become America’s Whistle-Blower-in-Chief who would not only promote policies that favored American workers but would enlighten Americans about the true scope and magnitude of the betrayal they suffer at the hands of the political elite.

The Office of Special Counsel that protects whistleblowers from retaliation defines whistleblowers thus:

A “whistleblower” discloses information he or she reasonably believes evidences: • A violation of any law, rule • An abuse of authority or regulation • A substantial and specific danger • Gross mismanagement to public health • A gross waste of funds • A substantial and specific danger to public safety.

Is not this how the U.S. government betrays America and Americans today?

Donald Trump posed a clear and present danger, not to America, but to those who undermine national security, public safety and the well-being of American citizens.

So many had so much to lose and they reacted in ways never before seen in U.S. politics.

From the very beginning Trump rallies became the focus of violent extremists with Trump supporters being physically attacked and threatened.

Consider these headlines concerning one such Trump rally:

On June 3, 2016 the Washington Post reported:  Ugly, bloody scenes in San Jose as protesters attack Trump supporters outside rally, while on that same day NBC News reported: Protesters Assault Trump Supporters With Eggs, Bottles, Punches After Rally

Even after the election the violence continued.

For example, on November 14, 2016 USA Today reported:  Man viciously beaten in Chicago as bystanders scream ‘he voted Trump’

American politics had turned ugly resembling the violence and chaos normally associated with Third World Country elections but not in the United States of America – until Trump sought the Presidency.

Next came the Russian Collusion delusion, designed to discredit the Trump Presidency and punish anyone who would dare consider becoming a part of the Trump administration.  This continued with the obvious goals of keeping Donald Trump, the duly elected President of the United States, distracted so that he could not move forward with his America First agenda.

The Trump impeachment trial came next, in what was clearly an additional effort to delegitimize and derail the Trump administration.

Now we are about to witness yet another Trump impeachment trial even though he is no longer President.

Immigration was not only the centerpiece of the Trump campaign but a critical element of the way that Washington and both political parties betray American workers and their families.

Once elected, President Trump kept his promises to not only construct a border wall along the U.S. southern border, but to protect American workers from having to compete with foreign workers.

Ironically this position had been held by Democrat politicians for decades beginning with FDR who sought to get Americans working during the Great Depression, but certainly no longer.

Back on October 4, 1957 when Russia launched the world’s first artificial satellite, Sputnik, President Eisenhower responded by declaring that American school children would be given a first-rate education in mathematics and the sciences to ensure that America will lead the world.

Today our “leaders,” Democrats and Republicans alike, frequently insist that we must encourage the world’s “best and brightest” to come to the United States and even attend U.S. schools and universities so that America can lead.  This is hardly good news for Americans who are frequently displaced by far less qualified foreign high-tech workers whose only claim to being exceptional is their willingness to work for exceptionally low wages under exceptionally adverse conditions!

Where I come from (Brooklyn), we have a term for the world’s “best and brightest”- we call them Americans!

Donald Trump dared to stand up to this betrayal of Americans and thus infuriated those who sought to undermine wages and job opportunities for Americans.

On December 11, 2011 You Tube posted an important eye-opening documentary, Dan Rather Reports – No Thanks for Everything which featured highly qualified and highly experienced American computer professionals who were unceremoniously fired by their respective companies and replaced by workers from India.

Silicon Valley and others have repeatedly pressured Washington to open the flood gates to foreign workers and have also forged an unholy alliance with China.

On September 13, 2020, just before the 2020 elections, the website Wired posted, Everyone Wants to Crack Down on China—Except Silicon Valley.  The subtitle of that article is well worth considering:

Many Democrats agree with Trump on curbing the countrys influence. But a Biden administration, influenced by tech, may strike a different tone.

Clearly just about all of the major players, irrespective of party affiliation, were united in their overwhelming desire to not only defeat Trump in this past election, but to make certain that his agenda of putting Americans first would be brought to a complete and speedy end.

Trump supporters are now reviled and accused of a variety of offenses.  Never mind that we are talking about tens of millions of Americans.  You would think that in a democracy, the will and concerns of so many citizens would be of the utmost importance.

The so-called “Cancel Culture” is determined to cancel any notion that American citizens should be the priority of their own government!

(So much for President Abraham Lincoln’s eloquent notion that our government should be “Of the people, by the people and for the people.)

