Biden Regime Denies Gov. DeSantis’ Request for Emergency Funds for Hurricane Ian Victims

Billions for Ukraine dictatorship, nukes for Iran but Americans get ….. the middle finger.

Biden’s FEMA denies Ron DeSantis’ request for emergency funds for Florida’s Hurricane Ian victims

Governor Ron DeSantis has announced that the state will pay $25 million to help rebuild homes after the extensive damage caused by Hurricane Ian.

The Post Millenial, December 2022:

Following FEMA’s denial of Florida’s request for emergency funds to help rebuild homes destroyed by Hurricane Ian, Ron DeSantis announced that the state will provide up to $25 million for emergency relief, according to Florida’s Voice.

“Unfortunately, we got word last week that FEMA had denied our request for funding our state-led housing initiatives, citing their quote ‘limited authority,’” DeSantis said during an announcement in Southwest Florida, the region where Hurricane Ian made landfall.

“We’re not just gonna sit there and take no for an answer,” he said, “we’re gonna figure out what we can do.”

“We wanna cut through bureaucracy,” he continued, “we wanna bring relief to impacted Floridians, regardless of whether FEMA wants to be a part of that.”

FEMA responded to DeSantis’ request in a December 2 letter, saying “Due to the limited authorities FEMA has to approve and pay for this type of work, as well as our inability to confirm that authorizing this policy expansion would achieve the intended outcomes for disaster survivors, your request is denied.”

Keep reading.



WATCH Fake Doctor Jill Biden Urges All Americans To Get ANOTHER Covid Shot Before Christmas

FBI Agent Testifies About Bureau’s Involvement in Social Media Censorship

The Greatest Gaslight in History

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Lawsuit Depositions and Twitter Files Tell the Tale

There’s an old saying: Don’t do anything you wouldn’t want reported on the front page of the newspaper.  So many stunning revelations have been reported in the last couple days from the release of the Twitter files and the Missouri versus Biden Big Tech censorship case, there’s no room on the front page left.

An FBI agent testified in a deposition in the censorship case that FBI headquarters put its “stamp of approval” on requests to social media companies to block specific information before the 2020 elections.  Requests would get routed through FBI field offices around the country, federal prosecutors, FBI and Justice Department lawyers, and FBI headquarters before being sent to the agent’s “command post” in San Francisco for action.  The agent further testified social media platforms frequently complied with FBI requests to take down posts.

A State Department official testified during his deposition that the State Department has been funding online fact checkers.  He named the Poynter Institute which operates Politifact, a notoriously left-wing fact checker.  You might recall Facebook admitted in a lawsuit these so-called ‘fact checkers’ are really just “opinion”, left-wing opinion your State Department is only too happy to pay for.

Meanwhile, Elon Musk released a first set of files showing how former Twitter executives decided to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story three weeks before the 2020 presidential election. Twitter suppressed the story under its policy against “hacked” information, but there was no evidence the information was hacked.

In a second set of files released just yesterday, it was revealed the platform used several means to silence conservatives, including blacklists and shadow-banning, techniques which former Twitter executives had denied using and dismissed as conspiracy theory.  The targets included a well-known opponent of the Covid lockdowns and two conservative radio talk show hosts.  As one Twitter engineer put it, “we control visibility quite a bit. And we control the amplification of your content quite a bit. And normal people do not know how much we do.”  Twitter was taking down posts or limiting visibility as many as 200 times a day.

The head of the team was Jeff Carlton, a former U.S. Naval Intelligence officer who had previously worked for the FBI counterintelligence division and CIA.  I told you earlier this week Twitter’s deputy general counsel who had advised the company to block the Hunter Biden laptop story had previously worked for the FBI.  Elon Musk fired counsel James Baker this week for suppressing information and for giving an “unconvincing” explanation for why he reviewed the new Twitter files before they were published.

So we have more than just proof of concerted action between the Biden administration and Twitter executives to support the theory Twitter had become an extension of the government to suppress speech.  We have a revolving door that placed former intelligence agency and FBI officials inside Twitter at critical junctures, adding weight to the case Twitter had become a state actor.  Personnel is policy, as they say.

The Missouri Attorney General – now Senator-elect Eric Schmitt who brought the censorship case said:

This is a story of the federal government with all of its vast power and authority colluding with some of the biggest companies in the history of the world to censor Americans to put their thumb on the scale for what’s out there that people can actually read about before an election. It ought to scare the bejesus out of every American, I don’t care about your political stripe.

They suppressed speech and silenced conservatives, but they got caught.  Moral of the Story:  If you can’t do the time on the front page of the newspaper, don’t do the crime.

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

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Twitter Used ‘Vast Array Of Tools’ To Throttle Trump’s Account Even Before Jan. 6, Docs Reveal

FBI Agent Testifies About Bureau’s Involvement in Social Media Censorship

Twitter Used ‘Vast Array Of Tools’ To Throttle Trump’s Account Even Before Jan. 6, Docs Reveal

  • Twitter took advantage of a “vast array of tools” to suppress the reach of former President Donald Trump, even prior to the company’s decision to ban him in the wake of the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol riot, journalist Matt Taibbi reported Friday.
  • The platform’s executives debated rolling out “L3 deamplification,” a label that limited users’ ability share offending tweets, in response to Trump posting a series of tweets on Dec. 10, 2020, questioning the results of the 2020 election, but ultimately decided to wait until the program’s “official” launch on Dec. 11, Taibbi reported.
  • “The significance is that it shows that Twitter, in 2020 at least, was deploying a vast range of visible and invisible tools to rein in Trump’s engagement, long before J6,” Taibbi tweeted.

Twitter deployed a “vast array of tools” to limit the impact of former President Donald Trump on the platform, even before the company decided to ban him following the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, according to journalist Matt Taibbi, citing internal Twitter documents Friday.

The decision to ban Trump was made not solely due to his actions or the actions of his supporters on or around Jan. 6, 2021, but “over the course of the election and frankly the last 4+ years,”  one Twitter executive — whose name was redacted by Taibbi — wrote in an internal message, according to Taibbi. While Twitter had several teams to limit the visibility of users’ tweets, the majority were either automatic and rules-based or handled by high-ranking executives on a subjective, case-by-case basis, but those executives met with more and more federal officials as time went on, particularly before the 2020 election, Taibbi reported.

Twitter “had a vast array of tools for manipulating visibility, most all of which were thrown at Trump (and others) pre-J6,” Taibbi tweeted.

Following Jan. 6, 2021, Twitter’s former head of trust and safety Yoel Roth said in an internal Slack message that he lacked sufficient “generic enough” meetings to fill his calendar and hide his “very interesting” meetings from view, according to Taibbi.

“DEFINITELY NOT meeting with the FBI I SWEAR,” reads one of Roth’s messages following Jan. 6, Taibbi reported. Another Twitter employee, whose name and profile picture on Slack were censored by Taibbi, simply responded “lmao.”

On Oct. 8, 2020, Twitter executives opened a Slack channel dedicated to election-related account removals, with a particular focus on “Very Important Tweeters” or “VITs,” according to Taibbi. There was some level of friction between Safety Operations, a larger department within Twitter with a more rules-oriented approach to content moderation, and high-ranking executives like Roth and then-head of legal, policy and trust Vijaya Gadde, as the latter group often made moderation decisions “only the fly, often in minutes and based on guesses, gut calls, even Google searches, even in cases involving the President,” Taibbi reported.

In response to a member of Twitter’s marketing team asking if they can say Twitter detects misinformation through “partnerships with outside experts,” Policy Director Nick Pickles asked for the unidentified employee to simply say “partnerships,” according to Taibbi.

“Can we just say ‘partnerships’ … not sure we’d describe the FBI/DHS as experts or some [Non Governmental Organizations] that aren’t academic,” Pickles replied, according to Taibbi.

On Dec. 10, 2020, Twitter executive Patrick Conlon, announced internally that Twitter would be launching a new mode of suppression known as “L3 deamplification,” according to Taibbi. This mode, which was announced the same day Trump tweeted or retweeted roughly 20 posts challenging the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, was a label that came with an automatic “deamplification” of the tweet in question, limiting its ability to be shared, Taibbi reported.

While some team members asked whether to deploy the new tool right away, Conlon opted to wait until the following day, when the policy was slated to officially go live, according to Taibbi. The team had also applied several “bots” to Trump’s account, monitoring both his claims and the claims of connected entities, such as right-wing news outlet Breitbart, Taibbi reported.

“The significance is that it shows that Twitter, in 2020 at least, was deploying a vast range of visible and invisible tools to rein in Trump’s engagement, long before J6,” according to Taibbi. “The ban will come after other avenues are exhausted.”





FBI Agent Testifies About Bureau’s Involvement in Social Media Censorship

‘Secret’ Twitter Committee ‘Acknowledged’ Libs Of TikTok Didn’t Violate ‘Hateful Conduct Policy’ After Multiple Suspensions, Memo Shows


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PODCAST: What do all Communist Globalists have in common? They LIE!

Until we recognize that the Globalists are our enemy, that they are in both parties, and unless we call them our enemy, we lose. These people are NOT true Americans. They want the destruction of America. For the past 60 years, they have taught our kids that America is the enemy. Where are these kids today? In government, media, and wall street. Who is their enemy? Americans.

Slowly these globalists have turned America’s bureaucratic agencies into the private military operation Barack Obama wanted.


A new ad for police? NO! for the IRS!

Who is at risk from armed IRS agents? Why Americans, of course. After all, Americans, MAGA, are the enemy.

