This Transgender ‘Folly’ is Going to Collapse, Just as Eugenics Did

Dr. Paul R. McHugh is University Distinguished Service Professor in the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, where he served as Director of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Psychiatrist-in-Chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital from 1975 to 2001.

In a distinguished career that began with his training at Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, Dr. McHugh has taught at Cornell, the University of Oregon, and since 1975 at Johns Hopkins. He was the co-creator of the Mini Mental States Examination, one of the most widely used tests of cognitive function, and he sponsored the work that resulted in The 36-Hour Day, a bestselling guide for families and caregivers of patients with Alzheimer’s and other dementia conditions.

In the 1980s and 1990s, Dr. McHugh and Dr. Phillip R. Slavney published The Perspectives of Psychiatry and Psychiatric Polarities, which may be said to have embodied the tenets of the influential “Hopkins School” of the discipline. For the wider public, Dr. McHugh has published on psychiatry — both its findings and its failings — in The American Scholar, First Things, Commentary, Public Discourse, the Weekly Standard, and The New Atlantis. His books for general readers are The Mind Has Mountains (2006), a collection of his essays, and Try to Remember (2008), which concerns his role in debunking the “recovered memory” fad in psychotherapy. In 2015, the Paul McHugh Program for Human Flourishing was established in the Johns Hopkins Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.

I note that Dr. McHugh is not Professor Emeritus at Johns Hopkins, which is worth remarking upon because this week he turns ninety years old. He is still a full-time faculty member in the university’s school of medicine — teaching, mentoring psychiatry students, and caring for patients. We spoke on Monday after he had spent the morning in the psychiatry department’s weekly grand rounds.

Matthew Franck: In Psychiatric Polarities, you and Phillip Slavney wrote that “mental life is dependent on the brain. … Yet mind and brain are not identical. Indeed, they are so different that the nature of their relationship is the fundamental mystery in psychiatry and the source of many of its conflicts.” Would it be fair to say that the successes of modern psychiatry stem from work that recognises this mysterious relationship of mind and brain, while its failures stem largely from therapeutic interventions that ignore this mystery or try to explain it away?

Paul McHugh: I think that mystery remains a great mystery, but is perhaps best resolved at the moment by seeing mental life as an emergent property of the brain. It emerges from it, but it doesn’t emerge as smoke; it remains an interactive process.

There are some aspects of human disorders and human mental life that depend upon the brain for their sustaining, but they don’t depend upon the brain for their generation — things like grief, and maybe post-traumatic stress disorder, and things of that sort. They depend upon an appreciation of the person, of what was there and was lost (for grief), or what was there and was frightening (for PTSD). The brain follows the mind in that way.

So the fact is that the narrative capacity of the human mental experience can be the source of various forms of psychiatric distress that psychiatrists try to help the patient both understand and perhaps re-script in a way that makes living with it more easy. And none of that actually depends upon the psychiatrist directly tinkering with the brain’s substance or the material itself.

So when we were, in the Polarities, saying that this is the issue, these two things, we didn’t mean to say that everything that the psychiatrist could successfully do would depend upon his working with the brain. He could make lots of mistakes there, as the frontal lobotomy experience demonstrated better than any, and then some abuse of medications today demonstrates.

But he could also make mistakes in the narrative by presuming things that were not there in actuality but were put in by him, or her, the psychiatrist, because they made a better story. I don’t think all the mistakes that psychiatrists make are related either to the area of the brain they work in or the area of mental life and its trajectory. They can make mistakes in both places.

MF: I know that you and your colleagues at Hopkins have really merged these questions in neuropsychiatry so that you’re attending to both brain and mind. But there have been schools of thought in psychiatry that emphasise one overwhelmingly at the expense of the other.

PM: Yes indeed, and that is the thing that we’re trying to avoid by making it clear that there are different methods that employ one or the other, or sometimes both together in a coherent way. But you know, I did train in neurology as well as psychiatry. My teachers made sure that at least I was exposed to the ideas on both sides of that very interesting emergent property.

MF: In one of your essays in The Mind Has Mountains, you observe “the power of cultural fashions to lead psychiatric thought and practice off in false, even disastrous, directions.” Two such fashions that captivated psychology and psychiatry in recent decades were “multiple personality disorder,” also known as “dissociative identity disorder,” and the idea of “repressed sexual memories” from childhood that adults can “recover” under therapy. What accounts for such therapeutic fevers gripping the mental health professions?

PM: That’s a very good question. I’m not sure I understand why we’re so vulnerable to this. It may well be in part that we are a discipline that cannot often use bodily material, like an autopsy or something, to prove ourselves right or wrong.

We have to use the power of persuasion to persuade patients and others to thinking the way we want them to think. And although that’s the fundamental principle of psychotherapy — psychotherapy is a persuasive enterprise, after all, that’s what it is, it’s nothing else but persuasion — persuasion, not only in psychiatry but maybe even in a democracy, its great vulnerability, as Tocqueville said, is the tyranny of popular sentiments.

The tyranny of popular opinion can hold in thrall a whole population, after all, for a while. I think psychiatry is vulnerable to that because it works with phenomena of mental life and problems of mental behaviour, and therefore is liable, without another kind of tradition or another source of knowledge, to be carried away. It happens about every ten or fifteen years.

MF: I recall your saying as well in that book that psychiatrists don’t have the sort of grounded reality of specialising in the skin or the eye or something about which there cannot be endless arguments once the evidence comes in.

PM: That’s right. The material evidence of the physical body has a great salutary effect on people who have strong opinions about things, as William Osler said long ago. He said, you know the great thing about the consultant is, he comes in and does the rectal that you forgot to do. The great thing about doctoring is that it’s a fundamental business; you stand on the bottom of life, and it’s one of the joys of it.

Why, though, psychiatry gets swept by these fantasies is still a further question. In part, I used to just think it was the Freudian commitment to suspicion of other people and of society and everything — it was one of the schools of suspicion —

MF: Sure, that there’s a dark id everywhere you look.

PM: That’s right, that somehow or other we’re always under the control of somebody else. Nietzsche and Marx and Freud were all of the same kind of calibre. I used to think that. I also think there’s a love on the part of psychiatrists for being men of the secret and having their own magical secret.

If somebody comes along and tells you “Here’s a wonderful magical secret that will open to you the nature of the world and the nature of humankind,” it’s usually silly in the long run. That’s usually picked up by people who have no traditional background of their own. After all, it’s a kind of golden calf; you come down from the mountain and really try to bring them something, and what do you find them doing? Dancing around the golden calf.

MF: The appeal is to make some idol of a solution to some big problem.

PM: That’s right. And although Moses thought it was only his people, his people were — are, of course — all of us.

MF: In 2016, you and Dr. Lawrence Mayer published a 143-page monograph in the pages of The New Atlantis titled “Sexuality and Gender: Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences.” This publication generated a good deal of controversy, coming not long after the Supreme Court’s creation of a constitutional right for same-sex couples to marry, and just as the issue of “transgenderism” was beginning to heat up. What prompted you and Dr. Mayer to undertake this project, and what should we take away from it?

PM: I was prompted by the idea that I ought to at least say something in this matter, because so many ideas were floating around, and if I couldn’t speak, who could? And when I looked at the scientific evidence of these things, the very idea that these things were immutable, and discrete, and people were “born that way,” it didn’t work from the science point of view, and they might, in our society, not be such good ideas, not good things for people to believe. So I thought, “Well, if I can’t speak at my stage and my development, nobody can speak, and I’ll see what happens.” So, it was very interesting. I found it extremely interesting.

It caused a ruckus, and that didn’t surprise me. But what did surprise me was how many people would say, well, you know, “This is just wrong,” but would never show me any evidence. Dean Hamer, whom I have admired and thought of as a very coherent geneticist and student of homosexuality down in NIH, said “This has all just been disproven, it’s bad science,” but he never pointed out anything or said, “Here’s the article that proves it.”

He was saying, “Look, this is the way we read the science today,” and he spent a lot of time talking about how this wasn’t a peer-reviewed article. Of course it wasn’t a peer-reviewed article. It wasn’t intended to be put out into the science literature. It was to try to evaluate what we thought the science literature taught to the ordinary public, like somebody would write in the New Yorker. And the useful way to refute such a thing is not to say “Those guys are stinkers!” or something. They should say “He’s overlooked something, and here’s the thing that he’s overlooked.”

It turned out that afterwards — long afterwards — people would say, “Well, you know, he’s right, but he shouldn’t have said it.” What it came down to was “He should have kept his mouth shut.” The reason they keep saying it is the usual explanation for not wanting to get all the truth out — that somehow it’ll encourage people to abuse other folks. Of course, we didn’t want that, and we don’t think that the truth is going to lead to anything other than further truth, as things go on.

MF: And better treatment of people. It’s interesting to me that you brought up that critique of peer review, because I had a follow-up on that front. I heard that a lot too when that long piece came out, that The New Atlantis is not a peer-reviewed journal, or that the work you and Dr. Mayer did was not peer-reviewed. And my first thought on hearing that was, well, of course not, what you and he did was the peer review. That is, you two, very knowledgeable in your field, did a comprehensive survey of studies in the field that had been peer reviewed in order to draw conclusions for a wider public about what we know and don’t know about sexual orientation and gender identity.

