The Unkindest Cut

Perhaps there are no longer many who know the name Martin Niemoeller, a Protestant pastor, most famous for his poem, as follows:

“First they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist so I did not speak out.

Then they came for the Socialists and the Trade Unionists, but I was neither, so I did not speak out.

          Then they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew so I did not speak out.

         And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me.”

Neimoeller, an anti-communist, supported the Nazis until the churches were placed under Nazi control. He then founded the Pastors’ Emergency League, on September 11, 1933, to unite German evangelical theologians, pastors and church office-holders against Aryanism. He was tried and imprisoned for seven months, followed by seven years in concentration camps. Freed after the war, he became president of the Protestant church in Hesse and Nassau (1947- 1964), and president of the World Council of Churches in the 1960s, against which he would speak out now, given the opportunity.

The World Council of Churches, founded in 1948 and headquartered in Geneva, and its 350 mostly Protestant and Orthodox churches and some evangelical membership, overtly expressed concern for the safety of the Jewish people, but clandestinely began promoting a lethal anti-Israel agenda aimed at delegitimizing Israel in the Middle East conflict. Instead of worrying about Israelis’ being blown up by homicidal bombers during the Second Intifada (2000-2005), the group justified the Palestinian violence and vilified Israel’s self-defense. They established the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) and the Palestine Israel Ecumenical Forum (PIEF) to end Israel’s “occupation,” aware that this action would eventually deprive the Jewish people of their own homeland.

With their hostility clearly focused on Israel, the Council sends activists to the West Bank to confront Israeli soldiers and settlers, while also repudiating the Arab aggression toward Israel and the Jews. So, they denounce anti-Semitism for public consumption, but individual members nevertheless continue their demonizing rhetoric against Israel.  And there is more (there always is): They avoid denouncing Muslim anti-Semitism and Muslim assassinations of Christians.

Interestingly, when the Provisional Committee prepared to create the WCC in Amsterdam, in 1948, they guaranteed full Church rights to Christians of Jewish descent, and expressed remorse to the Jewish survivors of the Holocaust along with gratitude to the Christians who had sheltered them. In fact, they even acknowledged that the Church had contributed to anti-Semitism – but they would consider Israel’s sovereignty. Not only did the WCC not support the creation of a Jewish state, but they attempted to delegitimize the entire concept.  They determined it best to not offend the Muslims who sought a second Holocaust. Recognizing the rights of Jewish converts to Christianity was an easy decision, but the rights of Jews to live in their own country remained problematical.

The PLO’s terror attacks in the early 1970s, as well as the Lod Airport massacre that left 26 dead and scores injured, and other Palestinian kidnappings and murders of Israelis, were also met with the Council’s benign condemnation, as though the Palestinians were striving for “human rights,” and not the annihilation of the entire state of Israel. Hijackings, once called “reckless acts of anarchy that disregard human rights” were now excused as “something not so bad because nobody got killed.”

The massacre of the Israeli Olympic team by the PLO in September 1972 was termed “senseless terrorism.” Rather than condemn the Palestinians’ heinous acts and demand the criminals be prosecuted, the WCC general secretary expressed consternation at the “senseless (!)” deaths of the Israelis, their abductors and the German officials – as though the “sacrificed lives” were not only equal but could have made sense given different circumstances. The suggestion is grotesque. He condemned Israel not to respond with reprisals, which thereafter became their modus operandi.

Contrary to its title, the UN World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance held in Durban, South Africa, in 2001, became a dedication to hate against Israel. Although the WCC claimed to disapprove of some of the statements, it nevertheless supported the document.

In 2004, they eulogized Arafat upon his death as a leader who recognized true justice, peace and security for Palestinians and Israelis. The WCC disregarded his massacres of Jews and Christians, the terrorism despite the Oslo Accords, and the billions of dollars in aid that was never used to improve Palestinian lives.

In February 2005, the WCC joined the American Protestant churches in the Presbyterian Church’s (USA) divestment campaign against Israel, blaming Israel’s occupation for the violence, not Palestinian aggression or the companies that profit from that aggression. The group also directed their blame against Israel for boarding the Mavi Marmara flotilla that was carrying jihadists and armaments to Gaza in June 2016, despite videos that showed the passengers to be the violent aggressors.

The WCC was quick to condemn Israel’s invasion into Lebanon in 1984, but protected the identity of the earlier massacres by the PLO and Christian Phalangists in the 1970s and 1980s, and the PLO’s massacres in Lebanon (1982). They also maintained their silence about the Palestinians’ horrific atrocities and executions of the Maronites (Roman Catholics) in January 1976.

The World Council of Churches no longer stands for democracy and Christianity – if it ever did without Niemoeller. In a world that has grown more dangerous, with fanatical terrorists and unstoppable migrants overcoming countries from which the indigenous populations are fleeing,  the WCC has declared its affinity for the enemy, those who threaten to establish a caliphate at Buckingham Palace, at the White House, and throughout Europe and Asia.  Statements issued by the Central Community of the WCC in response to brutal attacks against Christians refrain from naming the Islamic attackers.  Rather, they criticize Israel and silence those who dare defame Islam.

It is no surprise for Israel to be vilified by the followers of Islam, because Islam, like Nazism, is the antithesis of Judaism and they could never co-exist.  But when the Council of churches joins the accusers, it is the unkindest cut of all. Such action is foolhardy and self-defeating as the integrity of the Church’s theology requires the existence of Israel and the Jews, but the reverse is not true.  If it were possible to remove Judaism, Christianity would suffer the same fate thereafter.  Islam’s declared purpose is global conquest.  Pastor Niemoeller’s words ring as true today.

Like the tail-devouring Ouroboros, the WCC has turned on itself, and should no longer be able to rely on our citizens’ taxes and generosity to support the Palestinian Authority and the armed jihadists who seek Jewish and Christian destruction.  Isaiah 5:20: Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil.

(With appreciation to Dexter Van Zile, “Broadcasting a Lethal Narrative: The World Council of Churches and Israel,” Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs

… and the KGB in the White House

Those words of the title are not mine, they belong to my friend Vlad, a KGB man, in a warning to me a year before my emigration to the U.S. In America, it was the time of Carter’s administration and my friend Vlad, the KGB man, gave me a menacing picture of America’s future in our conversation, while walking along a Leningrad street in 1979:

“Please remember, America is in turmoil. It’s losing its moral compass. I’ve already told you that it is under the constant assault of Soviet Intelligence, which has infiltrated every facet of American society—the government, the arts, the unions, organized crime even played a role in the demise of the Nixon presidency. If these events progress in the same direction in ten years from now, the American treasury will be empty, like ours, the city streets full of crime, and the KGB in the White House.” He said it in one forceful breath…

At the time, listening to him, I felt threatened and intimidated, but nevertheless, I emigrated a year after that meeting with the man. Because the agenda, the objectives, and motivation of the Soviet Intelligence were clear to me: destruction of America and Western civilization by all means possible. You can read the entire conversation in the Chapter 17: Beyond Three Dimensions: Soviet Fascism, p.286, Baltic Winds: Testimony of a Soviet Attorney, Xlibris, 2002.

It was then in the winter of 1979 when I also heard for the first time these two words put together: Soviet Fascism. Intimidated, tormented and threatened by those two words, I wanted to cast them from my memory forever. Forty years have passed by since then, and I am a different person now, an American citizen who dearly loves my adopted country. Beside my personal experiences, I learned a great deal of information about America and my mission is absolutely clear to me—defend America by writing about Soviet Fascism and identifying the evil ideology to educate all Americans. I have done it in all my books and columns during last decades.

