Warren: Biden Should Put Abortion Clinics on Federal Property in ‘Hostile’ States

Wednesday on MSNBC’s race-mongering propaganda outlet The ReidOut, radical Sen. Elizabeth “You Didn’t Build That” Warren (D-MA) said that President Joe Biden should consider putting abortion clinics on federal property in states that ban abortion.

Warren said, “The idea that five extremists on the United States Supreme Court want to take us back to that world, want to treat women as second class citizens, I see this as a moment it has got to be all hands on deck, a whole of government response. I get it Congress could act, but we just don’t have the votes right now. So we need the president of the United States to act.”

“Extremists.” Five of the nine Supreme Court justices vote against infanticide, and Warren considers them “extremists.”

The socialist multi-millionaire extremist who lied about Native American heritage went on to say the President should take executive action to counter the possibility of Roe v. Wade being overturned.

What the administration should explore, she said, is “what can be done with federal property within the states that are hostile. How about if the federal government looks into the possibility? Can they have clinics there? Can we give advice there? How can we be helpful?”

Warren concluded, “We want to see this administration have all hands on deck. This is a five-alarm fire. We need to be fight, fight, fighting.”

It’s a five-alarm fire for Democrats because the unrestricted right to kill one’s inconvenient unborn child is a leftist sacrament.

To learn more about Elizabeth Warren click here.

RELATED ARTICLE: Senator John Barrasso: Schumer ‘Bears Some Responsibility’ for Threat on Kavanaugh‘s Life

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Senator John Barrasso: Schumer ‘Bears Some Responsibility’ for Threat on Kavanaugh‘s Life

Wednesday on the Fox News Channel’s America Reports, Senate Republican Conference Chair Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) said that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) was partly responsible for the threat on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s life.

Barrasso said, “Thanks to the police officers for being there and responding so quickly. That man was there. As he stated, apparently, he was there to murder Justice Kavanaugh. I believe Chuck Schumer bears some responsibility because he has contributed to this atmosphere of directly attacking members, by name, of the Supreme Court. Remember, talking about abortion, Chuck Schumer went to the steps of the Supreme Court, and he called out Kavanaugh by name.”

John Roberts said, “What did he say, unleash a whirlwind, or something?”

He added, “He said, ‘I’m telling you Kavanaugh, you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you.’ That is a pretty direct threat. Now with the Supreme Court ready to rule on abortion, it was the abortion issue we are talking about. We have passed a bill in the Senate to provide additional protection for all members of the Supreme Court, all nine members. Nancy Pelosi in the House has refused to take it up.”

Charles Schumer

40 Known Connections

Schumer Demonizes Trump Supporters Who Voted for a “Despicable,” “Racist,” and “Vile” Man

At a July 2021 event with Roosevelt Island and Upper East Side community leaders in New York, Schumer said: “How could 74 million people vote for such a despicable human being as Donald Trump? I don’t care if you’re a liberal or a conservative, Democrat or Republican, he is a vile man. He is dishonest, divisive. That’s what he loves to do. Just divide and have people fighting with each other. He’s a racist. And he always appeals to the dark side of human nature, which he’s very good at, unfortunately. How did they vote for him?”

To learn more about Charles Schumer, click here.

RELATED ARTICLE: Warren: Biden Should Put Abortion Clinics on Federal Property in ‘Hostile’ States

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Hear O Israel––How Do I Hate Thee?

King Solomon said, “there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9).

The sun rises, and the sun goes down…all streams run to the sea… what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.

In his prescience, King Solomon no doubt knew that one of the things that would remain the same was the obdurate persistence––over thousands of years––of maniacal Jew hatred and a fanatical loathing of Israel.

If it weren’t so serious, and deadly, it would be almost comical, considering that the massive, heavily armed, immensely populated, and hugely influential empires that tried to annihilate the Jews—the Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Assyrians, et al––have been extinct for centuries, while the teeny tiny world of Judaism flourishes to this day.

And that is not to omit the Crusades and Inquisition and forced conversions and the 20th century Holocaust in which Hitler’s “willing executioners” ––all over Europe––succeeded in mass-murdering a full half of the world’s Jewry. Here is a partial picture of Jewish history and persecution that makes the vibrancy of modern Jewish life even more amazing!

But not so amazing that today, in the putatively evolved 21st century, the historical scourge of viciously rampant Jew hatred not only gallops across the globe but also in hundreds if not thousands of colleges and universities in our own country!

According to The Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry, hatred of Jews is on a significant rise. Their 2021 survey reports:

  • In the US, which has the largest Jewish population outside of Israel, the number of anti-Jewish hate crimes recorded in both New York and Los Angeles was almost twice that of the previous year,
  • In France, the number of recorded anti-Semitic incidents increased by nearly 75% compared with 2020,
  • In Canada, a leading Jewish group reported a 40-year record in anti-Semitic physical violence in one month – August,
  • In the UK, the number of recorded physical assaults against Jews increased by 78% compared with 2020,
  • In Germany, anti-Semitic incidents recorded by police were up 29% compared with 2020,
  • In Australia, there was the sharpest rise in recorded anti-Semitic incidents, with 88 in May alone.
  • In Ukraine (Jewish population: 43,000), acts of vandalism against Jews increased 162.5% from 2019.

In fact, according to the Annual Report on Hate Crimes released by the Uniform Crime Reporting Program of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), it is Jews, among the world’s tiniest populations––15 million in a world of nearly eight billion––who experience the most bias, hatred, assaults, blatant racism and hate crimes.

Yet, we Jews continue to thrive not only in our ancestral home in the State of Israel but around the world, contributing disproportionately, as we always have, to the world’s welfare––in science, the arts, medicine, technology, athletics, media, et al. Still, the world’s Jew haters and Israel loathers continue to marinate in their DNA hatred and envy of the Jews who, of course, they should be admiring and emulating. Stupid is forever!


It is inconceivable that in America, a country that welcomes the stranger, strives mightily for equality, and in which minorities have succeeded far beyond even their own expectations, that many of our leaders have been outright racists themselves, with a particularly irrational hatred toward Jews.

Going back to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, whose Jew hatred has been exhaustively documented by professor, columnist and author Rafael Medoff, among others; up to the Ayatollah-infatuated Jimmy Carter who had and continues to have a “special animus” toward Jews and Israel, according to rabbi and author Shmuley Boteach; and not to omit the seething Jew hatred of Barack Obama, as spelled out here and here and here and here, the list has no end.

But who could imagine that in the so-called evolved culture of 2022, that among the most maniacally anti-Semitic people in the world––and among the most powerful––are those in the Biden regime who currently occupy the White House?

Very unfortunately, many of them are apostate Jews…you know, the species that has replaced Judaism with their own fetishistic, cult-like religion of Social Justice––a cult that worships at the altar of political correctness, multiculturalism, moral relativism, and the convoluted and racist construct of intersectionality.

And all of them are Democrats, including a huge number of elected members of the U.S. Congress! We have all witnessed the ferocious Jew hatred and abhorrence of Israel vomited out on a regular basis by the growing number of racist Democrats in the U.S. Congress, aka “the Squad” of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Cori Bush (D-MO), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Jamaal Bowman (NY), and Ilhan Omar (D-MN), et al––the list gets longer every day.

Here is their latest  Resolution, which calls the founding of Israel “a catastrophe.” And here, political activist Paul Schnee describes The Treachery of the ‘Squad’.

Of course, if any member of Congress dared to criticize the color, style, or primitive nature of a:

or a:

…all hell would break loose. But vilify, insult, lie about, slander, or proffer a blood libel about Jews, a thunderous silence!


Clearly it is not solely because their parents and grandparents were Democrats, but because they appear to genuinely like high taxes, open borders, a weak military, no-bail laws, the rampant thuggery of Black Lives Matter and Antifa, and especially abortions up to birth (now legal in 29 states) and even infanticide after live births. We know this because this is what they consistently––decade after decade after decade––campaign for, teach their children, contribute money to, and vote for.

