Amnesty Opponents Lauren Boebert (R-CO) and Doug Lamborn (R-CO) and Mary Miller (R-IL) Win Their Primaries

ALIPAC in an email congratulating Lauren Boebert (R-CO) and Doug Lamborn (R-CO) and Mary Miller (R-IL) for winning their respective primaries stated:

Amnesty supporting GOP Rep. Rodney Davis has been defeated by Amnesty opponent Rep. Mary Miller, who is endorsed by ALIPAC, in the Illinois primary today!

Rep. Rodney Davis is on ALIPAC’s Cantor List for removal from office due to his support for Amnesty for Obama’s DACA illegals which is opposed by most Americans and a super-majority of GOP Primary voters. At last count, Miller was beating Davis 58% to 42%.

ALIPAC Endorsed conservatives Reps Lauren Boebert and Doug Lamborn also fought off challengers and won their primaries today in Colorado.

ALIPAC would like to thank every American voter and activist who is working to remove Amnesty backing RINOs and Democrats from office while supporting those who stand with America’s existing immigration and border laws like Reps Miller, Boebert, and Lamborn.

Please congratulate these Constitutional conservative candidates on Facebook:

Doug Lamborn for Congress

Lauren Boebert for Congress,

Mary Miller for Congress

And on Twitter here.

©Dr. Rich Swier—All rights reserved.

The Knights of Senator Johnson’s Round Table

The one and only good I see coming out of the Covid Plandemic and catastrophic, quasi-mandatory vaccine policies, is that we’re seeing some Americans emerging as heroes during this dark time.

Many of us have long since known the names of key villains in our fight for the Republic and for liberty—people in the psychopathic billionaires’ club such as George Soros, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Ted Turner, —and lesser, but equally destructive players, such as the Clintons, the Bushes, the Bidens, Pelosi, Newsom, Canada’s Trudeau, France’s Macron, etc.

But most of us likely had never heard of Dr. Scott Atlas, Dr. Lee Merrit, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Dr. John Ioannidis, or the U.K.’s former Pfizer VP, Dr. Michael Yeadon. Along with dozens of others, these men and women have risked their careers by taking a stand to save lives and speak the truth—which, in a time of universal deceit, as Orwell warned us, has become a revolutionary act.


But, lest we forget, I want to focus on a particular group of similarly remarkable men and women who, in January of this year, participated in a 5-hour hearing conducted by another hero who has taken a brave public stance: Senator Ron Johnson.

Senator Johnson has emerged as perhaps the most courageous, principled and insightful man in Congress—and I do mean both houses. Here’s a short sampling of our true American heroes featured in this roundtable: Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, Dr. Christina Parks, and a number of others including some brave nurses, some tragically vaccine-injured individuals, and a pair of formidable attorneys including firebrand Tom Renz, fighting for doctors and their patients.

Speaking of Thomas Renz, even among so many horrific tales, his brief presentation was mind-blowing. Attorney Renz, working with several brave DoD whistleblowers who furnished him with data we weren’t supposed to see, shocked the room with his findings: among our mandatorily-vaccinated military, miscarriages increased by 300%, cancer by 300%, and serious neurological disorders by 1000%. Says Renz, “Our soldiers are being experimented on injured, and sometimes possibly killed.”


Senator Johnson followed up by sending a letter to DOD Secretary Lloyd Austin, in which he wrote:

“Based on data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), Thomas Renz, an attorney who is representing three Department of Defense (DoD) whistleblowers, reported that these whistleblowers found a significant increase in registered diagnoses on DMED for miscarriages, cancer, and many other medical conditions in 2021 compared to a five-year average from 2016-2020. For example, at the roundtable Renz stated that registered diagnoses for neurological issues increased 10 times from a five-year average of 82,000 to 863,000 in 2021.”

I wish I could say that this became front page news throughout our nation. But instead, the DOD, with backup support from the Leftwing rag Politifact, ran to the rescue with damage control. Politifact’s Jeff Cercone had the gall to announce there had been a “glitch” in the data. More brazenly yet, DOD spokesman Peter Graves claimed the entire Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) was discovered to have been wrong from 2016 to 2020—meaning it can’t be used for comparison to assess any anomalies in 2021. Hmmmmm… Graves announced DMED has been “taken offline” to “identify and correct the root-cause of the data corruption.”

Anyone think we need Sherlock Holmes to identify the root cause of this mess? Forget the fake “data corruption”—I mean the real thing: the DOD’s corruption! I guess it was too late for them to simply erase the injuries the whistleblowers had discovered among the vaxxed, so they went for the other side of the equation instead—nullifying the grounds for comparison.


All told, Senator Johnson’s five-hour roundtable delivers a shocking exposé of the American medical system gone completely off the rails. The stories these brave men and women told brought some of them to tears, as they did this viewer.

These are the real experts—men and women who went into medicine for the right reasons—to actually heal patients. It is heart-wrenching to watch Dr. Marik announce that the hospital he’d worked out for decades tied his hands, refusing to allow him to treat his patients with proven safe and effective therapeutics. Here’s what this expert physician said, while blinking away his tears: “I had to stand by idly, watching these people die!”  Dr. Marik is the only one present whom I heard use the word “evil”, though he applied it only to the hospital and its phony review board as they stripped him of his hospital privileges, ending a stellar decades-long medical career.

And another of our nation’s most distinguished and highly esteemed physicians, Dr. Peter McCullough, may even lose his license to practice medicine if the American Board of Internal Medicine has its vindictive way. His crime? Trying to save lives—I mean spreading “misinformation.” It doesn’t get more Orwellian than this.


If you connect the dots, it quickly becomes apparent that all the atrocities we’ve seen—from denial of therapeutics, to enforced use of Remdesivir, to pumped up “positive cases” through inaccurate PCR tests, to vaccine mandates, etc.—serve to ensure and promote widespread inoculation with a novel, highly experimental, genetic-disrupting “vaccine technology.”