PM: It seemed to me they just didn’t want the conversation to go on. This way of calling it not peer-reviewed was to say that I was saying something that was supposed to be a new discovery. I wasn’t saying anything new, I was saying “This is how I read the literature.”

MF: People who dispute the way you and Dr. Mayer read the literature should not just say, “Well, that’s bunk.” After all, you were not reporting your own research but that of many, many others. They should point to these and those studies that you draw conclusions from and either show why they’re wrong or why you’re drawing the wrong conclusions from them.

PM: That’s right, and that’s what we said at the end of our article. We knew it was going to cause a fuss. Okay, go at it, and tell us what’s wrong.

MF: The bottom line of the monograph, it seemed to me, was that we still don’t know a great deal about the provenance of homosexuality and transgender or gender dysphoria. We have no particular reason to believe that either phenomenon is innate or biologically based or immutable.

PM: That’s right. Especially not immutable. That’s the most important thing.

MF: In a later piece in The New Atlantis, in 2017, you and Dr. Mayer were joined by Dr. Paul Hruz, a pediatric endocrinologist, in cautioning medical professionals against using puberty-suppressing drugs with children who present with gender dysphoria. Given the increasing incidence of patients presenting such psychological symptoms since that time, especially adolescent girls who wish to transition to “being” boys, as Abigail Shrier has written, this looks like it was a very timely intervention on your part. What is the concern, exactly, with these puberty-suppressing drugs?

PM: They come at a time when the person, the child, is not prepared to think about what their life would be like. Remember, puberty occurs between nine and fourteen when you’re a girl, and between eleven and fourteen when you’re a boy. These are children.

Anyone who’s had a ten-year-old girl or boy around knows that he or she is under your protective wing, in the sense not only of making sure he or she eats and is not abused today, but that he or she doesn’t make a mistake in their own decisions that will reverberate forever for them. We don’t let them get tattooed, we don’t — I wouldn’t let my daughter have her ears pierced until she turned sixteen. So these are very young children.

Secondly, this is a very complex process, puberty. Puberty is one of the great transforming neuro-endocrine events in anybody’s life. And we know only some parts of it; we do not know, for example, what triggers puberty. Back in 2005, the journal Science published its, I think, 125th anniversary issue, and they said, here are 125 big problems that remain for science. One of them was “What triggers puberty?” It’s a big mystery.

But one of the things we do know is that the human being is very different from the ordinary animal. With the animal, if they successfully go through puberty — and they go through it rather young — at the end of that, fundamentally, they are the complete being that they’re going to be. With human beings, some of the most interesting individuating characteristics of themselves occur only after puberty, probably with a combination of the intellectual powers and the energy that sexual development brings.

So I don’t think any child — and any parent, for that matter — can make an informed consent to permit the blocking of puberty and the transmission of another sex. That’s the first thing: you don’t have an idea what you’re doing. So how can you have an informed consent about it? Because nobody knows.

As important, and a reason for thinking that judgment is affected, is that children, young people, who believe that they belong in the opposite sex, if permitted to go through puberty normally, 85 to 95 percent of them will at the end of that time say “No, I am who I am.”

But if you give them the puberty blockers at age nine or ten, only 5 or 10 percent at the end of that time will say “I don’t want to go on further.” They always want to go on further. Something has changed in them. One of the things that change must be the way their brain is shaped when this triggering comes along for puberty. It gets thwarted. And the idea that it’s all reversible, that’s still very debatable.

Finally, the most important point is that scientists have one great vulnerability. They can be dealing with the most complex issue and try to oversimplify it and make it seem like a simple issue. In this case, we want to make a boy look like a girl — okay, so we’re going to do it with these hormones. Wait a minute: you don’t know this is a complex issue of the brain, neuro-endocrine relationships, hormones and — things that Paul Hruz knows even better than I. This very, very complex thing is being over-simplified.

MF: And there are real physical detriments that can come about in terms of bone mass, fertility, growth to mature height, all sorts of things.

PM: And who, at age eleven, knows? You might lose your fertility at age eleven; well, okay, you don’t know quite what that is. You might not know, given the other kinds of pressures that come into play. We don’t know all the pressures that are behind this gender dysphoria epidemic that we’re having, but we do have a lot of reasons for believing that social pressures on vulnerable and suggestible young people are at play there.

MF: In your own career, you’ve been standing athwart this for a very long time. In 1979, a few years after you came to Johns Hopkins, you directed the closing of the university hospital’s gender identity unit, responsible at that time for what we then called “sex-change operations,” and now it’s fashionable to call “gender-affirming surgeries,” after finding that such surgical transitions did not improve the overall mental health of patients. For this alone, you have been on the “enemies list” of transgender advocates for a long time. (Such surgeries were resumed at Hopkins in 2017.)

You have likened our “transgender moment,” as Ryan Anderson calls it, to other psychiatric fashions that ultimately collapsed under the weight of evidence against them — or due to the dearth of evidence for them. Transgenderism seems to be at peak strength today, in medicine, law, and public policy. Are you still sanguine about its ultimate collapse, like that of other culturally based phenomena in mental health sciences?

PM: I’m amazed at the amount of power and weaponry that it’s gotten behind it now, with the government and law and even medical organisations getting behind it, but I’m absolutely convinced that this is folly and it’s going to collapse, just as the eugenics folly collapsed.

Eugenics was quite as powerful, after all. I’m reassured that we psychiatrists have been everywhere before. Fortunately, Adolf Meyer, my predecessor at Johns Hopkins, was one of the few psychiatrists in the world, really, who said “I don’t think we can go this way with the eugenics movement.” And so I feel I’m in good company by saying this is going to collapse.

It’s going to collapse, particularly, in relationship to the injury to children, because these people are already beginning to build up evidence for the misdirection they were sent on. In Britain, the Keira Bell case that has just been handed down from their High Court is recognising the very inadequate psychiatric approach that was taken to leading this girl to now be a very damaged person. So it’s coming. And what’s going to happen in my opinion, at least with the young, the people under the age of twenty-one, will be that there will be huge lawsuits.

I can tell you exactly how the suits are going to play out. You know that person is going to wake up at age twenty-five and realise that that she’s got a five o’clock shadow, she’s had various mutilations in the body, she’s infertile, and she’s going to say, “How did you let this happen?” And then parents are going to say, “Well, the doctor said…” So they’re going to say “Let’s sue the doctors.”

They’re going to go to the doctors and say “What did you do this for?!” They’ll say, “That was a standard treatment for transgendered,” and the person is going to say, “But you see, I wasn’t transgendered, I was a child!” And they’re going to say “Holy smoke, you’re right, we can’t tell who’s transgendered, in truth.” And then the insurance companies are going to bail out, and a lot of people are going to be injured in reputation. But we’re going to be left with a number of much more injured patients. I’m very sure this is going to happen.

MF: In one respect, it almost seems as though psychiatry has confessed its lack of any answer to the problem of gender dysphoria and farmed out the solution to the endocrinologists and the cosmetic surgeons. They’re inviting those specialists in other fields to tinker with the body to conform to a dysphoria in the mind, rather than treating the dysphoria in the mind, which is the province of psychiatry.

PM: Exactly. And by the way, when I did actively close down the psychiatric role in permitting the gender surgery — after all, I couldn’t stop the plastic surgeons from doing it if they wanted — I just was saying that we in the department of psychiatry were no longer going to endow it with our permission. One of the plastic surgeons came up to me and did say, “Oh, thank goodness. How would you like it to get up in the morning, Paul, and face the day slashing away at perfectly normal organs, because you guys don’t know what’s the matter.”

MF: That’s interesting! So what you had the power to put a stop to was the referral to the surgeons.

PM: That’s right.

MF: And the surgeons would not proceed without it.

PM: That’s right. And the reversal [in 2017] was that the plastic surgeons came and said we’re going to take this up again. They didn’t wait for our permission to open a clinic at Johns Hopkins. In psychiatry, I was no longer the director, and our department didn’t fuss about it.

MF: So the resumption in 2017 was not owing to a decision in psychiatry but a decision over in surgery.

PM: That’s it, a decision over in plastic surgery. The nice thing is, the director of plastic surgery came and told me he was going to do it. But it was their decision, not ours.

MF: A slight change of topic here. As someone who has been a faithful Catholic his whole life, you have sometimes been characterised — I would say uncharitably — as a man whose professional outlook is unduly influenced by his religion. But the Catholic Church teaches, as you and I both know, that there is nothing science discovers that contradicts the faith. So what is really going on when this charge is aimed at you?

PM: I’m always surprised by that. I’m told that my views about repressed memory, that that was going to protect Catholic priests from being punished for abusing people. I never said that the truth wasn’t the truth with those men. I’m always very surprised by this charge.

