The Faces And Strategies Of The Deep State

We are constantly being lectured to by the media and Democrats that there is no “deep state.” That Trump and Republicans are just making up conspiracy theories to cover their own nefarious deeds.

Most people who do not imbibe only quasi-propaganda outlets such as the New York Times or CNN, understand there is a deep state, or permanent state, or some ongoing cabal of government bureaucrats that pre-date and outlast presidential administrations and have their own agenda. And they understand that agenda for three years has included getting rid of a duly elected American President.

The #resistance has included seemingly boundless denizens within the federal government. We will never know the full scale of the leakers — the primary weapon of the deep state against Trump — but we can identify dozens of people who have publicly acted, or been caught acting, in precisely a deep state sort of way.

Publicly, the resistance deep state probably starts with one of its heroes: Sally Yates.

Yates was Deputy Attorney General under Obama’s AG Loretta Lynch. When Trump was sworn into office, Lynch resigned and Yates became acting AG. When Trump signed an executive order temporarily restricting travel from a select few Middle Eastern and African countries to the United States, Yates went full resistance.

She ordered DOJ lawyers not to defend Trump’s executive order in court because she personally believed it was not consistent with the DOJ’s responsibility and questioned its lawfulness. Of course, defending it in court is what would determine its lawfulness. Yates did not hide the ball.

“For as long as I am Acting Attorney General, the Department of Justice will not present arguments in defense of the Executive Order,” she wrote. Trump fired her the same day.

Yates’ action was about more than the particular EO she didn’t like. It was a banner being waved in front of the pre-existing deep state to rally more bureaucrats to the cause. It’s important to remember that the permanent state long precedes Trump and resides on the ideological left. People throughout the George W. Bush administration decried how the State Department continuously undermined Bush policies abroad. For eight years.

In Yates’ case, she was clearly violating her oath and job description, which was to defend the executive order. If she could not, she should have resigned. She was an unelected federal hire. Not one American voted for her. But her renegade approach had the desired effect.

According to the inestimable Kimberly Strassel at the Wall Street Journal: “The Yates memo was the first official act of the internal resistance — not only a precedent but a rallying cry. Subordinates fawningly praised her in emails.”

Judicial Watch filed Freedom of Information requests and found a treasure trove of other deep staters doing that fawning through emails to Yates. One federal prosecutor called her his hero, another thanked her profusely for fighting against an unlawful president.

Perhaps the most enlightening came from Andrew Weissmann—a career DOJ lawyer and head of the Criminal Fraud Division, who wrote: “I am so proud. And in awe. Thank you so much.” Weissmann was later hired by Robert Mueller as part of the team investigating Trump-Russia collusion. Another face of the deep state.

According to a Washington Post story a few weeks after Trump’s inauguration, 180 federal employees had signed up for a workshop to learn how to “successfully express civil disobedience.” The Post’s story revealed that bureaucrats were in “regular consultation” with Obama appointees to create strategies for opposing the administration, including work slowdowns for any policies they opposed.

The story seemed meant to paint a picture of federal employees righteously standing up against an unlawful, illegitimate and dangerous president. They were heroes like Yates, and underminers secretly following her like Weissmann. But the story actually revealed the reality of the deep state and the lengths to which it would go to stop Trump.

Another identifiable deep stater is Walter Shaub, whom Obama appointed in 2013 as head of the Office of Government Ethics, an oxymoron if there ever was one. The office is simply mandated to advise and assist the presidential administration in office and is not to be confused with being a watchdog, as the name may imply. This office was perfectly situated to actually help Trump, who never held elected office before, to avoid ethical pitfalls. That was its mandate and its purpose. That’s not what Shaub did.

The Wall Street Journal’s Strassel writes of Shaub:

“…within weeks of the election, Mr. Shaub was mimicking the president-elect from an official Twitter account: “@realDonaldTrump OGE is delighted that you’ve decided to divest your businesses. Right decision!” “@realDonaldTrump Brilliant! Divestiture is good for you, very good for America!” When Mr. Trump released his plan for his assets, Mr. Shaub blasted it at a public event with press in attendance. At one point Mr. Shaub sent one of his critical missives to hundreds of government ethics officials, every inspector general, and the chairmen and ranking members of numerous congressional committees. When administration officials began to call him out on his behavior, he loudly resigned and immediately landed a job at the liberal Campaign Legal Center.”

Of course the acts of people like James Comey, John Brennan and James Clapper are now legendary. But they are political appointees. The deep state is the permanent, unappointed and unelected bureaucrat class that also enjoys civil service protections that make firing them virtually impossible.

Deep staters have filed an enormous number of official internal complaints — perhaps as part of that civil disobedience training, or on the advice of the former Obama officials — in attempts to have the authority to define policies for their own fiefdoms, which is the sole prerogative of the executive. The Washington Post ran an infamous guest column by an Interior Department employee named Joel Clement titled: “I’m a Scientist. I’m Blowing the Whistle on the Trump Administration.”

His beef was that Trump policy was endangering some native populations in Alaska. How? Climate change. A scientist blowing the whistle! There was no merit, nor did he have standing. But, as we have seen repeatedly, it allowed eight Senate Democrats to demand an IG investigation and that, certainly, was part of the purpose, along with publicly damaging Trump.

The pattern is pretty clear in that Clement is now a senior fellow with the activist, leftist Union of Concerned Scientists.

Of course we see these patterns repeating themselves right up to the “whistleblower” on the Ukrainian phone call, but instead of IG investigations or a special counsel, we now have impeachment proceedings, or something. It’s not really clear.

Everything Trump did, from meetings, to internal memos to private phone calls with heads of state, were leaked to an eager media accurately or inaccurately.

One study by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs found that in just the first 18 weeks in office in 2017, the Trump administration “faced 125 leaked stories — one leak a day — containing information that is potentially damaging to national security under the standards laid out in a 2009 Executive Order signed by President Barack Obama.”

The report summarized it this way: “Under President Trump’s predecessors, leaks of national security information were relatively rare, even with America’s vibrant free press. Under President Trump, leaks are flowing at the rate of one a day.”

About 100 of the 125 dealt with Trump-Russia collusion, and the majority of those contained classified information. Which means not only were they potentially damaging to national security, they were felonies. By the time of this writing, the number of leaks must be north of 1,000 — too many for the Senate committee to even try to study. That is a lot of felonies committed by the deep state.

Virtually all of those leakers remain unknown to the public and are likely still toiling away in the bowels of the deep state, ready to leak and otherwise undermine President Trump and the security of the nation in any possible way.

The deep state is real, and provably so. They are protected and acting in concert with each other and with Democrat lawyers and lawmakers. Re-electing President Trump is one of the greatest bulwarks against this continuing. If it works, it will become enshrined in D.C.

RELATED VIDEO: Attorney General William Barr “What’s the Problem With America” Full Speech Notre Dame 10/11/19

EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

YouTube’s Concerning Suppression of Conservative Speech

Dear Mr. Brin: Fifty years ago this week, when I was a 21-year-old college senior, I was in the Soviet Union, sent by the government of Israel to smuggle in Jewish religious items and smuggle out names of Jews who wanted to escape the Soviet Union and could then be issued a formal invitation to Israel.

I was chosen because I was a committed Jew and because I knew Hebrew and Russian. I was no hero, but the trip did entail risk. The Soviets did not appreciate people smuggling out names of Soviet citizens who sought to emigrate, information the Israeli government and activist groups in America used to advocate on their behalf.

My four weeks in the USSR were, of course, life-changing. This young American, lucky beyond belief to have spent his entire life in the freest country in the world, experienced what it was like to live in a totalitarian police state.

People feared merely being seen speaking with a Westerner, lest the KGB arrest and interrogate them. People arranged to meet me at a certain tree in a certain park and only spoke to me while walking to avoid eavesdroppers. I met with Jewish engineers, doctors, and professors who could find no work because they were known to the government to be “otkazniki,” or “refuseniks”—Jews who had applied for exit visas to leave the Soviet Union and been refused permission. I’m sure you know of them from your parents.