How so? Well, the rampant PCR testing at high threshold cycles makes it look like we have a “pandemic” crisis, as the numbers of “cases” climb. This ramps up fear and makes it more likely people will willingly take the sometimes fatal shots.

The deaths of thousands of our countrymen resulting from the horribly cruel denial of safe therapeutics such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, various steroids, etc., is likely viewed as mere collateral damage by the perpetrators of this heinous crime, as they needed to preserve the Emergency Use Authorization for the Pfizer, Moderna and J&J “vaccines.” You see, if doctors everywhere started saving lives by using safe, repurposed and readily available drugs, Big Pharma would lose its Get Out of Jail Free card: the EUA that protects them from liability. Not only that, but the “emergency” disappears if Covid becomes treatable with therapeutics. And they couldn’t have that, now, could they?

And what about hospitals forcing Fauci’s Favorite “Remdesivir” on helpless patients—a drug known to cause kidney failure? As I learned from Robert F. Kennedy’s blockbuster book “The Real Anthony Fauci,” nurses have dubbed this drug “Run-death-is-near.”

Why inflict this on patients? Well, there’s a hefty perverse incentive, as hospitals receive huge bonuses for every “Covid death” and even more if they prescribe Remdesivir, and another lump sum for finishing the patient off on a ventilator. Hmmm… Besides, isn’t death of the victim the purpose of bio-weapons? So if Covid didn’t do the job, they evidently have their hospital backup plan, as attorney Thomas Renz and brave whistleblowers have documented. Renz estimates hospitals that play this game get around $100,000 per “Covid” patient.


So how do you get hundreds of hospitals and thousands of physicians to perform in lockstep? Simple—though the Rockefeller/Gates/JohnsHopkins consortiums spent a good deal of money to figure this out.

You use two trusted methods: bribery and threats. You bribe the venal and the pushovers, and you threaten those who seem to have a stronger moral compass.

Sadly, as we’ve seen, the majority succumb to these pressures. It is not an easy decision to risk losing one’s medical license and therefore livelihood and means of supporting one’s family. It takes courage—what Aristotle called the first of the virtues, upon which all the others are dependent—and, as we’ve seen writ large in the past few years—it’s rare.


After listening to several hours of horror stories about unnecessary deaths from Covid-19, and maiming and deaths off the charts from vaccine injuries, I think it was Senator Johnson who asked the key question: Why?

Why are the CDC, FDA, NIH, medical boards, hospitals, etc., all seemingly on board with such obviously cruel and unusual practices?

Dr. Pierre Kory provided this answer: “Corruption!” “They’re putting profits ahead of lives!”

Well, yes, we see the money sloshing around, and hospitals, Big Pharma, and Dr. Mengele Fauci, among others, are making out like bandits, but as for the “why” question, I beg to differ.  After all, we’ve seen corporate corruption and profiteering at the cost of lives before. Take the tobacco industry moguls. They knew cigarettes caused lung cancer fairly early on. But hey, there was big money to be made. So…they hid that knowledge and kept selling cigarettes.

That’s how corruption works. It’s got to be secretive. But that’s not what we’re seeing now. The downright coldblooded murder of our fellow citizens in hospitals is not hidden. Nor is the carnage from the vaccines for anyone who knows how to search for it on the internet. Besides, given enough time, the truth will out. And Senator Johnson and the heroes he assembled are doing their best to speed that up.


So if it’s not primarily about money and corruption, what could the motive be?

Ask Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Pfizer VP in the UK. Early in this saga, Dr. Yeadon detected a “whiff of evil.” He was the only one at that time who used that word, thus making him one of my early heroes, since I detected that same whiff.

What Senator Johnson’s group may not understand is that America, and indeed, the world, is now in the grip of evil. We’re in the End Game of the psychopathic billionaires’ One World Government club, and they long since announced they want to drastically reduce the world’s population. And they didn’t mean over the next hundred or two hundred years. They mean in the next three to five years. Make that in the next seven years, if you sense a Biblical connection.

We’re witnessing planned genocide being enacted. The parallels with Nazi Germany are legion. I was horrified listening to Dr. Richard Urso saying that in the early days of Covid, hospitals would not only refuse to let family members enter the room of their loved one who was dying, but after death, they would not release the body to the family for burial! What did they do? They incinerated it! The Nazis would have been proud.

The globalist cabal call it “depopulation” which is Orwellian doublespeak for mass murder. That’s why this is happening, Senator Johnson. These maniacs have bought up politicians, medical associations, hospitals, doctors, and the entire mainstream media which they use as their PR mouthpiece day in and day out. They own the narrative. And while they and their minions like Fauci and Big Pharma moguls no doubt love the blood money they’re raking in, the New World Order oligarchs don’t need money—that’s not what they’re after. They want absolute power and they want a much smaller population to control. They’re simply culling the serfs.

The globalist cabal behind this entire evil agenda are all in for maximum deaths of those they likely regard as “useless eaters” after the manner of past psychopathic power-mongers like Stalin.

And of course all their Covidian machinations translate into preserving the all-important narrative: the world’s first never-ending “pandemic,” necessitating never-ending vaccine booster shots, digital vaccine passports, digital currency, tracking, tracing, 24/7 surveillance, ID2020, Social Credit Scores, the Great Reset, and Internment Camps for dissidents, while everyone else will “own nothing and be happy” under a One World Government that makes Orwell’s masterpiece 1984 look like a walk in the park.

That’s why they’re doing what they’re doing.

And that’s why they must be stopped!

© 2022 Cherie Zaslawsky – All Rights Reserved

Tucker Carlson’s Misguided Attack on Republicans

For the record, I believe Fox News host Tucker Carlson is by far the best high-profile TV commentator of our time. I frequently cite him in my news-oriented articles, and his monologues are tours de force. Thus is it notable that I’ve never seen him stumble so badly as on his last Wednesday evening show.

