VIDEO: Biden’s proposed gas tax will destroy trucking industry

A trucking company owner said the Biden administration’s plan to hike fuel tax could destroy the industry. One America America News Network’s Caitlin Sinclair has more.

©One America News Network. All rights reserved.

The Babylon Bee Guide To Being Woke

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Woke Fragility (a parody!): Bringing Moderates to Heel

Being “woke” is very important in order to show the world you’re a good person, and also to avoid having your entire life wrecked by a Twitter mob!

In order to achieve success and respect from all the good woke people — which is the most important thing you can achieve in life — you need to learn how to be properly woke! Here is our definitive guide:

  • Carefully choose your pronouns and then scream them at everyone you meet: Whenever you go to Costco, loudly scream your pronouns in shoppers’ faces. If anyone refuses to celebrate your pronouns, smash a giant box of pretzels over their head and call the manager.
  • Select the most oppressed identity possible: Test people’s loyalty to the cause by identifying as a walrus and cancel anyone who doesn’t make walrus noises every time they see you.
  • Compare everything to Nazis: Compare everything to Nazis (as long as you’re a Democrat. If you’re a Republican this might get you fired).
  • Learn to hate the right people: Hate is good when directed at the correct targets. All you have to do is follow the guidelines of a mentally ill Twitter mob who will help steer your hate in the right direction!
  • Pre-order David Hogg’s Good Pillow: You want to sleep at night, don’t you??
  • Classify everyone according to their race and not as an individual: Always loudly acknowledge the skin color of every person you talk to and make it the main subject of the conversation.
  • If you are white, do not have any black friends: This may trick you into thinking you aren’t racist.
  • To help atone for our racist past, try some casual segregation: Create safe spaces where everyone is segregated by race, gender, and gender identity. It’s the only way to achieve unity. Anyone who objects to this is racist.
  • Vote for policies that sound virtuous, no matter how much they actually harm people of color: Always vote for policies with virtuous-sounding names, even if they destroy black and brown communities. Appearance is everything!
  • Always have extremely low expectations of minorities: Be sure to constantly remind them they can never overcome their circumstances without your help.
  • Abandon religion, and instead accept everything the woke crowd believes without question: Your religious beliefs are at odds with others. You should fix that and accept Wokism. Repeat after us: WOKISM IS NOT A CULT. WOKISM IS NOT A CULT. WOKISM IS NOT A CULT. WOKISM IS NOT A CULT. WOKISM IS NOT A CULT.
  • Achieve inner peace by constantly beating yourself up for not doing better: Place a hard yoke and a heavy lifelong burden upon yourself that will never be satisfied and that will never offer grace, forgiveness, or rest.

That’s pretty much it! Get back to us when you have achieved all these. We’ll probably have a new list for ya!

NOT SATIRE: Be sure to pick up a copy of Woke Fragility (a parody!): Bringing Moderates to HeelBetter yet, pick up ten copies. Woke Fragility is a parody of Robin Di’Angelo’s White Fragility, which was a painfully stupid book begging for a parody. Enjoy!

VIDEO: Perspectives on Biden’s Foreign Policy from 2 Former Israeli Ambassadors.

I spoke with two former Israeli Ambassadors to the United states about who forms foreign policy and what that policy would look like based on the past record of Biden’s picks.

Watch my interviews Ambassadors Yoran Ettinger and Danny Ayalon speaking from their personal experiences.

Part 1. Biden Foreign Policy and Israel.

Part 2. Perspective on President Biden from two former Israeli Ambassadors.

©Barry Shaw. All rights reserved.

Near HALF OF ALL VOTERS say mail-in voting led to unprecedented voter fraud in the 2020 election including 70% of Republican, 46% of unaffiliated

Half the country – and that same half is being silenced, cancelled. persecuted for asking questions by totalitarians traitors (Democrats).

Most GOP Voters Still Don’t Think Biden Was Elected Fairly

Rasmussen Reports, February 12, 2021
Much of the impeachment case against former President Trump in this week’s Senate trial has focused on his claims about election fraud, but a majority of Republican voters agree with his claim that Joe Biden was not elected fairly.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here— it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever.

When the current regime in Washington, D.C. says they are ‘going after violent extremists,’ they mean patriots

When the current regime in Washington, D.C. says they are “going after violent extremists,” they mean patriots.

Three weeks ago, President Obama’s “Counter-Terrorism Czar” and the former Director of Central Intelligence, John Brennan, spoke on MSNBC and stated the Biden team is moving in “laser-like fashion” to identify “religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, and even libertarians” who constitute, in Brennan’s words, a great threat to the Republic. He said that the civilian enforcement and intelligence agencies, as well as the military, are and should be working to root out this “threat.”

In describing the threat, Brennan specifically mentioned the previous administration and its supporters.

Two weeks ago, the Biden Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published a National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin, warning of “objections” to “governmental authority.” The report states in part: “Information suggests that some ideologically-motivated violent extremists with objections to the exercise of governmental authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives, could continue to mobilize to incite or commit violence.”

Who are the “violent extremists” they are discussing?

Constitutionally-minded patriots.

Not sure of that?