I gave you that conversation with Vlad, the KGB man for a reason, because I see my America again in turmoil and losing its moral compass forty years later. Yet, the objectives, motivation, and agenda of Russian Intelligence remains the same.

Moreover, the predictions of the KGB man are coming true on all accounts as stated forty years ago: our treasury is almost empty, our streets are full of crime and the KGB in the White House. I am referring to Barack Obama’s presidency and drastic changes in the Democrat Party and American culture during the last forty years…

The first two points are obvious, the third one I have been writing about for the last thirty years—Soviet/Russian infiltration into all strata of our society. Just go to my book What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction, Xlibris, 2012. The Chapter 7, WW III: Recruitments and Drugs, Infiltration and Assassinations is directly listing the methods, tools, devises, and tricks used by the Russian Intelligence to destroy America from within. American national security has always been my major concern.

The Deep State of the KGB on American Soil

Today, in June 2017, forty years later, my great concern is still our national security. I’m watching how the Democrats are waging a total war against Trump’s administration and against the President himself. It is a real witch hunt. Yet, I am not surprised; for forty years the Democrats were soft on the Soviets, while our Academia had not educated Americans and the leadership of our Intelligence in the agenda of Socialism/Communism, and the coming danger. Today it is not the poverty that created terrorism, it is a Socialist/Communist ideology that infiltrated and uses Islam to fight Western civilization —the result you are witnessing yourself.

The campaign to orchestrate a Trump/Russia collusion is a carefully crafted fraud to cover up the real collaboration with the enemy by Obama’s clan. I am appalled by the mute, deaf, and toothless Republicans betraying our Republican President. They are ill-informed, incompetent, and missing the golden opportunity to confront the Democrat Party, the enemy within. Fortunately, some decent and knowledgeable Republican leaders are quite vocal, disturbed by this fraud.

Urgent Message from Michael Reagan

Dear Friend:

I am watching the cable news channels and I am just stunned.

This is a brazen attempt to oust Donald Trump as president.

This is nothing short of a coup attempt against the duly elected president.

David Horowitz predicted all of this in his bestseller “Big Agenda: President Trump’s Plan to Save America.”

Rush Limbaugh agrees with author David Horowitz – and says insiders want to stop President Trump and have even launched a “silent coup” against him!

Here is what Rush said: “I think it has a purposeful, studied effort and outcome, which is a coup. We are watching a silent coup here to oust a duly elected president, and this coup is being mounted by career government people who can traffic anonymously and who are protected by people in the media and within the Democrat Party.”

Both Michael Reagan and Rush Limbaugh are right in blaming the Democrats, yet, due to my personal experiences, I can add some other information. For the last eight years I have been writing about the Obama/Putin joint venture, especially highlighting the time of election 2016 described in my latest book Socialist Lies: From Stalin to the Clintons, Obamas, and Sanders, Xlibris, 2016. The book chronicles the KGB modus operandi (the knowledge needed today), when Obama’s shadow government is not alone conducting the war against President Trump. Obama/Putin joint venture has developed a unified enclave of un-American activities by the Democrat leadership, Clinton’s media-mafia and the KGB. The recent example of Soviet fascism on American soil you saw in the hand of comedian Kathy Griffin, it was a bloody head of our Republican President…  This is Radical-Fascist Left in action!

The targets are the Trump administration and its plans and agenda to >Make America Great Again. Some called this enclave The Deep State. Whatever the name of the enclave, it has adhered to the ideology of Soviet fascism and already created a constant stew of suspicions to divert attention from the real crime and real criminals. Obama/Putin joint venture or The Deep State will not tolerate building America Great Again. Hence, we can expect a long continuation of fraudulent activities, provocations, fake news, and disinformation in the best traditions of the Stalinist KGB. The best lawyer in the country Alan Dershowitz is right: “We can’t judge a person without evidence, like Stalin did.” Socialist Maxine Waters doesn’t understand that.

Stay tuned…

You will be surprised by the role Director Comey was playing in the above mentioned enclave. I would recommend you to find and read a most interesting and fairly accurate post about him by Lisa Frank, STATE OF THE NATION, May 18th. She is unwrapping James Comey from the aura of being an honest and highly professional man: “COMEY IS THE CENTRAL FIGURE IN THE SCHEME TO TAKE DOWN TRUMP.” You will also be surprised by the abuses of personal liberty, privacy, and spying on Americans by Obama’s scheme involving people from DOJ in cahoots with some members of the American Intelligence.

Yet, there is nothing wrong with the American system, Mr.Mark Zuckerberg! You should read my books and learn the evil nature of the ideology your Socialist professors didn’t teach you, and you are not the only one inculcated with Socialist propaganda and made up narratives. Unfortunately, two/thirds of Millennials do not know the true Socialism, they are defrauded by Political Correctness and can’t recognize the evil ideology. It is unthinkable in the country of the First Amendment to see how the students are rioting and fighting free speech on campuses and universities. You can see now how our culture transformed enormously for the last forty years. Do you know why? Just recall the agents of influence established by the Soviets in 1955.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Davin Nunes, to a certain degree, confirms my ideas. He said: “Democrats don’t want an investigation into Russia… Because they want to continue the narrative that Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump are best friends…” The Washington Examiner, May 30, 2017. Davin Nunes is right. We are witnessing a typical KGB policy of Disinformation, executed by the Democrat Party to cover up the crimes committed. It is a fishing expedition by the Democrats to accuse Trump’s team and divert attention from the DNC leadership and the crimes committed by them …

The Betrayal of American Interests

If you haven’t read my books and don’t know historical events that were handed to us by the Democrats, let me give you a few examples for your judgment. Obama wasn’t the first, who collaborated with Soviet/Russian Intelligence, Bill Clinton was the first one.  I didn’t like Bill Clinton since I have seen him among a group of the Russian youngsters, organized by the KGB. Then, I found out that Clinton lived in the family of the KGB’s members in Moscow in 1970s. All of that gave me a real picture of the man. Later it was the election, where a suspicious threat to Ross Perrot made Bill Clinton the U.S. President in 1992. His connection with Russia has always alarmed me. His presidency just doubled my dislike to him, as an enormous harm had been done to America. I have dedicated pages in my books to the activities of the Clinton mafia…

Bill Clinton paved the way for a Nuclear North Korea in 1994. “Democratic president’s 1994 deal making with Pyongyang started a process that led to ICBM capabilities.” Today, in June 2017 we are threatened by that militant regime, created by Stalin in 1948. North Korea has been Russia’s marionette since then. The Trump administration is timely voicing alarm bells as North Korea inches closer to having a nuclear missile capable of reaching Hawaii or the West Coast of the United States.

“The North Korean deal of 1994 is the prototype for why open societies should not negotiate arms control agreements with rogue regimes.” Jim Stinson, updated March 2017. Reading the piece, you will find all the details of Clinton’s deal making with the Stalinist regime. One foreign-policy expert said he traces North Korea’s current saber-rattling to a nuclear deal made two decades ago by President Bill Clinton. And reading my books, we will find me talking about the Russian connection for the last twenty-five years.