Aside from taking at face value a rather portly Google engineer’s claim that a computer he’d been working with, which he calls a “person,” has become sentient (highly improbable at this time), Carlson launched an attack on the Republican Party that, while containing some truth, failed to see the forest for the trees.

The pundit’s point was that while Democrats are alienating even their traditional “minority” base with woke baseness, the GOP is not only failing to capitalize but is aiding the Biden administration in effectuating political correctness. He provided a number of examples, and let’s jump right in with one to illustrate where he went wrong.

Carlson cited Arkansas Republican governor Asa Hutchinson’s shameful veto of a 2021 bill that would ban the child abuse euphemistically known as “gender reassignment” treatments (e.g., puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones). With the veto, Hutchinson signaled that he adheres to a self-destructive fantasy about and fear of “government overreach” (his claim), is profoundly ignorant on the subject or is actually in bed with the sexual devolutionaries. Regardless, he should be primaried. Carlson, however, didn’t tell the rest of the story. To wit:

That bill is now law because the Republican-controlled legislature overrode Hutchinson’s veto by wide margins the very day after it was announced.

As Ballotpedia reported last year, “The House and Senate voted 71-24 and 25-8 in favor of the override, respectively. All Democrats, one independent, and three Republicans voted against the override. The remaining Republicans voted in favor of the override. Seven assembly members—one Democrat and six Republicans—did not vote.”

Again, “All Democrats” voted for child abuse’s perpetuation, whereas virtually all the Arkansas Republicans voted to end it — and did so.

This is a real change, a real blow in the culture war, that makes a real difference in real people’s lives. It’s also something that wouldn’t have even been proposed had Democrats controlled Arkansas’s legislature.

This is reminiscent of how, in 2007 and 2013, after immigrationist GOPers (e.g., the late Senator John McCain) forged disastrous amnesty bills, they were deep-sixed by other congressional Republicans.

Carlson also mentioned the 15 leftism-enabling Senate Republicans, such as Texas’s John Cornyn and Utah’s Mitt Romney, who conspired with the Democrats to pass the unconstitutional “red flag” gun bill. Yet while this is lamentable, the reality is that almost 89 percent of Republicans opposed the bill in the Senate and House combined — versus zero percent of Democrats who did so.

Perhaps most notable, however, is that all five Supreme Court justices who voted to overturn the unconstitutional, nation-rending Roe v. Wade opinion were appointed by Republicans; three out of the four voting unconstitutionally were Democrat choices.

Realize, too, that as bad as the GOP establishment is, we have one of its members to thank for Roe’s demise: The often enraging Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. He did, after all, hold up the thoroughly unjust Merrick Garland’s SCOTUS nomination while also later helping elevate Amy Coney Barrett to the Court.

(Additionally, McConnell helped Trump elevate 220 Article III federal judges, the second most of any president in a four-year period.)

Whatever one thinks of abortion, the difference between overturning Roe and not doing so is like night and day — and that historic day, Friday’s Dobbs ruling, was delivered by the GOP.

All this makes two conclusions plain: First, the Republican Party is far from perfect.

Second, it’s still head and shoulders above the Democrats.

The Real Distinctions and The Uniparty Mentality

Those who, despite the above, paint both parties with the same brush should consider something: Before complaining of a “uniparty,” remember that the GOP itself is not a uniparty. It includes “MAGA” figures ranging from Ron DeSantis, Chip Roy and Marjorie Taylor Greene to liberals such as Susan Collins and Romney to establishment operators such as McConnell to possible sociopaths such as Adam Kinzinger. There’s a lot of ideological real estate among these groups and, consequently, a bit of an intra-party civil war. And apropos to this, understand that the most instructive distinction here is not Republican and Democrat.

It’s people who more or less care about the country and its Constitution and traditions (though they have varying understanding of such) — and everyone else. But here’s the significant point:

There is one and only one viable home for the anti-establishment MAGA set, and that’s the Republican Party. As for its bad elements, why would we define any group based on its most anomalous 10 or 15 percent?

How Political Power is Won

So we mustn’t let “the perfect be the enemy of the good.” And if I can grit my teeth and say this, you can, too. After all, the best way to understand me is that I’m Mayberry Meets the Middle Ages. What this means is that 99.5 percent of the people who might think they’re more outside-the-box than I am are not more outside-the-box than I am. But I also understand something:

“Politics is the art of the possible,” as famed German leader Otto von Bismarck put it.

It’s not the art of “You get what you want, right now, no questions asked,” but of the possible. Also realize that it’s a mistake treating a politician who has dashed certain hopes of yours as you would a formerly dear friend who has betrayed you. The latter may be dead to you (though forgiveness is always, and reconciliation sometimes, in order), but parties and politicians should be viewed differently: as tools with a certain utility.

You don’t throw away a tool just because it doesn’t perform up to the standard you hoped unless you have a better tool with which to replace it. This means, mind you, that the superior tool must be one you can actually get your hands on and put to use, not something that will never actually make it into your shed. (This is a metaphor for supporting vanity-project, third-party candidates.) In other words, don’t get so emotionally involved with a politician that when disappointed, you feel like a jilted love interest.

The next step is understanding the goal. Anyone who remembers the 2008 film Gran Torino may recall that when the Clint Eastwood character was asked how he had a tool shed equipped like Home Depot, his answer was that such an arsenal is acquired over a lifetime. We likewise must aim to incrementally improve our set of tools.

For example, electing America-first candidates (e.g., Taylor Greene) in recent years has improved Congress. And if it’s now, for argument’s sake, 15 percent better than before, the goal is to make it another 8, 15 or 20 percent better next time. This is done, obviously, through electing the best possible candidates in the primaries and then the general election. Keep repeating this process, and improved government results.

