Congress’s VIP Air Marshal Program Canceled after Maxine Waters Debacle

A scandal-plagued “VIP” program that provided members of Congress with Federal Air Marshals (FAM) often yanked from high-risk fights has been canceled after Judicial Watch exposed it earlier this month. As a result, hundreds of FAM are sitting idly at airports around the U.S. because the “VIP missions have stopped,” according to a federal law enforcement source with firsthand knowledge of the situation. A veteran air marshal who asked not to be identified said “the Washington Field Office in Washington D.C. was almost exclusively dedicated to VIP services for Congress.” Another longtime FAM told Judicial Watch he was deployed on several VIP missions with low-profile members of Congress. He said so many FAM were on standby for the VIP congressional program that now he and many of his colleagues are “sitting around the airport waiting for a mission.”

Sonya Hightower-LaBosco, a retired FAM who serves as executive director of the Air Marshal National Council, confirmed to Judicial Watch this week that dozens of air marshals that evidently would have been delegated to members of Congress as part of the VIP initiative are waiting for assignments at airports nationwide. “Right now, there are almost 60 in D.C., 40 in Charlotte and another 40 in Orlando,” Hightower-LaBosco said. From January through April the covert VIP service dedicated more than 900 FAM on demand to members of Congress, Hightower-LaBosco said, citing agency data. The politicians often already traveled with plenty of security on flights that did not meet the threat criteria, usually determined by the FBI, for air marshals. In many instances FAM were plucked from high-risk flights to accompany an elected official, leaving the high-risk plane with no coverage.

That was the case during Congresswoman Maxine Waters’ recent trip to Minnesota. Two FAM were pulled from a high-risk fight to accompany the California Democrat on the mid-April jaunt, though she was already covered by a four-man detail, according to multiple law enforcement sources interviewed by Judicial Watch. The veteran FAM sources say the politician had two air marshals reassigned to a plane that would otherwise not qualify because it was not considered high-risk. The transfer forced the high-risk flight to complete its trip without the two air marshals originally assigned to it. Waters received the extra security while traveling to Brooklyn Center, a Minneapolis suburb, after police shot and killed a black man with an open warrant related to an aggravated armed robbery. The Derek Chauvin trial was wrapping up around 10 miles away and the 82-year-old lawmaker incited the crowd, encouraging protestors to “get more confrontational” if the former Minneapolis cop was not convicted of murder for George Floyd’s death. “We gotta stay on the street, we’ve got to get more active, we’ve got to get more confrontational, we’ve got to make sure that they know that we mean business,” Waters said ahead of closing arguments in Chauvin’s trial. The former officer was convicted and the judge presiding over the trial called the congresswoman’s comments “abhorrent.” Last month Judicial Watch filed a complaint with the chairman of the House Office of Congressional Ethics against Waters for violating House ethics rules by encouraging violence and attempting to intimidate the jury in the Chauvin trial.

Coverage of Waters’ abuse of the VIP air marshal service apparently led to the program’s cancelation, according to numerous government officials interviewed by Judicial Watch. “They were not scheduling us to make sure we were available for the VIPs,” said a longtime air marshal, who is celebrating that the program is finally “done.” FAM are federal law enforcement officers whose primary function is to protect commercial passenger flights by deterring and countering the risk of terrorist activity, aircraft piracy and other crimes to protect the nation’s transportation infrastructure. The VIP service for Congress “left a glaring hole in America’s aviation security,” according to a whistleblower complaint filed this year by the Air Marshal National Council with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Inspector General. The group represents around 2,000 air marshals nationwide. In an interview with Judicial Watch, the group’s president, David Londo, called the VIP program “scandalous.” A veteran air marshal said he and many colleagues on the force often asked: “Why are we really here? To protect against terrorism or babysitting?”

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Kellogg’s Spoon-feeds Activism with Woke Cereal

Kellogg’s hasn’t been sugar-coating its agenda for years. But its latest venture — a “create-your-own-pronoun” cereal for kids — is bowling over parents. “Boxes are for cereal, not people,” the company insists about its new Together with Pride rainbow edition that donates $3 from every box to an extreme LGBT group, GLAAD, who’s out to recruit and confuse your children. Of course, anyone who’s been online or walked the aisles of a grocery store knows that some companies will do anything to pander to the radical Left. But this June, these brands are on a collision course with a group of fired-up American shoppers who might just eat them for breakfast.

Everyone from Coca-Cola to Major League Baseball could have told Kellogg’s it was a bad idea. After speaking out against Georgia’s election reforms, the fixture in American soda has taken a major hit — not just in profits, but in PR. Thirty-seven percent of Americans (myself included) say they’re less likely to buy Coke products now, leading several CEOs to wonder: go woke, go broke? And yet, misguided businesses from Lego to Disney and Mars and Nestle continue to poke the bear with in-your-face campaigns that target kids with their radical brands of extremism.

There are rainbow Skittles, gay Mickey Mouses, custom Converse, even Love Is Love Le Creuset, but they’re coming on the market at a time when most Americans are saying: Enough! They don’t want their cereal preaching transgenderism or their drinks fighting voter ID. By a 3-to-1 margin, they don’t want corporations openly involved in political activism at all. So when Fruit Loops tries to serve up new genders, don’t be surprised if he, she, they, or them don’t buy it.

According to Gallup, the fatigue over LGBT extremism is finally starting to register on a national scale too. In the last year, the enthusiasm for things like boys in girls’ sports and transgender-identifying people in the military is bottoming out. In bad news for these brands and everyone else on the Left’s bandwagon, a solid majority of Americans — 62 percent — don’t want our daughters competing against biological boys in athletics. And there’s also been a five-point dip in the number of people who think the military should encourage this sort of gender-confusion. Political Independents, especially, saw pronounced drops in support for transgenderism in the ranks — down 11 points since just 2019.

And yet, when the media does acknowledge people’s reservations and tries (however nominally) to present both sides of the transgender issue, they’re torn to pieces for it. Just this past Sunday, when “60 Minutes” aired a segment on the Arkansas law that protects minors from transgender treatments, Leslie Stahl dared to also talk to people who had transitioned — and regretted it. It was barely five minutes of content, but the network was hammered for it by Leftist and LGBT extremists for even including it.

The young woman Stahl interviewed, Grace Lininsky-Smith, explained how she’d started cross-sex hormones and later a double mastectomy. When Leslie asked about the process, Grace replied, “They asked, ‘So, why do you wanna go on testosterone?” And I said, “Well, being a woman just isn’t working for me anymore.” And they said, “Okay.” That was it, Leslie asked? “Yup,” Grace said, highlighting one of the strongest arguments against the trend, which is that there are almost no barriers to any patient — child or not — making decisions that could mutilate them for life. “I can’t believe I transitioned then detransitioned, including hormones and surgery, in the course of like, less than one year,” Grace shook her head.

