Socialist Agitprop Used By Desperate Dems

The recent event in the White House has demonstrated another example of the behavior of America’s Socialist mafia, schooled by the KGB and described in my previous column Stalin Planned America’s Collapse—It’s Underway, October, 10, 2019.  It happened many years ago in the 1990s, when Russian Prime Minister Evgeniy Primakov was invited to the White House to talk with the US. President. In the middle of his flight to Washington, he informed the world that he is going back to Moscow in disagreement with the actions of the American President. It was a typical trick of the former KGB Chairman to denigrate the President of America before the world.

I recalled another KGB demarche immediately, when Pelosi, pointing her finger at Trump, left the White House meeting. The spectacle was orchestrated and set up prior to the meeting by the Deep State and Pelosi has become a current active member and actor in the Theatrical show, a Queen of Fraud, a-la Primakov’s KGB—and both are the enemy of America and her people.  I am emphasizing the significance of the KGB, because it represents Russia today and I am using a term KGB meaning the entirety of Russian Intelligence Services. Keep in mind Primakov and Putin are devoted disciples of Andropov, and Andropov is a devoted disciple of Stalin…

The House Minority Leader is right: Enraged Pelosi caught ‘storming’ out of White House meeting… McCarthy: ‘Speaker tries to make everything political’ By WND Staff Published October 16, 2019. This similarity is an important sign of the Deep State working with, if not led by Putin and his KGB today. From the get go, for thirty years, I have warned you about drastic changes within the Democrat Party, having been infiltrated by the KGB. I have mentioned many times the death of Truman’s party and the birth of the America’s Socialist Party. I have given you my concept of the ongoing war against Western civilization and definition of it: Recruitment, Infiltration, Drugs and Assassinations. This war is going on against our American Republic. I called it an asymmetrical war or WW III.

Moreover, I’ve given you an example of Obama’s collaboration with Russia, particularly in Syria. Socialist Lies: From Stalin to the Clintons, Obamas, and Sanders,  Xlibris 2016.  I have emphasized the KGB’s significance for a reason; it is not only the face of contemporary Russia, it is a major force to change the world. The KGB man mentioned above left the crucial legacy—The Primakov Doctrine. Named after former foreign and Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov, the Primakov doctrine posits that a unipolar world dominated by the United States is unacceptable to Russia and offers the main principle for Russian foreign policy: Russia should strive toward a multipolar world managed by a concert of major powers that can counterbalance U.S. unilateral power.

Don’t forget, that besides all mentioned other titles, Primakov was also the KGB Chairman. His Doctrine is the subject of a discussion by Eugene Rumer, a former national intelligence officer for Russia and Eurasia at the U.S. National Intelligence Council, and a senior fellow and the director of Carnegie’s Russia and Eurasia Program:

According to this vision, Russia should not try to compete with the United States single-handedly; rather, Moscow should seek to constrain the United States with the help of other major powers and to position itself as an indispensable actor with a vote and a veto, whose consent is necessary to settle any key issue facing the international community.

One of the key elements of the Primakov doctrine is its insistence on Russia’s primacy in the post-Soviet space and pursuit of closer integration among former Soviet republics with Russia in the lead. Opposition to NATO expansion and, more broadly, persistent efforts to weaken transatlantic institutions and the U.S.-led international order are another. Partnership with China is the third fundamental component. All three remain major pillars of Russian foreign policy today.

With Russia’s economy still reeling from the financial crisis of 1998 and its foreign policy arsenal weakened by a decade of turmoil, Primakov’s options were limited: he chose not to follow the U.S. lead. But as the Russian economy recovered and Russia’s foreign policy toolkit expanded, Russian policymakers’ options expanded too, marking a gradual transition from passive to increasingly active opposition. The Primakov (Not Gerasimov) Doctrine in Action June 5, 2019 by Eugene Rumer.

Russia’s Global Involvement

I agree with Mr. Rumer’s opinion, yet… Twenty years has passed since and time has revealed the real Russian strategic intent and ambitions to fight Western civilization worldwide at any cost: from Damask to Barcelona, from opposing Brexit to supporting the Mexican cartels, from Obama White House to the President of Ukraine—Putin’s design. This is the reason, I am writing about a new formation of “the Axis Evil” under Russian umbrella for last decade with similar patterns of behavior for all members. The existence of “the Axis of Evil” under Russian supervision is displaying its overwhelming war against our interests around the globe. The current event in Syria just connects the past and present by involving a member of NATO. Knowledge of the enemy is the best recipe for success. Please, read in this magazine my column Russia and Failed American Intelligence: The North Korea, Syria, Putin, Obama Connection May 20 2017

It is not only Syria today—it is a long-term KGB dream to destroy NATO. Following the career of Erdogan, I noticed two episodes of his Presidency that alarmed me— a member of NATO ties to Putin in manufacturing coup d’état in the best traditions of Stalinism in Turkey. The second is an orchestrated Muslim invasion into Europe by Turkey’s mafia in cahoots with the KGB. Knowing about his engagement with Putin, I don’t trust Erdogan and you will see Stalinist-type atrocities created by Turkey in Syria. The entire plan has been designed by Vladimir Putin. In term of Kurds, President Trump is right, there is a connection to Communists with the Kurds. Look at Cary Gindler information:

The PKK is a neo-Marxist party that professes a so-called Democratic Confederalism. Their main goal is to establish an independent state of Kurdistan, based on the ideas of Mao Zedong. Their primary weapon is terrorism. The ideology of the PKK is an explosive mixture of Maoism and Sharia. PKK branches (under different names and different levels of fanaticism) exist in all countries where the Kurds historically live—Turkey (HDP, HUDA-PAR, PKK), Syria (PYD / YPG, ENKS), Iran (DPIK, PJAK), and Iraq (KDP, PUK, KDSP, KIU). Breakdown: THE deafit of Kurdistan Maoists, October 15, 2019, NRN, by Gary Gindler.

I can add to this: “1946 – Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) holds its first congress in Mahabad. Within a few months, the “Mahabad Republic” collapses under attack from Iranian forces, and Mustafa Barzani flees to the Soviet Union… “To my knowledge, living in Russia, Mustafa Barsani has graduated from the Soviet Military Academy…

“1951 – A new generation of Kurdish nationalists revives the KDP. Mullah Mustafa Barzani is nominated president while in exile in the Soviet Union, but the real leader of the KDP is Ibrahim Ahmad, who favors close ties with the Iraqi Communist Party.” Iraqi Kurdistan Profile – Timeline

31 October 2017. The son of Mustafa Barsani, Masaud Barsani was President of the Kurdistan Region from 2005 to 2017. As you can see, in both accounts Russia is also in Kurdistan.

There is a recent debate about the Iraqi war—should we have invaded Iraq or not… I am not pretending to know the correct answer. Yet, I know this, our inept Intel and FBI missed. In my writing, a constant reference for the past thirty years was: Knowledge of Russia and its Intel is a Must!  Knowing Russia and its KGB, I found out the information about former Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. He was a citizen of Iran, when he was recruited by the KGB, a builder of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. His movement to Iraq was an assignment of the KGB and none in our Intel knew that and only by knowing that data can you find a competent answer to the Iraqi invasion. Knowledge of Russia and its KGB is a MUST! That sounds today in October 2019 as crucial as ever to answer many other strange events in America.