No wonder Lincoln and the Founding Fathers are also on the “Cancel Culture chopping block” along with the American middle class and our freedoms.

Biden has acted swiftly to promulgate a record number of executive orders that undermine public safety, national security and the dreams of beleaguered Americans, many of whom live in communities that don’t have sufficient doses of vaccines to combat the pandemic or beds to treat those who fall ill.

Consider What Biden’s Immigration Policies Would Do To America.

Here are questions about immigration, a critical issue, that should be asked of Mr. Biden, but don’t expect the “journalists” to actually ask these questions- they are likely more concerned with the flavor ice cream Joe Biden likes:

  • How will your immigration and other policies help Americans to be safe especially in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic?
  • How do your immigration policies help Americans to succeed?  How does the admission of exponentially more foreign workers than the number of new jobs we create in America help American workers and their families?
  • Where is the good news for Americans when the administration ignore the clear nexus between immigration law enforcement and public health, public safety and national security?
  • Finally, why does the issue of “compassion” never apply to struggling American families and struggling American children?

©Michael Cutler. All rights reserved.

Intel community to target Americans? Here’s what we must do to safeguard liberties

Originally published by Fox News

As a former member of the Gang of 8, the top Senate and House members briefed on our nation’s most sensitive intelligence, I am very familiar with the powerful collection tools and authorities possessed by the U.S. Intelligence Community. As chairman and the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, I had the responsibility for leading the committee’s oversight of the myriad capabilities each of America’s intelligence agencies possesses.

Whether it is in space, cyber, electronic or human intelligence, America’s intelligence professionals certainly generate a “wow factor,” and it was always reassuring knowing the “IC,” as it is often called, was a powerful force arrayed against foreign enemies abroad to protect us at home.

A recent charge from former Obama-Biden era CIA Director John Brennan should give all of us a moment of pause. Brennan stated on MSNBC that the Biden administration is “now moving in laser like fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about what looks very similar to insurgency movements that we’ve seen overseas.” He went on to list potential targets as an “unholy alliance frequently of religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, Nativists, even libertarians.”

Given Brennan’s history, such a charge from him should not be taken lightly. After all, it was Brennan who was forced to admit his agency had spied on the U.S. Senate when it was investigating the CIA. And Brennan also played a central role in pushing the now-discredited Russian collusion conspiracy that animated years of investigation and inaccurate media coverage of the Trump administration.

The issue itself, however, is larger than Brennan – even if he serves as the prime illustration of the concern. The issue on where to draw the line on the massive surveillance powers of the IC and its use domestically requires profound consideration even in the heat of this current political moment.

In the analyses and investigations completed after the 9/11 terrorist attack, one of the key recommendations was to break down the “wall” between domestic law enforcement and foreign intelligence agencies. The 9/11 attacks included perpetrators based domestically and internationally, and there was legitimate concern the “wall” had potentially prevented the sharing of information that could have helped disrupt the plot.

After considerable debate, the 2004 Intelligence Reform and Terrorist Prevention Act (IRTPA), which I helped author, included among its many provisions reform of the relationship between domestic law enforcement and foreign intelligence.

The “wall” was breached, increasing opportunities for law enforcement and the IC to work together and coordinate activities. Supporters of IRTPA believed strong provisions had been put in place to enable cooperation but prevent our spying capabilities from being weaponized to target Americans. There were doubters on the left and right, and the Obama-Biden era targeting of the Trump campaign proves the doubts indeed had some merit.

As we hear calls from political leaders proclaiming, “the enemy is within,” I urge my fellow citizens to take a step back and ask whether we as Americans want our foreign surveillance apparatus turned against us.

I have witnessed the power and capabilities of the IC, and I will state unequivocally we most certainly do not.

They IC operates by law to protect us from foreign threats, and the rules reflect the fact that foreigners do not enjoy the same constitutional protections as U.S. citizens. We want this awesome capability to protect our nation from threats abroad, not to target our fellow citizens.

The tools necessary to protect us from international threats must remain singularly focused on the real threats that continue to exist beyond our borders. An Intelligence Community that has the lines blurred between foreign intelligence and domestic spying will lose the support of all Americans and becomes a real threat to our freedoms.

We must never let our Intelligence Community be weaponized against our citizens again.