Garrett, a young man from Louisiana, was castrated just three months after starting female hormones. “I didn’t get enough pushback on transitioning. I went for two appointments and after the second one, I had my letter to go get on cross-sex hormones,” he explained. “I had never really been suicidal before until I had my breast augmentation. And about a week afterward, I wanted to actually kill myself. I had a plan, and I was gonna do it — but I just kept thinking about my family to stop myself.”

Another part of the segment that created hysterics on the Left was the admission by a youth gender psychologist that there’s a culture of intimidation around transgenderism in the medical field. “Everyone is very scared to speak up because we’re afraid of not being seen as being affirming or being supportive of these young people,” Dr. Laura Edwards-Leeper conceded. “But even some of the providers are trans themselves and share these concerns.”

Almost immediately, CBS was bombarded with social media attacks from groups like GLAAD (Kellogg’s partner in crime), who said that even after months of meeting with “trans leaders” on the segment, “They delivered a piece which still promulgates the same anti-trans dog whistles that we hear from anti-LGBTQ activists and in state legislatures like Arkansas.” Other so-called “equality” groups railed the show for “dehumanizing” trans-identifying children. “Where’s the love for trans people?” Laverne Cox tweeted.

The love, as it turns out, is in telling both sides of the story. That may be fatal to the Left’s agenda, but it’s the only chance this generation has to know the truth. What psychology and medicine are doing by ignoring the risks and regrets is only leading more children down an irreversible and painful path. “We already have girls, physically health girls, who are being referred for double mastectomies at age 13,” Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the American College of Pediatricians, warns. “This is institutionalized child abuse.” And companies like Lego, Levi, Kellogg’s, Disney, Mars, Target, and others are celebrating it with their specialized toys and fun rainbow colors. At the end of the day, those are all just a distraction from the real heartbreak: that changing genders won’t fix anyone’s problems. Only a changed heart, turned toward God, can.

To contact Kellogg’s and complain, email them here or Tweet them @KelloggsUS. For a list of their family of brands, click over to their website, so that you aren’t unknowingly contributing to their mass deception of our young people.


Tony Perkins

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Even Newsweek Can’t Ignore Immigration Crisis On Southern Border

A first step, hopefully, in reporting the truth?

On May 13, 2021 Newsweek published an interesting article about an element of the immigration crisis, Asylum Seekers Dropped Off by Border Patrol Strain Resources of Arizona Border Towns.

Apparently even a leftist publication like Newsweek can no longer ignore the crisis on the southern border that was exponentially exacerbated by executive orders and policies of the Biden administration that have reversed many of the most successful policies and actions of the Trump administration that include the construction of the hotly contested border wall, the “Remain in Mexico” policy for aliens applying for political asylum and the curtailment of most immigration law enforcement activities carried out within the interior of the United States, essentially ordering beleaguered agents of ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) to stand down.

The Newsweek article, however, focused exclusively on the impact this human tsunami is having on small border town in the United States that lie along the U.S./Mexican border that are being overwhelmed by crush of aliens and on how this impacts the aliens.

However, what must also be recognized is how this immigration crisis impacts the residents of these cities and their residents who have become the unwitting victims of the Biden immigration crisis.  (I believe in giving credit where credit is due!)

Of course the impact of illegal immigration may be most obvious in the numerous towns and cities that lie along the dangerous and highly problematic U.S./Mexican border but there are two additional issues that are largely being ignored by the complaint mainstream media so that most Americans still do not understand the profound impact that illegal immigration has on towns and cities across our vast nation.

First of all, most illegal aliens do not remain in those so-called “border towns” and “border cities” but quickly head to towns and cities across the entire United States.

Back in the late 1970’s When I was assigned to the Anti-Smuggling Unit at the New York District Office of the former INS my colleagues and I conducted surveillance of airline flights from the four states that lie along the southern U.S. border, particularly the “Red eye flights” so named because they flew during the night, carrying bleary-eyed passengers.

We frequently encountered illegal aliens who had boarded those airliners shortly after running the southern border.  Some of them were still wearing their filthy, mud-encrusted boots and clothing.  Not all  of these illegal aliens were from Mexico or even from Central America.  Some came from countries from around the world.

Second – we are a nation of not four but fifty “border states.”  Any state that lies along the northern as well as the southern borders are “border states” as are those states that have access to America’s 95,000 miles of coastline.  Finally, any state that has an international airport is also a “border state.”

For decades the open borders crowd maliciously and falsely castigated advocates for border security and effective but fair immigration law enforcement by referring to them as being “Anti-Immigrant,” “xenophobes,” “racists” and “haters.”

Our immigration laws make absolutely no distinction about race, religion or ethnicity or that the purpose of our immigration laws is to prevent the entry and continued presence of aliens who pose a threat to public health, national security, public safety and the jobs and wages of Americans.

A review of 8 U.S. Code § 1182, a section of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), will readily confirm the importance and reasonableness of the purpose of our immigration laws, it enumerates the categories of aliens who are statutorily inadmissible.

There is nothing “Anti-Immigrant” about seeking to prevent criminals, terrorists or others who pose a threat from entering the United States just as it is not “Anti-Social” to be careful about who we allow into our homes.

While immigration has traditionally been portrayed as a single issue, in reality immigration is a singular issue that profoundly impacts nearly every challenge and threat facing America and Americans in this particularly difficult and, indeed, perilous era.

What is rarely, if ever reported, is how, ultimately, the flood of aliens into the United States impacts towns and cities across the entire United States undermining national security, public safety, public health and the jobs and wages of Americans while also having a negative impact on healthcare, education and other critical issues, not just for the hapless residents of the border towns discussed in the Newsweek article, but in towns and cities across the United States.

For example, in December 2007 the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) issued a report, The Impact of Unauthorized Immigrants on the Budgets of State and Local Governments that noted:

In terms of public education, unauthorized immigrants who are minors increase the overall number of students attending public schools, and they may also require more educational services than do native-born children because of a lack of proficiency in English. Analyses from several states indicate that the costs of educating students who did not speak English fluently were 20 percent to 40 percent higher than the costs incurred for native-born students.

Consider the impact that a torrent of foreign students has on the education of American children, particularly when many of these foreign students lack English language proficiency.

Schools are forced to spend more money to not only educate these foreign children but also provide special services such English as a Second Language training, thus cutting funding for other vital necessities such as Early Intervention and various therapists for children with learning disabilities.  Less money will be available for providing quality education for the students of American schools by, for example, upgrading labs, computers and other essential equipment and resources for American children who have already spent a hellish lost year as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic that denied them access to their schools.

This, of course is never discussed in the media or by most politicians who, having taken campaign contributions from globalist organizations such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce are literally and figuratively indebted to those globalist entities.

