Russia Bombs Nuclear Power Plant, Threatening Disaster ’10 Times Larger Than Chernobyl’

President Joe Biden took a late-night call from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Thursday to discuss reported fighting between military forces near a nuclear power plant in Ukraine.

Ukraine’s state emergency service said Friday that a fire erupted at a training facility outside a nuclear power plant amid heavy fighting between Russian and Ukrainian forces, Reuters reported. Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba had claimed on Twitter that the Zaporizhzhia plant could cause a disaster “10 times larger than Chernobyl,” though other reports have suggested the threat is less severe.

Ukrainian officials reportedly said the Zaporizhzhia plant had been secured after the fighting broke out.

The White House confirmed Biden discussed the situation in his call with Zelenskyy. The two leaders urged Russia to stop “military activities” near the plant and allow local firefighters to contain the flames.

Fox News reporter Trey Yingst stated the threat of a Chernobyl-style disaster has been overblown, however.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) announced late Thursday that it was aware of reports of shelling at the plant and is in contact with Ukrainian authorities.

Ukraine officials later told the IAEA that the fire “has not affected ‘essential’ equipment” and that “plant personnel” were “taking mitigatory actions,” according to a tweet.

Ukraine’s nuclear regulator informed IAEA that there is “no change reported in radiation levels at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant site,” the organization tweeted early Friday.

This is a developing story. Check back soon for updates.



White House correspondent.


Former Top Trump Official Argues Biden’s Russia Sanctions Are ‘Half Measures,’ Contain Loopholes

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Kamala Mocked for Childlike Explanation of Ukraine Crisis

Exclusive from Gen. Flynn: Here’s How We Can End the Ukraine Crisis Today

Putin Threatens Retribution if America Intervenes in Ukraine Invasion

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Our plastic world — and plastic selves

We no longer think of ourselves as subject to the world’s fixed nature, or of it as having an objective authority or meaning.

The idea that the self is something plastic — that, we believe, we can shape in any way we wish — is the West’s reigning idea of selfhood. This idea especially shapes our thinking about our sexual natures.

The sexually autonomous view of the self gained widespread prominence during the 1960s and has remained influential since then. Our changing understanding of “the self” is closely tied to shifts in our understanding of the world. Indeed, this idea of the self is arguably just one example of a much broader view of the whole of reality.

To clarify this, it is useful to engage in a thought experiment. If I had been born in England in the fourteenth century, I would have lived in a world that I would have considered stable and fixed. Wherever I was born in the social hierarchy — peasant, noble, or king — that is where I would have remained.

In all likelihood, I would have been born to a family that worked the soil as peasant farmers. My career path would thus have been determined at birth: I would grow up to be a peasant farmer. My geographical placement would have been fixed as well, as travel, let alone emigration, would have been difficult and pointless.

Everything I needed would have been in the village or town where I was born. I would have had a wide extended family with whose members I was familiar. I would probably have met the girl I was to marry fairly early in life. I would have been baptised, married, and buried in the same church. And my children — as well as my children’s children — would have experienced much the same.

My religion would not be a choice, since the Catholic Church was the only religion available in my town. And my life on an annual basis would have been shaped decisively by the rhythm of the seasons: I needed to sow my crops in the spring, not the winter, and harvest them in the autumn, not the summer, praying for appropriate rain and sunshine in the interim. In short, my world would have been very fixed and very stable.

Our world is very different. Mass transportation, migration, education, social mobility, technology, science, medicine: all of these things and more have served to make the world a much more plastic place than it was in 1400.

I will look at a few specifics below, but notice here the general picture: where once the world was fixed and therefore I needed to find my place within it (a place that was itself rather fixed), now its lack of fixity inclines me to think that the world can actually be shaped to my will.

I was born the son of a small-town accountant and lived in Gloucestershire as a child, attending a state grammar school; but, unlike my parents, I went to college, gained an undergraduate and a postgraduate degree, and, having worked at four previous institutions on both sides of the Atlantic, I am now a professor of humanities at a college in western Pennsylvania.

My fate was not set by the circumstances of my birth; the world in which I live is one that I consider to be largely the result of my own free choices. Now, emigration might not be part of everyone’s experience of life, but most people in the West today think of the world as far more flexible, even fluid, than anyone in 1400 would have thought. In 1400, the world seemed fixed, stable, and solid. Today it seems as pliable as Play-Doh.

Technology and plasticity

To put it bluntly, the modern cultural imagination sees the world as raw material to be shaped by the human will. Perhaps the most important factor in shaping this has been technology. To return to the medieval farmer: his life was utterly dependent on the soil available in his locale and upon the rhythm of the seasons.

Today, irrigation means that we can farm in the desert; greenhouses, insecticides, and fertilisers mean that the soil and the seasons lack the omnipotence they once possessed. Nature’s authority has not been eliminated, but it has been significantly mitigated.

The same goes for medicine. Diseases that were once death sentences can now be addressed with simple medications. Some, like polio, have even been eradicated. And geography is no longer the force that it was: with cheap transport, public and private, distances that were once measured in days or weeks can now be measured in hours.

From agriculture to medicine, from automobiles to computers, technology is not simply a means of doing perennial human activities with greater speed and efficiency. It changes the fundamental relationship of human beings to their environment and to each other. Neither the seasons of the year nor the geography of the land are as significant as they once were. Technology shifts the balance of power from nature toward human agency and the competition between agencies.

Technology also reinforces the focus on the individual, and on individual satisfactions. Take something like music, a basic part of human societies throughout history and across the globe. In the past, music was always a live, and often a communal, activity. Somebody had to be playing music for it to be heard; and somebody had to be present in order to appreciate it.

Now we can listen to whatever music we choose, whenever we want, and, perhaps most significant of all, we can do so in privacy. Music has been transformed from something with a primarily live and communal focus (live concerts notwithstanding) and has become most commonly an item of consumption for the individual. If expressive individualism has come to focus on personal satisfaction as the meaning of life, technology has served that cause well.

All of these things contribute to, and reinforce, a cultural imagination that tilts toward seeing the world simply as “stuff,” the future as something we can make in whatever way we desire, and nature not so much as a fixed reality as something that is to be overcome and remade through technical mastery.

If the modern person considers himself to be something he can create for himself, so he tends to extend that same notion to his relationship to the world in general. We no longer think of ourselves as subject to the world’s fixed nature, or of it as having an objective authority or meaning. We are the ones with power, and we are the ones who give the world significance.

The revolt of the elites

Another unusual hallmark of modern Western society, in contrast to the societies that preceded it, is the role of the cultural elites. The historical role of such elites was traditionally to transmit values from one generation to the next. Thus, the religious authorities passed on the faith and taught respect for the church; national leaders encouraged patriotism; and the family cultivated respect for parents and grandparents.

In education, particularly in the humanities, teachers sought to draw on the perceived wisdom of the past in order to shape people to be good citizens. Each promoted a vision of the self that had obligations to others and indeed to the past. While there were inevitably changes as time went on, a basic respect for the past characterised their role.

Today, this cultural role has been transformed into its opposite. The fields of politics, art, education, and corporate business are now all marked by an aggressive negativity toward the past and its values and beliefs. The political drive on the left to overthrow traditional notions of sexual morality and human identity, and that on the populist right with its rhetoric of contempt for traditional democratic institutions, both witness to a deep commitment to tearing down the values of the past. Burn the past to the ground is the underlying mantra of political radicals on both sides.

Education — at universities and colleges but also increasingly at high schools and below — is permeated with the politics of identity and the various critical theories that see the purpose of pedagogy as unmasking social inequalities in the pursuit of social justice.

The underlying logic of Rousseau’s theory of culture — that it is necessarily corrupting and oppressive — has found a myriad of expressions in the modern classroom as traditional social mores are decried as colonialistsexistimperialist, and racist. Battles over which books should be read in literature courses and which topics studied in history curricula bear eloquent witness to this.

And the sex education of minors is an area of ongoing and acrimonious debate, focusing attention both on the clash between the values of the past and those of the present, and on that between parental rights and those of the state.

The world of the arts and entertainment is much the same. Movies, sitcoms, and even commercials now promote the mores of the sexual revolution and mock those who dissent from the consensus.

As to music, we have come a long way from the moment in the 1960s when the Rolling Stones had to change the lyrics of the song “Let’s Spend the Night Together” to “Let’s Spend Some Time Together” in order to be allowed to appear on The Ed Sullivan Show.

Songs marketed to young teenage girls now routinely contain sexually explicit lyrics far beyond anything Mick Jagger ever recorded, and often accompanied by videos that flaunt the singers’ sexuality in graphic ways.

And to this mix we can add the world of corporate business. While for many years big business was identified in the West with conservative political causes — probably in large part because the concept of free enterprise stood in obvious opposition to old left thinking on socialism and economics — this has now given way to support for radical social causes.

One can debate the reason for this — an inherent libertarianism in the philosophy of big tech firms such as Amazon and Facebook? A cynical attempt to capitalise on youth markets? — but one cannot deny the reality.

When in 2015 the Indiana state legislature attempted to pass a Religious Freedom Restoration Act to protect the religious consciences of business owners in light of the emerging push for LGBTQ+ rights, the backlash from big corporations was so swift, widespread, and effective that the final bill signed into law was considerably weaker in its stipulations than the original.