There is another event that deserves attention and deep thinking about the Clinton Mafia. Do you remember Monica’s “blue dress?” I have found an interesting chronology connected to the “blue dress” in 1998. The FBI asked for Clinton’s blood sample to compare it with the sperm’s stain on the “blue dress,” three days later the terrorists committed two tragic blasts of American Embassies in Africa. Don’t tell me about the coincidences in life. It was the “work” of the Russian connection to divert attention from Clinton and “the blue dress.”

Pay attention to the Russian behavior in the management of diverting attention from the criminals connected to them. I gave you a lot of similar examples in Socialist Lies. Today we have a witch hunt of President Trump to connect him to Russia and to divert attention from the Obama administration and the Democrat Party… Let me give you another example of betraying the American interests and aiding the enemy. In the above mentioned book, Socialist Lies, I analyzed many events when Obama betrayed American interests to benefit Russia. Here is an interesting knot of events to confirm that.

I believe there was a connection between NATO’s actions in Libya and the presidential election in France in 2012. Do you remember a scandal of Dominique Strauss-Khan in the New York Hotel? It was during the time of a presidential election in France and Dominique Strauss Khan was ahead of President Sarkozy. Reading my books, you know that Russia wanted to monopolize the sources of oil in the world. You also know my opinion that all terrorist groups run by Russia are united by the ideology of Soviet Fascism.

Putin used the situation in Libya to continue destabilization of the region in 2012. To convince Obama was not difficult for Putin. In my interpretation of the events, Putin offered Sarkozy to eliminate Strauss Khan for a certain favors from Sarkozy, the latter agreed and Libya’s fate was decided. NATO got trapped in a middle of civil war in Libya. Putin wanted Libya’s oil and destabilization of North Africa. Organized crime was activated and Dominique Strauss Khan has disappeared from a political arena of France. Do you remember the Soviet document dated 1955? Organized crime was and is an integral part of Soviet Fascism. Today ISIS is running Libya’s oil or destroying the facilities to raise the price of oil on the market. Russia succeeds again and ISIS now infiltrated thirty-two countries… Does anybody in our Intelligence know this story?

I have to remind you another story, a list of military collaborations between the U.S. and Russia executed under the Obama/Putin joint venture:

  1. Killing of bin-Laden
  2. Invasion of Libya, conspiracy of Obama, Putin, and French Pres. Sarkozy.
  3. Benghazi, murder of the U.S. ambassador Stevens.
  4. “On 6 August 2011, a U.S. Boeing CH-47 Chinook military helicopter was shot down while transporting a quick reaction force attempting to reinforce an engaged unit of Army Rangers in Wardak province, west of Kabul, Afghanistan. The resulting crash killed all 38 people on board—25 American specialists … Fifteen of the Navy SEALs that were killed were members of the Naval… “

If thoroughly investigated, the listed events will open up a huge panorama of activities of the DNC leadership directed against the American Republic. Maybe our Intel is blocking information about my books and columns, because I am constantly writing about the Russian Connection? Maybe because it is the leadership of the Democrat Party that has the real treasonous connection with Russia. President Trump has not. There is no Trump’s Russia Tangle. My books and latest columns are analyzing the situation in this respect and will help a new appointed Special Counsel Robert Mueller to investigate the real Russian connection…

O’Reilly is right: “Allegations are not facts. Nobody’s searching for the truth anymore.”

I would also recommend to read my books to Jared Kushner, if he wants to serve the country. Contemporary Russia is our deadly enemy and a real awareness of it is imperative.

Observing a Memorial Day in the end of May, 2017, we paid respect to the memory of our soldiers, who sacrificed their lives for our freedom—a very touching event for many Americans. Widows and children of the Korean War and Vietnam are alive and were morning their spouses, fathers, brothers and sisters. I’d like to remind you that all recent wars had been instigated by the ideology of Soviet Fascism. Stalin started it in 1950 and all consequent wars, including the Middle East is a continuation of his policy and hostility to Western civilization. Special counsel Robert Mueller, investigating the Russian collusion, should be aware of that.

To be continued at or visit

Palestinians Paid Terrorists and their families $1 Billion in past 4 Years

The PLO (Palestinian leadership) pay Palestinians and their families  who murder Jews and Christians in Israel money as a reward for  murder. They also name monuments and streets after these murderers. Leaders as well as people and countries who continue to pay the PLO money used to incite murder are ‘Accessories to Murder’ .

Congress should immediately cut off funds paid to the PLO unless this incitement to murder is stopped.

Palestinians Paid Terrorists $1 Billion in Past 4 Years

The Palestinian Authority has paid out some NIS 4 billion — or $1.12 billion — over the past four years to terrorists and their families, a former director general of the Ministry of Strategic Affairs and ex-head of the army’s intelligence and research division told a top Knesset panel on Monday.

Setting out the figures, Brig.-Gen (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser told the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that the longer the period for which a Palestinian security prisoner is jailed, “the higher the salary… Anyone who has sat in prison for more than 30 years gets NIS 12,000 ($3,360) per month,” said Kuperwasser, according to the (Hebrew) NRG website. “When they’re released, they get a grant and are promised a job at the Palestinian Authority. They get a military rank that’s determined according to the number of years they’ve served in jail.”

Kuperwasser also told the committee that PA claims that the payments to terrorists’ families are social welfare benefits to the needy are false. The Palestinians’ own budgetary documents, he said, “clearly state that these are salaries and not welfare payments.”

Kuperwasser was briefing MKs days after US President Donald Trump visited Israel and held talks with PA President Mahmoud Abbas in Bethlehem. In an apparent public upbraiding of Abbas over the payments, Trump told him at their joint press conference: “Peace can never take root in an environment where violence is tolerated, funded or rewarded.”

Read more…


For Some, Sex Appeal is Part of Jihad’s Lure – IPT News

HuffPo: U.S. Refugee processing pipeline being restarted, contractors optimistic

Falls Church, Virginia Mosque Dar al-Hijrah to Host Pro-Brotherhood Egyptian Imam

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of Mahmoud Abbas celebrating the return of Palestinian prisoners as part of Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations in August 2013 (photo credit: Issam Rimawi/Flash90)

VIDEO: What not to tell the Canadian taxpayers about Syrian refugees

This is an excellent use of 6 minutes of your time!

I don’t know this program, but thank Paul for sending the youtube clip from The Rebel.

I’m guessing that what Faith Goldy learned about Canada’s new 40,000+ Syrian population applies to America’s flow as well.

We have followed Boy Trudeau’s rash Syrian resettlement program since it began in 2015, see our Canada archive for previous posts.

The Rebel learned that they can’t speak the language, that they are sick (TB!), and that they use large amounts of welfare because they aren’t finding work, but worst of all it was revealed that the documents, obtained by investigators, are littered with admonitions to not tell the taxpaying public the bad news!

If the video doesn’t play below, then watch it here.


HuffPo: U.S. Refugee processing pipeline being restarted, contractors optimistic

Falls Church, Virginia Mosque Dar al-Hijrah to Host Pro-Brotherhood Egyptian Imam

15,726 refugees admitted to U.S. since Inauguration Day, see where they went

Read the Confidential David Brock Memo Outlining Plans to Attack Trump

VIDEO: Join us for an Act for America event in Jacksonville, FL on June 10, 2017

A very important event! Act for America is the #1 organization standing against Islamic violence and oppression of America.

Please join us in Jacksonville, Florida on June 10, 2017.

Convicted Uzbek Terrorist Indicted in Attempt to Kill Prison Warden

Obama’s US Attorney for Idaho, Wendy Olson.

