Critically Thinking About Happiness

Our opponents want us to be unhappy. Will we cooperate?

Despite what we might be inclined to think, there are relatively few universal commonalities in this world. One of the most important ones is: EVERYONE is motivated by happiness — from Putin to Mother Theresa!

There is within every soul a thirst for happiness and meaning. — Thomas Aquinas

Once you put on those glasses and start looking for it, it’s amazing just how much of the world (and our lives) revolves around the desire for happiness. That’s no surprise you say, because after all, who doesn’t want to be happy? Yes, it sounds simple enough, but it’s amazingly nuanced and complex.

On close inspection, there are some interesting facts about Happiness. For example, consider the following:

1 – Considering the universality of our interest in happiness, there is a surprising divergence in the definition of what happiness actually is! Part of the challenge is that there are look-a-likes that we can easily be fooled by — e.g., pleasure and enjoyment.…

See why there are substantial psychological and chemical differences between these and happiness, by reading a bit more about pleasure and enjoyment.

2 – Although humans have a shared interest in happiness, different things make different people happy. For example, I might really enjoy going out to play golf, while you may find golf boring, exasperating, too long, etc., etc.

3 – On the other hand, an example of a happiness commonality is that making others happy, usually results in the initiator also being happy.

If you want happiness for an hour—take a nap. If you want happiness for a day—go fishing. If you want happiness for a year—inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime—help someone else. —Chinese Proverb

4 – Although we probably intuitively know it, scientific research indicates that happiness is contagious!

5 – A major factor in our happiness is whether we are searching for immediate gratification or do we find delayed gratification more rewarding…

For a wide variety of reasons, delayed gratification is MUCH better (e.g., see here) — but we are continually bombarded with the opposite message.

6 – These days we hear an incessant amount about things like equity and fairness — but will equity or fairness actually bring real happiness? The evidence says no.

7 – Here’s a significant critical thinking question to ponder: is happiness caused by something external, or is it internal?

“Very little is needed to make a happy life. It is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.” —Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

8 – IMO a major key to happiness is perspective.

Here’s a situation that came up years ago when I was teaching high school kids a weekly evening CCD class. There were about 20 in my class, and one evening a girl asked for help. She dearly loved her younger (by 2 years) sister, but the sister showed her no respect. For example, she frequently came home to find that her sister had rifled through her closet and had “borrowed” some clothes, Not only she didn’t ask, but she had been politely told not to do that, several times. What to do?

I said that I understood how that could be really exasperating. Then I said: let’s say that next week you come home from school, and your mom pulls you aside. She says that she and your sister had just returned from the doctor’s office and had bad news. Your sister has inoperable cancer and will only likely live for a few months.

You then go up to your room and (sure enough) your sister has taken one of your best outfits. How do you feel about that now?

Note that to fix something, we usually want the other person to change. But here the other person didn’t change one bit — yet our feelings are completely different! What has changed here is this girl’s perspective on her sister’s behavior. Even though she doesn’t agree with her sister’s actions, she now sees that there are other things in life that are more important. So what initially caused her unhappiness, now is a source of great happiness! Perspective: go figure…

9 – Finally, when men and women are societally told that they should act in ways inconsistent with their nature, unhappiness is an all but guaranteed result. See this reasonable discussion. The trailer for the film Grinding America Down makes it clear that our enemies are purposefully sowing dissension and unhappiness. The more unhappy citizens are, the more likely they will be receptive to any change. Any!

10-Happiness starts with our answering a profound question: why do I exist? If God is not a key part of your answer, there is no way you can be genuinely happy. For more details see this spot-on short video. Also consider: Why Your Happiness Is So Important to God.

Some happiness quotes I thought were interesting:

  • Most people are as happy as they make up their minds to be. (Abraham Lincoln)
  • It’s not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness. (Charles Spurgeon)
  • The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things. (Henry Ward Beecher)
  • God cannot give us true happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing. (C.S. Lewis)
  • When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us. (Helen Keller)
  • We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about. (Charles Kingsley)
  • Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go. (Oscar Wilde)
  • Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory. (Albert Schweitzer)
  • Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. (Carl Jung)
  • Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get. (Dale Carnegie)
  • Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. (Mother Teresa)
  • Jesus makes you happy in reality. The world tries to make you happy escaping from reality. (Jack Hyles)

©2023. John Droz, Jr. All rights reserved.

Hillary Blames MAGA Republicans for Making it Hot in Summer

Twice-failed presidential candidate and corrupt, power-mad harpy Hillary Clinton took to Twitter on Tuesday to blame “MAGA Republicans” for the recent nationwide summer heat wave.

Clinton’s social media post came in response to a tweet from left-wing think tank Center for American Progress which stated, “MAGA Republicans are pouring fuel on the climate crisis fire.” The post included an image of recent media stories highlighting the recent spate of high temperatures in the U.S. and noted Republicans voted against the Inflation Reduction Act, Democrats’ $739 billion climate package — which President Biden signed into law in 2022.

“Hot enough for you? Thank a MAGA Republican. Or better yet, vote them out of office,” Hillary tweeted insanely.

Climate expert Ryan Maue, the former top climate scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, notes that heat waves aren’t new: “Without climate change, July’s summer heat in the U.S. Southwest would have been ‘virtually impossible,’” Maue tweeted Tuesday. “I guess that’s true if you memory hole 1925, 1930s, 1950s, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2012, 2020, etc. and the rest of the almanac.”

In a separate post, Maue noted that vindictive Hillary’s tweet was made just eight days after a New York Times editorial calling on leaders to “politicize the weather.”

Hillary Rodham Clinton

298 Known Connections


Clinton Says “You Cannot Be Civil” With Republicans

In the aftermath of the Democratic Party’s failed attempt, in the fall of 2018, to use specious sexual assault charges to block the confirmation of President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh, CNN’s Christiane Amanpour asked Mrs. Clinton to comment on various recent instances where leftist protesters had disrupted the Senate’s Kavanaugh hearings, had tried to intimidate Republican senators, and had engaged in acts of lawlessness to vent their rage. Mrs. Clinton replied: “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. That’s why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength.”

To learn more about Hillary Clinton, click here.


FL Scholar: Kamala Lying About State Curriculum on Slavery

‘F*** Eric Adams!’: NYC Mayor’s Bizarre Response to Protester

LOL: Jeffries’ Claim of Outraising GOP Rival McCarthy Debunked


EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

JOE LIED: Hunter Biden Put Dad on Phone With Biz Associates at Least 24 Times

Remember when Joe Biden bald faced lied? President Biden and his White House aides have frequently maintained that the president has never discussed business dealings with his son, Hunter, despite evidence emerging proves otherwise.

‘It’s time for impeachment’

Hunter Biden put then-VP dad on phone with biz associates at least 24 times: Ex-partner’s testimony

Hunter Biden put then-VP dad Joe on the phone with business associates at least 2 dozen times, ex-partner Devon Archer to testify

By Miranda Devine, July 23, 2023:

The Joe Biden bribe allegations need a special counsel, now.

Hunter Biden would dial in his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, on speakerphone into meetings with his overseas business partners, according to testimony expected before Congress this week from Devon Archer, the first son’s former best friend.

Archer, 48, who is facing jail for his role in a $60 million bond fraud, is scheduled to testify to the House Oversight Committee about meetings he witnessed that were attended by Joe Biden either in person or via speakerphone when Hunter would call his father and introduce him to foreign business partners or prospective investors.

“We are looking forward very much to hearing from Devon Archer about all the times he has witnessed Joe Biden meeting with Hunter Biden’s overseas business partners when he was vice president, including on speakerphone,” said Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), the committee chairman.

One such meeting was in Dubai late in the evening of Friday, Dec. 4, 2015, after a board meeting of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which was paying Hunter $83,000 a month as a director.

Archer, who also was a director, is expected to testify that, after dinner with the Burisma board at the Burj Al Arab Hotel, he and Hunter traveled six miles north to the Four Seasons Resort Dubai at Jumeirah Beach to have a drink with one of Hunter’s friends.

While they were sitting outside at the bar, Vadym Pozharskyi, a senior Burisma executive, phoned to ask where they were because Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, needed to speak to Hunter urgently.
Hunter Biden’s former business partner Devon Archer is expected to testify to Congress this week about how Hunter would call then-Vice President Joe Biden during meetings with foreign business associates. Hunter Biden’s former business partner Devon Archer is expected to testify to Congress this week about how Hunter would call then-Vice President Joe Biden during meetings with foreign business associates. Alec Tabak ‘Can you ring your dad?’