They Corrupt Everything They Touch

The NBA and LeBron-China stories did not surprise me; I am writing about an asymmetrical war against Western civilization for the last thirty years and sport is the center in targeting our culture. It is a multi-faceted war with multiple fronts run by Socialist mafia, which corrupts everything it touches by infiltrating and destroying it from within—a typical Soviet style Socialism in action in America. The vivid example of that is an irregular impeachment procedure not by the Constitutional requirement of House of Representative, but by the Dems’ Socialist mafia run by a Queen of Fraud and Adam Schiff Inc. and working hand in hand with Clinton’s political machine, which I called Clinton’s mafia.

Our Intelligence community and the FBI had been infiltrated, incapacitated and paralyzed. I don’t know what agency is vetting the Dems candidates for the 2020 U.S. presidency and whether they vetted at all in 2019. I found several individuals among them sponsored by the KGB (not Tulsi). With such a disabled FBI and top Intelligence apparatus we can have the third American Manchurian President. At the same time, Socialist mafia of the Intel community and FBI had banned my writings to prevent you from learning the Truth about them–a crime against me and my intellectual property. Alas, Tom Cotton is not the FBI Director…

The 2020 Election: The Last Stage of Socialist Revolution

We are on the last stages of Socialist Revolution in America, which will attempt to oust duly elected American President, Donald J. Trump. The crux of the matter is that the person who really led the revolution is Vladimir Putin, who has participated with Dems in this crime against the American Republic since the Obama Presidency…The Ukrainian scandal is the same Russian attempt to oust President Trump. In reality it is a predicate of Trump/Russia collusion, which started in 2014–2015 by Biden, assigned to Ukraine by Obama. It is possible that Trump aimed his words in conversation with the Ukraine President at uncovering the crime committed against the American Republic in Ukraine. Yet, a Queen of Fraud and Adam Schiff Inc. are eager to cover up the crime committed by the Dems against the American Republic.

The Trump impeachment will be a victory of Vladimir Putin, a mortal enemy of President Trump. The fraudulent impeachment is also aimed at deceiving the Republicans in the Senate and prompt them to vote for impeachment. The GOP is missing the elephant in the room: The Brain-Washing War on America’s Mind and Soul. We are dealing with the army of aggressive international Socialist mafia aimed at turning the Constitutional American Republic into the Union of Socialist American States. The Dems’   main reason for fighting for power is to cover-up the sinister crime of TREASON against the American Republic they have committed over several decades. This crime committed by the leadership of Dems’ Socialist mafia, and DNC should be a major topic in the November 2020 election.

President Trump is right—our democracy is at stake!

To be continued or at

© All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Death of the Democratic Party.

The Vortex — Sacrilege and Mystery: Non-stop questions. And the continued lack of clear answers.


Instead of becoming more clear, the mystery surrounding the identity of the wooden statue of an omnipresent nude pregnant woman just grows deeper.

The Vatican has now been asked directly, twice, about the identity of the statue which first appeared at the Vatican Gardens tree-planting, Mother Earth-worshipping ceremony at the opening of the synod back on Oct. 4.

So scandalized were Catholics all over the world at the goings-on of a female shaman and her troupe bowing down to this figure on a blanket representing the earth, that social media lit up with questions about the identity of the statue.

And when the statue was presented to Pope Francis and carried into St. Peter’s Basilica the next day in a canoe, the highly warranted speculation that some pagan event was going on intensified, because, well, that sure is what it looked like.

Who is the statue supposed to be? Traditional-minded Catholics saw some pagan goddess type figure.

Papal apologists like the liberal British reporter Austen Ivereigh claimed on social media that it and a second nearly identical statue were Mary and Elizabeth — both pregnant.

The social media war then erupted between Ivereigh and actual Catholics, with orthodox Catholics pointing out that first, they didn’t believe it as supposed to be Our Lady, and if it were, it would be highly disrespectful and offensive to present her in the nude.

Ivereigh took the opportunity at the following day’s Vatican press conference to try and embarrass faithful Catholics, but he is the one who wound up with egg on his face.

When called on, he took a swipe at what he termed “some American media” for interpreting the wooden figure as a “pagan symbol of fertility” and asked the panel to clarify.

The response he got back was not what he wanted to hear. One of the Amazonian bishops responded:

We all have our own interpretations — the Virgin Mary, Mother Earth. Probably those who used this symbol wish to refer to fertility, to women, to life … the life present in the Amazonian peoples.

I don’t think we need to create any connections with the Virgin Mary or with a pagan element.

Well, whatever that meant, it did make clear it was absolutely not the Virgin Mary.

This week, the matter came up again, and this time, the Vatican punted on the question of just who the statue is or what it represents.

Paolo Ruffini, prefect for Communications said, “It represents life through a woman.”

But then he quickly backpedaled, saying that was just his personal opinion and as a matter of fact, for the record, he didn’t have the slightest idea what the controversial figure was or who it represents.

Reporters were told to check it out with the Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network (REPAM) as well as the Catholic Movement for Climate, the groups that organized the tree-planting ceremony and the statue’s presence in Rome.

Both groups strongly embrace liberation theology.

So, the statue is, at the very least, a symbol of fertility, which in pagan worship is always identified with a deity. Catholics don’t worship, or even have symbols specifically celebrating fertility, per se — which is why the dominance and high-profile this statue has received at the synod is so troubling.

At this very moment, the Mother Earth blanket and the statue, along with other little figurines, are covering a side altar just down the via from St. Peter’s at the well-known Santa Maria in Traspontina, as our Church Militant video clearly shows here.

Organizers stand by the displays handing out literature and so forth promoting the Amazonian culture and life and keeping guard over the sacrilegious display.

And yes, it is sacrilegious because of the intent behind it. It doesn’t matter if it looks confusing or raising questions to the observer. What matters is the intent behind those organizing it.

That Mother Earth blanket was laid out in the Vatican garden and bowed down over by the Amazonians. Prayers were offered to something by the female shaman.

Unless papal apologists, having failed in their attempt to make all this out to be little else than Catholicism, Amazonian style, now want to suggest that bowing down, chanting and gestures of praying don’t really mean you are bowing down, chanting and praying, then what else does it mean?

Of course that’s what it is. What else would it be? Those types of actions are universally recognized everywhere, in every culture, Christian as well as pagan, as having religious significance; which brings up the very serious issue: Why are these pagan — because the Vatican has already told us they aren’t Christian — why are these pagan worship symbols adorning nearly every side altar in this Church dedicated to Our Lady?

Who suggested it? Who approved it? Why?

And how is it that the Vatican itself can’t even provide a straight answer. These Mother Earth blankets and canoes and goddess, fertility, life symbols with their elastic interpretations are at the very foot of the dias in the synod conference hall each day.

They sit right there, sprawled out right in front of the successor of St. Peter, and not a soul in the Vatican seems to want to go on record saying exactly what, or more precisely who these things represent.

In paganism, Mother Earth is seen as a goddess, oftentimes referred to by the name Pachamama. Fertility is the domain of another personal goddess.

Both those symbols are the headliners in Rome right now, and we are supposed to believe that this is no big deal and, adding insult to injury, that no one really knows what they represent.

It may not be an Amazonian or pagan expression, but here in America, we have an expression for this. If it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck and looks like a duck, it’s a duck.

This pagan garbage has no place in Rome — period.