But there are other theories. Writer M. B. Mathews says this phenomenon is “hard to fathom.” But a rabbi in New Jersey, he reports, says that Jews vote Democrat because it’s in their DNA.

The late English journalist Malcolm Muggeridge, Mathews writes, said: “I am not certain that college attendance is the only cause of Jewish liberalism, but it is probably the most likely culprit. Many colleges are festering pustules of regressive socialist/Marxist thinking. Our Jewish youngsters are being groomed intellectually to be perversely liberal.”

And editor, writer and conservative political commentator Norman Podhoretz has posited that “To most American Jews . . . liberalism is . . . the very essence of being a Jew…it is a religion in its own right, complete with its own catechism and its own dogmas and, Tertullian-like, obdurately resistant to facts…”


But don’t believe me. Here, in alphabetical order, are the direct quotes and credentials and behavior of some of Joe Biden’s hand-picked Jew-hating and Israel-loathing appointees, which are not limited to the Oval Office, but also include officials in the State Department, the National Security Council, the Defense Department, and U.S. intelligence agencies. It is as if the arch criterion for employment in this regime is a loathing of Jews and detestation of Israel. Otherwise, don’t apply!

I have written about this before, but I repeat it here because I believe that repetition aids learning. Only space limitations prevents me from listing all these miscreants and presenting the entire sordid picture of these career anti-Semitic racists.

I could write a doctoral thesis on Joe Biden’s animus toward Israel, going back decades. Here are just a few headlines, out of thousands.

Biden Is No Friend of Israel
Biden to visit Jerusalem to tell the world: Zion belongs to Muslims
Biden State Dept “Strongly Opposes” New Jewish Homes in Israel
Biden Institutes Rules Forbidding US Soldiers from Non-Official Travel to Israel
Why Is the Biden Administration Determined to Help Terrorist Iran Get a Bomb?

HADY AMR (whose mother is Jewish) is the Deputy Asst. Secretary for Israeli and Palestinian Affairs. Caroline Glick writes that Amr is an anti-Israel activist with “a long record of statements hostile to Israel and supportive of Palestinian terrorists, including Hamas.” Amr said: “I was inspired by the Palestinian intifada” (the terror wars in which Palestinian Arab terrorists murdered or maimed 10,000 Jews).

MAHER BITAR, the “Palestinian” Senior Director for Intelligence of the National Security Council (NSC), supports the Boycott/Divest/Sanction (BDS) movement to strangle Israel economically and has called for the destruction of Israel.

ANTHONY BLINKEN, Secretary of State (who is Jewish), has praised radical anti-Israel J Street as a ‘constructive force,’” and opposed designating the murderous terrorist Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a foreign terror organization.

KRISTEN CLARKE, head of the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, has a long history of advocating for anti-Semites and spewing anti-Semitic lies,” going back to her heading Harvard’s Black Students Association.

REEMA DODIN, the “Palestinian” Deputy Director of the White House Office of Legislative Affairs, supports the suicide bombings of Jews, was the leader of the Hamas-affiliated Muslim Students Association, and has spread Medieval-style blood libels about Jews.

AVRIL HAINES, Director of National Intelligence (who is Jewish) has been described as rabidly anti-Israel, and was (surprise surprise!) Obama’s deputy national security adviser and is now deputy director of Obama’s anti-Israel Columbia World Project.

KARINE JEAN-PIERRE, White House Press Secretary, former head of far-left, anti-Israel MoveOn.org, has praised lawmakers for boycotting pro-Israel groups and accused Israel of “war crimes.”

JOHN KERRY, who has Jewish roots, is Envoy for Climate. With personal family connections to Iran, Kerry, according to Adam Berkowitz, has written that “even the Israeli leftist newspaper Haaretz is appalled by John Kerry’s bungled, counterproductive, utter capitulation to Hamas.”

ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS, who is Jewish, is Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. He is a board member of HIAS, which partners with terrorism-financier Islamic Relief, and he has undermined Israeli repatriation policies regarding illegal immigrants, among many anti-Israel actions.

DENIS McDONOUGH is Secretary of the Veterans Administration. Obama’s former Chief of Staff, he has spoken at the anti-Israel J Street convention and falsely condemned Israel’s “occupation.” As Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor, he praised the imam of a Virginia mosque, knowing that the imam was a Muslim Brotherhood leader and VP of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), which directly funds Hamas.

THOMAS NIDES, Obama’s former deputy secretary of state, is Biden’s Israel Ambassador. According to Daniel Greenfield, Nides tells BDS group he wants Jews out of Jerusalem, and also documents that Nides “is the ambassador to the anti-Israel lobby.” Nides also describes Arab terrorists who murder Jews as “martyrs,”

SUSAN RICE is Domestic Policy Advisor (aka Biden’s Valerie Jarrett). The serial liar and inveterate Israel basher was Obama’s senior foreign-policy advisor and John Kerry’s chief foreign-policy adviser when he ran for President. And you know what both those Jew-hating racists stood for!

WENDY SHERMAN, who is Jewish, is Deputy Secretary of State. She negotiated the genocidal-to-Israel Iran deal and has also praised arch-terrorist Yasir Arafat as “the leader of the resistance movement” as well as downplaying the PLO suicide bombings and other terror attacks on innocent Israelis that Arafat engineered; on and on.

Unfortunately, because of space limitations, this is the very very short list! But you can see some of Biden’s other Jew-hating, Israel-detesting appointments here.

All of them––I repeat, all of them––are obsessed––to the point of utter capitulation to all the Draconian demands of Iran––to seal the malevolent Iran deal in order to put nuclear weapons into the hands of the one nation on earth that has vowed for the last 50 years literally to destroy every last vestige of the State of Israel, to wipe the only Jewish state in the world and its inhabitants off the map of human history.

I could recite the colossal failures of the current regime, but everyone in America knows and recognizes and “feels” the horrors that a very compromised and diminished Joe Biden and his communist handlers have inflicted on this nation and on their own personal lives.


There are only two solutions to this regime’s rampant racism.

The first is for every sane citizen to write to their representatives in the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Senate EVERY DAY to insist on voter IDs and scrupulously monitored midterm elections.

If these elected officials don’t answer you, or they send a waffling response, know that they are in on “the fix,” no doubt for the hefty payments they’re receiving––paying off their mortgages, financing their children through college, et al––from the leftwing billionaires who control all Democrat behavior.

Here’s How to Contact All 535 Members of United States Congress. CALL, EMAIL, TWEET, et al, them every day! | This will take you 10 minutes.

Simply prepare a two-or-three-line message that expresses your ideas, for example: Mr. President…I insist that you mandate Voter ID cards for ALL voters in ALL elections, starting with the midterms in November 2022.

In influencing elected officials, numbers count! Let’s send them an avalanche of phone calls and a Mt. Everest of e-mails!

The second is to vote in the midterms on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. And to encourage everyone you know to cast their vote in this all-important, history-changing, anti-fascist election.

When We the American People put our hearts and minds and efforts into any mission, we can accomplish anything!

©Joan Swirsky. All rights reserved.

It’s not that they have an ‘R’ behind their names it’s how they actually vote that counts!

On June 7th, 2022 published an editorial titled “Are Florida Elected Republicans really Republican?” The editorial begins with these wise words,

It is a rough day when one realizes their political worldview has been based on slick ads, rehearsed GOP talking points and the false belief that ANY politician with an R behind their name is better than any democrat. And we aren’t talking about members of our Party voting for candidates based on name recognition. We are talking about smart, patriotic, motivated Republican voters whose votes are based on the candidate’s policy positions which come directly from the candidate.

We have learned over time that politicians who claim to be a republican once elected don’t vote like a big “R” Republican. The editorial board got this message and showed how little “r’s” say one thing then do the exactly the opposite when introducing or voting on legislation.

Here’s how the editorial board proved this,

Recently, a U.S. Congressman up for re-election, was speaking at a Florida Republican club luncheon. He hit all the talking points much to the delight of the women at the table. At one point, one woman in the group explained that they decided to get informed about who they were voting for after the 2020 Presidential election. They collectively agreed to attend local events to hear candidates speak. They loved what this congressman had to say – it was exactly what they wanted to hear.