For all of the refugee contractors and their groupies busily spreading propaganda that refugees never commit crimes, take note of Muslim Fazliddin Kurbanov who was already in prison, convicted on terrorism charges, and then tried to kill the prison warden a year ago this week!
Where the heck was (is!) the national media on this story? 

We surely would have heard about the attempted murder by one of our star refugee criminals if anyone had reported it before now.

What do you think? Should I give the refugee advocates the benefit of the doubt and when they say there are no refugee criminals, maybe it’s because the media rarely reports those stories.

See a few of our recent ones, here, here and here(yesterday!).

You might want to see our archive on Fazliddin Kurbanov by clicking here.

Don’t miss this story where Idaho US Attorney Wendy Olson suggested that Americans might demonstrate “acts of bias” during his 2015 trial! (You will see that the Idaho Statesman story is now gone!)

Olson showed her bias as she attempted to tamp down the controversy surrounding the Refugee sexual assault case in Idaho as well, here.  (But, I digress!)

From KTVB-7 titled (LOL! just a “man”):

Indictment: Boise man serving terrorism sentence tried to kill prison warden

RIVERSIDE, California — A Boise man who was convicted in 2015 of terrorism-related crimes has been indicted after prosecutors say he attacked the warden at the federal prison where he was held.

Fazliddin Kurbanov, 34, was just months into a 25-year sentence when the attack happened May 31, 2016 at the Federal Correctional Institute in Victorville, California.

He was indicted Wednesday on charges of attempted murder of a federal officer, assault on a federal officer with a deadly or dangerous weapon, and possession by an inmate of a prohibited object intended to be used as a weapon.

According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Kurbanov used a prison-made knife to attack Calvin Johnson, seriously injuring him. According to the Amercian Federation of Government Employees, the warden needed more than 80 staples to close wounds on his torso.

The indictment describes the knife as “a metal blade or ‘shank’ approximately three to four inches in length.”

Kurbanov was moved to FCI Terminal Island in San Pedro after the attack. Johnson, who recovered from his injuries, is also now working at a different prison.

Kurbanov, an Uzbek national, was convicted of one count of conspiracy to provide material support to a terrorist organization, one count of attempting to provide material support to a terrorist organization and one count of possession of an unregistered destructive device in November 2015.

Prosecutors in that case outlined how Kurbanov communicated online with members of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, promising to send money and supplies, and expressing interest in carrying out an attack in the United States.

Kurbanov told FBI informants that he was considering Ann Morrison Park or Mountain Home Air Force Base as possible attack sites. Although he did not carry out any attack before his arrest, Kurbanov had stockpiled explosive ingredients including including fertilizer, Tannerite, ammonium nitrate, acetone and aluminum powder in his Curtis Road apartment before his arrest.

Typical! no mention of the ‘R’ word! REFUGEE!

Interesting! The Daily Mail has a story on Kurbanov and mentions that he considered attacking West Point as well.

There is something very fishy about the admission of Uzbeks during the Bush and early Obama years, wish we knew the full story.

Readers: Let me know if the latest on this charming refugee (who will be costing us a fortune to keep in prison for life!) makes it to any national news story or any cable news outlet!

RELATED ARTICLE: 45,732 refugees admitted this fiscal year so far, 45% are Muslim

No Good Can Come from Trying to Resurrect the Cold War by Brittany Hunter

A few days go, as I sat with my eyes fixated on my television screen during a particularly riveting Netflix marathon, an alert on my iPhone went off and interrupted an otherwise perfect night of binge-watching.

As I glanced down to see what fresh new hell awaited me in the hectic non-fiction world, I noticed that it was an alert from an Apple news app that I never bothered to deleted when I upgraded to a newer iPhone over six months ago. The app only goes off if there is significant breaking news, which, usually means a terrorist attack or another lost airliner.

This time, however, the news that disrupted my luxurious night of lounging was a headline about Jared Kushner, Trump’s loyal son-in-law, and his connection to Russia. The content of the alert was vague at best, something along the lines of “Kushner has Russian connection Proving Malicious Intent,” or something equally over-dramatic and sensationalized.

Enough Is Enough

Normally, I would roll my eyes at the media rushing to conclusions and go about my day, but after the roller coaster of an election cycle that the nation is still attempting to recover from, this alert somehow managed to become my own personal “straw that broke the camel’s back,” as they say.

For the record, I am no fan of Jared Kushner nor of Trump, but that is because I am no fan of any politician. However, given the amount of times I have personally been subjected to the “ fear Russia” rhetoric, I find myself quickly losing faith in what passes for “news” these days and am even more concerned that this fear mongering will inevitably turn to warmongering if the drums of war continue to beat in Russia’s general direction.

Between hearing the term “Russian meddling” every 30 seconds on CNN, and Time Magazine’s controversial cover depicting the White House being taken over by the Kremlin, I have had just about enough of this return to 1950s Cold War speak.

While I am wary of any news story that justifies the military industrial complex’s lust for war, the Time cover speaks volumes about the modern day media industry as a whole. When it comes to the purposefully shocking Time cover, no one bothered to notice that the “Kremlin” seen swallowing the White House into a sea of red is in fact St. Basil Cathedral. The sensationalism of the story, despite its possible consequences, was of more importance than fact-checking the actual content.

Some might argue that this is a small detail to get worked up over in the long-run, but as the country “celebrates” Memorial Day today, it is important to remember that any rhetoric that aims to perpetuate our country’s obsession with war should always be questioned and scrutinized to the utmost degree.

Reinventing the Red Scare

Russia has recently replaced the millennial generation as America’s favorite group to collectively throw under the bus every time something goes wrong.

At a pivotal moment just a few weeks shy of voting day, Wikileaks revealed leaked emails that showed collusion between the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Hillary Clinton campaign (as if either can be distinguished from the other). The content of these emails seemed to shed light on the combined efforts of the DNC and the Clinton campaign, who together had done everything within their power to rig the election against Bernie Sanders.

But rather than blame those actually responsible for the constructed demise of the Sanders campaign, Russia somehow became the enemy — again.

Suddenly, the shadiness on the part of the DNC and the Clinton camp were pushed aside as “Russian hackers” became the main cause for concern. While there has yet to be a definitive answer on the matter, the authenticity of the leaked emails was not a source of outrage for devoted Democrats. Instead, they wanted justice because how dare we let Putin interfere in our elections! This is America! This is a Democracy!

Overnight, the Democrats began to sound like the bloodthirsty Republicans of the Bush/Cheney era, calling for war without any logical forethought. What their candidate did was of less importance than punishing those who may or may not have brought the information to light.

Appearing almost out of thin air, Russia became the culprit even though there was evidence to the contrary and Wikileaks maintains that Russia is not involved. For those insistent that the Red Scare be brought forth from its warmongering grave, the idea of a foreign body meddling in the U.S. presidential elections was too egregious a reality to live with in an allegedly free country.

Apparently, these same people have forgotten about the numerous times throughout history where the United States Government has interfered in foreign elections over the years.

Blood on Our Hands

If for example, Russia was found to be explicitly and directly tied to the election of Donald Trump, it does not, at least thus far, come close to the disastrous consequences that arose from America’s role in the Iranian coup d’etat in 1953. It also pales in comparison with the American backing of the President of the Republic of Vietnam, Ngo Dinh Diem in the 1960s. In the predominantly Buddhist territory of southern Vietnam, the United States ushering a devout Catholic into the powerful role of President was not appreciated, as history proved.