Soon afterward, the two Ukrainians joined Hunter and Archer at the Four Seasons bar and Pozharskyi asked Hunter: “Can you ring your dad?” At the time it was early afternoon Friday in Washington, DC.

Hunter then called his father, put him on speaker, placed the phone on the table, and introduced the Ukrainians to Joe Biden by name as “Nikolai and Vadym.”…..

Read more.



Biden Family Had Over 20 Shell Companies To Take Payments

Hunter Biden Associate Scheduled To Appear Before House Oversight Committee

General Flynn: ‘Document FD-1023 Exposes Biden Taking Bribe for Millions’.

RELATED VIDEO: Biden insists he told truth about not talking foreign biz with Hunter — despite mounting evidence


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Vaccines, SV40 and the Cancer Epidemic

“Spike is the most pathogenic protein in history. Damages: 1) heart 2) brain 3) causes blood clots 4) VITT MISC, and now is found to have the potential to cause cancer years after the shots by S2 inhibiting p53/BRCA and introducing cDNA/SV-40 to the human body. Couldn’t be worse!” —  Dr. Peter McCullough

“If all the insects were to disappear from the earth, within 50 years all life on earth would end.  If all human beings disappeared from the earth, within 50 years all forms of life would flourish.” —  Jonas Salk, Developer of one of the first polio vaccines.

“The (Covid) shots promote cancer through SV40 and they inhibit our ability to fight cancer by suppressing the tumor suppressor system.” — Dr. Peter McCullough

“There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.” — President James Madison

“If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.” — George S. Patton

Before exposing additional horrors of the Sars-CoV-2 injections, I need to clarify a section of my last article.  Mainstream and some alt-right media claim Tim Ballard is promoting chipping of children.  I asked a friend of mine who has met with Tim if he is for chipping children, and Tim said, “Absolutely not. We try to think of everything we can to protect them, but we don’t want the government involved.” Lies, lies and more lies to discredit Tim Ballard’s work, Sound of Freedom and the truth of human trafficking and the global slave trade.

Actor Jim Caviezel responded to the legion of leftist attacks on the movie, “They’re scared. Quaking in their boots. And it’s because the public are listening to their hearts, which is what this film tells you to do. When there is evil, real evil in the world, and when love is in your heart, boy, evil is just a coward to God.”

Demons hate the light of truth.

Simian Virus 40

SV40 is a monkey virus which stands for “Simian Vacuolating Virus 40” and was found to have contaminated some of the cells that the virus was grown in, specifically kidney cells derived from Asian rhesus monkeys.

The polio vaccine administered from 1955–1963 was contaminated with this virus essentially exposing 100 million people.  Most, but not all, of the contamination was in the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV).  SV40 is a known oncogenic DNA virus which induces primary brain and bone cancers, malignant mesothelioma, and lymphomas in laboratory animals. Persuasive evidence now indicates that SV40 is causing infections in humans today and represents an emerging pathogen.  SV40 causes cancer in two ways. First, SV40 promotes cancer cells. Second, it suppresses the body’s natural defenses to cancer.

Microbiologist Kevin McKernan, a former researcher and team leader for the MIT Human Genome project, has discovered massive DNA contamination in the mRNA COVID shots, including simian virus 40 (SV40) promoters.  Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi explains in this video.

On his Substack page, researcher McKernan explains exactly how other scientists and labs can rapidly and inexpensively reproduce his investigation, and assess the contamination of covid shots for themselves. He’s urging other researchers to check his work.

Peter McCullough M.D. tells us, “Besides variation in the amount of messenger RNA in it (COVID shots), there’s contamination with cDNA. These are little fragments of DNA that come off the manufacturing process. And one of them is SV40. SV40 is a known cancer-promoting segment of DNA. And yes, they’re in the shots. SV40 turns on cancer genes in the body.  To make matters worse, the Spike Protein, the S2 segment, in a paper from University of Pittsburgh by Singh and colleagues, it impairs the tumor suppressor systems P53 and BRCA.” Link

Dr. McCullough is not the only doctor sounding the alarm on soaring cancer rates. Idaho pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole has observed, along with his colleagues, cancers taking off and coming back “like wildfire” even in younger people.

Dissident physicians and scientists have told us that the C-19 injections inhibit the immune system which would leave us ripe for other diseases or infections, but now they’ve learned that the cancer-causing polio vaccine contaminate, SV40, is also in the Sars-CoV-2 “vaccines” adding an extra negative bonus.

Government officials and Pharma executives continue to deny any link between the admittedly-contaminated polio vaccines and the SV40 gene later popping up in people who never even got those jabs, and there have been several studies going back and forth.  Yet, it is a proven fact that SV40 causes soft tissue cancers.

Polio Vaccine Contamination

Most Americans do not remember what a horror the polio epidemic was upon America.  In the early 1950s, over 33,000 Americans were crippled or slowly died terrible deaths from polio each year.  It was a virus spread casually that infected the lining of the intestines, then the blood stream, and finally the nervous system where it destroyed the victim’s brain stem.  The search for a polio vaccine became a national scientific effort supported by very powerful political forces.  As a virus, it did not respond to antibiotics as bacteria do, so a vaccine was needed to stop the crippling and killing.

American scientist Jonas Salk came forward with a new idea to eliminate all three strains of polio.  He would grow the live virus in a lab and then kill the virus and inject the dead virus into children.  Being dead, they could not produce, but would create antibodies against the virus.  Thus, the immune system would be armed against polio.

Safety Testing

Bernice Eddy was a bacteriologist at the National Institute of Health (NIH) and was told to safety-test the new vaccine.  What she found was that the virus in the vaccine was not dead but still alive and able to breed.  When she tried it on her monkeys, they were paralyzed.  She sent pictures and warned the NIH.

Several prominent physicians stepped into the fray to state the vaccine was safe.  One of these doctors was Dr. Alton Ochsner who was Dr. Mary Sherman’s boss.  To demonstrate his faith in the vaccine, Dr. Ochsner inoculated his own grandchildren with it.  The mass inoculation proceeded on schedule and within days children fell sick from polio, some crippled, others dying.  Ochsner’s grandson died of polio and his granddaughter was crippled with it.  The director of the NIH resigned; the Secretary of Health resigned. It was a huge failure by public health.

A second, safer vaccine was later developed and deployed by Albert Sabin and it used a weakened live virus.  Everyone thought this would be safe.  Bernice Eddy was removed from the polio studies, despite the fact that she was the one who warned them prior to the fiasco.  She was transferred to the influenza section where she met Sarah Stewart who proved that some cancers were caused by viruses as well as discovery of DNA recombination, which is a powerful tool in medical research today.

In 1957, Stewart and Eddy discovered the polyoma virus, which produced several types of cancer in a variety of small mammals.  Polyoma proved that some cancers were caused by viruses.  This started the study of cancer virology.  This same polyoma virus acted very much like and is, Simian Virus # 40, a monkey virus that caused cancer.

The polio vaccine’s manufacturers had grown their polio viruses on the kidneys of monkeys.  When they removed the polio virus from the monkeys’ kidneys, they received a number of the monkeys’ unknown viruses.  Eddy was afraid they’d inoculated an entire generation of Americans with cancer-causing monkey viruses.

She was right, and in October of 1960 gave a talk to the New York Cancer Society saying they had found the polio vaccine was infected with cancer causing viruses, SV40.  From 1954 to 1963, almost every dose of polio vaccine produced in the world was given to 98 million Americans and was contaminated with the cancer-causing virus from the monkey kidneys used to develop the vaccine.

Instead of sounding the alarm, the NIH took away her lab and destroyed Eddy’s career. Studies were repeatedly dismissed by federal health officials, so no warning was given to consumers.  Other researchers found the same thing, albeit SV-40 did not cause cancer in the host (the monkeys), but what about a primate who had not been exposed to it previously?  When clean African monkeys were infected with SV-40, all of them developed cancer.  The political insiders already knew this, but had not announced it.

The public was not told. Sound familiar?

In 1961 one of Eddy’s co-workers published a paper that stated the polio vaccine was contaminated with live SV-40.  A couple of very back page articles appeared in the New York Times with a mention of a possibility of cancer in the vaccine.  None of the Salk or Sabin vaccines that were contaminated with SV-40 were recalled.  They sat on shelves and were used until they were gone.


