Lockdowns Coincided With Record-Breaking Drug Overdose Fatalities, New CDC Data Show

The sad yet inescapable conclusion is that in their efforts to halt one public health crisis, the authorities fueled another.

The first year of the COVID-19 pandemic will go down in American history as one of loss, economic suffering, and social strife. Not only did hundreds of thousands of citizens die of COVID-19, but the sweeping mandates and restrictions governments implemented in the name of slowing the spread had lethal consequences in their own right—the full scope of which won’t be known for decades. Yet new data confirm that fatal drug overdoses hit new highs between March 2020 and 2021, further illuminating the fallout of life under lockdown.

An astounding 96,000 Americans died from drug overdoses over that one-year period, the latest figures released by the Centers for Disease Control reveal. That’s a 29.6 percent increase from the previous year.

“This has been an incredibly uncertain and stressful time for many people and we are seeing an increase in drug consumption, difficulty in accessing life-saving treatments for substance use disorders, and a tragic rise in overdose deaths,” National Institute on Drug Abuse Director Dr. Nora Volkow said earlier this year.

The time period covered by the CDC’s new data includes the Spring of 2020, which was when many parts of the US endured their most sweeping and stringent government lockdown orders. Yes, correlation alone does not prove causation, but there’s no reason to believe that COVID-19 itself would cause such a huge spike in drug overdoses. It stands to reason that the isolation, mental health issues, unemployment, and more caused by the government’s responses to the pandemic, like lockdown orders, would be some of the main factors that drove this tragic increase.

The sad yet inescapable conclusion is that in their efforts to halt one public health crisis, the authorities fueled another. And drug overdoses are, unfortunately, not an outlier or exception. We can observe similar trends in domestic violence, mental health issues, and many other areas where the consequences of unprecedented interventions proved life-threatening in their own right. Taken together, it offers a painful reminder of why policymaking must be humble, and not fall victim to what Henry Hazlitt dubbed “the fallacy of overlooking secondary consequences.”

In Economics in One Lesson, Hazlitt decries “the persistent tendency of men to see only the immediate effects of a given policy, or its effects only on a special group, and to neglect to inquire what the long-run effects of that policy will be not only on that special group but on all groups.”

This perfectly describes the trap that elected officials fell into when responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. They thought they could drastically intervene in our lives using unprecedented restrictions and stop the virus’s spread. They didn’t succeed at that immediate goal. Yet the second-order consequences of their arrogance have proven deadly in their own right, and will continue to mount for decades to come.

Like this story? Click here to sign up for the FEE Daily and get free-market news and analysis like this from Policy Correspondent Brad Polumbo in your inbox every weekday.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Grinch Who Stole Freedom

This new Glazov Gang episode features Jeff Crouere, author of America’s Last Chance.

Jeff discusses The Grinch Who Stole Freedomrevealing the dark hate and totalitarianism of Dr. Doom. 

EDITORS NOTE: This Glazov Gang video is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

How Constitutional Systems and Citizenship Perish

We are witnessing it in real time.

How Constitutional Systems and Citizenship Perish

By: Victor Davis Hanson,  October 07, 2021:

Only a little more than half of the current world’s 7 billion people are citizens of fully consensual governments.

That lucky 50% alone enjoys constitutionally protected freedoms. Most are also Western. Or at least they reside in nations that have become “Westernized.”

Migrants—regardless of their race, religion, or gender—almost always head for a Western nation. And most often their destination remains the United States. The more it is now fashionable for Americans to take for granted or even to ridicule the idea of their own country, the more the non-American global poor risk their lives to crash America’s borders.

Constitutional systems easily perish because they ask a lot of their citizens—to vote, to be informed about civic and political issues, and to hold elected officials accountable. That responsibility is perhaps why, of the world’s true republics and democracies, only about 22 have been in existence for a half-century or more.

We are seldom told, then, that America is a rare, precious, and perhaps even fragile idea, both in the past and in the present.

American citizens are clearly also not the custom of the past. Unlike history’s more common peasants, citizens are not under the control of the rich who, in turn, seek undue influence in government through controlling them.

Instead, viable citizenship has always hinged on a broad, autonomous middle class. Those Americans in between lack both the dependence of the poor and the insider influences of the elite. Suffocate the middle, and we know that a binary feudalism will soon replace it. We are seeing just that medievalization in contemporary California.

Nor are American citizens mere migratory residents who drift across nonexistent borders in expectation of receiving more rights than meeting responsibilities. Forfeit a sacred national space—a place where common customs, language, and traditions can shelter and thrive—and a unique America disappears into a precivilizational migratory void like the fluid vastness of late imperial Rome.

Americans are quite different from tribal peoples, whose first loyalties are determined by mere appearance or innate blood ties. Take this nation back to precivilizational tribalism, and our future as the next Yugoslavia, Rwanda, or Iraq is assured.

Americans are not, then, premodern peasants, mere residents, and squabbling tribes—at least not quite yet.

But citizens also are equally suspicious and rightfully distrustful of the top-down subversion of citizenship by postmodern elites and the privileged. The latter often expect Americans to give up their ancient freedoms to a vast, unelected, and unaudited permanent administrative state, to be run by credentialed functionaries and sanctioned “experts.”

That technocratic regimentation may now be the Chinese model, but it was never the vision of our Founders.

Citizens object to “evolving” a 245-year-old republic into a radical socialist ochlocracy without checks and balances. That rebooting would mean scrapping ancient laws, long-held customs, and hallowed traditions—from the Electoral College and a nine-person Supreme Court to the Senate filibuster and 50-state union.

Consensual societies usually implode when desperate factions resort to subverting hallowed rules for short-term partisan gain.

Some elites believe the Founders’ Constitution is in dire need of radical deletions and alterations to fit their own utopian visions. So, they imagine an evolving Constitution to synchronize with supposedly a fluid, mutable—and always progressing—human nature. They are ignorant that the core of the Constitution does not change because our own natural, core sense of right and wrong does not either.

Nor do citizens hand over their first allegiances to an abstract worldwide commonwealth—as though half of its membership are not illiberal theocracies, autocracies, and monarchies. Such a tired “citizens of the world” dream dates to Socratic utopianism.

Yet neither the defunct League of Nations nor the United Nations has ever offered any credible blueprint for viable transnational governance. Today’s globalists at Davos may snicker at nationalist democracies like the United States and Israel, but in cowardly fashion, they usually appease a totalitarian and brutal communist China that allows no dissent.

Given our privileges, affluent and leisured Americans must always ask ourselves whether as citizens we have earned what those who died at Gettysburg or on Omaha Beach bequeathed at such costs.

Refusing to stand during the national anthem is not and should not be illegal. But such blanket rejection of American customs is admittedly now a collective narcissistic tic—and hardly sustainable for the nation’s privileged to sit in disgust for a flag that their betters raised under fire on Iwo Jima for others not yet born.

Sometimes citizens can do as much harm to their commonwealth by violating customs and traditions as by breaking laws.

Instead, freedom requires constant reinvestment in and replenishment of a nation’s traditions and ideals.