Big business had shown that it too was committed to a market that was overthrowing the values of the past, particularly in matters of religious freedom and sexual mores. And that scenario has been repeated with matters such as transgender bathroom policies and voting reform. Big business is firmly on the side of progressivism, as the ubiquity of the LGBTQ+ rainbow flag in store windows and corporate websites during Pride Month now testifies.

In short, the role of the cultural elites today is not to maintain continuity with the past, to preserve its beliefs and practices, or perhaps to modify them to make them fit contemporary conditions but still to do so in a way that respects and stands in continuity with previous generations.

Rather, it is to overthrow them in the pursuit of establishing the new values, those of expressive individuals who need to be liberated from those historical cultural chains that inhibit them from being truly themselves and inhibit society from being truly free and just.

Selfhood today

It is likely impossible to present a watertight account of why we modern men and women think intuitively about the world in the way that we do. Yet one can certainly offer an account that piles up various necessary preconditions for this and observe how these tend to tilt us in a particular direction.

The collapse of traditional, external anchors of identity — perhaps most obviously those of religion, nation, and family — explains the attraction of the turn inward. The rise of technology feeds the notion that we can bend nature to our will, that the world is just so much raw, plastic material from which we can make whatever meaning or reality we choose. The loss of sacred order reinforces this subjectivism, as Nietzsche anticipated in The Gay Science.

And then there is the role of the elites, political, educational, cultural, and business, who have all decided both to repudiate the past and to press home the pathologies of the modern, expressive, sexual self with all the power available to them. The expressive self of the sexual revolution may not be a necessary development; but all of these factors make it a most coherent and explicable one.

Adapted from Strange New World by Carl R. Trueman, ©2022. Used by permission of Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. This article has been republished with permission from The Public Discourse.

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: First, Psychological Warfare. Next, Financial Warfare


  • In an interview with Joe Rogan, Maajid Nawaz, a former Islamist revolutionary who became an anti-extremism activist, discusses the manufacturing of consent around things that aren’t true
  • Nawaz believes we’re in a hybrid war where information is the primary weapon
  • Relativism, the idea that truth is relative and personally subjective, is dangerous because without objective truth, there’s no objective reality, and without objective reality, whoever has the power gets to dictate reality. In the end, you end up with authoritarianism
  • The reason why government leaders have repeatedly shifted the goal post and then played with our memories of what they promised is to disorient and confuse people to the point that they don’t have the strength to question government
  • Another control mechanism will be the implementation of programmable central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) — digital cash that can be programmed so that it can only be spent on goods or services that an employer or government agrees with or deems sensible

In the video above, podcaster Joe Rogan interviews Maajid Nawaz, author of “Radical,” a former Islamist revolutionary who eventually became an anti-extremism activist. This is another three-hour-long interview. If you want, you can skip the first hour as it gets more applicable to current day issues after the first hour.

Nawaz’s past experience with recruiting extremists to infiltrate and overthrow Western governments helped him to more clearly recognize the psychological mind games waged against the civilian public during the COVID pandemic. He’s basically spent much of his later life opposing “the manufacturing of consent around something that isn’t true.”

According to Nawaz, we’re in a “hybrid war.” It’s basically an information war, because the primary weapon is information, and whoever gets to define reality with their narrative wins.

He explains how, when recruiting extremists for your cause, you first have to dismantle and destroy their current view of the world. After that, you can then indoctrinate them with your view of the world.

Big Tech obviously plays a crucial role in this war, as they have the technology and the algorithms to influence, manipulate and mold people’s minds by deciding what narratives they’re allowed to see. Social media platforms can easily make it appear as though a minority, fringe position is actually backed by a majority.

Ironically, as Rogan points out, the people who are being brainwashed are in many cases fiercely defending the right of these companies to mold and manipulate them. They support the censorship, they support cancel culture, seemingly not understanding the impact it’s having on their view and understanding of reality and the world at large.

Power Grabs Through ‘Emergency Powers’

One answer to how we got to where we are today is that governments have invoked emergency powers, and those emergency powers often end up becoming permanent. That’s why they were invoked in the first place.

As explained by Nawaz, “emergencies are always used by the state for power grabs.” Once they’ve been able to expand a power under the banner of a national emergency, they keep it. They don’t roll it back. So, when, in 2020, the COVID pandemic was used to suspend human rights, Nawaz knew we were on a slippery slope.

And, as he feared, we’re now experiencing a very radical shift in our social contract with the state. Before the pandemic, the social contract, the generally accepted modus operandi, was that everyone has the right to bodily autonomy. While it’s good to donate blood, for example, you are not required to do so — even if someone’s life hangs in the balance.

No one can demand that you donate a kidney because you have two functioning kidneys and someone else needs one. You have the right to keep both of your kidneys, even if it means the other person dies for lack of organ donation.

Also, if someone is vulnerable to illness due to preexisting conditions, that person has always been expected to take their own precautions. If you have a peanut allergy, you make sure you don’t eat anything with peanuts, for example, and others are encouraged, but not mandated or required, to make accommodations for and be considerate of those who are vulnerable.

What we have never done, Nawaz notes, is make other people responsible for our comorbidities and preexisting conditions and force them to submit to a medical intervention that could harm or kill them in order to improve our chances of survival.

A Radical Shift in Our Social Contract

If the state is going to tell us that we must get vaccinated because it is our duty to protect other people, then that is a very deep and radical shift of our social contract.

So much so, Nawaz argues, that it should require serious public dialogue followed by a democratic mandate. But that’s not happening. We’re now told that we must surrender our bodily autonomy for the common good. If you disagree, you’re simply canceled and eliminated from the public forum.

While not specifically discussed in this interview, this new social contract, sprung on us during the COVID crisis, is actually part and parcel of The Great Reset.1 The surrendering of individual rights — some for now, but eventually all of them — is the “new social contract” that Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum has envisioned and is pushing out to the world through his installed leaders.

As noted by Nawaz, at the end of the day, it comes down to what kind of society, what kind of world, we want to live in, and “We can’t go from democracy to a ‘papers please’ society … without having any consultation with the public on this,” he says. We need to have a “proper conversation about how this will permanently change the structure of our society.”

The fundamental problem here is that we’re told we must simply trust that the government knows what’s best and always acts in our best interest. Yet we know the state can get things very wrong indeed. In the interview, Nawaz recounts many examples where governments lied and acted against the best interest of their people.

The same goes for Big Pharma. We’re told to trust their products, their science and that they’re working to protect our health, always. Yet for those of us who know the criminal history of some of these drug companies, that’s a tall order.

As noted by Nawaz, the largest criminal fine in history was levied against Pfizer. They have a very long rap sheet, yet we’re to take their experimental gene transfer product on faith alone. Moreover, we’re told to ignore all the data that suggests Pfizer is not, in fact, being entirely honest about the benefits and risks of their product.

When There’s No Truth, Power Gets to Define Reality

One of the primary ways debate is shut down is by throwing labels at people. It doesn’t matter whether they’re factually correct or not. Nawaz has been called an “anti-vaxxer” for questioning vaccine mandates, yet he’s double jabbed. He’s been called an “anti-Muslim extremist,” despite spending four years in prison for his Muslim extremism.

“But there’s a deeper point here,” Nawaz says. For many years, we’ve been shifting into relativism, this idea that truth is relative, that it’s subjective and based on your personal experience. Your truth doesn’t have to be what my truth is. You decide what your truth is and there’s no such thing as “reality.”

This, Nawaz argues, has had devastating consequences because without objective truth, there’s no objective reality, and without objective reality, whomever has the power gets to dictate what reality is — because you have no way to determine whether that power is telling the truth or not. In the end, you end up with authoritarianism.

“When you promote the idea that there is no such thing as truth, and when you shut down debate that is seeking truth — not that it claims truth but it’s seeking it — in aid of this idea that truth is relative … what happens when you do that?

When there’s no such thing as truth, you can’t define reality. And when you can’t define reality, the only thing that matters is power … because power gets to define reality,” he says. “Power steps into that void when reason no longer exists, and defines reality for you, from up above.”

Psychological Warfare

You can see then, how and why information is the most powerful weapon in this fight for power. As noted by Nawaz, most people work full-time jobs and have families and simply don’t have the time to do the research required to discern the truth.

Instead, they turn to trusted voices in the media to give them their best interpretation of what the truth and reality is. The problem we now have is that the media are peddling the narratives of those trying to get more power. And without truthful information, it becomes difficult to define reality, which makes it difficult to challenge government.

This is also why leaders have repeatedly shifted the goal post and then played with our memories of what they promised. The goal is to disorient and confuse people to the point that they don’t have the strength to question their government. This is psychological warfare.

The harsh reality that everyone must face now is that once rights have been taken from you, government never voluntarily gives them back. The only option people have is to TAKE their rights back through peaceful activism.

Coming Next: Financial Warfare

Nawaz and Rogan also discuss how the global cabal is planning to control the world population through the use of programmable central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).

Programmable currency is digital cash that can be programmed such that it can only be spent on certain goods or services that an employer or government deem sensible.2 In other words, the issuer of the money can control how the recipient spends it. With that, the issuer would have near-total control over your behavior.