Pete Hoekstra

Pete Hoekstra is the Chairman of the Center for Security Policy Board of Advisors. Ambassador Hoekstra represented the United States as Ambassador to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and served in the United States Congress for 18 years, representing Michigan’s 2nd Congressional District from 1993 to 2011. View all posts by Pete Hoekstra 

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

AFL-CIO’s Trumka: Biden Mistake to Kill XL Pipeline

What an absolute fool this man is!  

I had no sooner posted my previous post about the incredible Time magazine story that fingers one of Trumka’s right hand men as the leader of the “conspiracy” to bring down Donald Trump, and we are expected to believe Trumka’s crocodile tears over the loss of thousands of union jobs on the pipeline.

You union idiots who listened to Trumka and voted for Biden deserve what you get!

And, one more thing on the Time publication by reporter Molly Ball.

You were fools to publish it. You ‘smart people’ wanted the world to know how clever you were.

Most Trump-loving Americans would have gone to their graves scratching their heads wondering how you traitorous creeps did it, including the role Trumpka and the unions played, but now we know.

It was a conspiracy to steal the presidency!  

Reap what you sow!

From Breitbart:

AFL-CIO’s Trumka: Killing Keystone Pipeline a Mistake — ‘Will Cost Jobs’

AFL-CIO head Richard Trumka on Sunday voiced his criticism of President Joe Biden’s decision to revoke the permit of the Keystone XL Pipeline, a move that directly eliminates 11,000 jobs and could affect 60,000 more.

Trumka told “Axios on HBO” he thinks it was a mistake to halt the construction because it cost jobs and will cost more down the road. He added he thinks Biden acknowledges he made a mistake.

“I wish [Biden] hadn’t done that on the first day,” Trumka said of the Keystone XL Pipeline.

Trumka is left hoping and praying that Chairman Joe will find more jobs! What! Building solar panels!

Judas Pence Joins Aaron Burr and Benedict Arnold — Part One

“Associate yourself with people of good quality, for it is better to be alone than in bad company.” –  Booker T. Washington

“Moreover, I have heard that those who are fond of praising men to their faces are also fond of damning them behind their backs.” – Anonymous

“Everyone wanted to see (him) fall so they could devour his remains.  As is usually the case, the army of sycophants had turned into a horde of hungry hyenas.” – Carlos Ruiz Zafón, Author

“Nothing is more noble, nothing more venerable, than loyalty.” – Cicero

On January 6th, 2021, Mike Pence knifed Donald Trump in the back and the Republic in the heart.  We expected it.  He refused to hear from states who wanted a ten to twelve-day delay in the counting of electoral votes, despite receiving multiple letters asking him to do so.  At the end of the electoral count, he elbow bumped with Speaker Nancy Pelosi.  His loyalty was not to Donald Trump or to the Republic.

Presidential Aspirations

The former VP has now formed a fundraising group hinting a run for President in 2024 against former President Trump, who I highly doubt will run again. Pence claims he’ll be active in 2022 elections.  The treasonous activities of the 2020 elections have proven the alleged vote fraud will never again allow true conservatives to be elected; of course, those who would toe the line are acceptable.

Pence has joined controlled-opposition Heritage Foundation as a distinguished fellow.  He has also started a podcast and will be writing a monthly op-ed and speaking at conferences and colleges in his new capacity as the Ronald Reagan Presidential Scholar at the conservative Young America’s Foundation.  The foundation was founded at the home of neo-con William F. Buckley and is heavily funded by Koch brother organizations and famous icons of the neo-con rightwing including former Amway executives Richard and Helen DeVos and Morton Blackwell’s Leadership Institute.

In May 2017, Pence filed FEC paperwork to form Great America Committee, a political action committee (PAC) that would be headed by his former campaign staffers Koch brothers’ Nick Ayers and Marty Obst. Pence is the only vice president to have started his own PAC only six months after taking office.  See Open Secrets for who received funds.

Pence Demeanor

Pence was a six-term member of the House who had focused on climbing the ladder of party leadership but he never chaired a major committee or authored even one single successful piece of legislation.  His manner, always guarded and always pushing to get ahead, caused members of his own party to keep him at arm’s length.  Pence was considered likeable enough, but he wasn’t personally popular; his closest friends in the House were Jeff Flake and Paul Ryan.