I do say that I am an orthodox Catholic guy. Thank goodness I was raised with it, because of the wonderful Catholic realism that places you solidly on the ground in relationship to human nature and the human condition. But I never thought that in this area, it was my religion that was determining how I would think about it.

I suppose I have to say that when I was first fascinated by psychiatry when I was at the Medical School at Harvard, it might have been the relentless attacks by the Freudians on the nuclear family that shocked me, because I felt that the nuclear family was the source of all kinds of wonderful reflections on each other that permitted one to go out into the world. Instead, the suspicious Freudians saw it as a place of dominance and the like.

That may well have had something to do with my devotion to both my family and to the Holy Family that I had grown up thinking of as models. I would have thought if somebody wanted to say, “Look, his religion shielded him or protected him in this way, or blinded him in this way,” that would be an interesting conversation to have. But what does a tradition, a Judeo-Christian tradition, in particular, that honours the father and mother — how does it come at a discipline in medicine that begins to say that that’s the source of all your mental troubles?

But in these other matters, no-one can say what aspects of oneself affect how you think about a problem. Obviously, we’re creatures ourselves, and a lot comes out of where we are and who we are, and we don’t always completely know. But I believe that my positions on these matters, on these matters in particular, relate to the science and the psychiatry that matters. And that anybody of any persuasion or no persuasion at all will eventually come to agree with me.

MF: Yeah, “He’s a Catholic psychiatrist, therefore… ” seems to me to be a deflection from the discrete issues that should be directly tackled on the evidence and the arguments. Of course, there are many people in your profession, who are Jewish or Protestant or have no particular faith, who agree with you on the fundamental questions you’ve worked on in your career. But what you’re saying is that your Catholicism has actually made you in some respects a stronger, better scientist.

PM: I’ve always thought so. I think Christianity was the foundation of science. After all, “In the beginning was the Word” — the Logos. Well, that means something, to make science reasonable. That’s what I’ve always thought. But you know, I’ve been amazed, because I’ve been attacked this way now, even at Hopkins — which is a wonderful institution, by the way, and it has for the most part protected me. And I didn’t have these kinds of things said about me, at least right out, since I was in high school. So it was a big surprise. Although I’m sure that anyone would say that, as you go through life, you don’t know what other people are thinking about you.

I had a very funny one: when I was admitted to Harvard Medical School, I had to have an examination by one of the doctors there — a physical exam to make sure I was well and all. They did that for every medical student. And about ten years later I happen to come across my record that had been written by this chap, one of the doctors in Boston who said, “rosy-cheeked Irish boy who’s done well to come as far as he has.”

MF: I think we’ve found the title for our interview: “Rosy-cheeked Irish Boy Who’s Come a Long Way.”

PM: That was pretty funny. I mean, it does show you the climate that you’re in that you didn’t realise. I had no idea this was crossing his mind.

MF: One last question. Tell us, please, about the work of the now six-year-old McHugh Program for Human Flourishing. What do you hope that it will contribute to the future of psychiatry and to public understanding?

PM: I hope it’s going to be a rich contribution at the end of my career at Hopkins. My aim is to point out, and to help young psychiatrists, and all doctors for that matter, to understand that after you get somebody over a condition, often they have still a ways to go to be the kinds of people that they were intended to be when they were started off.

What began, for me, as a kind of public health hygiene, mental hygiene for the patient — saying “Look, this is the kind of thing you’ve got to do, you’ve got to think in terms of family life, work life, educational life, and community, and particularly often religious life, to be what you want to be” — has now transformed itself into an understanding of where the education of doctors tends to fall down. It tends to fall down in the very areas of the humanities and the understanding of human capacities that doctoring used to be founded on, before the sciences could really take it up and make it go.

So I’m hoping that people will see that an understanding of what human beings really can be emerges out of helping them through their physical as well as their mental illnesses, but then requires a continuing prescription for how they can continue in that way. And this way, I think, it will enrich the education of doctors in general, just like I think our Perspectives of Psychiatry has helped enrich an understanding of medicine in relationship to the conditions that afflict people mentally. So we’ve had a wonderful experience with it.

MF: Human flourishing is not a typical phrase in the vocabulary of medical professionals.

PM: It was a term that seemed to me to be the appropriate term. By the way, several people in my department thought it was a very Catholic term, I was surprised to see.

MF: If they think that Aristotle belongs to the Catholics, I guess we’ll take him.

PM: Right, that’s what I said to them, I thought it goes back to Aristotle.

MF: It’s a humanistic enterprise.

PM: It’s a fundamentally humanistic enterprise. Medicine is a humanistic discipline that uses science to accomplish what all human beings would like to see for themselves, in their capacity to sustain themselves. But ultimately it is to aim for a person who could be what God intended him to be. And, of course, it’s illuminating for me, like anything else in teaching. Once you start off on this, then you discover all the things that become important for yourself to learn.

MF: One really final question, for the record: Dr. Paul McHugh has no current plans to retire, correct?

PM: No plans to retire, no! Not me. I’m pressing on. I’m not retiring. I can’t carry on quite as much as I could before, but for the duties that I’m doing within the department, which are full-time for me, I’m going to continue as long as I can.

Republished with permission from The Public Discourse.


Paul McHugh

Dr. Paul McHugh, M.D. is the University Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. From 1975 until 2001, Dr. McHugh was the Henry Phipps Professor… More by Paul McHugh

Matthew J. Franck

Matthew J. Franck is Contributing Editor of Public Discourse. He is also Associate Director of the James Madison Program and Lecturer in Politics at Princeton University, Senior Fellow at the Witherspoon… More by Matthew J. Franck

RELATED ARTICLE: As Mexico votes, transgender self-ID makes a joke of gender parity in politics

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

IT’S OFFICIAL: Woke Class Finally Cottons Onto Our Looming Demographic Disaster

Crunch Time Has Come.

The pages of the New York Times are holy writ to the chattering classes – de  rigueur reading for woke folk. For once, that is a good thing.

Huh? Yes – America’s nomenklatura now know about the global fertility crisis. Wouldn’t have happened if it hadn’t made NYT. For the PC set it ain’t news unless NYT says it’s news. Late to the party or not, NYT’s article “Long Slide Looms for World Population, With Sweeping Ramifications” lets it all hang out.  Previously pigeon-holed to the periphery of public discourse, concern about falling fertility has finally gone mainstream!

Now whenever something shows up in NYT, I always wonder – as they say back home – how come? I learned to question why anything appears in the media back in the days of toiling away in the epicentre of the Empire to make ends meet.

Here’s the scoop: It all started with The Lancet’s groundbreaking study (published July 14, 2020) “Fertility, mortality, migration and population scenarios for 195 countries and territories from 2017 to 2100: a forecasting analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study“. The study’s authors characterised their findings as “jaw-dropping:” that global population would peak at 9.73 billion in 2064 and drop to 8.79 billion by 2100. They also projected an almost 50% drop in China’s population by century’s end (from 1.4 billion to 732 million).

The US population, even with continued mass immigration, would be 336 million by 2100, close to the 2020 Census. Of course relying on immigration to sustain population means that the US will be a new people by then, but that’s another story. The Lancet study projected that 183 of 195 countries and territories will have fewer people by 2100.

The Lancet let the genie out of the bottle. Then it percolated through the academy and seeped into the popular press. Thus the venerable Grey Lady (NYT), America’s “newspaper of record” (as the old saw goes, edited for those who think they should run the world) decided to cover it. The article is a veritable set piece:

Maternity wards are already shutting down in Italy. Ghost cities are appearing in northeastern China. Universities in South Korea can’t find enough students, and in Germany, hundreds of thousands of properties have been razed, with the land turned into parks.

Germany’s situation is especially stunning. In September 2015, colonisation of the country by well over a million unskilled “Syrian refugees” began (which made no sense). Yet the retirement age (for those born in 1964 or later) has been raised to 67, and they’re talking about bumping it up to 69. Also, 330,000 housing units have been demolished due to deflated demand – a sure sign of societal shrinkage.

All the while, cities in Nigeria are teeming with people.

While industrialised East Asia and Europe are on the cusp of a population implosion, the developing countries of sub-Saharan Africa have rapidly expanding populations. Current projections are that by 2100, there will be more Nigerians than Chinese. The times they are a-changin’!

It didn’t used to be that way. In 1900 there were 1.6 billion souls on the planet. By 2000 there were 6 billion. Infant mortality was in retreat, while life expectancy rose.

Things are really different now. For the first time in history, there is a sustained, long-term global population decline. That means unprecedented. Think about it – in all of history this has never happened, at least to humans.

Get the hint about what’s ahead? Apparently NYT does. Many countries are already seeing more retirees and fewer workers to support them. Crunch time is on the horizon. This could, as NYT says:

…upend how societies are organized… It may also require a reconceptualization of family and nation. Imagine entire regions where everyone is 70 or older. Imagine governments laying out huge bonuses for immigrants and mothers with lots of children. Imagine a gig economy filled with grandparents and Super Bowl ads promoting procreation.