As noted by Nawaz, with a programmable CBDC, government would have complete control over anyone who disagrees with their policies or activities. If someone expresses dissent, the government could simply restrict how they can use their money, or shut down their bank account altogether.

For example, if the government didn’t want Nawaz to appear on Rogan’s show, they could simply reprogram his CBDCs with the click of a button, such that he would not be allowed to purchase a plane ticket.

What the globalists are now fighting to implement is a platform that will give them complete control over people — something that will tie everything in your life together in one central spot, such as your employment records, medical records, financial records and more.

This is why they’re fighting so hard for vaccine passports, even though it’s clear that they are completely irrational. What good is a vaccine passport when the “vaccine” doesn’t prevent infection or spread?

Some nations are now scrapping the vaccine passports and shifting to digital IDs instead. It’s important to realize that digital IDs serve the same exact purpose as the vaccine passport, so the fight for freedom is far from over, even if your government has publicly said no to vaccine passports. As explained by Nawaz, we’re also seeing evidence of a digital credit score being set into place.

Global Leadership Has Been Infiltrated

Nawaz also discusses how governments around the world have been infiltrated by World Economic Forum (WEF) members whose agenda it is to implement global authoritarianism, using the psychological, information war techniques summarized above.

As noted by Nawaz, Schwab has worked on “embedding people in government who are subscribed to The Great Reset agenda,” and in his 2020 book, “COVID-19: The Great Reset,” Schwab openly argues that the COVID-19 response should be used to “revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions.”

The WEF has also clearly articulated3 its interest in developing a global digital ID system. So, what we can look forward to is a never-ending process where the goal post keeps moving toward more and more authoritarianism. And they’ve told us this, openly, Nawaz says. All we need to do is believe them.

Due to the vast scope of this interview, I really encourage you to listen to it in its entirety. If you don’t have much time then just skip the first hour.

EDITORS NOTE: This MERCOLA column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Inhumanity of Vaccine Mandates, Explained

Mandated vaccinations are a violation of the principles America was built on.

In the fall of 2021, Carley Fletcher was terminated from her job at Emory University Healthcare for refusing a COVID-19 vaccine. Fletcher’s health history included seizures and respiratory issues and she was advised by her doctor not to get the shot. Fletcher applied for a medical exemption, but her request was denied, and she was fired.

Fletcher’s life is one of thousands around the country – and the world – devastated by COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Individual health decisions – once kept private to the point of taboo – suddenly became the topic of dinner party conversations and Supreme Court hearings. Across the country, cities began requiring vaccination for indoor dining and activities – first New York, followed by New Orleans, Boston, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, and dozens more.

As Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said,

“This health order may pose an inconvenience to the unvaccinated, and in fact it is inconvenient by design.”

Individuals unwilling to get vaccinated were overnight relegated to second-class citizens, losing everything from their right to dine at restaurants to their entire livelihoods.

It began in September 2021 when OSHA announced that employees at companies employing more than 100 people would need to be vaccinated against COVID-19. The Supreme Court ultimately deemed this mandate illegal, but the threat impacted two thirds of the American workforce.

Read that again: two thirds of all American workers were being forced to consent to a medical procedure or lose their jobs – their income, their benefits, their career trajectories.

Vaccine mandates, while deceptively innocuous to the untrained eye (“it’s in the interest of public health”), are totalitarian, inhumane, and directly in conflict with the underpinnings of a free world.

There are many good reasons an individual might choose to decline a medical procedure. No medical procedure on earth is right for every body, every time, and no government has a right to bar you from society for declining its medical demands.

When the Nuremberg trials exposed the sickening atrocities of Nazi doctors, the public encountered a terrifying new tension between public health and individual human rights. Fifteen physicians were found guilty of crimes against humanity for their treatment of individuals during the war – ranging from medical experimentation to outright torture.

After this trial, the Nuremberg Code was established, introducing the standard of informed consent. The most important provision was the first:

“The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential . . . the person involved should have the legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. . .”

The Nuremberg Code is a legal precedent based on a moral standard. Forcing individuals into a medical experiment violates their human rights. The morality came first, and the code followed.

The Nuremberg Code was specifically about forced medical experimentation, not all forced medical procedures. Also, the Code has an unfortunate loophole for “emergency” health orders. But while it may not apply directly to the vaccine mandates, the Nuremberg Code shows how important medical consent has been in the human rights tradition.

Morality has no loopholes; it is not subjective, nor based on convenience. Forcing any medical procedures, experimental or not, (especially procedures with questions about long-term harm) is immoral, no matter what the external circumstances.

The Nuremberg Code was followed by the Declaration of Human Rights, which referenced the idea of bodily integrity in multiple places, including Article 3 (“Every individual has the right to life, liberty and security of person”) and Article 5 (“No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment”). The latter was later expanded to include an additional line: “In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.”

Again, this set the morality as immutable – as the American Bar Association explains: “Under the treaty, [this article] is nonderogable, even ‘in times of public emergency which threatens the life of the nation.’”

All these ideas are tied to the concept of bodily autonomy, also known as bodily integrity – the idea that your body is your own, and that no one has a right to inflict force or harm upon it.

Since the introduction of the Nuremberg Code, violations of this moral standard have occurred, and have been met with appropriate horror – like the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, which was met with national outrage and led to changes in the concept of informed consent in both legal and medical ethics codes.

The Declaration of Independence – a key founding text of the United States – posits a statement that would be echoed nearly 200 years later in the Nuremberg Code: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

The term “unalienable” is important. An unalienable right is a right that cannot be separated from your person. You and it are indivisible.

Your bodily autonomy is an unalienable right. You cannot justly separate yourself from your bodily autonomy, nor sell it away (e.g. by selling yourself into slavery – an act which sounds ludicrous in the modern understanding of freedom).

A medical procedure can endanger an individual’s life – and an enforced procedure on an individual is in stark violation of “life and liberty.”

The Fourth Amendment of the Constitution establishes the idea too, recognizing “The right of the people to be secure in their person,” (again a line that would later be echoed in the Nuremberg Code).

As the Declaration of Independence stated, the sole purpose of the government is “to secure these rights.”

These passages have set legal precedent for medical freedom in the United States ever since – like in 2017, when a judge in Tennessee was sued over offering reduced jail sentences to inmates if they agreed to undergo sterilization. He was found guilty of violating the constitution by coercing people into undergoing medical procedures.

The Constitution, no matter how admirable its intentions, cannot prevent all abuses of bodily integrity. We still see cases that alienate people from their rights – like military conscription, forced custodianship, or sectioning off the clinically insane. But while the ideal doesn’t always translate to reality, it is used to hold people accountable, as was the case with the Tennessee judge.

In 1689, in his Second Treatise of Government, John Locke wrote: “every man has a property in his own person.”

This became one of the core tenets of the liberal tradition: the idea of property rights; and more importantly, of the individual as his or her own unalienable property, against which no other individual or collective had the right to aggress.

Stealing someone’s property is a crime. Trespassing on someone’s property is a crime. Violating someone’s bodily autonomy is a crime.

This is the non-aggression principle, the idea that no individual or collective has the right to violate someone else’s person or property. As Murray Rothbard summarized it, “no man or group of men may aggress against the person or property of anyone else.”

Further, the sole purpose of the government, as outlined by Locke, is “for the mutual preservation of their lives, liberties and estates, which I call by the general name, property. The great and chief end, therefore, of men’s uniting into common-wealths, and putting themselves under government, is the preservation of their property.”

Or in simpler terms: “government has no other end but the preservation of property.”

Some have argued that vaccinations are an act of self-defense, of the collective against the mutual enemy of a virus, but that argument doesn’t hold up. To claim vaccines as self defense would require vaccines to be 100 percent safe, 100 percent effective, and the virus 100 percent fatal – none of which can be proven with certainty.

If we cannot have this certainty, then we must defer to bodily autonomy.

As Leonard Read wrote in On Keeping the Peace“My thesis, in simplest terms, is: Let anyone do anything he pleases, so long as it is peaceful; the role of government, then, is to keep the peace…”

This idea applies both specifically to bodily autonomy and broadly to the role of government itself: “Keeping the peace means no more than prohibiting persons from unpeaceful actions. This, with its elaborate machinery for defining what shall be prohibited (codifying the law), along with the interpretation, administration, and enforcement of the law, is all the prohibition I want from government—for me or for anyone else.”

If government is a mechanism for protecting autonomy and peaceful activity, those activities should also limit government’s scope: “When government goes beyond this, that is, when government prohibits peaceful actions, such prohibitions themselves are, prima facie, unpeaceful. How much of a statist a person is can be judged by how far he would go in prohibiting peaceful actions.”

When a government agency pressured Emory University Healthcare to institute an order that led to Carly Fletcher being fired, it overstepped its proper role – and violated the rights of the peaceful people it should be protecting.

Government vaccine mandates violate the moral principles of medical consent, bodily autonomy, and self-ownership. They should be abolished as crimes against humanity and never happen again.


Hannah Frankman

Hannah is a career development coach and a course instructor. She works as an advisor at Praxis and an instructor at The Objective Standard Institute. You can find her work at

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Don’t Worry, Joey Says We’re Doing Great!

