Why Nuclear Power Is [Quietly] Making a Big Comeback All Around the World

From California to France to Japan and beyond, nuclear power is all the rage suddenly.

The Wall Street Journal recently reported that California Gov. Gavin Newsom was spearheading an eleventh-hour effort to pass legislation to extend a lifeline to Diablo Canyon, a 2,250-megawatt nuclear plant that supplies some 8 percent of the energy produced in the Golden State.

Under pressure from lawmakers and environmental activists, the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) agreed in 2016 to decommission Diablo when its operating licenses expire in 2024 and 2025. But in light of the recent energy policy environment, California lawmakers had second thoughts.

On the very final day of the legislative session, lawmakers passed a bill that will extend the plant five more years.

This is a sharp turn for Newsom, who had long intimated that the Diablo Canyon plant should be closed.

“I just don’t see that this plant is going to survive beyond 2024, 2025. I just don’t see that,” Newsom said while running for governor in 2016. “And there is a compelling argument as to why it shouldn’t.”

California is hardly alone in giving nuclear power a second look.

Belgium is one of several European nations looking to extend set-to-expire licenses to keep nuclear plants operational. France, meanwhile, has proposed building up to 14 new nuclear plants in the coming years. Japan, which shuttered its nuclear reactors following the 2011 Fukushima crisis, now wants to restart up to nine reactors. Meanwhile, Morning Brew reports that the UK, Poland, and the Czech Republic are all unfurling plans to build new nuclear reactors.

Nuclear power is suddenly in again, and it’s not hard to see why. Natural gas prices have skyrocketed globally. In the United States, natural gas prices recently hit a 14-year high, but that’s nothing compared to Europe, where they recently hit an all-time high and are the equivalent of $600/barrel oil prices.

This has sent shockwaves throughout Europe, where businesses are reporting five-fold year-over-year price increases.

There is now little debate that Europe is in the middle of a full-blown energy crisis, in no small part because the nations pursued a “green” energy agenda that shifted from domestic production (especially in fossil fuels and nuclear power) and led to a reliance on natural gas imports from Russia, which have been disrupted by the invasion of Ukraine and Russian geopolitics.

The situation in California is different than that in Europe, but there is also a clear reason the state is second-guessing its decision to shut down its single largest power station—namely, its battered energy grid.

California grid operators last week warned of blackouts and encouraged citizens to “set thermostats to 78 degrees or higher, avoid using large appliances and charging electric vehicles, and turn off unnecessary lights.”

This is nothing new in California, which has an extensive history of blackouts even though it has one of the lowest per capita energy consumption rates in the country (largely due to its mild climate).

The reason for this isn’t complicated. California is seen as a green energy success story, and in some ways it is. Earlier this year, on one mild May day, California produced enough renewable electricity to meet 103 percent of demand, setting a new record.

The problem is some of these energy sources are intermittent. On most days renewable energy production falls well short of consumer demand, which is why roughly half of California’s electricity is still produced by natural gas—which is getting quite expensive as noted above.

But the real problem is energy supply.

California’s energy grid is already stretched, which means that suddenly aborting nuclear power is a recipe for disaster. As even progressive California lawmakers concede, Diablo Canyon generates more than 8 percent of all of California’s electricity, and accounts for 17 percent of carbon-free production.

If you think California’s blackout problem is bad now—and it most certainly is—try abruptly losing 18,000 GW·hrs of electricity annually and see what happens … after adding a million more electric vehicles to the economy, all of which must be charged with electricity, when the state’s ban on gas-powered vehicles goes into effect.

As NPR notes, the twist over Diablo Canyon is noteworthy because the Golden State is the birthplace of the anti-nuclear movement in the United States. Environmentalists for years have opposed nuclear power, “primarily from fears about nuclear waste and potential accidents as well as its association with nuclear weapons.”

As Fukushima shows, these fears are not entirely unfounded. Nuclear accidents do occur (albeit rarely). Nuclear plants do create radioactive waste. There are clear tradeoffs to nuclear energy.

Where environmentalists go wrong, however, is to think tradeoffs are unique to nuclear power and fossil fuels. The fact is ,all energy production comes with tradeoffs, and proponents of so-called “green energy” have a nasty habit of overlooking these tradeoffs.

Your neighbor with a “green means go” sign in his yard might point out that your F-150 guzzles a gallon of gasoline for every 25 road miles, but he probably ignores that it took tens of thousands of pounds of CO2 emissions to produce the battery that charges his Tesla. (And don’t even tell him where the cobalt in the battery comes from.)

Your aunt might proudly talk about the new solar panels on her roof, but probably doesn’t know that even on utility scale solar power has a carbon footprint higher than nuclear power, or that solar panels produce literally tons of toxic waste.

Your niece at Columbia might talk about how important it is to become a “zero emission” economy. But she probably doesn’t realize the environmental costs, let alone the economic ones, of getting there—which include mining 34 million metric tons of copper, 50 million tons of zinc, 40 million tons of lead, 5 billion tons of iron, and 160 million tons of aluminum (give or take).

The point is clear: all energy production comes with tradeoffs. Many might believe that politicians are uniquely capable of weighing the pros and cons of energy tradeoffs, but both economics and our own eyes reveal this is untrue.

Facing what many environmentalists say is a climate apocalypse, did it make sense for European governments to scrap nuclear plants—one of the cleanest forms of energy in existence—and important fossil fuels from Russia, a country hostile to freedom and historically inclined toward authoritarianism?

Similarly, did it make sense for California to scrap nuclear power in its quest to become a “100 percent zero-emission” economy?

Clearly the answer to these questions is no. The reality is politicians do not have any special knowledge when it comes to deciding which tradeoffs make the most sense, which might explain why a world abundant in energy is suddenly facing an energy crisis unlike any it’s seen in generations.

So while we should be grateful that so many politicians, environmentalists, and countries are finally recognizing the benefits of nuclear power, we should also be asking why we gave them such broad power in the first place.


Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of FEE.org. His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune. Bylines: Newsweek, The Washington Times, MSN.com, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, the Epoch Times.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Freedom is an Adult Enterprise

As I look back over the last few years, it is clear to me that Fauci’s COVID19 political medicine protocols, and the Biden regime’s lawlessness are both orchestrated parts of the globalist war on America. Both utilize the tactical methodology of fear-based psychological regression. Why regression? Because freedom is an adult enterprise. A nation of children and chronological adults regressed to childish psychological functioning, cannot sustain itself. It does not possess the critical thinking skills required to protect itself. Why fear-based? Because fear is arguably the most mobilizing human emotion. If you frighten people enough, you can get them to do almost anything.

I wrote about the psychodynamics of regression and fear in a philosophy book I wrote years ago, but didn’t recognize its political implications or applications at the time. Now I do. America is experiencing psychological warfare, and globalism’s attempt at silent coup d’ état. I will explain.

Please close your eyes, and imagine a big yellow school bus. Now imagine the seats filled with passengers on the bus. The question is, “Who’s driving the bus?” Would you let a toddler drive the bus? Would you let a 5 year-old drive the bus? What about an angry teenager? Or would you insist on a rational adult at the wheel? Before you open your eyes, just remember the common goal of political medicine, the Biden regime, and the globalist war on America is to have a toddler at the wheel. Psychological regression is the strategy and fear is the tool.

My philosophy book, Dear America: Who’s Driving the Bus?, presents a theory of behavior and universal paradigm to help people understand why they do what they do. I wrote the book because I believe that to solve a problem, one must first understand the problem. The more we each individually understand our own motivations for behavior, the more we are each empowered to control our behavior, improve our lives, and enhance the nature and quality of life in our society.