Congress is trying to ramrod through increased gun laws upon the American people. But will that really stop the rise of gun violence? Find out more now >>

I left the Soviet Union angry and grateful—angry there are people who have the audacity to tell other people what they could and could not say, and grateful beyond measure to have been born in America, where no one could tell anyone what they could say. From that day to this, I have never taken freedom, especially freedom of speech, for granted.

Why I am writing to you about this?

Because, beyond my wildest dreams, two things are happening in America.

One is that for the first time in America’s history, free speech is seriously threatened.

In 1977, when Nazis sought to march in Skokie, Illinois—those terrible human beings chose Skokie because it was home to many Jewish Holocaust survivors—virtually every liberal and conservative organization, including Jewish organizations, defended the Nazis’ right to march. Because in America—and only in America—it was understood that even if the most loathsome speech was not protected, all speech was at risk.

That has changed.

Today, decent people—people who abhor Nazism and every other form of evil, left or right; people like Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali—are shouted down, threatened, disinvited, or never invited to speak at America’s universities.

The other thing that is happening is even more frightening. The company that you co-founded, Google, the greatest conduit of speech in world history, is also suppressing speech. I have asked myself over and over: How could the company founded by a man whose parents fled the Soviet Union do this?

It so boggles the mind that I have to hope you are simply not fully aware of what your company is doing.

So, in a nutshell, let me tell you what Google has done to one organization, Prager University (better known as PragerU).

Every week, PragerU releases a five-minute video on virtually every subject outside of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math). Some of the finest minds in the world have presented these videos—including professors from Harvard, Stanford, and MIT; four Pulitzer Prize winners; three former prime ministers; liberals; conservatives; Democrats; Republicans (including never-Trumpers); gays; and, of course, many women and members of ethnic and racial minorities.

Yet YouTube, which Google owns, has placed hundreds of our videos on its restricted list. In addition to the inherent smear of being labeled “inappropriate for children,” this means no family that filters out pornography and graphic violence, no school and no library can see those videos.

Among those restricted videos is one during former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper defends Israel. Had someone told me 50 years ago that a company led by the son of Soviet Jewish refuseniks would suppress a video by a world leader defending the Jewish state, I would have told them they were out of their mind. That’s one reason I can only assume, or at least hope, that you are not fully aware of what your company is doing.

Or how about a video series I present on the Ten Commandments? YouTube is suppressing a number of those, too. When Sen. Ted Cruz asked a Google official why Google restricted one of my videos on the Ten Commandments, the official responded (it’s on YouTube) that it was because the video “contains references to murder.”

In fact, PragerU has repeatedly asked Google over the past several years why any of our videos are on the restricted list, and we have received either a runaround or silence. We have never received a substantive explanation.

We have no desire to see government intervene in private business to protect free speech. But your company has availed itself of protections under law that shield it from liability for defamation, copyright infringement, etc. Your company’s arrogance is such that a vast number of Americans—liberals as well as conservatives—are worried that the major conduit of speech in the Free World doesn’t care about free speech.

Mr. Brin, along with millions of other Americans, I fought to bring your parents from a land with no freedom to the Land of the Free. None of us has ever asked for anything in return. It was our honor to work for liberty in general and for Soviet Jewry specifically.

What Americans most want from immigrants is that they help keep America free. I never had any doubt that those leaving the Soviet Union would fulfill that mission.

Until now.

Freedom of speech is the most fundamental of all freedoms. It’s what your parents yearned for and bequeathed to you. Please don’t help take it away from those who made it possible—the people of America.

Sincerely yours,

Dennis Prager



Dennis Prager is a columnist for The Daily Signal, nationally syndicated radio host, and creator of PragerU. Twitter: .

A Note for our Readers:

In the wake of every tragic mass shooting or high-profile incident involving gun violence, we hear the same narrative: To stop these horrible atrocities from happening, we must crack down on gun laws.

But is the answer really to create more laws around gun control, or is this just an opportunity to limit your Constitutional right to bear arms?

The researchers at The Heritage Foundation have put together a guide to help you better understand the 8 Stubborn Facts on Gun Violence in America.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Swedish Samnytt TV Video: Who really wants to receive an immigrant? — Hypocrisy Exposed!

This is an amazing video where the Swedish news Samnytt TV went to the streets and asked people if they would take an immigrant into their home. Everyone says yes but then when presented with a chance to actually give a young immigrant a home they suddenly have reasons not to. Hypocrisy of political correctness in full view.

Watch as Samhällsnytt tests if Swedish people who just said to be willing to receive an immigrant into their home actually stands by their word, or if it all empty talk.

Hat tip to Amy Mek @AmyMek for posting this video on Twitter.

“Water is the new oil.” JEA selling our water to Water Barons? Don’t laugh. It’s happening.

by Billie Tucker Volpe

I recently had a chance to speak with City Council Member Randy DeFoor. She was not happy with JEA fast-tracking a potential sale — and she was most disturbed by the potential sale of our water. And I could not agree with her more.

As a consultant to the board of JEA about 10 years ago, I had the opportunity to meet with each Executive Team Member and Board Member monthly. During one of my meetings with the head of the water division, he told me that the biggest issue JEA would face in the future would be … WATER! I’ll never forget that meeting because I am fully aware that water is THE one thing we all need to survive. You don’t mess around with our water.

After my conversation with Ms. DeFoor, I did some deep research and went back into my notes from those days at JEA. What I discovered was indeed scary. Scary because if we don’t pay attention — and especially the City Council Members — we may all be paying our bills to a Water Baron or a big bank somewhere in the world. Or even to China!

The information and facts are here for all to read for themselves. We hope each City Council Member will pay VERY CLOSE ATTENTION to the water sale at JEA.

Water is not to be gambled away because of political eyes seeing dollar signs. This is serious business friends and it needs your attention. Don’t take your EYE off this one.

Read this in-depth, fact-filled research paper about the sale of water across the world. Be informed. Contact your council member and tell them to read this too. You can reach them here.

Our water is the new oil for Water Barons. It’s also your “oil” so let’s not give it away without a fight!

RELATED ARTICLE: The New “Water Barons”: Wall Street Mega-Banks are Buying up the World’s Water

EDITORS NOTE: This Eye on Jacksonville column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Presidential Candidate Labels America as a ‘Flawed Democracy’ at Florida Democratic State Convention — And He’s Absolutely Right!

“Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There was never a democracy that did not commit suicide.” – John Adams, letter to John Taylor, 1814.

“The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money.” – Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America.

You may not have ever heard of Michael E. Arth but he’s running for President of the United States as a Democrat. Arth spoke at the 2019 Florida Democratic State Convention. Using Wikipedia’s Democracy Index, which is based upon data from the UK based  Economist Intelligence Unit, Arth stated,

“We are now ranked below Chile and Estonia. Instead of being number one in incarceration, we should be number one in democracy. We should also be number one in happinesslife expectancyclimate change performancepress freedom, and equality. As it is, we have a terrible record on all of these issues, especially on inequality.”

QUESTION: Why isn’t America ranked last on the Democracy Index?

America is a Republic

Democrats, like Arth, desperately want America to become a democracy. Arth stated at the Florida Democratic State Convention:

“The corporate-owned media is not kind to the idea that our country needs a systemic overhaul. I am on a moral crusade to help resolve festering problems with solutions that have not been fully articulated by any other candidate.”

Arth’s “systemic overhaul” sounds eerily like Obama’s “fundamentally transforming America.”

The ideal of a Democracy is not only reflected in the Democrat Party’s name but it is in their political DNA. Arth is a true believer.

The Democrats, like Arth, want to eliminate the Electoral College and choose the President of the United States by popular vote. They also want to give illegals and non-citizens voting rights. They want Americans, and non-citizens, to vote to commit suicide by giving them power.

Arth in his book The Time Traveler: An Artist’s Quest Through the Past and Future wrote:

What are the forces stirring in the middle of one of the darkest periods in recent history that makes him believe America will be transformed by what he calls “The New Progressive Era,” which will bring our government from 21st place (tied with Italy as a “flawed democracy”) to the world’s leading constitutional democracy by 2024?