But as soon as we get emotional due to disappointment and take our ball and go home (demoralization-born suppressed turnout), the process not only is halted but can reverse. One step forwards, two steps back. Perseverance is a prerequisite for winning power.

In conclusion, remember that embracing the “uniparty” mentality is to play into evil’s hands. The Devil wants you to become cynical, say “They’re all the same!” and not see distinctions. For then you won’t distinguish between good and evil and can become, as Edmund Burke put it, one of those “good” men who do nothing.

Battles can only be won by those who show up for them.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on MeWe, Gettr or Parler, or log on to

©Selwyn Duke. All rights reserved.

A Conversation About Abortion With My Uber Driver

Like most Americans—and most women who chose to terminate a pregnancy—the 30-something Millennial who drove me home from a medical appointment was clueless about the horrifying details of how abortions are performed.

With a client list that includes some of Hollywood’s biggest motion picture studios, the 30-something Uber driver who gave me a ride home from a medical appointment searches-out locations to shoot scenes for feature-length films and other video productions.

When I asked what he thought about Georgia’s new heartbeat abortion law, he jumped in with both left feet, saying the law is stupid and will be a financial disaster for movie industry employees in Georgia because of threats by motion picture producers to boycott the state.

This is the brief conversation we had right before he pulled into my driveway:

Uber driver: “The law is so stupid, men trying to tell women what they can’t do with their own body.”

Me: “I used to be pro-choice too, until I found out what’s involved in having an abortion.”

Uber driver: “What do you mean?”

Me: “Do you know how abortions are performed?”

Uber driver: “Not really.”

Me: “Well, for example, in a second trimester surgical abortion, the abortion doctor uses what’s called a sopher clamp, a pliers-like instrument with serrated teeth on the business end. The abortion doctor uses the sopher clamp to probe inside the patient’s womb. When he feels something, he clamps down, pulls hard, and out comes an arm or a ….”

Before I could finish the sentence, my Uber driver raised his hand and pleaded, “Please, please. I don’t want to hear any more!”

Shocked by a gruesome fact he’d never heard, this ill-informed Millennial didn’t have the slightest clue of how horrifying abortion procedures are, especially in the second and third trimesters.

Like my Uber driver and most other Americans, most women who have an abortion are clueless about the violent means through which their unborn baby is killed. My guess is Planned Parenthood certainly doesn’t tell them. Should that horrifying information become widely known, the number of women opting for an abortion would likely plummet.

Courtesy of Democrats in Congress, Planned Parenthood receives a half-billion dollars a year of public funding. In 2019, the organization performed some 330,000 abortions. To get a visual of the magnitude of that number of killings, please click here to see a picture of a jam-packed Michigan Stadium, seating capacity 110,000. The number of people in the stands represents the equivalent number of unborn babies Planned Parenthood kills in just four months.

Last year, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a se/self-professed Catholic, cheered as House Democrats passed the most radical abortion bill in U.S. history. The proposed legislation, which would lift virtually all restrictions on abortion and prevent states from enacting even modest protections for unborn babies, would legalize partial birth abortion, a procedure that involves the decapitation and dismembering of babies inside the womb. And, yes, that’s exactly what is done.

In the interest of full disclosure to one of their most important identity politics voting blocs—women who dread an unwanted pregnancy—Democrats should demand that Planned Parenthood abortion clinics show every troubled young woman who comes through the door the video below of former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino describing the absolutely barbaric procedures carried out each year on hundreds of thousands of unlucky babies. The next time you look in a mirror, remind yourself how grateful you are that your mother chose life for you.

Please consider sharing this eye-opening video with your friend and on your social media list:

The original version of this article was published three years ago by American Thinker.


Progressive Democrats demand “equity” for black people, yet their party is responsible for black babies accounting for a grossly disproportionate share of abortions in America:

©John Droz, Jr. All rights reserved.


Painful letter details the horrors of abortion


What you need to know about Planned Parenthood

FLORIDA: LifeChoice Pregnancy Center of Winter Haven Vandalized

I sure hope they had some security cameras.  Really irksome that the leftist Pro-Choicers in our community think such lawless acts helps anything; just the opposite it hurts their cause.

Click here to view my Online Report to the Winter Have Police Department.

BTW, the LifeChoice Pregnancy Center of Winter Haven provides free counseling and sonograms to pregnant mothers in Winter Haven and they saved over 600 babies in 2021.

Watch: LifeChoice Pregnancy Center of Winter Haven vandalized by Jane Was Here.

This is a planned insurrection started by Democrats to take over America. They always attack the most vulnerable, those medical professions who help pregnant women and save babies.

Same thing when over half of our 20 – 4′ X 8′ Trump signs put up by LARC / WH 912 members were vandalized during 2020 election.

They should be ashamed of themselves.

Winter Haven pregnancy center vandalized after supreme court overturned abortion rights


June 27, 2022 6:16PM

WINTER HAVEN, Fla. – Almost two dozen volunteers from Winter Haven Worship Center arrived with paint and brushes in hand at the LifeChoice Pregnancy Center Monday morning to undo damage done over the weekend.

Sometime after closing on Friday and Sunday morning vandals spray-painted pro-choice graffiti on the center.

“Different sayings such as we are coming to get you,” said Winter Haven Police Chief David Brannan.

In the wake of the vandalism, the center is increasing security.

“We are meeting with our board to make sure we have the proper security in place for all our staff, our volunteers, and especially for our clients,” said Lyndsy Flanagan, a spokeswoman for the center.

Read more.

Royal A. Brown, III. All rights reserved.



21 & Done: Pro Abortion Companies To Avoid

Short Haired Nut Has Mental Breakdown on TikTok over Abortion

‘Impregnator’: Did A Democrat Rep Just Coin A New Gender-Neutral Term For Men Who Get A Woman Pregnant?