The human growth process has a physical component and a psychological component. We all grow up physically (if we are lucky) because it takes no effort and is outside our control. Chronological age is an uncontested, biological accomplishment. Psychological growth is another matter entirely. The demands of responsible adults trying to draw us out of our state of infantile self-absorption (narcissism), rage against our regressive desire to remain children. We resist psychological growth.

Growing up psychologically is the universal challenge of childhood. If we understand the growth process and the complexities of the human mind, we can be more effective in meeting the challenge. A state of mind is not fixed. It is constantly shifting along the growth continuum, anywhere from total, infantile narcissism to responsible adulthood, depending upon the level and stability of the individual’s inner development and the strength of the external pressures challenging it.

Let us imagine a single life span as a time line beginning with birth and ending with death. Let us imagine a long life with a short span in infancy and early childhood, a longer time in adolescence, and the longest stay in adulthood. Ideally the chronological development of this life corresponds with its psychological development. From the total dependence and narcissism of infancy to the self-sufficiency and responsibility of maturity, the emotional and physical patterns can be recorded concurrently.

What is important to remember is that we are each the sum of our parts, and the whole of our life’s experiences. The children we once were continue to exist within ourselves, inside our minds. So, the narcissistic infant, the demanding two-year-old child, the insecure adolescent, the rebel, the adventurer, the happy chid, the angry, frightened, or lonely child we once were all persist as a state of mind. Each inner child is a mobile entity that seeks to be in control of the individual’s mind. The inner child’s struggle for power continues to challenge the individual’s rational, adult state of mind throughout his/her lifetime.

Sustaining our most rational adult state of mind is the challenge for preserving our constitutional republic, because freedom is an adult enterprise. So, what is the best strategy for sustaining psychological adulthood?

Let’s return to the big yellow school bus we imagined, and understand the bus is a metaphor for our individual selves. The bus has many seats to accommodate our different moods, roles, and states of being. The bus travels along the time line that is our lifetime. It picks up new passengers as we grow and develop, each new feeling creating another traveler and each new experience adding another rider. The driver of the bus is always selected from the passengers aboard, and the passengers are constantly competing to determine who will drive the bus. To understand how one person can perceive us in a completely different way than another, we must ask ourselves the seminal question, “Who’s driving the bus?”

When the seats are occupied by the different roles that comprise our adult lives, the answer to the question is not too challenging. The driver is mother, father, husband, wife, boss, sister, cousin, friend, employee, or employer. The list is a long as the varying roles we each have in daily life. The complication and challenge comes when we recognize that we are each the total of our life’s experience, past and present. So, also riding on the bus are the inner children of our own past. The children of our childhood are always with us: the happy child, the hurt child; the frightened, angry, timid, uncertain, inquisitive, bold or compliant child. Perhaps a tormented child, or a silenced, immobilized, completely shut-down child is on the bus and we haven’t seen and cannot recognize him/her yet. All the inner children of our past remain on the bus, and they each seek control of it.

Children universally begin life in a natural state of total narcissism, and they do not give up this state of being without a struggle. That is why growing up psychologically is so difficult and painful. Each individual grapples with his/her own competing desires for growth and regression.

Historically, the three supporting pillars of American life – family, faith, and flag – cooperated to encourage emotional growth and the development of independent, autonomous, rational adults psychologically equipped to preserve our precious American freedoms and constitutional republic. Not anymore. The globalist war on America seeks to collapse America from within using asymmetric psychological warfare. The education industry obstructs the development of critical thinking skills in children by teaching them what to think, not how to think. The communications industry’s ceaseless fear-mongering narrative regresses chronological adults back to emotional childhood to a state of being before critical thinking skills were developed.

Thought precedes behavior. If the responsible adult relinquishes his rational state of mind to his young inner child, he will behave in the regressive, self-absorbed pattern that characterizes early childhood. It is a dangerous mindset because his young inner child has not yet developed critical thinking skills. In this circumstance, it is imperative that the individual has the knowledge to recognize that he has surrendered to the regressive demands of his inner child. If he can discipline himself to ask himself, “Who’s driving the bus?” he can visualize his growth continuum, identify his inner child, and respond appropriately. He can shift his state of mind from regressive, narcissistic child to responsible adult. It is an act of volition. It is a choice, and it is a learned skill.

The responsible adult knows that it is imperative to keep his most developed state of mind operative. We have established in our imaginary exercise that no rational adult would permit a toddler or young child to make the decisions required to drive the bus. Likewise, only the psychological adult is able to repel the globalist efforts to regress him back to a childish state of being where he is easily controlled. The globalists are fighting an asymmetric psychological war, and our strategic defense is to arm ourselves with the knowledge to fend them off. Knowledge really is power, and we must acquire this knowledge and exercise our power because children do not have the required critical thinking skills to support ordered liberty in a constitutional republic, and neither do regressed adults.

The globalist social engineers are exploiting this powerful psychological dynamic and using it destroy America from within. Fear is by far the most effective weapon for regressing chronological adults back to a frightened child state of mind. Regressed adults are neutralized mentally because, like children, they lack the critical thinking skills required to resist the assault.

The same psychodynamics explain the success of the entire fear-based COVID19 narrative. Political medicine is not about public health – it is and always was asymmetric warfare designed to regress and neutralize chronological adults. Regressed adults comply like children. They believe what they are told, do what they are told, and do not challenge the “experts”. This staggering deceit is still being used to achieve totalitarian globalist control through “vaccines” – it is revolution without bullets.

Globalism’s war on humanity cannot succeed in imposing its planetary managerial state without collapsing America’s constitutional republic first. Freedom is an adult enterprise. America’s chronological adults simply must remain psychological adults to successfully oppose the globalist attacks designed to regress them back to childhood compliance.

The globalist war on humanity is a war of attrition. I am 74 years old. My generation of patriots is dying, my children’s generation of indoctrinated millennials is transitional. The primary target of the globalist war on humanity is my grandchildren’s generation. If the globalists are not stopped, and if our nation’s youngest children are not taught critical thinking skills, they are destined to become serfs in globalism’s dystopian planetary Unistate.

The future of America’s constitutional republic lies in the ability of our nation’s young children to become rational, autonomous, psychological adults with developed critical thinking skills. For this reason, I wrote my illustrated children’s book series Mimi’s Strategy. The books are my personal commitment and patriotic effort to teach young children the critical thinking skills that can protect them, empower them, and ensure American freedom for generations to come.

©Linda Goudsmit. All rights reserved.

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MIDTERMS 2022: Time to Take Responsibility by Taking-Away All Moral Authority from our Government

“The foremost rule is that, you must take responsibility for your own life!” — Jordan Peterson, 12 Rules for Life

“Socialists cry ‘Power to the people’, and raise the clenched fist as they say it. We all know what they really mean – power over people, power to the State.”Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of England

“Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely” — Lord Acton (1834–1902) in a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton

The federal, state and local governments are not being held responsible by the media, social media, federal, state or local law enforcement, pundits and many people and politicians at every level. Government at every level is dysfunctional and in many cases tyrannical.

From the school house to the White House it’s time for everyone to take responsibility for their actions. But not only their actions but they must take responsibility for the outcomes of their actions.

But they don’t.


Sigmund Freud, in his book Civilization and Its Discontents wrote,

“Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.”

Recently Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said in an interview that when the Republicans take back a majority in the Congress in November, “We will hold Biden accountable!

Why is holding any and all politicians accountable so very important? Because if we don’t they won’t ever hold themselves responsible, for so long as they can get away with it.

The  United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in an article titled Deceiving the Public states,

Propaganda was used as an important tool to win over the majority of the German public who had not supported Adolf Hitler. It served to push forward the Nazis’ radical program, which required the acquiescence, support, or participation of broad sectors of the population.