America is not a constitutional democracy rather the U.S. Constitution reads:

Article 4 – The States
Section 4 – Republican Government

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.


republic n 1 : a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and is usually a president; also : a nation or other political unit having such a government 2 : a government in which supreme power is held by the citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives governing according to law; also : a nation or other political unit having such a form of government Source: NMW

In the context of the United States of America, both definitions apply.

Each of these united states are Constitutionally mandated to have a Republican form of government. What we see is when any state has a democratic form of government, like California, things go terribly wrong.


It’s all about the name. The Republican Party supports the U.S. Constitution and the uniquely American Republican form of government. Democrats, like Arth, want to change, or even abolish, the U.S. Constitution in order to establish a democracy.

What we are witnessing today is treason led by members of the Democrat Party against a duly elected President. A President who won via the Electoral College.

treason n the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of one’s country or of assisting its enemies in war

President Trump tweeted the following:

As I learn more and more each day, I am coming to the conclusion that what is taking place is not an impeachment, it is a COUP, intended to take away the Power of the….

….People, their VOTE, their Freedoms, their Second Amendment, Religion, Military, Border Wall, and their God-given rights as a Citizen of The United States of America!

In “The Nature of Government,” Ayn Rand observed, “We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.”

Is this a coup?

Are we approaching an “ultimate inversion” by the deep state to turn America into a Democracy? A Democracy where “the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission?”

Are you seeing brute force being used, by groups like Antifa in Minneapolis and Portland, against supporters of the President?

Are parts of America experiencing dark times?

We report you decide.

© All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: These 3 Countries Tried Socialism. Here’s What Happened.

Contrary to media myth, Trump did not betray the Kurds

A bit of common sense and clear thinking amid the current hysteria, from Caroline Glick.

“Trump did not betray the Kurds,” by Caroline B. Glick, Israel Hayom, October 11, 2019:

The near-consensus view of US President Donald Trump’s decision to remove American special forces from the Syrian border with Turkey is that Trump is enabling a Turkish invasion and double-crossing the Syrian Kurds who have fought with the Americans for five years against the Islamic State group. Trump’s move, the thinking goes, harms US credibility and undermines US power in the region and throughout the world.

There are several problems with this narrative. The first is that it assumes that until this week, the US had power and influence in Syria when in fact, by design, the US went to great lengths to limit its ability to influence events there.

The war in Syria broke out in 2011 as a popular insurrection by Syrian Sunnis against the Iranian-sponsored regime of President Bashar Assad. The Obama administration responded by declaring US support for Assad’s overthrow. But the declaration was empty. The administration sat on its thumbs as the regime’s atrocities mounted. It supported a feckless Turkish effort to raise a resistance army dominated by jihadist elements aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood.

President Barack Obama infamously issued his “red line” regarding the use of chemical weapons against civilians by Assad, which he repudiated the moment it was crossed.

As ISIS forces gathered in Iraq and Syria, Obama shrugged them off as a “JV squad.” When the JVs in ISIS took over a third of Iraqi and Syrian territory, Obama did nothing.

As Lee Smith recalled in January in The New York Post, Obama only decided to do something about ISIS in late 2014 after the group beheaded a number of American journalists and posted their decapitations on social media.

The timing was problematic for Obama.

In 2014 Obama was negotiating his nuclear deal with Iran. The deal, falsely presented as a nonproliferation pact, actually enabled Iran – the world’s greatest state sponsor of terrorism – to develop both nuclear weapons and the missile systems required to deliver them. The true purpose of the deal was not to block Iran’s nuclear aspirations but to realign US Middle East policy away from the Sunnis and Israel and toward Iran.

Given its goal of embracing Iran, the Obama administration had no interest in harming Assad, Iran’s Syrian factotum. It had no interest in blocking Iran’s ally Russia from using the war in Syria as a means to reassert Moscow’s power in the Middle East.

As both Michael Doran, a former national security adviser in the George W. Bush administration and Smith argue, when Obama was finally compelled to act against ISIS, he structured the US campaign in a manner that would align it with Iran’s interests.

Obama’s decision to work with the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) militia in northern Syria because it was the only significant armed force outside the Iranian axis that enjoyed congenial relations with both Assad and Iran.

Obama deployed around a thousand forces to Syria. Their limited numbers and radically constrained mandate made it impossible for the Americans to have a major effect on events in the country. They weren’t allowed to act against Assad or Iran. They were tasked solely with fighting ISIS. Obama instituted draconian rules of engagement that made achieving even that limited goal all but impossible.

During his tenure as Trump’s national security adviser, John Bolton hoped to revise the US mandate to enable US forces to be used against Iran in Syria. Bolton’s plan was strategically sound. Trump rejected it largely because it was a recipe for widening US involvement in Syria far beyond what the American public – and Trump himself – were willing to countenance.

In other words, the claim that the US has major influence in Syria is wrong. It does not have such influence and is unwilling to pay the price of developing such influence.

This brings us to the second flaw in the narrative about Trump’s removal of US forces from the Syrian border with Turkey.

The underlying assumption of the criticism is that America has an interest in confronting Turkey to protect the Kurds.

This misconception, like the misconception regarding US power and influence in Syria, is borne of a misunderstanding of Obama’s Middle East policies. Aside from ISIS’s direct victims, the major casualty of Obama’s deliberately feckless anti-ISIS campaign was the US alliance with Turkey. Whereas the US chose to work with the Kurds because they were supportive of Assad and Iran, the Turks view the Syrian Kurdish YPG as a sister militia to the Turkish Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). The Marxist PKK has been fighting a guerilla war against Turkey for decades. The State Department designates the PKK as a terrorist organization responsible for the death of thousands of Turkish nationals. Not surprisingly then, the Turks viewed the US-Kurdish collaboration against ISIS as an anti-Turkish campaign.

Throughout the years of US-Kurdish cooperation, many have made the case that the Kurds are a better ally to the US than Turkey. The case is compelling not merely because the Kurds have fought well.

Under President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Turkey has stood against the US and its interests far more often than it has stood with it. Across a spectrum of issues, from Israel to human rights, Hamas and ISIS to Turkish aggression against Cyprus, Greece, and Israel in the Eastern Mediterranean, to upholding US economic sanctions against Iran and beyond, for nearly 20 years, Erdoğan’s Turkey has distinguished itself as a strategic threat to America’s core interests and policies and those of its closest allies in the Middle East.

Despite the compelling, ever-growing body of evidence that the time has come to reassess US-Turkish ties, the Pentagon refuses to engage the issue. The Pentagon has rejected the suggestion that the US remove its nuclear weapons from Incirlik airbase in Turkey or diminish Incirlik’s centrality to US air operations in Central Asia and the Middle East. The same is true of US dependence on Turkish naval bases.

Given the Pentagon’s position, there is no chance that the US would consider entering an armed conflict with Turkey on behalf of the Kurds.

The Kurds are a tragic people. The Kurds, who live as persecuted minorities in Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran, have been denied the right of self-determination for the past hundred years. But then, the Kurds have squandered every opportunity they have had to assert independence. The closest they came to achieving self-determination was in Iraq in 2017. In Iraqi Kurdistan, the Kurds have governed themselves effectively since 1992. In 2017, they overwhelmingly passed a referendum calling for Iraqi Kurdistan to secede from Iraq and form an independent state. Instead of joining forces to achieve their long-held dream, the Kurdish leaders in Iraq worked against one another. One faction, in alliance with Iran, blocked implementation of the referendum and then did nothing as Kurdish-controlled Kirkuk was overrun by Iraqi government forces.

The Kurds in Iraq are far more capable of defending themselves than the Kurds of Syria. Taking on the defense of Syria’s Kurds would commit the US to an open-ended presence in Syria and justify Turkish antagonism. America’s interests would not be advanced. They would be harmed, particularly in light of the YPG’s selling trait for Obama – its warm ties to Assad and Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps….