Self-criticism of one’s country is salutary to ensure needed changes, but only if Americans accept that an innately self-correcting United States does not have to be perfect to be good—and especially when, in a world of innately flawed humans and failed states, it remains far better than any of the alternatives abroad.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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PODCAST: Building Team Morale Through Leadership

In the movie, “Twelve O’Clock High,” actor Gregory Peck plays the role of a World War II Brigadier General charged with taking command of an American B-17 bombing group stationed in Britain, and suffering from a bad case of “hard luck.” To make matters worse, the men of the group hold a fondness for Peck’s predecessor, yet were prone to making mistakes and missing targets. As a result, the group experiences heavy losses and morale worsens. As Peck takes command he makes it clear to his group he doesn’t accept the concept of “hard luck,” that the men should stop feeling sorry for themselves, and they need to build their confidence.

Remarkably, this movie represents a text book description of leadership. So much so, for many years it was considered mandatory viewing in the Officer Candidate Schools in the military as part of their curriculum on leadership. It is also something managers should observe in business, even today.

Due to the nature of the war at that moment (1942), Peck has no time to coddle his young flyers and realizes they have to mature quickly. If his bombing group folds, others could potentially do likewise which could impact the outcome of the war. So, he explains this to the group and why it is necessary for them to take on a professional attitude. Recognizing the discipline and work involved, the young soldiers resist Peck at first, but eventually succumbs after realizing Peck’s refusal to compromise.

Peck finds it necessary to replace elements of his management team, specifically his #2 man, the Air Exec. Interestingly, Peck selects a man who, at first, shows contempt for Peck, but recognizing the flyer’s impeccable credentials, he promotes him, a decision he doesn’t regret as he realizes the job was more important than his personal feelings.

Next, Peck halts all bombing runs so he can hold practice missions to determine the skills of his crews, and identify their strengths and weaknesses. Finally, Peck weeds out the weaklings of the group and puts them in a separate dead-beat team labeled the “Leper Colony,” where they are forced to turn things around.

From the outset, in order to change the psychological dynamics of the group, Peck recognizes he must instill a sense of pride and confidence in his men; that they are not “hard luck” misfits, but professional soldiers who can get the job done with an esprit de corps.

Aside from being an interesting tale about World War II, “Twelve O’Clock High” is a worthwhile management read teaching several lessons:

  1. A manager should try to earn the respect of his workers, not their love. Any manager who tries to win a popularity contest is courting disaster. In the movie, the demise of Peck’s predecessor could be traced back to his close attachment to his men. Instead of looking at problems objectively, his mind was clouded by too much empathy for his men. Managers must walk a fine line between jocularity and discipline. Too much familiarity breeds contempt for the manager, and too much discipline can make life unbearable for workers. In Peck’s case, his men initially exhibit slovenly behavior. To curb it, he deliberately intimidates his men to teach them such behavior was unacceptable and discipline would be enforced.
  2. A manager should design his department in such a way as it can function without him. Basically, a manager’s task is to do himself out of a job. By doing so, he is displacing the management responsibility on a group of people as opposed to just one. This is a clever way to communicate to workers this is the will of the group, not just one person. If it becomes dependent on just one person, the whole group will fail if the manager fails.
  3. Open the lines of communications. The manager must effectively communicate the necessity of a task to his workers, along with its urgency. Only then will they put forth the proper amount of effort it deserves. In the film, Peck gives his men the shock treatment by telling them they are in a “shooting war” and there is no time to coddle them, plus he believes in their abilities. Beyond this, Peck develops a rapport with a young Lieutenant who acts as a spokesman for the flyers. He does this in order to get a pulse of what his young men are thinking.
  4. There is no such thing as “hard luck.” The morale of the bomb group plummets under Peck’s predecessor. As much as they liked their Colonel, they felt sorry for themselves, and lacked confidence in their ability to do anything correctly. Such an attitude can be very demoralizing and contagious thereby causing workers to make more mistakes than necessary. A change of attitude is warranted, which leads to the next point…
  5. Managers need to build self esteem in their workers, thereby fueling their confidence and building pride in workmanship. The message, “There is dignity in all forms of work,” must come across loud and clear. Sometimes it is beneficial for management to pay special attention to his workers who should respond positively to such attention. Somehow the manager needs to communicate how important or challenging the work is. This means investing such things as time, money, clothes, changing the surroundings, or improving the technology to perform the work. Such token gestures are noticed by workers who appreciate the recognition of management and respond accordingly. With rare exception, workers rise to the occasion when faced with new and exciting challenges, as opposed to tedious and repetitive tasks.
  6. Managers must encourage workers to strive for perfection, but realize they may never achieve it. A program of continued practice helps to identify minor flaws in workmanship which can be corrected. In the movie, Peck orders several practice bombing runs to correct weaknesses in targeting and flying in formation. Such practices also raise the awareness of workers to think about their work product and the processes involved with producing it.
  7. It is easier to lead workers if they trust you. Quite simply, workers are more likely to follow you if they have confidence in your abilities and decision making skills. This means managers must demonstrate they know what they are doing. Talk is cheap, action is more visible to workers. As such, managers need to go the extra mile further to earn the confidence of their workers. Immoral behavior is not tolerated. If workers suspect the manager is a liar, cheat, or does not support them, they will quickly turn on him.
  8. Develop a skills inventory. In the picture, Peck reviews the dossiers of all of the members of the group, studying their strengths and weaknesses. From this, he makes decisions as to assigning people to their area of expertise. In the corporate world, skill inventories are used to track the talents and experiences of workers, along with their level of proficiency. Such a tool is invaluable for selecting people to suitable assignments, not to mention identifying the need for additional training.
  9. Identify your weakest workers and encourage them to perform better. Peck assigns a B-17 as the “Leper Colony” where all of the dead-beats of the group are placed. Such recognition encourages them to try harder. In this day of political correctness though, it is unlikely Peck’s tactics would be used. However, it is necessary to somehow put a spotlight on workers who are not performing to their fullest potential. Today, Employee Evaluations are used to document worker strengths and weaknesses, which is normally reviewed between the manager and worker in a one-on-one basis.
  10. Get some wins under your belt to build confidence. In the movie, Peck’s group bombs a target that others couldn’t. For their efforts, they were awarded accommodations for distinguished service. This helps build their confidence. This also explains why sports teams have preseason schedules to not only judge the ability of players, but to instill confidence. The same is true in business where it is wise to start small before tackling major assignments. Mentors and coaches should be nearby to offer advice.
  11. As manager, articulate your objectives, their urgency, your plan of attack, then lead your workers into battle. Today, it shouldn’t be so much about micromanagement which can stifle worker creativity and initiative. Instead, the manager should establish the right working conditions (corporate culture), provide them with the best training, tools and techniques available, empower them, and turn them loose.

It’s amazing what workers can do with a little leadership, such as conquering the skies over Nazi Germany.

First published: April 7, 2014

Keep the Faith!

P.S. – For a listing of my books, click HERE.

EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

Thoughts of a True American Patriot and Friend.

“The bottom line in leadership isn’t how far we advance ourselves but how far we advance others.” – John C. Maxwell

Today’s blog was one I could not resist. It was written from the heart of a good man I worked alongside as a deputy with the Pinellas County Sheriffs Office. His name is Dwight Young. We had many friendly and great conversations, both political and on other subjects. He is an intelligent and interesting man. He is my Brother. He was always willing to debate in a friendly manner, never demeaning or insulting your beliefs, but open to listening and understanding.