Reconceptualisation is right. Time to face reality. Experts have been wrong time and again. Remember Thomas Malthus’s An Essay on the Principle of Population (1798) and his “Malthusian Trap” where humanity would outrun food supplies? How about Paul Ehrlich’s best-selling The Population Bomb (1968) where he warned “…in the 1970s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now.”

Malthus missed the boat with his theory, and Ehrlich was dead wrong, but that didn’t ding his career in the slightest, with speaking appearances and awards coming his way for decades – not to mention his secure sinecure in academia.

So here’s the future:

The change may take decades, but once it starts, decline (just like growth) spirals exponentially. With fewer births, fewer girls grow up to have children, and if they have smaller families than their parents did — which is happening in dozens of countries — the drop starts to look like a rock thrown off a cliff.

“It becomes a cyclical mechanism,” said Stuart Gietel Basten, an expert on Asian demographics and a professor of social science and public policy at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. “It’s demographic momentum.”

The NYT, whose masthead says “All the news that’s fit to print” has (as they occasionally do) posted an article eminently fit to print. Again, a Grey Lady debut makes it official to the chattering classes that – let’s cut to the chase – humanity is on the way out. Following NYT’s lead, expect the entirety of the lamestream media to glom onto this.

I’m so glad to see that the world’s most pressing crisis made NYT front and centre – about time! A scholarly colleague familiar with these issues, upon reading NYT’s piece, remarked: “Finally the penny has dropped. Perhaps they have been reading MercatorNet.”

Couldn’t have said it better myself.


Louis T. March has a background in government, business and philanthropy. A former talk show host, author and public speaker, he is a dedicated student of history and genealogy. Louis lives with his family… More by Louis T. March.


This transgender ‘folly’ is going to collapse, just as eugenics did

As Mexico votes, transgender self-ID makes a joke of gender parity in politics

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

This Day

Brad Miner: We remember those who gave their lives in battle. As President Lincoln said in 1863, “It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.”

The Catholic Thing was founded the week after Memorial Day in 2008, but in eight of the following dozen years, we’ve published a column, either by Robert Royal or me, about remembrance of those fallen in combat. This makes nine.

Our view, being Roman Catholic, is often global, but we are Americans, and we are patriotic. In a column I wrote last year (not on Memorial Day, but one week before), I quoted St. Thomas Aquinas in the context of faddish “woke” anti-Americanism (obviously not what Aquinas had in mind c. 1260 A.D.):

man is debtor chiefly to his parents and his country, after God. Wherefore just as it belongs to religion to give worship to God, so does it belong to piety, in the second place, to give worship to one’s parents and one’s country. (ST IIa IIae, Q, 101, a.1)

That makes me recall the famous Arnold Friberg painting (The Prayer at Valley Forge) of Gen. George Washington kneeling, seeking God’s guidance in the making of America.

My first foray into writing about Memorial Day came in 2009, with a column I wrote concurrent with my older son’s graduation from West Point. Many readers wrote to me, with gentle reproof, that my column was inappropriate, given that the last Monday in May is devoted to remembering those fallen in battle and not to those who may be likely to head into battle – about the dead, in other words, not the living. Yes, but I had also written this about the last cadet parade before graduation:

The music played by the [Army] band echoed around the barracks arches, so that you thought you were hearing the answering sound of marches played by ghosts, welcoming the Class of 2009 into the Long Gray Line that reaches back to 1802 and beyond.

Sad to say, some members of the Class of ’09 who served in Afghanistan or (with my son) in Iraq, have died. Captain Bobby Miner came home safely, as did Marine Corps Captain Ian McCoy, Bob Royal’s son-in-law. Others of their comrades did not.

But as a family matter here at TCT, we take offense at the anti-military posturing of some of our fellow citizens – and not just those on the “Left.” When I told a well-known conservative intellectual that my son was headed to West Point, his response was: “Are you nuts?” He explained, in essence (I was too gobsmacked to remember his exact words): We are the ones who send other mens’ sons to war; our sons don’t do the actual fighting.

Memorial Day is when we recall those who did the actual fighting and paid the price, in Mr. Lincoln’s words at Gettysburg, of “the last full measure of devotion.” As the President also said, “we can not dedicate – we can not consecrate – we can not hallow – this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.”

Writing in 2010, Robert Royal noted then-President Obama’s decision not to participate in Memorial Day tributes:

We really shouldn’t be surprised at this, since memory of – and gratitude towards – past benefactors of many kinds, including those who made the ultimate sacrifice, no longer seem to count for much in our society as a whole. Our harried president, like many of us, seems just to want some time alone, which has become harder as government bulks larger in all our lives. [ see “The Uses of Memory”]

In a column one year later, “Cara America Nostra,” Bob cited John Adams’ letter about politicians who,

may plan and speculate for Liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand. . . .They may change their Rulers and the forms of Government, but they will not obtain a lasting Liberty. They will only exchange Tyrants and Tyrannies.

This led Bob to conclude:

We’re no longer a young republic, but a middle-aged empire. Happy talk about the best days lying ahead cannot assuage our fears that mere economic growth, more gadgets and entertainments, can’t help us – indeed, are part of our central problem. But on holidays like today, it’s good to remember that this is America. New births of freedom, Great Awakenings in religion, fresh energies from immigration, are recurrent threads in our story. Pray God they continue to be.

I wrote about this day most recently in a 2019 column, “The Last Full Measure,” which included three photos captioned: “Honored dead: Gettysburg”; “The living”; “The dead.” The first, obviously, was of rows of the grave markers from 1863, and the last was the same, but from the WWII American Cemetery at Normandy, France – consequence of D-Day. The middle shot was of the groom and groomsmen at my older son’s wedding a few weeks before the column appeared. He’s in the center flanked by comrades and friends, including his younger brother. Five of the eight had been soldiers; one still is.

The origin of the holiday was, of course, the Civil War, somehow melancholic yet triumphal in memory. At other times – the end of the Spanish-American War or World Wars I and II, Korea and Vietnam, the Gulf War, and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq – the national mood has swung from pride to cynicism. For all that – and in all we’ve written here over the years – this has seemed to me the best evocation of properly ordered memory:

And, if you are the least bit cynical about either American adventurism or isolationism (and who is not?), consider the reverent words of General Mark W. Clark inscribed on a wall in the Visitor’s Center at that Normandy cemetery:

If ever proof were needed that we fought for a cause and not for a conquest it could be found in these cemeteries. Here was our only conquest: All we asked. . .was enough soil in which to bury our gallant dead.

Noble words, of which there are too few these days, to remember noble deeds – and souls.


Brad Miner

Brad Miner is senior editor of The Catholic Thing, senior fellow of the Faith & Reason Institute, and a board member of Aid to the Church In Need USA. He is a former Literary Editor of National Review. His most recent book, Sons of St. Patrick, written with George J. Marlin, is now on sale. His The Compleat Gentleman will be published in a third edition by Regnery Gateway on May 11, 2021 and is available in an audio edition (read by Bob Souer) from Audible.

EDITORS NOTE: This The Catholic Thing column is republished with permission. © 2021 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

Who Is Ron DeSantis?

Just in case you were wondering why 60 Minutes had a hit piece on this Paisan – the Governor of Florida. Anyone who criticizes him – I have a question for you – can you please post your education and service to our country resume so we can put things in perspective?

“Ronald Dion DeSantis was born on September 14, 1978, in Jacksonville, Florida, the son of Karen (née Rogers) and Ronald DeSantis. He is of Italian descent. His family moved to Orlando, Florida, before relocating to Dunedin, Florida, when he was six years old. In 1991, he was a member of the Little League team from Dunedin National that made it to the Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.

After graduating from Dunedin High School in 1997, DeSantis attended Yale University. He was captain of Yale’s varsity baseball team and joined the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. On the Yale baseball team, DeSantis was an outfielder; as a senior in 2001, he had the team’s best batting average at .336.

He graduated from Yale in 2001 with a B.A. magna cum laude in history. He then spent a year as a history teacher at the Darlington School. DeSantis then attended Harvard Law School, graduating in 2005 with a Juris Doctor cum laude.

DeSantis received his Reserve Naval officer’s commission and assignment to the Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JAG) in 2004 at the U.S. Naval Reserve Center in Dallas, Texas, while still a student at Harvard Law School. He completed Naval Justice School in 2005. Later that year, he received orders to the JAG Trial Service Office Command South East at Naval Station Mayport, Florida, as a prosecutor. In 2006, he was promoted from lieutenant, junior grade to lieutenant. He worked for the commander of Joint Task Force-Guantanamo (JTF-GTMO), working directly with detainees at the Guantanamo Bay Joint Detention Facility.

In 2007, DeSantis reported to the Naval Special Warfare Command Group in Coronado, California, where he was assigned to SEAL Team One and deployed to Iraq with the troop surge as the Legal Advisor to the SEAL Commander, Special Operations Task Force-West in Fallujah.

DeSantis returned to the U.S. in April 2008, at which time he was reassigned to the Naval Region Southeast Legal Service. The U.S. Department of Justice appointed him to serve as an Assistant U.S. Attorney at the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Middle District of Florida. DeSantis was assigned as a trial defense counsel until his honorable discharge from active duty in February 2010. He concurrently accepted a reserve commission as a lieutenant in the Judge Advocate General’s Corps of the US Navy Reserve.