Interior enforcement of our immigration laws is a critical element of what should be a coherent immigration program to enforce our laws and also to deter massive illegal immigration as I touched on briefly at the beginning of my commentary today.

As I noted in my recent article, Interior Enforcement And The Border Crisis:

On February 18, 2021 the Washington Post reported that a Biden memo for ICE officers points to fewer deportations and strict oversight.” According to the Post, ICE agents will need preapproval from a senior manager before trying to deport anyone who is not a recent border crosser, a national security threat or a criminal offender with an aggravated-felony conviction.” The Biden administration expects this policy to result in a steep drop in immigration arrests and deportations.”

In other words, with a mere stroke of his pen, Biden has virtually eliminated the statutory authority that ICE agents have to make warrantless arrests of suspected illegal aliens. This sends a clear message to the agents, that anything they do can (and likely will) be used against them.

Furthermore so-called sanctuary” policies implemented by numerous mayors and even some governors further undermine any remaining vestiges of interior enforcement and hence undermine national security and public safety. Sanctuary states now provide drivers licenses to illegal aliens. New York state even went so far as to block ICE and Border Patrol access to its DMV database, Cuomos gift to ISIS, the drug cartels, and human traffickers.

As these hundreds of thousands of aliens are dispersed across the United States they will have little to fear if they fail to show up for immigration hearings.  Under Biden’s Executive Orders, illegal aliens may not be arrested unless there is an outstanding warrant for that alien and he/she has an extensive criminal history.

Not all of these aliens are from Latin America.  A significant number have come from countries fro around the world, including countries that have known affiliation with terrorism.  It is likely that among these aliens are criminals, fugitives, gang members and terrorists.

Meanwhile, while the Border Patrol is hamstrung caring for alien children, many aliens are evading the Border Patrol altogether and are so-called “Get Aways.”  There is absolutely no way of knowing who they are, where they are from, where they are headed or what their ultimate goals are.  This creates a national security / public safety nightmare.

The official report, 9/11 and  Terrorist Travel – Staff Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States provided this warning on page 98 under the title Immigration Benefits:

Terrorists in the 1990s, as well as the September 11 hijackers, needed to find a way to stay in or embed themselves in the United States if their operational plans were to come to fruition. As already discussed, this could be accomplished legally by marrying an American citizen, achieving temporary worker status, or applying for asylum after entering. In many cases, the act of filing for an immigration benefit sufficed to permit the alien to remain in the country until the petition was adjudicated. Terrorists were free to conduct surveillance, coordinate operations, obtain and receive funding, go to school and learn English, make contacts in the United States, acquire necessary materials, and execute an attack.

Perhaps now that Newsweek has been forced to begin to report on the immigration crisis, other supposed news organizations will follow and hopefully look further than the southern border.

The Ministry of Truth was a key element of Orwell’s novel 1984 – but  it has no place in the United States of America.

©Michael Cutler. All rights reserved.

REPORT: ‘Biden’ Admin Allows BLM Flags To Be Flown at U.S. Embassies

The Biden Administration is showing support for the domestic terrorism that caused about $2 billion in property damage just last summer alone, injured well over 240 police officers, murdered other protestors and people defending their property and defaced and vandalized synagogues while screaming, “Fuck the Jews and Kill the police!”

Not one word of condemnation has been heard from the leadership of the Democratic Party either at their convention last year or during or since the election. Why not? Because BLM provides Democrats with large amounts of money when they’re not trying to make a hero and a martyr out of George Floyd, a violent criminal with a record so long it wouldn’t fit onto the side of a bus.

Biden’s support is a national disgrace and scandal. It does two things; it shows that the Democratic Party is an enemy of every law-abiding American and that the moral high ground they always claim to occupy can be measured in millimeters.

Biden State Department signals support for BLM flag to be flown at US embassies: report

The memo allows US diplomats to fly the Black Lives Matter flag outside of embassies

By Houston Keene | Fox News May 26, 2021:

State Department memo encourages diplomats to support BLM movement: rpt
National Review Online’s Deroy Murdock says the administration should focus on US issues instead of turning State Department into ‘PR arm of BLM’ on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’

The Department of State under President Biden issued guidance to all “Diplomatic and Consular posts” encouraging official displays of support for Black Lives Matter (BLM) on the one-year anniversary of George Floyd’s murder on May 25 and beyond, according to a new report.

According to a leaked memo from an anonymous State Department source, the department wrote that it “supports the use of the term ‘Black Lives Matter’ in messaging content” as well as in speeches and foreign diplomatic engagements on May 25 “and beyond.”

The memo allows U.S. diplomats to fly the Black Lives Matter flag outside of embassies. Fox News verified the authenticity of the memo first reported by Human Events, a conservative American political news and analysis newspaper and website.

Specifically, the memo acts as an “authorization” for agency higher-ups to “display the BLM flag on the external-facing flagpole to any Chiefs of Mission who determine such a display is appropriate in light of local conditions.”

In a statement to Fox News on Tuesday, a spokesperson for the State Department said the agency does not “comment on the authenticity or veracity of allegedly leaked documents” as a general matter.

Similar to the BLM banner, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken also previously authorized embassies to fly the LGBTQ pride flag from May 17 through the end of June in recognition of Pride Month celebrations, reversing a Trump-era policy.

BLM has come under scrutiny recently for different reasons, including when armed BLM protesters swarmed a restaurant in Louisville on the anniversary of Breonna Taylor’s death and when BLM supporters rallied behind a carjacker killed in a police-involved shooting in Minnesota, but left after learning he was White.

Additionally, BLM co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors — a self-described “Marxist” — came under heavy fire in the media after purchasing multiple multimillion-dollar homes across the U.S.

BLM put out a statement on Twitter following the reports of Khan-Cullors’ property purchases claiming the reports were “narratives” that were “generated by right-wing forces intent on reducing the support and influence of a movement that is larger than any one organization.”

“This right-wing offensive not only puts Patrisse, her child and her loved ones in harm’s way, it also continues a tradition of terror by [W]hite supremacists against Black activists,” the release also claims.

After the New York Post’s report on the property acquisitions dropped last month, Facebook blocked the article from being shared on their platform, sparking backlash from conservatives.

On Monday, it was reported that a prominent BLM activist in the United Kingdom, Sasha Johnson, was shot in the head at a party and in critical condition.


RELATED ARTICLE:  MINNEAPOLIS SPIRALS: Shots Fired Near George Floyd Square, Suspects ‘Flee’ After Apparent Drive-By 

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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BRILLIANT! Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls Ocasio-Cortez A ‘Terrorist’ — ‘Responsible For Attacks On Jewish People’

Greene is a singular truth-teller. Protect her at all costs.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls Ocasio-Cortez A ‘Terrorist’ — ‘Responsible For Attacks On Jewish People’

By: Devan A. Coombes, Daily Caller, May 22, 2021

Republican Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene called Democratic New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a “terrorist” and said she was “responsible for attacks on Jewish people” in a tweet Saturday.