In or around 2018 he left the Sheriffs Office, a ‘safe’ and secure job, well paid with benefits, to run for political public office as a Republican at a time when real patriots were not standing up. Many of his prior associates turned their backs on his change in politics. That in my eyes makes him a selfless American, putting country before self. Risking all for the country he loved.

He was not and is not a radical right winger. Nor is he left of center or a radical leftist. Interestingly he now declares as a Libertarian. He is what made America into the greatest country in the World. A man who was like about 85% of Americans, centrist, and voted his heart after critical thinking and using common sense to try put the right person in office for America and not for his personal gain.

If only people had done that in 2020 we would not be where we are today. Anyway. Please enjoy. If you like it please hit the like button, comment and share using this blog. Enjoy!

To those of you who are finding my posts and words as being hard to believe, I don’t blame you. As a matter of fact, it may seem as though I have watched one too many fiction movies. In fact, this is a movie playing out in real time. I know that if I did not have any knowledge regarding the history of this nation and the principles on which it was built, I would have a hard time believing it too.

Remember, I was once a staunch Democrat and voted 2x for Obama. Unfortunately, under Obama, I observed a gradual degradation of this country that led me to start asking questions. After researching, reading and watching the news across the media spectrum, I came to realize that something was wrong. I later came to understand that I was not a Democrat or Republican. I was a true Libertarian. Still, my values were much more aligned with the Republican party.

I often questioned God on my purpose in such a time as this. To be completely honest, I find these times to be depressing due to the real time collapse of a great nation. In my heart, I understand that everyone has an appointed time to exist and we exist now because it was pre-destined. We, who follow our call, will help to make changes to society. Those of us who do not rise to the occasion, is like the man who buried his talent in the sand. Just complaining isn’t enough.

If I have offended anyone with my posts, I am sorry for hurting your feelings. What I am not sorry for is trying to give you the truth. We must begin to open our eyes. Divided, we are weak. United, we are strong.

The enemy is trying to divide us to defeat us. The enemy divides us by race, color, political affiliation, vaccination status, religion, income status, education, body shape and sexuality. Yes, we have different views and visions of how we see the world and the future of this country. One thing we must hold fast to is the Constitution, the rule of law and the principles of our union; fairness, integrity and individual rights.

I know this is a bit lengthy but it must be said. We, as Americans are about to embark on a journey only experienced once in our great nation’s history since the Revolutionary war. We must be prepared to suffer many trials and tribulations before tasting the sweet nectar of joy. I know that what I am saying may seem far-fetched, but believe me, these are the experiences we have to go through to prepare us for the future.

Don’t run away from these obstacles and challenges for it will make us better and well prepared. Many will suffer in different ways such as losing a job due to vaccine mandates, increases in the price of food and gas and supply chain issues. This is all being done to transition our nation into the Great Reset, the Green New Deal and the Climate change agenda. Take heart that your sacrifice will not be in vain. Victory is not measured in the here and now. Victory is measured through death.

The Fascist agenda presently being experienced in our nation will eventually die. We will then experience better days ahead. That is my hope. Don’t put your trust and faith in politicians for they will also have to give an account for themselves and the suffering they have put you through. Give yourself permission to follow your instincts.

In the name of Jesus, I pray for you and our nation. You may not believe but I will believe and have faith for you. Keep the faith my friends. We will overcome.

Dwight Young

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

The AEI Housing Center’s Critique of “How We Investigated Racial Disparities in Federal Mortgage Data”

The Rest of the Story

The American Enterprise Institute’s Housing Center released a special briefing: “The Rest of the Story The AEI Housing Center’s Critique of ‘How We Investigated Racial Disparities in Federal Mortgage Data.‘” The call reports on the Housing Center’s analysis of and critiques of a widely-circulated report by The Markup/Associated Press: “How We Investigated Racial Disparities in Federal Mortgage Data (2018).

Audio Recording

Key takeaways

  • A recent The Markup/Associated Press (AP) analysis found that decline rates, after controlling for 17 independent variables, are higher for the protected classes than for Whites.
  • However, as we have pointed out for home valuations and appraiser bias*, these arguments alleging systemic racism do not hold up to close scrutiny.
  • The Markup’s analysis did not include applicant credit scores, which are highly predictive of defaults. It also ignores lending outcomes – the other half of the story.
  • We address these issues by incorporating credit scores and evaluating risk-adjusted default rates by race and ethnicity. This allows us to evaluate lending outcomes, not just lending inputs.
  • We find that risk-adjusted default rates are higher for protected classes than for Whites by a statistically significant amount.
  • Given data limitations on denials, especially lack of credit score, it is impossible to calculate risk-adjusted decline rates for protected and non-protected class applicants. However, because we found that loans to protected class borrowers have higher risk-adjusted default rates than for Whites, this indicates lenders are extending more lenient underwriting to protected class borrowers than would otherwise be justified based on risk characteristics. Thus, one may infer that risk-adjusted decline rates, if calculable, would be lower for protected class applicants than for Whites, the opposite of the finding by The Markup/AP.

If you would like to receive invitations to our monthly update calls, please subscribe here. For data on mortgage risk, please use our Mortgage Risk Index Interactive.

PODCAST: Wallace & William Interviewed on ‘Two the Point’ Podcast

Topics covered:

  • Joe Biden as “Obama 3.0” – Who is the real power in the White House?
  • Has the United States already become a socialist country?
  • Our Disastrous Withdrawal from Afghanistan and the international implications

Two the Point Podcast with Krysia and Michael is a series that highlights the most compelling stories without any fluff. The co-hosts are both veterans in the news and legal field and are able to get right to the point of the matter. They will never shy away from a controversial subject, and will instead find a balanced and reasonable approach with all of their featured guests. Every week get the scoop on why certain topics matter whether it’s in the media, law, finance, or politics. They have it covered and won’t waste any time getting to the point. Listen every week to get the scoop!

About Two the Point Podcast with Krysia and Michael

Two the Point Podcast with Krysia and Michael is a series that highlights the most compelling stories without any fluff. The co-hosts are both veterans in the news and legal field and are able to get right to the point of the matter. They will never shy away from a controversial subject, and will instead find a balanced and reasonable approach with all of their featured guests. Every week get the scoop on why certain topics matter whether it’s in the media, law, finance, or politics. They have it covered and won’t waste any time getting to the point. Listen every week to get the scoop!  Subscribe here.

©Wallace Bruschweiler. All rights reserved.

Preaching Beyond the Choir

Those of us who write for NewsWithViews and assorted Conservative and Libertarian journals are essentially preaching to the choir, which, by the way, I believe is absolutely necessary, as the choir doesn’t leave the church during the sermon, but is inspired by it. Yet sometimes we need to reach out to the heathen as well.

That’s what I’ve been busy doing for the past few months, both before and after California’s Recall election, as I endeavored, here in the heart of Silicon Valley, to reach Democrats who might be disenchanted with Governor Gruesome and his tyrannical diktats, and might be ready to oust him and his fascistic policies.

