American Deceit

Time is like a river. You cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Will the Freedom America offered ever be offered again? Prayers go out to the citizens of Ukraine and the other eastern European nations.

I am borrowing a few words from Franklin Graham. Franklin Graham was speaking at the First Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida in January, 2015, when he said America will not come back.

He wrote:

“The American dream ended on November 6th, 2012 in Ohio. The second term of Barack Obama has been the final nail in the coffin for the legacy of the white Christian males who discovered, explored, pioneered, settled and developed the greatest republic in the history of mankind.” The goal of feminists were to emasculate the males.

Memorize: Everything is connected; nothing is random; there are no coincidences; everything has a plan and all plans are based on lies.

Did you hear Victoria Nuland, Under Secretary for Political Affairs say that Russians spread propaganda. Then she blamed you for things they have done.  This is a globalist trick and the D’s have been doing it to the R’s for years often making the R’s cower.  It is a technique called Projection. If you project enough, the issue will be accepted as truth and your opponent will catch most of the blame.

The Globalists (Communists/Fascists/Democrats/RINOS/Islamists) are allowing Ukraine’s war to continue because DEPOPULATION is a GOAL of Sustainability. War helps depopulate.  Now you have to say, what else are they doing. Check out the $1.5 Trill earmark, gun restricting bill Globalist Democrats and RINOS passed in the middle of the night. America will be destroyed from within.

As RACE becomes the dividing factor, there is nothing for whites to be ashamed of in America. Americans did more to help humanity than any other people in history. Contrary to popular belief, civilization didn’t always have cell phones and computers. For the majority of our short time on earth manual labor was all there was.  It doesn’t matter what country, what region, or what cause, there is always a conqueror and always the conquered. The conquered regardless of color always lose all possessions and freedom. They became slaves.  They are often tortured and murdered. It is the way it was and will be.

History has become so distorted the sad part is that the blacks who built America along with the European whites – have had the American Black history replaced with victimhood and hatred. I asked my friend why blacks didn’t see any advancement in America from slavery until today.  His answer was, “Because our leaders know that racism sells and they make lots of money selling.”

Will we let a small coalition of blacks, Latinos, feminists, gays, government workers, union members, environmental extremists, the media, Hollywood, uninformed young people, the “forever needy,” the chronically-unemployed, illegal aliens, and miscellaneous fellow-travelers…End the Constitutional Republic of America? There are more of us than them. Why are we giving them the power? We must fight back. Stop being intimidated. All they have is empty words. Remember “sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never ham me.” Don’t buy into their meaningless name calling.

I listen to the Democrat lies as they reveal themselves. They are so smug. But it appears as though Americans have had enough. Wait until everyone understands the new banking system under the Great Reset.  Due to the new scoring method risk scoring which used to be based on your ability to pay back, is now designed to keep you in line with the government message, America is racist. It’s your white fault, if you disagree you are a domestic terrorist.  We will have Social Credits for humans and ESG, (Environmental, Social [Justice], Governance) for business. Try to get a loan for your not-woke business. Try to get a mortgage if you are MAGA. This NWO crowd is tightening the noose. You will own nothing and be happy is their message.

Watch and listen to candidates. Check their actions. Are they CRT? Do they believe in Diversity, Inclusion, Equity (DIE)?  Did they spew MORE HATRED, aimed to make victims of every minority group imaginable…except for whites, of course. I can not imagine why any white person would vote for a candidate who LIES, calls them names, vote for bills they haven’t read, pushes the White Guilt Complex; and demands MORE MONEY to fix things. Of course they never discuss that their policies created the mess in the first place. I am embarrassed that I once was a Democrat.

To the lefties of America: You do NOT have a RIGHT to tangible objects or material things. GOD gave you the ability to succeed. No one but you is standing in the way of your success. It has nothing to do with the color of your skin. Success has to do with your ability. BUT it is not up to ME to pay for YOUR STUFF. That is YOUR job. How come I don’t hear anyone saying that?

In America, God grants our Rights. (Our Founders recognized this!) The Constitution protects those Rights. If you think life will be better somewhere else, please leave!  Rights are not different for different people under the Constitution. Time to elect new people and go after the criminals.

“We The People.” does not say WE the White people, Black people, Christian people or Jewish people! There are NO divisions in America’s Constitution. The only division comes from those who wish to destroy American headed by America hating globalists like Obama and a regime of globalists, seeking to force on us – their New World Order. Obama TOLD US: “We will fundamentally transform American.” In order to transform, you must first DESTROY. Michelle said: ‘we’ll change History.” And so they have. The JoeBama regime is just a continuation of the Obama regime set out to DESTROY America.

That destruction is well under way. Obama was not the initiator. All our Presidents starting with Bush 41 were Globalists. As far back as Eisenhower, the dream was a world organization headed by the global elite with a merging of Russian/American culture.

The following link is from Roscoe Drummond, Herald Tribune, on an article regarding the U.S., Governors’ visit to the Soviet Union after Pres. Eisenhower signed the initial agreement with Soviet Union (Khrushchev) in 1958:  The Eisenhower-Khrushchev agreement covered planned U.S.-USSR activities in ALL areas. President Reagan followed up in 1985, with the USA-USSR cultural exchange agreement which also contained agreement to merge U.S. and Soviet education systems, currently implemented today under EDUCATION RESTRUCTURING aka NCLB, Common Core, ESEA School to work, Workforce training. Massive documentation regarding the Reagan-Gorbachev agreement can be found here and at the Deliberate Dumbing Down of America (FREE) download.

All the programs are the same they just have new names. Money Power Control is all Globalists care about. These people are the enemy of freedom. It is important that you know, understand and can name the enemy. Don’t view Democrats, RINOS as Americans, they are not. Globalists want to rule the world under a New World Order headed by the United Nations. Don’t try to make sense of anything they do or say. They are only trying to confuse you. Look to see what they are doing like passing bills late at night to take away our rights.  Globalists think they are elite.  They want to destroy the middle class and America. They hate Americans. They hate the US Constitution. Leveling the playing field means bring America in line with other third world countries.  They will not be happy until they own everything and you work for them.

This 2022 election is the last for our republic and if we lose, we will never again out-vote these people. The Globalists have arranged for 300000 illegals to invade America monthly.  Why have the states not closed their borders? Do those governors really think this is a good idea? It will take individual acts of defiance and massive displays of civil disobedience to get back the Rights we have allowed them to take away. It will take zealots, not shy moderates, not reach-across-the-aisle RINOs  to right this ship and restore our beloved country to its former status.

The Biden regime of globalists are dedicated to the collapse of America. Their policies are designed to inflict the most damage to the greatest amount of people. Less people, less problems. They are bleeding America by 1000 cuts. An uneducated society driven by emotion and hatred can not successfully run a country. Open borders,  funding our enemies by buying their oil and other commodities, high inflation, printing more money, out of control spending, CRT, Drugs, trafficking, treaties that call for the merging of America, Canada and Mexico is the plan. Wake up America; they hate us.  They tell us all the time. But we don’t listen and we continue to fund them. Their main goal is MONEY, POWER, CONTROL! Not America. When we buy their stuff, we are doing exactly what Biden is doing buying Globalist oil from communist dictators.   Facebook, Twitter, etc all of their social media sites insure that your gas prices will continue to go up. They own you. You are now the slave; working with big tech, answering questions, providing data for nothing. By sending our kids to public school, buying their stuff,  and using their platforms we are feeding the beast. The only thing they think about is money. Stop giving it to them.

Being an American comes with a JOB. The Founders intended it that way! Being an AMERICAN comes with RESPONSIBILITY. If taught properly in school, students would know the way their government works, understand the Rule of Law, and realize the law does not change for different GROUPS of people. All GROUPS have the same rights under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. This is the framework that our Founders put in place. That is why in America, we have EQUAL JUSTICE under the Law.

Social Justice was created by the communists, in order to rally the groups around victimhood while collecting donations. Social Justice creates justice for a specific group, a protected group status. THINK: Would it not follow that if YOU are not part of that SPECIFIC group, you do NOT HAVE PROTECTION under the LAW? Breaking up into groups is necessary to divide the people. Divided people are easier to CONTROL.