Rep. Jackie Speier used the term “impregnator” to describe men who get women pregnant during an appearance on CNN Sunday,

“There has been nothing said about the fact that a woman doesn’t get pregnant with immaculate conception,” the California Democrat told “CNN Newsroom” host Jim Acosta. “There’s an impregnator and there’s not a word that’s been said about the responsibility of the impregnator. So for all those states that are now saying a woman can’t get an abortion, I would suggest to their legislature that they require the impregnator to put up a $350,000 bond so that this mother can take care of that child.”

The Supreme Court issued a 6-3 ruling Friday written by Associate Justice Samuel Alito upholding a Mississippi ban on abortions after the 15th week of pregnancy, effectively overturning Roe v. Wade.

Democrats have called for expanding the Supreme Court after a string of rulings that did not go their way. In addition to the Dobbs ruling, many of them decried the Supreme Court’s ruling in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen, which struck down the state’s requirement that those applying for a license to carry a pistol show “good cause” to be issued a permit.


Speier also accused the conservative justices of lying about their position on Roe v. Wade during their respective confirmation hearings.

“There’s no question they lied, and they did that under oath,” Speier said. “So, there should be consequences, I agree with Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, and I think that we need to look at ways of making them pay.”

Speier hinted that impeachment would be difficult due to what she said was a requirement for a two-thirds vote in both houses of Congress. The Constitution states a two-thirds vote is only required for conviction in the Senate, and a majority vote is required in the House of Representatives.

Speier did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.





‘Horrifying Decision’: Democrats Lose Their Minds After Supreme Court Strikes Down Abortion Rights

Elizabeth Warren Suggests Putting Abortion Clinics In National Parks

Top Pollster Gives More Bad News For Democrats’ Midterm Chances

‘She Did Not Do Her Homework’: Former Gorsuch Law Clerk Obliterates Claim Justices ‘Misled’ Susan Collins

HHS Secretary Says Biden Admin May Help Transport Women Across State Lines For Abortion

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

Every self-respecting western nation should launch a public Covid inquiry

But the devil will be in the detail.

Can democratic institutions recover from the excesses of pandemic policies, which uncritically aped the extreme and counter-productive interventions of the Chinese Communist Party, unleashing a cascade of collateral harms in their wake, from an escalation in mental health illnesses to untreated cancers, an educational deficit, and new waves of poverty and unemployment? Can our public institutions regain some of the credibility they lost when they were used to suspend civil liberties and pressure citizens to take vaccines of questionable efficacy?

Perhaps, but only if politicians, civil servants, and expert advisers are forced to answer for the consequences of their actions. This can only happen if governments promptly appoint public tribunals or commissions with a wide-ranging brief to thoroughly investigate the response of public authorities and leaders to the Covid-19 pandemic.

European developments

Earlier this year, Sweden’s government-appointed Corona Commission published its findings, which were critical of certain aspects of Sweden’s response to the Covid pandemic, but found that its broad policy was “fundamentally correct.” The UK is currently finalising the terms of reference for its Public Covid Inquiry led by Baroness Hallett. The Irish and Scottish governments have both announced their intention to hold similar inquiries.

Only time will tell if these inquiries manage to expose uncomfortable truths about the Covid response, and make public officials and political leaders answer for their blunders, rather than simply being a window-dressing operation. Because the issues involved require complex and politically charged judgments, rather than just questions of “hard science,” the outcome of such inquiries will depend to a large degree on the professional calibre, moral integrity, independence, and impartiality of the individuals who lead them.

Restoring trust

Here are two ways a properly constituted and professionally conducted Covid inquiry could enhance the resilience and integrity of our liberal democratic institutions:

First, a public Covid inquiry could identify and diagnose serious errors of judgment and flaws in the democratic process that led to the abrupt abandonment of standard infectious disease protocols, the premature suspension of citizens’ liberties, and the embrace of untested approaches such as lockdowns that inflicted untold harm on society.¹ This would make a repetition of these errors less likely, at least in the near future.

Second, if citizens see a serious effort to scrutinise the motivations behind pandemic policies and their impact on society, at least some of their trust in their public institutions will be restored. Without that trust, governments will increasingly find themselves relying on coercion, fear and manipulation rather than goodwill, in order to secure citizens’ compliance with their laws and regulations.

Public duty

Of course, some governments may attempt to sidestep the demand for a public inquiry into their response to Covid-19, in order to save themselves and their colleagues from unwelcome scrutiny. Other governments may institute an inquiry, but its terms of reference may be defined too narrowly, or its procedures may be too rushed and superficial, to uncover serious problems such as reckless and corrupt behaviour in public institutions.

In spite of these risks, it is incumbent upon any self-respecting democratic government to commission an independent Covid inquiry to assess the performance of government actors in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Only time will tell if such inquiries fulfil their public function and deliver the unvarnished truth, for better or for worse, rather than “covering over a multitude of sins.”

1. See, for example, “A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Lockdowns on Covid-19 Mortality”, published by Studies in Applied Economics, a journal of the Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health, and the Study of Business Enterprise.

This article has been republished from David Thunder’s Substack, The Freedom Blog.


David Thunder

David Thunder is a researcher and lecturer at the University of Navarra’s Institute for Culture and Society. More by David Thunder

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

When a Conservative is Asked ‘What is a Woman?’

A common way to put Made-up Sexual Status (MUSS, a.k.a. “transgender”) activists on the spot is to ask them “What is a woman?” They’ll hem and haw because their current emotion-based creed dictates that the only possible definition is “anyone who identifies as a woman.” Some sexual devolutionaries, however, may come back with what a YouTube commenter under a very clever, topic-related Babylon Bee video claimed. “Let’s be real, conservatives do not have a tenable definition of woman,” he stated. “[C]onservatives don’t talk about their definition of woman — they know it’s not good enough.” Okay, then, challenge accepted. I’ll talk about it:

A woman is an adult member of the species homo sapiens; this means in principle that she has an XX chromosome configuration and is, consequently, genotypically and phenotypically female.