Combined with terror to intimidate those who did not comply, a new state propaganda apparatus headed by Joseph Goebbels manipulated and deceived the German population and the outside world. Propagandists preached an appealing message of national unity and a utopian future that resonated with millions of Germans. They also waged campaigns that facilitated the persecution of Jews and others excluded from the Nazi vision of the “National Community.”

In America we are now moving rapidly towards an international community, supported by organizations such as Democracy Without Borders, which has led to persecution, the radicalization of individuals and overt attacks against those who do not support its goal of an all powerful “Democratic World Order.”

According to Democracy Without Borders,

Democratic world order in which citizens participate beyond national boundaries in shaping policy that serves their joint long-term interests. Such an order needs to be based on an equal world citizenship of all citizens as well as on the principles of federalism, subsidiarity, the separation of powers, the rule of law, fundamental human rights, and the protection of minorities.

This sounds very much Hitler’s “National Community” but on a global scale.

Moral Authority

In his column Don’t Endow The State With Moral Authority wrote,

The moment you try to enforce your morality via the hand of the state, you endow the state with moral authority.

You put the state on a pedestal. And this is almost irreversible. Once the state occupies the moral high ground, it never relinquishes it. This is the beginning of a statist civilization. Most countries on Earth today are deeply statist. They look to the state for the matters of right and wrong.

Taking responsibility is the first step towards regaining your moral authority over the state.

Most Americans considered that voting was enough to elect those who have our best interests in mind and will follow the U.S. Constitution’s mandate that every legal citizen retains their unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

We have now learned that our government is taking away our livelihoods, our lives,  our liberties and destroying our ability to truly attain individual happiness.

It is time for us to disembowel the state apparatus and regain our moral authority.

Not to do so can only lead to tyranny.

Yitzhak Zuckerman, a leader of the Jewish resistance in Warsaw wrote,

“Common sense could not understand that it was possible to exterminate tens and hundreds of thousands of Jews.”

America is speeding towards yet another holocaust against those who disagree with the current regime. When the current regime calls its political opponents “semi-fascists” that regime is fully fascist.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

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More Than 1 Million Voters Switched to the GOP in 42 States!

Nothing you are hearing in the legacy media is a reflection of reality. The claim that the Democrats are surging is another big lie.

Save our Constitutional Republic—vote Republican.

More than 1 million voters switch to GOP, raising alarm for Democrats

PBS, June 2022

WASHINGTON (AP) — A political shift is beginning to take hold across the U.S. as tens of thousands of suburban swing voters who helped fuel the Democratic Party’s gains in recent years are becoming Republicans.

More than 1 million voters across 43 states have switched to the Republican Party over the last year, according to voter registration data analyzed by The Associated Press. The previously unreported number reflects a phenomenon that is playing out in virtually every region of the country — Democratic and Republican states along with cities and small towns — in the period since President Joe Biden replaced former President Donald Trump.

But nowhere is the shift more pronounced — and dangerous for Democrats — than in the suburbs, where well-educated swing voters who turned against Trump’s Republican Party in recent years appear to be swinging back. Over the last year, far more people are switching to the GOP across suburban counties from Denver to Atlanta and Pittsburgh and Cleveland. Republicans also gained ground in counties around medium-size cities such as Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Raleigh, North Carolina; Augusta, Georgia; and Des Moines, Iowa.

Ben Smith, who lives in suburban Larimer County, Colorado, north of Denver, said he reluctantly registered as a Republican earlier in the year after becoming increasingly concerned about the Democrats’ support in some localities for mandatory COVID-19 vaccines, the party’s inability to quell violent crime and its frequent focus on racial justice.

“It’s more so a rejection of the left than embracing the right,” said Smith, a 37-year-old professional counselor whose transition away from the Democratic Party began five or six years ago when he registered as a libertarian.

The AP examined nearly 1.7 million voters who had likely switched affiliations across 42 states for which there is data over the last 12 months, according to L2, a political data firm. L2 uses a combination of state voter records and statistical modeling to determine party affiliation, meaning that the switchers include both those who have formally changed their registration and those who L2 estimates have shifted toward the GOP.

While party switching is not uncommon, the data shows a definite reversal from the period while Trump was in office, when Democrats enjoyed a slight edge in the number of party switchers nationwide.

But over the last year, roughly two-thirds of the 1.7 million voters who changed their party affiliation shifted to the Republican Party. In all, more than 1 million people became Republicans compared to about 630,000 who became Democrats.



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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

New Study Shows Wearing Disposable Mask Did More Harm Than Good

And still, it won’t make a bit o difference or propel immediate policy changes. They are forcing our children to mask in schools. We are in the throes of a stealth, brutal takeover.

New Study Shows Wearing a Disposable Mask Did More Harm Than Good

By: Daniel, Civil Deadlinee, September 2, 2022

Do you recall when the “Patron Saint of Wuhan” declared to the country that masks were not needed? Do you remember when the same Dr. Anthony Fauci advised Americans to wear one, even two, or even three masks at that time?

You’re not the only one if you’re one of the millions who were completely perplexed by the random counsel given by the renowned immunologist of the country. Even other scientists have refused to follow Fauci’s advice. It now seems that Fauci’s advise to wear a mask might have made things worse.

Actually, using a disposable mask does very little to block the transmission of a virus like COVID-19. These masks, however, contain “four times the acceptable carcinogen exposure levels,” according to a verified new study. You did read that right.

This confirmed study indicates that the disposable face mask releases dangerous levels of titanium dioxide (TiO2). Have you bothered to notice what type of mask many schools are still mandating their students wear, “all day long?”

Virtually every school child still ordered to wear a mask is wearing a disposable one. Dozens of renowned scientists have exposed the health risks of continuously covering our mouths with a mask. The study says the TiO2 levels quadrupled the acceptable exposure levels.
But liberal bureaucrats and so-called “medical professionals” are still insisting masks must be worn, even in the craziest of circumstances. Once again, the same clowns who order us to “follow the science” are defying the science. This is medical malpractice.

Children are rarely susceptible to the COVID-19 virus. Requiring them to wear a mask during their learning time is not only useless, it’s medically dangerous. So, why do they continue to make kids wear masks? It’s all about compliance. The radical liberals thirst for compliance.

They ordered Americans to get a hastily approved vaccine or give up their jobs. They’ve written policies and made recommendations that are worthless. In fact, it appears that their “mask-wearing decrees” could kill you. Masks do not work against the spread of the virus.

But they certainly work to indoctrinate the masses into compliance. The game isn’t to protect Americans. It’s to teach us to be quiet and comply. We must do as the “Patron Saint of Wuhan” says. He “is science!” It turns out Fauci is more of a “blowhard” than he is a patron saint.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

FACEBOOK’S ZUCKERBERG LOSES: Judge Rules that Facebook Repeatedly Violated Washington State Campaign Finance Law

Republicans like Dinesh D’Souza went to jail for violating campaign contribution for a mere couple hundred dollars. Why hasn’t Zuck been jailed? There is no equality for all under the law but that is the law.

Zuck Loses: Judge Rules that Facebook Repeatedly Violated Washington State Campaign Finance Law

By: Lucas Nolan, Breitbart News, 3 Sep 2022:

A judge recently ruled that Facebook repeatedly and intentionally violated the State of Washington’s campaign-ad transparency laws and must pay penalties. Attorney General Bob Ferguson derided Facebook’s “cynical attempt” to gut the state’s campaign finance laws, challenging the Masters of the Universe to “follow the law.”