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Copies of Michael Hansen’s movie ‘Killing Canada’ mailed to media, EVERY MP in Parliament

Posted by Eeyore

Direct link:

Below, Part I of Micheal Hansen’s Killing Free Speech:


First two parts of Laurent Obertone interview on French TV

Somali Terrorist Trial to Begin in Canada; Many Questions that Likely Will Never be Asked

Why is the Daily Caller Shilling for the Refugee Industry?

RELATED VIDEO: Official Government Lies.

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column with videos is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Why Extremism Abroad Is America’s Problem

Many Americans think that extremism abroad is not America’s problem. But is that really the case?

Trump’s central foreign policy platform is “America First.” In other words, the United States should focus on what benefits America, not what benefits other countries.

Fair enough. But where does that leave counter-extremism? Why is it America’s issue when most terrorist attacks are happening abroad?

Here are four of the biggest reasons why Americans should care about extremism abroad.


The first goal of combating extremism is to make sure that no terrorist attacks take place in the United States. Our security forces work tirelessly to prevent attacks from taking place, and they are successful the vast majority of the time.

This includes attacks from both Islamists and other extremists. Yet despite the best efforts of the American police, terrorist attacks, such as the April shooting at a synagogue in Poway California, still occur.

The threat will never be eliminated while the ideology of extremism persists.

Counter-extremism is necessary to make sure that new terrorist recruits stop joining extremist movements and posing a threat. Finding out why people join such movements and drawing them away is essential to keeping America’s streets safe.

National Security

Domestic terrorism is not the only national security threat posed by extremism. A record 93 million Americans traveled abroad last year to destinations around the globe.

Any of them could have been a target of terrorist groups such as Hamas, Al Qaeda or Hezbollah.

America also has commercial interests worldwide. It’s in our national security interests to make sure American citizens can travel and business anywhere without fear.

But national security is bigger than terrorist movements.

As the recent tensions with Iran have shown, entire states can become hijacked by an extremist ideology and pose a serious threat to the United States.

The Strait of Hormuz, adjacent to Iran, is one of the largest shipping routes in the world. Twenty percent of the world’s oil supply flows through the strait.

If Iran decides to be aggressive, they can create serious trouble for the American economy.

This is not to mention Iraq and Afghanistan. Both countries are riddled with Islamist extremism — the Taliban in Afghanistan and various Shiite militias and Sunni jihadi groups in Iraq. Both countries are full of U.S. troops. To bring the soldiers home, those countries have to be made stable, which means eliminating extremism (among other things).

If the U.S. wants to continue to enjoy the kind of peace and security it does today, it should prioritize making sure enemies which hate its values and way of life are not allowed to get powerful.

Race Relations

Race baiters on both sides of the aisle are use extremism to further their goals. Right-wing extremists use the threat of radical Islam to further advance their cause, portraying a Christian civilization under threat from foreign hordes.

Left-wing extremists portray the fight against Islamism as motivated primarily, if not entirely, by racism.

Late last year this issue blew up when Women’s March organizers Tamika Mallory and Linda Sarsour were condemned for refusing to disavow the anti-Semitic leader of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan.

The ensuing media storm brought to the fore a collection of “intersectional” issues – from racism, Islamophobia, misogyny and post-colonial civil rights struggles – all manipulated by shameless grifters with a political axe to grind.

Eventually Sarsour disavowed Farrakhan, but reiterated her support for the anti-semitic BDS movement, which seeks to deny the Jewish people their right to a homeland.

(Ironically, anti-Semitism seems to be in vogue for all types of extremists from Islamists to the Far-Left and Far-Right.)

Disentangling these overlapping issues is difficult if not impossible. Addressing extremism and its ideological and psychological roots would go a long way to moving on from America’s racially problematic past.

Isolationism Hasn’t Worked

Like it or not, the world is interconnected. Anything that happens on the other side of the world can eventually get to and threaten America. In the last century, two extreme ideologies started in foreign countries and eventually came to threaten the United States.

The Russian Revolution took place in 1917, but the country did not fully fall to Communism until 1921, after a brutal civil war. The resulting atrocities carried out by communist regimes in Russia and China killed around 100 million people.

The communist powers dragged the United States into a decades-long struggle which took the world to the brink of nuclear catastrophe.

On the right, extremist nationalist movements were able to seize control in several countries, dragging Europe and the world into two vicious world wars. An estimated 16 million people were killed in WWI and a further 60 million died in WWII. The combined death toll of Americans was over a half a million.

Both of these movements started in the mid-19th century. Yet at that time, the United States was engaged in a policy of isolationism. Because communism and extreme nationalism were not countered effectively early on, they were able to grow and grow until they became a serious problem for the U.S. as well.

Contemporary forms of extremism are no different and must be equally countered.

To find out what you can do to prevent violent extremism or how to bring a training session to your community, click here


US Takes Custody of Notorious ISIS Beheaders

Child Terrorists Come to Europe

‘800 Returned Jihadists Ready to Attack in Europe’

EDITORS NOTE: This Clarion Project column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Just Following Orders? Why Extremism is a Choice [+Video]

Radicalization is something that has come to be viewed as an excuse for joining extremist groups and following orders to committing all sorts of  horrific acts. But except in the case of children, extremism is always a choice. Read why.

Terrorists use sophisticated tactics to lure recruits into their movement. They prey on psychological weaknesses, making the target feel special, powerful and marked out for a glorious destiny. The mind-control techniques they use are highly advanced and will work on many people.

None of that takes away from the moral culpability that anyone who becomes a terrorist holds for their actions.

Here’s why:

Mind Control is Really Mind Influence

There is a long standing principle in hypnosis that all hypnosis is really self-hypnosis. That is, you can’t hypnotize someone to do something that isn’t somewhere in their subconscious or something they want to do on some level.

All you can do is bring people into a relaxed state of mind where they are more susceptible to suggestion.

You can’t, for example, use mind control techniques to make gay people straight, despite the millions of dollars invested by Christian organizations to try and develop an effective method of doing so.

Extremists convince people to act in what the tell people are their best interests. They offer incentives so that doing what the movement wants gives the recruit some kind of payoff.

This becomes much easier when the extremist group can provide benefits to the target, for example, social camaraderie, a clear structure for how to live and a well defined mission to devote yourself to are all benefits of joining an extremist movement.

But the brainwashing can’t do more than heavily influence a person.

Giving Up Control Makes Life Easier, But It’s Still a Choice

When a person gives in to mind control in a cult, they make a decision to abdicate responsibility for making choices and turn it over to the cult leader or organizers.

When a person stops thinking for himself or herself and takes on the attitudes of the cult, even under pressure, he or she is making a choice.

True, that choice may be heavily influenced. Humans are highly adaptable creatures who long to fit in and be successful within the context of a group.

Extremists use many tactics to induce a sense of identification with the group and a shift in core beliefs. This may include extremely coercive tactics like isolation, sleep deprivation, pushing drugs on the recruit or even encouraging them to commit crimes to bind themselves to the new group.

Sleep deprivation and strict dietary control, in particular, can sap a person’s energy and make it extremely difficult for them to think clearly about what is going on.

But unless the person is being physically held against their will, they still have a choice to resist brainwashing techniques and remove themselves from the situation.

This is what makes education so critical. If people are taught to recognize the techniques and tactics which groups use in brainwashing, they can learn to walk away from those sorts of situations.