Last week, Robert Grenier, the former CIA Station Chief for Pakistan/Afghanistan told NPR that the U.S. needs to handle people such as those who “stormed” the U.S. Capitol on January 6 the same way the U.S. government handled insurgents in Pakistan and Afghanistan. In other words, kill them.

Also last week, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin ordered a sixty-day military-wide “STAND DOWN” order so that the military can purge “extremists” from its ranks. In his confirmation hearing, Austin said, “If confirmed, I will fight hard to…rid our ranks of racists and extremists…”

A noble effort.

So how are we defining “extremists?”

Remember: during the Obama administration, “extremists” included military veterans returning from combat.

From where did the term “violent extremist” come?

First, let’s back up to a few years after September 11, 2001, when the U.S. government brought the “Countering Violent Extremism” (CVE) program to the United States from Britain.

The CVE program in Britain was created by Muslim Brotherhood groups, including the Muslim Council of Britain, the Muslim Association of Britain, and others.

U.S. officials, thinking anything the Brits do must be awesome, literally bought this program in its totality and brought it back into the FBI, DHS, CIA, et al.

The main purpose of CVE is to define threats as “violent extremism” so that intelligence and law enforcement agencies target “extremists” instead of jihadis, communists, and other definable threats.

If you cannot name the threat, you cannot target the threat, and, therefore, you can never defeat the threat.

Also, the DHS CVE Working Group has included jihad enablers such as Mohamed Elibiary, Mohamed Magid, and others, who were given secret clearances during their tenure at DHS.

So here we are, 20 years after 9/11, and not only is America much farther away from defeating the jihadis and communists, the communists just seized executive power in the United States one month ago.

On January 30, MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace suggested that Trump supporters who “incited violence” at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 be convicted just like Al Qaeda’s leader in Yemen, Anwar al-Awlaki, who also “incited violence” and was killed in a U.S. drone strike in September 2011.

Put aside the fact for a moment that Nicolle Wallace lied when she said that al-Awlaki was killed because he “incited violence.” Awlaki was actually killed because he was the leader of Al Qaeda in Yemen and responsible for jihad attacks inside the United States.

The fact that the propaganda arm of the U.S. communist/jihadi cabal, the traditional media, is openly calling for violence against Americans exercising their unalienable right to freely express themselves and hold the federal government accountable when it is ruled by those hostile to the Constitution should alarm and alert all thoughtful patriots.

The point is clear. The U.S. government under the current communist regime in the White House will use and is using its full power to suppress and eliminate opposition.

The communists/democrats did it to President Trump when they traitorously and unlawfully used the FBI, CIA, DNI, and other agencies to spy on him, his family, and his staff.

They are doing and will do it to citizens.

For those unable to see this unfolding before them, Understanding The Threat (UTT) encourages you to attempt to educate yourselves and join the patriots who are working diligently to reestablish a republican form of government at the local and state level right now around America.



AOC Blames Trump for Attacks on Asian-Americans, Runs Into the Buzzsaw of Reality

Indiana: Valparaiso University drops Crusaders nickname and mascot

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Trump Statement on Acquittal: ‘Our historic, patriotic and beautiful movement to Make America Great Again has only just begun.’

The Office of Donald Trump made a statement after the Senate vote acquitting him.


I want to first thank my team of dedicated lawyers and others for their tireless work upholding justice and defending truth.

My deepest thanks as well to all of the United States Senators and Members of Congress who stood proudly for the Constitution we all revere and for the sacred legal principles at the heart of our country.

Our cherished Constitutional Republic was founded on the impartial rule of law, the indispensable safeguard for our liberties, our rights and our freedoms.

It is a sad commentary on our times that one political party in America is given a free pass to denigrate the rule of law, defame law enforcement, cheer mobs, excuse rioters, and transform justice into a tool of political vengeance, and persecute, blacklist, cancel and suppress all people and viewpoints with whom or which they disagree. I always have, and always will, be a champion for the unwavering rule of law, the heroes of law enforcement, and the right of Americans to peacefully and honorably debate the issues of the day without malice and without hate.

This has been yet another phase of the greatest witch hunt in the history of our Country. No president has ever gone through anything like it, and it continues because our opponents cannot forget the almost 75 million people, the highest number ever for a sitting president, who voted for us just a few short months ago.

I also want to convey my gratitude to the millions of decent, hardworking, law-abiding, God-and-Country loving citizens who have bravely supported these important principles in these very difficult and challenging times.

Our historic, patriotic and beautiful movement to Make America Great Again has only just begun. In the months ahead I have much to share with you, and I look forward to continuing our incredible journey together to achieve American greatness for all of our people. There has never been anything like it!

We have so much work ahead of us, and soon we will emerge with a vision for a bright, radiant, and limitless American future.

Together there is nothing we cannot accomplish.

We remain one People, one family, and one glorious nation under God, and it’s our responsibility to preserve this magnificent inheritance for our children and for generations of Americans to come.

May God bless all of you, and may God forever bless the United States of America.

©Office of Donald J. Trump. All rights reserved.


INNOCENT! Senate Votes to ACQUIT President Trump

Buzz: Trump to unleash after hoax trial


WATCH: The Dangers of H.R. 127 — Then Take Action!


Dudley Brown, President of the National Association for Gun Rights posted the below video and commentary in an email to members:

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) has unveiled the Unholy Grail of gun control, H.R. 127, and it is every gun owner’s worst nightmare.