While these are just a few instances of many, the aforementioned examples have both caused and perpetuated conflicts that are still ongoing today. The United State’s reputation of meddling in the Middle East is exactly what gave rise to the sentiment seen with Islamist extremists, such as Isis. But it didn’t begin in 2003 with the Invasion of Iraq.

The United States left Vietnam in shame after forcing their own men to go off and die in foreign jungles without a clear purpose. But U.S. intervention was largely to blame for the escalation of the conflict in the first time.

Simply knowing and understanding that the state has an unfortunate tendency of being all too hasty to declare war — or just attack without any formal declaration — should be enough to caution those who are calling for the nation to retaliate against Russia.

Let’s Really Remember

Memorial Day has unfortunately become a holiday that glamorizes war and glorifies professional state-sanctioned killing, rather than urging caution against escalating foreign conflict. While the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has been an utter and complete disaster when it comes to honoring those who went off to die for undefined “American interests” abroad, the government has instead declared that Memorial Day is sufficient enough to at least calm the masses.

But as we spend the majority of the day enjoying our paid time off with BBQs and pool time, may we not forget to be increasingly skeptical of any propaganda that seeks to put the state’s interests ahead of individual life.

To be sure, the atrocities committed by Putin and other Russian agents of the state are reprehensible. However, not only does this not explicitly prove that Russia was involved in the leaks, those seeking to perpetuate this rhetoric are doing so only to save face and distract from the actions of the DNC and the Clinton camp.

For those who continue attempting to reignite the Cold War, protecting partisan politics is more important than sparing innocent lives from the brutal realities of war.

Brittany Hunter

Brittany Hunter is an associate editor at FEE. Brittany studied political science at Utah Valley University with a minor in Constitutional studies.

RELATED ARTICLE: Read the Confidential David Brock Memo Outlining Plans to Attack Trump

EDITORS NOTE: Get trained for success by leading entrepreneurs. Learn more at

VISA Overstays: A Gap in the Nation’s Border

After decades, and billions of dollars, a major terror vulnerability still persists.

A recent headline blared: Secretary of Homeland Security head says terror situation is scarier than you know.

However, the situation at the Department of Homeland Security that the Trump administration inherited when it took office is so dire, that I refer to the DHS as the “Department of Homeland Surrender.”

Unquestionably the Obama administration did incalculable damage to the security of our borders and the enforcement of our immigration laws, however, for decades a series of administrations, led by presidents from both parties, have sought to undermine national sovereignty in their push for globalism.

In my judgement, many components of the immigration system have been rendered dysfunctional with the intentional purpose of flooding America with ever increasing foreign tourists, foreign students and a veritable army of cheap and exploitable labor that displaces Americans workers and drives down the wages of  those Americans fortunate enough to keep their jobs.

This is not only in the economic bottom rung jobs but, increasingly, within the high-tech industries as well.

I support my claim by providing at the end of my article, outrageous findings of the Office of Inspector General who lays out, in has May 23, 2017 report, information about a level of dysfunction in a component of national security that could not be created by accident or incompetence.

But before we get ahead of ourselves, the very structure of the DHS, as implemented by the administration of President George W. Bush, in the wake of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 appears to have been designed to hobble any efforts to secure our borders and/or enforce our immigration laws.

On May 5, 2005, approximately 44 months after the attacks of 9/11, the House Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Claims conducted a hearing on the topic, “New “Dual Missions” Of The Immigration Enforcement Agencies.”

There is a parallel that must be drawn in considering that the hearing was conducted 44 months after the attacks.  It took the United States and its allies 44 months to defeat the Axis nations during the Second World War.

In order to achieve that incredible success our nation and its allies built fleets of aircraft of brand new designs that had not existed before.  Fleets of ships and even nuclear weapons with brand new and un-proven technology.

On September 11, 2001 nineteen terrorists, barely out of their teens, were able to cause more casualties than did the Japanese fleet at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.  Yet tracking the arrival and departure of aliens who were legally admitted into the United States is beyond the grasp of the nation that more than 40 years ago repeatedly launched astronauts to the moon and returned them all safely to the earth.

Rep. John Hostettler was the chairman of that subcommittee at the time of that hearing and his courageous prepared statement at that hearing included the following disturbing conclusion:

 At no time during the reorganization planning was it anticipated by the Committee that an immigration enforcement agency would share its role with other enforcement functions, such as enforcement of our customs laws. This simply results in the creation of dual or multiple missions that the act sought to avoid in the first place.

Failure to adhere to the statutory framework established by HSA (Homeland Security Act) has produced immigration enforcement incoherence that undermines the immigration enforcement mission central to DHS, and undermines the security of our Nation’s borders and citizens.

I was one of the witnesses at that hearing and included information about that hearing in my previous article Immigration Failure – By Design which explored how these failures were created and exacerbated to meet the demands of the globalist immigration anarchists.

These failures not only facilitate the entry of foreign workers, students and tourists but transnational criminals and international terrorists.

However, as long as politicians, acting on behalf of various supremely greedy special interest groups including the United States Chamber of Commerce and its corporate allies, that are more focused on head counts on airliners than body counts in the morgue, our immigration failures will not be effectively addressed.

An area of vulnerability that was addressed by the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 was the need to track the arrival and departure of nonimmigrant aliens to determine if those nonimmigrant (temporary) foreign visitors departed the United States as required by the terms of their admission into the United States.

This legislation was enacted just years after two deadly terror attacks were carried out in the United States by Middle Eastern aliens in 1993.  In January of that year CIA officials were gunned down at CIA Headquarters by Kansi, a Pakistani citizen who entered the United States on a non-immigrant visa and went on to apply for political asylum.

The following month the first bombing at the World Trade Center left six dead, more than 1,000 people injured and devastated that iconic complex of buildings, inflicting approximately a half billion dollars in damages.

Yet the tracking of nonimmigrant aliens was not implemented.

The 9/11 Commission established tracking the arrival and departure of nonimmigrant aliens as a vital component of national security.

Consequently, on June 3, 2004 it was reported, “Accenture secures U.S. Visit.”  (US-VISIT was the term provided to describe the tracking system.)

That report provided a bit of insight into the wrangling that went on to award that contract to Accenture the company that would go on to “distinguish itself” when it attempted to create a website for Obama Care.

As to the magnitude of the contract, Government Executive Magazine reported, Accenture wins $10 billion US VISIT contract.

Yet in March 2013, nine years after giving that contract to Accenture, the goals of tracking the arrival and departure of non-immigrant aliens was still not accomplished.  Consequently the DHS renamed the program, giving it the title, Office of Biometric Identity Management (OBIM).

On May 22, 2017 the Department of Homeland Security issued a press release, DHS Releases Fiscal Year 2016 Entry/Exit Overstay Report.  The press release provided note the nexus between national security and the ability to effectively track the arrival and departure of aliens.

This excerpt illustrates part of the magnitude of the challenges we face:

The report specifies that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) processed 50,437,278 in-scope nonimmigrant admissions at U.S. air and sea POEs who were expected to depart in FY16—of which 739,478 overstayed their admission, resulting in a total overstay rate of 1.47 percent. Of the more than 739,000 overstays, DHS determined 628,799 were suspected “in-country” overstays, resulting in a suspected in-country overstay rate of 1.25 percent. An individual who is a suspected in-country overstay has no recorded departure, while an out-of-country overstay has a recorded departure that occurred after their lawful admission period expired.