“.@AOC you’re responsible for attacks on Jewish people bc of your hate-Israel stance against Israel’s right to defend itself from terrorists Hamas, calling Israel an apartheid state, & supporting terrorists groups. Aligning yourself with terrorists means your a terrorist,” said Greene in a tweet.

This isn’t the first time that Greene and Ocasio-Cortez have been caught in a feud. Greene previously issued a “direct challenge” to debate Ocasio-Cortez on the Green New Deal and Ocasio-Cortez has previously stated that Greene is “deeply unwell.”

This latest shot at Ocasio-Cortez was in response to a tweet by the Democratic congresswoman saying, “We will never, ever tolerate antisemitism here in NY or anywhere in the world. The recent surge attacks is horrifying. We stand with our Jewish communities in condemning this violence.”

Attacks on Jewish people have escalated nationwide as the conflict between Israel and Palestine has continued to intensify. A Jewish man was beaten in broad day light in Times Square in New York Friday and a Pro-Palestinian group attacked Jewish people outside of a Los Angeles Restaurant Thursday.

RELATED ARTICLE: ‘You Never Knew What You’re Going To See’: Reporter Watches As Marjorie Taylor Greene Confronts Ocasio-Cortez, Demands Answers

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense permenently banned us. Facebook, Twitter, Google search et al have shadowbanned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Help us fight. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever. Share our posts on social and with your email contacts.

Biden State Department official admits there’s ‘no guarantee’ U.S. aid to Gaza won’t go to Hamas

The bottom line is that Biden’s handlers don’t care about spending your money on jihad terrorism. The next time Hamas resumes its jihad against Israel, you’ll see your taxpayer dollars at work.

Biden State Dept: ‘No Guarantees’ Gaza Aid Won’t Boost Hamas’s Terror Arsenal

National Pulse, May 24, 2021:

A Senior State Department official today accepted that aid from President Biden’s regime to Gaza may end up replenishing the terror arsenal of Hamas – the Iranian funded group which has refused to conduct elections since 2006.

The group – designated a terrorist entity by the United States, the Organization of American States, Japan, Israel, the EU, and Canada – may now find itself on the receiving end of Biden State Department largesse.

Speaking earlier on Monday, the State Department spokesman was asked: “How can the U.S. guarantee aid to Gaza won’t be diverted toward replenishing the Hamas arsenal?”

The shocking answer? “No guarantee.”

In full, the State Department senior official claimed:

“…we’re going to be working in partnership with the United Nations and the Palestinian Authority to kind of channel aid there in a manner that does its best to go to the people of Gaza.  I’m also sure that the Government of Egypt will have some role in that.  As we’ve seen in life, as we all know in life, there are no guarantees, but we’re going to do everything that we can to ensure that this assistance reaches the people who need it the most.”…

Read the full exchange here.


Under Pressure for Hamas Links, AP Fires Pro-Jihad ‘Journalist’

Tiktok jihad: Videos of violent Muslim mobs attacking Jews sweep the Internet

Spain: Hundreds of illegal Muslim migrants try to storm the enclave of Melilla

Elizabeth Warren: ‘Antisemitism has no place in our country or world. Neither does Islamophobia.’

UN launches Gaza aid appeal, with Biden’s handlers’ assistance

Terrorist Attacks Against Israel Continue During Biden ‘Ceasefire’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

EXPOSED: The Biggest Child Abuse Network in the World

Kids: Chasing Paradise Exposes the Hate Factories Dooming the Next Generation.

A new documentary reveals what it calls the “biggest child abuse network in the world” and warns that inaction by political leaders, big tech and unaware parents is dooming the next generation to hate, violence and the countless problems that arise from psychological and physical abuse of children.

The film, Kids: Chasing Paradise, uses shocking hidden camera footage and eyewitness accounts to show how purveyors of hate and terrorist organizations rob victims of their childhoods in order to transform them into extremists willing to abuse others and even kill and die for their cause.

Viewers will learn from:

  • Tania Joya, who was married to a high-level American member of ISIS and, after aspiring for her children to become jihadists, escaped and now lives in Texas with her four kids.
  • Mohammed Ali, a 14-year old boy in Iraq who is training with Iran-backed militias who are fighting ISIS.
  • Mohammed Sheikh Eid, a 14-year old boy in the Gaza Strip who attends a Hamas-run summer camp. The film features interviews with his parents and camp counselors.
  • Michael “Younnes” Delefortrie, a jihadist and former member of ISIS, currently imprisoned in Belgium.
  • Mothers whose sons were radicalized by jihadists.
  • Footage from schools, media outlets and houses of worship around the world.

While there is a consensus that predators and gangs who similarly groom children are reprehensible and must be stopped, this global infrastructure of child abuse faces little meaningful action.

In addition to releasing Kids: Chasing Paradise, the filmmakers have released a series of interviews with former extremists from non-Islamist ideologies on YouTube.

Former white supremacists, Antifa anarchists and anti-Muslim radicals share how they were brought into the ideologies, why they left, and how adherents of these ideologies are targeting children and youth.

The filmmakers explain that they were motivated to make the film because of how the hate factories stymie progress on all kinds of issues.

Clarion Project CEO Richard Green questioned:

“How much progress toward peace in the Middle East or anywhere else can you really make if the next generation believes they are obligated to continue that violence? How much progress can you make in improving homeland security? Or hate and intolerance more generally, or school shootings, or bullying? What about PTSD and mental health issues and what results from that? We can’t possibly count the ways that this abuse affects the victims for the rest of their lives, and how that then affects other people.”

Ryan Mauro, national security expert and director of the Clarion Intelligence Network, said that they were also motivated to produce the film because there’s a realistic chance that it can force policymakers to begin addressing the problem:

“These atrocities against children are enabled by our own complacency. This infrastructure of hate and abuse is not an inevitable problem. It is manufactured. And the hate factories can be dismantled.”

Mauro offered ideas like sanctioning entities around the world who indoctrinate children, designating complicit governments as “State Sponsors of Hate,” demanding transparency from school systems and publicly holding the child abusers accountable consistently so that they cannot escape the issue.

“This problem can start being decisively addressed relatively quickly and with minimal expense or risk. If the U.S. and its allies focused on this root cause, President Biden could have major, measured impacts by the end of his first term,” Mauro said.

Kids: Chasing Paradise is available on iTunes,  Google Play,  and  Vimeo.