Steve Hassan’s “Bite Model” is a good resource for the main methods cults use to indoctrinate people.

Judges Don’t Accept Brainwashing as a Defense

“I’ve come to view what happened to me is a viral, memetic infection,” ex-Moonie Diane Benscoter said in a TED Talk. “For those of you who aren’t familiar with memetics, a meme has been defined as an idea that replicates in the human brain and moves from brain to brain like a virus, much like a virus. The way a virus works is — it can infect and do the most damage to someone who has a compromised immune system.”

In other words, an extremist group can take over your mind when your resistance is low.

However, if a person commits crimes while a member of an extremist group, it is important to note that courts do not accept claims of mind control as a defense.

In a classic case, in 1976 Patty Hearst, heiress to the Hearst media fortune, shocked America by joining the Symbionese Liberation Army after they kidnapped, tortured and brainwashed her. She participated in the group’s activities including bank robbing. Such was her commitment at the time that she did not run away from the group despite later having the opportunity to escape.

When she was finally caught, her lawyer attempted to argue she had been the victim of brainwashing. The jury did not accept it, and she was sentenced to 35 years imprisonment, later reduced to seven.

President Carter later commuted her sentence to two years.

More recently Smallville Actress Allison Mack pleaded guilty to helping NXIM cult leader Keith Raniere induct women into his sex cult. Among the allegations are that women were trafficked and branded.

Despite the brainwashing these women were subjected to, their crimes were still considered crimes and were treated as such by the courts.

In Sum, Difficult Situations Don’t Overturn Personal Responsibility 

A Dr. Phil episode featured a father who was a member of a cult who turned his 13-year old daughter over to the cult leader to rape as a bride within the church. Dr. Phil unpacks the situation and explains that there is no amount of brainwashing which could override his duty as father.

It is worth watching the clip:


The Surprising (and Successful) Use of Love by Extremists

Why Extremism Isn’t About Economics 

How ‘Generation Wealth’ Is a Boon for Islamist Extremists

EDITORS NOTE: This Clarion Project column with video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Trump didn’t sell out the Kurds by pulling out of Syria

Critics blasted Trump for allowing Turkey to invade Kurdish-ruled northern Syria, but Kurdish fighters are more realistic about US military support.

The national media blasted President Trump’s withdrawal of 50 US military advisors from the Syrian border with Turkey as a “sellout,” a “betrayal” and a “huge strategic blunder.”

Let’s be clear: None of them truly care about the Kurds. Otherwise, they would have been sending correspondents and camera crews to Rojava, as the Kurds call northern Syria, on a regular basis.

Let’s also be clear about the goals of Turkish president Tayyip Recep Erdogan. While he attempted to stylize his military invasion of Rojava as a counterterrorism operation, few international observers bought into it. Why? Because there have been no terror attacks against Turkey from Syrian territory since the Syrian Kurds established their self-governing entity in 2012. None.

Erdogan is not even remotely interested in fighting ISIS, or in taking responsibility for the estimated 12,000 ISIS fighters currently in Kurdish custody at the al-Hol refugee camp. What actually happens to those ISIS prisoners, and the fate of Christian and Yazidi minorities, will be key measures of the agreement hammered out by Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo with Erdogan on Thursday.

The humanitarian disaster that unfolded this past week helped to paint Erdogan as notorious a mass murderer as Saddam Hussein. And it was to Erdogan’s legacy that the president appealed in his private, and now public, letter to the Turkish president as the crisis unfolded.

Erdogan’s real goal with this invasion was to smash Kurdish self-government, and those 50 US advisors were the last thing in his way.

But let’s be clear about US goals, too. Our advisors were not in northern Syria to defend a Kurdish government but to fight ISIS. The fight to smash the ISIS caliphate is over, and we won.

No US administration has ever bought into Kurdish national aspirations. Even the pro-Kurdish ex-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who was a long-time investor in Kurdish oil, warned Iraqi Kurds to cancel a planned referendum on independence in September 2017.

When Kurdish Regional Government president Masoud Barzani defied those warnings, Tillerson said the results “lacked legitimacy” and warned there would be serious consequences. And the United States did nothing when Baghdad sent troops to the Iraqi city of Kirkuk shortly after the vote, then arrested the Kurdish governor-general and reclaimed control of the northern oil fields. That was a huge strategic setback for the Iraqi Kurds.

I have met with Kurdish political and military leaders in the region, including the PYD, the political arm of the Kurdish YPG militia. And while they were thrilled to have US backing in the fight against ISIS, none of them had any illusions about the US coming to their aid should Turkey attack.

Did the president’s critics really believe he should have considered those 50 US soldiers as a “tripwire” that would trigger a massive US military invasion of Syria to fight against Turkey — our NATO ally?

The president has taken concrete, immediate steps to shame and to punish Erdogan for his outrageous violation of the North Atlantic charter, which calls on member states to “settle any international disputes in which they may be involved by peaceful means … and to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations.”

The president on Monday unleashed new sanctions against Turkish officials and government entities, imposed stiff tariffs on Turkish steel exports to the United States and called off talks on a $100 billion trade deal.

On Tuesday, the Department of Justice unveiled a criminal complaint against Turkey’s state-owned Halkbank for allowing Iran to buy billions worth of gold using frozen oil money, violating economic sanctions. The complaint makes clear that senior government officials — possibly including Erdogan himself — took enormous bribes in exchange for allowing the scheme to continue.

Those sanctions — and the threat of more sanctions — paid off and forced Erdogan to back down.

The Kurds are paying a heavy price in this battle — not because of a US betrayal — but because they remain stateless and thus powerless. By targeting Erdogan financially, legally and undermining his legitimacy, President Trump has done more to help the Kurds than his critics with their crocodile tears. And for now, he is winning.

RELATED ARTICLE: Turkey’s Pyrrhic Victory in Syria

EDITORS NOTE: This New York Post column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Republican Women Get Active

For a long time, the Democrats have been trying to intimidate women voters, just as they have done with minority groups. Their message is clear, “Only a fool would vote Republican; any woman with half a brain should vote Democrat.” They simply cannot imagine anyone, particularly women, supporting President Trump or Republican candidates. This has been going on for a long time and is indicative of their demeaning perspective of women. There is one problem, a lot of women are not buying it.

Republican women are tired of being pushed around and are fighting back, much to the consternation of the Democrats. Republican women are becoming active in various GOP clubs, including Trump “squads” designed to wave signs in support of the President and protest Democrats.

The passions of Republican women are high, the likes of which I haven’t seen before. To illustrate, I recently attended a formation meeting of the Pinellas Federation of Republican Women. Pinellas is the most densely populated county in Florida and part of the Tampa Bay area. In 2018, Pinellas fell to the Democrats by an incredibly slim margin. The women do not want to see this happen again and, as such, are getting organized and mobilized, to wit, they are joining new Republican groups, such as…

The National Federation of Republican Women was founded in 1938 and operates autonomously from state and county Republican operations. It is one of the largest grassroots political organizations in the country with thousands of active members. Several prominent Republican women have come up through the ranks of the Federation clubs, including U.S. Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, and numerous U.S. Senators and members of the House.

According to the Federation’s web site, their mission is…
“We empower women from all backgrounds in the political process and provide a forum for women to serve as leaders in the political, government, and civic arenas.