He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal and the Iraq Campaign Medal.”


©All rights reserved.

“Trump Won!” Have fun! Keep Saying it, Drive the Dems Crazy

The Progressive Leftwingers are masters at keeping the political pot boiling. You can do it too!

Make their heads explode!

Surely you saw the stunt a couple of Trump supporters pulled at Yankee Stadium on Thursday.  It was a peaceful protest, no one was hurt, but the reaction by the media was swift and angry, and fun to watch.

Reportedly fans in the stands booed the message, but hundreds of thousands of Trumpsters cheered at home.

If you missed it, here is the NY Post quoting a reporter who called it a “conspiracy theory banner.”

Men booted from Yankee Stadium after displaying ‘Trump Won’ banner

And, what about those audits?

Have you been following especially Arizona right now?  If you were confident in your assertions that no massive fraud occurred why would you fight so hard to stop that audit and all of the others bubbling up?

You would think that Biden/Harris would be eager to prove they legitimately won and be demanding audits!


You gotta love Sidney Powell who spoke at a Dallas event and answered a question we have all had in our minds.  What happens if massive fraud is revealed in several key states? Will the election be overturned?

Gateway Pundit reported her answer:

Sidney Powell: We’re definitely in uncharted territory. There are cases where elections have been overturned. But there’s never been one at the presidential level where everybody will jump to point out. That doesn’t mean it can’t be done, though. There’s always the first case. And as far as I know, this is the first case of abject fraud and obtaining a coup of the United States of America. So, it’s going to have to be dealt with. It should be that he can simply be reinstated, that a new inauguration day is set. (cheers) And Biden is told to move out of the White House. And President Trump should be moved back in.

She is right.  This could be accomplished.

Otherwise we keep stirring the political pot and wait until 2024.

There is no way Biden will make it that long.  Kamala is too wildly UNPOPULAR and dimwitted to win on her own. Did you see her tone-deaf tweet for the weekend set aside to remember our fallen heroes!

Criticism was swift, brutal and justified.

She may have O beat in the narcissist sweeps.

But, the question is, how much damage will they do before they get the heave-ho?  A lot!

For instance, see my posts at RRW about the Unaccompanied Alien Children (aka New Democrats) who are arriving by the tens of thousands—changing America every day that those two remain in charge.

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

MEMORIAL DAY 2021: Honoring Our Fallen, Our Veterans, Those Who Died So We Might Live Free

As the country is roiled by fifth column, domestic enemies far more dangerous and stealth than foreign actors, let’s look to the heroes of our past and present to show us the way forward. We must remember the real reason for this annual holiday.

The Federalist: Memorial Day became common as “Decoration Day” during and then after the Civil War for Americans to set aside certain days to remember soldiers who died on duty, usually by “decorating” their graves and holding picnics, parades, and other events.

So many died during and after the Civil War that their memories remained fresh for many years in the minds of their friends and families, who used such ceremonies to process their grief and honor the dead and the cause for which they served. Eventually these varied ceremonies among North and South coalesced into one day that ultimately became a federal holiday.

Soon before his re-election and the end of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln faced dark days of worry about both. He asked some Ohio soldiers to stop at the White House while on their way home from the battlefield, and in brief remarks to them expressed the unifying reason he and they fought for the country they loved: its “dedication to the proposition” that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.”

“Speech to the One Hundred Sixty-sixth Ohio Regiment,” President Abraham Lincoln, Washington, D.C. August 22, 1864.

I suppose you are going home to see your families and friends. For the service you have done in this great struggle in which we are engaged I present you sincere thanks for myself and the country. I almost always feel inclined, when I happen to say anything to soldiers, to impress upon them in a few brief remarks the importance of success in this contest.

It is not merely for to-day, but for all time to come that we should perpetuate for our children’s children this great and free government, which we have enjoyed all our lives. I beg you to remember this, not merely for my sake, but for yours.

I happen temporarily to occupy this big White House. I am a living witness that any one of your children may look to come here as my father’s child has. It is in order that each of you may have through this free government which we have enjoyed, an open field and a fair chance for your industry, enterprise and intelligence; that you may all have equal privileges in the race of life, with all its desirable human aspirations.

It is for this the struggle should be maintained, that we may not lose our birthright — not only for one, but for two or three years. The nation is worth fighting for, to secure such an inestimable jewel.

#TheHonorProject Is Here To Help Remember Our Veterans This Memorial Day

By Emily Jashinsky, The Federalist, May 2021:

Emily Domenech spent Memorial Day last year in Arlington National Cemetery fielding an influx of requests from people around the country, hustling around the grounds to send back pictures of their loved ones’ graves. The response was overwhelming. ESPN, “The View,” Fox News, and other outlets covered Domenech’s impromptu effort.

Eager to do even more this year, Domenech joined forces with the Travis Manion Foundation to create #TheHonorProject. “We are mobilizing volunteers to visit our national heroes interred at Arlington National Cemetery this Memorial Day weekend on behalf of their families and friends,” the Foundation writes on its website. “The Honor Project ensures our nation’s fallen heroes are not forgotten while engaging our patriotic network of Spartans.”

The site adds, “We’re challenging you to join our effort to remember the fallen who made the ultimate sacrifice. Request a visit to your loved one interred at Arlington National Cemetery. Volunteers will learn their name, visit their gravesite during Memorial Day weekend, and place a commemorative Flags of Valor flag to honor their service and sacrifice.”

You can also purchase a flag, created by combat veteran craftsmen, that project volunteers will place at the headstone of a fallen hero to commemorate the holiday. T-shirts that support the project are available for purchase on the Travis Manion Foundation’s website as well.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Pennsylvania County Votes to Investigate Voting Machines Over ‘Errors’

Arizona, Michigan, Georgia, New Hampshire and now Pennsylvania. Prepare yourself for democrat violent opposition to election integrity investigations.

Pennsylvania County Votes to Investigate Voting Machines Over ‘Errors’

Luzerne County council votes to allow a district attorney to investigate issues reported during last week’s election

By Jack Phillips, The Epoch Times, May 28, 2021:

A county council in northeastern Pennsylvania on Tuesday voted to allow the local District Attorney’s office to investigate the May 18 primary election after officials and voters reported issues with voting equipment at polling places.

Luzerne County Councilman Walter Griffith proposed the district attorney investigate the mid-May election and made note of the on-screen ballot mislabeling error as well as other issues, arguing that it is needed because many voters are “disenfranchised and concerned about the integrity of the election process,” reported the local Times Leader newspaper. All 10 County Council members present approved the initiative, with one council member absent.

His resolution asks prosecutors to investigate Dominion Voting Systems’ machines’ programming and company practices.

The district attorney, Sam Sanguedolce, told the paper earlier this week that his office will look into any allegations of possible criminal conduct relating to the primary. “Without integrity in our elections, the public cannot trust the remainder of our democratic process,” he said.

When officials reported the on-screen errors on Dominion Voting Systems machines, the firm said that the county’s election chief “confirmed that there is a ballot screen error that is confined to the header on the viewing screen of the machine, and that all ballots are printing correctly with the Republican header and the Republican primary election races.”

Dominion’s statement noted that officials have assured that all the ballots will be counted correctly and added that “we regret any confusion this has caused.”

Earlier this week, a staffer with Dominion, John Hastings, met with Luzerne County officials and later told Fox56 that the issue is an “error that we took and we are owning,” although company executive vice president of operations Nicole Nollette said it was a “human error” that caused a data entry typographical mistake in the heading at the top of the ballot.

Bob Morgan, Luzerne county election director, also told the local Fox affiliate station that he does not believe Dominion—or anyone else—”did that intentionally,” adding: “The moment we found out what the impact was we immediately sought to give advice to the public and it is our desire to never have that happen again.”

But during the election, Republican and Democrat voters—including a Democrat running for a county council term—had told local media outlets that they reported errors. It was confirmed by Morgan, who said that when some when Republican voters approached the machine to vote, the introduction page had read: “Official Democratic Ballot.”

“We want to assure everybody that what happens is when you are a registered Republican, we have a specific code for that ballot. And once we punch that code in, even though the header says something like ‘Democratic ballot,’ it’s actually for the races that are in the Republican party,” Morgan remarked last week. He said that despite the issues, votes will be counted correctly.

And Matthew Vough, the Democrat running for a county council term, told the Times Leader that voters told him that his name didn’t appear on their ballot. He said that some Democrats got the Republican ballot.

“Who knows how many Democrats voted for Republican nominees? Who knows how many votes I lost as a result? This error didn’t just affect Republicans,” Vough said, adding that he would suggest that the county drop Dominion.

The Epoch Times has contacted Dominion for comment on the County Council’s vote.

RELATED ARTICLE:  Criminal and Corrupt: “Biden”Took Funds From Top Russia Lobbyist Before Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Giveaway

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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South American Counter-Terrorism Official Dino Bouterse Sentenced to 195 Months in Prison for Attempting to Support Hezbollah

Also Convicted of Narcotics Trafficking and Firearms Offenses.