Some people believe the recall passed and Larry Elder actually won the governorship, but the Dems’ cheating machinery is so well-oiled and powerful we’ll likely never know.

In any case, within a single month, I had four letters to editors published in local papers, and had also submitted a “guest perspective”  piece that was supposed to appear in one of these papers, but mysteriously disappeared from the queue with no explanation from the editor.

Below are my attempts at preaching beyond the choir to the great unwashed—i.e. Democrats—because we have to tell the truth to the other side.

Published in PA Daily Post August 30th, 2021

Dear Editor,

On his website, San Mateo County Supervisor David Canepa [the President of our Board of Supervisors] pledges to work toward “ending discrimination in all of its forms.“ Yet he proposes unprecedented discrimination against those who choose not to take part in a mass clinical trial of experimental Covid vaccines. He would deny his fellow residents the right to eat in restaurants, attend movies, go to the hardware store, shop for clothes and otherwise participate in normal life.

Forcing 100% of people to take the same medical treatment is not about health or safety: it’s about totalitarianism.

In San Mateo County, 90% of the population has been vaccinated. That’s extraordinarily high. Yet Canepa and the Board of Supervisors apparently won’t rest until they force the remaining 10% to take the shot or be shunned by all businesses. Mr. Canepa crows: “No shoes, no shirt, no shot, no service!” This is not only insulting, it’s insane. Consider the 10% as the control group for this experiment in our county.

Medical interventions are never one-size-fits-all. These vaccines are contraindicated for a subset of the population, including those who’ve had Covid and whose superior immunity would be downgraded by a vaccine.

Not only is Canepa’s plan unconstitutional, it is grossly unethical and utterly unconscionable.

He needs to be recalled as he is a disgrace to the community he was elected to serve.

Published in the San Mateo Daily Journal in late August, 2021

Dear Editor,

In her column on August 16th, Sue Lempert [Former mayor and council member of San Mateo who writes a weekly Leftist column in the Daily Journal that makes your teeth hurt] blames those who haven’t taken the Covid vaccines for the Delta variant.

It takes Ms. Lempert only a few sentences to get from “stop coddling” the unvaccinated, to mandating that they “cannot fly or use public transit; cannot attend restaurants, concerts, movies, “ etc. This kind of persecution is shockingly callous and has no place outside of fascist or Communist dictatorships.

Ms. Lempert claims the unvaccinated are spreading the Delta variant.  However, according to a number of top scientists, she has it backwards. They say we’re witnessing well-documented but unintended consequences of insufficiently effective vaccines that inadvertently pressure the targeted virus to mutate. The relevant technical terms are “leaky vaccines,” and “antibody-dependent enhancement.” This sets up the vaccinated to become incubators and super spreaders of variants.

In fact, a recent study in the prestigious medical journal Lancet found the vaccinated carrying 251 times the viral load of Covid in their nostrils as the unvaccinated.

So if Ms. Lempert wants to ban a group of people from shopping, traveling, dining out, and more, perhaps that should be the vaccinated, who may well be transmitting this variant to the unvaccinated after unknowingly producing it in their own bodies.

Ultimately, however, whether the Delta variant—which is thankfully less virulent than Covid-19—is being spread by the vaccinated, the unvaccinated, or in some other fashion, we’d do well to respect one another and one another’s equal rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Published in the Palo Alto Daily Post on September 8th, 2021

Dear Editor,

Why the sudden flurry of calls for vaccine passports?

The Delta variant, though contagious, is much less virulent than Covid—which 99.9% of healthy people under 70 survive. But even if it were more virulent, you don’t deprive people of their civil rights on a “safety” pretext.

Besides, variants actually emerge in the vaccinated, as the targeted virus mutates to avoid what has turned out to be a “leaky”—or inefficient—vaccine.

Perhaps some among the vaccinated wrongly assume the vaccine passport will only hurt the unvaccinated, whom, as a result of incessant media fear-mongering, they’re all too willing to sacrifice.

But a mandatory vaccine passport is a devil’s bargain that strips you of your birthright. You may be permitted to eat out, but the State will own you. You might as well be living in China.

Published in the San Mateo Daily Journal 9/13/21

No Vaccine Passports

Dear Editor,

Here’s the main reason to vote Yes to recall Governor Newsom: He’ll almost certainly mandate vaccine passports. Why is this bad? It will not only hurt our already weakened businesses, but even those of us who are vaccinated will lose the liberty and rights we’ve always enjoyed.

If the State mandates and enforces vaccine passports, it’s goodbye freedom. The government can always up the ante later by mandating a booster shot, then another, and then ID2020 that has all your medical and financial information on it, etc.

This is what turned into the “Social Credit Score” in Communist China. The Chinese government has complete control of its people through this surveillance program, as the state watches everything they do. It can turn off people’s access to their money, and more.

And the same is very likely to happen in California unless we oust Newsom, replace him with Larry Elder–Gavin’s strongest opponent, who vows to end Covid mandates—and refuse to be bullied into accepting these passports to serfdom.

My last one is a “Guest Perspective” –a longer piece that the Daily Journal was planning to run, and then, well, apparently had second thoughts. Never made it into the paper. And this is the one I was hoping would help the naïve to open their eyes to the assault on our liberty that the rest of us see all too clearly. And since the paper declined to print it, I took the liberty of adding a sentence or two to the original.

Hidden Dangers of Vaccine Passports

What do magicians and pickpockets have in common? They both keep your attention fixed in one spot, while they do their trick in another.

Similarly, while our attention has been carefully and continually fixated on Covid, magicians have tricked us, and thieves have reached into our pockets and stolen our businesses, our freedom, our rights under the Constitution, and everything that has made life good in America.

They say those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. But history never repeats exactly—it’s the pattern that repeats.

The tried-and-true formula which has led to the most heinous crimes in history operates by stirring up fear in the masses, then scapegoating and demonizing the targeted group.

In 1930s Germany, the outcry was against the Jews, who were subsequently stripped of their rights and banned from normal life.

In 2021 in America, the outcry is against the “unvaccinated,” who, we’re told, are jeopardizing the health of the vaccinated, so they should be stripped of their rights and banned from normal life.

But isn’t this time different? Don’t we need to be saved from the unvaccinated, who are spreading the Delta variant? Aren’t they endangering our lives?

That’s what the magicians and thieves want us to think. But the reality is that variants only emerge in the vaccinated, as the targeted virus mutates to avoid what has turned out to be a “leaky”—or inefficient—vaccine.

Furthermore, the Delta variant, while contagious, is much less virulent than Covid—which 99.9% of healthy people under 70 survive. But even if it were more virulent, there is never a justifiable reason to deprive citizens of their Constitutional rights. Using “safety” as a pretext brings to mind Ben Franklin’s famous quote: “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither.” Regardless of what they may deserve, the larger point is that they end up with neither. And the next stop on this slippery downhill slope has already emerged.

At present, although the pandemic arguably ended many months ago, there’s a mysterious clamor for vaccine passports. Out of nowhere, city after city, county after county, and sneaky Assembly bills seek to foist mandatory vaccine passports on us.