Copyright © 2021 Clarion Project, All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Republican Clubs Falter

Conservative political clubs are proliferating following the 2020 election. Now we hear about such groups as “Republican Liberty Caucus,” “Community Patriots,” not to mention “Trump Clubs,” and even old Tea Party groups are going through a Renaissance. In the mean time, traditional Republican clubs are going through turbulent times as people are gravitating to the new clubs. One can only ask why.

To me, the Republican clubs are showing signs of impotency. They have evolved into more of a social committee as opposed to an activist group. I have been visiting the new groups recently and can readily see a sharp contrast between the old and new.

The new clubs appear to be more in tune with the issues and legislation. They are also more organized and enthusiastically make their presence known at School Board and County Commissioner meetings. Whereas the old GOP clubs are playing defense, the new groups are on the offense, something very important to those unhappy with the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

Whereas the staid old GOP groups are content following rote procedures, the new groups are more proactive and think outside of the box. Not surprising, the enthusiasm at the new clubs is infectious.

Recently, I wrote about “Turning Nonprofits Upside-Down” where I suggest instead of top-down monarchies, bottom-up grassroots institutions are actually more effective. This is precisely what we are seeing in the new conservative clubs.

To illustrate, consider the principles of the Republican Liberty Caucus (RLC), where all members must embrace a pledge (click for FLORIDA’s page). Further, they will not endorse any political candidate that doesn’t support the following “Liberty Compact”:

“I pledge to the citizens of this State, and to the American people, that as their elected representative I will work to restore liberty, not restrict it; shrink government, not expand it; reduce taxes, not raise them; abolish programs, not create them; promote the freedom and independence of citizens, not the interference of government in their lives; and observe the limited, enumerated powers of our Constitution, not ignore them.”

Those politicians who fail to take the pledge will not be embraced by the RLC, plain and simple. In fact, they will now have an organized group working to stop the politician.

The RLC also keeps tabs on the voting records of government officials and even has a “Hall of Shame,” complete with certificate for politicians who have really screwed-up, a clever way for their members to express dissatisfaction with specific politicians. All of this is pro-active as opposed to reactive as typically found in traditional GOP groups.

Because of such changes, some Republican clubs are cancelling party sanctions, and switching over to the new groups. As one example, the North Suncoast Republican Club (NSRC) in Citrus County, Florida recently had its charter pulled inexplicably by the Citrus County GOP. They were not provided anything in writing as to why this occurred. The club tried to appeal the action, but, so far, nothing from the Republican Party of Florida. Because of this, the group seized on the opportunity to drop the Republican moniker and go independent, as the “North Suncoast Conservative Club.” Remarkably, after switching over, they had a windfall of new members. Keep in mind, this had been the oldest GOP club in the county. Their message to the Republican establishment is simple, “Don’t tread on me.”

Such political shenanigans will haunt the Republican party as they are no longer the only game in town. In terms of activity, political parties would be wise to spend less time dictating policy and more time listening to their constituents. Failure to do so will only weaken the party. To illustrate, when was the last time a GOP club organized a simple poll to define constituent interests? I, for one, have never seen it. Such input is essential for political campaigns, as well as to help voters decide which candidates to support.

As I keep saying, it is time to “turn nonprofits upside-down.”

Keep the Faith!

P.S. – For a listing of my books, click HERE.

EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

When Linkedin Censored Me I knew I Was Doing Something Right

Since my website began supporting Donald J. Trump for President I knew that Facebook would drop me like the conservative hot potato that I and my contributors are.

What I didn’t expect is that Linkedin would do the same.

Linkedin Goes Woke

I recently received the following two emails from Linkedin customer support:

The first email was from Stewart.

Hi Richard,

Your account was restricted due to multiple violations of LinkedIn‘s User Agreement and Professional Community Policies against sharing content that contains misleading or inaccurate information:

1) Posted April 23rd, 2021

Covid Vax: Largest Human Biological Experiment in World History with Unknown Long-term Consequences – Dr. Rich Swier

The truth about the vaccines for the Wuhan Coronavirus is not being told to the American people. And the truth is this is not a true vaccine; it is a”


Any additional violation of our terms can result in the permanent restriction of your account. We have these policies in place to help keep LinkedIn a safe, trusted and professional network for everyone.

You may appeal the restriction by responding to this email with your agreement and intent to comply with our User Agreement and our Professional Community Policies.

• User Agreement:
• Professional Community Policies:

If you have any questions regarding your appeal you can reply to this email. Thank you for being part of the LinkedIn community.


LinkedIn Member Safety and Recovery Consultant

The second email was from Savio. You see I created a new Linkedin account and they caught me once again. LOL!

Hi Richard M.,

Thanks for contacting us. Your account has violated the LinkedIn User Agreement and Professional Community Policies. Due to the number and/or gravity of these violations, this account has been permanently restricted.


LinkedIn Member Safety and Recovery Consultant

Breitbart reported on February 2nd, 2021

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) announced a major push to curb Big Tech’s political bias and censorship today, with measures including a ban on the censorship of political candidates and mandatory opt-outs of content filters for citizens of the Sunshine State.

WATCH: Governor DeSantis’ remarks on BigTech begin at 15:01

In a 45-minute speech [above], the governor identified Big Tech companies as the leading threat to American democracy and freedom of expression today, and pledged that Florida Republicans would take action.

The new regulations announced by DeSantis include:

  • Mandatory opt-outs from big tech’s content filters, a solution to tech censorship first proposed by Breitbart News in 2018.
  • A private right of action for Floridian citizens against tech companies that violate this condition.
  • Fines of $100,000 per day levied on tech companies that suspend candidates for elected office in Florida from their platforms.
  • Daily fines for any tech company “that uses their content and user-related algorithms to suppress or prioritize the access of any content related to a political candidate or cause on the ballot.”
  • Greater transparency requirements.
  • Disclosure requirements enforced by Florida’s election authorities for tech companies that favor one candidate over another.
  • Power for the Florida attorney general to bring cases against tech companies that violate these conditions under the state’s Unfair and Deceptive Practices Act.

This is the widest and most aggressive range of regulatory and legislative solutions so far proposed by any U.S. state to tackle the problem of tech censorship.


To say I was shocked is to put it mildly.

Has Linkedin gone woke? I asked myself.

Have they joined other social media techies in scrubbing those who they politically disagree with?

But what the heh. I guess posting a quote from Biden, posting a link to an article questioning Covid vaccines and just telling the truth are now violations of the “LinkedIn User Agreement and Professional Community Policies.”

To bad. So sad. But not to worry. I am now on the following social media platforms:

Please join me on one or on all of the above social media platforms that embrace freedom of speech.

And please keep visiting my eMagazine: for the latest news and conservative views. Please sign up for my weekly newsletter.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: What really happened on January 6th, 2021.

The Federal Government Violates Education Code.