But back to Dr. Mary Sherman who worked for Dr. Ochsner.  Mary Sherman died on 21st July 1964.  She had been stabbed in the heart, arm, leg and stomach.  Her mattress had been set on fire, but her massive burns could not have come from the smoking mattress.  The crime has never been solved.

She had been involved with a group of physicians to create a protocol to induce metastatic cancer into humans. It was in New Orleans where “The Project” was being developed.  Prisoners were their subjects, and died shortly after being injected.

When Judyth Baker, a young college student, objected to Dr. Ochsner’s injection of a disease-causing material into an unwitting subject, she was fired.  She and her husband left for Florida, and this probably saved her life.

However, the real story of what killed Mary Sherman can be found here.  She died in her lab, working on secret projects when something with the machinery went terribly wrong.  She may have been working on the weaponized virus, perhaps to make it so strong that the radiation overdose would not be necessary for successful carcinoma implantation.  Or perhaps she was working on the still hush-hush project to create a vaccine for wild-strain SV-40 infection, the dangers of which were being downplayed to the public by the NIH.

Nevertheless, she was so damaged that someone put a knife in her chest to kill her and her body was moved, perhaps for national security.

Edward Haslam published Dr. Mary’s Monkey, in 2007 and argues that Dr. Alton Ochsner organized “one of the 159 covert research centers which the CIA had admitted to setting up.”

Haslam believes that Ochsner recruited the brilliant researcher and physician, Mary Sherman, to run the research operation.  The project was set up 23 March 1962, and Dr. Sherman was allegedly involved in carrying out secret research into developing a vaccine to prevent an epidemic of soft-tissue cancers caused by polio vaccines contaminated with SV40.

The SV40 Cancer Epidemic

Dr. Eddy’s forecasted epidemic has come true.  In a 1994 article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the front page of USA Today stated, “Baby boomers are much more likely to get cancer than their grandparents were at the same age.”  They even stated that men born between 1948 and 1957 have three times as much cancer as those born in the late 1800s.

These affected Americans are the baby boomers who were inoculated with the polio vaccine.  The polio epidemic caused 33,000 cases a year at its height.  Compare that to the number of cancer cases in 1994, 182,000 new cases of breast cancer, 200,000 new cases of prostate cancer, and 500,000 new cases of lung cancer.  The increase in any one of these diseases in the years since 1985, when baby boomers who were inoculated turned about age 40, was greater than the entire polio epidemic at its peak.  Increase in soft tissue cancers is at 50%, this includes skin at 70%, lymphoma at 60%, prostate at 60%, and breast at 34%.  And these figures are before the C-19 injections.

There is abundant evidence of a variety of simian viruses found in the human blood supply.   The DNA from SV-40 is repeatedly extracted from several types of tumors.  Former virologist, John Martin, M.D., Ph.D., said, “SV-40 infection is now widespread within the human population almost certainly as a result of the polio vaccine.”  This vaccine was given to millions of American and European children.  SV-40 has been discovered in tumors of children never inoculated with the vaccine, leading most scientists to believe it is genetically passed.

Researchers have found SV-40 in 45% of the seminal fluid samples and 23% of the blood samples from healthy donors.  That meant that SV-40 could have been spreading through sexual activity, from mother to child, or by other means which could explain how those never inoculated with the contaminate vaccine could pass it on or infect their children and grandchildren.

Mesothelioma is a rare cancer.  Few human cases were reported before the 1950s, but its incidence has been increasing steadily, reaching several thousand cases a year in the United States by 1988.  Studies had linked mesothelioma to asbestos exposure – with tumors usually appearing many decades later.  Yet 20% of victims had no asbestos exposure.  One of the researchers decided to test 48 human mesotheliomas stored at the NIH.  He was stunned to find that 28 of them contained SV-40.

The final and most horrific part of the story reports that Lederle Laboratories, bought by Pfizer in 2009, the sole oral vaccine supplier in the U.S. from 1977 onward, continued to use monkey kidneys possibly infected by the SV-40 virus in its manufacturing process until oral polio vaccine was removed from the market as late as January 2000.

So, the damage from the vaccine for polio has had a widespread effect on all of the population, and my mind immediately thinks of the elite and powerful who believe in population control.  Why didn’t they stop the inoculations?  Why wasn’t the public warned?  Why didn’t they find a better way to grow the vaccine without the contamination from rhesus monkeys?  Why wasn’t a vaccine against SV-40 found as soon as possible?  As the inoculated baby boomer population ages, and their immune systems become compromised, SV-40 is most likely to step in.


Today we are facing another horrific tragedy via the Sars-CoV-2 injections.  The adverse effects are gruesome, horrific cancers thanks to SV40, sudden death, heart attacks, myocarditis, pericarditis, infertility, Guillain Barre, massive blood clots etc. etc. ad nauseam, and a huge recurrence of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome from what is referred to as VAIDS, “Vaccine induced AIDS” caused from the Sars-CoV-2 injections.

The totalitarians, who consider us the unwashed masses, the useless eaters, and their slaves, care not how many are lost as we’re thought of as their guinea pigs.


Dr. Mary’s Monkey by Edward T. Haslam

The Virus and the Vaccine by Debbie Bookchin and Jim Schumacher

The Intentional Destruction of Cultural Heritage: A Global Perspective on Iran’s Regime

Cultural heritage serves as a testament to humanity’s shared history and identity. Unfortunately, the intentional destruction of cultural heritage has plagued societies throughout history. One such regime, the Islamic Republic of Iran, has a long and troubling history of cultural vandalism and deliberate targeting of historical antiquities, some of which date back millennia. This article explores the significance of cultural heritage, examines Iran’s destructive actions, compares them to other groups like ISIS and the Taliban, and highlights the severe impacts on communities.

Iran’s Regime and Cultural Vandalism

The Iranian regime has left a trail of destruction across the country, mainly targeting historical sites. One recent example is the Jobji historical site in Ramez, north of Ahwaz, which dates back to the Elamite era (3500 BC – 500 BC). Despite its historical importance, the regime demolished the site, erasing a significant piece of human history. Furthermore, in Ahwaz, the government has systematically destroyed numerous Elamite, Islamic, and contemporary sites, including castles, palaces, ancient homes, places of worship, bridges, markets, and cemeteries. This widespread destruction has resulted in a significant loss of cultural heritage.

Comparisons with Other Destructive Groups

While Iran’s regime has engaged in cultural vandalism, it is essential to recognize that it is not an isolated case. The Islamic State (ISIS) has infamously conducted deliberate destruction and theft of cultural heritage in Iraq, Syria, and Libya. Places of worship and ancient historical artifacts have been targeted, leaving irreversible damage to these regions. Similarly, the Taliban’s destruction of cultural heritage sites in Afghanistan, such as the Bamiyan Buddhas in 2001, showcases their disregard for history and cultural significance.

Motivations for Cultural Heritage Destruction

Throughout history, various motivations have driven the intentional destruction of cultural heritage. Economic factors, often linked to profit, have played a role. However, political causes were most prominent in ancient times, serving to assert dominance and erase rival cultures. In contemporary contexts, ideological differences and conflicts have fueled the destruction. Furthermore, strengthening bonds between groups with common enemies, as seen in Iran’s past collaboration with the Taliban despite ideological differences, can perpetuate destructive actions.

Impacts of Cultural Heritage Destruction

The destruction of cultural heritage has far-reaching and severe impacts on communities, particularly minority communities for whom these sites hold special significance. When cultural heritage is lost, communities lose access to their history, traditions, and spiritual practices. It disrupts their rights and abilities to practice their culture, religion, or spirituality, leading to a loss of identity and connection to their roots. The destruction extinguishes sources of history and erases the tangible evidence of a people’s existence.

Iran’s Regime in Comparison to ISIS and the Taliban

Intentionally targeting historical antiquities is not unique to Iran’s regime; it is a tactic shared by ISIS and the Taliban. While their ideological differences may be apparent, they all share a willingness to destroy cultural heritage to further their respective goals. Iran’s regime has collaborated with the Taliban, driven by their common enemy, the Islamic State Khorasan (ISK). This relationship suggests a shared disregard for cultural heritage.

The intentional destruction of cultural heritage is a global issue that has persisted throughout history. Iran’s regime, like ISIS and the Taliban, has contributed to this destruction by deliberately targeting historical antiquities. The severe impacts of such actions on communities, particularly minority groups, cannot be overstated. Cultural heritage plays a vital role in preserving history and identity; its destruction results in the loss of tangible connections to the past. Efforts to preserve and protect cultural heritage are crucial to safeguarding our shared human legacy for future generations.