Our objectives are to:

  • Inform the public through political and legislative education, training and activity;
  •  recruit, train and elect Republican candidates;
  •  protect the integrity of our electoral process;
  •  promote the principles, objectives and policies of the Republican Party;
  •  unite and facilitate cooperation among the state and club organizations; and,
  •  increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government.”

They also perform philanthropic work to help others in their community.

In Florida, the Florida Federation of Republican Women was founded in 1950 and now has over 50 clubs in the state, including the new one here in Pinellas County.

I have met many women Republicans over the years. There is also a women’s club in Clearwater, Florida operating under the Pinellas County Republican banner, but this new Federated group in Pinellas appears to be more proactive. As mentioned, this group is passionate in their beliefs, particularly Religion, Capitalism, Family, Public Education, and defenders of the Constitution. They also resent the browbeating by the Democrats and want to actively push back.

Some of these women are active in Trump clubs and other local GOP clubs, but they hope to do more through the new Federated group.

As an observer, I found the energy of the Pinellas Republican women rather inspiring. This was not a group who wanted to do nothing more than bitch; instead, they are forming a game plan aimed at moving Pinellas County back into the red column. To me, this group is “Women Power” in action. As I said, their passions were expressed and much louder than the average men’s political group. I wish them much success.

BTW, men can join the Federation, but make no mistake, this is a show run by the women.

As an aside, the new Pinellas Federated group will be meeting on the second Thursday of the month. For more information or to join, contact the Chapter President, Julie Vayne at .

See what happens when you rile the ladies. As one Republican woman explained to me, “I see what the Democrats are wanting to do to my country and they can all go to hell.”

Keep the Faith!

P.S. – Also do not forget my new books, “How to Run a Nonprofit” and “Tim’s Senior Moments”, both available in Printed and eBook form.

EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

The Guardian goes Orwellian on Climate

The U.K. Guardian newspaper has for months been working to change the words we use to discuss climate and environmental issues.  They just published their glossary.

Prominent on the list is The Guardian’s formal adoption of the pejorative term “denier” and the elimination of the word “skeptic” to describe people attempting to correct the record on climate.  In the pages of The Guardian, if you have the temerity to point out that sea level has risen a scant 1 to 3 mm per year since before the industrial revolution, that measurements reveal climate computer models run too hot, that a weather event is historically normal, that intermittent wind and solar are inefficient, or that polar bears are thriving up north, you deserve to be lumped in with “holocaust deniers.”

Deniers?  Talk about speech as hate!

Guardian Editor-in-chief, Katharine Viner, said:

We want to ensure that we are being scientifically precise, while also communicating clearly with readers on this very important issue. These are the guidelines provided to our journalists and editors to be used in the production of all environment coverage across the Guardian’s website and paper:

1.) “climate emergency” or “climate crisis” to be used instead of “climate change”
2.) “climate science denier” or “climate denier” to be used instead of “climate sceptic”
3.) Use “global heating” not “global warming”
4.) “greenhouse gas emissions” is preferred to “carbon emissions” or “carbon dioxide emissions”
5.) Use “wildlife”, not “biodiversity”
6.) Use “fish populations” instead of “fish stocks”

Didn’t climate campaigners just get done insisting we all substitute “climate change” in place of “global warming” to divert attention from all those inconvenient satellites and thermometers recording less warming than they were supposed to?

Paul Chadwick, The Guardian’s readers’ editor, wrote in June:

I support Viner’s direction of travel. She is harnessing the power of language usage to focus minds on an urgent global issue. One challenge for the Guardian and the Observer will be to weigh, in specific journalistic contexts, two sometimes competing aspects of terminology used in public debates: language as description, and language as exhortation.

CFACT analyst Peter Murphy posted a warning about media complicity in attempts to stifle the global warming debate at

This is dangerous, and it goes beyond climate issues. It’s bad enough for global warming activists and groups to attempt to silence opposition. A more problematic trend is when it comes from the media itself.

Murphy shared some prominent examples:

  • Chuck Todd, host of the NBC program Meet the Press announced last January he will never have as a guest anyone who questions or challenges global warming.
  • The Los Angeles Times and the magazine Popular Science announced they would no longer publish opposing opinions to global warming orthodoxy.
  • During CNN’s “Town Hall” on climate change with Democratic presidential hopefuls last August, moderators walked in lockstep with the doomsday scenario espoused by the candidates without critical examination.
  • Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., advocated that climate “deniers” be jailed for exercising their free speech rights if they oppose his extreme view of climate change.

George Orwell wrote powerfully about the alteration of language to enforce orthodoxy and censor thought in his masterpiece 1984.  He postulated a language called “Newspeak” that was designed to weed all that troublesome questioning of authority out of the English language.  The novels appendix explains that:

The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of Ingsoc (English Socialism), but to make all other modes of thought impossible. It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought — that is, a thought diverging from the principles of Ingsoc — should be literally unthinkable, at least so far as thought is dependent on words.

We again remind Chuck Todd, the Guardian and the rest, that Orwell wrote 1984 as a warning, not an instruction manual.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Phyllis Schlafly Eagles’ VIDEO: ‘The Most Important Civil Liberty of All Is The Right Not to Be Blown Up’

Phyllis Schlafly Eagles published this video on YouTube titled Pamela Geller — Freedom of Speech Under Attack | Eagle Council XLVIII 2019. Pamela Geller addresses Eagle Council XLVIII about the attack on Freedom of Speech filmed on September 13, 2019 in St. Louis Missouri.

EDITORS NOTE: This  Phyllis Schlafly Eagles video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved. Visit for more information and to purchase the full event on DVD or CD.

Site Unseen: DOJ Crushes Global Porn Network

“Do not upload adult porn.” That was the stomach-turning warning from one of the most heinous child pornography sites on the dark web. Thanks to the Department of Justice, that horrible corner of cyberspace was just the target of an international takedown — a victory months in the making.

“According to the indictment we’re unsealing today,” U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Jessie Liu announced Wednesday, “the site hosted more than a quarter million videos, and users downloaded more than one million files.” Files, she explained that included children, toddlers, and even infants in “sexually explicit conduct.” “As a parent,” Liu said, “this horrifies me. And it should horrify everyone.”

Working with law enforcement in South Korea, the U.K. and Germany, U.S. officials have arrested 337 people connected to the ring — including 53 pedophiles in America. “The sexual exploitation of children,” Liu insisted, “is one of the worst forms of evil imaginable. Indeed, these crimes are so heinous, they are difficult even to speak about… Our message for those who produce, distribute, and receive child pornography is clear: You may try to hide behind technology, but we will find you, and we will arrest and prosecute you.”

Thanks to the DOJ’s hard work, 23 kids were rescued from their abusers in countries from Spain to England. Now, because of the U.S.’s involvement, the leader of the world’s “largest dark web child porn marketplace” — Jong Woo Son — can finally be held accountable.

Unfortunately, liberals are too busy shaming Attorney General William Barr’s faith to stop and consider all he’s doing in defense of children. Led by leaders like him, America is saving hundreds of tiny victims from the horrors and violence of trafficking. Maybe if we had more religion, as Barr said, there wouldn’t be a need for crusades like DOJ’s. Maybe if there were more “moral education,” fewer people would fall into the trap of sexual addiction. In the meantime, we can all be grateful that there is a man at the helm who takes the world’s problems seriously — and who understands that the real solution is more of God, not less.