The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.  – Patrick Henry

So many bills are written and then are ignored. Did you know that every day everyone violates some law or regulation?   Even the President and legislators/representatives violate the law.  The problem is most Americans hardly know because they are busy with life. Most Representatives don’t know the law either because too often older laws are not removed and replaced by the new laws. creating an impossible to track situation. That is the problem.  If our representatives knew the law, they would tell Biden that the Federal Government has no right to meddle in education. Grants that demand schools teach curricula like Critical Race Theory (CRT), or common core are a violation of the law.  U.S. Code – Unannotated Title 20 Education § 1232a. Prohibition against Federal control of education.

Now the states are busy writing laws to eliminate this America hating, family hating, G-d hating Critical Race Theory (CRT). But are they prepared to oversee if the laws are being followed? Are they demanding oversight from their Department of Education?  Are School Boards (SB) engaged? Or are parents being placated when they go to SB meetings and ask, “Are you teaching CRT?” and get, “NO”, for an answer. By eliminating the words Critical Race Theory and using other warm fuzzy words to describe the same thing you will find CRT is there.  The method they use is called subliminal messaging.  This is a message that may be remembered even if the person was not consciously aware of the message. This along with repetition is a tool used by advertisers, you know the psychological manipulators.

Since we started textbook analysis, I have been looking for examples of subliminal messaging which guides, nudges the student into coming up with the desired conclusion (aka Outcome Based Education):  America is systemically racist.

I found a perfect example of this method used in the image which is page 23 of the Savvas (formerly Pearson) teacher’s manual.  This method is duplicated in most lessons regardless of the publisher used.  Basically it is how to use propaganda to turn students into America hating, Family hating and G-d hating activists.  This page tells you how.  You must use: Charged Language, Parallelism, Repetition and Analogy. If we followed this method and changed the outcome, we win.

How does subliminal messaging work?  Here is an example:

The Florida BEST Standards calls for the use of original source documents. Dr. King’s, “I Have a Dream Speech” is the document they choose.  This is a highly persuasive speech focused on HOPE but with the use of subliminal messaging the reader is guided and nudged to feel the emotion of segregation and  HATE.

Look at the Argument and Rhetoric on the right. The teacher is supposed to elicit this response.  Practice responses:

Students should restate King’s claim in paragraph 3, “The Negro is still not free.”  This wipes out 60 years of history and the student is guided to believe, The Negro is still not free.   America still has segregated buses, water fountains and we are still living in the 50’s. Ask the students, you will be shocked.

Charged Language: They want the student to focus on poverty and hate, not the good that came out of the civil rights movement.  So the Black families in affluent Naples, FL don’t exist and the White families should feel guilty they live there.  While the Whites living in poverty don’t count either because they are not part of the minority and besides they are white and privilege. When we bring this way of thinking into society and culture we have Americans thinking that the everything in life must be fair, for the common good, diversified, inclusive, etc.  You know, Social Justice. It doesn’t matter how hard you work, We will all get the same results.

Parallelism:  They stir emotion, to bring people together but notice only among civil rights activists and people of color. To show HOPE they would have used “stirs emotion of all Americans”.  They must keep the divide going.

Repetition:  Stirring emotion not logic works like this:  The communist environmentalists have convinced the people that fossil fuels are destroying the planet . (LIE) But they never say fossil fuels are needed to produce electricity.

Analogy:  A comparison between 2 unlikely things to create clarity.  “America has given the Negro a bad check.” they compare to: “African Americans have been cheated out of their freedom.”  This guilt trip opens the door to reparations instead of using facts of what Americans have done since the speech to rectify the bad check.  Biden just granted reparations (Covid aid) to minority farmers while excluding the white farmers. We are going backwards.

By not mentioning the vast accomplishments of Civil Rights movement realizing most of the Dreams, students are guided into feeling guilty, full of despair and America is racist.

The lessons, books, poems photos and articles in these texts use this method of subliminal messaging to reinforce racism and hate while they have accomplished meeting the Florida BEST standards of reading source documents.

This is a lesson from the Palm Springs Elementary School, Palm Beach County (PBC) BLM movie script.  This is on PBC school page…..many parents do not know about it because it is hidden on their page.  You have to dig to find it, according to my teacher friend. This includes the BLM movie script in addition to other items.

PBC uses BrainPOP – Animated Educational Site for Kids – Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Arts & Music, Health, and Technology.  BrainPop is filled with distortions and out right lies. Our kids today have no real heroes only animated figures.

No wonder why our kids hate America.  These texts/lessons should never be used in Florida as they are contrary to everything Gov DeSantis stated.   They should never be used anywhere because they are contrary to America, G-d and family and filled with erroneous information.

Instead of using the scientific method (SM) as the method to solve problems, the communist results are outcome based.  Everything outcome is known in advance and must always be the same. The Government has the answer, trust the government.  Remember, this is the same government who now chooses its experts whether public or private by diversity not excellence.

This is the method used for students to become activists, community organizers, and HR trainers not brilliant engineers, pilots, MD’s, researchers, mechanics etc. How does this work when they grow up?

I took this from The American Medical Association (AMA), the largest national organization representing physicians and medical students in the United States, says it will set aside its long-held concept of meritocracy in favor of “racial justice” and “health equity.”

In an 86-page strategic plan released May 11, the AMA set out a three-year road map detailing how the advocacy group will use its influence to dismantle “structural and institutional racism” and advance “social and racial justice” in America’s health care system.

What are they really saying?  We don’t need doctors any more. We will just hook the patient to some device and monitor everything. The Dr. will just get in the way. Yeah, government controlled medicine.

How about HUD the Department of Housing and Urban Development:  Biden reinstituted Obama’s (AFFH) which rezones areas eliminating single family housing.  Everyone must have the same size flat (apartment). Agenda 21 calls for 350 sq ft for a single person and 700 ft for a family of 4.   If you want the government grant, your municipality must rezone and build packem stackem apartments or tiny houses.  What will that do to the value of your home?  What happens when the government decides your home is too large and you have room for more families? What happens when the government demands you house illegals in your 1800 sq ft house? After all they are the victim, you are the oppressor. Your children are being taught in the name of fairness, they must do more for less otherwise they are racist.  Will your children rat on you?

How about the National Park Service web site

The National Park Service is now training their employees to :                                                                         

Focus – The focus of this discussion will be on issues of equity and inclusion related to race, culture, ethnicity, sex, gender, and/or disability status in our organization. We the taxpayers are paying for this. What does that have to do with taking care of the Park?
Purpose – Provide everyone an opportunity to share experiences, questions, and concerns about how bias and discrimination manifest in our organization and to ask for support.  The ultimate guilt trip. We are from the gov’t, we are here to help.
Goals – To deepen the group’s collective understanding while broadening each individual’s perspective regarding equity and inclusion within our [park/program/team/organization]. With ongoing dialogue over time, our goal is to create an environment conducive to engaging in honest and candid conversations and to work together to create actionable solutions to equity and inclusion issues in our [park/program/team/organization].  I bet you thought that the job of the Park Service was to take care of the parks and forests?