©2023. Amil Imani. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Why Is the Biden Administration Overlooking Nigeria’s Jihadi Attacks on Christians?

Newsom Imposes $1.5M Fine on California School District for Rejecting Textbook Discussing LGBT Activism

On Thursday, California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) announced that he would be levying a $1.5 million fine on the Temecula Valley Unified School District (TVUSD) over the school board’s recent decision to reject a state-endorsed textbook intended for elementary schoolchildren that discusses the infamous gay rights activist Harvey Milk.

“We’re going to purchase the book for these students — the same one that hundreds of thousands of kids are already using,” Newsom said. “If these extremist school board members won’t do their job, we will — and fine them for their incompetence.”

Joseph Komrosky, the president of the TVUSD Board of Education, has emphasized that the board’s rejection of the textbook is centered around the pedophilia that Milk, a former member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors who passed away in 1978, engaged in during his life. “My word choice [of calling Milk a ‘pedophile’] is based upon facts represented by Mr. Milk, and I don’t believe those facts are a good example for our children to learn about in elementary school,” Komrosky said in a tweet in response to Newsom’s claim that Komrosky’s tweet was “An offensive statement from an ignorant person.”

The pedophilic actions of Milk have been extensively documented. As noted by The Washington Stand’s Ben Johnson:

“Milk … had a sexual relationship with Jack Galen McKinley, a 16-year-old runaway who committed suicide after their encounter. Milk was attracted to ‘boyish-looking men in their late teens and early 20s,’ wrote LGBT activist Randy Shilts in his biography of Milk, his friend. ‘Harvey always had a penchant for young waifs with substance-abuse problems.’”

The decision by the TVUSD Board of Education is the latest in a growing movement of public school systems taking action to remove pornographic books from school curriculums and libraries in response to a nationwide outcry from parents. In February, Broward County Public Schools in Florida announced they would be removing “Flamer,” a pornographic novel, and would be reviewing other books in their schools’ library catalogues for sexually explicit content. In June, the Hanover County School Board in Virginia announced a new policy that would allow parents to file challenges to remove explicit books from school libraries.

These actions followed the enaction of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s (R) March 2022 bill that requires all school districts in the state to have their instructional and library reading materials reviewed to make sure they are free from sexually explicit content.

Meanwhile, Newsom’s unusually strong public rebuke and large monetary fine of a school district’s decision to reflect the values of the local voters may be an indication of his plans for a future Democratic presidential run.

“Gavin Newsom desperately wants to be president of the United States,” said podcast host and Family Research Council Senior Fellow Joseph Backholm on a recent episode of “Outstanding.” “California is like a glimpse into the window of the future of what happens when progressives get everything they want.”

“I think he’s absolutely running,” Jonathan Keller, president of the California Family Council, concurred. “The question is, is he running in 2024 or 2028? And I think that we will not know that for a while. We may not honestly know that until the Democratic National Convention next year.”


Dan Hart

Dan Hart is senior editor at The Washington Stand.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2023 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Biden White House to Oust Conservative Reporters from Press Briefings

Amidst growing concerns over censorship, the Biden White House is changing its rules on press credentials, potentially forcing conservative reporters out of the briefing room.

According to the new rules, White House reporters must hold a press pass from the U.S. House of Representatives, Senate, or Supreme Court to maintain access to the White House briefing room. Starting July 31, existing White House “hard passes” will expire, leaving several reporters without access to press briefings. One such reporter is Fred Lucas, White House correspondent for The Heritage Foundation’s news outlet The Daily Signal. Lucas has held a hard pass since 2009 and has covered both Obama’s and Trump’s presidencies; in two weeks, Lucas will be without a White House press pass.

The new rule change has been criticized as a form of censorship and media manipulation. Lucas told The Washington Stand, “This is a first step of the Biden administration to oust what they consider noncompliant media from the White House. I have covered the White House under both the Obama and Trump administrations, and there has never been a targeted press purge like this before.” In the past, the process for obtaining access to the White House briefing room was, according to Lucas, “apolitical and decided by the Secret Service,” but “[t]he Biden White House has now politicized the process.”

The Heritage Foundation’s vice president of communications, Rob Bluey, agreed, telling The Washington Stand, “Joe Biden’s White House is engaged in a blatant act of censorship. By arbitrarily changing the rules and making it a prerequisite for reporters to first obtain congressional or Supreme Court credentials, the White House is intentionally banishing reporters like The Daily Signal’s Fred Lucas.”

Another journalist who will be impacted is Dr. Anthony Harper of InterMountain Christian News, a veteran White House reporter for the past 12 years. Harper told The Washington Stand that this latest rule change is “a press purge to the high and mighty who select media people that I guess have the largest audience, the ones that they can control. It’s really a purge of conservative media.” He noted that his applications for a press pass have been denied by both the House and Senate, ostensibly because InterMountain Christian News is a relatively small non-profit organization. He noted, “It’s discriminatory on behalf of the Congressional press offices in the way they’re treating our news organization and me by saying that you can’t be a non-profit news organization. They’re discounting our audience.”

Today News Africa’s White House correspondent, Simon Ateba, also stands to lose his press pass. In a statement to The Washington Stand, he said, “Suspending or revoking my hard pass would not only hinder my ability to fulfill my responsibilities but also impede the public’s right to access reliable information. I believe in the importance of transparency and open dialogue, and I am committed to providing accurate and comprehensive coverage.”

U.S. senators have also taken issue with the new press pass rules. Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) tweeted, “The Biden White House can’t find out who brought in cocaine, but they sure can spot and throw out a conservative member of the press,” referring to the recent handling of an investigation into cocaine found in the White House, which many allege to be Hunter Biden’s. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) also issued a tweet, saying, “Normally the Biden White House asks Big Tech to censor conservatives for them, but it seems they’ve taken it into their own hands.”

Although the White House has not yet released a comprehensive list of those who will be left without press passes, those known to be affected approach their reporting from conservative or Christian angles. Harper noted, “I’m the only reporter there who’s yelled out, ‘What about a child’s right to life?’ … I’ve been the only one to really call out the Biden administration on their anti-Semitic policies.”

Ateba pointed out his reporting focuses on concerns over communism, saying that “China and Russia are expanding their influence across Africa, while U.S. influence is waning.” He explained, “Our publication focuses on shining a light on ties and interactions between the United States and Africa, and it’s sad that those in Washington do not understand the situation.”

The Daily Signal’s managing editor, Tyler O’Neill, explained to The Washington Stand the important function his outlet serves:

“The legacy media too often marches in lockstep to defend the Biden administration’s narrative, ignoring inconvenient facts like the Hunter Biden laptop. In this environment, conservative news outlets like The Daily Signal perform a vital function in holding the government accountable and asking the questions others refuse to utter. The Daily Signal has doggedly covered allegations of Biden family corruption, the White House’s attacks on the parental rights movement and its collaboration with the leftist smear group the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the many ways Biden has weaponized the federal government against Americans. The Daily Signal is merely fulfilling the role that legacy media outlets gleefully take up when a Republican is in the White House. The White House policy change that will exclude Fred Lucas from the briefing room feels like retaliation for our essential work.”

This is by no means the first instance of the Biden White House censoring conservatives. In fact, the censorship began even before Biden took office. A New York Post story on Hunter Biden’s laptop — packed with incriminating emails and text messages as well as homemade pornography featuring the now-president’s son — was censored on social media and labeled Russian misinformation, just days before the 2020 election. A top FBI agent confirmed this week that the laptop was real: the FBI knew it was real the very day the agency asked Twitter to suppress the story and even told Twitter executives that the laptop story was true.

Last year, Biden’s Department of Homeland Security announced the formation of a Disinformation Governance Board, meant to examine and, if necessary, censor the free speech of Americans. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) said of the Board’s formation, “Homeland Security has decided to make policing Americans’ speech its top priority.” Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) compared the Board to the Ministry of Truth from George Orwell’s dystopian novel “1984.” The Board was run by Nina Jankowicz, a leftist think tank affiliate and vocal Democrat. At the time, she referred to the Hunter Biden laptop story as “a Trump campaign product.” The Board was disbanded less than four months after its introduction.

The Twitter Files — the first installment of which was published in December — revealed the extent to which Democrats and the politicized FBI had access to Twitter’s censorship mechanisms both during and after the 2020 election.