Flake went on to become Arizona Senator in 2013 and retired after one term.  As Senator, he embraced the amnesty cause and became a charter member of the disastrous 2013 “Gang of Eight” amnesty group who helped arm the Benghazi rebels.

Paul Ryan joined the board of Fox News in early 2019.

Pence is a man who covers his true personality with a veneer of niceness…you never see the real Mike Pence, a man who along with his wife plans a cunning strategy for every event.

His “kindly pose” is so practiced that he looks like a man whose face will never crack an honest to goodness smile.  He’s spent a lifetime learning to avoid offense and in doing so has become an empty suit.  No one has ever profiled him in depth…Pence has always been recognized for his demeanor and not his accomplishments of which there truly are none.

Despite presenting himself as a deeply moral man, the reality belies this front.  His record shows a ruthlessness and comfort with aggression that contradicts his religious pose.

Pence claimed Charles Colson as his mentor.  Colson was a convicted Watergate conspirator who allegedly wrote an enemies list for President Nixon and proposed firebombing a Washington think tank in order to obtain documents it held.

Colson supposedly had a religious conversion, but is that what drew Pence, or was it Colson’s aggressive tendencies?  Pence has immense ambition and his wife Karen is fully behind him.

Many people do not give credence to Pence’s religiosity, believing it is just another way to justify his ambition.  He failed as a conservative member of Congress for twelve years, he failed miserably as Governor of Indiana for one term, and he also failed as a loyal vice president.

Early Years

After graduation, Pence applied to Indiana University’s law school, but failed the admissions test.  Two years later, after intense study, he passed the test.  He hated his law classes however and said it was a “bad experience.”  While in Indianapolis, he met Karen Batten Whitaker at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church.  They were married in June of 1985.

Karen Pence is two years older than her husband, and was previously married to a med student. Her ex-husband, Dr. Steve Whitaker, became a drug company executive responsible in part for the development of the erectile dysfunction drug Cialis.

Mike graduated from law school in 1986 and he was ready to follow his political ambitions and Karen was there to help. She was Mike’s advisor and they campaigned together for his congressional seat by riding their bicycles through the district and wearing Pence for Congress t-shirts. Pence tied himself to popular politicians of the state, Senator Richard Lugar and Dan Quayle, but Democrat Congressman Phillip Sharp defeated Pence in 1988 and 1990.  During those years, Karen taught school and Mike became an Indiana radio celebrity who was referred to as the decaf Rush Limbaugh.

Congressman Sharp retired and was succeeded in 1994 by Republican David M. McIntosh who served three terms in Congress and ended up in trouble with the House ethics committee. McIntosh and Pence were close friends and when McIntosh decided to run for Governor in 2000, he urged Pence to campaign for the vacant congressional seat, which he won. McIntosh lost the race for governor, but in 2014, he became the head of Club for Growth who spent $2 million to defeat Donald Trump.  (McIntosh was also a co-founder of the Federalist Society.)

Pence had many advisors throughout his political years and they followed him into the Vice Presidency, but always present in every Pence office was the “red phone.” That red phone was only used for calls from Karen Pence and when asked what it was for by a fellow congressman, he said, “Mrs. Pence is the only one who has the number, not anyone on staff.  She occasionally shares it with the kids, but when this phone rings, I answer it.”  It’s a known fact that if anyone wanted to get to Mike Pence, they had to go through Karen first; she was the gatekeeper and Mike’s top advisor.

Indiana Governor

When Mike Pence ran for Indiana Governor in 2012 and won, Karen was installed in an office across the hall from her husband.  Again, the red phone was on Mike’s desk, and although his top advisor was just across the atrium, she only used the phone to talk to him.  And she, not Mike, was the new sheriff in town as she set down rules for the Governor’s visitors.  Their work hours were kept short and they left early to be home by 5:30 for dinner.

Indiana’s disappointment with the governor was evident.  The Indiana mothers who ignited the national rebellion against Common Core were wondering why Governor Pence betrayed their trust.  He took credit for repealing Common Core in Indiana when in fact he merely replaced it with a rebranded version of the same standards — actually, standards that might be even worse.  Link

The Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) was watered down by Pence when Eli Lilly and others threatened to leave Indiana if Pence didn’t add an amendment to the bill to ban discrimination based on sexual orientation.  Nearly a dozen LGBTQ and civil-rights groups sent an open letter to Pence asking him to fix RFRA.  When Pence caved, conservative support evaporated.