When today’s illegal immigrants come HERE, they are not required to learn our language, or assimilate into our culture! They are used by the left to create a sub culture voting block. They are separated from the existing population and culture. Coming from countries giving minimal free stuff, they can not believe the amount of free stuff they now get from America. They will vote for the group giving the most free stuff. By continuing multi-culturalism, dare I say it? DIVERSITY! – We continue to promote the GROUP or HERD mentality insuring the demise of America’s individualism.

Americans have the power to stop the destruction. Will they, is the question. We must vote in all elections but the primary is key to eliminating RINOS. Don’t let the RINOS split the vote in primaries. If you have one incumbent and many newbees, get behind the top newbie and have the others drop out.  The primary is about winning, not about egos. Do not vote for a D or a RINO. Those criminals just passed a $1.5 Trillion spending bill that no one read. Inflation is being done on purpose.  Pay close attention to local elections. Be prepared. Get protection and food and don’t tell anyone. Today buy anything you think you will need for the next year. We are in for rough times.

Is this how you want to live? Is America worth saving? Now is the time. If not you then who?

©Karen Schoen. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Biden’s Planning On Creating A “New World Order”

On March 20th, 1854 The Opponents of Slavery Founded the Republican Party — Today The GOP Opposes Marxist Slavery

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— for ever.” ― George Orwell, 1984

On March 20th, 1854 in Ripon, Wisconson the Republican Party was founded on the platform to end slavery.

Former members of the Whig Party met to establish a new party to oppose the spread of slavery into the Western territories. According to

The Republicans rapidly gained supporters in the North, and in 1856 their first presidential candidate, John C. Fremont, won 11 of the 16 Northern states. By 1860, the majority of the Southern slave states were publicly threatening secession if the Republicans won the presidency. In November 1860, Republican Abraham Lincoln was elected president over a divided Democratic Party, and six weeks later South Carolina formally seceded from the Union. Within six more weeks, five other Southern states had followed South Carolina’s lead, and in April 1861 the Civil War began when Confederate shore batteries under General P.G.T. Beauregard opened fire on Fort Sumter in South Carolina’s Charleston Harbor.

The Republican Party in 2022 are the Opponents of Marxist Slavery

Fast forward to 2022 and we see the Republican Party, and constitutional conservatives in particular, opposed to the new slavery of Marxism in every community and at every level of government in these the United States of America.

Slavery takes on many forms and has evolved over time as history tells us. Those who seek power seek control. Control is the lifeblood of slavery. Without control the tyrant withers and dies. Marxists always want to make everyone equal, but exclude themselves, as they exert control over every one and every thing.

Control all property, incomes, lives, health care, economy, police, education, culture and you control the individual.

Equity, and its close relatives inclusion and diversity, are the three great myths that are the foundation of a new slavery.

You see equal people are not free and free people are not equal. Inclusion becomes one sided and diversity is a transfer of power from one group to another.

Equity, inclusion and diversity are the new slavery.

Sensoy, Ozlem, and Robin DiAngelo in their book “Is Everyone Really Equal?: An Introduction to Key Concepts in Social Justice Educationwrote:

In order to oppress, a group must hold institutional power in society. In this way, the group is in the position to impose their worldview on others and control the ideas (ideologies), political rules (the technical mechanisms), and social rules for communication (discourses) that we are all taught (socialized) to see as normal, natural, and required for a functioning society. This domination is historical (long-term), automatic, and normalized.

The son of an American slave Daniel Oluwaseun wrote:

“There are all kinds of slavery: some of them are emotional slavery, physical slavery, spiritual slavery and modern slavery. All of them have a great way of enslaving you. And remember, Freedom is not free. It would help if you fought for it. And don’t forget it’s better to die than to be slavery.”

Sadly, we are witnesses to the Democrat Party going full Marxist with their efforts to save the planet via the Green New Deal, control the people using Covid/healthcare institutions as their willing allies and declaring those who speak out against those in charge at every level, from school board to Washington, D.C. enemies of the state. The Department of Homeland Security has now deemed those who spread “mis-, dis or mal-information are “domestic terrorists.”

As Goebbels said, “truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.”

Interestingly the The Republican National Committee is launching an initiative to register voters at gas stations in response to the record surge in gas prices that has Americans paying over $6 per gallon in some areas.

“Don’t like the #BidenGasHike?” Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel tweeted Saturday. “Vote! Republicans are coming to gas stations nationwide to register voters! #LeadRight.”

The Bottom Line

Today, we are in an era of opinion and propaganda. Politicians, the legacy media, social media are now driven by opinion while pushing propaganda and not careful thought. Today Americans are subjected to myths rather than the truth. Today, telling the truth has become a revolutionary act.

America was founded as the new Israel. Our Founding Fathers believed in the power of the God of Abraham and said so in both the Declaration of Independence and in the U.S. Constitution and in the First Amendment there to.

During the National Prayer Breakfast of 1963, President John F. Kennedy said,

“Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.”

Today, men and women alike must pray to be stronger and fight back against this nouveaux slavery called Wokeism.

The new slave masters are simply gradually taking away everything until you concede to their demands. They enslave you using their carefully crafted mis-, dis-, and malicious propaganda of equity, inclusion and diversity.

Welcome to 2022 and the new slavery!

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Forbes Fires Contributor After ‘Numerous’ Articles Exposing Fauci’s Pay For Play

The Fauci fraud must continue, despite his catastrophic polices, in order for the Democrats to maintain totalitarian control. Not one legacy media institution told the truth and reported the facts.

Forbes Removes Contributor After ‘Numerous’ Articles About Fauci

By: Zachary Stieber, The Epoch Times, March 19, 2022:

Forbes has cut off its association with a prolific contributor after he wrote a number of articles about Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Forbes recently removed Adam Andrzejewski, founder and CEO of, as a contributor.

Prior to the action, Andrzejewski had multiple stories on information that he and his group obtained regarding Fauci’s financial situation.

Fauci, the longtime head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, is the highest-compensated federal employee, one article revealed. Another detailed how difficult it was to obtain certain details on Fauci’s job and finances. A third outlined aspects of disclosures released to Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.).

Shortly after the last article, Caroline Howard, an executive editor at Forbes, wrote to Andrzejewski about his choice of topics.

“I see this is your third article on Fauci in 3 weeks. Huh,” Howard wrote, according to a copy of the email published by Andrzejewski.

Howard said one or more articles contained errors and warned the contributor against “straying into advocacy” and to “steer clear of opinion, distortion, speculation, exaggeration, bias, carelessness, half-truths, and deceit.”

Andrzejewski describes himself as a transparency advocate who has solely written about government transparency since starting as a columnist at Forbes in 2014.

The following day, a spokeswoman for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the parent agency of the one Fauci heads, informed Andrzejewski and an editor about “incorrect information” in one of the reports, alleging it was not correct to say Fauci and his wife, a bioethicist at NIH, “‘collected’ $8,100 to attend three galas.”

“Rather, Dr. Fauci accepted invitations for himself and his wife to attend three virtual events during 2020. He never ‘collected’ any money for these events,” she wrote.

The NIH also contested the description of Fauci receiving “travel perks” from McGraw-Hill, writing that Fauci was merely reimbursed for travel to editorial board meetings.

Andrzejewski responded to the first requested edit as “a difference without a distinction” and said he replaced the word “collecting” with “reported,” in addition to adding more details about Fauci’s position with McGraw-Hill and the reimbursements.

Within 24 hours of the NIH email, Randall Lane, a Forbes editor who often worked with Andrzejewski, allegedly called the columnist and told him to stop writing about Fauci. He also said that all topics going forward would have to be pre-approved.

About 10 days later, on Jan. 28, the column was terminated—the same day Forbes published a piece about how Fauci’s portrait will hang in the Smithsonian.

“National Institutes of Health came down hard on Forbes. Forbes came down on me. I told the truth. They pulled the plug,” Andrzejewski told The Epoch Times in an email.

“The size, scope, and power of the government at all levels has grown so substantially over the last 20 years that government bureaus feel empowered to pressure national media organizations. Unfortunately, Forbes folded quickly, which only fuels more government pressure on media,” he added.

Fauci did not respond to a request for comment.

Before the column ended, Andrzejewski had published over 200 articles on the oversight probes he and his group carried out, garnering nearly 17 million views.

A Forbes spokesman confirmed that Andrzejewski is no longer a contributor.