In San Mateo County, Supervisor Dave Canepa opined, “No shoes, no shirt, no shot, no service!” This in a county where 93% of the residents have been vaccinated! And as with all medical interventions, these vaccines are contraindicated for many people—including those who’ve recovered from Covid and therefore have superior natural immunity.

Here’s what Don Lemon blurted out on national TV:  “I’m sure a lot of people are not going to agree with this, but [if you] don’t get the vaccine, you can’t go to the supermarket.”

Clearly, most people locked out of restaurants and grocery stores would starve to death! Can any American wish this on his neighbors?  Only extreme and irrational fear could bring anyone to condone such evil—shades of the tried-and-true scapegoating formula at work.

Many among the vaccinated assume the vaccine passport will only hurt the unvaccinated, whom, as a result of incessant media propaganda, they’re all too eager to sacrifice.

But the minute you accept your vaccine passport, you’ve exchanged your unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for the “privilege” of dining out and attending football games—surely a devil’s bargain. You’ve inadvertently granted the State absolute power over your life. You might as well move to China.

For if your government can insist you get a Covid vaccine in order to live a normal life, it can also insist you get a booster shot—as has already happened in Israel.  And another. And a “Carbon Credit” passport. And a “Social Credit Score” and constant monitoring and surveillance to make sure you do as you’re told by a tyrannical government that is the opposite of everything America has always stood for.

Welcome to Technocracy, where the totalitarian State can turn off your access to your soon-to-be-implemented “digital currency” at will.

This is the price you’ll pay if you accept the Vaccine Passport agenda.

And who are the magicians? They’re the talking heads in our media, the plethora of “experts” who keep us running scared, and planners behind the scenes. The thieves? They’re politicians and government officials along with Big Pharma and assorted elite profiteers.

The agenda? To turn America into a carbon copy of Communist China with its “Social Credit System” through implementing 100% government surveillance and control. From there it’s but a small step to the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” and One World Government.

The vaccine passport is not the way back to normal, as the magicians and thieves want us to believe, but the downward path to a wretched dystopia.

If you think I’m exaggerating, check out Australia. Citizens are under house arrest, tracked, hounded, bullied—with no rights left. This is why we must push back now—while we still can.

© 2021 Cherie Zaslawsky – All Rights Reserved

Afghan Refugees Were Placed in a Popular Vacation Hotel. Here’s What Happened.

My latest at PJ Media:

Multiculturalism is meeting reality once again as Afghan refugees are making their presence known in the countries that welcomed them, and the fun is just beginning. One place that has experienced the richness and vibrance of diversity is Scarborough, North Yorkshire, England, which is a popular vacation spot. It’s easy to see why: It’s on the Yorkshire Coast in a beautiful area, and when its architecturally stunning Grand Hotel was built in 1867, it was the largest hotel in Europe. The hotel still boasts numerous attractions. It is described on Tripadvisor as “one of the town’s landmark features and instantly recognisable on the skyline,” taking “pride of place overlooking the town’s harbour and South Bay.” The description continues: “Our location is ideal in Scarborough from which to enjoy beautiful sandy beaches, promenade walks and all that Scarborough has to offer, all within a short stroll away. LIVE entertainment is available every night with our dazzling cabaret shows featuring professional dancers and entertainers dressed in stunning costumes.” A newer feature of the hotel, however, 200 Afghan evacuees, has quickly changed perceptions of the hotel. The staff, when confronted with complaints, called the complainers “racist.” But that’s an all-purpose objection nowadays, so frequently employed as to be emptied of all meaning. It’s clear that hotel guests at the Grand Hotel had plenty to complain about.

One of the hotel’s recent guests wrote:

Stayed in the hotel while working away contracting in East Yorkshire

I caught scabies and can only presume it was from this filthy hell hole

Also caught a man deficating [sic] into a carrier bag !

What the hell is going on in this hotel.

I would not stay ever again!!

What a shame that the government would do this to a seaside town


As revolting as it is, that bit about the carrier bag shouldn’t surprise anyone. The Wall Street Journal recently noted that new Afghan arrivals at Fort McCoy in Wisconsin were “confused and upset by hygiene practices. Every toilet on base was Western style, with a seat and toilet paper. But a number of Afghans are accustomed to restrooms that allow them to squat so they don’t have to physically touch the toilet. It led to some cases of Afghans relieving themselves outside.” And into carrier bags at the Grand Hotel Scarborough.

There is more. Read the rest here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Plane Truth about Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

You are not free to move about the country. No one has been since the coronavirus restrictions began. But now major airlines are piling on travel challenges above and beyond the government mandates. Beginning Friday, Southwest Airlines cancelled over 1,800 flights, leaving thousands of passengers stranded around the country. For perspective, Southwest flies approximately 3,300 flights per day; they cancelled 27 percent of their scheduled flights on Sunday alone.

In a statement, the airline tried to blame the massive outage on weather. “On Friday evening, the airline ended the day with numerous cancellations, primarily created by weather and other external constraints.” The bad weather was in Florida, according to another statement. The statement explained the cancellations “left aircraft and Crews out of pre-planned positions.” In turn, “the out-of-place aircraft and continued strain on our Crew resources created additional cancelations” which cascaded.

But many aren’t buying Southwest’s story; too many details don’t add up. For instance, it’s curious that weather would affect only one airline so heavily. “American, Spirit, United, and Delta combined total of about 104 flights canceled over the same period,” said Congressman Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.). Or, if minor weather cancellations generate outsized impacts, why don’t hurricanes or blizzards routinely cripple national air travel?

From the “timeline of a couple of key events, you can draw a different conclusion,” said Washington Times opinion editor Cheryl Chumley. “The more plausible reason,” she wrote, “is that scores of pilots refused to fly because of COVID-19 vaccine mandates.” An anonymous Southwest employee estimated that nearly 50 percent of Southwest pilots remain unvaccinated. When they learned last week that the airline would require all staff to be vaccinated by December 8, the Southwest Airlines Pilot Associations (SWAPA), which represents 10,000 of the megacorporation’s pilots, amended their lawsuit to temporarily block the airline’s coronavirus vaccine mandate from taking effect.

SWAPA said employees were calling in sick at three times the historic norm but denied that pilots were coordinating an “official or unofficial” sick-out. The airline also insisted that “the operational challenges were not a result of Southwest Employee demonstrations.” But it’s hard to believe that, by sheer coincidence, 32 out of 35 Southwest employees in Jacksonville didn’t show up for work on Friday, or that “almost every flight out of Orlando was cancelled” by a few brief showers on Friday afternoon. Though the pilots union may not publicly acknowledge what they’re doing, Chumley said on “Washington Watch”, “we should be thankful for these pilots taking a strong stand for individual rights over government overreach and employer mandates.”

The fault lies with both the government and private corporations. Southwest CEO Gary Kelly insisted his hands were tied by President Biden’s executive order requiring “all federal contractors, which covers all the major airlines… to have a mandate vaccine in place by Dec. 8.” But Governor Abbott recently banned private employers in Texas, where Southwest Airlines is headquartered, from instituting vaccine mandates, so the business at least has a choice in who to obey. The Biden administration’s executive orders are simply providing cover for corporate leaders to enact the heavy-handed mandates they desire anyways. Biggs said businesses “doing the dirty work for the government… instead of fighting it” is “proto-fascist.”