In this video, NAGR’s Director of Political Operations Austin Hein breaks down this insidious bill and what it could mean for law-abiding gun owners across the country.

Also, please sign your “Stop the H.R. 127 Gun Grab!” petition right away!

Take a moment to watch the video.

And if you want to see more videos from us, please subscribe to our Youtube channel.

©National Association for Gun Rights. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Is Biden Going Soft on China?

The first few weeks of Biden’s presidency has seen the rollback of several Trump-era policies that put pressure on China. But while Chinese leaders may feel relieved, the United States has received nothing in return for the gradual easing of tensions.

President Biden consistently refers to China as a “competitor.” This language is quite a bit softer than former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s labeling of the Chinese Communist Party as “the central threat of our times.” Gordon Chang notes that it is difficult to compete when we know our competitor is cheating. When President Biden talks about competing with China on technological advancements, “That sounds fine, but China steals somewhere in the neighborhood of $500 billion worth of U.S. IP each year,” Chang said on Washington Watch. China’s persistent theft of intellectual property makes it impossible to compete fairly with.

Several of President Biden’s early executive orders have directly benefitted China, while exposing Americans to risk. Chang cites several concerning examples. “President Trump, with an executive order, barred China from supplying equipment to our electricity grid. In other words, that prevents China from committing sabotage. And that’s not a theoretical concern when it comes to the grid. Yet Biden, in an executive order, repealed that Trump era protection.”

President Biden has also failed to take the spread of Chinese propaganda on America’s college campuses seriously. There are around 60 Confucius Institutes still operating in American colleges, and though they purport to simply teach Chinese language and culture, they are not to be taken lightly. Chang points out that Confucius Institutes are “run by the Communist Party’s United Front Work Department, which is this part of the Communist Party which tries to subvert foreign countries. So really what we’ve got here is propaganda on our campuses.” The U.S. does not develop propaganda programs in Chinese colleges, so why should we let them do so here?

The day before the Trump administration left office, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo took perhaps the administration’s most significance stand against China by officially calling the Chinese’s government abuses of Uyghur Muslims genocide. Secretary of State Antony Blinken initially affirmed Pompeo’s finding that the Chinese government was committing genocide in Xinjiang. However, we have yet to see the administration indicate it has plans to do anything about it. Chang says, “when you talk about genocide, we’ve got to remember that the U.S. is a party to the Genocide Convention of 1948, which requires every country to stop genocide. And I don’t hear any of that language from the Biden team so far.”

Genocides always loom large in history. If the administration does not consider China’s genocide to be a priority now, future history texts books will ask why. In America’s dealings with China, history will remember how the Biden administration reacted to China’s heinous human rights abuses.

Ultimately, the threat that China poses to the free world makes it more than a competitor. As the world’s second most powerful country, China has been flexing its diplomatic and political muscles at the United Nations and the World Health Organization to the detriment of democratic societies. The Chinese government is guilty of an ongoing genocide of a religious and ethnic minority. Not to mention China’s imprisonment of political dissidents, crackdown on churches, and mass surveillance of its people.

As China grows more powerful, it has the capacity to compel others to do what it wants. That is worrying not because China is a competitor, but because the Chinese government has no respect for democracy, rule of law, or basic human rights. Smaller countries with less resources struggle to stand up to China. If the United States does not lead the way in doing so, no one will.


Arielle Del Turco

Assistant Director of the Center for Religious Liberty

Arielle Del Turco serves as Assistant Director of the Center for Religious Liberty at Family Research Council, where she is responsible for international religious freedom policy and advocacy efforts. Through research and analysis of international religious freedom matters, she helps craft effective policy solutions along with coordinating FRC’s advocacy on this issue. Arielle’s work has appeared in the USA TodayNational ReviewJerusalem PostWashington ExaminerCBN NewsThe FederalistThe National InterestChristian PostThe American ConservativeDaily Signal, and Townhall. She has conducted a number of media interviews on international religious freedom, and has herself interviewed key advocates and victims of persecution. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Politics and History from Regent University, and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in International Relations.

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column with video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

New Walgreens CEO Pushes Company Further Left in The Pursuit of “Equality”

Roz Brewer, the former Chief Operating Officer of Starbucks, has just been named CEO of Walgreens. It’s a big step up in the world, but unfortunately, Brewer’s biases threaten to push the company even further left in the pursuit of “equality” — which, practically speaking, means support of violent activist groups like Black Lives Matter (BLM) and over-emphasis on forced racial and gender diversity in the corporate sphere.

A Starbucks letter in support of BLM, which Brewer and other executives signed last summer, reveals a troubling bias towards the leftist narrative. “Together, we’re saying: Black Lives Matter and it’s going to take ALL of us, working together, to affect [sic] change,” the letter read. It went on to detail some of the ways in which people might effect change, sticking to ambiguous talking points such as “joining local peaceful protests” without acknowledging that many of BLM and its affiliates’ protests have proven violent and have hurt black people more than they have helped.

Brewer has also chosen to focus on perceived challenges as a black corporate leader instead of inspiring other black Americans to aspire to become leaders. In her view, as reported by CNBC, misunderstandings are evidence of larger racial and gender biases in the workplace. “You get mistaken as someone who could actually not have that top job,” Brewer said. “Sometimes you’re mistaken for kitchen help. Sometimes people assume you’re in the wrong place, and all I can think in the back of my head is, ‘No, you’re in the wrong place’.”