When President Trump threatened to overturn President Obama’s EO protecting LGBTQ federal contractors from discrimination, Mike Pence joined with Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner in urging the president to support the rights of the LGBTQ community.

Chosen VP

The beginning of this four-year VP Pence charade goes back to his initial investiture in politics and his ultimate goals.  Pence knew his chances of being elected for a second term as Governor of Indiana were miniscule and falling.  When Trump and his entourage came calling, Pence willingly opened the door and became the toady sycophant vice presidential candidate always gazing approvingly at Donald J. Trump.  Behind the scenes he quietly plotted with wife Karen at his side.

Allegedly, Rick Gates and Paul Manafort had convinced Trump to take Mike Pence in order to cement the Midwest and garner evangelicals. The Indiana Hoosiers couldn’t stand the guy after four years of his weak leadership and caving to every threat from the left. Trump thought Pence smelled like a loser and wanted someone stronger.  He was right!  Pence has always been a loser.  Pence had endorsed Ted Cruz, but he wanted a chance at the presidency and Trump opened the door.

Two others had been under consideration, former Governor Chris Christie (Abu Christie who put a Muslim on the New Jersey Supreme Court) and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (an Alvin and Heidi Toffler acolyte since the 70s who believes the US Constitution and property rights should be eliminated); Newt was heavily promoted by Fox’s Sean Hannity.  Allegedly both Ivanka and Melania Trump wanted Pence.  All three VP choices were as LBJ to Kennedy and H. W. Bush to Reagan.  If only Trump had chosen someone like General Michael Flynn, a brilliant patriot who loves his country and her people.

Establishment Lauds Pence

Members of the Republican establishment have lauded Pence for his experience and his solid credentials.  Governor Pence endorsed Dominionist Ted Cruz in the 2016 Republican primaries, and has been praised by Paul Ryan, who has described him a “personal friend” and a “movement conservative,” whatever that is.

Congressman Louie Gohmert revealed that Ryan had encouraged GOP House members to campaign against President Trump in 2016.  Watch this 90 second video with Congressman Gohmert.  Now we find out that Ryan and his Chief of Staff John Burks were both involved in pushing the fake Steele Russian dossier.

Pence has no problem with this as he toed the neo-con party line in Congress.

  • Pence’s congressional votes were weak and he only received a 62% freedom index, the same as John McCain’s. Link
  • Pence stated, “Trade means jobs but trade also means security. The time has come for all of us to urge the swift adoption of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.”
  • “Calls to ban Muslims from entering the US are offensive and unconstitutional.” Link
  • Pence strongly denounced Trump’s proposal to close the US borders to Muslim refugees. Link

Trump and Pence were always misaligned politically; their stances were opposite on so many issues.  Yet, Pence always mustered a devotional gaze, not seen since the likes of Nancy Reagan.


Let’s go back to the day Pence was chosen as Trump’s running mate, and to the early campaign.  The choice was obviously made to garner Pence’s former congressional friends into aiding Mr. Trump’s agenda, although that never worked out as hoped.

  • Governor Pence pulled his name from the governor’s race in Indiana before Trump had a chance to announce him, resulting in the Indianapolis Starcatching wind of it and announcing his nomination before the President.
  • Pence’s endorsementof Paul Ryan, John McCain, Kelly Ayotte, and other leftist Republicans was done prior to Trump’s forced endorsements.
  • When Trump’s recorded and edited Access Hollywood locker room chat with Billy Bush came out, Pence stated his disapprovalas though Pence was so pure that he had never uttered trash talk, and he hid away. Karen Pence was reportedly “disgusted” after watching Donald Trump’s 2005 “Access Hollywood” tape and called the president “reprehensible” and “vile.”

Billy Bush is the first cousin of George W. Bush, Jeb Bush, Neil Bush, Marvin and Dorothy, and the nephew of George H. W. Bush, and we know they hated Trump and voted for Hillary.

Paul Ryan was allegedly linked to the release of that tape in an effort to destroy Trump’s campaign.

The media wanted Trump to drop out and Pence to take the lead with Ryan as VP.  The latter two actually plotted this coup until Trump handily won his second debate.

