Lapid On Gaza – Stupid Is As Stupid Does

Lapid’s recent Gaza policy proposal is just one more display in an appalling catalogue of his imbecility-cum-ignorance, which, in light of his electoral success, is—in itself—a grave indictment of the Israeli voter

Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universeattributed to Albert Einstein.

I used to have so many opinions before I learned the facts—Yair Lapid, New York Times, May 19, 2013.

When it comes to Gaza, don’t dream about demilitarization or economic miraclesAaron David Miller, senior fellow at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace & veteran State Dept. Mid-East negotiator, in Foreign Policy, July 22, 2014.

Almost eight years ago, much to his chagrin, I wrote an Op-Ed on the then-Finance Minister, Yair Lapid.

It began:

Yair Lapid is the most dangerous man in Israeli politics today, a good-looking, charismatic, overconfident fool, an affable ignoramus with no intellectual gravitas, devoid of moral principle, but with the gift of a silver tongue and the unmistakable – and largely undisguised – penchant for demagoguery and dictatorship.”

Sadly, this caveat is no less relevant today than it was then—arguably, more so.

Confounding “cause” & “effect”

Thus, earlier this month, at an international conference on counter-terrorism, Yair Lapid, now Foreign Minister, floated a policy proposal for dealing with the perennial problem of Gaza.

Although there was scarcely anything new about the idea, appearing to be little more than “old goods in an equally old wrapping”, it garnered considerable media attention.

Depending on one’s perspective of Israel’s mainstream media, this is either somewhat surprising…or preeminently predictable.

Unsurprisingly, the parameters of the Lapid proposal were entirely within the guidelines of accepted wisdom on Gaza, prescribing that, somehow, the enduring violence in, and from, the luckless enclave is due to the poor economic conditions with which it is afflicted. Of course, little reflection is required to grasp that precisely the opposite is true. After all, in Gaza, it is not penury that begets the violence, but the violence that begets the penury.

But then, sadly,  reflection does not appear to be Lapid’s core expertise. After all, his public appearances have been afflicted by some of the most embarrassing faux pas, mortifying gaffes, and bumbling blunders—which, for some reason, have left his public image largely unscathed. But more on that mystifying enigma—and its disconcerting implications—a little later.

Stating the painfully obvious

But for the moment, let’s focus on the substance—for want of a better word—of the Lapid initiative for quelling the violence emanating from, and fermented in, Gaza.

In mid-September, the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs put out a 2000 word statement, setting out the parameters of Lapid’s alleged “vision”. In it, Lapid states the painfully obvious: “The policy Israel has pursued up until now hasn’t substantially changed the situation… We need to change direction.”

Accordingly, he asks: “What should we do?”—and answers: “… we need to start a large, multi-year process of economy for security.

In Lapid’s view, his initiative is a “more realistic version of what in the past was called rehabilitation for demilitarization.”

In an attempt to forestall any criticism, which he apparently foresaw, he preemptively parried:

There will be experts who tell you that this plan has no chance. The answer is – we never tried. For too long the only two options on the table have been conquering Gaza, or never-ending rounds of violence…[A] serious proposal of “economy for security” in Gaza has never before been put on the table”.

Lapid is wrong—on both counts!!

Unoriginal and unrealistic

Firstly, his proposal is hardly original—i.e. “we have never tried [it].”

On the contrary, it has been raised repeatedly in the past—at least as far back as 2014–chiefly by failed and forgotten politicians. It was in  2014, that former Defense Minister, Shaul Mofaz, suggested a financial package of $50 billion, together with independent seaport access. Likewise, several other ministers, including former Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, and former senior security officials such as ex-Shin Bet director, Yuval Diskin, have incorporated this notion in their political declarations and speeches.

Indeed, in August 2014, Lapid himself touted the idea, calling for ensuring that the economic “rehabilitation [of Gaza]takes place alongside [its]demilitarization.”

Although I have many points of disagreement with senior Carnegie fellow, David Aaron Miller, he has written a particularly incisive critique, entitled The Endgame in Gaza. In it, he derisively dismisses the attempts to resolve the Gaza question by promises of economic development in exchange for Hamas laying down its weapons. Wistfully, he muses: “I wish I had a dollar for every time some well-intentioned soul approached me with some new Marshall Plan for Gaza or the Middle East.”

“Meanwhile back on Planet Earth…”

Secondly, Lapid’s proposal is not even remotely “realistic”.

Indeed, Miller, somewhat acerbically, prefaces his review of the inherent deficiencies of Lapid’s “more-goodies-for-less-guns” school of thought with a sardonic barb: “Meanwhile back on Planet Earth..”, thus relegating them to the realms of ridicule.

Detailing the reasons why none of these schemes seem even “remotely possible”, Miller points out that they call on Hamas to repudiate its very raison d’etre. He writes: “Hamas would have to abandon its 35-year reason for being, give up armed struggle, accept Palestinian Authority rule, and become a political party without achieving the end of Israel’s occupation, let alone statehood.”

But not only ideological obstacles render the idea of “rehabilitation for demilitarization” unworkable. Thus, as Miller explains:

Someone would also have to supervise the area close to the Israel-Gaza border inside the Strip in order to ensure that Hamas didn’t continue to tunnel…

But, he cautions, to ensure that,

An acceptable international force would have to be organized to identify, collect, and destroy Hamas’s weapons. All other smaller resistance groups, including Islamic Jihad and the Popular Resistance Committees, would need to be defanged…[and] the international community — in an uncharacteristic display of focus and commitment — would need to step up with tons of money and technical assistance.”

In assessing the feasibility of such an outcome, Miller is unequivocally caustic and blunt: “In other words, forget it.”

Plumbing the depths of absurdity

But the absurdity of Lapid’s proposal goes beyond that outlined by Miller.

Indeed, he suggests that Israel initiate the undertaking of major infrastructure projects within the Gaza Strip, not only without engaging Hamas, but to undermine its stature in Gaza!!!

Thus, he underscores:

I’ll say it clearly – this isn’t a proposal to negotiate with Hamas. Israel doesn’t speak to terror organizations who want to destroy us.” 

However, beyond vague references to the “international community,” he offers no clue as to who would comprise the stout-hearted entity that is to challenge the brutal Islamist terror group, indeed goad it, by overtly trying to erode its public support.

Accordingly, he asserts:

The electricity system will be repaired, gas will be connected, a water desalination plan[t] will be built, significant improvements to the health care system and…rebuilding of housing and transport infrastructure will take place…

Then, oblivious of prevailing realities on the ground, he blithely prescribes:

The international community will use its influence over Hamas [Yeah, right! – MS] to assist in the efforts to stop Hamas arming itself. It will work to strengthen efforts to prevent smuggling and an economic oversight mechanism will be put into place to prevent resources going to Hamas.

And then, with unbounded—and equally unfounded—optimism, he determines: “In exchange, Hamas will commit to long term quiet”.

Lapid in la-la land?

Lapid disclosed:

The purpose of the process is to create stability on both sides of the border”…the people of Gaza need to know that Hamas terrorism is what’s standing between them and a normal life.

According to him:

Advancing a formula of economy for security will force Hamas to explain to the residents of Gaza why they live in conditions of poverty, scarcity, violence, and high unemployment, without hope.”

He insisted,

We need to tell Gazans [that] Hamas is leading you to ruin. No one will come and invest real money… in a place from which Hamas fires and which Israel strikes on a regular basis.”

Accordingly, he urged:

It’s time to put the pressure on Hamas. It’s time to cause the residents of Gaza to pressure Hamas because they understand what they are missing out on as a result of terrorism and understand how much they stand to gain if that terrorism stops.”

So there you have it, the purported “rationale” of Lapid’s template for a masterly stroke of statesmanship for dealing with Gaza in a nutshell: Assemble an unspecified force to disarm Hamas—or at least curtail is armaments and their use against Israel, thereby effectively annulling its very raison d’etre—while initiating large economic projects, whose specific purpose is to denude the influence of the Islamist organization.

Gee, what could possibly go wrong ??

Two terribly tenuous tenets?

Lapid’s regurgitated formula rests on two terribly tenuous tenets.

The first is that, as a collective, the Palestinians can be lured into some kind of peace arrangement with Israel—or at least, into durable non-belligerence—by the promise of enhanced economic well-being.

The second is that Hamas rule is maintained only—or at least chiefly—by force of arms and lacks significant public support—and thus, could be displaced by wide public dissent if seen/portrayed as an impediment to the achievement of enhanced living standards.

Neither premise is valid.

As for public support for Hamas, a recent Palestinian poll is starkly unequivocal! “It states: “If new presidential and parliamentary elections were to take place today, Hamas would do relatively well compared to Fatah…

According to the poll’s findings:

This is particularly true for a presidential election…Most importantly for Fatah, findings show a significant increase in the demand for Abbas’[s] resignation, with almost 80% making the demand, an unprecedent[ed]… finding…”

But if there is little sign of eroding public support for Hamas in favor of the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority (PA), there is similarly scant evidence that the prospect of improved economic conditions is likely to generate such erosion.