Trump Says He’d Rather Focus On The Southern Border Than Northern Syria Border

BREAKING: President Trump Announces Sanctions, Vows to Destroy Turkey’s Economy if “Possible War Crimes” Continue

Kurdish forces strike deal with Syrian government to oppose Turkish incursion

Actual Conditions for Jews Circa Late 2018 in the Iraqi Kurdistan Paradise: Past as Prologue


Rand Paul Reveals ‘Extraordinary’ Reason Why Trump’s Syria Policy Might Be Working

President Trump announces $50 million in emergency aid to help Christians and other religious minorities in Syria.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

The Deep State Plot Against Trump

As a nation we marveled at Dr. Martin Luther King’s moral reasoning; it helped overcome a deep sense of inertia among the largely conservative civil rights establishment that favored incrementalism rather than rebellion.

King countered that the system of oppression was so entrenched in American society that no legal action would effectively challenge its injustice. As a result, he adopted a radical new strategy—nonviolent disobedience.

His reasoning was based, not in man’s law, but a higher one: “Just as it is wrong to use immoral means to attain moral ends,” he said in his letter from a Birmingham jail, “it is just as wrong, or perhaps even more so, to use moral means to preserve immoral ends.”

President Donald Trump, facing a similar historical arc, is signaling just that.

Impeachment furor has reached a feverish pitch in both the news media and on Capitol Hill. Several congressional inquiries, mostly stemming from the Democratic Party, into Trump have gathered momentum.

Many of the so-called “revelations” and “allegations” used as justification for these inquiries have emerged from anonymous sources and so-called whistleblowers within the administration and the intelligence community.

The timing seems a tad suspicious.

This latest controversy comes on the heels of Trump’s firing former national security adviser John Bolton and Trump’s holding firm in his decision to withdraw all American troops from Syria.

On the other hand, Trump’s personal peccadilloes and petty offenses seem to be just that—a petty justification for removing the president by the extreme measure of impeachment.

The likely reason for such unified rancor is perhaps that Trump’s foreign policy “infractions” have riled an especially entrenched set of interests within America’s military and its intelligence communities. It is telling, perhaps, that the mainstream media, which constantly hounded President George W. Bush’s administration over its wars, seems to take particular umbrage at Trump’s efforts to extract America from that very trap.

The fever pitch over Trump’s unorthodoxy has reached such a crescendo that normally staid, middle-of-the-road Republicans, including Rudy Giuliani and former House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes, have taken to defending our president by casually evoking the darkly conspiratorial “deep state.”

No one knows who the members of this “deep state” shadow organization are for sure, and no one is naming names. Regardless, it seems to hound the president at every turn.

Doesn’t this lament seem somewhat incongruous coming from a political party that controls half of Congress, the White House, and has appointed a majority of the Supreme Court? How is it that the president’s camp can wield such potent levers of political power and at the same time consider itself besieged by shadowy players?

The answer is more banal than nefarious. The “deep state” is hiding in plain sight. It is not a clandestine group, rather it’s is a prevailing attitude.

Many of our citizens and our institutions have adopted incrementalism as a lingua franca. The same inertia that caused civil rights leaders oppose to King’s radical new approach to leading social change also opposes Trump’s efforts to almost singlehandedly transform the American geopolitical framework.

Interests currently invested in continued militarism, lax immigration, unfair trade, and unchecked indebtedness fear that Trump’s new direction will starve them of wealth and influence. To a certain extent that is true.  Charting a new course might force painful realignments around values and priorities, but it ultimately bends the United States in the right direction.

Two distinct and interrelated aspects of U.S. policy under Trump seem to have particularly irritated the ruling cabal. They are our longstanding strategic alliance with Israel and our economic dependence on the Gulf oil trade. Both attachments have driven us down a sordid rabbit hole of war, debt, and injustice that has cost us more than is returned.

In the course of global enforcement, we damaged ourselves, not to mention the millions of citizens of the Middle East who continue to suffer amidst these seemingly endless wars.

President George Washington, on the eve of his retirement, warned against this very situation. He said, “nothing is more essential than that permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular nations, and passionate attachments for others, should be excluded. … The nation which indulges towards another a habitual hatred or a habitual fondness is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest.”

We can no longer afford to police the Middle East; and we will not be drawn into ridiculous internecine battles among the region’s various religious sects, merely to preserve claim over the Gulf’s energy.

In extricating America from needless attachments—both antipathies and alliances—Trump seems to be keeping his promise to place first his duty to America’s direct interests above all others.

The very fact that entrenched interests are so hell-bent on stopping Trump demonstrates just how pernicious our attachments have become. Whether by intraparty infiltration and rebellion or though partisan coup by the Democrats, we even betray our allegiance to power over populace.

The serious constitutional crimes alleged against the president deserve to be placed in context. Without context, text alone is sometimes considered pretext.

The Democrats already got a bite at the apple with the lengthy Mueller investigation; it was fully investigated and reported with not a single significant finding against Trump. Now they are trying their hand at unseating Trump through an impeachment investigation that seems oddly disruptive given the proximity of an election that could easily decide it all.

In confronting Congress directly, Trump proves he isn’t hiding. He’s openly begging the question: Does America really want to win?


Armstrong Williams is a columnist for The Daily Signal and host of “The Armstrong Williams Show,” a nationally syndicated TV program. Twitter: .

A Note for our Readers:

In the wake of every tragic mass shooting or high-profile incident involving gun violence, we hear the same narrative: To stop these horrible atrocities from happening, we must crack down on gun laws.

But is the answer really to create more laws around gun control, or is this just an opportunity to limit your Constitutional right to bear arms?

The researchers at The Heritage Foundation have put together a guide to help you better understand the 8 Stubborn Facts on Gun Violence in America.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

These Gun Owners Were Able to Confront Criminals in September

When the Virginia State Crime Commission and the House Judiciary Committee held hearings earlier this fall regarding firearm policies, it was striking how little many gun control advocates and policymakers know about basic facts related to guns and gun violence.

It also was clear how devastating many of their policy proposals would be for law-abiding Americans who choose to exercise their Second Amendment rights.

These legislators and advocates, like most of us, genuinely want to create safer communities and protect innocent people from violence. But the reality is the overwhelming majority of lawful gun owners never will be a threat to themselves or others, nor would imposing substantial barriers to lawful gun ownership make anyone safer.

Not only do Americans use their firearms for lawful purposes far more often than they use them to commit crimes, but studies routinely show that a very small number of repeat criminal offenders are responsible for the majority of gun-related crimes, even though they’re already prohibited from possessing firearms.

Congress is trying to ramrod through increased gun laws upon the American people. But will that really stop the rise of gun violence? Find out more now >>

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concluded in 2013 that “almost all major studies” on defensive gun uses have found that Americans defend themselves with their firearms between 500,000 and 3 million times each year. This makes lawful gun owners an important factor in overall public safety.

Every month this year, we’ve highlighted in The Daily Signal just some of the many times that law-abiding citizens used their firearms to defend themselves or others from threats to their lives or livelihoods. (Take a look at JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJuly, and August.)

September was no different, according to police reports in the news:

Sept. 1, San Antonio, Texas: A young woman shot and injured a man who was trying to break into her home through a back window at 2 a.m., police said. The man later was determined to be the woman’s ex-boyfriend, though she did not know who the intruder was at the time she fired.

Sept. 3, Houston: After a woman parked her vehicle outside her home in the early hours of the morning, two men approached the driver’s side window and attempted to rob her. The woman drew her firearm from her purse and fired two rounds at the men, who ran away, police said. One would-be robber was wounded in the process and later was charged with aggravated robbery. The woman told local reporters: “I got the gun for that purpose, but I never thought I would really have to use it. . . . I saved my own life.”

Sept. 8, Virginia Beach, Virginia: A Florida man was shot and paralyzed by his stepdaughter after he broke into his estranged wife’s Virginia home and assaulted both the wife and stepdaughter with a wrench. Investigators said they later found garbage bags, zip ties, duct tape, and various weapons in the man’s car, along with a journal detailing his plans to kill his wife.