Yes, that’s a mouthful, because it’s precise. But the sexual devolutionaries would no doubt interject here, saying, “No, no! Some ‘women’ are not genotypically XX or wholly phenotypically [appearance-wise] female.”

Yet they’d have overlooked two key words in my definition: “in principle.” One learns in good philosophy, rarely taught today, that there’s a difference between something being true in principle and it being true in the particular.

For example, an apple in principle is something that doesn’t contain a worm; this definition isn’t negated by the fact that the occasional apple has a worm because the worm isn’t integral to the apple. There obviously are deviations among women from the genotypic and phenotypic female norm; it’s also obvious that they have no bearing on what a woman is in principle.

Not understanding this (not that they’d want to), sexual devolutionaries will didactically “explain” how there are more than just the two “XX” (female) and “XY” (male) genotypes, with others supposedly being the “intersex” varieties XXX, X0, XXY and XYY. While these configurations’ existence, again, has no bearing on what the two sexes are in principle, here’s what the sexual devolutionaries don’t say:

These are all abnormalities that afflict one sex or the other. Here’s the science, courtesy of WebMD (emphasis added by me):

  • Triple X syndrome (also called trisomy X syndrome, XXX syndrome, or 47,XXX) is a rare genetic condition where females inherit an extra X chromosome.”
  • Turner syndrome [X0] is a rare genetic disorder that’s found only in girls.”
  • Klinefelter syndrome [XXY] is a genetic condition in which a boy is born with an extra X chromosome.”
  • “‌Although genetics are hereditary, a phenomenon in genetic alterations occurs when male babies receive an extra Y chromosome in each of their cells, resulting in an XYY combination.”

And that’s it. By the way, you can search the WebMD pages I linked to, and you won’t find the term “intersex” anywhere on them. “Intersex” is not a scientific designation, but a social one. It’s not reality, but fantasy. There are two sexes and abnormalities afflicting them, nothing more. This is much as how someone suffering with hypertrichosis (excessive hair growth. Example: “Jo-Jo the Dog-Faced Boy”) isn’t “inter-species,” but a fully human person with a disorder.

What we’re actually seeing here with the “intersex” illusion is the now-common desire to define abnormalities as either “lifestyle choices” or “normal variation.” But as G.K. Chesterton put it, “A fallacy doesn’t cease to be a fallacy because it becomes a fashion.”

People enduring these chromosomal abnormalities certainly have crosses to bear and, assuming they haven’t joined the sexual devolutionary phalanx of social engineers, deserve compassion. What no one deserves, ever, is to have all of society’s grasp of reality altered to facilitate the lie that his abnormality doesn’t exist as such because he can’t accept the truth. Warping a civilization’s sense of reality is dangerous and shouldn’t be tolerated for a moment.

Anyway, there’s the traditionalist answer to “What is a woman?” Your move, sexual devolutionaries. But I think that’s checkmate.

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©Selwyn Duke. All rights reserved.

Court Strikes Down NYC Law Allowing Noncitizens To Vote

The New York Supreme Court ruled Monday in favor of a lawsuit against giving noncitizens the right to vote in local elections.

The Republican National Committee (RNC) sued New York City Mayor Eric Adams, the New York City Council and the New York City Board of Elections in January for passing a law allowing noncitizens to vote.

In its decision, the New York Supreme Court said that there’s no legal authority allowing non-citizens to vote.

“There is no statutory ability for the City of New York to issue inconsistent laws permitting non-citizens to vote and exceed the authority granted to it by the New York State Constitution,” the state supreme court said in the decision.

“Though voting is a right that so many citizens take for granted, the City of New York cannot ‘obviate’ the restrictions imposed by the Constitution,” it added.

The lawsuit alleged that around one million noncitizen adults live in New York City, adding that the number of noncitizens eligible to vote in local races could comprise 15% or more of the vote. It claimed that the law violated the state constitution that requires voters to be U.S. citizens.

“Today’s ruling is a huge victory for election integrity and the rule of law: American elections should be decided by American citizens. The [Republican National Committee (RNC)] is proud to head a broad coalition in successfully challenging this unconstitutional scheme and will continue to lead the effort across the country to ensure only citizens can vote in America’s elections,” RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said in a statement.

Neither the New York City Council nor the New York City Board of Elections responded to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s requests for comment.

Mayor Adams’ office referred TheDCNF to the city’s law department, whose spokesperson called the ruling “disappointing … for people who value bringing in thousands more New Yorkers into the democratic process.”

“We are evaluating next steps,” the spokesperson added.



Investigative reporter.

RELATED ARTICLE: Glenn Youngkin’s Budget Slashes Handouts To Illegal Migrants, Advocates

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We Endorse American Patriot Demetries Grimes for Congress in FL-District 15

We only choose to endorse candidates who are patriots and believe in the U.S. Constitution as it is written. We only choose those who are conservatives with a conscience. We also seek candidates who are willing to contest the uncontested absurdities we are seeing in Washington, D.C.

As Ulysses S. Grant said, “There are but two parties now, traitors and patriots and I want hereafter to be ranked with the latter, and I trust, the stronger party.” 

For these reasons we are endorsing American patriot Demetries Grimes for the U.S. House of Representatives, representing Florida’s 15th Congressional District.

We met Demetries at a Winter Have 912 event where he made comments about his positions on key issues of interest to every American.

Demetries is a retired Commander from the United States Navy. His credentials include decades of dedicated military and diplomatic service to our nation, navigating the pentagon, and battle tested capabilities.

Visit his Twitter page to understand the depth and breath of this highly qualified candidate. Here are few of the reasons that we fully and with great honor endorse Demetries Grimes for the U.S. House of Representatives, representing Florida’s 15th Congressional District.

Learn more about Demetries Grimes for the U.S. House of Representatives, representing Florida’s 15th Congressional District.

© Editorial Board. All rights reserved.