“Forbes regularly removes contributors (note: he wasn’t an employee so he wasn’t fired) who don’t meet our high editorial standards,” the spokesman told The Epoch Times in an email.

Andrzejewski’s “numerous articles on Dr. Fauci’s finances” are still available on the Forbes website, he noted.

Andrzejewski said he plans to keep reporting on Fauci in the future.

“Subject to our federal lawsuit, NIH owes us 1,200 pages of Fauci financial documents, and each page is a potential national news story,” he said. “The agency also owes us 3,000 pages of line-by-line royalty payments. Just think about the treasure-trove of stories coming down the pike soon.”


MSNBC, CNN, PBS embrace Biden rhetoric on inflation, gas price spike: ‘Putin’s price hike a great message’

GOP launches voter registration initiative at gas stations amid surging pain at the pump

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Biden’s Failure is the Left’s Policy Failure

No White House Democrat, certainly not Carter or Clinton, probably not even Obama, unambiguously pursued a radical leftist agenda with as much fervor as Biden.

While Biden may have seemed like an unlikely radical ruler, his shaky mental state allowed his staffers to run things and the growing radicalization of his party, combined with the infamous deal with Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, essentially outsourced the administration to the radical Left.

Lefties insist that their agenda is enormously popular and would connect with the concerns of the average American. The average American disagrees.

Overall, 26% say that Biden’s first year agenda has focused a lot on issues important to average Americans, 38% say it has focused a little on these issues, and 35% say it has not focused at all on the concerns of average Americans. Trump did somewhat better on this metric (37% a lot, 34% a little, and 26% not at all in January 2018).

A basic difference was that Trump talked about items that had clear benefits for Americans. Biden’s agenda is vast and diffuse and mired in lefty talking points. What percentage of the country cares about the green agenda? Worse still, Biden kicked off his early time in office pushing national election rigging election legislation, a topic that engaged GOPers and Dems care a lot about, but most independents are much less interested in.

The difference here is pretty obvious.

Just 38% of Americans feel optimistic about the policies Biden will pursue over the next few years, which is down significantly from 61% who felt optimistic as he took office last year.

Trump was successfully selling a popular agenda. Biden? Not so much. Ask the average independent who isn’t politically opinionated what Biden stands for and they haven’t the faintest idea.

The Biden administration has effectively unrolled a vast policy agenda that has had limited legislative success, but a lot of changes on the ground at the administrative level. But there’s so much of it that people are vague on what’s happening and don’t like what little is gone.



GOP launches voter registration initiative at gas stations amid surging pain at the pump

U.S. Dependent on Russian Uranium, Prices Up 40%

NYC imam quotes Qur’an’s wife-beating verse to argue that men are superior to women, and women should obey them

Iraq: Islamic State jihad blows up his aunt’s house after she refuses to let him marry her daughter

Chechen Mufti: Chechens fight for Russia in Ukraine ‘for the sake of Allah. They are at jihad.’

UK Gives Iran $515,000,000 for 3 Hostages

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Former CIA Officer Puts Current Events Into Perspective

Former CIA Officer Ms. Clare M. Lopez contrasts current events under President Trump and under President Biden and emphasizes the weaknesses of the present administration.

Watch our Arizona Today interview with Clare:


Clare M. Lopez is a strategic policy and intelligence expert with a focus on Middle East, national defense, WMD, and counterterrorism issues. Specific areas of expertise include Islam and Iran. Lopez began her career as an operations officer with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), serving domestically and abroad for 20 years in a variety of assignments, and acquiring extensive expertise in counterintelligence, counternarcotics, and counterproliferation issues with a career regional focus on the former Soviet Union, Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans. She has served in or visited over two dozen nations worldwide, and speaks several languages, including Spanish, Bulgarian, French, German, and Russian, and currently is studying Farsi.

Now a private consultant, Lopez also serves as Vice President of the non-profit forum, The Intelligence Summit, and is a Professor at the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies (CI Centre), where she teaches courses on the Iranian Intelligence Services, and the expanding influence of Jihad and Sharia in Europe and the U.S. She is affiliated on a consultant basis with DoD contractors that provide clandestine operations training to military intelligence personnel. Lopez was Executive Director of the Iran Policy Committee, a Washington, DC think tank, from 2005-2006. She has served as a Senior Scientific Researcher at the Battelle Memorial Institute; a Senior Intelligence Analyst, Subject Matter Expert, and Program Manager at HawkEye Systems, LLC.; and previously produced Technical Threat Assessments for U.S. Embassies at the Department of State, Bureau of Diplomatic Security, where she worked as a Senior Intelligence Analyst for Chugach Systems Integration.

Lopez received a B.A. in Communications and French from Notre Dame College of Ohio (NDC) and an M.A. in International Relations from the Maxwell School of Syracuse University. She completed Marine Corps Officer Candidate School (OCS) in Quantico, Virginia before declining a commission in order to join the CIA. Lopez is a member of the Board of Directors for the Institute of World Affairs and also serves on the Advisory Board for the Intelligence Analysis and Research program and as an occasional guest lecturer at her undergraduate alma mater, NDC. She has been a Visiting Researcher at Georgetown University and a guest lecturer on terrorism, national defense, international relations, and Iran there, at the FBI Academy in Quantico, VA, and the National Defense Intelligence College in Washington, D.C. Lopez is a regular contributor to print and broadcast media on subjects related to Iran, Islam, counterterrorism, and the Middle East and is the co-author of two published books on Iran.

©Arizona Today. All rights reserved.

New York Times Reporter Admits on Hidden Camera that January 6 is a Woke Media Beat-Up

Caught off-guard, a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter tells a different story.

Among the woke, it is an article of faith that January 6 was a deadly insurrection, a stain on the nation that rivals the attacks it suffered in Pearl Harbor during World War II, or in New York on 9/11.

On one of the darkest days of US history — so the story goes — organised mobs of violent Trump supporters stormed the Capitol to prevent the peaceful transfer of power, causing seven deaths and launching one of the worst assaults on American democracy in living memory.

This is the narrative fed to us by Democrat politicians and the corporate press over the last year — including by Matthew Rosenberg, a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter who works as a national security correspondent at the New York Times.

But whoops, here is the same Matthew Rosenberg admitting on hidden camera this month that he and the Times have actually been fibbing about January 6.

“It was like, me and two other colleagues who were there [at the Capitol] outside and we were just having fun!” Rosenberg jokes with his female companion, a Project Veritas plant. January 6 is “not a big deal as they [media] are making it, because they were making too big a deal. They were making this an organised thing that it wasn’t,” he soon adds.

Complaining about younger Times reporters assigned to the story, Rosenberg says, “I know I’m supposed to be traumatised, but like, all these colleagues who were in the [Capitol] building and are like ‘Oh my God it was so scary!’ — I’m like, ‘f*** off! … dude come on, you were not in any danger’.”

The sting journalism practiced by Project Veritas is ruthless and controversial. The footage has been edited, possibly removing context that might soften certain admissions. Moreover, Rosenberg was speaking in a social setting with a couple of drinks under his belt. And he also notes in that candid conversation that some on the right downplay January 6.

Yet, with all of these caveats in place, Matthew Rosenberg’s confessions remain monumental. As Spiked puts it,

America’s newspaper of record tells one thing to the public, but presents a very different view in private. The implication seems to be that us rubes can’t handle the truth. We must let the professionals massage reality for us, lest we try — God forbid! — to make up our own minds.

Most shockingly, Matthew Rosenberg made these remarks at the same time he was submitting his most recent commentary on January 6 to his editors at the Times.

In that piece, published on the anniversary of the Capitol riot, Rosenberg whined that Trump supporters were in the process of rewriting history: reframing January 6 as “no big deal” or as an event exploited by, among others, “FBI planted agents to stir up the crowd”.

That last complaint is key. In the Project Veritas secret recording, Rosenberg unequivocally admits that there were in fact “a ton of FBI informants among the people who attacked the Capitol”.

Any wonder that trust in America’s national media is at an all-time low? Any wonder the United States is so riven by bickering and division?

To be sure, both left and right have been guilty of massaging the events of January 6 for political gain. But only one side holds the megaphone, wielding unrivalled power in all of the institutions that matter.

Rosenberg mourns that right-wingers have used a “furious array of rumour, innuendo, partial facts and outright lies” to mischaracterise the Capitol attack. Perhaps that’s true.