Even before Brewer became Walgreens’ CEO, the company was far from neutral. Our 2ndVote ranking system puts Walgreens at a low of 1.50 on a scale of 1.00 – 5.00, revealing their support for leftist organizations and causes such as abortion and gun control. Rather than spending money with Walgreens, you can use your 2ndVote dollars to shop at CVS (3.72). They offer comparable services and products while remaining neutral in the culture wars. Until and unless Brewer changes her company’s policies, 2ndVote supporters should spend their money with competitors like CVS. For now, get in touch with Walgreens and let them know what changes you’d like to see. Remind corporate America that they depend on economics, not on furthering leftist agendas or taking part in violent social activism.

EDITORS NOTE: This 2ndVote column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

POLL: 70 Percent of Republicans Would Consider Joining Trump-Led Party

I believe it’s higher because we have no party.

70 Percent of Republicans Would Consider Joining Trump-Led Party, Poll Finds

By GQ Pan, The Epoch Times, February 11, 2021:

More than two-thirds of Republicans would join or consider joining a new political party if former President Donald Trump were to start one, a CBS News poll suggests.

Thirty-three percent of Republicans participating in the survey, conducted between Feb. 5 and Feb. 8, said they would join a Trump-led breakaway party.

Another 37 percent said “maybe” they would join the new party, while the remaining 30 percent said they would stay with the Republican Party.

The poll was conducted among 2,508 adults living in the United States by YouGov, a London-based online polling company, with a plus/minus 2.3 point error margin. The sample was weighted according to gender, age, race and education based on the U.S. Bureau of the Census’ American Community Survey, as well as the 2020 presidential vote and registration status.

In addition, 46 percent of respondents identified as Republicans said they believe it is “very important” for the party to remain loyal to Trump, with 27 percent saying it is “somewhat important.” Fifteen percent said the Republican loyalty to Trump is “not too important” and twelve percent said it is not important at all.

When it came to the Republican support of the second impeachment effort against Trump, 71 percent of Republicans chose the option given saying it was “disloyal” for party members to vote in favor of the former president’s impeachment or conviction, compared to 29 percent who chose the option saying it was “principled” to do so.

The poll also highlighted the hostility between Democrats and Republicans, with the latter somewhat more likely to view the former as enemies rather than political opponents. Fifty-seven percent of Republicans described Democrats as “enemies,” with the belief that their “life or entire way of life may be threatened” if their Democratic counterparts win. Forty-three percent say the Democrats are “political opposition,” that is, Republicans “just won’t get the policies they want” if Democrats win.

By contrast, 41 percent of Democrats described Republicans as enemies and 59 percent described them as political opposition.

Earlier this month, a Hill-HarrisX poll reported that 64 percent of Republican said they would either join or might join a “MAGA Party” or “Patriot Party” led by Trump. Thirty-six percent of respondents said it would be more likely for them to stay with the Republican Party.

“If Trump were to split from the GOP and create his own party, polling suggests he might well create the second largest political party in the country, knocking the GOP down to third place,” Dritan Nesho, CEO and chief pollster at HarrisX, told Hill.TV.


RELATED ARTICLE: INGRATE: Nikki Haley criticizes Trump and says he has no future in the GOP

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here— it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever.

Evidence Shows Capitol Breach Was Pre-Planned, Proving Trump Did Not “Incite”

Congress Leadership Knew of Capitol Riot Days Before January 6, 2021.

More to the point, it was leftist rioters who were behind the break in.

Further, evidence seems to indicate Congress leadership knew of Capitol riot days before.

“Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) said that from the evidence coming out about the Capitol riot, it appears that congressional leadership had been aware of the planned attack ahead of time, but “did nothing” about it.”

Evidence Mounts that Capitol Breach Was Pre-Planned, Eroding Incitement Allegation in Trump Impeachment Trial

By Tom Ozimek Epoch Times, February 8, 2021:

As former President Donald Trump’s Tuesday impeachment trial approaches, there is a growing body of evidence in criminal complaints and affidavits that the Jan. 6 Capitol breach had been pre-planned, undercutting the allegation leveled against Trump that he is guilty of “incitement to insurrection.”

A number of FBI affidavits filed in support of various charges—including conspiracy—against accused participants in the Capitol breach show evidence of pre-planning, reinforcing an argument made by critics of the impeachment trial against Trump, namely that participants couldn’t have been incited by the president to break into the building if they had earlier planned to do so.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said recently that parts of the Capitol incident had been coordinated well before Trump’s Jan. 6 speech. Trump’s accusers have described the speech as a call to storm the building.

While Trump said in his speech that “we fight like hell and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore,” the former president appeared to be making a general reference to political activism, as he called on supporters to “peacefully and patriotically” make their voices heard during the Jan. 6 joint session of Congress.

Graham, in a Feb. 1 interview on Fox News, said, “There’s mounting evidence that the people who came to Washington preplanned the attack before the president ever spoke.”

“If you open up that can of worms, we’ll want the FBI to come in and tell us about how people preplanned this attack and what happened with the security footprint of the Capitol. You open up Pandora’s box if you call one witness,” Graham added, in reference to calls for witnesses to testify at Trump’s impeachment trial.