Assistant Attorney General for National Security John P. Carlin and U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara of the Southern District of New York announced that Dino Bouterse, a citizen of Suriname who assisted in the formation of that country’s Counter-Terrorism Unit, was sentenced today in federal court in New York City to 195 months in prison for attempting to provide material support and resources to Hezbollah, a designated terrorist organization, along with narcotics trafficking and firearms offenses.  Bouterse, who was arrested in Panama on Aug. 29, 2013, and arrived in the United States on Aug. 30, 2013, pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Shira A. Scheindlin, who also imposed today’s sentence.

“Dino Bouterse was supposed to oppose terrorism,” said U.S. Attorney Bharara.  “Instead, Bouterse betrayed his official position and tried to support and aid Hezbollah, including his agreement to assist Hezbollah in acquiring weapons, and conspiring to import cocaine to the U.S.  Today he has been sentenced to a lengthy prison term for those odious crimes.”

According to the indictment, other documents filed in federal court and statements made at today’s sentencing:

In 2013, Bouterse used his position within the government of Suriname to assist individuals he believed were members of Hezbollah, who informed Bouterse that they intended to conduct terrorist attacks against American interests.  In exchange for a multimillion-dollar payment, Bouterse agreed to allow large numbers of purported Hezbollah operatives to use Suriname as a permanent base for, among other things, attacks on American targets.  In furtherance of his efforts to assist Hezbollah, Bouterse supplied a false Surinamese passport to a purported Hezbollah operative for the purpose of clandestine travel, including travel to the United States; discussed heavy weapons that he could provide to Hezbollah; and instructed the purported Hezbollah members about how Hezbollah operatives, supplied with a Surinamese cover story, could enter the United States.

In June 2013, Bouterse and a co-defendant, Edmund Quincy Muntslag, met in Bouterse’s office in Suriname with confidential sources (the CSs) working with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to discuss importing cocaine into the United States using commercial airline flights.  During the meeting, Bouterse showed the CSs a rocket launcher and a kilogram of cocaine.

Approximately one month later, Bouterse and Muntslag worked to provide transportation and security for cocaine being sent through Suriname to the United States.  As a test run, Bouterse and Muntslag sent 10 kilograms of cocaine on a commercial flight departing from Suriname.  Bouterse personally verified the arrangements for the 10-kilogram cocaine shipment in a text message.  The cocaine was intercepted by law enforcement officials after it departed Suriname.

In July 2013, Bouterse met with one of the CSs to discuss opening Suriname to the CSs’ purported Hezbollah associates.

Later that month, Bouterse met in Europe with one of the CSs and with two other men who purported to be associated with Hezbollah.  During this meeting, Bouterse discussed initially hosting 30 to 60 Hezbollah members in Suriname for training and operations.  He also indicated that he wanted a Hezbollah cell in Suriname to act, in part, as a personal armed force.  Bouterse confirmed his understanding that the purported Hezbollah operatives would operate in South America against American targets, and he agreed to supply Surinamese passports to the operatives and to assist with their applications for visas to travel from South America into the United States.  In addition, in response to a request for surface-to-air missiles and rocket-propelled grenades, Bouterse stated that he would need “two months” and that he would provide a list of what he could supply.  Finally, at the July 2013 meeting in Europe, Bouterse agreed to create a false Surinamese passport for one of the purported Hezbollah operatives so that Bouterse and the Hezbollah operative could travel to Suriname to inspect the facilities that Bouterse had agreed to prepare for the Hezbollah contingent.

At a subsequent meeting in August 2013, Bouterse delivered a Surinamese passport with false identifying information to a purported Hezbollah operative.  As had been discussed at the July 2013 meeting in Europe, the purported Hezbollah operative was to use the fraudulent passport to travel to Suriname.  Bouterse indicated that everything was ready in Suriname for the arrival of the purported Hezbollah members, and that some “toys” – a code-word for weapons – would be available for inspection.

Following this meeting, Bouterse was arrested by Panamanian law enforcement and transferred to the custody of the DEA.

On Aug. 29, 2014, Bouterse pleaded guilty to attempting to provide material support to Hezbollah, a foreign terrorist organization; conspiring to import five kilograms or more of cocaine into the United States; and using and carrying, or aiding and abetting the use and carrying of, a firearm during and in relation to a drug-trafficking crime.  In addition to his prison term, Bouterse, 42, a citizen of Suriname, was ordered to pay a $300 special assessment fee.

Assistant Attorney General Carlin joined U.S. Attorney Bharara in praising the outstanding efforts of the DEA’s Special Operations Division.  Assistant Attorney General Carlin and U.S. Attorney Bharara also thanked the DEA’s Miami Field Division, Panama City Country Office, Port-of-Spain Country Office and Bogota Country Office; the Government of the Republic of Panama; and the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of International Affairs

This case is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Michael D. Lockard, Adam Fee, Michael Ferrara and Edward Y. Kim of the Southern District of New York and Trial Attorney Andrew Sigler of the Justice Department’s National Security Division.

©U.S. DOJ. All rights reserved.

Biden’s Plan to Open Separate Jerusalem Consulate for Palestinians Violates U.S. Law

The White House lived up to its promise to send Secretary of State Antony Blinken to the Middle East to “rebuild ties” with Palestinians. In fact, it exceeded expectations, with a pledge by Biden to ask Congress to donate $75,000,000 to the Palestinians. It didn’t stop there. Blinken formally announced the decision to reopen the Palestinian consulate in Jerusalem during a meeting with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah. But to do so isn’t legal according to the article below, which was written by Mark Meadows, chief of staff to former President Donald Trump, and David Milstein, who served as special assistant to the US ambassador to Israel.

A Palestinian consulate in Jerusalem violates the Jerusalem Embassy Act that Trump activated in 2017. The Act recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel and calls for Jerusalem to remain an undivided city.

Although Biden stated that Israel has a right to defend itself, his administration has bent over backwards to send the message to Palestinians that America under Biden supports the Palestinian cause — which is jihad for the eradication of Israel.

Biden’s plan for a diplomatic mission to the Palestinians blatantly violates US law

by Mark Meadows and David Milstein, New York Post, May 26, 2021:

As presidential candidate, Joe Biden was asked if he would reverse President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and the relocation of the US Embassy to Jerusalem. Biden promised, “I wouldn’t reverse it.”

But candidate Biden also proposed re-opening the US diplomatic mission to the Palestinians in Jerusalem, which had merged with the Jerusalem embassy in 2019.

Now Team Biden is moving forward with the latter initiative. On May 25, Secretary of State Antony Blinken formally told Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas that Washington would seek to reopen this diplomatic mission. The move contradicts Biden’s campaign promise not to renege on the recognition of Jerusalem, since a pair of missions in the same city undercuts Jerusalem’s status as Israel’s capital. It also breaks the Jerusalem Embassy Act that sought to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem no later than 1999 — a law Biden voted for along with 92 other senators.

The 1995 law states that “Jerusalem should remain an undivided city, in which the rights of every ethnic and religious group are protected. … Jerusalem should be recognized as the capital of the State of Israel.” In 2017, on the 50th anniversary of Jerusalem’s reunification in the Six Day War, the Senate unanimously voted to reaffirm the act and called upon the US to “abide by its provisions.”

Former President Donald Trump fulfilled the will of the American people, as expressed by Congress, by relocating the embassy in 2018. In February 2021, the Senate also adopted an amendment by a 97-3 vote to “make the US Embassy in Jerusalem permanent, effectively preventing it from being downgraded or moved out of Israel’s capital, Jerusalem.”

The Biden administration’s intent to reopen a separate diplomatic mission to the Palestinians in Jerusalem, Israel’s capital and the location of the US Embassy, would be a violation of US law, wrongly signaling that Washington supports dividing Jerusalem.

If implemented, this could signal the return to a misguided diplomatic arrangement, under which the US ambassador to Israel historically lacked jurisdiction over the eastern part of Jerusalem, the West Bank or Gaza. Instead, a US consul general led a separate diplomatic mission to the Palestinians, who had jurisdiction over those geographic areas. The consulate general didn’t even report to the US ambassador to Israel, but directly to the State Department, often sending conflicting reports to DC.

The diplomatic mission included the US consulate general’s official residence, located in the western part of Jerusalem, thus resulting in the US having a diplomatic mission to the Palestinians in Jerusalem, despite that the fact that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital.

The Trump administration’s decision to merge the US diplomatic mission to the Palestinians into the US Embassy in Jerusalem remedied the prior arrangement and implemented a key aspect of the Jerusalem Embassy Act, which requires that the US Embassy in Jerusalem include the ambassador’s official residence.

Reopening this separate diplomatic mission to the Palestinians would therefore render the US government noncompliant with American law…..