Good day Deano,

You must be beaming with great pride at your desk as Executive Editor of the iconic New York Times.   The reason of course, is due to the outstanding performance the other night by Joey.  Boy did he knock it out of the park or what Deano?  We’ll have to touch on some of the highlights.  It will be tough to pick just a few though, as he has accomplished so much in such a short time.  Well Deano, those on the right are picking apart Joey’s fable.  As usual they are backing their claims up with facts.  Why do they always have to rain on Joey’s parade!

Living in an Alternate Universe

Yep Deano, that is what the radical right says, that little Joey Talibiden is living in an alternate universe.  They ask if his handlers bumped up his medication too much, because he was more delusional than usual……which I thought was impossible. They question whether it is his diminished mental acuity, or just his sociopathic personality traits listed below:

  • not being able to accept responsibility (Afghanistan, southern border, rampant inflation, surge in violent crime, etc)
  • always placing blame on others (Republicans, Covid, non-vaccinated people, oil companies, the meat packing industry….and of course, President Trump)
  • lack of empathy (for the law abiding, taxpaying American citizens, especially those in border states)
  • -arrogance (silence, smiling, picking teeth, condescending comments at press conferences)
  • deceitfulness (habitual lying, far too numerous to list, see his many flip flopping comments on  fracking during his “Presidential” run, as a reference)
  • irritability (legitimate questions from reporters, “dumb son of a b****h”), amongst others.

Well what do you know Deano, we may in fact have the best of both worlds: a man with deep rooted sociopathic behavioral traits, that are just much more prevalent and harder to conceal now, due to his declining mental state. See, win, win!

What did he Say?

Well Joey’s comments on the Ukraine almost sounded like a victory speech.  It was awe inspiring when he said, “Putin may circle Kyiv with tanks, but he’ll never gain the hearts and souls of the Iranian people.”  Evidently, Iranians are now living in the Ukraine, or Putin is invading the wrong country.  Care to weigh in on this one Deano, as there was no mention of this in your fine tabloid.

He Mentions the Police, Border and Jobs, but not Afghanistan

Surprisingly though, Joey Bidenflation uttered words he seldom mentions…..funding of the police, and problems at the southern border.  Joey says, “we have to fund the police, not defund the police.”  Then before Sandy Cortez could jump to her feet he said, “fund them with training and resources they need to protect our communities.” You know, maybe more sensitivity training to talk to perpetrators in a more civil and respectable tone (a top priority) – as they are flinging someone in front of a subway train, or mowing down adults and children alike in a Christmas parade, or smashing in high end jewelry store displays; this done evidently to feed their babies according to Ms. Cortez.  There was however, no mention of the ridiculous progressive revolving door of justice for serial criminals.  Absurd policies of Georgie Soros sponsored District Attorney’s in crime ridden liberal cities with no bail implemented for serious crimes. Not a word.

He is now saying the problems at the border need to be addressed.  Really, why so soon Joey?  Yep, for the first time I can remember Joey Talibiden is acknowledging a problem at the border.  No easy task for an individual possessing sociopathic personality traits, Deano.  Conservatives point to the power of the polls, in regards to Joey’s change of heart.  Yep, that is what a 37% approval rating will do. Remember, we didn’t hear a peep from Joey and Kalamity during the endless summer of love riots……until polls reflected poorly on their stance.  Ah that Joey, murder, mayhem, destruction, looting  of Local, State, and Federal property draws no condemnation.  But get some bad polling numbers and he is all over it.  That must be why the Pope told him he is a good Christian (according to Joey, that is), always doing the right thing.  Heels Up Harris gets a pass, she was busy raising bail money for said criminals rioting.

Another issue the radical right had with our installed POTUS address, was job creation. It seems Joey was very proud of the fact that he created the most jobs in history last year.  Bravo Joey.  Conservatives say, what he failed to mention was that the United States was basically shut down for the year prior to that; and most of these jobs are people coming back to work.  Minor details, nothing to see here, move along.

Finally, we have the omission of the Afghanistan withdrawal and deaths of 13 military personnel.  Yes Deano, not a word mentioned, which I find very odd.  Wasn’t it Joey himself who called the withdrawal a “extraordinary success?”  Well as usual, the Minister of Propaganda, Jenny Goebbels Psaki cleared it all up.  Doing her usual next day clean up duty she said, “it was a matter of time constraints, there were so many topics to cover and we simply didn’t have the time.”  No time to mention 13 dead American soldiers Jenny?  Absolutely disgraceful.  No comment from Moe, Larry and Curly; also known as Blinken, Austin and Milley, on the matter.   Liberals gave Talibiden a pass though, as it must be extremely humiliating to have the most botched military exercise attached to your name.

Problems?  Don’t Worry Joey is on the Case

Conservatives say the bottom line is Joey just used some word salad, to hit on key issues concerning Americans.  He never described any definitive plans, just a lot of lip service, as though he is actually concerned and addressing these issues (insert laughter).  You can’t blame most Americans for not recognizing some of this issues earlier, which now is being reflected in his dismal polls.  Conservatives  point out how it was a concerted effort by “news” outlets such as your NY Times to give miniscule or more often, zero coverage to these issues.  In conjunction with CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, WAPO, and social media darlings, Twitter and Facebook who use censorship to control opposing views……..very Facist-Nazi like, don’t you think Deano.  President Trump is a racist!

What’s with Nancy?

I think it is safe to say Deano, that the biggest cheerleader by far was the even keeled Chardonnay Pelosi.  She seemed star-struck on Bidenflation’s every word.  But of course our Conservatives friends …… well as Independents and even some Democrats want to know, what time did Ole Chardonnay start her happy hour? Wow! They compared her to a teenage girl in the front row of a Beatles concert.  Reportedly members had one foot towards the exit, as they were scared Chardonnay would throw her panties at Joey.  I know, I know, it gives you the willies, right Deano.  They point out her mystical dance and hand rubbing while Talibiden was discussing soldiers dying from inhaling toxic fumes from fire pits.  It was very Charlie Mansion cult like.  Perhaps, the old girl should have stopped after the 5th martini, before attending.

Where’s Fraudci?

Many are starting to wonder Deano: where is the distinguished “Dr.” Fraudci?  How are we supposed to know if we need, no mask, 1 mask, 2 masks, 1 shot, 2 shots, a booster shot, an additional booster shot, masks needed indoors and outdoors, only indoors, children are highly unsusceptible, children as young as 2 need shots and masks?  What is a layman to do Deano without guidance from this medical expert?

Conservatives are pointing out, the masks, shots, social distancing, mandates (unconstitutional ones), didn’t solve the plandemic…….Putin did.  This catastrophic plandemic has magically disappeared from the headlines.  Ah, those darn polls again! They say Fraudci has served his purpose, just like Andy Cuomo, and he is no longer needed.  But don’t count him out just yet Deano: if Lying Biden’s poll numbers keep dropping like a rock, don’t be surprised if a super variant comes into the picture over the summer.

Good News

Finally some good news on the home front.  It seems the $500,000 (taxpayer funded) wall being built around Talibiden’s beach estate is near completion.  Who says Joey doesn’t want to build a wall, radical right!

Ah yes, so much accomplished in only 14 short months.  Just imagine where we will be in another 2 3/4 years, when our installed commander will be 82…..that should be interesting.  We will still be here……….. right, Deano?

That Pesky Inflation

Let me run Deano, I’ve got to hit the bank for my home equity loan, it seems we need groceries and have to fill up the cars.  Keep up the always objective and apolitical reporting over there at The Old Gray Lady.  Hey Deano, I bet the Pope would call you a good Catholic too, your honesty and integrity is right up there with Joey’s.


Chris Cirino

©Christopher Cirino. All rights reserved.

Governor DeSantis asks students to take off their masks, “we gotta stop this Covid theatre”

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis visited the University of South Florida (USF). As he approached the podium he saw a group of college students that were part of the governor’s Workforce Education initiative and the USF Cyber Security Education event wearing masks and said to them, “You do not have to wear those masks. I mean, please take them off. Honestly, it’s not doing anything and we’ve gotta stop with this COVID theater. So if you want to wear it, fine, but this is ridiculous.”


Governor DeSantis signed an executive order withholding state funds from schools, colleges and universities in Florida that impose mask mandates. Governor DeSantis gives parents the power to decide if their children wear or don’t wear masks.

Then Governor DeSantis asked, “Does the science change based on polling data?” Spot on question, Ron!

“As the governor said, ‘you can wear them if you want’ but there’s ‘no evidence’ masks make any difference,” said press secretary Christina Pushaw. “That has been clear for a long time, and the data informed our state’s official guidance. Following Florida, the CDC has even stopped recommending mask wearing for most Americans. After two years of mixed messages from health authorities and the media, the governor wants to make sure everyone is aware of the facts and data now, so they can feel free and comfortable without a mask.”

BTW, YouTube, which is owned by Google, took the a video of Governor DeSantis’ comments down from their platform saying, “This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines.”

It seems Google and YouTube are all in on feeding their users lots of “COVID theater” just like the Democrats.

©Dr. Rich Swier.