But now he’s gone and told the world that he — and the Gray Lady — have done exactly the same.

What’s next: the New York Times admitting that Hunter Biden’s laptop was real after all?


Kurt Mahlburg

Kurt Mahlburg is a writer and author, and an emerging Australian voice on culture and the Christian faith. He has a passion for both the philosophical and the personal, drawing on his background as a graduate… More by Kurt Mahlburg

RELATED ARTICLE: Political Hoax: Democrats Finally Admit Jan. 6 Committee Is All About Midterms

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Payback Is Coming Due

Payback is coming due once the Republicans regain Congress and invoke “retribution” for the terrible, dangerous and destructive policies of Pelosi, Schumer and the Obama 3/Beijing Joe puppet administration. Democrats should and will be taken down.

No more compromises. No worries about “Civility”.

  • Rules should be changed to facilitate conservative actions just as Pelosi and Schumer have done to facilitate socialism.
  • Dems should be removed from committees where possible.
  • Deals, resolutions, agreements passed by Pelosi House and Schumer Senate should be revoked.
  • Unconstitutional, corrupt laws should be challenged.
  • Overspending using omnibus bills with earmarks holding defense spending hostage to trigger RINOs into voting with Democrats to approve must stop.
  • The threats of govt. shutdowns by Dems and RINOs must not be feared or heeded – shutdowns and their consequences involve huge lies.
  • Immigration laws must be enforced and not continued to be ignored.
  • Security clearances of unelected deep state traitors like Brennan, Clapper, McRaven, Kerry, and many others must be revoked.

And when DJ Trump is re-elected he should totally clean house of every political appointee/non-civil servant in every dept. immediately and then have his carefully selected Cabinet heads proceed to clean house of the anti-American civil servants in their Departments/Divisions.

Yes, by Civil Service rules this will take documentation, counseling and at least a year but it can be done “for the good of the govt.”.

Every Obama 3/Biden Executive Order and/or Administrative policy should be eliminated on day one just like Biden did with Trump’s orders and policies which brought prosperity to our country and its people.  The non-elected Administrative State swamp dwellers must be exposed and shut down.

All current administrative Departments/Divisions are corrupt and in particular, the Department of In-Justice, Dept. Homeland Security, State Department, Department of Defense, INS, FBI, CIA and entire intelligence community are a bunch of socialist, communist traitors and all need to go.

Reminder: These 50 Intelligence Officers Claimed, Without Evidence, That New York Post’s Hunter Biden Story Was Russian Disinformation

By  Ashe Schow

The New York Times on Wednesday finally admitted that the 2020 New York Post story regarding information found on Hunter Biden’s laptop was legitimate.

The Times confirmed the existence of Biden’s laptop in a story about a federal investigation into the son of President Joe Biden.

“People familiar with the investigation said prosecutors had examined emails between Mr. Biden, Mr. [Devon] Archer and others about Burisma and other foreign business activity. Those emails were obtained by The New York Times from a cache of files that appears to have come from a laptop abandoned by Mr. Biden in a Delaware repair shop. The email and others in the cache were authenticated by people familiar with them and with the investigation,” the Times reported.

The information contained on the laptop, first published by the Post in the month before the 2020 election, was undermined by numerous news outlets and social media companies, who tried to suggest it wasn’t real. The Daily Wire previously reported on these attempts by Politico, NPR, The Washington Post, and others.

The Times itself had previously sought to undermine the story with an article titled “New York Post Published Hunter Biden Report Amid Newsroom Doubts,” which emphasized that “The New York Post’s front-page article about Hunter Biden on Wednesday was written mostly by a staff reporter who refused to put his name on it, two Post employees said.”

Read the full article.

©Royal A. Brown, III. All rights reserved.

Conservative School Board Member Blows the Lid off Inner Workings of the Left’s Monopoly on Education

America’s Fight: Conservative School Board Member Blows the Lid off Inner Workings of the Left’s Monopoly on Education

Written by: HANNAH BLEAU

The battle over the nation’s children – from flagrant indoctrination to forced masking – has emerged in the national spotlight during the last two years, becoming a widely-known issue as parents take matters into their own hands after years of the left maintaining a monopoly on the educational system, doing their best to keep the leftist agenda moving forward.

However, in the last year, the woke left’s agenda has been exposed, leading to massive conservative victories, as with Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s (R) monumental victory in Virginia last November. Parents are fired up and taking power back, but this battle started years ago, as parents such as Bridget Ziegler waged a war against the radical left at the local level, even before it became a commonly known national issue. Ziegler shared her story in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News.

The Inner Workings

Ziegler, a mom of three and member of the Sarasota County School Board in Florida, has been at the helm of this fight since joining the board in 2014 – long before wokeness in school was a mainstream topic. At the time, she was the mother of an 8 month old and worked in the private sector, as she still does to this day. Her husband is heavily involved in politics, now serving as the vice chairman of the Florida GOP. But at the time, in 2014, a vacancy appeared on the school board, and he encouraged his wife to run, as she is “passionate” about children’s issues. She ultimately filed and former Gov. Rick Scott (R), now a Florida senator, appointed her at the time. She went on to win the election in a close race and stood out as a “staunch” supporter of school choice, which she said was more of a “taboo at the time.” But the union, she said, “just lost it.”

Ziegler said she began to see things that were “shocking” to her upon joining the board, as it operates very differently than the business world. She described going to the Florida School Board Association meeting, a chapter of the National School Board Association, and at the time the unions were suing the governor and legislature for taxpayer scholarships — something she advocated for. It was odd, she said, for them to utilize taxpayer dollars to send her to this conference where they were touting issues she was against. Seeing this, she and other conservative board members formed the Florida Coalition of School Board Members, which she described as a “small but mighty group” that passed a ton of legislation. While effective, she said the group did not grow exponentially, despite others showing their support, because there was “very much of an indoctrination to school board members, to policy makers.”

“When you get up there and are elected, you’re automatically part of this association and they tell you that your job is to support the superintendent. [It’s] not about protecting, supporting, representing taxpayers or focus on financial stewardship or … it as very much about no dissenting, very much groupthink, get in line,” she said, as this same tactic appears to be the common theme in school boards across the country. Many people, she continued, subscribe to it, even though they claim to be “conservatives.” But when they get on these boards, they “lose their backbone.”

“They’re typically in the minority and then they just wouldn’t fight for a lot of these issues,” she said, noting that many wanted to join the group but did not because they were nervous about losing their posts. Ziegler, however, a conservative firecracker in this realm, refused to go along with business as usual, paving the way for much of the mainstream exposure to the agenda items pushed by these radically left actors serving on school boards across the country as they dictate what children are exposed to in school.

The conservative group worked with the legislature and had 3-4 years of wins and ultimately dissolved, but reframed because they “knew something was there,” particularly with the battle over parental rights. Some participants branched off, such as Tina Descovich, who served as the group’s president, focusing on her group Moms for Liberty.

Ziegler, who said she never planned on going for a third term on the board, stuck around.

“I believe it’s so important and haven’t subscribed to the groupthink. I’ve been independent and been very consistent on my policies over the years. I think we do have a moment to really change the tide and all the things over the last six years that I’ve seen that are so incredibly broken, where people are not serving their community with the student’s best interest. It’s more about the system than it is the student,” she said, pointing to the “big educational industrial complex” and the millions that are “in this same game to protect the system.”

“And then you have the media that plays that role and protects the progressive left agenda that are being pushed in there, and also everyone wants to hide the — you know we can’t say anything negative about the school because then you’re anti-public school. It’s not about correcting issues,” she said.

“It’s about, your job as a school board member is to be a cheerleader, not to be someone that serves the public,” she added.

Hidden Agendas

These school boards across the country often sneak in left-wing agenda items without parents knowing. Ziegler provided an example, pointing to the battle over the Parental Bill of Rights in 2018 in Sarasota County, as it embraced “gender diverse guidelines” as left-wing groups lobbied districts to adapt such “guidelines” – a term that helped them circumvent the board completely, robbing parents of a true say. These guidelines, Ziegler said, essentially stated that it was up to a student to determine what gender identity he or she wanted to go with and forbid staff to contact parents on this issue. She fought against this on the board, which fueled her drive to work with the legislature to draft the Parental Bill of Rights, which took three legislative sessions to pass in 2020.