Not every Southwest pilot is staying silent; one apparently hung the Gadsden flag from his cockpit window. Biggs said the pilots may have launched a larger movement. “You’re going to see more and more employees reject this unconstitutional infringement on their liberty,” he said. Illegal vaccine mandates can survive as long as we, the people, comply with them.


Dr. Robert Malone – Fully Vaccinated Are COVID-19 “Super-Spreaders”

Healthy 16-Year Old Dies During Zoom Class After Receiving Pfizer COVID-19 Jab

Australia’s Northern Territory Imposes World’s Strictest COVID-19 Jab Mandate

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Maricopa County, AZ: Over 284,000 Ballots Lacked Evidence That It Was the Original Ballot Received

Our mistake was not organizing an insurrection.

Over 284,000 Ballots, or 1 Out of Every 10th Maricopa County Ballot, Lacked Evidence That It Was the Original Ballot Received

By Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit Published October 11, 2021:

Over 284,000 ballots in Maricopa County are missing their original corresponding image. One out of every 10 Maricopa County ballot in the 2020 Election is missing its original ballot image.

A new video from Jovan Pulitzer shows that the original ballot image for over 284,000 Maricopa County ballots is missing. This is one out of every 10th ballot.

The end result is comical but outrageous.  This country was awarded to Joe Biden based on Hunter Biden’s logic.

RELATED ARTICLE: Rasmussen Poll: Majority Of American Voters Believe Cheating Tainted Fraudulent Biden’s 2020 Victory

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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January 6th Political Prisoners STILL In Solitary, Mistreated, Abused

Only Given Nation Of Islam Newspaper To Read.

Why not Hitler’s Mein Kompf? Democrats are following his playbook.

The Purpose Of The Jan. 6 Select Committee Is To Suppress Free Speech

By: John Daniel Davidson, The Federalist, October 12, 2021:

A third round of subpoenas issued last week by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s select committee on the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol has revealed the committee’s investigation for what it is: a brazen attack on the First Amendment rights of peaceful, law-abiding Americans.

Indeed, it’s not too much to say that the committee’s targeting of ordinary Americans poses a far greater threat to freedom and democracy than the Capitol riot ever did.

Why? Because the subpoenas were issued to a pair of private citizens, right-wing activist Ali Alexander and a man named Nathan Martin, as well as a group the men were associated with called Stop the Steal, which had applied for and received a permit from the U.S. Capitol Police to hold a rally on the Capitol grounds on Jan. 6.

Ali and Martin didn’t take part in the riot and have no connection to it. Both men were indeed present at the Capitol grounds that day, along with hundreds of thousands of other people, to host a rally for which, I repeat, their organization applied for and received a permit from U.S. Capitol Police. But their permitted event never even took place.

As Martin told me back in January, about a week after the riot, he was setting up for the event when he saw people entering the U.S. Capitol building from a side door, which didn’t seem right to him. Shortly thereafter, Martin received a text that the event was canceled and he left the Capitol grounds. He didn’t find out about the riot and the breach of the Capitol until he got back to his hotel room later that day.

Martin, an Iraq War veteran and city councilman in Shelby, Ohio, was much like the vast majority of people who came to Washington, D.C., to protest the election in January. He wasn’t there to cause trouble or incite violence, and he didn’t think the protest would change the outcome of the election. His hope, he told me, was that Republican lawmakers would put their objections on the record and go through claims of election fraud “line by line,” especially from states where instances of fraud and irregularities were well-documented.

“I didn’t have any delusions of grandeur that Vice President Pence would come swooping in and change the results or anything like that,” he said. “Although there had been some constitutional talk about whether that was allowed or not, I didn’t feel constitutionally that there was room for that.”

That is, Martin expected Jan. 6 to be what the overwhelming majority of protesters that day expected it to be: a peaceful, orderly, and permitted demonstration at the U.S. Capitol to make their voices heard. The corporate media’s attempt to smear every person who was present on the Capitol grounds that day as an “insurrectionist” is flatly appalling and utterly fantastical.

But it hasn’t stopped them from trying. Martin and other permit applicants for planned rallies on Jan. 6 at the Capitol grounds were badly misrepresented in a BuzzFeed article last month, portrayed as shadowy figures who were evasive or deceptive in their permit applications and conversations with Capitol Police.

By contrast, what the permit applications, which BuzzFeed obtained through a lawsuit against the Capitol Police, and BuzzFeed’s own reporting reveal is that a number of unaffiliated groups applied for and received permits to hold various rallies on the sprawling Capitol grounds that day. Martin told BuzzFeed he hadn’t seen the permit application and didn’t know why his name was on it, and it appears that communications between event organizers was not without some confusion in the weeks leading up to the event — which you would expect with a hastily planned event with many moving parts.

But there is so far zero evidence any of these organizers had anything to do with the comparatively small number of people who used the occasion to assault police and breach the U.S. Capitol itself. Tens of thousands of people, possibly more, were on the Capitol grounds that day. Yet nine months after the riot, fewer than 200 people have been charged with assaulting Capitol Police officers and the vast majority of the 650 named defendants are being charged with misdemeanor trespass or other minor violations that carry no prison time.

Nevertheless, last week after news broke of the Select Committee’s subpoenas, nearly the entire corporate press, as if with one voice, lumped in Martin and Alexander, who have been charged with nothing, with the rioters.

If our news media had any interest in holding power to account, the headlines and coverage would have focused instead on how Democratic lawmakers on the committee, together with NeverTrump GOP Reps. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., and Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., are using their subpoena powers to target law-abiding Americans who wished to exercise their right to peacefully assemble and protest.

Let’s be clear on this point. Since its inception, the Select Committee has amounted to a show-trial for House Democrats and leading NeverTrumpers who are attempting to make examples out of ordinary citizens who dared to protest the election, just as President Biden’s Justice Department is throwing the book at anyone connected to the events of Jan. 6 to make examples of them.

The message is clear: if you protest, if you exercise your First Amendment rights for a cause that those in power have not approved, you will be targeted by the government, smeared and harassed by the media, and made into a spectacle — pour encourager les autres.


Breaking: DOJ Loses Big in Capitol Rioter Case

Our Representatives, Not J6 Protesters, Defile the ‘Sacred’ U.S. Capitol The real heretics continue to rule while Robert Reeder is off to jail.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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A Conversation About Abortion With My Uber Driver [+Video]

While I have genuine sympathy for women who have an unwanted pregnancy, I am pro-life. My reason for opposing abortion has nothing to do with my religious beliefs. I oppose it because it is by any definition a barbaric procedure. Content warning: Descriptions herein may be disturbing to some readers.

With a client list that includes some of Hollywood’s biggest motion picture studios, the 30-something Uber driver who gave me a ride home from a medical appointment searches out locations to shoot scenes for feature-length films and other video productions.

When I asked what he thought about Georgia’s heartbeat abortion law, he jumped in with both left feet, saying the law is stupid and will be a financial disaster for movie industry employees in Georgia because of threats by motion picture producers to boycott the state.