Unraveling The Lies And Dropping The Masks

Face Masks: The Radical Leftist Symbol of Submission

Joe Biden Hits Florida’s ‘Dangerous’ Pro-Life Bill. Team DeSantis Bashes Back.


Peaceful Protests, RIP?

Is peaceful dissent to be shut down merely because it is politically incorrect and goes against the elite’s view of what is just and unjust?

In his End of the Day Report, Gary Bauer often notes that the left doesn’t want to win the debate. The left wants to shut the debate down.

We can see an example of that in the recent case of the rise and fall of the peaceful protests of the Canadian truckers.

For the first time since it was passed in 1988, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act to shut down the protests of the Canadian truckers.

To see how far to the left Trudeau is, note what he proclaimed in 2016 upon the death of the notorious dictator who brought communism to Cuba:

“Fidel Castro was a larger than life leader who served his people for almost half a century. A legendary revolutionary and orator, Mr. Castro made significant improvements to the education and healthcare of his island nation.”

Why did the truck drivers protest in the first place? They resented being forced to be double-vaccinated against the coronavirus. Some of them apparently were vaccinated, but they resented the vaccine mandate as an encroachment on their freedom.

They stuck to their peaceful protests until the Canadian government swooped down on them with horse-mounted police. Once the protests had been gutted, Trudeau initially clung to keeping the Emergencies Act in effect.

In the Canadian Parliament, Senator Denise Batters remonstrated against this measure on 2/22/22. She said,

“What a sad day it is, honorable senators, when it has come to this. That this Trudeau government has invoked and employed the Emergencies Act on Canadian citizens before it could even be voted on in Parliament. Tear gas and batons and lines of police to shove back protesters chanting for freedom. Truck windows smashed, bank accounts frozen, promises to hunt down even those who chose to leave the protests voluntarily, and even now with the bridge blockades in Ottawa’s protest cleared, the prime minister can’t tell us when the Emergencies Act and its extensive government power will be lifted, only that his government plans to make some of the features of those powers permanent.”

The next day, thankfully, Trudeau relented and revoked keeping the Emergencies Act in effect.

There seems to be a double standard when it comes to truly peaceful protests versus the violent ones. Since the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis at the hands of a policeman (now convicted of manslaughter), there have been hundreds of protests across the United States.

They have resulted in the deaths of a few dozen people and in property damage worth approximately $2 billion. Just within two weeks of Floyd’s death, Forbes reported that 19 people died in protests.

To this day, there have been various ongoing protests by Antifa in Portland, Oregon.

Yet these “mostly peaceful protesters,” as the left disingenuously calls them, have only received a collective slap on the wrist, despite all the deaths and billions in property damage. What a contrast to the January 6, 2021 Trump supporters who stormed the U.S. Capitol to try and stop what they thought was an electoral theft by the left.

Agree with them or disagree with them, the way they have been treated by the U.S. Department of Justice stands in stark contrast to the way Antifa/BLM rioters have been treated.

What a double standard—and if it continues, it puts freedom at risk.

The great 19th century American statesman, Daniel Webster, once noted this about the United States:

“We live under the only government that ever existed which was framed by…deliberate consultations of the people. Miracles do not cluster. That which has happened but once in 6,000 years cannot be expected to happen often. Such a government, once gone, might leave a void, to be filled, for ages, with revolution and tumult, riot and despotism.”

Part of the reason the American experiment of the founders has proved so durable over time is the Biblical undergirding of our Constitution. Our founders knew that man is sinful and that power must be divided.

James Madison, a key architect of the U.S. Constitution, once said in Federalist #47,

“The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”

There’s a reason that Justice, as portrayed in the statues as a robed woman holding scales, is blind. In the Western system of law, which has been applied in both the U.S. and Canada, all people are to be treated equally under the law.

We can’t have two systems of justice—one for the politically correct elite and another for the “unwashed” masses.

©Jerry Newcombe. All rights reserved.

ALL 33 Trump-Endorsed Candidates in Texas Skate to VICTORY

Hey, RINOs and members of the Democrat party of treason! We’re coming for ya!

Trump Touts Success of All 33 Texas Candidates He Endorsed

By Newsmax Wires | Wednesday, 02 March 2022

Former President Donald Trump pointed to the political currency of his endorsement in a statement early Wednesday noting that all of the candidates he endorsed in Tuesday’s Texas primary either won or had a substantial lead as vote-counting continued.

“All 33 Trump-Endorsed candidates won last night in Texas, or are substantially leading. Big night!” Trump said in a statement issued by his Save America PAC. “How will the Fake News make it look bad?”

Incumbent Gov. Greg Abbott, who easily turned back several right-wing challengers, topped the list of Trump-endorsed candidates…..


Biden’s SOTU Takes a Term for the Worse

Zuckerberg Delivers Ballots of Cash

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW when informed decision making and opinion is essential to America’s survival. Share our posts on your social channels and with your email contacts. Fight the great fight.

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GOP Rep. Boebert Calls Out Biden During Speech As He Talked About Soldiers In Coffins: ‘You Put Them In, 13 Of Them’

Finally, someone speaks for the American people.

Boebert Heckles Biden During Speech As He Talked About Soldiers In Coffins: ‘You Put Them In, 13 Of Them’

By Ryan Saavedra •Daily Wire Mar 1, 2022

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) heckled Democrat President Joe Biden during Biden’s State of the Union address on Tuesday night as Biden talked about the dangers that U.S. soldiers faced serving in Afghanistan and Iraq.

“Our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan faced many dangers,” Biden said. “One was stationed at bases and breathing in toxic smoke from ‘burn pits’ that incinerated wastes of war—medical and hazard material, jet fuel, and more. When they came home, many of the world’s fittest and best trained warriors were never the same. Headaches. Numbness. Dizziness.”

“A cancer that would put them in a flag-draped coffin,” Biden continued. “I know.”

Boebert then interrupted, “You put them in, 13 of them,” in reference to Biden’s disastrous pullout from Afghanistan that resulted in the deaths of 13 U.S. soldiers.

In the speech Biden also called for protections for “maternal health care.”

“The constitutional right affirmed in Roe v. Wade—standing precedent for half a century—is under attack as never before,” he said. “If we want to go forward—not backward—we must protect access to health care. Preserve a woman’s right to choose. And let’s continue to advance maternal health care in America.”

We’re putting in place dedicated immigration judges so families fleeing persecution and violence can have their cases heard faster. We’re securing commitments and supporting partners in South and Central America to host more refugees and secure their own borders.

We can do all this while keeping lit the torch of liberty that has led generations of immigrants to this land—my forefathers and so many of yours. Provide a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, those on temporary status, farm workers, and essential workers.

Revise our laws so businesses have the workers they need and families don’t wait decades to reunite. It’s not only the right thing to do—it’s the economically smart thing to do. That’s why immigration reform is supported by everyone from labor unions to religious leaders to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Let’s get it done once and for all. Advancing liberty and justice also requires protecting the rights of women.

He also used the speech to tout his “American Rescue Plan.”

Look, the American Rescue Plan is helping millions of families on Affordable Care Act plans save $2,400 a year on their health care premiums. Let’s close the coverage gap and make those savings permanent.

Second – cut energy costs for families an average of $500 a year by combatting climate change.

Let’s provide investments and tax credits to weatherize your homes and businesses to be energy efficient and you get a tax credit; double America’s clean energy production in solar, wind, and so much more; lower the price of electric vehicles, saving you another $80 a month because you’ll never have to pay at the gas pump again.

Daily Wire editor emeritus Ben Shapiro offered his own response to Biden’s speech.

“On issue after issue, Joe Biden is not merely wrong, he is aggressively wrong; he is not merely foolish, he is stubbornly foolish. Joe Biden became president with one goal: to enshrine himself in history as a great leader. Today, we can safely say that he is one of the worst leaders in American history,” he said.


WATCH: Cackling Kamala Harris Slammed Over ‘Terrifying’ Explanation Of War In Ukraine: ‘She Is The Michael Scott Of Politics’

Joe Biden Lets China Slide in State of the Union Address

President Clown Forgot What Country Was Being Invaded During SOTU Address

Pelosi: Biden’s approval rating low because Americans uninformed

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Quick note: Tech giants are shutting us down. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense, Pinterest permanently banned us. Facebook, Google search et al have shadow-banned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. We will not waver. We will not tire. We will not falter, and we will not fail. Freedom will prevail.

Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW when informed decision making and opinion is essential to America’s survival. Share our posts on your social channels and with your email contacts. Fight the great fight.

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Ukraine says a group of Chechen jihadis sent to kill Zelensky have been killed after their plot was foiled

There is so much misinformation and disinformation circulating about this conflict that it is impossible to know whether or not this is true or accurate. It’s noteworthy in any case that the jihadis are known to be ruthless and brutal enough to have been chosen for this mission. If, that is, there was such a mission at all.

Ukraine says Chechen assassins targeting Zelensky taken out

Times of Israel, March 2, 2022:

The head of Ukraine’s National Security Council says a group of Chechen assassins sent to kill President Volodymyr Zelensky have been killed after their plot was foiled.