The Seattle Times reports that Facebook (now known as Meta) repeatedly and intentionally violated Washington’s campaign-ad transparency laws and must pay yet-to-be-determined penalties, according to a ruling made by King County Superior Court Judge Douglass North. The law states that ad sellers must disclose the name and address of political ad buyers, and metrics such as the total number of ad views generated. Every newspaper and other outlet in the state follows the rule without trouble, but Facebook believed it shouldn’t have to

Attorney General Bob Ferguson, whose office has repeatedly sued Facebook, stated that the court denied Facebook’s attempt to invalidate Washington’s decades-old transparency law. In a statement, Ferguson said that following a ruling made Friday by King County Superior Court Judge Douglass North, the Attorney General’s office defeated Facebook’s “cynical attempt” to gut Washington’s campaign-finance transparency law.

“On behalf of the people of Washington, I challenge Facebook to accept this decision and do something very simple — follow the law,” Ferguson said. Washington’s transparency law was originally passed in 1972 and requires ad sellers such as Meta to disclose the names and addresses of political ad buyers, the targets of the ads, and the total number of views each ad receives.

Facebook repeatedly objected to the requirements and argued in a summary judgment motion that Washington’s law is an “outlier” that “unduly burdens political speech,” and is “virtually impossible to comply with.”

In court, Judge North rejected Facebook’s arguments, stating that the company had failed to show it was unable to comply. “This is clearly a very appropriate subject for disclosure, and the law is very constitutional,” North said

The exact penalties that Facebook will pay will be determined at a later court hearing. The law allows financial positions of $10,000 per violation, which can be tripled when violations are determined to be intentional. The Attorney General’s Office alleged that Facebook has committed several hundred violations since 2018.

Read more at the Seattle Times here.


RELATED ARTICLE: New Study Shows Wearing Disposable Mask Did More Harm Than Good

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Mar-a-Lago and a Bolshevik Witch-Hunt

This new Glazov Gang episode features Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Fellow at the Freedom Center and editor of The Point at Frontpagemag.com.

Daniel discusses Mar-a-Lago and a Bolshevik Witch-Hunt, reflecting on Welcome to the wild goose case – and the crime that wasn’t.

Don’t miss it!



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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Ethics of Playing God: Designing our Children with Gene Editing Technology

A recent article in Nature Biotechnology reports on the risks and benefits of the therapeutic use of CRISPR-Cas9 “gene scissors” technology. A comment on the article in the Jerusalem Post explains, “CRISPR – an acronym for “clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats” – allows genetic material to be added, removed or altered at particular locations in the genome… [The researchers at Tel Aviv University found] that while the CRISPR genome-editing method is very effective, it is not always safe and that sometimes, rearranging pieces of DNA compromises genomic stability, possibly triggering cancer in the long run.”

So what ethical issues are raised by this technology?

Good ethics depends on good facts. Broadly defined, the human genome is the DNA, including genes, which constitutes each of us. We will pass on some of our genes to our descendants and manipulating these, which is possible with CRISPR-Cas9, is an unprecedented ethical issue, because it means we can attempt to design our children and their descendants.

We also have somatic cell genes, some of which can produce disease. These can also be changed with CRISPR-Cas9 technologies used as medical treatment, but the changes are not inheritable. This is the type of intervention discussed in the Nature Biotechnology article, where the main ethical issue, as with all new medical interventions, is whether the benefits of the treatment outweigh its risks and harms.

“Genetic scissors” technologies, such as CRISPR-Cas9, are a relatively recent and an ethically controversial addition to the exploding field of reproductive technologies, because, as explained, they can be used to “design” a human embryo and its descendants. To understand the ethical issues they raise in this respect, we need to locate them in a broader reproductive technology context, rather than simply viewing them in isolation.

Once upon a time, before the late 1970s, there was only one way that a new human life could come into existence: sexual intercourse between a fertile woman and a fertile man. Many couples saw the life they created as a gift from God and, whatever their child’s characteristics, loved and accepted them without question.

Unconditional parental love

The widely accepted societal value was that parents should love their children unconditionally, simply because they were their children. Women, especially, carried this value of parents’ unconditional love for their children for society as a whole.

A woman who abandoned her child was condemned much more forcefully than a man. Think of the young man from a wealthy family, who impregnated a maidservant, being shipped off by his parents to the colonies to “sow his wild oats”, while the maidservant was left destitute and caring for the child. People sometimes regarded the man, somewhat admiringly, as “clever” to escape responsibility, while the woman was shamed and scorned even more than just for being pregnant out-of-wedlock, if she abandoned or failed to care for the child.

One reason surrogate motherhood was met initially with such condemnation was that it overtly contravened the societal value, carried largely by women, of a parent’s unconditional love for their children. In short, this value was based on an assumption that a woman automatically and unconditionally bonded to the children to whom she gave birth; it was unthinkable that a woman would intentionally become pregnant with a prearranged plan to give up her baby as the recognition of surrogacy instantiated.

The reproductive technology revolution

The reproductive technology revolution changed not only the reality of having no option other than sole reliance on Nature to conceive a child, but also, for many people, their values governing reproduction. The most dramatic herald of this revolution was the birth in the United Kingdom in 1978 of Louise Joy Brown, the first “test-tube” baby. It is estimated that now more than eight million babies have been born worldwide using in vitro fertilisation (IVF).

Louise Brown was conceived from her father’s sperm and her mother’s ovum in a laboratory. Sexual intercourse was no longer the only way to transmit human life and interventions on the in vitro embryo, the earliest form of human life, were now possible.

This opened up the possibility that we could now choose our children, rather than loving them unconditionally just because they were our children, and, as time went on, we could increasingly intervene to design them according to the characteristics of the child we wanted.

CRISPR-Cas9 and subsequent developments of this technology are the most recent means for undertaking such design.


CRISPR-Cas9 was discovered in 2012 and is best imagined as a molecular scissors. Scientists can use it to edit the human genome. Sometimes those genes are harmful or damaged. CRISPR-Cas9 allows the scientist to cut out such sequences of DNA and to insert replacement genes.

An ethically important distinction between genes in the germline and in somatic cells needs to be kept in mind. Changes to somatic cell genes are not inheritable and while such interventions can raise important ethical issues, they are not of the same kind or seriousness as those raised by changes to genes in germline cells.

Alterations to the genes of an embryo will be passed on to all descendants of that embryo. This type of intervention constitutes pre-empting evolution as the agent of genetic change. When there was no possibility of intervening intentionally to alter the human genome, which is estimated to have evolved over up to six million years, there was almost universal agreement that it would be wrong and unethical to do so. Many jurisdictions, including Australia, had laws prohibiting altering a human embryo’s genes in any way that would be inheritable. (That law has now been repealed.)

The consensus was that the human genome was the common heritage of humankind that must be held unmanipulated by us on trust for future generations.

By 2015, scientists were actively lobbying to change this view. An invitation-only meeting in Atlanta was attended by around 400 participants to discuss what the future position on altering the human germline should be.

Harvard geneticist George Church and his colleague, social psychologist Steven Pinker argued powerfully for allowing this research to proceed. They relied heavily on the technologies’ promise of doing great good in eliminating devastating genetic diseases. I argued against allowing this with respect to germline genes, a position on which I have since modified my views to a strictly limited extent. Pinker’s conclusion was that if bioethicists, such as myself, opposed this research, society should not prohibit it. Rather, it should get rid of the bioethicists. He won the argument. With certain controls, the research has gone forward.

So, why did I argue against intervening on the human germline?

My long preamble to this article situates the questions we need to ask about CRISPR-Cas9 in the larger context of the extraordinary development of reproductive technologies. This is necessary if we are to keep its use within ethical parameters.