What do they think of us?

The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine, and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.” – Club of Rome, a premier environmental think-tank, consultants to the United Nations.

What do Globalists believe: “Global Sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced resource consumption and set levels of mortality control.” – Professor Maurice King, Agenda 21.

Americans are the enemy. They are too rich, have too many luxuries, and must be cut down to the rest of the world. They want us controlled, impoverished, enslaved, or dead. They will stop at nothing to maintain power. So they merged agencies and armed them while taking away Americans’ means of protection.

All policies in the Green Broke Deal can be found in UN Agenda 21. This document is over 300 pages, 40 chapters of total control over the means of production and distribution of all means of human activity. Today this document goes by many names, i.e.:

  • Great Reset,
  • Green New Deal,
  • Build Back Better,
  • Agenda 2030,
  • Sustainable Development,
  • Resilient Cities.

But remember, a name change is not a content change. They all lead to one place, the destruction of America and western civilization.

Who are these Globalists? Where did they get their ideas? Remember, as I said before, these people are not Americans. They want the destruction of America and will do whatever it takes to make that happen. Globalists follow their leaders. The original elite was educated in the Frankfort School; today, the Aspen Institute, UN, and WEF carry the agenda. Sadly, Globalists take the worst from each ideology, and merge them together into an illogical, incoherent, overly expensive policy designed to destroy American values and culture.

Here are a few of the founders of the Marxist DNC and RINOs and what they promote:

John Maynard Keynes – Keynesian economics 1883-1946 – Keynes stated that if Investment exceeds saving, there will be inflation. If saving exceeds Investment, there will be a recession. “For the engine which drives Enterprise is not Thrift, but Profit.” businesses and people tighten their belts and spend less money. Lower spending results in demand falling further, and a vicious circle ensues of job losses and further falls in spending. Keynes’s solution to the problem was that governments should borrow money and boost demand by pushing the money into the economy. Once the economy recovered, and was expanding again, governments should pay back the loans. Keynes’s view that governments should play a major role in economic management is marked.

Karl Marx – 1883  Communism, Das Kapital – While many equate Karl Marx with socialism, his work on understanding capitalism as a social and economic system remains a valid critique in the modern era. In Das Kapital (Capital in English), Marx argues that society is composed of two main classes: Capitalists are the business owners who organize the process of production and who own the means of production such as factories, tools, and raw material, and who are also entitled to any and all profits.

The other, much larger class comprises labor (which Marx termed the “proletariat”). Laborers do not own or have any claim to the means of production, the finished products they work on, or any of the profits generated from sales of those products. Rather, labor works only in return for a money wage. Marx argued that because of this uneven arrangement, capitalists exploit workers.

Fabian – 1884

Fabianism became prominent in British socialist theory in the 1880s. The early Fabians rejected the revolutionary doctrines of Marxism, recommending instead a gradual transition to a socialist society. When Fabianism emerged in the United Kingdom during the 1880s, collectivism was widely considered necessary for human flourishing. believed that substantial state intervention would be necessary if ordinary individuals were to prosper. That dominant position also involved  collective responsibility for children’s education and nutrition, housing, and employment, along with support for care of the sick and aged.

Thomas Robert Malthus – 1766-1834 best known for his theory that population growth will always tend to outrun the food supply and that betterment of humankind is impossible without stern limits on reproduction. This thinking is commonly referred to as Malthusianism. The population will always expand to the limit of subsistence. Only “vice” (including “the commission of war”), “misery” (including  famine or want of food and ill health), and “moral restraint” (i.e., abstinence) could check this excessive growth.

Machiavellianism – named after the political philosophy of Niccolò Machiavelli,  In the field of personality psychology, Machiavellianism is a personality trait centered on manipulativeness, callousness, and indifference to morality. The political philosophy is that “the ends justify the means.” Those who follow this political concept are likelier to have a high level of deceitfulness and an unempathetic temperament.

Hegelian Dialectic – The ruling elite creates the crisis. They let the crisis fester until it becomes normalized. Something other than the real cause is blamed. Once the crisis escalates, the people demand a solution. The solution is offered by the same elite who created the problem.  This process is repeated over and over and simultaneously until the desired elite agenda is achieved.

World Economic Forum WEF – Klaus Schwab “You will own nothing and be happy.” The first thing to go is your personal car.

WEF Dr. Harari: Just give the humans drugs and video games, and they will be happy.

FBI terror list:

‘Extremist’ symbols on the leaked FBI list include the so-called ‘Betsy Ross’ flag from 1777, The ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ Gadsden flag, the ‘2A’ abbreviation for the Second Amendment, and the ‘Tree of Liberty.’

Globalists believe that humans are nothing more than animals and should be corralled into cities where they will be easier to control. The government will control electricity, energy, food, healthcare mobility, housing, employment, and education. They do not care about the damage they do to the people because the people are the enemy. After they have destroyed MAGA, they will find another group to vilify.

As the late, great George Carlin said, “They have a club, and we ain’t in it.” As long as the Globalists are living la vida loca, they do not care. We can rot. You can see their indifference and disdain for the illegals sent to Martha’s Vinyard. Thanks to Obama’s parting gift of executive order 12333,

Expanding Surveillance Powers to spy on Americans, all agencies are merging information and are now armed to fight Americans. New rules issued by the Obama administration under Executive Order 12333 will let the NSA — which collects information under that authority with little oversight, transparency, or privacy concern — share the raw streams of communications it intercepts directly with agencies, including the FBI, the DEA, and the Department of Homeland Security, according to a New York Times report.

How do they want us to live?

Sustainable Development means control. Humans will be forced off rural lands and forced into cities so rural land can go back to the animals and humans can be controlled. They can’t get me, you say. Have a smart meter? The globalists control the power in your house. Find out more.

The Globalists know:

  1. Everything in America today is connected.
  2. There are no coincidences or random acts.
  3. Everything has a plan.
  4. All plans are based on lies.

Money, Power, and Control are their mantra. The Next time you hear about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), switch the words around and say Diversity, Inclusion, Equity to DIE. That is what they want us to do, and you will make them nuts.

Is America worth saving?

©Karen Schoen. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: The Marxification of Education

Why is DHS ignoring a Muslim-only migrant shelter at the U.S. border?

DHS appears to be interested only in hounding domestic dissidents.

Why Isn’t Homeland Security Monitoring A Muslim-Only Immigrant Shelter At The US Border?

by Todd Bensman, The Federalist, December 6, 2022:

A shelter in Tijuana for U.S.-bound Muslim immigrants exemplifies the Biden administration’s dangerous mismanagement of the border crisis.

In October, U.S. Border Patrol caught another nine border-crossing immigrants who were on the FBI’s terrorism watch list, adding to the already record-breaking 98 during the just-ended fiscal 2022 and 14 during the prior fiscal year.

Those 121 suspected terrorist border crossings should strike President Joe Biden’s homeland security establishment and the general public as a “system blinking red” moment, to requote the infamous 9/11 Commission Report line about failures to act on threat information.

But my recent fact-finding trip to Mexico’s first and only shelter that expressly caters to U.S.-bound Muslim immigrants indicated Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sees no blinking red lights amid this current mass-migration border crisis.

In June 2022, the San Diego-based Latina Muslim Foundation noticed significant enough numbers of U.S.-bound travelers from the Islamic world to justify opening the Albergue Assabil/Mesquijta Taybah shelter in a two-story, 8,000-square-foot former nightclub in Tijuana just two blocks from the border wall, which all who stay there intend to bypass one way or another. The shelter serves as a waystation for 30 to 140 immigrants at a time coming from Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Lebanon, Egypt, Morocco, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Somalia, Chechnya, and other regions in the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia where terrorist organizations operate.

Latina Muslim Foundation Director Sonia Garcia told me she is concerned that Islamic terrorists may use her Tijuana shelter and does her best to ferret them out during interviews. She’ll even call in Mexican law enforcement authorities to investigate deceptive and suspicious persons. Mexican authorities recommended that she reject two of them for shelter assistance on terrorism grounds.

Read more.



Texas: Muslim migrant plotted to blow up high school

France: Seven Muslims arrested for plotting jihad massacre, two of them had only recently entered the country

Islamic outfit issues hit list of Kashmiri Hindus as filmmaker labels film on their persecution ‘vulgar propaganda’

Minnesota: Hamas-linked CAIR comes out in favor of racism in education grants

Muslims riot all over Europe after Morocco’s World Cup victory over Spain

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Twittergate and the Plot Against Free Speech

What happens when Twitter stops suppressing speech for the government.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Swaps Hezbollah-linked Terrorist Arms Dealer for America-hating WNBA Player

Biden puts his base, lefties and black nationalists, first and America last. No responsible leader who cares about American lives would have done this. And had Trump or any Republican president done this, the media would be having a fit about putting celebrities with special access ahead of national security.

Meanwhile, Paul Whelan, a former Marine, who is the wrong race, white, the wrong sexual orientation and sex, was left behind by Biden.

That’s equity for you.

The Biden administration didn’t even try negotiating with Russia for the release of anti-American WNBA pothead Brittney Griner, just offered Victor Bout straight up.

Who’s Bout? A very, very bad guy.

Bout was convicted of conspiracy to kill US citizens and officials, deliver anti-aircraft missiles and provide aid to a terrorist organisation.

During Bout’s trial, which began on 12 October, prosecutors said the weapons had been intended to arm the group against what Bout had called a common enemy: US forces supporting the Colombian government.