Terribly tenuous (cont.)

Indeed, further findings of the same poll reflect realities no less discordant with Lapid’s pivotal notion of the prospective allure of higher living standards becoming a lever to promote anti-Hamas sentiments.

Thus, when asked to designate what they considered the most vital Palestinian goals and the main problems confronting Palestinians today, respondents gave the following answers:

44% believe that the first most vital Palestinian goal should be to end Israeli occupation in the areas occupied in 1967 and build a Palestinian state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip with East Jerusalem as its capital. By contrast, 32% believe the first most vital goal should be to obtain the right of return of refugees to their 1948 towns and villages, 12% believe that the first and most vital goal should be to build a pious or moral individual and a religious society, one that applies all Islamic teachings and 10% believes it should be to establish a democratic political system that respects freedoms and rights of Palestinians”.

Significantly, there is nary a mention of a desire for a better economy, the very lynchpin of the Lapid plan, and which purportedly would induce public opposition to Hamas, paving the way to the demilitarization of the Gaza Strip and the cessation of terror attacks from within it.


Lapid mimicking Liberman

Given all of the above, it is hardly surprising that the Lapid plan was roundly rejected by Hamas. Thus, Hamas spokesperson Hazim Qasim stated bluntly:

The enemy has resorted to various proposals…to weaken the resistance, and they did not succeed. Its resort to such a plan indicates its inability to deal with the resistance and our Palestinian people.

However, it was also the intended beneficiary of the scheme, the Fatah-dominated PA, that condemned it as gravely misguided. Thus, PA Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh castigated it as essentially irrelevant: “Gaza’s problem is political [i.e. not economic-MS]. It is the same problem that all of Palestine faces, including Jerusalem. There must be a serious political process based [o]n international law, to end the occupation and lift the blockade… this would make the reconstruction of Gaza possible and sustainable.”

In other words—as a collective—economics is subordinate to, and contingent on, politics.

But, of course, had Lapid not been afflicted with such ignorance and arrogance; had he not been imbibed with such narcissistic desire to appear original/innovative/creative, he might have realized that four years previously, his coalition partner, one Avigdor “Yvette” Liberman, had raised an almost identical proposal—based on precisely the same elements as stipulated by Lapid. Indeed, if anything, it was even more explicit!

In it, Liberman proposed turning Gaza “into the Singapore of the Middle East” by building a seaport and an airport and by creating industrial zones that would help create 40,000 jobs, if Hamas agreed to demilitarisation and to dismantling the tunnel and rocket systems it has built up. Sound familiar??..

The Hamas response was swift. Mahmoud al-Zahar, a senior Hamas official, dismissed it derisively, sneering, “If we wanted to turn Gaza into Singapore, we would have done it ourselves. We do not need favors from anyone.

Demilitarization: A futile fetish

The fetish with the demilitarization of Gaza is both timeworn and futile.

Indeed, it has ostensibly been part and parcel of the Oslowian “peace-process” since its inception.

Thus, those who suggest demilitarization of Gaza today, are apparently oblivious of the fact that Gaza is already supposed to be demilitarized under the Oslo Accords, and they give little clue as to why future demilitarization is likely to be any more effective than in the past—or by whom it will be enforced and how such enforcement is to be effected.

Moreover, demilitarization advocates give scant hint as to how a demilitarized regime (Hamas or otherwise) could contend with radicalized and extreme adversaries (domestic—such as Iranian-backed groups like the PIJ—or foreign—such as ISIS-affiliated jihadis in Sinai). Could the unspoken intention be that the IDF will be called on to provide security to the demilitarized rulers of Gaza? Surely not!

Israel’s chief diplomat: A snapshot?

Israel must now come to terms with the perturbing fact that the man charged with the conduct of the nation’s foreign policy is someone with a long and documented history of poor judgment and appalling ignorance, coupled with commensurate arrogance.

After all, Lapid is on record as referring to the 16th-century Polish astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) as a great classical Greek scholar, several centuries BCE, and to Swiss sculptor, Alberto Giacometti, who was born and died in the 20th century (1901-1966) as a Renaissance period artist.

He was apparently unaware of the differences between “forefathers” (i.e. ancestors) and “four fathers” (i.e. one more than three), or of the fact that the US constitution was not written exclusively by one man, John Adams. Likewise, he claimed that Yom Kippur—the Day of Atonement—generally considered the holiest day in the Jewish calendar—only dated from the Spanish Inquisition, rather than from the time of Moses and the Israelites exodus from Egypt.

More recently, towards the end of 2020, he sneered at Netanyahu’s promise to provide a large-scale supply of COVID-19 vaccines, even accusing him of blatantly lying to the public. According to Lapid, Israel would be last in line for vaccines, behind dozens of Western countries.

Of course, within weeks, Lapid was proven utterly wrong on every count…

With Israeli diplomacy in such “capable hands”, what is there to worry about?

After all, what you vote for is what get!

©Martin Sherman. All rights reserved.

Ingoglia on Biden Border Crisis: ‘Florida will not help with your lawlessness’ [Video]

One Florida House Representative is praising Governor Ron DeSantis’ new executive order preventing Florida agencies from aiding the federal government with relocating illegal immigrants into Florida. One America’s Stefan Kleinhenz has more.


©OANN. All rights reserved.

FAIR AND BALANCED AWED NEWSLETTER: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Note 1: Each issue now has a link, so it’s simple to share on social media. We’re also hoping that the new Newsletter format makes it easier to read.

Note 2: Our two recent powerful reports on COVID-19 are here and here.

Note 3: Please watch this thought-provoking short video:

Have You Heard the Buffalo Paradox? — and then pass it on!

— This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic —

COVID-19 — Therapies:

Ivermectin is effective for COVID-19 when used early. Analysis of 65 studies

Directories of Physicians who may prescribe Ivermectin: here, here and here

Overcoming the Blockade — Getting Ivermectin Prescriptions Filled

I-MASK Early Outpatient Treatment for COVID-19

Report: The FDA COVID-19 Drug Approval Process: Remdesivir vs Ivermectin

Report: India’s Ivermectin Blackout – The Secret Revealed

Video: Dr. Campbell discusses COVID-19 response by India

Misleading clinical evidence and systematic reviews on ivermectin for COVID-19

Doctor Cites Early Treatment as Reason for Success with 6,000 Covid Patients

NIH doesn’t recommend ivermectin as some members have conflicting financial interests

Pfizer’s Study For COVID-19 Drug That’s Suspiciously Similar to Ivermectin

Merck says its new COVID-19 pill reduces the risk of hospitalization and death

Fluvoxamine data for COVID-19 Treatment

COVID-19 — Vaccines:

FDA Panel Member on COVID Vaccines: Heart Attacks Happen 71x More Often

80% of COVID-19 deaths in August were people who had been vaccinated

30,305 people died within 21 days of having a Covid-19 Vaccine in England

Essay: Vaccine Damage And Deaths Are Becoming Widespread

Censorship: YouTube is blocking all anti-vaccine content

Pfizer Admits: Israel is Massive Experiment for mRNA Gene Therapy Shots

Two predictions – one from a skeptic, the other a vaccine advocate

Short Video: COVID-19 Vaccine Data From Singapore

Short Video: Israel’s Alarming Data

Short video: Inadvertent intravenous injections

COVID-19 — Vaccine Mandates:

Response: We Would Get a COVID-19 Vaccine, IF…

NY Court Recognizes Irreparable Harm to Health Care Workers

Some Resources to Stop Mandatory Vaccinations

Acquired immunity as a legal challenge to COVID-19 vaccination mandates

Study: Durable and broad immune memory after SARS-CoV-2 infection

Study: Acquired COVID-19 immunity in the US vs vaccinating people

Army Doctor Calls on Pentagon to Ground ALL Pilots Who have had COVID Shots

NC Hospital Suspends Nearly 400 Employees For Refusing COVID Vaccine

Most NY healthcare workers fired over mandate won’t get unemployment insurance

NYC Mandatory School Vaccine Policies are Struck Down by the Courts
Short video: ”Constitutional County” Chautauqua County Legislature

Video: Norway DROPS All Restrictions and Chooses to Live with COVID-19

House Republicans Introduce Health Freedom For All Act

COVID-19 — Models and Data:

Are Face Masks Effective? The Evidence.

Interview with Jessica Rose, PhD — VAERS: What do the Data Tell us

Study: COVID-19 Vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals have similar viral loads

CDC Allows Hospitals to Classify Dead Vaxxed People as “Unvaccinated”

Safety Signals for COVID Vaccines are Loud and Clear

Does Alabama’s football stadium tell us the risk of dying from a COVID-19?

Covid-19 Vaccine Ingredients

COVID-19 — Misc:

Report: Scientific Observations about the Medical Establishment’s Handling of COVID-19

Pandemic: Political and economic consequences underneath a false flagged health banner

The Spartacus Letter

Short video: Have You Heard the Buffalo Paradox?