There was no mention, however, about aliens who are admitted or depart through land borders.

That issue and others were raised in the report issued on May 23, 2017 by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a report, “Visa Overstays: A Gap in the Nation’s Border.

These findings included in this report will likely keep you awake.  That these failures have not been addressed goes beyond mere incompetence:

The results of our audit revealed that DHS’ information technology (IT) systems do not effectively support U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) visa tracking operations for the following reasons:

Identifying and investigating potential visa overstays requires pulling data from dozens of systems and databases, some of which are not integrated and do not electronically share information;

Access to real-time data is mired by system access restrictions, the need to retain up to 40 passwords, and systems that are not updated;

ICE personnel do not have the training and guidance they need to effectively identify and utilize the myriad systems currently available for visa overstay tracking; and

In the absence of a comprehensive biometric exit system at U.S. ports, DHS relies on third-party departure data, which is not always accurate and fails to capture land departure data, which accounts for the vast majority of visitors exiting the United States.

These deficiencies have significant real-world impact, including:

A backlog of more than 1.2 million visa overstay cases;

Considerable resources wasted investigating thousands of leads that should have been ruled out as visa overstays (e.g., individuals who already left the country or applied for / received immigration benefits);

Arrests of less than 0.4% of the individuals who potentially overstayed their visas; and

Congress receiving DHS visa overstay reports that underestimate and distort the true scope of the visa overstay problem.

Until the Department properly equips its personnel with the tools and training required for the vital work of tracking visitors who overstay their visas, timely identification, investigation, and adjudication of visa overstays will not be possible, increasing the risk to public safety and national security.

Our “leaders” have squandered billions of dollars, but more importantly, they have squandered many years.  Time is not on our side.

Politicians, on every level of government, and corporations and their executives who are awarded contracts for national security-related programs must be made truly accountable.

National security is serious business- deadly serious business.

Trump: Making Us Proud, Shining Abroad

The elegance, wisdom and class President Trump has displayed on his first foreign policy trip continues to baffle political elitists and fake news media. 1 Corinthians 1:27 comes to mind.

“But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.”

Trump is a man of the people who speaks like a human being. Obama spoke like an arrogant blow hard. He spoke so high above us commoners that it took Leftist professors to explain the brilliance of his oratory.

Am I the only one who has noticed President Trump’s humility ever since taking office. We were told Trump’s legendary ego would be a major stumbling block. But all I have seen is a man who realizes the huge responsibility placed upon his shoulders by We the People. Trump appears laser focused on winning for America.

Obama was rude to Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on several occasions and hostile towards Israel. Never have I seen Netanyahu as relaxed and smiley with a U.S. president as he has been with Trump. When Trump spoke at the Israel Museum, his words brought tears to my eyes.

“Israel is a testament to the unbreakable spirit of the Jewish people. From all parts of this great country, one message resounds, and that is the message of hope. Down through the ages, the Jewish people have suffered persecution, oppression, and even those who have sought their destruction. But, through it all, they have endured and, in fact, they have thrived. I stand in awe of the accomplishments of the Jewish people, and I make this promise to you: My administration will always stand with Israel. (Applause.) Thank you very much.”

Regarding Israel, God said, “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you, I will curse…” Genesis 12:3

Trump has restored our relationship with Israel. Praise God!

The late Dr Wayne Dyer said, “Nobody knows enough to be a pessimist.” I interpreted his comment to mean there are too many unknown variables in a situation to correctly predict a negative outcome. Over the 8 years of Obama, pessimists faithfully emailed calling me a naive idiot for writing and working to restore my beloved country. They said it was too late and all was lost. Obama and the Left had successfully brought down America from her throne as the world leader. Rather than our tradition of striving to be all one could be, we had become a nation of deadbeats, happy to feed on the breast of big ultra-controlling government.

No one imagined Trump whom political elites and media regarded as the cartoon presidential candidate would win in an electoral landslide; proving pessimists wrong. This is why it is unwise to stop fighting for what is right. Leftists use the Madison Avenue advertising technique of promoting their extreme views as sophisticated and mainstream. They say our patriotic and Christianity rooted views are backwards and racist. In reality, we are the majority and Leftists are the weirdo minority. Trump’s election confirmed this truth.

Signing 90 executive orders in his first 100 days, Trump is swiftly dismantling Obama’s horrific legacy. It is as if Obama’s reign of terror was only our shared national nightmare that never really happened. I realize we still have a long way to go to overturn Obama’s mess. But Trump has made remarkable headway.

Grasping at straws to criticize Trump and brand us hypocrites, Leftists ask why aren’t we demanding that Trump use the term “radical Islamic terrorism”, considering we criticized Obama for not using it.

Well, the obvious difference is Obama not only refused to name our enemy, he protected our enemy at every turn. In response to numerous Islamic terrorist attacks on U.S. soil, Obama’s DOJ threatened to jail anyone caught speaking badly about Islam

We know where Trump stands in regards to Islamic terrorism.

During his speech in what some might call the belly-of-the-beast, Saudi Arabia, Trump challenged Muslims to fight Islamic terrorism. Trump said,

“Drive them out. Drive them out of your places of worship. Drive them out of your communities. Drive them out of your holy land and drive them out of this earth.”

Folks, that is incredibly bold, anointed and God inspired.

I marvel at what this unpretentious common man is achieving on our behalf on foreign soil. As always, I advise you to keep President Donald J. Trump in your prayers.

Secretary Tillerson declines to host Ramadan event at State Department

This may signal an end to nearly two decades of Islamopandering. If it weren’t for international jihad terrorism, there would never have been these government Ramadan observances, which are an effort to show Muslims that we really aren’t that bad, so please don’t kill us. These events are a result of the analysis that places the blame for jihad terrorism on U.S. foreign policy, rather than upon Islam’s jihad doctrine. If the Trump administration really ends them, the establishment media will howl, as this Reuters report demonstrates, but those who have long advocated a realistic approach to the jihad threat should take heart.

“Exclusive: Tillerson declines to host Ramadan event at State Department,” by Yeganeh Torbati, Reuters, May 27, 2017:

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has declined a request to host an event to mark Islam’s holy month of Ramadan, two U.S. officials said, apparently breaking with a bipartisan tradition in place with few exceptions for nearly 20 years.

Since 1999, Republican and Democratic secretaries of state have nearly always hosted either an iftar dinner to break the day’s fast during Ramadan or a reception marking the Eid al-Fitr holiday at the end of the month, at the State Department.

Tillerson turned down a request from the State Department’s Office of Religion and Global Affairs to host an Eid al-Fitr reception as part of Ramadan celebrations, said two U.S. officials who declined to be identified because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

According to an April 6 memo seen by Reuters, the office – which typically initiates such events – recommended that Tillerson hold an Eid al-Fitr reception.

His rejection of the request suggests there are no plans this year for any high-profile Ramadan function at the State Department. The month of fasting and prayer for Muslims gets under way in many countries on Saturday.

When asked by Reuters to comment on Tillerson declining a request to host an Eid al-Fitr event in July for Ramadan, a State Department spokesperson said:

“We are still exploring possible options for observance of Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of the month of Ramadan. U.S. ambassadors are encouraged to celebrate Ramadan through a variety of activities, which are held annually at missions around the world.”