Sept. 9, Sisters, Oregon: When an unknown man broke into the back door of a residence, the homeowner grabbed his rifle and confronted the intruder, forcing him to flee without firing a single round, police said. The intruder then went to a neighboring home, where that homeowner called 911 and told the intruder to leave. The intruder returned to the first home and this time, the homeowner held him at gunpoint until police arrived.

Sept. 11, Cherokee County, Georgia: A homeowner used her firearm to defend herself against a man who started banging on her doors and windows. The homeowner did not know the man and yelled at him to leave, and he temporarily retreated. The man returned and became even more aggressive, threatening to kill the homeowner, who had armed herself with a firearm. When the man began to approach the homeowner, she shot and killed him, police said.

Sept. 16, Providence, Rhode Island: A man was smoking outside his home when someone approached, held a gun to the man’s head, and demanded everything in his pockets. The robber then forced the man into the apartment, where they fought. The man was able to reach his own gun and shoot the robber, who later was arrested after seeking treatment for his wounds, police said. Despite the state’s strict gun laws (it has a “B+” rating from the Giffords gun control group), a neighbor told reporters that these types of crimes were common in the area and that his family had been victimized several times as well.

Sept. 19, Atlanta: Three masked teens approached residents outside their home before one teen opened fire on the residents with a handgun. One resident used his AR-15 to return fire in self-defense, firing numerous rounds and killing all three assailants, police said. The residents were unharmed.

Sept. 19, Miami-Dade County, Florida: A lunch break for an armed Good Samaritan took a heroic turn when she intervened to stop a brutal robbery and assault occurring outside a Popeyes restaurant. The woman fired her handgun at an assailant as he pummeled a bleeding and helpless victim lying on the concrete, police said. The rounds missed the assailant, but the shots were enough to make him run away. The woman told reporters this was the first time she had fired her gun outside a gun range, and that although it was “an intense moment,” she just “had to stop” the assailant. “I just had to save the guy’s life,” she said. “That’s all I did was try to save someone’s life.” Police later arrested the assailant.

Sept. 22, Salina, Kansas: father and daughter held a man at gunpoint after he kicked in their door in a home invasion. The man initially told the father that he was running away from someone, but the father yelled for his daughter to bring his gun after it became clear the man was trying to lock them all in the house, police said. The family had prepared for emergency situations like this one and were able to detain the man until police could take him into custody.

Sept. 26, Redding, California: A holder of a concealed carry permit helped intervene in a kidnapping after it became clear to him that another customer at a gas station was holding a woman against her will. Earlier in the evening, the man had assaulted the woman’s sister before forcing the woman into his car and driving off, police said. The permit holder noticed the woman was in distress, confronted the man, and held him at gunpoint until law enforcement arrived.

As these examples show, the first line of defense against crime are those on the scene when crime occurs. Despite our deep respect for law enforcement, police officers are not always there when crimes occur. They respond to calls of those who are already in peril, or to a crime scene after the offense has occurred.

Government exists to protect the inalienable natural rights of its citizens, but unfortunately, sometimes the government is unwilling or unable to do so in a timely and effective manner.

We don’t make the public safer by depriving law-abiding citizens of the best means of self-defense, or by imposing heavy and arbitrary burdens on the exercise of constitutional rights. We simply make those law-abiding citizens more vulnerable to crime and tyranny.


Cooper Conway is a member of the Young Leaders Program at The Heritage Foundation.

Amy Swearer is a senior legal policy analyst at the Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at The Heritage Foundation. Twitter: .


Utah: Robbery Victim Pulls Gun Fires after Departing Thieves

Members of Previous Generations Now Seem Like Giants

A Note for our Readers:

In the wake of every tragic mass shooting or high-profile incident involving gun violence, we hear the same narrative: To stop these horrible atrocities from happening, we must crack down on gun laws.

But is the answer really to create more laws around gun control, or is this just an opportunity to limit your Constitutional right to bear arms?

The researchers at The Heritage Foundation have put together a guide to help you better understand the 8 Stubborn Facts on Gun Violence in America.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

4 Ways All Electric Vehicles Are Doing More Harm To Mankind Than Good

While reading the October, 2019 issue of the California headquartered Motor Trend magazine I came across a letter to the editor from a “63-year old baby boomer” who wrote:

I’m a liberal greeny who knows that the planet has to be saved. Humans have caused climate change, but too many humans don’t want to recognize that fact. Especially human politicians.

The editor Ed responded with:

A lot of great points, Tom. There’s no doubt that fossil fuel powerplants hurt when it comes to emissions, but depending where you live, the impact could be minimal.

What does this 63-year old greeny get wrong?

Electric Vehicles (EVs) Depend on Government Subsidies

In a Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) column titled Electric Cars vs. Gas Cars: Is the Conventional Wisdom Wrong? Bill Wirtz wrote:

When Denmark got rid of its tax credits for electric vehicles, Tesla’s sales dropped by 94 percent. In Hong Kong, the company saw a decline of 95 percent as the city got rid of comparable tax advantages for those buying electric cars.

If you are a taxpayer and don’t drive an EV then your helping to pay for someone else’s all electric car or truck.

EVs Don’t Contribute to Gas Taxes

The gas taxes in the United State are used to build and maintain local roads and bridges, and the federal and state highway systems.

Julian Spector and Julia Pyper in the July 5, 2017 Green Tech Media column 17 States Now Charge Fees for Electric Vehicles reported:

Several states have passed or enacted new fees this year, bringing the total to 17.* Recent additions include West VirginiaMichiganMinnesotaIndianaOklahomaTennessee and California, which is home to leading EV maker Tesla and a suite of policies designed to incentivize electric-car adoption. South Carolina enacted a biennial fee for electric cars.

The following nine states passed or implemented EV fees in previous years: Georgia, Washington, Wyoming, Idaho, Colorado, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina and Virginia (see chart below). According to the Sierra Club, other states have introduced legislation this year that would require EV owners to pay a separate fee, including Kansas, New Hampshire and Montana.

Read more.

EVs Cause Harm to Mankind

In Electric Cars vs. Gas Cars: Is the Conventional Wisdom Wrong? Bill Wirtz wrote:

Electric vehicle batteries need a multitude of resources to be manufactured. In the case of cobalt, the World Economic Forum has called out the extraction conditions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where 20 percent of the world’s cobalt comes from. Miners as young as seven years are suffering from chronic lung disease from exposure to cobalt dust. [Emphasis added]

EVs Strain Existing Electrical Grids

FEE’s Bill Wirtz wrote:

[O]ver 95 percent of Norway’s electricity comes from hydropower, of which 90 percent is publicly owned. That does not come without its downsides. As electricity consumption increases in Norway, the sector is unable to keep up. Last year, lack of rainfall and low wind speed exploded Norwegian electricity prices to the level of Germany (which is still in the process of phasing out nuclear energy). Norway then resorted to coal power, and as fossil fuel power imports exceeded energy export, Norway has actually seen an increase in CO2 emissions[Emphasis added]

Zero Hedge’s Tyler Durden in the column $35 Billion: UK Faces Huge Loss From Electric Vehicle Adoption noted:

If Great Britain keeps its commitment to switch over its vehicles to electric by 2050, the government will see a whopping loss of 28 billion pounds ($35 billion) paid by motorists driving traditional gasoline- and diesel-powered vehicles.

Read more.

FEE’s Bill Wirtz concludes, “As much as consumers might care about CO2 emissions, they are even more price-sensitive. Even those consumers who aren’t will eventually be swayed when they find out their car brand is costing them comparably excruciating amounts in fuel.”

America depends on cheap, reliable and dependable sources of energy. Be it electricity or fuel for your automobile. California, the state with the most EVs, is experiencing electrical black outs.

Mankind advances via new technologies. Key to technology is reliable energy. Without reliable energy we go back to the dark ages, like in Northern California.


The climate changes on Mars as it does on plant earth, but there are no cars on the red planet.

The bottom line is:

  1. The climate changes.
  2. These changes follow natural cycles.
  3. Mankind cannot change these natural cycles.

Mankind was given dominion over the earth and all of its natural resources. Not using these natural resources, either voluntarily or by government mandate, harms humans. Using these natural resources wisely advances human flourishing.