This is the brief conversation we had right before he pulled into my driveway:

Uber driver: “The law is so stupid, men trying to tell women what they can’t do with their own body.”

Me: “I used to be pro-choice too, until I found out what’s involved in having an abortion.”

Uber driver: “What do you mean?”

Me: “Do you know how abortions are performed?”

Uber driver: “Not really.”

Me. “Well, for example, in a second trimester surgical abortion, the abortion doctor uses what’s called a sopher clamp, an instrument with serrated teeth on the business end. The abortion doctor uses the sopher clamp to probe inside the patient’s womb. 

When he feels something, he clamps down, pulls hard, and out comes an arm or a ….”

Before I could finish the sentence, my Uber driver raised his hand and pleaded, “Please, please. I don’t want to hear any more!”

Shocked by a gruesome fact he’d never heard, this opinionated Millennial didn’t have the slightest clue of how horrifying abortion procedures are, especially in the second and third trimesters.

Like my Uber driver and most other Americans, most women who have an abortion are clueless about the violent means through which their unborn baby is killed.

Planned Parenthood certainly doesn’t tell them. Should that disturbing information become widely known, the number of women opting for an abortion would likely plummet.

Courtesy of Democrats, Planned Parenthood receives a half-billion dollars a year of public funding. In 2019, the organization performed some 330,000 abortions. To get a visual of the magnitude of that number of killings, click here to see a picture of a jam-packed Michigan Stadium, seating capacity 110,000. The number of people in the stands represents the equivalent number of unborn babies Planned Parenthood kills in just four months.


It’s fashionable these days for woke Democrats to demand “equity” for black people, yet their party is solely responsible for black babies accounting for a grossly disproportionate share of abortions. According to the New York Times, blacks make up only 13% of the U.S. population, but black babies make up 40% of abortions, with the abortion rate for black women almost five times that for white women, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a pro-abortion group.  The Wall Street Journal reported that in New York City, more black babies are aborted each year than are born alive.

CDC data showed that abortion kills more blacks than the seven leading causes of death combined, and the 2010 Census revealed that Planned Parenthood appears to target minority communities, with 79% of its surgical abortion facilities located within walking distance of African American or Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods. According to the CDC’s Abortion Surveillance Report, 19 million black babies have been aborted since the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling—that number of abortions is the equivalent to the number of fans in 172 jam-packed Michigan Stadiums.

The Democrat message to impoverished black women is clear: vote for us and we’ll see that you get welfare for as many out-of-wedlock babies as you want to have; if you get pregnant and don’t want the baby, our friends at Planned Parenthood will get rid of it.


On September 25, Speaker of the House/professed Catholic Nancy Pelosi cheered as Democrats passed the most radical abortion bill in U.S. history. The proposed legislation, which lifts virtually all restrictions on abortion and prevents states from enacting even modest protections for unborn babies, legalizes partial birth abortion, including decapitating and dismembering babies inside the womb.

In the interest of full disclosure to one of their most important identity politics voting blocs—women who dread an unwanted pregnancy—Democrats should demand that Planned Parenthood abortion clinics show every troubled young woman who comes through the door the video below of board-certified OB/GYN Dr. Anthony Levatino describing the gruesome procedures carried out each year on hundreds of thousands of unlucky babies. The next time you look in a mirror, remind yourself how grateful you are that your mother chose life for you.

©John Eidson. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Rasmussen Poll: Biden Disapproval Hits New High of 58 Percent

Biden White House Warns American Consumers Of Empty Shelves Come Christmastime

American consumers should expect to see higher prices and even some empty shelves during their holiday shopping this year, President Joe Biden’s White House told Reuters on Tuesday.

The warning comes as the Biden administration works frantically to push back on skyrocketing inflation and strained supply chains across the country. Economists predicted earlier this year that the final months of 2021 would see total consumer prices rising 3.2% over 2020.

“There will be things that people can’t get,” a senior White House official told Reuters on Tuesday. “At the same time, a lot of these goods are hopefully substitutable by other things. … I don’t think there’s any real reason to be panicked, but we all feel the frustration and there’s a certain need for patience to help get through a relatively short period of time.”

A Sept. 29 study from Salesforce predicted that retail prices could rise as much as 20% compared to 2020. Women’s clothing, jewelry and watches had already risen 11.9% and 12.9% respectively as of August.

“Barriers at ports and skyrocketing costs of containers, two major pressures shaping holidays, should cause consumers to be concerned about product availability,” Salesforce warned.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki and other administration officials have repeatedly insisted that the inflation is “transitory” and will normalize sometime in 2022. The White House has repeated the line numerous times since worries over the economy began to outpace COVID-19 in polls across the U.S.

“What is the White House’s message to average Americans, including those who are on limited income though who are experiencing higher prices right now for food and clothing and other goods and services? You mentioned it’s expected to die down next year, but what is your message to them in the meantime, is it simply just to wait it out?” a reporter asked Psaki during a press briefing in July.

“That’s certainly not what I’ve ever said,” Psaki responded. “Our message is that we understand the threat that inflation poses. We will be vigilant about any responses needed. It’s important for Americans to know and understand that these impacts are temporary, and some of these price increases are a result of the economy turning back on.”

Some experts have disagreed, however, arguing that the inflation is here to stay “for years” thanks to Biden’s unprecedented spending programs.

“The 100% cause of inflation is the government,” Peter Schiff, the chief economist and global strategist at Euro Pacific Capital, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “It’s when the government spends money that it doesn’t collect in taxes and then the Federal Reserve monetizes the resulting deficits by printing money.”



White House correspondent. 


Inflation Is Burning a Hole in Our Wallets; It’s Also Theft

Experts Slam Biden’s Economic Agenda Following June Jobs Report

The Numbers Are In, Biden’s Inflation Is Not Going Away

Fraudulent Biden White House Warns American Consumers Of Empty Shelves Come Christmastime

EDITORS NOTE: This The Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.



Remember: The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the REVOLUTION.

Have you wondered why so many companies were so quick to go WOKE and destroy America?  Could it be that as companies became GLOBAL, America became irrelevant?  Global Corporate CEO’s and VP’s took money, tax rebates, grants, subsidies etc.  from the American Taxpayer and many purchased multiple residents all over the world.  America was just another country, nothing special. In addition, the highly skilled American worker was too expensive and cut into their profitability. So as their choice, they screwed the American worker. The criminals in the government made up rules and regulations to eliminate competition of their favored company. Lastly let us not forget that by eliminating competition the “market” is favorable for investing in government favored companies so congress could make a fortune on insider trading, investing and creating new companies that will comply.

OK the pieces were beginning to fit.  Thanks to Karen Bracken’s incredible research on ESG (Environmental, Social ‘Justice’ Governance), the woke actions of these companies are evident and finally make sense. On Nov 8, 2019, Forbes had an article introducing ESG to the business community in 2020.   What is ESG?  ESG is the Environmental, Social and Governance score given to a business to determine how well they “follow the government message”  In other words go WOKE, “Hate America and hate the American citizen who votes against the DNC communist message.”   Apparently grading individuals on Social Credits is not enough for the communist Democrats. Limiting mobility, purchases and services based on how well individuals score by supporting everything the government does is not broad enough.  The corporations must follow orders as well.  Why would a corporation intentionally destroy their base?  Because once the world has opened as their customer, Americans are no longer the only game in town. Money, Money, Money!!!