Muslim activists have accused President Donald Trump’s administration of having an unfriendly attitude toward Islam, encapsulated by its attempts to ban citizens of several Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States.

The administration says that while it strongly opposes Islamist militants, it has no quarrel with Islam. Aides point to Trump’s visit this month to Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam where he addressed the leaders of more than 50 Muslim countries, as evidence of that.

Members of Congress, Muslim civil society and community leaders, diplomats from Muslim countries and senior U.S. officials usually attend the State Department Ramadan event, a symbol of the U.S. government’s diplomatic efforts with Muslim countries and people.

If Tillerson avoids hosting one this year, that could send a message “that it is not as important to this administration to engage with Muslims,” said former U.S. diplomat Farah Pandith, who served in the Bush and Obama administrations and helped plan Ramadan events at the White House and State Department.

Tillerson issued a statement on Friday to mark the start of Ramadan, which he called “a month of reverence, generosity, and self-reflection.”

“Most importantly, it is a cherished time for family and friends to gather and give charity to those who are less fortunate,” he said.


Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright started the tradition 18 years ago of America’s top diplomat hosting a public event for Ramadan, a lunar month.

The secretary of state of the time usually gives remarks there on the meaning of Ramadan.

In April, the State Department’s Office of Religion and Global Affairs made a request to Tillerson’s office that he deliver remarks at an Eid al-Fitr reception this year, and suggested a two-week range of dates in July. The event would serve to “highlight State Department initiatives and the importance of Muslim engagement,” the memo said….


10 of 29 Christian Copts murdered in Cairo bus bombing were children

Trump says jihad attacks “contrary to spirit of Ramadan,” Muslims enraged because he mentioned terrorism

A heroine for our times: Trump should invite Polish Prime Minister to White House!

If Donald Trump (the real Donald Trump ) is still a free man!, he should invite Beata Szydło to a meeting in the Oval Office followed by a lavish state dinner at the White House.

He would send a message to the wimps in Europe, to the cheapskates at NATO, and remind voters here of his promises to keep America safe (not to mention thrilling hardworking/patriotic Polish Americans!).

Did you know that RRW has a Facebook page?  It has 44,000 likes and this simple message, as of this morning, has reached over 50,000 people.  I have to admit (and apologize) that I stink at commenting and responding to comments, but I truly appreciate all of you who forward my page to your friends.

This (below) is a screenshot of the message that had been up for 24 hours as of last night when I captured it.  Thanks to whoever it was that drafted the message that has been making the rounds on Twitter and Facebook.

My complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.

EDITORS NOTE: The map below shows terrorist attacks in Europe. Note that Poland has had no attacks.


CCTV shows Manchester bomber sauntering towards gig on night of attack

Trump State Department opens the flood gates, refugee admissions will explode in coming weeks

At present rate of admissions, Trump FY17 refugee numbers will be in average range

Australia dumb deal: If this is “extreme vetting” we are in deep trouble!

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society: Tell Congress we need more $$$ for refugees

U.S. State Department continues its pattern of secrecy regarding refugee resettlement

1,600 of Australia’s rejected migrants want to come to America in Obama “dumb” deal

Human Rights First and five refugee contractors/others oppose tightening U.S. security

Brotherhood: I Choose Life

President Thomas Jefferson wrote, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

I remembrance of all of those who have paid the ultimate price in defense of this nation, Black Rifle Coffee Company and Matt Best from Article 15 Clothing have made a special video tribute for this Memorial Day 2017.

May the fallen never be forgotten.

Manchester Muslima wears shirt with LOVE spelled out with guns, knives and grenades

Coexist with that. What better way to show one’s horror at the Manchester jihad massacre than to wear a shirt showing the word “love” spelled out using various weapons as letters?

Is this niqabbed Muslima a moderate? Is her shirt moderate, or extremist? Was she radicalized on the Internet (where, presumably, she bought the shirt, since no one would sell such a thing among the peaceful and benign Muslim community in Britain, right?)? Did anyone in Britain notice or care about her shirt, which, given the context, seems unwise to ignore?

Channel 4 has pulled this segment, which is full of the usual finger-pointing and blaming of others by the Muslims who are interviewed, but the Internet remembers.


Minnesota: Muslims arrested with guns and bomb-making materials get only light charges

Federal appeals court upholds block on Trump’s temporary immigration ban

A Tale of Two Trumps: One with Anonymous Leaks, One Without

President Trump’s mega-trip to Saudi Arabia, Israel, Rome, Belgium, and Sicily is presenting the American public with a fascinating insight — not into Trump but into Washington, D.C. and the American media.

The Trump at home is beset by the triumvirate of what is now referred to as the Deep State’s daily leaks, a virulently dishonest media and the weak but wildly flailing Democratic Party. These three work in a common direction to undermine the Trump presidency and have been doing so since before inauguration day.

Trump abroad is presidential, courageous, respected and making progress in the impossible quagmire of the Middle East of all places. The Trump at home is under a barrage of embarrassing stories about his corruption or incompetence or collusion from “anonymous” sources.

The two Trumps could hardly be more opposite.

But is Trump really that different on the road, or is there another difference going on here?

The Deep State revelation

One of the early revelations in the Trump administration is that there actually is a vast Deep State apparatus that wields enormous power of the most unaccountable kind.

The Deep State refers to long-time entrenched bureaucrats who oppose Trump and have the power and apparent freedom to seek and send classified material to journalists. Journalists are joined at the hip with the Deep State as the anonymous leaks are what drive a lot of news cycles now.

Many of the leaks are illegal and could and should be investigated and prosecuted. That the FBI seemingly has no interest in doing so suggests that it is probably rife with a type of Deep State also.

Now to be clear, this is not likely to be any sort of broadly coordinated conspiracy.

Like the media, it is made up of hundreds, maybe thousands, of fellow travelers who share a worldview ideology that is distinctly left of the American center. As such, they reactively oppose Republicans and conservatives and are somewhat amoral regarding the means to accomplishing the ends.

So as they come across information that could be damaging to Trump, or are simply sitting on a pile of documents, they share it with journalists who they trust to not “out” them.

The leakers are not heroes. They are cowards and criminals. Cowards for demanding anonymity. Criminals for violating federal law on classified documents.

The Deep State Nuclearized

What’s important to remember about the Deep State is that the Obama administration, spearheaded by Susan Rice, armed them by unmasking an enormous number of Americans caught up in NSA intercepts. These were apparently fishing expeditions for Trump associates who were talking to Russians in order to create as many opportunities as possible to give the appearance of shadiness, without any actual evidence. Of course, it is common for presidential campaigns to communicate with foreign leaders to gather campaign information and prepare for being in office.

Those names and files were then disseminated through several branches of the federal government — nuclearizing the Deep State. The detonations are set off daily, providing regular damage to Trump, but in turn making the media and government radioactive to a large number of Americans.

Is there an investigation of this unmasking and dissemination of state secrets? Not that we are aware of. (See reason listed above for why no serious investigation of the leaks.)

It is entirely possible that this leaking from the Susan Rice unmaskings and the Obama dissemination could go on for a long time. But we also see it continuing after the Trump inauguration, and Rice and Obama were out of office. At least three personal phone calls between Trump and heads of state of other nations have been leaked in hopes of embarrassing the president.

That never happens to other presidents.

True deplorables.

The trip’s solid successes

Because Trump’s trip has been largely a success, and better than most any presidents do on their first trip, that doesn’t mean the triumvirate does not try to undermine him back home.