Oleksiy Danilov says Russian intel officers who oppose the war provided information that allowed Ukrainian forces to find the unit of Chechen special forces under the direction of warlord Ramzan Kadyrov, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“The Kadyrov forces unit, which came to kill our President, was eliminated,” he tells Ukraine 24 TV. “”We will not give our President or our country to anyone. This is our land, get out of here.”…


UK: Muslims enraged as teacher uses picture of Osama to depict Muhammad, school suspends teacher and apologizes

Uganda: Muslims try to burn convert to Christianity alive, say Allah will reward them in paradise if they kill him

Somaliland: FGM ‘cutters’ go door-to-door to perform the procedure on young girls

Muslim Air France pilot suspected of ‘radicalization’ gets permit allowing him access to secure areas

Accused Iranian spy wants US trial delay so he can go fight for Ukraine and ‘set a good example for other Muslims’

Yazidis in Iraq exhume ISIS mass graves as Turkey bombs and Iraq discriminates against them

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Big Problems Documented in Wisconsin 2020 Election

A major new report on election fraud in Wisconsin is a complete rebuke to those who claimed the 2020 election was the fairest and most secure ever.  The report found “numerous questionable and unlawful actions” by multiple actors.  The investigation is from the official Wisconsin Office of the Special Counsel.  The lead investigator is a former state Supreme Court justice who advised the state legislature to “take a hard look” at decertifying the 2020 results that declared Joe Biden the winner.

According to the report, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg broke election bribery laws by funneling nearly $9 million to get-out-the-vote efforts in Democratic strongholds in the 2020 election.  Zuckerberg funded the Center for Tech and Civic Life – CTCL – which gave out grants, supposedly for “safe and secure election administration”, but the money actually illicitly went to increasing turnout in “communities of color” in five heavily Democratic cities.  CTCL also gave the cities money to locate ballot drop boxes in “targeted neighborhoods” in violation of state law.  Election officials in those five cities broke the law by partisan campaigning and also by not treating all voters the same, a “bedrock principle” of election law.  The Democrats had nothing substantive to say in response to these allegations, merely calling the report a “clown show”.  No, here’s the clown show:  Democrats ignoring the evidence and giving every appearance of wanting to steal elections.

The Zuckerberg money worked as intended.  The report also found 95 to 100 percent voter turnout in 91 nursing homes in the five Democrat-controlled cities which received Zuckerberg money.  The Democrats have a long history of committing voter fraud in nursing homes.  I know, I’ve done the research.  There are videotaped depositions in Wisconsin, now, of family members saying their senior loved ones are mentally incompetent and haven’t voted in years, meaning government-hired, so-called ‘navigators’ voted for them.  Want to guess who they voted for?

Another Democrat said the Supreme Court justice was just dishing out “crazy conspiracy theory”, but this Democrat also failed to come to grips with any of the evidence.  Just because you want to stick your head in the sand and ignore the evidence like an ostrich doesn’t mean the evidence is not there.   Joe Biden said earlier this week Republicans are trying to keep black votes from counting at all, which may play to the crazy Democrat base but is crazy on its face.

Name-calling and hollow, empty rhetoric – this is all the Democrats have.  They’re pathetic.

Democrats, you have a choice to make.  Do you want to stand for democracy, like you keep saying you do?  Or do you want to be corrupt gangsters who make war on democracy by stealing elections?  If you can’t get your party to obey election law, I advise you to walk away.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

Did you know this about Florida’s Sarasota County School Board?

A friend sent us an email titled “Did you know this about Sarasota Co. School Board?” This email is important because there is a referendum this month that extends the 1mil special tax on all residents of Sarasota County.

It appears, according to The Daily Caller, that the Sarasota County School Board is wasting taxpayers money on “Cultural Sensitivity Training” rather than teach reading, writing and arithmetic.

A NO vote on their referendum appears like a good idea.

BTW, this 1mil tax was only supposed to be for one year, its now into its eighth year. Go figure, one a tax starts is takes on a life of its own. Dammed the taxpayers.

Here’s the text of the message:

Florida County To Spend $362,000 On ‘Cultural Sensitivity Training’ Despite Canceling Previous Contract Due To Backlash

Sarasota County public school board voted three-to-two on Feb. 15 to reinstate “cultural sensitivity training” to the tune of $362,000 after the program was canceled two years ago, according to Parents Defending Education.

The board of Sarasota County Schools voted to rehire Dr. Sharroky Hollie and the consulting firm Solution Tree, Inc. for $362,446, according to a school board meeting agenda obtained by Parents Defending Education. Kelsey Whealy, a spokeswoman for the district, told the Daily Caller that hiring Hollie was part of the district’s “Strategic Plan Goal 1, Strategy 3,” which vaguely aims to create a “Professional Learning Communities model.”

In September 2020, Sarasota County Schools canceled a $115,000 cultural sensitivity training contract with Hollie, according to Parents Defending Education. Superintendent Brennan Asplen reportedly pulled the contract after the first of seven sessions with Hollie took place, per local news reports.

During a since-deleted YouTube live stream from August 2020, Hollie reportedly encouraged teachers to call out women like Amy Cooper, a woman who lost her job for calling the police on a black man in Central Park.

“Look for the Amy Coopers in Sarasota, and I want you to call them to the carpet,” Hollie said, according to the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. “We will not get to the label of cultural responsiveness that we need to if you are not willing to call out the Amy Coopers. These are the people walking round saying ‘I’m not a racist, I love all people,’ but when the time comes they practice insensitivity.”

These comments sparked backlash from the community and teachers. (RELATED: Minnesota Middle School Advised Students On How To Protest)

Erika Sanzi, Parents Defending Education’s director of outreach, noted that the expensive training comes during a time when school budgets are tight and students nationwide are suffering from “profound” learning loss from the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It’s concerning that less than two years after pulling back on a contract from a DEI consultant, Sarasota County Schools has decided to finalize an agreement that TRIPLES the contract with the same consultant,” Sanzi said. “What exactly is this money being used for? At a time when teachers reach into their own pockets for classroom supplies and students nationwide are experiencing profound learning loss, spending $362,000 on a controversial ‘cultural sensitivity training’ makes absolutely no sense.”

Read the full Daily Caller article by clicking here.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: This is Why School Choice Matters

Biden’s SOTU Address: Hated by the Media, Elon Musk, Catholics, Democrats, and Many, Many More

Well, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. stood in the U.S. House of Representatives chamber and gave his 2022 State of the Union Address to a joint session of Congress and to the American people.

Working class Americans see that the State of the Union under Biden, his administration and the Democrat controlled Congress, as a total disaster.

NOTE: We here were hoping that Nancy Pelosi, with great flare, would tear up Biden’s SOTU speech but we were disappointed when she didn’t. Instead she just puckered up and went with the flow of myths, propaganda and lies by Biden.

Of course many tuned in and after his address many commented on what was said. This is an overview of comments by those who listened and commented on what Biden said.

Here is a view of those members of Congress listening to Biden:

Perhaps the most telling comments came from the Associated Press’ fact checker Christopher Rugaber who wrote:

President Joe Biden related a faulty Democratic talking point about guns in his first State of the Union speech, made his plan on electric vehicles sound more advanced than it is and inflated the sweep of his infrastructure package. On several fronts, he presented ambitions as achievements. [Emphasis added]

So, the Associated Press basically said, in nice words, that Biden lied to the American people.

Let’s look at each of these issues: guns, electric vehicles, infrastructure and Biden’s achievements.


Rugaber said this about Biden’s false gun claim:

BIDEN, asking Congress to pass measures he said would reduce gun violence: “Repeal the liability shield that makes gun manufacturers the only industry in America that can’t be sued, the only one.”

THE FACTS: That’s false. While gun manufacturers do have legal protections from being held liable for injuries caused by criminal misuse of their weapons thanks to the 2005 Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, they are not exempt or immune from being sued. [Emphasis added]

But it gets worse

During his speech Biden highlighted Ford and its manufacturing of all electric vehicles in the United States. While the Biden White House has frequently lauded the efforts of Ford and GM, Tesla — the world’s largest electric vehicle manufacturer — has often been omitted and ignored for its achievements in pioneering all electric vehicles.

Tesla’s Elon Musk took Biden to task about the production of all electric vehicles on Twitter. Elon tweeted,

“Ford is investing $11B to build electric vehicles — creating 11,000 jobs across the country,” read a post from Biden’s Twitter account as the State of the Union speech concluded. “GM is making the largest investment in its history — $7B to build electric vehicles, creating 4,000 jobs in Michigan.”

Tesla has created over 50,000 US jobs building electric vehicles & is investing more than double GM + Ford combined,” the billionaire entrepreneur responded as an “fyi to person controlling this twitter.

Infrastructure Lies and Myths

AP fact checker Rugaber responded to Biden’s false claims about his Build Back Better infrastructure bill stating:

BIDEN, promoting his $1 trillion infrastructure law: “We’re done talking about infrastructure weeks. We’re now talking about an infrastructure decade. … We’ll build a national network of 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations.”

THE FACTS: Not so fast.

The bipartisan legislation approved by Congress ended up providing just half of the $15 billion that Biden had envisioned to fulfill a campaign promise of 500,000 charging stations by 2030.