The former president’s son Donald Trump Jr. argued in a tweet last month, “If these federal law enforcement agencies had prior knowledge that this was a planned attack then POTUS didn’t incite anything.”

A review of some of the affidavits in Capitol incursion cases shows evidence of pre-planning.

An affidavit (pdf) filed in the case against Thomas Caldwell, who is believed to have a leadership in the Oath Keepers group and who faces charges of conspiracy and conspiracy to impede or injure an officer, alleges that Caldwell and others planned parts of the incursion in advance.

“As described more fully herein, CALDWELL planned with DONOVAN CROWL, JESSICA WATKINS, and others known and unknown, to forcibly storm the U.S. Capitol,” the affidavit states.

“Evidence uncovered in the course of the investigation demonstrates that not only did CALDWELL, CROWL, WATKINS, and others conspire to forcibly storm the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021—they communicated with one another in advance of the incursion and planned their attack.”

The document cites communication between Watkins and other suspected Oath Keepers during the Capitol incursion, noting that an individual whom the FBI believes to be Watkins said: “We have a good group. We have about 30-40 of us. We are sticking together and sticking to the plan.”

Charging documents (pdf) against Eric Munchel and his mother, Lisa Eisenhart, both of whom face conspiracy charges, cite a Jan. 10 article in The Times of London, in which Eisenhart expressed that the two had gone into the Capitol as “observers” but quotes Munchel’s characterization of the incursion as a “flexing of muscles.”

“We wanted to show that we’re willing to rise up, band together and fight if necessary. Same as our forefathers, who established this country in 1776,” Munchel told the outlet. “It was a kind of flexing of muscles.

“The intentions of going in were not to fight the police. The point of getting inside the building is to show them that we can, and we will.”

Alex Harkrider, who faces charges of conspiracy and unlawful entry with a dangerous weapon, was alleged in an affidavit (pdf) to have made statements about planning a “civil war.”

The affidavit indicates that a witness contacted the FBI alleging they had photos from Harkrider’s social media pages showing that he stated that he and others were “planning a civil war.”

An affidavit (pdf) in the case against Andrew Bennett, who faces charges of disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds, indicates that “on January 4, 2021 at approximately 5:02 a.m. EST, Bennett posted the following, along with a photograph of a caravan of vehicles on a road carrying American flags: ‘You better be ready chaos is coming and I will be in DC on 1/6/2021 fighting for my freedom!’”

Meanwhile, the FBI has said it notified other law enforcement agencies, including the U.S. Capitol Police, the day before the Capitol incursion about an online message about a “war” and storming the building. The FBI stated on Jan. 12 that the warning was issued through the Joint Terrorism Task Force, and the U.S. Capitol Police have members on the task force, The Associated Press reported.

The Washington Post reported that an FBI bulletin described that people had been sharing maps of the Capitol’s tunnels and discussed rallying points to meet up to travel to Washington. The newspaper also reported that the document detailed posts calling for violence, including that “Congress needs to hear glass breaking, doors being kicked in, and blood from their BLM and Pantifa slave soldiers being spilled.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here— it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever.

Professor Says He’s ‘Struggling’ with His Christian Faith Because of Trump, But Beheadings Shouldn’t Reflect on Islam

Religions shouldn’t be considered responsible for the misdeeds of their followers, right? That has been the consistent establishment media line on Islam since 9/11, and before that, and it has been enshrined in public policy on both sides of the Atlantic and become axiomatic in the West’s approach to terrorism.

But wait. Issac Bailey is a columnist and a professor of Public Policy at Davidson College in North Carolina. He writes in Newsweek:

“If Christianity can convince so many to follow a man like Trump almost worshipfully—or couldn’t at least help millions discern the unique threat Trump represented—what good is it really?”

So now apparently the followers of a religion do reflect on the religion itself – if the religion is Christianity, and the evil follower is Donald Trump.

Bailey explains: “I’m struggling to hold fast to my Christianity—because of Donald Trump. Not exactly Trump himself, though, but the undying support of the self-professed Christian pro-life movement that he enjoyed. My faith is in tatters because of that alliance. And I am constantly wondering if I am indirectly complicit because I dedicated my life to the same Jesus the insurrectionists prayed to in the Capitol building after ransacking it and promising to kill those who didn’t do their bidding.”

Faith in tatters! Heavens to Betsy! Yet this poor lost soul Issac Bailey is manifesting confused thinking in all sorts of ways. Trump is not and never claimed to be the leader of a Christian sect. Millions of people didn’t support Trump because of Christianity, but because of the policies he stood for and implemented.

He is an academic, after all, and so it’s no surprise that Bailey’s thinking gets even more confused than that. On December 6, 2020, he tweeted:

“In the aftermath of 9/11, some Americans warned politicians would use that horrific event to pass laws that stifled freedom and targeted Muslims. They were right. That’s what’s being referred to here. Beheadings should not be used to target Muslims and excuse racism.”