  • Trump’s two top establishment globalists, Pence and Priebus supported getting rid of Lt. General Mike Flynn after they claimed he misled his colleagues about conversations with the Russian ambassador. The willingness to throw Flynn under the bus was planned and executed by the Deep State. The president’s first and most damaging blunder was believing Mike Pence and asking for the General’s resignation.
  • VP Pence’s former Chief of Staff was Josh Pitcock whose wife, Katherine Seaman, had been working with FBI Agent Peter Strzok on the FBI’s counter-intelligence investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email server. Strzok had texted to Lisa Page, “If Katie’s husband is there, he can see if there are people we can develop for potential relationships.”  Obviously, he was talking about Katherine Seaman and her husband, Josh Pitcock, a possible backdoor inside the administration.

Loyalty is a noble trait and one that is coveted by leaders, but our 45th President never saw many faithful and devoted Republicans, either in Congress or in his administration.  After Chris Christie was ousted, the president appointed Mike Pence to bring in valuable people.  All of them were establishment globalists and friends or supporters of Mike Pence.  Only Education Secretary Betsy DeVos lasted, and she resigned before Trump left office in protest of January 6th.  The establishment sewer rats did everything they could to stop President Trump from destroying their globalist goals.

Unfortunately, Trump’s failure was not hiring outside the swamp and seeing clearly who his enemies were and eliminating them quickly.


Stay tuned for Part Two.

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

Gateway Pundit’s Video of Van Delivering Boxes of Ballots in Detroit was Mesmerizing

I hope by now you have added Gateway Pundit to your daily reading rounds.  I really don’t need to be re-writing what Jim Hoft and his investigators are saying, but this post fascinated me.

Who is in the black car that appears to escort the van?

(The car is a rental from PA says GP.  BTW, where is the FBI?

EXCLUSIVE: Suspicious Vehicle Seen Escorting Late Night Biden Ballot Van at TCF Center on Election Night (VIDEO)

On Wednesday morning, November 4th President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden in the swing state of Michigan by over 100,000 votes.

This appeared to be another solid win for President Trump in a swing state he won in 2016. The ballot counting in Detroit, Michigan on election night took place at the TCF Center, formerly known as Cobo Hall.

Then late at night, a string of suspicious events changed the momentum for the Trump Team. GOP observers later testified that at 3:30 AM in the morning vehicles drove into the TCF Center and delivered fraudulent ballots for Joe Biden.

Go to Gateway Pundit to watch the video!

If the great Election Steal of 2020 is to be solved, it will be by independent journalists and bloggers like Gateway Pundit.

Changing the subject…

I have been writing at Refugee Resettlement Watch since July of 2007 except for a few months after the speech police got me deplatformed, but I think I have done all I can do for you who live in communities that are refugee resettlement sites, or soon will be.

This morning I spent all of my writing time on this post.

The gist of it is this:

You must organize locally to save your communities from those who are changing your towns and cities politically, culturally, demographically. 

Trump can’t save you (us)!  Although if he returns to political life the best thing he could do would be to create America First grassroots chapters in every county in America with a first order of business straightening out the local board of elections!

Your governors are mostly useless as they are in cahoots with big business looking for cheap labor.

Your Members of Congress, even most Republicans, are in the pocket of the Chamber of Commerce and they are scared to death of being labelled racists for opposing the “good” people, the phony humanitarians, in charge of the refugee agencies.

You might have some hope with your state legislators, but it is now up to you to find out what is happening locally, get involved, speak up, get organized and maybe even run for local political office.   Yes, hard and boring work.

It is more fun and might make us feel good to yak about tyranny and unfairness among ourselves, but it is a waste of time.

And, so what if you are well-read on the cutting issues of the day and have tens of thousands of Twitter or Facebook followers—it will not stop the Socialist Democrat juggernaut working incrementally to control your local community or state.

Remember Obama’s community organizing!  They have been working for decades at that level and you have a lot of catching up to do.

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Why Flying Our Flag Upside Down is NOT Illegal nor Insulting to our National Colors

The following are just some of the reasons we have reached that point where flying the American flag upside down is necessary as a symbol of national distress.