In the opening statements of his trial the prosecution alleged that Bout had agreed to deliver 100 surface-to-air missiles, 20,000 high-powered rifles and 10m rounds of ammunition to rebels in Colombia in 2008.

They told the jury that Bout had been told the weapons would be used to target US pilots working with Colombian officials.

Prosecutors say Bout replied: “We have the same enemy.”

And then there are the alleged Hezbollah ties.

That changed, he said, by the time Bout met with Hezbollah guerrilla leaders in Lebanon in 2006. That meeting apparently led to the delivery of late Soviet-era anti-tank weapons and rocket propelled grenades. Hezbollah immediately used these weapons in the summer 2006 war with Israel.

And then there’s Al Qaeda.

One of Bout’s first known missions on behalf of an al Qaeda-related entity occurred during the Bosnian War. In 1992, Sudan, which was then a hotbed for jihadism, helped arrange shipments of weapons to the Third World Relief Agency (TWRA), which was arming jihadists in Bosnia.

The TWRA is one of those organizations that defies common myths about al Qaeda and how it has operated. On TWRA’s board sat Wael Julaidan, a co-founder of al Qaeda, and Hassan Cengic, a Bosnian official who served as an Iranian intelligence agent and organized arms shipments from Tehran. Meanwhile, the TWRA received tens of millions of dollars from Saudi sources, including the royal family.

Hope Brittney being able to jeer the anthem while smoking pot here is worth the innocent lives this will cost. The media keeps going on about Republicans helping Putin, they and their puppet just gave Putin his biggest win yet. And Biden has also incentivized hostage-taking by enemy regimes.




Why is DHS ignoring a Muslim-only migrant shelter at the US border?

San Diego: Muslims screaming ‘Allahu Akbar’ manhandle journalist for questioning imam about hate crime

Nigeria: Boko Haram jihadis slaughter 33 wives of Islamic State jihadis to avenge murder of their commander

Yemen: Christians are experiencing a sharp rise in arrests and torture

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Twitter Had Secret ‘Blacklists’ That Suppressed Stanford Doctor, Top Conservatives, Docs Show

  • Twitter maintained secret “blacklists” that included several prominent conservative voices and a Stanford professor of health policy, limiting the spread of their content, according to journalist Bari Weiss.
  • While Twitter kept a record of some of this activity, the most sensitive, politically charged actions were typically kept off-the-books by high-ranking members of Twitter’s staff, Weiss reported.
  • “Think about visibility filtering as being a way for us to suppress what people see to different levels,” a senior Twitter employee told Weiss. “It’s a very powerful tool.” 

Twitter kept secret “blacklists” that included a doctor at Stanford and several prominent conservative voices that suppressed their ability to be found or heard on the social media platform, according to journalist Bari Weiss, founder and editor of The Free Press and former Wall Street Journal and New York Times columnist, who launched the second chapter in Elon Musk’s so-called “Twitter Files” Thursday evening.

Weiss tweeted what appeared to be a photo of Stanford University’s Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a professor of health policy, with his account being prominently marked as being under a “Trends Blacklist.” Bhattacharya was secretly blacklisted because he “argued that Covid lockdowns would harm children,” and was thus unable to trend on the platform, according to Weiss.

In addition to Bhattacharya, Twitter placed Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk under a “Do Not Amplify” notice, while right wing talk radio personality Dan Bongino, who has appeared on Alex Jones’ InfoWars, was placed under a “Search Blacklist,” according to Weiss. The practice of limiting the access or reach of users’ content, commonly referred to as “shadow banning,” is something that Twitter has denied doing in the past, and is referred to internally as “Visibility Filtering” or “VF,” Weiss reported.

“Think about visibility filtering as being a way for us to suppress what people see to different levels,” a senior Twitter employee reportedly told Weiss. “It’s a very powerful tool.”

Twitter operated two teams that managed visibility filtering, with the lower-level team — known as the “Strategic Response Team — Global Escalation Team” — handling roughly 200 routine and recorded cases per day, Weiss reported. However, a second group, known as “Site Integrity Policy, Policy Escalation Support,” handled high-profile, politically sensitive accounts, making no record of their decisions, one Twitter employee told Weiss.

The second group included former Head of Legal, Policy and Trust Vijaya Gadde, former Global Head of Trust and Safety Yoel Roth, as well as then-CEOs Jack Dorsey and Parag Agrawal, Weiss reported.

“Think high follower account, controversial,” the twitter employee told Weiss. The employee noted that when this group was involved, “there would be no ticket or anything.”

The company’s internal slack messages showed that Roth was interested in using “deamplification” and “remediations” in order to slow the spread of viral content that the team considered to be misinformation, according to Weiss.

“We got [CEO Jack Dorsey] on board with implementing this for civic integrity in the near term, but we’re going to need to make a more robust case to get this into our repertoire of policy remediations – especially for other policy domains,” said Roth in a message to the company’s Health, Misinformation, Privacy and Identity research team, according to Weiss. “So I’d love research’s POV on that.”

After Twitter suffered a steep decline in advertising revenue following Musk’s takeover in late October, the company’s new CEO committed to fighting hateful content by reducing its visibility on the platform, in a Nov. 9 call with advertisers.

Weiss’ thread arrived six days after Matt Taibbi, contributing editor at Rolling Stone, launched “Part One” of Musk’s Twitter Files, focusing primarily on the mechanisms by which various high-level executives at twitter coordinated to suppress the spread of a New York Post article detailing a laptop owned by Hunter Biden.

Musk had initially tweeted on Dec. 2 that the second installment of the files would be released on Dec. 3, a date that he then pushed back “another day or so,” before going silent on the issue.

This is a developing story and will be updated.




RELATED ARTICLE: Musk Releases Details On How Twitter Censored The Hunter Biden Laptop Story

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact

Seared Souls: How We Abuse Our Children

Since I’m going to be criticizing a now widely accepted phenomenon, this piece may evoke eyerolls from some supporters. So be it, because certain things need to be said.

I must confess that with the way many of my fellow adults behave today, it can make me ashamed to be one. I almost sometimes feel as if I want to apologize to the children for the example the contemporary grown-up world now sets. We often lament, and rightly so, how disrespectful many modern youths are, yet a prerequisite for commanding respect is being respectable. There is little respectable about modern American culture.

Whether or not communist activist Willi Münzenberg (1889-1940) actually said “We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks,” he might as well have. It’s not just that adults now show children indecent images in sex education’s name, rubber stamp elementary school Satan clubs in deference to “religious freedom” and tell kids they can switch sexes just by willing it. It’s also what the “good” people fighting these abominations often do.

On November 14, the Keller Independent School District (KISD), in Texas, prohibited its school libraries from carrying books containing references to “gender fluidity”; of course, they never should’ve been there in the first place because people don’t have “gender” (words do) and sex isn’t fluid. But here’s what is permitted, among other things, under the KISD’s “more virtuous” revised policy:

“Minimal profanity is allowed in elementary and intermediate schools, middle schools are allowed some, while high schools are allowed…[common] profanity in its library material,” as the Daily Dot puts it.

Seriously? “Minimal profanity” for grade-school kids? How about minimal teacher groping, minimal dispensing of heroin needles, and minimal intra-school fight-club bouts with minimal eye gouging?

When I inveighed against profanity years ago, a reader complained, saying, “We’re not all Little Lord Fauntleroys out here.” Cute. (Actually, Little Lord Fauntleroy was a darn good role model). Well, let me say that growing up in the Bronx, I heard it all and used some of it, on occasion, back in my before-time. But more significant than my own appeals is something written by the quintessential American man’s man and Father of our Nation, George Washington. On August 3, 1776 he issued the following order to his troops:

The General is sorry to be informed that the foolish, and wicked practice, of profane cursing and swearing (a Vice heretofore little known in an American Army) is growing into fashion; he hopes the officers will, by example, as well as influence, endeavour to check it, and that both they, and the men will reflect, that we can have little hopes of the blessing of Heaven on our Arms, if we insult it by our impiety, and folly; added to this, it is a vice so mean and low, without any temptation, that every man of sense, and character, detests and despises it.

Studying Washington’s life, as I have, can make apparent that he was the closest thing we’ve had to a true American superhero; he was a giant of a man, in stature and character. Note, too, that he expected this virtue from his men even during war, the most horrible situation a fellow could find himself in.

Speaking of which, my father was a prisoner of war in Germany, captured in battle, during WWII and the toughest man I ever knew. I never, ever heard him curse except on one or two occasions when he lost his temper (one involved a prank caller who rang incessantly in the wee hours and who cursed at my dad). It was recognized when he was raised — young people take note — that being vulgar was contrary to virtue. As the late Professor Walter E. Williams once put it (I’m paraphrasing), in the 1940s, “the worst lowlife wouldn’t use the kind of language around women and children that’s regularly used today.”

Yet peppering statements with the f-word is now common even among conservatives, who ought to ask themselves what they’re actually conserving and who normalized it. The latter’s answer should give pause:

Profanity was mainstreamed by Hollywood degenerates, the worst people among us. It started off “minimal,” of course, but became an increasingly prominent feature of entertainment. In other words, conservatives today embrace a cultural habit encouraged and legitimized by the Left. Ironic? Actually, it’s typical. As G.K. Chesterton noted in 1924, “The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected.”