“But now it’s very well known,” she said, noting that parents were being “systematically cut out of their parents’ education on purpose.”

But in 2020, the indoctrination in the school system continued to become more mainstream nationally as leftists became more emboldened and “aggressive,” partially triggered by the George Floyd protests. As another example of the left sneaking in their hidden agendas, Ziegler described a BrainPOP video— a program used in K-5 “heavily across the country,” which covers a myriad of topics for students and touts which she described as lots of propaganda. One video focused on the George Floyd protests, she said, with undertones about systemic racism and defunding the police. The video, she said, essentially told children that they need to act as an avenue for change.

“[It’s] basically a training video for social justice warriors,” she said, noting that another parent made her aware of the video, so she brought it to the attention of the superintendent. Many were not even aware of this video, she stressed, so it was pulled, although that triggered worries about censorship. These sort of issues continued to become more mainstream as some teachers in the district expressed concerns about professional development – which was supposed to focus on reopening schools – instead centering on training for white privilege and cultural responses.

All of these micro-wins have continued to pile up, causing a groundswell of parents to see what is happening and take back control of their children’s education. Ziegler credited Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) for publicly standing up for parental rights, further nationalizing the issue.

A Crumbling Monopoly

Over the past year, these issues have come to the forefront nationally, serving as a driving force in elections. Between the radical Black Lives Matter agenda and nonessential anti-science coronavirus rules, parents have a clearer picture of the left’s long-held monopoly on their children’s education. And now, leftists are not sure how to handle it.

“Nationally, you see how concerned the left has become because they have had a full on monopoly on public K-12 education — if not all education as we see — and they’re going to extraordinary levels because for the first time, I think they do see it’s at risk.,” she said, pointing to what we are seeing in areas such as Virginia, San Francisco, California. The left, she said, is “pulling out all the stops,” even stooping as low as deeming concerned parents domestic terrorists.

These school boards, she stressed, are innately tied with the Democrat Party, doing their best to coordinate their moves—a stark reminder that change truly does begin at the local level – a reality easily forgotten in a world of national headlines and personalities.

“The coordination that I’ve seen at the local level with the Democratic Party at the national level and state level with our local school boards to — for the mask mandates, to stick it to Gov. DeSantis because it was more about a DeSantis/Biden thing than it was about safety — and then you see now that there is a very strategic, coordinated effort with these foundations,” she said, using Sarasota County as a prime example and walking through the shift she has seen in the last 2-3 years.

Typically, the district would utilize pilot programs through nonprofits, but recently, she said there is a shift where districts — instead of utilizing money they have through funding – will earmark salary positions and fund them through these foundations, giving them a “straight back door into school districts to push programs.”

“And then the district ultimately is overleveraged and then they garner control without being elected,” she said. Leaders such as DeSantis pushing back against the woke agenda has “triggered a lot of these foundations who used to work behind the scenes to double down and go all in,” she said, noting that it is happening in other districts as well.

Media’s Role

The establishment media, in its efforts to protect the left’s agenda, has only exposed the radical left’s agenda more. One recent example is their coverage of the Parental Rights in Education bill, which critics and establishment media outlets falsely deemed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, despite the fact that the bill simply protects children from age-inappropriate classroom discussions about sexual orientation and gender identity, applying to children in kindergarten through third grade.

“Bringing that up has been– I knew it was right,” she said of the discussions over gender identity. The left, she said, is “artful” in their branding when they try to push their agendas, but the “reporting has gotten so ridiculous where they’re pushing the left’s narrative.”

“They’re not [just] reporting on the left’s narrative. They’re pushing the left’s narrative, just the same way like the textbook material and all that stuff is not just covering historical aspects,” she said. “They’re pushing a narrative. And so that is why I believe there’s so much concern because there’s way more awareness to it and they worked for decades to really play this ground game.”

“And they have, between Gov. DeSantis being completely fearless when it comes to punching back, whether it be the media or education bureaucrats or the work school board members or the union, he’s not backing down and thank goodness,” she continued.

The more DeSantis pushes back, she continued, the more people get “excited and applaud,” but the left “who’s been in complete control for so long” is “going to extreme measures and like you see, you see the media kind of becoming unhinged and being reckless with their reporting.”

A “Wild” Moment

“If wasn’t on the school board — I don’t fault parents. I wouldn’t necessarily know who my school members were,” she said, speaking about the national awakening.

“I mean, I might because my family’s a little bit more politically active than the average person, but I understand that that’s how — I understand that’s why when COVID happened, people started to see and showed up to school board meetings and were met with complete disdain of which I had a front row seat to for years. They were shocked.”

It was something to behold as school board members kept “doubling down,” Ziegler explained. She said it was almost as if the school board members and the left “didn’t know how to change their behavior because they’ve been doing it so long and normally people burn out, they go away.”

That was not happening this time.

In her experience, Ziegler said it takes more time to see a change, “but they [the left] can’t help themselves because they’re so drunk on the power and shameless.”

“Because historically, they’ve been able to run out the clock,” she said, identifying that tactic as a basic in the playbook of education.

That’s what is “wild about this moment,” she said, as these issues she has been fighting for are finally mainstream. “It’s just like — I use this phrase a lot, but I feel like I was screaming in a crowded room but no-one would hear me.”

The Continued Fight

It will be “interesting” to see how this continues to play out moving forward, particularly ahead of the midterm elections, Ziegler noted. The battle against Critical Race Theory (CRT), for example, was fresh in Virginia, serving as a catalyst for Youngkin’s victory. But in Florida, parents were not subjected to two years of closures, remote learning, and forced masking (outside of 11 counties). DeSantis listened to parents and waged a war against it all, long before the Democrat Party and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) decided to loosen mandates because they were getting crushed in the polls. But in other places in the country, she said, parents are grappling with some of those issues. Ultimately, she said it “remains to be seen” how this plays out in the future, as parents likely will not forget what the left put them through.
“It’s almost Marie Antionette-style ‘Let them eat cake,’” she said. “They’re so disregarding.” And still, people are still showing up – those who never voted or paid attention — “and those people are mobilizing and activating people,” she added.

Some parents, she said, may not be as vocal, but when it comes down to decision time, “it’s hard to forget the complete disregard that they were met with when it came to policy decisions impacting their children.”

The left is “going to try very hard to make them forget … and try to flip the script,” she warned, noting there are “still a lot of people who are just fed up with government institutions in and of itself.”

“And I think you’ll see more conservative and even moderates all in to see — certainly for someone like Gov. DeSantis and school board members willing to serve parents and serve the people,” she said.

However, Ziegler warned that the left will pull out all the stops to create their narrative and brand their opponents in a very particular way, “just like they do with DeSantis.”

They use extreme labels and see what sticks, she said.

“That is their playbook. And they do it well. And they play nasty” to maintain their power, she added.

Local Beginnings, National Results

While this movement made national headlines, there is still work to be done at the local level, as that is what has triggered so much of this change in awareness. Ziegler, for instance, has been in the minority since she has been on the “nonpartisan” school board, with the majority of school board members serving as “progressive liberal” members – the “norm” across the state and country, Ziegler explained.

However, that could soon change. Of the five school board seats in the county, three are up, including Ziegler’s, as she is running again. But the other two are not running for reelection. In other words, if Ziegler wins reelection and they flip just one of the open seats, they will successfully flip the entire board.

“And that’s big deal because we have, from a party standpoint again, the Republicans are very, from a conservative standpoint, very focused on school board and in Sarasota have the chairman of the party and the vice chairman of the party in Sarasota County” she said.

“Gov. DeSantis is obviously been a big champion of parental rights and has highlighted some of the work I’ve done which put even more emphasis on that race,” she added.

©HANNAH BLEAU All rights reserved.

The Myth That the Marshall Plan Rebuilt Germany’s Economy After WWII

The Marshall Plan didn’t rebuild Germany after World War II. Sound money did.

In 1939, Germany had a GDP of nearly $400 billion, having surpassed the USSR to make it the second most powerful economy in the world, behind the US. In 1946, following years of war, Germany’s GDP had dropped to just $160 billion, lower than the UK and France. Food production had been reduced by 50 percent, housing stock by 20 percent, and industrial output by 33 percent.

Yet by 1955, German GDP was back near $400 billion, once again overcoming that of the UK. Industrial output had quadrupled by 1958 with a steady rate of growth of about 8 percent each year throughout the 50s.