A detailed list of retracted COVID-19 papers and studies

Letter to Earlham College Administrators

Looking for a rapid COVID-19 test? A few things to know before you buy one

Fox guarding the henhouse? Yes, indeed!

Report: The Masked Ball of Cowardice

Video: Special Investigation — What Really Happened in Wuhan

Greed Energy Economics:

Short video: The Great Texas Freeze of 2021

Europe’s energy crisis goes from bad to worse as Russia keeps firm grip on supply

New legislation would set Michigan wind turbine tax table

Renewable Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences:

Crippling Cost of Ontario’s Obsession With Wind Power: 71% Increase in Power Bills

Slaughter of the seabirds

Wind Energy:

Conservation group backs permanent moratorium on Great Lakes turbines

Turbine Noise Nuisance Case Uncovers Wind Industry’s Culture of Lies & Deceit

New Documentary: Headwind”21

The List of Wind Energy Rejections the Sierra Club Doesn’t Want You to See

Wind turbine collapses hours before official launch

Solar Energy:

Solar trade woes cast a pall over Biden’s climate goals

Thirst for renewable energy creates a rural conundrum

The Backyard Battle for New York’s Climate Future

Vermont Does Something Right about Solar

Nuclear Energy:

Fukushima studies show wildlife is doing nicely without humans

Fossil Fuel Energy:

How cheap fracking was killed by Green lies and Russian propaganda

Fossil Fuels are a strategic asset

It Looks Like America’s Energy Future Is Still Going to Be a Gas

China rations electricity amid coal shortages and climate push

The Next Plandemic – China’s Faux Energy Crisis

Misc Energy:

Are Big Electric Utilities But A Circle of Corruption Today?

Clean Electricity Performance Program A Corporatist Takeover

Looming European energy crisis: A lesson in averages that won’t soon be forgotten

Australia’s big Tesla battery sued for not helping during coal power station failure

Energy efficiency savings rival total Wind & Solar generation

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions:

Climate narcissism

Climate change gets the blame for simple bureaucratic failures

South Pole posts most severe cold season on record

Stossel Sues Facebook Alleging Defamation Over Fact-Check Label

US Election: (10 major election reports by our team of experts, plus much more!)

Manchin Senate Election Bill (S2747)

Testimony against the Restoring Voting Rights Act

Special Report on the 2020 Presidential Election Results, Part II

Senators Propose to Take Away Freedoms in So-Called “Freedom To Vote Act”

Billions hidden in $3.5 trillion bill to tilt election scale

US Election — Arizona:

Arizona Audit Report: Key Findings

Full Maricopa Audit Documents

Commentary on the Maricopa Audit Results

Video: Bannon post audit analysis 9-26

US Election — Other State Issues:

The PA GOP Offers Another Election “Reform” Bill That Does Nothing To Fix Elections

RNC Challenges Vermont Legislation Giving Voting Rights to Non-Citizens

Wisconsin Sure Has a Lot of 124-Year-Old Registered Voters on Its Rolls

US Politics and Socialism:

Biden’s UN Talk: Something transparently obvious that most will miss

How Russiagate Became a Story of Old Friends in High Places

Short video: Trump was Right About Clinton & Russia Collusion!!

The Audacity of this Man: Trump

Vowing to Protect Rights, NY County Goes ‘Constitutional

Religion Related:

SUPERIOR: Christianity is dying and being replaced by cult of coronavirus

There is No Salvation in Woke Theology

It’s not Catholic to say getting the COVID shot is ‘gift of love’

Education Related:

Short excellent video: A History Teacher’s Warning

Science and Misc Matters:

Science journals have been corrupted by China

US and China Battle for Critical Rare Earth Metals

There Are Far More Defensive Gun Uses Than Murders

The Maps That Steer Us Wrong

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Note 1: We recommend reading the Newsletter on your computer, not your phone, as some documents (e.g. PDFs) are much easier to read on a large computer screen… We’ve tried to use common fonts, etc. to minimize display issues.

Note 2: For recent past Newsletter issues see 2020 Archives & 2021 Archives. To accommodate numerous requests received about prior articles over the twelve plus years of the Newsletter, we’ve put together archives since the beginning of the Newsletter — where you can search by year. For a detailed background about the Newsletter, please read this.

Note 3: See this extensive list of reasonable books on climate change. As a parallel effort, we have also put together a list of some good books related to industrial wind energy. Both topics are also extensively covered on my website:

Note 4: I am not an attorney or a physician, so no material appearing in any of the Newsletters (or the website) should be construed as giving legal or medical advice. My recommendation has always been: consult a competent, licensed attorney when you are involved with legal issues, and consult a competent physician regarding medical matters.

Copyright © 2021; Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (see

PODCAST: GOP Voters to ‘Overtake Democrats’ in Florida

I joined Matt Boyle from Breitbart News to discuss the Florida GOP’s efforts on the ground to turn Florida into a Republican state (in terms of voter registration) for the first time in our state’s history.

Registered Republican voters are poised to overtake registered Democrats in the Sunshine State, Vice Chairman of the Florida GOP Christian Ziegler told Breitbart News Saturday.

By: Katherine Hamilton

According to Ziegler, who has played a pivotal role on the ground getting Republicans registered in the state, there were 700,000 more Democrats than Republicans in 2008. By 2016, when former President Donald Trump took office, Democrats only maintained a 320,000 voter lead.

“And then today, we’re at about 20,000 more registered Democrats than Republicans,” he said, noting the narrowing gap between parties in the state. “So you’re seeing that gap go from 700,000, 320,000, to today about 20,000. So we’re going to overtake the Democrats. This is something that we’ve been working hard on as a state party.”

“We get a lot of people that flip,” he noted, crediting Florida’s shift, in part to the Democrat Party. He said the party’s insistence on becoming more extreme and socialistic, especially during the pandemic, is pushing people from blue states to red states — such as Florida — in search of freedom. He also sees more independent voters stepping out and choosing to vote red, as Democrats continue to push their luck with their leftist agenda.

“The socialism that they push does not play well in South Florida. The “Defund the Police” message that they pushed, and the anti-military, anti-law enforcement, you know positions that they’ve taken, does not play well in the I-4 corridor,” he said. “And then the full attack on parental rights, and families, and culture, and religion doesn’t play well on the panhandle.”

Another factor bringing people south, according to Ziegler, is the state’s leadership.

“It’s interesting. When people moved to Florida for decades, all we’ve heard is ‘I’m moving because of the sunshine and the weather,’” he said. “And now the top thing that I’m hearing is ‘I’m moving because number 1: the freedom, and number 2: because of who your governor is.’”

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has risen among the ranks of Republican leadership in the country and often sets himself up as a foil to President Joe Biden and Democrat governor’s in other states. During the height of the pandemic, DeSantis took a more individualistic approach compared to some Democrat governors, many of whom locked down their states for months and kept children home from school — something Ziegler described as “frankly tyrannical.”

“They’re coming down to Florida, and they are realizing they do not need to put up with big government,” he said. “It’s like a perfect storm for us in terms of flipping the state.”

The influx of new residents actually caused Florida to gain a congressional seat, which will boost the state’s sway even more in national politics. Simultaneously, California, New York, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia lost seats — and in California’s case, for the first time in state history.

“The latest stats from indicate that nearly 1000 people move here every day and many are coming from northern states like New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. According to, Florida was the most moved to state in 2020,” Florida television station Fox4 reported in August.

Ziegler called DeSantis the “greatest attraction to the state,” which is opposite to what Democrats largely say of his leadership. Ziegler said the smears are an effort to slow DeSantis down before he has the chance to run for president of the United States one day, a political move heavily speculated in conservative circles.

“He has a spine, and that spine is strong. He’s standing up real tall, and he’s leading the fight — and he’s not afraid to take on fights,” he said.

Overall, Ziegler said he believes Democrats, “both locally and nationally” are fearful of what a “ruby red” Florida — the “swing states of the swing states”  — could mean for their agenda going forward.

“It’s going to be historic. For the first time ever in the State of Florida, we’re going to have more registered Republicans than Democrats, and that’s terrifying the Democrat Party both locally and nationally. I love watching them terrified, so it’s a lot of fun to be on the ground doing that,” he said.

©Christian Ziegler. All rights reserved.

The Parents’ Rebellion

Robert Royal: Politicians are backing Critical Race Theory and LGBTQ initiatives in schools. If you’re still sending your kids to such schools, either get them out or get involved.

Terry McAuliffe, the once and (possibly) future governor of Virginia, said something during a campaign debate last week that surprised many of us who thought we couldn’t be surprised anymore by American politics: “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”

Now, in America, States and specific locales run schools. The Constitution gives the Federal government no authority over education (despite Jimmy Carter’s creation of a Department of Education, which spends almost a quarter trillion dollars annually).

You could argue that parents and other voters in a given jurisdiction have already expressed their preferences by selecting mayors, school boards, etc. But as in any democratic context, that doesn’t mean those authorities then exist in a realm beyond criticism – or even removal – if parents who are voters and taxpayers are outraged by their performance.