Tony Perkins’s Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.


‘He Just Fell… and I Didn’t See Him Move Again’

A Surgical Strike against Obama’s Doctor Rule

Trump: There is ‘Something Wrong’ With Pelosi ‘Upstairs’

After House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Congressional Democrats stormed out of a White House meeting on Syria Wednesday, President Trump suggested that she is either mentally unwell or unpatriotic.

“Nancy Pelosi needs help fast! There is either something wrong with her ‘upstairs,’ or she just plain doesn’t like our great Country,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “She had a total meltdown in the White House today. It was very sad to watch. Pray for her, she is a very sick person!”

For her part, Pelosi told reporters, “I pray for the president all the time and I tell him that. I pray for his safety and that of his family. Now we have to pray for his health because this was a very serious meltdown on the part of the president.”

Pelosi had reportedly stood up and abandoned the meeting after Trump described her as either a “third-rate” politician (according to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer) or a “third-grade” politician (according to Pelosi). “Goodbye, we’ll see you at the polls,” Trump reportedly said.

Nancy Pelosi


At a June 6, 2013 press conference, Pelosi responded to news reports that, contrary to earlier claims by Barack Obama and Pelosi herself, Obamacare would cause health insurance premiums to rise dramatically for many people purchasing their own insurance in the individual market: “I don’t remember saying that everybody in the country would have a lower premium.” But in fact, during a July 1, 2012 appearance on Meet The Press, Pelosi had stated that because of Obamacare “everybody will have lower rates.”

In November 2013—amid immense public outrage over the fact that Obamacare regulations were, contrary to the repeated assurances of President Obama and the Democrats, forcing insurers to cancel the existing healthcare plans of millions of Americans—Pelosi was asked whether she owed an apology to the formerly insured who had been misled. She replied, “Did I ever tell my constituents that if they liked their plan they could keep it? I would have if I’d ever met anybody who liked his or her plan. But that was not my experience.”

To learn more about Nancy Pelosi, click on the profile link here.


Senate Republicans Are Not At All Worried About Impeachment

‘They’re Not Ted Cruz, Believe Me’: Trump Mocks Democratic Primary Debates

Lone Minority GOP Congresswoman Explains Why She Is Open To Supporting Trump In 2020

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Turkey agrees to cease-fire days after Erdogan said he would never agree to a cease-fire

The Leftist political and media elites were aghast at Trump’s letter to Erdogan, and heaped ridicule upon it. But it was really just standard American diplomacy: carrots and sticks. It was just phrased a bit more bluntly than diplomatic niceties usually allow. It is long past time for a fresh approach to diplomacy and a firm rejection of the multiply failed approaches that both Republican and Democrat Presidents have used for decades.

“U.S., Turkey agree to cease-fire to allow Kurdish forces to retreat,” by Saphora Smith and Dartunorro Clark, NBC News, October 17, 2019:

LONDON — Vice President Mike Pence announced Thursday that the United States reached a cease-fire agreement with Turkey to suspend its military operation in Syria to allow Kurdish forces to retreat from a designated safe zone.

Pence said that Turkey will suspend its military operations for five days to allow the Kurdish forces to leave the zone, and that U.S. forces will aid in the retreat.

The agreement comes amid growing global concern over Turkey’s military incursion in Syria after President Donald Trump ordered U.S. forces to withdraw from the country, leaving the Kurdish People’s Protection Units, or YPG — a U.S. ally in the fight against the Islamic State militant group — without support.

“I’m grateful for the president’s leadership. I’m grateful for the more than five hours of negotiations with President [Recep] Erdogan,” Pence said, adding that the parties “arrived at a solution that we believe will save lives.”

Trump told reporters ahead of an event in Texas that his unorthodox approach to the conflict helped make the deal possible, calling Erdogan “very smart” and a “friend.”

“Everybody agreed to things that three days ago, they would have never agreed to — that includes the Kurds,” Trump said. “This is a situation where everyone is happy.”

“If we didn’t go this unconventional, tough-love approach … they couldn’t have gotten it done,” Trump added.

Trump praised and defended Turkey in his remarks to reporters, saying the country was taking actions to secure part of its border with Syria where Kurds have been gaining influence and it had to have that area “cleaned out.”

“For many, many years Turkey, in all fairness, they’ve had a legitimate problem with it,” Trump said. “They’ve had terrorists, they had a lot of people in there that they couldn’t have. They suffered a lot of loss of lives and they had to have it cleaned out. This outcome is something they’ve been trying to get for 10 years.”

Earlier this week, Erdogan had said he would reject a cease-fire, according to The Associated Press. “They say ‘declare a cease-fire.’ We could never declare a cease-fire,” he told reporters….

RELATED ARTICLE: Trump celebrates ‘great day for civilization’ as Pence, Pompeo secure Syria cease-fire agreement

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

ISRAEL: Land-for-peace — An historical perspective

“…a military defeat of Israel would mean the physical extinction of a large part of its population and the political elimination of the Jewish state. To lose a single war is to lose everything” –   Yigal Allon, 1976.

One does not have to be a military expert to easily identify the critical defects of the armistice lines that existed until June 4, 1967. – Yigal Allon, commander of the Palmach and deputy Prime Minister (Labor), 1976.

Since the early 1990s, and certainly since the Oslo process (1993), the “Land-for-peace” principle  has been Israel’s dominant policy paradigm, particularly, but not exclusively, with regard to the “Palestinian problem”. This is something that is difficult to comprehend. After all, not only was it a formula that was largely rejected up until that time as borderline sedition, but since then, in every instance, in which it has been applied, it has failed resoundingly (albeit at various rates of speed)—with the land transferred to Arab control invariably becoming a platform from which to launch/prepare attacks against Israel.

Land as a “red herring” in the pursuit of peace

Indeed, the flawed rationale for the land-for-peace doctrine was forcibly articulated by the man who later embraced it—with calamitous consequences—Yitzhak Rabin. In an address before a joint session of the US Congress (January 28, 1976), he cogently underscored the irrelevance of territory as a cause of Arab enmity towards the Jewish state:

Until 1967, Israel did not hold an inch of the Sinai Peninsula and the West Bank, the Gaza Strip or the Golan Heights. Israel held not an acre of what is now considered disputed territory. And yet we enjoyed no peace. Year after year Israel called for – pleaded for – a negotiated peace with the Arab governments. Their answer was a blank refusal and more war…The reason was not a conflict over territorial claims. The reason was, and remains, the fact that a Free Jewish State sits on territory at all…It is in this context that the Palestinian issue must be appraised.”

Paradoxically, less than two decades later, the very people who articulated with such chilling clarity the compelling reasons for eschewing a policy of territorial concessions—and accurately foretold the ruinous results of adopting it, embraced it with unreserved enthusiasm.

Predicting the perils of Palestinian statehood

For example, over three decades ago; it was none other than the late Shimon Peres, widely considered the principal protagonist in the Oslo process, who warned ominously:

If a Palestinian state is established, it will be armed to the teeth. Within it there will be bases of the most extreme terrorist forces, who will be equipped with anti-tank and anti-aircraft shoulder-launched rockets, which will endanger not only random passers-by, but also every airplane and helicopter taking off in the skies of Israel and every vehicle traveling along the major traffic routes in the coastal plain.