IVF enabled the development of these technologies, because having a human embryo in a test-tube makes it much easier to manipulate it. If IVF, itself, is immoral and unethical, then genetic interventions on embryos become much more difficult and for some purposes impossible. The leading opponent of IVF, the Catholic Church, teaches that IVF is immoral because in separating the unitive and procreative characteristics of the passing on of human life through sexual intercourse, it unavoidably offends human dignity. However, its view is widely challenged.

Multitudes of thorny ethical problems have been raised both by IVF, itself, for example, the respect required for the transmission of human life outside the body of a woman, an issue we had not faced before IVF, and by the deluge of technological interventions and social changes to which IVF gave rise.

I will not discuss those here; rather, I will identify some of the specific ethical concerns raised by CRISPR-Cas9 when it is used to alter genes of the germline. Some of these concerns are common to many reproductive technologies, not just CRISPR-Cas9.

Ethical concerns raised by CRISPR-Cas9

First, let us find where we can agree. Everyone wants to eliminate or reduce suffering. The scientists wanting to use CRISPR-Cas9 to change an embryo’s germline genes want to eliminate horrible genetic diseases, such as Huntington’s chorea, muscular dystrophy, diabetes and so on. They make a distinction between therapeutic or curative germline interventions with CRISPR-Cas9 and enhancement ones, altering genes, for example, to augment intelligence or sporting ability, or to change eye colour, height, and so on. They argue for allowing the former, if not the latter.

But no matter how worthy their intentions, scientists would be designing or redesigning a human being. Transhumanists see this as creating a human utopia of the future. They speak of “unmodified humans” as inferior beings and foresee a future of immortality made possible by the genetic modification of genes responsible for aging. Do all humans, however, have a right to come from unmodified natural human origins and should this right be absolute or should some strictly limited exceptions be allowed?

The American Jewish philosopher, the late Hans Jonas, put it this way. “Every human being has a right to their own unique ticket in the great genetic lottery of the passing on of human life. A right not to be designed. A right to live their life as a surprise to themselves.”

German philosopher Jürgen Habermas has pointed out that the designed person is not free, because freedom requires us to have non-contingent origins to enable us to go back and recreate ourselves from scratch.  Moreover, they are not equal to the designer, because the designed entity is never equal to the designer. This analysis takes the issues raised by designing our progeny beyond concern just for the individual who is designed. It has political implications, because two of the pillars of democracy are respect for every individual’s freedom and accepting that everyone is equal.

To return to the earlier discussion of unconditional parental love as a personal and societal value, wanting to design one’s child to enhance them sends the message that “you were not perfect enough as you were naturally, we needed to improve you to conform to our specifications for us to accept and love you.”

Australian bioethicist Robert Sparrow from Monash University has raised another issue. He pointed out that just as our laptops and iPhones become obsolete models as the technology continuously improves, so earlier conceived children will be obsolete compared with their later designed siblings. What would this do to family cohesiveness and harmony?

A central, ubiquitous characteristic of the worldwide fertility Industry, which mostly markets reproductive technologies, is its overwhelmingly adult-centred focus and almost complete failure to place the future child at the centre of the decision-making. This is understandable: adults make the decisions to use reproductive technologies. The fertility industry is estimated to be worth US$8 billion each year in the US and $15 billion worldwide and continues to expand rapidly.

Child-centred decision-making

Child centred decision-making would ask, among many questions: can we reasonably anticipate, if this person were here and able to decide for themselves, that they would consent to what we are planning to do?

Child centred decision making would also look at the risks and harms of the technology to the child. Even if the technology were used only for therapeutic purposes, there are substantial risks, including unknown ones. For example, some genes exhibit a complex phenomenon called pleiotropy – one gene can code for multiple different proteins, possibly up to one thousand. Moreover, depending on its placement in the genome, the gene may function differently and a gene inserted with CRISPR-Cas9 might not position correctly. The presence of risk is not, however, an insurmountable ethical obstacle, it can be managed and an ethically acceptable risk/benefit ratio achieved.

Larger ethical questions raised by CRISPR-Cas9 at the societal level include treating our children as products or things that we own – as “somethings” not “somebodies”, a phenomenon called “reification” – rather than unique individual human beings with respect to whom we have obligations, but not rights to design.


The possibility of eliminating or treating dread diseases with “genetic scissors” technologies must not blind us to the ethical risks and harms involved.

It is very difficult, as I know from personal experience, to say to a scientist, who only wants to do good, “No, you must not change a seriously harmful gene in an embryo’s germline”. My concern about allowing such changes includes the precedent this would create that it is ethically acceptable to genetically-design a human being and where that would lead.

When CRISPR-Cas9 therapeutic interventions that do not involve inheritable changes, such as the ones discussed in the Nature Biotechnology article, are used to treat serious debilitating disease, they raise important ethical issues and concerns, but not the one of designing a human being and their descendants. They should be governed under the generally applicable medical research ethics principles, especially with respect to risk-harm/benefit calculations.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of Gattaca, the brilliant dystopian sci fi film about a future in which all children are supposed to be genetically engineered. The hero is an “in-valid”, a rare human who was naturally conceived. At one point he reflects, “I belonged to a new underclass, no longer determined by social status or the colour of your skin. No, we now have discrimination down to a science.”

CRISPR could make such a future possible, at least for those who can pay for it. Before we arrive there, we need to ask many more questions about the ethical dilemmas genetic engineering is creating.

An earlier version of this article first appeared in News Weekly.


Margaret Somerville

Margaret Somerville AM, DSG, FRSC, FRSN, DCL is Professor of Bioethics at the University of Notre Dame Australia School of Medicine (Sydney campus). She is also Samuel Gale Professor of Law Emerita, Professor… More by Margaret Somerville


Here’s How Much The Federal Government Has Spent Studying Impact Of Sex Change Meds We’re Already Giving Kids

Is “trust the science” going to solve our demographic woes?

Our civilizational crisis is really a crisis in parenting

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Abortion, the Workplace, and Life

John Grondelski: Employers are beginning to offer paid abortions and even out-of-state transportation to have them. It’s about cash not compassion.

As Catholics in the United States mark Labor Day, two key elements of Catholic social thought deserve our attention: the intersection between the right to life and work.

Until now, the abortion debate has largely been a political one, played out in terms of legality in the legislatures and – for almost fifty years – the courts.  In the wake of Dobbs, however, expect at least part of the debate to shift from politics to economics, as certain pro-abortion actors leverage financial incentives to tilt the debate in a capitalist society that, occasionally, likes to appeal to “social justice.”

Since Dobbs, leading companies have tripped all over each other to announce that they would happily fund their employees’ abortions, even to pay for travel to states allowing prenatal killing if it were banned where they were located.  Not a few corporations pressured state legislatures against considering pro-life legislation.  New Jersey’s Governor Phil Murphy and California’s Governor Gavin Newsom have even been touting their states as destinations for businesses to relocate to, not because of their oppressive tax structures but because both had “codified” abortion-on-demand through birth.

A standard trope of pro-abortionists is that abortion-on-demand is essential to the advancement of women because, bereft of “reproductive health care and control,” females are inherently disadvantaged economically.  That claim, of course, collides directly with the mythology of abortion as “health care.” But when health is defined even more expansively as something as vague and subject to manipulation as “financial health,” the alleged “benefits” of abortion can be rationalized by almost anything.

No one, of course, lays out the truth in its bare-naked obscenity: it is markedly cheaper for a company to abort babies than to provide maternity and subsequent child healthcare, along with the immediate parental and long-term sick leave, annual leave, school leave, and schedule accommodation that follow from having babies.