This “economic miracle” is commonly referred to as die Wirtschaftswunder. But how did Germany go from rubble to riches in just a decade while neutral countries like Spain merely treaded economic water? If you ask your average American history student, they will say the Marshall Plan, of course!

Unfortunately, the ubiquity of the myth that the Marshall Plan rebuilt Germany is proof that state-controlled education favors propaganda over economic literacy. Despite the fact that most modern historians don’t give the Marshall Plan much credit at all for rebuilding Germany and attribute to it less than 5 percent of Germany’s national income during its implementation, standard history textbooks still place it at the forefront of the discussion about post-war reconstruction.

Consider this section from McDougal Littell’s World History (p. 968), the textbook I was given in high school:

“This assistance program, called the Marshall Plan, would provide food, machinery, and other materials to rebuild Western Europe. As Congress debated the $12.5 billion program in 1948, the Communists seized power in Czechoslovakia. Congress immediately voted approval. The plan was a spectacular success.”

Of course, the textbook makes no mention of the actual cause of the Wirtschaftwunder: sound economic policy. That’s because, for the state, the Marshall Plan makes great statist mythology.

Not only is it frequently brought up to justify the United States getting involved in foreign conflicts, but it simply gives support for central planning. Just look at the economic miracle the government was able to create with easy credit, they say.

And of course, admitting that the billions of dollars pumped into Germany after WWII accomplished next to nothing, especially when compared to something as simple as sound money, would be tantamount to admitting that the government spends most of its time making itself needed when it isn’t and thereby doing little besides getting in the way.

You are unlikely to find the real cause of the Wirtschaftwunder mentioned in any high school history textbook, but here is what it was. In 1948, the economist and future Chancellor of West Germany Ludwig Erhard was chosen by the occupational Bizonal Economic Council as their Director of Economics. He went on to liberalize the West German economy with a number of good policies, the most important being currency reform.

The currency in Germany immediately after WWII was still the Reichsmark, and both the Nazis and then the occupying Soviet authorities had increased the amount in circulation significantly. As a result, by 1948 the Reichsmark was so worthless that people had turned to using cigarettes and coffee as money.

To give people a true store of value so that they could calculate economic costs accurately, assess risk and invest in the future, Erhard created the Deutsche Mark, West Germany’s new currency. Like ripping off a bandaid, he decreased the money supply by 93 percent overnight.
It’s also worth noting that while Erhard, following his school of Ordoliberalism, did form a central bank, it was at least designed independent from the government and followed a hard-money policy (preserving a stable amount of money) through the length of the Wirtschaftswunder. In fact, the original Bank Deutsche Länder was rather limited in scope until it was reorganized as the considerably more centralized Bundesbank in 1957, incidentally when Germany’s economic miracle began to lose steam.

Other notable liberal policies instituted by Erhard included removing all price controls and lowering taxes from the Nazis’ absurd 85 percent to 18 percent. The American occupational authorities opposed these reforms, but Erhard went through with them anyway. This liberalization had an immediate effect. The black market disappeared almost overnight, and in one year, industrial output almost doubled.

Perhaps most poignantly, unemployment dropped from more than 10 percent to around 1 percent by the end of the 1950s. Normally the government tries to justify currency manipulation as a means to eliminate unemployment, but the Wirtschaftwunder is evidence that sound money does the job far better.

So what can the truth of the Wirtschaftswunder teach us, other than that the government prefers promoting itself over real economic education? As politicians increasingly destroy our economies with inflationary monetary policy while simultaneously trying to convince us that these very policies are the only way to save us, the lessons of post-war Germany only become more relevant.

What I’ve always taken away primarily is the simplicity and speed of the Wirtschaftswunder. While the Federal Reserve debates endlessly whether to raise rates and how much, our economy becomes increasingly weighed down by miscalculated investments, rising prices, and stagnating wages. The wealthy regulators with their hands on the money printer may make these seem like complicated problems, but look at how the post-apocalyptic economy of post-war Germany healed in mere months under sound money, deregulation, and low taxes.

Will our politicians and central bankers ever admit such a simple cure? As long as they can hide it from us, I doubt it.


Christian Monson

Christian Monson is a writer and journalist covering subjects from motorcycles and guns to economics and European history. You can see more of his work at

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Australian News Anchor Shreds Kamala Harris

Kamala is what happens when you choose people for key roles not according to their ability, experience, or acumen, but according to their gender or their skin color.

Watch as an Australian News Anchor Shreds Kamala Harris:

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


FDA Approved ‘Smart Pills’ That ‘Digitally Track’ Patients — What’s Next?

“You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I’m offering is the truth. Nothing more.” – Morpheus to Neo, The Matrix

In a January 21st, 2022 column titled “Are RFID Computer Chips the new Mark of the Beast?” we warned:

I have written about how technology can be used for both good and evil. Technology has become ubiquitous, it is everywhere. Our children and grandchildren are becoming more addicted to technology, as they do so the evil side may rear its ugly head.

Will your grandchild become a microchip’s pet? Is it immoral to have a human become the “pet” of a microchip? Is the subcutaneous microchip the new “mark of the beast”?

BTW: Pet is another name for slave.

On November 13th, 2017 the Food and Drug Administration issued a press release titled “FDA approves pill with sensor that digitally tracks if patients have ingested their medication.”

The FDA press release stated:

For Immediate Release:

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved the first drug in the U.S. with a digital ingestion tracking system. Abilify MyCite (aripiprazole tablets with sensor) has an ingestible sensor embedded in the pill that records that the medication was taken. The product is approved for the treatment of schizophrenia, acute treatment of manic and mixed episodes associated with bipolar I disorder and for use as an add-on treatment for depression in adults.

The system works by sending a message from the pill’s sensor to a wearable patch. The patch transmits the information to a mobile application so that patients can track the ingestion of the medication on their smart phone. Patients can also permit their caregivers and physician to access the information through a web-based portal.

“Being able to track ingestion of medications prescribed for mental illness may be useful for some patients,” said Mitchell Mathis, M.D., director of the Division of Psychiatry Products in the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. “The FDA supports the development and use of new technology in prescription drugs and is committed to working with companies to understand how technology might benefit patients and prescribers.”

It is important to note that Abilify MyCite’s prescribing information (labeling) notes that the ability of the product to improve patient compliance with their treatment regimen has not been shown. Abilify MyCite should not be used to track drug ingestion in “real-time” or during an emergency because detection may be delayed or may not occur.

Smart Pills

Smart pills, also known as digital pills, are medications prescribed to patients that are equipped with edible electronic sensors that send wireless message to devices like patches, tablets or smartphones outside the body when they are ingested.

Watch this World Economic Forum discussion on smart pills:

On December 9th, 2019 in a MedCityNews article titled “New ‘smart pill’ maker gains FDA approvalElise Reuter reported:

EtectRx is one of a few companies helping track medication adherence. But some patients find the tech hard to swallow.

As Proteus Digital Health struggles to sell investors on its “smart pills”, a new competitor has entered the space. Florida-based startup etectRx secured approval from the Food and Drug Administration for its sensor technology on Monday.

EtectRx creates tiny wireless sensors that are embedded in medications, which are activated once they reach a patient’s stomach. Patients wear a lanyard-based reader while they’re taking their medicine, which sends that data to a secure smartphone application. It also pushes out a notification to the patient’s physician.

[ … ]

The market for medication adherence is clear. Patients don’t take their medication up to 50% of the time, according to a 2005 study in the New England Journal of Medicine. Pharmaceutical companies also have a stake in adherence; they lose billions each year when patients don’t refill their prescriptions.

[ … ]

Like many of its peers, the company will also face challenges in securing patients’ trust and keeping costs low.  Competitor Proteus faced obstacles with the cost of Abilify MyCite, which rings in at $1,650 per month, well over the cost of the generic equivalent. Some patients also had privacy qualms over the solution, which involved wearing a patch that would detect when the medication was taken.

The Bottom Line

On February 25th, 2020’s healthy skeptic Suzanne B. Robotti wrote:

Abilify’s Digital Tracker: Did Big Brother just enter your body through your medicine?

The manufacturers of Abilify introduced a “smart pill” version called Abilify MyCite (digital aripiprazol) which tracks if a patient has taken the pill– it’s a digital ingestion tracking system.