ESG refers to a company’s commitment to do more than make a profit, such as actively strive to contribute positively to the environment or social causes and to conduct themselves responsibly. Why would a company do that?  Because ESG is now the way that investors rate the corporation for investment funding. Bad score= no money.  Trash America = more money. By forming Public Private Partnerships the government is now involved in business and can “suggest” certain actions or else no government contract, no access to grants or low interest loans and tax subsidies. Since many smaller middle class companies are totally private and do not rely on the government they must be destroyed. No Competition or dissention allowed. Covid accelerated this plan. We now have an answer to the question, is the government trying to destroy America? The answer is YES.

More money is made with global customers than American customers.

What is a PPP (PUBLIC – PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS)?  A PPP is a way in which a corporation, through a new entity takes control of Government Assets.  The government, made up of unelected bureaucrats, people, make laws to regulate companies into the desired path.  The ESG (Environmental Social Governance) score keeps the corporations in line. Corporations are woke and must use the CRT method for reprogramming its workers.  They must get a good score or no government contracts. You can call it Global Corporate Fascism, reinventing government, transfer of wealth, but it is really a new structure of communism. The public pays, the private profits. This is a massive form of wealth redistribution. Once again the public gets screwed.

Let’s break this down.


  • Public – (government) all levels of government, Local, State, Federal, Foreign, and of course the United Nations.
  • Private – Big power Corporations, National Corporations, International Corporations, Universities, Foundations, Associations, any entity with big money.
  • Partnerships – Business arrangement, which public and private combined together.
  • NGO’s – Non government organizations, any organization with environmental interest, like the Sierra Club, The Nature Conservancy, Florida Forever, etc. that takes control of assets. This would be in land acquisitions, conservation, land corridors, Greenways, Parks, Preserves, permanent easements, etc. It would be on coastal waters, lakes, rivers, streams, another means of taking assets, owning and having full control. With no representation to the people, the goal is profit. Sound familiar? It should by now it’s called the United Nations Sustainable Development, Agenda 21/2030/GND/Global Reset. The United Nations promote PPP’S, they play a very important role in their personal agenda making it easier for government to control businesses.  PPP are in direct opposition to any free market system. If a company needs government money, why are they still in business?

PPP’S are heavy into infrastructure because it crosses county and state lines which gives the government more control over local elected officials. With this economy, state and local governments do not have the money for roads, tolls, bridges, energy, water, and restoration. People do not want their taxes raised, as they are already tax enough.  When our elected representatives vote to empower appointed groups of people who are not accountable to the public, they are voting for Communism. That’s how Communism works. It is unelected groups of people who are authorized to make public policy using the agenda of some unseen apparatus in the background, coupled with the power of government to enforce it. In the case of the United States the transformation to Communism agenda is coming from the United Nations.

In Florida, PPP’s are abundant. PPP’S, Enterprise Florida, Public Service Commission (PSC), Workforce Florida, Inc. Duke Energy, Florida Power and Light, Progress Energy, ( Smart Meters) Florida Chamber of Commerce, and all of these promote Regionalism in Florida. Governor Scott signed H/B 85 to expand Public – Private Partnerships.  He was the same Governor that said there would be No Agenda 21 in Florida, more Lies.

Every county board, county administrator, city council, and manager in Florida works with PPP’S. All of Florida’s regional planning councils, (unconstitutional ) Sustainable Development Planners, Florida Association of Counties, due the bidding of PPP’S. But that’s not surprising since they work with U.N. organizations to implement the Agenda..

PPP’S are a Soviet structure. What is a Soviet… An elected governmental council in a Communist country.  Alliances are the PPP’S and they are implementing the socialist agenda thus transforming the United States into a Communist Country. The Public – Private Partnership (PPP) is yet another ruse of big government to steal your wealth and private property or other assets and, in the process, “fundamentally change America” and plunder the productive members of society.  A PPP is the essence of Marxism and crony capitalism. Elected government officials and their bureaucracy favoring corporations who support the political agenda of the ruling class, so both can profit at the expense of our individual freedom.  Why did Biden give up Afghanistan? Here is your reason…Money, Power, Control.

Communist are Technocrats, they seek to plan, organize, and streamline all aspects of life through central planning. (like unconstitutional regional planning councils). Thus people aren’t considered as discrete independent individuals.  Rather, people are considered assets of the state, factors of production, “human capital, human resources, human infrastructure” to be managed by  the owner of the state and the elite minions and useful idiots who administer the system.

September 13, 2013, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack and Coca-Cola Americans President Steve Cahillana announced a PPP to restore and protect damaged watersheds on National lands. Cahillana said to create healthier, more Sustainable Communities. This opened my eyes. United Nations Sustainable Communities, Agenda21 stated goals of controlling all forms of water supply. Today Biden’s unelected secretaries, including newly appointed Tom Vilack and local mayors collude with Chinese Communist party on Agriculture policy.

United Nations Agenda21 from the U.N. Bruntland Commission in 1992 says that No private enterprise should exist, only PPP’S.  Business is evil, should be controlled by the community, while the owner is responsible, and pays taxes. These ideas are tenets of Socialism/Marxism.

“ESG (Environment-Social(Justice)-Governance) Credit Score system that is replacing the traditional Credit Score system we have always used in the past.  This new credit score system will score businesses on how well they tow the globalist line.  WELL, what a coincidence….Biden(Obama) just announced he wants to do away with all the traditional credit bureaus.  Of course he said this is necessary because there are racial disparities in the current system.  But of course never mentions it will be replaced with ESG Credit Scores coming from the fascist government. There are several major banks that already use ESG and it is part of the Great Reset and the new economy, stakeholder capitalism (fascism).  Individuals that are patriots, conservative, vote Republican will end up on the low end of this system and will not be able to get a mortgage loan or a loan for any reason.  Again, this is why you are seeing businesses fighting states on their laws.  Business in bed with government ends up making slaves out the tax payer and destroys our Constitution and states rights. Again, using race to drive the Great Reset agenda.” Karen Bracken

Note: In the Infrastructure Bill of $3.5 Trillion, grants will be given to companies that comply.  Hefty penalties will be placed on companies that don’t demand their employees or customers vax, while rebates are given to those who buy union autos.

When your local government authorities start to exceed their constitutionally granted powers by working with Private International and National organizations through PPP’S, they no longer represent the people, the U.S. Constitution, freedom, and their oath of office. These are people that are so self centered with their own careers, self worth, and power status, that they have sold their souls to the communists.

Is America Worth Saving?

Will you make sure you research every candidate that you vote for? This is what we have to do as Americans to save our country, and to make sure our children are not made slaves to an un-Christian Nation of corruption.

Will you pay attention, run for office and attend meetings in your local community?

Will you share the truth with others who may not be like minded but want to hear the truth?

Will you contact your legislature and voice your opinion?  House 202-225-0911, Senate 202-224-0911, or contactmypolitician.com

G-d Bless America, and Her People.

©Karen Schoen. All rights reserved.

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