When feeling trumps facts and skills, mediocrity reigns. Where do America’s leaders come from if they are guided by feeling and emotions focused on hating America?  What happens in the military? Do we now leave the white injured soldier on the field to be captured? Does a Muslim doctor now say I won’t treat you because you are a Jew?

Is America Worth Saving?

It is not enough to pass a BILL without oversight from the people.  Freedom requires work.

Will you be a watchdog and look for the subliminal messaging your school?

©Karen Schoen. All rights reserved.

If You Dissect a Democrat You Will Find Pure Unadulterated Hate

Since January 20th, 2021 Americans have born witness to the spread of a “virus named hate.”

Hate in American has taken many forms. Hate of oneself, hate of others, hate of government. Hate in the Democrat Party began with the forming of the Ku Klux Klan and has continued unabated. Today’s hate has spread far and wide, and like a virus is makes people ill, mentally ill.

The new American lexicon contains words like: white guilt, critical race theory and wokeness. Each of these are at their very core expressions of hate. Hate for oneself and hate of others.


The Democrat Party since 1/20/2021 has taken hate to an entirely new level. The party and its leaders are using their powers to harm Americans, their families and their welfare. The Constitution was written to protect our lives, our liberties and our pursuit of happiness.

The Democrat party has, since the inauguration of Biden and the swearing in of the new Congress, implemented policies the have destroyed lives, liberties and brought unhappiness to millions of Americans.

Here is a short list of how the Democrats have institutionalized hate:

  • Implements Critical Race Theory into public schools. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica: Critical race theory (CRT)intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.
  • Failed Border Security Policies that benefit illegal aliens over legal American citizens. The Biden Administration has created an ongoing border crises that is never ending.
  • Attacks on Freedom of Religion. Jews and Christians are being attacked on a daily basis both on the streets of America and via the MSM and social media. These attacks include physical attacks against Jews and Christians, social attacks by the media and deplatforming by tech companies.
  • Attacks on White People. Since the beginning of the Black Lives Matter hate group, whites have become the new woke racists. Americans are gradually and inextricably being taught that being born white is evil. People are not judged by the content of their character, rather people, especially white people, are being judged by the color of their skin, even by fellow white people.
  • Attacks on people who do not want big government and love America. The MAGA movement since the January 6th, 2021 Capital demonstration, have been demonized and literally hunted down and killed. Look at how an unarmed, 14-Year Air Force Veteran, named Ashli Babbit was shot to death by Capital Police on January 6th, a date that the Democrats used to turn Washington, D.C. and the U.S. Capital into an military encampment.
  • Using Covid to Lockdown America and American businesses. J.W. Bryan in an article stated, “We are incessantly told by our so-called health authorities that we have a health crisis which is caused by the COVID-19 viral pandemic. However, many health officials, both physicians and scientists refute this. Many are currently proclaiming that there is no pandemic and no COVID, that it is all a concoction to create a climate of fear. The goal of the health authorities in this country is the agenda for world government, i.e., the great reset, the acquiescence, by the people of total control of our health, resulting in a license to do anything that will bring about the New World Order and the fulfillment of UN Agenda 21.”
  • Using Covid to create Vaccine Passports to control the movement of Americans. Kelleigh Nelson posted a video in an article titled “America’s Vaccine Passports and China’s Social Credit System“, stating, “[A] video by Naomi Wolf, a Democrat and feminist, has exposed exactly what will happen if the American public accepts vaccine passports.  We will have locked into China’s communist control via social credits for every American citizen who once believed our country was the land of the free and the home of the brave.  If you haven’t listened to Naomi’s 15 min. presentation about these evil covid passports, please do…what she explains is the total control of every American.  The fact that she is a democrat makes what she is saying even more important.”
  • War in the Middle East and the spread of Anti-Semitism in America and the World. Since Biden took office he has made it policy to elevate and support Iran, Hamas, the Palestinians and others against the State of Israel. This has lead to bloodshed we have not seen during the Trump administration. Death, hate and destruction are the new normal in cities and states across America. Hateful Anti-Semites are openly displaying Nazi flags at pro-Israel demonstrations. Hate is alive and well under Biden.
  • Wokeness is a cultural disease that kills people’s freedoms. Wokeness is a bottomless pit of virtue signaling. Kurt Mahlburg wrote, “The challenge with critical race theory is that it does this with a seductive veneer — buzzwords like “diversity”, “equity” and “antiracism”. But when you peel back the layers, the truth is exposed: wokeness is a fraud.”


Hate has become the new normal in the “woke” culture in America. The new normal is “white guilt.” Woke corporations, media outlets, the Democrat Party are spewing their hate for anything and everything they can think of including themselves.

Hating white people, hating America, hating working class Americans, hating anyone who disagrees, hating President Donald J. Trump and his supporters. The level of hate is rising and palatable.

Hate is now the new normal in America. If you don’t hate then there is something wrong with you.

Hate of traditional marriages, hate of those who want to protect the unborn, hate of those who want a normal life, hate of the police and law enforcement in general, hate, hate, and more hate.


©Dr. Rich Swier, Ed.D. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: ‘White guilt’ means that you’d rather be called a paedophile than a racist

Here Are the 10 States Where You’ll Pay the Highest Lifetime Taxes

In the mood for a depressing statistic? A new report from the financial services firm Self concludes that the average American will pay an astounding $525,037 in taxes over their lifetime—roughly 34 percent of their lifetime earnings.

But the numbers aren’t uniform across the country; they vary wildly from state to state. Based on taxes on earnings, spending, property, and cars, here are the 10 states with the highest taxes over a lifetime.

1. New Jersey

Topping the list is New Jersey, where residents will, on average, owe an astounding $932,000 in taxes over their lifetime. That’s nearly 50 percent of their typical lifetime earnings!

2. Massachusetts

Next up is my home state of Massachusetts, aptly dubbed “Taxachusetts” by disgruntled residents (and former residents!). Their frustration is understandable, as they will owe an average of $827,000 in lifetime taxes.

3. Connecticut

The New England trend continues with Connecticut coming in third on the ranking. Typical residents will owe a whopping $805,000 in taxes over their lifetime.

4. Washington, DC

Technically not a state but included in this ranking for relevant comparison, the nation’s capital comes in as one of the highest-tax destinations. The average DC resident will pay $789,934 in taxes over their lifetime.

5. New Hampshire

Next up is a surprise inclusion: New Hampshire. The Granite State boasts zero income taxes and zero sales taxes, but according to this report, average residents will still owe roughly $778,800 in lifetime taxation.