Catholic Social Teaching also maintains that “Parents have the first responsibility for the education of their children.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church,  2223) McAuliffe graduated from Bishop Ludden High School in Syracuse N.Y., the Catholic University of America, and the Georgetown Law Center. But, it appears, he remains untouched by that principle.

He wasn’t really speaking of American practice or Catholic principle in the recent debate. He was trying to signal to several progressive constituencies that he’s with them. The politics of the schools in Virginia have become so toxic lately that explosions were inevitable. And he’s made clear which side he’s on.

Two issues in particular have given rise to heated – almost insurrectionary – Virginia school board meetings in recent months. First, an entirely Democrat board in Fairfax Virginia (where this column is being written) has been vigorously promoting Critical Race Theory (CRT). Not exploring, not debating, promoting.

It went so far as to pay $20,000 to Ibram X. Kendi, one of CRT’s architects, for a mere 45-minute Zoom lecture followed by 15  minutes of questions. Over $300 a minute as critics pointed out – while schools constantly plead poverty. Kendi is famous for arguing that past discrimination against blacks can only be remedied by present discrimination against whites, a stance he and others call “anti-racism.”

No surprise, then, that parents, including some black parents, were furious about this reverse racism masquerading as justice, schools teaching children that they are “racist” merely because they are white.

More recently, controversy broke out over two books – Lawn Boy and Gender Queer­ – that portray sexually explicit “homoerotic” acts, one showing a boy about to fellate an older man. The Fairfax board temporarily removed the books from school libraries and appointed a committee to study whether the material is “pornographic.” The politics may force the committee to do the right thing, but today’s librarians are not the bluenoses of yesteryear. The American Library Association “honored” both books as having “special appeal to young adults, ages 12 through 18.” (Is 12 “young adult” now for sexual purposes?)

Democratic politics is a process by which we debate how to order our lives together. As such, it demands a commitment to certain basic principles, not least that we respect the opinions of others even as we try to live with one another. And that means often not pushing conflicts into public spaces, where live-and-let-live then becomes impossible.

For all the talk these days of “diversity,” the term does not really mean tolerating the widest possible range of people. It more typically means privileging favored liberal groups – gays, trans, “people of color” – even if impartiality has to be discarded to do so. The most radical division, of course, is between the roughly half the nation that still follows Christian precepts and the half who see those precepts, in varying ways, as biased and even as hate speech.

Still, any sane person can see that racism – including reverse racism – and homoerotic pornography – like heterosexual pornography – are outside of true civic dialogue, however politically correct they may be in how they present themselves. It’s best to keep them out of the state’s hands – just as we don’t want the nightmare of the state teaching religion.

McAuliffe was appealing to those constituencies who want the current emphasis on CRT and LGBTQ interests to prevail in schools. Parents who oppose this imposition are not trying to tell schools “what they should teach.” That’s a red herring. Parents know quite well – it’s why they send their children to government schools – that teachers there know better than they do themselves how to teach students at various grade levels about mathematics, science, geography, reading and writing, and many other subjects. That’s their prerogative.

The protest stems from their teaching a reverse racism instead of the older American ideal of equality before the law. And, at an even more fundamental level, it arises from not just a discussion of current sexual mores, but a deliberate challenge to religious traditions.

I don’t know if the recent parents’ rebellion will succeed. Terry McAuliffe is clearly betting that it won’t. He signaled the other day to progressive school boards, teachers, diversity consultants, and media that he’s their guy, not his opponent, Glenn Youngkin.

If he prevails, it will be the parents’ fault. Over two decades ago, my own two oldest children were in a Fairfax high school. The county began a sex-ed program that was objectionable – but parents could opt out. We did. But in an area of the country with a highly educated and politically engaged population, and many conservatives as well as liberals, only two students opted out: my daughter and the son of one of Chuck Colson’s vice presidents at Prison Fellowship. Most parents, I’m afraid, just want their kids to fit in.

The stakes are even higher now and parents are motivated in several states. But the rebellion will have to become orders of magnitude larger to succeed. If you’re still sending your kids to state-run schools, for whatever reason, either get them out or get involved. If you don’t, you can’t complain that the sexual revolutionaries, anti-racist consultants, and other radicals are ruining our children and our lives.


Robert Royal

Dr. Robert Royal is editor-in-chief of The Catholic Thing, president of the Faith & Reason Institute in Washington, D.C., and currently serves as the St. John Henry Newman Visiting Chair in Catholic Studies at Thomas More College. His most recent books are Columbus and the Crisis of the West and A Deeper Vision: The Catholic Intellectual Tradition in the Twentieth Century.


Hundreds of Thousands of “Domestic Terrorists” AKA Parents, Stand Up to Biden Regime and School Boards

Supreme Court poised to make landmark rulings on abortion, guns, religious rights.

EDITORS NOTE: This The Catholic Thing column is republished with permission. © 2021 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

Poll: Majority of Trump Voters Want Red States to Secede from Blue States

Count me among them. It would avert a. bloody civil war.

It’s free states versus slave states ….. again.

Poll: Majority of Trump Voters Want Red States to Secede from Blue States

By: Breitbart News, October 3, 2021:

When the survey asked voters who supported then-candidate Joe Biden in 2020, 41 percent agreed with the same statement, and 18 percent strongly agreed with the statement.

“The divide between Trump and Biden voters is deep, wide, and dangerous. The scope is unprecedented, and it will not be easily fixed,” UVA Center for Politics Director Larry J. Sabato said.

The majority of both sets of voters agreed that someone voting for a candidate from the opposing party is disloyal to the people they care about: 54 percent for Trump voters and 52 percent for Biden voters.

The poll also revealed that over 40 percent of voters in both parties favor abolishing the checks and balances built into the federal government and giving the president greater control: 44 percent for Trump voters and 46 percent for Biden voters.

However, over 75 percent of both parties also agreed with the statement that Americans who support the opposite party present a “clear and present danger to the American way of life.”

“In order to figure out ways to bridge these divides, we need to understand not just the divides themselves, but also understand the ways in which we can, together, move forward to reach common ground. This project helps us do both,” Larry Schack of Project Home Fire said.

The poll was taken from July 22 to August 4 with the help of InnovateMR — an industry-leading marketing research data collection firm — to collect data from a series of questions.

There were 2,002 2020 voters who were asked questions. They were divided equally between 1,001 Trump voters from 2020 and 1,001 Biden voters from 2020. There is a margin of error from this survey of +/- 2.2 percent.

RELATED VIDEO: Sen. Johnson – You can’t believe anything this administration tells you!


Biden Parades Huge Tax Hikes After Dodging Paying His ‘Fair Share’ For Years

41% of Biden Voters Think It’s Time for Red and Blue States to Secede

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Fauci: ‘Too Soon to Tell’ if Families Can Gather for Christmas [Video]

But it’s not too soon to indict and incarcerate this war criminal.

Fauci: ‘Too Soon to Tell’ if Families Can Gather for Christmas

By: Todd Starnes, October 3, 2021:

Dr. Anthony Fauci, President Biden’s chief medical adviser, told “Face the Nation” Sunday it’s “just too soon to tell” if families can gather for Christmas.


Many online have criticized Fauci for flip-flopping on masks, vaccines, and other issues from the very beginning of the pandemic. He told the American people there wouldn’t be mask or vaccine mandates, which he now supports.

RELATED ARTICLE: New Fauci Email Proves He Funded Lab Training for Wuhan’s Most Deadly Lab.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Biden’s ‘Evacuation’ Was a Taliban Human Trafficking Scheme

The Biden administration is covering up its final crime in Afghanistan.

After Biden evacuated tens of thousands of Afghan “translators”, refugee resettlement groups are desperately looking for translators to translate to the translators.

Why do Afghan translators, who were supposed to be able to translate from English to their native language, need help from translators?

It’s because they’re not translators.

In the last two years, Front Page Magazine ran multiple articles like How the ‘Interpreter’ Scam Brought 75,000 Iraqis and Afghans to America and ‘Saving Afghan Interpreters’ is a Scam That Would Bring 100,000 Afghans to U.S. exposing the “translator” scam. Now tens of thousands of Afghans are arriving in this country and they need translators because they don’t speak English.

As I previously pointed out, there were more Afghan “translators” applying for visas than there were American soldiers for them to translate for. But the vast majority of SIV visa applicants were never translators. The number of actual translators, Afghans embedded with U.S. forces who risked their lives by working in the field, was miniscule and was its own special category.

But by the end, almost any Afghan who worked for any U.S. organization could apply for a visa.

Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan retreat made that existing scam so much worse because he didn’t evacuate the approved SIV visa holders who might have actually worked for the U.S.

State Department sources have said that the majority of SIVs were actually left behind.

The Biden administration claims to have evacuated 124,000 people, of them only 5,500 Americans, from Afghanistan. 60,000 have been brought into the United States. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas admitted that only 1,800 are SIV holders, another 8,000 are citizens or have green cards.