Man can’t control the weather let alone the climate. Our 63-year old liberal greeny needs to face the facts. Going green isn’t helping mankind.

© All rights reserved.


Electric Cars Aren’t Nearly as Green as People Think

It’s Time to Kill the Generous ElectricVehicle Subsidies

Zero Emission Vehicles Can Increase Air Pollution

President Trump, All the Way Live!

Brother and sister Americans, we witnessed a new level of president Trump being himself at his remarkable energizing, inspiring and unifying rallies in Minnesota and Louisiana.

FULL TRUMP RALLY: Watch the full President Trump rally in Louisiana.

Democrats have had a lock on connecting with voters emotionally using their fake compassion; cruelly using people as props.

Republicans are sorely lacking in striking an emotional cord with voters. Remember the Dragnet TV show? Detective Friday would say, “Just the facts ma’am.” Republicans typically recite just the facts and figures.

Trump, like no Republican before him, is gifted with the ability to touch voters’ emotions while giving them logic and common sense reinforced with statistical data.

A huge difference between Democrats’ fake compassion and Trump is he is sincere. During his rallies in Minnesota and Louisiana, when Trump brought cops on stage to honor them and when he brought the kid’s baseball team on stage to celebrate them, Trump meant it. Everyone watching those amazingly powerful emotional moments knew Trump’s admiration and affection was real. Trump’s down-to-earth, honest, and straight-talk style is the magic; the secret to his connection; his bond with We the People. This guy is one of us.

Another brilliant thing about Trump’s Minnesota and Louisiana speeches was the way he explained in simple terms what Democrats, the deep state and fake news media are doing to undermine America and his presidency. Trump boldly called them out for their evil anti-American silent coup while interjecting humor, causing his audience to roar with laughter. I say again folks, Republicans never do that. Republicans typically politely say fake news media and Democrats either misspoke or are misinformed. Trump doesn’t sugarcoat it. He pushes back hard, calling them liars. We the People love it!

As I stated, Trump was more Trump at his Minnesota and Louisiana rallies than we have seen. My wife Mary commented that with Democrats and fake news media attempting to use blatant lies to impeach him, Trump must share more of himself with the American people while telling them the truth. Sadly, our remarkably successful president is still pretty much alone, fighting Washington DC corruption, Democrats and fake news media. Only a few Republicans are willing to go to microphones to express support for Trump and his America first agenda. That is shameful.

During Trump’s Minnesota rally, with my remote in hand, I briefly flipped to CNN’s LGBTQ Democrat Presidential Town-hall titled, “Equality in America.”

Talk about deception, whatever Democrats title an event or legislation is always the polar opposite. For example: Democrats’ “Equality Act” is about implementing inequality, especially against Christians. It is an unprecedented attempt to repeal Americans’ Constitutional right to free speech and religious liberty. Our patriot brother, Mat Staver, at Liberty Counsel is doing an amazing job fighting this deceptively named stealth attack on our freedom.

Why on earth did CNN conclude that there needed to be a special town-hall to discuss LGBTQ issues. People who identify as LGBTQ are a tiny percentage of the population, 3-5%. Statically, a town-hall discussing issues important to dwarfs would have made more sense.

One could not help notice the dramatic contrast between CNN’s LGBTQ town hall and Trump’s Minnesota and Louisiana rallies. The purpose of CNN’s LGBTQ town hall was to sell voters their standard depressing, everyone is a victim and America sucks lies.

In the awesome speeches at his rallies, President Trump talked about keeping our economy booming, the progress made on building the border wall; healthcare and various other issues vital to improving life for Americans and keeping America great. Trump’s audience laughed a lot, felt united and felt good about themselves as Americans. Trump’s audiences went home energized, eager to work to help our president keep America great.

During one of my flips to the CNN LGBTQ Democrat presidential town-hall, Beto O’Rourke said churches must lose their tax-exempt status if they oppose same sex marriage.

In essence, O’Rourke said screw you Christians. If elected president, I will make you betray your God.

When I heard CNN ask the candidates an absurd weird question which combined LGBTQ and climate change, I said, “That’s it, I am out of here. These people are nuts.” CNN and Democrats are clueless regarding which issues truly matter to mainstream Americans. How many sleepless nights have you had pondering the life-threatening connection between LGBTQ and climate change?

To his rally audiences of tens of thousands, Trump exposed Joe Biden’s corruption which Democrats and fake news media are doing everything in their power to hide. President Trump has definitely gone all the way live. Mr President, We the People are with you.

© All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Vortex — How About a Simple Yes or No? That’s all anyone is asking.


I’m Michael Voris coming to you from Vatican City, where trying to get a straight answer from the right people is nearly as difficult as getting to Heaven.

Archbishop Viganò himself is now publicly stating that the Pope must personally deny the reports of Eugenio Scalfari claiming the Pope said Jesus was not divine when He was on earth.

The Vatican Press Office has denied it in a roundabout way when its earlier statement was seen as insufficient — forcing the follow-up.

So now, it’s come down to a question of: Who do you believe, the Vatican or Scalfari?

Since Rome has a very deft way of never allowing clarifying follow-up questions or getting specific and detailed, that latest statement raises another question.

How does the Vatican Press Office know Pope Francis didn’t say what Scalfari said he said?

To have any certitude in making any such formal declaration — certitude, which, granted, is in short supply in Rome these days, one would presume they went straight to the horse’s mouth.

Any good journalist worth his weight in experience would immediately ask, did the Holy Father tell you that personally and directly?

If he did, then why aren’t you screaming that from the rooftops? The statement should not be, “The Pope never said those things.”

The statement should be, “The Holy Father himself, personally and directly denies he ever made any such claims. And His Holiness re-affirms he believes that Jesus is now God and was God when he was present here on earth 2,000 years ago. Jesus has been at all times fully human and fully divine.”

And it is the Pope himself who should make it, and the cries for him to make that statement are increasing on social media.

That statement puts this whole episode to rest immediately. So why not just issue that statement? There’s only two reasons; One, it wouldn’t be true; or two, it is true, but they just don’t want to say it in such stark terms because the knock-on effect for the precious ecumenism agenda would be disastrous.

While the underlying supposition of everyone who covers the Vatican is that Rome believes Jesus is God, it’s actually something that just plays ever so quietly in the background.

It’s like the wallpaper. No one notices. No one draws attention to it. But this entire apparatus — the building, St. Peter’s, the Curia, the bureaucracy — rests entirely in that single truth, that Jesus Christ is divine and always was.

That’s why the refusal to just come out and say that, while denying what Scalfari insists the Pope said is just so mysterious.

But imagine a press statement read aloud in the press office saying the Pope declares that Jesus Christ is fully human and fully divine and has been at all times.

The next question would be, well, may I ask how that impacts relations with Islam, which denies that?

Or, the ticking bomb of all questions, well, if that’s true, wouldn’t that mean that the Catholic Church was founded by God Himself and is, therefore, the only legitimate religion?

Those kinds of discussions simply cannot be allowed to break out in Rome because they would cause panic across the world as leaders scrambled to respond.

The New York Times would have in giant font, “Catholic Church Claims Itself Only Legit Religion.”

That truth of the Faith, as well as Jesus being God, is something various members of the hierarchy have been trying to hush up for decades.

That’s why everyone in Rome reaches for their antacid pills whenever the bothersome issue of the actual Faith comes up here.

Want to ramble on about integral-ecumenical-ecclesiological-eco-theology? The floor is all yours. But the Faith itself? Nope, too hot to handle.

In 2000, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith — the CDF — under Cdl. Joseph Ratzinger issued the declaration Dominus Jesus, a strong assertion about the identity of Our Lord and the Catholic Church.

While largely aimed at non-Christians, it had the effect of angering not only non-Christians but also Protestants and liberal Catholics because of its clear language re-asserting Catholic truth.

The CDF considered the document was necessary to put straight certain misperceptions arising from the world, that all religions were pretty much the same.

That the modernist Catholic crowd was all upset with the document says all you need to know. “Catholic Exceptionalism” is not high on their list. In fact, they don’t believe it at all.