And with profanity, many today are now so inured that they think it appropriate to have a minimal amount of it in children’s books and for it to be common for high-schoolers. Some will now say, “They’re just words,” ironic coming from many of the same people who want widespread suppression of so-called “hate speech,” which also is “just words.” These critics may say that youths have already heard profanity, which wholly misses the point. To wit: Teens and even sixth-graders know about sex, too — but that doesn’t mean it’s okay exposing them to porn. For there’s a difference between something being “known” and it being normalized in tender eyes. Repeated casual use and display of profanity accomplishes the latter.

Much more on this topic is in my 2017 magazine essay “Cussing & Cultural Decay,” which you’ll likely find unique. But what, really, is the good case for using profanity? If you’re a theist (and even if you’re not), note that the Bible itself warns against it. Examples:

  • “Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place….”
  • “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths….”
  • “But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.”

Then, if you’re at least middle age, ask yourself what your grandparents would’ve thought of today’s casual vulgarity use. Or imagine it disgorged from a child’s mouth (and, sadly, we don’t have to imagine). Sound nice?

Profanity matters because it coarsens society, acting as a gateway vice that paves the way for greater corruption. Moreover, “Manners are of more importance than laws,” observed Anglo-Irish philosopher Edmund Burke. “Manners are what vex or soothe, corrupt or purify, exalt or debase, barbarize or refine us, by a constant, steady, uniform, insensible operation, like that of the air we breathe.”

Today, the cultural air we breathe is toxic. And since culture shapes politics and morality shapes culture (Washington warned, “Human rights can only be assured among a virtuous people”), we should consider whether we’re surfeiting the substrate of tyranny with our tongues.

As for me, I know where I stand: with Washington and not Willi.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on MeWe, Gettr or Parler, or log on to

©Selwyn Duke. All rights reserved.

What Did You Do With The Gift?

Christmas is one of the most popular, and busy, holiday seasons on earth.  People are planning special dinners and family get-togethers, shopping for last-minute gifts, putting the final touches on decorations and doing almost everything except remembering what the holiday is truly about.  I have no problem with all the various activities mentioned, and I truly enjoy the time when we celebrate the birth of the Saviour.  My wife and I are older now, so we don’t get as involved with it as we did when we were young, but we still enjoy watching others so involved with their family holiday activities.

When the hub-bub is all over, we are left with some great memories of family time, and lots of photos to view later so we don’t forget how wonderful it all was.  We are also left with cleaning up all the mess from gift wrapping, deteriorating Christmas decorations and  left over food.  And of course, we have all the gifts that were given and received.

What To Do With All These (Goofy) Gifts?

Now, to be honest, I have gotten some truly goofy  gifts over the years that made me scratch my head and ask: “Why would I ever want something like this, and what in the world am I supposed to do with this thing”?  When the head-scratching and brow-furrowing fails to produce a good answer, the gift usually finds its way to a spot in the attic or to  a drawer that is seldom opened.  I cannot always remember, but I would hope that, even though the gifts were a little strange, I still showed my gratitude for the giver’s effort.

Unfortunately, there were a few times when I met a person who gave me a gift (no memory of what it was!) and was asked: “I’ve never seen you wear that shirt; why not?” They may as well have asked: “What did you do with my gift”?  How embarrassing to be confronted with such a question.  Oops!

Good Gifts

However, I have received some really awesome and wonderful gifts that made my heart leap since they were exactly what I had long needed and wanted but did not purchase for myself, usually because of an exorbitant price.  After receiving those gifts, I was very thankful and, hopefully, tried to express that gratitude to the giver, sometimes successfully, perhaps, sometimes not.

If the gifts were something to wear, especially clothing items, they were worn often and shown off to all as an expression of my gratitude for having received them.  Admittedly, my tastes in clothing are very personal and limited, especially my choice in colors, so that even my wife stopped trying to buy clothes for me years ago.  So, for the most part, gifts I receive are items that can be used in other ways, hopefully.  When the gifts are so completely in tune with my needs and desires, you can be sure that they are used well and often, at least until they finally wear out, as most earthly items do.

However, once in a while, a gift will show up that fits the ‘what do I do with this’ category; so, off to the attic it goes!

What About The ‘Greatest’ Gift?

I try to show my thanks to God every day for the awesome and wonderful gifts He has given to me, the first of which is His Son, Jesus, the Saviour.  No gift EVER could surpass this in the “BEST GIFT EVER” category.  Man has inherently sought after the life that was previously his, and his ‘searching and striving’ has continued since the day in Eden when he was told he would surely die.  But try as he may, there was no way to get back the life that was forfeited during that rebellion against God.

God had spoken, on the day when he pronounced His sentence upon Adam and Eve for their rebellion, of His plan to send a Saviour to redeem mankind from his sadly fallen state, but he had to wait around 4000 years for the event to occur and occur it did when Jesus was born in the little Jewish town of Bethlehem.  Finally, the greatest gift that God had ever provided was given to us all.  The big question of how mankind would receive the gift was answered approximately 33 years later, when the religious Jews rejected Jesus and in collaboration with the Roman government, killed Him by crucifixion.  But that was only the beginning of the gift.  Jesus’ resurrection from the dead sealed the deal on God’s promise to give back the lost eternal life that was traded away so many years before.  From that point on, anyone who believed on Jesus and received Him as Lord, could once again look forward to an eternity in God’s presence.  After so many years when not even one human being on earth could offer one reason why God should help us, He did the unimaginable, He offered the most expensive gift that could ever be given, or received, and the cost to God was indeed exorbitant: the sacrifice of His own precious son, begotten by Him in absolute perfection and purity.  What a magnificent gift!

More Gifts Were Given

As the gospel began to be preached in all the regions of what we now call The Middle East, God began calling and equipping more of those who were to be given the privilege of announcing the Good News to the world.  God’s word calls those special people ‘gifts’ to the Body of Christ.  Paul describes them in Ephesians 4:11 as 1) apostles, 2) prophets, 3) evangelists, 4) pastors and 5) teachers; these five groups are to be considered ‘gifts’ to the whole Body of Christ, “for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ”.  If these are truly gifts that we, as the members of the body of Christ, receive, then we need to make sure we are using these gifts to the extent that God intended.  We need to allow them, and encourage them, to use the gifts they were given to complete the work of our edification.  What are the gifts given to them? 2 Corinthians 12:28, provides an answer: 1) apostles, 2) prophets, 3) teachers, 4) workers of miracles, 5) gifts of healing, 6) helps, 7) governments and 8) diversities of tongues. So, we see that some men and women throughout the church age were specially chosen and ‘gifted‘ with special abilities in their lives provided by The Holy Spirit.

Are There Other Gifts?

So, are these the only gifts that have been provided for us in our Christian walk?  Or are there other gifts that Christians have that can, and should be used and for which thankfulness should be expressed to God for them?

I have witnessed many men and women who have singing voices that, when used to glorify God, can move an entire audience, including unbelievers, to tears.  I have also seen and known many who were such amazing musicians that they can play their instruments under the power of the Holy Spirit and cause revival to start.  Even the world describes brilliant musicians and singers as ‘gifted’ people, meaning their amazing abilities were especially ‘given’ to them while most others have no such abilities.  When these gifts are given to those who eventually accept the salvation provided through the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus, are they not also gifts given to the whole body of Christ for our edification?  My firm belief is: YES, they are, and as such we should be thankful to God for them.

Since all ‘good and perfect’ gifts come from God (James 1:17 KJV), it should be understood that God expects us to use all such gifts to His glory and for the edification of the Church, the body of Christ.  It is a fact that, since God owns all things on this earth (Psalm 24:1 KJV) He has the right to expect that every person who receives a marvelous gift from Him will use that gift to eventually bring glory to God.  Unfortunately, many who are very gifted only use their gifts to seek fame, money and their own glory.


As noted previously, all who receive gifts, especially those that are given freely, in a spirit of love, should recognize what was received and express gratitude for the gifts, and ask for God’s guidance in using their gifts.

Every person ever born on this earth will, one day, stand before a perfect, righteous and Holy God and give an account of the deeds done in this life.  All will know that their fate depends on what they did with the gift of salvation from God through His Son, Jesus Christ.  Rejection of THAT gift will mean an eternity separated from God in a place so unimaginably horrible that even to contemplate it causes a man to tremble in fear and dread.

One of the most terrible scenarios that could be imagined is to stand before God at the judgment and when looking into the eyes that are a blazing fire, hear the question: “What did you do with your gift”?  Even worse would be to stand there and not have a good answer.  If you have not accepted the gift of salvation through the sacrificial act of Jesus, please do so immediately.  There is precious little time left before the Messiah comes in the heavens to receive His Church, His Body, to take them to heaven.  Do not wait, thinking there will always be more time.  No one is guaranteed one more second in this life.

If you have been given a gift from above, recognize where it came from and seek God’s guidance in using it in a way that gives Him ALL the glory!


©Bud Hancock. All rights reserved.

My Twilight Zone: Past, Present and Future

The past cannot alter the present. Holocaust museums have not affected young Islamists who don’t believe it occurred. And the future?

The American television series was called “The Twilight Zone” written by and hosted by one Rod Serling. It was a long time ago but I remember it like it was yesterday.

The meaning of “Twilight Zone” according to Your Dictionary is “the mental state between reality and fantasy” or “An area of ambiguity between two distinct states or conditions” So, Serling’s dramas told stories of weird events and alternate worlds.

The episode in question, “No Time Like the Past” was shown on March 7, 1963; it was season 4, Episode 10, and it was one of several different episodes about the possibility of time travel, or the travel backwards or forwards in time. I was almost 12 years old, already a voracious reader, and fan of Twilight Zone – a much more intellectual drama than most on the television.