Abortion-funding firms will undoubtedly insist their policies are driven by their “commitment to choice,” without allowing it to be seen that their bottom lines are likely more friendly to certain “choices.”

One suspects that the companies that are so ready to devote such economic “generosity” to terminating pregnancies (i.e., killing babies in the womb) would vehemently protest if they were required to cover maternity care with the same liberality in order to create a truly equal “choice” environment.

That’s why it’s critical that both of our main political parties be challenged to create true family-friendly/child-friendly economic policies going forward.

Social justice cannot be achieved apart from the protection of the most basic of social and individual rights, i.e., the right to life.  Different political philosophies notwithstanding, virtually all thinkers must agree that the absolute sine qua non of any society is to protect its members’ basic rights.

That first axiom involves two corollaries: that the society identify who its members are (and not feign epistemological agnosticism about the status of the unborn or others in conditions of dependency) and understand what rights are “basic.”  Even an utter materialist like Thomas Hobbes admitted there is no more basic right upon which everything else depends than existence.  You might even say, as our American bishops have, that it’s “pre-eminent.”

Catholics, therefore, need to jump-start that social justice debate.  With Roe gone, the Constitutional obstacles to reframing that discussion are out of the way. But the alternative narrative needs to be rearticulated in a society that hasn’t heard it clearly for almost half a century.

We forgot that liberals like Mark Hatfield, William Proxmire, and Harold Hughes were pro-life because they rightly recognized that the protection of the life of the unborn was a civil rights issue, arguably the civil rights issue of our time.

Reframing that debate requires asking why women’s economic advancement is deemed contingent on abortion.  Is it because, in the economic world, women could not advance qua women because they were not men, i.e., because they became pregnant, because they had and wanted to raise children, and because they wanted career paths that adapted to those realities rather than expecting those realities to adapt to their jobs?

Is the largesse of today’s “we’ll pay for your abortion” corporations just the expression of a kind of company’s vision of its female employees as “misbegotten males?”

The decade following the end of schooling (high school or college) is usually marked by “putting away childish things” (I Cor 13:11) and transitioning to permanence in life.  That usually meant finding a job, moving into one’s own living space, then getting married and having children.

Our current economic configuration – including “we’ll pay for your abortion” corporations – is undermining that “work/life balance.”

Jobs often at minimum wages and maximum expectations make economic independence increasingly difficult to attain, delaying marriage and parenthood.  Indeed, many of the same woke corporations will pay female employees to freeze their eggs to delay pregnancy, as if one is as ready to be a mom at 45 as at 25.

Maybe Professor Henry Higgins was really secretly a modern HR professional in a woke Fortune 500 Corporation when in My Fair Lady he asked: “why can’t a woman be more like a man?

You may also enjoy:

Robert Royal’s Our Labor Day

Hadley Arkes’ Justice Byron White and Abortion


John M. Grondelski

John Grondelski (Ph.D., Fordham) is a former associate dean of the School of Theology, Seton Hall University, South Orange, New Jersey. All views herein are exclusively his.

EDITORS NOTE: This Catholic Thing column is republished with permission. © 2022 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: info@frinstitute.org. The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

August 2022: 27 Illegal Aliens = 169 Child Rape/Child Sexual Assault Charges In North Carolina

Summer is almost over in NC however the assault on our children is continuing unabated. In fact, it is increasing at an alarming rate.

It is just unimaginable why our legislators in Raleigh, the NC news media and NC law enforcement aren’t all acting as one to stop this most heinous crime against children. Children as young as 3 and 4 years old!

It isn’t because they are unaware of the problem, because we send out over 7,000 emails monthly, with 350+ of them going to media outlets all over NC, every NC House of Representatives member and every NC Senator, each receive a copy of these monthly emails and law enforcement sees these crimes every day.

Unless more citizens demand something be done (like enacting illegal immigration laws at the state level) this will never end.

One day, I just hope, no more NC children have to endure a life-long horrific memory of a brutal sexual attack by someone who shouldn’t be here in the first place.

With that being said, this month, NCFIRE was able to document 27 illegal aliens who committed 169 separate acts of child rape/child sexual assault.

If you would like to see this month’s report, click the link here: August2022

If you would like to view the monthly reports we have compiled since 2013, click the link here: NCFIRE.info

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Hawaii is No. 1 In the World – In Tourist Taxes

Last month, the website money.co.uk published an article giving our Honolulu a claim to international fame (or infamy).  It listed the city as having the highest tourist tax of any city in the world.  It noted our 10.25% transient accommodations tax, to which is added 3% county TAT.  “That’s already a hefty tax anywhere in the world,” the article says, “but when consider that the average room in Honolulu costs £321 ($390), that equates to £42.53 ($51.70) a night.”

The runner-up, according to the article, was San Francisco, which charges a 14% transient occupancy tax.  Its average room night was a bit less pricey at $212 per night, leading to a tax bite of $29.61 per night.

Meaning that, even with the article’s numbers, Honolulu is 75% higher in taxes than the second most tourist-taxed city in the world.

But that doesn’t show an accurate picture.  The article seems to have screwed up.

You see, they forgot to include the GET, which appears on hotel folios on top of the 13.25% TAT.  So, our tax is actually higher.  Quite a bit higher.

Indeed, if 4.712% is added in, our tax toll rises to 17.962%, or $70.05 a night (£57.62 for those keeping score in British pounds sterling).  This astronomical total is almost double the levy in San Francisco and almost six times that in the priciest destination in a non-U.S. country, namely Amsterdam in the Netherlands, which was scored at 11.31 euros (£9.73 or $11.82) a night.

But wait!  There’s more.

The article also compares countries charging flat rate tourist taxes, such as departure taxes charged at the airport.  Mexico is currently the winner at 224 Mexican pesos ($11.12 with currencies being converted at the rate in effect on June 30, 2020).  The next few countries, Thailand at 300 baht ($8.53), Belgium at 7.50 euros ($7.87), and Japan at 1000 yen ($7.33), all impose departure taxes at less than $10.

Conservation groups in Hawaii have been pushing for enactment of a Hawaii “visitor green fee,” which would work much like these departure taxes.  They, as well as one University of Hawaii economist, have noted that some island destinations such as Palau and the Galapagos Islands levy a $100 visitor green fee, and have urged Hawaii to adopt such a fee.  In the 2021 legislature, two bills (HB 805 and SB 666) would have imposed a visitor fee of $40.

If we actually imposed such a fee, it would vault us to the top of this list as well, and by a wide margin.  (Apparently Palau and the Galapagos didn’t make the list of the 100 most visited cities according to Euromonitor International, which the rankings were based on, and thus weren’t included.)

Fortunately, as we have noted before, such fees would violate the U.S. Constitution and thus cannot be charged by any individual State or county.  So, we shouldn’t be spending more time and energy trying to make our state and cities even more of an international outlier when it comes to tourist taxes and fees.

For those of us who think tourists are bad news and should stay the heck away from Hawaii Nei, these taxes are probably going to accomplish what you want.  Tourists are going to think twice, or more, before shelling out for an experience in Hawaiian paradise.  We have seen the economic result of tourists staying home en masse, because this is what happened during the pandemic.  The pain of workforce layoffs and business closures continues to this day.  Is that the future you want?  Is that the future we want?

We need to stop winning international contests like this.


Tom Yamachika

President Tax Foundation Hawaii

RELATED ARTICLE: Honolulu: Highest Tourist Taxes on Earth

Don’t Endow The State With Moral Authority

It is one thing to say that you are pro-life or pro-choice. It is another to say that the state should legalize or illegalize abortion.

It is one thing to suggest that we should help the poor financially. It is another to suggest the state does it for us.