Until…..record scratch……they were presented with a flyer exposing the congressman’s actual voting record which was in direct contradiction to what he said. The flyer didn’t just provide the voting record, but a link to each vote so the ladies could verify it for themselves.

Two things immediately happened.

The first was that they were offended…..offended that they had just listened to a liar for an hour who had secured their votes and even their donations only to  discover his voting record showed he didn’t support most of the issues he bragged about.

The second was that they asked how the voting records listed had been obtained. They suddenly were confronted with the fact that politicians lie. And lie well! To our faces! And they wanted the truth. With a few directions and links to reputable sites that post voting records, they now had resources to verify candidates’ real records.

Get it? Got it? Good.

We have seen politicians like Charlie Crist, who was elected governor of the State of Florida as a Republican. Once in office he changed colors from red to deep blue. He went full Democrat and when he was defeated actually joined the Democrat Party. We call these politicians, like the one in the Florida News Report editorial, Charlie Crist republicans!

The Second Amendment and Charlie Crist republicans

editorial board provided the following examples to support their concerns about little “r” republicans,

Republican Senate President Wilton Simpson, accepted $250K From billionaire donor, Mike Fernandez, a registered Republican- who donates to Democrats and Republicans, wanted more gun control laws in Florida. Last October, Robert Rubenstein, Democrat millionaire, contributed $100,000 to Wilton Simpson:


Simpson ditched the Republican Party Platform to defend gun rights of Floridians and instead, WROTE the Red Flag Law which passed in 2018.

Former Republican Senate President Bill Galvano, accepted $500K from Mike Bloomberg, a Democrat billionaire, who wanted gun control and doesn’t even live in Florida. Galvano ditched the Republican Party Platform to defend gun rights of Floridians and got the Red Flag Law passed instead. https://www.nraila.org/articles/20200124/florida-alert-bill-galvano-is-trying-to-give-bloomberg-his-moneys-worth

Incoming Republican Senate President Kathleen Passidomo, who started off her political career defending the Second Amendment, ditched the Republican Party Platform to defend gun rights of Floridians and instead voted for the Red Flag Law.  She was for it before she was against it. At the same time.


See a pattern here?

See the list of Florida Republicans who voted for gun control here: https://www.ammoland.com/2018/04/its-time-to-name-gop-betrayers-who-voted-for-florida-gun-control/

The editorial board wrote, “If all it takes is a large donation to change a Republican’s policy position, is he really a Republican?

To reinforce what the editorial board wrote we now know that five republicans voted for the Democrats marquee piece of legislation, which cleared the chamber, titled the Protecting Our Kids Act. The bill tightens gun restrictions. Among the provisions are raising the minimum age to purchase a semi-automatic weapon from 18 to 21 and banning civilians from using high-capacity magazines. These five republicans are: Reps. Adam Kinzinger (Ill.), Anthony Gonzalez (Ohio), Brian Fitzpatrick (Pa.), Chris Jacobs (N.Y.) and Fred Upton (Mich.).

Not do you see the big picture?

Election Day for Republicans is August 23rd, 2022

editorial board explains that the real election day is the mid-term primaries. The Editorial Board noted,

Republican voters only get one shot at purging the Republican Party of RINOs each election year and that date comes early – the August Primary election.

But most Republican voters don’t participate…. the Republican voter turnout is only around 30%. It is on August 23rd Republican voters decide the direction of the party when they choose between:

  • A RINO Establishment candidate who doesn’t adhere to the Republican Party Platform 


  • A Republican constitutional conservative candidate who embraces the Republican Party Platform

Do you have some Republican friends you can influence to actually go vote on August 23rd?

Do it.

Do it like your life depends on it. Because it does. When elected Republicans pass Democrat policies, your rights are immediately reduced. From gun rights to Covid restrictions, this is no joke.

August 23rd is your Election Day. 

It’s the primaries stupid! Get out and vote for a “BIG R” on August 23rd!

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Lyin’ Biden Hits the Talk Show Circuit

Good morning Joey Kahn,

Diversionary Tactics

Well, it is finally here. I speak of the orchestrated Chardonnay Pelosi and gangs, diversion. The 1/6 kangaroo court just ahead of the midterm elections. You know Joey Kahn, to (try) and take the attention away from the dumpster fire referred to as, the Biden Crime Family Administration, and ALL their failed policies. This according to those radical right wingers, those darn white supremacist’s.

Is This Joey’s Idea of a Press Conference?

I don’t see it that way at all, that this installed administration is an absolute disaster. I think little Joey is doing a bang up job. Just ask him, he will tell you how great things are going. See…….that’s all you need, forget about all the data that says otherwise. Did you see him knock it out of the park last night on Jimmy “lapdog” Kimmel’s show. It was like listening to JKF, Barack Hussein and Bubba Clinton, rolled into one. What an articulate, orating genius. Mind-boggling actually. I’m sure most intelligent American citizens, feel the same way……..even though I understand ratings were in the toilet.

Of course, those conservatives threw water on Lyin’ Biden’s parade again. Calling this desperate attempt (to actually Lie) to fool viewer’s ……a complete embarrassment. They liken it to visiting a grandfather at the senior center, while he rambles on incoherently. Maybe he was exhausted from trying to climb (tripping) up the stairs to Air Force One again…….darn wind!

Kimmel: Democratic Stooge

Was Jimmy Kimmel (former comedian, now political arm of the DNC) going to kiss him? It was getting a little too close for comfort, as he looked lovingly into Joey Talibiden’s eyes as he tried to formulate words……very touching and sincere. Helping Joey finish his sentences, it was awe inspiring. Conservatives suggested next time this liberal hack just sit him in his lap and stroke his hair plugs, and tickle him under his face lifted chin. Embarrassing is a gross understatement! You have to love the fact that he hasn’t done a totally unscripted press conference YET, and his handlers think this is a formidable substitute. Absolutely hilarious. Wouldn’t you agree Joey Kahn, highly respected Executive Editor, …..ahem.

I see, right on cue your tabloid is flooding it’s iconic front page with your propaganda, sorry, I mean honest, unbiased reporting. I love the compensated Op-Ed writer stating, “Liz Cheney Will Not Tolerate Trump’s Lies.” Is this like the Russian collusion farce? You know where everything you accuse elected President Trump of, is actually the blueprint of the Nazi, sorry I mean Democratic Party. Of course, I’m pointing to Beijing Biden’s inability to tell the truth…….at all. He does it with ease, very sociopathic of him. He could give ole Hillary Rodham, Chuckles Schumer, or Chardonnay Pelosi a run for their money. Hilarious.

How much longer is his loving wife “Dr.” Jill going to let her dementia ridden husband be used as Barry’s puppet. I mean when she started dating Joey (while still married) she must have felt something for him. Tell me she has not fallen into the Svengali-like trance of Hunter (former crack addict/now famous artist), like his brother’s widow Hallie.

Now Joey Kahn, I know you are still smarting from your ridiculous photo shoot in your office recently. The one of you reading your tabloid, in your stocking feet on the floor of your office…yikes. Has anyone been fired for this enormous snafu? But, you must get back on track. We need more apolitical, highly moral reporting that the Old Gray Lady is known for. So what, if most say your tabloid is now considered a few notches below The National Inquirer . As long as Slushy is signing those big checks, who really cares, right Joey?

Get Back to Work

So focus champ……..INSURRECTION, INSURRECTION, INSURRECTION, maybe some Russian collusion sans Hillary’s input, of course. Remember no coverage of inflation, the treason being committed at the border, baby formula, violent crime exploding (in Democratic cities), etc, etc, etc. You see that Joey, I said that 3 times. It’s a little trick I picked up from the Houseplant masquerading as a leader last night. When he said, “we have the strongest economy in the world, the world, the world.” See, that is all you need to do. The hell with the actual facts, just Joey doing what he does best…….pathologically lying! Some have even said this would apply to your tabloid as well as WAPO, CNN, MSNBC, network news….well you get the idea.