Serling was born to a Jewish family in Syracuse, New York. His father was a grocer who lost his business during the Great Depression, and later became a butcher. Query – what was the effect on the son as an 8 year old to see his father lose his business? . Would difficult events take him back to the financial catastrophe; would he be prone to a type of catastrophic thinking where small issues get linked to the larger catastrophes of the past and so blur the lines between fact and fiction?

He enlisted in the army right out of high school, during the Second World War, and was disappointed that he was not sent to Europe as he wanted to fight Hitler; instead he was sent to the Pacific theatre and while at first was undistinguished in his military service, he eventually showed acts of heroism Serling saw a lot of death and severe injuries among his fellow troops; he himself received only minor injuries but he witnessed much death in his unit leading to mental trauma.

After the war he began writing first for radio and then for the growing television industry, culminating in his work writing most of the episodes of The Twilight Zone..

Serling’s opening narration for this episode was as follows:

“Exit one Paul Driscoll, a creature of the twentieth century. He puts to a test a complicated theorem of space-time continuum, but he goes a step further, or tries to. Shortly, he will seek out three moments of the past in a desperate attempt to alter the present, one of the odd and fanciful functions in a shadowland known as the Twilight Zone.”

The plot for “No Time Like the Past” is summarized by Wikipedia partly as follows:

Disgusted with 20th century problems such as worldwarsatomic weapons and radioactive poisoning, the character Paul Driscoll solicits the help of his colleague Harvey and uses a time machine, intent to remake the present by altering past events.

Paul first travels to Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 and attempts to warn a Hiroshima police captain about the atomic bomb, but the captain dismisses him as insane. Paul then travels to a Berlin hotel room to assassinate Adolf Hitler in August 1939 (immediately before the outbreak of World War II the following month), but is interrupted when a housekeeper knocks on his door and later calls two SS guards to his room because she sees him with a rifle in front of a window looking out where Hitler will be speaking. On his third stop, Paul tries to change the course of the Lusitania on May 6, 1915 to avoid being torpedoed by a GermanU-boat, but the ship’s captain questions his credibility.

Paul accepts the hypothesis that the past cannot be changed. He then uses the time machine to go to a small town in Indiana in 1881, resolving not to make any changes, but just to live out his life free of the problems of the modern age. But despite this, he gets involved in events with catastrophic results. Accordingly, Paul understands that “the past is sacred” and belongs to those who are native to it. He knows too much of the future and fears that he will inevitably cause a lot of trouble. He returns to his own time and declares that instead of continuing to fixate upon the past, he will now try to do something to positively impact the future.

The unsuccessful attempts to prevent death by changing history made a big impression on me. I fantasized about being able to successfully assassinate Hitler. My father was a survivor of Auschwitz where his parents and then 8 year old sister were murdered in the gas chambers. My father in those years did not talk about his experiences and I felt it was wrong to try to ask him questions. The silence enveloping those with experience of the Shoah was quite universal so it was something I just accepted. My curiosity of what happened and why was channelled into my reading, but in those years, there was yet to be a proper history of the Shoah written and accessible to me. All I could find was Shirer’s Rise and Fall of the Third Reich which was essentially a military history, and a book given to my father by his uncle who had escaped Poland to Canada in the ‘30s, a very sad book with many graphic photos of dead Jews, called The Black Book of Polish Jewry, assembled by a group of authors. The important books by Raul Hillberg and Lucy S. Dawidowicz were just being published while I was at university.

The show’s warning that instead of fixating on the past we try to positively impact the future, had a special meaning for me. In a sense I did become fixated on the history, on the basis of the admonition that those who do not learn from the past are compelled to relive it.

After high school, I therefore spent three years studying history at University of Toronto before switching to Law School there, which was my father’s suggestion. But in those three years, I was one of a handful of students studying the Holocaust through the lens of cultural history and the history of ideologies. I realized that understanding ideologies, such as antisemitism, nativism, racism, communism, etc. was the key to understanding why people could commit the most evil acts..

I eventually understood that I could go back in time, not to assassinate Hitler or otherwise change the course of history, but I could study history and write about history. But unlike the character in the show who says that the past is sacred, I did not think that it belonged only to those who are native to it. History belonged to those intelligent and learned enough to understand it.

The fantasy of the 11 year old about taking a time machine back in time to kill Hitler and prevent the Holocaust, became replaced with taking the knowledge gained in books and personal accounts of the victims to my task of warning about a Second Holocaust, this time in our historic homeland.

Was this audacious task just another turn at catastrophic thinking? Was it disrespectful to link one set of unique historical events to another? Would survivors or the family of survivors be offended? Would the Holocaust deniers and Islamists heap scorn on me for exaggerating current events by calling them, too, a Holocaust? Would I be accused of joining those who compare the Shoah with various current events for the purpose of downplaying those tragic events which should never be compared with other lesser events?

When Israel made the terrible mistake of trying to make peace through the ill-advised Oslo Process, with the resulting terrorism against its civilians and growing support for its genocidal enemies, I decided to write a book about a professor who starts to realize that a Second Holocaust was underway – this time by Arabs, islamists, and leftists who promoted alliances under the rubric of “intersectionality”. In The Second Catastrophe: A Novel about a Book and its Author, i wrote about a fictional professor of history, who aims to alert the world to a Second Holocaust and therefore impact a present and a future where Iran threatens to fire nuclear weapons at Israel Iran’s with its terrorist proxies, and Hezbollah, along with the genocidal Palestinian Authority, surrounding Israel and firing missiles and other weapons at Jewish civilians.

And so, I had a susceptibility to seeing the world somewhat negatively; in fact I too, like Serling, developed a kind of “catastrophic thinking” which came out in my novel, where I had the professor worried about a Second Shoah and writing a book to warn the world.

My cousin’s wife in Tel Aviv spent many years helping Holocaust survivors write their memoirs, which is another way to help preserve the facts of history by going back in time to record them all.

I remember one time that I was in Israel and I heard about a debate going on whether Yad Vashem and other historians should not rest until they can put a name on every victim, or whether it was a mis-use of finances and a task with diminishing returns.

People who live full time in Israel and daily face terror cannot afford the mental and emotional stress of catastrophic thinking, which would leave one with a tendency to the mental illness of depression.

In fact, contrary to my assumption,Israelis have done well on the annual survey of the happiest nations on earth, being the World Happiness Report with data from the Gallup organization.

Israel this year ranked as the 11th happiest nation, ahead of Australia, Ireland, the United States and Canada.

Why are Israelis so happy when Iran has promised to nuke them when it gets the nuclear bomb. Moreover, in the meantime Iran supplies weapons to Hamas and Hezbollah, who are pledged to destroy Israel. Then the Europeans and the United Nations take seriously the Palestinian Authority, as a “peace partner” and the recipient of financial aid when those nations should know better, because of what happened in Gaza when Israel gave up land for “peace”.

I posit that people are happier when they understand reality and understand that reality sometimes demands action, rather than repressing thoughts of fear and denying uncomfortable thoughts, and having their youth and intellectuals favor the terrorists, which is exactly what has happened in Belgium (17), United Kingdom (18) and France (20).

I think that France is now paying the price in terms of happiness for its appeasement of Islamist immigrants.

Is Israel on a dangerous path by having leftists and Islamists in the governing coalition? Will the Israelis react to this situation with a more catastrophic thinking and fall down the list of happiest nations?

We are all in a Twilight Zone if we think we can alter History, which cannot be done by a non-existent time travel machine, nor in Zuckerberg’s virtual meta world; It can only be done by realistically changing the present and future with a foundation of accurately depicting the past.

The history of our People is replete with catastrophic events, which like the character on television we cannot change. The time is near that Israel might have to attack Iran before Iran perfects nuclear weapons. Israel might have the terrible choice of whether to lose many thousands of people, after a pre-emptive attack or millions of people after Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas and the Palestinian Arabs act first with nuclear weapons. Israel must make the world aware that Israel is the past, present and future of the Jewish people; we can’t change the history of the Nazis and the Shoah, but we all learn from History. And, as Jews, we learn fromTorah the story of the Amalekites.

We can be happy as long as we are prepared to do what is necessary. We can’t rely on those who will be part of the future to change the present, in some kind of time travel. Every Jew, in Israel or the Diaspora, must understand his or her obligation to first publicize, and then modify, the real threats that exist and are emanating from the Islamists and their leftist “woke” friends.

We know that we are now in the Twilight Zone – the past cannot alter the present. All the Holocaust memorials and museums have not affected young Islamists who say they don’t believe the facts of the Holocaust.

Even in America, a nationwide survey in 2020 among Millenials and Generation Z’ers (under 40) showed a lack of knowledge including 1 int 10 who did not recall having heard the word “Holocaust” before, 63% did not know that 6 million Jews hadbeen murdered, and half of respondents could not name a single concentration camp or ghetto.

Just 90 percent of respondents said they believed that the Holocaust happened. Seven percent were not sure, and 3 percent denied that it happened. One of the most disturbing revelations, the survey noted, is that 11 percent of respondents believe Jews caused the Holocaust. The number climbs to 19 percent in New York, the state with the largest Jewish population.

A number of studies have disclosed the high prevalence of antisemitism among Muslims around the world. As Muslims flock to the West, the West must make certain that immigrants are vetted to ascertain that they do not see themselves as perpetrators of Jihadist tactics to achieve their “world-wide caliphate”.