[ … ]

The sensor (which was approved separately from Abilify) that is embedded in Abilify its own set of side effect risks. The manufacturing company notes that more than 12% of those in the clinical trial suffered from skin rashes in reaction to the patch used to receive the transmission from the pill. I couldn’t find any information on how the body expels the sensor and the effect of wireless transmission from inside a body.

[ … ]

The base drug, Abilify (aripiprazole) has significant side effects, the most serious are an increased risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in children, adolescents and young adults taking antidepressants, but there are many others, too. See the interviews with Candida Fink, MD below. Dr. Fink is a member of MedShadow’s Medical Advisory Board.

“Looking into this, it seems like there was almost no quality research at all done on the ‘digital’ Abilify – comparing risks  or outcomes – with standard Abilify. None of my colleagues have used it,” Dr Fink told MedShadow. “Personally, I would not see a reason to use it without more data.”


Overall, 18.0% of children aged 0–11 years, 27.0% of adolescents aged 12–19, 46.7% of adults aged 20–59, and 85.0% of adults aged 60 and over used prescription drugs in the past 30 days.

Prescription drug use among males at 41.5% but is less than females who are at 50.0%, although the pattern differs by age.

As we are prescribed medication can the government mandate, for our own health, we take smart pills?

Is this the next step in big brother is watching you?

To take a smart pill or not to take a smart pill, that is the question.

How far down the rabbit hole are you willing to go?

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

INFANTICIDE: Democrats Propose Law That Would Allow BABIES TO BE KILLED Up to 28 days After Birth

Sick to my stomach. Imagine, this is the party in charge. We’ve played nice for too long.

Babies could be killed 28 days after birth under proposed Maryland law, attorney warns.

Senate Bill 669 could be interpreted to allow for infanticide through the first month after the baby is born, a legal analyst says.

ANNAPOLIS, Maryland (LifeSiteNews) – Legislation proposed in the Maryland Senate would allow babies to be left to die for as long as the first 28 days after birth, according to analysis from a pro-life attorney.

Senate Bill 669 is also known as the Pregnant Person’s Freedom Act of 2022, but the problems go beyond the use of “person” in place of accurate references to women having babies. Senator William Smith, a Democrat, sponsored the legislation, which will have a hearing on March 15.

“[T]he bill also proposes a revision of the fetal murder/manslaughter statute that would serve to handcuff the investigation of infant deaths unrelated to abortion,” American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) attorney Olivia Summers wrote in her analysis.

This is because the legislation prohibits investigations and criminal prosecutions for women and medical professionals for a “failure to act” in relation to a “perinatal death.”

“In other words, a baby born alive and well could be abandoned and left to starve or freeze to death,” Summers wrote, “and nothing could be done to punish those who participated in that cruel death.”

She said that the language used is unclear, so the law could be interpreted to “prevent investigations into the death of infants at least seven days AFTER their birth, and may extend to infants as old as four weeks!”

The Maryland Code does not define “perinatal,” Summers said. A 2020 law does define “perinatal care” as the “provision of care during pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum and neonatal periods.”

A definition on MedicineNet, a website owned by WebMD, defines it as “the 20th to 28th week of gestation” to “1 to

Summers, with the ACLJ, noted in her analysis that the state already has a safe haven law that allows parents to leave a newborn baby with a responsible adult without fear of prosecution.

“Under the Safe Haven law, a distressed parent who is unable or unwilling to care for their infant can safely give up custody of their baby, no questions asked,” the Maryland Department of Human Services explains. “Newborns can be left at hospitals or law enforcement stations.”

“There is absolutely no reason for Maryland Senate Bill 669’s attempt to prevent someone who lets their baby die from being investigated,” Summers said. ”This bill just further exposes the complete lack of regard abortion advocates have for innocent human life.”

“If they truly want to protect life and women, then legislators could simply extend the length of the safe harbor provision already in place,” she said.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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PROPAGANDA WATCH: MSNBC, CNN, PBS Echo Biden’s Lie that Putin Caused Gas Price Hikes

“Gas prices have risen 59% since Biden took office — prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.”

These are not news outlets, and have not been for a long time. They exist in order to propagate the socialist globalist line, and to act as a PR arm for the Democrat Party.

MSNBC, CNN, PBS embrace Biden rhetoric on inflation, gas price hike: ‘Putin’s price hike a great’ message

by Nikolas Lanum, Fox News, March 17, 2022 (thanks to the Geller Report):

Liberal pundits and journalists have claimed that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is the true catalyst behind the rising cost of American goods, including gasoline, all while deflecting criticism aimed at President Biden and his administration.

Despite the possible impact of the White House’s rampant spending and progressive energy policies, many outlets brushed and laughed off criticisms levied against the Biden administration, instead bending over backward to link inflation and the cost of oil explicitly to the turmoil in Ukraine.

Last Thursday, Biden said the recent inflation report is representative of the negative impacts Americans are feeling as a result of Putin’s actions.

“Today’s inflation report is a reminder that Americans’ budgets are being stretched by price increases and families are starting to feel the impacts of Putin’s price hike. A large contributor to inflation this month was an increase in gas and energy prices as markets reacted to Putin’s aggressive actions,” Biden said in a written statement.

NBC was responsible for a number of attempts to tie the recent war in Europe to price hikes hitting Americans, in many cases even repeating Biden’s newly coined “Putin price hike” phrase.

“Well, here at home, the toll of the war is having an ever greater impact on the U.S. economy. With soaring inflation and gas prices, Americans are paying more,” co-host Savannah Guthrie said at the top of a Friday NBC “Today” segment.

That same day on “3rd Hour Today,” co-host Craig Melvin provided an intro reminiscent of Guthrie’s words.

“Meanwhile, that war in Ukraine having quite the impact here at home, where just about everything is costing more these days, in some cases a lot more,” said Melvin, before asking correspondent Morgan Chesky about the “driving forces” behind the price increases.

“…the Biden administration is very much calling this ‘Putin’s price hike,’ with this war ongoing, there will be a significant impact going forward,” Chesky responded.

During MSNBC’s “MTP Daily with Chuck Todd,” chief Washington correspondent Andrea Mitchell said that calling inflation “Putin’s price hike” was a “great way” to message the issue.

The show’s host, Chuck Todd, also hopped on the “Putin price hike” bandwagon during the segment and added that Biden’s commitment to keeping the war in Ukraine, by utilizing sanctions, was another possible way for the president to portray the issue positively to the American people.

Many show hosts, as well as their guests, also urged viewers to ignore Republican claims that Biden is responsible for rising gasoline costs and instead instructed them to blame Putin and American energy companies.

“[Republicans] are blaming Biden for rising gas prices. Meanwhile, guess who gets off scot-free? Not just Putin, but the big oil and gas companies,” said Mehdi Hasan during his Monday MSNBC show….

On CNN, media correspondent Brian Stelter asked whether the media could engage in an “honest” conversation on gas prices, before pivoting to lambast media outlets “exaggerating” fuel costs. The “Reliable Sources” host then made mention of a New York Times “fact-check” explicitly entitled “Republicans wrongly blame Biden for rising gas prices.”

On March 10, “CNN Newsroom” co-host Alisyn Camerota engaged in a discussion on inflation with global economic analyst Rana Foroohar.

“Politicians act as though it’s President Biden that caused inflation and that he can fix this,” Camerota said as Foroohar laughed….

Gas prices have risen 59% since Biden took office — prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine — with the nationwide average hovering just over $4.30, according to the report….


How the New York Times Celebrates Rashida Tlaib

The Border Is Open, and al-Qaeda Is Calling on Jihadis to Come In

Biden’s handlers preparing for new mass migration of up to 170,000 across Southern border

Islamic State jihadis plotted to assassinate France’s Macron

Switzerland: Muslim migrant beheads his wife because a car mechanic wanted to repair her car for free

Palestinian Authority TV falsely claims Jews began to ‘to curse Prophet Muhammad inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Are Education Bureaucrats Putin’s Greatest Ally?

The Biden Administration is about to roll out new science education standards that introduce the concept of climate change at a much younger grade level and expand on the subject throughout middle and high school. The new standards, which have already been adopted by over half of the states (but not Texas), include plans for fifth graders to develop “an understanding that the earth is warming” [but not, perhaps, that this warming period began over a century ago].