Remember to deflect, omit and if that fails, just lie. Amazing how some can look themselves in the mirror, eh Joey. Of course, I’m talking about white supremacist’s.

‘Printing the news that is fit to print.” Absolutely hilarious!!


Chris Cirino

©Christopher Cirino. All rights reserved.

DEMOCRAT RULE: America’s Great Cities Gripped by Decline and Disorder

This is not about two political parties with different ideas. This is treason and treachery on an epic scale. There can be no ‘co-existing’ with murderers, looters, destroyers. And that is what the Democrat party is and what they stand for.

America’s great cities are gripped by decline and disorder

Voters have had enough of ‘progressive’ leaders who are presiding over spiraling violence and crime.

NYC: Video shows man violently toss random woman onto Bronx subway tracks

By: Joel Kotkin, Spiked, June 7, 2022:

For the past decade, America’s urban centres have been increasingly run by ‘progressive’ activists. Yet today, as US cities reel from collapsed economies, rising crime and pervasive corruption, there’s something of a revolt brewing, the success of which may well determine the role and trajectory of our great urban centres.

This emerging conflict is coming to a head next week in Los Angeles, the US’s second-largest city, in the Democratic primaries for LA mayor. Next week’s vote is likely to lead to a head-to-head between moderate billionaire developer Rick Caruso and progressive congressperson Karen Bass, once considered a potential vice-president for Joe Biden. On the same day, ultra-liberal San Francisco district attorney Chesa Boudin faces a potential recall amid rising crime rates.

The possible shift towards the centre reflects a move back to more traditional urban policies, particularly on crime and homelessness. It’s not Republicans leading the charge against ultra-progressive policies, either. It is African American, Democratic mayors like Houston’s Sylvester Turner and New York’s Eric Adams.

Even the denizens of left-leaning cities are rethinking progressivism. Last year, Austin – Texas’ blue capital – rescinded provisions, backed by progressives, that allowed vast homeless encampments to spring up across the city. Earlier this year, similarly left-leaning Seattle removed its ultra-progressive district attorney and Buffalo voters defeated a socialist-backed Democrat in favour of a moderate African American. Even in San Francisco, progressive school-board members were overwhelmingly defeated in February 2022 – an ominous development for Boudin’s chances next week.

We could be seeing the beginning of a sea change in urban politics. Not long ago, Republicans were still competitive in urban areas, although larger cities have generally trended Democratic. In 1995, America’s 20 largest cities were evenly divided by party, but today Democrats control 16 out of the 20 largest cities. In the 1990s and 2000s, cities elected successful, pragmatic mayors from both parties – such as Bob Lanier and Bill White in Houston, Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg in New York, and Richard Riordan in Los Angeles – who focused on reducing crime, encouraging enterprise and improving basic city services.



DONKEY POX: The Real Disease That’s Killing Americans

LA Mayor’s Race: Former REPUBLICAN Comes in First In Democrat Primary Face-Off

RED WAVE CRASHES OVER BLUE STATE: Republican Lanhee Chen Leads Statewide Race for Controller in California

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

CALIFORNIA: Newsom Intervenes Drops All Drunk Driving Charges Against Paul Pelosi

This is third world corruption.

Driving drunk, Paul Pelosi nearly killed a family. And purportedly killed his brother in a car accident some decades ago.

If Newsom wins re-election, California deserves to suffer his reign.

Nancy Pelosi’s husband killed his brother in 1957 car crash

Details of the fatal wreck emerged in the wake of Paul’s arrest following his alleged drunken crash in Napa Valley on Saturday night.

Paul — who has been married to the House speaker since 1963 — was charged with one count of driving under the influence and another for driving with a blood alcohol content level of 0.08 or higher. Both charges are misdemeanors.



Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Arrested In California, Report Says

DEMOCRAT RULE: America’s great cities are gripped by decline and disorder

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Democrat Ex-Congressman Ozzie Meyer’s Pleads Guilty To Fraudulently Stuffing Ballot Boxes

For Democrats, it systemic.

Ex-congressman ‘Ozzie’ Myers pleads guilty in ballot stuffing case

Associated Press | June 6, 2022:

PHILADELPHIA — A former congressman from Philadelphia pleaded guilty Monday to charges related to fraudulently stuffing ballot boxes for Democratic candidates between 2014 and 2018.

Federal prosecutors said former Democratic U.S. Rep. Michael J. “Ozzie” Myers pleaded guilty to violations of election law, conspiracy, bribery and obstruction.

Messages seeking comment were left for his defense lawyers listed on the online docket.

In a sentencing memo dated Friday, federal prosecutors said his “criminal efforts were generally, although not exclusively, directed at securing election victories for local judicial candidates running for Philadelphia’s Court of Common Pleas or Municipal Court who had employed Myers as a ‘political consultant.’”

Myers was expelled from Congress in 1980 after being caught taking bribes in the Abscam sting investigation.

Prosecutors said Myers, 79, admitted he bribed a judge of elections to add votes for his chosen candidates, including clients who were running for judicial offices. The bribes were hundreds or thousands of dollars.

He also conspired with another elections judge to tell voters on election days which candidates they should vote for, candidates that Myers had selected, and the now former judge cast fraudulent votes for people who did not appear at the polls.

Read the rest….



RELATED ARTICLE: Gavin Newsom Intervenes at Pelosi’s Bidding, ALL CHARGES DROPPED Against Drunk Driving Paul Pelosi

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

New Book Offers Return to a Conservative Future

“Many can now see that the nations of the West are hurtling toward the abyss,” writes American-Israeli political theorist Yoram Hazony in his recent 400-page magnum opusConservatism: A Rediscovery. Herein he provides a tour de force review of Anglo-American conservative political thought, from fifteenth-century England to the modern West, and draws lessons for why increasingly fragmented free societies must abandon failed “Enlightenment liberalism.”

At home and abroad, Hazony surveys the Enlightenment’s political wreckage. Domestically, a “dogmatic belief in the individual’s freedom has moved liberals to destigmatize—and, eventually, to actively legitimize—sexual license, narcotics, and pornography, as well as abortion, easy divorce, and out-of-marriage births.” Correspondingly, the “family has been broken and fertility ruined in nearly every Western country.” In foreign affairs, it was “just this kind of rationalism that brought America and other Western countries into the last generation of costly and unsuccessful wars seeking to bring Enlightenment liberalism to the Balkans, the Middle East, South Asia, and Africa.”

The antidote for Hazony comes in a “revived nationalist conservatism” that has appeared in recent years in places such as America, Britain, Brazil, Eastern Europe, and Italy. This movement “is rightly called a ‘nationalist’ conservatism, since it seeks to return the national interest, or the common good of the nation, to the center of political discourse,” he writes. By contrast, the “liberal paradigm is blind to the nation” and sees “only individuals and the state that rules over them.”

“Conservative democracy,” as Hazony terms it, or the “Anglo-American tradition is rooted in the ideal of a free and just national state, whose origin is in the Hebrew Bible.” This nation arises “out of diverse tribes, its unity anchored in a common traditional language, law, and religion,” he notes. “Conservative democracy regards the traditional family and congregation as the most basic institutions necessary for the conduct of civilized life,” he adds. “At the same time, the state offers toleration to religious and social views that do not endanger the integrity and well-being of the nation as a whole.”

In contrast to the seventh-century English political philosopher John Locke, the “decisive figure in the liberal tradition,” Hazony praises the eighteenth-century British Parliamentarian Edmund Burke. Empiricists including Burke rejected “Locke’s axioms” that “one need only consult reason to arrive at the one form of government that is everywhere the best, for all mankind,” Hazony notes. The “only realistic prospect for advancement in politics and morals is by means of an empirical method, which requires a course of trial and error over centuries,” as exemplified by Anglo-American constitutional history.