I invite you all to contemplate and publicly discuss past, present and future. We can do so, without losing a place near the top of the happiness index; in fact that will be easier if we get out of the Twilight Zone and work with reality.

©Howard Rotberg. All rights reserved.

President Donald J. Trump is, without question, a Philosemite!

Philosemitism is a notable interest in, respect for, and appreciation of the Jewish people, their history, and the influence of Judaism, particularly on the part of a non-Jew, like Donald J. Trump and his family.

In the aftermath of World War II, philosemitism saw a great increase throughout Europe following the Holocaust, reshaping the relationship between Jews and European societies.

President Donald J. Trump, by his actions while in office proved himself to be a Philosemite and has advanced Philosemitism while in office in two important ways:

  1. By moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, thereby showing that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.
  2. Making the Abraham Accords U.S. National Policy.

During his presidency President Trump had Israel’s and their Arab neighbors best interests in mind. He and his administration brought peace to the Middle East. He opened the door to dialogue between Arab and Jew. He lead by example.

To this day, President Donald J. Trump remains a strong believer in Philosemitism. His return to the presidency will result in even more love for the Jewish people globally.

Prove us wrong.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Rome summit celebrates Abraham Accords, shared values

TRUMP PEACE: Saudi Arabia wants to normalize ties with Israel – report

George Orwell Got It Right: How I Experienced 1984 in Communist Hungary

The year 1984 has a special significance for anyone studying totalitarian regimes, thanks to the work of that name by English author George Orwell. That’s certainly true for me, and it’s personal, too.

On the night of 8 August 1984, according to my secret police dossier, which I was able to get a copy of recently, a young lad and I were on this winding country road in the Börzsöny mountains in Hungary. We were on a camp organised by a ‘rebel’ Catholic priest, Father Miklós Blanckenstein, or just ”Miki”, as he preferred to be called. He had disobeyed the Catholic Hierarchy and the Pope (Paul VI and his weak successors), who urged Catholics to accept Communism and collaborate with them. (A bit like Pope Francis and the Chinese Christians today.)

Well, this young man and I had been having one of those deep talks you tend to when you’re young and seeking the meaning of life and that sort of thing. I was probably only five/six years older than him, but had travelled, been in the Army, and wrestled with the “big questions” for longer than he had. Also, I knew my Bible, which he evidently didn’t.

We’d reached a village and turned around, it was late, maybe 2 A.M., with us going down this narrow, forested mountain lane with ditches on either side (for the rainwater) and suddenly we heard this roar, as of a vehicle coming down the road at high speed. The vehicle turned out to be a four-door jeep-type light military transport, inspired by the US Jeep of WWII fame. It was a GAZ-69, if memory serves.

The youth urgently grabbed my arm and said we should hide in the forest! I pointed out to him that we had done nothing wrong and if we did go hide, it would appear we had something to hide, which we didn’t. He agreed. The Gaz went roaring past us, screeched to halt and came roaring back at us at high speed. If we were in any danger, it was from the crazy driver!

A couple of armed soldier-types came tumbling out of the vehicle and made straight for us. One shoved an AK-47 against the ribs on my right side, another against my left side. They ordered us to get in. I recall I managed to say something like, ”if you insist”! I ended up in the back with these two on either side. I suppose my friend must have been in the front.

Eventually, I said to one of the soldiers: ”You guys are not too bright! If you shoot me, you’ll kill him too!” They muttered something, but one moved his AK. I reckoned these were not elite soldiers, as their AKs were the old ones with the wooden stocks, and I had seen newer ones than that in the hands of African guerrillas.

It turned out they were part of the Border Guard and my friends on the camp (some 120 or so) told me they were not the cream of the crop within what was then the Hungarian People’s Army.

Actually, the Hungarian people had very little to do with it, it was the Hungarian Communist Party’s armed wing in actual fact.

We then roared along the narrow road and the Border Guards accused us of being terrorists and asked where our ”hideout” was. I informed them that we didn’t have a hideout, just a tent camp and many of our members were in a clearing to the right of the road playing a popular (and for the time, edgy) rock opera, István a Király (Stephen the King, which was about Saint Stephen of Hungary, the country’s first Christian king, crowned in 1000 A.D.) There were a lot of elements in the rock opera, including parts of the script that the Communist regime would not like, if it had paid attention. I recall there was a scene when a rebel against St. Stephen, Koppány, sings, purportedly against Christianity, saying ”we don’t want a God who can’t speak Hungarian”. Of course one could take this as railing against the Catholic Church of the day, which prayed in Latin, but everybody understood it
was all about the Soviet Union, the ”god” who couldn’t speak Hungarian. And there were many other similar elements in the rock opera.

Of course, this was the summer of 1984, when the grip of János Kádár’s ’Hungarian Socialist Worker’s Party’ (Communist Party) was loosening, but nobody knew when the Soviets would roll in their vast numbers of tanks. Everybody also knew from bitter experience that the West – as always – be that at Yalta in 1945, Berlin in 1953, Hungary in 1956, Czechoslovakia in 1968 or Vietnam in 1973 – would never intervene to save the victims of Communism. The West during the Cold War did not cover itself in glory, to put it mildly. So people in Communist countries lay low and watched what they said and did. But not everyone.

Miki, our priest, was one such. He organised ”illegal” camps where he held mass in the mornings, organised outings during the day, and then arranged Biblical plays and other fun things, which also included lots of singing and dancing around the campfire. On one of the days, we visited the nearby ruin of Drégely Castle, lost to the Turks in 1552, led by György Szondi, who fought to the death with his garrison. Unusually, the Turkish Pasha, Hadim Ali, allowed him a proper funeral. His two pages, or
squires, would not submit to the wiles or threats of the Pasha and remain famous in song and poetry.

When we were there, it was hard to tell where there was a gate or where there was wall. It was all overgrown, but still fascinating because of its history.

But, let’s go back to the night of the Border Guard’s ”visit”. Once they spotted our friends playing the rock opera through a car sound system, they stopped and demanded that everyone go get their pass books, or ”work books”. This was a kind of pass, or I.D., that had every detail of the person in it and also where they were employed. As it was a criminal offence to be unemployed, some of my friends would be worried.

The paramilitary types then asked where our camp was, and as I was one of the older guys, I reckoned I’d lead them to the camp. It was on the other side of the road, past the ditch and through some trees. (Trees are very common on both sides of country roads in Hungary, for shade in summer.) At that point, one of the young Border Guard soldiers started swearing, as the saying goes, ”like a trooper”.

”Hush!’, said my previously-frightened friend. ”There are believers there!!” At this, the poor chap was filled with fear, and although he was holding the gun and we were unarmed, he sputtered that he was sorry and he would not go into the camp! While he was scared, we felt uplifted. Quite an experience!

The rest of us went through to our tents and got our ”pass books”, except me. I was lucky, I was a British citizen, so I got my passport. As we trooped back over the road to the clearing, I told all the younger ones, some of whom were really scared, to get behind me. I saw the guy whose car it was beckoning me (he was from an aristocratic family, hence he had to live by driving a taxi). He was standing with the officer of the Border Guards, so I got everyone to go line up behind me and walked up to this lieutenant. He took my passport, and laughed with my taxi driver friend, and said: ”British!

He must be a friend of James Bond. He’s a spy!” And they had a good laugh.

I then asked the lieutenant to come for a brief walk with me, which he did. We had a conversation that went something like this:

Me: “You realise I’m Hungarian, but I’m now a British journalist.”
Him: “Interesting. But you do realise this is an illegal activity.”
Me: “What’s illegal about it? We’re camping in the middle of nowhere.”
Him: “True, but you are not registered.”
Me: “What are you talking about?”
Him: “The priest didn’t register the camp with the religious authorities.”
Me: “And why should he?”
Him: “It’s the law. All activities must first be registered with the legal authorities.”

By this time, we were both in good humour. He was saying what he had to say and I could tell he wasn’t into this. I pointed out to him that the People’s Republic of Hungary was advertising itself as a ”Reform Communist” country, and touting the good life people enjoyed as well as the freedoms it supposedly had. We understood each other. We went on like this:

Me: ”Look, I can’t stop you from locking me up, but there’s just one thing. Don’t ever let me out.”
Him: ”Why wouldn’t I want to release you?” (As if he didn’t know! Unlike the others, he was a bright fellow.)
Me: ”Because if you do let me go, I will tell the international media, from the BBC to The Times to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung about how religious freedom looks here in the People’s Republic.”

I could see that gave him a shock. He began to look really worried and pretty soon he was saying that the whole arrest was a “misunderstanding”. Then we began to talk about the rock opera and it looked like the whole thing was over. But it wasn’t.

In English Common Law, when a police officer or other authorised person takes someone into some sort of custody (using AK-47s, for instance), that is an arrest. In Hungarian law, it is not. It is called ’őrizetbevétel’ (”taking into custody”) but is not considered a formal arrest until the person is charged. Once they are taken to the police station with the intention of laying a charge, this is called ’letartóztatás’. This is a proper arrest. What happened to us was this ”pre-arrest”, then release.

But. The next day, all sorts of high-ranking police types showed up at our campsite. They demanded to see the priest, who – understandably – was very respectful but also stood his ground, and then they asked for ”that British citizen”. I went forward. Well, I was given a long lecture about how there are laws in the People’s Republic and I, as a foreigner, have to report my movements (within 24 hours every time I visit another town) to the police (which I had tried to obey, but no police had ever
heard of it, so I gave up on that). I tried to be respectful, as the Good Book tells us, I tried to be reasonable, but the guy kept on at me, and eventually I got annoyed.