Earlier this month, federal judge Terry Doughty issued a temporary injunction barring the Biden administration from interacting with social media companies to censor Americans or working with intermediary groups like the Stanford Internet Observatory to have them pressure social media outlets to censor Americans. In his ruling, Doughty found that “virtually all of the free speech [the Biden administration] suppressed was ‘conservative’ free speech.” Earlier this week, a U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals granted a temporary stay on Doughty’s injunction, at the request of the federal government.

More recently, Democratic primary contender Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. offered testimony on government censorship to the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. Kennedy himself has been a victim of government censorship: many of his posts on public health — including his criticism of COVID-19 “vaccines” — were suppressed online at the behest of the federal government.

In his opening remarks, Kennedy told the subcommittee, “A government that can censor its critics has license for every atrocity. It is the beginning of totalitarianism.” Perhaps unsurprisingly, Democrats on the committee attempted to censor Kennedy’s testimony, moving to keep it behind closed doors, instead of in the public. Representative Thomas Massie (R-K.Y.) responded, “This is a hearing on censorship that began with an effort … to censor Mr. Kennedy!”

The White House’s new press credential rules appear to be the latest in a long and well-documented line of attempts at censorship. Lucas told The Washington Stand that “it should be concerning to any Americans when an administration — Republican or Democrat — attempts to select who can and can’t cover it.” Bluey noted that “it’s also disappointing that members of the White House Correspondents’ Association aren’t objecting to this attack on media access.” He added, “The Daily Signal won’t be bullied, and we’re not backing down.”

The new rule will go into effect July 31. The White House has yet to release a list of reporters affected by the new rule.


S.A. McCarthy

S.A. McCarthy serves as a news writer at The Washington Stand.


Ex-Secret Service Agent Reveals Who Brought Cocaine Inside White House

 SMOKING GUN: Whistleblower Says Joe Spoke with Hunter’s Associates More than 24 TIMES as VP

The DNC Opposes Primary Debates

Hunter Biden Associate Scheduled To Appear Before House Oversight Committee

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2023 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Winston Churchill and Islam—Part Six

“While the Mad Fakir was rousing Swat and Buner, this powerful priest incited the Mohmands”.[1] The Mohmand were also a Pashtun tribe, against whom the British had waged war on and off since 1851, but the main operations began between 1897–1898.

Though he was known to be a physical coward, his sanctity and the fact that he was their own particular holy man, not less than his eloquence, powerfully moved this savage tribe. A Jehad [Jihad] was proclaimed. How long should Islam be insulted? How long should its followers lurk in barren lands of the North? He urged them to rise and join in the destruction of the while invaders. Those who fell should become saints; those who lived would be rich, for these Kafirs [unbelievers, i.e. non-Muslims] had money and many other things besides, for which a true believer might find a use. The combined allurements of plunder and paradise proved irresistible.[2]

In his memoir, My Early Life, Churchill explains the military importance of the Malakand Pass:

For three years the British had held the summit of the Malakand Pass and thus had maintained the road from the Swat Valley and across the Swat River by many other valleys to Chitral. Chitral was then supposed to be of great military importance. It has always seemed to get along quite happily since, but no doubt it was very important then. The tribesmen of the Swat Valley, irritated by the presence of the troops in what they had for generations regarded as their own country, had suddenly burst out in a fury, attributed by the Government [of India] to religion, but easily explicable on quite ordinary grounds.[3]

The Government of India was correct that it was, at least partly, religion — Islam — that must be blamed. Islam demanded that once a land had passed into Muslim hands, it must forever remain Muslim. If invaded by non-Muslims, it must be at all costs be liberated in the name of Islam. 

Churchill rode out with Sir Bindon Blood’s Malakand Field Force on 5 September 1897. Blood’s force was made up of two brigades of British and Indian regiments, their aim was to tackle the unruly Mohmand tribes. Churchill, in his dispatch to The Daily Telegraph which was published on 7 October 1897, notes the courage of the Pashtuns, “Their swordsmanship, neglecting guards, concerns itself only with cuts and, careless of what injury they may receive, they devote themselves to the destruction of their opponents”. However, he is less charitable towards the mullahs, who were responsible for the instigating the violence in the first place, and is aghast by their habit of trading their women to buy their rifles, “Their religion [Islam] is the most miserable fanaticism, in which cruelty, credulity, and immorality are equally represented. Their holy men — the Mullahs — prize as their chief privilege a sort of droit de seigneur. It is impossible to imagine a lower type of beings or a more dreadful state of barbarism”.[4]

On 2 October 1897, Churchill wrote to his mother: “The danger & difficulty of attacking these active fierce hill men is extreme….It is a war without quarter. They kill and mutilate everyone they catch and we do not hesitate to finish their wounded off…”

In a dispatch to the Daily Telegraph that was published on 6 November 1897, Churchill said: “Civilisation is face to face with militant Mohammedanism [Islam].”[5] In another dispatch, published 9 November 1897, he stated: “Their intelligence only enables them to be more cruel, more dangerous, more destructive than the wild beasts. Their religion [Islam] — fanatic though they are — is only respected when it incites to bloodshed and murder.”

One incident must, however, be recorded. The line of march on the 22nd lay past the village Desemdullah or Bibot, in which the severe fighting of the night of the 16th had taken place. In company with several officers, I rode to look again at the ill-fated spot. It will be remembered that the bodies of Mohammedan native soldiers killed in the fighting had been buried there. The sight which was presented to our gaze was horrible and revolting. The remains had been disinterred and mutilated. Remembering that a morning journal is read to a large extent at the breakfast table, I do not intend to describe the condition in which these poor fragments of humanity were found.

I must, however, invite the reader to consider the degradation of mind and body which can alone inspire so foul an act. These tribesmen are among the most miserable and brutal creatures of the earth. Their intelligence only enables them to be more cruel, more dangerous, more destructive than the wild beasts. Their religion [Islam] — fanatic though they are — is only respected when it incites to bloodshed and murder. Their habits are filthy; their morals cannot be alluded to. With every feeling for respect for that wide sentiment of human sympathy which characterizes a Christian civilization, I find it impossible to come to any other conclusion than that, in proportion as these valleys are purged from the pernicious vermin that infest them, so will the happiness of humanity be increased, and the progress of mankind accelerated.”[6]

To be continued.



Winston Churchill and Islam—Part One

Winston Churchill and Islam—Part Two

Winston Churchill and Islam—Part Three

Winston Churchill and Islam—Part Four

Winston Churchill and Islam—Part Five

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.


[1] MFF, p.99.


[4] Ed. Frederick Woods, Young Winston’s Wars, The Original Despatches of Winston S. Churchill, London: Sphere Books, 1972, p. 42.

[5]   Ed. Frederick Woods, Young Winston’s Wars, The Original Despatches of Winston S. Churchill, p.67.

[6] Ed. Frederick Woods, Young Winston’s Wars, The Original Despatches of Winston S. Churchill, pp. 76-77.


WINSTON SPENCER CHURCHILL, The River War. An Historical Account of the Reconquest of the Soudan. Ed. Col. F. Rhodes, illustrated by Angus McNeill, 2 vols. (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1899).

The unabridged edition in Two Volumes of the original version of 1899 (see above). Edited by James W. Muller, With a New Foreword by Churchill’s Daughter Mary Soames. South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine’s Press in association with the International Churchill Society. 2020. Vol.1 pp.430. Vol.2 pp.844.

Contents of Volume 1: Foreword: Mary Soames; The Making of This Book; Abbreviations; Editor’s Introduction; New Bibliography; A Note on the Text; Half Title Page; By the Same Author; Frontispiece, Title Page; Inscription; Preface; List of Principal Works Consulted; Government Publications; Illustrations in the First Volume; Maps and Plans in the First Volume.

Contents of Volume 2: Half Title Page; Frontispiece; Title Page; Illustrations in the Second Volume; Maps and Plans in Second Volume; Epilogue: Churchill’s Introduction to the 1933 Edition; Appendices A, B, C, D, E. Appendices I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI. Index.

Other works by Churchill referred to in this survey are:

Winston S. Churchill, The Story of the Malakand Field Force: An Episode of Frontier War (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1898), referred to as MFF.

Winston S. Churchill, My African Journey (London: Hodder and Stroughton, 1908), referred to as MAJ. 