When Trump got to Israel, several good things had already happened:

  • In Saudi Arabia, Trump called out the Islamists and spoke the truth in the heart of Islam, speaking of “honestly confronting the crisis of Islamic extremism and the Islamists and Islamic terror of all kinds.” (Particularly timely as the next day an Islamic extremist in Manchester, England, slaughtered more than 20 people at an Ariana Grande concert.)
  • Egypt’s president told Trump publicly: “Let me say that you have a unique personality that is capable of doing the impossible.” Naturally, Trump agreed with this. But what you have here is a president speaking the truth, acting with strength, but willing to talk.
  • In Jerusalem, Trump got the Israelis to make changes that could improve the Palestinian economy and expand the border crossings to improve the climate for finding peace. He met with the heads of Israel and the Palestinian Authority. (Of course, the Palestinians don’t want peace with Israel, they want Israel exterminated. It’s literally written in their laws. But he’s getting some movement.)
  • Trump kept relentless pressure on Iran, which is obviously the biggest problem in the region, and has been. He vowed to never let them get nuclear weapons. And he and his team may be able to create a new alignment of several Muslim nations and Israel against Iran — which of course Obama put on a path to nuclearization and helped further destabilize the region.
  • Trump became the first sitting president to visit the Western Wall, and did so with the solemnity the occasion required.

At the halfway mark, the trip has been successful when the naysayers said he should just visit Canada on his first trip.

The Triumvirate strikes back

But the triumvirate of Trump opposition will have none of it, and continues its relentless drumbeat of negativism.

The front-page reporting of the successful trip to Israel that followed the successful trip to Saudi Arabia outlined above was predictably jaundiced, and had to rely on the home team of underminers to get the narrative out. Headlines generally fell along the lines of “Accusations dog Trump’s trip” and “Questions follow Trump to Israel.” (These were followed by obligatory reporting of the actual trip.)

The media even went so far as to seek out and highlight any missteps — no matter how minor — and report on the apparent awkwardness between Trump and his wife. Because those are the things Americans care about.

PBS wanted to assure its loyal listeners that Trump’s trip would not overshadow all his problems at home with this story “Trump’s overseas trip doesn’t stop storm brewing at home over Russia.”

And of course, it is all about the Russia investigation, the collusion accusations, and the idea that many or most Washington journalists have that Trump was in bed with the Kremlin to get elected.

But our story from nearly three months ago remains exactly true. There is no evidence of any wrongdoing on the part of Trump. There is no crime. There is no collusion. Months more of daily hyperventilating stories by the media and now a special counsel, and we still have nothing.

Perhaps it’s because there is nothing and despite all of his personality foibles and Twitter nonsense, Trump can be a very effective President and leader — when it does not go through the media filter.


Has Anyone Ever Leaked So Much To So Little Effect?

Trump Is Not Pro-Russia, Despite What the Media Says

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Revolutionary Act.

Gen. McMaster squanders tremendous capital Trump earns in Saudi Arabia

President Trump did not shy away from calling an Islamist terrorist by his real name when he addressed the heads of state of some fifty Muslim countries over the weekend in Riyadh.

His language and his message were clear: the United States needs the leaders of Arab Islamic nations as partners. As non-Muslims, we can not eradicate the scourge of a terrorism that draws its source from authentic Islamic texts, nor can we cast out terrorist leaders who model themselves on Mohammad, the prophet of Islam.

Indeed, that is what the Manchester bomber did, blowing himself up in order to kill the children of the Unbelievers. (Quran 3:151: “Soon shall we cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers.”)

ISIS proudly draws on the Quran, and the Sura – the Life of the Prophet Mohammad – to justify its actions and its manner of imposing Sharia law over territory it controls.

In its training manuals and propaganda videos, ISIS regularly calls on young Muslims to join the ranks of the jihad, because it is their duty as good Muslims. How can they say this? Because Mohammad himself told them.

Indeed, there are 164 well-known versus in the Quran where Mohammad calls on Muslims to fight the Unbelievers and carry out jihad.

“I hear so many people say ISIS has nothing to do with Islam – of course it has. They are not preaching Judaism,” says Aaqil Ahmed, a Muslim who is the religion and ethics editor at the BBC.

“It might be wrong, but what they are saying is an ideology based on some form of Islamic doctrine. They are Muslims. That is a fact and we have to get our head around some very uncomfortable things,” Mr. Ahmed went on.

King Salman of Saudi Arabia knows this. Prime Minister Abadi of Iraq knows this. Egyptian president al-Sissi knows this. So does King Abdallah II of Jordan and all the other leaders President Trump met at the Arab Islamic American Summit in Riyadh.

None of them blushed when the President spoke these “very uncomfortable things” in his speech on Sunday. They know that it is up to them to lead the fight against the jihadis and “drive them out,” as the President said – not because the jihadis represent the true face of Islam, but because they are the forces of Evil in today’s Muslim world, whose first victims tend to be Muslims.

Enter Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster.

In a five minute interview with FoxNews host Bret Beier in Riyadh, Gen. McMaster swept away all the gains the President had just made.

He acknowledged that the President had used the term “Islamic terrorism” in his speech, then immediately tried to back away from it.

“These are not Islamic people. These are not religious people. These are people who use a perverted interpretation of religion to advance their criminality. It’s a political agenda,” McMaster said of ISIS. “And you saw great agreement on that in all the speeches yesterday. King Salman used almost the same language.”

But King Salman did not use almost the same language. Instead, he acknowledged that ISIS terrorists “consider themselves as Muslims” and that they drew their inspiration from periods of Islamic history outside the “bright eras… of mercy, tolerance and coexistence.”

Gen. McMaster returned to the Obama-era white-washing of Islam and denial of Islamic doctrine, bending over backwards out of fear of offending Muslim leaders whose support we need to fight ISIS.

While one can hope that the damage he did to the budding anti-jihadi alliance will be transitory, and that wiser officials with a more sophisticated knowledge of Islamic doctrine will be put in the forefront of our cooperation with potential Muslim allies, ISIS leaders must be laughing at the foolishness of McMaster’s words.

Of course their allure draws its source from Islam’s earliest days, when Mohammad and his armies put their enemies to the sword, pillaged their cities, raped their wives, enslaved any survivors, and plundered their crops.

ISIS has already claimed responsibility for the Manchester bombing. We will learn soon enough whether Salman Abedi, the suicide bomber who murdered so many innocents, acted alone or was part of a larger cell.

But what we know for sure is that the ideology motivating him to mayhem wasn’t Judaisim or Christianity or some “perverted interpretation” of them. That ideology was Islam as practiced by Mohammad and his followers.

Sugar-coating Islam’s blood-soaked history will not end terrorism. It will not convince young wannabe jihadis to put down the sword of Islam.

Instead, we need serious, effective programs that attack the causes of radicalization, programs devised by Muslims that speak to Muslims, programs that convincingly reject the jihadi doctrines on which ISIS is based.

The newly-created Center for Combating Extremism established by the Saudi government may be a step in the right direction. But as the President said, we also need the Saudis and other Arab Muslim leaders to drive the jihadis and the preachers who inspire them “out of the mosques” and out of the public square.

We cannot succeed in this monumental task when the National Security Advisor turns the President’s steely injunctions against Islamist terrorism into mush.

We are fighting an ideological enemy. We will never defeat him if we refuse to name the ideology that inspires him.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in FrontPage Magazine.