US and NATO Lack Capability To Supply A Long War

As weapons inventories dwindle, there’s little chance the West today can build a surge hardware-making capacity

The long and short of it is that, while the US and NATO can fight a short conflict, neither can support a long war because there’s insufficient equipment in the now-depleted inventory and the timelines to build replacement hardware are long.

Despite a history of having done so before, starting in 1939, there is little chance that the US today can put in place a surge capacity, or that it any longer knows how to do so if it is even feasible.

Based on those circumstances alone – and there are additional, compelling reasons – the US and NATO should be thinking about how to end the war in Ukraine rather than sticking with the declared policy of trying to bleed Russia.

Let’s start by looking back at a time when the United States did know how to plan for surge weapons-building capacity.

WW2 precedent

In 1939 the Roosevelt administration, with Congressional support, passed the Protective Mobilization Act.  Ultimately this would lead to the creation of a War Production Board, the Office of Production Management and the marshaling of US industry to fight the Nazis and Japanese

In 1941 the President declared an unlimited national emergency, giving the administration the power to shift industrial production to military requirements. Between 1940 and 1945, the US supplied almost two-thirds of all war supplies to the allies (including the USSR and China) and for US forces – producing some 297,000 aircraft, 193,000 artillery pieces (all types) and 86,000 tanks (light, medium and heavy).

Russia faced an altogether more difficult challenge because after Nazi Germany attacked the USSR in June 1941 much of Russia’s defense industrial infrastructure was threatened.  Russia evacuated 1,500 factories either to the Ural Mountains or to Soviet Central Asia.  Even Lenin’s body was moved from Moscow to Tyumen, 2,500 km from Moscow.

Notably, Stalin Tank Factory 183 would be moved from Kharkiv, now a contested city in the Ukraine war, to the Urals, rebranded as Uralvagonzavod and situated in Nizhny Tagil. The facility had been a railroad car maker, so it was suitable for tank manufacturing. The tank factory relocation was managed by Isaac Zaltzman.

Originally published by Asia Times


Stephen Bryen

Senior Fellow

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Where Is the Supreme Court’s Apology?

Where is the Supreme Court’s apology? Look at what their Roe v. Wade decision of 1973 put the country through.

Over the weekend, violence or disturbances broke out in several cities in response to the Dobbs decision reversing Roe, including Los AngelesOregonColorado, and Arizona.  Prior to that, there were 27 attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers – including firebombings – and the FBI has not made a single arrest.  There was an assassination attempt and threats of violence against the lives of Supreme Court Justices in the run-up to the Court’s new decision.   People are resorting to violence because the Supreme Court created a federal constitutional right to abortion out of thin air in Roe in an opinion widely criticized for its incoherence and lack of constitutional moorings, and people are upset the Court is taking their candy away.

The recent violence is not even the half of it, and none of it needed to happen.  For the last 50 years – my entire adult lifetime – there has been other violence, on the part of those who killed abortionists and attacked their clinics.  Kidnapping, arson, and even anthrax threats characterized the era.  Free speech rights were trampled as localities moved to squash peaceful demonstrations and even prayer outside abortion clinics. The debate on abortion in the country became polarized and bitter because abortion was federalized, instead of leaving this divisive social question to the states as the new ruling finally does.  The Supreme Court did untold damage to federalism and upset the constitutional order by stripping states of the power to legislate on the issue and further concentrating power in Washington, D.C. where it doesn’t belong.  Roe v. Wade helped the federal government become too darn big and powerful.

Justice Alito recognized this at the end of his opinion in Dobbs.  Alito wrote:

The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion. Roe and Casey arrogated that authority. We now overrule those decisions and return that authority to the people and their elected representatives.

A dollar short and 50 years late. But you won’t find the words ‘apology’ or ‘we’re sorry’ anywhere in Alito’s opinion.

Roe was the Court’s first experiment in social engineering.  It was followed by Lawrence v. Texas which created a federal right to sodomy out of thin air.  Then Obergefell, which created a federal right to same-sex marriage out of thin air. Former Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote the majority opinion in both cases.  Someone more clever than me put out a meme at the time, “Help, I’m being ruled by Anthony Kennedy!” It’s not supposed to be that way.  We live in what is supposed to be a constitutional Republic where We the People are sovereign.  It makes no sense to have important social issues decided by nine unelected Justices in Washington.  It makes even less sense to have them decided by five of them in the majority, or by a single swing Justice like Anthony Kennedy, for the entire country.

More recently, Justice Neil Gorsuch picked up where Anthony Kennedy left off.  In the 2020 Bostock case, Gorsuch put sexual orientation and transgenderism into Title VII where Congress had not, creating federal rights once again out of thin air. Like Roe, the opinion in that case is completely incoherent.  Gorsuch was contemptuous of Congress in that case, saying Congress could have legislated against his result but failed to do so, leaving him perfectly free to rewrite the law as he saw fit.  This budding social engineer left his training wheels behind that day.  He adopted the language of the Left, talking about how ‘sex’ is merely assigned at birth.  He was also naïve, believing the reach of Bostock could be limited to its facts in Title VII employment cases, but Bostock is now being read broadly and cited in all kinds of transgender cases.

The Supreme Court’s social engineering in Obergefell is following the unfortunate pattern of Roe – proving horribly divisive and leaving opponents nowhere to turn because the Court federalized the question.  Just wait until the Left gets around to stripping churches that believe in traditional marriage of their tax exemptions.  Bostock is a little different, because it involved statutory interpretation, not a constitutional question.  Congress could change the result, but don’t hold your breath.

The Court waits in cases like this until public opinion tips in favor of making a change, but this is not a Quaker meeting house where the leader simply declares the ‘sense of the meeting’.   It’s not the Court’s job to follow public opinion.  It’s the Court’s job to interpret the Constitution regardless of public opinion.  To applaud the Court for waiting for most people to become comfortable with the change completely misses the point.