Biden Statement on Anti-Semitism Fails to Mention Violent Muslim Assaults on Jews

Students for Justice in Palestine Protests Condemnations of Antisemitism

Muslim prof claims Islamic scholars have placed ‘too much emphasis on jihad as violent’

Hungary says border fence worked, urges EU to refocus on migration as illegal Muslim migration attempts triple

Austria to launch terrorism offenders registry for ‘Islamist’ and ‘right-wing’ terrorists

Germany: Knife-wielding Muslim screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ threatens motorists, attacks cops, motive ‘not determined’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Six RINO Senators Voted to Investigate Jan. 6th Demonstrations in Washington, D.C.

Six Republicans voted to advance H.R. 3233, the National Commission to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol Complex Act. These Senate Republicans voted for the bill despite the opposition of House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).  Six Senate Republicans Voted to Advance January 6 Bill (

These Republicans include:

  1. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
  2. Susan Collins (R-ME)
  3. Ben Sasse (R-NE)
  4. Bill Cassidy (R-LA)
  5. Mitt Romney (R-UT)
  6. Rob Portman (R-OH)

Yes and let’s see – which ones who voted, along with all Democrats, to impeach President Trump are:

  1. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
  2. Susan Collins (R-ME)
  3. Ben Sasse (R-NE)
  4. Bill Cassidy (R-LA)
  5. Mitt Romney (R-UT)

Let’s also not forget the 35 House Members who voted to investigate the Jan. 6th D.C. demonstrations (a.k.a. POTUS Trump) as follows:

  • Liz Cheney of Wyoming               – voted to impeach Trump
  • Tom Rice of South Carolina                           ”
  • Dan Newhouse of Washington                      “
  • Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio                             “
  • Adam Kinzinger of Illinois                              “
  • Fred Upton of Michigan                                  “
  • Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington          “
  • Peter Meijer of Michigan                                 “
  • John Katko of New York                                  “
  • David Valadao of California                             “
  • Tom Reed of New York
  • Don Bacon of Nebraska
  • John Curtis of Utah
  • Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania
  • Andrew Garbarino of New York
  • Tony Gonzales of Texas
  • Dusty Johnson of South Dakota
  • David Joyce of Ohio
  • Chris Smith of New Jersey
  • Van Taylor of Texas
  • Chris Jacobs of New York
  • David McKinley of West Virginia
  • Jeff Fortenberry of Nebraska
  • Maria Elvira Salazar of Florida
  • Mariannette Miller-Meeks of Iowa
  • Steve Womack of Arkansas
  • Stephanie Bice of Oklahoma
  • French Hill of Arkansas
  • Mike Simpson of Idaho
  • Rodney Davis of Illinois
  • Blake Moore of Utah
  • Michael Guest of Mississippi
  • Trey Hollingsworth of Indiana
  • Carlos Gimenez of Florida
  • Cliff Bentz of Oregon

We all know POTUS Trump did not incite an “insurrection” and we also know an unarmed woman was murdered by a BLM supporting Capital Police Agent who has not been charged.  The one police officer who died was of natural causes not from being killed by protesters.  Those who stormed the Capital building were BLM Marxists or antifia anarchists willingly let in by under strength capital police.  Wonder if these facts will come out in this investigation – oh wait – I forgot facts don’t matter to leftists.  In fact according to Marxist CRT rule #1 “There is no absolute Truth – only competing narratives.”

©Royal Brown, III. All rights reserved.

Religion is an “Essential Service”

John M. Grondelski: One lesson of the pandemic lockdowns is that threats to religious freedom are proliferating, and that every state in the Union should act to stop it.

I have previously written about the imperative for the Church to restore the obligation to participate in Sunday Mass as part of the way back to normal in post-COVID America.  That process is slowly getting underway, but there’s another side of that process: the Church must protect itself against Caesar in a future pandemic situation.

When governments – primarily state and local – began closing down public assemblies last spring, bans were also imposed on the Church.  Because society could not be totally locked down, officials began issuing ever more detailed lists of “essential services” that might continue to operate.

Grocery stores were exempted: “man does not live on bread alone,” but neither does he live without it.  In a society whose Founders thought of people as being arrayed into competing “interests,” however, the more complex the economy and the longer those restrictions were in place, the more those “interests” found ways to shape public policy in their favor.

By the end of the summer of 2020, some officials seemed to believe that COVID had become so “smart” that it was particularly infectious in loosely packed buildings with stained glass windows, but far less virulent in liquor stores (especially if state-run), casinos, abortuaries, marijuana “dispensaries,” or packed big-box stores.

Religious believers recognized that double standard and began asserting their Constitutional rights.  As the late Father Richard John Neuhaus constantly observed, the very first right enumerated in the very First Amendment of our Constitution is freedom of religion.  Not freedom of the press, assembly, speech, immunity from double jeopardy, or guarantee of due process.  The first thing the First Amendment talks about is freedom of religion.

That might surprise many modern Americans, who have been propagandized to believe that their country was founded to ensconce “racism.”  An objective look at the American Founding confirms that some colonies were established as money-making schemes that soon imported slaves (Virginia).  But it also recognizes that many colonies were established to provide for the free exercise of religion (Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Maryland).

Those early settlers provided for the “free exercise of religion” (at least theirs).  Those who sought religious freedom did not think of it as “freedom of belief,” i.e., you are entitled to believe whatever you want in your head as long as you keep it there.  They supported the public exercise of religion.

Fr. Neuhaus made a related point about the First Amendment.  “No establishment” had a limited purpose: it was a means to promote all religions flourishing in the public square, but it barred privileges for any one religion.  The American public square was to be free to all religions, not free from any religion.  That was how the Supreme Court saw things until 1947.  Since then, it has started treating religion as such as suspect; rather than allowing religion to flourish, it has been seeking to drive it from public life and influence as a “threat” to “democracy,” demanding all citizens pretend to be non-religious in the public square.

We can divide the past year into two periods: B.B. (Before Barrett) and A.B. (After Barrett).  The B.B. Court treated free exercise claims as just another “interest” the state had to “balance” vis-à-vis others.  The A.B. Court is arguably moving in the direction of what the Constitution presupposes, i.e., that religion is not a “private interest” but a “public right” that is protected from infringements that require the strictest justifications.  (See herehere, and here.) No wonder those who have spent the past seventy years pedaling the myth that American liberty is built on a secularized vision of society are ringing alarm bells.

As we emerge from this pandemic, it is imperative that the Church reassert its rights vis-à-vis Caesar. Catholics should demand clear laws that affirm religious services as “essential services.”

The handwriting has long been on the wall.  Eight years ago, I remarked how clergymen were excluded from attending the injured and dying at the Boston Marathon bombing because they were already regarded as “non-essential” to the “emergency.” The ensuing years have only further marginalized religious exercise; elite opinion has privatized religion and declared any recognition of it by public authorities as unessential, suspect, or even illegal.

So, what do Catholics need to do?

  1. 1. State Catholic conferences and the USCCB should draft model legislation for introduction into the House and Senate, and every one of the 99 state legislative chambers across America, stipulating that, under any laws that grant emergency powers to executives to impose civil restrictions but contain exceptions for “essential services,” those essential services must include access to public religious worship (including access by clergy to emergency scenes).
  2. 2. They should work with interreligious coalitions to demand up and down votes on such legislation in 2021.
  3. 3. Legislators should be pressed to state their position on such legislation and, where possible, to co-sponsor it. Executives should be pressed to state whether they support and will sign it.
  4. 4. New Jersey and Virginia both have state elections this year.  Both have governors who zealously locked down public worship.  New Jersey is the third most populous Catholic state.  No candidate for public office should be allowed to evade taking a stand. Both states should be good test runs to carry this issue nationwide.

South Carolina is moving on such legislation.  Other states should follow suit.  In most states, those emergency executive powers derive from statutory bases. Legislatures need to protect religious freedom.  If they won’t, Catholics should use initiative and referendum, where possible, to force the issue onto the ballot.

It’s time to make clear that those statutory bases protect religion as a basic civil right that is essential, especially in times of emergencies.


John M. Grondelski

John M. Grondelski – a new contributor to The Catholic Thing – is former associate dean of the School of Theology, Seton Hall University, South Orange, New Jersey. All views expressed herein are exclusively his.

EDITORS NOTE: This The Catholic Thing is republished with permission. © 2021 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

Companies Nationwide are Leading the Way to Ending Mask Mandates

RELATED VIDEO: Fauci, China and the W.H.O…Trish Demands to Know: What is Everyone HIDING?!

At long last, some of the nation’s largest companies are easing mask mandates at their store locations. As COVID-19 cases continue to decline, more and more people feel ready to return to normal life – and these companies are leading the corporate charge to support the reopening of America.

Companies like Walmart (1.33), Costco (2.33), Publix (2.33), and Trader Joe’s (2.67) were some of the first to stop requiring customers to wear masks. Since then, others like Chipotle (2.33), Target (1.50), Starbucks (1.17), and CVS (3.72) followed suit, dropping the mask requirement for customers who have been vaccinated.

None of these companies have announced any plans to check their customers’ vaccination status. We’re grateful they won’t be acting like the COVID police, but are instead allowing people to use their best judgment. After all, getting back to normal means not having to constantly think about pandemic measures. After a year of restrictions, letting people make their own decisions is the right move.