6. Rhode Island

Rhode Island may be the smallest state in the US, but its tax burden is one of the largest. The report concludes that Ocean State residents will pay, on average, $767,000 in taxes over their lifetime.

7. New York

Next up is the Empire State. New Yorkers will have to shell out an average of $735,000 in taxes over the years.

8. California

In eighth ranks a state many would’ve expected to come in even higher: California. Californians will owe nearly $711,000 in taxes over an average lifetime.

9. Maryland

Tax-weary residents of Washington, DC won’t find much relief across the Maryland border. In Maryland, average lifetime taxes come in at just under $700,000.

10. Illinois

Next up is Illinois. Residents will have to pay almost $694,000 in taxes, on average, over their lifetimes.

The Big Picture

This new report offers more than just helpful information for frugal folks on the market for a move. Comparing the vast sums of confiscated wealth residents of these states face to their low-tax competitors like Tennessee, where lifetime taxes average about $348,000, reminds us why our federalist system of state-level policy variation is so important.

Americans can vote with their feet for policies that reward work rather than attack wealth. And if the hordes of people leaving California and New York for Texas and Florida are any example, that’s exactly what they’re doing.

RELATED ARTICLE: Massive Inflation May Be Coming, Because the US Government Has Cornered Itself into a Fiscal End Game

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Hamas Terror Chief Thanks Iran for Sending Money, Weapons

Appearing on Iran’s state-run Press TV on Friday, Hamas chief Ismail Haniya expressed his thanks to the regime for providing funds and weapons to his Gaza-ruling terrorist organization, declaring that the recent 11-day conflict had thwarted Israel’s attempts at building ties with the Arab world.

“I cannot but thank [Iran] who brought forth money and weaponry to the valiant resistance,” Haniya said.

Haniya, speaking from Qatar where he currently resides, also crowed that “this battle has destroyed the project of ‘coexistence’ with the Israeli occupation, of the project ‘normalization’ with Israel. We saw our Arab and Islamic nation arose, from east to west, in all its components and factions, behind Jerusalem and Palestine and the resistance.”

The recent conflict, Haniya declared, “defeated the illusions of negotiations, defeated the deal of the century,” in reference to the Trump administration’s peace plan for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It also “defeated the projects of normalizing [relations] with the Zionist occupation,” referring to the Trump-brokered deals between four Arab countries and Israel.

“Resistance is the best strategic choice for liberation and return,” Haniya added.

By “resistance,” Haniya means terrorism targeting Jewish children and other innocents, which Iran also supports. And the Biden administration lifted Trump’s sanctions on Iran, enabling their Jew- and America-hating agenda.

Ismail Haniya

9 Known Connections

More than just a religious imperative, Haniya preaches that the importance of terrorism as a strategy lies in the fact that it works so well on Jews, who, unlike the Palestinians, “love life more than any other people, and they prefer not to die.”

Americans, too, are the objects of Haniya’s hatred. In May 2011 he issued this statement on the recent killing (by U.S. soldiers) of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden:

“We believe that this continues an American policy that is based on oppression and on the shedding of Arab and Muslim blood. Regardless of the different views in Arab and Islamic circles, we, of course, condemn the assassination or killing of a Muslim mujahid and an Arab. We pray for Allah to cover him with His mercy, next to the prophets, the righteous, and the martyrs.”

At a December 2011 rally marking the 24th anniversary of Hamas’s founding, Haniya issued a call for the formation of an Arab army “to liberate Jerusalem and the Aksa mosque.” He then told the 350,000 cheering Palestinians in attendance: “Resistance is the way and it is a strategic choice to liberate Palestine from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea and to remove the invaders from the blessed land of Palestine.”

To learn more about Ismail Haniya, click here for his profile link.

PODCAST: Rebuilding America — The Sword and Trowel!



Dr. Rich Swier is a “conservative with a conscience.” Rich is a 23 year Army veteran who retired as a Lieutenant Colonel. He was awarded the Legion of Merit for his years of service. Additionally, he was awarded two Bronze Stars with “V” for Heroism in ground combat, the Presidential Unit Citation, and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry while serving with the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam. Dr Rich now publishes the the “ report”. A daily review of news, issues and commentary!

TOPIC: DeSantis Signs Law Allowing Users to Sue Big Tech for Censorship!


Judd Dunning is a political author, host, and producer. Over Judd’s three-decade political journey from liberal to conservative activist, he has collaboratively hosted various political entertainment for conservative and independent audiences, including his new shows with Michael Loftus, Rob Nelson, and just authoring his new Humanix/Newsmax Book “13 1/2 Reasons Why NOT To Be A Liberal: And How to Enlighten Others,” just published internationally. TOPIC: Rebuilding America: The Sword and Trowel!

©Conservative Commandoes Radio. All rights reserved.

Reuters Poll: Majority of Republicans View President Trump as True President

Amen! Note to the Democrat criminal party – the audits are not going away. And no, you will not succeed in stealing America from Americans. Not without a knock-down, drag-out.

Reuters/Ipsos Polling: 53% of Republicans View Trump as True President

By: Newsmax, 24 May 2021 05:11 PM

A majority of Republicans still believe Donald Trump won the 2020 U.S. presidential election and blame his loss to Joe Biden on illegal voting, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll.

The May 17-19 national poll found that 53% of Republicans believe Trump, their party’s nominee, is the “true president” now, compared to 3% of Democrats and 25% of all Americans.

About one-quarter of adults believe the Nov. 3 election was tainted by illegal voting, including 56% of Republicans, according to the poll. The figures were roughly the same in a poll that ran from Nov. 13-17 which found that 28% of all Americans and 59% of Republicans felt that way.

A Democrat, Biden won by more than 7 million votes. Dozens of court rulings did not overturn the vote.

Still, Trump and his supporters have persisted in promoting theories that the election was rigged and consequently stolen.

The Reuters/Ipsos poll showed that 61% of Republicans believe the election was “stolen” from Trump.

In a similar vein, only about 29% of Republicans believe he should share blame for supporters’ deadly Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol. Trump critics, including many in the Democratic Party, maintain that at a nearby rally prior to the breach, Trump incited his supporters with fiery rhetoric and urged them to action.

Still, 67% of overall respondents say they trust election officials in their town to do their job honestly, including 58% of Republicans, according to the poll.

The November and May polls were both conducted online, in English, throughout the United States. The May poll gathered responses from 2,007 adults, including 909 Democrats and 754 Republicans. The poll has a credibility interval, a measure of precision, of about 4 percentage points.

© 2021 Thomson/Reuters. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: GOAT Gov: Ron DeSantis Signs Bill Cracking Down On Big Tech: ‘These Platforms Have Become Our Public Square’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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