To the Justices I say, get out of the social engineering business entirely.  You are not smart enough to dictate social policy for the entire country.  Nobody is.  Social change is supposed to occur organically, through society at large.  Not foisted on us by nine unelected Justices in Washington, D.C.  As one wag put it, social change happens one funeral at a time.

The Dobbs decision is nice, but I’m waiting for the Supreme Court’s apology for Roe.  But what I’d really like to have is some assurance the Supreme Court is out of the social engineering business, forever.

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©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

Republicans Snag Over 1 Million Voters From Dems In Past Year: AP

Over 1 million U.S. voters in 43 states have fled the Democratic Party since 2021 and registered as Republicans, according to a new report.

Republicans have gained major ground in suburban counties, according to the voter registration data examined by The Associated Press, as well as “in virtually every region of the country.” The findings come almost four months before the midterm elections in November, which a bipartisan swath of pundits has deemed a probable “red wave” in part due to messaging failures among the left.

“While Democrats may see a slight enthusiasm bump following the Supreme Court’s decision on abortion, it’s highly unlikely they’ll be able to sustain that for the next five months,” Andy Surabian, a Republican strategist, told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Data for roughly 1.7 million voters who switched political parties was analyzed by the AP. The data, which according to the outlet comes from the political firm L2, reportedly shows that around two-thirds of the 1.7 million voters became Republicans — while only about 630,000 voters became Democrats.

Biden’s support in the suburbs has been widely credited as the reason for his success in the 2020 presidential election. While these areas “have tended to show a net advantage to Republicans,” Biden “registered a net Democratic advantage for the first time since Barack Obama’s victory in 2008,” Brookings Institution, a left-leaning think tank, said in a November 2020 report.

However, suburban counties near large cities like Denver, Atlanta and Pittsburgh, as well as near smaller cities like Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and Des Moines, Iowa, have garnered Republican support, the AP reported.

“Biden and Democrats are woefully out of touch with the American people, and that’s why voters are flocking to the Republican Party in droves,” Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel told the AP.

The data showing more registered Republicans comes after Democrats lost in droves across states last fall. In Virginia, Republicans swept statewide, notably taking the gubernatorial race with the election of Glenn Youngkin.

Republicans also won big recently in Texas, where Mayra Flores flipped a blue district in June with the support of Latino voters. The Democratic National Committee did not immediately respond to a request for comment.



Investigative reporter. 

RELATED ARTICLE: ANALYSIS: We Just Got The Latest Indication Red Waves In Blue Cities Could Become A Reality

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

LEAKED AUDIO: S.C. Democrat State Rep. & U.S. Senate Candidate EXPOSED


Project Veritas Action has published a recording of U.S. Senate candidate, Krystle Matthews, talking about her desire to break multiple laws while using profanities and racially charged language.

Krystle Matthews (D-South Carolina) is heard on the audio discussing strategies like orchestrating Democrats to run as Republicans for elected office: “We need some secret sleepers.”

Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • Project Veritas Action has published audio of U.S. Senate candidate and current State Rep., Krystle Matthews (D-South Carolina), speaking to an inmate on a recorded line. On that call, Matthews used racially charged language and encouraged dirty campaign tricks including Democrats running as Republicans for local office.
  • Matthews: “We need some secret sleepers. Like you need, we need them to run as the other side, even though they for our side. We need people to run as Republicans in these local elections. This is the only way you’re going to change the dynamics in South Carolina.”
  • Matthews: “I still got to struggle to raise money for my campaign? Where the f*** is my black people with money? I don’t care about no dope money! Give me that dope boy money!”
  • Matthews: “S***, where the f**king dope? Where the duffle bag boys? Get you- find me somebody from your family that don’t even know you donating to my campaign and put that s*** under they names.”
  • Matthews: “We need some folks that can wear all black at night and take they f****** yard signs down when they- when they sleeping.”

You can watch the full video HERE.

Matthews qualified for the South Carolina Senate runoff after gaining 32.2% of the vote in the Democratic Senate Primary. She is currently a member of the South Carolina State House.

Matthews has not yet responded to a request for comment on this story.


RELATED ARTICLE: Democrat Congressman Used Campaign Funds To Pay His Wife And Ex-Con Son Thousands, Records Reveal

EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas exposé is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Muslims Enraged As Muslim Ms. Marvel Turns Out To Be Un-Islamic

This is the kind of thing that happens when you’re so eager to pander that you don’t do adequate homework about the object of your pandering. Marvel has stepped into a minefield, and is likely to explode a few more mines before it gets out.

Muslim Ms. Marvel Fans Express Serious Concerns About Kamala’s Power Source

by Brad Lang, CBR, June 23, 2022 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

This article contains spoilers for Ms. Marvel Episode 3, “Destined.”

Some Muslim fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s latest series Ms. Marvel are expressing their displeasure with the recent revelation regarding the source of Kamala Khan’s powers.

As revealed in Ms. Marvel Episode 3, “Destined” the titular hero’s newfound abilities are apparently due to her heritage as a Djinn. As explained by Kamran’s mother Najma, Kamala’s ancestors are otherworldly beings from the Noor dimensions that were banished from their reality sometime before 1942. These people are quickly explained to be the Djinn, creatures from Islamic mythology which can be both good and evil. A number of fans have expressed frustration with the reveal, specifying that the Quran condemns the practice of worshipping Djinn.

Viewers have interpreted Kamala’s Djinn-based powers as an act of “shirk,” the sin of idolatry, which is problematic as practicing Muslims are forbidden from worshiping anything other than Allah. However, despite Ms. Marvel‘s latest plot twist, other fans are convinced the Djinn angle is merely a red-herring designed to obscure the real identity of Kamala’s ancestors. Some MCU enthusiasts suggested that the hero will be revealed to be related to the alien race known as the Kree due to the appearance of an unknown, dead character with blue skin in Episode 3….



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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.