”Where do you want me to report, at the nearest tree?!” I said, with rather more annoyance in my voice than I had intended. Well, the ”little king” as we call people like that in Hungarian, really didn’t like that! ”This is not over,” he said. ”Wait till you get to the border!” (He kept his threat.)

So, after chewing the priest and me out, but not stamping my passport (I suppose he didn’t have the right stamps either), they left. We thought, ”now, it’s over.” It wasn’t, and it could have cost us our lives.

I don’t have the period of time that elapsed in my diary, but it was either the next day or the day after that the woodsmen came to our camp. They were looking very concerned and asked us if we were crazy. I remember one actually asked whether we wanted to die! We assured him that we were all for living and he explained that the valley had been evacuated because the Soviet Red Army was moving into the next valley for a live-fire anti-aircraft drill. He pointed out that our valley was in the fallout zone and the chance of being killed or injured by falling shrapnel or unexploded shells (which might still explode on contact with the ground) was pretty high!

So we packed up in a hurry and began looking for somewhere else to camp. And then came the irony! We reached one of the Communist Youth-type camps. It was either a ”Young Pioneer” or a Communist Youth camp, I’m not sure which. (And I certainly didn’t care.) In front of the camp across a road was a cable connected to a military field telephone, with a Soviet soldier manning it.

Somehow, one of our guys produced a bottle of vodka and went over to the soldier, and said something to him. The soldier then used his phone and apparently spoke to some big boss on the Soviet side, and then waved us in. So the Soviet Red Army gave us shelter from our beloved ”fellow Hungarians”, the local Communists, who conveniently forgot to tell us of the fallout danger. Lovely lot, they were!

The following evening we saw some really impressive ”fireworks”! This was the Soviet’s anti-aircraft drill, with missiles, cannon of all calibres exploding a few kilometres away in the night sky. We were thankful not to be under that lot. It did look impressive, once we knew we were safe. But I imagine if we hadn’t been warned, there might have been some ”accidents” with the requisite deaths or injuries.

Finally, we had a big fire and got meat and had a big farewell supper, with the usual relaxed talks, songs, promises to keep in touch and so on. Interestingly, not one of the people whose address I took down ever answered my letters. I strongly suspect they were intercepted by the state security apparatus.

As a final thought, I’d like to share something that one of the girls, whom I only knew by her nickname, ”Nyugi”, which means ”relax” said. She came up to me in the midst of all the feasting and said this: ”You know, I’m glad this happened.” Now unlike me, with my foreign passport and therefore my special status, where the worst they could do was deport me, she was a local citizen and knew they had taken her name down. This meant she would have a ”black mark” against her name, would not be allowed to study or have a good job, yet here she was, saying she’s happy about all this. I asked her why.

She simply said: ”I used to think I was a Christian, but now I know I am.”


Christopher Szabo

Christopher Szabo is a freelance journalist in Pretoria, South Africa.

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Kyrsten Sinema Leaves The Democratic Party

Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema announced Friday that she was leaving the Democratic Party and registering as an independent.

“In a natural extension of my service since I was first elected to Congress, I have joined the growing numbers of Arizonans who reject party politics by declaring my independence from the broken partisan system in Washington and formally registering as an Arizona Independent,” she wrote on Twitter Friday.

Sinema has long be considered one of the more centrist and bipartisan members of Congress, drawing ire from the Democratic Party for refusing to back changes to the filibuster and, along with West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin, preventing key legislation from being passed in the 50-50 Senate She argued that an increasingly polarizing political environment had made substantial policy progress difficult, and that registering as an independent was the best way to represent her constituents.

“In catering to the fringes, neither party has demonstrated much tolerance for diversity of thought,” she wrote in an Arizona Republic op-ed Friday further elaborating on her decision. “Bipartisan compromise is seen as a rarely acceptable last resort, rather than the best way to achieve lasting progress. Payback against the opposition party has replaced thoughtful legislating.”

The Arizona senator did not say whether she will formally caucus with the Democrats like fellow independents Angus King of Maine and Bernie Sanders of Vermont, according to CNN. However, Sinema has generally voted with Democrats, and is up for reelection in 2024.

“Most Arizonans believe this is a false choice, and when I ran for the U.S. House and the Senate, I promised Arizonans something different,” she wrote. “I pledged to be independent and work with anyone to achieve lasting results. I committed I would not demonize people I disagreed with, engage in name-calling, or get distracted by political drama.”

Sinema first announced the decision in an interview with CNN late Thursday.

“I’ve registered as an Arizona independent. I know some people might be a little bit surprised by this, but actually, I think it makes a lot of sense,” Sinema said.



Associate editor.

RELATED ARTICLE: Liberals Reignite Their Outrage At Manchin, Sinema As Calls To Abolish Filibuster Percolate


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Know What Drives Anti-Semites Like Ye? Just Peel the Onion of the Human Psyche!

When I watch TV with my husband Steve, a former athlete, I see superb ballplayers in basketball, baseball, and football exhibiting what immense discipline went into their sculpted bodies, what sacrifices they made to achieve their goals, what tremendous––almost superhuman––talent they have in effecting that three-point shot from mid-court, that spectacular triple play, that “you’ve been Mossed” catch in the endzone.

And I picture them as young boys watching Michael Jordan, Derek Jeter, Tom Brady, and saying to themselves what Steve––his team’s slugger––said to himself in 1955, when, at the age of 14, he took the 3,000-mile train ride from New Haven, CT, to Portland, OR, to compete in the Babe Ruth League World Series in the Multnomah Stadium: “I’m gonna be the next Joe DiMaggio!”

It only added to that lofty ambition when the residents of The City of Roses greeted the teenaged boys by showering red, white, and pink roses on them when they got off the train.

As it happened, the star pitcher of Steve’s team got into a fistfight and was sent home on the next train. And that left Steve to face not only the 15-year-old pitcher Mickey Lolich, who became the three-time All-Star and World Series winner for the Detroit Tigers, but also 15-year-old Al Downing, who became an ace pitcher for the NY Mets and NY Yankees (and other teams).

“I was up three times and Lolich pitched me nine pitches I couldn’t hit,” Steve told me, smiling back at the memory.

But that humbling experience didn’t discourage Steve from continuing to admire and emulate his heroes DiMaggio and Mantle and Koufax, et al, and to engage in the sports he loved…both baseball and basketball, the latter of which earned him All Connecticut and All New England status, as well as the coveted New England Championship in 1959 in high school, and subsequently to become the captain of the Dartmouth College basketball team.

At the high school New England Championship game in Boston Garden: Pictured from left to right in ‘59: Tookie Gomez, Jimmy Hill, Steve, Maurice Sykes, Lindsay Haughton, with Coach Sam Bender.

Why? “Because when you admire someone and you want to be like them,” Steve told me, “You study what they do, how they act, what they say. You try to find out what the secrets of their success are, with the goal of achieving what they’ve achieved, or at least coming close. And that goes for farmers or hedge-fund managers, ballerinas or composers or astronauts, rich or poor black or white…that goes for everyone!”

Indeed, intelligent people who play sports realize when they’re quite young that the way to achieve your goals is to emulate the people you admire…their discipline, drive, sacrifice, demeanor, behavior. And to learn the lessons that only sports, not school, teaches: humility, how to deal with disappointment with grace, how to be modest in victory, how to be grateful for the gifts of health and talent that God has given you.


Certainly, the rap star and clothing designer Ye (aka Kanye West) is not stupid, as anyone who watched his interview with Tucker Carlson saw with their own eyes. He is articulate and thoughtful. He told Carlson that he was raised by a mother he loved and a father he idolized, “the most brilliant man.” His father, he proudly stated, was a member of the Black Panthers Party, a Marxist-Leninist and black power organization founded in 1966.

Before it was founded, Blacks and Jews comprised an influential alliance, with Jews contributing significant financial aid and both moral support and concrete assistance to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), and many other Black organizations fighting for equality and against racism. Not to omit their collaborative efforts to enroll Blacks to vote, for which New York residents, Jewish volunteers Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner, were savagely murdered in 1964 in Mississippi.

Yet given this history, quite familiar to Ye, he nevertheless tweeted on October 9, 2022, that his intention was to go  Def Con 3 on Jewish people, which to most people meant to wipe out the Jews who so irritate and enrage him, and that includes the power that he apparently believes the Jews in his life––his managers, agents, handlers, doctors, et al––seem to have over him.

And while spewing this hatred, he also insisted that he was one of the “real” Jews, ostensibly referring to the Hebrew Israelite group  or cult or whatever it is.

Kyrie Irving, too, the Brooklyn Nets phenom basketball star, is, like Ye, highly intelligent and thoughtful. But on October 27, 2022, he tweeted a link to an Amazon listing page for Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America, a 2018 film based on a book of the same name, which promotes Black Hebrew Israelite ideology, apparently theorizing, as Chaim Lax spells out, that Blacks were really the first Jews.

Clearly neither of these grievance purveyors have ever seen the massive number of proud dark-skinned Israeli Jews who hail from Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen, and Ethiopia. In fact, Barry Shaw, author, journalist, and executive in the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies writes that, “white Israelis are a minority in the Jewish homeland.”

The film also includes denials that the Holocaust occurred, admiring quotes attributed to Adolf Hitler, and the vicious anti-Semite Henry Ford who claims that Jewish people worship Satan, as well as accusations that Jews controlled the Atlantic slave trade and currently control the media.