It is one thing not to discriminate against people on stupid grounds. It is another to suggest that the state morally polices everyone and punishes those it deems discriminatory.

It is one thing to want educational access for everyone. It is another to get the state to jump into education.

People are welcome to have their stances and opinions. They are welcome to act according to their opinions. They can help the poor financially or pay their employees a higher wage if this is what they want. However, they shouldn’t force others to do the same.

The moment you try to enforce your morality via the hand of the state, you endow the state with moral authority.

You put the state on a pedestal. And this is almost irreversible. Once the state occupies the moral high ground, it never relinquishes it. This is the beginning of a statist civilization. Most countries on Earth today are deeply statist. They look to the state for the matters of right and wrong.

I have my inclinations and stances, but I would never want the state to enforce my stances. Let’s say, for example, I incline towards the pro-life stance, but I won’t want the state to actively seek out women who aborted their babies and imprison them, for this would grant them moral authority. Moral authority is like an addictive drug. Once a man gets it, it fills him with so much pride that he becomes blind to his shortcomings. It rots him to the core. Moral highness is a shortcut to soul sickness.

If we want to bring people to reason and conscience, we must do so via reason and conscience, not via force. We must be more reasonable, talk more reasonably, and awaken the voice of conscience in our fellow beings.

Only a tyrant hopes to bring people in line by force. And we mustn’t feed the tyrant within us by getting the state to enforce our opinions/ideas or we would manifest a tyrant outside us.

Don’t endow the state with moral authority.

©Anand Ujjwal. All rights reserved.

Replacement cost of a Chevrolet Volt Battery $29,842.15 but it gets worse, much worse!

In 2019 GM retired the Chevy Volt to make way for its successor, the more compact but fully electric Chevy Bolt. We recently received a copy of an estimate from Roger Dean Chevrolet, located in Cape Coral, Florida, to replace the battery in a Chevy Volt (VIN: 101RB6E4XCU113962) that has on its odometer 70,489 miles. Using an average of 12,000 miles driven per year we estimated that this Volt was purchased in 2017.

Here are the costs to replace the battery:

  • Labor $1,200
  • Parts $26,887.97
  • Misc. $41.50
  • Tax $$1,712.68
  • TOTAL: $29,842.15

QUESTION: Do we really need all electric vehicles, at all?

ANSWER: Let’s look at the numbers to answer this question.

All electric cars depreciate faster than internal combustion engine, i.e. gas-powered, cars. The most significant vehicle depreciation typically occurs after purchase and within the first three years. According to an iSeeCars study, EV owners can expect 52 percent depreciation in the first three years.

Add to this an iSeeCars August 23rd, 2022 all electric care pricing article by Julie Blackley who reported,

Electric car prices went up 54.3% in July from last year compared to 10.1% for conventional/internal combustion cars.

Used car prices remain elevated in the wake of the global microchip shortage, but they began to level off in the second half of 2022. However, according to iSeeCars’ recent analysis, over the same period prices for electric cars continued to increase significantly. In July, electric car prices saw an increase of 54.3% from the same month last year while gas-powered cars were up just 10.1%. 

iSeeCars analyzed the prices of over 13.8 million 1-5 year old used cars sold between January and July of 2021 and 2022 to determine the price growth of electric cars compared to conventional fuel vehicles.

“Until recently, mainstream electric vehicles typically depreciated rapidly due to improvements in battery technology and a lack of demand in the secondary market,” said iSeeCars Executive Analyst Karl Brauer. “However, soaring gas prices, improvements in public charging infrastructure, and a lack of inventory for new EVs have led to soaring demand for used electric vehicles.

Read more

We also reported on how Biden and his administration actually caused the soaring gas prices and inflation.

Add to this a September 2nd, 2022 article which reported,

Going somewhere for the holiday weekend?  Not if you live in California and drive an electric vehicle, you’re not.  California issued an emergency alert asking people not to charge their EVs because the power grid can’t handle the demand.  This from a state that is moving to ban the sale of gas-powered vehicles. So how’s this going to work when the internal combustion engine is gone, natural gas appliances are banned, and everyone has to rely on electricity for getting around, heating their homes, and washing their clothes.  The short answer is: it’s not.  The numbers don’t add up.  But that’s the bright green energy future into which your insane leaders want to take you.

Here’s one thing that will happen in that future.  Everyone will have smart meters and the government will simply order the power cut off whenever it feels like it.  Don’t believe me?  It’s already happening.  How did you like the story out of Denver this week, where 22,000 households were locked out of their thermostats and couldn’t adjust their air conditioning when it got hot?  No car, no A/C, no appliances, whenever the government decides it’s time to control your behavior.

We also reported that  the electricity needed to charge one all electric vehicle is the equivalent of running four (4) total home air conditioning systems.

The Climate Crisis Myth

The Biden administration has used the myth of a climate crisis to push for massive funding to go all electric. Not just cars and trucks but also doing away with the use of all fossil fuels. Despite the fact that the world uses fossil fuels to produce 84% of its electrical power.

On August 5th, 2021 Reuters reported,

President Joe Biden took a step toward his goal of slashing greenhouse gas emissions on Thursday [August 5, 2021] with an executive order aimed at making half of all new vehicles sold in 2030 electric, a move made with backing from the biggest U.S. automakers. The administration also proposed new vehicle emissions standards that would cut pollution through 2026, starting with a 10% stringency increase in the 2023 model year. [Emphasis added]

Read more.

On August 2nd, 2022 the Federal Highway Administration announced,

In keeping with President Biden’s commitment to build out a national network of 500,000 electric vehicle (EV) chargers by 2030, the U.S. Departments of Transportation and Energy today announced all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico have submitted EV infrastructure deployment plans as required under the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program established and funded by President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. These plans are required to unlock the first round of the $5 billion of Bipartisan Infrastructure Law formula funding available over 5 years to help states accelerate the important work of building out the national EV charging network and making electric vehicle charging accessible to all Americans. The on-time submission of every single plan demonstrates the widespread commitment from states to build out EV charging infrastructure to help accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles, create good jobs, and combat the climate crisis.

Read more.

August 18, 2022 World Net Daily’s Art Moore reported,

Led by a Nobel Prize laureate, more than 1,100 scientists and scholars have signed a document declaring climate science is based more on personal beliefs and political agendas than sound, rigorous science.

The World Climate Declaration states climate science “should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific.”

“Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures,” the declaration reads.

The declaration was organized by Climate Intelligence, an independent policy foundation founded in 2019 by Dutch emeritus professor of geophysics Guus Berkhout and Dutch science journalist Marcel Crok.

Read more.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is:

  1. Biden caused our current gasoline and diesel fuels crisis.
  2. Biden by executive order mandated 50% of all vehicles be electric by 2030.
  3. Biden and Congress allocated billions of dollars to build 500,000 charging stations in all 50 states, D.C. and territories.
  4. Biden unilaterally declared a climate crisis.
  5. Biden has called those who disagree with his green agenda semi-fascists.

So there you have it. Biden’s fake crisis to create an unachievable and costly green agenda that will cost every American dearly.

To make things worse on August 28th, 2022 the Biden administration has handed California the power to mandate EVs nationwide.

America will continue to go down the green brick road to deal with a Mythological Climate Agenda which will inextricably lead to an Economic Armageddon.

Biden’s goal is to turn America into Newsom’s California. Biden has gone full woke and Americans are going broke (penniless, moneyless, bankrupt, insolvent, poor, poverty-stricken).

Get it? Got it? Good!