Indeed, it was Peres who predicted with uncanny precision: The establishment of such [a Palestinian] state means the inflow of combat ready Palestinian forces (more than 25,000 men under arms) into Judea and Samaria; this force, together with the local youth, will double itself in a short time. It will not be short of weapons or other [military] equipment, and in a short space of time, an infrastructure for waging war will be set up in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip. Israel will have problems in preserving day-to-day security, which may drive the country into war, or undermine the morale of its citizens. In time of war, the frontiers of the Palestinian state will constitute an excellent staging point for mobile forces to mount attacks on infrastructure installations vital for Israel’s existence, to impede the freedom of action of the Israeli airforce in the skies over Israel, and to cause bloodshed among the population… in areas adjacent to the frontier-line.

Underscoring the asymmetry of the conflict

But Peres was not the only one of those who supported the land-for-peace doctrine and Palestinian statehood, having previously warned of the deadly perils this would entail: Thus, Prof. Amnon Rubinstein, Israel Prize laureate and former Education Minister for the far-Left Meretz party, wrote prior to his entry into politics, essentially echoing Peres’s concerns:

“[The proponents of withdrawal] claim if they [the Arabs] threaten us with artillery from Kalkilya [an Arab town close to the 1967 ‘Green Line’], we will threaten Kalkilya with our artillery. However, the answer to this is very simple. The Arab world can exist, prosper, and develop not only if our artillery threatens Kalkilya, but even if it hits it. Israel, small and exposed, will neither be able to exist nor to prosper if its urban centers, its vulnerable airport and its narrow winding roads, are shelled. This is the fundamental difference between them and us, this is the terrible danger involved in the establishment of a third independent sovereign state between us and the Jordan River.”

The grave asymmetry inherent in the conflict, which Rubinstein points out, was vividly underscored by Yigal Allon, former commander of the Palmach and later deputy Prime Minister for the Labor Party. In an article in the prestigious journal “Foreign Affairs”, he observed:

“… the Arab states can permit themselves a series of military defeats while Israel cannot afford to lose a single war… a military defeat of Israel would mean the physical extinction of a large part of its population and the political elimination of the Jewish state. To lose a single war is to lose everything.”

Territory: The strategic value in the era of modern weaponry

Allon took issue with those who argued that in era of modern weaponry, the value of territory has been diminished:

“…there are some who would claim that in an era of modern technological development such factors [strategic depth and topographical barriers] are valueless. In a nutshell, their claim is that the appearance of ground-to-ground missiles, supersonic fighter-bombers and other sophisticated instruments of modern warfare has canceled out the importance of strategic depth and topographical barriers… this argument is certainly invalid regarding Israel, and within the context of the Middle East conflict, where the opposite is true. Precisely because of dramatic developments in conventional weaponry the significance of territorial barriers and strategic depth has increased.

These sentiments were reiterated by Peres himself who warned that the range, firepower and mobility of modern weapons enhanced the importance of territory:

“In 1948, it may have been possible to defend the “thin waist” of Israel’s most densely populated area, when the most formidable weapon used by both sides was the canon of limited mobility and limited fire-power…In the 20th century, with the development of the rapid mobility of armies, the defensive importance of territorial expanse has increased…Without a border which affords security, a country is doomed to destruction in war.

“…an almost compulsive temptation to attack Israel …”

Peres also focused on the economic importance territory has for the efficacy of the allocation of national resources:

The resources available to a country are finite. In the absence of a strategic border, the investment in security that a country requires, comes at the expense of other needs. This difference in the level of investment in security creates in certain cases a qualitative change in the general level of a nation – in terms of its economy, its society and education… A country that has the advantage of a strategic frontier can invest less … in fortifications, maintenance of battle ready armed forces, armaments…”

Although he conceded that territory itself was not sufficient to deter attack, it was, in and of itself, necessary to do so. Underscoring the gravity of the lack of minimal geographical size, he wrote:

It is of course doubtful whether territorial expanse can provide absolute deterrence. However, the lack of minimal territorial expanse places a country in a position of an absolute lack of deterrence. This in itself constitutes almost compulsive temptation to attack Israel from all directions …”

Of course, Peres was not the only Israeli leader to warn of the dire consequences of yielding territory to Arab control—only to embrace it as a national imperative later, precipitating all the dangers of which he had previously warned.

Sharon on Gaza 1992

One of the most striking examples of the radical metamorphoses from an uncompromising hawk to champion of unilateral concessions was the late Ariel Sharon, who reneged on his election pledges and imposed unrequited withdrawal from Gaza, which soon afterwards fell to the Islamist terror group, Hamas, just as he had foreseen it would.

In a 1992 opinion piece, Sharon recalled how Israel overcame the spate of terror attacks in the Jordan Valley following the Six Day War:

These experiences prove not only that terror can be eradicated, but also the principle by which this is to be accomplished. It is imperative not to run from terrorism, and it will be smitten only if we control its bases and engage its gangs on their own territory.”

He went on to elaborate regarding Gaza—just prior to the conclusion of the Oslo Accords:

“And Gaza is the prime example. The populated sections of Gaza had become in 1970 an area controlled by the terrorist organizations because the Defense Minister [Yitzhak Rabin] decided to evacuate the towns, villages and refugee camps. Fortunately, we returned to the correct policy before the Gaza Strip exploded like festering abscess, which could have poisoned the entire surroundings. But because of mistaken policy – of fleeing from the population centers and refraining from eliminating the danger in its early formative stages—we had to conduct a much more difficult and lengthy campaign.”

“…Gaza will become a launching site for rockets…”

Presciently, he predicted the very perils he later precipitated by implementing precisely the very measures he warned should be avoided:

If now we once more fall into the same mistake, the price will be much heavier than before—because now the terrorists and the means they have at their disposal are different and more dangerous than before. If we abandon Gaza, it will be taken over by the terror organizations. Palestine Square [in Gaza] will become a launching site for rockets aimed at…Ashkelon and what will the IDF do then? Will it once again recapture Gaza? Shell and bomb the towns and refugee camps in the Gaza Strip?”

He cautioned:

“We all aspire to a political settlement, but we not will reach it by way of surrender but only after crushing terrorism and we can only eliminate terrorism if we control its bases, and fight its gangs there and destroy them.”

Peres-on the importance of settlements

In the debate on how to achieve peace with the Palestinian-Arabs, the Jewish communities beyond the 1967 Green Line (a.k.a. “settlements”) are widely portrayed as an irksome “obstacle to peace”. It is thus intriguing to discover that Peres himself—in his pre-Oslo era—was one of their most fervent advocates—indeed, in important ways, their founding father.