That leaves over 50,000 Afghans who were just brought here with no legal basis.

And there are tens of thousands of “evacuated” Afghans who might still be brought here.

According to Mayorkas, the “balance of that population are individuals whose applications have not yet been processed for approval who may qualify as SIVs and have not yet applied, who qualify or would qualify—I should say—as P-1 or P-2 refugees who have been employed by the United States government in Afghanistan and are otherwise vulnerable Afghan nationals, such as journalists, human rights advocates, etc.”

Mayorkas describes bringing a whole lot of people who “might” qualify as SIVs, if they were to apply for them, who “would” qualify for P-1 and P-2 visas: categories that took the existing translator scam and turned it into a free-for-all and allowed virtually anyone to qualify.

The Biden administration evacuated all these planeloads of “journalists” and “human rights advocates” who immediately began sexually assaulting some of the girls they were trafficking.

Two Afghan refugees at Fort McCoy have already been charged, one for sexually assaulting two minors, and another for beating his wife who alleged that he “beat me many times in Afghanistan to the point I lost vision in both eyes.”

The wife also told a translator “that nine women have been killed since getting to Fort McCoy and that she would be the tenth.” There’s been no confirmation of this, but even well before these two criminal cases, anonymous officials at Fort McCoy were warning that “older men were admitted together with young girls they claimed as ‘brides’ or otherwise sexually abused.”

That’s strange behavior for “human rights activists”.

The human rights activists that the United States funded in Kabul were largely middle-aged women who didn’t wear burkas. We’ve seen and heard almost nothing from any of them at Fort McCoy or anywhere else in the resettlement system. Some have remained in Afghanistan and are risking their lives by courageously organizing protests against the Taliban.

They’re not raping children in Wisconsin.

The Afghan evacuees lean heavily toward “military age males” and older men with young girls. The women in those families that have come through tend to wear burkas and appear fearful.

Whoever the hell these people are, they’re not “human rights activists” and “journalists”.

Nor are they translators since most of them need translators and few have SIV visas.

The question no one asked Mayorkas is why the vast majority of SIV visa holders never got on board those planes, but people who he thinks “might” qualify did.

What process could have possibly resulted in such a strange outcome?

The answer comes in two damning parts.

Kabul embassy personnel had tainted the pool of applicants by sending out “electronic credentials”. State Department officials claimed that the passes were widely distributed by the applicants and that soon everyone had them and was demanding access to the airport.

“Within an hour, everyone in the crowd had that pass,” a senior official claimed.

He noted that, “every credential we tried to provide electronically was immediately disseminated to the widest possible pool,”

And while that might explain why a lot of people showed up who weren’t qualified, but were waving credentials, it doesn’t explain why so few of those who were actually qualified made it into the airport and onto a plane. The only explanation is that they were deliberately kept out.

The Biden administration outsourced security to the Taliban, which passed it along to checkpoints manned by the Haqqani Network which is allied with Al Qaeda. Biden officials provided the Taliban and Haqqanis with lists of qualified people they were supposed to admit.

And yet the Taliban repeatedly prevented some Afghans from getting to the airport while allowing others to make it through. They did so regardless of the official credentials.

The media reported on this behavior but treated it as random sadism or malice. It’s not.

The Taliban were experts at cashing in on the American presence in Afghanistan. At one point the Jihadis were making more money from “taxing” contractors working for us than they did from opium. There was no chance that the Taliban would leave all the money to be made from providing access to the evacuation flights on the table. And there’s no reason to think they did.

An Australian Financial Review columnist reported that, “Taliban fighters are allowing people to pass through if they pay thousands of dollars in bribes.”

That was likely only the tip of the iceberg.

The distribution of electronic credentials was deliberately tainted in the pipeline and the Taliban controlled access to the Kabul airport to keep out legitimate SIV visa holders while allowing the tens of thousands of Afghans who were illegitimately evacuated to bribe their way in.

This wasn’t an evacuation: it was a massive Taliban human trafficking scheme.

The Taliban didn’t just cash in on all the reconstruction projects and the weapons left behind, they undoubtedly made a fortune from every seat in Biden’s Kabul airlift.

Now that tens of thousands of Afghans are here, they won’t be leaving. They can’t be deported and whether or not the “parolees” qualify for an SIV or P-2 visa is a mere technicality.

The truly explosive question is whether the Taliban just cashed in on the usual corruption in Afghanistan, or if they got any Al Qaeda or ISIS terrorists into the evacuation pipeline?

Did any of the Taliban grab the chance to get their own family members into the airport?


Sources have said that 0.5% of Afghan evacuees have been flagged for terror ties. That’s a high percentage for “translators” and “human rights activists”. Some of the flags were reportedly triggered by terrorist family ties. In a tribal and clan society, Taliban and Al Qaeda family members are extremely unlikely to be working as translators or human rights activists.

Beyond just getting family members into the evacuation pipeline, did the Taliban get actual terrorists into the United States. Probably. But it’ll take us years and bodies to find out.

Biden and his administration have treated the Kabul airlift as a massive triumph, when it was actually the final act of a disaster that has brought rapists and terrorists to America.

The “translators” need translators, children are being sexually assaulted and women are being beaten before the refugees have even left Fort McCoy. Afterward things will get much worse.

Untold billions in taxpayer money will be squandered on resettling the beneficiaries of the Taliban’s human trafficking scheme. The Afghans will be signed up for every possible welfare program and a fortune will be spent just on translating for the “translators” at resettlement agencies, government agencies, schools, hospitals, and the local police.

More money will be spent on dealing with their abuses through the criminal justice system.

The SIV holders and their families who were left behind in Afghanistan, but who manage to eventually make it over here, will also have to be resettled, doubling our refugee load.

And then the terrorist plots will begin.

The Kabul airlift wasn’t heroic: it was a bleak farce in which the Biden administration allowed the Taliban to select who got on the planes. And then it’s shocked that the Afghans whom the Taliban chose are not the SIV visa recipients that were on the list, but a whole other crowd.

It will take us decades to discover exactly who are the Afghans that Biden brought to America.

The Biden administration will cling to the myth of its heroic airlift by retroactively legitimizing the tens of thousands of Afghans to cover up the final installment of its humiliating disaster. And the Taliban, once again, will have the last laugh as their human trafficking scheme pays off.

Human trafficking isn’t only for Mexican cartels, the Taliban likely made a fortune trafficking rapists and terrorists, and anyone who could pay, to Kabul airport. The old men raping young girls, the military age men scowling at the camera, and all the best of Afghanistan is here now.

And the Biden administration will cover up its final crime in Afghanistan.


Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

RELATED ARTICLE: 700 Afghan Evacuees Just ‘Walked Off’ U.S. Bases


EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Hunter Biden and the Muslim Brotherhood

Only a Biden could bring Communist China and the Brotherhood together.

While Vice President Joe Biden was in the White House, his son Hunter was allegedly trying to cut a huge deal with a $2 million payment and a possible 5% success fee as high as $750 million. All it would take was bringing together Communist China and the Muslim Brotherhood.

And who but a Biden could pull that off?

The UN Security Council sanctions that had been slapped on the Libyan Investment Authority during the civil war between Gaddafi and the Islamists were still in place years later because the Arab Spring had left the country in the throes of a permanent civil war with the Islamists.

The LIA’s wealth fund, now worth an estimated $68 billion, had been part of a deal cut between the Libyan dictator and the Bush administration. When Gaddafi abandoned his WMD program, and sanctions were dropped on Libya, the LIA quickly became one of Africa’s largest wealth funds, and bought big, investing in American companies, banks, and bonds.

Including billions in treasury bills.

When Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood stabbed Gaddafi in the back and went to war to support the Muslim Brotherhood’s takeover of Libya, tens of billions in LIA assets were frozen. And as the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists have continued to battle the remnants of Libya’s military for power, the sanctions have remained in place costing the LIA some $4 billion.

When Sam Jauhari, a Democrat donor, sent the email, indicating that Hunter wanted $2 million to lobby on the deal, his father had long been seen as the gateway to all that wealth.

Jauhari, who had plowed $80,000 into the Obama campaign, and tens of thousands more into the Democrat machine, was allegedly an associate of Imaad Zuberi, a Pakistani who had been working on Libya with Biden’s body man and close friend. Earlier this year, Zuberi was sentenced to 12 years in prison for funneling foreign money into political campaigns in the United States. Among his alleged employers was the Qatari Islamic terror state and a prosecutor alleged that “U.S. policy was changed to align with Qatar’s interests.

Prosecutors say that Zuberi received $9.8 million from the Qatari state sponsor of the Muslim Brotherhood. He had also allegedly funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars from a Saudi Muslim tycoon to the Obama inauguration. His WhatsApp messages have him mentioning, “I need to get the 5 to 6 Clinton donation done by tomorrow” and “You want billions unfrozen. This is nothing. Iranians spent $150 to get $25 billion released.”