He is setting up a straw man here, as no decent person wants to “target Muslims” or “excuse racism.” Anyway, his point is that jihad terror should not have been considered to reflect poorly on Islam and thereby lead to this alleged “targeting” of Muslims. But if he can say that Trump is so evil that he is struggling with his Christianity because many Christians support Trump, why doesn’t the same reasoning go for Islam? Issac Bailey does not write and likely never would dream of writing something like this: “If Islam can convince so many to follow a man like Osama bin Laden or Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi almost worshipfully—or couldn’t at least help millions discern the unique threat they and others like them represented—what good is it really?”

To say such a thing would be “Islamophobic,” and it is easy to get the impression from his published writings that Issac Bailey, like the overwhelming majority of his professorial colleagues, would assiduously avoid any appearance of “Islamophobia.”

Bailey’s confusion on these issues goes back years. In 2015, he wrote:

For awhile now, I’ve been asking people a simple question.

If the terrorist organization ISIL is Islamic, and represents something profound about that faith, does the same standard apply to Christianity and the Christian Knights of the Ku Klux Klan?

I haven’t gotten many good answers, or any direct ones, actually.

I’ve usually posed the question to people who most adamantly believe that because ISIL said it is adhering to its faith, the group’s members must be true Muslims.

“Islam is right there, in their name!” they shout.

That clarity of conviction disappears when talk turns to the Christian Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, a group that had long operated in South Carolina, inflicting terror on black residents, those who supported them and others deemed undesirables.

All right. But it is unclear which point of view Bailey himself favors. Does he think the KKK is un-Christian, or does he think that the Islamic State is un-Islamic? It seems likely that he wants to shame Christians by making them admit that the Klan is Christian, yet here again, it is virtually certain that he would never dare to ask “what good is it really” about Islam under any circumstances.

The academic environment all over the country today, and in Europe as well, is anti-Christian and pro-Islam. Most academics are all too willing to make the leaps of logic necessary to sustain this perspective. And when we see the recent graduates of American colleges and universities out rioting for socialism and increasing racial polarization, the effect that deep-thinking professors such as Issac Bailey have on their hapless charges is all too obvious.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Sharia-enforcing Amazon Brownshirts Delete Islamocritical Book

Over at Amazon you can still get Friedrich Nietzsche’s God Is Dead. God Remains Dead. And We Have Killed Him. You can still get Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion You can get Christianity Disproved: The conclusive proof that Christianity is false. You can get God Needs To Go: Why Christian Beliefs Fail. You can get All That’s Wrong with the Bible: Contradictions, Absurdities, and More. You can get Four Disturbing Questions with One Simple Answer: Breaking the Spell of Christian Belief. And on and on and on. But you can’t get Allah is Dead: Why Islam is Not a Religion by my old Jihad Watch colleague, the New English Review‘s Rebecca Bynum, who wrote for this site when the world was young, the grass was green, and spring was in the air.

Now that the winter of Leftist/Islamic censorship is upon us in a big way, Amazon has removed her book from sale, so as not to offend those who must not be offended, and to stick to offending those who can and must be offended with impunity. This is done at least in part because those who must not be offended might kill you, while those who must be offended will not. Now, I don’t agree with my old friend that Islam is not a religion, but I am not being churlish or fastidious to point that out. I believe that ideas should be evaluated on the basis of whether and to what extent they correspond to and elucidate reality. Ideas should be discussed freely and accepted or rejected on their merits. But the totalitarian fascists of Amazon believe that the ideas they have judged to be beyond the pale must not be heard, and since they have an effective monopoly on the book business, when they drop a book, it will indeed for the most part not be heard.

Now that they have begun dropping Islamocritical books, expect more of this. After all, who on the Left will raise a voice for the freedom of speech? Not Old Joe. Not Kamala-in-Waiting. Not Old Joe’s handlers. Not Schumer or Pelosi or AOC or Ilhan Omar. Not a soul. The fascists are emboldened. It has been nice knowing you all, but it’s clearly coming to an end. Soon the only way you’ll be able to hear dissidents will be via whispers and furtive handovers of shoddily printed material, by the few who have the courage to continue to dissent when the darkness that is descending has finally enveloped us completely. I hope to see you there.

“Amazon Cancels Allah is Dead,” by Rebecca Bynum, New English Review, February 9, 2021:

Cancel culture progresses one burned book at a time.

My book, Allah is Dead: Why Islam is Not a Religionhas been removed from the Amazon website. Therefore I’m re-posting a talk I gave on the subject that nicely summarizes the book:

Good Evening. I’m here to talk about a subject no one wants to discuss – religion. Many people in our post-Christian society (especially journalists) are afraid of it, misinformed about it and ignorant of the most basic theological concepts. And our theologians are often too specialized in their work to be able to discuss religion in its broadest outlines or our Churchmen are often soo concerned with finding common ground that they gloss over and ignore the theology of Islam….


UK actress inundated with death threats after revealing that she left Islam

Saudi Arabia: Woman’s rights activist was allegedly raped repeatedly while in prison

France: Le Pen goes on trial on charges she broke hate speech laws by tweeting pictures of Islamic State atrocities

Nigeria: Christian who refused to convert to Islam enters 3rd year of captivity, captors call her ‘slave for life’

Turkey: Chief imam of Hagia Sophia calls for elimination of principle of secularism in new constitution

Lebanese singer hopes Hizballah top dog will let him blow himself up ‘out of belief in his religion and his Quran’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Who needs the Stasi? We’ve already got Google

The cancelling of Gina Carano foreshadows more sinister developments.