And given the trajectory of this papacy, the Vatican bureaucracy finds itself in a bind, trying to navigate between a faithful crowd growing larger and more vocal about the need to reassert orthodox Catholicism and a papacy trying to steer clear of it.

It’s interesting watching the assembled journalists in the Holy See press hall. Some of them are little else than sheer apologists for Pope Francis, steering clear of asking pressing questions.

Imagine if President Trump was reported to have made some incredible claim about an urgent constitutional matter?

The White House press corps would be peppering a thousand questions about why He Himself does not come out and deny the spurious claims.

But here in Rome, as long as some reporters feel Pope Francis is on their ideological wavelength, they cover for him.

And, the overriding issue, doesn’t the Vatican or specifically the Holy Father feel a duty to the sheep, his sons and daughters to simply jettison all doubt in their minds about what he believes?

He speaks freely for hours on his plane trips with reporters. Can he not spare 30 seconds for his hurting children?

One clear, precise statement; that’s all anyone is asking.

Coming to you from Vatican City.


Vatican Head of Police Steps Down After Memo Leak

Brazil Archbishop Blames ‘Dragon of Traditionalism’ for opposition to Pope

Roman Catholic Revival Talk, Part I

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

EXPOSE CNN PART I: CNN Insider Blows Whistle on Network President Jeff Zucker’s Personal Vendetta Against POTUS

  • Cary Poarch, Who Works at CNN’s Washington DC Bureau, Says: “I Decided to Wear a Hidden Camera…to Expose the Bias”
  • Records Zucker’s 9AM Daily Rundown Calls
  • Zucker Emphatically States Fox News is “Beyond Destructive for America”
  • Zucker to Staffers: “Impeachment is the Story,” Ignore Other Stories
  • Employees Ordered by Zuckerto ‘Knock Off’ Their Friendliness Towards Lindsey Graham
  •  Nick Neville, CNN Media Coordinator: “Jeff Zucker…has a Personal Vendetta Against Trump,” “…Then You Get on the 9AM Call and the Big Boss, Jeff Zucker, F**king Tells What to Do”
  •  Neville: It’s About ‘Ratings,’ “…It’s, Like, They Pulled Names Out of a Hat and It’s Like We’re Watching the Gameshow Network”
  • CNN Floor Manager Mike Brevna: “It’s the Trump Network, Dog…They Sold Themselves to The Devil”
  • Brevna Recalls Colleagues ‘Sobbing,’ And Says The “Office Was Like a Funeral” After Trump Election Victory
  • CNN Media Coordinator, Christian Sierra, Confesses CNN Prepares ‘Softball Interviews’for Democrats Compared to Republicans, and Suggests “Anti-Trump Crusade” After 2016 Election
  • Top Network Executive David Chalian Says Republicans are ‘Delusional, Defiant, or Silent’ With Regards to Trump’s Impeachment Story
CNN Floor Director Hiram Gonzalez: “…We Created This Monster…Media Created the Trump Monster”

(Washington, D.C.) A brave CNN insider came to Project Veritas to expose anti-Trump bias at the cable giant. Cary Poarch, who works at CNN’s Washington D.C. Bureau, tells Project Veritas “I decided to wear a hidden camera…to expose the bias running rampant” at the network. Poarch documented CNN’s bias for months; recording undercover footage of numerous long-term employees, some of which talk about Jeff Zucker’s anti-Trump agenda. In the video are Nick Neville, Christian Sierra, Hiram Gonzalez, David Chalian, and Mike Brevna. These employee’s positions range from media coordinator to high-ranking executives. I decided to secretly record the 9:00 am rundown call meetings with senior management and executives, says Poarch. In the recordings, Zucker details his expectations for CNN’s coverage and very matter-of-factly states “impeachment is the story.”

Impeachment Push

Jeff Zucker has served as president of CNN Worldwide since 2013. In recordings of daily phone calls, Zucker directed staffers to push the impeachment narrative.

“I want to stay with this, our top, top – our own reporters, our own political analysts, the top, the top [unintelligible] we have. Okay, so make sure we’re doing thatAll these moves are moves towards impeachment. So, don’t – don’t lose sight of what the biggest story is.”

Attacks on Fox News and Republicans

In one 9AM rundown call, Zucker and another executive disparage Republicans about Trump and attack FoxNews:

I think what’s going on in America now is really fundamentally result of years of fake news, conspiracy nonsense from Fox News that has taken root in this country…”

Zucker continues, “The fake conspiracy nonsense that Fox has spread for years is now deeply embedded in American society and at the highest levels of the Republican elected officials as we’ve seen…and frankly that is beyond destructive for America…”

CNN’s Vice President & Political Director David Chalian on Republicans:

I think as big of a story as big of a story as what President Trump has done here is the Republican’s sort of either delusional or defiant or silent responses.” 

 Zucker: CNN Employees Must ‘Knock Off’ Friendliness Towards Graham

Yeah, so I just want to say on the Lindsey Graham front, I know that there’s a lot of people at CNN that are friendly with Lindsey Graham. It’s time to knock that off and it’s time to call him out.”

CNN Media Coordinator Details How Zucker Runs the Network; Describes ‘Gameshow’ 

Nick Neville, a CNN Media Coordinator, also opened up to our insider. Neville tells our insider who really controls CNN’s programming, and how much top-down control Zucker exerts:

Like, there are a lot of people who are out here trying to play like, just do what they think is the best journalistic integrity. Then you get on the 9am call and the big boss, Jeff Zucker, f**king tells what to do….”

“Jeff Zucker- basically president of CNN has a personal vendetta against Trump. Your own biases are gonna be there. They’re going to seep into what you think, they’re gonna seep into what you say, so if Jeff Zucker like blatantly hates Trump, and he runs CNN (which he does), it’s not gonna be positive (for you guys)…no I mean it’s not gonna be positive for Trump. He hates him. It’s gonna be negative!”

The CNN Media Coordinator goes on to lament his own network’s debate preparation format, connecting it to their push to prioritize ratings:

“But then you have higher up executives, like Zucker and other people, who are saying, “Well, we gotta make profits.” So, you end up with things like- I don’t know if you heard this, but this week they had like a fucking gameshow to, like, decide what dates they’re, it’s gonna be this debate.”

CNN Floor Manager Describes Election Night Despair at CNN

Mike Brevna, Floor Manager, CNN: “The election- Yeah, I came in at about ten or eleven o’clock that night…. And as I started walking towards this person, as I got closer, I could hear her sobbing …. People were like, in shock.”

CNN Floor Director Shares His Perspective on the Cause of Trump’s Political Ascension

Hiram Gonzalez, Floor Director, CNN: “Between you and I, we created this monster and now we’re eating him full plate every single day. Media created the Trump monster.”

CNN Media Coordinator Confesses to Network Bias

Christian Sierra, a CNN Media Coordinator, describes the mood inside CNN after Trump’s election victory:

“That day, man, when I came in, everyone was silent. Nobody wanted to talk. I’m like, like the mood was just so sour the whole day…It was a f**king dreary day. I bet at Fox it was like euphoria.”

When questioned about how the CNN anchors feel about Trump, Sierra unloads: “Cooper hates him;” “Don Lemon hates him;” “Cuomo doesn’t like him;” and Tapper “doesn’t like him either.”

Sierra goes on to admit to our insider that:

“…MSNBC is tougher on Republicans, and we’re tough on the Republicans too. More than so than the Democrats. Our Democratic interviews are like softballs, compared to the Republicans… if you notice like every time, we ask questions to Republicans, like it’s always a little tougher than when we do get the Democrats.”

Project Veritas intends to continue its investigation into corruption in the Mainstream Media. We encourage brave insiders at these organizations to come forward with any information they have, so that the public knows what is really going on within these media companies.

RELATED ARTICLE: GoFundMe Created For Project Veritas’ #ExposeCNN Whistleblower

EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas investigative report with video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Recent Energy and Environmental News

For the full version of the latest Energy and Environmental Newsletter, please click here…  To review some of the highlights, see below.