Hazony elaborates that “there are certainly principles of human nature that are true of all men, and therefore natural laws that prescribe what is good for every human society.” Yet these “are the subject of unending controversy” due to the “great variety of human experience, and the weakness of the operations of the human mind that are used to generalize from this experience,” he adds. In actuality, the “way people think and the things they believe are largely the product of the particular culture in which they were raised,” not pure reason.

Hazony juxtaposes the French Revolution with the “Second American Revolution” following the ratification of the United States Constitution, both in 1789. Following views developed by Locke and others such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the French Revolution unleashed “its universal Declaration of the Rights of Man and subsequent terror for those who would not listen to reason,” Hazony observes. Meanwhile, after the failed Articles of Confederation, the United States Constitution, “ended a decade of shocking disorder by restoring the familiar forms of the national English constitution.”

At Philadelphia’s 1787 constitutional “convention dominated by the conservative party,” of the “initiators and the most consequential participants, most were longtime nationalists and later Federalists” such as George Washington, Hazony notes. “The Federalist Party was from the start the party of American nationalist conservatism,” he adds, whose legacy, including opposition to slavery, would continue in the later “American Whig party.” This “name strikingly intended to invoke the Anglo-American conservative tradition and the ideas of Edmund Burke,” ideas that later laid the basis for the emergence of the Republican Party under Abraham Lincoln.

This concrete political history means underlines for Hazony that “[n]either America nor Britain has ever been a ‘creedal nation,’ defined primarily by an abstract formula as found, for example, in the American Declaration of Independence.” Beginning with the Federalists, national conservatives therefore believed that the “adoption of immigrant communities into a new nation can only be successful if the immigrants are sufficiently weak, and therefore willing to assimilate,” Hazony notes. Belying mantras that diversity is strength, he observes that the

relationship between cohesion and tyranny is actually the reverse of what is commonly supposed. Where a nation, tribe, or family is cohesive, it may be ruled with a light hand, and a greater degree of freedom can be entrusted to its constituent members.

Enlightenment rationalism has unleashed a “perpetual cultural revolution,” Hazony notes. As he explains, “since liberalism constantly inculcates an aversion to tradition, it is unstable and unsustainable. For this reason, it is easily overthrown by Marxists and others claiming that their own reasoning is superior to that of any liberal.” Accordingly, merely thirty years after the Cold War’s end, an “updated Marxism—one that has taken the oppressed to be people of color and LGBTQ rather than the working class,” has conquered leading American institutions.

A major engine of American social upheaval has been the United States Supreme Court since its 1947 Everson v. Board of Education decision, which falsely proclaimed a “separation between church and state,” Hazony writes. He ironically notes that Washington, America’s first president, and his successor, John Adams, “appointed only committed Federalists to the Supreme Court” such as John Marshall, and thereby further strengthened national union. They never “imagined the circumstances that most Western nations face today, in which jurists use the national Supreme Court to impose what is in effect a new constitution—one that is post-national and hostile to Christianity.”

Changing America’s judicial direction is thus a key concern for Hazony in his drive to restore faith and family to societal prominence in America as part of a wider national renewal. His analysis of American judicial history is just one of the many fascinating facets of this richly detailed, insightful book.  “Conservatism begins at home” with conservative mores, Hazony pithily concludes his tome, which would be a welcome addition to any curious home.


EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden DOJ asks judge to go easy on Leftist terrorists who threw Molotov cocktail into police car

They were facing 30 years in prison. They’ll get less than two. Surprised? Don’t be. If Mattis and Rahman had been standing at the Capitol on January 6, they would be facing much longer sentences. But they’re on the side of the elites. So the other justice system in America today comes into play.

“How the Left Learned To Stop Worrying and Love Domestic Terrorism,” Washington Free Beacon, June 7, 2022:

On the cusp of nonstop, around-the-clock (primetime!) coverage of the Jan. 6 committee hearings, a couple of domestic terrorists are actually getting their day in court, and it is informative to see how Merrick Garland’s Justice Department is handling their prosecution.

Recall Garland’s breathless declaration, during his confirmation hearings, that “150 years after the Department’s founding, battling extremist attacks on our democratic institutions also remains central to its mission.”

Colinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman were arrested in the “mostly peaceful” protests following George Floyd’s murder. The two lawyers handed out Molotov cocktails to the crowd, and Rahman tossed one into a police car before fleeing the scene in Mattis’s van. They reached a plea deal with federal prosecutors in October 2020 that wiped out six of the seven charges against them. Those prosecutors, nonetheless, sought a maximum 10-year sentence and argued that the incident qualified for a so-called terrorism enhancement that would turbocharge sentencing—a determination with which the U.S. Probation Office concurred.

Ginning herself up to distribute explosives to the crowd, Rahman gave a video interview in which she declared, “This shit won’t ever stop until we fuckin’ take it all down,” adding that “the only way [the police] hear us is through violence.”

Then, Garland and the U.S. attorney for New York’s Eastern District, Breon Peace, who’s handling the prosecution, took office, and you won’t believe what happened next!

In mid-May, the same career DOJ prosecutors who argued for that 10-year sentence were back in court withdrawing their plea deal and entering a new one that allowed the defendants to cop to the lesser charge of conspiracy. It tosses out the terrorism enhancement entirely.

The new charge carries a five-year maximum sentence, but the prosecutors are urging the judge to go below that, asking for just 18 to 24 months on account of the “history and personal characteristics of the defendants” and the “aberrational nature of the defendants’ conduct.”…



Nigeria: Jihad group says they don’t kill or abduct unless they are sure a person is an infidel

Reuters, BBC Denounce Indian Official for Offending Islam, Refuse to Report What She Said

BREAKING: Pro-Abortion Fanatic With Weapon Wanted to Kill Kavanaugh

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Why Do People Become Communists, and Why Do They Stick With It?

So if there is no rational case for communism as such, why do people go for this stuff?

For as long as I can remember, I’ve puzzled about why people become communists. I have no doubt about why someone would stop being one. After all, we have a century of evidence of the murder, famine, and general destruction caused by the idea. Ignoring all this takes a special kind of willful blindness to reality.

Even the theory of communism itself is a complete mess. There is really no such thing as common ownership of goods that are obviously scarce in the real world. There must be some solution to the problem of scarcity beyond just wishing reality away. Perhaps ownership and trade? Slogans and dreams are hardly a suitable substitute for a workable program.

But how communism would work in practice is not something they want to talk about. They just imagined that some magical Hegelian shift would take place in the course of history that would work it all out.

So if there is no rational case for communism as such, why do people go for this stuff?

The Red Century

The New York Times has been exploring that issue in a series of remarkable reflections that they have labelled Red Century. I can’t get enough, even the ones that are written by people who are—how shall I say?—suspiciously sympathetic to communism as a cause.

The most recent installment is written by Vivian Gornick. She reflects on how her childhood world was dominated by communists.

The sociology of the progressive world was complex. At its center were full-time organizers for the Communist Party, at the periphery left-wing sympathizers, and at various points in between everything from rank-and-file party card holders to respected fellow travelers….

When these people sat down to talk, Politics sat down with them, Ideas sat down with them; above all, History sat down with them. They spoke and thought within a context that lifted them out of the nameless, faceless obscurity into which they had been born, and gave them the conviction that they had rights as well as obligations. They were not simply the disinherited of the earth, they were proletarians with a founding myth of their own (the Russian Revolution) and a civilizing worldview (Marxism).

While it is true that thousands of people joined the Communist Party in those years because they were members of the hardscrabble working class (garment district Jews, West Virginia miners, California fruit pickers), it was even truer that many more thousands in the educated middle class (teachers, scientists, writers) joined because for them, too, the party was possessed of a moral authority that lent shape and substance, through its passion for structure and the eloquence of its rhetoric, to an urgent sense of social injustice….