Of course, all of the above companies must defer to state and local law. Twenty-two states have not yet lifted their mask requirements for businesses. And some companies, like Home Depot (3.47) and Gap (2.00), continue to require masks regardless of local regulations. As cases continue to drop nationwide, these states and companies should be encouraged to ease their mask mandates to help send the message that pre-pandemic life is on the way.

When it comes to employees at these companies, the picture is more complicated – but still encouraging. Target, for example, no longer requires fully vaccinated employees to wear masks, but CVS and Chipotle still require masks for their staff no matter what. Employers should end mask mandates for their employees as soon as reasonably possible so that their employees can also return to normal life.

Companies nationwide are making good progress on ending mask requirements. They should keep it up and be leaders in helping America return to normal.

EDITORS NOTE: This 2ndVote column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Leonydus Johnson – An Advocate for Post Racial Identity

The popular woke notion that a white person has no right to express their opinion to a black person is a preposterous canard. Of course whites can speak out, because year after year, the Democratic party relies on black voters to change the outcome of every close election in America. When someone is altering your future, sending it careening into an abyss, you have the right to try to talk them out of it.

Nonetheless, it is always a relief to find another black influencer who is willing to challenge the Democratic machine. At the risk of playing the same game at which the woke Left excels, we’ll just state for the record that of the 348 records now populating the Winston84 directory, 58 of those individuals are black. That’s almost 17 percent. And today we proudly add another, Leonydus Johnson, who bills himself on Twitter as “an advocate for post racial identity.”

Until the next wave of cancellations, influencers like Leonydus Johnson may not be boosted by the big platforms, but they’re making their presence known. With 111,000 followers on Twitter, and a growing presence on the other mainstream venues – FacebookInstagram, and YouTube – Johnson is a man to watch. It would be a shame if he had to move onto the alternative platforms, but how he has been harassed so far is an indication of how the threshold for tolerable speech is being relentlessly lowered.

For example, on his Instagram account, Johnson has a screenshot of a Tweet where he wrote “How can Americans be so arrogant as to believe that what happened in places like Maoist China cannot possibly happen here?” Good question! And for his trouble, Twitter notified Johnson that “Your post didn’t follow our Community Standards on hate speech. No one else can see your post.”

Are you kidding?

Johnson’s website is called “Informed Dissent,” where he discloses that “His sociopolitical and economic views are heavily influenced by the likes of Murray Rothbard, Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, Walter Williams, Milton Friedman, and Jordan Peterson.” His content is fact based, rational, and delivered with a controlled passion that will move the uncommitted.

People like Leonydus Johnson are going to save America. Because they are rising up, as post-racial individuals, and demanding that “Who I am has very little to do with my skin color.” These awakened warriors against the woke Left are a sleeping giant. They are the heart of America, they are united, and they will prevail.

EDITORS NOTE: This Winston84 Project column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Facebooks ‘Fact Checkers’ Are Partisan Fact Blockers

It is difficult to overstate the helpless feeling that results when one finally realizes that the most powerful arbiters of communications in the history of the world are not platforms, but publishers, intent on ensuring that only news and information they approve of ever sees the light of day.

The most egregious refutations of the approved narrative are banned entirely, left to sputter away on backwater alternative platforms that lack the capacity to virally connect with a mass audience. But reputable journals are victims of more refined tactics, equally frustrating, equally unfair. One of the most reputable of these reputable victims is City Journal, one of the finest policy magazines in America.

Earlier this month City Journal exposed the force behind Facebook’s “fact checking” operation, a nonprofit organization named “Science Feedback.” These people are not objective fact checkers in any sense of the word. They are a partisan gang of fact blockers, created to filter out of mainstream online content anything that violates their ideological and political preferences.

City Journal author John Tierney describes how his report on the harms to children from wearing masks was labeled by Facebook’s “fact checkers” as “Partly False Information. Checked by independent fact-checkers.” But as Tierney describes, there is solid evidence to back up his claim that wearing masks can cause oxygen deprivation, especially in children and athletes.

Tierney is not alone. The “fact checkers” have labeled two peer reviewed studies conducted in Germany on this topic “unsupported,” and for their justification, turned to pronouncements from the American Academy of Pediatrics, a professional association which advocates for progressive causes.

The shameful behavior of these “fact checkers” is well documented. As Tierney reminds us, when back in October President Trump said that COVID vaccines were going to be available within a month or two, “Science Feedback” slapped an “inaccurate” label on his prediction, saying the vaccine wasn’t going to arrive sooner than mid-2021. The reality? Within days after the November election, the vaccines were announced as ready, and shots began in December.

How do you fight corporations that have lined up, with all their hundreds of billions of dollars, to hire “fact blockers,” implacable and blatantly biased? City Journal appealed to Facebook and to Science Feedback, and neither changed their position despite being given compelling evidence to support Tierney’s claims.

Ultimately what these propagandists do is spread the truth when the truth is convenient, and lies when lies are convenient. Their mission is to promote whatever reality they’re paid to promote, and to suppress and smear anything that challenges that reality.

“Science Feedback” is focused on two things, heath and climate, which are the “emergencies” being hyped to take away individual freedom and national sovereignty. Organizations like “Science Feedback” are the reason why whenever millions of people hear cliches like “science based policy,” or “trust the science,” or the infantile “Science Says…” they turn away in disgust.

The ironic bottom line result of organizations like “Science Feedback” is to discredit “science” as a politicized fraud, adding it to the list of institutions for which reasonable people have lost all trust.

EDITORS NOTE: This Winston84 Project column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden has a Problem: As Violent Crime Rises, BLM Anti-Police Message Tanking

Watch for the Biden Administration to begin weaving and dodging on issues involving defunding the police and “reimagining” policing as Americans now feel safer about the Chinese Virus, but are feeling increasingly less safe from violence especially in large Democrat run cities.

The George Floyd rioting has finally sunk into the American psyche and many are realizing that they need the police after all.

The Republicans just got some news that they can use!

Tie every Dem running in 2022 to the anti-police message of the faltering Black Lives Matter movement.

From Yahoo News:

You can bet the real numbers are even worse for BLM and others pushing their racist message because those polled by Yahoo News likely already leaned to the Left.

Poll: More Americans now say violent crime is a ‘very big problem’ than say the same about COVID-19

In stark contrast to last summer, more Americans now say violent crime is a “very big problem” in the U.S. than say the same about COVID-19, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll — a shift that suggests policing and public safety could come to dominate U.S. politics as the pandemic subsides, potentially putting the Biden administration and Democratic leaders on the defensive.

The survey of 1,588 U.S. adults, which was conducted from May 24 to May 26, found that just 32 percent of them now describe COVID-19 as a very big problem, down from 61 percent last July.


In a certain sense, this isn’t surprising. While mass vaccination has driven COVID-19 cases, deaths and hospitalizations to their lowest levels in many months, violent crime has been rising (even though it’s still occurring at a far lower rate than it was for much of the 1990s and before).


Nearly two-thirds of Americans (65 percent) now believe violent crime is increasing, including 76 percent of Republicans, 68 percent of independents and 63 percent of Democrats, according to the Yahoo News/YouGov poll. It’s the rare issue that elicits bipartisan agreement.

Overall, the share of Americans who see race as a “very big problem” in the U.S. is now 13 percentage points lower than it was last July.
What is striking, however, is that while anxiety about violent crime has held steady across the political spectrum since last summer, concerns about race relations and sympathy with racial justice reformers have fallen sharply in the wake of the protests that followed the murder of George Floyd one year ago.

As a result, the political scales seem to be tilting away from racial justice reform…


Last June, for instance, 60 percent of Americans told Yahoo News and YouGov that there was a problem with systemic racism in policing; 63 percent said there was a problem with systemic racism in America. Today, both numbers are significantly lower: 51 percent and 55 percent, respectively. And while 57 percent of Americans had a favorable view of Black Lives Matter last June (compared with 33 percent unfavorable), today more Americans view BLM unfavorably (45 percent) than favorably (43 percent) — a net shift of 26 points against the movement.

In fact, when Americans who believe violent crime is increasing are asked why, far more now blame “the racial justice movement” itself (57 percent) than blame joblessness (44 percent), systemic racism (40 percent) or the pandemic (35 percent).

Then this made me laugh….”Experts debate…”   There is no debate. Anyone with half a brain could see that the Progressives’ rhetoric was encouraging violence.

Yahoo News continues:

Experts debate whether progressive reforms and critical rhetoric have played any role in encouraging violence; they tend to cite the pandemic and record gun sales  [Duh! up because people are trying to protect themselves—ed] as likelier factors.

Either way, the issue could vex Democrats going forward.

Asked who has done a better job handling crime, more Americans (34 percent vs. 32 percent) and independents (39 percent vs. 23 percent) say Trump than Biden.

More here.

Quick!  Find every Democrat (or weeny Republican) you can find who snuggled up to BLM (or Antifa) in the last year and capture their laudatory words and images before they are scrubbed.

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.