Winston S. Churchill, My Early Life: A Roving Commission (London: Thornton Butterworth Limited, 1930), referred to as MEL.

Ed. Frederick Woods, Young Winston’s Wars, The Original Despatches of Winston S. Churchill, London: Sphere Books, 1972.

Ed. David Lough, Foreword by Randolph Churchill, My Darling WinstonThe Letters Between Winston Churchill and His Mother. London: Pegasus Books, 2018.

Other works referred to include:

Andrew Roberts. Churchill. Walking with Destiny. Penguin Books: Penguin Random House UK, 2019. Select Bibliography, Index; 1105 pages.

Andrew Roberts. Eminent Churchillians. Phoenix: London, 1995.

Con Coughlin, Churchill’s First WarYoung Winston and the Fight Against the Taliban, London: Pan Macmillan, 2013.

Randolph S. Churchill, Official Biography: Vol. I: Winston S. Churchill: Youth 1874-1900 1966.

Sir Bindon Blood, Four Score Years and Ten. Sir Bindon Blood’s Reminiscences, London: G. Bell and Sons Ltd., 1933.

William Manchester, The Last Lion: Winston-Spencer Churchill, Visions of Glory, 1874-1932. New York: A Dell Trade paperback, 1983.

Military Times: ‘White Nationalists Shouldn’t Serve in The Military’

In other words, freedom loving Americans – patriots – should not serve in the military. G-d help us.

Spitting on the fallen soldiers who gave their lives for our freedom. For this?

The left poses the gravest threat to America and the world over.

Written by Anti-Defamation League staffer.

White nationalists shouldn’t serve in the military

By Lauren Wolman, Military Times, Jul 21, 2023:

When Members of Congress don’t understand the danger of extremism in the military nor object to white nationalists in the ranks, we have a serious problem. While some lawmakers have backtracked on comments making light of white nationalism, they still serve as a timely reality check: most Americans do not understand the nature of this threat.

Extremism rooted in hate is affecting every facet of our society — the military included.

And that extremism is often expressed through the tenets of white nationalism. It is a term that originated among white supremacists as a euphemism for white supremacy. Some even distinguish it further by using it to refer to a form of white supremacy that emphasizes defining a country or region by white racial identity and which seeks to promote the interests of whites exclusively, typically at the expense of people of other backgrounds. It’s an ideology grounded in racism, antisemitism and intolerance. This isn’t an opinion. It’s a fact. This, and any other form of hate, does not belong in our armed forces…..

Read more.


RELATED ARTICLE: Biden Regime Defense Department Gives Special Perks to Soldiers Who Are Mentally Ill

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Beijing Joe Biden Is Now on the Brink of Disaster

Beijing Joe Biden has been on the brink of disaster since he occupied the White House yet the Department of IN-JUSTICE and FBI have done nothing but stonewall and oviscapte his and his families crimes. They knew about these crimes when Beijing Joe was VP  well before the 2020 stolen election but purposely failed to reveal them in order to skew the election results.

The latest Democrat problem is thanks to Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley’s release of the FBI’s FD-1023 document from June 2020 alleging that the head of Burisma Mykola Zlochevsky paid $5 million in bribes to then Vice President Joe Biden and to Hunter Biden in late 2015, early 2016.

The FBI’s FD-1023 form details an alleged $10 million bribery scheme between then-Vice President Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and a Ukrainian oil executive. The document alleges that the Confidential Human Source (CHS) met with high-ranking Burisma executives between 2015 and 2016.

FD-1023 Exposes Biden Bribery Details, Teases More Evidence

So much for Democrats’ claim that there is no evidence of Joe Biden’s complicity and corruption.

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, just released a minimally redacted copy of the FBI’s FD-1023 detailing a confidential human source’s reporting of a criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Joe Biden and the Ukrainian business Burisma. According to the FD-1023 summary, Burisma’s owner specifically referenced the firing of Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin — the same man Biden bragged about Ukraine firing after his threat to withhold aid from the country while he was vice president.

After months of pushing the Justice Department and FBI to explain what investigative procedures they had undertaken in response to evidence implicating then-Vice President Biden in a criminal bribery scheme, Grassley released the unclassified copy of the FD-1023, which documented claims made by the “highly credible” confidential human source (CHS). Grassley had acquired the FD-1023 via legally protected disclosures by Justice Department whistleblowers.

While some of the information included in the FD-1023 has already been revealed by members of the House who previously reviewed the summary of the CHS’s reporting, the public release provides new explosive details related to the firing of Ukrainian prosecutor Shokin.

Read more.

Then there all the confidential document’s found at the University of Pennsylvania Biden Center for International Studies, Biden’s garage (with his Corvette) and elsewhere which are supposed to be under investigation but nothing but crickets so far.

Why wasn’t his Delaware home been raided by the FBI’s counter terrorism unit like they did in POTUS Trump’s Mar-A-Largo home?

DOJ seizes more classified docs from Biden’s Wilmington home after 12-hour FBI search

The DOJ seized an additional six items consisting of classified documents from Biden’s Wilmington home

The Justice Department seized additional classified records from President Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware home after an FBI search on Friday, Fox News has learned.

“On Jan. 20, 2023, the FBI executed a planned, consensual search of the President’s residence in Wilmington, Delaware,” Joseph D. Fitzpatrick, an assistant U.S. attorney to U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Illinois John Lausch, told Fox News Saturday.

Lausch was the DOJ official running the investigation into Biden’s improper retention of classified records ahead of the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Hur. Fox News has learned Lausch is still playing an integral role in the probe as Hur gets up to speed.

The FBI search began Friday at 9:45 a.m. and concluded around 10:30 p.m.

Biden’s personal attorney Bob Bauer said Saturday evening the search covered “all working, living and storage spaces in the home.”

Read more.

Now we have the phone call from Humper Biden to a Communist Chinese Party official demanding payment for him and his “father” which nothing has been done about.

Hunter Biden Demanded Payment from Chinese Businessman Henry Zhao: ‘I Am Sitting Here with My Father’

Hunter Biden demanded in 2017 to be paid by CCP-linked Chinese businessman Henry Zhao while President Joe Biden was “sitting” next to him, according to a screenshot of a WhatsApp message from an IRS whistleblower.

Henry Zhao was influential in forming Harvest Fund Management. “He was elected the chairman of the board in November 2017. Under his leadership, Harvest has become one of China’s leading asset management companies serving more than 100 million investors,” Harvest Advisors’ website reads.

Zhao was also the chairman and Chinese Communist Party general secretary at the firm, according to Breitbart News senior contributor and Government Accountability Institute president Peter Schweizer.

Emails reveal Hunter Biden played an important role in brokering the joint venture between the Chinese firm Bohai Harvest and Burnham, a firm owned by Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s business partner. Archer is reportedly working with GOP House investigators probing the Biden family business ventures.

A newly released screen capture from July 30, 2017 of a WhatsApp message from Hunter Biden to Henry Zhao shows Hunter Biden putting pressure on Zhao for payment using the influence of his father, Joe Biden, who was in the room.

“I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled,” the screen capture shows. “Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight.” The captured transcript of the call continues:

And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.

Read more.

Huge, sickening  Double Standard and Hypocrisy illustrating the 2 tiered standards of IN-Justice – a very lax/do nothing one for Democrat criminals and a robust/persecution one for Trump and his supporters who have committed no crimes.

U.S. Attorney General Merritt Garland, and his weaponized FBI, have done nothing about these criminal activities.

Both Merritt Garland and Chris Wray should  be impeached.

©2023. Royal A. Brown III. All rights reserved.


The DNC Opposes Primary Debates

Barrage of DNC Aligned Media Attacks Only Strengthens Support for RFK, Jr.


Winston Churchill and Islam—Part Five

“The extraordinary credulity of the people is hardly conceivable. Had the Mad Mullah called on them to follow him to attack Malakand and Chakdara they would have refused. Instead he worked miracles. He sat at his house, and all who came to visit him, brought him a small offering of food or money, in return for which he gave them a little rice. As his stores were continually replenished, he might claim to have fed thousands. He asserted that he was invisible at night. Looking into his room, they saw no one. At these things they marvelled. Finally he declared he would destroy the infidel. He wanted no help. No one should share the honours. The heavens would open and an army would descend. The more he protested he did not want them, the more exceedingly they came. Incidentally he mentioned that they would be invulnerable; other agents added arguments. I was shown a captured scroll, upon which the tomb of the Ghazi — he who has killed an infidel — is depicted in heaven, no fewer than seven degrees above the Caaba [Ka’aba, in Mecca] itself. Even after the fighting — when the tribesmen reeled back from the terrible army they had assailed, leaving a quarter of their number on the field — the faith of the survivors was unshaken. Only those who had doubted had perished, said the Mullah, and displayed a bruise which was, he informed them, the sole effect of a twelve-pound shrapnel shell on his sacred person.