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


California’s electric car mandate could spread to over a dozen states

Stranded Tourist with Dead Electric Car Helped by West Virginia Coal Miners

FACT: All Electric Vehicles (EVs) Are Powered by Coal, Uranium, Natural Gas or Diesel-Powered Energy

Romancing The All Electric Vehicle

Democrats Passed $7,500 Electric Vehicle Tax Credit, Then EV Prices Were Immediately Raised $7,500

Birth Rates Collapse—All Cause Mortality Rates Surge In Heavily Vaccinated Countries

Birth rate have dropped in GermanyTaiwan, Switzerland, the UK, SwedenHungary, and more…read more here


Birth rates in heavily vaccinated countries are dropping precipitously. That seems concerning to us peasants.

This past June, California live births dropped 6.4% compared to June 2021.

Here’s the chart of the year-on-year change in live births by month. It shows changes in live births for the same months spaced a year ago. For example, the change in California live births, comparing June of 2021 to June of 2022, is a drop of -6.4%.

More frightening news about fertility and the mRNA shots, this time from Singapore

Births are plunging EXACTLY on schedule, nine months after mass Covid vaccinations

By: Alex Berenson, September 1, 2022;

Singapore knows how to make its people behave.

The Asian city-state is famously uptight. It punishes criminals with caning and has prohibited chewing gum since 1992. (Do not under any circumstances deal drugs in Singapore; a 41-year-old man was sentenced to death after being caught with two pounds of cannabis in 2018.)

So when Singapore told its nearly 6 million residents to be vaccinated against Covid, it had very high compliance.

What is particularly interesting – though unsurprising – is how well Singapore stratified vaccine administration by age. As the chart below shows, in a few weeks in June and July 2021, nearly every Singaporean adult between 20-39 – childbearing age, essentially – received their first Covid vaccine jab.

The incredibly rapid uptake of vaccines among young Singaporean adults offers a natural experiment in the effect of mRNA shots on fertility. (Roughly 98 percent of all the jabs Singapore gave were mRNA from Pfizer or Moderna. Chinese vaccines used traditional inactivated virus technology made up the rest.)

You will not be surprised at this point to learn that Singapore publishes comprehensive figures on births and deaths every quarter.

Like other East Asian countries, Singapore is suffering severe baby bust. The average woman in Singapore has fewer than 1.2 children, barely half the birth rate needed to avert a long-term decline in population.

As low as the birth rate was, though, it had remained stable for a decade. Even Covid did not meaningfully change the number of births – 39,259 in 2019, 38,590 in 2020, and 38,672 in 2021.

In the first two months of 2022, Singapore received welcome news. Births actually rose about 7.5 percent.

Then came March. Again, Singapore began mass mRNA vaccinations of women (and men) of childbearing age in June 2021; March 2022 is exactly nine months later.

In March, the increase in births abruptly reversed. Between March and June 2022 – the most recent month for which figures are available – Singapore has recorded about 1,000 fewer live births compared to 2021, a decline of 8.5 percent. The drop has been consistent each month.

By itself, a four-month decline in birth rates in a single small country might not be cause for serious concern, despite the striking timing.

But Singapore is far from alone.

For example, Sweden has reported a similar decline this year, with a similarly close connection to vaccinations last year. It is hard to imagine two countries more different ethnically and geographically than Sweden and Singapore. They even had diametrically opposed Covid lockdown policies. Yet both are seeing the same drop in fertility.

Not panicking is important here.

The decline in births that countries like Singapore are seeing is large by historical standards. But it has lasted only a few months, and it comes against the backdrop of a long-term decline in fertility rates. Further, not every country has seen them.

In addition, the mRNA shots are known to cause disruption in menstrual cycles and declines in sperm counts that can last for several months. It is possible that those changes alone account for the entire drop, and that if and when they reverse birth rates will return to baseline. It is possible birth rates are already returning to baseline, since births by their nature are a lagging indicator of fertility.

Keep reading…..

“The decline in births that countries like Singapore are seeing is large by historical standards. But it has lasted only a few months, and it comes against the backdrop of a long-term decline in fertility rates. Further, not every country has seen them.

In addition, the mRNA shots are known to cause disruption in menstrual cycles and declines in sperm counts that can last for several months. It is possible that those changes alone account for the entire drop, and that if and when they reverse birth rates will return to baseline. It is possible birth rates are already returning to baseline, since births by their nature are a lagging indicator of fertility.”

This just in: this June of 2022, California live births dropped 6.4% compared to June of 2021. Here’s the chart of year-on-year change in live births, by month. It shows changes in live births for the same months spaced a year ago. For example, change in California live births, comparing June of 2021 to June of 2022, is a drop of -6.4%.



U.S. Covid-19 Deaths in 2021 Far Surpasses 2020’s – When There was No Vaccine

New UK government data shows the COVID vaccines kill more people than they save

Leading Vaccine Scientist: Covid Vaccines Are Killing One in Every 800 Over-60s and Should Be Withdrawn Immediately

Leading Pathologist Speaks Out About Dangerous COVID Vaccine Effects

FDA Approve COVID Vaccine for 6-month-old Babies Despite Data Proving Vaccinated Children Are 30,200% More Likely To Die Than Unvaccinated Children

Birth rates plunged in heavily vaxxed countries

Highest Vaccinated Counties Have Worst Birth Rate Drops

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Watch as Kari Lake Obliterates Journalist: It’s Not ‘Divisive’ To Ask Questions

“Last I heard, we still have the Constitution. It’s hanging by a thread thanks to some of the work some people in this area have done. But we’re going to save that Constitution and we’re going to bring back freedom of speech. And maybe someday you’ll thank us for that.” — Kari Lake, candidate for Governor of Arizona

Queen Kari. I have seen the future of the GOP and it’s Lake and company.

Kari Lake Obliterates Left-Wing Election Rhetoric: It’s Not ‘Divisive’ To Ask Questions

By: Jordan Boyd, The Federalist, September 02, 2022:

Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake wants Democrats and the corrupt corporate media, which constantly demonize the more than 74 million people who voted for former President Donald Trump in the 2020 election, to know there’s nothing wrong with asking questions about election irregularities. In response to a question from what appeared to be a journalist at a campaign event, Lake made that abundantly clear.

“You said you feel like Joe Biden is dividing the country, but do you feel like Donald Trump is doing the same by falsely telling people that he won that election when he lost it?” the man asked at a recent “Kari Lake for Governor” event.

It’s a dishonest, straw-man question meant to bait the Trump endorsee into giving the corporate media ammo for their incessantridiculous “election denier” smears against candidates such as Lake, but the Republican was unfazed.

“Since when can we not ask questions about our elections?” Lake asked. “As a journalist for many years, I was a journalist after 2016 and I distinctly remember many people, just like you, asking a lot of questions about the 2016 election results, and nobody tried to shut you up.”

Lake’s point is valid. Hillary Clinton, Biden’s Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, and a whole slew of congressional Democrats denied that former President Donald Trump was legitimately elected in 2016. Not only that, but they still tout and fundraise on the lie that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election.

“I don’t see how asking questions about an election where there were many problems is dividing a country,” Lake explained. “What I do see dividing a country is shutting people down, censoring people, canceling people, trying to destroy people’s lives when they do ask questions.”

According to Lake, there’s nothing wrong with Americans exercising their freedom of speech to ask questions about elections. Yet the free press that is protected by the same Constitutional Amendment guaranteeing a right to speech repeatedly uses it to tarnish election-integrity supporters.

“Last I heard, we still have the Constitution. It’s hanging by a thread thanks to some of the work some people in this area have done. But we’re going to save that Constitution and we’re going to bring back freedom of speech. And maybe someday you’ll thank us for that,” Lake concluded.


RELATED VIDEO: Kari Lake Responds to Reporter Question on If She’ll Be Trump’s VP

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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.