  1. FBI ordered to vet 25K national guardsmen because Biden Admin thinks there may be “white supremacists” or “right wing extremists” among them planning an attack.  Based on what?  1 NG guy from NJ found inside Capital building and one female Air Force vet shot to death inside capital building on Jan. 6th, 2021 inferring the entire military are potential insurrectionists?
  2. SOD orders entire military to stand down for 60 days to investigate for any extremists (and then what, court martial them?)
  3. Department Homeland Security ordered to look for people and groups that have contrarian views (e.g. conservatives) to the Biden Admin ideology and charge them as “domestic terrorists” – note under the unconstitutional Patriot Act a US citizen deemed to be a “domestic terrorist” even just because he/she has a different world view or thinks differently or opposes socialism can be arrested and imprisoned without Due Process and confined “indefinitely”.
  4. Biden has ordered all immigration laws be ignored e.g. stop deportations, let 14K detainees free, stop wall construction, let illegals across our borders which will include, violent gang members, murderers, drug traffickers, human traffickers, foreign terrorists etc.  – is this not a national security issue?
  5. Biden has reversed the Trump order that no federal (e.g. tax payer) $ flow to Sanctuary Cities which have been hotbeds of illegal alien criminal activities.
  6. Biden lifted the ban on transgenders in the military which allows mentally ill people to enter the military and have sex change operations at taxpayer expense.
  7. Biden has ordered the wearing of masks on all federal property and lands – so what does this mean for servicemembers training on federal lands?
  8. Biden has ordered the fed govt to “pursue a comprehensive approach to advancing equity for all with respect to race, ethnicity, religion, income, geography, gender identity, sexual orientation and disability” – can you imagine what this is going to do to military personnel policies including promotion system and policies ?  Also military pay.
  9. Biden has revoked Trump’s travel ban on nations with individuals posing a terrorist threat to the US.
  10. Biden is taking advice from and putting members of the Chinese Communist Party into key govt. positions and sure as hell has personally profited from millions $ provided him and his family from the Chicoms and the Russians.  Is this someone we want as our Commander-In-Chief.  I’m sure many, like me, who fought against communism putting ourselves in harm’s way  for so many years of our military careers are now exasperated at what has come to pass.

And the rush to socialism goes on –  if these actions in only the first two weeks don’t pose a threat to U.S. national security and our military readiness then I don’t know what does and this is only the tip of the iceberg.

For every military veteran who opposes this symbolism of flying our flag upside down, I’d bet anyone a six pack of their favorite beverage. Their are two currently flying their flags upside in a legal display of their first amendment rights.  There are no laws, ordinances, codes or even protocols that restrict this – if there were then why can people burn, stomp on, walk on, spit on, drag on ground, put in toilets full of urine and crap as displays of art, etc. etc. and get away with it.  It is a leftist propaganda fear tactic to tell folks they will be arrested if they fly their flags upside down.

By the way, any veteran who opposes flying our national colors upside down but watches NBA games or watched the Super Bowl on Sunday should look inward at the hypocrisy of supporting prima donna millionaires who think our flag and national anthem are symbols of “oppression” but criticize those vets who see flying the flag upside down as a symbol against our country becoming a socialist/communist state.

Remember what Benjamin Franklin wrote, “ “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

©Royal A. Brown, III. All rights reserved.

FLORIDA: Tampa Mayor sending police after people who didn’t wear a facemask at Super Bowl?

It appears that Democrat Jane Castor, the Mayor of Tampa, Florida, is coming after those, like Governor Ron DeSantis (see Tweet below), who did not wear a face mask at the Super Bowl game.


It appears that Mayor Castor is targeting Governor Ron DeSantis. Here’s why:

This is tyranny in its most transparent form. This is using the pandemic to impose a police state upon those who just wanted to drink their beer and enjoy the Tampa Bay Bucs win over the Kansas City Chiefs.

The Democrat Party and Biden are now officially The Fourth Reich.

They are now exposed for what they really are, enemies of We The People.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: It’s Just A Mask (Mirrored)

VIDEO: WATCH Beijing ☭ Biden gets Booed at Super Bowl

Tampa, Florida — President Joe Biden and his wife Jill Biden got booed during their video appearance at the Super Bowl LV in Tampa Florida on Sunday. In a pre-recorded video message, the Bidens talked about social distancing and the lives that have been lost during the pandemic, followed by a moment of silence. While the video was played on big screens just before kickoff, it sounded like people were booing.

Everyone knows the election was stolen.


RELATED ARTICLE: ABSOLUTE PROOF – Bombshell DOCUMENTARY of evidence of election rigging

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.