He urged:

“[We need] to create a continuous stretch of new settlements; to bolster Jerusalem and the surrounding hills, from the north, from the east, and from the south and from the west, by means of the establishment of townships, suburbs and villages – Ma’ale Edumin, Ofra, Gilo, Bet-El, Givon, and IDF camps and Nahal outposts – to ensure that the capital and its flanks are secured, and underpinned by urban and rural settlements. These settlements will be connected to the coastal plain and Jordan Valley by new lateral axis roads…”

Peres then stressed the security aspect of the Jewish settlements : “…the settlements along the Jordan River are intended to establish the Jordan River as the [Israel’s] de facto security border; however it is the settlements on the western slopes of the hills of Samaria and Judea which will deliver us from the curse of Israel’s “narrow waist”; the purpose of the settlements in the Golan is to ensure that this territorial platform will no longer constitute a danger, but a barrier against a surprise attack…”

No less noteworthy was the attitude of Yigal Allon to what is arguably the most controversial of all the “settlements”—that in Hebron. On January 26, 1969, he wrote the following letter to one of the families there, on the occasion of the first circumcision ceremony in the community:

Dear Nachshon Family,

Unfortunately, I am not able to be with you as I would have wished, to share your joy at the “Brit Mila” [circumcision] ceremony of your son, the first child of the restorers of the Jewish settlement in Hebron, I wish you all, the parents and the entire tribe of settlers, great blessing and joy in raising your son.

Bringing your son into the covenant of the Patriarch Abraham, in the city of Abraham after forty years of separation from it, has a special symbolic significance. It bears testimony to our continuous connection to this place, to which we have returned never to leave.

Yours sincerely,

Yigal Allon

Peres on the value of agreements with the Arabs

As the prime force behind the perilous Oslo Accords, it is noteworthy that Peres once totally dismissed the value of any agreement signed with the Arabs, writing:

The major issue is not [attaining] an agreement, but ensuring the actual implementation of the agreement in practice. The number of agreements which the Arabs have violated is no less than number which they have kept”.

It seemed that Peres’s skepticism as to agreements and demilitarization did not wane right up until the signature of the Oslo Accords. In his “The New Middle East” (1993), he wrote:

Even if the Palestinians agree that their state have no army or weapons, who can guarantee that a Palestinian army would not be mustered later to encamp at the gates of Jerusalem and the approaches to the lowlands? And if the Palestinian state would be unarmed, how would it block terrorist acts perpetrated by extremists, fundamentalists or irredentists?”

How indeed??

“No greater lie than that which calls for Palestinian statehood…”

Allow me to conclude with the words of Prof. Amnon Rubinstein, former minister and MK on behalf of the dovish Meretz party, who proclaimed;

Not since the time of Dr. Goebbels [Head of the Nazi Propaganda Machine] there has ever been a case in which continual repetition of a lie has born such great fruits… Of all the Palestinian lies there is no lie greater or more crushing than that which calls for the establishment of a separate Palestinian state in the West Bank…”

There seems little need to add to that!

© All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Menachem Begin Harsh Response To German Consul’s request for a Palestinian state.

VIDEO: A woman athlete speaks out on ‘transgender’ [men] competing in sports.

The Scoop published the below comments and video.

Female high school track athlete Selina Soule is speaking out against the inclusion of transgender athletes in female sports.

© All rights reserved.

Beth Van Duyne: A Principled Public Servant

Time and again in every election we see politicians promise everything, and once elected deliver very little or nothing. Beth Van Duyne is a welcome exception and her past record clearly proves it.

A person of impeccable integrity, Beth has always remained loyal to the values and wishes of her constituents and has not compromised them on the altar of political expediency so widely practiced by self-promoting politicians. A devoted mother beaming with energy and the talent to get things done, Beth is indeed the kind of person the US Congress desperately needs.

Under Beth’s leadership as a Mayor of Irving, TX, the city became one of the best and safest towns in the great state of Texas. Beth Van Duyne’s achievements attracted the attention of President Trump’s administration and accepted to serve, this time, at the national level in the Department of Housing and Urban Development Office in Fort Worth.

City of Irving Islamic Tribunal

Van Duyne’s reputation soared outside her city since February 2015, when she became aware that some Muslims intended to create a Sharia court in Irving, TX. To follow with her oath of office, she wanted to make sure if in fact, these stories were accurate.

Van Duyne  went directly to the source, the website. What she noticed was shocking. The imams at the website referred to themselves as “attorneys” and “judges” even though none of them were lawyers or practice law in the State of Texas. She noted a phone number for legal services. There was also a disclaimer at the bottom that read:

“Don’t send us any confidential material, before an attorney client relationship has been established.”

They were even charging for their services. They listed divorce cases, product liability, business, and real estate litigations as their legal specialties.  Mayor Van Duyne wanted to know why anyone would subject themselves to Sharia law in the United States while everyone is protected under the U.S. Constitution! And she repeatedly noted, her biggest concern was for women were treated differently than men under Sharia law, put at a great disadvantage, and denied basic rights we are all guaranteed.

Despite a great deal of push back and non-stop attacks from the leftist media in Texas, Beth Van Duyne, a woman of great courage managed to push the envelope off the table on Sharia’s implementation in her own U.S. city: Irving, Texas. The Mayor wasn’t aware of the extent of Sharia practiced by the Islamic Tribunal. So, she asked lawmakers at the Texas Homeland Security Forum to investigate the legality of this group in North Texas.

In a direct and powerful response, she refuted that it was authorized or approved by her office. The Islamic Tribunal was the first of its kind in the nation. Its members had begun deciding “non-criminal” cases, even though none of the tribunal members was an attorney. On her Facebook page, the mayor wrote:

“Sharia Law Court was NOT approved or enacted by the City of Irving. Recently, there have been rumors suggesting that the City of Irving has somehow condoned, approved or enacted the implementation of a Sharia Law Court in our City. Let me be clear, neither the City of Irving, our elected officials or city staff have anything to do with the decision of the mosque that has been identified as starting a Sharia Court.”

In the hope that this issue would be put to rest, the Irving City Council, headed by Mayor Van Duyne, supported a bill in Texas Legislature, HB 562, to reaffirm people would be protected from the use of foreign laws. If passed, it prohibits Texas judges or justices the use of any foreign law in any cases where there was a possibility that a person could lose his or her Constitutional rights.

Being fully prepared for the backlash from the left-wing media, the resolution was crafted without using the words, “Sharia law,” “Sharia,” “Muslim,” “Islamic,” or “religion.” It simply stated the obvious, that the United States has at the tip of its legal pyramid the Constitution, and under it a substantial body of federal, state, local laws, ordinances, resolutions, and huge volumes of case law that together have served us well since the ratification of the Constitution. “This bill does not mention, at all, Muslim, sharia law, Islam, even religion,” said Van Duyne. “It specifically talks about foreign laws not taking precedence over U.S. laws and those in the State of Texas.”

When the City of Irving came out with this resolution, they invited Muslim imams to come and support it. “When we had met them in private, we asked the members of the mosque if they would support our American laws and if they would support and follow our Texas State Statutes, and they told me in that private meeting, yes, they would,” stated Mayor Van Duyne. The Mayor sent them the Bill, but not only did she not hear back from them, but when she did, a protest group went into the town hall to protest and object to it.

Muslim groups did their level best to have the resolution fail. Fortunately, the Mayor held a hair’s-breath margin when the resolution passed by a five to four vote majority.

The Texas Senate passed a bill that year, forbidding the implementation of any foreign laws, which would adversely affect any person’s Constitutional rights. Senator Donna Campbell said that her bill doesn’t mention Sharia law at all, only guarantees that no law from “foreign courts” would be used to override American law in settling civil matters according to Unfortunately, the Bill failed to pass in the House.

On that day, Mayor Beth Van Duyne stood tall and strong to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States for you, me and all Americans.

The Tarrant County, the State of Texas and the US Congress desperately need Beth Van Duyne, an effective leader who fights for American values.