The Force is no longer with Gina Carano, one of the stars of The Mandalorian, the wildly popular spin-off from the Star Wars films. She has been cancelled. Twitter erupted with #FireGinaCarano and Lucasfilm dutifully complied.

Carano, a 38-year-old mixed-martial arts expert who has moved into acting, became so popular after playing Cara Dune, a battle-hardened mercenary and marshal, that at one point she was being considered for her own show. But last year’s election brought about her downfall. She was allegedly transphobic, supported anti-vaxxers, spread “misinformation” about Covid-19 and supported Trump. Lucasfilm was probably hungry for an excuse to erase this scabrous blot of political incorrectness.

Carano obliged. In a recent Instagram post she wrote:

“Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbours… even by children. Because history is edited, most people today don’t realise that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbours hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views.”

There are two ways of interpreting this. Lucasfilm chose the negative one: “her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable.” Apparently Lucasfilm believes that Carano was equating the suffering of Republicans under Biden with the suffering of Jews under Hitler. This is preposterous.

The positive interpretation is that ordinary folks can become haters and bigots if their prejudices are whipped up by government-controlled media.

And that is what happened in the 1930s. In the words of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum: “Individual citizens chose to be involved when, out of a sense of duty, or prejudice, or some opportunity for business or other personal gain, they voluntarily denounced their co-workers and neighbors to the police because of their alleged wrongdoings as Jews, anti-Hitlerites, or gays.”

Isn’t something similar is happening in the United States today? Anonymous accusers are denouncing incorrect attitudes to the “authorities”. Gina Carano is right, although she was dumb to compare the situation with Nazi Germany. More apposite is East Germany under the Communists.

From 1950 to 1990 the Ministry for State Security, better known as the Stasi, enforced political correctness through police spying and a vast network of informers. The Oscar-winning film The Secret Lives of Others portrays the dehumanising world in which East Germans had to live. But it still failed to convey the enormity of the totalitarian surveillance. The Stasi even collected jars of the body odour of people it had under observation.

To deal with trouble-makers the Stasi had a policy called, in German, Zersetzung. It’s a difficult word to translate. Originally it meant “decomposition”. But in the context of the East German police state, it meant destroying dissidents. “The goal,” according to German historian Hubertus Knabe, “was to destroy secretly the self-confidence of people, for example by damaging their reputation, by organizing failures in their work, and by destroying their personal relationships.” Sound familiar?

A striking feature of Stasi control was how cooperative ordinary citizens were. In 1989, in a population of about 16 million, the Stasi employed about 200,000 informers. Between 1950 and 1989, about 620,000 people are believed to have been informers at some stage or other. It appears that young men between 25 and 40 were over-represented. So much for the idealism of youth.

It doesn’t take much imagination to appreciate that in the age of internet shaming, deplatforming, cancelling and Google monitoring we are recapitulating the surveillance state of East Germany.

Consider what happened after the Capitol Hill riot. The videos which have been screened in President Trump’s impeachment trial in the Senate are horrifying. The frenzied mob violence was terrifying. There can be no doubt that hundreds of people deserve to face criminal charges.

Everyone wanted to know who these barbarians were.

An army of “online sleuths” went to work to identify and profile the rioters. The FBI appealed for digital information about the day’s tragic events. “This kind of crowdsourcing is not the same thing as a formal investigation. It’s certainly not a replacement for the investigations done by the judicial system,” says John Scott-Railton, from Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto. But “it’s an excellent mechanism for surfacing clues.”

One result of this internet detective work was an impressive feature in the New York Times which aggregated data about 175 rioters who had been charged, along with his or her photo, and a brief profile. It was a jaw-dropping revelation of how easy it is for pyjama-clad detectives to nab criminals. A number of these people were summarily fired by their employers after this information became public.

Spadework done by other organisations shows the power of online sleuthing. Bellingcat, “an independent international collective of researchers, investigators and citizen journalists using open source and social media investigation to probe a variety of subjects” created an impressively researched profile of Ashli Babbitt, the 35-year-old woman who was shot and killed by Capitol Police, based upon her social media posts.

In the age of Google, criminal profiling by ordinary citizens almost seems like a patriotic duty. But actors with fewer scruples can do this as well.

Consider the website of Rose City Antifa, which contributed to the detective work. Its mission is collecting information about “fascists” – pictures, addresses, cars and licence plates, physical features like height, build, hair/eye/skin colour, hair length, tattoos and piercings – so that it can doxx them.

Doxxing is the practice of publishing private information about a person to discredit and shame them. “It’s only when their privately held hate is made public that they face repercussions,” according to the website. “As it turns out, a lot of people don’t want to work with or live near a nazi. Go figure!”

It’s not difficult to imagine how destructive the work of online sleuths can be for people who don’t deserve to be called Nazis.

Which is something that retired Chicago firefighter David Quintavalle discovered after the riots. One of the army of online sleuths matched his face with the face of the suspect who hurled a fire extinguisher at a Capitol policeman who later died. He was bombarded with hundreds of tweets calling him a cop killer and with phone messages like this: “Hey Dave you’re a murderer and a traitor. And I can’t believe you killed a cop and your son is a cop. Wow. Good luck in Prison.” He needed police protection. But Quintavalle had been at home all the time.