The Marxist vision of world solidarity as translated by the Communist Party induced in the most ordinary of men and women a sense of one’s own humanity that ran deep, made life feel large; large and clarified. It was to this clarity of inner being that so many became not only attached, but addicted. No reward of life, no love nor fame nor wealth, could compete with the experience. It was this all-in-allness of world and self that, all too often, made of the Communists true believers who could not face up to the police state corruption at the heart of their faith.

Sounds fascinating, if bonkers (Marxism is hardly a “civilizing worldview”). It sounds less like an intellectual salon of ideas and more like a religious delusion. Those too can be well intentioned. The key here is a dogmatic ideology, which serves as a kind of substitute for religion. It has a vision of hell (workers and peasants exploited by private-capital wielding capitalist elite), a vision of heaven (a world of universal and equal prosperity and peace), and a means of getting from one to the other (revolution from below, as led by the vanguard of the proletariat).

Once you accept such an ideology, anything intellectual becomes possible. Nothing can shake you from it. Okay, that’s not entirely true. One thing can shake you of it: when the leader of the cult repudiates the thing you believe in most strongly.

Khrushchev’s Heresy

She was 20 years old in 1956, when Nikita Khrushchev spoke to the Soviet Communist Party about the crimes of Stalin. Apparently the unrelenting reports of famine, persecution, and mass death, from the early years of Bolshevik rule – and even the revelation of the Hitler-Stalin pact – would have demoralized them earlier. But no:

The 20th Congress report brought with it political devastation for the organized left around the world. Within weeks of its publication, 30,000 people in this country quit the party, and within the year it was as it had been in its 1919 beginnings: a small sect on the American political map.


The Early Reds

And speaking of this small 1919 sect, I’m reminded of one of my favorite movies: Reds (1981). I could watch it another 20 times. It explores the lives of the American communists of the turn of the 20th century, their loves, longings, and aspirations. The focus is on fiery but deluded Jack Reed, but it includes portraits of a passionate Louise Bryant, the gentile Max Eastman, an edgy Eugene O’Neill, and the ever inspiring Emma Goldman.

These people weren’t the Progressives of the mainstream that history credits with having so much influence over policy in those days. These were the real deal: the Communists that were the source of national frenzy during the Red Scare of the 1920s.

The movie portrays them not as monsters but idealists. They were all very talented, artistic, mostly privileged in upbringing, and what drew them to communism was not bloodlust for genocide but some very high ideals.

They felt a passion for justice. They wanted to end war. They opposed exploitation. They longed for universal freedom and maximum civil liberty. They despised the entrenched hierarchies of the old order and hoped for a new society in which everyone had an equal chance.

All of that sounds reasonable until you get to the details. The communists had a curious understanding of each of these concepts. Freedom meant freedom from material want. Justice meant a planned distribution of goods. The end of war meant a new form of war against the capitalists who they believed created war. The hierarchies they wanted to be abolished were not just state-privileged nobles but also the meritocratic elites of industrial capitalism, and even small land owners, no matter how small the plot.

Why be a communist rather than just a solid liberal of the old school? In the way the movie portrays it, the problem was not so much in their goals but in their mistaken means. They hated the state as it existed but imagined that a new “dictatorship of the proletariat” could become a transition mechanism to usher in their classless society. That led them to cheer on the Bolshevik Revolution in its early stages, and work for the same thing to happen in the United States.

The Dream Dies

Watching their one-by-one demoralization is painful. Goldman sees the betrayal immediately. Reed becomes an apologist for genocide. Bryant forgets pretending to be political and believing in free love, marries Reed, and tends to his medical needs before his death. O’Neill just becomes a full-time cynic (and drunk). It took Max Eastman longer to lose the faith but he eventually became an anti-socialist and wrote for FEE.

The initial demoralization of the early American communists came in the 1920s. They came to realize that all the warning against this wicked ideology – having been written about for many centuries prior, even back to the ancient world – were true.

Eastman, for example, realized that he was seeking to liberate people by taking from them the three things people love most in life: their families, their religion, and their property. Instead of creating a new heaven on earth, they had become apologists for a killing machine.

Stunned and embarrassed, they moved on with life.

But the history didn’t end there. There were still more recruits being added to the ranks, generations of them. The same thing happened after 1989. Some people lost the faith, others decided that socialism needs yet another chance to strut its stuff.

It’s still going on today.

As for the Communist Party in America, most left-Progressives of the Antifa school regard the Party as an embarrassing sellout, wholly owned by the capitalist elite. And when we see their spokesmen appear on television every four years, they sound not unlike pundits we see on TV every night.

It would be nice if any article written about communism were purely retrospective. That, sadly, is not the case. There seem to be new brands of Marxian thought codified every few years, and still more versions of its Hegelian roots that take on ever more complex ideological iterations (the alt-right is an example).

Why do people become communists? Because human beings are capable of believing in all sorts of illusions, and we are capable of working long and hard to turn them into nightmares. Once we’ve invested the time and energy into something, however destructive, it can take a very long time to wake us up. It’s hard to think of a grander example of the sunk-cost fallacy.


Jeffrey A. Tucker

Jeffrey Tucker is a former Director of Content for the Foundation for Economic Education.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Psychologist Explains the Unhealthy Incentives Behind ‘Cancel Culture’

Jonathan Haidt, author of ‘The Righteous Mind,’ says one of the marks of an open and civil society is that individuals are not afraid to share opinions.

If there was a video documenting every second of my life, you can bet it would contain some pretty stupid comments I’ve made over the years. I would also probably be reminded of some opinions I no longer believe. If you’re being honest with yourself, yours likely would be equally cringe.

The things we have said in the past may not have been outrageously offensive, but we have all made comments, or held opinions, we later regret. We are, after all, inherently flawed creatures.

But imagine if one instance of poor judgment or one “fringe” opinion stuck with you forever. This is the problem our society is now facing with the prevalence of cancel culture.

In 2016, then-high school freshman Mimi Groves posted a video to Snapchat in which she used a racial slur. The video later circulated around her school, though it wasn’t met with controversy at the time.

Fellow classmate Jimmy Galligan hadn’t seen the footage until last year when the two were seniors—four years after it first made the rounds at Heritage High School. By this time, Groves had moved on to focus on her role as varsity cheer captain with big dreams of attending the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, a school known for its nationally ranked cheer squad.

For Groves, summer 2020 had been a time of celebration as she found out she had been accepted to the university’s cheer team. But her joy was short-lived when the death of George Floyd rightly outraged the nation, sparking a resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Like many teens, Groves used her social media platforms to urge people to protest, donate, and sign petitions in support of ending police brutality. It was then that her unfortunate video came back to haunt her.

“You have the audacity to post this, after saying the N-word,” one commenter, unknown to the teen, posted on her Instagram.

That’s when her phone began ringing nonstop.

Galligan had held onto the video made four years earlier and had chosen to celebrate Groves’ admission to UT by blasting the footage to every major social media platform.

As the video began going viral, public outrage ensued, calling for the university to rescind her acceptance.

Capitulating to the mob, UT removed her from their cheer team, a decision that resulted in Groves withdrawing from the school because of what she perceived as pressure from the school’s admissions office.

Make no mistake, making racial slurs of any kind is demeaning and inappropriate behavior. But is one comment made four years prior enough to ruin the future of a teen who hadn’t even entered adulthood yet?

The court of public opinion said yes, without giving Groves any chance at redemption.

Groves’ story is just one of many.

Cancel culture has become more widespread over the last several years than anyone could have imagined. When I penned this article on the topic two years ago, I had no idea the problem would escalate to the level it has reached today.

But cancel culture isn’t reserved only for those who have made distasteful comments in the past.

Today, those espousing any opinion that goes against “woke” rhetoric are ridiculed online, fired from their jobs, and some are banned from using popular social media platforms altogether.

One University of North Carolina Wilmington professor, Mike Adams, even took his own life after tweets construed as offensive pushed him into early retirement after years of service to the institution.

Jonathan Haidt, author of The Righteous Mind and co-author of The Coddling of the American Mindhas been an outspoken critic of the cancel culture phenomenon for some time.