Biden’s Build Back Better proposal aimed to fill the gap by adding back billions to pay for charging stations. But Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., in December declared that bill dead in its present form due to cost.

Administration officials now say the infrastructure law will help “pave” the way for up to 500,000 charging outlets by 2030. That’s different than charging stations, which could have several outlets. They say private investments could help fill the gap. Currently there are over 100,000 EV outlets in the U.S.

The Transportation Department’s plan asks states to build a nationwide network of EV charging stations that would place new or upgraded ones every 50 miles along interstate highways. The $5 billion in federal money over five years relies on cooperation from sprawling rural communities in the U.S., which are less likely to own EVs due to their typically higher price.

States are expected to start construction as early as fall. [Emphasis added]

Biden Dissed by Catholics

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is only the second Catholic president. The first being John F. Kennedy.

So how did Catholics like Biden’s State of the Union speech?

The Catholic Vote wrote this about Biden’s SOTU address:


The Biden administration has moved more aggressively than any previous presidential administration to promote abortion and to undo federal pro-life policies. On the issue of life, President Biden immediately reinstated pro-abortion policies such as taxpayer funding of abortions both nationally and internationally. The Democrat-controlled Congress then exploited the pandemic as a pretext to dump trillions in taxpayer dollars into left-wing legislation. Of those funds, they allocated billions to the abortion industry, which had absolutely no hand in the fight against the virus.

[ … ]


After making tremendous gains in the previous administration, religious liberty and conscience rights have suffered under the Biden regime.

Within weeks of being sworn into office, Biden revoked Executive Order 13831, which established a White House Faith and Opportunity Initiative. He thereby replaced the preservation of religious freedom as guaranteed by the Constitution with the woke language of “partnership” between the government and religious entities. Who is eligible for such a “partnership”? Only those who do not hold Christian beliefs that the LGBT agenda rejects.

[ … ]


As a candidate, Joe Biden promised to “shut down” the virus. However, more Americans died from COVID-19 in 2021 than in 2020. Instead of allowing the marketplace to distribute at-home COVID-19 tests, President Biden turned to the United States Postal Service. When faced with a shortage, a clueless Biden suggested to Americans: “Just Google” where to get one.

Meanwhile, Biden tried to mandate COVID vaccines for millions of Americans, further fracturing an already fragile economy. Even after the Supreme Court blocked his mandate on private businesses, the Biden administration continues its efforts to fire unvaccinated healthcare workers.

[ … ]


No demographic has suffered more during the pandemic than American kids. Biden vowed to re-open schools upon his election, but has instead worked behind the scenes with teachers’ unions to put the interests of bureaucrats and lobbyists above the needs of students.

If you were a parent who publicly complained about your school being closed, the Biden administration’s Department of Justice worked with the National School Board Association to label you as a “domestic terrorist.” The Biden administration is so busy teaching our kids the theory that everyone is a racist and that men should be able to dominate women in sports that they have no time to be concerned about some nosy parents.

[ … ]


Inflation is taxation, and it has gone up every month of Biden’s presidency. Inflation in January increased 7.5% year-over-year, the fastest pace in 40 years and the eighth straight month in which inflation rates exceeded 5%.

Now, Americans are paying more for everything. Last year, Biden’s economic crisis cost the average worker nearly two paychecks, while real wages decreased 8 out of 11 months since his first full month in office. The severity of this inflation was directly fueled by the reckless, far-Left spending spree that every single Democrat voted to ram through at President Biden’s behest. Families are living with the consequences every day.

[ … ]


In 2012, Cardinal Timothy Dolan sent a letter to the House of Representatives on the ever-present issue that Congress ignores – immigration. He wrote: “Of particular concern to us and our brother bishops is the impact our broken system is having on immigrant families… Children are often the innocent victims of these policies.”

President Biden’s actions over the course of his presidency confirm that the more liberal an administration’s border policies are, the more chaos and harm they create.

As always, children suffer most from this failure.

[ … ]


Following two years of defunding the police language from President Biden and Congressional Democrats, at least 16 cities have set new homicide records in 2021, according to local police departmentsIn 2021, 346 officers were shot, 63 of whom died. Also that same year, there were 103 ambush-style attacks on law enforcement officers, a 115% increase from 2020.

This did not happen in a vacuum.

Read the full Catholic rebuttal of Biden’s SOTU speech here.

The Democrat Rebuttal

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) delivered the “progressive response” to President Biden‘s State of the Union address. Tlaib is a member of the Squad and a Muslim. Talib called for more government control over “health care, climate, housing, child care, safety, voting rights, clean water and so much more.” She fiercely attacked her fellow Democrats — particularly party members who have blocked Biden’s sweeping climate and social spending proposals, formerly known as the “Build Back Better” plan — to act with greater urgency while they hold the majority in the House and Senate.

This is called eating your own.

Watch Tlaib’s rebuttal:

The Republican Rebuttal

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds delivers GOP response to Biden’s State of the Union address. Gov. Kim Reynolds, R-Iowa hit the following points:

  1. “Weakness on the world stage has a cost and the president’s approach to foreign policy has consistently been too little too late.”
  2. Accused Biden of bringing the nation back to the late 1970s and early 1980s, a time when “runaway inflation was hammering families, a violent crime wave was crashing on our cities, and the Soviet army was trying to redraw the world map.”
  3. Promised, “My House Republican colleagues and I will fight against his failed, leftist agenda, and will work to lower inflation, cut energy costs for American families, fight crime, and restore common sense and freedom in our country.”

Watch Gov. Kim Reynolds’, R-Iowa, rebuttal:

SOTU 2022 – Tweets We Liked

The Bottom Line

Well, there you have it. Many hated Biden’s SOTU speech for different reasons. The media pointed out the untruths and myths, Democrats hate their fellow Democrats who voted against Biden’s Build Back Better agenda, Elon Musk took Biden to task for ignoring Tesla and what it has done to launch the all electric vehicle effort, and Republicans are looking forward to the 2022 midterm elections with bated breath and hopes are high that Republicans can taking back one or both Houses of Congress in November.

Gird your loins, there’s more to come. Stay tuned.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


The ‘State Of The Union’ Is A Disaster, So Biden Gave A Campaign Speech Instead

CNN Poll: Percentage Who Had a ‘Very Positive’ Reaction to Biden’s SOTU at 15 Year Low

Biden to Divert Agents from U.S. Southern Border, Send Them to ‘Assist’ with Russia-Ukraine Conflict

As if things couldn’t get worse. The country cannot survive three more years of this treason.

Report: Biden to Divert Agents from U.S. Southern Border, Send Them to ‘Assist’ with Russia-Ukraine Conflict

By: John Binder, Breitbart News, 24 Feb 2022

President Joe Biden’s administration is looking to divert United States Border Patrol agents from their mission at the U.S.-Mexico border to send them overseas “to assist” those fleeing from Ukraine amidst Russia’s invasion, a new report states.

Even as illegal immigration continues pouring through the nation’s southern border at record levels, Biden hopes to entice Border Patrol agents to sign up voluntarily to aid American citizens, green card-holders, and their immediate relatives fleeing Ukraine into Eastern Europe.

John Solomon at Just The News, who exclusively obtained the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) memo, detailed the effort dubbed “Operation Support Ukraine:”

“The Office of Field Operations is seeking volunteers to assist with the possible evacuation of U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, and their immediate family members from Ukraine.,” the memo sent to field operations executives said. [Emphasis added]

“Eligible employees who volunteer for this situation may be selected to serve a temporary duty assignment in Poland to facilitate travelers for entry into the U.S., to include providing guidance and problems resolution to other government agencies.” [Emphasis added]

[ … ]

The memo said volunteers need to be ready to deploy “within 2-3 days” of selection and should plan for about a month’s work overseas. It also offered a plan for COVID-19 mitigation that said workers need to either have the vaccine or natural immunity from a recent infection. [Emphasis added]

Last month, Border Patrol agents apprehended nearly 154,000 border crossers. Roughly 2.1 million border crossers and illegal aliens are expected to arrive at the southern border this year.

Since October, according to Fox News’s Adam Shaw, about 220,000 border crossers successfully crossed into the U.S. via the southern border, undetected by Border Patrol.

In January, alone, the Biden administration released more than 62,500 border crossers and illegal aliens into the U.S. interior. Border Patrol agents have blasted Biden’s policies, which they say have made illegal immigration close to unmanageable.


DeSantis Rejects Biden Admin Request for National Guard at State of the Union

Special Counsel Finds Mark Zuckerberg’s Election Money Violated Wisconsin Bribery Laws

Democrat Who Took Donations From ‘Putin Pipeline’ Lobbyist Alleges GOP “Rooting for Russia”

GOP Rep. Gallagher: Biden’s Relying on Russia with Iran, Deal Will Be Justified by Claiming Need for Iranian Oil

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

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New York Times Disturbed That ‘Europe Opens Doors That Were Closed To Others’

UPDATE: Zelensky applauded by EU parliament; diplomats walk out on Lavrov at UN

The New York Times is offended that the states in Ukraine’s neighborhood – Poland, Hungary, the Baltic nations, Romania — are willing to admit Ukrainian refugees, while having rejected Muslim migrants who have tried in the recent past to enter those same countries. Apparently the NYTimes considers this to be “racism.” The Times report is here: “For Ukraine’s Refugees, Europe Opens Doors That Were Shut to Others,” by Lara Jakes, New York Times, February 26, 2022:

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has pushed tens of thousands of people out of their homes and fleeing across borders to escape violence. But unlike the refugees who have flooded Europe in crises over the past decade, they are being welcomed.