I pass with relief from the tossing sea of Cause and Theory to the firm ground of Result and Fact. The rumours and reports which reached the Malakand of the agitation in Upper Swat and among the surrounding tribes were fully appreciated by the Pathan Sepoys[1] of the garrison. As July advanced, several commanding officers were warned by their men, that great events were impending. Major Deane, the political agent, watched with great anxiety the daily progress of the fanatical movement. No one desires to be thought an alarmist, least of all on the frontier where there is always danger. At length, however, he felt compelled to officially report the disquieting signs. Warnings were then issued to the officers in charge of the various posts, and the troops were practised in taking up alarm stations. By the 23rd of July all had been informed that the aspect of affairs was threatening, and ordered to observe every precaution. But to the last everybody doubted that there would be a rising, nor did any one imagine that even should one occur, it would lead to more than a skirmish. The natives were friendly and respectful. The valley smiled in fertile prosperity. It was not strange, that none could foresee the changes a week would bring, or guess that in a few days they would be fighting for their lives; that they would carry fire and sword through the peaceful landscape; that the polo ground would be the scene of a cavalry charge, or that the cheery barbarians among whom they had lived quietly for so many months would become maddened and ferocious savages….[2]

Thus the thrust of Churchill’s argument is that rationality and civilization are threatened by a wild religious fanaticism emanating from Islam. Thus on the one hand we had the British Empire, representing Civilization and Progress, and on the other, barbarism of the Muslim tribesmen, who were opposed to these forces. The Ghazis, “mad with fanaticism”[3], were sweeping down the valley exciting the credulous masses all manipulated by their religious class.

In a remarkable passage in The Story of the Malakand Field Force, Churchill reveals the depth of his reading by citing the Chinese pilgrim, Fa-hien[4], when he contrasts the degradation of early Christianity, which was “convulsed by the Arian controversy. That pure religion…was defiled with the blood of persecution and degraded by the fears of superstition” with the Buddhists who were “placid people, thriving, industrious and intelligent; devoting their lives to the attainment of that serene annihilation which the word nirvana expresses”.[5] Again, the enemy was religious fanaticism, whether in Medieval Christianity or modern-day Islam in late nineteenth century India.



Winston Churchill and Islam—Part One

Winston Churchill and Islam—Part Two

Winston Churchill and Islam—Part Three

Winston Churchill and Islam—Part Four

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.


[1] Sepoy: a word of Persian origin, sipahi meaning ‘soldier or horseman’. In early modern India sepoys belonged to infantry forces, riding on horses, and were serving under British or other European orders. Sepoys made up the vast majority of the British East India Company’s troops.

[2] MFF, pp.27-31.

[3] MFF, p.75.

[4] Now known as Faxian (法顯 [fà.ɕjɛ̀n]; 337 CE – c. 422 CE), also referred to as Fa-Hien, Fa-hsien and Sehi, was a Chinese Buddhist monk and translator who traveled by foot from China to India to acquire Buddhist texts. Starting his arduous journey about age 60, he visited sacred Buddhist sites in Central, South, and Southeast Asia between 399 and 412 CE, of which 10 years were spent in India.

See James Legge (1886, trans.), A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms, Being an Account by the Chinese Monk Fâ-hien of His Travels in India and Ceylon (A.D. 399-414) in Search of the Buddhist Books of Discipline, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1886.

[5] MFF, p.93.

You Are Whatever You Say You Are – or – How The West Was Lost

“The past is rewritten so fast that you don’t know what happened yesterday.” — Soviet joke

At a school in Great Britain, one more example of the insanity that has gripped large parts of the Western world was recently on display. One pupil, a 13-year-old eighth grader, questioned another pupil’s decision to identify as a “cat.” This innocent inquiry was overheard by the teacher, who went into a tirade about that child even daring to question another child’s “choice” of “identity.” More on this bizarrerie can be found in this story from several weeks ago, which, sadly, retains its relevance:

Teacher calls student ‘despicable’ for questioning classmate’s claim she’s a cat

by Eric Utter, American Thinker, June 24, 2023

Recently, a 13-year-old girl was called “despicable” by her progressive, tolerant, inclusive, and nonjudgmental teacher at a Church of England school in the United Kingdom after asking a classmate how she could identify as a cat.

The schoolgirl– and her friend– were reprimanded by the Rye College teacher near the end of an eighth grade “life education” class, in which they were told: “Be who you want to be and how you identify is up to you,” according to The Telegraph.

Following the “lesson,” one of the students asked a classmate: “How can you identify as a cat when you’re a girl?” Good question. Inquiring minds want to know.

But not the teacher, who then informed the students they were being reported to school administrators and would no longer be welcome at the school if they continued to express radical beliefs such as that one can’t become another sex– or species—simply by claiming to be one.

A video clip, taken by one of the students, shows the teacher remarking, “How dare you, you’ve just really upset someone” by “questioning their identity.”

To which the student replies: “If they want to identify as a cat or something then they are genuinely unwell – crazy.” The teacher then proceeds to ask the young girls where they got the preposterous notion that there are only two genders. The indoctrinator avers:

Gender is not linked to the parts that you were born with, gender is how you identify, which is what I said right from the very beginning of the lesson.” Right. Gender in no way correlates to the “parts that you were born with,” which are randomly distributed– for some reason. Or, more likely, no reason at all….

Microaggressions and hate speech allegedly abound. “Misgender” somebody or “dead name” them and you are deemed to be a monster. Words are now frequently construed as “literally violence” by those on the left. Yet, the unimpeachably progressive “educator” finds it okay—necessary even—to label a young student “despicable” for her failure to believe a person who claims to be a cat…actually is one. Wow.

Fellow Westerners, one question: Just how much intolerance (disguised as tolerance), authoritarianism, amorality– and insanity –are you willing to put up with?

My fellow Americans, perhaps it is time we listened to our founding fathers……rather than obeying the Marxist/Fascist whackos who would be our masters.

If I choose to identify as an African-American, can I qualify for reparations in California? Can I be admitted to the college of my choice under affirmative action?

If I choose to identify as a woman, and exhibit couvade-like symptoms, or pseudocyesis, can I go on paid maternity leave?

If I choose to identify as a cat, will the government pay CHEWY to deliver Friskies Party Mix Natural Yums With Real Chicken Cat Treats to my door?

Questions, very good questions.


RELATED VIDEO: The Truth About Public Schools

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

MOTHERLESS EGGS: Erasing Women From Procreation One Manufactured Egg At A Time

Reprograming adult male stem cells to become usable eggs. Gay men who want taxpayers to fund the creation of motherless children. It’s a war on G-d.

Dystopian nightmare.

The Global Fertility Industry Seeks To Erase Women From Procreation One Manufactured Egg At A Time

As scientists ramp up their fantasies about fabricated female gametes, concerns about technology outpacing our humanity should be high.

At least one of the stories acknowledges that outsourcing reproduction through existing technology like in vitro fertilization is “failing most women.” Already, countries, states, and healthcare facilities are grappling with how to handle ethical, moral, and legal crises like commercial surrogates with cancer and gay men who want taxpayers to fund the creation of motherless children.

As biotechnologists ramp up their fantasies about facilities filled with artificial wombs, dehumanizing “gene editing,” and now, fabricated female gametes, concerns about technology outpacing our humanity should be high.

The solution the British publication repeatedly prescribes to its readers, however — speeding up technical advancements to meet the rapidly growing desire of infertile or sexually incompatible adults to have children — falls prey to one of the biggest scams sold by the multi-billion dollar babymaking business.

The idea that humans can somehow circumvent their natural reproductive limits because of their desire to have children whenever they want is dangerous — it has led to the painsuffering, and death of women and unborn babies.

Yet, scientists have proved over and over and over that they will continue to pursue unethical means to justify such ends.

Read more.



EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

WATCH: Democrat Debbie Wassermann Schultz’s accusation against RFK Jr. and the truth

Two comments show that this video has already been pulled down.

Fortunately a copy was saved. Here it is.