His recipient complains, “I spent 2.6 million before. What did I get?”

The names of the Libyan officials have been censored, but the deal appeared to involve the Tripoli government. At the time the deals were being discussed, the Tripoli government was largely dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood. Control over LIA had been a top Muslim Brotherhood priority and the LIA allegedly includes at least one Brotherhood board member.

The first email about retaining Hunter Biden was sent in January 2015. In 2012, a Muslim Brotherhood alliance had conspired to take power through fraudulent elections in Libya. In 2014, the Brotherhood alliance, after repeatedly using Islamist militias to terrorize its rivals in Tripoli, lost new elections and declared that it would continue to govern anyway.

When the Hunter Biden emails were being sent, Libya had two rival governments, the Muslim Brotherhood in Tripoli and a more moderate coalition in Tobruk. The rival governments also staked their own claims to Libya’s wealth whose crown jewel were the LIA’s investments.

While the released court documents of Zuberi’s WhatsApp chats were censored to remove the names and identities of any of the players, he asks at one point, “Does the Libyans want me to introduce them to Turkish president?” Turkey was a strong backer of the Tripoli regime. It’s highly unlikely that political figures in the Tobruk government would have been looking for an introduction to their worst enemy. The Muslim Brotherhood however was backed by Turkey.

The Biden email however provides an even bigger clue when it notes that Hunter “said he has access to highest level in PRC, he can help there.”

The Muslim Brotherhood had gotten Obama and Hillary Clinton to intervene in Libya. That illegal invasion enabled them to take power, but as part of the crisis, sanctions had been imposed by the United Nations. And Obama and Hillary were not able to unilaterally lift those sanctions.

The sanctions had been imposed by the UN Security Council. And could only be lifted by it.

The People’s Republic of China had been a major player in Libya. When the civil war arrived, it sided with Gaddafi and once he was overthrown, Chinese oil companies were frozen out. Getting China to support lifting some sanctions would require a quid pro quo arrangement that would let the PRC’s oil companies and other businesses back into Libya.

Hunter Biden’s ties to CEFC China Energy and the gift of an eighty thousand dollar diamond have already been widely reported. A CEFC executive would later be accused of plotting to provide weapons to Qatar and Libya. Qatar was a major backer of the Brotherhood.

Even without Hunter’s diplomatic talents, China and the Islamist government came to terms.

But the China factor explains why the Libyans considered Hunter Biden as an intermediary at all. The Biden family was a perfect halfway point between the Muslim Brotherhood and the People’s Republic. Both the Islamists and the Communists had invested in the Biden clan.

What was really at stake here was a quid pro quo oil deal in exchange for the LIA lockbox of billions that had to be negotiated through the White House and UN Security Council members. It was a thorny problem which the Libyans still don’t seem to have cracked, and it’s unlikely that Hunter Biden could have managed to appease all the different interests if he had gotten the job.

The Zuberi messages mention that, “the negotiation is towards 3.5 to 4% or it will not fly… they said that they have 190 billion outside and they will not give 5%.” It’s not clear whether Hunter would have seen any part of that 5%, or whether the WhatsApp messages refer to any deal involving him at the time, but either way there was a whole lot of money at stake.

The Libyan civil war was not just ideological, but economic. The Arab Spring had become a vehicle for not only Islamist theological ambitions, but the economic agendas of its backers.

“Hey read the book Clinton Cash,” Zuberi told an associate. “This is how America work. How Washington work.”

It’s certainly how the Bidens work. In an already fetid swamp, the Bidens added a new layer of treasonous greed. Only the Bidens could have been up for potentially being hired by the Muslim Brotherhood to cut a deal with Communist China.

As long as the money from America’s enemies was right.


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.


Jewish Dems Stand By Kamala’s Affirmation of Antisemitism

700 Afghan Evacuees Just ‘Walked Off’ U.S. Bases

Biden’s ‘Evacuation’ Was a Taliban Human Trafficking Scheme

Pakistan: Prominent Sikh doctor shot dead; ISIS-K claims responsibility

Pakistan: Lahore school principal becomes latest victim of blasphemy laws, given death sentence

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Texas Moves To Ban Social Media Banning

On September 9, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed HB 20, a law designed to keep social media companies with more than 50 million subscribers from blocking users whose viewpoints the company disapproves of. Scheduled to take effect in December, the law has already attracted controversy and threats of lawsuits to keep it from going into effect.

Currently, if a user is de-platformed from a large site such as Facebook, there are not a lot of alternatives. The overarching law in the US pertaining to such situations is Section 230 of the federal Communications Decency Act, which prevails if there is a conflict between it and a state law. However, there is wiggle room that Section 230 leaves, at least according to State Representative Briscoe Cain, who authored the Texas statute. Cain regards social media in the same light as telephone companies—that is, “common carriers” — whose business it is to take on any and all comers and not discriminate among them based on content.

Such discrimination happens all the time, as one unconfirmed incident I heard of recently attests. A man at the church I attend volunteers at a local pregnancy resource centre, which will be holding an online fundraising event in a few weeks. He told me that the centre has found that some of their emails sent to supporters have mysteriously disappeared, implying that the internet service providers’ spam filters had been adjusted to block emails from the centre.

Another example taken at random from a web search concerns Ryan Moore, a self-described writer and advertising broker, who tried to advertise a video he made in the spring of 2019 in which he was wearing a red “MAGA” (Make America Great Again) hat. While I have not viewed the video (I checked the link and it is now “unavailable”) his description of it sounds mild enough—criticism of the Christchurch, New Zealand terrorist bombing, good wishes for a nice St Patrick’s Day, and so on. Not only did Google refuse his ad to promote his video, but it also permanently banned him from ever having a Google ad account again, and confirmed this decision when Moore inquired, saying “Since this decision is final, the account will not be reinstated.”

I could multiply such instances that range everywhere from a single post being blocked to the wholesale destruction of an entire business when the Parler app and website were de-platformed by Google and Apple in 2019.

Not everyone who gets de-platformed is defensible, and even Rep. Cain probably does not want to allow hard-core child pornography to go unrestricted on the internet (although it probably does if you look hard enough). But HB 20 is an attempt to redress the huge power imbalance that happens when an individual or small organization has its access to social media blocked by a giant well-funded firm that exercises essentially monopoly powers.

Either the Texas attorney general or the wronged entity could sue under the new bill, and this may be a point of vulnerability, in that opponents of the bill claim it may interfere with the ability of social media companies to regulate their own content. Of course it will.

NetChoice, a trade association which counts Google, PayPal, and Facebook among its members, issued a statement condemning the passage of HB 20 and saying that it will probably be blocked by a federal court once it goes into effect. NetChoice’s position is that social media firms, as private entities, are entitled to carry only content that they choose, and by using their facilities, users put themselves at the mercy of the firm’s discretion.

This reminds me of a scene out of the 1940 Disney animated film “Fantasia,” which set to music cartoon characters both familiar and otherwise. In time with the famous ballet music “Dance of the Hours,” viewers are greeted by a company of baby hippopotamuses, each with a frilly pink lace tutu encircling her waist.

The analogy is clear—we have a troop of baby-hippo Big Tech giants stomping over the public stage, asking us to believe that their private-firm tutus, which might have been appropriate in the very early days when legacy media such as TV and newspapers overshadowed them, mean that whatever they decide about their content is their own business because it affects so few people.

The tutus no longer fit, if they ever did. Big Tech now operates a lot of 900-pound gorillas, to mix the animal metaphor, who do exactly as they please with regard to content that currently will not gain attention any other way than being filtered through the social-media monopoly. The Texas legislation is one state’s attempt to make dealing with social media a little less unfair.

I note a disturbing trend of which this controversy is only one example. A nation, to be a nation, must share a common pool of underlying principles or philosophies, in order to endure. By their behaviour in China, for example, Big Tech firms such as Apple, Google, and Facebook make it clear that nations mean little or nothing to them when it comes to the bottom line. Of course they need to stay within the law, but “the law” is a slippery and many-faceted thing, especially when you have deep enough pockets to hire enough lawyers to keep even states busy for years just trying to keep from being overwhelmed with lawsuits.

In past controversies involving freedom of speech in this country, opposing sides could at least agree on the statement, “Well, at least we’re all Americans.” But I have a hard time picturing the leaders of Big Tech freely admitting such a thing even in public, let alone in private. Great wealth confers great power, and as Lord Acton said, power corrupts. It is not yet time to despair that the systems of government that the founders deeded to us can overcome the exercise of raw power with the rule of law, which is all we have to guard ourselves against despotism.

But the upcoming battle over the implementation of HB 20 will be yet another skirmish in the war that is currently being fought over the right of free speech, which Big Tech increasingly wants to define for itself.


Karl D. Stephan

Karl D. Stephan received the B. S. in Engineering from the California Institute of Technology in 1976. Following a year of graduate study at Cornell, he received the Master of Engineering degree in 1977… More by Karl D. Stephan.


EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

What Sec. Def. Austin & His Generals Did Not Cover regarding Afghanistan Hearing

The  following is a good assessment of the failures of Obama’s clone SOD Austin and his incompetent, WOKE Generals’, Milley, the Chair Joint Chiefs and Central Command Commander Gen. McKenzie (whom the author doesn’t mention) regarding their planning process for withdrawal from Afghanistan.  It is obvious to me the flawed assumptions they made were influenced by the Obama 3 Admin and their surrogates the CIA and the entire intelligence community which totally failed in their threat assessments or; and this is entirely possible. purposely lied.

Why would they do so?  Could it have to do with creating a huge distraction away from the election fraud/stolen election investigations going on back home? (HT Gil Robinson)

By Marvin L. Covault, Lt. Gen. US Army, retired,

September 28, 2021

On 28 September, Sec. Def. Austin and JCS Chairman Gen. Milley appeared before the Senate Armed Services Committee.  The subject was the retrograde from Afghanistan.

To be clear, I did not watch the entire proceeding; but I did hear them explain “The Plan.”  I paraphrase, The Plan, locked-in last spring, was to:

1) scale down combat operations,
2) recover excess military equipment and
3) withdraw U.S. military forces, in that order.

When asked about the part of The Plan that covered evacuation of U.S. noncombatants, they admitted it was not part of their plan.  The Plan, they said, was properly executed as written.

Here is where I begin to criticize The Plan:

When putting together a plan of this complexity planners never have a completely factual base of information with which to work. In the absence of facts, they are compelled to make some assumptions to have a complete picture of the proposed operation.  Assumptions are dangerous critters, and every military planner above the grade of 2nd Lieutenant knows that.

Time sequencing the planning process conducted by the Central Command (the Combatant Command encompassing the Middle East area of operations) should have looked about like this:

First is the list of facts (e.g., how much stuff to haul out of country, how many military personnel are there, what is the timeline, how many cargo aircraft required, how many air tankers will it take, where will everything and everyone go, you get the picture). Easy stuff.

While the first step is underway, in the back of every planner’s mind are the assumptions.  At this point they may not necessarily even be written down. But when the first draft of The Plan gets briefed up the chain of command, the assumptions will begin to get aired.  It goes like this: The Colonel taking the briefing says to the briefer, “As we begin to withdraw U.S. forces the Taliban will undoubtedly want to fill that void.  Will the Afghan National Army (ANA) be able to hold their ground?”  That is an example of a series of question that would be raised and must get answered before the briefing can go any further up the chain of command.

The planning staff goes back to the drawing board and now begins to put together, in writing, a set of assumptions that fill in the big picture in the absence of facts.

During that process, these three huge assumptions would undoubtedly have surfaced:

1) It is assumed that the ANA will be capable of holding the ground currently in their possession.
2) It is assumed that the current fully functioning Afghan Government will continue to exist following the withdrawal, and
3) the U.S. Embassy will remain in place for the foreseeable future, and, by extension, U.S. citizens spread about the country will continue with their work.

Continuing with the briefing process: The briefer, now addressing a more senior officer, will begin by saying, “In the absence of facts to the contrary, this plan is based on the following assumptions….”  There will be a lot of them, but let’s just focus on the big three: the ANA, Afghan Government, and the U.S. Embassy.

From the testimony today by Austin and Milley, it is now obvious that they believed the answer to the big-three assumptions was yes, the ANA will fight, yes, the Afghan government will continue to function and yes, the U.S. Embassy is there for the long-haul.

In retrospect that was an enormous mistake and failure of current intelligence or misread of current intelligence or simply not listening to experts on the ground. For example, on July 23 U.S. Embassy officials sent cables to Washington telling the Biden administration that the Taliban would likely re-take control if the U.S. military departed.  It now appears that the powers-that-be just rolled ahead with The Plan hoping it would all be OK.  But, as the saying goes, hope is not a process.

At this point in the months-long planning process, those three critical assumptions should have been discussed, investigated, and would have fallen into the category of Center-of-Gravity issues.  Definition:  A Center-of-Gravity can be a person, place, thing, or circumstance that, in and of itself, is central to success of the plan.  Or stated another way, can cause partial or complete failure of a plan.

Once planners understand the critical nature of an assumption, they should then move on to the next step in the planning process, development of contingency plans.  A contingency is simply the answer to the question, what if. What if the ANA folds under fire?  What if the Afghan President exits stage-left in the middle of the night and the government ceases to function? What if the total U.S. Embassy must be evacuated under duress?

At that point, the briefing is a complete product.  The key to success is that the contingency planning becomes an integral part of The Plan. When that happens, the contingency plans get resourced before the fact so that The Plan is prepared to deal with all known and imagined issues that unfold during the heat of battle.  For example, the contingency plan for evacuation of all U.S noncombatants would have included a tasker to the State Dept to determine and report, before the fact, the exact number to be evacuated, their exact locations and their ability or inability to get to Bagram Air Base in an emergency.

If these contingency plans had been in place during the withdrawal fiasco last month, the Center of Gravity for each contingency would have been for the U.S. to retain complete control of Bagram Air Base right up to the last flight out of country.

At this point, many of you may be thinking, OK Covault, this is all Monday-morning-quarterbacking, anyone could have come up with this critique a month after the withdrawal.   I disagree because what I have described above is what U.S. Army (I will speak only for my Service) officers are taught to do.  They spend an entire year at the Command and General Staff College as majors studying, learning, and doing this type of planning with every factor I have laid out above. More senior officers spend another year at the Army War College thinking through this exact type of planning problem involving Joint U.S. forces, other government agencies (CIA, State Dept, etc.), the United Nations and combined operations with other nations’ armed forces.  I didn’t just dream up the above planning scenario, this is what we do and how we are taught to think.

A word about the National Security Council.  Deputies and staff work full time in the NSC, but during critical issues the NSC “principals” meet (i.e., the President, VP, Department heads, CIA, Chairman JCS, etc.). If The Plan as I have outlined it above was presented to the NSC Principals by Sec Def Austin and Chairman JCS Milley and then disregarded by President Biden, my conclusion is that they did about all they could do.

But, in my opinion, if The Plan they briefed did not lay out the assumptions and contingencies, they failed the President and the country.  And when military leaders at that level fail, people needlessly die. And die they did.

The future ramifications of the Afghan withdrawal fiasco are yet to come to fruition, but it appears certain that Afghanistan could again become a focal point for intensified global terrorism with the United States as a specific target.

Additionally, it is becoming clearer every day that our allies have lost confidence in the U.S. and our enemies have lost respect for our capabilities. Summed up, that equals increased vulnerability and that means a less secure America.

©All rights reserved.

Please Consider Helping Former Marine Battalion Commander Stuart Scheller

The same Pentagon high command that botched the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan—leaving 13 U.S. troops dead—is now attempting to crush and humiliate Marine Battalion Commander LTC Stuart Scheller, who knowingly broke the chain of command by posting a video demanding accountability of higher-ups for those needless deaths at the airport in Kabul.

In his video message, Scheller said, “People [service members] are upset because their senior leaders let them down, and none of them are raising their hands and accepting accountability or saying, ‘We messed this up.’” He went on to ask if Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin or Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley threw their rank on the table and said, “Hey, it’s a bad idea to evacuate Bagram Airfield, a strategic air base, before we evacuate everyone? Did anyone do that [throw their rank on the table]? And when you didn’t think to do that, did anyone raise their hand and say, ‘We completely messed this up.’”

For violating a gag order, Scheller was relieved of duty, arrested, handcuffed, stripped searched, forced to undergo a psychological exam (that’s what Stalin did to dissenters), and is now being held in pre-trial solitary confinement in a military prison, as if the married father of three is a flight risk. Two days ago, the Biden Pentagon sought to intimidate Scheller by presenting him with 640-pages of legal documents, all of which will have to be reviewed by his lawyer.

After limiting him to a 2-minute phone call to his parents when he was taken into custody, the Pentagon has refused to allow him any further contact with his parents, or with his wife and three young children. Now facing court-martial, the 17-year Marine officer stands to be dishonorably discharged and stripped of his retirement benefits, future VA benefits, and health insurance for his family.

Scheller knew breaking the chain of command would bring consequences, but I argue that what he did is infinitely less harmful to the military, and thus to America, than what the overfed Secretary of Defense and overfed Joint Chiefs Chairman have been doing: (1) politicizing the military for the first time in U.S. history by purging the ranks of “extremists,” i.e. straight white Christian supporters of President Trump; and (2) indoctrinating every branch of the military with critical race theory, a victim vs. oppressor (Marxist) political construct being used to brainwash service members to see America as an evil and systemically racist place where things can be made right only by upending its constitutional democracy in favor of single-party socialist rule. Scheller went outside the chain of command; what Austin and Milley have done is tantamount to treason.