FYI, the new buzzword is community “resilience.” Like its sibling “sustainability” this is the Left creating a Trojan Horse that is intended to fool trusting, well-intended, and unaware citizens. Hopefully that will not be any of our readers.

Gov Matt Bevin recently gave an exceptional talk about electrical energy realities. He was Southern States Energy Board chairmen, and was giving the keynote speech at their annual meeting. It is one of the BEST talks I’ve ever heard from a politician about the importance of affordable, reliable electrical energy. Pass it on!

Since there is such a diversity of interesting material, the Newsletter articles are subdivided into eight (8) categories.

My vote for the most outstanding articles this cycle: It Costs $532,000± to Decommission A Single Wind TurbineNY County Health Board Eyes Wind Turbine RegulationsClimate Worship Is Nothing More Than Rebranded PaganismHow I Changed my Mind… about Global Warming, and The False Prophets of Climate Change

Energy Economics

It Costs $532,000± to Decommission A Single Wind Turbine
In a “Reversal” Wind Power Industry Wants More U.S. Tax Credits
Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt: Let’s Not Commit Economic Suicide

Wind Turbine Health Matters

NY County Health Board Eyes Wind Turbine Regulations
A new tool in China’s kit of repression
Why Everything is Getting Louder
Community ailments circle back to turbines

Renewable Energy Destroying Ecosystems

Socialism Is the Greatest Threat to the Environment
Why Wind Turbines Threaten Endangered Species With Extinction
Wind energy’s big disposal problem
Unfurling The Waste Problem Caused By Wind Energy

Nuclear Energy

Video: Nuclear Energy is Green
GEN IV Nuclear Energy is Clean, Efficient and Plentiful — Why the Worry?
Nuclear Power Is The Only Realistic Option
Net-Zero CO2 Emissions By 2050 Requires A New Nuclear Plant Every Day

Energy Misc

Video: Kentucky Governor’s Keynote Speech on Low Cost Energy
Weathermen Wild As Wind Turbines Interference Wrecks Their Radar Signals
NC Energy Company Finds Solar Power Actually Increases Pollution
Short video: Renewable Portfolio Standard Scam (Part 2)
Video: Hansen & Shellenberger: Nuclear Power? Are Renewables Enough?

Global Warming (AGW)

Climate Worship Is Nothing More Than Rebranded Paganism
President Trump, religious liberty, and international climate policy
Chief UN Climate Scientist Calls the Climate Narrative “Religious Extremism
How I Changed my Mind… about Global Warming
The IPCC’s Seldom Mentioned ‘Uncertainties’
IPCC Lead Author’s Research Uncertain About UN’s Climate Goal
Top climate scientist breaks ranks with ‘consensus’
‘There is no climate emergency,’ hundreds of scientists, engineers tell U.N.
Dozens of Failed Climate Predictions Stretch 80 Years Back
Some Recommended Sources for Objective Info on Climate Change
Marxists join climate strike: for system change, not climate change!

Impressionable Youths and Global Warming Propaganda

The False Prophets of Climate Change
Greta Thunberg and the Cult of Adolescence
The Global Warming Cult is Polluting Adult and Children’s minds
Drama Over Science? Greta’s Climate Speech and Appeal to Emotion
Short satire video: Green activist Greta Thunberg & Thomas Cook

Misc (Education, Science, Politics, etc.)

What the Trump Impeachment Inquiry is Really About
Yes, the Deep State Really Does Exist
An Open Letter to Heartland
Short video: Why I Don’t Want and Don’t Deserve Reparations
The Progressive Agenda to Dumb Down America’s Children
The 50 most miserable cities in America
With a $230 million deficit, UN may run out of money by end of month
Archive: The importance of stupidity in scientific research

Note 1: We recommend reading the Newsletter on your computer, not your phone, as some documents (e.g. PDFs) are much easier to read on a computer… We’ve tried to use common fonts, etc. to minimize display issues.

Note 2: Our intention is to put some balance into what most people see from the mainstream media about energy and environmental issues… As always, please pass this on to open-minded citizens, and link to this on your social media sites. If there are others who you think would benefit from being on our energy & environmental email list, please let me know. If at any time you’d like to be taken off this list, simply send me an email saying that.

Note 3: This Newsletter is intended to supplement the material on our website, For wind warriors, the most important page there is the Winning page.

Note 4: I am not an attorney, so no material appearing in any of the Newsletters (or our website) should be construed as giving legal advice. My recommendation has always been: consult a competent licensed attorney when you are involved with legal issues.

Florida: Illegal Alien Steals Car, Leaves Handicapped Dog to Die

You may have seen the sad news, but I wanted to be sure I had it archived here at ‘Frauds and Crooks.’

From the Sun-Sentinel:

He stole a car and left a disabled dog to die in the back seat, authorities say

A 19-year-old man has been arrested in the death of a disabled dog after police say he stole a Volvo and left the beloved canine trapped inside the car to die of heat stroke.

Jephthe Jeanfrancois [some news accounts split this name making it Jean Francois.—-ed] was arrested on 15 charges including multiple counts of burglary, grand theft and causing suffering and death to an animal, records show.

Jeanfrancois appeared in court Thursday representing himself and declining the services of a public defender. Assistant State Attorney Eric Linder said in court Thursday that when Jean Francois broke into the car, the handicapped dog was in the back seat.

“He stole the vehicle, he discarded the vehicle, leaving this dog stranded to its own devices locked in the car,” he said. “When the car was later found, the dog was found unfortunately deceased and what I can only imagine greatly suffered.”


Linder said when Jeanfrancois was caught, his GPS monitor — from previous charges from a separate case — placed him at the parking lot when the car was stolen.

Wanda Dushan Ferrari said her dog, Zorra, went missing Oct. 3 from a shopping plaza in Oakland Park off North Andrews Avenue. She said Zorra was a 13-year-old Husky-Shepherd mix weighing 45 pounds. Because of hip ailments, the dog was paralyzed in her rear legs, and used a pink dog wheelchair.


Ferrari said she had run inside a Dollar Tree to get cash because a nearby gas station’s card reader was broken. The windows were down and the engine was running, according to a Sheriff’s Office report. Her faithful companion since the dog was 2 months old was patiently waiting. When she returned after 10 minutes, the car — and her dog — were gone.

“Zorra was my world, my heart, my soul. I don’t know what I’m going to do without her.”

“I can’t take this,” she said crying.

More here.  See how the police caught him after a string of burglaries and additional car thefts.

The Illegal Alien Crime Reporter has identified the creep as an illegal alien from Haiti as do other news stories.

Open Borders, Inc. loves to tell heart wrenching stories about migrants at the border suffering at the hands of our President because they want to reach uninformed Americans through their emotions.  We really need to do a much better job of telling stories like this one and many many others I’ve posted here at ‘Frauds and Crooks.’

In fact, if I were the President, I would tell a couple of stories like this one at every rally he holds and showcase some of the dreadful people who are among us thanks to groups like Church World Service demanding access to America for every creep in the world.


Mexican National Guard Stopped, Turned Back Migrant Caravan Headed For US

Drownings Triple Along Dangerous Section Of Border, Where Number Of Rescues Increases By 1000%: Report

Felons Voting While In Prison In D.C.

The Elite Hates The Trump Doctrine Because It Puts America First

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Trevor Loudon — Exposing The Enemies Within The Church

Author and film producer Trevor Loudon speaks about the enemies within the church. This presentation is groundbreaking in that he exposes who Pope Francis really is and why he is doing what he is doing.

Michael Voris reported on the Pope Francis-Eugenio Scalfari interview about whether Jesus was, in fact, divine — God.

Watch this important video:


Trevor Loudon is a New Zealander, internationally known blogger, writer, and researcher exposing communists within our own government. His writings have been cited by Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Paul Kengor, Aaron Klein, and Jerome Corsi. He is the author of Barack Obama and Enemies Within. He has also produced the documentaries ” America Under Siege: Soviet Islam”, “The Enemies Within”, and “America Under Siege: Antifa”.

EDITORS NOTE: This America – The Truth video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.