But only ignorant scumbags would do stuff like this, right?

Wrong. New York Times reporters are being paid to do something similar, as independent journalist Glenn Greenwald pointed out in a recent column. “The tech reporters of The New York Times (Mike Isaac, Kevin Roose, Sheera Frenkel) — devote the bulk of their ‘journalism’ to searching for online spaces where they believe speech and conduct rules are being violated, flagging them, and then pleading that punitive action be taken (banning, censorship, content regulation, after-school detention),” he wrote.

No doubt these reporters are more scrupulous about checking their sources than those ignorant scumbags. But they’re more devious and dangerous. They search out private communications and betray them to the raving mobs of Twitter. It’s both “infantile and despotic”, says Greenwald.

Greenwald is not a rustbucket MAGA zealot. He worked for The Guardian; he is a free speech advocate, an animal rights supporter, a supporter of Julian Assange, and a human rights activist. He is openly gay and is married to a Brazilian congressman. But he writes in his column:

“The overarching rule of liberal media circles and liberal politics is that you are free to accuse anyone who deviates from liberal orthodoxy of any kind of bigotry that casually crosses your mind — just smear them as a racist, misogynist, homophobe, transphobe, etc. without the slightest need for evidence — and it will be regarded as completely acceptable.”

Which brings us back to the Stasi.

Thanks to the internet, the United States is moving dangerously close to East Germany’s surveillance society. It may be open source, decentralised, and anarchic — but high tech Zersetzung crushes people like Gina Carano just as effectively as the Stasi’s blackmail. Greenwald calls the online sleuths “tattletales”, “voluntary hall monitors” and “speech police”. Or perhaps the truth is even more sinister. In the Newspeak lingo of the Stasi, they are inoffizieller Mitarbeiter, unofficial colleagues, informants.

A true democracy respects privacy, confidentiality and intimacy. But social media are hollowing out those values. Gina Carano’s cancelling should remind us that the tyranny depicted in The Secret Lives of Others took place in the German Democratic Republic.


Michael Cook

Michael Cook is the editor of MercatorNet More by Michael Cook.


It’s Happening: Southern States Begin to Rebel

Biden and Big Tech Are Coming for Us

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. This content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license.

Biden’s New Plans to Boost Refugee Numbers. Wants 62,500 by September 30th!

The extremely unpopular 125,000 number, he now says, is for FY 2022 that begins on October 1, 2021.

However, he wants 62,500 immediately!

He must consult with Congress, but that is pro forma because they can’t stop him (nor would they!) under the Refugee Act of 1980.

See my post at RRW the other day (below).

For the time being I will mention important refugee news here as so few people are reading RRW (I lost thousands of readers when I was deplatformed there), and I think most people must believe that Trump took care of the issue.  He slowed the flow for a few years, but left the program completely intact.

All it needs now is a fresh infusion of your money, your tax dollars!

Your fight is going to be a local one!

The only thing you can do is to look out for your own communities and fight the plans to place more impoverished people in your towns and cities. How do you do that?  I have ideas from past experience.  If you are really interested ask me by commenting to this post and I’ll see how much interest there is in a tutorial of sorts.

(See maps here for present resettlement sites in the US.)

Most of your governors are too weak, too chicken and in the pockets of big business, so they won’t stand up to the Dems who run Washington.

You need to know this information.  It is going to happen more quickly than I had envisioned.  In less than 8 months—62,500!  And during the Chinese virus crisis to boot!

I am guessing this move is to get the federal money flowing to the contractors*** in anticipation of the largest number of clients (they do refer to them as clients!) they could see in over 4 years. 

From the AP at the Baltimore Sun:

Biden wants to raise refugee admissions to 62,500, quadrupling Trump’s record-low limit

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden wants to raise refugee admissions to 62,500 for the current budget year, overriding former President Donald Trump’s record-low limit of 15,000, a U.S. official and others said Thursday.

The official and others with knowledge of the plans spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

Trump set the ceiling on refugee admissions in October when the 2021 budget year started, and it runs until September 30. Biden’s proposal of 62,500 would replace that, and the president has already announced plans to raise admissions to twice that amount in 2022.

Biden plans to top anything St. Obama ever did in terms of refugee resettlement! 125,000 would do it!  Would be the highest number in nearly 3 decades.

Biden is said to have wanted to raise refugee admissions immediately but not set the target as high as 125,000 people because that would be unrealistic to reach this year with the coronavirus pandemic and the work needed to rebuild the refugee program that had been largely dismantled by the Trump administration.

Biden by law must submit his proposal to Congress and consult with lawmakers before making a presidential determination. The U.S. State Department confirmed that it sent the president’s report to Congress, starting that process.

Putting Refugees before the well-being of suffering Americans!

***For those of you new to Refugee Resettlement, these are the nine federal refugee contractors who worked to put Biden and Harris in the White House and are lobbying for millions of illegal aliens to be transformed into legal voting citizens, as well as raising the refugee admissions ceiling from 15,000 this year to 125,000.

They are largely paid by you, the taxpayer, for their work of changing America by changing the people, and in so doing, are putting Americans last!

RELATED ARTICLE: Webinar: Experts Say “Biden Effect” Threatens New Migrant Crisis

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.