RFK Jr response to Wasserman Schultz’ attack on him during hearings on weaponized state:

RELATED ARTICLE: RFK Jr. Says Biden Admin Won’t Give Him Secret Service Protection

RELATED VIDEO: Tucker Carlson Speech at Turning Point Action – 7/15/23 – Thoughts on Presidential Candidates, Vaccines, and Ukraine

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column posted by is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

66% of Deaths in England Were Vaccinated Starting February 2021

66% of Emergency Room Deaths Were Vaccinated in England since February, 2021.

Please see Page 19 of  Public Health England (PHE) pdf. *

Again, Two Thirds of the Dead Were Vaxxed.

* Note The Wellcome Sanger Institute  is involved (See Page 42).

The criminal British Wellcome Company  killed 60,000 Boers  –  men, women and children  –  in British Concentration Camps in South Africa, by vaccination in 1901-1902, during the Boer War.

Please see at minute 59:10,  “Breaker Morant”   (1980).

The Boers were naught but Christian Patriot farmers, doing what they could, to repel the Rapacious British Crown and their Anglo-Banker Masters, who coveted South African diamonds and mineral ores rich in gold and silver.

The Wellcome Company became the Wellcome Trust  which opened their UK Wellcome Sanger Institute  in 1992  –  to exploit the human genome  –  at the Hinxton Hall Estate, near Cambridge.

It is now called the Wellcome Genome Campus.

The Wellcome Trust along with the  Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation  fund the  Pirbright Institute  in Surrey, just southwest of London.

The Pirbright Institute  is a British non-profit (a ‘Charity’ in UK parlance) exploiting animal infectious diseases and from whose Surrey Lab a hoof and mouth disease episode was released into England, with devastating consequences to livestock farmers, who support English independence from unelected, tyrannical, European Union (EU) Globalist Bureaucrats operating in Brussels, Belgium, at the behest of their Anglo-Banker Masters.

On Thursday, 23 June 2016, the English People voted to exit the EU, in what history will record as the “Brexit.

Shortly thereafter, on Tuesday, 8 November 2016, The American People voted to exit the Banker Collective, with the election of Donald J. Trump as the 45th US President, in what history will record as the “Amerexit“.

Notoriously, the British Pirbright Institute holds the US Patent for Corona Virus, dated 20 November 2018.

Likewise, The  US Patent and Trademark Office  is administered by the British company  SERCO  –  which has issued over 4 million US patents during its contract.

SERCO was founded in 1929 as RCA Services Limited, a United Kingdom division of the Radio Corporation of America (RCA).

Thus does the Intellectual Property (IP) of the United States become subject to survey and control by British Operators for the Anglo-Bankers.

The  Pirbright Institute  established the Merial Lab, 220 miles down the road, south of the infamous Wuhan Lab in Communist China.  The Merial Labanother animal infectious disease facility, was likewise funded by the Wellcome Trust and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The British Tyrant Elizabeth II, on the 20th of October 2015, hosted the Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party, Xi Jinping at an elaborate state dinner at Buckingham Palace  –  just months before Donald J. Trump was elected US President in 2016.

The Queen spoke then, of close cooperation with Communist China.  It has ever been the Crown’s Chief Stratagem to form league in concert with the Second Most Powerful Piece on the chessboard, to together take down the Most Powerful One.  In China, the Crown has cultivated its Chinese Gangster Minions for the past three (3) centuries, first with shared franchise of its lucrative & immoral opium trade (yet ongoing), then with its recruitment, in the past century, of the black heart Mao Tse Tung, to prosecute the ruthless, Anglo-Banker financed, Kommunist Dodge, projecting power from ‘the barrel of a gun’.

In Truth, the Rapacious Crown has never given up on TOTAL Control of the Resources, People & Production of The American Continent  –  its Empire’s Crown Jewel  –  peradventure, for the last three centuries & more.

Howbeit, the Anglo-Bankers, their Muscle Crown & its Minion Privy Council, Now Control ALL of the Six (6) or Seven (7) Major Control Sectors of OUR US Society?

Grandpa Wooddell & his Brother John [ War for American Independence ], Grandpa Fling [ War of 1812 ] and Grandpa Cooper & his Four (4) Brothers [ War Between The States ], all fought & some died, to repel the Bankers’ British Tyrant from our midst  –  in faithful preservation of Christ’s Liberty in the limited government, Constitutional Republic under the God of the Bible, for the United States of America.

They would surely now be at arms once more, in view of the Rampant Intrusions by the Crown upon present American Felicity, Prosperity & Peace.

[ Witness the outrageous MI-6 “Steele Dossier” in the persecution of President Trump in 2016.  Likewise observe  British Subject Kamala Harris Importuning in the office of VICE POTUS, but one heartbeat away from Commander in Chief of US Armed Forces! ]

Please see the Queen’s telegraphing remarks in this video,  “Queen Addresses Xi Jingping CCP Chairman  –  2015“.

Two years later, on October 31st, 2017, Halloween, in the People’s Great Hall in Mainland Communist China, two dozen Globalist Goblins gathered to memorialize their collaboration with Communist Party Chairman Xi, in a group photograph, one year after the election of Donald J. Trump as US President.

This was, Red October of 2017.

Please see image of this occasion, at American Pilgrims Society Traitors, showing this Crew of many Suspects in the later Global Election Management Fraud of 2020, which defrauded the American People of Re-Election of President Trump to a Second Term in November of that year  –  Yellow November.

President Trump had said, in the months leading up to the 2020 General Presidential Election, he was going to end the Payroll Tax in America for good in 2021.  Them’s fighting words for the Anglo-Bankers, who ensured the usurious 1913 Federal Reserve Act & its ‘Rothschilds Model’, Direct Taxation companion piece, the 16th Amendment (Income Tax), were gun-decked to illicit ‘ratification’ by Banker Stooge, US Secretary of State Philander Knox, during December Yuletide of that year.  Over 20 State Legislatures didn’t even vote on the same bill language, rendering the Amendment null & void from the outset  –  and wholly ‘repugnant to the Constitution‘.

The American People have suffered over a century of Real Bondage since  –  their currency Devalued EXPONENTIALLY, in the Banker Trick of Fiat Currency Price Inflation.

[ For the solution to this pernicious blood sucking, please see,  The Crossroads of Collectivism:  Trump Tax Plan, Laffer Curve and Reagan & Thatcher Prosperity in the US & UK. ]

By the way, Lord Pirbright, born in India, was kin to the Rothschilds  –  the Anglo-Bankers.

Americans will have to end the British Crown and the Anglo-Bankers to be free  –  and for the World and the English Peoples to be finally shut of their incessant, deadly machinations, once and for all.

Thus We Are At War with the Anglo-Bankers, The Crown & their Minion CCP  –  just like Nicholas Romanov II the Christian Russian Czar was  –  before he and his entire family were summarily, brutally executed, following the Anglo-Banker activated & funded Marxist, Bolshevik, Russian Democratic Socialist coup d’état, instigated by Banker Operatives, Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Joseph Stalin & three thousand of their closest Red-Shirt, Ashkenazi, Middle European, Marxist pals, in Red October of 1917.

The movie “Nicholas & Alexandra” shows just how brutal this outrageous chapter was  –  much like the  gruesome events before our eyes in Kabul  (to distract us from remediating the Grand ‘Election Infection’ Fraud of 2020, with our Vote Audits).

Please see at  3:01:58,  “Nicholas and Alexandra”  (1971).

Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin were all trained up by British Member of Parliament (MP) Philip Whitwell Wilson, in the first decade of the 20th Century, during several visits to Wilson’s home at 16 Percy Circus, London.

Wilson was one of the Founders of the British Fabian Society, a Communist training and recruiting outfit  –  yet extant in London today.  The London School of Economics is incorrigibly Fabian  –  a sorry attempted blot on Christ’s Liberty worldwide.

Communism is naught but a Banker Trick to destabilize & deconstruct Host Societies for assimilation into a Banker Global Collective.

In a popular culture episode of ‘predictive programming‘, open description of this Mammon Collective is amusingly presented in the movie “Network” by a Banker Crony Capitalist character named Jensen, (played by departed actor Ned Beatty).


Please see at  1:31:35,  “Network”  (1976). 


There is nominal evidence Karl Marx was kin to the Rothschilds.

Please see,  “Karl Marx Was Rothschilds Third Cousin“.


The Fabian Society emblem in stained glass, is a Wolf

Cloaked in a Sheepskin.


They always have to tell you what they are going to do.


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