“Part of a call-out culture is you get credit based on what someone else said if you ‘call it out,'” he said in a 2018 interview.

This virtue signaling, which is really just a means of proving to society how “good” and “moral” your views are, is only half of the equation, however. Cancel culture is also about personal destruction, which is obvious in Groves’ situation, since Galligan didn’t use this ammunition against her until the time was ripe for maximum harm.

“It(cancel culture) has reached a level of personal vindictiveness, where people go out of their way to find ways the things other people say could be construed as insensitive,” Haidt said.

Slurs and inappropriate comments aside, cancel culture has made people scared to share their opinions lest they be condemned for thinking “incorrectly” about any given issue.

We now live in an era where people are constantly looking over their shoulders, or computer screens, worried that whatever opinion they post might make them victims of cancel culture.

There is no opportunity to change one’s mind, nor is there room to defend opinions you genuinely believe. And this is a huge problem for any civil society.

Haidt spoke of the importance of protecting open dialogue so that we may live in a society filled with varying opinions from which to choose.

“One of the most important [aspects] is that people are not afraid to share their opinions – they’re not afraid that they’re going to be shamed socially for disagreeing with the dominant opinion,” Haidt said.

The odds are high that your opinions about certain issues will change over time. However, some may not, and you shouldn’t live in fear that your beliefs will be met with social condemnation and isolation.

We are no longer given the room to share our opinions today because we are no longer able to disagree with each other respectfully.

You’re not always going to agree with everything other people say — not your professors, your classmates, or your parents. In fact, you might even find that your own views change as you learn new things and grow as a person and adult.

But having the freedom to consider all opinions and decide what you genuinely believe is vital to the human experience and civil discourse.

There is a market of choice in all things, from what clothes you wear, products you buy, and what ideas you subscribe to.

When you go shopping, you might not like the first outfit you try. You might not even like the second or third. But trying on different looks, or opinions, allows you to think for yourself and figure out what it is you want, or believe.

To be truly open-minded, you must be able to consider all opinions, instead of condemning any thought contrary to your own. The free exchange of ideas pushes individuals to share unique ideas and allows for opinions to evolve.

Dissent is what makes democracy strong. Our Constitution has outlasted so many others because the Founders disagreed and debated with each other until they crafted a document that fostered “a more perfect union” than had ever been seen before. We would be wise not to forget the example they set.

Put simply, shaming others doesn’t work. It’s purely punitive, and self-aggrandizing. It also rarely changes a person’s mind and often further radicalizes their beliefs, widening the divide already growing in our country.

To foster a world where ideas can be freely expressed, Pacific Legal Foundation will be hosting an event this Friday featuring Haidt that will examine the many ways free speech serves as a central tenet of innovation, community, and civil society, and how we can preserve and protect this fundamental value that makes our society so extraordinary.

Without the ability to speak freely and consider all opinions, civil discourse cannot occur. In its absence, society as we know it will cease to exist and the divides between us will continue to grow.


Brittany Hunter

Brittany is a writer for the Pacific Legal Foundation. She is a co-host of “The Way The World Works,” a Tuttle Twins podcast for families.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Lawsuit Forces Release of DOJ Memo Declining Criminal Prosecution for Ashli Babbitt’s Shooter

Shooter U.S. Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd Did Not Create a Police Report on Killing, Byrd Had Prior ‘Use of Force’ Issue 

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced that it received productions of new records totaling 102 pages from the Department of Justice (DOJ) related to the shooting of January 6 protestor Ashli Babbitt that include a memo recommending “that the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia decline for criminal prosecution the fatal shooting of Ashli McEntee [Babbitt],” also noting that the shooter, U.S. Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd, “did not create a police report or documents” related to the shooting of Babbitt.

The documents also reveal that in the press release announcing the decision not to prosecute Byrd for the killing of Babbitt, the DOJ replaced the words “group” and “crowd” with the word “mob” several times. 

The unarmed Babbitt was shot and killed as she climbed through a broken interior window in the United States Capitol. She was a 14-year Air Force veteran. The identity of the shooter was kept secret by Congress, the Justice Department, and DC police for eight months until Byrd went public to try to defend his killing of Babbitt.

The lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia after the Executive Office for United States Attorneys, the Civil Rights Division, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (all components of the Justice Department) failed to provide the records responsive to Judicial Watch’s April 14, 2021, and May 20, 2021, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for records related to the death of Babbitt (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:21-cv-02462))

The records contain the prosecution declination memorandum justifying the decision not to prosecute Byrd for the shooting death of Babbitt (nee McEntee) on January 6.

The “Overview and Recommendation” section reads as follows:

This memorandum recommends that the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia decline for criminal prosecution the fatal shooting of Ashli McEntee. 

[ *** ]

 This declination is based on a review of law enforcement and civilian eyewitness accounts, physical evidence, recorded radio communications, cell phone footage, MPD reports, forensic reports, and the autopsy report for Ms. McEntee. After a thorough review of the facts and circumstances in this case, there is insufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Lieutenant Byrd violated Ms. McEntee’s civil rights by willfully using more force than was reasonably necessary, or was not acting in self-defense or the defense of others.

The memo details:

Once the demonstrators broke the glass, Lieutenant Byrd took up a tactical position to the immediate right of the barricaded entry doors, [Capitol Police Officer Reggie Tyson] took up a tactical position behind Lieutenant Byrd on the right side behind the third pillar and Sergeant McKenna took up a tactical position behind Officer Tyson and behind the fourth pillar on the right side of the Speakers Lobby.

[ *** ]

All three officers had their service pistols drawn, pointed them in the direction of the barricaded entry doors, and repeatedly instructed the ‘mob’ to get back. The ‘mob’ of demonstrators ignored the officers’ commands and continued to break the glass on the doors in their attempt to breach the Speakers Lobby. Suddenly, Ashli McEntee began to crawl through one of the doors where the glass was already broken out. As Ms. McEntee was climbing through the door, Lieutenant Byrd stepped forward from his tactical position towards Ms. McEntee and fired one round from his service pistol striking Ms. McEntee in her left shoulder, just below her clavicle. Ms. McEntee then fell back from the doorway and onto the floor.

Regarding possible closed-circuit television footage the memo notes “There are several USCP operated Closed-Circuit Television Video (CCTV) cameras inside of the United States Capitol Building. However, there were no CCTV cameras observed or located in the Speaker’s Lobby area.” 

In a section of the memo titled “USCP Lieutenant Michael Byrd,” the memo notes: “He [Byrd] did not create any police reports or documents relating to the incident, and did not provide an official statement regarding use of force” though he did provide a voluntary “debrief” and walk-through of the scene with his lawyer. A footnote details that: “During the debrief of Lieutenant Byrd, he did recall writing a few sentences on an evidence bag the evening of January 6, 2021, at the request of a crime scene officer. To date, the bag has not been located by USCP or MPD.”

The memo reports:

Lieutenant Byrd heard glass breaking and saw some of the items used to barricade the doors being pushed down. Lieutenant Byrd continued to tell the rioters to “geback, get back!” Lieutenant Byrd then saw a rioter with a backpack on start to climb through one of the broken glass doors. Lieutenant Byrd saw the rioter “as a threat,” so he stepped forward from his tacticaposition and fired onround at the rioter. Thrioter fell back out of the opening and Lieutenant Byrd eventually stepped back into the seated area of the Speaker’s Lobby before confirming to other USCP officers that arrived on the scene that he was the one that fired his service weapon.

The memo notes that security staffing on January 6 was less than half the usual amount due to COVID-19:

Lieutenant Byrd did agree to participate with this counsel, Mark Schamel, in a voluntary debrief and walk-through of the scene on January 29, 2021 … Due to COVID-19 and other issues, the normal staffing for a joint session was less than half of what Lieutenant Byrd usually has assigned to the House Chamber. Once he arrived that morning, he was informed that USCP operations had made the decision that the uniform officers needed to pick up riot gear.