The new mandate to “teach” climate change as dogma must be music to the ears of the American Federation of Teachers (and, yes, the National Education Association, which goes about its indoctrination business with a bit less fanfare).

Back in 2017, the AFT culminated phase 1 of its “climate change” campaign by passing a resolution urging all its affiliates to divest from all investments in fossil fuel companies. The call followed a 2012 AFT resolution to “educate” the public about climate change and lobby elected officials to discourage the use of fossil fuels.

In the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, teacher unions have used their clout first to force total shutdowns of public schools, outrageous mask mandates, and all manner of social engineering that lies far outside the traditional “reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic” palette for America’s schools. Dissenters were ostracized, banned, or even arrested for trying to attend mandatory classes, and in some cases separated from their parents by court orders.

Imagine what they will do to “climate obstructionists” if given the chance.

But we should not be surprised that the teacher unions have become an instrument of coercion, including “climate change” conformity, in the new America. It is, after all, part of the grand strategy of Karl Marx to destabilize free societies by declaring that “the quest for profit [from natural resources] is immoral and will ultimately destroy the planet unless ground to a halt.”

Marx was an environmentalist pioneer, first by demanding that government control all land use so that no individual could exploit the land for personal gain. Not even farmers. And, as The Epoch Times reports, Marxism pairs the conflict between productive forces and the relations of production with the conflict between the environment of production (the ecosystem) and the productive forces (capitalism). [John Dewey, championed by unions as the founder of modern American education, has been called “Stalin’s propagandist.”]

Perhaps people are awakening, thanks to the excesses of the lockdown movement stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet the COVID censorship, and the censorship by social media, news media, and cancel culture that has been so objectionable in regard to questioning the vaccines and mandates is little different from the censorship imposed by the so-called “scientific” community over dissent from the climate agenda.

Except that the COVID censors have opened new territory for climate censorship. As if de-platforming, cutting off research funds, firing from tenured university positions, and picketing of homes were not enough. The power elites now (thanks to Barack Obama and Justin Trudeau) have the option to cut off access to banking and credit. It seems clear enough that the totalitarians are afraid of “inconvenient truths” that depart from their orthodoxy and thus weaken their grip.

The American Left has long championed environmentalism as a tool for overthrowing capitalist societies. The fear factor worked so well to thwart “the peaceful uses of nuclear energy” (as touted by President Eisenhower) and bring heavy hatred of nuclear power plants that is rampant despite new generations of very safe modular reactors. So why not, they thought, use the same tactics against fossil fuels – by claiming they are “killing the planet” (rather than bringing billions out of poverty).

For decades, the American political establishment quietly acceded to increasing portions of the “green/red” agenda, giving the Environmental Protection Agency unchecked power to thwart development and punish landowners; using the Endangered Species Act to close off federal, state, and even private lands from “exploitation”; and at the same time empowering unfriendly nations to exploit their own resources at will (the Kyoto Protocols and Paris climate agreements are prime examples).

Ignored when first uncovered, Russia’s heavy role in supporting anti-fracking, pro-green efforts by Western nonprofits have resurfaced in the wake of rising gasoline prices and the Biden Administration’s dogmatic position against Americans’ production and use of fossil fuels. Biden is quite willing to purchase state-controlled oil and gas from Marxist nations (and even from the terror state of Iran). Just not from Texas, Pennsylvania, or Canada.

2018 report from the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology revealed a coordinated effort by Russia and its allies to funnel millions of dollars through the Sea Change Foundation to the Sierra Club, the Conservation Voters League, and others to suppress the widespread adoption of fracking in Europe and the U.S. One tactic was flooding social media with anti-fracking and anti-fossil fuel messaging. By limiting U.S. and European production (without any reductions in demand), the Russians sought – and won – increased market share for their own fossil fuels.

Curiously, Hillary Clinton complained during her 2016 campaign that “phony environmental groups” were funded by Russia to rail against fracking, pipelines, and even oil and gas leasing, then claimed falsely that President Trump was in Putin’s pocket even as he championed the fracking that the Russians had hoped to squelch. Then she supported a Biden Administration that would carry out the entirety of the Russian campaign to downsize the U.S. energy industry.

As the evidence mounts that the Biden shutdown of U.S. energy has both emboldened and enriched Putin’s Russia, Americans need to look at the institutions that have helped the Russian cause and clean house. Directly challenging the teacher unions and their anti-fossil fuels stance is a good place to start.


Duggan Flanakin

Duggan Flanakin is the Director of Policy Research at the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow. A former Senior Fellow with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, Mr. Flanakin authored definitive works on the creation of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and on environmental education in Texas. A brief history of his multifaceted career appears in his book, “Infinite Galaxies: Poems from the Dugout.”

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Net-Zero and ESG are Worsening the Energy Crisis – and Weakening the West

The day after President Biden announced that the United States would ban imports of Russian oil and gas, a group of eleven powerful European investment funds that includes Amundi, Europe’s largest asset manager, outlined plans to force Credit Suisse, Switzerland’s second largest bank, to cut its lending to oil and gas companies. The juxtaposition of these two events dramatizes the fundamental disunity of the West. At the same time as the Biden administration is sanctioning Russian oil and gas producers, Western investors are sanctioning Western ones. Under the banner of ESG (environmental, social and governance) investing, the West’s capital is being deployed to create an artificial shortage of oil and gas produced by its companies and reward non-Western oil and gas producers such as Russia and Iran with higher prices. In doing so, the West is undermining its own security interests.

Before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, energy markets were already extremely tight. In the past, high oil and gas prices stimulated a supply-side response leading to increased output and to prices falling back. This relationship has broken down. According to analysts at JP Morgan, capital spending by S&P Global 1200 energy companies peaked in 2015 at just over $400 billion and shrank to around $120 billion last year – less than half its previous trough of $250 billion in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, even though global demand is now around 15% higher than it was then.

Over the past decade and throughout the pandemic, investors could earn higher returns elsewhere, such as in tech – but with soaring prices, that assumption doesn’t hold any longer. In remarks to oil executives at the CERAWeek energy conference in Houston last week, Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm pointed the finger at Wall Street. “Your investors are demanding climate action,” she told an audience filled with executives of energy firms. To ESG investors, climate action means deliberately starving oil and gas producers of capital for non-financial reasons, leading to under-investment and rising prices.

Granholm is being a lot more honest than Fatih Birol, executive director of the International Energy Agency (IEA). “The current high energy prices are nothing to do with net zero,” Birol told The Guardian last month. “This is not a clean energy crisis, or a renewable energy crisis. These claims are irresponsible and are being used to attack public support for the net zero transition.” In fact, it is Birol who is being irresponsible. He understands as well as anyone that the net zero transition involves ramping up investment in renewable energy and throttling investment in new oil, gas, and coal production down to zero. He knows this, because in May of last year, the IEA released its Net Zero by 2050 roadmap for the energy sector, arguing for exactly this.

The IEA’s net zero scenario for 2050 relies heavily on “ever-cheaper” wind and solar. Nuclear barely gets a look in, and the IEA magically solves the intermittency problem of wind and solar by not mentioning the word “intermittency” once in the report’s 224 pages. By ignoring the inherent limitations of weather-dependent electricity generation, the IEA gave its imprimatur to a green fantasy of near 100% renewable electricity generation, with fossil fuels playing an insignificant role in keeping the electrical grid stable and the lights on. This fiction was necessary to justify the report’s most quoted passage. “Beyond projects already committed as of 2021, there are no new oil and gas fields approved for development,” it said of its net zero pathway, meaning that “the focus for oil and gas producers switches entirely to output – emissions reductions – from the operation of existing assets.”

ESG investors and climate activists seized on the IEA’s call to stop all investment in new oil and gas production. “This is a huge step forward for the IEA and an important signal that the world must move away from fossil fuels today – not tomorrow,” the World Resources Institute blogged. “1.5C means no new fossil fuels, says the IEA,” ShareAction, the group co-ordinating the Credit Suisse proxy fight, declared, referring to the 1.5-degree maximum warming target. “The new scenario will make uncomfortable reading for many companies – and those that finance them.”

This article originally appeared at Real Clear Energy


Rupert Darwall

Rupert Darwall is a Senior Fellow at the RealClear Foundation.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.