According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Hate Crime statistics, Jews remain the highest target of rampant racism in America, but it is rare to see any reaction from the media when Jews are assaulted, insulted, harassed, vilified, physically attacked and even murdered, not only in America but around the world. So, it was quite out of the ordinary when Ye was immediately and severely sanctioned by the advertisers who have made him a billionaire and that overnight he lost that status and was reduced––a big boo hoo here—to being worth a mere $400-million dollars

Kyrie, too, was sanctioned, suspended from playing for five games, and lost millions in advertising revenue, including from Nike, which cancelled his pricey contract. To his credit, however, he posted this tweet:

“While doing research on YHWH, I posted a Documentary that contained some false anti-Semitic statements, narratives, and language that were untrue and offensive to the Jewish Race/Religion, and I take full accountability and responsibly for my actions,” Irving wrote.” I am grateful to have a big platform to share knowledge and I want to move forward by having an open dialogue to learn more and grow from this.”

Note: YHWH, Yahweh, is the name for the God of the Israelites, which was the Hebrew name revealed to Moses in the book of Exodus.


Why was the Black-Jewish alliance natural? Because Blacks had been slaves in Africa and America, and Jews had been slaves in Egypt for over 400 years. Blacks were always reviled minorities outside of Africa and Jews were always reviled minorities in every country they have been exiled to for the past 4,000 years, except for the United States of America, which is 246 years old, and Israel, which is on the brink of its 75th anniversary.

Even today, Blacks in the U.S. represent approximately 14 percent of the population, while Jews represent approximately 2.4 percent of the population. Blacks have been vilified, marginalized, mistrusted, and, yes, lynched and murdered, just for being Blacks. Jews have been vilified, marginalized, mistrusted, and, yes, six million murdered in cold blood  simply because they were Jews.

But instead of these two naturally simpatico minorities supporting each other, we have the larger minority, Blacks, engaging in fulminating hatred of Jews for many decades––thanks to career race hustlers and brutal anti-Semites like the pompous pontificating racists––the Devils quoting Scripture––Reverend Jesse Jackson, Reverend Al Sharpton, Reverend Louis Farrakhan, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, as well as Barack Obama, “the Squad” in the U.S. Congress, and now Ye and Kyrie, to name a teeny tiny sample of Black hatred toward Jews. All of whom have taught their acolytes to consider themselves victims!


The human race is driven by emotion. It’s nice to fantasize that we’re driven by empiricism, facts, objective truths. But both history and everyday life contradict that fantasy. Emotion rules the day.

The Number One emotion is fear, which we all witnessed as the Covid-19 pandemic swept the globe, forced children to miss two years of schooling, destroyed many thousands of businesses, frightened millions of people into taking an experimental, DNA-altering vaccine, often with significantly dire consequences, et al.

Jews are all too familiar with the emotion of fear, as are Blacks.

The second most powerful emotion is jealousy. Most crimes––including murder––are committed in the name of this raging sentiment, and lesser crimes and everyday hostility are also caused by the monster of green-eyed envy. Basically, the person with this curse of an emotion is saying: I want what you have and the fact that you have it, and I don’t have, makes me blind with rage, makes me hate you.

On the surface, it seems obvious that what Ye and Kyrie and the Jew haters who have weighed in on their behalf are experiencing is blind jealousy. “How come,” they seem to be asking themselves, “that with all my intelligence, talent, charm, connections, good looks and money, it’s the Jews who run Hollywood and the music business and the media and me???”

Objectively, numerically, these accusations are simply not true. Here, Rory Rochman, noted speaker on Jewish rights, addresses Ye’s admitted jealousy problem with Jews. But sticking with the issue at hand, human emotions, is it really jealousy?

After jealousy, the third and hugely powerful emotion is anger, an easy emotion to access, whether it involves dealing with an irritating relative, witnessing a boyfriend who hurt your daughter’s feelings, hitting a pothole that breaks your axle, even trying to reach your doctor by pushing 2, then 4, then 7, then more horrible music.

But fear, jealousy and anger are only three layers of the psychological onion.

There is a fourth, but let’s look first at where the rage of the Blacks should really be––but isn’t.


Who has inflicted the most harm on Blacks? In a word…Democrats.

Who fought ferociously against President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, which freed 3.5 million Black slaves for all time? Democrats!

Who created the Ku Klux Klan, which hunted down, tortured, lynched, and murdered Blacks during its entire tenure (from 1865 to today)? Democrats!

Who created the Jim Crow laws which mandated racial segregation in all public facilities? Everyone from Democrat President Woodrow Wilson to Democrat Alabama Governor George Wallace (“segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever”) to Virginia Democrat Senator Robert Byrd, on and on and on––all Democrats!

Who fought fiercely against the Civil Rights legislation of 1964, which dismantled Jim Crow segregation, combatted racial discrimination, removed barriers to black enfranchisement in the South that banned poll taxes, literacy tests, and other measures that effectively prevented African Americans from voting? Democrats!


When all that failed to get rid of Blacks––as Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, stated as her goal––Democrats figured that the sure-fire way to keep Blacks voting for them was to destroy their families and thus insure that they remain in poverty and especially in ignorance.

To that end, they created a welfare system with the following rule: I will support you, Ms. Black Woman, with housing, food, medical care, and childcare…no matter how many babies you give birth to…with one condition: you cannot marry! If you marry, your benefits will either be substantially reduced… or eliminated!

Poof! The one-parent home was created, where Black mothers still had to work to make ends meet, where their children had no inspiring or disciplining male role models, and where single motherhood exploded from only seven percent––when the War on Poverty began in 1964 under Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson––to 23 percent today.


In the Great Northward Migration between 1910 and 1970, six-million Blacks left the rural south for the urban northeast, Midwest, and west, many of them to New York, where a criminal public school system has kept them ignorant and unemployable to this very day.

That system has “graduated” thousands upon thousands of Black students who are unable to read, calculate, or even speak coherently. Inevitably, they find work with the neighborhood people who drive fancy cars, sport Rolex watches, and have huge wads of cash on hand––pimps, organized crime figures, and drug dealers. And then they end up in prison, often for life!

And who contributes mightily to this destructive system? None other than the president of the American Federation of Teachers from 1998 to today, Democrat Randi Weingarten, a woman former Secretary of State Mick Pompeo says “is a danger to our children.”

That’s right, Weingarten represents the teachers who have mal-educated generations of Black students, supports the preposterous construct of Social Promotion–– promoting a child to the next grade regardless of skill mastery in the belief that it will promote self-esteem––all while she engages in anti-parent screeds and is lionized at the Biden White House!

The public schools run by Democrat-controlled unions and benefits-infatuated teachers have only vile insults at the mention of Eva Moskowitz, the woman who founded the first Charter School–– Success Academy––in New York City––there are now dozens, with Black parents clamoring to enroll their children. These schools educate children largely from black ghettos, who pass the Regents with flying colors on MERIT, score high marks on the SATs on MERIT, graduate from high school and go on to top-flight colleges on MERIT, and then go on to lives of independence and success.


Then there was the Democrat idea of Affirmative Action, the policy of favoring individuals for college admissions who belong to groups regarded as disadvantaged or subject to discrimination. Of course, it was a crashing failure. In essence, it said to Blacks: Look, you’re not that smart or motivated or accomplished, but you can still succeed if you don’t have to pass these whitey tests to get into college.

Did the proponents of this plan think so little of the native intelligence of Blacks that they wouldn’t see through the tremendous patronization and insult it inflicted? Did the program itself fail to see that Blacks who “graduated” from inferior high schools would not only be unable to keep up with the academic burden, but would be further wounded by their failure to do so?

So, they tried another strategy, the truly horrific, nonsensical and basically illiterate-supporting Common Core curricula inflicted on students by the Obama regime. Yet another crashing failure by the liberals, leftists, progressives among us––unless you think that credit should be given for students who can explain how they arrived at 2 + 2 = 5!


Underneath the paralyzing layer of fear, below the obsessive nature of jealousy, under the blind rage and anger, there is the devastating emotion of despair. Of feeling that it’s all too much, too impossible, too overwhelming. This is the stuff of clinical depression. This is the stuff of suicide.

After all, fear and jealousy and anger are mobilizing! What can I do? Which protest group can I join? Who can I wreak my revenge on?

But despair has no allies. It is lonely. It is scary. It is immobilizing.

It is also what Ye and Kyrie and the legion of anti-Semites are most afraid of, with good reason, as suicides among Blacks have recently escalated dramatically.


Don’t despair! The absolute cure for Black rage, jealousy, anger, and despair lies in one simple word: Emulate!

Spend one month of your entire life living with an observant Jewish family, reading the Bible, learning of the extreme emphasis Jews place on family unity, education, philanthropy, and mitzvahs––good deeds that can range from a simple smile to building a cancer research center to rushing all over the world to help in disaster areas.

Study why Jews, because of vicious discrimination, were forced literally to create Hollywood, why they were forced to build some of the best medical and research centers in America because they were barred from internships and residencies, the list of survival strategies is long and impressive.

Stop your jealousy. Stop your rage. Stop listening to the screeching racist preachers and politicians who have told you that you were a victim starting in your mother’s womb!

Start joining us Jews in fighting the real enemy, the actual powerful forces that have kept you down, defeated, and depressed: Liberals, Leftists, and Progressive Democrats and a horrific public education system.

Or, alternatively, stay in your perpetual rageful victim mode and see how far you’ve progressed in the next five or 10 or 1,000 years!

©Joan Swirsky. All rights reserved.