In a section titled, “Use of Force History,” it is noted that, “Lieutenant Byrd had one prior use of force matter, that was originally sustained by USCP, but after Lt. Byrd appealed, he was found not guilty by the Disciplinary Review Board.”

In a section titled “Recommendation,” the memo details:

This matter does not constitute a prosecutable violation of the federal criminal civil rights statutes or the District of Columbia homicide statutes. To show a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 242, the applicable federal criminal civil rights statute, the Government must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that an officer willfully used more force than was reasonably necessary under the circumstances. ‘The “reasonableness” of a particular use of force must be judged from the perspective of a reasonable officer on the scene, rather than with the 20/20 vision of hindsight.’ Graham v Connor, 490 U.S. 386, 396 (1989).

[ *** ]

Because Ms. McEntee was an active participant in a ‘mob’ that had just illegally entered the Capitol building, and then broke out the glass doors and removed barricades to forcefully gain entry into the Speaker’s Lobby, there is insufficient evidence to refute Lieutenant Byrd’s fear for his life or the life of others at the time he discharged his weapon. Therefore, there is insufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he willfully deprived Ms. McEntee of a right protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States of America. Accordingly I recommend declination of this matter. 

The records include a draft version of the April 14, 2021, Justice Department press release announcing their decision not to prosecute Byrd for the killing of Babbitt, the authors replaced the word “crowd” with the word “mob” five times in describing the January 6 protestors.

 The documents also include charts of January 6 investigations and targets. For one of the investigations, it is noted that a New York Times reporter is a “CW” [confidential witness]. Another notation tied to “pipe bombs” notes that a “geo fence” request was made to Google.

Judicial Watch previously uncovered records from the DC Metropolitan Police showed that multiple officers claimed they didn’t see a weapon in Babbitt’s hand before Byrd shot her, and that Byrd was visibly distraught afterward. One officer attested that he didn’t recall hearing any verbal commands before Byrd shot Babbitt. The records include internal communications about Byrd’s case and a crime scene examination report. Investigators who wrote the January 6, 2021, Metro PD Death Report for Babbitt (identified as Ashli Elizabeth McEntee-Babbitt Pamatian) note that the possible Manner of Death was “Homicide (Police Involved Shooting).”

“These records show that Lt. Byrd was given special treatment by the Biden DOJ and that there was a miscarriage of justice in the half-baked shooting death investigation of Ashli Babbitt,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Lt. Byrd, who works for Congress, shot an unarmed woman for no good reason. I suspect that this unjustified shooting isn’t of much interest to the Pelosi rump January 6 committee.”

Judicial Watch is engaged in a comprehensive, independent investigation into the January 6 disturbance: 

  • February 2022: Judicial Watch filed an opposition to the U.S. Capitol Police’s (USCP) effort to shut down Judicial Watch’s federal lawsuit for January 6 videos and emails. Through its police department, Congress argues that the videos and emails are not public records, there is no public interest in their release, and that “sovereign immunity” prevents citizens from suing for their release.
  • November 2021: Judicial Watch released multiple audiovisual and photo records from the DC Metropolitan Police Department about the shooting death of Babbitt on January 6, 2021, in the U.S. Capitol Building. The records include a cell phone video of the shooting and an audio of a brief police interview of the shooter, Byrd.
  • Also in November 2021: Judicial Watch – in its FOIA lawsuit asking for records of communication between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and several financial institutions about the reported transfer of financial transaction records of people in DC, Maryland and Virginia on January 5 and January 6, 2021 – told a federal court that the FBI may have violated law in its January 6 probes.

RELATED ARTICLE: Biden DOJ asks judge to go easy on Leftist terrorists who threw Molotov cocktail into police car

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

TAKE ACTION: Stop Pizza Hut’s ‘Book Club’ That Gives Drag Performer’s Book to Kids

Parent company Yum Brands owns Pizza Hut as well as Kentucky Fried Chicken and Taco Bell.

Click here to send your email to urge parent company Yum Brands’ officials to show respect for the innocence of children by discontinuing Big Wig and other books that push LGBTQ on young kids.

To see this alert in your internet browser and share this article click here.

News Week published an article titled Pizza Hut Slammed for Suggesting Drag Performer Book in Kids’ Reading Club.  The article reports in part:

Social media users slammed Pizza Hut this week on Twitter over its book club’s latest reading suggestion that includes a drag performer book for kids.

The restaurant’s reading club Book It! Program, which targets grades PreK-6, has listed some books focusing on the LGBTQ community on its website in light of celebrating Pride Month, including Big Wig and Be Amazing: A History of Pride.

Since 1984, Book It! has encouraged children across the country to read more as “schools across the nation and millions of children” participating in the six-month program each year, according to the program’s Facebook page.

Big Wig is still posted at Pizza Hut’s Book It! Program.  Click here to see it.

Parent company Yum Brands owns Pizza Hut and  Kentucky Fried Chicken and Taco Bell.

Early attempts by other conservative groups to communicate with Pizza Hut via Twitter were quickly shut down.

Kindergarten and elementary school kids are way too young to struggle with the concept of being transgender.  Children are far too immature to choose a sexual preference for life especially when the overwhelming majority of kids who experiment choose to be straight.   It’s irresponsible to challenge the innocence of children with transgender propaganda when a high percentage of them would have otherwise ended up taking the straight heterosexual path for life.

Pizza Hut certainly has the right to promote whatever books it wants in its library.  You have the same right to object and patronize food chains other than Pizza Hut, KFC and Taco Bell who don’t spend customer money on LGBTQ propaganda.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to urge parent company Yum Brands’ officials to show respect for the innocence of children by discontinuing Big Wig and other books that push LGBTQ on young kids.

To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the “Send Your Message” button. You may also edit the subject or message text if you wish.

Click here to send your email to urge parent company Yum Brands’ officials to show respect for the innocence of children by discontinuing Big Wig and other books that push LGBTQ on young kids.

Contact information:

David Gibbs, Chief Executive Officer
Yum! Brands, Inc.

Chris Turner, Chief Financial Officer
Yum! Brands, Inc.

Tracy Skeans, Chief Operating Officer
Yum Brands, Inc.

©Florida Family Association. All rights reserved.


Why Should I Oblige Homosexuals – The Video Rant

Methodist leaders say ‘rebellion and dysfunction’ over LGBT issues splitting denomination

Armed Man Arrested Near Brett Kavanaugh’s House Said He Wanted To Kill Him

UPDATE: Nicholas John Roske, 26, of Simi Valley, California was arrested around 1:50 a.m. Wednesday morning near Kavanaugh’s home, according to authorities. Police said he was armed with a pistol, knife, pepper spray, zip ties, a hammer and crowbar, according to USA Today. Roske allegedly threatened to kill Kavanaugh because he was upset that the justice may overturn Roe this summer and allow states to protect unborn babies from abortion again, according to the criminal complaint.

A man armed with at least one weapon and burglary tools was arrested near Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home after telling police officers he intended to kill Kavanaugh, The Washington Post reported.

The California man in his mid-twenties was on a street near Kavanaugh’s Montgomery County, Maryland, home when he was stopped by officers and admitted his plans to kill the justice, according to The Washington Post. It remains unclear who alerted authorities to the threat.

He was armed with a handgun, a knife and pepper spray when he was arrested at 1:50 a.m. Wednesday, according to CNBC News. He arrived to Kavanaugh’s neighborhood by taxi.

The man may have been motivated by anger over the leaked draft opinion revealing the likely overturning of Roe v. Wade and by a recent series of mass shootings, sources familiar with the investigation told The Washington Post.

The Supreme Court is likely to overturn Roe in its upcoming Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision, according to a leaked draft opinion, and could allow states to determine their own abortion laws as they did prior to 1973 or could move the legally understood point of viability to an earlier point in pregnancy.

The leak triggered a series of attacks on crisis pregnancy centers and pro-life groups, including multiple firebombings.

The Chevy Chase Police Department and the Supreme Court news media department did not immediately respond to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s requests for comment.

This is a breaking news story and will be updated.



Social issues and culture reporter.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.