Countries that have for years resisted taking in refugees from wars in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan are now opening their doors to Ukrainians as Russian forces carry out a nationwide military assault. Perhaps 100,000 Ukrainians already have left their homes, according to United Nations estimates, and at least half of them have crowded onto trains, jammed highways or walked to get across their country’s borders in what officials warn could become the world’s next refugee crisis.

As of this writing, here are now not 100,000, but half a million Ukrainians who have left Ukraine for Poland, to the west. These are genuine refugees, fleeing war, not economic migrants, like the Muslims who have for more then two decades been arriving from the Middle East, North Africa, and Pakistan, intending to settle in the generous welfare states of Europe, in order to take advantage of every benefit they offer, including free or heavily subsidized housing, free medical care, free education, unemployment benefits, family allowances, and more. Indeed, these Muslim economic migrants try to end up in the countries with the most benefits, which means Germany, the U.K.,and the Scandinavian countries.

In Poland, government officials assisted by American soldiers and diplomats have set up processing centers for Ukrainians. “Anyone fleeing from bombs, from Russian rifles, can count on the support of the Polish state,” the Polish interior minister, Mariusz Kaminski, told reporters on Thursday. His government is spending hundreds of millions of dollars on a border wall, a project it began after refugees and migrants from the Middle East tried to reach the country last year but ended up marooned in neighboring Belarus.

The military in Hungary is allowing in Ukrainians through sections of the border that had been closed. Hungary’s hard-line prime minister, Viktor Orban, has previously called refugees a threat to his country, and his government has been accused of caging and starving them.

Viktor Orban never said that “refugees” are a threat to Hungary. He claimed that Muslim migrants were a threat: “We shouldn’t forget that the people who are coming here grew up in a different religion and represent a completely different culture. Most are not Christian, but Muslim…. That is an important question, because Europe and European culture have Christian roots,” he wrote.

Muslim migrants into non-Muslim European countries of course have only meant trouble. Muslims are taught in the Qur’an not to take “Jews and Christians as friends, for they are friends only with each other (Qur’an 5:51). They are further taught that Muslims are “the best of peoples” (3:110) while non-Muslims are “the most vile of created beings” (98:6). Why would Europeans want to continue to let into their countries, now that they have had such unhappy experiences with Muslims, millions of people who regard them as “the most vile of created beings,” and have no desire to be integrated into a society of Infidels? Muslims know that by rights it is they who should be ruling over non-Muslims, not the reverse. They are determined to pocket every conceivable benefit that non-Muslim states and peoples provide, regarding these benefits as theirs by right, a kind of proleptic jizyah that they have every right to exact from the Infidels. And Muslims are instructed too, in the Qur’an, to “fight” and to “kill” and to “smite at the necks of” and to “strike terror in the hearts” of the Infidels. The leaders of Poland and Hungary, who grew up under Soviet rule, learned from their countries’ experiences the effects of an aggressive and rigid religion, as both Communism and Islam happen to be.

Farther West, Chancellor Karl Nehammer of Austria said that “of course we will take in refugees if necessary” in light of the crisis in Ukraine. As recently as last fall, when he was serving as interior minister, Mr. Nehammer sought to block some Afghans seeking refuge after the Taliban overthrew the government in Kabul.

The Times wishes us to be scandalized by Chancellor Nehammer’s welcome to Ukrainians when “as recently as last fall” he was blocking Afghans “seeing refuge.” Why should we be? Chancellor Nehammer has nothing to be ashamed of; he sees clearly the difference between the Muslim Afghans, who in the West have already shown how difficult it will be to civilize and integrate them into the larger society. There is no such problem with Ukrainian refugees.

“It’s different in Ukraine than in countries like Afghanistan,” he was quoted as saying during an interview on a national TV program. “We’re talking about neighborhood help.”

“Neighborhood help”is exactly what is being offered the Ukrainians. These refugees are part of the same Western civilization, and share the same religion, Christianity, with those in Europe with whom they seek temporary refuge. The Ukrainian refugees plan to return to their country as soon as the war is over. The Poles, who already have experience with the Ukrainian Gastarbeiter living and working in their country, know how well they integrate, as fellow Slavs, and at the same time, know that they intend ultimately to return to Ukraine. Their behavior is quite unlike that of Muslim economic migrants who seek entry to European countries in order to better their lot, not by hard work, but by taking every advantage of welfare states that lavish billions of dollars worth of benefits on them. Countries like Poland and Hungary are seen as way-stations by Muslims hoping to make it to the most generous welfare states, such as Germany, the U.K., and the Scandinavian countries. Unlike the current refugees from Ukraine, the Muslim economic migrants have no intention of returning home, as long as they can take advantage of that cornucopia of benefits.

Diplomats and experts said European states that are willing to take in Ukrainians might be trying, in part, to highlight Russian aggressions against civilians by offering a humanitarian response. “If you think of causing the refugee crisis as one of Putin’s tools to destabilize the West, then a calm, efficient, orderly response is a really good rebuke to that,” said Serena Parekh, a professor at Northeastern University in Boston and the director of its politics, philosophy and economics program.

On the other hand,” said Ms. Parekh, who has written extensively about refugees, “it’s hard not to see that Ukrainians are white, mostly Christian and Europeans. And so in a sense, the xenophobia that’s really arisen in the last 10 years, particularly after 2015, is not at play in this crisis in the way that it has been for refugees coming from the Middle East and from Africa.”

Serena Parekh should be more careful with her language. What she calls European “xenophobia” is neither European nor xenophobic. The Europeans are not against all foreigners, which is what the word “xenophobia” means. Nor are they against all non-white immigrants. Based on sad experience, many are unwilling to admit more Muslims into their midst, for Muslims, they now realize, carry with them in their mental baggage, undeclared, the conviction of Muslim supremacism. Why should any country in Western Europe be apologetic for admitting Ukrainian refugees who are “white, mostly Christian, and Europeans” while keeping out those who are in thrall to Islam, a fanatical faith which uncompromisingly divides the world between dar al-Islam and dar al-harb, the Domain of Islam, where Muslims rule, and the Domain of War, where Infidels rule? We have seen the effects of millions of Muslims now living  in Western Europe, where the large-scale presence of Muslims has led to a situation for the indigenous non-Muslims that is far more unpleasant, expensive, and physically dangerous than would be the case without that large-scale presence.

When the NYT upbraids the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, especially Poland an Hungary, for allowing in Ukrainian refugees while keeping out Muslim migrants, it ignores the following:

1. The Ukrainians are fleeing an active war zone. They have a reasonable fear of being killed if they remain.. Most Muslims are economic migrants, arriving in Europe not to flee hostilities, but to better their financial condition by taking full advantage of benefits offered by the welfare states of Western Europe.

2. The Ukrainians share a civilization and a religion with those who are now willing to give them temporary refuge. Muslims knocking at the gates of Europe do not.

3. Muslim would-be immigrants are adherents of a faith that teaches them to shun non-Muslims as friends (5:51). Muslims are taught to “fight” and to “kill” and to “smite at the necks of” and to “strike terror in the hearts of” the Infidels. How likely is it that people taught such things can ever integrate into a society of Infidels? See Qur’an 2:191-193, 3:110, 3:151, 5:51, 8:12, 8:60, 9:5, 9:29, 47:4, 98:6.

4. Muslims who manage to be admitted to European countries are masters at obtaining every possible benefit – housing, medical care, education, family allowances, and more – soaking up much of the social welfare spending that had been intended to be spread among the indigenous poor in those countries.

5. Muslims in Europe try to impose the Shari’a, or law of Islam, on their own community, ignoring as best they can the manmade laws of the Infidels.

6. Muslims in Europe have shown a desire to keep non-Muslims physically out of their neighborhoods. There will not be any Ukrainian “no-go zones.”

7. Muslims in Europe exhibit much higher levels of criminality than the non-Muslims in whose countries they live. In France, for example, Muslims make up 7.5% of the population, but ar 70% of the prison population. In the U.K., Muslims make up 6.6% of the population, but nearly 20% of the prison population. And Muslim crime tends to be violent, with a much higher percentage of rapes and murders than in the non-Muslim criminal population.

8. None of these facts mentioned above appear in the New York Times story “Europe Opens Doors That Were Closed To Others.” We are left to conclude from the Times report that baseless prejudice, racism, islamophobia are what explain the failure of some European states to admit Muslims with open arms as they do the Ukrainians who are now being admitted.

9. I beg to differ with the Grey Lady. Don’t you?



San Diego: Girl Scout troop learns about how ‘women are looked at equal to men’ in Islam

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France: A Muslim spits at a priest as the priest is blessing a town square

Turkey violates Greek airspace with F-16 aircraft as world focuses on Ukraine

Greece: Over 2,000 incidents of desecration of churches around the same time as illegal Muslim migrant influx

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.