1. The way Scheller is being treated is inexcusable. Please call your U.S. House representative and your U.S. senators to demand that he be released until his trial date. Capitol Hill switchboard: 202-225-3121. Find the name of your member of the U.S House of Representatives by clicking here. Find the name of your U.S. Senators by clicking on the map found on this webpage.

2. Please Donate NOW to help Scheller pay the substantial costs of his legal defense.

3. Please forward this article to everyone on your list.

4. Please watch Tucker Carlson’s interview with Scheller’s parents:

©John Eidson. All rights reserved.

The Shot to be Heard Across the Nation is Not Far Off.

Below is a poignant poem written by a fellow Rhodesian, ( now Zimbabwean ) Michelle Frost. Read it and understand that what happened in Rhodesia in 1980 is exactly what is happening here in America.

If you are white you are going to be discriminated against. White privileged people are to be shamed. White privileged people who have got what they have through sheer hard work, grit and determination, will be expected to surrender more and more to a progressive ‘woke’ society who will continue running our beloved nation into the ground until it is turned inside out and destroyed. Black and white Christian people will be discriminated against and mocked – made to feel ashamed of their honest and fervently held beliefs. Just like Pastor Artur Pawlowski in Canada who has been arrested and abused multiple times and constantly harassed and treated as a common criminal by so called cops and border agents. These cops have and continue to act like Nazis.

America. They are coming for them in Canada, in Australia and trust me, there is nothing more these insane leftists would like to see than anti vaxxers arrested. For conservatives to be arrested. For Trump supporters to be arrested. For freedom loving and anti big government believers to be arrested. For capitalists to be arrested. Et al.

The increasing speed with which this evil Devil spawn administration is sinking our Constitutional Republic is scary. The amount of Americans who have lost their minds and their American spirit seems to be growing. The extremist comments coming out of the mouths of these ignoramuses and evil personified individuals seems to get more extreme daily.

These libtard fools are domestic terrorists. They are the domestic and now also illegal enemies within. If they are not destroyed they will destroy what was the greatest, most powerful nation ever established.

All those Americans who have taken an Oath as a law enforcement officer, Federal Agent or military member etc. need to understand, retired or active, that the Oath they took does not expire. An Oath is a solemn promise. Often to God.

Here is an example:- I (state your name), do solemnly swear (or affirm), that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution and laws of the State of ( ? ) , that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and defend them against enemies, foreign and domestic, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge, the duties of a peace officer, to the best of my ability, so help me God.

So as you see. A solemn, binding, without end Oath.

To all of us that have taken that Oath, what more evidence of malfeasance and treason do you need to see? Our present illegal federal administration, headed by a completely mentally incompetent, criminal and traitor, but organized by other evil beings, ( Obama etc.) is committing treason and stamping their dirt ridden China made boots all over our Constitution as well as on those that have given their all to protect and defend America. They are destroying the military, law enforcement, the judiciary, the economy, the middle class, Americans of all creeds, colors and religions. They are destroying the morals and ethics of our families. They are destroying the traditional family units. They are destroying well and long held religious beliefs. They are making the murder of our future generations acceptable with their evil beliefs in abortion up to birth. They are trying to make sexual perversions and abnormalities seem normal and if you don’t see it that way you are homophobic. They are taking all our rights and privileges away including our control of our own bodies and what we put in them. They are trying to remove parental authority over your kids saying it takes a village to raise them. Wrong. It takes a mother and father. I could go on but you get the picture.

What spark will it take to begin the revolt that will take back our Constitutional Republic? How much more crap will we allow? How much more destruction of the American way of life will we allow? How many more unconstitutional dictator style orders and mandates will we allow? How much longer will we abide by or put up with dictatorial monarch type government?

What and where is the breaking point? I submit not far away.

Think long and hard. Read the poem below and contemplate. Get on your knees and pray for divine guidance. Get right with your God. If you need help with that seek out the true religious and Bible believing church. One that is not scared of losing its tax exempt status. A church and pastor like mine. A teacher of the Bible as written and not subverted.

Things to do:- Join a militia. Join an organization like Oathkeepers or a local III% er group. They are not a right wing extremist racist organization. That is just what the media and libtards want you to think. Find like minded people in your community. Train. Purchase firearms and ammunition. Gold and silver. Emergency food. Survivalist equipment. Ballistic vests. Take a survival course. Take an advanced driving class. Learn basic security measures. Ensure your home is secure. Get cameras and alarms. Train your family in all the above. Pray daily. Read your Bible daily.

If there is to be an armed conflict God will be on the side of right. He will never support any of the leftists and socialists. The bums or those that are ignorant. The haters, the intolerant, the racists, the sexually bankrupt, the immoral or deviant society. Pedophiles, rapists, sex traffickers, drug dealers, thieves and criminals etc.

Please enjoy the poem below but try understand my reason for publishing it.

Homeland, by Michelle Frost:

Within my soul, within my mind,
There lies a place I cannot find.
Home of my heart. Land of my birth. Smoke-coloured stone and flame-coloured earth. Electric skies. Shivering heat. Blood-red clay beneath my feet.

At night when finally alone,
I close my eyes – and I am home.
I kneel and touch the blood-warm sand And feel the pulse beneath my hand Of an ancient life too old to name,
In an ancient land too wild to tame.

How can I show you what I feel? How can I make this essence real?
I search for words in dumb frustration To try and form some explanation, But how can heart and soul be caught In one-dimensional written thought?

If love and longing are a “fire” And man “consumed” by his desire, Then this love is no simple flame. That mortal thought can hold or tame. As deep within the earth’s own core The love of home burns evermore.

But what is home? I hear them say, This never was yours anyway. You have no birthright to this place, Descendant from another race. An immigrant? A pioneer?
You are no longer welcome here.

Whoever said that love made sense? “I love” is an “imperfect” tense. To love in vain has been man’s fate From history to present date.
I have no grounds for dispensation, I know I have no home or nation.

For just one moment in the night
I am complete, my soul takes flight. For just one moment …. then it’s gone and I am once again undone. Never complete. Never whole. White Skin and an African soul.

©John Brownbill. All rights reserved.

TYRANNY: Biden To Create a Vaccine Mandate For Interstate Travel Within United States

To stop freedom of movement between free states (red) and slave states (blue).

Get Ready For Vaccine Mandates If You Want To Drive Across State Lines

By: Net Breaking, October 2, 2021:

The Biden administration is constantly re-inventing ways to force the unvaccinated to take the Covid jab.

First, it was free burgers, donuts, and money.

Then, just three weeks ago, Biden forced vaccine mandates on businesses with over 100 employees.

Now, instead of respecting Americans’ freedom of choice, Biden plans to create a vaccine mandate for interstate travel within the United States.

What happened to Biden’s promise to never require federal vaccine mandates?

I guess it was just another empty promise from the failing Biden administration.

RELATED VIDEO: Jen Psaki Admits Big Vaccine Push Is An Effort to Bring Biden’s Poll Numbers Up.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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National School Boards Association Asks President Biden to Label Its Critics ‘Domestic Terrorists’

Note that “a person yelling ‘a Nazi salute in protest to masking requirements’ is not a Nazi, as the NSBA is trying to imply. He is calling the school board Nazis. Meanwhile, the fascist clowns of the NSBA would almost certainly object most strenuously to any honest exposition of the motivating ideology behind an actual form of terrorism, that is, Islamic jihad terrorism.

School boards group asks Biden to consider labeling opponents ‘domestic terrorists

by Dave Huber, College Fix, September 30, 2021 (thanks to Henry):

The National School Boards Association has asked President Biden to look into slapping a “domestic terrorist” label on “angry” parents and community members who speak their minds at board meetings.

“America’s public schools and its education leaders are under an immediate threat,” the group says in its letter to the president. “[As] acts of malice, violence, and threats against public school officials have increased, the classification of these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.”

The NSBA wants the Gun-Free School Zones Act, the USA PATRIOT Act, the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, the Violent Interference with Federally Protected Rights statute, and the Conspiracy Against Rights statute all invoked to help prevent alleged threats, Education Week reports.

The Departments of Education, Homeland Security, and Justice are requested to participate in a review, along with the FBI.

On Sept. 22, the NSBA, along with AASA, the School Superintendents Association, issued a joint statement condemning “online and in-person threats, abuse and harassment.” AASA President Daniel Domenech said that while his group respected the right of free speech, “We cannot—and will not—tolerate aggression, intimidation, threats and violence toward superintendents, board members and educators.”

But some of the instances cited by the NSBA in its letter appear to be free speech, to say nothing of “terrorism.” For example, the group cites a person yelling “a Nazi salute in protest to masking requirements,” while another’s actions “prompted [a] board to call a recess because of opposition to critical race theory.”…


Hungarian PM Viktor Orban: Mass migration part of ‘global plan’ to create a ‘new proletariat’

UK: London’s Muslim mayor says he needs 24/7 protection because of ‘racists and Islamophobes’

UK: Illegal boat migrants who obtain legitimate visas and remain in UK estimated at 64,000 a year

Israeli Prime Minister Bennett’s Three No’s To Joe Biden

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.